Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…
Wonder how big the impact in Finance will be. Most valuations can be mechanized if it already isn’t. A lot…
Don’t learn to code.
Lethbridge has nailed it.
I genuinely can’t believe the premier appointed plibers bloke as his head of department. That;s one of the few public service jobs that you can replace. why would you not have someone who believes in what you do? I find it hard to believe that plibbers bloke isn’t labor all the way
You never told us you’d migrated to New Jersey.
Please. That’s spelled “Noo Joisey”.
Supposedly related to the man
Ooops. Hairdressers are likely to be over-run next week regardless of the vaxx status issue, Hairy and I agree, so I give him one more haircut. But somehow I have managed this time to turn him into a skinhead. I was sure that was the adapter I used last time on the clippers, I say.
You’ll look ok again in a week or two, I comfort, and you can see a professional then.
Once I had started it was impossible to change it because there would have been a track of almost baldness right up the back. 😉
Thanks Areff. Never knew any of that.
What do they say in old money circles… My compliments.
Excellent the Cat is back.
This looks very shiny.
Could someone kindly tell me wether gargoolery numbers or bird are around?
Nice to see you Custard.
Could someone kindly tell me wether gargoolery numbers or bird are around?
Not around.
October 8, 2021 at 4:37 pm
Can someone tell me what instrument she is playing?
the explanation is in the comments
rosie says:
October 8, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Thanks Rosie.
In the old days the ladies of Rhodes (the island) donated their hair for the manufacture of torsion catapults. Rhodes was under siege and hair was an important strategic commodity back then.
Given the parlous state of the ADF in the artillery area maybe they should gather up the hair of hirsute NSWelshpersons and build catapults from them.
My hair could power several catapults, I think, although my hairdresser will need a chainsaw to shear me.
For some unfathomable reason, Cronkite posted this at the other site.
It doesn’t belong there, it belongs here at this site. God damn I miss the fat fuck.
I listened to an interesting podcast this morning. The dude was saying how the msm is trying to heighten outrage over the January 6th pretending Trump was responsible. And the reason why they’re focusing on this non-event?They can’t really compare Trump policies to Hiden and his policies because it reminds folks just how bad Hiden is compared to Trump. How true.
“Could someone kindly tell me wether gargoolery numbers or bird are around?”
I haven’t seen Grigs or Numbers.
Custard. In order:
And good to see you.
Who do you think may be Grigory, calli?
Melbourne v Sydney
Science can be so indeterminate at times.
Real question and don’t mean it in any disparaging or malicious. Is numbers still alive, because I last heard he had the shot and then he was gonesky on the old site. I think someone once said he had own blog, but if so is that still going.
If we could only get IT(KP) and Mark A over here as well, it would be heaven.
Every so often I scent the fragrance of socks, like a distant barbecue but less flavoursome.
Time will tell.
Meanwhile, I watch Sherlock Holmes being pugnacious with a very large French villain. Who is about to be electrocuted.
Numbers is around.
You couldn’t provide a suggestion calli?
Taps nose in response.
Lol rosie. The Scarlet Pimpernel.
“Real question and don’t mean it in any disparaging or malicious. Is numbers still alive, because I last heard he had the shot and then he was gonesky on the old site. I think someone once said he had own blog, but if so is that still going.”
Oh yes, he’s still alive and I have no doubt he lurks here. He popped up on Adam’s site two weeks ago to make a disparaging and cruel remark about Adam’s Covid quarantine.
Oh, no. I wasn’t thinking of a colour, just the stupid poem.
And now Holmes and Watson have sunk one of Her Majesty’s ships.
“If we could only get IT(KP) and Mark A over here as well, it would be heaven.”
And Tel.
primary age children grade 3 to 6 to wear masks in Melbourne schools, Andrews never stops.
Has Des Deskperson been around?
He won’t stop until you’re all crawling around on all fours and begging him for food.
Face it. He’s nuts.
October 8, 2021 at 8:43 pm
“If we could only get IT(KP) and Mark A over here as well, it would be heaven.”
And Tel.
Has Des Deskperson been around?”
Good point, haven’t seen him…wish he was here. Tel has appeared on C.L.’s superb blog.
so that’s both Diogenes and Vlad …
Hmm, interesting
JC said:
Here’s my counterfactual:
BTC is above where it was before it was banned in China last month.
Here’s what you are missing: Who can you lean on with BTC, even if you are Uncle Sam??
The Swiss or Dutch government do not own it.
Aaannnd Victoria has an Opposition like Queensland does. Absolute waste of space.
Bugger Rosie was having nice lurking night till I clicked that. Well Guy what are you going to do about it? More platitudes, words are easy mate. Back up words with motions in Parliament, legal challenges. Nup we’ll see none of that you pathitic weasel. Limbrick will probably make a better go of it than you.
LOL I mentioned Guy’s name to my mum now at Lake Mac tonight. We managed to move her in person there from Melbourne at the start of this madness and now she has made that permanent. She said who? Till I reminded her he was the opposition leader before. She has a sharp mind for politics and even admits she can’t remember him.
what? when?
No, that didn’t happen. The speaker let the vote stand, which would not have passed otherwise. There was talk of court action, but it seems that can’t happen, due to parliamentary privilege. Which is kind of my point – if sued Zoom might try and maintain an indemnity from the speaker, so she would have just made herself liable. And perhaps then she would reconsider and hold a new vote.
October 8, 2021 at 8:52 pm
Aaannnd Victoria has an Opposition like Queensland does. Absolute waste of space.”
There is an opposition leader in Victoria. It’s not Matthew Groundhog Guy and the Liberal Party, it’s David Limbrick and Tim Quilty from the Liberal Democrats.
Andrews enjoys making ’em jump. Psychopath. The ALP, Greens, the ‘independents’ are totally ok with this.
For anyone familiar with the brilliant, but flawed movie Pink Floyd’s The Wall, this description of its making is good reading…
I think so Matrix. But then I’m not sure. I’m never sure.
Just waded by News corpse, shudder. This smells of unadulterated bovine excrement:
Put the missus on an international flight this evening. Being unvaxxed just saved me $13k. How good is that?
Perfect analogy.
How good is that?
Saving the air fare or getting rid of the little woman?
Timothy Neilson it wasn’t 6 months in it was the first day. First appointment Martin Parkinson, on yer bike. As it turned out and with every Prime Minister for the last 50 years none would have made it if Calli had given them the bucket and mop treatment she did cleaning up the old Cat of slops and dregs. I tips me hat ma’am.
Yes, Dover. Perfect.
I like this one too.
so is the Liberal government
I found the information presented in the link disturbing. Riccardo Bosi and a Tamworth man discuss Oncologists forcing jabs on sick kids in cancer wards. As well as their parents threatening restriction of visiting “privileges”. Coerced vaccination and some pretty unpleasant goings on imposed for Indigenous people in Western NSW ( 14:05->).
Genocide is a term we’ve all heard, would prefer not to hear, used in reference to the formation of Australia. Often preferring to just not consider the magnitude of effects, the impact of flu and smallpox on immunogenically naive populations as correlating with any blame or responsibility.
While I have come across references to diseases being introduced into the Americas with malicious intent, I had not previously heard the same had occurred here. I would have to agree that albeit on a smaller scale, what is described here does appear to meet the criteria. By proxy of virus or adverse vaccine reaction.
Saving the airfare areff.
Many thanks Cats for the welcome and the vibe.
Since I last contributed to the discourse here I’ve sadly lost a couple of friends to the ChinaVirus hysteria and managed to injure myself (god knows when) and am facing surgery for a disc replacement or laminectomy to my c6c7 region.
Caravan sales are huge. Prices have only risen by about $2k but discounts have dropped by 50%, you’ll only get about $2-3k off just now…and that’s on a $80k van.
Trump won.
Bannon’s Warroom is fantastic.
I remain stoic.
Who is Kirsty Bertarelli – and what does her ‘£400m divorce’ look like?
looks like socialism
Smelly. I prefer this one.
Why did they try to assassinate China’s top leaders? A never-ending power struggle inside CCP
There might be people in the CCP who want Xi gone not just because they want the throne but also because they are worried about that his leadership is damaging China.
Numbers was patting himself on the back because his blog had outlasted the old “Cat.”
One day Wangs blog will have as many comments as new cat in a day.
Over its entire lifespan.
Good to see you, Custard.
Or damaging their wealth. This is classic leninist paranoia.
No longer invited to the Royal Box at Ascot! That’ll show him!
Yes, and Tel.
And their relatives. Many public officials have been charged. Xi is damaging the economy.
The wallopers arrested Cossack; seemed very personal.
Fuck I hate the police
Looks like the Cossack has just been arrested … for breach of the public health act! The vid cuts off as they look like they are about cuff him and take him away. The sergeant looks pissed.
But to come down this heavy FOR A BREACH OF THE HEALTH ACT!!!! Wow!
I was brung up to think of the police as there to protect me from the bad guys. Nowadays, in Victoria, they are the bad guys.
Hi Custard! Our suburb is just about packed out with new model ‘Rugged adventure style’ caravans and popup campers. I hope its putting your grandchildren through uni.
and in NSW too. Latest example above. Also this…
Real Mark Latham
After what happened in Goulburn is it some kind of joke that Mal Lanyon is being interviewed as the next NSW Police Commissioner?
For his drunken disgrace and attack on ambos he should have been sacked on the spot.
This is the same Lanyon lecturing everyone on Covid behaviour!
For good ol’ Bruce – Miss Ellie, being very unladylike … 🙂
Cossack taken from his home today by NSW filth for allegedly violating of the public health edicts on October 4.
Here in NSW same. Who knows if the cops are reading this site and if they will then target posters saying things like above! Cossack is funny! But only because the cops becloud themselves. If they left him alone he would have like zero followers.
This will make Cossack an INTERNATIONAL celebrity [he can start booking all the talkshows!]. And Sergeant Kingston’s infamy will be global. [I’m guessing that when all this washes out, his career would have just gone down the gurgler]
Just saw Amanda Stoker and Jacinta Price together on Sky Friday evening talking about CPAC, which is happening in Brisbane in November. Going to be stymied by border issues though. There was such a great vibe between the two of them, the new and younger generation taking it up to the forces of the left. Both waxing lyrical about how great CPAC 2019 was, which is what drew us to the 2020 gathering.
Very encouraging indeed.
The presenter said there was no CPAC in 2020. There may not have been a conference but 300 people gathered under the aegis of CPAC on the night of the US election and received speeches IRL and also from the US online, so CPAC wasn’t exactly defunct for that year. I think it is an organisation whose time has come, it is time conservatives stood up to debate and voice a public political alternative. My American defacto daughter in law, with whom I am very close, mother of my autistic grandson, saw us there in the front row on national TV. Live with it, I tell her, for we have agreed to disagree.
Skaf should obviously have had relations with a preschool teacher’s assistant. A galaxy of opportunities available.
cohenite says:
October 8, 2021 at 10:01 pm
The wallopers arrested Cossack; seemed very personal.</em
Where are you Pair o’ Tits?
Cops out of control.
So members of the NSW Highway Patrol routinely arrest people in their own homes for breaching the Health Act?
This is the run in with Sergeant Kingston… I think that the sergeant had it in for him!
Sorry to hear that. I get a lot of aggro as a WA licensed firearm owner, but I don’t hate them for that. Its just par for the course.
CPAC 2020 was a catered dinner in a function centre. Limited to 300 due to Covid rules.
We certainly didn’t expect these to continue into 2021 as we planned with others to meet up again ‘next time’ for another night of gee-up for those who enjoy the company of like-minded individuals.
It was an interesting nite, first watching Trump wipe the floor with the Biden, only to have some very shonky things start to happen in real time during the US early hours of the morning.
What the???? was the general reaction to what we are still all convinced was a steal, with shonky ballots turning up from everywhere.
Sadly I think cops always did this sort of shit but the camera phones and live streaming are catching them out.
It’s a positive really.
Peoples – so has the global mass insanity been brought to a long overdue end?
Of course it has – everywhere except here, in this paradise that has devolved into a prison island – again. 🙁
I’ve been thinking about that, MiltonF. I don’t mind say , Homicide squads detectives. They always appear decent when on TV appealing for inforamtion about a murder of some such. It’s the uniform scumbags who are despicable. I saw a bunch of them today surrounding a cop car parked in the same loading zone I was talking about earlier, ironically enough.. They were having coffee and chatting dressed in their battle fatigues and with their battle equipment attached. It was the tip of my tongue, but I stopped myself.. I was just about to ask if they had returned or were about to head to Afghanistan wearing that gear. One of these days I will as the area is a focal point for them as it’s near the shrine.
Before the Fitzgerald Enquiry(Qld) the police were the bad guys that you should never trust, were active in the drug trade, and had the equivalent of a secret service that tracked anyone involved in protests or members of suspect organisations. Looks like Victoria has gone back in time.
agreement? buy hunter’s “art” in exchange for taiwan
Welcome back Custard.
What’s the current exchange rate?
Sgt Kingston is pissed off with Aussie Cossack because he filmed Kingston’s pimped up cop Chrysler so incompetently parked that motorists had to cross double lines to get past.
All the boyz at Ryde area command are having a laugh.
When you exist in NSW, nothing is beyond belief. 😕
Number of covid deaths Australia 2020-now: 1405
Number of covid vaccine deaths 2021: 555 TGA DAEN site.
The real shit of a thing is that a week later there is nothing under the [illegal / unconstitutional] emergency health act “laws” .
This is a waste of resources … how many DOZENS of police must be tracking and following the Cossack trying to pin something on him. I’d say that with the court time and man hours NSW police have spent multiple 1oo’s of thousands of taxpayer money on this.
And I’m guessing it only because the Cossack made them look like the idiots they are and they think that they are teaching him a lesson. [LOL – they have made him a millionaire and a political influencer or a decade!]
That story should have been so big that it may have prevented the sale going through. It was ignored. Unbelievable.
So members of the NSW Highway Patrol routinely arrest people in their own homes for breaching the Health Act?
Wow, how petty especially from a Sergeant who would have already copped the “pigs etc…” and should be past grudges. Trust me won’t be the last we hear of this. LOL.
For li’l Miss Ellie … 😕
areff says:
October 8, 2021 at 10:16 pm
Apparently video already “removed by the uploader.”
Arc up and lose your licence. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
damn, I didn’t think of that.
she’s not allowed back in right?
Back in three months.
Australia is a nanny state on steroids. Doctor has to ring to get permission to prescribe certain medicines. completely fucking absurd.
The administrative state has its long and grubby tentacles into every aspect of your life. Severe overreach by numerous agencies, no bill of rights. No protection from the government. We seem to already be just social-credit lite.
We used to live across the road from Ryde police station.
One day Mum was burning leaves in the backyard. Copper came over and yelled over the fence and said:
”Missus, you can’t do that! It’s dangerous, you could start a fire. Put it out now”.
Mum turned the hose on him.
Never heard a peep out of them again.
Mum was from solid Hungarian stock and lived through Communism.
True story.
Yesterday Hairy and I went for a walk down to the Parsley Bay beach reserve area, and aimed to walk back up to the road through the pathway by the stream up the gully. In the empty carpark a cop car suddenly arrived and slowly circled. It was about 5.45pm and no-one else was around. The cops cast an eye over both of us and suddenly I had a bit of a panic. For every walk we have taken I have studiously gathered up the mandatory mask and ID and put them into my pocket, but as we in our minds had decided that lockdown was over even though it doesn’t end till Monday, I had forgotten this time to have the necessities on me. Just my luck to get a $500 fine at this late stage as they are looking for one last catch and capture, I thought, so I slowed my pace and started to limp like some sort of cripple. The cops drove off. It worked.
Australia is the testing ground for the rest of the Western World. We’re the guinea pigs.
no. victoria just never went forward.
Awful as it would be, it is nowhere near as harmful to your health as cutting off your oxygen supply and breathing in your exhalation (with whatever germs are on the mask itself).
Roy and HG: “What’s your query, son?”
Random wally: “I want to look like Elvis“.
Roy and HG: “Consider it done, Squire!”
The Fitzgerald Inquiry was the greatest beat up ever. Tony Fitzgerald was amply rewarded by Beattie.
REPORT: 9 out of 10 CHILDREN with COVID in ICU are obese
If I may.
I chose my handle, “FlyingPigs”, as an abbreviation of “Pigs Might Fly”.
Over the years I have known many fine ‘Officers of The Law’.
But our Australian State Police Forces are being dragged into enforcing Political decisions made by arzholes.
If we ever get Australia back from the goons of “Public Service” Health and Politics then every State and Commonwealth Costitution needs amending to allow election of your local Sherrif, which position still exists under Law.
Hey Gabz! 🙂
Who knows if the cops are reading this site
Of course they are.
The U.S. government is reportedly secretly issuing warrants for Google to provide user data on anyone typing in certain search terms, raising fears that innocent online users could get caught up in serious crime investigations at a greater frequency than previously thought.
I thought it was a reference to the F 111. Hence my previous post re aardvark.
Aussie Cossack just got arrested..
yeah, they’re front-line health workers
dammit, I just searched for the lyrics of a country song I heard today
maybe google knows where my horse is
On a very self indulgent note (again) I’d love to hear Miss Ellie singing more than a few Cocteau Twins songs.
She’s blossomed so much of late she’d easily take them in her stride. 🙂
Ivermectin appears to be banned in some parts of the US.
Being the “Fixated Personages” that we are alleged to be, areff.
I’d like to think it’s our collective love of Vogon Poetry that has attracted their interest. 🙂
John H.
When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut and to do that you had to have already gained your jet fighter plane ticket.
found it … Roll With It
Of course they are.
At least they’ll know which Heinlein books to read.
Let’s have some rock ‘n’ roll, peeps! 🙂
Link required, JC. Prove it, liar.
When you ask a question, don’t be surprised if I answer it. You don’t have any right on this blog to demand others accede to whatever whims you have on a particular day.
You had the opportunity to leave all these personal attacks behind you on the old cat. You didn’t. You cannot help yourself with your constant ego strutting and anger issues.
You brag about bullying people in school. By now, you are supposed to have worked out that having been a bully is something you should be ashamed of, not proud.
Isn’t it time you grew up?
Kiwibog got this up.
This comment probably best describes my thoughts on the matter. I reckon same here or why restrict it?
While the discussion here is – rightly – abhorrence at the prospect of a private business being nationalised, look at the business itself.
We know that government has controlled the narrative around ‘cases’ to use ‘casedemic’ fear port to their advantage. The prospect of private testing puts that control of the narrative at risk, and that’s something that they won’t tolerate.
For example, imagine privately available, randomly conducted antibody testing. This would offer population wide seroprevalence data that would show just how many people had contracted and sef-recovered from Covid-19 with the vast majority of young people not even knowing they’d been infected, and around 66% of adults also not knowing. That information would be like kryptonite for Ardern who is hellbent on stretching out the fear and control until the next election.
Thumb up 15 Thumb down 1LOG IN TO REPLY REPORTOCTOBER 8, 2021 1:52PM
all the latter one’s.
My favorite Heinlein book is,
Take Back Your Government!: A Practical Handbook for the Private Citizen Who Wants Democracy to Work
That’s the safe assumption. Probably nothing we can do to conceal our identity from them. I’m not worried about it. They will be far more interested in those attending protests. Perhaps they check out anyone who demonstrate extremist group association. No-one here is a threat to the state and they know it.
More popcorn, anyone?
Today I received an sms from Qld Health telling me to get vaxxed. Still trying to figure out how they got my phone number. There it is, in their minds anyone who isn’t vaxxed is a threat to the state.
Custard says:
October 8, 2021 at 9:21 pm
Indeed he did. A pivotal moment in human history it will be. FFS, the steal was so blatant as to be beyond parody.
But when you share a planet with many, many brainwashed illiterate innumerate anti-scientific fact and evidence free ahistorical imbeciles, you end up being admonished by this very weird creature, expounding endlessly … 🙁
Reminiscent of Mao Tse Tungs “Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom…” program.
John H I am and have been for 2 and half years in NSW, ex NQ though. I got same a few months back. I blocked it.
Mao Tse Dungs “Let a Hundred Million kitchen pots and pans be melted down…” pogrom. 🙂
For those that fear the furniture store
Take Back Your Government!: A Practical Handbook for the Private Citizen Who Wants Democracy to Work
Brief History of the book en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take_Back_Your_Government
The book was written in 1946 and wasn’t published until 1992 being 4 years after Heinlen died.
It is written in the context of American politics but as far as grass roots organizing and politicking in general it still has relevance today.
Anyone that has had anything to do with politics at a local branch level will recognize at least some of the sentiments and ideas put forward and if you have never been engaged it is the only book I’ve ever come across that will give you some insights of what you are liable to encounter.
If anyone is interested then I believe it is still available for sale on the second hand market. 2012 was the last edition printed.
Blocked and reported as spam.
a reader:
They’re both from the same party.
I couldn’t help it, I sent a TXT to them
Peeples – on a personal note (again) one of the few things that have kept me going over the last three and a half months has been my increasing respect for the Poetry of the Vogons. Ozzie Quadrant does an admirable job of purveying their excellence.
Forget that li’l Miss Ellie Rowsell and her girlie histrionics, just get into this for sheer profunditee … 😕
I was thinking of replying: You are obligated to advise me the source from which you obtained my phone number.
I suspect they are blocking replies.
probably why Kingston was in such a crappy mood.
No, Bong John … I TXT’d them your number
Haven’t have a smoke in a month. All those growing tangles! They probably already know about my habit because I’ve never kept it secret. In my younger days I’d even sit at the window having a puff. Never been busted.
youse do realise that from a Vogon point of view, that the Earth (apart from the odd meteorite) is a closed system?
a bit like a cow, the Earth is carbon neutral
just sayin’
I appreciate the reluctance and opprobrium toward Heinlein’s later books but remember first and foremost he was ‘tinkering’ with concepts involving time travel and genetics.
After all, will it be the hidden isolates who avoid the jab that will carry a conventional notion of humanity into the future or some modified covid jabbed ‘human’????
I have a nephew like that.
Pretty sure he reckons nobody knows he’s a stoner.
But we all know he’s a stoner.
Cops expand to fill out a budget. Did you ever realise there were hundreds — hundreds — of armour-suited onlyfollowingorders types in the wings, as evidenced at The Shrine? I sure didn’t, nor did I know the filth had bought themselves an armoured car with a gun turret for popping off grenades at hooligans, aka the citizenry.
So sure, there’s a bunch of Peeping Dicks hunting the web for garage Nazis. How could there not be?
I actually enjoyed the “Old Man’s War” series by John Scalzi which, I think, is far better than The Forever War depression.
Just sent to me:
Flying Pigs:
Very good noel.
Have you read his serialised novel “…We only need the Heads.” (not sure if that’s a chapter or the name of the novel.)
Noel = novel.
All my family and acquaintances know I smoke. Meanwhile, sucking down their booze … . I time my smoking to allow for washout. There is a substantial body of literature showing that cannabinoids inhibit protein aggregation but timing is important. I can explain that down to the molecular level but have banned myself from ever stating like details here. I did go overboard. Sorry about that. Your stoner friend was probably the typical stoner who never bothered to learn anything so smoked when he felt like it. Probably wouldn’t know a CB1 from a CB2. I am not like your nephew, he must be an idiot to think people don’t know. BTW I previously wrote that I never kept it secret and you overlooked that. Are you presently sucking booze?
the worst part areff is when they become self fulfilling cyborgs, and they are now not far off, whereby nothing will stop them carrying out “their mission” to protect us.
Well, it’s difficult not to notice the large number of little porkers out there these days, waddling along behind their equally porky parents.
The only “generously-sized” kid I ever knew was a Papuan, and she wasn’t fat, just built like a typical Papuan – shorter and rounder than the average Aussie kid.
If obesity is a high risk for this covid thing, maybe the elf officials should be rounding up the porkers and putting them in the Jenny Craig paddock instead of monstering those of us who are sensibly cautious about being jabbed with an experimental concoction.
John H: no need for a long explanation of your taste for dakka. It’s pleasant to get bent; that’s enough of a reason.
Great for listening to music. As Alan Watts wrote in the 60’s: Who really listens to music these days except marijuana smokers.
yes a little whisky.
Bowmore 12 … sliate zulu
but Bong John, did you know my dear old mother makes her own cannabis creams?
it’s a strange world
Sheriffs only exist as the head of their department in a State.
They (the Sheriff’s officers) enforce civil court orders, provide court security and escort non prisoner accuseds held on remand within court complexes.
What you suggest however is a really good idea.
1. Consistent with subsidiarity.
2. Closer to participatory democracy.
3. Better accountability.
4. Further promotes the separation of powers and dilution of political power.
Which in themselves promote democracy, republicanism and therefore promote liberty.
Last night I followed a hunch as to why the USA was hit so badly while the Scandinavian countries have managed it very well. The USA tops the obesity rates, the Scandinavian countries are near the bottom. Also a friend told me the Scandinavians are much more physically active.
I don’t see little porkers everywhere. Last time I looked in Aus the obesity problem is with the older age sets and is declining in the younger ages.
LOL … that cost me a mouthful of seriously pricey whisky.
Triple vaxxed and waiting to date other responsible adults. ????????
Oh Dotty, if only we were able to reproduce just imagine what we could achieve.
world peace and an end to all war.
Custard, the late Mr Bushkid had the disc replacement surgery between C6-C7, and it was amazingly successful. Having one of the best neurosurgeons in the state, I think he was the only one doing that particular surgery here at the time, helps. But if it’s on offer, and you’re confident in the neurosurgeon, then it can be a option. Total replacement of the joint with the artificial one gave Mr B complete pain relief and normal function of the joint, and it never showed any hint of trouble.
…can be a good option.
Sorry about that, Matrix. One should never waste good whisky, or cause it to be wasted. Mea culpa!
not at all.
my liver sends it’s regards
and my soul is still chuckling
Palmer call out for federal candidates
Anyone here willing to throw their hat in the ring? Plenty of people here have the requisite background.
John H. says:
October 8, 2021 at 11:27 pm
Today I received an sms from Qld Health telling me to get vaxxed. Still trying to figure out how they got my phone number. There it is, in their minds anyone who isn’t vaxxed is a threat to the state.
I got the same – replied with “Get fucked” but apparently you can’t reply.
Prove what, dickhead, that you threatened legal action? Ask Sinclair who texted me saying (you) Turtle head was threatening legal action because I was mocking you and I asked him how can someone posting under and alias make threats? We were both amused. Also, I reminded him that I had zero interest in ever talking to you. It was you in fact who had been crawling to me for attention.
When I ask a question, it’s not for you to answer anything I post as I have no respect for you and don’t ever read anything you have say, because I consider you to be a moron, an idiot who ruins blogs by posting ridiculous comments such as the Chinese military scenario of trying to take over Australia by landing at Tullarmine airport. You complete moron. One of the reasons the old blog was shut down was because imbeciles like you wouldn’t leave it alone, you low IQ piece of human trash.
What I do and don’t do is of no consequence to you. Think of this rule now being extended to others. If I see you ever joining posse to go after anyone, you freak, the same will apply as though you were doing it to me. You… turtle head.. had the opportunity to stop joining pile ons and posses on the new site and you can’t do it, because you’re a bed panning loser with no attributes. No wonder you’re Nurse Betty.
Lord you’re pathetic. You’re just a pathetic loser. Now fuck and don’t ever talk to me you “scenariolist” clown .
Very sorry for that GreyRanga.
My contacts tell me that a planeload of Opus Dei albino monks just landed up north.
Heavily armed and fully trained in the martial arts, including tai chi and mai tai.
Can anyone confirm?
Meanwhile, influenza deaths have mysteriously fallen to zero.
muh billions!
Facebook sends cease-and-desist letter asking for Unfollow Everything to be scrapped
What has he done with the Queen Bugmen! Is she safe? Did he eat her alive? Was she roasted! millions of bugmen demand answers!! royal commission now!
The Mobile Infantry need to send an RPG thermonuclear warhead down her hole.
Federal scientists need to study others like her.
Would you like to know more?
New fred >>>>>>>>>
October 8, 2021 at 10:28 pm
Number of covid deaths Australia 2020-now: 1405
Take away the 600 to 700 killed in nursing homes in NSW and Victoria last year, and the number looks even more ridiculous when compared to the gross over-reaction.