Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Anyone got a spare flux capacitor?
Norm MacDonald didn’t have much respect for sketch comics such as Micallef.
Anyone can join a pile on, where’s the humor in that?
You’re at the bottom.
Tom…..I accidentally reported your comment at 9.11…..apologies.
DB…..please ignore it.
Any Cats who were at the Melbourne protest yesterday care to put a number on the turnout?
Pictures I’ve seen would put it at 50k + surely?
“Cold-Hands says:
November 14, 2021 at 2:09 am
Drone footage of the Melbourne protest giving a overview of the numbers involved.”
PureDuckFat @ripple83
Melbourne Pandemic Bill protest 80k plus in attendance
Crowd Time-lapse -13.11.21 Protest against the permanent pandemic legislation
Nov 14, 2021
Real Rukshan
34.7K subscribers
Crowd time-lapse from the protest against the permanent pandemic legislation in Melbourne, Australia. 13.11.21
Now, try and reconcile that with these “NUMBERS”, without admitting the E-Petition is Disallowing Signatures AND Going Backwards=REMOVING them –
Total signatures including previously tabled
I wouldn’t take the risk with Aldi embalming fluid. Or a house brand.
What’s there to stop ScoMo requesting it? It’s his TGA.
Recall that he ordered Pfizer, AZ and Novovax without waiting for TGA approval.
I note the usual suspects up thread bad mouthing the delightful Daisy Cousens. You’re like fleas sucking on the blood of this delightful damsel, living vicariously through her beauteous and scintillating visage and her uncanny intelligence. Out, out damned spots, you are curs.
Custard, I’m going with the “OVER 80,000” number, because neither Rukshan’s time lapse & the drone footage nor cover the same sort of crowds down the others street coming into the intersection.
I wonder if Christian Porter ever regrets making the move to Federal politics – Colin Barnett was grooming him to take over as State Premier when he (Barnett) stepped down.
“Communism” vs. Communism
Correct, the footage on the internet shows a lot of Bourke street but not much going either way down Spring street.
Has there ever been a bigger protest in this country?
Emperor Barney wasn’t going anywhere, whatever he said. He was going to have been blasted out Keating-Hawke style. At best Porter may have avoided the Sneakers dynasty.
Who was it who said, right at the beginning (last year?) that everyone would have to take the vaccine, and then equivocated when there was pushback? He said it, and he meant it. He also said that this would be a different place by Christmas. Again, he said it and he meant it.
Let me put it this way. What would Scummo have done differently if he had deliberately sold us out?
Scotty has already spent $123 million on 25 million Covax doses, plus another $130 million for the facility, so it’s a lay down misere that the TGA will approve it.
Ask Cuddly Costello about the value of those agreements for a smooth handover after the next election.
I think I see the problem.
Point of interest for Ed October this morning. On This Day:
Custard, I can’t recall seeing anything as big as these Melbourne Protests that are essentially Against Daniel Andrews Govt & All the Globalist Evils he’s been inflicting on us.
Now I’ve always been a little suspect of those who try to play down the numbers of any NON-Leftist/ Professionally Organised & PAID To Turn Out, Protests, because as a people we simply aren’t the “Mob Against ‘Our’ Govt” types.
This means any turnout is a reflection of many more with the same opinion, yet even here at the cat we have people both ‘guesstemating’ low protest numbers and accepting that the ONLY 11,000+ signatures AGAINST Daniel Andrews ‘Hitler-esque Powers’ Bill are a genuine count, despite how many have had to have multiple attempts to sign AND the Count actually GOING BACKWARDS.
Joyce says anyone not planning to be vaxxed is in for a rude awakening.
Albanese says everyone is getting it, no exceptions.
At least with Scotty’s approach we’ve been given a bit of time.
The National Cabinet puts Andrews in the spotlight, something he hasn’t handled too well.
Ed, the Covid referred to by the TGA is an international facility got the distribution of vaccines. It is not Petrovsky’s Covax19, which I wondered if you thought it may refer to.
Sorry that should be Covax not Covid. Spellchecker interfering !
Scotty bought 25 million doses, cash upfront, so, yeah, it is a vaccine.
He also gave them $130 million, so far, for the facility.
Yes, Custard. I was a spotty young country kid who happened on one of the anti-Vietnam marches in the early 1970s, where the crowd stretched from the Queen Street hill in the Melbourne CBD all the way to State Parliament in Spring Street 1.2 kms away.
There would have been no change from 200,000 people that day.
The difference was: a) it was very fashionable; c) the news media hadn’t taken an ideological position against the protest and therefore wasn’t underreporting the size of the protest to take the side of the government.
I wasn’t there yesterday, but because the news media is so culpably misreporting protests against the Andrews government, participants are entitled to regard the media as an enemy of the people that it never used to be.
The Bottom line in all this is that colossal sums have been spent on vaccines for a disease that doesn’t appear to exist [witness Italy revising the death toll down from 130,000 to 3,000, further downward revisions are likely].
Scotty’s approach appears to be to kick the can down the road.
Not courageous, you say.
Perhaps not.
Albanese [and Joyce] are more or less saying you’ll be dragged out of your house and injected at gunpoint.
There was an anti-Kirner protest in the dying days of the her gubmint.
The crowd stretched from parliament house to Vic. Barracks.
Bourke, Collins and Spring streets were packed with people. Solid people back to Swanston.
St Kilda road back to vic barracks was packed.
The ABCess said that there was a few hundred protesters .
Vietnamese Communists Eat Golden Steak
Nov 14, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
November 13, 2021 at 10:35 pm
The Left’s Bungled Revolution
If you missed reading this, please take the opportunity to do so now.
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not an oncoming train – it’s the Karma Bus and it is shining the lamp of Hope.
And it’s coming for the Left and all their freaky mates.
theyre marketing youse as deplorables
not because they want youse de-legitimated
they just want to legitimate what they’re gonna do next.
Well I’m going to the protest next week to be held in Forest Place.
My “let’s go Brandon “ t-shirt arrived last week. Who hooo!
Mother Russia would have got the crowds out. Those were dark days indeed.
I’m remembering the protest in Forrest Place, when Gough Whitlam called a group of angry farmers “Lazy bludgers, who’ve never had it so good” and wondered why they were unkind enough to pelt him with anything that came to hand…
If you want blind acceptance then all you are is the opposing team and not an alternative to circus.
You don’t get the same feeling or numbers at a WA protest. Everybody is on the back of their boat at Rotto.
Until Bitchute starts presenting in formats > 56k and not having subtitles, it isn’t worth trying to watch them. I’ve asked on many occasions for the subtitle option but until they provide them I don’t watch.
Make sure you tip your Fedora, you supreme gentleman.
Well said bespoke.
To blindly accept the word of mobs of anonymous names that claim one thing in theory but display another thing in practice, is simple minded mob following.
No more teasers, here it is!
Hopefully the UAP and PHON also put on a jolly good show. The political establishment (LNP, ALP, GRN) need to be swept into the dustbin of history.
Bob Seger — We’ve got tonight
AussieSlave @AussieSlave 15m
· Australia
Climate change has made things so bad our dams are overflowing. How will we survive??
Warragamba Dam hits capacity and starts to spill after heavy rainfall.
That PRGuy is really astonishing.
“Anarchist right wingers threaten democracy by opposing Dan being a dictator!”
It’s not far off to suggest Premier for life is essential to a functioning Parliamentary democracy.
I’m gobsmacked people lap this nonsense up like mother’s milk.
If I was in the Vicco ALP, I’d be gunning for Premier and then try to get the bat ear mong to shut up and retire. What are their meetings like? I can’t imagine they all think he’s a messiah? Quite frankly he’s quite dumb, poorly educated and lacks life experience
Haha! You climate change deniers. It will never rain heavily again. The dams will run dry. The only way out is a carbon tax and a command economy.
check your mail
In complete AWE of this bloke .. I luv swimming and even though I can spot him more half a century in age even in my younger years 5kms was my end of tether effort and I’m long, long past that now .. at 73 I’m finding 2kms over, near, 2 hours is more within my comfort zone .. 48kMS IN 10 HOURS .. WOW! ..
‘course being BAT FLU media era it doesn’t rate amongst the headlines ……
Daisy Couzens is a fake. There. I’ve said it.
An over made-up (she could probably be quite serviceable, if not stunning without the two inches of render), over-enunciating nostalgia-themed overused mouthpiece.
Her themes – what she speaks of – is first-class, but for mine quite a bit of the impact is lost on delivery.
is that an LCD screen?
…better get rid of the polaroids before driving
tre chic … thongs with socks
A Border and ChriS Rhea, what other charms SSR? What are you like at digging out tree stumps, removing lath and plaster and pulling out double brested fireplaces as a start?
Felicity Kendall/Daisey Couzens
“Well, you can just shut up, Vyvyan. You can just about bloomin’ well shut up! ‘Cause if you’ve got anything horrid to say about Felicity Kendall, you can just about bloomin’ well say it to me first! All right?!”
“Rick, I just did.”
“Daisy Couzens is a fake. There. I’ve said it.
An over made-up (she could probably be quite serviceable, if not stunning without the two inches of render), over-enunciating nostalgia-themed overused mouthpiece.
Her themes – what she speaks of – is first-class, but for mine quite a bit of the impact is lost on delivery.”
Daisy is an actress….quite theatrical. I like her….she’s switched on and involved in the culture wars. However she’s not a journalist…like Rita or Gemma Tognini. I don’t mind Daisy occasionally but I would not want her as a permanent replacement for Rita. They’d be better off with someone like Alexandra Marshall…who is more measured and less over the top!
Oh….message to the Victorians here, anyone see Groundhog Guy at yesterday’s protest? Has Groundhog Guy said anything to support yesterday’s protesters? Or is he…and the Victorian Liberals missing in action…yet again? Let me guess…MIA?
Tim Flannery predicted this very thing. Dams would be overflowing and we wouldn’t require desal plants.
like knitted condoms
It’s the sound of that screechy little voice that drives me from Outsiders.
Heh, more LDP weasel speak.
I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who’s had the virus.
Allow me to correct LDP Policy to reflect reality.
When citizens fear The Police more than they fear being injected repeatedly with a mystery substance, yeah, Houston, we have a problem.
It is. But only in winter.
Nick McCallum on 3AW has just hit the apparatchik’s talking point: One man in a crowd of 60,000(3) was spotted brandishing three nooses. Therefore, the protest was a call to violence.
There fun thing will be hearing finger-in-the-wind Neil Mitchell switch tacks tomorrow. When the first protest happened, as far as he was concerned the marchers were ratbags, anti-vax fanatics, tinfoil-hatters and spoiling for a fight with police.
Then he was against ‘some provisions’ in the tyranny bill, but the protesters were still hooligans Tomorrow, you bet he’ll be one with people.
Won’t someone with a low-rating Melbourne station please, please give 3AW some competition. Maybe Clive should buy some bandwidth.
One man in a crowd of 60,000(3) was spotted brandishing three nooses.
I’m surprised the red shirt Danbots know how to tie a knot.0
A coincidence, of course.
Rittenhouse judge receives death threats ahead of verdict
What I saw on Qld Nein news last night looked pretty evenhanded. They said 10s of ooos ,interviewed what looked like a lefty, and a cross section of the community, and no obvious garage nasties/lunatic anti vaxxers.
Did the turtles attend the protest march?
areff, take it easy on Neil, he is just trying to keep his job.
Without gubmint and ALP advertising, Neil’s job and probably 3AW would disappear.
Neil ‘weathervane’ Mitchell
pointless on a windy day
useless on a calm day
OK, Cohenite, I’ll bite.
I do not dislike Daisy Cousens nor do I think she is unattractive. I just wish she’d tone down her melodramatic style a bit (OK, a lot).
You’re not auditioning for a role in “Gone with the wind”, sweetie.
Is a joke. About as useless as Gay Ray Hadley.
Your favourite song, ever.
Must have been released after December 31 1959.
he’ll Have To Go .. Jim Reeves ..
Felicity Kendall was smoking hot.
I would have whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
At the time.
There was rather a smashing piece of kit, indeed.
Daily Mail.
Funky Caili (Bridie’s Song) has a good beat and you dance to it.
One man in a crowd of 60,000(3) was spotted brandishing three nooses.
I was thinking that a gallows made with items sourced entirely from Bunnings might be a nice project.
Why We Need to Kill The Bill
Nov 14, 2021
29.5K subscribers
Why did 40,000+ Victorians march through the streets yesterday (Sat 13 Nov 2021)?
Overwhelmingly they were protesting ‘the bill’ which is the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021
Here are two other groups who are warning against the draconian laws which have already passed the lower house, and will be pushed through the upper house this week:
The Victorian Bar President and 60 Queen’s counsel (QC); and
the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) representing 20,000 legal professionals.
The LIV goes so far as to say ‘it would be better to have no pandemic powers for a brief period during COVID-19 than rush an imperfect, controversial new bill through parliament’.
This segment is from a full interview with Constitutional expert Dr Ben Saunders from Deakin University: https://youtu.be/XETOB3fP_U0
Rabz, forget it. Cronkite only watches movies that are a minimum 50 years old. Unless a sheila is wearing a 20’s slapper outfit, cronkite won’t go for her.
I’m confused now. Was the term slapper or flapper from the 20 era?
rosie would know.
Damb to slow.
Popular cruise .. LOL! the Queen Elizabeth entering New York Harbour, 1945
The top end of the British Isle looks fucked. Used to once lead the world in science and tech. Get a load of this female pretending she’s female.
About twenty years ago the Greek community came out in huge numbers in Sydney to protest poor Macedonians calling their country as it was know for over a thousand years. Every Greek in Sydney must have come out to stroll down George Street. It was estimated at 50 to 100k.
The eventual result of the protest and Greece’s objections in the EU is that the country became know as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or FYROM. I think they have now officially changed the name to North Macedonia.
Nice try bespoke
I’m a woman and I like Daisy. There are so few young women on the conservative side, let’s not drive off anyone. If you don’t fancy her, keep it to yourself.
Australia can be a world-leading source of infinite inexhaustible stupidity.
Australia can become a ‘renewable energy superpower’: Albanese (14 Nov)
Either he’s lying or he’s grade A level stupid. That project is nothing but a subsidy pit and will never be built for even more of the exact same reasons the technically easier Desertec megaproject went bottom up.
I doubt Albo has heard of Desertec, or, for that matter of project financial evaluation, IRR or NPV.
Anti Kennett protests were also very big in Melbourne in 1993.
Apparently 100,000.
But given Melbourne’s much lower population in the early 70s (around 2.7 million) you’d need to see 400,000 in a current day protest to be close to the anti war protests back then.
looks like slapper was borrowed from Yiddish
What the “National Cabinet” has done is given free rein to all the local tin pot dictators to force an experimental drug on people. Morrison is SOLELY responsible for setting up the means to achieve this and then he just sat back and shrugged while people’s rights were trampled and their health and even sanity put at risk. He’s not a clueless moron, he is outright EVIL.
“…a heavy attack on them and the Australian military facilities that support them,…”
Ah… well, in that case, a couple of cruise missiles into the 3 Gorges dam seems like it might give you other things to worry about. I’m sure there are a couple of more such dams just as shoddily built over there too…
OK, Cohenite, I’ll bite.
I do not dislike Daisy Cousens nor do I think she is unattractive. I just wish she’d tone down her melodramatic style a bit (OK, a lot).
You’re not auditioning for a role in “Gone with the wind”, sweetie.
Damn right, she’s not, she’s already got the part. Daisy is very subtle. She wears a different flower depending on the theme she is discussing. I like her eyes, there’s a bit of steel there.
Well I was 12 when I first broke in a horse, was a general farm labourer by 16, still help a mate out with reno’s, and son & I built a new garden with fish pond last year … they’re just some of my useful skills.
I’m of Eastern European stock (the Beatles were right about us 😉 🙂 ), for whom being useless meant being dead.
I’ve had a long & interesting life, set world records in my chosen field and had to give it up because I won’t get jabbed.
The States always had the right to demand mandatory vaccination.
They did that years ago with mandatory childhood vaccinations as a requirement to attend preschools.
Of course he isn’t, as I say above, Vaccination Programs are solely the business of State Heath Departments.
Christian Porter confirmed this fact when he was Attorney-General.
A NSW national park named for a nineteenth century businessman who coerced people from the South Pacific to come to NSW to work on his estates will be renamed in the local Aboriginal language.
NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean announced the decision to rename Ben Boyd National Park on the NSW far south coast on Sunday.
“It is time to acknowledge the real history of Ben Boyd and remove his name from the national park that continues to hold enormous cultural significance for Aboriginal people,” Mr Kean said.
The decision follows a push from local Aboriginal people to drop Ben Boyd’s name because of his association with “blackbirding”.
Blackbirding was the name for kidnapping or tricking Pacific Islanders to work in Australia for no or little pay.
A historian commissioned by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to investigate the Scottish businessman’s history on the south coast found he brought 192 men and women to NSW to work on his estates and ships in 1847….
Matt Kean, another reason not to vote Liberal
Which is why the judge is now investigating possibilities of a lesser charge on which they could convict him and everybody is saved except of course for Kyle and justice.
The ABC laments the decline of Thailand’s premier sex tourist destination, Pattaya. Apparently Covid restrictions have dried up the supply of deviants and paedophiles.
I suspect you guys may have her confused with Kay Kendall.
I’d disagree with that.
It was way easier to get into the CBD from the outskirts in 1972 than it is today.
If you take the 1972 boundaries and count the numbers inside that in 2021, you’ll find the population hasn’t changed.
Numbers at yesterday’s demo weren’t too shabby, and were likely a lot more committed than the Moratorium crowds, for whom it was a Big Government sanctioned day out.
Has this been verified by reliable sources?
Crossie – I don’t know who Kay Kendall is, but I do know who Felicity Kendall is. Take it from me: she’s just yummy (at least on screen she is, dunno anything about her in real life). Zoë Wanamaker very similar, as I might add Natasha Stott Despoja, who has a similar sort of presence. Maybe it’s a man thing.
It’s been debunked as fake news.
Kyle Rittenhouse owns scumbag prosecutor when asked why he tried to put out a fire started by rioters.
h/t Posobiec
Zipster says:
November 14, 2021 at 11:57 am
Being as the jury decides the verdict, they’d be acutely conscious of the short-term forecast for their health & well being if the verdict adheres to the law, rather than to the mood of the goons in Antifa/BLM.
“Which is why the judge is now investigating possibilities of a lesser charge on which they could convict him and everybody is saved except of course for Kyle and justice.”
Or perhaps he is of the belief that the system still works, and doesn’t want to intervene unless he has to.
Take the gun charge – the law is pretty clear that as a 17 y.o., Rittenhouse is exempt from it (minor carrying a deadly weapon). He will instruct the jury, but didn’t throw it out.
He will let the jury decide on the homocide charges, despite pretty convincing evidence (from the prosecution, no less) of self-defense.
And he hasn’t ruled a mistrial despite “gross” prosecutorial misconduct, including attempted violation of the constitutional rights of both the defendant and one of his own witnesses.
I think he wants to give the jury a chance to rule “not guilty” on all charges, but if they don’t he might step in for a directed verdict – yes, he can do that after the jury has presented its verdict.
He could also rule a mistrial with prejudice – no further prosecutions on any count possible.
We’ll see next week, I guess.
Someone has been following the jury members around and videoing them.
When assessing the crowds yesterday, remember the weather forecast.
Rain and miserable all day.
Imagine if the forecast was for fine weather.
What a great young bloke.
How Aussie was it to see the dog frolicking around his feet as he walked onto dry land.
Ironically, given his charity was RUOK, it was a black dog.
Daisy is slightly less unwatchable than Nicholas Reese.
But of course. Funnily enough, they never went out of their way to fact check the coffins paraded on TV in English speaking countries – actually often of refugees from the 2013 Arab Spring/NATO bombing of the regimes, reused for a nightly “package”.
Isn’t it illegal to attempt to intimidate a jury?
It hasn’t been debunked.
Here’s the first search reult:
It’s full of Weasel Words, such as:
… that’s the 3,783 out of 130,468.
Here’s some more spin [obvious lies]:
If Rittenhouse is found not guilty (as he should be) I would advise hime & his family get the hell out of Dodge, the left are nuts & with the demonrats in charge that family will not be safe in the USA, but like us where is a safe country?
Is this still a thing?
How could anybody actually still believe that leftists will play by the rules so long as we do?
The constitution is dead. The courts are irrelevant. We on the right either do what needs to be done to save civilization right now or we lose it.
Shut off all electricity for climate change zealots and forced vaccines daily for pro-vaxers.
You’re linking to a site calling itself, Team Tucker Carlson. Carlson appears to have no direct linkage to this website. Furthermore, juries would not be walking outside the courtroom. They have their own access from/ to the jury-room and “outside”. Is this jury even allowed outside as the odds are very much against it for a case of this importance.
It appears to be more fakenews from you. One other time is the Zerohedge bullshit that the government was taking people’s property as fines for disobeying health orders.
November 14, 2021 at 2:05 pm
Kyle Rittenhouse owns scumbag prosecutor when asked why he tried to put out a fire started by rioters.
h/t Posobiec
I’ve watched it a number of times; get’s better every time. This prosecutor is a corrupt SOB and this kid has what it takes. Seriously, the number of times that process has been interfered with at a potentially criminal level by the prosecution is shithouse. I still think this case is a line in the sand.
Calm down Ted as you’re very manic. The kid took out two Antifa fuckers and turned another scumbag’s arm into pink mist. You think he’s a snowflake vulnerable kid? He’s not, you goose.
Sydney is named in honour of the architect of white settlement in Australia, Lord Sydney.
Perhaps it should be renamed too, Mr. Kean?
Markles for POTUS:
How Meghan Markle wins the White House
Roger @ 2.36 pm
– ffs don’t go giving them ideas !!
JC, so Rittenhouse is supposed to stand guard over his family for the rest of his life?
Your moronic brain amazes me, you shouldn’t be that stupid with only one head.
Rittenhouse is two things:
1) innocent of murder
2) an idiot
I don’t buy that he was a wannabe medic who was armed with a semi-automatic rifle only for protection. I think he went to the protest looking for a gun fight and the medic’s gear was mostly for show. Would you counsel your son to grab a rifle out of the safe and head down to a violent protest?
JC Read it on Instapundit. I’ll look for the link just this once.
Daisy Couzens is a fake. There. I’ve said it.
An over made-up (she could probably be quite serviceable, if not stunning without the two inches of render), over-enunciating nostalgia-themed overused mouthpiece.
Her themes – what she speaks of – is first-class, but for mine quite a bit of the impact is lost on delivery.
I listen to the audio podcast. Her pompous, private school captain debating sctick curdles my chocolate milk. Her giggle though is a little cute. But that’s about it.
He could be, but we don’t for certain if we’re judging him on the fact he brought the case to court. Elected DA’s would be prone to doing that and allowing courts to decide innocence or guilt for the reason that they’re elected officials and throw responsibility to someone else.
I had a trader work for me who appeared to have a personal self destruct gene. His personal life has always been a mess, but he was a good trader.
He married a lunatic witch and the marriage broke up. She later accused him of raping her in a park in the Hamptons. The accusation was preposterous, but the DA in Long Island issued and arrest warrant and had him incarcerated for weeks. He was living in CT at the time. His defense showed the DA video evidence he has gassed up the car in a CT gas station proving the crime was impossible but he still went to court. The reason is that he obviously didn’t want to be found going easy on female related crimes. The dude got off easily.
My point is the fucker may have had to take it to court as the case is too important.
The rapist, pedophile and wife beater were part of a mob that wanted to burn down a petrol station not far from his house.
I grew up maybe 150 m from a servo.
If they blow up (which happens often when they burn down), they set off a massive fireball.
The cops weren’t doing their job. I don’t care if Rittenhouse is unlikeable and retarded.
And that judge in the Rittenhouse trial is far too histrionic for the bench.
Anyway, the Wisconsin National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha – which means the Governor has decided the verdict is going to be ‘not guilty.’
No confusion at all
A troll most of the day yesterday criticised DL as a Senator for not trying this on.
Don’t forget, the left and establishment (BIRM) are afraid of a real contest, even of they have the numbers.
STFU, no one will remember this is 6 months at the outside over there.
Bespoke, Newscastle’s chief scientist linked to some shit site called Team Tucker Carlson. FFS..
November 14, 2021 at 2:32 pm
The jury were videoed, by a random member of the public, outside the court, as they were waiting at a bus stop.
Do try to keep up with the facts.
Rittenhouse judge says person caught filming jurors, orders deletion along with ‘new procedures’
Seems I need to make a “Team Fair Pay & Global Warming Institute” channel!
What a dumb conclusion.
JC Couldn’t find the link.
My point is the fucker may have had to take it to court as the case is too important.
This is the 2nd amendment case. The kid explained why he was there: to protect his community, which it was since his father lived there and friends of the father had businesses under threat; and the authorities had abdicated their responsibility. There was no gun crime so the stand alone issue is whether US citizens can protect themselves and their communities. The left don’t want this. This is their core issue. A populace, armed and willing to protect itself is their worst nightmare. Which is why this is the line in the sand.
Okay, driller, so you did the extra leg work and posted a far more credible website than Team Tuck Carlson. Why? Because you obviously had zero credibility in Team Tucker Carlson too. But not Newcastle’s chief scientist. He went with it.
Still, it sounds suspicious the jury was out in the open like that.
November 14, 2021 at 2:53 pm
I did it because you were wrong.
Not only wrong, you doubled down to stupid .
This Daisy vitriol is motivated by envy. One person in a million can carry off a flower behind the ear. Daisy can. No one here can and don’t say you can unless you post the evidence.
The thing that pisses me off about the American right is its obsession with guns.
The left has taken over the FBI, the Justice Department, the military, the media and every university in the country but the main thing for Cletus is that he still has 17 guns and a flamethrower.
No, it’s the obvious conclusion. Rittenhouse wanted to be a gun hero – that’s why he was there. If he wanted to medically attend to wounded people, he could have done so and would have been left alone.
Sounds right. He does seem to be going for a mistrial, so maybe that is a way to avoiding taking the loss himself, and maybe he won’t have to take the case the next time around.
Let’s get a little real. The little fuckhead was 17 years old. As a parent, would you let the little fucker go out at night with an AR-15 strapped over his shoulder, heading towards a violent demonstration? Personally, I’d brain the little prick or at the very least I’d tell him that if he left the house it would be the last time he’d set foot inside the family home again. Most certainly, I would not let him take the gun. Get fucking real. The little fuck is innocent, but he’s still a little fuckhaad.
Exactly JC
The fact that Ed Case is trolling the ‘Italian covid deaths overstated by 97%’ tosh is proof positive that the il tempo newspaper claim (which is all it was) is fake news.
They are trying to claim anyone with any pre existing condition no matter how benign didn’t die as the direct result of a covid infection.
About as credible as the giraffe story.
I’ve only seen Daisy on Bolt a few times. She is genuinely bright and more articulate than most of the Sky anchors. Having said that, I don’t really get the Betty Boop act.
I don’t disagree with you, however;
at the time, in much of the USA, the only way to guarantee to not be maimed, murdered, have your house/business burnt down, or your suburban street invaded by the mob, was to carry a gun.
Stop lying. You went to Foxnews, which is a credible site for the obvious reason you also don’t trust. Team FUCKING Tucker Carlson.
Oh, how about staying away from the riot prone area? You don’t need a gun for that.
“1) innocent of murder
2) an idiot”
I’m never one to dispute anything your write C.L but I don’t think Kyle Rittenhouse is an idiot, I think “naive” is the better word to describe his actions. One more thing, Kyle is ….
3) a patriot
Last year, during the “summer of love”….when the Demonrats deliberately fomented and orchestrated violence in many US cities to undo Trump, when they used their 2021 paramilitary versions of the Klan…..aka BLM and Antifa…..young men like Kyle looked askance at the news reports coming in, they were bewildered with the MSM spinning the truth about what was going on despite the obvious…..which was that cities were burning, small businesses were up in flames and Kenosha, a town near where Kyle lived, was aflame…so he and other young men naively went to assist. It was foolish. But I understand why he went. I pray to God that Kyle Rittenhouse is found innocent.
November 14, 2021 at 3:02 pm
Give it up loser.
I went to the first link that came up.
The event is well-known, has been discussed here on the Cat numerous times in the past few days.
You were wrong, not only wrong you doubled down with a stupid conclusion.
Deal with it.
I don’t really get the Betty Boop act.
FMD, how many times do I have to say this: it’s not an act: Daisy is Betty Boop, Scarlett O’Hara, Boudicca and Minnie Mouse wrapped in the one package.
Garbage. It’s clear that he’s an idealistic teenager with, fortunately, enough sense to go armed into a riot.
You didn’t need to. The chief’s scientist’s stupid site was actually the first site that came up. He linked to Team Tucker Carlson.
Stop wrecking the discussion flow with stupid shit.
wot bogey said
You’d let a kid go armed to a riot? More importantly, have you EVER been in a violent riot?
If Minnie Mouse runs against Scummo she will win!
What seat is she running in?
A Catalaxxy store would be a good idea.
It could sell “I love Daisy” buttons, for a start.
And “Let’s go Brandon” stuff.
Also M-16s.
Headline over a small article on Rittenhouse’s evidence in the Courier Mail:
Killer: …
The other day the Prosecutor asked a question that the Defense objected to, discussion was heard in the absence of the Jury.
Anyway, the gist of the Objection was that if Rittenhouse was forced to answer, the Defense would counter that Rosenbaum had been released from a Mental Hospital that day and had gone straight to the demonstration/riot.
He didn’t want to pursue that line and the Judge agreed.
My conclusion is that it’s unlikely that 3 white ex cons would be at a BLM riot unless they were told by their Probation/Parole Officers to show up.
Big can of worms under the surface to be explored at Appeal if Kyle gets railroaded, so I’m expecting a Not Guilty verdict.
And flame throwers too.
Someone posted here a couple of days ago comments by J.D. Vance (apparently a candidate for US Senate in Ohio):
Oh, how about staying away from the riot prone area? You don’t need a gun for that.
How far away was Rittenhouse from his father’s house or from the businesses which his father’s friends owned when the incident occurred?
I don’t know, but it seems to me that that’s pretty important to the suggestion that “staying away” was a viable option.
If he was, say, 5o metres away from his father’s home I’d say there’s reasonable grounds for being there, i.e. not wanting the mob to get within Molotov cocktail throwing distance of the family home.
So, JC, where was Rittenhouse relative to those places, and what would be a reasonable distance for him to be?
Oh, how about staying away from the riot prone area? You don’t need a gun for that.
Score out of 10 for stupidity: 10. Since when has minding your own business stopped the left mob from fucking you right up.
Rittenhouse is a gun hero, whatever the fuck that is. This is what I’ve been saying, the rules don’t exist, the left are doing what they want. For over a year the US was in perpetual riot by the left. No one had made a stand before Rittenhouse. $billions in damage, dozens dead for pure political power. The GOP establishment was MIA, the citizenry was cowered. If Rittenhouse had not stood up there was no coming back.
This not a day out at the shorting office head prefect. This is shit hitting the fan, except this time the shit was the left not the others.
Whoops: Here’s J.D. Vance:
What followed George Floyd’s death by overdose and imbecility was a curated Democrat/media event designed to sink Trump in an orgy of violence, rubble and Russia hoaxing. In the contemporary history of the Western world, no enormity so egregious and disgusting has been visited upon a democracy as that perpetrated by the US left last year. Thousands died in a law enforcement vacuum. I seriously doubt America can ever recover from it.
He was 17.
Dispute away, Cassie! Nothing could change my sky-high opinion of you.
My sentiments exactly, CL. It was all orchestrated to destroy Trump.
I’m more optimistic though.
November 14, 2021 at 3:09 pm
I posted a link to an attempted jury tampering, something you said did not, & likely could not happen.
Yet it did.
You call this correction of your cluelessness & lack of street smarts… “stupid shit”?
Grow up.
November 14, 2021 at 3:15 pm
He was 17.
You can join the army at 18, and go to places like Iraq or Afghanistan to “defend” your country.
Being 17 and defending the family home doesn’t seem like too big a stretch.
look up the meaning of “Comorbirites”
It doesn’t include “benign”, whatever that is.
It means:
Things that are going to kill you.
97.1% of the alleged Covid dead in Italy had Comorbidities.
The other 2.9% very likely died of either Influenza or Pneumonia.
He was 17.
He was 17 not 18. Don’t annoy me with stupid shit like Driller. You’re better than that.
“What followed George Floyd’s death by overdose and imbecility was a curated Democrat/media event designed to sink Trump in an orgy of violence, rubble and Russia hoaxing. In the contemporary history of the Western world, no enormity so egregious and disgusting has been visited upon a democracy as that perpetrated by the US left last year. Thousands died in a law enforcement vacuum. I seriously doubt America can ever recover from it.”
C.L. has said it best.
“Nothing could change my sky-high opinion of you.”
Thank you C.L.
Picking up on a comment from Kneel at 1234 on the Two Weeks thread, the first target for the counter revolution must be the media.
Ignore all current “official” media, government spokes slime, TV, radio, newspapers, and their websites. They are the prime enemy. It has been the take over of public communication that has caused the present problem.
How to respond? Start your own private Samzidat. Write short think pieces, and send them to trusted friends. Invite them to send them on. Keep it honest (as differentiation from the current lot), and short. Choose a subject you understand, and focus on that, do not allow yourself to go outside your comfort zone, leave other subjects to those who understand them.
The kid was a target on the ground.
The Rooftop Koreans of another time had a different approach to riotous behaviour.
No he is not. Just another teen putting himself on the line becouse the aduilts have screwed up.
An tragedy not to be celebrated.
What made him a target?
Helping injured would seem to sacred.
Or was he helping the wrong injured?
Or was it his attempts to extinguish fires?
Those fellers really meant to kill him, they went for him properly, despite him being armed.
What set them off?
Assuming this is true, is it not telling that the 2nd Amendment demographic produced only one boy with a rifle during the whole year? I’ve been reading American newspapers and sites for years; countless are the occasions when a gun-loving conservative has boasted that if America ever went feral, ‘liberals’ would be no match for the armed right. Well, it did go feral and their guns didn’t make any difference.
17 was old enough to be killed in action in the Falklands. As four were.
In the early stages of that conflict, it was the Royal Navy machine-gunners who were getting to engage the enemy.
Average age of those gun crews: Seventeen.
Who cares about Rittenhouse? Our country is in tatters, the economy is rooted, our PM and nearly all the politicians are utterly corrupt or useless or both. Stalin and Hitler could only dream of the powers that our idiots have. Yet you lot are getting angry at each other over some kids court case that has nothing to do with us.
It’s like watching Homer Simpson worried about a squirrel while the power plant is going critical.
One of the big worries for Rittenhouse is the provocation argument which the prosecution has been trying to infiltrate into the proceedings. That is, if the prosecution can say Rittenhouse provoked the attacks by the slimebags he shot he cannot claim self defence. To do that they would have to prove he was brandishing his rifle in a threatening manner. They used one still from the video which ostensibly shows Rittenhouse pointing his rifle at people. But when the full video is shown it shows he was merely turning around with the gun following him.
If the kid gets off he has to start civil litigation against every media shit who defamed him as a white supremacist; and biden.
It’s like watching Homer Simpson worried about a squirrel while the power plant is going critical.
Rittenhouse is the power plant.
CNN, NBC, NYT, etc, owned by a partnership of Kyle Rittenhouse & Nick Sandmann.
I think JC is reminiscing about when he had a spud gun when he was a child.
Assuming this is true, is it not telling that the 2nd Amendment demographic produced only one boy with a rifle during the whole year?
There were a lot of false starts, the black cop getting shot, GOP pollies getting beat up etc but it had to start some-where. The point is the left are implacable. It can’t end with Rittenhouse. That’s the equally important point.
Does anyone here think it’s perfectly normal for a 17 year old kid to be out in crazed streets with a loaded AR15 strapped over his shoulder… IN A Suburban setting?
Yes or no?
Not in conservative neighbourhoods. What are you getting at C.L? It looks like damming them whatever they do.
He seems to be the most publicised case of an armed loner heading out into a rioting crowd.
There are numerous incidents (& non-incidents) where the presence of armed citizens meant BLM/Antifa mysteriously found it “not necessary” to loot/burn/rampage a particular shop or street.
The problem is that we have a biased MSM that is very selective about which barking mad woman’s story they’ll push….because it all boils down to the political side.
This would be another benefit of burning the ABC to a rubble. Remove aspirational leftist slimes career opportunities, no matter who they are currently employed by.
Different era, Drills. Different era.
Go clean the bar.
Rittenhouse is the Squirrel.
NFL and College Football are kicking off again in America, those muh 2nd Amendment couch potatoes have already forgotten Kenosha
No true.
Rittenhouse was part of an organised, armed group protecting property.
That they managed to isolate and attack the youngest, least experienced member and turn it into an incident is down to propaganda and framing.
That you will not find photos of him as a member of the group, but characterised as a lone actor is part of the schtick.
Many groups did in fact deploy to protect lives and property in the face of those riots.
CL is getting at what I’ve been saying. The left won. They rampaged the country at will and the cheated the election.
They won.
Critics of Rittenhouse are advised to revise the Peelian Principles, particularly #7.
I sure wouldn’t let him go unarmed. If he felt it his duty to help, I wouldn’t stop him. But I’d make sure he wasn’t defenceless.
It’s actually chilling when you think about how brazen the left has become. All through 2020 American cities were wrecked . They then cheated the elections and we have Jan 6 protestors in jail without trial and domestic terrorists.
Question for you JC, were you at the march in Danistan yesterday or were you hiding under the bed with biggles?
Yes or no.
Yea, but you wouldn’t go Doc, right?
Imagine the Scene:
Judge: Um, Doc, so you released Rosenbaum that day.
On what grounds, any chance it was on the proviso that he head straight to the riot?
Doc: What, er …no, hey look at that squirrel.
If you believe that then go curl up in a corner.