January 6 is the American Reichstag fire

The politics of the left are largely dishonest and frequently evil. Everything they do is seen by themselves as fair and reasonable, while anything done to prevent the inevitable harm the left creates is seen, by the left, as immoral and wrong. 

Today in America is the first anniversary of Congressional tallying of the electoral college votes of Joe Biden following the almost-certainly stolen presidential election of 2020. This is being commemorated by the American left as an “insurrection” which was nothing more than a demonstration against the theft of the American democracy. 

Ever heard of The Reichstag Fire? This is the American version. Happy Anniversary to the Million Americans Who Came to Washington DC to Protest the Crime of the Century One Year Ago Today

One year ago today a million patriotic Americans traveled to Washington DC to protest the greatest crime in American history — The stolen 2020 election.

Don’t listen to what the media trolls tell you. The people who showed up to DC one year ago were there to support the rightful President in peaceful protest.

For some further reflections and an accurate analysis but without the anger that should be a intrinsic element in following what took place:  FINAL THOUGHTS ON JANUARY 6. Here is some of what he writes:

* “January 6” is the most overhyped news story of our time. Kamala Harris’s suggestion that the Capitol riot was equivalent to Pearl Harbor is a historically ignorant joke. The fact is that the Capitol riot, while bad, was not one of the 50 most destructive riots of the last two years.

* The Democrats’ calling the riot an “insurrection” is another bad joke. This is the first insurrection (or “coup,” as the Democrats also say) where not a single person thought to bring a firearm….

* I have no idea who has been arrested and jailed, and what those particular individuals did. Figuring this out is made more difficult by the fact that the government has resisted releasing the many hours of video that it has in its possession. Why might that be? People who actually committed violent actions should be prosecuted; I have no idea how many such people there are. But videos show that many “rioters” were actually invited into the Capitol building by guards. The doors were open and the guards waved them in. They entered the building peacefully, staying between the rope lines and taking selfies….

* Today Joe Biden violated all precedent by viciously attacking his predecessor, Donald Trump. This is outside the bounds of anything we have seen in our democracy, certainly in the modern era. Biden not only attacked Trump, he bragged about defeating him in the 2020 election, claiming that he won by 7 million votes….

* Biden’s statement is true if, and only if, you assume that all votes cast in the 2020 election were legal and proper. But they weren’t. Democrats went to great lengths, including collusive lawsuits in something like 15 states, locking Republican poll watchers out of the buildings where mail-in ballots were being authenticated in Philadelphia and Detroit, and much more, in order to facilitate voter fraud. One can only conclude that voter fraud is an important part of the Democrats’ electoral strategy.

* I think this is the core of what the Democratic Party is trying to achieve with its absurd inflation of the January 6 demonstration/riot. They want to discredit those who worry about election integrity, and to intimidate conservatives who otherwise would press for voter ID, sane mail-in ballot laws, an end to ballot harvesting, and so on.

We, too, have experienced an invasion of Parliament, but it was by the left against a conservative government, which is why the media have never mentioned it since. The supposed “insurrection” of January 6 will never disappear as an element in the rhetorical armory of the American left.


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Cassie of Sydney
January 7, 2022 7:46 pm

” This is being commemorated by the American left as an “insurrection” which was nothing more than a demonstration against the theft of the American democracy. “

I agree with your sentiment but I have to disagree with your use of the benign word “demonstration”. I’m sorry but that’s engaging in the same obfuscation and manipulation etc as the left when they use the word “insurrection” to describe what happened. It wasn’t an insurrection, it was a riot and one that got out of control very quickly.

Cassie of Sydney
January 7, 2022 8:07 pm

Andy Ngo says it best. What happened on January 6 2021 was disgraceful but the MSM and Demonrats conveniently and very deliberately ignore the equally disgraceful riots that occurred every day in cities like Portland and Minneapolis in 2020…actually the riots in Portland began back in November 2016 after Donald Trump was elected. Antifa and other hard-left activists took to the streets in Portland stating that Trump’s election was illegitimate and they continued their riots for the following four years. There were violent riots in Washington on the day Trump was inaugurated. Donald Trump didn’t start the fires. The fact is that the riot in Washington on January 6 2021 pales in comparison to the riots and violence that swept the USA in 2020.

As for the election being “stolen”…….I reiterate, Trump and the GOP were given plenty of warning back in early to mid 2020 about this happening. They chose to ignore the warnings and did nothing.

January 7, 2022 8:15 pm

Voter fraud has been a feature of American elections for many years, and claiming that the 2020 election was ‘the most secure ever’ is provably absurd. However, the hurdle Trump could not overcome was to show that it affected the outcome of the election. The demonstration/riot at the Capitol might have been well-meaning, but there was no way it could have affected the result. I suspect most people knew that.

Cassie of Sydney
January 7, 2022 8:21 pm

“However, the hurdle Trump could not overcome was to show that it affected the outcome of the election. The demonstration/riot at the Capitol might have been well-meaning, but there was no way it could have affected the result. I suspect most people knew that.”

I think that’s a good analysis. I’ve spoken to an Australian who was at the capital that day…he said that the rally was peaceful but something sinister seemed to permeate the rally when people started dispersing after Trump finished speaking. He believes that the rally was infiltrated by Demonrat, Antifa, BLM operatives and activists….in fact he’s sure of it. I believe there was fraud in November 2020 but as I said above, Trump and the GOP were warned.

January 7, 2022 8:22 pm

However, the hurdle Trump could not overcome was to show that it affected the outcome of the election.

Why is up to Trump to prove anything? It’s up to the state to prove to the people that all elections are transparent and auditable. If it can’t be proven/shown then Trump is 100% right to suggest the election was fraudulent.

January 7, 2022 8:30 pm


The damage done to the Capitol were a couple of broken windows. The damage the Demonrats caused in some states totals in the billions. There is no comparison. The takeover of the Capitol was essentially peaceful.

What’s currently going on is basically a brainwashing exercise by our contemporary Nazis – the demonrats through their media partners to suggest this was an insurrection. In insurrection in the country with the most lethal military in the world.


Demented Brandon and his disgusting son should facing charges for graft.

Cassie of Sydney
January 7, 2022 8:33 pm

January 7, 2022 at 8:30 pm”

I agree with every word you’ve written. What was done in 2020 in Demonrat cities was far worse than the riot at the capital 0n January 6 however I still don’t think it was a good look…and it simply gave the left another reason to smear Trump and his supporters.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 7, 2022 8:42 pm


and it simply gave the left another reason to smear Trump and his supporters.

I doubt that the fascist left needed any extra reasons to do that. They had been doing it since his nomination.

PS, if you want to see leftist denial in real time, hop over to CL’s blog, the Origins of Jan Sixerism thread, and look at Homer’s comments.

January 7, 2022 8:47 pm

“Why is up to Trump to prove anything?”
He lodged protests in several courts. As I recall, most were dismissed on procedural grounds, so were never assessed. He was fighting the system, and ‘the law won’.

January 7, 2022 8:58 pm

These are both from a now author, but former accountant on why it’s very unlikely Biden won. Done shortly afterward.



Chris M
Chris M
January 7, 2022 9:51 pm

It was an FBI operation which failed when no-one showed up with weapons and instead did tourist stuff with a free behind the scenes tour of the building.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 7, 2022 9:56 pm

The damage done to the Capitol were a couple of broken windows. The damage the Demonrats caused in some states totals in the billions. There is no comparison. The takeover of the Capitol was essentially peaceful.

What’s currently going on is basically a brainwashing exercise by our contemporary Nazis – the demonrats through their media partners to suggest this was an insurrection.

Michelle Malkin:

Let us consider a widely disseminated hit piece by Associated Press investigative reporter Michael Biesecker published on Jan. 3. Here’s the bias-laden title that reads more like an MSNBC op-ed whine than a straight news headline:

“Ashli Babbitt a Martyr? Her Past Tells a More Complex Story.”

Ashli Babbitt, as you may know, is the 35-year-old Air Force veteran and Trump supporter shot and killed by a Capitol police officer one year ago this week during the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C. The fetid article under the fetid headline is victim-blaming at its rock-bottom lowest.

So, what exactly is the “more complex story” that the once-venerable AP wire service believes is so important for the public to know? Babbitt was involved in a complicated personal love triangle, had “bad blood” with her husband’s ex-wife, faced “numerous misdemeanors” related to a traffic encounter with the ex, and then was — wait for it, it’s buried deep down in the article — acquitted by a judge of all the criminal charges.

That’s it…….

Just to reiterate: Ashli Babbitt is dead. She is unable to defend herself against the clearly calculated and anniversary-timed sliming and smearing by “investigative reporter” Biesecker……..

Look: We all know if Ashli Babbitt had been black and had been shot and killed at a Defund the Police rally, the AP (which I’ve long said stands for Associated Propaganda) would be ramming the martyr narrative down our throats instead of debunking it. But because Babbitt and countless thousands like her were white Trump supporters, we’ve been bombarded with agitprop about how every single Jan. 6 protester was engaged in “riot,” “siege” or “insurrection” and whose “underlying grievance” about election integrity — to borrow AP’s own simp words for BLM and antifa’s agendas — is relentlessly framed as a dangerous “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation” instead of a legitimate concern.

I remind you that it was the AP that issued “stylebook” guidelines four months after BLM and antifa set America on fire after the George Floyd incident ordering its journalists not to use the term “riot” to describe the mayhem because it “suggests uncontrolled chaos and pandemonium” instead of focusing on the “underlying grievance” of black protesters against the system. The AP pooh-bahs advised their minions to employ the kinder, gentler euphemism “unrest” to describe “a condition of angry discontent and protest verging on revolt.”

I will also remind you that a year ago this week, the AP published a false story that then-President Trump had pressed a lead Georgia elections investigator to “find the fraud” and promised he would make the investigator a “national hero.” The AP was forced to acknowledge that a “recording of the call made public two months later revealed that Trump did not say either” and that it had “erroneously reported” the untruth. The retraction came two months after the original lie was manufactured…….


Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 7, 2022 10:46 pm

It seems some people are far more susceptible to propaganda than others.
The Leftards used agent provocateurs.
The rest is smoke and mirrors.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 7, 2022 11:14 pm

This is all an extension of the great lie that capitalism (aka conservatism) is an ideology, hence just like Marxism, only wrong.

Only ideologues would claim a mostly lame riot to be an actual insurrection. And only an ideology would be characterised by misrepresenting all words for political advantage. I meet people all the time who have their own takes on issues and events, but leftists are 100% predictable in their opinions.

They have principle and one only – win for the team at all costs.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

Chris M says: January 7, 2022 at 9:51 pm
<< <It was an FBI operation which failed when no-one showed up with weapons and instead did tourist stuff with a free behind the scenes tour of the building.>> >

Spot on!

This is actually a bigger own-goal for the? tiki-torch carrying buzz-cuts (how did you know we were feds?) with matching pants & their marches through the Lincoln Memorial banging 1776 drums, than one of their kidnap plots (by “right-wingers“) of a Democrat state Governor.

another ian
another ian
January 8, 2022 9:20 am

“January 6th is Ashli Babbit Day now.”


Though a protest of a different sort in the next comment there

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 8, 2022 9:20 am

It was an FBI operation which failed when no-one showed up with weapons and instead did tourist stuff with a free behind the scenes tour of the building.

This is the key to understanding the bullshit.

We’re always told that Trump supporters are gun toting 2nd amendment fanatics who own arsenals of military grade firepower thinking they’ll use the weaponry to protect themselves from government.

And no doubt some of them are. And many, perhaps most, do in fact own guns.

But we’re expected to believe that they set out to stage an “insurrection” against a government backed by the most powerful military on earth without even one of them bringing a single firearm along.


January 8, 2022 9:23 am

It was an FBI operation which failed when no-one showed up with weapons and instead did tourist stuff with a free behind the scenes tour of the building.

My oiwn tin foil thought on this.

Babbit shooting was meant to be the moment all the “hidden guns” the authorities were sure those crazy renecks must be carrying were supposed to come out and the agencies swoop in to save the day.

January 8, 2022 10:01 am

“The takeover of the Capitol was essentially peaceful.”


Apparently, none of these were a “threat to democracy” like last years Capitol riot was.

None of them were “right-wing terrorists” – all were left-wing terrorists.

Oct. 14, 2021, climate activists breached the Interior Department

a group of protesters breached temporary barricades that had been set up around the White House

In 2011, thousands of people opposed to Republican Gov. Scott Walker filled the Wisconsin state Capitol

federal courthouse in Portland has been a repeated target of violent Antifa rioters. In July 2020, a mob began setting fires inside the fence protecting the courthouse

In July 2013, an unruly mob of pro-abortion demonstrators interfered with the democratic process when thousands of them occupied the Texas Capitol

demonstrators forced their way past law enforcement, breaching police lines at both the Senate and the Supreme Court,

planted a bomb outside the Senate chamber inside the U.S. Capitol, where it detonated and caused $1 million in damage in 1983.

In now-President Joe Biden’s farewell address to the Senate in 2009, he claimed to have broken into the chamber and sat in the vice president’s chair when he was 21 years old.

January 8, 2022 11:05 am

PS, if you want to see leftist denial in real time, hop over to CL’s blog, the Origins of Jan Sixerism thread, and look at Homer’s comments.

Yes, he has made some utterly absurd, deranged claims, such as that on January 6 “insurgents” were “armed” and attempting a “coup” aimed at toppling the U.S. government.

So far as I am aware, even Democrats and their MSM cheerleaders have never seriously claimed that the protesters/rioters were carrying firearms. And it would certainly had made the news if they were.

January 8, 2022 11:05 am

Great comments above. I think we now know how evil the legacy meja is and the danger posed by trash career pollimuppets. Did you know ‘Dr’ Jill filth-botox-facelift has her own ‘tune’ to be played upon her entrance.?

January 8, 2022 11:09 am

The trash in the whitehouse and in congress make Caligula look classy.

January 9, 2022 10:24 am


“Never Forget

January 6th, also known as Freedom Day, will forever be the we remember the 100 day siege on the US.

From the White House to Federal Court Houses, to small town America

Dozens lost their lives to the Democrat supported carnage”

January 9, 2022 10:34 am

A U.S. security think-tank has published a fairly comprehensive analysis of the activities of a number of individuals shown in some of the publically available crowd footage outside of the Capitol. While it is speculative, and none of those observed have been positively identified that I’m aware of, the patterns of behaviour the analysts describe (of those observed in the footage) are reflective of highly-trained, co-ordinated professionals. The analysis is not proof of anything, but it certainly made me sit back & think.

January 9, 2022 10:44 am

In terms of challenging the narrative: How is the defensive-reactive posture working for us?

January 9, 2022 11:47 am

Footage of the 6th of Jan., 2020: Watch the bottom of the video, left of centre. Does this person look as though he belongs?

The whole analysis I referred to above is here.

January 9, 2022 11:53 am

Right at the beginning of the footage I linked to above, there is a man wearing a helmet with green tape (or similar) on the front and back, and what looks like a respirator. Look for the lady with glasses and red MAGA cap at the bottom right, then scan left slightly.

Random thought: The man in the green helmet I referred to previously, has his face uncovered, and there is no tape on the front of his helmet. He still stands out from the remainder of the crowd though.

January 9, 2022 1:56 pm

Not sure you mean to be saying the 1/6 riot was a good thing like the Reichstag fire? One was a bunch of fools conned into a nasty mob action. The other was a setup for the Nazis to take control of German politics.

Living the dream
Living the dream
January 10, 2022 3:14 pm

One way to look into this is to review the evidence of the 700-odd folk now either in court or in jail. I haven’t yet seen a case where the person was not motivated to act by Trump and was not in the building to do harm. Three or so have been found to have guns. Quite a few are doing serious jail time for serious assaults. Keep in mind that quite a few of the judges were appointed by Trump.

Anchor What
Anchor What
January 11, 2022 12:36 pm

I haven’t yet seen a case where the person was not motivated to act by Trump and was not in the building to do harm.
You haven’t looked very hard.
Which judges appointed by Trump are endorsing detention without trial for a year?

Living the dream
Living the dream
January 12, 2022 12:20 pm

Anchor: What?
If you search on the cases, you can find the pleadings and the motivations. It’s quite consistent.

  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…

  2. Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x