Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…
Wonder how big the impact in Finance will be. Most valuations can be mechanized if it already isn’t. A lot…
Don’t learn to code.
Mobile phones should be immediately banned.
Old man shouts at clouds…
The whole internet would have to go for humanity to advance back to the weirdo ads in the back of the classifieds/car keys in the bowl at the Grey nomads campsite golden ages you are pining for.
Oh for sure. Cops fairly gild the lily amongst themselves, bit of a flex to the common man.
Nurses are catty, can’t blame them, though I think discretion and judgement is an essential part of their DNA too. There’s blowhards in the bunch, obvs.
I’m a blowhard, try it on a bit here, exagerrate.
All youse pixel people I take with a grain of salt.
The only level-headed dude here, who is straight up salt-of-the-earth-honest and with perfect instincts, no need of embellishment…
…is JC.
RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: Francis in Canada and the Rest of the Story
The Remnant TV – 4 hrs ago
I cannot hack the amount of Black Pills and Schradenboner pills today.
You know it’s bad when I get baited and cohenite comes out as a black pulled sooner.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
July 25, 2022 at 1:51 pm
Doesn’t aboriginal mean first peoples?
For Shame! Don’t you know that many ‘First Nations” people consider the use of the term ‘Aborigine’ racist? Aboriginal people are a diverse group of individuals and use of the term ‘Aborigine’ has negative connotations imposed during colonisation and can perpetuate prejudice and discrimination..
How about Abo, is that better.
Lizzie’s considered advice: Philippa, a lot of men are rats, but some aren’t. Keep looking because men enjoy being settled too and love can conquer all at any age. You aren’t old, so stop feeling it. Do something about your face, your figure, your hair and your clothes. This will make you feel better, and feeling better you will be more interesting to men. All men want to feel they are winning a prize of some sort and trust is part of that package. Read widely so you have something interesting to say, check the biographies of adventurous women (fine men turn up in unusual places), and change your general thinking towards being happy. Happiness is attractive.
ps Cats, my Big Sis found husband number six when she was 72. She’s 82 now. He’s 86.
He’s a writer and musician, and definitely the best of them all for her. He adores her.
When she sent off number 5 a psychologist told her to desist from men for a year; she had attracted number 6 within three months, and called carpe diem on it.
No point in wasting time at her age, she reasoned. lol.
Stop being sensible Lizzie it’ll never catch on. I sometimes think there’s more sense spoken at the Cat than the rest of Australia. Has it become too hard to think anymore. 10 yr olds have more comprehension than most adults these days. FTA viewing sums up the level of intelligence. Reality shows have stretched to incredulous. Moronic the standard IQ it seems. Politicians leading the way.
Something quite evil is afoot at the moment. You might think she is insane but there are people and institutions around her that clearly have encouraged this madness rather than instructing her reasonably.
Frank says:
July 25, 2022 at 1:32 pm
Good to see that Monty has found a creative outlet which allows him to branch out from trolling all day.
Now that is funny! Which one is Monty?
Ok, diversity points for being Aboriginal but I am not watching until he dresses in a skirt and identifies as a lesbian. A wheelchair might also help.
“Good on Stan Grant getting the permanent Q&A gig.
It’s about time the ABC had some diversity on their flagship shows”
For Shame! Don’t you know that many ‘First Nations” people consider the use of the term ‘Aborigine’ racist? Aboriginal people are a diverse group of individuals and use of the term ‘Aborigine’ has negative connotations imposed during colonisation and can perpetuate prejudice and discrimination..
So coon or boong is better? Jolly good.
It’s effectively a one party state, where that party has spend a decade + putting “the right people” in every aspect of governance. On the rare occasion they “lose” an election everything works against the governing party until Labor get back in. Andrews has just further refined it by planting his own loyalists everywhere and excising anyone who might challenge him.
Couple that with an absolutely worthless liberal party “opposition”, media in the tank for Labor, and no real oversight or avenue to challenge things and there’s no reason for the scumbag to care. It’s pretty much a straight will to power types win situation, and Andrews has it in spades with a stacked deck to boot.
Yep, not wrong this one time Walter.
You had the Driller blowharding something terrible about small towns last evening. It’s not often we see him so effervescent.
Just a small correction to your contrition though. Last evening the discussion was about drugs in general. You have subsequently curve balled the your recent comment about dope… and only dope. Bad Walter.
Dear Phillipa-
Men’s, and women’s, essential natures have not changed in a million years- there are still gems, cads, bounders, faithful devotees, philanderers, torch-bearers, liars, and hard-dogs-to-keep-on-the-porch.
The evolution of technology communications has not changed human duplicity and fallibility. Neither has the advent of the wonders of medicine, the pill, viagra, gay marriage, tracking devices, catfishing websites or dating apps.
And, your advanced age and fairer sex will not grant you immunity from, or extra foresight into, the failings of your fellow man. If anything, you’d have to concede that being an older woman will mean that you are probably viewed as an easier target for exploitation.
I suggest that if your judgement of character and negotiations around your desires for sexual propriety are still not kicking in after all, then you should get a dog. They are good judges of character, will attract the right type of person (of either sex) to you, and will be companionship, whatever happens.
Something quite evil is afoot at the moment.
I view this differently.
The evil has always been there.
They just now think they are safe to practice it publicly.
It’s a great self-selection exercise.
This is worth your time to read.
This is a tale of two Indian states, both alike in dignity, that used different control measures for covid.
We should be grateful for the people of Kerala, a state of 36 million souls, who, by electing a communist to rule over them, thus self-selected to be the control group in our experiment. Exactly the same as Australia, the government of Kerala banned the use of ivermectin and relied upon vaccination.
The state of Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 238 million, instead chose to distribute ivermectin cheaply as a prophylactic.
Indian states, cases to date, per capita:
Call them what you like – it’s nothing to what they call you….
JC has just called me Walter.
I feel all… monkeypoxy.
I never had much time for Gore when he was VP – I have even less now.
He’s the sort of person you’d find climbing the ranks in the KGB – with a bullet.
That’s a very good point in his favour.
Now a naughty word, it seems.
Dover, this oxygen thief had its pronouns tattooed on its face.
So why are they not doing anything about them?
Walter, Wally sounds kinda
Homosexually stoopid and I wish you changed to something else. Hence the Walter iteration. I’m not being judgemental.
Mak Siccar at 8:39 – luv James Allan. It might even be a bear crush.
This can happen.
I know two retired coppers in town.
One ex-uniform (“Baz”) and one ex-suit (“Kev”).
Baz is the husband of one of Mrs P’s friends. Kev I have known since school. Kev is a man of few words. Baz is a little more verbose.
Out for coffee one morning and bump into Baz who regales us with a story of a raid he had been involved in to catch a particular well known Melbourne crook who was laying low in the area. First person pronouns were first through the door.
I re-told this to Kev a few weeks later. He listened to the end and said, “The first thing Baz fucking knew about it was when his missus read the Herald Sun to him the next morning.”
Social media.
areff at 9:23 – you are taking all the magic out of democracy for me.
“The first thing Baz fucking knew about it was when his missus read the Herald Sun to him the next morning.”
Embellishment…similar to hearing bombs being dropped in another country.
I cannot hack the amount of Black Pills and Schradenboner pills today.
Heres an uplifting image of a Jesus Christ doorknocker just for you.
Or your wifes boyfriend.
/will you click my link of fortune?
/is it safe, is it wholesome?
/you click the link you take your chances.
Most PGA golfers (at least the winningest ones) wouldn’t have flown commercial for years. Half of them are sponsored by NetJets.
We’re in furious agreement then!
Of course Im not saying you are a big sooky lala nancy boy if you dont, who am I to judge you for the posters on your bedroom walls and theme song?
The “nation” is not allowed to be there.
The loonies are coming out of the closet. This is a Good Thing. They’ve always been loonies, now we get to see them.
KD is Baz?
This is a Good Thing.
The kids who lost two years of in school “learning” paid a price.
But now parents know what their freak teachers were/are getting up to.
The goal is to not let that sacrifice be for nothing.
Knowing & prosecution-grade evidence are two entirely different standards of proof.
Yet to meet a cop who’s got any time for druggos.
Bern, I actually don’t care about a bit of war story embellishment.
It’s when 53 year old Constable Career-Stalled starts mouthing off about live investigations that the damage is done. And also Senior Constable Harm-Minimisation setting public drugs policy in consultation with Nurse Karen-Nanny is also not on.
One thing for sure about things requiring confidentiality. Whether it be a criminal raid, a corporate takeover or a workforce restructure, generally people know who needs to be kept out of the loop.
My wife has a freind that works part time for the NDIS. Takes her clients (elderly lady and a blind woman) shopping helps out at home ect. We’ve had dinner with the both cheeky and full of life.
Honourable work.
My problem with it is it allows family members to abdicate duty of care onto others.
Drills, you and a few others have been watching far too many old episodes of Breaking Bad. Give it a freaking rest. It’s a TV series and you’re not Gustavo.
Apparently, according to Walter Daly, there are (were) a couple in WA who gave smaller dealers a bit of breathing space after a big raid to keep the peace.
Here’s something else I’ve yet to see. A dope dealer who says, “Oh no. I couldn’t possibly deal heroin or ice. I only sell dope. I’ve got an exclusive distribution deal with Big Hooch Inc.”
Give me a fucking break.
The coppers know they can’t take out every druggie because someone who deals seriously enough can afford a top flight lawyer. If he loses the case, it’s probably a black mark on his record especially if he’s just cost the system a fair few quid out of their budget.
The ‘gem’ inserted into the grapevine is a warning to the miscreant that they are being looked at – closely.
Sometimes the real world interferes with what we want.
That should get him thinking and shaking in his bata scouts…….FMD
Traitors are always concerned about their popularity to an unarmed citizenry.
We are at the stage where we are just being fed constant bullshit which is stock standard trade for communist government, and our voices irrelevent , we ourselves totally irrelevent and here to have our wealth taken off us without us rising up and causing a scene if possible.
You don’t want the herd to stampede by finding out it’s going to the abattoir.
And If we do rise up, they’ll beat us down.
Watch Sri Lanka….and what’s already happened here.
Do we think they’ve got themselves out of the poo, or will the globalist puppet that’s next installed hit them harder?
We are at war.
Yet we still see comments like this banal irrelevent horse shit.
Easier said than done, especially in heavy surf. I had a couple of moments, including a 45 minute swim at Yallingup with the back 2 feet of my board hanging off my legrope. My mate got rescued by a female pro surfer after losing his board one day – something we still remind him of 30 years later.
Cartoon 1. Test.
Cartoon 2. Test.
Cartoon 3. Test.
dover please ban yourself for posting a Rowe cartoon.
Once a day from Tom is horrid enough.
Sancho Panzer says: July 25, 2022 at 3:27 pm
Please, no verballing of Wali Dali.
That I’ve not yet met such a cop does not mean they don’t exist.
Keep in mind there’s more cops in gaol than there are publicans.
I’ve seen a few problems reported above when commenting. Anyone else having problems?
And this is why sexbots make me nervous…
Gathering said evidence will be somewhat impaired by relaying to the local blowhard over a beer chapter and verse about your investigations.
Because you can bet said blowhard will be down at the RSL blowharding about it the next night.
And very shortly after that the crooks will know precisely what Constable Vinnie Voluble knows (or thinks he knows).
Most good coppers don’t tell you what they know. They will ask the blowhard a couple of open questions and sit back and listen. They probably won’t learn anything new, but they might.
Poorly spelled horseshit as well. *irrelevant*
There’s a young opener playing cricket in Darwin during the southern off-season they are seriously contemplating as a replacement for Warner.
Ashley Chandrasinghe. Remember the name. He’s got it all.
As a bonus, he’s very unlikely to drop grogans on roads near truck stops.
What target do we need to ensure warming is kept below 1.5 degrees?
The Greens have got the cleanest, most effective campaign slogan no matter what the ALP does.
It will almost be “we need to do more”.
& Labor isn’t doing enough.
People are questioning my omnipotent wisdom.
Verballing again.
Stop verballing.
Nobody has mentioned cops blabbing secret police business to local blowhards.
Stop verballing.
If this is the only thing that makes you nervous about sexbots that makes me nervous.
How about you bore the barmaid to death with your cricket tragic yawnfest, (opium for the masses of denialists at this point in the great reset) KD, and spare the rest of us.
Possibly. I guess it depends how you see family responsibilities. Our extended family has never been terribly close and the Aunt that really held it together died a couple of years ago aged 100. My father came from private school Sydney to Roebourne, partly (I suspect) to get away from it all. Family is complicated. I am presently having to renegotiate my relationship with my sister who has her own issues with her son and daughter.
He might drop a floater in the Presidential pool though.
So, oh professa ov English, is horse shit one word or two?
Margot Robbie will become a billionaire if likeness is enforced when it comes to sexbots.
As The Dude says, “I still jerk off manually.”
Imagine an Amber Heard sexbot?
All the fun without the crazy…or the turding.
How can anyone follow the Australian cricket team of BLM kneeling, pony tail and girls head band wearing sooks and cry babies?
What an utter embarrassment.
Not exactly the days of Marsh and Lillee with this bunch of human shit.
Let’s go to the tape, shall we …
St Ruth.
Any further thoughts on the premature death of Billy Picking?
And Kimberley Kitchen?
Yes indeed, Bear.
It was a general comment not to be taken personally.
That’s a pretty stupid comment Sancho.
You’re calling Zulu a “blowhard”
Your ego may have been smarting since you dipped in without knowing a bluddee thing about small towns.
If your idea of the only way out is to smear others – you’re a whole lot more Dunning Kruger than you first seemed.
Imagine an Amber Heard sexbot?
All the fun without the crazy…or the turding.
Thats the optional feminist upgrade.
Well I could entertain you with tales how how I fell into Sovereign Citizenry and its dalliance with constitutional law, then fell in love with Riccardo Grifter, before trading up to Fat Clive who spurned my advances and took on a foreign *gasp* woman for a role I wanted.
The epilogue would be after spectacular, abject failure in everything but wordwalls and yelling (and boating), all I had left was blaming other people and calling them shallow cocksmokers.
It’s a great story. Terrible ending though.
Err this deserves burning at stake.
Lots of people followed the Australian Kenworth Team, but they drifted off after the Team Leader ran off after someone waved a broomstick at him on the horizon.
Turned out he was all pants and no crashbox.
Well, ever since the story about the family motto (“noli illegitimi carborundum”) being shouted out in knock shops and low dives around the Empire …
Anyone else having problems?
Yes. I can hardly stay awake after watching multiple replays of Collingwood winning yesterday.
And I’ve run out of Tullamore Dew before the next replay.
This is the best you can do?
Give up.
That’s your rationale? It’s thinner than a 1980’s Soviet soup.
Can’t wait to see what happens when the King of Norway hits the streets again and starts recruiting for the Norge Baseball Team.
But now parents know what their freak teachers were/are getting up to.
The goal is to not let that sacrifice be for nothing.
That horse has bolted.
If parents can regain control (if ever they had it) of P& C Associations from Teachers Federation stooges and leftie parents, they might be able to demand the stripping of all politically inspired Climate Change rubbish from the walls of primary schools. That would be a start. But it won’t happen.
The change in the federal government means that any modest movement towards overhaul of K-12 curricula in the last couple of years is cactus. The insidious transformation of Australian education is complete.
The ABC can’t get over its obsession with masks:
Pleas for mask wearing as Australia ranks third worst for Covid cases and deaths
Note it’s stopped trying to manipulate governments and is going straight to the people with the familiar one-two punch – leading with a gaggle of academics insisting masks really do work and get your 14th booster yesterday, and following up with the head of some medical professional body crapping on about how their members have all died of terror because no masks.
Yeah, nah. That’s not going to work. The vast bulk of the ABC’s audience is already quintuple-masked and receives half-hourly boosters. They don’t need convincing.
It’s over, Aunty. It’s over.
It been like monty python, Down Fall and the crying game all in one.
Terrible ending though
That’s what she said.
BT who won the replay?
Small towns.
They are like big towns.
Only smaller.
Oops, I’ve hit a nerve with KD and his beloved PM’s team of sooks and little boys.
There there, I didn’t suggest you don’t light up a durrie, and sit on your old couch, as the long grassers yell and scream at each other passing your domicile of sweaty tiled floor bliss, in the hell hole of social disfunction you live in…and watch your little boys snivel and kneel …..just spare us.
With a bit of spaghetti western mixed in.
My story is being mocked by the jabbed.
Fucking rich that.
Dumb fucks.
Not only have we been overdosing on “Breakin’ Bad”.
I think we have also been watching boxed sets of “A Country Practice” and “Bellbird”.
I’ve always found the likes of KD to be scared of real men.
Oh sure, they may be able to boofo and even beat them up…….and they do.
But they hate the ones that make them look at themselves.
It’s great – Labor has become the luke warm version of themselves and the Greens are the real Labor deal.
Sancho Panzer says: July 25, 2022 at 4:03 pm
That may have been your assumption.
Either way, why continue to put your foot in it.
You’re only continuing in the hope one of your verbals will slide through & you’ll have a “pinch” on an unrelated irrelevant point that you can then use to prove policing in small towns is exactly the same as it is in Roma Street.
Change to another subject & drop this one.
I don’t have a couch. I live on a boat, like the chap in Backdraft.
It’s a Hartley. Got it cheap.
Emma from the pub says hi.
Are you now identifying as Sancho Harris or Kamala Panzer ?
Sancho Panzersays:
July 25, 2022 at 4:03 pm
Small towns.
They are like big towns.
Only smaller.
The parents were also brainwashed.
Decades of marching throught he institutions has to occur, and three generations as Yuri told us, and then it’s too late.
How many gen since the human filth of 1960’s marxist hippies moved into education?
Why are most TV chefs screaming queens — and the females appearing with them fag hags? Nothing to do with culinary creativity.
No, your delivery is being mocked. By both the jabbed and unjabbed.
Well, not all of them.
And the incident last week wasn’t really “Gunfight at The OK Corral” or “High Noon” stuff.
More rudimentary.
The weapons of choice were the VN Commodore* for the knockdown and the 12 gauge shotty as the finisher.
Somewhat untidy I’m told.
Won’t be an open casket affair, this one.
* Still yet to confirm that it has contrasting quarter panels, but I strongly suspect it does.
For those who like movie themes this Youtube video clip is worth a 5 mins listen. Electric guitar playing opening theme and the crowd loves it. One of the players has tears pouring down his face.
Top Gun Anthem at the Super Bowl
Perhaps you can fill its robotic colon with something more useful.
I wonder if hackers would find they could break into its OS by having one of those robotic dogs step on a bee?
Hello thailor!?!!
No wonder you watch fucking cricket.
Just asking.
Are we ignoring upticks?
No linky Bourne.
Please link so I can enter the Danger Zone.
Bird is less sooky then this crank.
Or needy.
Your time is nearly up, little gang of sneerers.
Vacant unethical types are starting to be seen for what they are.
As we see above, it’s not just me who have had enough.
You’re all talk but say nothing.
One thing for sure about things requiring confidentiality. Whether it be a criminal raid, a corporate takeover or a workforce restructure, generally people know who needs to be kept out of the loop.
As a general principle, those who know don’t say, and those who say don’t know.
Applies in many fields.
From Furniture Shop camp followers, yes.
There’s no shame in being gay, KD…..apparently.
That’s what they tell me these days.
Come ashore, it’s a much different Australia these days….you’ll fit right in, pardon the pun.
Pro tip:
Getting the same (small) number of dickless upticks ten seconds after a post is posted is a bit of a giveaway.
Oh come onsays:
July 25, 2022 at 3:36 pm
Greens Leader Adam Bandt says Labor’s 43 per cent emissions reductions target is “very weak” arguing it will not ensure warming is kept below 1.5 degrees.
What target do we need to ensure warming is kept below 1.5 degrees?
If you believe the Carbin Budget estimated by (IIRC) the IPCC, nothing we do can have any worthwhile effect. Adaptation is the only way forward. Adaptation requires, among other things, reliable, continuous, electrical power.
Labor bails out funeral insurance fund “cos first nations”
This is actually racist.
The Qantas fuel emergency story in a professional aviation publication:
St. Ruth, today:
St. Ruth, earlier:
The internet is forever.
You really are naive about the drug culture, aren’t you J.C?
Try getting your information from somewhere other than “True Detective Stories.”
Do I have to scroll back….no.
I’ll take it as a given that Notaclue is still clutching at straws in defense of the death jabs.
What I find amazing is the jabbed are now even getting polio.
That means of course, the unjabbed are evil and uncaring.
But ol’ hear no evil, see no evil, speak like nothing’s happened little club here keep the conversation light and on other subjects.
God bless their little cotton socks.
You forgot ner ner and plus infinite plus one.
Have you been to your local public library recently? I’ve always bought my own books so never bothered with them, but I started taking the kids to my local library a few years ago. Just recently, I began to browse the non-children sections while waiting for the kids to choose their books. I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise anyone that the average librarian is a lefty, but man…if you find a book that’s political – even slightly – it will always be left/progressive. I’ve tried to find something in the non-fiction section written from even the most milquetoast right-of-centre perspective imaginable, and there’s nothing.
Something else I’ve noticed – so much fiction pitched at teens and tweens is so freaking depressing. Suicides, deaths of best friends or parents, bullying, loneliness, dysfunction…lots of these kinds of narratives in books floating around for the kids today. Misery sells, apparently.
They left out the words ‘whom he did not even know.’
AIDS was spread bigtime by the ‘bath-house’ scene where men would go and have anonymous sex with multiple partners. Apparently this is a turn-on. It’s a male thing. Lesbians don’t do that.
I don’t care what form of sex people have, among consenting adults. But doing it without considering the consequences is a whole other ball game. There is no shortage of information out there about the dangers of unprotected sex. Can’t even muster a tiny violin.
He’s lucky he didn’t get AIDS – although maybe he did, he needs to wait three months to find out.
As the blog’s detritus busily go back and uptick each other,never gaining more ticks than the members of the club.
Yet to meet a cop who’s got any time for druggos.
Could be right about the “any time” bit but they do “luv” druggie money .. or I’m guessing you don’t have much familiarity with “houso” estates .. other than what AnAl tellz ya, that is .. LOL!
I’d rather have a sceptic like rosie checking links then some wonabe
Oberführer demanding obedience.
excellent 6 parter police drama set on a way out west indian reservation back in the 70s involving an armoured car robbery and the associated killings that follow .. DARK WINDS .. 10/10
Interesting that the differences between the two gay scenes never gets mentioned as some form of innate sex difference. Glory holes takes the whole idea of objectification to its extreme, we don’t even need the whole person for sex, just the wet bits. Not a woman thing that.
I live probably a thousand miles from the nearest houso estate.
My nearest experience would be boarding house derros – however while similar in some respects, they’re very different from housos, or a housing estate.
I wouldn’t know a houso estate were I to trip over one.
It should be noted that my comment was in context of country coppers, particularly (but not limited to) those in one-man stations in a small town.
Geez, Salvatore, seems many agree with you about the mouthy Dunning Kruger sufferer.
It was as obvious as dogs balls what was going to happen and no amount of financier bullshit – calling inflation different names – and telling people it was going to be different this time – has made up for the “inflation we have to have.”
But first off, let’s see who gets to play thepart of the winner in this scenario.
It sure as hell won’t be the man on the six o’clock bus.
Come to think of it, Boambee John, “climate change” is just another manifestation of lefty narcissism. Imagine imagining that you have the power to control the climate in a chaotic planetary ecosphere the size of the earth’s.
We are but specks in the universe but, in the lefty imagination, we are gods who control planetary weather.
So narcissistic.
Widdle bespoke doesn’t know the difference between moral arguments and feeling like he’s been ordered.
It’s his own concience ordering him, not me.
He’s just shitty I kept waking it up.
Err, Winston at 4:34.
You need to go back to source.
That was JC paraphrasing and taking the piss.
Snoffing and sceering, if you will.
The sentiments being parodied were expressed by another.
And how much time do we have, oh Great Omnipotent One?
OCO, if you’re looking for books for tween boys, Robert Muchamore’s spy genre stories are good (says my 11 yo grandson).
Sancho Panzer says: July 25, 2022 at 4:50 pm
No, it was JC being a fuckwit.
His normal level of discourse.
Both he & you are verballing there.
You really should cease verballing. If it doesn’t work first up, it only gets worse for you.
Quit while you’re only a few furlongs behind.
He always knew he was.
He can just say this now and….watcha gunna do about it?
Right now, just to understand where we are once a government puts itself above the rule of law, which IS the constitution…………..they’ve admitted the vaccines have killed.
Yet they are still mandating it.
We submitted ( I personally did not) but enough did……………
If you mandate something that has killed just one person, are you not a murderer?
What are we going to do about it?
They have our guns.
And John Howard knew enough history and enough political history to know exactly what he was doing.
The Lone Road Ranger loves upticks.
I did not know that.
And some of our boats too, I believe.
St ruth just wants to loved, lol.
How much time? Why, 9 to 39 months.
Next week it will be 8 to 38. Once more demonstrating that the internet forever, here’s a small sample of optimism from the downtrodden steely-eyed ‘enthusiastic Nazi bar staff’ hater:
*internet is forever*
Sorry. I’m on my boat and it’s a bit choppy.
This repeated theme makes me wonder if someone has been prohibited from obtaining a firearms licence for some reason.
Good Lord. The Neanderthals at SBS Food are shooting, gutting and frying their own gourmet teal ducks on the barbecue during a hunting expedition in Dorset. Just wait ’til the proletariat hear about this!
St Ruth.
Do you ever wonder why the vast legions of uptickers never post anything at the Furniture Store?
I mean, what have you got there?
– Bird.
– The Perennial Victim.
– The Ghost who Never Dies (but keeps threatening to).
– The SE Asian grifter.
– Kenn Worth Road Ranger
Who else?
Not being able to distinguish a semi-automatic rifle from a painted broomstick probably didn’t help.
As you say, the innernet is forever.
A late night Dark ‘n Stormy inspired Insta post about standing (or falling if necessary) could be misconstrued.
There was no discussion about the drug culture. A bunch of idiots and bignoters were telling us that cops send out large quantities of drugs from confiscated stock. Knuckle D, who I believe was a cop, also put the kibosh on that bullshit earlier this morning. Later on, Walter backpedaled his nonsense like he was doing a Tour De France in reverse.
You’ve been told several times by me to fuck off. You know shit all about nothing other than bed panning and acting like a neurotic, hyperbolic sheila (on the site) with everything frightening you. I don’t respect any of your stupid opinions because you’re an insufferable imbecile. Stop talking to me, and about me. As I’ve told you many times, my low opinion of you will never change. Accept this and all will be well.
The crimes being committed by governments world wide against their own peoples are so horrendous even people on right wing blogs have lost their grip on reality.
It’s all too much to comprehend.
And then the forced injections.
Their effects haven’t even started yet.
One minute we are free western nations and people with dreams and then, in an instant we were SENT TO HOME DETENTION while committing no crime and lost jobs careers, and couldn’t go to births deaths and marriages.
Billions of people world wide.
I understand that’s hard to compute.
But scoffing and ignoring reality is cowardice when men react this way.
KD, Frank, and a few others, who claim to be men, have disolved into uselessness, but even worse, in their denialism, they chose to …and need to….keep others there with them.
And that’s fucking low and intolerable.
It’s beyond a doubt now that the elites of the world, via the WEF, the WHO and the UN (all one and the same) , are at war with the west, and are at war with democracy and the nation states.
In my opinion they are the same people as communists with the same meglomania and hatred of humanity.
And communism was always global in it’s ambition.
The level of tyranny was, and I would argue still is, so incredibly over the top, and globally co ordinated that it literally blew people’s minds.
But shaking and denying the truth is not what is needed right now.
These statements I make are seen as orders by the likes of bespoke.
They are not orders and I don’t ask for followers.
I just tell uncomfortable truths that prick at men who don’t want to admit them.
Guys like this take PrEP at our expense via PBS.
Who have you got at your blog, slip lane?
This is on a par with not having one’s opinions respected by a moody 15yo teenage girl who has daddy issues.
test pattern
FMD, you a fucking idiot, Turtlehead and if I had my way I’d banish you from this site for rank stupidity.Homer Paston is better value than you on his bad days. Cops don’t take drug dealers to court in the formal sense you moron. Cops are the informants in cases and they hand over evidence to experienced prosecutors and it is THEM ( the prosecutors) who will decide the merits of the case. There are no black marks against cops in this sense, you ridiculous retarded Caribbean turtle. SHUT UP and go away. Don’t get me in a situation where I have to constantly comment on your low intellect all the time because with you it’s not fun.
Ruth – I sincerely think you need to calm down and take your meds, take a week off Alex Jones and stop watching ISIS videos on 4Chan.
You’re sounding crazier than an islamic terrorist at a pork festival.
Stuth, do you have a vid playing the banjo. I’ve heard you’re really, really good.
It’s quite historic that the feud between Salvatore and JC, in their various iterations, have been going since around 2009. I hope there’s a chapter on it in the official history of the Cat.
I could tell a joke about pizza, but it’s a little cheesy.
You really should cease using yank tv crime shows as a source.
You are right OCO
My daughter complains about the woke offerings in the picture book area too.
There are some decent in between kids series though.
I’ve read a Muchamore, not bad.
Rangers apprentice series, Deltora Quest, Redwall, plenty around if you want to avoid stand alone woke. I didn’t like Alex Rider so much though I might have a look at the TV series on Prime. Robert Parker wrote a couple of Young Spenser my son liked.
Victor Kelleher and John Christopher for dystopian, not so keen on John Marsden.
The barmaid and the bed-panner.
Odd how surveys have replaced self-reflection.
Accompanied a family member yesterday to a pretty amazing doctor’s clinic, actually open on a Sunday. Everything was as it should be with the place and the personnel. Great. However, got an sms today asking for ‘feedback’. Why. Surely people can, upon reflection, make their own judgement about themselves. All manner of enterprises and people within them – education, business, trades, health , recreation, etc – seem to depend on extrinsic estimations of worth, to depend on what comes from the mouths of others rather than on insight that comes from self reflection. Which to trust.
We have few commenters at the furniture store yet a surprising amount of visitors considering.
If you started a blog sancho, how would you attract……what am I saying, you’d never get off your arse to do anything.
I wholeheartedly supported NFA’s initiative to get that blog up and running as Sinclair closed down his.
Most commenters here rushed over there and became members just incase so as not to lose contact with each other, as was NFA’s desire.
You might do well to put your own performance forward when the chips are down sancho, for us to examine.
What in Chrit’s name have you done for anyone on any of these blogs.
All you’ve done is get off your fat lazy arse to go down and get jabbed….to comply.
To submit.
And then come here and criticise the people who do positive things.
You really are a piece of shit.
Some people may have noticed over the years that I am not a follower and I live by my convictions.
NFA was doing good things and many here took advantage of his efforts at the time.
And judging by the visits they still come to see what is said,…..in their hundreds per day.
The world is full of people who don’t feel as easy as I do to stand out in the crowd and I’m sure your piss and wind sneering here sees many just read and not comment over there.
But it is true free speech, no matter who it is.
Yes, Bird does comment from time to time there, AS HE DOES HERE, you dribbling space cadet…
and he can say what he likes as long as it isn’t going to get the blog shut down.
Anyone can.
It’s called free speech, and it’s not just a slogan.
You, Sancho of the spouting mouth, are human detritus, and you always have been.
A useless coward.
Because you deny, and try to get others to be kept from, the truth.
That’s why KD feels so comportable as your bum chum.
And a few others here.
Don’t know the show, then again I’m not across american tv crime shows.
How many seasons have you watched?
Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
excellent 6 parter police drama set on a way out west indian reservation back in the 70s involving an armoured car robbery and the associated killings that follow .. DARK WINDS .. 10/10
Finished it last night. Starting the Terminal List tonight. Tried Aftertaste last week – shouldn’t have. Horrible people.
Andrew Lawrence – Monkeypox emergency
Before that, Tom. I think it was around 2007 when the dickhead first showed up at the Cat after he’d been dumped from the leftwing Lavatory Pronto site for general stupidity. His own site (Publik House) had accumulated 7 readers and 4 commenters in 6 years. It wasn’t a blog as such, but more of a narcissistic pubbling, outbacking and Croc Dundee vanity site. Funny as for all the wrong reasons. Recently, the big-noting imbecile told us he was managing all of four blogsites. Imagine.
Take the survey St Ruth.
And please be honest with your feedback.
Nothing about guns, though.
They’re watching.
On a serious note, if you want to use less gin in a negroni, what would you compensate with? Be useful for a change.
We went to a new Italian joint last week where a plate of freaking pasta was 45 bucks. However, I’ve never tasted a more perfect Negroni as the one they made. Just perfect.
It’s a gun that also doubles as a banjo.
And at least there are no problems posting comments at the furniture store.
Still issues here Dover.
Did you know the first French fries weren’t actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece
Sal at 5:25.
Who do you think runs the prosecution of drug cases in the major courts?
Not pissy half-ounce dope possession cases in the magistrates.
I haven’t read them, rosie. But the little fellow has become addicted to reading … a bit like his mother’s generation with Harry Potter. As she says, anything to get him reading and forming an imaginative life. No doubt he’ll progress in time.
Perhaps to Le Carré if he’s into spies! 🙂
History rhyming…
1984. HIV/AIDS: The closure of San Francisco’s bathhouses. Part One.
On 9th October 1984, San Francisco’s Director of Public Health, Mervyn Silverman, ordered the closure of fourteen bathhouses in the city. Within six hours of him issuing the order two had already re-opened. A further ten had re-opened within 24 hours.
Clearly the defiance of the closure orders highlights just what a contentious issue it was.
Mayor Feinstein. She sent two plainclothes police officers into bathhouses to investigate and write a report of their findings. Despite the fact that the report was never released, much was made of how shocked the investigators were by what they saw.
When Silverman had stated, “Make no mistake about it; these fourteen businesses are not fostering gay liberation. They are fostering disease and death”, the president of the Golden Gate Business Association had responded, “Rather than fostering health, Silverman’s remarks were fostering bigotry and hate.”
So much the bloody same, monkeypox is a prime candidate for control and eradication, but any form of education/restriction will be called homophobia.
Despite a distinct lack of lesbians getting the thing.
I assumed there must be hundreds in moderation.
So what you see is what you get?
I know.
Klaus and the WEF.
Stuth, the early years
And a certain unflushable turd, already being a serial wrongologist/chameleon in the 80’s
“The finding of AIDS in infants and children who are household contacts of patients with AIDS or persons with risks for AIDS has enormous implications with regard to ultimate transmissibility of this syndrome,” Fauci says. “If routine close contact can spread the disease, AIDS takes on an entirely new dimension,” he adds.”
? Randy Shilts, And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic
Bwah ha ha ha.
Just had a look.
Bird is talking about terra-forming Mars.
No nano-wrigglers though.
Which is good.
Lysander you poor soul.
My take on the situation is in line with Neil Oliver, Donald Trump and millions of others.
They say exactly the same thing.
If you don’t like hearing the truth, it doesn’t make it bullshit, it’s to do with you.
Sanchez please, not now. I’m trying to get a serious answer from Drills about a drink. I want to reduce the gin proportion, but what would be a good substitute? He needs to focus.
Yes, still waiting for the fuckers to come through with the folding money and groupies which is my due for the obvious godlike abilities and physique.
Obviously Thancho is not Michael Caine otherwise he would have known.
July 25, 2022 at 4:53 pm
OCO, if you’re looking for books for tween boys, Robert Muchamore’s spy genre stories are good (says my 11 yo grandson).
If they are interested in sailing, try the Arthur Ransome books.
I have a horrible suspicion that these are not quite the “routine close contacts” Dr Death is wanting us to believe.
It’s a bloody fine line now. And the fact the parents aren’t allowed a voucher system to have control over where their children are taught is a good indicator of the governments priorities.
We have less control or input into our personal lives than at any time over the last 120 years.
“It was never about Health – it was always about Control.”
And what are you adding to anything Sancho?
It’s called free speech.
You just don’t get it do you.
You need little gangs……you’re a cowardly collectivist.
Relax, you don’t have to read it.
I don’t.
Do you think we should let you have a say over who gets to comment here?
Otoh, I’ve seen an NDIS worker, their client and several family members strolling through the shopping centre. Your tax dollars hard at work. I’ve also seen an NDIS worker doing double time as an Uber Eats delvery person, client in tow.
Thanks BJ. I’m always interested in what the grandies are reading. And recommendations are always welcome.
Uh. St. Ruth.
I realise this may be hard for you to digest, but I’m not on the soapbox ‘keeping’ anyone anywhere.
People will do and think as they wish. I am not here to change anyone’s minds on any subject.
You, however, having yuuuugely bigly failed as a local pollie seem to think four wordwalls a day, plus ancillary public sooking is the next best thing.
If you don’t like my policies, don’t vote for me.
Please some respect.
Its Lavatory Rodeo not Lavatory Pronto
He said, having banned Bird several times.
Oh yes, Stuth the banjo playing individualist.
Thancho don’t do it. It’ll make you go blind. Next thing you’ll be listening to Wagner. Whenever I read Ken, which I’ve started to do for a laugh, I can hear him as the failed Austrian painter in full flight. It really does add something, pathos maybe. Still good for a laugh.
That sound we hear is goalposts shifting.
Its Major Courts now.
Not blowhard country cops in one-horse towns.
Yes you are.
Very much so.
Whether you are succeeding or not may be questioned, but your scoffing is well known.
You never offer any argument to what is presented.
You can’t, so like a lefty, you attack the motives and character of those presenting the information.
A major drug bust would be heard in a major court which are usually on rotation in regional areas, you drunk fuckwit. Last night we weren’t discussing someone growing a dope tree in the backyard. Go dust the bar, you idiot.
On the other hand, sometimes the “patient” doesn’t want the family member doing certain things for them. You have no idea the battle I’ve had just to do the vacuuming and bathrooms.
We’ve booked a glacially slow ACAT, and will try it for “housekeeping” stuff. I have no doubt that it will be a failure, like most government services, and it will all fall back on me. Good.
For those poor old ones with no family, it has to be better than nothing.
We’ve really moved up from a casual comment from a country copper to a fellow citizen.
You prize blundering unfocused sack of empty-chequebooked dog turd.
I seem to remember Lavage Pro Dildo getting a run for a while too. Wonder what weather girl is up to these days, working in a bank hopefully.
Am not.
Greatly appreciated. Said scoffing is directed at the message, and sometimes the messenger if that messenger spends all day abusing people and then wondering why he can’t entice them to appreciate his worldview. People scoffed at Jim Jones too, you know.
The scoffing (and sneering) [again, ta] is not designed to make people do anything. I’m not calling people to arms, and to rise up in an unspecified manner against something you can’t put your finger on.
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