Wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t here in the first place. What part of everywhere they are turns into…
Wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t here in the first place. What part of everywhere they are turns into…
“Build coal plants”.. (which they wont) .I was thinking the government are a bunch of sociopaths. How could you not…
And it looks as if in future if anyone wants to avoid being interviewed by police they can simply refuse.…
Hopefully, Lebanon.
Is that like SGDS? That where a Muslim dirtbag refugee drives a vehicle through a crowd of infidels. Happens all…
If Adam Bandt and Lydia Thorpe truly believe that white people are invaders, exploiters and genocidalists, why don’t they show a bit of leadership and LEAVE? Win/win!
Dover, a worthy piece of art.
I trust you have seen the “Gabriel, blow the trumpets” meme?
So if HiMARS did in fact take out the Azov POWs and the Ukes are in fact lobbing antipersonnel mines, etc. into Donetsk the US/UK were instrumental in the targeting and/or know about it, and so are complicit in any alleged war crime prosecution.
Ftb, I have now.
I hope they got al-Zawahiri this time.
This really might be a case of third time lucky.
Will Smith/Rock.
Really, who gives a shit?
Both sides are dirty shirts Dover.
Lots of photo evidence months ago of Russian artillery delivered A/P mines. As for the prison camp strike I’ve seen claims from both sides so I have no idea who did it. I’d tend to go for Ukraine as the source of the artillery, probably via faulty intel since they’ve been striking various barracks lately. But the other fact is that those prisoners were handed by Russia to DPR custody and not removed from the battlefield area. Those aspects have their own implications since DPR is not subject to the Geneva Convention but Russia technically is. There’s been a lot of sneaking around agreements going on by both sides – not least that Ukraine has ratified the anti mining treaty…that seems to’ve gone by the wayside completely.
That’s true of every war, but here it implicates countries other than Ukraine.
China Threatens To Retaliate For Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip By Letting Her Return Safely
No matter what vicissitudes I encounter over the next few days, what injuries, what losses, what failings I discover in myself…I will be buoyed by the memory of being first on this thread.
Don’t know what the rest of you are going to do.
tap tap testing 123
For the second time in less than a year, the cabal running the Biden White House has threatened to start a major international war – first with Russia and now with communist China. The apparent strategy is to inflict a crippling defeat on the USA’s woke-led armed forces – the reason the Chinese Communist Party bought the Biden family. Tucker Carlson Tonight.
NRC To Issue Rule Certifying NuScale Small Modular Reactor – 29 July 2022
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has directed the staff to issue a final rule that
certifies NuScale’s small modular reactor design for use in the United States. The certification’s
effective date is 30 days after the NRC publishes the rule in the Federal Register.
NRC certification means the design meets the agency’s applicable safety requirements. An
application for a nuclear power plant combined license that references a certified design will not
need to address any of the issues resolved by the design certification rule. Instead, the combined
license application and the NRC’s safety review would address any remaining safety and
environmental issues for the proposed nuclear power plant. The design certification approves the
NuScale reactor’s “design control document,” which is incorporated by reference in the final rule.
NuScale submitted an application to the NRC on Dec. 31, 2016, to certify the company’s
small modular reactor design for use in the United States. The NRC staff met its schedule goals for
completing its technical review. The design uses natural, “passive” processes such as convection
and gravity in its operating systems and safety features, while producing up to approximately 600
megawatts of electricity. The SMR’s 12 modules, each producing 50 megawatts, are all submerged
in a safety-related pool built below ground level.
The NRC has previously certified six other designs: the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor,
System 80+, AP600, AP1000, the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor and the APR1400.
More information about the NuScale design review can be found on the NRC’s website.
tap tap testing …
What are you testing, IR?
NuScale Power is creating VOYGR™ plants, a new kind of nuclear power plant that is smarter, cleaner, safer and cost competitive. The innovative concept incorporates all of the components for steam generation and heat exchange into a single integrated unit called the NuScale Power Module™ (NPM). Each NPM operates independently within a multi-module configuration. Up to 12 modules are monitored and operated from a single control room. The compact design of the NPM allows it to be built and assembled in a U.S. factory, then shipped to a prepared site for easy deployment.
The reactor measures 65 feet tall x 9 feet in diameter. It sits within a containment vessel measuring 76 feet tall x 15 feet in diameter. The reactor and containment vessel operate inside a water-filled pool that is built below grade. The reactor operates using the principles of buoyancy driven natural circulation; hence, no pumps are needed to circulate water through the reactor. Water is heated as it passes over the core. As it heats up, the water rises through the central riser within the interior of the vessel.
Once the heated water reaches the top of the riser, it is drawn downward by water that is cooled passing through the steam generators. The cooler water has a higher density. It is pulled by gravity back down to the bottom of the reactor where it again flows over the core. Water in the reactor system is kept separate from the water in the steam generator system to prevent contamination.
As the hot water in the reactor system passes over the hundreds of tubes in the steam generator, heat is transferred through the tube walls and the water inside the tubes turns to superheated steam. The steam is directed to a small skid mounted turbine that is attached by a single shaft to the electrical generator. After passing through the turbines, the steam loses its energy. It is cooled back into liquid form in the condenser then pumped by the feed water pump back to the steam generator where it begins the cycle again.
New thread is just in time for an interest rate rise.
Mmm…even with its woke leadership it’s likely the Americans would inflict serious damage on the Chinese in any large scale military conflict simply due to their technological advantage at that level of warfare. How that would then play out domestically in China is anyone’s guess.
I love chocolate.
Every time I see this person, I want to give her a good non sexual licking.
I wonder if she tastes like a chocolate Freddo Frog or a Caramello Freddo Frog.
Carry on, everyone.
Reasonable ruling by Michael Lee.
Similar to his ruling in the Joe Aston case.
Pity the judges running the BRS & Porter cases didn’t run the same tight ships.
Triple fronted brick veneer house round the corner sold on the weekend, well below asking and only 85k more than the owners paid five years ago before renovating.
They paid 100k over the reserve back then.
Second attempt to auction too I think.
This scenario only works if the O’Biden/Harris administration orders retaliation.
What if the Chinese start their invasion and the President orders the stand down of the US forces? He can do that, in the name of World Peace, of course.
Why not?
Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.
War is declared by Congress, not the POTUS.
If Congress declared war and the POTUS ordered the military to stand down he wouldn’t remain POTUS for long.
Done right, a thing of dignity.
Anyone want to bet on Montys fat mouth lasting long?
Muntypoxes Gasconading* would see him choking on a ball in no time.
* what a great little word
War is declared by Congress, not the POTUS.
Oh you!
I am struggling with the cognitive dissonance of Bandt and Thorpe being members of a parliament founded by invaders and colonisers.
Surely they are not just virtue signalling and taking the money. I cant believe such high minded individuals could stoop so low.
More on THAT judgement – W.A. Attorney General seems to have had his bottom smacked good and hard.
Great video on manual well drilling. Solid gold information for living in future Australia!
What if the Chinese start their invasion and the President orders the stand down of the US forces? He can do that, in the name of World Peace, of course.
The route to ensuring defeat will be a time tested and proven method:
900 pages of Rules of Engagement.
Correct, but the President has emergency powers to deal with a State of Emergency then it’s up to the Democrat controlled Congress to make the war legal.
The issue is -as the Commander – in – Chief, Biden can refuse the Armed Forces taking action until Congress demands he does, and even then he can refuse and he will be impeached.
This isn’t about declaring war – it’s about the President not taking action that he is allowed to take.
Can you see the potential Constitutional Crisis here?
Which way will Congress jump, and how long will it take them?
Fat Clive’s litigation record is about as his political adventures. He seems to have succeeded despite himself, still he is apparently a billionaire and I’m not, at least last time I checked.
The original thesis was that Biden would declare war * so the woke US military would be defeated. I find that quite a stretch, even if it is Tucker Carlson proposing it.
* Yes, Presidents have begun wars without Congressional approval, but I don’t think Biden’s presidency is in a strong enough position for him (or whoever is pulling his strings) to do that. The American people emphatically do not want another foreign adventure right now.
Canada’s Dead Doctor Count:
August 2, 2022 at 3:47 pm
Great video on manual well drilling. Solid gold information for living in future Australia!
Another one – my Stonemason Father-in-law used to use large star drills similar in size to large crowbar to drill holes for blasting sandstone for quarrying.
Hand Drilling and Breaking Rock for Wilderness Trail Maintenance
Oops! didn’t realise there was a new thread – so, risking being a bore, I will repost my comment on the Q&A on “The Voice to Parliament”:
I have just viewed a repeat of the Q&A examination of the proposal of the Voice to Parliament at the Garma Festival.
I thought Stan Grant did an excellent job of attempting to allow various opinions to be heard. Jacinta Price, of course, impressed once again for her genuine humanity, great understanding of the issues and concern to respect dissenting voices.
What was clear from most of the questions from the Aboriginal representation in the audience is that few actually understood what was being proposed. Many of the “aunties” in the audience simply wanted to ensure that what was left of the particular cultural legacy of their language group, was preserved. Fair enough – but that is up to them. It will be an uphill battle.
The grim faced elderly male representative of the local Yolgnu (forgotten his name) wanted either a Treaty or “the Voice” – although I suspect he would prefer a Treaty, as that would entail independence financed by the rest of us. He also referred to the “traditional law” working, if the government would allow it to function. Rubbish! It is not simply that traditional law is, in the modern world, barbaric and unacceptable – but that, in any case, it doesn’t solve disputes in contemporary life.
Besides Jacinta, the one source of hope came when a young lass rose to say how being sent out of the community to achieve a good education was a godsend for her. Good for her. She, and others like her, are the only hope of bringing her people out of a disoriented and aimless existence.
I am definitely ordering this shirt and one for wifey.
Thanks for that summary, Vicki.
You know, in truth I think the seed of my own success – getting first place on the podium of this thread – was germinated years ago.
Back when I was five years old…
Do tell…(sneaks away to make a cup of tea).
Did you grow up in public housing ML?
Single mum?
Another one – my Stonemason Father-in-law used to use large star drills similar in size to large crowbar to drill holes for blasting sandstone for quarrying.
The same method was used at Hellfire Pass, on the Burma-Siam Railway.
Did you burn your underpants for warmth?
Sweet cheeses, don’t let the doddering old fool watch an episode of McHales Navy – who knows what he might do.
Mother Lodesays:
August 2, 2022 at 4:28 pm
You know, in truth I think the seed of my own success – getting first place on the podium of this thread – was germinated years ago.
Back when I was five years old…
Living with my single mother in a Housing Commission Home, I dreamt of Thai Tugs
Snap Calli
Besides Jacinta, the one source of hope came when a young lass rose to say how being sent out of the community to achieve a good education was a godsend for her. Good for her. She, and others like her, are the only hope of bringing her people out of a disoriented and aimless existence.
With your knowledge of indigenous culture, would the “elders” be more prepared to let girls leave for education, rather than boys? If so, then young aboriginal women might provide a way out of the bottomless pit of despair that is far too many outback “communities”.
Apart from the “Eye Level” earworm that I have been whistling all day as I weed the garden (thanks lotocoti), every time I refresh the page I read:
Mater’s Musings #54: “You’re the voice, you’re standing in it”.
The G&T isn’t helping either. 😀
Cup? Think barrel. I can tell meandering aimless tales with the best of them. By the end your insides will be like leather from the tannins, and your skin like leather from denaturing, life-leaching boredom.
Calli, I grew up in a single house with a public mum. There is no commonwealth support for that particular circumstance. But I am hoping to ramp that up as the new ‘tragedy in our midst’ once these boys finish getting their schlongs lopped off and girls get tired of having the real flesh of their arms sloughed off to make fake willies.
Just climbing the greasy totem pole.
Identify as indigenous. And transgender. With a disability.
You’ll be right then, maaaaaate.
You really started life behind the 8 ball then!
Eyebrows are not very plausible. What’s known in legal parlance as being guilty of plucking, with intent to pencil in.
Public Service Snouts in the Australian Taxpayers’ Trough
Government rushes to deny ex-bureaucrats $8b windfall
The Albanese government is rushing legislation into Parliament to kill off a Federal Court case that if successful could expose taxpayers to a potential payout of up to $8 billion for retired public servants.
About 10,000 public servants who had enjoyed an overseas posting in their career could reap a windfall of up to $11 million each under their defined benefits superannuation scheme if the loophole is not closed.
While introducing retrospective laws are highly unusual, Labor MPs endorsed the legislation at Tuesday morning’s caucus meeting. The opposition has sought a briefing on it.
Finance Minister Katy Gallagher will introduce the bill on Wednesday, with hopes that it will pass Parliament on Thursday.
The legislation is necessary after former diplomats Brendan Peace, Peter Fennell and Timothy Vistarini argued that the value of their rent-free accommodation provided while on overseas postings should be counted as income for determining their pension entitlements under their generous defined benefits superannuation scheme.
They also said their location and hardship allowances paid on top of their usual salaries should also be included in calculating their nest eggs.
The Morrison government introduced regulations to stop future claims, but legal advice indicated retrospective laws would not be required because the ex-public servants would fail in their case.
However, the Albanese government is scrambling to pass legislation dealing with retrospective claims.
Senator Gallagher said there was a danger that some Commonwealth employees could receive “significant windfall increases in superannuation benefits that are well beyond community standards” totalling millions of dollars only because they have received rent-free housing.
On the flip side, a small cohort of public servants could be saddled with large, unexpected debts for unpaid member contributions in return for little or no increase in their superannuation benefits.
There was also the risk the federal taxpayers could incur significant additional costs to meet higher superannuation benefits and employer contributions. The Commonwealth closed its defined benefits super scheme to new entrants in 2005.
“The bill protects against these potential unintended outcomes and ensures that the entitlements of Commonwealth employees remain fair and reasonable and, importantly, that they continue to represent a responsible use of taxpayers’ money,” Senator Gallagher said.
“The retrospective repeal will not apply to Commonwealth employees, if any, with a default superannuation salary that explicitly included the value of rent-free housing provided to them from 1 July 1986 to 28 February 2022, as evidenced by contributions having been paid on that basis.
“The bill is the most effective way of protecting against the unintended, and inequitable consequential impacts of a potential judgment that reverses long-standing practice.”
The case affects about 10,000 public servants who worked overseas between 1986 and 2022, including those from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Federal Police.
The government estimates the exposure to taxpayers at between $3 billion and $8 billion.
Some public servants would have their taxpayer-funded pension lump sum entitlements swell from $1 million to $11 million.
There were cases in the Kimberly’s where the young girls left the Third World shitholes to be educated – when their culture decreed that they return to the cycles of abuse and despair, they took their own lives…
Also, Billy Gibbons wants his hat back.
I was brought home to a fibro garage (no lining) in the badlands of Cabramatta. The house was built later and still stands to this very day.
My great disadvantage – loving parents who worked hard and played hard and moved at great personal cost to the LNS so I could go to a half decent public school.
The horror!
For those that were missing him, Bob has appeared on this blog.
I knew I’d flush him out eventually.
Nice to see that you’re watching, Bob.
Ahahaha! Mater, you did it!
As the feat was achieved on Aug 1, I give you a hoarse laugh and two foot stamps.
And a sprig of wattle, because I now identify as a Proud Cabramatta Woman.
The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What?
The evidence is amassed and verified—the only unknown is what Republicans will do next.
It could be the whopper of the year.
“I can tell you that in every case we follow the facts and the evidence and the law and we do so without regard to politics or ideology,” Matthew Olsen, head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, solemnly assured the House Judiciary Committee during a hearing last week.
Olsen was responding to a question by U.S. Representative Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) about the decision to arrest several men for supposedly conspiring to abduct and assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. “The alleged Whitmer plot was announced on October 7, 2020 within a month of the U.S. presidential election,” Bishop asked Olsen. “How come that [was the] timing for the FBI’s announcement of this plot?”
Olsen refused to explain why, opting instead to commit borderline perjury by insisting the Justice Department turns a blind eye to politics—all evidence accumulated over the past six years to the contrary.
But now that two men have been acquitted after defense attorneys convinced a Michigan jury in April that the FBI entrapped their clients—the jury deadlocked on two other defendants who face a new trial next week—Bishop’s question demands an answer. And it won’t come from a dangerously-weaponized Justice Department focused almost entirely on prosecuting Americans who protested Joe Biden’s election on January 6, 2021 and with its sights now trained on indicting Donald Trump.
Despite Olsen’s stonewalling, the answer to Bishop’s question is in plain sight. Just as it did with phony claims of Russian election collusion in 2016, the FBI fabricated a scandal in 2020 aimed at sabotaging Trump right before a national election. FBI authorities didn’t thwart a kidnapping plot; the agency created one while simultaneously attempting to duplicate the effort in Virginia against Governor Ralph Northam. (Trump heavily criticized both Democratic leaders for sustained lockdown policies, including his April 2020 tweets to “Liberate Michigan!” and “Liberate Virginia!”)
No kidnapping plan existed outside the minds of multiple FBI agents and informants responsible for conceiving and executing these operations with approval from FBI headquarters in Washington. In fact, the men criminally charged did not even know each other before the FBI began stitching the group together in March 2020.
The Whitmer kidnapping hoax is another flagrant instance of the FBI interfering in a presidential election. Whitmer and Joe Biden both made the most of the politically fortuitous news, blaming Trump for inspiring the alleged kidnappers.
Then what?
It does not appear that congressional Republicans have any plan to deal with this subversive agency aside from a flurry of sternly worded letters and heated television interviews—the same failed strategy the GOP pursued after 2016, which only emboldened the FBI to again play politics in the 2020 election. Some Republican leaders miraculously—infuriatingly?—hold unjustified trust in FBI Director Christopher Wray, who hasn’t faced a single question about his foreknowledge and involvement in the Whitmer caper.
Republicans in the House and Senate must develop a strategy to dismantle the FBI and punish its most egregious offenders if the GOP takes control next year. A free country cannot exist much longer under control of a Praetorian Guard that the opposition party is too afraid to confront. The evidence is amassed and verified
—the only unknown is what Republicans will do next.
Be kind to the old sausage, he’s been kicked off everywhere else.
Following on from above post on FBI
Media’s ‘Insurrection’ Fixation Paints a Skewed Picture of Political Reality
With the January 6 circus, the Democratic Party is demanding unconditional loyalty in the name of democratic principles they reject.
We live in a country where one political faction is empowered to reject election results by any legal or illegal means and impose their will through violence, while their opponents are commanded to lie down and take the abuse. Call it what you like, but this disparity in treatment is not democratic. It is also a really good way to disillusion people. It causes one to wonder if the Left is intentionally radicalizing the Right: the Left certainly has not hesitated to use January 6 to crack down on their enemies even harder.
One wouldn’t know any of this from tuning in to the January 6 committee show. With the “insurrection” circus, the Democratic Party is demanding unconditional loyalty in the name of democratic principles they reject: the peaceful transfer of power, rule by consent, non-violence. If there is a way back to a more civil and democratic America, the path does not lie through the show trials on TV.
It was lovely while it lasted. Such a shame the peaceful interregnum has ended.
Standby for idiocy levels reaching into the stratosphere.
we are all venezuela now
I was first on the very first open thread here at New Catallaxy.
Nothing else now matters.
I don’t think numbers will last, though he’s already here in other guises.
Neither Monkeypox nor China Virus can keep this lovely couple Emmanuel & Justin apart.
From the Comments
– Do they use French Letters, or Cuban ones?
– Those mug-shots are enough to make any self-respecting simian shudder!
CountryBumpkin said…
– had an excellent comment, but probably not suitable till after 9pm – you will have to link through
I was the first at CL’s.
No one can take that from you, rosie.
August 2, 2022 at 5:02 pm
I was first on the very first open thread here at New Catallaxy.
Nothing else now matters.
A Ha – but were you born in a Mud Hut – if yes you outweigh Houso
It’s young dead doctors if you don’t mind.
Judt another covid grifter to add to the lengthening list.
Long shoes and red nose? The Groucho glasses and moustache are already taken.
I must admit, I’m missing being told. 🙂
No, and no. I’ve refused to approve any of his comments and I’m not going to start now.
He’s been trying this on for a few months, both here and on twitter, and I won’t have it.
Some years ago, in Western Australia, a legal expert produced a list of rights and principles that were violated by tribal law and tribal punishment…no right to legal representation, no right of appeal were two that stuck in the mind…
He feels compelled to wear the old armour and colours when confronting me.
He lost the old duel. He’s out to save face.
A proven liar remains a proven liar, even 12 months on.
How’s the PhD going ?
Can’t really say his PhD considering taxpayers are funding it.
Oh. And there I was thinking he had finally discovered some small sense of decency and even become reconciled to his own mean and preposterous nature.
Apparently not.
Thanks for shielding us from the cantankerous old misery-guts, Dover.
Apologies DB.
I wasn’t aware.
He won’t be missed.
Well, I identify as first.
And you can’t take that away from me.
Everybody was first – it is the new way.
Trophies all round!
Cruel and unusual punishment.
One can but hope.
The WEF Wants to Reduce Car Ownership by 90 Percent and Nudge People Into Eating Plants and Bugs
More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage,” the group argued, pointing to statistics that show the average vehicle in England is driven “just 4% of the time.”
Though it did not address how car sharing could be more effectively utilized in a nation like the U.S. where cars are heavily relied on and public transportation is lacking in both rural and urban communities.
The WEF also advocates that people stop consuming meat and instead eat insects, algae, lentils, fonio, okra, moringa, spinach, mushrooms, and cactuses to lower their “carbon footprints.”
I was born, literally, in a triple fronted orange brick veneer* built by my dad with help from friends and family.
Now gone as the suburb gentrified.
*what could be lamer?
Mud Hut? LOOXURY!! ’twere a hole in road for my lot.
In any case, numbers can cast his nasturtiums from afar, at his own little place on the internet.
I’m sure his welcome mat is out.
The Congressional Budget Office warned that US federal debt is expected to rise 185% within the next 30 years.
Total debt holdings could double the size of US GDP by 2051. No politician or spender of this debt cares as they have no intention of paying it off. The Congressional Budget Office is calling this an optimistic forecast, given the previous estimate of debt soaring to 202% of GDP by 2051. The fact of the matter is that no one can foresee how much money politicians will continue to spend. Servicing the debt will become more expensive over time, expected to reach 10% of GDP by 2051, 7.4% in 2042, and 5.1% in 2032.
Most do not realize that the national debt is already at monumental levels. US gross federal debt to GDP reached 100% by 2012. The ratio remained somewhat stagnant until capitalism became sick with COVID in 2020, and the GDP to debt ratio rose to 128.1%. The figure stood at 137.2% by December of 2021 and has continued to increase.
China no longer wants US debt and has begun to sell off its holdings. As other currencies decline relative to the dollar, US debt, and all government debt in general, no longer seems like a smart investment. We have reached a point where Congress can continue to pass bills and bribe voters with socialistic promises from their latest puppets because no one cares about the future of America. The US will be the last to fold but expect the inevitable as countries, city-states, and governments are all temporary in the eyes of father time.
Daily Mail. Any of the bush lawyers on this blog help out? Does this bloke have any recourse to help the cost of his defence?
If ever I ran into someone from the WEF I’d have to resist the urge to nudge them off the footpath.
Could be a case of malicious prosecution, in which case yes, he certainly does.
I reckon he has folded his tent there.
No doubt a condition of funding would be that his ramblings would have to be made public.
Knowing that his Magnum Opus might be held up to the light by certain people, he has probably put the brakes on.
Europe has lost the energy war
The livelihoods of millions have already been sacrificed
Meanwhile, several countries across Europe are considering dimming or switching off public lights, and even adopting “energy curfews”, with early closures for businesses and public offices. And more drastic measures are under consideration — including gas rationing for energy-intensive industries such as steel and agriculture.
These measures are part of an EU-wide Gas Demand Reduction Plan, ominously titled Save Gas for a Safe Winter, to reduce gas use in Europe by 15% until next spring. Among the proposals is a provision that officials in Brussels impose fines for non-compliance if they decide the crisis is escalating dangerously.
several countries, led by Germany, have announced their intention to embrace austerity once again. “For Germany, it’s clear: we will not make use of the general escape clause,” said the German Finance Minister Christian Lindner, arguing that the priority now had to be fighting inflation. “We will return to the debt brake. We have to stop the addiction to ever more indebtedness.” For this, he added, “we have to get out of our expansionary fiscal policies, and out of the debts, so that the central bank has the space to fight inflation with its means”.
In other words, Germany seems intent on once again plunging the continent even deeper into recession through utterly self-defeating austerity, just as it did in the wake of the financial crisis. Europe is already heading for a stagflationary scenario — a situation where high inflation is associated with low or negative growth. Austerity would simply make a bad situation even worse.
Yet Russia’s leader is not the only one to blame for our current predicament. If today we find ourselves on the brink of disaster, and already facing massive economic hardship, the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of European leaders. Put to one side the fact that waging “total economic and financial war” on a nuclear-armed regional power that shares more than 2,000 kilometres of borders with Europe could hardly be considered a sensible move, it was glaringly obvious that cutting off Europe-Russia economic relations was going to hurt the former much more than the latter, given Europe’s dependency on Russian gas.
There’s something pathologically infantile about the behaviour of European leaders: they enjoy strutting around on the world stage and making grandiose speeches about “democracy standing up to autocracy”, and yet they don’t seem to be cognisant of the real-world consequences of their words.
Old Ozzie
The WEF also advocates that people stop consuming meat and instead eat insects, algae, lentils, fonio, okra, moringa, spinach, mushrooms, and cactuses to lower their “carbon footprints.”
They should lead by example, and publish the menus and photos of the food at all future Davos meetings.
And who better that people who use chauffer driven cars to lead the way on vehicle sharing, and demonstrate the viability of the scheme. Let’s see, vehicles used only 4% of the time. That means that the Davos mob could reduce their collective vehicle fleet by 96%. There might be some inconvenience for those who have to get the 0400 lift, but it would be worth it to them, to save the world. //sarc
There’s that name again.
than people …
Dover, could you let numbers back on, to draw a bit of heat from JC?
I’m getting humiliated here
You’re on your own, Numbers is a diabolical old tool.
No need to apologize, Mater.
August 2, 2022 at 5:25 pm
August 2, 2022 at 5:25 pm
I was born, literally, in a triple fronted orange brick veneer* built by my dad with help from friends and family.
Ok didn’t build it, but have lived in in a triple fronted red/orange full brick for over 40 years, but did build 2 storey full brick rear extension to triple fronted red/orange full brick in same brick over 4 1/2 years, excavated, base concrete slab (30 Mpa Concrete to assist with strength and waterproofing), Bondek first floor slab, fully tiled glazed terracotta tile hip roof fully gabled into existing roof.
I mention fully tiled glazed terracotta tile as house opposite just up the road, had it’s 12 year old cement tiled hip roof fully replaced in a single day today – Aussie Tradies from discussions
they enjoy strutting around on the world stage and making grandiose speeches about “democracy standing up to autocracy”, and yet they don’t seem to be cognisant of the real-world consequences of their words.
Untested by reality, until now.
This is actually a broad societal malaise.
had it’s 12 year old cement tiled hip roof fully replaced in a single day today – Aussie Tradies from discussions
Once you get them there they can generally smash out the work. Pretty true for all Australian tradesmen. The work culture in Australia is generally pretty good, except for the Unionisation.
and it’s not even at war… run by absolute clowns
Yes, indeed; as I mentioned earlier, the most precipitous decline in living standards in living memory is going to sober up a lot of people who’ve been supporting the green-left agenda.
Exactly what has changed in a century and two devastating wars?
Walter, I never interacted with Number’s Nuts as it was a crowded field. Join a posse and go after him like you once did under the other pathetic alias.
Yes, but there was some style in those days – Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany was the honorary Colonel of one of the units of the British Army – I forget which. When the First World War broke out, the Kaiser announced that any British soldier from that unit taken prisoner, would be the personal guest of the Kaiser while hostilities lasted.
Come on, let him on under moderation. Nutz isn’t worse than some other imbeciles here. At his worst, Nutz has never suggested a “scenario” where the Chinese military would make a surprise attack on Australia using commercial jets with surprise landing at Melbourne Airport.
King Albert of Belgium (top right) was a good stick.
Ooh nurse.
Or we become St Africa.
They don’t say it, but imply that AGW is to blame, Why not? It’s blamed for everything else.
using commercial jets with surprise landing at Melbourne Airport.
Add volcanos & you’ve got yourself some scientology right there.
Kind regards
Calli, you need another earworm? Try this
From the Fin Review
A stunning debut by French clean energy giant Neoen’s big battery in Victoria and record spot electricity prices received by its solar and wind farms in Australia have contributed to a surge in half-year profits and revenue.
Tripling revenue from storage assets (batteries).
Only true imbeciles could engineer this rape of citizens wealth.
Did someone mention Lily D’Ambrosio?
Even in his absence numbers is a polarising figure.
JC – go and debate him on his own blog.
Earworms you say…
Only true imbeciles could engineer this rape of citizens wealth.
Imbeciles or traitors?
Embrace the power of “and”.
Bad mole! That thing is worse than baby shark.
An image search on DuckDuckGo turns up some predominantly blue results for that one.
woke infestation continues
Only true imbeciles could engineer this rape of citizens wealth.
Farmer Gez, the sweetest nut of all is when you own the battery without the hassle of the solar or wind farm.
All this reverse status claiming on disadvantaged backgrounds reminds me that, when I was a nipper inquiring where I had come from, my parents told me that I was found under a cabbage in the backyard. If there are any others out there with similar backgrounds, perhaps we can campaign for a VOICE.
Typical “Friends of the ABC” fodder, hard to believe it is 30 years old.
Lily D’Ambrosio
I’ve been to a couple of event’s that she’s spoken at. Clueless is an understatement.
Arbitrage of insiders. They’re not stupid – that’s the voters.
A faster spinning earth would explain the gales here today… I find myself less and less inclined to do any more chainsawing and forklifting than just enough to clear a path for a schoolbus, since the shire forbids any roadside burning, and instead subcontracts teams of flouro flogs with a screaming woodchipper to manufacture saleable mulch from any road with decent sclerophyll production.
No thanks, never knew he had a blog, but you obviously do. as I said, I don’t interact with Nutz, unlike you.
Hey, listen Old School, next time you’re trying to give me grief because I’m mocking some of your useless pals here, spare a thought that the way you feel and castigate Fatboy is the way I feel about your idiots. You hypocritical kunt.
We’re all doomed. But “ancient indigenous wisdom” can save us!
Pocock: Earth on brink of collapse
ACT Senator David Pocock has issued a grim warning on climate during his first speech to parliament, saying that the earth is on the “brink of collapse” amid rising extreme weather events including drought, bushfires and floods.
The new Senator, who was elected on a platform of climate and integrity, said he was committed to doing everything in his power to reverse the “catastrophic” decline of the environment.
Senator Pocock also pledged to be pragmatic in his approach to politics and rejected the term “king maker” in reference to his balance of power position.
“Today the systems that sustain life on earth are at the brink of collapse,” Senator Pocock said.
“The climate as we know it is breaking down and the impacts are now being felt with distressing regularity. Extreme weather: drought, bushfires, hailstorms and floods are having a devastating effect on the people and places we love.
“We are also seeing the impacts on the state of the environment. The 6th mass extinction event is underway. The last one, 66 million years ago, was due to a massive asteroid. This time we’re causing it.
“In the midst of this doom and gloom is an invitation to begin to turn things around. Thanks to ancient indigenous wisdom and the latest in science and technology, we have never known more about these life support systems, what we are doing to them, and what can and must be done to halt this catastrophic decline and begin to reverse it.”
Funny. Ol’ Dave was born in Zimbabwe, so I would have thought being here would have been a plus.
Even by his absence? Jeez, Nutz has Old School by the gonads. How funny.
Pardon the formatting fail.
For someone who’s only graduated from high school, Mr. Pocock seems very assured in his highly contestable assertions.
Earworm of the week for me- blistering turnaround
“Put me in a Two-Tone Cadillac!”
Somebody want to tell him that “Dark Emu” was fiction?
Are you using a random sentence generator by chance?
Pocock must be called out on these bullshit statements.
As should imbecile turtle Bowen ( nuclear is the most expensive power evaaahhh).
But the cucks in opposition just dither and nod their heads. No ticker.
Roger @ 6:58 pm.
I didn’t know who she was, did a search using DuckDuckGo. After working out she is the Victorian energy minister if you then click the images tabs to see if the face is recognisable you get some very NSFW results. The internet seems to have formed the consensus view that she is an adult entertainer.
Technically, DoverCat is one sick blog. I’ve just about had enough. Get a man in, Dover.
OK Frank…but after looking up NSFW I really don’t want to go there.
Hang in there Tom; we value your contributions, and not just the cartoons.
My nurse informs me it’s bedtime.
Gute Nacht!
“Prosecutor chief Kerri Judd “
Now where have I heard that name before?
Wow. Just wow.
The good, the holy, the saintly Greens acknowledge they are living on stolen land…
The sidebar showing the comments is now working for me.
I get all my climate science from footballers.
On the other hand the denizens of CSIRO et al are just as stupid. So there’s that.
Another organization which should be demolished and the ground underneath salted.
Solar is the cheapest power, and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further (Phys.org, 1 Aug)
One wonders what they think of the stratospheric electricity prices lately.
Pocock sounds like he’s captured the Zeitgeist. Another $200k++ well spent. Only 6 years till he can be turfed.
That’s less than the PGA will pay Woods as a retirement benefit (a.k.a. superannuation), estimated to be around $US1 billion.
That’s why Wood won’t jump ship.
Thanks for the link to Rodriguez, shared with my youngest and he loves the music and the story behind it.
Just watched the documentary and then googled to find he’d finally been paid all the royalties owed from SA,NZ and here.
If the NuCat blog is getting clogged up, it’s probably AI bots like me, sitting on the hard drive and generating random sentences to generate JC’s hard-on.
Was the supposed offer like for a single tour, or a pledge to play x amount of times?
Not sure how the PGA superannuation works but it’s better than the old Parliamentary pension.
You’re posting some riveting stories. In fact they’re so engrossing I suspected a random sentence generator. If it’s not and it’s just you then equally unsurprising. Go chop some wood and then tell us about it.
With your knowledge of indigenous culture, would the “elders” be more prepared to let girls leave for education, rather than boys? If so, then young aboriginal women might provide a way out of the bottomless pit of despair that is far too many outback “communities”.
Sorry to take so long to reply, Boambee! Chores called.
In answer to your question, I don’t have enough recent experience in “communities” to know if they are less concerned about girls leaving to acquire education. My understanding of indigenous society would suggest that they would want the boys to acquire “knowledge” ie of traditional laws – acquired through ceremony. Although girls are still, as I understand, promised to men by their families, it is not as predominant as it once was. In fact much of the payback in contemporary communities relates to girls having relationships outside of “skin” requirements.
Most girls, I would imagine, would return to their communities (after schooling) where they would be subject to the usual subjugation – violent and sexual. Some would want to escape this violence by perhaps going to the towns and seeking work. But too many would find the same traditional treatment at the hands of Aboriginal men who dwelt in the towns.
Maybe education and the opportunity to achieve more than what their mothers and grandmothers had will impel them away from the indignity and cruelty that many suffer. Although, I have to say that violence is commonly committed by women on other women in Aboriginal societies.
For those who would want to understand some of these issues, I would recommend the cinema masterpieces “Samson & Delilah” & “Charlies Country” by the brilliant filmmaker Warwick Thornton. I think he captures the tragedy of contemporary Aborigines in contemporary society.
No strings, JC. The PGA Tour is constituted like a (non-profit) players union.
Apart from the rather glaring fact that sovereign Lidia was swearing to another sovereign (and thus denouncing some of her sovereignty), it would be ‘Her colonising majesty’ (like ‘her Brittanic majesty’), not ‘colonising her majesty’.
Kind of loses something when you are objecting to words you have misunderstood.
Besides, Liz II has not colonised anyone. In fact, during her reign she has overseen the granting of independence to just about all of what was once empire. She has as a matter of public sentiment relinquished in 70 years what took centuries, and thousands of lives to establish. I think we can say that she is not a coloniser.
But shouty cranky Lidia, desperate to play hero while lacking the stomach to confront real problems, rattles off the trite pieties of a private high school girl showing off to her friends – and the kids in the lower years – behind the bike sheds.
I have no doubt that when they have recesses of parliament she is out the back with some of the greener Greens’ staffers, puffing cigarettes, hurling abuse, and trying to shock passers by through exaggeratedly play acting masturbation with large imaginary dildos.
And after all of this she will comport herself as some seismic force shaking the foundations and bringing crashing down the palaces of the mighty – when she is really a stinking high-school tart with a hitched skirt showing off the lollies she managed to nick when the tuck shop ladies had their backs turned.
“Today the systems that sustain life on earth are at the brink of collapse,” Senator Pocock said.
Apocalyptic Death Cult.
I meant the LIV thing. Wasn’t that a tour in Saudi or have I got it all wrong?
“Ecocide is the mass, widespread damage and destruction of ecosystems and nature. It is, or at least should be, criminal where it is done by corporations or governments intentionally or recklessly,” Senator Shoebridge said.
He might have a point. For example, ruinable energy corporations that clear massive swathes of bush to enable construction of solar or wind farms, and the transmission lines to connect them with civilisation, should be jailed, forced to repair the damage using hand tools only, and have all their assets confiscated.
There are some appalling photos of the ecological destruction inland of Cairns, to enable construction of a wind farm in the mountains.
Who needs street corner sandwich board clad lunatics bemoaning the imminent end of the world when our parliaments are now full of them?
What a joke (on us).
Can you add an auto-update for the notifications when JC spurts out a new pet name for us?
ta in advance
Fed by human guilt, self-hatred and junk science.
Glycocalyx says:
August 2, 2022 at 7:51 pm
The “fuck -Off- Troll” is telling me to fuck off again. Gee, I wonder if it’s one of my battered wives. Couldn’t possibly.
Pocock sounds like he’s captured the Zeitgeist. Another $200k++ well spent. Only 6 years till he can be turfed.
Canbra would love the sort of garbage he spews forth.
As for D’ambrosio- arts at melb uni- idiocracy indeed.
Dover, can you offer Walter his own random sentence generator thread?
Thanks Rosie. It’s a really nice story. It was a while ago but I think according to the doco, Australia and Sth Africa were his biggest audiences.
There still seem to be some “technical issues” with the blog. Not refreshing, can’t see comments posted in real time, forgetting my name and email.
Anyone have any suggestions, or are the Hamsters just being bolshie again?
And a jolly good evening to you too.
What lit a fire under you, dude?
Looks like the mis-spelt rap video
Eight models have been gang rap3d at gunpoint by a terrifying armed gang, while shooting a video at an illegal mine in South Africa.
The Red Button production team were filming the gospel music video near West Village, Krugersdorp, in Gauteng Province when they were attacked.
The girls tried to run when the armed illegal miners arrived wearing balaclavas – but the gang fired a volley of gunshots at them.
The models and production crew were ordered to lie down and the gang whistled and another 10 men in balaclavas appeared as well.
As the gang systematically robbed the crew and women of their mobile phones, rings, jewellery, handbags, cash and cameras the horrific rap3s began.
Make Agrarian Fascism Great Again
JC, did you give me a tip on NY Sim cards? If so I missed it.
The documentary focused in SA but he actually toured in Australia in 79 and 81, the second time with midnight oil.
Lyrics precluded his two best known tracks getting much radio time I would imagine.
I’d never heard any of the songs before. Told my son he reminded me of Donovan and turns out apparently Donovan was in fact an inspiration for Rodriguez.
No I didn’t. Sorry. I just use my regular phone and pay 10 bucks a day with one of the providers here.
When are you heading over? We’re thinking heading back in Oct and stay for Thanksgiving. Fall is gorgeous.
Can I make a travel suggestion. Take train to upstate. It’s the track that rides beside the Hudson. You won’t be disappointed. It’s just beautiful.
Pocock sounds like a real loon. In other mentions:
The former Wallabies star, who decided not to have children in a bid to save the planet,
…the independent, who criticised the government for refusing to allow an Auslan speaker to translate his speech on the floor of parliament.
“When I was asked by people in our community to have this First Speech live translated into Auslan, I didn’t hesitate to say yes,” he said.
I’d call them corrupt.
For some reason, I’m remembering the bad old days in South Africa, when r@pe was a hanging crime…
I suspect it’s Turtlhead. Could be wrong but I put out a little bit of bait and I think he took it.
I have a vague memory that I got a number of free days last time I went.
Between that and free wi-fi I got through.
Old Ozzie:
But it’s the same all over the West. Idiot leaders who have been constructing imaginary castles in the air without any idea of how to make them stay up, or even pay for them.
If we are to survive, this has to change. Unfortunately they’ve made it impossible to do it peacefully, so what’s the answer?
I don’t know the eggsact cost, but it’s 10 bucks a day with Telstra if you use roaming. I’m not sure though if you can roll the unused portion to the next day etc. I just leave it on and get murdered when I get back.
How much energy did that take for the Earth to spin quicker.
Then I think of the big batteries …..lol ….fukn dream on.
August 2, 2022 at 7:17 pm
Technically, DoverCat is one sick blog. I’ve just about had enough. Get a man in, Dover.
not sure what your problems – please keep persevering
As a Techo, iMac 2019 fully up to date software – Chrome with Adblock – 84 tabs open, Firefox with AdBlock, Safari no AdBlock – no problems posting to Dover’s website
Instantaneous post and Tab correct at top – did have internal server error last week but seems to be associated with website/words?
Also works on Samsung Note 8 Android – Chrome, AdBlock Browser
They must have been incredibly brave. Look at all the medals they have.
Likely correct in a way he did not intend: one less diarrhetic naïf whining about bushfires while espousing every dimwit policy that guarantees the country burns out of control every warm summer.
With his notional progeny removed from the pages of the SMH that might be one less country town reduced to ashes for at least one more decade.
What a dangerous idiot.
Slow Mo and Parrothead shelved NSW offshore projects for no good reason and Dan IQ 85 Andrews has banned domestic gas in Vic by 2030.
…and now we’re farqed.
Thank you. I thought there might be a glimmer of hope there, but it seems to be up to individuals to decide to abandon the “old” culture (which has been so corrupted by developments in the rest of Australia, that an aborigine from 1770 would probably not recognise it).
I have no problems with the site.
iPhone 13 mini, Safari.
2014 (!) Surface Pro 3 with Win 10, uses Brave or Firefox.
Not a problem. I don’t use the AMP version of the site (it’s awful).
The former Wallabies star, who decided not to have children in a bid to save the planet,
At one point, Poocock and his woman said they were not getting married until homos could.
Top Endersays:
August 2, 2022 at 8:05 pm
JC, did you give me a tip on NY Sim cards? If so I missed it.
Top Ender
have always used Vodafone $5 a day roaming when overseas
Son has dropped his Swiss phone, and he and his kids only use Vodafone in Europe
Benefits of Vodafone’s $5 Roaming
. No matter how much you use your phone, you’ll only pay $5 per day (excluding charges for extra data if you exceed your monthly gigabyte allowance, or for any non-included/non-standard calls).
. $5 Roaming is available in 80 countries, including the UK, the USA, New Zealand, and most of Europe and South East Asia.
. You’ll get to use your existing number and SIM card when travelling.
. $5 Roaming is automatically activated on most postpaid plans.
Tucker Carlson Delivers Monologue on the Odd Nancy Pelosi Trip to Taiwan
The northern magnetic pole is shifting quite rapidly also.
Very likely the two observations are linked.
The Magnetic North Pole Is Rapidly Moving Because of Some Blobs (7 Mar)
The train line
I just have a memory that Telstra offered a package better than the ridiculous $10 a day.