Open Thread – Weekend 1 April 2023

The Entrance of Christ to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Hypolithe Flandrin, mid-1800s

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 10:34 am

Bud Light has now transitioned directly to urine without you having to drink it first.

Transgender ‘Woman’ Dylan Mulvaney Is Now the Face of Bud Light Because These Corporations Hate You (2 Apr)

April 3, 2023 10:35 am

Hey pervert apologist, I’m not dirty, you might be, but it’s evident you weren’t taught cleanliness, among other things.

Ah Cranky, you have descended to BJ’s level of “I know you are but what am I”. Your transition is complete. You will now screech the same lines over and over at me for all eternity, like a broken chatbot. Enjoy!

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 3, 2023 10:37 am

Cost escalation clauses will be added, giving the builder an out.

Yep. Seems the obvious solution. I expect they will end up looking much more like a commercial contract, with an army of Consumer Affairs types added to the public service to make it work.

April 3, 2023 10:43 am

Note the use of the word “cis” by the pervert apologist?

Under the rules of our friend’s new religion, he can’t say normal when he means normal. Someone with a predilection for pegging French Bulldogs
could be hate-labelled as abnormal.

Cassie of Sydney
April 3, 2023 10:43 am

“Ah Cranky, you have descended to BJ’s level of “I know you are but what am I”. Your transition is complete. You will now screech the same lines over and over at me for all eternity, like a broken chatbot. Enjoy!”

Ah pervert apologist, we just call you out for being what you are, a lowlife who condones violence against women whose opinions you don’t like, who justifies violence against Jews, who calls innocent men cockroaches, and who lies here everyday.

As I wrote earlier, you should enroll in a vagina awareness course, you might learn something. Vaginas are amazing and I’m pretty sure that most men here, you excepted because you are not a man, given the choice of a vagina or an anus to put their penis in, would choose a vagina.

April 3, 2023 10:44 am

NZ is 1950s Britain with better skiing. Just as Hillarys is 1980 Britain with sun and beaches.



April 3, 2023 10:46 am

“That’s it! We’ll defeat everyone, we’ll rob everyone, we’ll kill everyone. Everything will be the way we like”.

Sounds more like a psychopath than a Christian soldier.

April 3, 2023 10:49 am

I’ve got a cracking idea.

Put their desks a little closer when they hit senior year of senior high!

April 3, 2023 10:53 am


On the bright side, they’ve got the world’s best teacher:student ratio.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 10:55 am

Just in case Monty can’t discriminate between rectal bacteria and other germy thingies, this article was interesting:

Large Typhoid Outbreak Traced to Contaminated Drinking Water (2 Apr)

Contaminated water tanks on an old cruise ship used as emergency accommodation in the Netherlands caused a large outbreak of typhoid fever in Spring 2022. 72 cases were confirmed among asylum seekers and staff, all of whom recovered after treatment. The source was traced to a corroded common wall between the freshwater and wastewater tanks, which allowed sewage containing the bacteria that cause typhoid fever to leak into the drinking water and food preparation facilities.

A lot of interesting stuff in this article. First the maniac government of the Netherlands who are banning farmers from farming because farming is bad for the Planet are keeping country shoppers on diseased hulks in Haarlem harbour. Hmmm. Then there’s the design of the old ship which puts the drinking water tank right next to the sewerage tank. Hmmm…I wonder if this might be a reason why there’re so many E coli outbreaks on cruise ships? Then there’s the fact that the country shoppers have typhoid carriers amongst them. That’s another fun hmmm. Doubt it’ll be much reported by the MSM that particular factoid.

I wonder if typhoid can be passed by the activity that Mark Latham described?

April 3, 2023 10:56 am

Another one of mØnty’s Waffen SS adjacent Bros bites the dust.

April 3, 2023 10:59 am

Posted a comment at the Oz that Chinese voters will not vote for an Indian candidate.
Rejected jn double quick time.

April 3, 2023 11:00 am

lotocoti says:
April 3, 2023 at 9:30 am
The people the SFLs like to associate with aren’t the people whose votes they need.

Or who will ever vote for them.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 3, 2023 11:04 am

Largest company in the world and owned proudly by a country that will put homosexuals and trannies to death.

Only is they play up.
The entire Saudi Leadership are flamers and buggers, they wrote the book.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 3, 2023 11:07 am

Blot has a whole article outlining the block voting by ethnic Chinese in the federal election as a response to coalition criticism of the CCP.
Labor has learned how to bow low enough for electoral success.
Food for thought except if those thoughts are Monty’s.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 3, 2023 11:08 am

Posted a comment at the Oz that Chinese voters will not vote for an Indian candidate.

Yeah, it’s a No Brainer.
You’ve gotta consider internal sabotage.
While none of the other contenders for preselection lived in Aston, they didn’t live in Brunswick either, and they weren’t Dot Indians with an annoying voice and manner.

April 3, 2023 11:08 am

Probably one of the best summations I have read re where America and the World is Heading

Luongo: Indicting Trump Is The End Of US Politics

So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.

A few get why this is so inane but most are focused (or being focused) on the wrong thing, as always.

Jonathan Turley has a good rundown of the questionable legality of this case. But, again, while he’s not wrong to focus on that and the shady politics, he also misses the larger implications of this indictment.

This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past.

It is quite Leninist. Turley and others have focused on it’s ‘just not done’ to indict a President, especially something as irrelevant as paying hush money to Stormy Daniels.

But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.

It’s been going on for generations, invading male spaces like Augusta National, forcing female reporters in locker rooms, endlessly arguing the wage gap between men and women.

Of course, these same people can no longer even define the women whose rights they fight for.

Is the latest term ‘people who menstruate,’ or is that just so last week?

I thought I was supposed to still wear my mask in my electric car to fight for the rights of Ukrainian men to get pregnant while fighting for freedumb from Putler!

So forgive me if I’m a little confused.

This is a perspective that reduces society to whatever we did before was wrong. Progress in the minds of religious puritan Progressives is a never-ending battle against sin. Yesterday is forever evil while Tomorrow holds the promise of heaven on earth.

In the South we just call these people Yankees and go back to eating our barbeque and playing with our kids.

That sin is stratification as a result of rewarding merit. But what is merit to people who view all profit as exploitation?

You can answer that however you wish, but by their actions it’s clear they believe merit is stealing.

This is why “you didn’t build that,” you “basket of deplorables.’ Anything you have earned can and should be taken from you for wrongthink.

And that’s what’s at the heart of this Trump indictment. Trump is the distillation of everything they need to tear down to validate their envy. He’s white, male, politically connected, a little corrupt, very cheesy and the antithesis of what middle-class bicoastal midwits believe they should be.


They hate Trump not because he’s successful but because our society allowed for him to become successful.

To the progressive midwit, any society that allows a man like Donald Trump to rise like he did needs to be destroyed.

Is it really any different than the teenager who rebels to become an atheist because s/h/ze finally asked how can a god allow such evil in the world to exist if he has the power to stop it?

Did I mention these people have the epistemology of weevils?

Again, in the South we say, “Some people just need killin’” Well, to the puritan mind, “Some societies just need killin’.”

That’s why Trump’s indictment signals the end of politics as we believed it operated. The key word there was ‘believed.’ We are dealing with people who see those that disagree with them as irredeemable.

You voted for Trump? Twice? Burn in hell you fascist!

It’s the only time most of these people want guns to exist.

Civilization rests on the fantasy that there is a shared acceptance of the rules on which it operates.

Americans are both immensely cynical and naïve about politics in this sense.

We all know politicians are lying when their lips are moving but we also believe in the myth that the American system of justice will get the right answer often enough to keep the lights on.

Today that’s a very big assumption.

The End of Clausewitz

Carl von Clausewitz is very famous for saying that war is politics by other means. He’s so famous for it that he’s become a part of speech, Clausewitzian. It’s a short-hand for this idea.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the greatest writers are ones who achieve this, dare I say it, merit badge.

So, today this indictment of Trump is at once, Phildickian, Kafkaesque, Clausewitzian and Hitlerian.

– Davos is at war with humanity through undermining the institutions of civilization itself.

– Powell’s tight monetary policy will be the Democrats’ main talking point for 2024.

– If you think you’re sick of Elizabeth Warren now, just wait.

– Davos knows this is it for them. 2024 in the US or bust.

– Do you think a GOP run by Cocaine Mitch McConnell will have the balls to defy their Uniparty paymasters and nominate Donald Trump from prison?

Trump will not be allowed to run.

Because of all the words spilled about this so far only Martin Armstrong has come close to the truth of what the real strategy is.

Bragg will most likely seek a Gag Order in addition to a denial of bail, which no matter how ruthless the judge, will probably realize he cannot deny bail to a former President. Still, they will most likely put a Gag Order on Trump, and that way they can throw him in jail even indefinitely as they did to me using Civil Contempt of Court which is not a crime. If they charge him with Criminal Contempt, then he gets a trial by jury. Under Civil Contempt, you have ZERO rights and no right to a trial.

If this was coming from anyone other than Martin Armstrong I would dismiss it out of hand. Maybe Marty is being paranoid. I hope he is.

In your heart of hearts do you really think that? I don’t. Because this is being driven by people who everyday maneuver the world into a potential nuclear exchange with Russia over its right to exist as a country.

Tell me, after everything you’ve seen them do over COVID-19, they wouldn’t relish the opportunity to put a gag order on Trump.

It’s the only thing still animating most of these walking dead in D.C. for f@ck’s sake.

Armstrong continues:

They kept me in prison on Civil Contempt from 2000 to 2007. I was released ONLY because I got to the Supreme Court and they ordered the government to explain how I could be held for 7 years without anything on statute 28 USC 1826 which had a maximum of 18 months. To avoid having to answer, they suddenly released me.

So forget the payment to a Porn Star

They can now gag trump, restrict his movements, and harass him to PREVENT him from running in 2024. They will listen to every word he says and are just going to wait to be able to throw him in prison on Civil Contempt indefinitely with ZERO Constitutional Rights. Welcome to the REAL America. They call it a “protective order” to protect the Government and Bragg as you are stripped of ALL your First Amendment rights.

Now, for Trump, if Bragg tried to pull this, his case would be fast-tracked publicly up to the Supreme Court. And then it gets interesting. Do you think Trump would be exonerated with this court? Under these circumstances? The current pressure?

Or do you expect them to do what they did with the election, refuse to hear the case because of ‘a lack of standing’ like they did over the 2020 election, when they clearly had the authority to hear the cases.

Last I checked John Roberts was still in charge up there.

Regardless of the outcome of Trump’s ‘legal troubles,’ the real victory will be having destroyed what’s left of what was truly beautiful, a government (in theory) subservient to the people.

This is what we have to focus on preserving as their acolytes burn the libraries and erase the memory of our sins they can’t bear to face like adults.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:09 am

April 3, 2023 at 9:41 am
To be a bacteriophobe is to be ignorant. We live in a bacterial swamp. Our bodies are full of them, some even helpful.

That sort of phobia is at the level of neurosis. It makes little scientific sense.

Rejecting homosexuality because it is “dirty” is stupendously dumb. We are all dirty. If you don’t understand that, you are uneducated.

And if you are unable (or, worse, unwilling) to understand the difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria, you are both uneducated and ignorant. To deny that there is any difference seems to be a psychological failure on your part, caused by an obsessive desire to “cleanse “the whole concept of anal sex.

April 3, 2023 11:12 am
Ed Case
Ed Case
April 3, 2023 11:13 am

Peter Dutton is a very good campaigner, this was the first Byelection gain by a Government since 1920, and 39 of the 42 booths voted Labor.

Labor Dirty Tricks?
Do they know any other way?

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 3, 2023 11:15 am

Carl von Clausewitz

Must go head to head with Adam Smith for the most cited and least read person ever. I tried once and soon gave up. Have a book in a box somewhere. As usual.

April 3, 2023 11:15 am

Social Media addiction – Short Movie – 2 Mins 29 Secs

Very meaningful short movie on how the system is failing. how we are ruining our lives with abuse of technology.

Relevant to

AI chatbot encouraged man obsessed with climate change to kill himself to save planet

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 11:16 am

“I spoke to him on the day in which we announced what the referendum question would be, on the Thursday afternoon. He was surrounded then by his close family … and it was a great honour for me to speak to this at that time.

“He said I had spoken truth, which was very important to him … He had been let down so many times,” the Prime Minister said.

Ah, but did Tennis Elbow tell him the exact wording for this ‘InVoice’. Something that we (the Voters) do not really know yet. However, the ‘InVoice’ is like the cheque is in the mail. And like with Australia Post, you will get it after the event.

April 3, 2023 11:18 am

Posted a comment at the Oz that Chinese voters will not vote for an Indian candidate.

Yes, but I don’t think that mattered much in Aston.

They were never going to vote for Dutton under any circumstances.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:18 am

Dr Faustussays:
April 3, 2023 at 10:30 am
“I spoke to him on the day in which we announced what the referendum question would be, on the Thursday afternoon. He was surrounded then by his close family … and it was a great honour for me to speak to this at that time.

Albanese’s sincerity would choke a brown dog.

Someone once wrote that if you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made in politics.

Unfortunately, AnAl is unable to fake sincerity convincingly.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 3, 2023 11:19 am

On “cis”.

It’s a useful word, in the process of gaining a new meaning which will complicate its former use.

As everyone with a dictionary knows, ‘cis’ is a prefix meaning ‘on this side of [something]’, and trans means ‘on the other side of [something]’.

When [something] = a Carbon double bond, or a mountain range, or an ocean – the meaning is reasonably clear.

Not sure what being ‘on the other side of a gender’ means. It sounds like a user-defined state.

April 3, 2023 11:19 am

One extremely grainy three-second video is not proof of anything. Needs a lot more context.

But enough about the Kennedy assassination..

Monty moves adjacent to “she made me hit her” territory.

April 3, 2023 11:19 am

Nicola Sturgeon was the Icarus of tranny politics.

I gather Humza Yousaf of the Glencoe Yousafs, is going to have another shot at that law which melted the Wee Krankie’s wax.
The bloke whose religion doesn’t alloy him to worship in public
with his wife and daughters, won’t be able to pull the same stroke he used
for the SSM bill.
There’ll be no urgent meeting overseas to cause him to miss the vote this time.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:20 am

April 3, 2023 at 10:33 am
What about the thug who punched that 70yo woman in the eye*. Is that not violence?

One extremely grainy three-second video is not proof of anything. Needs a lot more context.

Lol, hahahahahahaha. “lot more context”? Important context, like was the attacker a leftard? That kind of “context”?

April 3, 2023 11:20 am

It’s pretty clear that progressives are not on a dash for the final line with five hundred metres between them and their conservative opponents.
Various states in the US and recent elections in Europe put the lie to that constant moan by some.
Reality sometimes catches up with posturing

Oh and zero surprises about ethnic Chinese voting blocks, which involve young and old.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 11:23 am

Anything Anal is not that unusual for MontyPox Virus. After all, with his Fantasy Football he most probably goes for “ARSE an’ all”……………………….

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 11:24 am

Must go head to head with Adam Smith for the most cited and least read person ever. I tried once and soon gave up.

I got two thirds the way through, then lost interest since I knew all of it already: he was too successful! It’s an awesome credit to Gen. von Clausewitz, that his instruction was universally adopted in military thinking.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 11:32 am

Dover – the bombing is very interesting since the bomb was believed to be 200 g of TNT or an equivalent, which was hidden in a statue that was presented to the blogger by an unknown woman.

Which suggests (a) a lot of sophistication (b) a targeted assassination and (c) an actor which is more than a dinky resistance guy in a basement. Also the Ukies have denied doing it, which is interesting, since they would normally claim such things in the case of an opponent like Mr Tatarsky.

Interestingly the cafe was owned by Prigozhin. What all this means I have no idea, but it reads like a le Carré novel.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:32 am

m0nty=fa says:

Ah Cranky, you have descended to BJ’s level of “I know you are but what am I”.

Cassie, welcome to your new accommodation, rent free in m0nty=fa’s head. And don’t worry, there is no crowding problem, there is a lot of empty space in there.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 3, 2023 11:33 am

Rowan Dean on Outsiders: The Acton by-election shows that Peter Dutton has to re-align Liberal policies with what conservative voters want.
Tom Carroll on Daytime Sky: The Acton by-election proves that it’s all Dutton’s fault because people don’t like him.

Yeah right. The media don’t like him. We knew that.

April 3, 2023 11:33 am

I got through it, but bloody hell it was a slog…

Machiavelli was like poetry compared to it.

Even if his love life could be a little… lacking.

“What the hell, Luigi, you can see what fortune can do to men. You had just finished fu*king your woman when you want another one. I’ve been in Modena for several days when I came across an old woman who washes my shirts. She asked me to come to her hovel because she wished to show me some fine shirts. Innocent prick that I am I went in. There was a woman over in the corner. ‘This is the shirt that I wanted to sell you,’ the hag said. I was terrified. But I fu*ked her. I found her thighs flabby and her c*nt damp. Her breath stank. But I was horny*. When I was finished I took a torch and looked at her. I nearly dropped dead. The woman was ugly. She had a tuft of hair on her head but her head was bald. Her forehead was scarred. One eye looked up, the other down. Her eyes were filled with mucus, and she had no eyebrows. Her nose was twisted into a funny shape. Her mouth looked like Lorenzo de’ Medici’s but was bent to one side. She was toothless and saliva drooled out of her mouth. Her upper lip had a mustache. I looked at her stupefied. “What’s the matter sir?” she asked me. As soon as she opened her mouth, such a stench came out that my eyes and my nose were assaulted and my stomach indignant. They could not bear it, and I vomited all over her.”

* The epitaph of the western world…

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:37 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
April 3, 2023 at 10:55 am
Just in case Monty can’t discriminate between rectal bacteria and other germy thingies, this article was interesting:

m0nty=fa would never discriminate, it’s against the leftard religion.

April 3, 2023 11:39 am

Porter Davis were very good at building cookie cutter houses
I once stood in an estate and counted 13 of their houses either built or under construction
They are all essentially built around a double garage at the front of the “smart block”
Because they have been built many times , estimating and costing can be tightly controlled
The trades employed aren’t the best, or the highest paid but they are assured constant work and regular pay.
However their fixed price contracts collided with huge price increases in building materials and they were doomed
And they won’t be the only ones

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 11:42 am

Ed Casesays:
April 3, 2023 at 11:04 am
Largest company in the world and owned proudly by a country that will put homosexuals and trannies to death.

Only is they play up.
The entire Saudi Leadership are flamers and buggers, they wrote the book.

Personal knowledge, or did the Spooks tell you?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 3, 2023 11:49 am

Interesting turn this terrorist attack in St Petersburg. They killed a military correspondent at a talk in a cafe and hospitalized about another 20 people. This will certainly turn most Russians against the war in the Ukraine.

Yes, it seems an odd thing for the Ukrainian secret service to reach out and assassinate a milblog gobshite in such a messy way.
It’s almost as if someone wanted to bolster Russian public resolve.

April 3, 2023 11:50 am

However their fixed price contracts collided with huge price increases in building materials and they were doomed…

In other words, the only way you can offer fix-price contracts for homes as a builder is if you have an insurance company bearing the risk.

And they won’t be the only ones…

If builders have been offering fix-price contracts off their own bat, it seems to me a wave of insolvencies is on the way.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 11:56 am

Joke time.

I bought a NEW Truck a couple of months ago.

But I needed to take it back to the dealer the next day because I couldn’t get the radio to work.

The technician kindly explained to me that this was a “SMART TRUCK” and the radio was “VOICE-ACTIVATED”.

He turned the radio on and said, “Nelson” to the radio. The radio replied, “Ricky or Willy?”

The technician said “Willy” and the radio came on with “On the road again” came from the speakers.

Then the technician said “AC/DC”, and in an instant, “Highway to hell” took the place of Willy Nelson.

I drove away happy and for the next few days every time I said “Beethoven” I would get beautiful classical music.

Or if I said “Beetles” I would get one of their greatest hits.

Well, yesterday, a fella ran a red light and nearly smashed into my new truck but luckily I swerved in time to avoid the crash.

I yelled out “YOU STUPID F….. IDIOT!”

And the radio said, “Daniel Andrews or Anthony Albanese?”

I love my new truck!

Mind you, after the weekend you could add Peter Dutton with the Libs losing that Aston Martin to the red team.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 11:56 am


Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie has come to Peter Dutton’s defence following a disastrous by-election defeat but has unleashed on the Liberal brand, arguing the party is sitting too far to the right of Labor.

Lambie thinks the Libs are too far to the right of Labor! My aching sides!

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie defends Peter Dutton’s leadership but urges Liberal Party to ‘come back to the centre’ (3 Apr)

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 3, 2023 11:57 am

AI chatbot encouraged man obsessed with climate change to kill himself to save planet

Wow. If ChatGPT has that superpower it’s good to go.
(Sadly, I suspect the poor bastard would have been hearing voices from his toaster…)

April 3, 2023 12:00 pm

It’s almost as if someone wanted to bolster Russian public resolve.

Not everything is a false flag.
The PIRA were masters at staging extravaganzas which made things worse for the cause.

April 3, 2023 12:03 pm

“I don’t reckon he [Trump] will hand himself in….gut feeling.”

Reckon he will – he’s even said he will.
That’s why DeSantis made his “no extradition” remark – if DJT surrenders himself, Ron doesn’t need to do anything.

Secret Service take their job very seriously – if they put DJT in a gaol cell, SS will create a “Federally Protected Area” and toss out everyone who doesn’t need to be there, so no cell mates, and possibly no-one in any cell where they could possible assault DJT, no journos etc etc. SS won’t “lose” a protectee, and they have significant legal power to do what they want, NYC and NYPD can’t stop them doing whatever they need to to protect their assigned protectee, period. No way they will let the Deep State/Klintons arcancide DJT – not gonna happen.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 12:03 pm

However their fixed price contracts collided with huge price increases in building materials and they were doomed
And they won’t be the only ones

Don’t worry, as the Feral Guv’ment will eventually get their Future Fund Homes thingy through and become the lender of last resort (actually the Taxpayers, but don’t tell them). School Halls and Gyms anyone going cheep cheep a la Hyperbowl Gizzard and the Ejucashion Revolution?

April 3, 2023 12:03 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 12:06 pm


Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party must ‘take action’ over Mark Latham’s ‘homophobic’ tweet (3 Apr)

Independent MP Alex Greenwich says Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party which Mark Latham represents needs to “take action” if Ms Hanson is “so outraged” by the comments made on Twitter by Mr Latham.

Frame the tweet and put it on the wall of every PHON office in the country. That would be a good action to take Mr Greenwich. If you want to be an obnoxious qwerty, fine. But don’t be surprised if you get an obnoxious response to your obnoxiousness, Mr Snowflake.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 3, 2023 12:06 pm

Lambie thinks the Libs are too far to the right of Labor! My aching sides!

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie defends Peter Dutton’s leadership but urges Liberal Party to ‘come back to the centre’ (3 Apr)

Lambie is a peanut.
But this is a genuine issue for the Liberals. God alone knows where ‘the Centre’ lies at present, but it’s hard for the Liberals to have a laser sharp focus when they are spread so thinly across the political spectrum that they overlap well into the rightwing of Labor.

April 3, 2023 12:07 pm

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie defends Peter Dutton’s leadership but urges Liberal Party to ‘come back to the centre’ (3 Apr)

I see Miserable Ghost gets a look in too.

April 3, 2023 12:09 pm

On Aston, it’s worth remembering that Tudge had an 11% swing against him in 2022.

Mary Doyle had a 3 swing toward her so she was already out there getting known.

Either way, the Great Waffler on Radio National this morning and other various wets commenting that “The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre” are living in la la land…

April 3, 2023 12:10 pm

Interesting turn this terrorist attack in St Petersburg. They killed a military correspondent at a talk in a cafe and hospitalized about another 20 people. This will certainly turn most Russians against the war in the Ukraine.

Interestingly the cafe was owned by Prigozhin.

the bomb was believed to be 200 g of TNT or an equivalent, which was hidden in a statue that was presented to the blogger by an unknown woman

“That’s it! We’ll defeat everyone, we’ll rob everyone, we’ll kill everyone. Everything will be the way we like”.

Sounds like the Pog killed a terrorist enabler in his own ranks.

April 3, 2023 12:12 pm


What Coles’ deal to buy milk plants says about the dairy sector

Australia’s milk industry needs a new white knight. Instead, it has found a supermarket giant. Here’s why that’s worrying news.

Australia’s dairy sector needs a new white knight, but instead it has found supermarket giant Coles.

The big four dairy groups – Fonterra, Saputo, Lactalis and Bega – are either retreating, thinking about retreating, or looking further up the value chain and away from plain old white milk.

New players, once hopeful of big Australian milk processing and dairy platforms, such as China Mengniu Dairy, are also hurting.

So as the likes of Saputo, a Canadian-listed company that burst on to the Australian scene a decade ago, wind back their presence, there are few, if any, buyers.

Now it’s left to customers, including the big supermarkets, to step down the supply chain and get closer to the farm gate.

In Saputo’s case, that means Coles. The pair signed a $105 million deal over the weekend in which Coles would take control of Saputo’s two big milk processing facilities in Laverton (Victoria) and Erskine Park (NSW).

Coles didn’t want to talk too much about the acquisition on Monday morning, perhaps because it’s a tricky story to tell.

In a statement to the ASX, outgoing CEO Steve Cain said the acquisition would improve the company’s certainty of milk supply and “supply chain resilience in the dairy sector”.

It may also give Coles the chance to work on some new dairy products, and comes after it launched a direct-to-farmers sourcing model in 2019.

The thought of the supermarkets getting one step closer to the farmgate will not please everyone, particularly at a time when milk production is falling as farmers look past recent strong prices and walk away from the industry.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which has a long-history of investigating the supermarkets and their milk offerings, will take a close look. Coles said the transaction was unlikely to complete until the second half of this year.

Coles’ – and Woolworths’ – relationship with the dairy sector can be uneasy. The dairy processors pay the farmgate price for milk, then sell it to Coles and Woolworths. The processors need to get price increases out of the supermarkets (by far their biggest customers) to avoid being squeezed by rising farmgate prices.

Two reasons for the move

Industry players reckon it’s the sort of move Coles would make for one of two reasons: because there was no other way to shore-up supply, or because it’s something arch-rival Woolworths may have done.

And with Saputo clearly wanting out, Coles had to move for two important plants.

The real story’s probably what’s happened to Saputo, which spent billions buying a big Australian dairy footprint, only to be slowly winding it back, and what it says about the future of Australia’s dairy industry.

Saputo burst on to the local scene in 2013, when it bought then ASX-listed processor Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company for about $700 million.

Saputo had to fight hard to get the asset, toppling industry players Bega Cheese, Fonterra and Japan’s Lion (now gone from the sector), in what was the hottest M&A contest in Australia that year.

That Warrnambool deal kicked off a Saputo buying spree, which included the acquisition of Murray Goulburn in 2017. The Canadian was estimated to have 11.1 per cent of the Australian milk and cream processing market last year, according to IBISWorld data. That made it the No.2 player behind France’s Lactalis (13 per cent).

Monday morning’s sale suggests Saputo’s buying spree is over.

It had already been closing or streamlining some Australian factories, to try to increase efficiency and productivity, and as part of a global strategic plan out of its Canadian head office. In a statement, Saputo CEO Lino Saputo reminded industry players the company was in the mood to “maximize the return on every litre of milk”.

It’s worrying news for the dairy sector, at a time when three other players are re-considering their own futures.

New Zealand’s Fonterra had its Australian business earmarked for IPO only last year (a plan that has since dropped off the radar). Lactalis seems more interested in high-branded goods including yoghurt and cheese, according to industry players.

Who’s going to step up to replace the likes of Saputo and make the household staples found in just about every fridge across the country?

Where’s the next big offshore strategic player arriving with fistfuls of cash, just like Saputo did a decade ago?

Perhaps that will be part of Coles’ pitch to the ACCC.

April 3, 2023 12:12 pm

It’s almost as if someone wanted to bolster Russian public resolve.

Why you cynic you…

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 12:14 pm

Has Bakhmut Fallen? Zelensky the Real War Criminal

“There are yet unconfirmed reports that the head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced late on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. that his forces have raised the Russian flag over the administration building of the town of Bakhmut in Ukraine. There is no question that Bakhmut will fall. Zelensky has sent over 100,000 men to their death there desperate to keep the money flowing into Ukraine. It is a sad state of affairs when a high-heel dancing idiot orders generals to fight to the death all for his pride and money. The fall of Bakhmut is simply inevitable and the West’s propaganda that Russia would be defeated and that they were weak was all wishful thinking of the Neocons who can think of nothing but war.

Zelensky should be charged with treason and bribery. He was elected promising to end the war and broker peace. Once he got in, he sold his soul o the Neocons and filled his pockets to live forever comfortably. By the time he is finished, 500,000+ Ukrainian will have died because of him and his greed! He could swap his high heels for an army helmet and always appear in an army T-Shirt to get money. That did not give him the experience to win a war. Pray for all the Ukrainians he sent to their death.”

CNN wrote:

‘The Kremlin saw Zelensky’s predecessor, outgoing President Petro Poroshenko, as representing the “party of war,” and the election results in Ukraine were greeted by official Russia with what could be described as cautious hope for a reboot in relations.’

“There are chances to improve Ukraine’s interaction with our country,” Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Facebook. “What is needed for this? Honesty. And we need a pragmatic and responsible approach.”

The day before Putin launched his special operation, Zelensky announced to the world he would seek nuclear weapons to force Putin’s hand. This was all choreographed by the Neocons who always want war. They will never stop.”

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 3, 2023 12:16 pm

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney has dedicated a future successful voice referendum to Yunupingu, who died overnight aged 74.

Tick off the next step in the Voice strategy. Dedicating the death of someone to the cause, a holy man. Making it a spiritual crusade. We cannot dishonour this person and not sign on. …

Another step will be linking the death of someone being a direct result of not having the Voice. This will be harder but not beyond the bounds of Leftish irrational thought processes.

April 3, 2023 12:17 pm

Observation. Massive cargo ships on port Phillip bay arrive full and leave empty… Won’t be long now no matter how many commies dictator Dan bribes.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says: April 3, 2023 at 10:00 am
Indigenous icon Yunupingu dies aged 74
By Paige Taylor
Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief

… etc. etc. etc…..

Yunupingu dealt personally with every Prime Minister since Gough Whitlam, who had met Yunupingu’s family in northeast Arnhem Land when he was a pilot in World War II.

Whoa! Who made this person a state Bureau Chief?
This is the sort of inaccurate, lazy, reporting expected from a New York Times bureau chief.

April 3, 2023 12:22 pm

Marin loses in Finnish election.

More time to spend at the disco now.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 12:22 pm

Either way, the Great Waffler on Radio National this morning and other various wets commenting that “The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre” are living in la la land…

I agree. The centre is a ‘No Man’s Land’. Go right immediately and stay there. You need a point of difference for voters to choose between. At the moment it is the ‘same’, same’ and very stale. Dutton, grow a pair and get Australia moving away from this Big Hole that is fast appearing.

April 3, 2023 12:25 pm

The only alternative to fixed price contract is cost plus , which essentially means the builder hands you the bill every month for everything that he has spent on the job . We built this way 3 years ago and it went very smoothly.
However it can be very dangerous because there aren’t really any controls on prices . You have to really trust the builder.
The banks don’t like it either because they want to know how much to lend and what will be built for the money.
They like the progress payment system where they can physically look at the property after every stage is complete ,and release more money .

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 12:27 pm

OK so this is how it works People.

The Aborigines get a ‘Voice’ and the Australian Taxpayers get the ‘InVoice’. Keep paying those taxes People until the day you die. The Bill (InVoice) is on its way soon.

April 3, 2023 12:27 pm

There is no question that Bakhmut will fall…”Zelensky has sent over 100,000 men to their death there”

“.” – Lunatic fringe bullshit. Straight out of the GRU spooks. Ukraine has suffered terribly but with a casualty rate like that, there would already be no one left to fight.

Let’s look at Russian losses.

900,000+ emigrated.
175k dead
524k wounded

If that was proportionally the same for Australia:

161,000+ emigrated (more than double the size of the ADF)
31,000+ dead (basically our whole full time army)
~94,000 wounded (larger than the ADF)

That would be roughly 2.2% of the workforce – the most able bodied, in the best health and perhaps not the most experience but best reaction times, eyesight and arguably the most educated. Virtually all young men who are nearly all computer literate and stronger than females.

Keep in mind Russia has an ageing population problem and most of the migrants were men, skilled labour, particularly those with computer literacy and many with IT qualifications.

Russia has also a hollowed out junior officer corps and military aviator instructor cadre.

China will dominate Russia with a belt and road style initiative and then make ambit historical claims to the Russian Far East.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 12:30 pm

Centre right National Party will be tasked with forming government.

Hopefully they get a brain and do a coalition with the True Finns.
Somehow I doubt that is going to happen though.
The Right has forgotten how to be Right.
They want to be kind and nice lefties.
Just like the Libs and Nats.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 3, 2023 12:33 pm

Either way, the Great Waffler on Radio National this morning and other various wets commenting that “The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre” are living in la la land…

I agree. The centre is a ‘No Man’s Land’. Go right immediately and stay there. You need a point of difference for voters to choose between. At the moment it is the ‘same’, same’ and very stale. Dutton, grow a pair and get Australia moving away from this Big Hole that is fast appearing.

Well said. My 20 cents worth…Dutton needs to weather this storm, let it blow through. (It only takes 2-3weeks with our medias fickle focus). Then come out and make a stand, …on anything. If the knives are being sharpened you may as well go down making a stand on something.

…Heed this all Liberal travellers, moving left, them thar be dragons and death awaits.

April 3, 2023 12:35 pm

Every single “right wing” government in Europe (and I mean ALL of Europe) had strict authoritarian COVID rules.

They are just as bad as Dan Andrews, Mark McGowan etc.

There’s not point in “owning” Marin Sanna if the next government has the exact same policies.

Democracy can be though of as the cops beating someone up, Mr A resigns, then Mr B, a clone of Mr A takes over until the cops beat someone else.

John Brumble
John Brumble
April 3, 2023 12:37 pm

“The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre” are living in la la land…

I mean.. they aren’t entirely wrong. Just maybe not the direction they think.

April 3, 2023 12:38 pm

As I said yesterday, reddit level retardedness above, and as I said in another conversation here, referring to ‘risk’ will only invoke the above response. Note, also, that while monty invokes the patina of science, “Bacteria are everywhere. Humans have systems to fight bacteria. It’s okay, don’t panic”, there is both no differentiation as to degree, or to function. One last thing, imagine your bakery used that argument when you complained about a ham and salad roll that gave you the runs: “Maaatttee, pretending that that roll was dirty and other types of roll are not is scientifically untrue. Bacteria are everywhere. Humans have systems to fight bacteria. It’s okay, don’t panic.” Dear oh dear.

Gay adults understand the risks. Your concern trolling for their welfare is patronising rubbish.

The fact that you are using that ableist slur in the year of our Lord 2023 says everything about your lack of grace. That slur has been shunned by normal people for many years now. As have your views.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 12:39 pm

Drv F

it’s hard for the Liberals to have a laser sharp focus when they are spread so thinly across the political spectrum that they overlap well into the rightwing of Labor.

In some cases (eg, Kean) the overlap into the Slime is close to total.

April 3, 2023 12:40 pm

Things Socrates did not “forecast”, Vol 1

Marin Sanna losing the 2023 election.
The invasion of Ukraine.
Ukraine not being crushed in two months or less.
The BRICS adopting the RMB.
The East Palestine train disaster.
Rishi Sunak being PM.
Gold over 1955 USD/oz now.
Brent crude being ~ 85 SUD/bbl now.

Keep in mind this “AI” system has “ALL” the financial data in the world, including historical data.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 12:42 pm


Yunupingu dealt personally with every Prime Minister since Gough Whitlam, who had met Yunupingu’s family in northeast Arnhem Land when he was a pilot in World War II.

Whoa! Who made this person a state Bureau Chief?
This is the sort of inaccurate, lazy, reporting expected from a New York Times bureau chief.

Wasn’t Whitless a directional consultant (aka navigator)?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 12:43 pm

I love this silly stuff.

Could a reinterpreted Marxism have solutions to our unprecedented environmental crisis? (, 31 Mar)

The social crises associated with the environmental emergency have not, as yet, spurred the Marxist revival one might expect from an era of political and economic tumult. Saito blames this on the longstanding association between socialism and the Promethean notion that nature can and should serve as raw materials for human ends.

Think of the Communist Manifesto and its giddy zeal for the transformative program of the bourgeoisie: “constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation …”.

The young Marx’s enthusiasm for solids melting into air sounds rather different with the environment collapsing all around us.

He’s funny. Nothing he’s talking about is happening, not even Marx’s melting solids, and the answer to the not-happening problem wouldn’t work anyway. He is, as you might expect, an Aussie:

Jeff Sparrow
Lecturer, Centre for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne

Says absolutely everything you need to know.

April 3, 2023 12:43 pm

The fact that you are using that ableist slur in the year of our Lord 2023 says everything about your lack of grace.

No, no, no.

Retard is the legitimate medical term (as in “developmentally retarded”) and the “disability lobby” love the asinine game of changing definitions every few years so the truly elite can signal virtue more brightly.

April 3, 2023 12:45 pm

Lecturer, Centre for Advancing Journalism

Every single word in that phrase is a lie.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 12:47 pm

Gay adults understand the risks. Your concern trolling for their welfare is patronising rubbish.

LOL, hahahahaha. Has m0nty=fa finally got around to understanding the concept of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria? Based on his earlier “there be germs everywhere, and all are at risk” line, heterosexuals must also “understand the risks”, but he doesn’t mention them.

Or maybe that wasn’t in the daily leftard talking points?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 12:50 pm

Gay adults understand the risks.

Going to hell seems like one risk too far.
But that’s just my opinion.

April 3, 2023 12:59 pm

Well, why not let the German Bishops (who are in open revolt of the Pope’s direction that the RCC cannot bless SSMs…) join the CofE?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 1:00 pm


Right-wing video site Rumble grows, as does its misinformation (TechXplore, 2 Apr)

The video-sharing platform Rumble, flush with cash after a $400 million investment, is pushing toward its goal of becoming the YouTube for American conservatives, even as it faces criticism for allowing misinformation and conspiracy theories to proliferate.

I wonder what misinformation and conspiracy theories they mean?

Although it promotes itself as a “neutral” platform, its limited content moderation offers a home to conspiracy theories about COVID-19, the 2020 election and more.

Rumble’s 2022 video “Died Suddenly”—based on the debunked premise that COVID-19 vaccines caused numerous deaths—was viewed nearly 18 million times. And a video dubbed “2,000 Mules,” promoting false claims of vote fraud in 2020, got more than two million views.

Truth is misinformation and a conspiracy theory? Okaaay, I see now! The light has dawned upon me!

April 3, 2023 1:01 pm

Rumble’s 2022 video “Died Suddenly”—based on the debunked premise that COVID-19 vaccines caused numerous deaths—was viewed nearly 18 million times. And a video dubbed “2,000 Mules,” promoting false claims of vote fraud in 2020, got more than two million views.

Both are factually true.

April 3, 2023 1:03 pm


“A video dubbed, *2,000 mules*…”

Yeah champ, it was made by a random dude who is an otaku, fears 5G and collects model trains.


Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:04 pm

Truth is misinformation and a conspiracy theory? Okaaay, I see now! The light has dawned upon me!

I’ve always wanted to meet this Miss Information. Is she a goer or what? Maybe I should ask Eric Idle of Monty Python fame.

Robert Sewell
April 3, 2023 1:05 pm


‘Hi, your daughter is now a boy… just letting you know’: A school’s casual phone call to a mother shopping in Waterstones that left her in turmoil – and is a warning to every parent

Why can’t the the parents remove the kid from the school and call in the Cult Busters?
Perhaps it’s time to conduct a PURGE of the School and Health systems to get rid of this cancer.
Remember Pinochet and the extent he had to go to to remove the communists from Chilean society?
It was the same there – the teachers and nurses had abandoned their professional standards to become marxist agitators and the country was rapidly sliding toward a bloody revolution. Had the communists taken over, the slaughter would have made the Russian and Chinese revolutions look like a school party.

Cassie of Sydney
April 3, 2023 1:09 pm

“The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre”

Is that centre….

1. Adopting net zero emissions?
2. Throwing money at their ABC and doing nothing about its bias?
3. Saying nothing to curb woke bullshit?
4. Doing nothing about the indoctrination in schools?
5. Pouring money into renewables?
6. Installing Malcolm Turdbull as PM?
7. Doing nothing about religious freedom?
8. Refusing to defend free speech?
9. Refusing to speak up for individual liberty?
10. Racking up enormous Covid debt?
11. Destroying federation?
12. Saying nothing whilst Australians had their civil rights trashed and destroyed?
13. Saying nothing when Australians, particularly Victorians, were bashed, beaten and bludgeoned?
14. Lying to Australians about the efficacy of Covid vaccines?
15. Falling for the left’s narrative about everything, particularly the nonsense that the Liberal Party has a problem with women?

Is that the centre they’re talking about?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:11 pm

and collects model trains.

So does Rod Stewart and Roger Daltrey of the Who. And your point is?

Cassie of Sydney
April 3, 2023 1:11 pm

“The fact that you are using that ableist slur in the year of our Lord 2023 says everything about your lack of grace. That slur has been shunned by normal people for many years now. As have your views.

Nasty, then piss of then.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 1:12 pm

‘Hi, your daughter is now a boy… just letting you know’: A school’s casual phone call to a mother shopping in Waterstones that left her in turmoil – and is a warning to every parent

Could be worse. Mum might instead get a phone call that her child has just been euthanized by the government.

Canada Advances Plan to Euthanize Children Without Parental Consent (2 Apr)

April 3, 2023 1:13 pm

Dot says:
April 3, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Lecturer, Centre for Advancing Journalism
Every single word in that phrase is a lie.

If my memory serves, the Sparrow’s sister was booted from a government job last decade as she was too extreme. It would be worth catching up on what happened to her and why. I think she was a librarian.

Cassie of Sydney
April 3, 2023 1:14 pm

“Well said. My 20 cents worth…Dutton needs to weather this storm, let it blow through. (It only takes 2-3weeks with our medias fickle focus). Then come out and make a stand, …on anything. If the knives are being sharpened you may as well go down making a stand on something.”

I tend to agree. They could begin by coming out against the Voice, but just watch them, they won’t. They’re allowing Sleazy, Labor and the MSM to scare the living daylights out of them. They need to grow a spine.

April 3, 2023 1:14 pm

The original Titania McGrath?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 1:17 pm

Bruce of Ncl

Could be worse. Mum might instead get a phone call that her child has just been euthanized by the government.

Canada Advances Plan to Euthanize Children Without Parental Consent (2 Apr)

Canadia under Trudeaupe is well down the path to Aktion T4. When will the Dauphin grow a toothbrush moustache?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:17 pm

“The Liberal Party needs to return to the centre”

Coming from Mal Adjustment Turn Bullshite that is so funny. So they need to move right from the left to get to the centre? You are having a larf’ moosh. Wot’ did you ever’ do to help the Libs? Just fark off and go away and that should help them a little bit. You are a Yesterday Person and not even a Man.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 1:20 pm


I tend to agree. They could begin by coming out against the Voice, but just watch them, they won’t. They’re allowing Sleazy, Labor and the MSM to scare the living daylights out of them. They need to grow a spine.

They are terrified of being called waaaaaaycisssssts. Instead, they need to take the anti-racist line: Why does the government wish to divide Australians by race, and institute a privileged place in our society for a minority of a particular race?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 3, 2023 1:21 pm

16. 18C

April 3, 2023 1:23 pm

That’s a good angle Boambee.

Practical minded people won’t be lectured to by feminist law school harridans about formal and substantive equality.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:26 pm

April 3, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Things that Dotty Dot of Dottiness has……………………………Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Robert Sewell
April 3, 2023 1:27 pm

Farmer Gez:

3aw discussing the Porter Davis collapse and casting the runes for answers as to why such a big builder would fail. I think I know this one.
Glad to help.

I assume you mean the sovereign risk aspect of governance?
It’d be like a railway line where not one sleeper is aligned with the next, and the engine of the economy is trying to get up to speed.
Even the drinks waiter in the saloon car is unable to do her job without spilling the beer.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 1:33 pm


And toss the word “apartheid” into the conversation as well. Also point out to recent immigrants and their descendants that they are being treated as of lesser value, in a reverse “White Australia” policy, that again discriminates against them.

April 3, 2023 1:34 pm

The Truth About Russia’s Economic Power: Is It Really as Small and Weak as the West Claims?

“The size of California?” Not a chance. Delve into the little-known nitty-gritty of Russia’s true economic size and productive potential.

Simplicius The Thinker
2 min ago


The following article is based on one I previously published on the Saker on this exact anniversary, which I believe bears increased importance in today’s climate. So I have decided to heavily revise and update it with the latest data, tripling its length in the process, to make it as contemporaneously pertinent as possible.

I believe this is information that needs the widest possible dissemination to dispel ongoing fallacies, in some quarters of the web, revolving around the size of the Russian economy.

The Trade Deficit Fallacy

In the west, there is a perennial bluster about the putative ‘weakness’ of the Russian economy. It is widely accepted as ‘fact’ that the Russian economy is somewhere miserably outside the ‘Top 10’ global economies by GDP, sinking ever deeper year by year towards #15, embarrassingly behind such smaller countries as South Korea, Canada, Italy and on par with countries like Spain, Australia, and Mexico. In fact, many a snarky joke is bandied about on the Atlanticist web about how ‘Russia’s economy is barely the size of Texas, California, etc.

This is a total western-generated fabrication.

In this article, I will prove the following points: that the Russian economy is actually ranked around the top 5 (and arguably even much higher) most powerful on Earth only behind China, US, Japan, and India;

that the 2014 western engineered Ruble crisis crashed the specious ‘Nominal GDP’ of Russia by half while not affecting the true GDP nor economic output of Russia—and how this was affected by the geopolitical factors of the time; and that ‘Nominal GDP’ is a spurious canard that does not apply to Russia due to Russia being a trade surplus economy, and in fact PPP GDP is the accurate way to measure economies like Russia.

Measuring Russia’s True Economic Power

So, if we now understand that the Russian GDP calculation was incorrect, what is the true way to measure it and what is the real Russian GDP? Since we know that Nominal GDP (which is priced in USD) is a fraudulent way to measure the economic power of Trade Surplus countries like Russia, the answer lies firstly in PPP GDP.

At the time of the article’s original writing, Russia according to some sources like the IMF had even overtaken Germany in the GDP PPP index.

The latest World Bank figures I could find currently, from their official site, show Germany and Russia neck and neck for 2021:

And since everyone calculates it slightly differently, other sources have it with Russia well ahead for 2022:

There are a few correlative indicators that can prove this for us. Several indirect tell-tale signs that experts use to look past fraudulent currency manipulated GDP numbers and gauge the real economic strength and productive capacity of a country.

For instance, let’s take a look at annual oil and electricity usage by country. These are important indicators that very closely correlate with a country’s economic power for reasons that should be self-evident: the more robust one’s economy, the more that country will be utilizing oil and electricity in the daily function and growth of that economic engine.

Some may be unconvinced, until looking at the chart above and seeing how well it correlates to the typical GDP standings. The chart shows oil consumption by country and in fact, the top 10 all looks quite similar to, and closely mimic, the PPP GDP chart.

Russia here is seen at #6 just like in the PPP economic standings, NOT in #11-15 place as the Nominal GDP would have you believe. The skeptic might ask, well wouldn’t a large population country be over-represented on this chart because they use a lot of oil?

To answer that, take Indonesia for example. It has a population almost double that of Russia, yet it is somewhere in the ~15th place in the oil consumption chart. Not surprisingly, this reflects its standings in the GDP list as well.

Now let’s look at two other indicators of a robust economy: electricity production and consumption.

As can be seen here, the figures also mimic and correlate to the GDP PPP figures. The same countries that dominate the Top 10 economies are seen either producing or consuming electricity at rates that correlate to their economic power. Not coincidentally, here too we see Russia placing near the Top 5, just like in the GDP PPP.

Now remember, these figures are not merely a product of population size. If that was the case, then countries with far larger populations than Russia like Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, and Pakistan would all be way ahead of Russia on the list of energy consumption—yet they are no where on the list.

Similarly, countries with SMALLER populations like Germany would not even be in the top 10. Yet Germany is an economic power house, and despite having a much smaller population than Russia, appears close to it on the list in perfect accordance with its place on the GDP PPP chart. This clearly indicates that a country’s energy production/consumption closely and correlatively correspond to its economic power, rather than mere population size.

Another indicator we can use is total Gold Reserves.

These figures also mimic economic standing as only the most economically powerful countries appear in the top 10 in roughly a similar makeup as to their official GDP standings. Gold has long been a telltale indicator of a country’s might, prestige, and economic status. In the chart below, we can see once again, Russia ranks in almost the exact position of its GDP PPP standing as in all the other charts above

And how about foreign exchange reserves, a sure sign of the health and vitality of any developed country’s economy.

This is the very fund that the West attempted to ‘seize’ from Russia, although as I have outlined in previous articles, they didn’t succeed in the way we were led to think. Notice once again, Russia’s top position corresponding similarly to its economic standing.

Of course we can use many other indicators, for instance global military standings. It is widely accepted Russia is at minimum the 2nd most powerful military force on Earth, and the military standings roughly correlate with the same countries in their economic positions—with the familiar faces of U.S., Russia, China, India, Japan, et al, making up the top of the list.

And most interestingly of all, there is even an indicator specifically made for this type of meta-economic analysis. Called the Composite Index of National Capability, it is a “statistical measure of national power” which derives its list from the measurement of different components like demographics, economic strength, military power, etc., running them through a formula. Not surprisingly, it also utilizes energy consumption in its algorithm, which is as follows:

And what is the final tally of the top 10 countries according to this list?

Big surprise—Russia is again in its exact, precise position, only behind the powerhouses of China, US, India, and Japan

But one can quickly forget that the Russian economy is the most beleaguered, manipulated, and sabotaged in the world, in terms of sanctions, embargoes, and every form of outright economic terrorism the Western Atlanticist powers wage against it.

So the most sanctioned, embargoed, and economically sabotaged country in the world, still manages to maintain a roughly #5 position, even ahead of powerhouse Germany. This begs the question: what is Russia’s true economic potential? It is clear that, adjusted for this, Russia would likely be #3 behind only China and US were it not for the historically unprecedented handicaps placed against it.

And in fact, some have done the calculations and showed that in truth, the Russian economy is closer to being only about half the size of the U.S., rather than 1/15th or 1/20th, or whatever the absurd Nominal GDP figures would have you believe.

One of the reasons for this is that the US is primarily a service economy. As Brookings Institute here tells us, today four out of every five Americans work in the service sector:

The problem with service sector economies is that the service sector does not produce tangible goods or commodities, i.e. it’s not manufacturing anything, but rather simply offering services like transportation, hospitality, delivery, etc.

Every country’s economic compositions can be broken down into percentages, and it highlights some interesting things for us in this regard. For instance, here are the global rankings of countries by their service sector:

The U.S. is in 2nd place in the world with a whopping 79.7% of its economy being in the service sector. Russia is off the chart, at #24 with ~60% service sector.

Now let’s reorder the chart to show countries ranked by their industrial/manufacturing sector:

Here, Russia is a respectable 9th place with 36%. U.S. is at a dismal #33rd with ~19% of its economy in the industrial sector. Similarly, reordering by agriculture shows Russia coming in with nearly ~4%, and U.S. at 1.1%. And the total percentage of people employed in the manufacturing workforce for Russia is also amongst the world’s highest at 14.4%:

Russia on the other hand, is among the leading positive surplus account balance nations. Here’s the official CIA Factbook list from 2021:

And yes, in case you doubted, here’s the U.S. in literal last place on Earth, with the most egregious Current Account imbalance of 209 identified sovereign states and territories:

And again using the CIA Factbook, let’s check the Debt to GDP by country. Here the U.S. comes igominiously in 11th worst place with 126% Debt to GDP.

Russia, on the other hand, is only a few places away from the absolute lowest Debt to GDP number of any country in the world, with about ~18%:

The Future

And with the current direction things are headed in, de-dollarization will eventually bring about the end of the Dollar Hegemony, Petrodollar, World Reserve Currency status, etc. Sure, it may take much longer yet, as some argue. But things do appear to be accelerating on that front.

Just today, it was reported that India seeks to trade in its own native currency with more countries, including Malaysia.

Top financial site, Financial Times (FT), is slowly preparing their readers for the eventuality:

All the while, Russia’s economic prospects continue to grow as the Eurasian bond between Russia-China strengthens them both. Last month, Russia’s manufacturing sector has even shown its largest increase/improvement in six years:

It’s nothing but misery and complaints for the West. They’ve lost control of the plot and no longer have the levers to affect Russia economically, particularly now that Russian import substitution and economic re-orientation have allowed it to completely rewire its imports/exports to the East.

That means, the U.S. only had one chance to fully drown the Russian economy with its ‘crippling’ sanctions and economic terrorism, but it was a very risky ‘all or nothing’ gambit on the part of the Atlanticists. If they had succeeded in their plans by totally unplugging Russia from the Western economic system, they would have achieved an irreparably damaged Russia. But instead, they completely neutered themselves of their only last remaining weapons.

Russia has survived, stronger than ever, and now that it is severed from their systems, there is no way left for them to exact economic damage. Last month Josep Borrell stated exactly that when he said:

“There is not much more to do from the point of view of sanctions, but we can continue to increase financial and military support,” Borrell told EURACTIV in Stockholm, following a meeting of EU defence ministers.

And lastly, as a culmination of everything herein, and showing how successfully Russia has broken free of the Western financial system tentacles, Russia has last week ordered all its banks to stop using the SWIFT bank transfer system.

How the tables have turned. It was only a year ago that the West hung the threat of cutting Russia off from SWIFT over Russia’s head as an unprecedented action that evoked predictions of Russia’s ensuing financial demise. And now, it is Russia itself cutting the cord, discarding the now-replaced SWIFT system like a used rag, proving once again that Russia’s historic trajectory is now set.

April 3, 2023 1:34 pm

when he was a pilot in World War II.

Whitlam was never a pilot, although he was air crew. Navigator, if memory serves

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:37 pm

April 3, 2023 at 12:27 pm

When you get over your inner prejudice and you have a few moments then just watch this sort of presentation from Colonel Macgregor who actually served in the US Military when you were dreaming or whatever.

Robert Sewell
April 3, 2023 1:41 pm

Farma Gez:

As a follow up, it’s very fortunate that farmers generally enjoyed a couple of good years before the massive price surges caused by government restrictions and spending or we’d be up shit creek like the builders.

I had a notion several weeks ago that “What would happen if the farmers with a couple of good years behind them, told the governments and banks to shove it for a season?” Of course it wouldn’t happen because it would kill most of the smaller cities and towns, but a demand for rational policies and procedures and a halt to the braindead gyrations of administrators would be just too much to ask.
The Greens would say it’s a good thing because rape of the environment,
Labor would go along with the failure of the wheat crop because they could just subsidise bread and buy grain from OS,
The Liberals would form a committee to find out what Labor were doing, and agree that subsidies would get us out of trouble,
PHON and the rest of the rabble… what would it matter?
Then they’d all blame the farmers for everything going wrong and nationalise the farms.

Then I swore off home brew vodka and burnt my still.
It was a close call.

April 3, 2023 1:42 pm

“I tend to agree. They could begin by coming out against the Voice, but just watch them, they won’t. They’re allowing Sleazy, Labor and the MSM to scare the living daylights out of them. They need to grow a spine.”

Yep – come out with a new policy every 2-3 days – just as the MSM get together their arguments for why they are so bad because no voice, bam! Reduce Government spending, then as MSM gathers itself, bam! Reduced taxes. Now MSM are reeeling, and before they recover, bam! Reduced regulation. Bam! Climate change is bunk, renewable subsidies gone. Bam! Coal penalties gone. Bam! Nuclear is a good option. Just keep going with common sense stuff. Not fluff, real solutions to the real issues plaguing ordinary working people that came about because of bad policy from leftists. Do research, have numbers and examples to prove what you are proposing works, that what is current leftist dogma and current policy fails.

April 3, 2023 1:43 pm

My point, among all the biology talk, is that pretending that homosexual sex is dirty and other types of sex are not is scientifically untrue. Bacteria are everywhere. Humans have systems to fight bacteria. It’s okay, don’t panic.

So you have no objection to having shit on your dick. Does your wife know?

April 3, 2023 1:44 pm

Trump Jr. mocks ‘highest paid actor’ Zelensky

The former president’s son took a jab at the Ukrainian leader over the tens of billions of dollars of US aid his country has received

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a former comedian, has emerged as the “highest paid actor” of 2022, Donald Trump Jr. joked in an Instagram post on Saturday.

The Trumps have repeatedly criticized the volume of American aid to Zelensky’s government.

Trump Jr. shared a screenshot of a Twitter conversation in which the ‘Daily Loud’ listed Tom Cruise as 2022’s highest paid actor. “Actually Zelensky was the highest paid actor,” a commenter replied, adding that the Ukrainian leader earned “$18 billion” compared to Cruise’s $100 million.

“Checks out!” Trump Jr. remarked. “That said, I thought the number was $130,000,000,000.00.”

Both the commenter and Trump Jr. got their figures wrong.

Since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began last February The US has allocated around $113 billion for military, economic, and humanitarian aid to Kiev, of which more than $75 billion has been disbursed, according to data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German think tank.

When aid from the EU and its individual members, plus US allies including Canada, Japan, and the UK is taken into account, the total sum sent to Kiev adds up to more than $143.6 billion, or nearly 25 times Ukraine’s 2021 defense budget.

Donald Trump Jr. referred to Zelensky as an “ungrateful international welfare queen” after the Ukrainian leader traveled to Washington in December to ask the US for more military aid.

His father, meanwhile, has repeatedly accused President Joe Biden of risking “World War III” by arming Zelensky’s forces.

Partially blaming the conflict on “America Last Globalists” in the US State Department and Pentagon, Trump has insisted that if elected next year, he would have a ceasefire worked out “within 24 hours.”

April 3, 2023 1:45 pm

When you get over your inner prejudice and you have a few moments then just watch this sort of presentation from Colonel Macgregor who actually served in the US Military when you were dreaming or whatever.

Dead Russians and unplanned retreats are better evidence than shills and misplaced disloyalty.

April 3, 2023 1:47 pm

mUnty’s …everything has germs so nothing is disgusting…

reductio ad absurdum

translation: mUnty is a fool

April 3, 2023 1:47 pm

End of the Dollar: India Uses Rupees Rather Than US Dollars for International Trade – 18 Countries Agree to Trade in INR

Following the US Federal Reserve’s sharpest tightening in monetary policy in decades, India has offered its currency as an alternative for trade to nations that are experiencing a shortage of dollars, Bloomberg reported.

As a result of Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies, there are now coordinated efforts to weaken the global reliance on the U.S. dollar

India’s new foreign trade policy took effect on April 1, according to Reuters.

The outlet reported:

The South Asian nation is prepared to trade in rupees with nations facing a shortage of dollars so as to “disaster-proof” them and effectively boost its exports, Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal told a news conference in the capital, New Delhi.

The measures include industry-specific targets to reach a goal of $2 trillion in exports of merchandise and services by 2030, said Santosh Kumar Sarangi, head of the directorate-general of foreign trade (DGFT).

That represents a nearly three-fold jump from expected exports of $770 billion in financial year 2022/23, he added, despite global uncertainties that make the export scenario slightly challenging.

India is also launching a new amnesty scheme for one-time settlement of defaults on export obligations, Sarangi said.

The scheme, which aims for faster resolution of trade disputes, will run until September 2023, but will not apply to cases involving fraud investigations.

India’s new policy will also automate some trade approvals and cut charges for medium-sized and small businesses to secure some government-backed benefits.

Bhagwat Karad, India’s minister of state for finance, said that the Reserve Bank of India had approved the opening of special rupee vostro accounts (SVRAs) of correspondent banks from 18 countries in 60 separate cases.

The countries include Botswana, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United Kingdom.

Also, according to a senior Russian official, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are in the process of developing their own currency that will be presented at the organization’s upcoming summit in South Africa.

Below is recap of countries stepping away from reliance on the US dollar in the last few weeks:

Delta A
Delta A
April 3, 2023 1:48 pm

They could begin by coming out against the Voice

Cassie, I think Dutton is playing it the right way regarding the Voice. At this stage, he is the one demanding clarification and answers which Albanese can’t supply. He projects considered impartiality as he awaits the full picture.* If the Voice passes, he can support it (or otherwise) without losing face, saying it is the will of the people etc etc.

If, today, he came out against the Voice, the Left would lay it on endlessly**: Racist, white supremacist, colonialist! The media would have a ball, cheerfully shouting the lies to all and sundry. And all conservative and centre Right voters would wear those labels whether deserved or not.

*I suspect that Dutton does not support the Voice. If he does, there’s no reason for his reticence.

**I suspect govt would love him to support the No push. Imagine all the lefty hooting and hollering. Nothing else in the world would matter.

April 3, 2023 1:48 pm

Donald Trump Jr. referred to Zelensky as an “ungrateful international welfare queen” after the Ukrainian leader traveled to Washington in December to ask the US for more military aid.

Stupid. Many conservatives support Ukraine, including those willing to vote for Trump. They’re smart enough to see through Putin’s propaganda. They know Putin did not mess with Trump.

Trump also started funding Ukraine’s defence against Russia, so this is an own goal, shitting on your father.

April 3, 2023 1:49 pm

Kremlin propaganda has commenced for the day.

Ole’ 2’o clock charlie.

April 3, 2023 1:50 pm

Wagner chief declares Bakhmut ‘formally captured’

Evgeny Prigozhin dedicated the seizure of the key Donbass city’s administration to a killed Russian war blogger

The head of the Russian private military company (PMC), Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced a milestone achievement in the battle for the city of Artryomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut), publishing a video allegedly taken in front of the town’s administrative building on Sunday evening.

“We hoisted the Russian flag with the inscription ‘Good memory to Vladlen Tatarsky’ and the flag of PMC Wagner on top of the city administration of Bakhmut,” Prigozhin said in the clip.

Prigozhin’s announcement comes just hours after prominent Russian military blogger Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin) was killed in an apparent improvised explosive device blast in a café in Saint Petersburg on Sunday afternoon.

Legally speaking, Bakhmut is taken. The enemy is concentrated in the western districts,” the head of the PMC added.

The battle for Artyomovsk/Bakhmut has emerged as one of the most intensive and bloody engagements of the armed conflict in Ukraine, with both sides reportedly suffering significant casualties. Western officials have claimed that the city poses no strategic military value, but Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky pledged to defend it as long as possible after proclaiming the city a fortress.

Kiev’s attempts to cling onto Bakhmut, regardless of the losses, has “almost destroyed the Ukrainian army,” Prigozhin claimed earlier this week. However, Wagner fighters, who led the charge to capture the Donetsk People’s Republic city, also took “a serious beating,” he acknowledged.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 3, 2023 1:51 pm

CIA overthrew Rudd in 2010?

That’s a new one, though it makes sense.

Rudd said action on climate change was going on the backburner for a few years, 5 minutes later he’s lookin’ fer a new job?

April 3, 2023 1:53 pm

EU nation increases sales of wine to Russia

Italian winegrowers outpaced Spain and Georgia to become the country’s top supplier in 2022

Exports of wine from Italy to Russia saw a year-on-year increase of 16% in 2022, surging to a record high of €172 million ($187 million) in monetary terms, the Italian association of agricultural producers, Coldiretti, announced on Saturday.

Sparkling wines accounted for more than half of Italian wine exports to Russia last year with the lion’s share being Prosecco, the sales of which reached €48 million, up 30% year-over-year.

The overall sales of Italian sparkling wine totaled more than €91 million, representing a 28% surge compared to the previous year.

And exports of white and red wine reportedly reached €81 million – a modest growth of 5% compared to 2021.

The jump in exports, unaffected by Ukraine-related EU sanctions on Moscow, turns Italy into Russia’s number one supplier of wine, after Spain and Georgia.

Under the penalties adopted by the bloc last March, EU companies are legally permitted to export wines to Russia as long as the value of each bottle is no more than €300.

In December, trade data tracked by the European Commission’s department of agriculture and rural development showed that wine exports from EU member states to Russia saw growth of 40% from August through October 2022. Italy, France, and Spain were ranked among the biggest exporters.

April 3, 2023 1:54 pm

mUnty’s …everything has germs so nothing is disgusting…

It shares the logic of a cockroach.

April 3, 2023 1:56 pm

Yunupingu dealt personally with every Prime Minister since Gough Whitlam, who had met Yunupingu’s family in northeast Arnhem Land when he was a pilot in World War II.

If only they had a voice….

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 1:58 pm

April 3, 2023 at 1:45 pm

Watch the video or STFU.

April 3, 2023 1:58 pm

Delta A says:
April 3, 2023 at 1:48 pm

They could begin by coming out against the Voice

Cassie, I think Dutton is playing it the right way regarding the Voice. At this stage, he is the one demanding clarification and answers which Albanese can’t supply.

He projects considered impartiality as he awaits the full picture.* If the Voice passes, he can support it (or otherwise) without losing face, saying it is the will of the people etc etc.

The real reason Anthony Albanese is refusing to answer questions about the Voice Australians WANT answered – and why his tactic could backfire

. PM criticised for his approach to Voice questions
. Lidia Thorpe accused him of ‘thinking he knows what relates’
. Albanese has been snappy over questions asking for detail

Critics have expressed concerns that there has been little clarity from the PM, who frequently appears fed up and bristly over the nature of the questions he’s asked.

In the past week he’s swatted away questions about whether the Voice could provide an input on climate, defence or foreign affairs matters and slammed anyone questioning his pet project as ‘disingenuous’.

Political commentator and professor of politics and public policy, Peter van Onselen, told Daily Mail Australia the PM appears to be relying on community goodwill and his own popularity to gain support for the Voice.

‘He’s in a bind because not answering questions makes it look like he’s concerned about providing details… but I think he knows that if he answers these questions, it only raises more questions and possibly more concerns,’ he said.

‘He’s hoping to carry the Voice on his personal popularity and community goodwill toward Indigenous Australians rather than because people are relaxed and comfortable about the contents of the policy.’

Mr Albanese says the body will have a say in all matters relating to First Nations people, but this can be interpreted in many ways depending on who is asked.

The safeguard mechanism, for example, is a climate issue, which Senator Lidia Thorpe argues is entirely interwoven with Indigenous matters.

Discussing amendments she is trying to have added to the safeguard mechanism, Ms Thorpe said: ‘Climate change and its root causes cannot be separated from colonisation.

‘This land is our mother, and we are killing her. Every time a new coal pit is dug, she is wounded. With every new fracking well that is driven into her veins, she bleeds.’

POLL – Do you understand the purpose of the PM’s proposed Voice to Parliament?

NO – 94%

Robert Sewell
April 3, 2023 1:59 pm


Watch Andrews come back from China with the Belt and Road under his belt.

He’s going to sell Ayers Rock to Uncle X1, who will crush it up for concrete and build a spaceport on Cape York. There will be no protests from the Aboriginal Industry – well none that will reach the media – and all will be fairies and rainbows and Australias wheat and grains crop will be purchased at marvellous prices* by Chinerr.
* Marvellous for China, that is.
Aussie Farmers will be broke within a couple of years.
Meh. Nationalise the farms and put the Aussie Kulaks to work building the iron boomerang.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 3, 2023 2:02 pm

Whitlam joined the RAAF in 1942, and trained as a navigator. He was posted to No. 13 Squadron and flew out of north Australia and New Guinea with them.

April 3, 2023 2:02 pm

mUnty’s …everything has germs so nothing is disgusting…

Yet when covid came along he hid, quivering and double masked, in his house.
His poor kids are no doubt about to front up for their fifth jab.

April 3, 2023 2:02 pm

Watch the video or STFU.

Make me, Princess.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:03 pm

April 3, 2023 at 1:53 pm
EU nation increases sales of wine to Russia

I would love to see Russia’s latest Balance of Payments and Current Account details. Maybe Russia is making money and it can afford to have a drink or two while making lots of munitions for this Police Action in the UKR.

April 3, 2023 2:05 pm

British PM responds to private pool criticism

Rishi Sunak “absolutely understands” millions are struggling with money no matter how much it costs to heat his pool

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told state broadcaster the BBC on Sunday that his government’s successful efforts to reduce people’s energy bills were more important than his own expenditure to heat the pool at his $18 million North Yorkshire estate.

Sunak landed in hot water recently over revelations he will pay up to £14,000 ($17,000) per year to heat his recently upgraded private swimming pool while the country experiences a cost of living crisis.

“I absolutely understand that the number one challenge people are facing is with the cost of living and particularly energy bills,” Sunak told Chris Mason in response to a question about whether the amount of money he spent on his private pool made him seem out of touch. “The important thing is what the government does to help people with energy bills.”

Pointing to the “windfall tax on energy companies” he secured as chancellor, Sunak boasted, ”We have used that money to help reduce people’s energy bills.”

When Mason pressed him on whether his own massive wealth – he and his wife are worth about £730 million ($889 million) – got in the way of understanding the lives of his constituents, Sunak disagreed, again pointing to the taxes his government had levied on energy companies.

“We’ve used that money to reduce people’s energy bills by £1,000. That’s the actions of this government, the actions of me as prime minister and chancellor. I think people can see from that, that I do take this really seriously,” Sunak said.

The PM recently had the electrical grid around his property upgraded in order to service the new heated swimming pool he was putting in, according to The Guardian, which described the installation of “a substantial amount of equipment” as well as an entire new connection to the National Grid running across open fields.

While the report stressed that the PM was paying for the work himself, the optics of the well-heeled PM luxuriating in his 12m (40 ft) heated private pool while hundreds of council-run swimming pools have been forced to either close or reduce hours, due to energy costs, have led to questions like Mason’s.

April 3, 2023 2:06 pm

Lecturer, Centre for Advancing Journalism

Twice winner of “Australia’s most punchable face

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:06 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:02 pm
Watch the video or STFU.

Make me, Princess.

LOL. And that says it all. One eye and only one eye to …………………………..

Robert Sewell
April 3, 2023 2:06 pm

Delta A:

What about the thug who punched that 70yo woman in the eye*. Is that not violence?

It wasn’t ‘violent violence’.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:09 pm

Twice winner of “Australia’s most punchable face“

I humbly disagree. That would be Blackout Bowen who is a Gold Medal Weiner…………………….

April 3, 2023 2:10 pm

E?r Dover can fix.

April 3, 2023 2:15 pm

The Biden White House is uninterested in honoring the Nashville shooting victims

By Miranda Devine

Every day last week, after three children and three adults were murdered by a transgender shooter at a Christian school in Nashville on Monday, Joe Biden waxed lyrical about the “joy, strength, and absolute courage [of] transgender and nonbinary Americans.”

Hard though it is to believe at a moment when discretion and sensitivity were needed, the president issued statements from the White House claiming “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”

On Friday, four days after the massacre at Covenant Christian School, he issued a proclamation declaring March 31 as “Transgender Day of Visibility” and railed against “MAGA extremists [who] are advancing hundreds of hateful and extreme state laws that target transgender kids and their families . . . These attacks are un-American and must end.”

The White House marked the occasion with a 3,464-word “fact sheet” suggesting “conservative politicians” were driving “transgender youth” to consider suicide.

Never fear, though, President Biden is “standing up for transgender kids and their families.”

But who is standing up for Christian kids and their families?

Must they now fear for their lives because of the hysterical lie, encouraged by the president, that their loving faith is bigoted and hateful toward transgender people?

Ignoring tragedy

Who is standing up for the victims of last week’s horror?

Certainly not the media, which has decided that the real victims are the transgender community, in anticipation of some imaginary backlash from Christians.

“Fear pervades Tennessee’s trans community amid focus on Nashville shooter’s gender identity” was a typical headline from NBC.

Corporate America sang from the same hymn book.

One day after the massacre of three little kids in Nashville, Amazon sent a message to “LGBTQIA+ employees and allies” expressing “support and solidarity during this period of apprehension and uncertainty.”

Biden and his White House just kept pumping out their trans propaganda right into the weekend.

They said not one word about Christians all week, despite the fact that the Nashville shooting appears to have been a hate crime targeted at a Christian school; we can’t yet definitely assert the motive because the killer’s so-called “manifesto” is being kept from us, unlike similar documents in other massacres.

Even when the funerals began for the Nashville victims, the White House didn’t let up.

On Friday, in the middle of Biden’s orgy of trans-pandering, the first of the Nashville victims was buried. Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, was honored for her, “unwavering faith in the goodness of others.”

“Evelyn made people feel known, seen, but never judged.”

Mourners at Woodmont Christian Church in Nashville, a couple of miles from The Covenant School, wore pink and green “in tribute to Evelyn’s light and love of color,” as her family requested.

The next day, the White House went ahead with a “White House Roundtable Affirming Transgender Kids.”

This was an opportunity for Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice to use children as props in a cynical political stunt aimed at demonizing Republicans in red states who have passed laws to protect kids from sex hormones and experimental gender surgery.

In doing so, the Republican legislatures and governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis are in accord with the most up-to-date thinking in Europe.

Countries like Sweden, Finland, Belgium and England, hardly bastions of transphobia, have cracked down hard on the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery for children, after finding that the interventions have done more harm than good and are not evidence-based.

But the Biden administration wasn’t going to let such pesky concepts interfere with its virtue signaling.

On Saturday, while the White House roundtable kicked off, a different event was being held in Nashville, right next to the scene of the massacre.

There at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, the parents of 9-year-old Hallie Scruggs held a funeral for their only daughter in the sacred place where her father is pastor.

Political narrative

You can see that from the sociopathic lack of empathy exhibited by the White House as it ploughed ahead with its transgender talking points, effectively valorizing the cause of the Nashville killer.

It cast as villains “conservative politicians [who] have advanced hundreds of anti-transgender laws in states across the country … putting the fundamental rights and freedoms of trans Americans at risk … Over half of transgender youth say they have seriously considered suicide in the last year because of the discrimination and rejection they face.”

The suicide narrative is a political cudgel used to silence opposition to this perverse medicalization and mutilation of healthy children.

But it is essential to the new political narrative Biden and his party have designed for the 2024 political cycle.

Before the 2020 election, they seized on George Floyd’s death as an opportunity to race-bait, foment unrest and demonize Republicans as racist bigots.

For 2024, you can see them setting the stage to do it all again with a new identity group of “oppressed” victims, who need Biden to be their champion and “have their backs.”

Nashville was just an inconvenient interruption, so they ignored it.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:16 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:10 pm
E?r Dover can fix.

If so. get rid of ……………………………………..and others.


April 3, 2023 2:18 pm

Warning – the following is not from the Bee…

Brisbane wealth adviser Alanna Fraser has been battling to pay off a university student debt of $102,000.
She’s just 26 and fears the current system of loan indexation will leave her still owing the government money for her Bachelor of Economics and a Masters of Financial Planning degrees in 20 or even 30 years’ time.

Good and hard- nearly everyone in the article is
a: Female
b: a likely green/lab voter

So good and hard it is.

April 3, 2023 2:19 pm

Becoming a Habit in America – Country in Decline

Train derails 25 cars in Montana, spilling unconfirmed contents

April 3, 2023 2:22 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:18 pm

102K. She must’ve repeated a few years then.

April 3, 2023 2:22 pm

That Brisbane wealth adviser should reconsider her career choices.
Maybe go into politics as a teal.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:23 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:15 pm
The Biden White House is uninterested in honoring the Nashville shooting victims

By Miranda Devine

Thank you OldOzzie for posting this. The USA is going down the toilet and around the S bend. Just like Australia. Goodnight from me and goodnight from him.

April 3, 2023 2:25 pm

Im not asking to get rid of enyone, Rotten. Chill!

April 3, 2023 2:27 pm

Musk goes after the NYTimes calling it propaganda. Just wow!

He doesn’t f… around.

April 3, 2023 2:29 pm

Bacteria are everywhere. Humans have systems to fight bacteria. It’s okay, don’t panic.

So you have no objection to having shit on your dick. Does your wife know?

Monty defecates anywhere in the house, like an untrained dog, because: Bacteria are everywhere

April 3, 2023 2:35 pm

Any CAT Bloggers know of a good site for an Exercise Template?

Trying to put up template of exercises from Wall Street Journals Articles for Seniors to do a Daily Progress recording of reps for exercise

Six Exercises to Prevent Falls and Build Healthier Hip, Knee and Ankle Joints
The ankle, knee and hip are essential for everyday movements like walking and running

Six Exercises to Keep Knee Pain in Check
An NBA strength coach advises players to manage aching knees and avoid tendinitis with this workout

April 3, 2023 2:37 pm
April 3, 2023 2:38 pm

The treaty protecting these wrecks is also the one being used to make Mabo viable for the sea bed down to about 75m.
They are going to use the war dead to sneak it through.

More than 80 years after the ship was sunk, the wreck could soon be found near Timor-Leste. Ratifying a UN convention would help Australia protect it from plunder

Pressure is building for Australia to ratify the Unesco convention for the protection of underwater heritage, which has been put in place to stop pirates and trophy hunters from looting shipwrecks, and disturbing the bodies of drowned sailors in the process.

If anyone thinks the UN gives a flying proverbial about dead stale pale males in boats i have an aboriginal Sydney harbor bridge to sell you about 5 km out to sea in 70m of water.

The committee wrote, in its report, that protecting and preserving First Nations underwater cultural heritage was “of vital importance” and welcomed the evidence that Australia should do more to identify, protect and learn from it.

Viduka said First Nations underwater cultural heritage goes down to a depth of 135 metres across a timeline of 65,000 years. “Most First Nations heritage is between 40 and 70 metres below the present coastline, because that’s where the coastline was from 65,000 years ago to about 30,000 years ago,” he said.

The committee’s chair, Labor MP Josh Wilson, said academics had reported that over the past 20,000 years, 2m sq km of Australia’s land mass had been submerged.

“This means that many historic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sites – dating back thousands of years – lie underwater and can be protected, preserved or studied,” he said.

April 3, 2023 2:39 pm

JC says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:22 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:18 pm

102K. She must’ve repeated a few years then.

What frightens the heck out of me is that having

She’s just 26 and fears the current system of loan indexation will leave her still owing the government money for her Bachelor of Economics and a Masters of Financial Planning degrees in 20 or even 30 years’ time.

She may be working as a Financial Planner or for a Bank and she can handle her own Finances?

April 3, 2023 2:42 pm

Interesting question…

What “Head of Power” (i.e. Act, law etc..) was in place to allow for Australians to vote on approving the Australian Constitution in 1901?

April 3, 2023 2:43 pm
April 3, 2023 2:44 pm

Looks like Dutton is spooked by the by-election results and will capitulate to support Labor’s Voice to prop up his likeability to leftists.

April 3, 2023 2:45 pm
April 3, 2023 2:46 pm
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:51 pm

Watch Andrews come back from China with the Belt and Road under his belt.

He’s going to sell Ayers Rock to Uncle X1, who will crush it up for concrete and build a spaceport on Cape York.

He can’t do that as it is not in his State of Sictoria. He can try with a now unbalanced Budget to sell those 12 or 8 or 5 or………….how many Apostles by Easter. But then again, NO. They now be long to the Abos apparently.

April 3, 2023 2:51 pm

Indolent says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:43 pm

Manhattanites are again reminded that self-defense is illegal


a bit more on that case – ‘I GOT BULLETS IN ME’

Shot NYC parking-garage worker who fired at suspected thief weeps while cuffed to bed

The Manhattan parking-garage worker who was initially hit with an attempted-murder rap for shooting an armed would-be thief wept as he lay handcuffed to his hospital bed Sunday, stunned at his fate.

“I got bullets in me, and I’m chained to a hospital bed, but I didn’t do anything wrong,” Moussa Diarra, 57, lamented, according to Meyers Parking’s Chief Operating Officer Michael Carolan, who spoke to The Post.

Diarra was shot twice during a tussle with suspected thief Charles Rhodie at Carolan’s West 31st Street garage early Saturday before using the accused man’s weapon to shoot him back.

Diarra was initially charged by cops in the case, including with criminal possession of a weapon for having Rhodie’s gun at one point, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office Sunday dropped the raps. Rhodie still faces charges including attempted murder.

Before Diarra was cleared, he looked absolutely crestfallen in a photo at Bellevue Hospital obtained by The Post.

“One of my first thoughts was a political football, and this gentleman shouldn’t become a political football,” Carolan said — as Bragg continues to take heat over his local alleged soft-on-crime policies.

“I can’t get my head around, necessarily, the legal process of charging an individual and having to go through 48 hours for his family and himself,” Carolan said.

“Here’s a gentleman who’s just a hardworking individual doing his job,” he said of Diarra. “You just think you’re doing the right thing. The altercation happens because of the other individual, not our guy. He’s reacting.”

Diarra was on the job at the West Side garage around 5:30 a.m. Saturday when he allegedly caught Rhodie, 59, peering inside cars there.

The attendant confronted the intruder, and the two got into a scuffle, with Rhodie pulling out a handgun and shooting Diarra twice, only to have the attendant wrestle the gun away and fire a shot into Rhodie’s chest, according to police.

Diarra had surgery for two bullet wounds, one to his gut and the other to his ear, his lawyer, Charles Clayman, told The Post on Sunday.

Cops ended up charging both men with attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon — leaving Diarra not only wounded but baffled.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 3, 2023 2:51 pm

Gay adults understand the risks. Your concern trolling for their welfare is patronising rubbish.

Yep. If you didn’t go bowling in the 80s you’re good.

April 3, 2023 2:51 pm

Haha well done to The Spectator…

“The politically homeless”

Yup that’s me!

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 2:55 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:51 pm
Indolent says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:43 pm

Manhattanites are again reminded that self-defense is illegal

So move to Texas where it is legal. Shoot first and ask questions afterwards.

April 3, 2023 2:58 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:42 pm
Interesting question…

What “Head of Power” (i.e. Act, law etc..) was in place to allow for Australians to vote on approving the Australian Constitution in 1901?

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900

April 3, 2023 2:58 pm

Was mentioned briefly above. Here is full Oz article. Going around a lot on Twitter

Media to blame for Covid vaccines’ wall of infallibility by Adam Creighton

The dam wall has finally broken. In the US and Australia, the chapter of silence on reporting Covid-19 vaccine injuries appears to have slammed shut, due in no small part to Christine Middap’s excellent series of reports in The Australian.

Throughout the pandemic criticism of masks or lockdowns was permissible, if frowned upon, but the vaccines attained an almost exalted status that ensured any critics ­­– no matter the quality of their evidence – were unfairly disparaged as “anti-vaxxers”, “cookers” or simply ignored.

Why this was so remains hard to explain, but some fault must lie with a too credulous, incurious mainstream media, naive to the political and financial forces that pushed governments to eschew the more sensible path of voluntary Covid-19 vaccination. At the very outset, compelling entire populations to take a scientifically novel vaccine, produced on a political timetable, against a disease that for the bulk of people was a bad cold, was a highly questionable policy, arguably trashing traditional medical ethics about informed consent.

Yet even as it became clear throughout 2021 and 2022 that the experts pushing vaccine mandates had been wrong over and over again, “safe and effective” remained the mantra.
Governments and experts insisted vaccines stopped transmission when they clearly didn’t, even though Pfizer later admitted it hadn’t even studied that question.

There was never a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Breakthrough cases were never “rare”. Indeed, by 2022 it was clear a big chunk of those dying from or with Covid-19 had been boosted. It remains an awkward fact that far more people have died from or with Covid-19 since the vaccine rollout (which targeted the most vulnerable groups first) than before, a weak prima facie case for a supposedly “highly effective” vaccine.

Warning signs were flashing bright red about safety all along. Throughout 2021 the US government’s own vaccine injury reporting system, VAERS ­­– for which it is a felony to file a false claim, not to mention time-consuming – suggested a massive, unprecedented increase in potential injuries. Sure, many would be spurious, but how such a surge was largely ignored continues to boggle the mind.
On top of that, most countries are nursing unprecedented and largely unexplained increases in excess mortality, which a recent study from Norway concluded was partly attributable to the share of the population that was vaccinated in 2021, alongside a host of other variables.

Let’s pray that conclusion, which has received next to zero media coverage, falls apart when it reaches the peer review stage. In October, I wrote to Conny Turni, a scientist at Queensland University, after I read her new assessment of Covid-19 vaccines in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology. “An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous,” she and co-author Astrid Lefringhausen concluded, arguing the vaccines presented a greater health risk to young healthy people than Covid-19 itself.

It was one of the most shocking things I’d read in years; a detailed review, scrupulously referenced, pointing to the growing plethora of scientific studies around the world that were casting doubt on the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines from 2021. “The only media attention I have received was from the UK,” she told me when I asked what attention her research had attracted.
“It is very worrying, especially since there are networks here in Australia of doctors and scientists … echoing my findings and they are just not heard.”

The point of a free media is to challenge authority, especially massive incursions on human rights, but many of us became cheerleaders for the health bureaucracy and politicians, assuming all were faithfully acting in the public interest. It’s well established the global financial crisis was the product in large part of the capture of financial regulators by powerful banking interests, leading to far lower levels of capitalisation than socially desirable.

Why would the same forces not be at work in medicine, where the biggest pharmaceutical companies, who stood to gain billions of dollars in profit from vaccine mandates, exerted huge influence over regulators, which they themselves fund? Social media performed abysmally too. The latest batch of Twitter Files revealed a systematic effort by US government-funded NGOs to remove even true stories of vaccine injuries where they could promote “vaccine hesitancy”. In an Orwellian twist of history, any posts throughout 2021 that warned of vaccine passports, mandates or argued for natural immunity were removed.

“Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is,” Winston Churchill once famously said of truth. The mountain of bias and ignorance that’s weighed on reporting on Covid-19 vaccines is starting to crumble. It may very well be that the vaccines did overwhelmingly more good than harm, but with proper media scrutiny the harms could have been less.

Veteran British journalist Piers Morgan recently apologised for his earlier histrionics. It might be an opportune time for many others to follow his example.

April 3, 2023 3:00 pm

Indolent says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:45 pm

Why Are Tesla Semi-Trucks Stranded by the Roadside?

What stood out from that Link

In December 2022, Tesla delivered its first semi-trucks to PepsiCo. Since then, keen-eyed Californians have noticed at least eight trucks seemingly nonoperational, either by the side of the road or being towed home.

While Tesla has no media department, sources say the truck problem is as simple as the Semi’s infotainment screens going dead. If so, this would not be a first for Tesla.

Tesla touch screens are prone to failure

It would be best for the future of electrified transportation if this first-gen Tesla Semi problem is an easily-remedied software issue. But Teslas have a history of infotainment screen hardware failures–caused by quick-and-loose component sourcing.

Because of infotainment touchscreen failures, the NHTSA forced Tesla to recall and repair 134,951 Model S and Model X vehicles.

The company complained that the screens weren’t “defective” because it knew these screens would only last five-six years and considered this acceptable.

In fact, Elon Musk once bragged that no automotive supplier offered a 17-inch touchscreen so he instead sourced his Model S and X screens from an industrial product manufacturer.

He discovered the hard way that a screen engineered to sit in a warehouse and operate a piece of machinery is very different than a screen engineered to live in a hot or cold car and restart multiple times every day.

Both PepsiCo and Tesla have yet to comment on the semi-truck problems. Tesla has also not made it clear whether the touch screens in its semi-trucks are the same as those found in the Model X and Model Y.

Read more about Tesla’s infotainment touch screen recall or see CNBC’s look into the Tesla Semi in the video below:

April 3, 2023 3:00 pm

quivering and double masked


April 3, 2023 3:00 pm

Thanks Will.

But I still think it’s an interesting question! 😛

April 3, 2023 3:02 pm

On the InVoice, has anyone seen what it’s falling poll numbers look like at a State-by-State level? (Since that’s more important than a national poll)???

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 3, 2023 3:03 pm

While the report stressed that the PM was paying for the work himself, the optics of the well-heeled PM luxuriating in his 12m (40 ft) heated private pool while hundreds of council-run swimming pools have been forced to either close or reduce hours, due to energy costs, have led to questions like Mason’s.

Heating swimming pools is a real issue, even in Perth. One mate soon gave up after getting the first gas bill and he isn’t even the British PM.

April 3, 2023 3:04 pm

Your concern trolling for their welfare is patronising rubbish.

Hypocrisy, the compliment vice pays to virtue.

April 3, 2023 3:05 pm

This caught my eye.

As I wrote earlier, you should enroll in a vagina awareness course, you might learn something.

Which begs the question; what would be a passing grade in such a course?

Vaginas are amazing and I’m pretty sure that most men here, you excepted because you are not a man, given the choice of a vagina or an anus to put their penis in, would choose a vagina.

In my experience its the vaginas which do the choosing.

April 3, 2023 3:05 pm

Why didn’t you tell me that in the 80’s Bear. It was only the others that were ghay. A woman I knew in the 80’s called Gay was really pissed when the ghays started with her name.

April 3, 2023 3:06 pm

university student debt

I checked last week … HECS debt is running at 3.9%

April 3, 2023 3:08 pm

But I still think it’s an interesting question!

There was opposition to Federation.

April 3, 2023 3:08 pm

dover0beach says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:52 pm

Rubio on dedollarisation. This was supposedly crazy-talk only last year.

Can you explain why you think it’s not crazy talk?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 3, 2023 3:10 pm

Whitlam joined the RAAF in 1942, and trained as a navigator.

The RAAF inducter would’ve taken one look at him and said “aircrew”.
Big guys like Gough wouldn’t fit in a Spitfire cockpit!

April 3, 2023 3:11 pm

A mte of mine heated his pool in Perth with a drainage perforated coil working in reverse on his roof, with a diverter valve from the down pipe going into his pool. Worked pretty well.

April 3, 2023 3:12 pm

Posted by BoN at 12.43pm:

Could a reinterpreted Marxism have solutions to our unprecedented environmental crisis?

The author, Jeff Sparrow, is a communist activist, who has been hanging around the government-funded arts scene for decades.

He now has a job as a journalism lecturer at Melbourne university. As a journalist, he has zero credibility because he has only one objective: the subversion of the capitalist free-market system and its replacement with communist one-party tyranny.

Australian journalism schools do not teach journalism but the weaponisation of journalism as left-wing propaganda; 99% of Australian journalism graduates vote for the Greens or the ALP.

99% of Australian journalists loathe the public they tasked with informing, so informing them they don’t. But they think the public is too stupid to notice.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 3:14 pm

“Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is,” Winston Churchill once famously said of truth. The mountain of bias and ignorance that’s weighed on reporting on Covid-19 vaccines is starting to crumble. It may very well be that the vaccines did overwhelmingly more good than harm, but with proper media scrutiny the harms could have been less.

Nice summary and I didn’t get jabbed by an experimental (mental) gene therapy drug (so called vaccine) that was developed at warp speed. My innate immune system had been developed over many, many years and at no cost to me other than eating well and only having a bottle of red wine a day (just joking). It was 2 bottles of day when I got older in my late 60s and now at age 70 years.

It was all a load of bollocks and all they had to do was to protect the most vulnerable in Society. And that wasn’t me. Big Pharma made shed loads of money…………………………….How corrupt.

Maybe Dotty Dot of Dottiness. or Mrs Stencho Pantyhose or J Erkoff Cretin JC or any others that have weak immune systems and thin skins on this website were at risk. MontyPox Virus and Head Case, a Suitable Case for Treatment as well.

April 3, 2023 3:14 pm


Do you recall what happened to Ms Sparrowette?

It appears to me the entire family have a couple of screws missing.

April 3, 2023 3:18 pm

This is just extraordinary. Report after report is now coming out that they KNEW what the effect would be and just lied about it, all the while pushing and mandating the poison.

James Thorp MD

COVID19 jabs are contraindicated in pregnancy- Category X. BLACKBOX Warning. USA UK CANADA AUSTRALIA ?? New Zealand all had the Pfizer 5.3.6 data showing it to be the most lethal drug EVER over 100 dead per week in 1st 90 days and THEY KNEW Feb 28, 2021 see page 7 & horrific pregnancy outcomes page 12. Why are these countries pushing this lethal drug in the most vulnerable population?

April 3, 2023 3:19 pm

That’s right, he wrote Communism, a Love Story.

Jeff Sparrow (born 1969) is an Australian left-wing writer, editor and former socialist activist based in Melbourne, Victoria.[1] He is the co-author of Radical Melbourne: A Secret History[2] and Radical Melbourne 2: The Enemy Within[3] (both with sister, Jill Sparrow). He is also the author of Communism: A Love Story[4] and Killing: Misadventures in Violence.[5]
Political activism

As a student activist and member of the Trotskyist group, the International Socialist Organisation (ISO), Sparrow was one of the Austudy Five, controversially arrested after a protest in 1992.[6] He was expelled from the ISO in 1995[7] and helped found the splinter organisation, Socialist Alternative (SA).[citation needed] After leaving SA, he was involved for some years in the group Civil Rights Defence. In 2018 he endorsed Stephen Jolly and the Victorian Socialists.[8]

Radical Melbourne (Vulgar Press, 2001) presents a guide through the first 100 years of political radicalism in Melbourne, focusing on the structures, streets and public places that remain today, and illustrated by rarely seen images from the archives of the State Library of Victoria. Journalist and author John Pilger called Radical Melbourne “a brilliantly original, long overdue unveiling of a great city’s true past”.[3] The book inspired Radical Brisbane, a similar project about the Queensland capital, by Raymond Evans and Carole Ferrier.[9]

The sequel, Radical Melbourne 2: The Enemy Within (Vulgar Press, 2004), was described by reviewer Ian Morrison as “sparkl[ing] with furious wit … the Sparrows are devastatingly funny.”[10]

Communism: A Love Story (Melbourne University Press, 2007) is a biography of the radical intellectual Guido Baracchi, a founder of the Communist Party of Australia. The book traces Baracchi’s political career from his support for the Industrial Workers of the World to his association with the Trotskyist Fourth International; it also examines his turbulent personal life and his relationships with writers such as Katharine Susannah Prichard, Lesbia Harford and Betty Roland. It was shortlisted for the Colin Roderick Award.[11]

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 3, 2023 3:22 pm

As I wrote earlier, you should enroll in a vagina awareness course, you might learn something.

Which begs the question; what would be a passing grade in such a course

mUnty failed Econs 101. What chance he could get a pass here?

April 3, 2023 3:24 pm

JC that name at the end Lesbia Harford has to be a pisstake.

April 3, 2023 3:24 pm

Ms Sparrowette

In the early oughts I saw a program she did on the ABC. It was for kids and pushed the value of unions and so on, socialist indoctrination for the youngsters, designed to be shown to the class. Her brother made a cameo at one point. Subtle it wasn’t.

From memory she was cast from the same mould they used for Kerry Nettle, campus lefty in drab clothes and sociopathic demeanour.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 3, 2023 3:31 pm

And more larf’s……………………………………………..

April 3, 2023 3:38 pm

The Sparrows

Too lefty and too loony for the Greens!

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 3:41 pm

April 3, 2023 at 1:47 pm
mUnty’s …everything has germs so nothing is disgusting…

reductio ad absurdum

translation: mUnty is a fool

I wonder does he wash his hands after having a crap. After all, if everything is covered in (pathogenic) bacteria, what would be the point?

Maybe it adds a bit of spice to the iced donuts?

April 3, 2023 3:43 pm

GreyRanga says:
April 3, 2023 at 3:24 pm
JC that name at the end Lesbia Harford has to be a pisstake.

Ranga, I think it was Crikey in the mid naughts. I used to take the piss about his Stupid book, Communism: A Love Story, how it was around 7 billionth on Amazon ranking.

He may have sold three copies.

April 3, 2023 3:46 pm

Too lefty and too loony for the Greens!

The Greens seem to have a thing for taking the raw material for camp guards and electing them.

April 3, 2023 3:46 pm

Lesbia Hartford was real. Don’t know if she was a lesbian!

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 3:48 pm

Hard though it is to believe at a moment when discretion and sensitivity were needed, the president issued statements from the White House claiming “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”

Creepy Joe might well be correct, but the shaping of the “nation’s soul’ is in an ugly direction.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 3:51 pm

April 3, 2023 at 2:22 pm
thefrollickingmole says:
April 3, 2023 at 2:18 pm

102K. She must’ve repeated a few years then.

She did a m0nty=fa? Had to start again? And again? And …

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 3, 2023 4:02 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
April 3, 2023 at 3:10 pm
Whitlam joined the RAAF in 1942, and trained as a navigator.

The RAAF inducter would’ve taken one look at him and said “aircrew”.
Big guys like Gough wouldn’t fit in a Spitfire cockpit!

Skyhawks were small aircraft, supposedly with a small cockpit, yet I knew a naval aviator of impressive girth who used to fly them. Not sure if grease was used to fit him in.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 3, 2023 4:04 pm

Could a reinterpreted Marxism have solutions to our unprecedented environmental crisis?

Marxism is a solution looking for a problem.

It failed miserably in its first remit, visiting hunger, misery, terror, and death on those offered up to it, and to whom it promised so much.

Now we have these aged radicals (who, by their young-self’s reckoning, should be ruling wisely over a grateful people by now), these aged radicals who have invested so much of their time and energy into Marxist thinking now trying to find something, anything, that will give it meaning.

Economics and politics were a bust. Gender and race seems to be making things too obviously worse so it might be better to walk away from the mess and leave it to the squares to sort out. Now they want to set nature aflame.

  1. Deeming a proposed, but unratified amendment into existence as part of the Constitution isn’t just lawless If I’m not mistaken…

  2. For many years, I’ve regarded the settlement and development of Australia as being rather wonderful and incredible. Just last October…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x