Open Thread – Tues 16 May 2023

The Peasant Dance, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1568

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Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 8:10 pm

I love this dog.


woof bark growl:

<a href = ""&lt; Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 44

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 18, 2023 8:11 pm

I guess she couldn’t call it the blackest day in sport eh?

That bit of hyperbowl died without trace.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 8:12 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 18, 2023 8:16 pm

Grate work, Sky.

Bit hard there Rabz. I suspect Sky has a microscopic budget, and talking heads would be hard for them to find because of the fear of cancelling by the Left and all its minions.

Trudy of Canada is thinking about banning Fox News. Which is fun since Fox has been going lefty for a while now, not least by dumping their biggest eyeball-magnets. Sky News, which is to the right of Fox, must be an irritation the Left here in Oz would just love to purge.

May 18, 2023 8:18 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 18, 2023 8:20 pm

Director of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh Smear Group Begs for Mercy After Releasing Confidential Documents

I read that one earlier today, most entertaining! Monty, are you in trouble son? We can help.
(You have to RTWT to get lame joke.)

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 18, 2023 8:24 pm

Holey moley Trickler. I used to loathe the keep-the-dogs-out shift at the farmers’ market- I don’t know what the hell I’d do with that beast

May 18, 2023 8:25 pm

Armchair Copelord
Gang, Russia’s strategic genius at work. As the foremost twitter expert on strategic genius, I can tell you, a key part of strategy is to marshal your strengths.

Russia is strong in stray dogs.

Infact Russia completely outclasses NATO in both quantity & quality of stray dogs.
Quote Tweet
Anton Gerashchenko
In case you were wondering about the level of insanity in Russia:

Russian MP suggested training aggressive stray dogs and sending them to the “special military operation” zone – to de-mine and carry the wounded.

May 18, 2023 8:31 pm

Nine’s Caroline Wilson referred to “Hawthorn’s racist past” as she called what were untested, often self-serving allegations “the greatest scandal to engulf the AFL”.

The club whose supporters used to chant “Cyril, Cyril, Cyril” like he was a black god.

May 18, 2023 8:32 pm

This woke stuff is mental and in overdrive

Heckler & Koch demand gun owners respecc wahmen (actually it was a rogue social media manager)
Dove Soap DEMANDS Ugly Women In Video Games

The Cathedral must be sending out Moonbat signals.

May 18, 2023 8:34 pm

Tactical Wisdom
If you’re not watching it, check out @HecklerAndKoch, where a single employee is single-handedly destroying their brand with their best customer base.

It’s WILD.

“After coming immensely close to cancellation, the organization apologized for their actions by tweeting a picture that read that they do not “engage in identity politics.” They went on to add that- “a police was violated. Changes were made.””

Good. At least one company has stomped this nonsense into the shadow realm.

May 18, 2023 8:39 pm

“the greatest scandal to engulf the AFL”

Was the St Kilda Rd Hair Wax Famine of 2003.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 18, 2023 8:41 pm

Lying on my sofa for what I am calling my Covidcation (confirmed I am Covid positive just today!) I have had ample time to let my eye wander over life’s minutiae.

I have discovered that they did a reboot of the 80’s series The Equalizer.

McCall is now black. And a lady.

The black thing I suppose was prepared for by Denzel Washington’s depiction in his movie, and there would be a reluctance to go back to white guy when most of the audience would never have seen Edward Woodwardward. (Who would want to give their kid a name like Edward? People would be teasing “Like that F’wit calling himself ‘Case’?”)

Now, I liked the original series. But it really was dated to the eighties. The technology, the geo-politics, the idea that the CIA was pragmatic in a way Americans could not stomach, and the whole aesthetic.

The Denzel Washington thing was, for me, a step down. Edwood Wordwardwoodwierd version had a passion for redemption. The Denzel Wasingtontownton version was brooding. Damaged but useless. After all that time harming strangers he only stirred for someone he knew. Eddynedwooded Woodnedwardwoordwoodward cast a wide net to help complete strangers, little people, the ones that the powers that be would casually stomp upon while they are busy doing something else, and give no more thought to than the gunk in the tread of their boots.

2Ed.Ned.Ward2 -> Wood.(Ward2).O.Wood + Nard could be your hero. He was a force for good – which is not centred on self.

Denzel was cynical without a flame of defiance. He just wanted his world in order. (How did we ever get to the idea that this is heroic?)

And he was, sartorially, lemonade.

But, while in the eighties the idea of a black guy wending seamlessly through the corridors influence, with the Cold War and American/European dominance in world affairs and so on, would have been strange in current world affairs spy agencies would keep a more diverse stable. Should teach them how to dress though.

But this latest twist of the Hollywood Rubik’s cube, seems to have produced a combination that has failed dismally. IMDB reviewers cite many flaws that show just how bad it is, failing in everything (action, story, etc) except the ever present but I whispered diversity quotas – one thing audiences really don’t give a rat’s puckered bottom about.

Things must be pretty bad in the US so that investment in a destined-to-fail Hollywood production is considered smarter money than investment in production of actual products.

Robert Sewell
May 18, 2023 8:44 pm
China is sitting on a bomb that’s about to explode. And it’s so massive, it could leave a black hole in its wake. China’s local governments have accumulated massive amounts of debt. And there doesn’t seem to be an easy solution to getting them out.

May 18, 2023 8:45 pm

We MUST change our mindset.

Vicki often posts here, and she says interesting and sane things. I frequently uptick her. But a while back she wrote of encountering someone who was pro-voice, and Vicki explained how she kept quiet to avoid bad feeling. Lizzie has said the same for other issues.

What I want to know is, why should Vicki or Lizzie be the one who is expected to exercise restraint? Why not the loony leftie loser?

Every time you let them express their views and don’t counter their position, you are encouraging them in their lunacy. I reckon you have a moral obligation to state your position. If they stop loving you because you disagree with them, you haven’t lost anything worth having.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 8:54 pm

Wally Dalísays:
May 18, 2023 at 8:24 pm
Holey moley Trickler. I used to loathe the keep-the-dogs-out shift at the farmers’ market- I don’t know what the hell I’d do with that beast

He’s accepted a food treat from a lady in a dog park, once. WTF! was my immediate reaction. Some people just connect with animals. Going back a few moths ( Stevo – owner ) fed him a hamburger pattie. He’s under contract with the breeders with his food consumption ( pro-pan) . If Stevo becomes sick or incapacitated, he has to give him back to the breeders.

I reckon, Eric ( owner of Rowdy would take over )

Cash is already up tp 4 owners. Stevo being the last.

True story.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 18, 2023 8:54 pm

Heckler & Koch demand gun owners respecc wahmen

That was another glorious faceplant today. Who in their right mind at a gun manufacturer would get a woke wymminses to do their advertising? Bunnies with guns, yum! I eagerly await the final pic in the next WIP…

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 18, 2023 8:55 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

You are a stock-fish of the highest order.

I prefer mewling quim (HT Loki, one of the Thor fillums)

May 18, 2023 8:57 pm

North Sydney Council which has called for Ausgrid to abandon the proposal and instead build the battery on private land.

No. There is no ‘private land, the petrol sniffers own it all now. Oh wait, that only applies to poor peoples land.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 18, 2023 9:06 pm

Isn’t Ausgrid supposed to operate on a commercial basis, covering its costs via he Grid Access Charge? If so, why are they begging for a government grant?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 18, 2023 9:16 pm

The bush is sick of being used as a dumping ground for the moral guilt of urban elites.

Oh my wordy lordy yes.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 18, 2023 9:21 pm

Mentioned earlier, but (the Tele):

A police investigation is underway after a 95-year-old dementia patient was tasered by officers who found her armed with a knife in a nursing home in southern NSW.

Clare Nowland, a mother of eight, was standing at her walking frame in the Yallambee Lodge near Cooma on Wednesday when she was found holding a knife, prompting staff to call police.

It is understood in an effort to disarm the great-grandmother, police pulled out and discharged their tasers, causing Mrs Nowland to fall to the ground and hit her head and suffer a fractured skull and a brain bleed.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 18, 2023 9:26 pm

Wait for it…… (the Tele):

An American traveller who allegedly tried to smuggle a 24-karat gold-plated handgun into Australia has spoken out for the first time since her release from prison on remand, saying she was “shocked” over her arrest.

Colourful and heavily tattooed US citizen Liliana Goodson, also known as River SolDorado Salvatore Chunga, said she hopes to stay in the country despite facing a possible maximum of 10 years behind bars.

Wait for it…….

When approached by The Daily Telegraph at Bondi, Ms Goodson said she was unable to discuss the case but revealed she is “hoping to stay here” in Australia.

“I came here hoping to gain Australian citizenship,” she told The Daily Telegraph.

Wait for it…..

The 28 year-old said she wanted to pack up her life and move down under because “it’s not America”.

“There’s a lot wrong with America. It’s not safe for me, for trans people or people of colour. The police are very corrupt.”

There we go.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 18, 2023 9:28 pm

Ninety five!
Pure cowardice.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 18, 2023 9:32 pm

A police investigation is underway after a 95-year-old dementia patient was tasered by officers who found her armed with a knife in a nursing home in southern NSW.

My mother is a lady of similar vintage, although she continues to live independently. Any cop who tasered her would face the wrath of her very angry sons, with the capacity to make said coppers name STINK!

May 18, 2023 9:35 pm

DrBG @ 8.45pm, you and the commentor you quoted above are both male.
Vicki and Lizzie being female may possibly handle situations at times differently.
“Vicki explained how she kept quiet to avoid bad feeling. Lizzie has said the same for other issues.”
When a woman is quiet on an issue it often says more than if she spoke.
I think of it as attitudinal language.

May 18, 2023 9:42 pm

When a woman is quiet on an issue it often says more than if she spoke

speculation your honor

May 18, 2023 9:44 pm

When a woman is quiet on an issue it often says more than if she spoke.
I think of it as attitudinal language.

I’ve been known to use the same technique, P, but what is critical is not just to let them know that you disagree, which is just about feelings, but that you have the evidence on your side. You can’t get that over in body language.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 18, 2023 9:46 pm

Yet women largely demand philosophical conformity, whereas men can tolerate much wider ranges of disagreement.

May 18, 2023 9:57 pm

Yet women largely demand philosophical conformity, whereas men can tolerate much wider ranges of disagreement.

I’m a sexist, like God or mother nature or the blind forces of evolution. So I agree that women, generally, place a higher value on conformity and not rocking the boat than men do. Men are, generally, happy to argue with each other and don’t have any difficulty getting on well with others who have a completely different perspective. All the current need for conformity pushed on us by lefties is part of the feminisation of society.
I’m intending to hang on to my toxic masculinity, beats toxic femininity every time.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 18, 2023 9:57 pm

I have a letter, from a charity I have supported for some years. They now advertise themselves as being in Cammeraygal Country. I’m going to write back, to ask what support the Cammeraygal people are giving them…

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 18, 2023 10:00 pm

Leave this here before retiring for the night. Superb and will never be matched.

Bar Beach Swimmer
May 18, 2023 10:12 pm

Dr BG:
What I want to know is, why should Vicki or Lizzie be the one who is expected to exercise restraint? Why not the loony leftie loser?

Every time you let them express their views and don’t counter their position, you are encouraging them in their lunacy. I reckon you have a moral obligation to state your position. If they stop loving you because you disagree with them, you haven’t lost anything worth having.

An exercise class that I used to go to ended for me when proof of vaxx status after the mandatory crap ended in NSW in Dec 2021, was insisted on.

Most of the class are green/left wing. At coffee, we’d discuss all manner of subjects. Sometimes a subject arose that I knew I would be out of kilter with them on. But I didn’t want to have a difference of opinion every time when one or other subjects came up because on the whole they are all very nice women, and I liked their company. So I would pick the subject that needed an alternative opinion.

When the mandates stopped me from going, I realised that I only mattered to them if I was prepared to conform. If I didn’t matter to the unless I conformed, I decided that I’d rather have no friends than conform.

I’ve started going to another exercise class – I don’t intend to make any friends there.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 18, 2023 10:13 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 10:18 pm


No scantily clad women here. Just beauty.


May 18, 2023 10:21 pm

If I didn’t matter to the unless I conformed, I decided that I’d rather have no friends than conform.

You’re a tough chick, BBS. The very best sort.

Reputation is what others think of you. Honour is what you think of yourself.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 18, 2023 10:22 pm

National songs? I give you South Africa versus Ireland…

Bar Beach Swimmer
May 18, 2023 10:25 pm

Dr BG,
thank you.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 18, 2023 10:25 pm

Meanwhile in the Territory, things are as normal:

A coordinated police response to multiple vehicle thefts over a 680km distance across the Alice Springs and MacDonnell regions has resulted in the arrests of five youths.

Police allege the group stole two vehicles from a school on the Stuart Highway before driving them out to a remote community west of Alice Springs on Sunday.

A severely damaged Mitsubishi Pajero was recovered the following morning by Papunya police.

Police reported the sighting of the other stolen vehicle, a Mitsubishi Triton, being driven out of Kintore on Wednesday.

It was joined by a Toyota Hilux, which had been reported stolen on Tuesday night.

Officers from Strike Force Viper, Operation Drina, Southern Drones and Southern Dog Operations coordinated an arrest on Larapinta Dr.

There a tyre deflation device was used and the four youths were arrested without incident.

A 13-year-old, a 14-year-old and two 15-year-olds were charged with driving and bail offences and were remanded to appear in court on Thursday.

Another 14-year-old will be dealt with in accordance with the Youth Justice Act.

NT News. The Voice will fix it.

May 18, 2023 10:30 pm

Black Ball says:
May 18, 2023 at 10:00 pm
Leave this here before retiring for the night. Superb and will never be matched.

Yes, you can get misty-eyed.

May 18, 2023 10:31 pm
May 18, 2023 10:32 pm

You’re a tough chick, BBS. The very best sort.

I consider her solid.

May 18, 2023 10:32 pm
May 18, 2023 10:34 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
May 18, 2023 10:37 pm

Wellington Police have charged a man with arson over the fire at hostel on Monday that killed six people.

In a statement, police said they had not ruled out further, more serious charges in relation to the deaths.

“Acting Wellington District Commander Inspector Dion Bennett is confident that Police are not seeking anyone else in relation to the fire,” the statement said.

The deadly blaze ripped through Loafers Lodge hostel in Wellington on Monday night.

The NZ Herald is reporting the charged man is also a resident of the hostel.

The man is due to appear in front of Wellignton District court on Friday.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 18, 2023 10:39 pm

Banksia Hill: Hundreds of shocking claims made public include officer assaults, sexually inappropriate conduct
Rebecca Le MayThe West Australian
Thu, 18 May 2023 7:01PM

Hundreds of shocking allegations that young detainees are being assaulted and touched inappropriately at Banksia Hill detention centre have been made public, including claims custodial officers hit a girl in the head with chairs and told boys at Unit 18 they would be raped if they went next door to the adult prison.

The accusations are contained within 57 complaint letters sent by the Aboriginal Legal Service to the Department of Justice between February 2022 and April this year, which were tabled in parliament by Greens MP Brad Pettitt on Thursday.

One of the most horrifying accounts was from a female detainee who was “coded” by youth custodial officers who mistakenly believed she was writing on property — she was actually scribbling on her leg — and then assaulted after picking up a chair.

She claimed two male YCOs responded by striking her with chairs “on the left and right sides of her head at the same time”, then handcuffed her and dragged her along the floor in the now outlawed “folding up” restraint.

The girl claimed that the following month after an “incident” with a unit manager, an officer hit her head “into the wall”, again while restrained in the hogtie hold.

Disturbingly, she alleged that another officer “touched her on the buttocks with his hands as she was on the ground handcuffed” and that she could not breath as they held her head down.

There were multiple separate complaints about one male YCO who allegedly constantly behaved in a sexually inappropriate way towards the girls, staring at their chests and buttocks, and also speaking to them flirtatiously and winking when other officers were not there or distracted.

“He will often adjust the crotch area of his pants, making them feel uncomfortable,” the complaint read.

One girl who was upset about the YCO talking to her responded by angrily calling a different YCO a name and allegedly wound up being held in a headlock and then a “starfish” position that left her “crying and in excruciating pain”.

She said it involved being held off the ground by two officers, with one holding her legs and the other holding her arms. She claimed the whole ordeal left her with bruising to her legs, hips, arms and neck.

One of the boys at the notorious Unit 18 complained that one of the Casuarina Prison officers told him: “Wait until you go next door. You will be raped in the a**e”.

An officer from the special operations group — the unit that responded to the Banksia Hill riot last week — allegedly made a similar remark, then called the inmates “Youse little c***s”.

The Voice will fix all this, too,

May 18, 2023 10:45 pm

The Front Bar cut to the chase tonight.

Vote yes because…. because … no reason, just do it.

It’s the vibe of the thing.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 10:48 pm

Bar Beach Swimmersays:
May 18, 2023 at 10:12 pm

You are one cool chick! How is the ocean temps?

It took a while to find this again.

Stive Morgan – Magic World Of Illusions[HD]

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 18, 2023 11:18 pm

Special Ed interjected:

Yeah, the Morrison Government “lost” the CTV footage for the night

Nah, not completely lost, just kept aside for the annual office party Christmas video.

May 18, 2023 11:46 pm

Really it’s access to those four Ministerial offices that really matter to me. I couldn’t care less if Sarah Hanson Young’s staffers sit there stoned for days on end. I would not have Xenophon stayed in his office absolutely shitfaced and too paralytic to move.

Will have to agree with the Dot on this. Wondering why this is not a national security scandal when Defence ministers office being used for drinking and shagging sessions in the past and why all of those involved were not prosecuted.

No doubt this would open a huge can of worms for all sides … but countries like China must be laughing mightily at the pathetic state of security in OZ govt.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 18, 2023 11:46 pm

One thing about Cash. He knows kids and will not endanger him. Rowdy is happy and content with his face looking at the ground. Things we learn.

Cash and Rowdy.


woof bark growl:

Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Calabasas Commons 12

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 18, 2023 11:52 pm

Wondering why this is not a national security scandal when Defence ministers office being used for drinking and shagging sessions in the past and why all of those involved were not prosecuted.

Clause 25 of my old contract prevents me from answering this question!

Every company has its own company culture. This is similar.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 18, 2023 11:56 pm

Yunupingu was the chair of the powerful Northern Land Council for a quarter of a century.

The council’s current chair Dr Samuel Bush-Blanasi, who was unable to attend the memorial, said Yunupingu was “a man of great vision”.

Unable to attend? No backstory there, I’m sure.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 19, 2023 12:08 am
Oh come on
Oh come on
May 19, 2023 12:08 am

“I’m all for green infrastructure but the placement of it needs to be thought about properly.”

Exactly! Let’s think about it properly! Who could possibly disagree with this voice of reason? Let’s have a good, proper think. Ummm…errr…hmmmm.

Apropos of nothing, where do the poor people live?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 19, 2023 12:18 am
May 19, 2023 12:53 am

Every company has its own company culture. This is similar.

Something stinks badly about this whole thing. Surprised that camera footage was not used in trial from inside or outside parliament but not greatly surprised.

Later at the party all the MP’s rave

May 19, 2023 4:00 am
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Black Ball
Black Ball
May 19, 2023 4:53 am

Yay! Hun:

A Danish renewable energy giant has unveiled a bold $30bn plan to make South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula a global wind, solar and green hydrogen powerhouse.

It is part of a $100bn pipeline of Australian renewables projects being led by fund manager Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which is looking to capitalise on the federal government’s commitment to net zero by 2050 and its $2bn pledge to support several flagship green hydrogen projects.

The Eyre Peninsula development, dubbed “Evergreen”, would include about 4GW of solar generation capacity, 10GW of wind and 7GW of electrolysis.

That is more than double South Australia’s current network-wide generation capacity of about 6.6GW, and equates to about 1600 wind turbines, which would be erected on land somewhere between Iron Knob and Ceduna.

CIP vice-president Matthew Stuchbery said the company had spent the past 12-18 months engaging with pastoral lease holders on government-owned Crown land in the region, as well as traditional owners the Gawler Ranges and Barngarla Aboriginal corporations.

He said the region had some of the best wind and solar resources in the world, and the huge scale of the proposal would enable the company to produce hydrogen at a globally competitive price.

“For us to be able to make this economic, to be able to produce hydrogen at a price that people are going to buy it, we need to think about the generation assets first and so that’s where we look first to build the scale and drive the cost down,” Mr Stuchbery said.

“So step one is get the economies of scale and the cost of electricity down, and then you decide where the best spot is for the ­hydrogen production.

“Everyone is looking around Whyalla and Port Bonython and that makes sense for us too. We need to work through the engineering and figure out what makes most economic sense, but also what makes most sense for the community.

“This would be an incredibly exciting project anywhere in the world, and we’re pleased we’re able to bring this world-leading investment to South Australia.”

Mr Stuchbery said CIP was currently progressing discussions with potential offtake partners for green hydrogen and ammonia, as well as for the excess electricity generated by the wind and solar farms that could be fed back into the grid.

“We expect that some of it (electricity) will also be available for both the grid but also for direct offtake by large industrial users,” he said. “Obviously, you’ve got magnetite mining in the Middleback Ranges, you’ve got industrial processes in Whyalla and Port ­Augusta.

“I think one of the points of policy that has really resonated within CIP is the concept of green re-industrialisation. It’s something that is close to what has happened in Denmark.”

The project is expected to create about 1500 jobs during construction and up to 500 ongoing jobs once operational.

Further consultation and engineering work is expected over the next couple of years before CIP applies for the relevant approvals ahead of an expected final investment decision in 2028.

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas met with CIP representatives at last week’s World Hydrogen Summit in The Netherlands to discuss the company’s plans on the peninsula.

He used a speech at the event to spruik new legislation proposed to streamline the regulatory process for large-scale hydrogen and renewable energy projects in the state, as it positions itself as a first mover in the fledgling industry.

As part of its hydrogen push, the South Australian government is currently evaluating proposals from developers to partner in its own $593m green hydrogen plant in Whyalla, which has been flagged as a potential beneficiary of the federal government’s $2bn Hydrogen Headstart program.

The funding, announced in last week’s budget, will be used to underwrite several flagship green hydrogen projects.

Mr Malinauskas said investors from across the world were increasingly interested in the state’s “world-leading” hydrogen plans.

“We have the world’s best resource of coincident wind and solar energy, and our world-first Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act will provide a framework to ensure we slash red tape and streamline processes for developments,” he said.

Mr Stuchbery said he was encouraged by the level of state and federal support for the nascent industry, which was important in attracting investment from major global players like CIP.

“Particularly for South Australia it’s really the combination of the resource but also the policy position of the current government,” he said.

“And like they have with the Hornsdale battery, taking a leadership position and really leaning in to try and drive the industry – that’s something that we can absolutely work with, and that has driven the enthusiasm from CIP to focus on South Australia.

“It’s the topic on everyone’s lips – the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and how other countries are going to respond to what is, in effect, a market distortion.

“And so putting that money ($2bn) on the table, with a commitment to look over the next 12 or so months at what other actions can be taken to manage some of those things that are happening internationally, is incredibly welcomed.

“One thing that we do think is important is that any of those successful projects do have an interface with domestic offtake as well. We are looking at developing partnerships, whether that’s steel makers, cement, glass to make sure that there is an element of domestic offtake for any of those early investments.”

CIP is currently progressing a pipeline of more than 30GW of clean energy investment in Australia, representing a capital value of about $100bn.

They include the Star of the South offshore wind development off the Gippsland coast in Victoria, the Murchison Hydrogen Renewables project in Kalbarri, Western Australia, and 3GW of onshore wind projects in NSW and Queensland.

It is also partnering with Queensland government-owned CS Energy on the Capricornia renewable energy hub, where pumped hydro development is the initial priority.

CIP partner and co-head of the company’s Energy Transition Fund (ETF) Karsten Plauborg said CIP had a strong track record in offshore wind projects globally, and it was now looking to replicate that success with renewable hydrogen.

“In this context we’re excited to be focussing on South Australia as the potential location of our largest ETF investment globally – working in partnership with traditional owners and a motivated community.”

Bask in the green glow. I’m excited!

May 19, 2023 5:06 am

Black Ball says:
May 19, 2023 at 4:53 am
Yay! Hun:

A Danish renewable energy giant has unveiled a bold $30bn plan to make South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula a global wind, solar and green hydrogen powerhouse.

I suppose this endeavour will generate just enough electricity to transfer the $30 billion to Denmark.

May 19, 2023 5:42 am

BB@10pm. Great rendition. I watch that game over and over. Down and out one week, up and over the next. Never give up.

May 19, 2023 5:46 am

I suppose this endeavour will generate just enough electricity to transfer the $30 billion to Denmark.

Yeah first mover advantage for the 30 billion.
Why would you scar that attractive landscape with these wind machines.

May 19, 2023 5:47 am

Crossie says:
May 19, 2023 at 5:06 am

Black Ball says:
May 19, 2023 at 4:53 am
Yay! Hun:

A Danish renewable energy giant has unveiled a bold $30bn plan to make South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula a global wind, solar and green hydrogen powerhouse.

I suppose this endeavour will generate just enough electricity to transfer the $30 billion to Denmark

At least the place is admirably suited for the purpose.
Some parts are nice hope they will be spared.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 19, 2023 6:47 am

The good bit of BB’s linked piece:

It is part of a $100bn pipeline of Australian renewables projects being led by fund manager Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which is looking to capitalise on the federal government’s commitment to net zero by 2050 and its $2bn pledge to support several flagship green hydrogen projects

Looking to capitalise.
Federal government $2B support for green projects.

If I was running Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, I’d want a big fat subsidised slice as well.

May 19, 2023 6:47 am

I suppose this endeavour will generate just enough electricity to transfer the $30 billion to Denmark.


At least the place is admirably suited for the purpose.

The only places suitable for these monstrosities are electorates who voted in a green or teal.

May 19, 2023 6:48 am

Interesting comments from BBS and women’s groups and the need for conformity.

It’s something girls learn very soon at school. The “outsider” is mocked and shunned alternately, an olive branch of friendship is offered only to be whisked away. It continues in various forms throughout life. Of course, all friendship groups are not created equal and you have to walk away from the worst ones.

If you’ve ever been roasted for a difference of opinion, say…here…you might find that certain men also expect you to do as they say, not as you believe. It isn’t confined to women’s groups only.

May 19, 2023 7:02 am

Eventually you just have to learn not to care what other people think.

May 19, 2023 7:07 am

Just heard on the wireless opinion, masquerading as the news, that the taser caused the 95yo lady to fracture her head and fight for her life. Better watch out for rogue tasers, never know when one will attack you. Coming to a venue near you soon.

May 19, 2023 7:09 am

Special Ed will be along soon, after checking CCTV to tell us what really happened.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 19, 2023 7:09 am

In It’s Okay When They Do It news (the Hun):

A male doctor is suing Austin Health and has reported a nurse to police amid complaints he was the victim of repeated workplace harassment “because he was a man”.

Dr Michael Woodburn reported the female nurse to the cops, the anti-corruption watchdog and the health regulator over a neck massage he claimed was sexual harassment.

Oh, man. This should be good.

According to his claim, Dr Woodburn says “over a period of months and years he was discriminated against because he was a man, and victimised about complaints that he made about this, and about being sexually harassed”.

Apparently Austin Health is run by ladeeees, with ladeeeees and for ladeeees, and also has a history of running blokes out of the place.

Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal documents show he claimed a nurse in 2021 “massaged his neck and shoulders without his consent, and that this was sexual harassment”, and that afterwards, he was treated “unfavourably” and “victimised”.

Yep. Building nicely.

In another complaint, Dr Woodburn claimed a registrar “slapped him hard on the back of the neck” just days after he’d made comments about his girlfriend “which she objected to”.

He alleged further “physical assaults” where the same registrar, who he was working under, jabbed at him with her finger to get his attention, scratched him, grabbed his forearm and dragged him out of a room.

I see you, Dr Woodburn. I hear you. I believe you.

She did this, he said, “to control and subordinate him, and to punish him for his perceived lack of interest in her”.

The ‘revenge after failed approach’ approach. Brilliant! Oh, the power imbalance!

“Male staff members [at Austin Health] who have been discriminated against don’t disclose it, because they will be retaliated against,” he said.

“The violence and false allegations that I was subjected to as a junior doctor at Austin Health were horrific, and the effects on my life and career have been devastating. No doctor should ever be treated this way, nor should any employee in Australia.”

Seriously, this is magnificent stuff, and about time. If the genders were reversed, this half-way-down middling piece would have been front and centre across the country with politicians falling over themselves to condemn it without a scrap of actual supporting evidence.

Well now, ladeee medical types (and more broadly, corporate covens of all-chick bitchiness and jealousy):

How do you like them apples? Well, toots? Huh?

May 19, 2023 7:15 am

Apparently studying the popular degree ‘Taking glamorous photos in Exotic Locations ‘

International students faced with housing and cost-of-living stress say they were misled about Australia

May 19, 2023 7:18 am
May 19, 2023 7:19 am
May 19, 2023 7:20 am

Landlords were also making applicants “bid” for properties, she said.

Oh, the horror!

This has been going on for years in a tightening market. My own children have had to do it as their houses were constructed. Not only “bid” but also supply all sorts of references to secure a rental.

Sorry, Mz. Zhang. Get mummy and daddy to chip in like most other students living away from home.

May 19, 2023 7:21 am

Can one wonder out loud how much better Mt Thomas would have been if they’d had tasers. Not that I ever saw an episode nor even part of one. Same goes for just about every Oz produced series on tv.

May 19, 2023 7:23 am

132andBush says:
May 19, 2023 at 6:47 am

At least the place is admirably suited for the purpose.

The only places suitable for these monstrosities are electorates who voted in a green or teal.

In this case I was right for both right reasons, the place is windy and sunny, and the people of SA voted in the renewable energy pushers for a long, long time. They even sat by and watched the blowing up of a perfectly working power station without a murmur.

The current administrations is different in name only.

May 19, 2023 7:23 am

The Sword and Shield of the Party.
More Karen Smith than Clarice Starling.

May 19, 2023 7:23 am
May 19, 2023 7:25 am

I’m still trying to work out how two big burly coppers perceived a 95yo woman shuffling along with a walking frame to be a “threat” regardless of the knife.

Or…were the police frightened hobbits? Was the knife more like a machete? So many questions.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 19, 2023 7:28 am

A Danish renewable energy giant has unveiled a bold $30bn plan to make South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula a global wind, solar and green hydrogen powerhouse.

Doesn’t the fact that each declaration that Australia is about to become a world ‘powerhouse’ in this, that, or the other never actually results in even a slight uptick in activity in the promised area ever make the people who make the pronouncements think they should perhaps look for another word?

May 19, 2023 7:31 am
May 19, 2023 7:32 am

Tom beat me to it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 19, 2023 7:33 am

If you’ve ever been roasted for a difference of opinion, say…here…you might find that certain men also expect you to do as they say, not as you believe. It isn’t confined to women’s groups only.

No way!

Those men just happen to have found TRAITORS, and it is a nuanced debating point to accuse them of being evil and in the pay of Big Syringe and wanting old people to die.

May 19, 2023 7:35 am

LOL rosie. Stealing my luggage would be very disappointing for young Sam. No glamour frocks at all.

And as for those shoes…


May 19, 2023 7:36 am

“Now I know “. Rosie highlighting how stupid people are, from a young woman not being responsible for her own actions to her mother, a so called health professional, not recognising the signs of addiction and blaming government for not opening their eyes. I must remember when I’m caught drunk or drugged driving that its not my fault coz I’m a pale stale Anglo male. I’m not responsible, I need a voice coz no one listens to me. GreyRanga’s are not mentioned in the Constitution. The list is endless why I’m not responsible. Why do you keep doing this to me? I’ve run out of compassion and f**ks so I can’t give one anymore. Get back to me when Australia grows up.

Cassie of Sydney
May 19, 2023 7:37 am

“When the mandates stopped me from going, I realised that I only mattered to them if I was prepared to conform. If I didn’t matter to the unless I conformed, I decided that I’d rather have no friends than conform.”

Great comment BBS .

As you have all no doubt ascertained by now, I’m rather outspoken, and my family and friends know me to be outspoken. But there’s one place I’m mindful of what I say, and that’s at work. I keep reasonably quiet at work for two reasons, one is that my job is important to me and two, I don’t believe the workplace should be “politicised”, and I often think of something our grandparents lived by, which was to never speak about religion or politics in certain situations. I think there was something to that, once upon a time people were much more respectful. However, I do make comments at work in response to others making comments, I just don’t initiate conversations about politics. For example, last night we had work drinks at a nice bar in the CBD and I sat next to a bright young woman, early 20s, recently graduated. She and another young woman were talking about Twiggy Forrest and she said what a hero he is (yep, I kid you not) and how wonderful it is that he has made a fortune from “renewables”. My head swivelled in shock, and I responded, “errr….what?”, and then I said, “Twiggy Forrest’s massive fortune comes from mining iron ore, from digging big holes in the ground and extracting minerals which are sent to China, and his recent dalliance with renewables is simply a hobby for him to grift money from the taxpayer”. She was shocked, I wiped the smile off her face. I wasn’t rude to her, but I told her a plain, simple unfashionable fact, and you wanna know what? Good, because these young kids need to have the smiles wiped off their faces and they need to be taught some plain, simple unfashionable facts. But I wasn’t rude, just matter of fact. We then went from talking about Twiggy to talking about gynaecological stuff. Women here can relate to how we women, when talking with other women, veer from one subject to another. It drives men crazy, but you see, we women multi-task, we multi-think and we multi-talk. So, talking to this young woman last night about gynaecological stuff and what we women endure, I said that given what we go through with our “plumbing”, it’s offensive how nowadays some creepy (and I used that word deliberately) men put on a frock and lipstick, call themselves women, insist on identifying as women and insist on invading our private spaces, when they’re not women and they can’t possibly understand what it’s like to be a woman. I could see her head spinning and then she agreed with me.

But further to my number of friends shrinking, like BBS I won’t conform, I’d rather have few or no friends. A male friend who I don’t see regularly made a disparaging and sniggering comment to me about “Sky after Dark” at a dinner about a month ago. My fury was frothing and I wanted to to an “Elaine from Seinfeld” on him and hit him on the head. He’s like “Mutley” and thinks he’s funny, he’s not. He’s the same one who, at a dinner early this year, when I was speaking about Ron DeSantis, jumped in and confused DeSantis was “George Santos” and said he was a fraud and liar and I put down my knife and fork and I said calmly to him, “what the f*ck are you talking about” and I then proceeded to destroy him verbally. He was careful for a while about what he said to me, but like all idiots, he can’t help himself and he relapses. He’s also jabbed five times and I asked him “how many jabs are you gonna have….ten, twenty?

As said above, I’d rather have no friends than be surrounded by idiots. The Cats here who know me know how chatty and fun I am. However I have zero tolerance for morons and idiots, there are certain things that have destroyed any tolerance I have….Pell, Covid, Porter, Lehmann and so on. My tolerance has been shrinking for a decade now but those aforementioned things have really impacted me. Life’s too short to surround oneself with zombies, life’s too short to engage with zombies. I like people who think outside the box, which is why I come here. Whilst we have disputations, I think almost all of us here agree on the basics.

May 19, 2023 7:38 am

Don’t worry Calli, his stealings weren’t random but deliberately targeted.
His fetish seems to be flaunting his thefts.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 19, 2023 7:41 am

Contractors working in Nursing Homes are told not to try to assist residents who have fallen because of the medications that they may be on.
Which makes the skin so fragile that it will come away if the person isn’t held correctly.
So, because they couldn’t safely restrain the old lady, they Tasered her.
I think the cops are in the clear here.
Though if they’d tasered her and then emptied their Glocks into her, I think they’d still be in the clear.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 19, 2023 7:43 am

Former Nuclear Waste Guru Sam Brinton Arrested as ‘Fugitive From Justice’.

Led him out in handcuffs.

Very clever. If he had tried to escape the clinking sound of the handcuffs would have stopped him leaving – they would have had something like a tidal influence on his gender fluids making it impossible to move any further.

I will bet that they had a ball-gag as back up in case the cuffs themselves were not enough.

Since he is supposed to be gender fluid, he cannot go to a Men’s prison because sometimes he is a woman, and he cannot go to a Women’s prison because sometimes he is a man.

However, I believe he has always regarded himself as a primate so if he is given any prison time I think it should be in the gorilla enclosure at a zoo.

May 19, 2023 7:43 am

Sorry Rosie I can’t click your links anymore. The level of freak is too much for me.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 7:50 am

His brief goes with “trivial offence” with a tiny hint of “untouchable do you know who I am?”

“Mr. Brinton is a nuclear engineer, he is married,” the public defender said. “He works for GeoFission, a nuclear startup. He believes if he is released to turn himself in [to Virginia], he can keep his job… I believe the allegation is stolen luggage.”

Judge doesn’t buy it.

Del Pino said “I will deny the request to turn himself in. Virginia will pick him up. Good luck in Virginia, Mr. Brinton.”

May 19, 2023 7:51 am

The sunrise link was ok.

May 19, 2023 7:52 am

All nursing home staff should be trained to taser residents.

Cassie of Sydney
May 19, 2023 7:53 am

I make no comment as to guilt or otherwise, I’d just like to remind people that this man’s grotesque mother, a so called Liberal wet and all round mediocrity who represents everything wrong with the modern Liberal party, at the height of Folau affair back in 2019, made utterly disgraceful and defamatory remarks about Folau on Sky News.

Former Liberal leader Kerry Chikarovski’s son arrested for alleged drug dealing on dark web

The son of former NSW Liberals leader Kerry Chikarovski has been arrested and taken in for questioning over his role in an alleged large-scale illegal drug trade.

The son of former NSW Liberal Party leader Kerry Chikarovski has been arrested after allegedly supplying drugs on the dark web in exchange for cryptocurrency.

Mark Chikarovski, 37, was arrested in Bondi Junction on Thursday and taken in for questioning over his role in the alleged large-scale illegal drug trade.

He was expected to be charged late on Thursday night and face Waverley Local Court on Friday morning.

Detectives from the NSW Police State Crime Command’s Cybercrime Squad began an investigation in January probing the supply of prohibited drugs across NSW using dark web marketplaces.

“During the course of the investigation, detectives identified a marketplace facilitating the supply of cocaine, methylamphetamine and MDMA in exchange for cryptocurrency,” NSW Police said in a statement.

Heavily-armed tactical officers and detectives from Strike Force Cesta carried out search warrants at a Bondi Junction unit and a house in Vaucluse just after 1pm on Thursday.

“A 37-year-old man was arrested at the Bondi Junction apartment and taken to Waverley Police Station, where he was assisting police with inquiries,” NSW Police said on Thursday night.

Chikarovski’s mother Kerry Chikarovski, who led the Liberal Party from 1999 to 2002 and was the state’s first female opposition leader, was told of her son’s arrest hours after it happened.

“I have just received that phone call and I have absolutely no comment to make,” she told The Daily Telegraph before hurriedly hanging up.

Mr Chikarovski is listed as the managing director of East Invest and Associates, which lists its headquarters as being in Singapore.

The two phone numbers for the business did not answer on Thursday.

Earlier this year, Mr Chikarovski and his wife Hannah sold their Bellevue Hill home for $12.46 million.

Whilst all of the above are allegations, and I’ll leave it to the courts to decide, perhaps Mrs Chikarovski, like Mrs Keneally, should have spent less time in politics lecturing others and more time at home lecturing their sons.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 7:55 am


May 19, 2023 at 7:35 am

daily mail using a liberal sprinkling of the they pronouns

But the subby is old school.
Goes with “his” in the headline.

May 19, 2023 7:55 am

Ooh Cassie that’s an ouchie.

May 19, 2023 7:57 am

I wonder what mummy thought the incrediblely successful business was that financed a 12 million dollar pad in Bellevue Hill.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2023 7:57 am

Get back to me when Australia grows up.

Not going to happen.

The next generation of Australian psychiatrists not being trained to treat ‘high prevalence’ conditions like depression, despite huge demand (Sky News, 19 May)

There are concerns the next generation of psychiatrists are not being trained to deal with the huge demand in mental health services fuelled by the pandemic, Sky News can exclusively reveal.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), which trains and examines doctors hoping to specialise in psychiatry, has been accused of failing to equip students with the skills needed to treat a surge in patients suffering from anxiety, depression and substance abuse disorders.

He said a shrinking private workforce would only compound shortages, with some psychiatrists reporting waiting lists of up to six months and many closing their books altogether because they could not take on any more patients.

The story is about the lack of psychiatrists and poor training from the bureaucracy, but I am struck by the underlying cause.

They mention the pandemic, but not that the government scared the pants off the ordinary people with crazy overhype, fascist persecution and mandates and then disabled a whole generation of kids through mad education policies like masks and zooming.

And not mentioned in the story is they have been trying insanely to scare the pants off everyone with lurid climate hype as well, for two decades or more. A large number of young people think the world is going to end very soon and there’s nothing they can do about it. Plus they’ve persecuted Christianity and done their damnedest to white-ant such social support mechanisms. It’s no wonder at all that so many people are now neurotic wrecks.

May 19, 2023 7:58 am

My general impression is that the Daily Mail run these stories as a form of mockage.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 19, 2023 8:05 am

If the 95 year old was threatening Self Harm, then the cops had no alternative to Tasering her, other than shooting her.
That’s happened a few times, there was that Brazilian who was threatening to stab himself in the surf at Bondi about 20 years ago,
then there was another Brazilian threatening Self Harm with a packet of Iced Vo-Vos.

May 19, 2023 8:08 am

In this context we’re excited to be focussing on South Australia as the potential location of our largest ETF investment globally – working in partnership with traditional owners and a motivated community.”

I feel another Multi-Function Polis coming on …

May 19, 2023 8:13 am

How many psychiatrists these days do anything more than dole out pills ? Years ago there were so many patients that therapy was not included .

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 8:14 am

Former Liberal leader Kerry Chikarovski’s son arrested for alleged drug dealing on dark web

Agree with Cassie.
She is a grating, annoying left-leaning lightweight. I think Paul Murray used to like to have her on PML just so he could introduce her as “The Chick”.

May 19, 2023 8:15 am

Having welcomed the sporting codes into the YES campaign .. Luigi has turned his attention to the music industry to add VOICE to the cause ………!

May 19, 2023 8:21 am

Mr Chikarovski is listed as the managing director of East Invest and Associates, which lists its headquarters as being in Singapore.

Where have I heard that name before? Mr Singapore? Mr Orient?


May 19, 2023 8:24 am

As said above, I’d rather have no friends than be surrounded by idiots.

This is a source of friction between Mrs D & I. I cannot help myself, I bite when an idiot opines.

May 19, 2023 8:25 am

Boy JC will go bananas (the “Gordon Ramsay” of amateur architectural criticism).


Cassie of Sydney
May 19, 2023 8:25 am

“I wonder what mummy thought the incrediblely successful business was that financed a 12 million dollar pad in Bellevue Hill.”


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 8:27 am


May 19, 2023 at 7:58 am

My general impression is that the Daily Mail run these stories as a form of mockage.

They pretty much run 2-3 stories a week along the lines “Curvy Lizzo In Her Skimpy Bikini” to wind up the punters.
And I think it was the DM who ran the “Fat Activist Demands Bigger Airline seats For Same Price” story.

May 19, 2023 8:37 am

Gabor says:
May 19, 2023 at 7:23 am

Good point, Gabor.
State seat of Giles- Labor
Fed seat of Grey- Liberal

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2023 8:38 am

Learn to code.

Hollywood Actors’ Union Explores Possible Strike (18 May)

The board of Hollywood’s actors union asked members Thursday to give negotiators the power to call a strike, a move that would add new pressure to major studios already facing a writers’ strike.

Roughly 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike on May 2 after the union failed to reach a deal with Walt Disney Co, Netflix Inc and other media companies for higher pay and safeguards around the use of artificial intelligence in the streaming TV era.

Given that both the writers and actors are irredeemably woke, since they’ve ejected righties like James Woods and Tim Allen, I’m more than a little schadenfreudish about ChatGPT eating their lunch. Maybe though they should learn to mine coal rather than learn to code, since the chatbot can also write software.

May 19, 2023 8:47 am

Nice rant, Cass.

May 19, 2023 8:48 am
May 19, 2023 8:48 am

“Dot’s Mad World”

Fat acceptance activist chick demands 3 seats on a plane each flight, not enough people mock her.
1/3 of Canucks approve of euthanasia for the homeless or “poverty”.
Dutch farming restricted to arbitrary productivity limit during supply crisis.
More than half of Britons think “pandemic” is still going.
The 5th in line for the British & Commonwealth throne and his consort is in a “dangerous high speed car chase for over two hours” in Manhattan where the average traffic speed is 30 km/hr that will give conspiracy theorists a wet fever dream, a battery of security or red light cameras in NYC have zero evidence.

Sarah Ferguson’s next best selling children’s book: “Budgie the American Police Helicopter observes a Mildly Uncomfortable Car Trip”.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 19, 2023 8:48 am

Don’t worry Calli, his stealings weren’t random but deliberately targeted.
His fetish seems to be flaunting his thefts.

This will be great Karine Jean-Pierre fobbing this off with her one trick.

It reminds me of “Wittgenstein’s Poker” when he was arguing with Karl Popper about whether there really are philosophical problems (Popper said ‘yes’, Wittgenstein said ‘no’.)

At one point Popper was listing examples of philosophical problems and Wittgenstein was countering that they actually belonged to other disciplines: Popper would say something like “Infinity”, and Wittgenstein replied “Mathematical problem”. Knowledge through the senses – Science problem; Knowledge through induction – Logical problem etc.

KJP will have any question thrown to her and if she doesn’t like it just says it is a question for another department. Asked about the Durham Report she reflexively said that was a question for the DOJ. Different failures can be dismissed as properly belonging to specific departments – Treasury, Defence, FBI, etc. regardless of the White House’s role.

When the Press Pool asks about Sam Brinton we will just have to watch and see who else it is that should be answering that question.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 8:48 am

Interesting that the luggage thief supposedly works for a “nuclear start up”.
A wild guess here.
Number of employees:- 2 (the luggage thief and the “husband”)
Contracts:- 1 (a nondescript consultancy with a friendly Demonrat administration).

May 19, 2023 8:49 am
May 19, 2023 8:50 am

Nice property, dot. To tip over and start again.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 8:51 am

When the Press Pool asks about Sam Brinton …

But they won’t.
And, in the unlikely event that one breaks ranks, the answer will be “no longer an employee” followed by a lectured about transphobia.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2023 8:52 am

Going to be even harder to get through to an actual human.

Telecom Giant to Shed 55,000 Jobs, Will Replace Some Humans With A.I. (18 May)

LONDON (AP) – U.K. telecom company BT Group said Thursday that it plans to shed up to 55,000 jobs by the end of the decade and replace some of them with artificial intelligence, as part of an overhaul aimed at slimming down its workforce to slash costs.

BT, which has 130,000 workers including both staff and contractors, said in its latest earnings report that its number of employees would be reduced to between 75,000 and 90,000 by 2030.

They think with AI that they can drop a third of their employees in only seven years? Wow, Skynet is really getting its running shoes on.

May 19, 2023 8:53 am

Doesn’t the fact that each declaration that Australia is about to become a world ‘powerhouse’ in this, that, or the other never actually results in even a slight uptick in activity in the promised area ever make the people who make the pronouncements think they should perhaps look for another word?

Unfortunately this is not the case, ML.
It’s happening at an increasing pace.
I remember the info Gez found out from AEMO; they have to “overbuild” x6 to have a chance of supplying constant power from these schemes.

May 19, 2023 8:53 am

Is, or has? Listen to that short clip from the FBI whistleblower above.

The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 8:54 am


May 19, 2023 at 8:50 am

Nice property, dot. To tip over and start again.

Bellevue Hill is becoming Crass Central.
Interesting that they flipped it after 12 months, having paid roughly 3/4 million in stamps.
Needed the cash for something more pressing.

May 19, 2023 8:59 am

I must have got up on the right side of the bed this morning ..!
I understood and liked the ROWE effort! .. LOL!

May 19, 2023 9:04 am

Agree Cassie that politics should be kept out of the work place. I generally only discuss politics with one or two colleagues I’m close to unless someone blurts out something outrageously absurd. The only politics in my current workplace seems to be muck channelled from senior management via it.

May 19, 2023 9:09 am

May 19, 2023 at 5:42 am
BB@10pm. Great rendition. I watch that game over and over. Down and out one week, up and over the next. Never give up.

Indeed – can those Mighty Reds secure a top four spot and champs’ league entry for next season?

Seven wins on the trot and counting, watch out Man Utd, you’re being dumped into fifth.

May 19, 2023 9:15 am

Going back. I’m just curious. Does iodine have an expiry date?

May 19, 2023 9:18 am

Bellevue Hill is becoming Crass Central.

Perhaps. I know one family bucking the trend – replacing a 60’s concrete cancer monstrosity with an ultra modern house that you will barely see from the street. Fascinating what a good architect can fit in to an existing “building envelope”. It even has a discreet roof garden for an evening G&T – strictly reserved for their garden consultant.

May 19, 2023 9:20 am

Self inflicted wounds.
Encouraging news for PLA Inc.

May 19, 2023 9:22 am

Good cartoon on that one lotocoti – I presume the dead at Arlington.

May 19, 2023 9:22 am

Noice Calli. I used to think the eastern suburbs were very glamorous and sophisticated when Dad would along new south head road.

May 19, 2023 9:24 am

An attempt has been made to fatally harm our Editor,
sadly resulting in serious injury. Our Editor is currently
recovering but still watching from afar. But we will not
let this attempt stop the vital work we are doing. So if
you believe in The Expose’s mission we ask…

Yeah I doubt that.

From the comments:

15 hours ago

Folks, stop playing us for fools! Graphene, yes. Nanoparticles. Yes. Nanobots, no way! Stop calling them nanobots. A nanobot is a MACHINE. No machines in this stuff. Just toxic graphene nanoPARTICLES. A particle is not a machine.

Del Bigtree did a video with Dr. Ryan Cole who conclusively demonstrates there are NO NANOBOTS in the shots. None. I have told you this before, several times. I have given you copious evidence. Don’t become controlled opposition by parroting lies. Tell the truth, and nothing BUT the truth.


Am I missing something? This article leaves a huge and crucial gap between the accidental presence of graphene fibers and the creation and inclusion of graphene nanobots. Fibers are not nanobots. This destroys your credibility, as it is the same kind of subtle sophistry used in the nefarious propaganda you are trying to refute. I have no doubt the PTB have the worst of intentions but if we can’t trust you for the truth either, you are making matters worse. In fact, I wonder if you are working with them in a disinformation campaign. I see from the other comments that others have noticed this as well. We’re really not that stupid. You’ve lost my respect, I don’t believe your hysteria nonsense.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 19, 2023 9:24 am

Flying domestic this morning via Qantas. Went to the conventional check in rather than bag drop. There the lady – wearing a headscarf – asked me “Do I identify as male, female, or prefer not to say?”

My reaction amused her so much I scored a better seat. I also asked her if this was now standard practice and she said it was.

Maybe they should rename themselves Quaint-Arse.

May 19, 2023 9:25 am

The view back to harbour bridge from Vaucluse is fantastic.

May 19, 2023 9:27 am

Indeed – can those Mighty Reds secure a top four spot and champs’ league entry for next season?
Seven wins on the trot and counting, watch out Man Utd, you’re being dumped into fifth.

Man United in lotza trouble if they drop anymore points both TOON (clapping, loudly, allowed!) and Liverpool both have far superior goal differences .. tho Liverpool do need MU to falter whist they remain perfect as they’ve played a game more and are a point adrift ….
Toon’s magnificent 4-1 over Brighton this morning should ensure a top 4 and Europe position next season .. they only need 1 out of their last 2 to ensure it! ..
Tho it doesn’t need saying .. why not .. LOL! I luvs being a GEORDIE of the TOON variety ………!

May 19, 2023 9:27 am

Vets issue urgent warning over spike in virus that kills up to 90 PERCENT of dogs – with rates rising in New York, Washington DC and Missouri

This is as silly as putting your pooch to sleep if it ever got COVID.

They’re talking about parvovirus, which virtually every dog in Australia is vaccinated against and it works.

May 19, 2023 9:28 am

Managing to avoid Qantas. Looking forward to giving Rex a go later on in the year.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2023 9:28 am

Bud Zero.

Bud Light Sales Crash “Getting Much Worse” In Latest Week Since Dylan Mulvaney Fiasco (18 May)

Anheuser-Busch CEO Michel Doukeris told the Financial Times in a recent interview that the boycott was driven by “misinformation and confusion” circulating on social media.

Doukeris insisted that Mulvaney’s involvement wasn’t part of an official Bud Light marketing campaign.

“It was one post. It was not an advertisement,” Doukeris told the outlet.

He doesn’t get it. No it wasn’t “misinformation and confusion” it was righteous outrage. And fed up disgust. Until you understand what your problem is, mister, there’s no way you are going to fix it.

May 19, 2023 9:39 am

Anheuser-Busch CEO Michel Doukeris told the Financial Times in a recent interview that the boycott was driven by “misinformation and confusion” circulating on social media.

Yes, men (your former customers) are confused why you think constantly insulting them and then chiding them for questioning this, will see them buy your product.

As a matter of fact, it’s absolutely mind boggling.

May 19, 2023 9:42 am

The Victorian government has a tiger by the tail. Either they are stupid, or they don’t expect to be around when the can is no longer kickable down the road:

Gunai, Monaro-Ngarigo and Gunditjmara man Paul Paton said he wanted to see interim outcomes early on in treaty talks, to begin addressing the dispossession at the root of so many disadvantages faced by his community.

“We’ve been locked out of the economy, our land’s been taken away, those opportunities have been taken away from us to be able to create businesses, to have that land to use as an asset to build strong and intergenerational wealth,” he said.
‘We need to demand things’

Candidates standing for Assembly seats across the state are offering years of experience across government, community and grassroots organisations, which they plan to bring to the most complex agreement the state has ever attempted with traditional owners.
Tracey Evans smiles as she stands inside.
Tracey Evans says bringing grassroots voices to the fore is critical in the next stage of treaty talks.(ABC News: Danielle Bonica)

Gunditjmara and Bundjalung woman Tracey Evans, who is running for a second term on the Assembly, told the meeting she was a strategic thinker whose government work “within the enemy” had equipped her for the challenges of treaty.

“We need to align ourselves and come together as a collective and be a strong voice so that we’re able to hold ourselves in a strong position to be able to negotiate,” she said.

Yorta Yorta, Ulupna man Barry Firebrace-Briggs said he had worked in government for 25 years and been frustrated by the way money had been distributed in the past.
Barry Firebrace-Briggs gestures with his hand as he speaks into a microphone.
Barry Firebrace-Briggs says he wants to see Aboriginal people have greater control over government spending that affects their lives.(ABC News: Danielle Bonica)

“We need to have our people’s voices to say where the money should go and how the resources should be used,” he said.

“For realistic outcomes for us, we need to demand things.

“It’s no longer this ‘oh can we have this please, sir’ — we need to start demanding, and treaty’s the process to start that.”

Oh, boy.

May 19, 2023 9:45 am

A nanobot is a MACHINE

Isn’t that the ultimate dream? To fuse people with machines?

This article is from 1920.

The Merging Of Human And Machine. Two Frontiers Of Emerging Technologies

Cassie of Sydney
May 19, 2023 9:45 am

“Bellevue Hill is becoming Crass Central.”

Yes, once upon a time it was suburb filled with mainly wealthy old families and solid large homes, but not ugly monstrosities. I suppose it was a time when most people didn’t flaunt their wealth. I had a great uncle and aunt who lived in Bellevue Hill and, whilst they were wealthy, their home wasn’t ostentatious, it was large but ordinary. It was the same in Rose Bay, Dover Heights and even Vaucluse. Now many of those old homes are being bulldozed and in their place hideous mcmansions that all look the same are being erected, flaunting and reeking…”look at moi, look at moi, I’ve got lotsa dosh”. All gross. There was a recent campaign to try and save Billy and Sonia McMahon’s old home in Bellevue Hill. Last I heard the campaign failed and it’s going to be bulldozed and in its place another hideous mcmansion will be erected.

It’s the same in Perth, in Dalkeith and Nedlands, Claremont, Mosman Park, all those nice old large old brick homes are now being bulldozed and being replaced with huge mcmansions.

May 19, 2023 9:51 am

I’m sure the spring St Marxists would be chuffed to see the real economy in smoking ruins and property rights destroyed. As long as they’re not adversely affected in any way whatsoever.

May 19, 2023 9:51 am

Shatterzzz – apart from the Toon, the big surprise this season has been the Gunners. Watched the Gunners Magpies game recently and the former were sublime – although the number of incredible point blank saves in the match – hadn’t seen anything like it in recent times – especially as I’d been labouring under the impression that Schloptus Sports no longer had the premier league!

In the meantime Man City have steamrollered their way into the Champs’ League Final against Inter. That will a showdown for the ages.

May 19, 2023 9:52 am

The Victorian government has a tiger by the tail. Either they are stupid, or they don’t expect to be around when the can is no longer kickable down the road

The same process is underway in South Australia, Tasmania & Queensland while the newly elected NSW Labor government is just beginning it.

It’s almost as though the federal Voice is designed as a distraction from what state Labor governments are doing.

May 19, 2023 9:52 am

I think most of the political class think they’re still at uni.

May 19, 2023 9:58 am

Cassie – I recently visited the suburb I was born and grew up in and the place is unrecognisable. Monstrous neo-brutalist boxes that invariably occupy almost the entire footprint of the block they’re on, many of which are quarter acre blocks. Interestingly, almost all of the old Cape Cod style houses remain, which makes me wonder if they haven’t had heritage orders slapped on them.

Those who approved the construction of the new boxes (and the demolition of the classic old houses) should be gifted a participant’s place in the next round of Hop Time™.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2023 10:00 am

They think with AI that they can drop a third of their employees in only seven years?

The article doesn’t say that.

May 19, 2023 10:05 am

Ive finally tracked down Dots new significant other.
She even promised to stay completely loyal as long as the both shall live.

May 19, 2023 10:09 am

Nanobots hey?

Predicting earthquakes is more believable.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 19, 2023 10:12 am

It’s the same in Perth, in Dalkeith and Nedlands, Claremont, Mosman Park, all those nice old large old brick homes are now being bulldozed and being replaced with huge mcmansions.

At any given time half of Dalkeith is being demolished. Parts of it are starting to look like Attadale which isn’t good. Signs of life returning to the Taj on the Swan site.

May 19, 2023 10:16 am


Good thing my abode has a bathtub.

I’ll fetch some ice from a servo, about six bags shall do?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2023 10:16 am

Sancho perhaps I could have tightened up the language. I meant “with the help of” rather than “by”. You may have noticed that I ain’t so good at editing. But by 2030 they do want to get down to two thirds of their current numbers, and they do want to use AI to replace some jobs. You can now work out how many “some” means in practice and whether it means most or a few, for which you’ll have to wait seven years to find out. Certainly Hollywood writers are concerned by such things as per the other article.

It’s clear that corporations see AI as a great way to reduce costs, and the whole sector is extremely hot at the moment.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 19, 2023 10:16 am

A great city really needs a Brighton where footballers and cricketers can go and live and feel good about themselves while leaving other people to get on with it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 19, 2023 10:18 am

There’s a hint of panic amongst the big transmission line builders.
The word is out that they’re now offering landholders up to one kilometre distance from a big grid line a sliding scale compensation package.
The government and AEMO have turned people against these projects and the companies are getting hostile feedback when they approach property owners.
They never imagined that AEMO and Albo and Andrews could stuff this up so comprehensively.

May 19, 2023 10:22 am

Those concrete and glass boxes just leave me cold. Frank Lloyd Wright knew how to use those materials, but ‘modern’ architects produce houses that feel more like shopping malls or airports than homes.

I just can’t imagine real people living in them. They should be inhabited by those renderings of people that you see in developers’ images of what their latest project will look like.

May 19, 2023 10:24 am

This is an in-depth, fully cited article.

Professionally produced?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 19, 2023 10:24 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha at 10:09 – Confessions of a TeenagTrot. A moving story of an Italian bastard made good. Those photos though!

May 19, 2023 10:29 am

They never imagined that AEMO and Albo and Andrews could stuff this up so comprehensively.

If that’s the case they haven’t been paying attention.

May 19, 2023 10:32 am

All these demi semis have been sitting in koorie only government sinecures since they left school decades ago.
Why are Victorian aboriginals apparently still so disadvantaged?
Koorie only jobs, koorie only contracts, taxpayer funded corporations, korrie only free legal services, koorie only free health services, substantial control over large parts of Victoria and still victims.

May 19, 2023 10:32 am

I saw an item on TV last night – may have been on ABC 7.30 Report – on projected developments in AI.
Interview was with the founder of SIRI. It was quite riveting as the latter said he is very concerned about the lack of understanding of the potential of the technology to totally escape control.

It was quite surreal.

May 19, 2023 10:32 am

The house we brought before we got married was an old Californian bungalow. In-laws paid for the reno which was about half the price of the house. Tripled in value in 4 years, the new owners put another story on it. Turned into a revolting Mansard. The neighbours were furious, ruined the street. Never should have sold it, didn’t need the money for the next place. Live and learn.

Cassie of Sydney
May 19, 2023 10:38 am

Stephen Hawking warned that AI could “could spell the end of the human race”.

I agree with him.

May 19, 2023 10:44 am

Confession: I just love the Million Dollar Listing shows from New York and L.A.

Apart from the real joy emanating from watching these arseholes screwing each other over, it provides an insight into architectural trends.

L.A. is chockers with huge glass and concrete boxes, and in the later series there does seem to be some pushback in the market. They all look the same, despite tweaks. And, I suspect that I am not the only person who would hate to try to live in one. Also, the energy bills must be astronomical, and California has very high and constantly rising energy prices.

They are knocking down the faux French mansions (and a bunch of other eminently liveable homes) to build these things.

The only one who seems to care is a weasel called Josh Flagg. He is very fond of old style L.A. mansions, and does try to save them – not to the extent of shorting himself financially, of course.

  1. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x