Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Well knock me down with a feather!
New research provides insight Into COVID-19 immunity (17 Aug)
Almost exactly the proportion the Diamond Princess fiasco implied, since about 700 of 3500 on board got sick.
Amazing how everything we’ve been saying about this since mid 2020 is turning out to be exactly true, ie all the stuff the powers and potentates have been censoring as “misinformation”.
From the Oz.
Most inside traders appear “highly intelligent” and “ahead of the game” until they are discovered.
“From videos circulating showing strikes coming from the sky…”
At least one of these was a time-lapse of a Space-X launch!
Matt Canavan in the Courier Mail:
Thanks for posting this, dover. I’m very glad I took the time to watch the whole thing. Vivek is a man of common sense and I could not find one point he made that I disagree with.
Pfizer listed “misinformation” under “risks” in their 2021 annual report.
The year in which their revenues doubled.
Black Ball is on fire today with three brilliant posts! The Rita Panahi one about Jacinta Price was terrific. I admired the lady already, but finding out what she had to put up with has increased my admiration and respect.
Interesting story I saw today.
Report: Documents Unearthed Reveal DeSantis Super PAC Plan to Defend Trump and ‘Hammer’ Ramaswamy in Debate (17 Aug)
What it sounds like is DeSantis’s top men have decided he should “support” Trump to keep his voters sweet, but undermine Vivek in a sort of Steven Bradbury manoeuvre …hoping that the Dems will take Trump down with lawfare and DeSantis can then skate to the gold medal.
I don’t think it will work since it reeks of fake – unlike Vivek, who is pretty much for real. He’s made a couple small missteps, but DeSantis has been faceplanting like an absolute pro lately. Sadly, since he’d be a pretty good Prez. No chance of that now though.
Sancho Panzer
Aug 18, 2023 11:40 AM
American Airlines have the same strategy. We were asked twice to stay behind in exchange for free accommodation overnight until a flight the next day. Did not take up the offer due to having to make a connecting flight at the destination.
Years ago, a good friend of mine was a senior exec with Ansett. He told me that when sales for a flight opened, the initial sales ‘allowance’ was for 200% of seats on the aircraft. So, if the flight opened with say 150 days to departure, they would sell up to 450 seats for a 150 seat aircraft. Normally they would never get that many bookings on opening sales but in any case Ansett knew that people would change flights or cancel as the 150 days ticked down.
Within about a month of departure, sales may be 150% of capacity, within 15 days about 125%, within a week about 110% and on departure day, about 100%. If still too many people, arrangements would be made after a culling process determined by your FF membership/profile.
Vivek outline his major hurdle – that of lack of media exposure. He said he had to rely on small donations; the big donors won’t touch him because Vivek said he can’t be bought.
The best I can do in my professional capacity as a TikTok influencer is read the guidelines, which appear to provide that:
– ACMA’s ‘big stick’ enforcement relationships are with digital service providers – ie platform operators.
– The cunning plan is to force them all to accept fealty to ACMA-approved guidelines, which may inter alia contain requirements for digital service providers to contact publishers of deemed naughty material. It appears that the legislation intends to apply a penalty of 2,000 penalty units ($0.5 million) to you personally if, when contacted by WordPress, you then refuse to take down the misleading rubbish that I might have posted.
– The legislation is intended to operate extra-territorially, with the apparent intention that ACMA will have the power to burst into US or Russian DSP offices like Elliot Ness, with local law enforcement and court summonses in tow, to enforce the Will of Albanese.
I’m certainly no expert in this domain, but it looks very much like the Albanese Government is preparing to throw Michelle Rowland, dressed in a clown suit, on fire, into a pit of vipers and lawyers, with the band playing Waltzing Matilda, on vuvuzelas.
People purporting to be Aboriginal with one great grandparent or even less ancestry seem to be part of this make believe decadence that infects the west. Skill and competence are not celebrated. Common sense and hard work are racist.
Interesting thoughts from a Patrick Beth David podcast.
75% of all advertising on Cable TV in USA is from Big Pharma. Only 2 countries in the world allow such advertising, USA and NZ.
Sometime last year streaming overtook Cable in viewing.
If a Presidential candidate was to campaign on banning and did implement such a ban it would remove 75% of their current income stream.
I think it is a great idea as it was quite clear that cable news had a vested interest to support pharma and their vaccines. The classic example was when they went for Joe Rogan when he said he had used Ivermectin as amongst other things when he caught Covid.
We have a similar situation here where 2GB is running plenty of pharma ads. 2GB pushed the vaccines that were supposed to stop transmission but now promote the anti virals that you taking after catching Covid which was not supposed to happen.
Handy to know – I understood it to only be for the prevention of thyroid/goitre issues.
The Rita Panahi one about Jacinta Price was terrific. I admired the lady already, but finding out what she had to put up with has increased my admiration and respect.
It is indeed a great column good doctor. The biggest racists are of course the yes proponents.
Publish on wiki leaks the names and addresses of ACMA staff as a start.
Don’t care if this is misinformation – I’m using it.
Mrs Faustus regularly complains about me putting salt in my cooking: “But, My Sweet, I’m only trying to keep cretinism at bay…“
“If you are unvaccinated, “
If they don’t say WHAT you are vaccinated for… hey, I got a tetanus vaccine a couple of years ago, no RAT required. Woot!
‘What confuses me about the nuclear debate is that the most vocal critics of nuclear are the most alarmist about climate change. If you really believed we face doom from global warming, why wouldn’t you want to use a safe, proven, emission-free type of power?’
Why. Because those making the big bucks out of renewables want the rort to continue as long as possible.They know that sooner or later we will have to move to nuclear or go back back to coal and gas. So while they have a window of opportunity to drain the public purse they will do so. The climate change doomsters are their niaive foot soldiers, blindly opposing fossil fuels, nuclear energy and the building of more dams for hydro.
We have a similar situation here where 2GB is running plenty of pharma ads. 2GB pushed the vaccines that were supposed to stop transmission but now promote the anti virals that you taking after catching Covid which was not supposed to happen.
Likewise 3AW which supports its paid advocacy of Big Pharma with restrictive editorial policies. See here.
The word cretin iirc comes for the French, it mean that those afflicted were still Christians despite all.
The problem was endemic in high villages in the Alps near the Mediterranean sea limited diet.
I wonder what peculiar diet was followed in Tasmania that they had the same problem?
AI and HRW are unconcerned as they were always Leftist organisations anyway, and agree with this treatment.
Careful Bourne.
Sancho Panzer will fact check you and find that Big Pharma only pays for 74% of advertising.
He will then spend the next week waxing lyrical about how him continuously punching right is the only hope we have of successfully persuading the keen analytical minds that fell for covid lockdowns and trans propaganda.
So Australian. Don’t like something then demand a ban.
Any we wonder how we got to be the biggest nanny state in the world and why the sheep are happy with it.
Now that we are going into the debate about nuclear power, might I suggest a strategy of explaining to those who have learned only the scary slogans that what they are worried about is nucular (pronounced nyu-kyu-lah) energy, whereas now we have something called nuclear (pronounced nyu-kli-yah) which is completely different.
It is not really a lie, just liberating the argument from the old lies.
You’ll get mushroomed if you keep that up.
The US media has a lower credibility rating than any other group including the Congress. It’s at record low levels because no one believes their bullshit packaged as news. What would be the purpose of banning advertising? I very much doubt it wouldn’t be challenged before SCOTUS anyway, and likely succeed.
If any of these Australian ban-this, ban-that cowpokes thought about it for a second they would realise there are other avenues in how news gets out and cable news has a very low audience base compared to free to air, the internet etc.
Let’s ban advertising while leaving state sponsored media alone because they do such good things and very trusted.
FMD. It’s embarrassing.
Maui disaster was 100% caused by human failure
Rosie, the problem in Tasmania is that the soil is deficient in iodine.
I agree.
I’m sick of only the government can fix it!
Personally, I loved US big pharma advertising.
How else would I know there was a cure for, let alone a condition known as ‘restless leg syndrome’?
What Is Going on in Hawaii? ANOTHER Fire Rages and Is Proving Hard to Contain
Thanks Walker.
Not really. Take adultery laws, US had them since the Founding (and before) and some states still do but they’re rarely applied nowadays. Was the grounds of the law not ‘liking’ it or something more substantial like what was good for the polity? Pretty much the same structure applies to what is banned now but a different measure of what is good (and for whom) is applied.
Michael Shellenberger’s Guide to Escaping the Woke Matrix
I’m confused.
Didn’t the world as we known it end with the Canadian Bush Fires.
Oh and those French Generals have now sorted France with a coup d’etat, haven’t they?
According comments by one of the rescued surfers in Indonesia they survived by forming a tight knit group supporting each other as a team
According to a member of the Indonesian crew. the Australians paddled off leaving them behind as they unsurprisingly could not keep up and one is now missing
In a life or death situation you do whatever it takes to survive but it seems those young people did not think to include the crew in their tight little group to help them survive too
Hey JC….do you put any credence in Michael Burry’s recent shorting activity? A couple of days ago Reuters and others were reporting this:
Burry’s Scion Asset Management bought put options with a notional value of $739 million against the popular Invesco QQQ Trust ETF (QQQ.O) during the quarter, and separate put options with a notional value of $886 million against the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY.P).
He probably paid very little for the puts – is this just an ‘each way bet’ or do you think he is more right than wrong?
John Devitt
In 2021 John and Wendy Devitt celebrated 60 years of marriage.
Wendy is the sister of comedy legend Paul Hogan.
This is quite possibly the case but our speculations should be measured. Wild speculations are likely to be planted by the people behind the failure themselves.
Speedbox at 1:14.
Yes, I think over-selling of flights has always been a thing.
I can remember years ago travelling with a colleague through the US (he had lived there for a long time). I commented on the rush for the boarding gate and he explained about over-selling, even up to the point of issuing boarding passes. (I think SouthWest had an open boarding pass at one stage with no seat allocation).
I don’t mind the US system where they are somewhat open about it and are prepared to cough up with compensation.
As distinct from Quaintarse who simply overbook flights and shrug when confronted.
It seems that the old overbooking system in Australia used to work fairly seamlessly with very few excess bookings on the day of the flight.
It seems to me that Q makes no distinction between a business day-tripper from Melbourne to Sydney (who might chop and change flights) and a family of five booking a holiday to Bali (who are 98% certain to show up).
And here’s the thing.
Who cares about actual seat loading?
It is the financial seat loading which matters. If the Bali holiday-makers have paid a fully fixed non-refundable fare, who gives a rats if they don’t make the flight (apart from them of course)?
Dr Evil’s Mega-Laser.
This article simply sets out the failures of preparation and response to the fires. What it doesn’t explain is how you can see photos of melted windscreen glass on the ground with rows of untouched trees in the near background. How hot does a fire have to be to melt glass?
Sancho Panzer
Aug 18, 2023 2:10 PM
It seems that the old overbooking system in Australia used to work fairly seamlessly with very few excess bookings on the day of the flight.
It did from my observation. Ansett had it down to a fine art after many thousands of flights per individual route. The key was to be a FF member, even the lowest grade, otherwise you were at the mercy of being bumped if the available seating to passengers ratio was -1.
I live life on the edge…
The IRS seems to be training their own shock troopers.
IRS agent accidentally shot, killed by fellow agent during training at Phoenix gun range
Objective achieved.
Project Veritas Implodes Six Months After Firing James O’Keefe
If that’s true it’s really poor form and something that will not endear us to our Asian neighbours.
Why does a tax department employee need to train at a gun range?
The us has so many federal goon squads- IRS, capitol police, dea etc etc
Okay Dover. Australia is a live let live paradise while the Americans supported adultery laws.
On that basis Australia is open than the US.
It’s damn distressing because as soon as you drift off to sleep, you get the compulsion to move your legs. It’s not funny, and nothing to sneer at.
JC earlier
The same people who rail about nanny-state bans on sugary drinks, fatty chips, plain paper packaging on smokes, yada, yada, are suddenly all-in for bans on pharmaceutical adverts.
Embarrassing indeed.
You probably shouldn’t get any sort of pleasure or amusement at the news of someone from a tax department becoming killed at work by a colleague in a work-related exercise.
No, really.
I wasnt sneering at it, it was a statement of fact.
Big Pharma advertising provides a valuable service.
No doubt a lot of people with the syndrome didnt know relief was available, again thanks to Big Bad Big Pharma.
The Japs and Yanks observed a Chinese satellite beaming bits of Hawaii in February.
I’ve posted the link to a mainstream Hawaiian TV news station that reported the story a few times in this open forum.
Every. Single. Properly. Burnt-out. Car. Ever. In. Any. Situation.
Has. Its. Windscreen. And. Windows. Melted. Out.
Sheesh. I know I mentioned this earlier today, but quite a few people have no idea how fire works.
NB: I have resisted the temptation (so far) to use the ‘Fire can’t melt steel’ line.
Yep. If our strategy against the left is to let them run roughshod over us when they have power and do nothing when we are in power, how do we expect anything other than civilisation collapse?
Having said that, pharma advertising clearly isn’t the problem. The source itself admits that only NZ and the US can do it. And yet every country on the planet is 100% run by pharma whores.
It starts with patents. Some medicines can be patented some cannot. It’s not about efficacy it’s about how many syllables are in the name of the treatment. That creates a perverse incentive. The owners of the new patentable drug have much incentive to bribe the bureaucrats. And they do. They also pressure/bribe the journalists to start making a big deal out of whatever condition the treatment supposedly treats. Those bribes exist regardless of advertising bans because Big Pharma just makes promises of million dollar a year jobs to the relevant people. Nobody has ever tried to put a stop to this. Not in any country.
Once you have a gigantic apparatus determining what treatments are wonderful and what treatments are useless – all entirely based on the bribes that bureaucrats get – it should be obvious you have a catastrophically useless and dangerous system.
It gets worse though because the pressured/bribed journalists make people terrified of the completely ubiquitous germs so not only do people rush out and get dangerous and useless treatments for themselves, they demand the government force other people to get these same dangerous and useless treatments.
All done in the name of “science” according to Lizzie. Don’t you dare question it. There are no perverse incentives in allowing bureaucrats to take a million dollar a year job taking junkets every other week. No sirree. It’s empirical science according to Lizzie and Dot and Sancho.
No different to Maxwell’s equations.
Aug 18, 2023 2:42 PM
I wasnt sneering at it, it was a statement of fact.
Big Pharma advertising provides a valuable service.
No doubt a lot of people with the syndrome didnt know relief was available, again thanks to Big Bad Big Pharma.
You are f*cked in the head!
” Ep. 17 Vivek Ramaswamy is the youngest Republican presidential candidate ever. He’s worth listening to.
Thanks for posting this, dover. I’m very glad I took the time to watch the whole thing. Vivek is a man of common sense and I could not find one point he made that I disagree with.
All of the interviews Tucker has in Twitter (“X”) are worth a look – RFK Jr, Sund (DC Police Chief during the “insurrection”) and so on.
Vivek has been on TimCast IRL as well (available on EweTube), and in every interview I have seen with him, he strikes me as being honest, straightforward, well spoken, and willing to consider “non-establishment” solutions that at least seem to make sense. Where he disagrees, he lets his opponent talk, then calmly rebuts points with clarity and references – almost De Santis but more personable. 🙂
He even says (paraphrase) “It would be better for me in the GOP primaries if Trump was out of play, but what they are doing is unacceptable on principle”.
Like RFK Jr, Vivek doesn’t get much in the way of MSM exposure, likely because both are anti-establishment. An RFK Jr vs Vivek presidential election would be almost “no lose” for normal people, so regardless of it’s merits, it seems unlikely to happen. Sad!
“According to a member of the Indonesian crew. the Australians paddled off leaving them behind as they unsurprisingly could not keep up and one is now missing
In a life or death situation you do whatever it takes to survive but it seems those young people did not think to include the crew in their tight little group to help them survive too”
My understanding is that they struggled to keep up. Also, one of the Indonesian crew was found paddling with the three Australians who were first spotted, the fourth Australian, Elliott Foote, had paddled off to get help, and he was spotted sometime later.
I’m not sure any of us have been in a life and death situation, I haven’t so I won’t pass judgment. As it was, the Australians were clearly strong paddlers which helped them survive. Imagine being on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean? I think I would have despaired, and just given up It’s a miracle any of them survived, a testament to their fortitude. Yes, I feel sad that a man remains missing, but I am also happy that there were survivors. All of them could have drowned.
The left have been stacking institutions for decades, it is a mystery why they would have gone so hard on the Barilaro schmozzle because, well, they are way better at it than the other side. One random self interested party feathering their own nest is really not much compared to the weapons grade stacking everyone knows they have been doing forever.
Now, will the right call them to account across the board on this? It’s not like the lefties can stop doing it, they use these appointments as currency.
Within about a month of departure, sales may be 150% of capacity, within 15 days about 125%, within a week about 110% and on departure day, about 100%. If still too many people, arrangements would be made after a culling process determined by your FF membership/profile.
I recall being in Darwin airport back in the late 70s.
A call came over the PA for Mr Brown, a passenger to Sydney, to go to the TAA Check-in counter.
This guy in at t-shirt, shorts and thongs ambles up to the counter.
The hostess informs him that there are insufficient seats on his flight and he will be rebooked on a later flight.
Brown responds, “This is TAA the Friendly Way, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” the hostess says.
“Well, let’s keep it friendly.”
Hostess, “Mr Jones, a passenger to Sydney, please come to the Check-in counter”.
People saying these “vaccines” were rushed. They were in development, years prior. WTF is going on with peoples memory banks?
The HighWire with Del Bigtree:
Heroes of the Devastating Lahaina Fire Report from Maui; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the FDA reversing course on Ivermectin, and They Want Us to Mask Up Again Citing a New Variant; Are We On the Precipice of An Inescapable Pandemic Of The Vaccinated?; Heart Related Diseases and Death are Skyrocketing in the Young; New Bonus Series Launches Monday on TheHighWire.Com!
Guests: Mike & Andreza Cicchino, Steve Slepcevic, Sam Eaton, Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Episode 333: INESCAPABLE
“Because those making the big bucks out of renewables want the rort to continue as long as possible.They know that sooner or later we will have to move to nuclear or go back back to coal and gas.”
But they are ignorant of the fact (or don’t care!) that it takes 5-10 years to build a 2.6GW coal power station. Nuclear would likely take longer, if anything.
Worse, they want to completely demolish existing plant, meaning they can’t even put them back on-line when the worst happens (and it seems inevitable now).
Why on earth would ‘Big Pharma” keep secret that drugs which raise dopamine levels is a cure for RLS?
Vaccines for corona type viruses were certainly under research & development for over 20 years – with indifferent results, as one would expect. All vaccinologists acknowledged it was a hell of a task. Recall that an effective vaccine has not been developed for HIV AIDS, in spite of the high profile of the disease. Instead, scientists used combinations of repurposed drugs to develop an effective way of containing the disease so that sufferers would not succumb to the virus itself.
In spite of the long term research into the efficacy of mRNA vaccines and the discovery of lipid technology for delivery, these vaccines for corona viruses were still not proven and approved when COVID19 appeared. There were some limited tests by the pharmaceutical companies in 2020, but they were far from the 5-10 years of testing normally assigned before final approval & the release. Instead, they were given provisional approval in light of the global panic that had developed.
Another note on adultery laws. Even in today’s circumstances, I can make a compelling libertarian case for “adultery laws”. Agreements and contracts are some of the most significant libertarian philosophical foundational notions. If you make and /or sign an agreement/contract and do not follow through on it, such as a marriage contract, there should be a cost for “leg-overing” or being leg-overed outside of a marriage. If a party destroys someone’s life as a result of a leg-over outside of marriage, serious sanctions should be imposed be it financial or even jail time, depending on the seriousness.
I’m not sure why you’d use adultery as an example of nanny statism in the United States. You’re also overlooking the fact that marriage contracts in the United States are state-based rather than federal.
Dr Faustus
Aug 18, 2023 2:42 PM
IRS agent accidentally shot, killed by fellow agent during training at Phoenix gun range
You probably shouldn’t get any sort of pleasure or amusement at the news of someone from a tax department becoming killed at work by a colleague in a work-related exercise.
No, really.”
You are naughty!!
We also had adultery laws, but that isn’t the point either, nor was it that we are ‘freer’ than the US. The point is that any sane polity bans things, all we differ about are the reasons for doing so.
“How hot does a fire have to be to melt glass?”
Well, technically, glass is already a liquid, just with really high viscosity – that’s why the stained glass windows in churches built in the 1300’s are thicker at the bottom than at the top, the glass has had enough time to “run down” a bit.
I’m off to the rubbity – if the blood getting spilled here starts to coagulate, call Callies’ Cleaning Company and ask for the Extra Heavy Duty Team.
So they don’t accidentally miss and hit the dog when auditing a waitress for her tips.
Because they are, in fact, not Untouchable.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The embattled head of the Maui Emergency Management Agency has resigned effectively immediately amid sharp critiques of his handling of the wildfire disaster.
The reported power consumption of terrestrial DEW’s capable of setting fire to a target in the several kilometer range is something like 50kW+ continuous. I’m no expert here, but you’d have to start with the assumption that popping off grass fires from low Earth orbit at ~300km would take a fair bit more than that because of optical scattering.
A typical communication satellite carries ~1kW running off solar panels. The Space Shuttle had a bank of fuel cells delivering a total power capacity of 12.5kW.
So, if the fiendish Chinese have developed a way of deploying a fire-starting DEW from space, the most intriguing technological development is how they have managed to get a 50kW++ power source into orbit.
Firstly, adultery laws were considered criminal, not a civil matter. And, secondly, they could be applied even where both spouses were involved in extramarital affairs. In other words, the entire grounds for criminalizing adultery are broader than simply a ‘contract violation’ so the attempt to encompass such a law in libertarian terms entirely fails.
Because right-liberals have built a mythology about American law that is contradicted by the facts, not least by laws against blasphemy, adultery, fornication, etc. being almost ubiquitous in 19th C USA.
Fire can’t melt glass!
It’s a CIA job.
Gawd! It is like 9/11 (or 11/09 in antipodeanese) never happened!
Also, disease is caused low frequency oscillations in the aether due to the rotating celestial spheres grinding on their bearings.
Just like hair-lips and atypical-weekend-scrofula.
It is why you will never see me outside without a cut onion stuffed down the front of my underpants and cinnamon sticks jammed up my nostrils.
Watched The Man who knew Infinity on SBS last night. A self taught Indian mathematician from humble beginnings. Good cast, probably available on SBS ON DEMAND. 100 years after his early death his ideas are being used to fathom black holes. A true celebration of intelligence.
Thanks, I appreciate the motherhood statement. 🙂
How much do you ban? When does banning become excessive? Do you support banning pharma ads? What evidence is there that pharma advertising has caused cable news and opinion to slant in favor of pharma?
I see zero evidence that pharma advertising has impacted any of the cable channels. Rachael Meadows rails against big bad pharma as do Rightwing channels. Do you support banning E-scooters? 🙂
You can always rely on Malcolm Roberts.
The Voice is About Money, Power and Control
I’m not entering your argument with DB, but I watch a fair bit of Newsmax and nearly every single ad is big pharma (except for Mike Lindell ads).
Sweet cheeses I had no idea figures was here advising us on Bolson’s Curative Powders and ham-and-cheese poultices.
Perhaps there should be both. Also I placed my argument in the present day context. As I said earlier, if the issue is serious enough, for example it causes a suicide etc, then there could be a case for criminal proceedings.
Frankly, I’m surprised you’d take up the adultery example as I thought you support sanctions.
Okay, but what’s your point here?
What? Biblically?
I imagine a show like that would go on for f*cking ever.
There are 73 US government agencies with armed employees.How many in Oz?
The Brisbane Times has published a set of Queensland voting intention numbers compiled over long range from four sets of Resolve Strategic’s monthly national polling, achieving a sample of 947 from a period running from mid-May through to last week. It adds to an impression from other polling this year by YouGov and Freshwater Strategy that Labor is likely to struggle at an election to be held in October next year, with the Liberal National Party opposition opening a primary vote lead of 38% to 32% after trailing by 35% to 33% in the period from January to April. The Greens are down a point to 11%, One Nation is up one to 8%, and a generic independent category is down two to 8%.
As always, Resolve Strategic does not provide a two-party preferred result, but a judicious estimate of four-fifths of Greens preference to Labor plus two-fifths of everybody else’s comes out at 51.5-48.5 in favour of the LNP
Welcome to the Circus: Georgia in the Ring
Dr. John Campbell
Life insurers confirm excess young deaths
Yep alright. That’s your fascist philosophy right there. Mussolini or the other arsehole in Germany couldn’t have have said it better.
Perhaps a good idea would be not to copy leftwing idiots in the sense that we shouldn’t be posting garbage, and attempt to ban stuff all the time like they do without a shred of evidence that it would improve human well being.
They’re run by whores everywhere, are they? Can you give specific examples leaving aside Covid?
I calling this bullshit. Patents exist for a reason in that they protect intellectual property. You and the rest of the lefie gang masquerading as rightwingers would be the first to complain da China is stealing intellectual property from the West. Yet here you are criticizing pharma owning valuable property.
Evidence about bribes?
Oh lord, you really should be on a leftwing site.
You know what, don’t ever go into a freaking pharmacy and buy drugs of any description. If you’re ill and the Doc offers a medication, tell him to take a hike. That way, we’d witness a little purity.
Neil Oliver: ‘Are you afraid?’
Some months ago I recommended to my sister “The Way” with Martin Sheen, on SBS WM and she was so grateful because she struggles with life since the death of her daughter last Dec. so when ‘Infinity’ came on a month or so later I told her she might like it. She loved it and wished there were movies like these. So do I.
On drug adverts in the US, I have to say that I do find them a little bit amusing.
Where an Australian company would run a campaign promising mild symptomatic relief, the same US advert will offer Fountain of Youth (with all the fine print disclaimers, of course).
And they assume the patient possesses a wealth of knowledge about alternative treatments.
The idea is push marketing to get the patient to drive demand.
Perhaps they need to be armed, seeing there are around 500 million firearms lurking around the place.
Cops this country wear combat gear and have a gun, meanwhile the population is not allowed to be armed. What’s your point?
25% of the ad tells you the med may cure an itchy ballsack. 75% of the ad tells you that on application, the side effects could be immediate heart seizure, massive stroke, blindness, chronic coughing, mental incapacitation. “If you experience any of these symptoms see your doctor”.
It’s usually a couple of grey hairs smiling and walking on the beach shore.
On this day 18th Aug 2023, I found out Australia is the least nanny state. Finally.
The key was to be a FF member, even the lowest grade, otherwise you were at the mercy of being bumped if the available seating to passengers ratio was -1
My experience of flying too hence my partner & children were all enrolled in the FF programs. Even Bronze has perks on an overbooked flight.
I also enjoyed “The Way”, very much. I am glad to read it helped your sister.
“The Man Who Knew Infinity” is an excellent film.
Rather sad though.
Read it & weep .. the tuff life of being Oz PM ……. FFS!
Globe-trotting Anthony Albanese has rung up a $5 million bill for VIP flights since he was elected last year spending an average of $88,000 a week on flights.
After a long delay in publishing records of the taxpayer-funded flights, the Defence Department quietly posted the RAAF squadron VIP flight records on Friday afternoon.
The total spend from April 2022 to July 2023 was over $5 million or an average of $88,000 a week.
because they’re
a) green zealots
b) idiots
or more likely
c) both
John H at 11:56 – actually the various clans and language groups had delineated territories established via periodic warfare, all of which would been unknown and unknowable to the British at the time. Lots of historical revisionism taking place here.
Don’t read and weep. What a pathetic reaction. Read and work out how to get even.
Dr F at 3:29.
How very convenient!
We are just getting to the bottom of it and the shill for Big Facts arrives!
The old trick used again:
PR hacks always drop the bad news on Friday arvo when the proletariat are either half pissed or rushing out of work for the weekend.
Luigi is hoping we won’t notice he’s not only addicted to our money, but is spending it like a drunken sailor.
Paddling off on a surfboard in that situation is analogous to leaving your vehicle when bogged. Just luck really it worked out the way it did this time. Fishing from small boats is the same. It’s not if, it’s when. I remember reading about one guy who kept flippers loose on the deck for that purpose and who had swum to shore 2 or 3 times. Can’t remember where it was but another crew member died.
Cassie I broadly agree with your thinking
It’s never a good idea to leap to conclusions on incomplete info
The surfers probably thought if they paddled ahead they might find help
I too might have just given up the ghost but luckily the ocean must be like a second home to those kids
It was considered serious enough to be a crime without any suicide. That is an illustration of the poverty of the libertarian view you presented. It fails to capture that.
Don’t know what you mean here.
There is no ‘contract violation’ if both consent, or amend their marriage contract, in the libertarian view, whereas the argument for adultery as a crime rests upon the injury to society, not merely to the spouses/ children. It wouldn’t be a criminal matter otherwise.
Well, pay attention and follow all the links.
We not here for fun, you know.
Doc Faustus:
They should have talked to me – I could do a great deal on a 15 Kva genset from a mate.
Aug 18, 2023 4:28 PM
My experience of flying too hence my partner & children were all enrolled in the FF programs. Even Bronze has perks on an overbooked flight.
There was no question back in the days of Ansett, that the pecking order was non-FF, then FF x hierarchy thereafter. Qantas did it too and I’m sure you know that concept still survives (with some modification) in Qantas and Virgin to this day.
Two quick stories:
Our Chairman was a member of the Chairman’s Club. The company was a very large Ansett client. One day the Chairman was running late for a flight and I was told to ring Ansett and get them to hold the aircraft. (true!). So I rang my Ansett exec mate who duly contacted Operations at the airport and the plane was delayed 10 minutes for our bloke to get on board.
Friday nights at the Ansett FF club. Remember those nights? An utter drunken swim-through ’till the last flight left. It became so much that Ansett eventually put in a rule that you had to be flying that night to access the bar. Before that, all you needed was your membership card and it was free booze and all you could drink.
The issue of 75% advertising becomes significant when a Government is basically mandating you take the pharma product.
Now just imagine for a moment the product was not properly tested and was found to harm some of the people it was supposed to help.
Or there were preexisting safe long used medicines that could help but would affect pharmas profits.
It becomes an issue when the media picks a side.
Now if it was 75% funded by fast food might be different as the Government was not mandating certain brands of fast food.
The US cable news media was bought and paid for and did its job accordingly.
JC I find without using Big Pharma to cure itchy ballsak is give the boys a rub, the side effects are much the same, the heart beats quickly, the eyes glaze over, resulting in a shorter stroke in my case, coughing if too vigorous and now what was I thinking about? I find these side effects resolve themselves without going to the duk.
Just got a text from the No Campaign asking me to come in for training prior to me making calls to voters from my own mobile. I know you can block your number and all but I’m not sure this is a great strategy from the No side?
Firstly, not everyone is a logophile like me. Secondly, you know there are going to be “embeds” from the Yes side up to nasty things inside the No side..
Been there, done that! (and got the t-shirt) 😛
Don’t confuse Big Pharma with Big Farmer. Gez is outstanding in his field and has many plants at his disposal, they are not really suitable for for drug manufacture unless you count those large tomato ones behind the shed.
I’m not sure this is a great strategy from the No side?
My thinking is no- my view is if the subject comes up state your case with supporting evidence. I know if anyone turns up here telling me to vote yes they’ll be told to get off my property and that I’m quite capable of making up my own mind.
Possibly. I got bumped into Business from Heathrow to Singapore once when I hit Silver FF after bouncing between Perth and Melbourne for work for a few months. No complaints from me.
Incomprehensible that they didn’t.
With those sort of savings they could have been exploring Alpha Centauri by now.
No statement from Stairman Dan on Brian Houston’s guilt yet???
“Funny” how CNN are interested in vote hacking all of a sudden???
then, from the very same mob of “journos”
Before that, all you needed was your membership card and it was free booze and all you could drink.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I flew Ansett & Australian Airlines due to employment. Service in those days was so much better but enough now for the nostalgia. My brother was a member of the Gold Wing lounge and unfortunately lost a ton of points with the collapse.
If you are flying somewhere on the last flights of the night from Brisbane, the Brisbane QANTAS club can still represent a bit of a 6 O’clock swill. Never seen a hint of any belligerence.
Aug 18, 2023 5:36 PM
Been there, done that! (and got the t-shirt) ?
What does yours say?
“I survived Friday Night at the Ansett FF Club”.
“Ansett FF Drinking Club Foundation Member”
“Couldn’t get off the ground after Friday Night at the Ansett FF Club”
Something like “I got drunk on Ansett’s dime and it aint no crime”
Just to regale the stories of the past, my best flights were in Learjets. You’d rock up to some shed where they’d put you in a private room with a bar. The two blokes welcoming you at the door in hi-vis would check your ID, scan your luggage and then plant you in the bar…
It did kinda scare me when they would usher me to the jet, take off their hi-vis and hop in the cockpit… that’s why the bar on the jet also came in handy lol!!!
Mother Lode
Aug 18, 2023 3:44 PM
Watched The Man who knew Infinity
What? Biblically?
I imagine a show like that would go on for f*cking ever.
Haha yes the Friday Qantas flight Syd-Melb could be a bit of a piss up. Qantas used to be ok imho but I’ll never fly with them again after their blatant politicking over the last 5 years or so.
I’ve also been told a number of times that they were horrible to work for. birm
Friday afternoon in the Mascot QANTAS club makes you want to neck yourself. A free VB doesn’t really help.
The original Too Big To Fail.
Aug 18, 2023 5:52 PM
…..Golden Wing lounge and unfortunately lost a ton of points with the collapse.
I can relate. I dropped about 200,000 points when it fell over. Still, I reckon I probably drank 1,000,000 points worth of booze so can’t say it was a total write-off. At one time you could buy lifetime Golden Wing membership. Cost about $1500 I think.
Also reminds me (although it seems nobody is around – is it swill o’clock?)… my boss, Warren Truss and a few Chiefs of Staffs were coming into land in Perth but a huge storm was brewing. The jet got called off final approach three times due to incoming RFDS flights so by the time of final approach the storm was raging.
Apparently Truss was throwing up all over the place, one Chief didn’t have his seatbelt on property and cut his head open on the roof. So there was blood and vomit everywhere.
When they were ready to take off from Perth again (it was a stopover) they couldn’t find Truss’ Chief so they rang him and he said “I’ve booked into a Perth hotel and I’m never getting on a plane ever again.”
How on earth does it fail to “capture that?” You came up with a very odd argument to support or align yourself with those advocating a ban on pharma ads.
The suicide example was to demonstrate how serious a case of adultery can become. It was an example so I apologize for the countless reasons a marriage can fail.
Well you came up with the analogy of adultery laws, which we find out were way back in time, to suggest that the US was is as much a nanny state as Australia. I judged that you would support the case against no fault.
First of all, how could one amend a marriage contract? Secondly, you brought up the case of adultery laws and I therefore assumed that we focus on that aspect of marriage failure. If two parties consent to liquidating a marriage then that’s that. Oh please, let’s stop it with this society thing. If I encountered a marriage failure it has zip all to do with you or strangers as it doesn’t impact them.
Let’s get back to the pharma discussion.
Aug 18, 2023 4:53 PM
Cassie I broadly agree with your thinking
It’s never a good idea to leap to conclusions on incomplete info
The surfers probably thought if they paddled ahead they might find help
I too might have just given up the ghost but luckily the ocean must be like a second home to those kids”
Viva, I wasn’t having a go at you. I’ve been wondering if some of the media coverage over the missing Indonesian is influenced by the fact that these young Australians who survived all come from fairly well-heeled homes in well-heeled suburbs, hence the negative commentary. It’s just a thought, I’m very cynical of anything I read in the media.
Be interesting to see if the private equity guys can get rid of Virgin when the time comes. Somebody will have earned their fee if they can.
On the other hand, an early morning Qantas FIFO (pre-COVID) got you a nice FF breakfast, partial compensation for having to check in at 0500. Haven’t gone on the bum-bandit’s airline since though.
Ansett nostalgia anecdote.
Dad flew out of Sydney most Monday mornings and back Friday arvo, along with several other sales reps.
They were all so well known by the hostess that the Monday morning trolley service was accompanied with “Coffee, tea, or me?” and a smile.
DISGUSTING! Mark Zuckerberg STEALS Maui from Native Hawaiians: LAND GRAB!
A free VB doesn’t really help.
HB Boags now. CUB been gone from the Red Roo for as few years now.
QF had same till about 2002. I missed out by a month, I had been saving to buy it as a geologist I thought it would be a good investment. Yup I was new to the FIFO game.
Hind sight I have it anyway through being a Gold Frequent Flyer so probably a blessing in disguise I missed it.
Sorry fail
Should have been Speedbox
No probs RD.
All this talk of swill is making me thir
The Australian Labor Party has been having a conference in QLD, and it’s worth noting that no “far-right” protesters have turned up to screech at, to harass and to intimidate ALP conference attendees.
Tomorrow, here in Sydney, the CPAC conference will be on, and I can guarantee you that numerous “far-left” protesters will turn up to screech at, to harass and to intimidate CPAC attendees, one of whom will be myself. No doubt the police will be there, to prevent the far-left scum from crashing the venue.
In fact, watching the news tonight, and seeing the footage outside the ALP conference venue, all I could see was footage taken of an anti-AUKUS/anti-nuclear protest outside the venue, and all the protesters looked as though they were one hundred and ten years years old!
But back to protests, anyone see the double standards here? You tell me which side is violent, you tell me which side wants to shut down free speech? It isn’t the “far-right” side.
Bourne, the products they advertise , from what I’ve seen were not pushing covid vaxes. Most of them are for various treatments such as ballsack itch or vaginal thrush.
No, I can’t imagine that, because outside of Covid, nearly all medications have to go through the laborious process of trials and studies. There are certain exceptions , which thankfully Trump eased up on, which is cancer treatment that hasn’t been tested properly. Others are repurposed drugs where the risks are better known.
Imagine that, a private corp concerned about profitability.
The “media” with respect to Covid picked political sides with the Left siding with the leftwing administration. If it were Trump, the left would have been against the vax.
Okay, but what does that have to do with the price of snapper?
Nonsense. The Right took a political position that the vax shouldn’t be mandated and it was risky. Good.
The left took a position the vax should be mandated and it wasn’t risky.
This had zero to do with with your suggestion. The leftwing media is always attacking big pharma about its profits taken from poor sick people. The right has been very critical of the riskiness of the vax and also that it was mandated.
Nothing was hidden nor held back. It certainly didn’t hold Fox from opinion.
Before we left Aust, i used to go to the Virgin Lounge (Gold Member) and it was a great way to get express check in. I always got a double take because at the end of 2 weeks flying around the country i was a bit ‘scruffy’.
Happy memories.
Don’t Kill Cash – ‘An extraordinary victory!’ | Roger Gewolb congratulates GB News on cash campaign
Not widely known….Reg Ansett originally ran trucks between Melbourne & western VIC.
The government of the day decided to put him and others out of business by legislating that Victorian Railways should have a monopoly on parcels and light freight coming out of Melbourne to regional VIC.
Ansett worked out that the skies were under federal authority and an airline was born.
Sorry, I haven’t forgotten. My time was taken up with disputes over testicle itch medication ads and adultery, which I guess can have some rough association.
I’m heading out for dins and will reply later this evening.
I’m a bit out of date. I’m pleased to report.
That must be why this month’s Friends of the ABC meeting was cancelled.
Great point Cassie !
Looking forward to your report/post on what happens at CPAC this coming weekend – enjoy !.
Cassie, we await your reporting on this.
I am genuinely curious to learn whether NSW plod — now that the Liars are the state government — will side with the thugs as Dan’s Vicpol goons have done in Melbourne with their protection of the Grampian Nazis at the recent pro-women rally, etc.
Duck season.
CFMEU members mull industrial action targeting government sites in Victoria amid debate over potential duck hunting ban (Sky News, 18 Aug)
Wabbit season!
Are you saying……
That this was a Trucks vs Trains contretemps?
Alan Dershowitz. It doesn’t take him long.
I’ve read the indictment and here is my legal analysis
Unfunny, untalented (and wrong)SMH and ALPBC Insiders fave, Cathy Wilcox, scores a mention in this week’s Media Watchdog. Woof woof.
Ansett was another who knew the value of having friends on the government benches. Comes with the territory if you own an airline.
Somehow, if you’re a supporter of free speech these days, by some tortuous leap of logic you are a “white supremacist,” “fascist” or “Nazi.”
Nazis were many things; advocates of free speech was never one of them.
The original in the Australian context.
For the love of God….. not trucks/trains again. Pleeaaasssssseeee
Maybe indigenous Lidia should send anglo-celtic Lidia a bill for reparations which she has to spend the rest of her life working in a non-colonialist institution (i.e. not parliament) to pay off.
It’s getting that absurd.
“I am genuinely curious to learn whether NSW plod — now that the Liars are the state government — will side with the thugs as Dan’s Vicpol goons have done in Melbourne with their protection of the Grampian Nazis at the recent pro-women rally, etc.”
I’ll let you know.
Don’t worry about me though, far-left scum don’t scare me. I’m not scared of anyone.
All Indigino-Celts have the same problem.
Eventually they will ban guns completely. Then we’ll have plagues of pest animals roaming around. There already are a lot of issues with hordes of deer infesting Sicktorian forests.
Have you ever tried to put your left hand in the right hand pocket?
77 people, according to the contemporary sources.
Whether the victims had small penises, in the alleged manner of bouncers who eject mouthy entitled drunken chicks from strip clubs is not recorded.
Reparations, Lidia!
Project Veritas Implodes Six Months After Firing James O’Keefe (18 Aug)
Not for long I suspect. They kowtowed to big pharma and they’re getting the wages of their sin. Meanwhile Mr O’Keefe seems to be doing just fine in a very Tuckeresque sort of way. Memo to company boards: never ever kill your golden goose.
It’s the Australian way. Maate!
Pretty easy to check in those days. The possum skin never lies.
Maybe 1/16th indigenous Lidia should send 15/16th Anglo Celtic Lidia……….
Snow white, drug addled skank who killed a grandad while driving pissed is given a slap on the wrists by his Honour Judge Scott Johns because she’s 3rd nations.
His honour is a veteran the Aboriginal Legal Aid Service in the Northern Territory.
You cant touch the Abo parasites, even the fake ones.
Few years down the track, and Junior will be citing the trauma of being raised in the jug…
Lidia is a little more than 1/16th.
Both her maternal grandparents are part aboriginal, grandpa Yorta Yorta, grandma the whatever clan she claims to be.
It’s interesting that Bunurong tribe apparently only still exists because of four women who were kidnapped by sealers.
And of course it is (alleged) descendants of those four women currently fighting through the courts as to who had the right to claim the Victorian coast from Point Nepean to Werribee under native title.
the dentally challenged Air-Bo is taking the Bill Shittin approach to the Uluru Statement from the Shart – I don’t know what’s in the Statement from the Shart but I agree with it, I’m sure it’d be right.
From cohenite’s link at 7:27
Her relationship with the criminal law was certainly Indigenous.
Update from daycare centres in Siktoria:
– Acknowledgement of country shared with the children each day in all learning spaces
– Aboriginal flag displayed in all rooms
– Acknowledgement of country shared in all staff meetings
– Childrens activities based in First Nations culture in all learning spaces, ancillary spaces, foyers etc
– Flying the aboriginal flag outside the facility
*They will be updating their ‘Cultural Competence’ training shortly.
Black Ball, really sorry to have missed out on meeting you in Bendigo when we were there. You comment so well in the spirit of Catallaxy, and not just on aboriginal issues, which you know of more intimately than most who come here. You don’t deserve any casual racism which may intrude, perhaps unwittingly, in these pressured Voice times. I do know that the two blokes we met for lunch, the great Mater and 123andBush (Bushie), both impressive rural guys, had a huge respect for you and told us how much they admired you as a friend and a person well-known in the local community.
Hope you don’t mind me saying this, but sometimes the term ‘aborigines’ is used fairly thoughtlessly as an inept generalisation about slackers or sad cases. I’ve known many aboriginal people, including family members, who are far better citizens in the community than most people. They haven’t wanted to be anything other than to be equal to the rest of us.
People should well note the consistently more lenient sentences handed out to anyone but white Australians.
And despite all, who has the highest incarceration rate?
Oh, I forgot. The Australian Anthem will not be played.
Why are we being made to feel we are second class citizens and dont belong?
I agree, Razey, that the daycare centres stuff is absolutely over the top. Quite unnecessary and is clear and obvious virtue seeking. No-one needs that. It becomes insulting when it is so grandiose and lacking in genuine friendship and commonality.
Richard Vobes
The puzzling fire of Maui
Liz, I think this is far more sinister then mere virtue signaling.
History is always tough. Some of my distant ancestors – yea! the Huguenot fen-drainers of the C17th – had their wooden homes burned down while their wives and children had locked themselves in inside. The angry peasantry, the burners, had stuffed the big door locks with clay so that the women and kids couldn’t get out. This was in the Isle of Axholme area on England’s east coast.
So many instances of cruelty. We have to get over it, not dwell on it all.
What we have here is a Cultural Marxist – Day Zero – takeover Pol Pot would be proud of.
So rugby league player gets 3 years non-parole for sex that the “victim” thought was consensual until such time as a friend told her it wasn’t. Player is regularly abused on social media – judge doesn’t care. Nor does the judge care that the State tried him three times because the State wants all men in prison.
Woman gets couple of months prison for killing a man because the judge feels sorry for her receiving some mean tweets. Plus she only killed a male and that’s OK.
I’ll note that every last judge in this country applauded governments having the power to engage in extra-judicial murder (forced medication).
What a bunch of people we have in power in this country.
As promoted by Marxist activists, yes, I’d agree with you. However for the run-of-the-mill followers of virtue-signaling fashions, it probably means far less than for the Marxist originators. As with welcome to country I think it could die down fairly quickly if we had a good No vote showing people are fed up with this stuff, and some decent polices to investigate funding rorts and deliver proper services to remote aboriginal areas, while encouraging movement into employment, modernity, and into towns.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare at 7:49 – I expect a lot of goodwill is being lost through The Voice. In reality, most urban Australians (in capital cities at least) would have almost no first hand experience of Aboriginals, and most of those would be negative or extremely negative. I would have none without a stint on a pastoral station outside Port Hedland as an 18yo and I doubt that would be unusual.
TBF, Pacific Islanders would have a decent claim to being treated just as poorly.
You can’t see much but you hear people having a party and suddenly it sounds like bombs falling.
Wall Street Apes
Things You’ll NEVER See Reported On The News… Resident Footage From Hawaii 4 Days Ago (they keep censoring it)
The WEF Maui, Lahaina, Hawaii Wildfires were a domestic terrorist attack/ land grab against tax paying, law abiding Americans. ? #Hawaii #MauiFires #Lahaina
Do you think this looks natural? DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)
Bugger. I forgot to post this because I thought it was an old one: today’s Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain.
The mathematics of reparations would be fraught. If we had a Senator (say from Victoria) who claimed to be 1/8th or 1 /16th; how much would they pay a Senator (say from NT) who was half Aboriginal?
I realise Democrat jurors don’t care about facts but it’s worth pointing out that the Georgia indictment is entirely self-contradictory.
It keeps on saying “Action X was an overt act to further the conspiracy”.
But a conspiracy *by definition* is a secret.
So if any act of Trump et al was clearly public then that proves there was no secret, ergo no conspiracy.
For example, a tweet. Or telling people to watch TV. Public act. No intent to keep a secret. No secret kept.
No conspiracy. It wouldn’t matter if Trump genuinely believed the election was stolen. All that matters is that his actions were literally the exact opposite of keeping a secret.
Willis has literally proven her case is based on a lie.
What say you Monty?
How could it be a conspiracy if Trump clearly and repeatedly told the public about what he wanted to do?
Not that it matters.
Monty will say that Willis is an expert and the consensus of CNN analysts say Trump is guilty.
Hairy and I will be there too, Tom, and will meet up with Cassie to share notes.
Look out for us, other Cats attending. I will put cats’ ears and whiskers on my nametag. If we have nametags. 🙂
It’s another early morning start. Yawn. Went to dance class early today.
Cite you the West Australian country schools that showed the film “Rabbit Proof Fence” so many times, the children lost all interest…especially those whose forebears were farming on the Fence, and told a different story…