Open Thread – Mon 30 Oct 2023

An autumn morning, Milson’s Point, Sydney, Tom Roberts, 1888

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October 30, 2023 10:03 pm

Paywalled but you get the first cartoon for free – The rest are pretty good

October 30, 2023 10:04 pm

Give a me one ping, Vasily.


October 30, 2023 10:05 pm

It is times like this we should all be most grateful there is no longer the ability to post video direct to the open thread.

Like Norm Macdonald might say.

…Or are we???

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 10:07 pm

Oct 30, 2023 10:02 PM

Yes .. I dont ever want to become deluded amongst all the propaganda chaff. But the timing of all this is interesting

October 30, 2023 10:07 pm

Oct 30, 2023 10:02 PM
Gaza is a tiny shithole, 1/5th the size of Port Philip Bay. It is a quarantined place. Only a couple of entry/exit points etc.

So tell me about these rockets they keep shooting at Israel, and how they are obtained?

Do any of these rockets ever land near Netanyahu’s house etc.

HAMAS is a construct of Israel. It’s all puppetry.

Yes yes, but what has this got to do with Peace and Greater Tartaria? Get to the bloody point will you?

October 30, 2023 10:08 pm


Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 30, 2023 10:10 pm

Gaza is a tiny shithole, 1/5th the size of Port Philip Bay.

Area is not measured in multiples of Port Philip Bay.
Allow me to translate to more familiar measurements, as used by journalists:

Gaza is approximately 650,000 football fields.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 30, 2023 10:12 pm

youse are wreckin’ this place


anyone want my bbq’d brisket recipe?

October 30, 2023 10:13 pm

Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 30, 2023 10:02 PM

Want to meet up?

Catallaxy Grindr add-on has been enabled.
It is times like this we should all be most grateful there is no longer the ability to post video direct to the open thread.

Except meeting up with extinguished naval officers wearing cute little white uniforms with all that sexy gold braiding

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 10:13 pm

Oct 30, 2023 10:02 PM

Brian Bertolic (sp?) …who has been reliable so far as far as the conflict in eastern Europe is concerned ..has a very convoluted take on all of this … plausible ? Everything about this conflict flare in the Middle East has been utterly imponderable .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 30, 2023 10:17 pm

So, you are actually saying to all who read this blog, that, in your opinion, an F-16 is the equal of a modern fighter.

I saw this interesting and relevant article today:

China and Russia’s Air Forces Exposed in Actual Combat (27 Oct, via Instapundit)

It makes sense, since the Chinese only very recently commenced building fighter jet engines. Prior to that they were buying them from Russia. There’s only so much you can do as a fast follower, some techniques you have to build the right culture to do.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 10:19 pm

HAMAS is a construct of Israel. It’s all puppetry.

Had to happen sooner or later.

Wake up SheEple!

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 30, 2023 10:19 pm

Except meeting up with extinguished naval officers wearing cute little white uniforms with all that sexy gold braiding

Your Village people fantasy is now legal dude, we voted on it a couple of years ago.

Grab some lube, meet your hairy hunk, & get as sweaty as you like, free country, consenting adults. Nobody will judge you.

October 30, 2023 10:20 pm

:retard face:

“A construct of Israel”

No wait, they’re serious.

a construct of Israel

In its original 1988 charter, Hamas states that “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” In a 2017 version of its charter, Hamas claimed to reject the “persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds.” On October 7, 2023, it launched a terrorist attack that killed more than 1,300 people in Israel.

Hamas was established in Gaza at the end of 1987 as both an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and a rival to another designated terrorist group: the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In line with its belief that “The day that enemies usurp part of Muslim land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Muslim,” Hamas not only condemned the historic Oslo Accords but declares that international peace proposals and conferences are “but a waste of time, and vain endeavors.”

Such pronouncements and a string of violent acts made it easy for the US State Department to designate Hamas a “foreign terrorist organization.” Others like the European Union, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have taken similar steps.

By 2017, it appeared that Hamas wanted to reshape, or at least clarify, its public image in some quarters. It took steps to soften some of the most extreme language of its 1988 charter by issuing new statements and declarations that, while not repealing or superseding the original document, supplemented it with more ambiguous terms and rhetoric. For example, the original charter called it “compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.” In 2017, Hamas portrayed itself as a resistance movement aiming to “liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project.” In 1988, Hamas explicitly acknowledged its links to the Muslim Brotherhood, but the 2017 Hamas Charter is devoid of references to the Brotherhood. In 1988, Hamas declared that the “Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them.” By 2017, Hamas claimed its mission wasn’t “a struggle against Jews or Judaism,” but a “struggle…against the Zionist occupation….”

While the tone and terms of the 2017 charter may be different from the extremist provisions of its 1988 predecessor, the newer document still hints at the violence and hatred at the organization’s core. Article 25 provides that “Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance…”

Retard mode OFF.

October 30, 2023 10:20 pm

I didn’t directly link the post he’s referring to, but “beyond evil” is an understatement.

Catturd ™

Beyond evil.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 10:21 pm

anyone want my bbq’d brisket recipe?


im too smart for punctuation

watching tennis with my no sugar cruiser


October 30, 2023 10:21 pm

Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 30, 2023 10:19 PM


October 30, 2023 10:21 pm

If I write a letter of complaint to senator Wong do I start with “Dear Sir”?

what about starting with “Squire” ?

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 10:23 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Oct 30, 2023 10:17 PM

I was too young by ten years to be involved in the conflict in Indo China … but I was , and have been my whole life following up in that conflict. Technology (much as I love Her) irrelevant ..

That isn’t how War is fought … disclaimer.. I only have this “Hot take ” second hand …

October 30, 2023 10:23 pm

apparently vehicles driving towards tanks in northern Gaza could be civilians attempting to flee. On the other hand the tank personnel were probably close enough to see who was in the vehicle.

The blokes who were filming the incident knew the location of the tank, but the occupants of the car didn’t?

If I was the driver of the car who suddenly saw a tank ahead, I’d slam on the brakes and reverse for a decent distance before turning.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 30, 2023 10:25 pm

I think I remember Bolton from the old blog.
Second silliest person to ever visit the place behind [now, now, keep that little incident out of it Sancho].

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 30, 2023 10:27 pm

is ignorance of punshuashun a sign of smarts


derivative seagull mongs

Salvatore, Iron Publican
October 30, 2023 10:30 pm

Indolent Oct 30, 2023 10:20 PM
I didn’t directly link the post he’s referring to, but “beyond evil” is an understatement.

The link seems to be gone.
From the comments it seems to be the story verified by the New York Post earlier today.

Some of the comments threads have been most revealing. We’ve imported this evil into every western country.

October 30, 2023 10:31 pm

derivative seagull mongs

gaddamned varmints!!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 30, 2023 10:32 pm

If you wait long enough eventually you see everything repeat.
I never thought I would see anyone here fall for a variation of “check your email” ever again, but here we are.
(I’ve posted full links and commentary on Discord).

October 30, 2023 10:33 pm

From Zulu’s extract of the sTan Grant lecture (previous page):

“Instead, it was so inoffensive people found it so easy to say No.

I for one am proud of Australia’s pubic ineffectuals.

October 30, 2023 10:34 pm

Up next in Jane’s Defence Weekly: The Greater Tartarian Fifth Gen stealth strike fighter: King Potassium’s secret weapon.

October 30, 2023 10:34 pm

Exactly Muddy.
I think the second car was associated with the first car, but expecting a different outcome.
Hamas matryrs destroy occupier tank!

October 30, 2023 10:36 pm

No sugar cruiser? Gord, seek help
I’m a Footscray supporter. Stoked for Collingwood though.

October 30, 2023 10:36 pm

what about starting with “Squire” ?

Why not “Your Highness”. Kinda Royale but definitely shows who is on top.

October 30, 2023 10:38 pm

Dot are you disrespectful His Royal Highness the Supreme Cream of Tartaria?

October 30, 2023 10:39 pm

Let’s have a fact check of “Hamas is a construct of Israel”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 30, 2023 10:41 pm

meeting up with extinguished naval officers wearing cute little white uniforms with all that sexy gold braiding

I still have some of mine you can have for a certain price.

Meet under the bridge as we usually do?

You know you want to.

October 30, 2023 10:41 pm

I drank cream soda tonight. I burped loudly. Let that be a lesson for tartarians.

October 30, 2023 10:42 pm

yr all sounding a little bit mental tonight.

especially dotty who’s still pinging away in the corner

if anybody here is NOT bird … please put yr hand up

October 30, 2023 10:47 pm


At ease, it’s not about you and your service. It’s something else entirely.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 10:49 pm

especially dotty who’s still pinging away in the corner


driving people away


October 30, 2023 10:49 pm

Either that or simply trying to get a closer look, Rosie. Expecting the tank crew to be more chilled. Without having access to more detail, it’s impossible to know, but the leisurely speed of the car’s turn was pretty sus.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 30, 2023 10:49 pm

Well that’s me and the missus sorted…we’re just over the border but they’re gonna get us too!

The ACT is set to introduce the most liberal euthanasia laws in Australia, with no need for a predicted time of death for terminally ill patients to access the scheme, which will also be available to residents in nearby towns in NSW with “links” to the nation’s capital.

Former ALP candidate and anti-euthanasia advocate Brendan Long told The Australian he understands the Labor-Greens cabinet had endorsed what will be the Territory’s first assisted suicide legislation, due to be introduced in the ACT parliament on Tuesday.

Dr Long said the laws would buck the trend of other Australian jurisdictions by not requiring doctors to give patients a life expectancy timeline of six to 12 months to be eligible for an assisted death.

He said the Barr government’s ­assisted suicide program will also be accessible to people with a link to the ACT, including residents of nearby NSW towns such as Queanbeyan.

October 30, 2023 10:51 pm

Sancho Panzer
Oct 30, 2023 10:32 PM
(I’ve posted full links and commentary on Discord)

Retarded mong wanker.

October 30, 2023 10:52 pm

Oct 30, 2023 9:27 PM

Please stop this nonsense.

October 30, 2023 10:56 pm

I suppose it’s possible the car was trying to lure the tank out from cover, whereupon an A/T team positioned around a corner may have lit the tank up. Had that been the plan though, I’d have wanted the camera car to be closer for better footage.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 30, 2023 10:58 pm

Meet under the bridge as we usually do?

You know you want to.

What was Churchill’s quote about the glorious traditions of the Royal Navy?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 30, 2023 11:04 pm

Two F18s flying over Brisbane south side today.
I’m sure they were flying as quietly as they can but darn they have a loud exhaust.
Very unusual to see.
A portent?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 11:09 pm

A portent?

Every year, from June through to August Darwin (and Katherine) has Australian, US, Singaporean and other fighters taking off, afterburning and fanging at low altitude all over the city itself and northern Australia.

It’s spectacular. A few greenies complain about the noise, but are rightly ignored.

So no. No portent.

October 30, 2023 11:10 pm

What was Churchill’s …

Something about rum, bug…. and the lash?

October 30, 2023 11:10 pm

Sancho Panzer
Oct 30, 2023 10:25 PM

I think I remember Bolton from the old blog.
Second silliest person to ever visit the place behind [now, now, keep that little incident out of it Sancho].

OK, then what was his nick then? It is not easy to forget. Clue: MH.

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:12 pm

Top Ender
Oct 30, 2023 10:49 PM

Traveling around , as I do , I always wanted to visit Darwin slowly .. and I did …

When I first arrived I got to put out a grass fire on a poor person’s home .. which made me feel most welcome.. and usefull .. extinguished that one !!! Now what is next ?

But I found Darwin increasingly creepy … Only resource is Gubberminbt Money exuding from the stratigraphy ..much like Oil in the Middle East .

I went in as the sort of person that the Gubbermint would want to help .. and they did marvelously …

Alwa! Munich Wurra Nicha Culin !!

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:14 pm

By way of disamigugation that is Noongar … not spoken there .

October 30, 2023 11:15 pm

Two F18s flying over Brisbane

It’s not at all unusual to see a pair at least of fighters (it’s not my forte, so I’m unable to identify them) flying over the Maroochy River / Sunshine Coast airport heading southish.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 30, 2023 11:17 pm

from June through to August

So what were they doing for the last 2 months?
Sight seeing?
Getting a new paint job?
Having the suspension lowered?
Wait… wait…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 11:18 pm

Alwa! Munich Wurra Nicha Culin !!

This is traditional language for ‘two crumbed chicken wings’ at any NT servo.

The ‘Munich’ indicates they want German salt.

October 30, 2023 11:21 pm

Gaza is a tiny shithole, 1/5th the size of Port Philip Bay.

Gaza 360 sq kms
Israel 22,145 sq kms
Greater Sydney 12,368 sq kms
Tasmania 68,401 sq kms

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 30, 2023 11:22 pm

So what were they doing for the last 2 months?
Sight seeing?
Getting a new paint job?
Having the suspension lowered?

Oh, okay.

You’re right. The single pair of fighters are a prelude to the invasion, or the subjugation of the PeOple. Which apparently wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t so loud.

Duck and cover, Colonel. Duck and cover.

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:26 pm

Folks when I was in Darwin I was totally broken … The people that asked me to come and join their “jolly little racket” … getting paid extortionate salaries to go all”Head Master ” on some remote …district .. but were collaring the equipment that had nothing wrong with it … “try putting fuel in it” got diverted ..

I could become involved and ..maybe have a little Black Velvet … All I need to do is mow the lawn and keep my mouth shut …

October 30, 2023 11:26 pm

Hamas is a construct you mongs.

Jade HeLM II is coming and it will be executed in Australia.

Mobile execution squads on flatbed trucks for those who resist.


Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:28 pm

Folks I WAS broken .. but not that broken…

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 30, 2023 11:31 pm

KD, you’re the one who offered to explain the appearance of aeroplanes on 30 Oct with war games that ended in August. Don’t bother launching a squadron of distraction squirrels when your literary misadventures blow up in your face.

Look, say it with me.

Now faster.
I. Don’t. Know.

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:32 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Oct 30, 2023 11:18 PM

“Munich” … translates to a cockatoo …in Noongar.

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:39 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Oct 30, 2023 11:18 PM

” Munich wurra” means Evil Cockatoo.

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:44 pm

@ Knuckle Dragger

Ist für Sie jetzt alles in Ordnung?

October 30, 2023 11:47 pm

What “claims to justice” does Hamas have?

Mark Bolton
October 30, 2023 11:54 pm

As to posts some time as last. C.S Lewis is a well hidden gem. He paths the way from the Christainty … they had then to the one we have now .. that is so much more powerful because we choose it for ourselves. Christianity will be always here for us … but sometimes we have no one to explain to Us what it means …

Momentous stuff.

October 30, 2023 11:55 pm

What “claims to justice” does Hamas have?

October 30, 2023 11:58 pm

Two F18s flying over Brisbane

RAAF Amberley is only 36ks from the Brisbane CBD.

In March 2010 the first F/A-18F Super Hornets arrived in Amberley, then in 2017 the Royal Australian Air Force introduced the F/A-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft into service also at RAAF Base Amberley so seeing them around Brisbane should be a fairly regular event.

October 31, 2023 12:03 am

Dotty, yr becoming increasingly weird

… fall in with the wrong crowd?

Mark Bolton
October 31, 2023 12:06 am

Oct 30, 2023 11:10 PM

OK … I can put you out of you’re misery … It may have been Muzzlehatch ? If so I can provide no justification …

Mark Bolton
October 31, 2023 12:07 am

Should I have to?

October 31, 2023 12:24 am

What “claims to justice” does Hamas have?

The same as the nazi battalions of Ukraine.


October 31, 2023 12:51 am

Amazing couple. Very interesting but it must have been terrifying, especially with such young children, but reinforces the tyranny the government forced on its citizens, in the name of “saving” them.

I wonder if we will ever forget or really forgive the PTB’s for the harm they did under the guise of saving us.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 31, 2023 1:17 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Oct 30, 2023 10:58 PM
Meet under the bridge as we usually do?

You know you want to.

What was Churchill’s quote about the glorious traditions of the Royal Navy?

When and why did Winston Churchill say: ‘The traditions of the Royal Navy are rum, sodomy and the lash’?,,-1433,00.html#:~:text=YESTERYEAR-,When%20and%20why%20did%20Winston%20Churchill%20say%3A%20’The%20traditions%20of,Person%2C%20by%20Sir%20Peter%20Gretton

Mark Bolton
October 31, 2023 1:32 am

Johnny Rotten
Oct 31, 2023 1:17 AM

Agree Mate .. it seem like one of those bullshit quotes that we never repeat because they should most likely be file under “shit that never happened , or ever got said ” and even if it did it is utterly inconsequential; …

Damn things appear like puffballs in the morning lawn …

Mark Bolton
October 31, 2023 1:49 am

The latter derivation is ” Rum Bum and Concertina” .. Now I loathe Navy blokes in so far as I have been exposed to them… i.e. I have met them and I don’t need some bollocks folklore to help me to hate them … I can sort this one out all on my own ,,

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 31, 2023 2:56 am

At work yesterday, that chap was wearing a dress again. He looked ridiculous. How could he wear that dress with those shoes and that cardigan. I mean really.

October 31, 2023 3:04 am

East Tartaria?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 3:28 am

kd at 1039


driving people away


i’ve gone

had enough


derivative seashells

October 31, 2023 3:35 am

Trumpet lovers, no, no the other kind.

October 31, 2023 3:55 am

I don’t have a subsrciption to The Advertiser, but I notice this is their main headline …

What’s behind SA’s ballooning death rate

The rate at which South Australians are dying is rising, official figures say – laying bare problems with ageing and unhealthy lifestyles. Search the data for your area.

October 31, 2023 4:00 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 4:01 am

What’s behind SA’s ballooning death rate

The rate at which South Australians are dying is rising, official figures say – laying bare problems with ageing and unhealthy lifestyles. Search the data for your area.

Still kidnapping children, throwing pouves in the Torrens and stuffing people in barrels I see.

October 31, 2023 4:01 am
October 31, 2023 4:02 am
October 31, 2023 4:03 am
October 31, 2023 4:04 am
October 31, 2023 4:04 am

The regular 48 hour nuclear threat. No biggie

Russia has successfully tested its ability to deliver a massive retaliatory nuclear strike by land, sea, and air, the Kremlin said in a statement on October 25, in what is being seen as a thinly veiled display of force just hours after lawmakers in Moscow de-ratified an international nuclear test ban treaty.

The announcement by the Kremlin of the test, which simulated a nuclear strike in response to a nuclear attack and involved multiple practice launches of ballistic and cruise missiles, comes amid concerns in the West that Moscow may resume nuclear tests in an attempt to discourage countries from offering military support to Ukraine, where Russia launched a full-scale invasion in February 2022.

October 31, 2023 4:05 am
October 31, 2023 4:06 am
October 31, 2023 4:06 am
October 31, 2023 4:08 am
October 31, 2023 4:08 am
October 31, 2023 4:09 am
October 31, 2023 4:10 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 31, 2023 4:23 am

Thanks once again Tom.

However, I do see that Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Junior Cretin had the temerity to upset the Toon flow. How remiss of them both. Tut tut and poor form.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 31, 2023 4:23 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 4:23 am

JC at 404
interrupting the cartoons

how dare you


Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 31, 2023 4:26 am

If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another.

– Winston Churchill

October 31, 2023 4:30 am

Johnny Rotten
Oct 31, 2023 4:26 AM

If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another.

– Winston Churchill

I don’t believe anyone, let alone WC would be that banal.
You are making it up now.

October 31, 2023 5:01 am

About the itinerant interloper posing as M H and his defender who has form in this type of defense.

Memories are strange, we remember mostly that is out of the normal or ordinary.

Not one forumite ever mentioned push-ups, but one did, what’s more he also stated numbers 200.
That sticks in your mind, I’m not inclined to do any research even if I would be able to do but it’s there, trust me.

Same as someone once claiming to own/run a temporary accommodation for travelers and now denying it.

Same as not remembering travelogs by the intrepid blog members, seeing old buildings and worshiping in old churches and dressing up for din dins on cruises.

But I will always remember SJW’s cruise nightmare, he was apprehensive from the start and proven right.
Those who said he should have refused to go, are wrong, in a marriage we do have to make sacrifices, probably the wrong word, sacrifice sounds pompous? Maybe compromise?

Sancho mentioned his experience at the movie, it happens

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 31, 2023 5:10 am
October 31, 2023 5:12 am
October 31, 2023 5:14 am

Another day of Hamas apologists in the corporate media.
Until all the hostages are released, no sympathy.

John H.
John H.
October 31, 2023 5:55 am

Oct 31, 2023 4:04 AM
The regular 48 hour nuclear threat. No biggie

Russia has successfully tested its ability to deliver a massive retaliatory nuclear strike by land, sea, and air, the Kremlin said in a statement on October 25, in what is being seen as a thinly veiled display of force just hours after lawmakers in Moscow de-ratified an international nuclear test ban treaty.

The announcement by the Kremlin of the test, which simulated a nuclear strike in response to a nuclear attack and involved multiple practice launches of ballistic and cruise missiles, comes amid concerns in the West that Moscow may resume nuclear tests in an attempt to discourage countries from offering military support to Ukraine, where Russia launched a full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Russia was recently boasting about a nuclear powered cruise missile they had developed. No doubt many were impressed. In the 1960’s the USA has tested the engine for such a weapon but decided not to build it because it would constitute a nuclear escalation to levels that even in the Cold War they considered ridiculous. The USA weapon literally had a radioactive exhaust plume that would contaminate wherever it travelled. Insane stuff but not insane enough for Putin and Co.

October 31, 2023 6:00 am

About the itinerant interloper posing as M H

Oops, that should be MB, but you knew it.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 31, 2023 6:06 am

Alan Howe in today’s Oz


A week after Hamas entered Israel and slaughtered 1400 innocents – children were killed in front of their parents, babies beheaded, barely ambulatory victims burned alive on their settees – a dozen young men dressed in black, their identities hidden behind balaclavas hopped on a Melbourne tram.

A young woman I know was aboard and was frightened of the neo-Nazis. The noisy gang had ­already attracted the attention of police, who boarded at the next stop. An officer told other fearful passengers not to be afraid. “They’re just protesters,” he said.

They were a bit more than that. Growing in number to about 25, they later boarded a city train, gave Nazi salutes, and menaced passengers, reportedly asking if some were Jewish. A week later, the Victorian parliament passed the Summary Offences (Nazi Salute Prohibition) Bill – its sets penalties including $23,000 fines and jail for offenders – outlawing the gesture that was mandatory for Germans in the lead-up to World War II.

It is doubtful Melbourne’s mindless neo-Nazis know anything of the roots of the salute, ­although they understand Hitler rose to power with a vision for a new racial order in Europe, part of which ­became the so-called “final solution to the Jewish question”.

The Holocaust that followed is the reason there is an Israel. But it seems that Jews are never safe. Obviously not in their UN-created homeland, nor across Europe, not in the US or Britain and, shamefully, not even in Australia.

After the October 7 attacks, some of the world’s most famous buildings were bathed in the colours of Israel’s flag that was adopted 75 years ago last weekend. Strikingly illuminated were the Eiffel Tower, the Brandenburg Gates, the Empire State Building, the White House, London’s Guildhall and our Opera House. At only one was there a riot: the Opera House.

Clearly not everyone was surprised by this. Once it was known that pro-Palestinian groups would attend the Opera House to protest against its symbolic illumination, NSW Police warned Sydney’s Jews to stay away. But one turned up with an Israeli flag and he was the only person arrested that night. Ironically, pro-Palestinian protesters with Israeli flags were left alone. Of course, they set fire to these while chanting “f..k Israel” and “f..k the Jews”.

It is one thing to assume that witless students from Melbourne University chanting the Palestinian staple “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” might not be aware those words reflect a modern Middle-Eastern Final ­Solution: the genocide of the Jews who live west of the Jordan and east of the Mediterranean.

And protests on Monday at Melbourne’s Sofitel Hotel against the Australian subsidiary of Elbit, the cutting edge Israeli company that works on digital battlefield technologies, reaffirm the assumptions many young Australians make about Israel: that it is militaristic, hostile to its neighbours and indifferent to civilian deaths in Gaza.

No doubt many Australians are wondering why those with no ­ethnic connection to anyone in the Middle East would express sympathy for Hamas and those who support it?

Alex Ryvchin, co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, believes that the relentless teaching in Australia that Israel is an apartheid state, founded on ­colonialism, and a tool of Western imperialism, has won over the ­students who in earlier decades opposed the Vietnam War and, ­indeed, apartheid.

As a result, many of them have interpreted Hamas’s mass slaughter “as some sort of act of resistance and a noble act”.

It might look like it’s a long way from supporting the Boycott, ­Divestment, Sanctions movement, but in its own way, is an ­extension of that activism.

Ryvchin believes that parts of the Australian community has ­accepted the regularly peddled fictions about the Israelis for so long they can’t view Jews as ever being victims: “Look at what’s happening on the campuses … it’s no longer a bunch of far-left students incited by a few lefty academics. It’s become so well organised, so widespread, and so bloodthirsty in its nature.”

It seems that even though Hamas fully revealed itself on ­October 7, substantial numbers of Australians believe Israel had it coming.

As a democracy, Israeli Prime Minister has not only to defend his nation but also respond to the constituency’s fears and anger.

Many in the West, and even in Israel, have long thought that ­Article 7 of the Hamas charter was just an easily dismissed, florid outburst of hostility toward Israel: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims … there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

When ISIS was evicted from Mosul from 2016, the forces against them included the US, Australia, Britain, France, Canada, Germany and even Turkey. ISIS was defeated, but about 8000 civilians were also killed along with 50 journalists. It was hailed internationally as a victory for justice.

It would appear that despite the savagery of Hamas, many Australians are taking a different view of today’s events in Israel and Gaza.

October 31, 2023 6:09 am


How does a “dead” person hold a smartphone in his hands?

Dunno if it’s been posted previously.

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 6:18 am

“Do any of these rockets ever land near Netanyahu’s house etc.”

Actually they do, rockets have reached Jerusalem.

October 31, 2023 6:19 am

How long before De Santis gets the tap on the shoulder like Pence did?
The establishment GOP took a while but they seem to have decided on Haley.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
October 31, 2023 6:20 am

FTB – also worth noting the chap pushing the gurney has some NGO logo on his back with Australia on it…

October 31, 2023 6:22 am

Gabor is correct.

“MB” isn’t even writing the same way as MH did.

200 push ups
Dirt floors in 50 year old convent schools

Kiss my arse you psychos.

October 31, 2023 6:26 am

Actually they do, rockets have reached Jerusalem.

Yes but Hamas is an Israeli construct, you see.

Claims to justice.
Legitimate grievances.
It’s impossible to make improvised rockets .


Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 6:26 am

Hamas is a construct of the Muslim Brotherhood.

October 31, 2023 6:27 am

The establishment GOP took a while but they seem to have decided on Haley.

The kid tackling bully doesn’t seem so bad. You see why people believe in controlled opposition when you see this happen.

October 31, 2023 6:28 am

Black ‘thought leader’ condemns ‘white people’ as irredeemable bigots, suggests reparations aren’t enough-the whole hiya ejucashun complex just stinks both here and in the US

October 31, 2023 6:29 am

Of course Cassie.

Another Jew hater came out of the woodwork last night.

If these people are the norm I want no part of it.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 31, 2023 6:30 am

Perfect for the border with Israel and Gaza.

Aliens 1986 Turrets

October 31, 2023 6:32 am

this is a fair-dinkum email that I received yesterday

Knight Frank if you dont know, are fairly substantial managing agent in the commercial property sphere

and CM3, is a safety compliance rort owned by Wesfarmers

essentially they expect us to pay them money and then do the survey … or else

what happens Master, if we dont “comply”, will we be whipped again ?

Listen to this bull-dust

Subject: Knight Frank Modern Slavery Survey
Knight Frank is pleased to advise we have engaged Cm3 to manage the Modern Slavery requirements of our contractors using the Cm3 WHS System.

Implementing Cm3 and completing this Modern Slavery Survey is considered an essential component of our Risk Management process and is mandatory for you to complete.

As your services are highly valued by Knight Frank, we encourage you to make use of the Cm3 support services and complete your registration and survey by the set due date.

Please ensure you complete this Modern Slavery Survey on your Cm3 account by no later than Monday 13th of November We look forward to your participation in completing this survey on Cm3 to continue helping us enhance the safety of our working environments.

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 6:33 am

If these people are the norm I want no part of it.”

That’s also how I feel.

Writing that ‘Hamas is a construct of Israel’ is basically code that ‘the Jews had it coming on 7 October 2023’.

October 31, 2023 6:39 am

Another Jew hater came out of the woodwork last night.

Dot, who?
I missed it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 6:44 am

From the Oz…and I say ‘yes please’….we have the racial hatred laws and we need to use them…

Palestine activist Nasser Mashni accused of ‘inciting hatred’

Jewish human rights campaigner Menachem Vorchheimer is threatening to sue Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president ­Nasser Mashni, accusing the organiser of recent pro-Palestinian rallies in Melbourne of breaching Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

The action has prompted leading barrister Robert Richter KC, who once defended Mr Vorchheimer after he was the victim of a violent anti-Semitic attack, to state that while he supports the right of Palestinian supporters to demonstrate, those who conflate “all Jews” with Israel “may well be guilty” of the criminal offence of incitement to hatred.

In letters to Mr Mashni this week, Mr Vorchheimer accuses the property developer and Greens donor of a “serious act of incitement” in leading protesters at a Melbourne rally to join him in chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Mr Vorchheimer says the chant, which refers to the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea on Israel’s eastern and western borders, is “a call used by Hamas terrorists for the annihilation of Israel and Jews”.

“You will appreciate that this is a serious act of incitement and a breach of the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001,” he writes in a letter to Mr Mashni.

The accountant, who is completing a Juris Doctor of Law, also argues that Mr Mashni is responsible for breaching the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act as one of the organisers of pro-Palestine protests at which the crowd has called for an “intifada” against Jews, and chanted “Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, jaish Muhammad soufa ya’oud” outside state parliament.

The Arabic phrase, which is often used by extremist groups such as Islamic State, al-Qa’ida and the Muslim Brotherhood, translates as: “Remember Khaybar, oh Jews. The army of Muhammad will return.”

It refers to the massacre of Jews at Khaybar, in present-day Saudi Arabia, in 628 CE.

The Australian is not suggesting Mr Mashni chanted the phrase, only that he was one of the organisers of a rally at which Mr Vorchheimer alleges the phrase was prominently chanted.

“This conduct caused significant harm to both myself and members of the Jewish community,” Mr Vorchheimer writes of the chanting of all three phrases in his letter to Mr Mashni.

“Before commencing proceedings, I invite you to engage and ­advise what steps you propose taking to remedy these breaches and undertakings not to engage in such activity in the future.”

Mr Vorchheimer reached a settlement with Victoria Police after using the Racial and ­Religious Tolerance Act to take legal action over a notorious 2006 incident in which he was racially abused, punched in the face and had his kippah (religious skullcap) taken.

The three men who attacked him as he walked to a synagogue with his children were members of the Ocean Grove Football Club, who had been in a bus driven by an off-duty police officer.

Mr Richter, who represented Mr Vorchheimer over the 2006 ­incident, said: “As a critic of the ­actions of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the ­Israeli government, I support the right of Palestinian supporters to demonstrate. People are entitled to demonstrate and express their political views.

“However, anyone demonstrating against ‘all Jews’, including Israelis who protest the actions of the Israeli government, and anyone who conflates all diaspora Jews as a whole with ‘Israel’ may well be guilty of incitement to ­hatred, which is criminalised by the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act of 2001.”

Mr Richter is a Jewish atheist whose Polish and Ukrainian parents survived the Holocaust.

Mr Mashni did not respond to multiple requests for comment.”

October 31, 2023 6:45 am
October 31, 2023 6:46 am

Here you go bern.

Zafiro Avatar
Oct 30, 2023 10:02 PM
Gaza is a tiny shithole, 1/5th the size of Port Philip Bay. It is a quarantined place. Only a couple of entry/exit points etc.

So tell me about these rockets they keep shooting at Israel, and how they are obtained?

Do any of these rockets ever land near Netanyahu’s house etc.

HAMAS is a construct of Israel. It’s all puppetry.

4 Brickbats

October 31, 2023 6:49 am

Yes rosie. Completely different writing styles. Someone is a bad facsimile.

I’ve written a couple of emails drunk. Things don’t change that much.

October 31, 2023 6:53 am


Or Grigs-troll?

October 31, 2023 6:56 am

The left loved Israel right up to the point where it became an independent, self-reliant country that made it’s own decisions. After that, they hated it. As for antisemitism, that has very deep roots.

Why does the left hate Israel? Because of its woke Western self-hatred

October 31, 2023 6:59 am

You stay in the room and fight them. They are unarmed…with intelligence anyway.

October 31, 2023 7:03 am

Tap, tap, tap…the woodwork contains many woodworms FTB. 🙂

Some of the insults flying last night would make excellent New Wave band names – The Derivative Seashells. The members all look like him.

October 31, 2023 7:06 am

Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years

Bother. At 67 I’m already dead and don’t know it. I’ll just continue to haunt you if you don’t mind.

Seriously though…how could they possibly calculate this? Wouldn’t you need a longitudinal survey?

October 31, 2023 7:11 am

Oct 31, 2023 7:02 AM

I had a friend who wasn’t allowed to sit with her dying husband because reasons. I had friends unable to visit institutionalised loved ones. I watched sad old people up at the shops walking around in filthy masks. I wasn’t allowed to sing at church.

I’m not feeling like extending any grace and forgiveness until the buggers apologise.

October 31, 2023 7:17 am

I applaud Israel approaching the task in a way that minimises the loss of Israeli lives, and I hope the hostages and their families understand that it is futile sacrificing many Israeli lives fighting on hamas terms.
I wonder if someone on the inside gave the location of the one rescued hostage?
Hamas apologists will have to continue to post ai images of piles of dead Israeli soldiers, it’s all they’ve got.
oh noes, the ABC doesn’t like the way Israel is going about its ground incursion.

October 31, 2023 7:17 am

I’m not feeling like extending any grace and forgiveness until the buggers apologise.

It’s hard. I can forgive people but I’m still angry. They won’t even admit to not knowing what to do, lying or incompetence; or simply being incorrect or having bad information.

They simply doubled down on everything and escalated until people got sick of it and Ukraine was the current thing.

October 31, 2023 7:18 am

We weren’t allowed to attend mass for months, let alone sing.
Never again.

October 31, 2023 7:22 am

I wonder if someone on the inside gave the location of the one rescued hostage?

There will be “friendlies” in there. Very brave ones.

As for forgiveness, it has to be sought before its given. Up until then you put it all to back of mind, otherwise it eats you away. We see how obsessive hatred works.

October 31, 2023 7:23 am

By the way I don’t know that Israel intends to push that much further south, I think they have clearly demarcated their ground war zone.
Hamas will find themselves spread thinner and thinner.
In so many ways.

October 31, 2023 7:29 am

Starmer must confront Labour’s Islamist problem- Paywalled

Those making common cause with Hamas are the terrorists’ useful idiots – or worse


Much talk about Sir Keir Starmer’s risk of a Labour split over Israel and Gaza; less thought, so far, about what it might mean for this country if he were to back away from his initial support for Israel and his unqualified condemnation of Hamas.

After winning his party’s leadership, Sir Keir addressed Labour’s “Jewish problem”, facing down the Corbynite hard Left. He did it well. But Labour, like many British institutions, also has a Muslim problem. This he has not yet faced.

The problem is a remarkable inability to distinguish between Muslims who are in politics because they wish to be good, active citizens of this country and those who follow a sectarian and sometimes extreme approach. Both types are active in the Labour Party.

Not only Labour is at fault here.

You can see it in the way bodies like the police or the Crown Prosecution Service have naively engaged with supporters of Hamas, such as Muhammad Sawalha or Mohammed Kozbar (deputy secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain), regarding them, incredibly, as agents of moderation.

The pogroms of October 7 were the greatest atrocities committed in the entire 75-year-story of the state of Israel.

They were committed by Hamas (and smaller associates). In its founding Covenant, Hamas denounces the Jews as Nazis, calls for their elimination from the Holy Land and uses the word “jihad” in a context which (whatever Metropolitan Police “experts” might think) unquestionably means violence.

It also lauds terrorism in the name of Islam, invoking Muslim scripture: “Verily ye are stronger than they, by reason of the terror cast into their breasts from Allah.” The Covenant is a virulently racist document.

Those who marched in London and other British cities in the wake of the massacres knew this, or were in position to know this, yet the whole of their anger was directed against those attempting to fight back against the mass murderers.

Therefore, those marching were either Hamas supporters or Hamas tolerators (or utter ignoramuses). They had nothing to say about the monstrous crimes just inflicted, except, in some cases, to support them.

Current calls for a ceasefire should be seen in this light.

Although many will feel genuine compassion for the people of Gaza, they must surely know that a ceasefire at this point would give massive advantage to Hamas and, in effect, remove from Israel its right of self-defence.

This means that if Sir Keir now backs down, he will have shown that his leadership dare not confront the faction in his party which, at best, excuses Hamas and, at worst, supports it.

That would be terrible for a party which expects to govern after the next election. It would be seen to be appeasing, for electoral advantage or because of weak leadership, the deadliest terror group currently operating in the world.

Such a party could not unite the nation, nor uphold the rule of law.

Probably most Muslims in this country are more pro-Palestinian than the rest of the population.

That opinion is legitimate.

But Muslim anti-Semitism is also a serious problem.

If Labour thinks that the price of corralling “the Muslim vote” is to equivocate over atrocities and present Israel as the aggressor, not the victim, its claim to have banished anti-Semitism will be laughable.

Its aim of community cohesion will founder.

It is dismaying that the main Labour politicians challenging Sir Keir on this point are both mayors, Sadiq Khan for London and Andy Burnham for Greater Manchester.

They appear to believe electoral success in their cities depends on appeasing Islamist rage.

If they are right, the outlook for future civil peace is grim.

If Sir Keir shows enough courage, he will probably prove them wrong.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 31, 2023 7:33 am

When ISIS was evicted from Mosul from 2016, the forces against them included the US, Australia, Britain, France, Canada, Germany and even Turkey. ISIS was defeated, but about 8000 civilians were also killed along with 50 journalists. It was hailed internationally as a victory for justice.

It would appear that despite the savagery of Hamas, many Australians are taking a different view of today’s events in Israel and Gaza.

Needs to be repeated.
Already lost in a world of politicians squishing the situation or bravely declaring red lines, Hamas actually crossed firmly, unequivocally, and irreversibly into ISIS nightmare monster territory.

Everyone calling for ceasefire now so that a Two State Solution (or whatever) may prevail is either, somehow, incredibly, suspending disbelief in the ‘partner for peace’ lurking in Gaza – or wilfully and slyly arguing for more horror in the destruction of Israel.

Perhaps because they hate Israel, perhaps because Israel is a proxy for their hatred of the US. Perhaps, at best, because it’s easier and less offensive to their real interests to kick someone else’s can down the road and hope something turns up.

October 31, 2023 7:33 am

Oct 31, 2023 7:23 AM

By the way I don’t know that Israel intends to push that much further south, I think they have clearly demarcated their ground war zone.

Hamas will find themselves spread thinner and thinner.
In so many ways.

Arab news reports claim: Israel’s ground op could cut Hamas control of key road

The success of the IDF ground troops comes amid continued calls abroad for a pause in operations for humanitarian aid, a ceasefire, and the opening of the border with Egypt as an exit.

Israel’s expanding ground operation is being watched closely by regional media. On Monday, Arab news reports claimed that Israeli tanks were seen on a major road that connects the south of the Gaza Strip, to the north.

The reports prompted speculation in foreign media about the progress of the ground campaign: If Salah a-Din Road is under Israeli control (along with another major road along the coast), transit across the Strip will be cut for Hamas, essentially splitting the enclave into two.

These reports have appeared only in Arab media.

Al-Ain media postulated that Israel reached into central Gaza at its narrowest point, an area of fields between Gaza City and Al-Bureij camp.

This area includes the village of Juhr al-Dik and its surrounding fields. The report calls this the “soft flank” of Gaza, because there is no built-up area, and it can be easily traversed to the sea.

The Al-Ain report reads: “From the Zaytoun neighborhood, through the Netzarim Junction, to the Juhr al-Dik area, Israel seemed to be sensing a new phase in its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, on the 24th day of the war.”

Cutting the strip in two

The report goes on to note that moving through this area, near Wadi Gaza and also the Salah al-Din Road, presents a stratagem that cuts the strip in two. “The distance between the border separating Israel and the outskirts of the Zaytoun neighborhood up to Salah al-Din Street is about three kilometers, and they are uninhabited agricultural areas, and therefore Israeli movement in that area is easy,” the report reads.

The report adds that Israel has operated in this area in the past – one of the raids last week when Israel entered and retreated from the Gaza Strip.

The report says that the area was “subjected to artillery shelling from Israeli vehicles and armored vehicles stationed there.” It also says that “eyewitnesses spoke of the arrival of Israeli tanks to an area just a kilometer away from the Netzarim Junction, located along the eastern outskirts of the Zaytoun neighborhood, also located on Salah al-Din;” Palestinians in Gaza posted a video of a tank firing on a car.

The Al-Ain further report notes that the Netzerim junction is named for the former Israeli community that was evacuated in 2005 under the Disengagement from the Gaza Strip. As such, Israel is familiar with this area that “extends to Al-Bahr Street to the west,” according to the report.

It also notes that Israel would have to cut the Rashid coastal road as well. It explains that prior to 2005, Israel used to have the ability to cut these two roads in order to isolate the area of Gaza and prevent terrorism.

Pro-Iran media expressed worry about Israel cutting this key road. Al-Mayadeen ran a report claiming that Israel had not been able to cut the road, based on Palestinian claims of “resistance” in this area.

Clearly, all eyes are not on central Gaza, and the key roads between the north and south. This is as Israel also presses in from the north, along the beach from Zikim, and also toward Gaza City near Beit Hanun and other areas.

October 31, 2023 7:38 am

a dozen young men dressed in black, their identities hidden behind balaclavas hopped on a Melbourne tram.

A young woman I know was aboard and was frightened of the neo-Nazis. The noisy gang had ­already attracted the attention of police, who boarded at the next stop. An officer told other fearful passengers not to be afraid. “They’re just protesters,” he said.

They were a bit more than that. Growing in number to about 25, they later boarded a city train, gave Nazi salutes, and menaced passengers, reportedly asking if some were Jewish.

This seems to be straight out journo fear-mongering. Why the assumption they were “neo-nazis”?

The first “dozen young men dressed in black”, could easily have been left wing protestors, as I have seen facing off to police when the “far right” were having a BBQ in the city some time ago. None of the far-right were in black balaclavas, but all the left wing anti-protestors certainly were. There were pics of them in the media causually trying to start angst. They could have been BLM or antifa as well.

Then “they later boarded a city train” .. what, from a tram to a train? Where?

Sounds like tiny bits of stories stitched together in the journalistic filth manner to create something out of nothing. To try to label groups with bugger all evidence.

I am against rampantf fear mongery and this kind of journalism is creating unwelcome fear and discontent in the community

October 31, 2023 7:40 am

Nothing to see here. Just reasonable steps.
What next MetPlod?
Demolish a couple of Synagogues so they don’t get firebombed?

October 31, 2023 7:44 am

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has delivered a televised address, sending a message to terror group Hamas and declaring “this is a time for war” as soldiers reportedly advance on a Gaza city.

Terror group Hamas on Monday night released a video on social media showing three females hostages in an attempt to pile more pressure on Israel to call a ceasefire.

The clip showed three Israeli women sitting on a chair unbounded, with one slamming the government for being focused on “driving your political, security, military and political chaos” instead of helping to free some 230 captives.

It is likely the trio were under duress when they filmed the video. (No Shit Sherlock!)

In a televised address hours following the release of the hostage video, Mr Netanyahu clarified Israel’s position amid repeated global calls for a ceasefire.

“Just as the United States would not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbour or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7,” he said.

“Calls for a ceasefire are a call for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen.

“The Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war.”

Mr Netanyahu stressed Israel’s Defence Forces were not only focused on frontline efforts to eliminate Hamas, but also to free the remaining captives.

“We’re committed to getting all the hostages back home. We think that this method stands a chance. It’s a goal that we’re committed to,” he said in the press conference.

The Israeli Prime Minister believes an incursion will create “pressure” which could force the “possibility” of getting more captives out.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant flagged Hamas had “two options”, to “die fighting” or hand themselves in to Israel “without conditions”.

“We will reach them and we will achieve our mission and we will ensure the organisation is no longer there,” he said.

‘We will succeed in our ground operation by ensuring the return of our captives and by dismantling Hamas’ capabilities.”

October 31, 2023 7:45 am

Censorship by the cops, always a welcome thing in the west.

They’re totally cucked and we’re not far behind.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 31, 2023 7:45 am

Now Toyota says ‘people are waking up to reality’ that EV adoption will be an uphill battle

As Glenn Reynolds said: the dogs don’t like the dog food.

October 31, 2023 7:46 am

JC that ex naval officer, is he the one that used to be in the Village People?

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 7:47 am

The IDF Speech before Entering Gaza

October 31, 2023 7:48 am

The EV bubble popped: VW orders are down 50%, Ford loses $38,000 on each car, Toyota chief, says “people are waking up”

Monster among the cars.

By Jo Nova

Last week the EV bubble popped

It’s been a crushing week for the EV industry as the bad news that has been brewing for months was laid bare in the quarterly reports. Across the industry, corporate CEO’s are all admitting that demand is unexpectedly slow, orders are down, and suddenly projects are being delayed “indefinitely”.

Volkswagen admitted orders are down a shocking 50% and they are sacking 2,000 jobs in the software division. Ford posted an operating loss of $1.3 billion for the quarter — meaning they are losing $36,000 for every EV they sell. They face a ghastly full year loss of $4.5b, so not surprisingly, they are delaying battery plants, and plans to expand production. All up they are now holding off on $12 billion in investments.

The head of Mercedes-Benz described the market as “a pretty brutal space”. Harald Wilhelm hinted that some manufacturers won’t survive: “I can hardly imagine the current status quo is fully sustainable for everybody,” he said.

Panasonic has slowed EV battery production was reduced by 60% in Japan compared to the same quarter last year. While its US plants were OK, profit forecasts of the whole energy division were down 15% and depended on US subsidies.

News of cars kidnapping drivers, and airport car infernos have added to range anxiety and crushing interest rates to squeeze the EV bubble til it popped.

The bloodbath has been bad:

October 31, 2023 7:48 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
October 31, 2023 7:53 am

Salvatore, Iron Publican
Oct 30, 2023 10:30 PM
Indolent Oct 30, 2023 10:20 PM
I didn’t directly link the post he’s referring to, but “beyond evil” is an understatement.

The link seems to be gone.
From the comments it seems to be the story verified by the New York Post earlier today.

Which story is that?

October 31, 2023 7:57 am

I remember reading I think it was Mark Twain about muslim farmers abandoning the wheel because investing in anything that could be confiscated at the whim of their overlords was rightly judged a waste of time.
Does the same apply to the continued use of donkey and horse in tiny Gaza?

October 31, 2023 8:02 am

However, I do see that Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and Junior Cretin had the temerity to upset the Toon flow. How remiss of them both. Tut tut and poor form.

benefit of the doubt! .. occasionally, the time lapse between clicking
post” and its actual arrival can be a coupla moments …….

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 31, 2023 8:09 am

The renewable EV world is the greatest ponzi of all time.
Solar and wind are at most 25% efficient in delivery and require vast areas of valuable agricultural land to spread out a network that relies on the weather for security of supply. A supply that’s based on the premise that you need to overbuild the generation capacity by 6-7 times to achieve the same result that a fossil or nuclear generator would achieve in a few small sites, not to the tens of thousands of kilometres of steel and wire required to hook this together.
It’s pure madness.

October 31, 2023 8:09 am

Another day of Hamas apologists in the corporate media.
Until all the hostages are released, no sympathy.

The media is also getting very antsy cos what it considers its right to unfettered access to everything Gaza is being ignored by Israel .. Irony is for so many wordsmiths they can’t quite grasp that all that “we luvs the terrorists” reporting doesn’t equate to a “level” playing field …… FURGLEWITS ……!

October 31, 2023 8:09 am

Exactly Shatterzzz.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 31, 2023 8:10 am

Their ABC:

“It created special units, with soldiers that are trained specifically to neutralise, destroy, and fight in tunnels. And so this is Israel trying to face this threat in in more appropriate way than it did in 2014.”

It would be more than a little surprising if the IDF did all this without building up a bit of a picture of the Gazan tunnel system.

I’m no military strategist, but you’d have to imagine that an IDF objective might be to destroy infrastructure connected with the tunnel system (for example tenement blocks, rookeries for Hamas terrorists), cut down connected weapons pits served by the tunnels, and take control of entry/exit points.

The chatteratii are deeply impressed by Hamas’ tunnelling as a powerful strategic weapon. While it certainly allows flexibility in running unobserved pop-up terrorism in a small area, it becomes a Maginot Line of Doom when you don’t control the surface above.

Hopefully Israel can arrange a ‘rats in a trap’ situation to exchange for hostages.

October 31, 2023 8:10 am


That too He’s also the Driller’s pal. He’s very extinguished apparently. He certainly extinguished himself at the old Cat having plagiarised an entire thread and then told us teenage gals found him sexy as.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 31, 2023 8:11 am

Like after Pearl Harbor.

Gallant: Hamas has 2 options, unconditional surrender or death (30 Oct)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held a press conference this evening (Monday) following the rescue of Private Ori Megidish, one of the hundreds of Israelis who were kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas on October 7, by the IDF.

In a statement, Gallant said that “Hamas has two options, to die in battle against the IDF or to surrender unconditionally.”

Anyone who says there should be proportionality and a ceasefire should be asked whether the US should’ve done that a month after the day of infamy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 31, 2023 8:12 am

And you have to rebuild the whole shit system every twenty years.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 31, 2023 8:17 am

Oct 31, 2023 4:30 AM

All Quotes are sourced from –

October 31, 2023 8:18 am

How does a “dead” person hold a smartphone in his hands?

Given the level of devastation and suffering the media are reporting in Gaza I’m amazed at how well equipped, clean and staffed the hospital system is .. all that lighting without electricity or fuel, must be solar .. and those pristine uniforms …..
No wonder all the “civilians” are sheltering in hospitals .. plenty of food, water, electrics and, probably, food available ………..!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 31, 2023 8:18 am

Hopefully Israel can arrange a ‘rats in a trap’ situation to exchange for hostages.

They’re an innovative bunch the IDF is.

The ‘SPONGE bomb’ Israel are hoping to use to disable Hamas tunnels: New gadget expands and hardens, filling underground passageways (28 Oct)

according to some reports, a secret new weapon dubbed the ‘sponge bomb’ could see deployment for the first time.

Based around a liquid emulsion, the chemical compound can be dropped into a tunnel before rapidly expanding and hardening, potentially trapping attackers down alleys or securing safe routes for Israeli commandos while searching for hostages.

Instant wall! Neat idea.

October 31, 2023 8:19 am

feel the bern,
if you want to see some more “anti’s”, go to Speedbox thread via the main page.
Judge Dredd has hung his nads on the “yes, but” fence. Go and give him some love like a few of us have. It seems his Dominatrix won’t accept cheques anymore.

October 31, 2023 8:22 am

It’s interesting that not everything attributed to Churchill was actually said by him.

Disappointing. But that’s the interwebs…full of shadows and deceit.

October 31, 2023 8:24 am

I like this one –

‘United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts,’ Churchill wrote in his War Memoirs. ‘Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.’

Winston Churchill

October 31, 2023 8:24 am

All true Farmer- it’s toxic garbage in every way.

October 31, 2023 8:25 am

TE I would assist the Chief Pouve to suicide. He/she/it needs to show how it would work. Why is the Labor party made up of such disgusting people. Must be a condition of membership.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 31, 2023 8:26 am

Apologies. Bird could inject some much needed sanity to the night shift. And gold braid is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

October 31, 2023 8:27 am

You have to be at least the dregs of the middle class to qualify for m/ship. Being skool teacha or leftwing lawyer help.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 31, 2023 8:29 am

Instant wall! Neat idea.

Combine that with commercial high-volume nitrogen foam injection and you have a low-contact terrorist elimination system.

The problem is the hostages…

October 31, 2023 8:30 am

One thing’s for sure about political office as far as the political class is concerned- if you have accomplishments in the real world you are NOT wanted.

October 31, 2023 8:32 am

Well we finally got home last night at around 10pm after a pretty exhausting 3 weeks+ touring Europe and London.

Trip home took over a day in airports and flying and it wasn’t the best experience. We flew Emirates and they were OK going to London just 2 flights (Dubai being the hub). But on the return we found the crew rather unfriendly and unhelpful plus when we arrived in Dubai we found out that our connecting flight was first going to Singapore not direct to Melbourne in which our booking and ticket had no mention of Singapore.

It didn’t add to the time of the trip but it did increase our tiredness as we had to get off the plane and go through another security check before boarding the same plane again.,

And to top if off when we got home the good wife discovered her credit card had been stolen (we’re pretty sure it was the guy sitting next to her on the last flight from Singapore to Melbourne).

So last night I had to cancel/report the card stolen. At least with digital apple wallet you can get your new digital card updated immediately. The hassle is now changing all the direct debits we have to the new card details.

As for our last week in London we much preferred it to the 2 week slog through Europe – controlling our own timetable made a huge difference plus we pretty well managed to see everything we wanted to there including going to a Championship football match (QPR vs Leicester) which was my first live UK football game in over 50 years.

Our hotel location in Bayswater was outstanding as we had 2 underground stations (on separate lines) no more than 300-400 metres away plus the next block had 2 pubs, 20+ restaurants, 3-4 supermarkets plus a laundrette, so we had our needs for the week well catered for.

London itself is very expensive, as pretty much everything was a pound to what we’d expect to pay in AUS$ so twice as expensive. However, the underground was so easy to use (and cheap) which made getting around London so easy.

As for the people it was hard to spot/hear a Pom – full of every other nationality except Poms. About the only place where we saw/heard many Poms was at the football !

So home now laundry and grocery shopping to do . . . fun times.

October 31, 2023 8:33 am

it’s toxic garbage in every way

Does anyone know of a public company that specializes in windmill removal?

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 8:36 am

I think Michal says it best…

The Worldwide Rise in Anti-Semitism

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 31, 2023 8:38 am

The problem is the hostages.


Report: Hamas offers to trade Russian hostages for weapons (30 Oct)

Terror group reportedly offers to release 8 Russian citizens kidnapped on October 7 in exchange for anti-aircraft weapons from Moscow.

Some chutzpah to make a ransom demand like that. It does though suggest they haven’t succeeded in getting many of them into Gaza. And that the aerial bombardment is being felt painfully.

October 31, 2023 8:39 am

Welcome back Wolfman! We’re off in about a week…scenic route via Japan (one night only). Home for Christmas.

I’m a bit worried about the cold, but I have my Eskimo Nell coat and possum mink accoutrements for hands and head. If the face does freeze over, I hope it’s with a benign expression.

London is a great city. Shame about the imports who add nothing to it at all.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
October 31, 2023 8:39 am

Massive number of “innocent civilians” turned out in Gaza a while back.

October 31, 2023 8:41 am

Does anyone know of a public company that specializes in windmill removal?

Acciona or the latest incarnation of Babcock & Brown probably offer such a service.

October 31, 2023 8:42 am

Oct 31, 2023 7:48 AM
The EV bubble popped: VW orders are down 50%, Ford loses $38,000 on each car, Toyota chief, says “people are waking up”

People were always awake to the impracticality of the EV cars, it’s the smart people who completely forgot the reason for the personal car. People wanted the freedom of going wherever they wanted and whenever they wanted or they would have continued using only the public transport.

Roads were made to enable people to go wherever they wanted and whenever they wanted. The petrol fuel is far superior to any other source, plonk a tank in the middle of nowhere and refill it when required by a mobile tanker, no need to have a pipeline to every one of them.

Cheap and convenient is the reason for universal uptake of ICE cars, EV cars are an old technology and application that was tried at the dawn of cars and found wanting. EV cars are a symptom of the same disease that insists on going back in time to the old renewables technology, eg windmills, that was also found wanting otherwise we would not have gone on to coal, gas and nuclear.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
October 31, 2023 8:45 am

Oct 31, 2023 8:33 AM
it’s toxic garbage in every way

Does anyone know of a public company that specializes in windmill removal?

‘Please Explain’ Removalists Limited. Pauline Hanson being the Chairperson.

Currently lobbying the Feral Guv’ment for ongoing non-refundable subsidies.

October 31, 2023 8:46 am

That Wong chap – “We are seeing loss of life. We are seeing civilians on both sides have been murdered.”

I’m writing to the senator seeking clarification of this statement and pointing out the obvious equivocation she has drawn between a state sanctioned psychotic killing spree against civilians and a military operation targeted solely at the perpetrators of said killing spree and their fellow combatants.

Maybe she means hamas is murdering Gazan civilians in hiding behind them? If so she should clarify her statement.

If not, she should withdraw it and apologise.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 8:50 am

Johnny Rotten

Oct 31, 2023 8:17 AM

Oct 31, 2023 4:30 AM

All Quotes are sourced from –

Bound to be as solid as Marty Armstrong then.
………………………………………………………………………….. LOL!!!

October 31, 2023 8:50 am

Trolling Hot Copper pretty hard now.

“Guys, solid state batteries don’t need lithium and Vanadium ions between Sulfur doped thin layers seem like a real problem for the viability of lithium: let’s compare the 9 and 8 oxidation states of chad V and stacey S whereas virgin Lithium has ONE! Haha what a loser! You can’t even compete with zinc electrolytically!”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 31, 2023 8:51 am

And you have to rebuild the whole shit system every twenty years.

Only the very brave, or Arts/Law experts, would bank on twenty year old Li-ion batteries still operating.

The ideal operating characteristics for long battery life (avoiding overheating and partial, “shallow”, charge/discharge cycles) don’t sit comfortably with EV operation. Or power system batteries.

October 31, 2023 8:53 am

I can’t read it because it’s behind a paywall, but interesting headline article at The Advertiser

What’s behind SA’s ballooning death rate

The rate at which South Australians are dying is rising, official figures say – laying bare problems with ageing and unhealthy lifestyles. Search the data for your area.

October 31, 2023 8:54 am

This is about the link I put up last night. The first comment is from the original source explaining why it was taken down.

Dan Bongino

Make yourself read this.

October 31, 2023 8:55 am

I feel a Marty’s coming up. It’s building up like huge blog fart.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 8:56 am

H B Bear

Oct 31, 2023 8:26 AM

Apologies. Bird could inject some much needed sanity to the night shift. And gold braid is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

I heard yesterday that Randy Andy (another one admired by our resident Naval fan-boi) had multiple teddy bears in naval uniform in his bedroom.
God knows what their mission was.
A video camera behind the button eyes probably.

October 31, 2023 8:56 am

The rate at which South Australians are dying is rising …

October 31, 2023 8:57 am

it’s toxic garbage in every way …

Just South Ustrayans?

October 31, 2023 8:57 am

Ease of storage, ease of transport plus high energy density make petrol and diesel winners. The atmosphere is still 1/5 O2 and 4/5 N2.

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2023 8:59 am

The Oz is reporting…

Shani Louk, 23, who was kidnapped from the Supernova festival and paraded unconscious on the back of a truck, was beheaded by Hamas terrorists, according to Israeli officials

I am lost for words.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 31, 2023 9:02 am

Some talk yesterday of people being “driven away” from this blog.
OK, hands up if you’ve been driven away from the blog.

Good, that’s settled then.

October 31, 2023 9:03 am

Old news but really:

“We’re both queer and trans and unable to work”

I can’t imagine why.

I checked a bus tickets from Jacksonville to Atlanta are $29 and $19 if booked in advance.

  1. The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…

  2. Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x