Sleep it is.
Sleep it is.
The change of weather in Perth has been a blessing.
Mark Dice: FEMA BUSTED – And More GREAT News! Haha!
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…
Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…
Slavery aint slavery?
I didn’t want to entertain this whole “Houthi slavery” nonsense, but it’s been going for far too long that I feel compelled to address what is always omitted: Historical context and socioeconomic nuance.
Yemen is an incredibly poor country, and has been so for most of its modern existence. Not by the fault of the Yemeni people themselves, since many are incredibly well educated with a genuine desire to turn the ship around.
What has happened in Yemen’s case, is that they’ve never been given the option to progress naturally like other countries have. Foreign stakeholders, colonial powers and feudal tribalism have stifled this poor country for decades, a problem that has been addressed by countless Yemeni heads of state.
Slavery was abolished by the then-Yemen Arab Republic in 1962. This law has never been tampered with, and institutionally and legally speaking, the practice of slavery remains not just illegal, but with high penalties if anyone is found guilty of it.
Here’s where it gets tricky:
Yemen was never actually allowed to develop as a cohesive and centralized state because the colonial powers – and Saudi Arabia – saw an interest in boosting and bolstering the sociopolitical influence of Yemen’s tribes as a counterweight to the government(s) in Sana’a and Aden. These tribal groups still lived according to feudal pre-Republican social norms, and republican jurisdiction rarely ever affected them.
When Col. Ibrahim Al-Hamdi rose to power in a bloodless coup in 1974, he immediately decided to disband the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in order to limit the authority of the tribes, and to unify authority under one central leadership. It worked. Problem was, by doing so, Hamdi had essentially shut off Saudi Arabia’s main access into Yemen’s state apparatus, and had to be dealt with accordingly. He was murdered in 1977, and a puppet figure was installed in his place.
At every turn, indigenous Yemeni progress has been stifled and objected to by the United Kingdom, the US and Saudi Arabia, leading to the incredibly poor state that Yemen finds itself in today. It didn’t help that these three regimes formed a tripartite coalition that has bombed and besieged the country for almost a decade.
Slavery has not been a legal practice in Yemen since 1962, but conditions such as extreme poverty in the countryside may have led to its partial and limited reintroduction. Same thing goes for child marriages, where poor families seek to have their daughters married off as early as possible in order to gain certain financial benefits that usually follows the marriage procedure.
Poverty remains the primary reason for these phenomena, but the Yemeni people have never been able to address and mitigate it as they have time and time again sought to do.
No faction, be it the “Houthis” or any other group, has ever announced an institutional reintroduction of slavery. It is impossible to hold them accountable for the practices of isolated and desperately poor communities in the rural areas.
The difference is crucial but deliberately brushed over.
Not a parody account.
And NSW Renters wonder why their Rent Increases?
Just received NSW 2024 Land Tax Assessment – 13.85% increase over previous year
Now allowed 9 Months to pay up from last year’s 6 Months
I refer to that disgusting creature as Poxy Wank.
Penises shouldn’t be insulted by being associated with a human zero who wouldn’t have anything to do with one!
I agree, and I have noted this.
Tribalism in Yemen = bad; stifles progress, promotes inequality & undermines the legitimate state.
Tribalism in Australia = good; stifles progress, promotes inequality & undermines the legitimate state.
OK – with Wall Street Journal now blocking anti-paywall – found a possible alternate route
search msn and WSJ Headline – eg
msn Hertz, Tesla and the Perils of CEO Groupthink The rental company was far from alone in making a losing bid on electric cars.
The AFR piece says:
It appears that the “significant hardening is coming from QWERTY ALP MP Julian Hill, looking to sandbag his marginal and highly multiculti electorate – aided and abetted by their ABC:
Handsome Boy and Handsome Her, desperate for an each-way opportunity to be seen to be tough on Israel without actually standing accused of dog-whistling anti-semitism, are gently fanning the obscure backbench flamer:
All taking their cues from an authoritative source:
[Interestingly, their ABC has just edited their piece to remove a demand from Australian Palestine Advocacy Network that the Government gets a Two State solution in place, toot sweet, or else.]
– Financial Review 15 JAN 2024
Shannon Deery on the possibility of Victoria ditching the wind insanity:
A Federal Court judge has demolished the evidence of a green group seeking to halt Santos’ $5.8 billion gas project in the Timor Sea, ruling that claims of risks to Indigenous cultural heritage relied on contradictory and made-up evidence.
Crocodile Man isn’t real? Say it ain’t so! (Sobs uncontrollably/sarc)
‘Made up’: Judge slams green activists in Santos gas case
Hannah Wootton and Ben Potter
A Federal Court judge has demolished the evidence of a green group seeking to halt Santos’ $5.8 billion gas project in the Timor Sea, ruling that claims of risks to Indigenous cultural heritage relied on contradictory and made-up evidence.
The court found that some evidence presented by the Environmental Defenders Office, a taxpayer-funded group, involved “confection” and the coaching of Indigenous witnesses.
On Monday, Justice Natalie Charlesworth rejected claims by a group of Tiwi Islanders that the proposed pipeline would damage Sea Country and anger two creatures of their Dreaming stories – Ampiji, the rainbow serpent and the Crocodile Man.
Her judgment slammed the evidence based on “cultural mapping” presented by the EDO as “so lacking in integrity that no weight can be placed” on it and said there was “a significant degree of divergence” in the evidence given by Tiwi Islanders.
In one criticism, she said that an EDO lawyer and expert witness had engaged in “a form of subtle coaching” of some Tiwi witnesses by urging them to tell “their stories in a way that propelled their traditions into the sea and into the vicinity of the pipeline”.
This included getting one witness to show the songline of the Crocodile Man, an important creation story, entering the sea at Cape Fourcroy on the western coast of Bathurst Island at a time when the Tiwi Islands did not exist because the sea level was 120 meters lower than today.
The decision means Santos can push ahead with laying the pipe, after spending $US10 million ($15.7 million) a month to hire a drilling rig idled by an earlier injunction.
Santos mobilised the rig within hours of the decision and is expected to commence drilling activities shortly, according to an email sent from chief executive Kevin Gallagher to staff.
The company’s shares surged 4.1 per cent to their highest level since October 20. They closed at $7.83, up 3.7 per cent.
Industry groups seized on the decision as a win for energy security and the economy, and Macquarie analyst Mark Wiseman said the result was “significant from a sovereign risk perspective” and sent “a signal to climate activists who ideologically seek to prevent all fossil fuel development”.
Opposition environment spokesman Jonno Duniam slammed the case as “a monumental waste of time [which was] destructive to our economy”; opposition resources spokeswoman Susan McDonald described it as “absurd” that Labor funded “legal activism against their own approvals” which delayed viable projects.
South Korea’s SK E&S and Japan’s JERA have stakes in the project, which will provide replacement gas for the Darwin LNG export plant.
Eleven elders from the Tiwi Islands, of which three were represented by the EDO and were led by Jikilaruwu man Simon Munkara, launched the case against Santos last year. Santos’ first attempt at winning approval was scuppered by a previous challenge.
But Justice Charlesworth was not satisfied that the Tiwi Islanders proved their arguments around the potential for damage to Sea Country were broadly held by First Nations people in the area, instead saying their evidence rested on “personal beliefs”.
Santos presented conflicting evidence that there were no specific underwater places encountering interference on the proposed pipeline route, according to the beliefs of other Tiwi Islanders consulted by Santos’ cultural heritage expert witness.
The judge also appeared to raise the bar for applicants claiming risk or damage to cultural heritage, saying the risk must be “significant” in terms of both the chances of it occurring and the nature and gravity of the consequences.
The “cultural features” asserted must be proven to be believed by a broadly representative sample of the people and not just by the personal beliefs of the applicants or their witnesses.
The law the Tiwi Islanders were relying on also required that this be a “new” risk, and needed to come into existence after the first approval.
Mr Munkara said the outcome of the case was “very disappointing”. “We brought this case to protect our Sea Country. I am a true believer for my Country. We are hurting and need some time to think.”
Warning to ‘lawfare’ activists
The case was part of a wave of legal challenges against new gas projects from Indigenous groups asserting they had not been consulted in line with regulations that require environment plans to consider how projects may affect their interests and activities. Woodside is fighting a similar case over its $16.5 billion Scarborough gas project in Western Australia.
Macquarie’s Mr Wiseman said Justice Charlesworth’s decision set “an important precedent for climate activism” and reduced sovereign risk from such cases.
“North Asian buyers of Australian LNG have been concerned about this case (in terms of resource rights & security of supply of basic energy commodities),” he said in a note. “This federal court decision demonstrates that Australia’s legal system does function to protect resource rights and development permits.”
Resources Minister Madeleine King opened consultation on changes to these laws last Friday, saying she wanted “clear and unambiguous rules that give communities and stakeholders a real say, and are also workable for industry participants”.
Australian Energy Producers CEO Samantha McCulloch also said the case underscored the importance of urgently reforming the offshore approvals system to “put an end to the lawfare as activists seem to exploit ambiguities in the regulations”.
“This brings to an end a period of significant uncertainty, substantial delays and costs incurred for the project as a result of a broken offshore environmental regulatory system,” she said.
“Vague and ambiguous regulations cannot be allowed to continue holding up important energy projects, postponing new supply that is needed to deliver energy security, emissions reduction and substantial economic returns for Australians.”
But MST Marquee energy analyst Saul Kavonic warned that although Monday’s decision “cleared this particular obstacle” for Santos, there was still a risk of further legal challenges while the “uncertain regulations” remained.
“There is still scope for other potential claimants to emerge, which could see the project could be thrown into limbo again. Barossa is in the crosshairs of green activists who will continue to seek litigation pathways to stymie the development,” he said.
“Pressure is mounting from industry and unions to clarify the regulations so they are more workable and less subject to activist litigation.
“Millions in taxpayer dollars have been spent funding EDO’s activist litigation here, causing hundreds of millions in economic damage, all for no benefit as ultimately the projects will still proceed eventually.”
Even with Monday’s win, he said the Barossa project was still likely to suffer “a significant cost blowout and delay” from the litigation to date.
‘Cultural mapping’ thrown out
Justice Charlesworth’s judgment lifted the standards for the level of evidence of harm needed by applicants seeking to overturn regulatory approvals.
She rejected the claim there was a “potentially adapted account” of the Ampiji Dreaming – the story of the rainbow serpent “caretaker of the sea” – based on “cultural mapping” by a geoscientist which held “Mother Ampiji” resided in a freshwater lake on the opposite side of Bathurst Island from the proposed pipeline route but travels around the Tiwi Islands and the wider sea.
She cast doubt on the “integrity” of some aspects of the geoscientist’s evidence and said she was not satisfied there was any such risk asserted by the applicants in this part of the case.
She rejected these claims because she was not satisfied the beliefs were broadly representative of the three peoples.
That dealt with the two claims based on “intangible cultural heritage” or beliefs.
Lastly, she said the evidence established nothing more than a “negligible” chance that the pipeline could interfere with “tangible” and valuable archaeological objects on the pipeline route left by human inhabitants who lived there before the rise of the seas.
Mr Munkara’s case was the latest in a string of legal problems Santos faced about the pipeline. NOPSEMA’s original approval of the pipeline’s environmental plan was overturned in September 2022 after the Federal Court found the oil giant failed to consult local Indigenous people adequately in a separate decision.
NOPSEMA ordered Santos to carry out fresh cultural studies before signing off on the new application, and the company hired anthropologist Brendan Corrigan to consult about 170 Tiwi Islanders. His final report found that there were no specific underwater cultural heritage sites on the pipeline route.
Monday’s case came after Mr Munkara disagreed with that report and won an injunction (which later became a partial injunction) to prevent Santos from starting to lay the pipeline.
While the EDO may still appeal the case, Mr Wiseman noted that it would be from “a weakened legal position”, meaning the scale of potential damages increased materially. “The question will now be one of pocket depth and risk appetite,” he said.
Trying not to break wind during “Welcome to Country” ceremonies?
A Federal Court judge has demolished the evidence of a green group seeking to halt Santos’ $5.8 billion gas project in the Timor Sea, ruling that claims of risks to Indigenous cultural heritage relied on contradictory and made-up evidence.
“My ancestor fell into the water there and turned into a crocodile”
was made up on the spot like
“The dog ate my homework” and has about the same credibility
With the greatest respect, Vicki, you need to do some reading wrt this.
The Wong chap please!
JC, that article suggests a famous nightime pic contrasting a lit up South Korea vs a darkened North Korea was a good tool for mind changing about the values and virtues of Western capitalism. I’d say that today the pic wouldn’t work. Kids today would choose the North Korea pic as their favoured one, because global boiling and the profligate West. Turn OFF the lights is their current mantra. The ‘educational’ mind-bending that has been going on right throughout the schooling and mass media diet of the current generation is going to be hard to defeat, to remove from their calculations when they become leaders. I hope I’m wrong, that most of them never pick it up, or escape it when older, but bringing back patriotism and enterprise won’t be easy given the shibboleths about colonial oppression, white hatred, cultural diversity and rainbow genders. Vivek Ramaswamy though gives me some hope for yoof.
Victoria, from jewel in the Liberal crown to socialist basket-case in one life time.
Speaking of Crocodile Man, who’s to say he didn’t swim in the Yarra? Hun:
When the Big Build is not a Big Build.
18 months before any work commences. The sweet, sweet moolah rolling into the Aboriginal coffers.
Shit hey? Someone went there. No doubt his office is daubed in Nazi paraphernalia.
Amazing it happens after the event. Every single time.
Get out of the way.
Those racisty racists! How dare anyone question us!
These organisations probably wanted payment from the masthead for comment. Cash for comment!
A lot of people speaking there. A Voice if you will.
Audit required right now. Lot of money being thrown about with gay abandon.
Unlike Wong (deity of the Canberra press corp) when it comes to the obscene brutality inflicted by Gazan residents on defenceless Israelis, I’m all out of nuance.
Murdered by whom? Why the assumption that it was the Saudis or other outsiders? Wouldn’t the tribes have had a reason to get rid of thim as he eliminated their influence?
It’s not a full on war, as it was with Japan, and newer ships may carry their own repair needs these days or the US can simply manage on a replacement basis as the field of operations is limited (not the whole Pacific). Given what we saw of the US Navy going into Fort Lauderdale, they didn’t look like slackers. A giant complex of ships, carriers, repair ships and aircraft, plus the Navy Seals training school, thousands of helicopters too.
For heaven’s sake, it’s not the Pacific War.
The US has at least six naval facilities in the region.
Snap, Lizzie!
And now:
Now apply the same judgement to the imaginary whale talker who stopped gas exploration in WA.
Seems Canada has a military retention problem also, as does the US and the UK … I’m sensing a pattern….
Yes there are.
Option one – the soft touch
Aboriginal ‘elders’ you have two weeks to present your case and it will be judged on its merits against the needs of the citizens we are building to serve. We will arrange a small historical plaque for your tribe in a local park. Best we can do.
Option two – the sledge hammer
Legislation’s repealed so go away. No go away money these days.
The rest of us are just there to build up the money pile as taxpayers.
Students Supporting Israel in the US will stage a mass walkout next Thursday.
Apparently not enough money. It’s always about the money, their “culture” is just the bargaining chip.
It is deplorable, but to be expected. Lots of local resistances and skirmishes.
Remember, for Israel, this is a declared war against a terrorist organisation in Gaza. Israel will not take its eye off this main game due to expected ‘instability’ elsewhere. The aim is for them to do this, but it will not happen, nor should it. The least that can happen is a limited ceasefire, but this thing wil smoulder if the US drops the ball until some less nervous (read puppet) US President is in power.
Poverty remains the primary reason for these phenomena, but the Yemeni people have never been able to address and mitigate it as they have time and time again sought to do.
I once had a Leftie friend try to tell me that poverty was responsible for terrorism. I replied that, if that were the case, India would be full of terrorists.
He just smiled, and changed the subject – as they do.
With reguard to the continual complaints about global boiling and use of electricity, I may have a solution. As the need to reduce electricity use is paramount, I suggest that we immediately close and ban any future night clubs , ban the Tay Tay tour and any and all live music festivals. and switch off all power to green and teal electoral offices. Problem solved.
The Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation also declined to respond, citing the request as “of an internal / confidential nature”.
Welcome To Country!
Two-Way Learning!
Truth Telling!
…oh, you mean dividing Australia into Australians vs First Nationses Forever Owners has led to a cryptic and hermetic Corporation caste?
Pay The Rent! That one checks out, at least
Imagine any other religion in this country having their myths and legends debated as reality in a courtroom.
Seems Canada has a military retention problem also, as does the US and the UK … I’m sensing a pattern….
Western nations have all been afflicted by the same disease – affluenza – which causes all sorts of repercussions in the citizen “body”.
I wouldn’t object to the resurrection of some form of national service.
With regard to BB’s post above outlining the Allen Government’s building 80,000 new homes dilemma. The Victorian Labor Government has been hoisted with it’s own petard. This is a government who went all the way with treaty and other lollipops. Serves them effing right.
On Monday, Justice Natalie Charlesworth rejected claims by a group of Tiwi Islanders that the proposed pipeline would damage Sea Country and anger two creatures of their Dreaming stories – Ampiji, the rainbow serpent and the Crocodile Man.
Her judgment slammed the evidence based on “cultural mapping” presented by the EDO as “so lacking in integrity that no weight can be placed” on it and said there was “a significant degree of divergence” in the evidence given by Tiwi Islanders.
??#Israeli helicopters support an #Israeli force on the #Egyptian border, and the clash continues..
Reports of injured Israeli soldiers
Which side of the border, Dover? Is it in Rafah? If so, part of the general fight against Hamas. Surely doesn’t involve Egyptian forces?
If you want to buy a share in a bizjet, there is nothing wrong with Dassault Falcons. The company certainly knows how to build aircraft. If you want to go O/S the Gulfstreams are the go as well as Bombardier. None have quite the legs of the large airliners but you don’t get cattle class handling at stopovers/refuelling places anyway.
Got a good look over a Cessna Citation CJ4 the other day. Build quality well above a C172. They are owned by Textron nowadays IIRC as is Beechcraft. Try calling a Bonanza owner’s aircraft a Cessna, just for giggles.
Military recruitment wasn’t an issue in more affluent times.
The Crocodile Man can always move to Hindmarsh Island.
When you don’t get you stories my Aunty told me straight.
In exciting news, the new streamlined nickel price does not include enough to cover development or discovery costs. In fact it doesn’t include mining cost either.
Former workers will be carving new opportunities repairing toilet doors in Government-funded housing or mowing NDIS-qualified lawns.
At the airport now I met a guy who got a start today after losing his job at Alcoa last week…
FIFO today is Fly In and Find Out.
Totemism is not a religion.
That’s akin to talking about aboriginal nations and civilisation.
Wong is in an absolute sweet spot. Unlike previous inept and totally unaware Foreign Ministers such as Payne who were led around by the nose by the communists in Foreign Affairs the arrival of Wong in the chair was a hallelujah moment for the globalist traitors.
Expect more insult to Australian beliefs and sensibilities. The pig is wallowing in its sty.
But, like all arrogant lefty extremists she has no interest in the Australian people and their sense of fair play. Just as was the case with Gillard, contempt for the people will being Wong down. Australians will never tolerate sanctions against Israel in support of terrorists.
The travesty isn’t the court finding lack of evidence – it’s the court considering it was even possible.
EDO = Environmental Defenders’ Office.
A “registered charity”, it received $9.8m in funding from Labor in their 2022 budget.
JC, they say every day is a gift when you are over 100, and I’d never be one to look a gift horse in the mouth. The cheering news is that more people are living to 100 and are still active mentally with it. So if you need a physical treatment at 100 and have the nous to be able to sign consent forms, pick up your gift and go for it, I say. Hope you are reading this, Macbeth.
The court found that some evidence presented by the Environmental Defenders Office, a taxpayer-funded group, involved “confection” and the coaching of Indigenous witnesses.
Anyone sacked for this.
Because it sounds a lot like legal malpractice.
I would object very strongly. After the covid totalitarianism, I would not lift a finger for any of those who enforced and supported it.
Blak tape not as strong as Green tape.
Perhaps they’ll resort to the ‘Costanza Defense’:
It’s not a lie if you believe it!
No, plural marriage and paedophilia are the main drivers here.
Child marriage isn’t exclusive to Yemen.
Jan 16, 2024 10:24 AM
Was looking at a mob I used to work for, went into care and maintenance a bout 2 weeks back – nickel price killing them.
Ill stay gold for now.
The Regulars find themselves wet nursing a mob of “Two year warriors” who don’t want to be there, and are only interested in crossing of the days on their “Days till discharge ” calendars?
Army is no longer set up for it.
Military style boot camps for young offenders as an alternative to prison might be a goer though. An opportunity to rebuild their characters. Offered as an alternative to a prison term.
I have gold and iron ore as well as some good other experience. We’ll see where it goes.
Egypt thwarts drug smuggling attempt on border with Israel
Hmm, Iran has just committed an acknowledged act of war against the US.
IRGC attack US consulate in Iraq as tensions between the US and Iran escalate (16 Jan)
I wonder what the vegetable in the White House will do about this?
This reminded me of a child looking for something.
“go find your blue t-shirt”
10 seconds later “Mum, I can’t find it”.
Parent looks, finds the t-shirt/ baggy green after looking for a minute.
Perfect job for BRS. I would like to see young thugs get on the wrong side of him.
Dot, is this you??
Gottliebsen is good on IR and ATO stuff. Some of his property columns feel like Triguboff has been in his ear.
Burqa has been delivering for the Liar paymasters.
Director Martin Scorsese confirms completion of script for ‘A Life of Jesus’
CNA – Jan 15, 2024
I don’t think it can be ruled out out of hand.
Day 3 without a Dave Warner story on the 6pm News.
This would be the same Sky News whose reporter observed some of the crowd of anti-Setka unionists in Melbourne were going into service stations (i.e. petrol stations) stated that they were going in to “buy alcohol” & things may get even more out of hand.
Best that Wong doesn’t visit the massacre sites. It would mean nothing to her anyway. Labor seats are more important. That is the reality.
I am so pleased to see someone quote the truth about this episode.
Reports are that Egyptian forces are exchanging fire with Israeli forces along the Gaza border with Egypt. This very likely has something to do with reports last week that IDF wanted to take over control of that border.
Like killing Soleimani and his entourage?
A Labor Federal Government hands out crumbs – sometimes – to the wukkas, and the Labor State Governments rip it out of their hands before it even gets to the wukkas pockets.
Then the pair of the “Party of the Wukkas” stroll off into the sunset, arm in arm, laughing their heads off at the stupidity of the Proles.
Awww, how sad that a bunch of terrorists were assassinated. At least it wasn’t an internationally recognised war crime like attacking a consulate.
On the other hand I suspect Biden has been bought. He is certainly acting like he has been.
Terrible blogmsnship by Dr Faustus at
Jan 16, 2024 10:11 AM.
What should have been:
A crisp, clear, unambiguous judgment from Justice Natalie Charlesworth: ’Crocodile Man has no standing’.
Team Albanese on the job; getting cultural identity grit in them thar wheels.
Drug smugglers. Which isn’t to say they weren’t in Egyptian Army uniforms.
Soldiers open fire at suspected smugglers on Israel-Egypt border, one soldier injured (16 Jan)
Egypt thwarts drug smuggling attempt on border with Israel (16 Jan)
Maybe it’s the two sides papering over an unfortunate incident, but I’m not seeing anything signifying a breakdown in relations.
A pretty impressive video of the Grindavik eruption supplied by the Coast Guard of Iceland. In my opinion, Grindavik has to be declared a dead town.
The author says starving but they don’t look it.
Plenty of video showing rafah markets with plenty of food on sale including kebabs and sweets.
Sky Iowa Primaries girl is Annelise (lights on but nobody home) Nielsen.
Dan Murphy’s servo sensationalist was Julia (I’m thin but that’s about it) Bradley
LOL. You guys still think it’s 2003 when the US could call someone a terrorist and act with impunity. It’s not.
Middle East monitors are only ones claiming Israeli forces have engaged with Egypt in Rafah, no footage despite everyone and their dog owning a phone.
don’t think idf even have a presence in Rafah, yet
Comment, from the Oz, on the verdict in the Santos case.
Iowa results starting to come in.
LIVE RESULTS: Follow the Iowa Caucuses Here
Only five counties in so far:
If the Democrat wheeze of becoming Republicans for a day to vote for Haley happens it’ll be centred on the capital.
Pretty sure it does.
I am not surprised at either Lambie or Pocock going along with it, Pocock is a true believer but Lambie is a semi-literate, I’m surprised she can sign her name. I can’t understand what we did to Tasmania to make them keep inflicting that cerebrally deficient Lambie on the rest of Australia.
Singapore manages this exercise. And the stated goal to ensure all citizens contribute and have common experiences which makes the country stronger over its cultural/racial/political differences.
Sometime you might consider Australia not to be a serious country, just lucky.
Soleimani was a terrorist organizer and controller and his mate in the car with him the leader of a terrorist militia group in Iraq who’d been regularly attacking US assets. Therefore the US was perfectly justified to turn the two of them into cat meat. If he didn’t want to be minced by a missile he could’ve gone into an honest occupation instead.
Reagan would not fart about in this situation, as he didn’t when Iran tried it on under his leadership.
ABC of negativity: why youth are shunning the broadcaster
The public broadcaster’s efforts to attract younger audiences thus far has manifestly failed.
For the public broadcaster the year has started much as last year ended – badly.
Staff departures, allegations of institutional discrimination against staffers of colour, complaints to the Fair Work Commission, staff violations of basic rules relating to employee use of social media have all featured in 2024, and we’re barely midway through January.
Only days ago two young female reporters, Antoinette Lattouf and Nour Haydar, abruptly quit the organisation citing grievances over the treatment of culturally diverse staff and the coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. It is certain both Lattouf and Haydar will be active on social media accounts now they have departed, further disenfranchising young people from the ABC.
Audience numbers are in free-fall on key television and radio news and current affairs platforms, raising alarm among management and programmers.
Problems abound in governance, management, programming and employee satisfaction – not to mention audience sentiment, which shows the broadcaster is fast running out of viewers and listeners.
Data shows only 8 per cent of viewers of the 7pm news bulletin were under 40. Further, two-thirds of viewers were over 65. Younger people are flocking to YouTube, Netflix and Instagram, along with other social platforms, for information and entertainment. The downward trend is clear and powerful.
The public broadcaster’s efforts to attract younger audiences thus far has manifestly failed while rusted-on older people are also deserting flagship shows such as morning infotainment radio, TV and radio talk shows and evening TV current affairs shows.
Reluctantly, the ABC has scrapped The Drum and scaled back airtime given to Q&A. Both are good decisions. Contemplate this: The ABC’s definition of good current affairs television included hours given over to carefully selected panel members discussing subjects on which they had little or no knowledge.
Young people frequently comment on the negativity of the ABC. The tendency of the broadcaster to catastrophise subjects is cited as a reason to look elsewhere for information.
Younger people are not less informed than earlier generations, it’s just that they are sourcing information from a variety of platforms – almost entirely non-ABC platforms. Noteworthy too is the trend away from television across the board as a source of information and good entertainment. Young people know the news as it’s happening. They aren’t waiting for TV to tell them.
Young people respond positively to new ideas, insight, innovation and creative solutions to known problems.
They want to be informed but not indoctrinated. Regrettably, the broadcaster is no longer the destination of choice for those seeking to build a more positive, hopeful future.
The vast sources of information available to younger people demonstrate the ABC must innovate quickly to be relevant and competitive. The signs are not encouraging.
More at the Oz
Bureaucracy news (the Tele):
It is not yet known how many terry towelling hats were lost.
‘terrorist’ is a fairly fungible term e.g. opponents of USA operations in Syria would consider anyone managing the deployment as a ‘terrorist’ operating outside their country, like Soleimani did.
Likewise the Turkish government considers USA allies in Syria, the Kurds, to be stateless ‘terrorists’.
AP logo
0% of votes counted
Donald Trump wins. AP race call at 12:31 p.m. on Jan. 16, 2024.
For shame, don’t you know she was a traffic control specialist, in the Military Police? She wore the big white gauntlets, and made sure all the trucks, in the convoy, went the same way?
LOL. It’s up to 1% now, but Ass Press calling it on 0% is amusing.
Justice Natalie Charlesworth
Like Michael Lee, will not be invited to too many dinner parties in the near future.
Imagine a judge scrutinising feelz !
Unheard of in recent times.
Trump absolutely smashed it in Iowa.
Iowa GOP presidential election results
Donald Trump won the caucuses in Iowa, a state he actually lost in the 2016 campaign.
Updated just now
Iowa, Pres. GOP
9 minutes ago
Trump romped, but it looks like a close race for second place.
He also authorised the assassination of Solomeini.
Hmmmmm, its s mysterious mystery…
The public broadcaster’s efforts to attract younger audiences thus far has manifestly failed.
Kingsmill the kingmaker: Triple J veteran who shaped Australia’s music tastes for decades departs ABC
3 words – Australian Hip Hop…..
For a long time, it seemed as though you couldn’t succeed in Australian music without Richard Kingsmill’s support. He steps down this week
35 years at the “yuf” station.
I wonder if some extra votes will be found at 2:30 AM.
Sure sure.
It’s not the 80s anymore. The US is not in the position it was then with Iran as it is now.
Dumb move on his part. I have no idea why people think I’m not going to be critical of Trump and that they’re going to successfully triangulate me via the above. I’m quite content to be critical even of those I support.
ABC Classic FM’s “efforts to attract younger audiences” have made it unlistenable.
Hello dear Lizzie. Still lurking daily. Don’t bother commenting – what the hell do I know?
Yes, very. He was the organizer and gobetween between the IRGC and the Hezbies and Houthis, both of whom are terrorist organizations. It’s fun that Biden removed that designation for the latter last February. Now they’re shooting at US Navy ships and he’s squirming. Definitely smells like he got a cheque.
Trump wins.
The ABC sage John Barron assured me just yesterday that other big possibilities could happen.
– too much snow so the old folk farmers won’t bother to vote.
– Trump gets less than 50% so that means the majority of the party don’t want him as a candidate.
– he’s on criminal charges and that will make voters pick another candidate.
– Nikki Haley could sneak through as an anti Trump choice.
– the DeSantis tilt could stop in Iowa.
Im guessing its about 50/50 if the “woolies attacker” was a lefty or not.
Been another – Id put that at 90% likely to be a lefty.
Spray-painting “Aussie oi, oi, oi”
True. Tech has moved on since those days. The US is a lot stronger than it was back then. I suspect the Iranian Navy would now only last one hour rather than half a day like last time.
De Santis is really in second plus.
Maga would rather be executed than vote for the princess. If Trump was taken she wouldn’t score a single vote on the Trump side of the ledger.
In case you haven’t noticed, his slogan is ‘Make America Great Again.’
Not a lot of wriggle room for nay sayers in his camp.
Smart move. Iran reacts on the strong horse model. That’s why they’re playing games now.
Trump plays carrot and stick. The Abraham Accords were the carrot and Soleimani got the stick. Worked really well as the Saudi bloc fell into line with the US.
Now coming undone because of the imbecile in the White House.
I don’t know why you think the Soli killing was a dumb move. It was an exceedingly clean execution with no civilian casualties as whey used a device with limited explosive force.All that occurred was that the fcker was ripped to shreds along with his buddies inside the vehicle .
What could be better than that? Dumb? Absolutely not!
You know what it’s like to receive a birthday wish from the Monarch and that counts for a lot.
First Service
-World #1 Djoker is a bad anti-vax Serb.
-Nadal just signed to be the Saudi tennis ambassador.
Trump/De Santis 2024
Republican administration for 12 yrs minimum.
Yeah yeah, I know.
Trump plays carrot and stick. The Abraham Accords were the carrot and Soleimani got the stick. Worked really well as the Saudi bloc fell into line with the US.
I like the way Trump does business. The negotiation of the Abraham Accords using Jared Cushner was brilliant & shocked a lot of the ME players.
Not so sure about potting off Qassem Suleimani in a hit job. The guy was beloved by not just the mullahs, but by most of the Iranian population because of his role in the Iran/Iraq War as a young man. Sure, he was leader of the Quds tactical group for a lot of years, but his assassination by the USA was always going to widen the gap as Iran became more powerful in the region.
The Iranians, among whom Solomeini was not popular, joked that Trump made “minced meat” out of him. As in the stuff they make their kebabs out of.
Not so, Vicki.
He directed the thugs who put down the protests.
No, it wasn’t. It was better to hit the architect of terrorism rather than his whole hometown in Iran. It was a message as well as punishment and of course, one less enemy.
Military style boot camps for young offenders as an alternative to prison might be a goer though. An opportunity to rebuild their characters. Offered as an alternative to a prison term.
Growing up in County Durham, England back in the 1950s’60s I had a cousin (coupla years older than me) with itchy fingers got pulled pinching lead off a church roof (common, coalfields occurence back then) .. magistrate gave him the choice of Borstal (youth prison) or join a service .. went with the navy and ended up after a 25 years career retiring as a lieutenant commander ……
It was a ‘feelz’ hit which made some people in politics feel tough, but actually it just made Iran harder to deal with since it made the IRGC even less subject to public opinion.
Lawfare against Trump failing
Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas
We should dispense with the tired narrative that four conscientious state and federal prosecutors—independently and without contact with the Biden White House or the radical Democrats in Congress—all came to the same disinterested conclusions that Donald Trump should be indicted for various crimes and put on trial during the campaign season of 2024.
The prosecutors began accelerating their indictments only once Trump started to lead incumbent Joe Biden by sizable margins in head-to-head polls. Moreover, had Trump not run for the presidency, or had he been of the same party as most of the four prosecutors, he would have never been indicted by any of them.
Yet now they are in a doom loop of discovering that the more they seek to rush to judgment before the election and gag Trump from speaking publicly about these star-chamber proceedings, the more he rises in the polls.
In truth, each succeeding cycle of corrupt leftwing lawfare that ends in failure—the Russian collusion hoax, the weaponized first impeachment, trying ex-president Trump in the Senate as a private citizen, the laptop disinformation set-up, the Alfa bank ping caper, the pathetic attempt to erase Trump from state ballots, and the unfolding Fani Willis moral debacle—does not return things to zero.
Rather, they serve as force multipliers for each other. Each overreach geometrically increases the dangers to democracy, ever more turns the public off, and ironically cascades sympathy and poll numbers for the very target of their paranoias.
Some of the prosecutors have colluded with White House lawyers and congressional liaisons. Some had run for office, offering campaign promises to get Trump convicted for something or other.
Now, after years of delays and deadends, all four are rushing to synchronize their trial dates to ensure that the front-running Trump is on the docket daily and not out on the 2024 campaign trail.
Do we recall when leftist legal eagles claimed that of all the iffy Trump indictments, Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis had the best case against Trump?
And now Willis’s signature case is in shambles.
We learn, allegedly, that 1) Willis hired her stealth boyfriend Nathan Wade as a special counsel, the day before he filed for divorce (whose records were then mysteriously sealed by the court); 2) that Wade so far has received over $650,000 as special counsel, reportedly including a miraculous ability to charge for 24 hours of continuous legal service in a single day; 3) that Willis and Wade allegedly have used her greenlighted windfall to him to go on a number of pricey junkets and cruises; 4) that to try an ex-president and the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election, Willis picked Wade who had never tried a single felony case and was previously a “personal injury/accident” lawyer; 5) that the supposedly apolitical Willis had consulted with the January 6 partisan congressional special committee, while Wade had met for marathon meetings with the Biden White House legal counsel (and apparently billed Georgia taxpayers for receiving such federal tutorials).
The legal community’s initial dismissal of this sordid prosecutor’s office is reminiscent of the immediate efforts to downplay Claudine Gay’s plagiarism. But the charade will eventually end the same way, in this case with the resignation and likely indictment of the prosecutor, along with her boyfriend, who concocted quite a scheme at the expense of the taxpayers.
Both have made a mockery of their indictment of an ex-president and, if the allegations are true, will be disbarred and prosecuted.
The other three indictments are even weaker.
Alvin Bragg claims that Donald Trump’s efforts a near decade ago to enact nondisclosure agreements and payments to remain silent about embarrassing behavior constituted “campaign finance violations.”
Letitia James, apparently for the first time in New York history, believes a bank was somehow wronged when its seasoned auditors viewed Trump’s assets, approved a loan to him, profited from his timely payments of interest and principles, and lodged no complaints against Trump or his company.
As far as Jack Smith, he supposedly was to be focused on Trump’s removal of classified presidential files to an insecure location at his Mar-a-Lago home and Trump’s “insurrectionary” actions on January 6. But he seems way beyond that now and is trying to put a gag order on the presidential frontrunner and to ensure Trump is in court during the 2024 campaign—challenging the very administration that appointed Smith in the first place.
In truth, Trump was the first ex-president in history to be indicted for a dispute with archivists over the status and security of removed classified files. Such disagreements were historically adjudicated bureaucratically rather than criminally, and certainly not with performance-art FBI swat raids into an ex-presidential residence.
I don’t know why you think the Soli killing was a dumb move. It was an exceedingly clean execution with no civilian casualties as whey used a device with limited explosive force.All that occurred was that the fcker was ripped to shreds along with his buddies inside the vehicle .
JC, I am with Dover on this one. Suleimani was not only a popular figure for his distant role in the Iran/Iraq war, but he also was active in supporting the war against Islamic State. This saw him actually on the same side as the rest of us against those mongrels. He was in his latter years when assassinated, and it seemed that others were rising to take his place in the Quds unit. I still think it was an error on the part of the USA & wonder who authorised it. Trump is not the sort who reads his history, it seem to me. Psyop forces no doubt convinced Trump that Suleimani was a “bad man” which, to them, he was.
Suleimani also had a close ally who was very anti-Israel, whose name escapes me. This guy was also, I recall, targeted & assassinated. However, I don’t recall Suleimani being vocal at any stage about the need to wipe out Israel.
Trump/Palin 2024 would be perfect. Exploding lefty heads could be harnessed to land an astronaut on Mars.
Not likely, Trump feels betrayed by DeSantis who didn’t stand up to FBI during the Maralago document searches.
Grifter looking for grift… (links removed as miles long and, screw her)
Antoinette Lattouf
Good stuff from Brazil. Note the cat at the end … vertical with ease.
Steve Inman:
Robbers face instant justice after trying to rob a couple.
The guy was beloved by not just the mullahs, but by most of the Iranian population…
Not so, Vicki.
He directed the thugs who put down the protests.
We will have to differ on this, Roger. It is quite some time that I did quite a bit of reading on his career – even to the point of watching an address he gave to beleaguered Iranian troops that suffered the effects of mustard gas by Iraq. It was in farsi, so I didn’t understand the words, but the effect on the troops in the underground shelters was profound. He was a young man at the time, but he was beloved by Iranian troops of that era for his amazing leadership. Decades later , during the war against IS in Syria he was often seen at the battlefront.
The Wall Street Journal
Boeing’s Pile of Problems Gets Bigger as a Crucial Buyer Hesitates
BEIJING—Boeing’s long-awaited delivery resumption of its 737 MAX jets to China faces fresh delays after the Alaska Airlines incident, as the plane maker was poised to benefit from the thaw in U.S.-China relations.
China Southern Airlines, one of several Chinese carriers with undelivered MAX jets, has been readying to receive Boeing’s planes as early as January, people familiar with the matter said. Now the airline is planning to conduct additional safety inspections on those aircraft following the incident, the people said, though the jets to be delivered aren’t the same variant as Alaska’s MAX 9.
It couldn’t be determined how long the additional inspections could take, but they add uncertainty to the timing of the deliveries, which have been frozen by Beijing for years since two fatal crashes of the 737 MAX 8.
China’s aviation regulator has also instructed the country’s airlines to conduct precautionary safety inspections on their Boeing 737 MAX fleets, people briefed about the matter said. The MAX 9 isn’t among the fleets of Chinese carriers.
Boeing declined to comment. China Southern and the Civil Aviation Administration of China didn’t respond to requests for comment.
On Monday, Boeing sent a memo to staff saying it was doing additional inspections of its 737 production line and sending additional staff to check the door plugs and other work at Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies the fuselages. Boeing and airlines are still developing a process to inspect the grounded MAX 9 planes so they can return to service.
WTF! Hard not to laugh.
Steve Inman:
The Great Escape
The Wall Street Journal
John Deere, Meet Elon Musk: SpaceX Satellites to Link Farm Giant’s Equipment
The world’s largest farm machinery manufacturer signed a deal with SpaceX’s Starlink business to connect tractors, seed planters, crop sprayers and other equipment in areas that lack adequate internet service, allowing them to use Deere’s digital products.
“This takes us a step closer to ubiquitous connectivity anywhere in the world,” said Jahmy Hindman, Deere’s chief technology officer. “The biggest opportunity for us is to expose existing technologies to more customers.”
Illinois-based Deere has been investing billions of dollars in building out computer-assisted services for farmers, including software that allows herbicide sprayers to distinguish crops from weeds and driverless tractors to plow fields.
The agreement shows the growing influence of Starlink, a division of Elon Musk’s SpaceX that uses satellites blasted off by the company to provide high-speed internet. Starlink’s impact stretches from the war in Ukraine to connecting natural disaster-struck communities, relying on the world’s biggest satellite fleet, with nearly 5,300 working satellites in orbit.
Hawthorne, Calif.-based SpaceX didn’t respond to requests for comment. Starlink noted the deal with Deere in a post on X, and said the service is ideal for rural locations.
He was a young man at the time, but he was beloved by Iranian troops of that era for his amazing leadership. Decades later , during the war against IS in Syria he was often seen at the battlefront.
Bit like saying Ivan Milat was a sweet child & popular at school ..
The Wall Street Journal
Houthis Turn Their Sights on U.S. Ships, Vow to Keep Attacking Red Sea Targets
Fresh attacks targeted American ships in the Middle East, days after the U.S. led a round of strikes meant to blunt the capability of Iran-backed Houthi rebels to hit ships transiting the Red Sea.
Late Monday, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed an attack targeting what it called Israeli spy bases in Iraq in retaliation for Israel’s killing of its commanders and allies, adding to tensions in the region about the potential for the war in Gaza to trigger a broader regional conflict.
Earlier, a Houthi missile struck the Gibraltar Eagle, a U.S. bulk carrier, off the coast of Yemen without causing injury or significant damage on Monday, said the U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East.
The Houthis later claimed responsibility for the attack. Eagle Bulk Shipping, the ship’s U.S. owner, didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Recent Houthi attacks, initially directed against Israeli-linked vessels, have rattled global markets, upended international shipping routes and become increasingly indiscriminate. The rebels have attacked vessels from boxships to tankers moving sanctioned Russian oil as the global shipping nexus complicates their ability to identify specific targets.
They vowed again Monday to continue their campaign against U.S. and international targets in the region in response to Israel’s actions in Gaza. “Anyone attempting to hinder us from doing so will fail,” a Houthi official said Monday.
Members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and their Lebanese ally Hezbollah have been assisting Houthi attacks on commercial ships, according to people familiar with the Yemeni group. A spokesperson for the Houthis said in December that the group didn’t need to rely on Iran for help in its attacks.
The attacks are a concern for Tehran’s government, said a senior Iranian official.
“The Houthis are more emboldened with every hit,” said the official, who was part of the team that negotiated a now-abandoned nuclear deal with the U.S. and other nations in 2015.
“That’s a problem because it further raises tensions between Iran and America, which neither want a direct confrontation,” the official said. “They could strike an American warship, a China cargo vessel or a Russia-linked tanker. Then all hell can break loose.”
A Pentagon official said the indiscriminate strikes by the Houthis might lead to misunderstandings between Washington and Moscow on who is behind them and further raise tensions in the already rattled U.S.-Russia relations over the war in Ukraine.
“It’s a very active and dangerous situation in one of the world’s most crucial shipping routes,” the official said. “The Houthis must stop what they’re doing or their war machine will be destroyed.”
132nd bush
True and beautifully presented, too.
I dont think Incoherent Falseteeth realises he previous tweets arent helping her case.
Intimidated huh? By a tiny badge. Guess it’s comparable to how intimidating it is for Palestinian children to have bombs drop on them in their sleep. Or how offensive bombs are to those slowly dying under the rubble. I wonder who should be sacked for this fatal intimidation?
This one aged badly..
Antoinette Lattouf
A must watch.
Bravo Laura Tingle for giving Louise air time and respect.
And lols re: whoever has to go through lobby complaints to ABC
And remember, this is the slimy racist shitbag lecturing people.
Poignant, inspiring, funny and most importantly authentic, How to Lose Friends and Influence White People explores how to make a difference when championing change and racial equality.
No, thats run by interior ministry through morality or regular police. One reason for his popularity was that he was nor a domestic political player. Like it or not, he was focused on regional stuff.
No way. I’ve done a few months of house arrest for free.
With a dearth of decent TV/movie downloads at the moment delving into my DVD collection & currently watching all 3 seasons of NORTH & SOUTH, mid 80s American Civil War series .. had forgotten how well dun some of these old shows were and the amount of detail they went in for …… excellent 10/10 ……
Paddies and chips are easy.
These robots are miles away from fine dining.
World’s First AI-Powered Restaurant Opens in Southern Commiefornia
Jan 16, 2024 11:20 AM
Dot, is this you??
No reply from Dot, we can take it as confirmed then.
Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 16, 2024 1:34 PM
Trump/De Santis 2024
Trump/Palin 2024 would be perfect. Exploding lefty heads could be harnessed to land an astronaut on Mars.
my preference would be Trump/Kari Lake 2024
Kari Lake as an excellent in dealing with Reporters and being on focus
Kari Lake will appear in Iowa to campaign for former President Donald Trump just days before the state’s first-in-the-nation Republican presidential caucuses.
Lake, the former TV news anchor who grew up in Iowa and is now running for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat, has become a prominent surrogate for the former president’s 2024 campaign. She on Friday will address a pro-Trump crowd in Iowa’s Marion County.
Trump has reportedly considered Lake, who unsuccessfully ran for Arizona governor in 2022, as his vice presidential pick, though her Senate campaign has denied that she is pursuing that role.
Before Lake formally announced her Senate campaign, her travels around the country on behalf of Trump made some national Republicans question how committed she would be to an Arizona Senate campaign, according to past Arizona Republic reporting.
Killing Suleimani typified Trump’s presidency. The pig Suleimani was directing the mullahs oppressive regime abroad and at home. The mullahs were warned by Trump and ignored the warning (just as puttie did in Syria) and Trump showed why he was the best POTUS ever. He killed an enemy of humankind after giving due warning. Trump was not beholden to the big arms interests only to what was best for the US and the West.
Acute kidney injury after vaccination: New Zealand government scientists changed their data without explanation
These robots are miles away from fine dining.
People. Would you go to a Robot Barber/Hairdresser?
How about having a shave with a cut throat razor handled by a Robot called ‘Sweeney Todd?
Meat pies anyone?
Former Harvard lecturer who defended biological sex claims school failed to support her as career crumbled
Fully Vaxxed and Boosted “All My Children” Actor Dies Suddenly at Age 50 – COVID Suspected as Cause of Death
Tammie McDonald ??
I was just informed my 30 years old daughter has been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy!! Let me repeat, she’s 30 years old!! I begged my 4 children to not get the [vax] my son is the only one who listened to me!! I’m furious, and terrified for her. I’m terrified for
My other 2 daughters.. she’s a school teacher and was mandated to get it.. I’m in shock right now
Biden Angry With Republicans Trying To Stop Kids Seeing Gay Porn
The Bee, on the ball again.
After Lackluster Showing, Nikki Haley Orders Bombing Of Iowa
Johnny Rotten
Jan 16, 2024 2:22 PM
These robots are miles away from fine dining.
People. Would you go to a Robot Barber/Hairdresser?
How about having a shave with a cut throat razor handled by a Robot called ‘Sweeney Todd?
Meat pies anyone?
I played Sweeney Todd in 1986 in front of 700 people. Thanks for the memory spark.
I have forgotten the lyrics.
Trump Wins Iowa Caucus In Landslide
WEF convenes in Switzerland to address the ‘most severe global risk’ anticipated in the near future: brushfires of truth
I loved North and South! I am so jealous right now. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the last two episodes. Any chance you could burn me a copy? I would pay for it of course.
I am fortunate in that, I have the complete China Beach. It has never been made available for sale in the US because they could never get all the permission that was needed due to the amount of awesome music used in the series. No US sales, no Aus sales. I was online at the right time as, a company in Canada was putting together the whole set on DVD. They didn’t have to worry about copyright in Canada at the time.
Was going to buy a copy of Luke’s Kingdom some weeks back, but Amazon wanted $150.00 for it. A bit pricy.
Amusingly, CNN is reporting the victorious Trump, likely winner of ALL Iowa counties, as “good news for Biden”.
The drooling old pervert can now devote his boundless energies to alerting US voters that Trump is Hitler with a pompadour, apparently.
More Snow? Less Snow? No Snow? Climate Change Does It All According to NYT
William Penn Survives The Left’s Assault On Beauty, Memory, And American Identity
Gummint Is A Well-Oiled Machine news (the Hun):
Apparently ‘caught unaware’.
Uh huh. The j’isms at the presser must have been salivating at that point.
Translated: ‘I am prepared to wait for eight months or more, and then issue some form of boilerplate statement after this has been forgotten.’
This was front page and above the fold for several days. If it was about inscrutable dry cleaner flags above police stations, you’d bet Allan would have ‘been briefed’.
How embarrassment.
“my preference would be Trump/Kari Lake 2024”
Not bad, and would help with the inevitable “misogynist!” claims. But Kari has her own agenda for the senate, so seems unlikely.
I’d definitely want Vivek as Sec State or some other cabinet position, so he can get an idea of what he’s up against, deep state-wise, and get a handle on how to deal with it.
IMO, Vivek is Trump’s true successor for a MAGA agenda – DeSantis is good, but a little too much of the “establishment” in him, whereas Vivek is, like Trump, an “outsider” with a brain. If DJT “trained” him on how to deal with the deep state, and then endorsed him, he’d be in like the proverbial for 2028.
I don’t mind the Deerman or Wendigo.
Really my heart is with the Waheela or Shunkun Warakin.
The rest of my response is the double edged sword of choosing an indisputably Japanese male god as my spirit animal but accepting the millions of Redditors that would DM my deity indisputably female wife deity.
Here for the Kussy, or Kami-p…., m’Lady.
In less serious news, good job by the Federal Judge in not believing in Crocodile Man.
If the EDO thought it through more, they could have weaved a Steve Irwin songline through it.
I loved North and South! I am so jealous right now. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the last two episodes. Any chance you could burn me a copy? I would pay for it of course.
Which series 1, 2 or 3? .. I can burn any of them .. no probs ………!
As Trump should have said
It was the perfect execution.
I loved North and South! I am so jealous right now. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the last two episodes. Any chance you could burn me a copy? I would pay for it of course.
Which series 1, 2 or 3? .. I can burn any of them .. no probs ………!
Or, alternately, go here and download whatever parts you want from multiple choices ………
North & South has a very engaging & well flowing plot. It’s one of the few “can’t turn it off” shows ever made.
(the TV of Herman Wouk’s Winds of War and War & Remembrance is another in the same “can’t stop watching” class)
3rd series of North & South (never shown in Australia) let itself down via the non-appearance of the keypane character (Patrick Swayze as “Orry”) and also some continuity issues via unfortunate choices of actors to replace stars who didn’t sign up for the 3rd series.
The books by John Jakes were far better in their continuity of readability, as the story is a fair dinkum epic.
If I had to choose the most watchable TV miniseries ever made: North & South.
Possibly involving stingrays.
People vote for Communists – again.
People are surprised when the Kulaks get monstered – again.
CNN also got hit with a cluebat.
CNN Iowa Entrance Poll: 68% Believe Joe Biden Didn’t Legitimately Win Election (15 Jan)
A lot of mystified luvvies in CNN offices right now.
I’d like all three seasons. Especially as I hadn’t known about the third one and Salvo says it was never shown here.
Kirsty Alley was at the height of her beauty in that program.
you have to request them.
Yes – I can see how that is working.
But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.
– Ronald Reagan
I don’t know that either of the current centarians in my family got them.
Wot’ a ‘luvverly’ picture –
nz green mp caught shoplifting. Someone on twitter suggested she’s seems quite the experienced type. More than once incident.
Someone is a funny, funny bugger.
Work experience kiddies back in charge at the Oz.Cant be critical of crocodile man or criticize TDS.
Trump/Vivek. De Santis and Haley are RINO’s and will stab Trump like Pence did.
Trump wins Iowa
QUESTION: Trump won and is well over 50% in Iowa. How will they stop him?
ANSWER: The plan is well-defined behind the curtain. Biden will take the arrows for all the illegal immigrants who will vote for the Democrats to keep power, then he will step aside, and the Party will insert Michelle Obama.
The Democrats cannot afford to run Biden. They know that. Biden is not a leader – he is a placeholder. The president is supposed to keep the agencies in check. They are all doing their own thing and in conflict with each other. Neocons threaten China with no regard for the fact that they are the largest buyer of US debt. They sell, interest rates rise, and if the Treasury cannot sell in a recession, that is when default unfolds.
The Democrats also MUST go WOKE. They have no choice in this matter with all the shit they have created where we no longer know what a woman is, and your mother is just a birthing machine. As I have said, in Thailand, they call themselves Ladyboys. They do not demand that the entire world must change pronouns just for them. This promotes discrimination.
The Iowa results are in, and it’s clear: Donald Trump is the official frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
Folks, we need to work even harder now. If Donald Trump is our opponent, we can expect vile attacks, endless lies, and massive spending.
Hillary is beside herself. Her dream was always to be the first woman president. Michelle checks two of the three boxes – a black and a woman. All she has to do is come out and say she is really gay, and they have all three. If you pay attention, Michelle is already starting to talk politics. That is her coming out.”
If I don’t run for president, we’ll all be OK.
– Joe Biden
Oh dear … “our” ABC currently tying itself into knots over the Iowa results. They’re still saying only that Trump is “projected to win”. And that he won’t get preselected ’cause criminal charges. They’re also hammering DeSantis as ineffectual, no charisma, and pushing hard for Haley.
Just delicious to watch them tearing themselves apart.
Again claiming it was a thwarted smuggling attempt
another post about the Egyptian IDF confrontation.
Trump winning Iowa, Ramaswamy concedes, he’s out, but America First will now stand strongly behind Trump. Fox News, now.
Looks like all counties will go Trump, Ramaswamy at 8% votes go over to Trump.
DeSantis at 22%, Nikki close behind on 19%, she’s been getting the urban vote of Democrats now registering as Republicans.
The country is on the turn, fed up at last with the Dems and Biden.
I hope, I say to Hairy, that Dutton is listening and making notes.
Allowing recent illegals to vote in the upcoming election would be a disastrous ploy by Democrats.
There’d be a big group of swinging voters who’d hate being disenfranchised by foreigners. It’s an insult that would result in red hot anger. Most Americans still believe in the constitution.
Hi areff – looks like fun to be in Iowa covering this right now.
Drop us all a line here.
Trump running at 55% and increasing.
He gave a calm and measured speech (Trump style) in claiming Iowa.
He’ll work on fixing it all. Local, and foreign. Including Ukraine and Israel.
He’ll work it through negotiation Russia and defunding Iran.
Xi pull your head in. In the US he’ll close the borders and open the oil spigots.
What is your point? The working experience of Maids in Singapore seems disconnected from the goal of having all/most citizens going through common experiences like national service.
As for Maids nobody is forced to work in Singapore and there are other opportunities in Asia and ME for maids if they prefer.
I could be a little controversial here and declare (as I have done in dinners and mixed groups here in Oz) that the absolute best way to ensure Women in Oz can fulfil their careers is to have access to well-trained, reasonably priced maids. A sane policy that also ensures children of the hired maids can afford to attend school and fulfil their own career goals. win win win.
Deep State is still plotting against Trump
This Country Literally Hates You If You Don’t Obey
Steve trickler
Jan 16, 2024 2:46 PM
I played Sweeney Todd in 1986 in front of 700 people. Thanks for the memory spark.
I have forgotten the lyrics.
Probably went something like – Chop chop chop.
Johnny Depp would know – LOL
Hope you gave a good performance and who eat all the pies? LOL
Oh noes ! Stop the presses !
My then 8yo son! developed Bells Palsy!, considering he died in 2000! aged 11! the dreaded vaxxers! must have gone back in time! to hit him with the clot shot ! What can I do !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Good friend of ours in the village is a pureblood and developed Bells Palsy when travelling overseas 2 weeks ago. Hubby, also a pureblood, had a cold, which he still has the lingering after effects, she showed no symptoms but must of caught his virus
Ok then, Macbeth is eligible for a birthday card from HRH.
Congratulations, rosie.
Pogria: Series 3 of North & South is rubbish. It wasn’t shown in Australia as it rated very poorly everywhere it was shown. While series’ 1 & 2 a continuous story, series 3 is pretty much unrelated. Most of the decent actors weren’t in it, the story is rambling. Rather a shame as series One is the 7th highest rating miniseries of all time. (so the internet says)
So many superstars were in North & South. Robert Mitchum, Peter O’Toole, James Stewart, Johnny Cash, Gene Kelly, Robert Wagner, Lloyd Bridges, Elizabeth Taylor, Olivia de Havilland, Morgan Fairchild, Linda Evans, & so on.
Florida really looks like it’s been run along “establishment” lines.
“Allowing recent illegals to vote in the upcoming election would be a disastrous ploy by Democrats.”
They don’t want them to vote – they want them to be registered to vote, but not actually vote. Makes cheating easier….