While the majority of debate has centred on waste materials from nuclear sites, Senator Watt on Monday offered a far more devastating alternative as he appeared to suggest Australian communities could be at risk of a major nuclear disaster. …
Pressed on how similar disasters could occur, given Australia has a stable geological profile and no risk of tsunamis, the Senator pushed back, appearing to suggest the Fukushima disaster, which was caused by a magnitude nine earthquake, could be repeated in some part of the country. “I mean, there have still been earthquakes in Australia over the years,” he argued.
Oh dear, someone want to explain to this clown with his jowls flabbering everywhere that intraplate earthquakes are different to an interplate earthquake and are excessively rare.
They also need to be near an old geological structure of some kind, say like a old fault. Yes they can get strong like Newcastle 1989 but they are certainly not megathrust earthquakes and can be engineered against. Japan on a tectonic boundary has been doing it for decades.
H B Bear
June 25, 2024 3:57 pm
The Brittany Blob rolls on. Our old friend Mordy Bromberg, at the ALRC this time, steps into the limelight.
June 25, 2024 4:02 pm
132andbush grey dead tree in the foreground, grey clouds, grey Blowen propellers, almost invisible. Know a bloke that wanted to build his house on a ridgeline. Council goes no no no no. Builds it below the ridgeline. Two years later windmills all along the ridgeline.
“I would like to see the government light up the city landmarks of Adelaide to show respect, empathy and solidarity with the South Australian Palestinian community,’’ the legislative councillor said.
not a day goes past without some bint demonstrating how universal suffrage was a mistake
Wally Dalí
June 25, 2024 4:11 pm
Assange is a tw*t. And no, I’m not implying “twit”.
The primary reason he gave why couldn’t go to Sweden to a face sexual assault inquiry- which is how his extended smelly strop kicked off- was that U.S. agents would board his plane, off a hypersonic dirigible, and rendition him out of the escape hatch, handcuffed and in a parachute, to a waiting u-boat where the mind control truth injection would be personally applied by both George Bush Sr and George Bush Jr.
The telemovie, Australian Of The Century gong and Ecuadorian Embassy Bed-In For Peace were just laying it on.
But the most interesting and eye-opening thing about this whole endless episode was the absolutely incandescent attacks upon him by the Left and the deep state.
I think our Julian was the very first to have unveiled the veiled shadow state and their black-hearted evil. Which is now all-prevailing everywhere.
Sharri giving Assange a very strong serve for his criminal actions. Don’t know what else she said because Hairy’s scrolled over it. Assange is a ‘w@nker’, he explains.
Hairy’s put it back on. Sharri says Assange is supported by libertarians (gosh). He’s a dark twisted and disturbed individual, she says. Phew she don’t like him much. Hairy thinks Assange is a grub. I tend to think his oddness is due to living in sanctuary conditions. It would drive anyone crazy.
Now Bronwyn Bishop is like me re his treatment, she doesn’t trust US justice.
Celebration by the left is the problem, but I agree with Keith Pitt saying enough is enough for Assange for any Australian citizen.
June 25, 2024 4:12 pm
Would Eastern Australia be in this electrical quandary if they had built the hydro power dams they didn’t build over the last 50 years?
No, there will not be a requirement for three days’ worth of energy to be stored. The NEM exists, you will never get a completely windless and sunless day all across continental Australia. You idiots.
This is why the left is so dangerous: they have a veneer of knowledge over a swamp of ego which makes their virtue signalling so pustulent, puissant and destructive. Uniformity of climate conditions over vast distances is well known and is described as teleconnections. There are many papers about it; here’s one:
Greg Lynn sounds like a nasty piece of work…from The Daily Telegraph….
What the jury wasn’t told: Tragic ex-wife ‘lived in terror’
Greg Lynn’s first wife lived in fear of her ex-husband’s constant death threats and abuse, with her sudden death to be referred to the coroner in a bid for a fresh inquest.
After Greg Lynn’s conviction over the murder of Carol Clay, the death of his first wife Lisa is expected to be referred to the State Coroner in a bid for a fresh inquest as an earlier probe heard she “lived in terror” from her ex-husband’s constant death threats and abuse.
The Herald Sun understands missing persons detectives intend to refer a new brief of evidence to the coroner over Ms Lynn’s 1999 death after her body was found in the foetal position in the front yard of the couple’s Mount Macedon home.
She died on October 26 of combined drug and alcohol toxicity – despite being a teetotaller – while family photo albums were found scattered on the loungeroom floor and her two sons, aged three and one, slept in their bedrooms.
It is believed an assessment has been made that there is insufficient evidence to charge the ex-pilot over his first wife’s death, despite questions emerging about his alibi that night.
But the possibility of new family violence charges being laid remains open. In the six months before her death, Ms Lynn, 34, alleged her then ex-husband was “assaulting, harassing, threatening or intimidating” her.
Ms Lynn’s body was found in the foetal position in the front yard of the Mount Macedon home she had shared with her ex-husband.
During this time, Mr Lynn broke into his ex-wife’s home and stealing their car.
In August 1999, just two months before she died, Ms Lynn was prescribed antidepressants, with an autopsy finding “high levels” of the medications in her system along with a blood alcohol of 0.21.
MPS investigators who reinvestigated the circumstances of Ms Lynn’s death are understood to have found new information not uncovered in the first inquiry.
Those who knew Lisa Lynn had strong doubts about whether she would take her own life well before her pilot husband was charged with murdering Russell Hill and Carol Clay.
In a statement to the Coroner’s Court, which probed Lisa Lynn’s death in 2000, her father said his daughter told him “that Greg had been making very serious death threats against her and that these continued through to her death”.
An earlier probe into Ms Lynn’s death heard she ‘lived in terror’ of her ex-husband.
“I know from speaking to Lisa that she was not prepared to press charges against Greg for fear of repercussions,” he told the Coroner.
“She took his threats very seriously. She was absolutely petrified and lived in terror.”
Police investigating the disappearances of the missing campers had made notes for their interview with Mr Lynn after his arrest, which included a plan to ask him about “threats made to Lisa”.
They also intended to question Mr Lynn’s current wife Melanie about “Lisa’s death and knowledge of relationship”.
In a separate statement to the Coroner’s Court, Lisa Lynn’s mother said “as far as I’m concerned, Greg is responsible for my daughter’s death by mental torture inflicted by him”.
“I know that she was living in absolute fear of Greg.”
The pair said their daughter kept a diary from the day Mr Lynn left their marriage that detailed “the abusive phone calls and death threats and verbal abuse to their children made by Greg”.
The dead woman’s mother – who made repeated trips from her Tasmanian hometown to help care for her grandchildren – said Mr Lynn would subject Lisa to “physical and mental abuse on a regular basis”, described his behaviour as “bizarre” and said he had a “warped mind”.
She spoke of seeing Mr Lynn lose his temper, “yell and throw things at (Lisa) and push her around”.
Ms Lynn’s mother said Mr Lynn had a temper and had killed ‘animals and (the) neighbour’s pet’. Picture: Supplied
“I felt very uncomfortable when these events occurred because I was not inclined to interfere and Lisa would plead with me not to interfere. Lisa would say to me that if I got involved in any verbal disagreement with Greg, it would make things worse for her when I went home.”
She detailed how Mr Lynn had killed “animals and (the) neighbour’s pet”, had “refused to feed” their two sons, and “exploded into a fit of uncontrollable rage” when he “verbally attacked” a man at the bar of the Macedon Hotel when the man spoke to Ms Lynn.
One person who knew the Lynns told the Herald Sun of how a pig once strayed onto the couple’s Mount Macedon property and Greg bludgeoned it to death with a spade.
The incident was made even worse by being witnessed by their boarder, a female co-worker from the airline industry.
“He took to it with a spade. The boarder said, ‘I’m off’. He’s obviously got issues, or a temper,” the source who knew the Lynns at the time said.
Greg Lynn stood trial for murder over the deaths of Carol Clay and Russell Hill.
A former colleague described Lisa as a quiet, beautiful woman with a lovely nature.
“She was the kind of person you’d like to be yourself, not conceited or vain, but she could have been,” the colleague said.
“She didn’t see herself as beautiful or glamorous or a fabulous cook or any of those things.”
Though they would see each other sporadically because of the nature of airline work, the colleague said it was always a pleasure when they reacquainted.
“You might not see someone for six months then there’s a burst of catching up. Whenever you’d see Lisa, you always felt so lucky to spend time with her,” the colleague said.
“She was such a soft, gentle, Christian-type of person … not in any happy clapper manner but a real turn-the-other-cheek person.”
Prosecutors in Greg Lynn’s double murder trial tried to introduce his ex-wife’s death and aspects of their relationship as evidence to the jury but it was ruled inadmissable.
When she found out a neighbour could not afford a microwave oven, she bought one and placed it on the front step with no note attached. “She didn’t want the credit. That was Lisa,” the colleague said.
The relationship was volatile with Greg treating Lisa appallingly.
“She adored him. She gave so much. She changed her whole life for him,” the colleague said.
“She didn’t deserve to end up with someone who didn’t value her. He wasn’t super-handsome or charming. He was just there.
“I couldn’t see what brought them together. He wasn’t interested in her friends. I thought, ‘What does she see in him’?”
Prosecutors in Greg Lynn’s double murder trial tried to introduce his ex-wife’s 1999 death and aspects of their relationship as evidence to the jury, suggesting it was “relevant” to his character.
They considered calling Lisa’s parents and her doctor, who she’d made a report to about “violence”, as witnesses in the trial, and getting the dead woman’s journal that made detailed accounts of the abuse she suffered. But the evidence was ruled inadmissable and the jury never heard about Lisa Lynn.
I’m cool with it. I read Richard Webster’s submission on Similar Fact Evidence.
I also reckon The Australian is in Recovered Memory territory with their digital Falcon with ‘body wrapped in sheet’ reconstruction. 2000 people across Australia suddenly recall the night in question yer Honour!
Would Eastern Australia be in this electrical quandary if they had built the hydro power dams they didn’t build over the last 50 years?
Hydroelectric dams are hated by Gaia, they emit ebil methane.
Everyone knows that.
But pumped-storage dams are loved by Gaia, they are halal!
Not sure how that works.
Pumped hydro is a relatively closed system to exploit time of day price arbitrage. Australian geography and climate isn’t favourable for hydro, exacerbated by Green tape and Tasmanian GPs.
A lot of talk about how shit the Australian Sky journalists (sic) are. I tend to agree. By comparison Fox America journalists, Gutfeld, Judge Janine, Watters and a lot of others are outstanding. Their analysis of the psychology, tactics and total destructiveness of the left is outstanding. The Five, Watters and Gutfeld should be compulsory viewing.
Missing a dance class on Friday so I can see it live, my first chance to dance since anaesthesic on Monday.
June 25, 2024 5:11 pm
The “week-long wind drought”:
Data from the OpenNEM widget confirms that the share of wind energy for the past seven days in the NEM has averaged just 5.9 per cent. That compares to an average of 10.7 per cent over the past month, and 13.1 per cent over the past 12 months.
So a “wind drought” means 50% of normal output, does it? And wind supply is less than 15% of the NEM and less than 10% of aggregate supply when rooftop solar PV is included.
So-called “wind droughts” are piddling amounts in the wider scheme of things.
So a “wind drought” means 50% of normal output, does it? And wind supply is less than 15% of the NEM
So-called “wind droughts” are piddling amounts in the wider scheme of things.
But your plan is to use more of the same. Your vision turns the “piddling amount” into a major shortfall on the NEM. That’s why so much storage would be needed. Are you keeping up with your own plan?
less than 10% of aggregate supply when rooftop solar PV is included.
Would that be the solar that suffers from a “sun drought” for somewhere between eight and twelve hours every night, all day on cloudy days, and intermittently on other days?
If mUnty’s crystal ball is dodgy he can always switch to Tarot
naming it now … I’m calling it Tarot-ism
June 25, 2024 5:16 pm
The description of the muslims to whom Sydney university is kowtowing reminded me of walking up the main drag in Nimes one Friday afternoon.
Two or three muslim men in their beards and nightgowns, glaring, silent, walking slowly, like islamic police making sure all the men were on the way to mosque and the women appropriately dressed.
No-one greeted them, but the atmosphere seemed tense.
That was my impression, anyhow.
I wonder whether muslims on campus are kept in line by hibz ut-tahrir types.
I remember Ms magpie pulling her head in after getting told off by them on twitter, years ago.
Nimes, interesting. I love the place but it is dodgy. I was driving down one of the laneways near the Circus when I found myself blocked by a whole swarm of North African primitives.
They were having a great laugh about my obvious distress and prevented my movement for quite a long time.
I had a pistol in my courier case. I didn’t get it out but I thought about it. I was worried.
June 25, 2024 5:20 pm
“So-called “wind droughts” are piddling amounts in the wider scheme of things.” Yeah that week when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow and you get load shed for a week will be a piddly incident for everyone. As long as you’ve saved the planet from the climate Boogie man though. ?
June 25, 2024 5:26 pm
The point is that wind can randomly halve from week to week. If you are relying on wind to power the grid , where is the extra power going to come from ?
I haven’t but what he says is right. Estimates of TSI, albedo and the whole kit and caboodle is just that: estimates. If they’re out by just a few % the whole conclusion is rubbish; like AGW.
June 25, 2024 5:31 pm
a veneer of knowledge over a swamp of ego…
Nice one!
June 25, 2024 5:33 pm
June 25, 2024 3:17 pm
I won’t be toasting the probable release of Julian Assange. He is not only a creep of the first order, but I don’t believe that his release of highly sensitive military operational information is what we mean by “freedom of speech”.
Vicki, I was of a similar opinion early on but once Obama pardoned Bradley Manning, who actually stole the documents and gave them to Wikileaks, and even had the military pay for his sex change operation I changed my mind. If you forgive one conspirator you must forgive the other. I suppose Assange made the cardinal mistake of not going transgender.
I am more concerned that as an Australian citizen he was charged under US law. In the wash up, I am glad he is free after years in hiding and sanctuary, punishment enough.
June 25, 2024 5:34 pm
The nuclear strategy by Dutton is very clever indeed.
The labour brainstrust know that they can’t meet their ridiculous targets to reduce emissions.
The solar, wind and transmission lines can’t be built fast enough .
The coal fired power stations are scheduled to be closed and no replacements being built .
As the power bills increase and blackouts get worse , Mr Dutton has a solution
So now on past history, the Labor left when left with nowhere to go, will resort to smearing, abuse and nasty tricks to pick off the Liberals and Dutton himself. No one will be safe, not even family.
This may be the closest m0nty ever comes to admitting the storage installed so far has been immature technology.
Were they part of the “vision” and the “foresight”? ?
Yes Herr Colonel, I literally said that battery tech is immature. I have said that consistently. It also does not enjoy economies of scale yet. The example of solar PV is instructive.
It is certainly a lot further down the track on both of those scores than SMR. So far there are such things as small reactors, and modular designs, but there are zero small modular reactors built in meatspace.
Modularity implies an organised production line, with a diverse ecology of suppliers committed to standardised specifications for machinery and parts. No such thing exists for SMRs.
Rolls Royce may get around to building out a modularised supply chain for its proprietary designs if it fools the Australian public into funding it. As it is, SMRs are as illusory as Geelong’s chances of winning this year’s premiership.
It’s not immature, dumdum, it’s impossible. It does not make any sense.
I’ve never met someone as impervious to reality, physics, chemistry, engineering and economics as you Monty, in my multiple decades of work in those fields.
but there are zero small modular reactors built in meatspace
You have not being paying attention Monty. Yes there are. They are Chinese. And they work.
I like what you are doing Monty because every time we here cluebat you we also cluebat Bowen and Albo.
As linked below, Bruce, home batteries will start making economic sense next year.
One or two small reactors is not evidence of them being modular. As said above, it’s only modular if its parts can be manufactured quickly, cheaply and at scale. So far, it’s all just test runs and prototypes. Decades off actual modularity in the field.
You never tire of being wrong, do you?
Boambee John
June 25, 2024 5:42 pm
mUntyfa again displaying why he is the unchallenged blog wrongologist.
less than 10% of aggregate supply when rooftop solar PV is included.
Would that be the solar that suffers from a “sun drought” for somewhere between eight and twelve hours every night, all day on cloudy days, and intermittently on other days?
Match that with a two or three day wind drought, what then? Batteries that don’t currently exist, and might not in the future?
Because solar panels reduced in price, that means a totally different technology using different minerals will also reduce in price. So it’s fine to base our entire energy strategy on this happening, so shut up.
Slowly – the truth is coming out that the lockdowns and abuse of the citizenry was political abuse, not health.
This is not going away as the governments thought.
June 25, 2024 5:52 pm
Elon Musk liked my reply to his tweet! My only tweet!
I swoon!
I said “How come I, a new user with a single tweet. have a dozen followers? The bots are baaack!”
Let’s all recall that CDC employees donate 99.95% to the Democrats.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 25, 2024 6:19 pm
Payman defies Labor in support of Palestine state Sarah Ison
Western Australian senator Fatima Payman has crossed the floor to vote with the Greens on an urgency motion to recognise Palestine.
She now sits beside ACT independent.
The Senate had begun to debate the motion to recognise Palestine.
Both Labor and the Coalition have moved amendments to the Greens’ original motion to immediately recognise Palestine.
The Greens voted against amendments to the motion.
Greens senators and independent senator Lidia Thorpe all yelled out during the debate about Australia’s complicity with “genocide”.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge accused the chamber of gagging debate.
Labor’s amendment to the Greens motion, which calls for Palestine to be recognised, but only “as part of a peace process in support of a two state solution and a just and enduring peace”, has been voted against by both the Coalition, the Greens and independents including Jacqui Lambie, Lidia Thorpe, Ralph Babet and Malcolm Roberts.
MrPocock is the only member of the crossbench voting with the government.
Doesn’t this mean expulsion from the Labor Party? All is not well in the bouncy castle!
June 25, 2024 6:19 pm
Zippster June 25, 2024 4:11 pm
“I would like to see the government light up the city landmarks of Adelaide to show respect, empathy and solidarity with the South Australian Palestinian community,’’ the legislative councillor said.
not a day goes past without some bint demonstrating how universal suffrage was a mistake
Oh, go chew on your own testicles.
Apparently, this never-heard of eejit cancels out Pauline. She is the founder of the party, errr – a woman.
Don’t try that stuff around here, pal.
The Kittehs may look fluffy and cute, but we are neither stupid or clawless.
We are also good thinkers. Some women are not though, just like some dumb men.
Quality knows no sex.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 25, 2024 6:22 pm
Senator Payman said crossing the floor was the “most difficult decision I have had to make” since winning a surprise third Senate seat for Labor in WA at the 2022 election.
“Although each step I took across the Senate floor felt like a mile, I know I did not walk the steps by myself,” she said.
“I walked with the West Australians, who stopped me in the streets and told me not to give up. I walked with the rank-and-file Labor Party members, who told me we must do more.
“I worked with the core values of the Labor Party: equality, justice, fairness and advocacy for the voiceless and the oppressed.
“I walked with my Muslim brothers and sisters who told me they have felt unheard for far too long. And I walked with the people of Palestine.
The report you have linked to has some interesting graphs. I am just back from the dentists so will delay my analysis. Perhaps you could give it a go first?
June 25, 2024 6:32 pm
Julian Assange is not a journalist. He is an anarchist computer hacker who used his knowledge of html code to endanger the lives of Western espionage agents.
The fact that he got a gong from the Australian journalists union tells you everything you need to know about Australian journalists – not Julian Assange.
I can’t stop laughing. She’s found her natural home. Jew haters always like the company of other Jew haters. Nazis always like the company of other Nazis.
when Assange first hit the headlines due to his flooding the world with classified information, amongst the many articles written about him, was an in depth piece of his parents association with Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
Assange was actually raised alongside the stolen orphans who, as we all know, had their hair cut and bleached in a very similar fashion to the kids in “Village of the Damned”, and were touted as being Hamilton-Byrne’s biological children.
Assange was not experimented on with Psychotropic drugs like the other kids as, his parents were only so far into the practices of “The Family”.
Not long after I had read the article, I tried to find it so I could link to it for others to read it. GONE, totally. Wiped clean. Disappeared into the ether.
it was an extremely interesting piece. I believe it gave tremendous insight into Assange’s personality/character.
I am old enough to remember “The Family”.
Some of the children eventually met their real parents.
Hamilton-Byrne had a lot of contacts via Doctors, Solicitors etc, which is why she was able to literally buy all the children.
She was a particularly malevolent person.
June 25, 2024 6:52 pm
As it is, SMRs are as illusory as Geelong’s chances of winning this year’s premiership.
Hello Sportsbet,
$1000 on Geelong to win the GF please.
So far there are such things as small reactors, and modular designs, but there are zero small modular reactors built in meatspace.
I’m beginning to think you really are a cretin dickless. There are small SMRs in every nuclear powered vessel. The current S6G plant reactor is about 30 ft round by 40ft tall. The 220 MW S8G reactor compartment for the Ohio submarines is 42 feet (13 m) in diameter, 55 feet (17 m) long. Westinghouse is even building reactors for trucks:
Hell, I can see the time very shortly where we’ll be able to put a small nuke between the ears of lefties.
The thing about fossils and nuclear is that they are NOT weather dependent. No weather dependent energy source can power a modern society. Dickless twerps like you who for entirely personal vanity reasons want to inflict this bullshit on the rest of us genuinely believe you won’t be affected like the rest of us. That’s called cognitive dissonance. And it won’t keep you warm or safe when the lights go out.
This payman kunt should be sent back to Afghanistan.
June 25, 2024 7:03 pm
As it is, SMRs are as illusory as Geelong’s chances of winning this year’s premiership.
I thought Bill Gates’ company is breaking ground somewhere in a western state as a first. I thought I read about it, but could be wrong (though rarely if ever)
They will do ZILCH! Khunts are too busy persecuting farmers and law-abiding firearms owners to give a sh1t!!
June 25, 2024 7:09 pm
Not sure it’s an SMR though.
According to TerraPower, construction of the plant is expected to span five years and employ 1600 workers at the project’s peak. Once operational, the demonstration plant will be a fully functioning commercial nuclear power plant, needing an estimated 250 people to support its day-to-day activities, including plant security.
“This groundbreaking represents the beginning of the next era of nuclear energy. The Natrium reactor is more than a design, it’s a plant coming to life that will support both the clean energy transition and our historic energy communities,” said Chris Levesque, TerraPower’s president and CEO.
“I walked with my Muslim brothers and sisters who told me they have felt unheard for far too long. And I walked with the people of Palestine.
Oh we heard them loud and clear on 9th October 2023 and every weekend since then. Every city centre of every Australian capital city is awash with Payman’s brothers and sisters demanding the death of Israel. No can do, the era of pogroms must not be allowed to return.
How could anyone have expected anything less? Trudeau is merely treating him as he treats Canadian citizens.
I never agreed with people who insisted that Justin is Fidel’s son but it is becoming harder and harder not to change my mind. To be frank though if Pierre were alive today he would have done exactly the same as his son, deep down he was as communist as his hero in Cuba.
Sancho Panzer
June 25, 2024 7:27 pm
Yes Herr Colonel, I literally said that battery tech is immature. I have said that consistently. It also does not enjoy economies of scale yet.
Can you explain what you mean by “economies of scale” as it applies to batteries?
Why do I suspect that “economies of scale” is the only phrase that mUntyfa remembers from Economics 1?
If millions of EVs, lotza fixed “big batteries” and millions of small batteries in tools and electronic devices do not give economies of scale, what number will?
June 25, 2024 7:34 pm
Canada has degenerated into a rather evil place. Never would have thought it.
Having relatives in Canada and visited there often I can say two things: Canadians are even more laid back than we are and it may be some time before they turn on their oppressors.
The other thing is that they have an inferiority complex in relation to Americans and tend to react reflexively against whatever the US does which is very short-sighted. In other words, they behave to the US as NZ behaves towards us.
SadIQ Khan, Islamist, Jew hater and current mayor of London, has banned the Union Jack. But rest assured readers, you can sleep well tonight readers, the Palestinian flag and the ISIS flag have not been banned
Londoners, or rather ex-Londoners, have enabled this. Instead of voting against Khan they escaped to the country and ceded their capital city to illegal immigrants. However, there are a lot of people who cannot escape to the country and are now at the mercy of the new majority Muslim residents.
The PRC has been making that same basic threat since 1949.
June 25, 2024 7:41 pm
I support Taiwanese independence.
Chinese Communists are the greatest mass murderers in human history.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 25, 2024 7:41 pm
Distraught parents of Jewish girl, 12, who was gang-raped by teens ‘because of her religion’ in Paris say the attack was an ‘imitation’ of the horrors carried out by Hamas on October 7
Daily Mail. Bring back the guillotine.
Bungonia Bee
June 25, 2024 7:49 pm
Comedian: back in the day when The Flintstones were being made and marketed, a company spokesman was rumoured to have reported that the people of Afghanistan do not like the Flintstones, but the people of Abu Dhabi Do.
Batteries will never be worthwhile “at scale” in this country, because of line losses – if you have a big, centralised battery, you have line losses twice. Locating them at the consumer is really the only option that works and we really aren’t going to get a much better outcome than what we have now. We might discover a new storage method, but that will undoubtedly use specialist materials/manufacturing techniques, meaning the costs of home batteries can’t fall much lower.
Greg Lynn sounds like a nasty piece of work…from The Daily Telegraph….
What the jury wasn’t told: Tragic ex-wife ‘lived in terror’
A bullying narcissist with anger management issues. Lawyers lauding the decision as “thoughtful” when, in fact, the jury had fallen for a carefully concocted self defence tale (at least on the death of Hill). Fortunately his fantastic tale of Clay being killed by a ricochet from an accidental firearms discharge was a bridge too far. His concerted and systematic destruction of evidence was also telling.
Most Melbourne outlets got out in front of suppression orders the minute the verdicts came down with the pre-prepared “what the jury wasn’t told” angle on the death of his first wife.
Bungonia Bee
June 25, 2024 7:58 pm
The Five, Watters and Gutfeld should be compulsory viewing. Agree, we watch the five as often as possible. However, it raises the question of why bother having a tiresome lefty on the panel? Jessica Tarlov was awful, and Richard the motor mouth isn’t much better. Harold Ford Jnr. tries to sugar coat his utterances, but he is also a lefty of no great value to the show.
These token lefties might serve a small purpose in illustrating how crap they and their ilk are, but is that enough? They can’t mount a valid argument so they always have to fall back on dissembling. The end result is that they are time wasters either in having to listen to them or in having to hear the other panelists taken them down.
They are a waste of space and time.
Ditto for Joe Hildebrand on Sky.
You are right, they are useless, but they allow Watters, Gutfeld, the Judge and the various little blond ladies to rip them new arses. On balance I think it is a good design: allow a token leftie to mouth leftie shit and then have the rest destroy them.
The might (or might not) be necessary for domestic use, but they have no useful applications in supporting a modern industrial economy.
How many batteries would be essential to support the operations of a single major hospital? How many such hospitals are there in Australia? What other major users are there that you ignore as a matter of habit?
Wind, solar and batteries cannot reliably provide the continuous supply that they need.
Try to widen your mind, to consider requirements beyond your selfish domestic interests.
FMD, I used to have some time for matt canavan but he just came out and supported this POS payman’s right to cross the floor and vote with the filth. We support such personal rights intones the idiot; sure you do which is why your party is piss weak and has bastards like matt kean and turdball wreaking havoc. it’s all part of little johnnie’s broad church. Fukwit.
After getting roped in Victoriastan good luck getting foreign capital into Australia for generation assets.
Hint: if government doesn’t build it no one will. Best bet – move it on when it’s up and running, although even that is full of regulatory risk.
You are right Cassie, long odds against your wife dying in suspicious circumstances then being involved in a double ‘accidental’ deaths.
The most laughable part of his story was that Carol Clay was accidentally killed by a ricochet off the mirror of the car from an accidental discharge of his weapon.
He needed this strange coincidence for his story because, if more than one bullet was discovered, it points to the gun being fired more than once and kind of blows up his story. This is why he returned and burnt everything to a crisp and raked over the scene.
The Jurdge also tried to have mudder charges tossed early on, but this was overturned on appeal and charges reinstated. He has also applied an incredibly tight standard of admissibility to scrub all manner of evidence pointing to Lynn being a psychopathic control freak.
June 25, 2024 8:13 pm
I’m convinced now, household wall batteries ARE going to power the nation.
June 25, 2024 8:17 pm
I wonder if off gridders like Richard Di Natale have given up their diesel generators as back up yet.
The “Net Incentive” here has gone up (2022-2025) because power prices have increased.
This means your conclusion that “Nukes are completely unnecessary.” is coming from an alternative where power prices are much higher, and poor people just have to shiver in the dark in the early hours of the morning after their battery runs out.
The ships are fitted with one or more small nuclear reactors, which can generate electricity and transmit the power to the mainland. The first ship of this kind began supplying heat and electricity to the Russian port of Pevek on the East Siberian Sea in December 2019.
Troels Schönfeldt, the chief executive of Seaborg, said the company’s 100-megawatt compact molten salt reactor would take two years to build and would generate electricity that would be cheaper than coal-fired power.
WTF have fjords got to do with it? Put the bottle down.
Knuckle Dragger
June 25, 2024 8:23 pm
Reposted for excellence:
Dickless twerps like you who for entirely personal vanity reasons want to inflict this bullshit on the rest of us genuinely believe you won’t be affected like the rest of us. That’s called cognitive dissonance. And it won’t keep you warm
Here’s the kicker:
or safe when the lights go out.
There’s blue collars for that. Or not.
Right mUnter?
Sancho Panzer
June 25, 2024 8:25 pm
Finally …
Former NRL star Jarryd Hayne will not face a fourth trial after he successfully appealed his convictions over the alleged rape of a woman in 2018.
A completely useless body of tax hoovering ideologues headed by an uberwoke feminist who among other things, “became (in 2022) one of Australia’s inaugural ambassadors for the global Energy Equality Initiative, supporting the urgent task of improving female representation in the energy sector.”
I now know what ‘soshul coheshun’ means…..apologies all, it’s just taken me eight and a half months….
‘Soshul coheshun’ allows for the screaming, shouting and screeching of ‘gas the Jews’, ‘kill the Jews’ and ‘where’s the Jews’. There’ll be no charges, no arrests
‘Soshul coheshun’ allows for the weekly Palestinian Jew hate festivals where you will hear screams, shouts and screeches of ‘from the river to the sea’….translation is “genocide the Jews in Israel’. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means you’re allowed to drive through Jewish suburbs on the Sabbath to intimidate and threaten Jewish residents. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means harassing Jews outside Melbourne City Council. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means doxxing Jewish artists. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means preaching ‘kill the Jews’ at a Friday sermon in Lakemba. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means vandalising Jewish owned products, labelling them ‘Zionist’ products. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means ‘protesting’ for ‘Palestine’, as what happened in Melbourne’s CBD last weekend, when leftist and Muslim protesters swarmed the CBD and held up offensive banners and posters with Nazi style imagery, where they replaced the swastika with the Star of David, very vivid of Nazi Germany…..and of course there were ‘no charges, no arrests’.
I could go on, it never ends. But tell me one thing, just who are the ‘real Nazis’ here?
It also means one group can cross the floor without sanction in the Labor party.
Gotta look after the Western Suburbs vote.
Sancho Panzer
June 25, 2024 8:40 pm
Some very gratifying news just in.
The Strayan T20 crickit team has been eliminated from the World Cup.
Much grumbling about swarthies engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct in the match between Bongladesh and Afghanistan. Straya needed the Bangers to win, but the Terrorists got up, aided by Messrs Duckworth and Lewis and some creative time-wasting as the rain rolled in.
Why is this gratifying?
Well, it is the end of the road for the Cheating Midget Houso Ranga.
I do hope he displays his usual lack of self awareness and has a sook about the Terrorists being cheats.
June 25, 2024 8:43 pm
the lesser-known brands are finally going to make the sums add up, starting next year.
Nukes are completely unnecessary.
Care to name some of the lesser known brands, Monty? Got some contact details? And are you doing a three for two deal, for your own domestic residence plus the two investment properties? Do tell us the details.
Tesla Powerwalls are lagging on payback metrics despite being the most popular brand, but some of the lesser-known brands are finally going to make the sums add up, starting next year.
You’ve been watching Energiser Bunny videos on YouTube again m0nster?
Dr Faustus
June 25, 2024 8:51 pm
I will agressively oppose Dutton’s nuclear policy for as long as he intends the power industry to be a Government function.
It will not happen otherwise.
It’s a cost of capital exercise – over a 60 year economic life, unimaginable to non-government owners.
Government can throw capital in at ~5% – no tax.
PrivateNuke will require 15%-20%.
The cost of the energy coming out under PrivateNuke will be about 4x to 6x the cost under government ownership.
It is only pinko commie talk when Labour makes a decision. At least it demonstrates that some conservatives aren’t always obsessed about small government and privatization.
Last edited 7 months ago by John H.
June 25, 2024 8:51 pm
The below is from Kiwiblog, tomorrow when I get some time I’ll track down the source. All I’ll say is the observed rise funnily enough corresponds with the figures I learned in 2nd year Atmospheric Chemistry when we covered this subject before it was totally politicised in Uni’s. Why overstate the temp rises unless there is another agenda?
Dennis Shanahan
Labor is usually tough in dealing with rats in the rank, but don’t expect that for Fatima Payman 2 comments https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/b899a25f1b7b4f1c34c564c198f3c2e2
Fatima Payman. Picture: NewsWire/Martin Ollman
There is a century-old Labor tradition of dealing with rats in the ranks, those Labor MPs who have taken the party’s support, promotion and parliamentary payment, and then disloyally turned against the ALP.
That traditional payment is expulsion, ostracisation, the public pillory and condemnation through the ages.
Fatima Payman, a 29-year-old Muslim, female senator from Western Australia, now stands in the ranks of the rats and awaits her sentence.
Payman crossed the floor of the Senate and voted against her Labor colleagues and with the Greens that Anthony Albanese has excoriated in recent weeks as he condemned the Greens’ sympathy for pro-Palestinian violent demonstrations.
Payman has fuelled tribal anger within the ALP, made the Prime Minister look weak on his emotional parliamentary attacks over pro-Palestinian, again divided the ALP’s message on the Middle East and distracted from the government’s priorities.?
But don’t hold your breath for the “loosing” of the Labor dogs of war against the two-year senator, there will be excuses made and exceptions given.
When Queensland Labor senator Mal Colston turned rat against the ALP in 1996 – in return for the cheesy job of vice-president of the Senate – and later carried the sale of Telstra for the Howard government, the vitriol was unrelenting.
Colston was termed the “king rat”, ostracised and pursued at every turn. He was an easy target for Labor wrath: he was old, male, fat, greedy and without friends.
Now, consider Payman: young, female, Muslim, with friends and supporting Palestine, not seeking payment or promotion.
It’s the same crime but don’t expect the same punishment.
I will agressively oppose Dutton’s nuclear policy for as long as he intends the power industry to be a Government function.
It’s a little late to become concerned about sticky Government fingers tipping the scales of energy policy one way or the other.
Knuckle Dragger
June 25, 2024 9:14 pm
Much grumbling about swarthies engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct in the match between Bongladesh and Afghanistan
Oh my wordy lordy indeedy yes.
A bit of a ‘fake cramp’ for a fielder, juuuust as the rain starts falling, and delaying any opportunity for the Bangers to get ahead of the DLS system before it started pissing down.
If rumours are true, this pantomime was kicked off by the Afghan coach – a former English batsman named Jonathan Trott who was mentally destroyed and retired from playing after being subject to a barrage of accurate chin music from Mitchell Johnson during an Ashes tour of Straya.
Revenge from beyond the grave, so to speak.
I’m comfortable with this.
Dr Faustus
June 25, 2024 9:23 pm
Not sure why, probably tiredness + Mel Bracewell, but I’m just now watching Qld Ch10.
Australian Zoo is presently running ads with 100% Steve Irwin, mastered in.
Looks like the anti-PHON ‘Robbie Irwin’ legal letter has backfired bigly and the manbuns are struggling to recover.
Mark from Melbourne
June 25, 2024 9:24 pm
I’ve been AWOL for a couple of months… not that you’d notice as I lurk far more than I comment.
Anyway, SWMBO and I agree that we are now officially living in a country and western song.
Mum died in late March. Sad, but expected, and whoever (Bruce?) suggested Hosea as the OT reading really got it spot on.
4 weeks later, my sister with MS let that “nice man from the bank” have her install some software on her computer, gave him passwords and 2FA codes and the money she’d put aside for her two granddaughters’ secondary education was gone. Well over $100k. Gonski. No recourse.
After having two Mac expert friends clean out her computer and make sure things were up to snuff, I travelled down for the day to her home in Mt Eliza and changed everything from email addresses to passwords to whatever else. And changed the way her bank accounts are setup up.
I travelled home feeling I’d done good….
To discover that SWMBO had left our back door (which is on a small but well-travelled lane) wide open and, yes, we’d been robbed. Clever buggers… they’d pinched a spare car key and SWMBO’s iPad, and used “find my Phone” to wander over and see if the car key matched a car in the vicinity. It did.
It was quite amusing. I rang her to tell her to get home to see what of hers had been taken (some handbags – I had NO idea how expensive handbags are! – and a bit of jewellery, but not her “good stuff”) and she told me she’d be home ASAP. Rang me back 90 seconds later to tell me she’d have to get an Uber, because her can was gone!
Three days later SWMBO’s father died. He was 91 so I guess it wasn’t unexpected, but it was a huge surprise. He was pretty much fighting fit. Did his weekly physio, went down to afternoon tea and didn’t appear for dinner. Hit everyone for six.
Oh, and we had booked a Ghan trip from Darwin to Adelaide starting 4 days after that. Whilst I understand that there’s no refund in that situation, you might have though a token 30% credit voucher for a future journey would have been a nice touch… we even supplied a death certificate. But no.
Luckily, we no longer have a dog, or he’d be long gone!
None of which has much to do with anything, but you have to see the black humour. Good to see that this place hasn’t changed much in my absence.
Geez, buy a lotto ticket and see if things even out a bit.
Or at least buy the sprig of luck Heather next time an old crone knocks on the door instead of horse whipping her.
West Australian senator Fatima Payman will likely avoid expulsion or suspension from the parliamentary Labor Party after defiantly crossing the floor and voting with the Greens against the government’s position on Palestine.
Despite Labor MPs telling The Australian they believed the 28-year-old senator needed to be kicked out or suspended, a government spokeswoman said there was no “mandated sanction”.
Labor MPs said they were hoping Anthony Albanese would call a snap caucus meeting on Wednesday to decide her fate, but a senior party source said the Prime Minister was unlikely to instigate a move to punish her.
And just like that decades of unquestioned adherence to the unbreakable rule of comradely party loyalty became meaningless. What a lank squid Albo is.
Sancho Panzer
June 25, 2024 9:40 pm
Dr F at 9:23.
Australian Zoo is presently running ads with 100% Steve Irwin, mastered in.
Looks like the anti-PHON ‘Robbie Irwin’ legal letter has backfired bigly and the manbuns are struggling to recover.
I strongly believe the litigation advice came from someone connected with Tourism Queensssland, who had engaged Young Master Irwin to spruik for Mr Miles.
They thought there would be some mileage for Miles in bashing Pauline.
Turns out, there was nothing in it for Miles, and a fair bit of panel-beating required for Young Master Irwin’s happy-go-lucky Aussie image.
I have no doubt a sensible family lawyer would have advised him to trouser the tourism cash and let the government flunky doing the eggin’ on also do the litigatin’ if they so desire.
Sancho Panzer
June 25, 2024 9:45 pm
KD …
I’m comfortable with this.
Well, I’m not entirely comfortable.
To close this circle we need the Lying Cheating Houso Ranga to openly accuse the Afghan Hounds of cheating.
At which point, the Terrorists don SBW masks and passing scraps of yellow sandpaper around amongst themselves.
Natural Instinct
June 25, 2024 9:46 pm
As the USA puts more petrol on the Ukrainian fire. Some advice from the past.(Kissinger and Shultz, 2008)
It is neither feasible nor desirable to isolate a country spanning one-eighth of the earth’s surface, adjoining Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and possessing a stockpile of nuclear weapons comparable to that of the United States.
Mileage varies in the truth community regarding Julian Assange, and whether or not he’s been acting on behalf of patriots in a clandestine manner, or if he simply got tangled up in a self-serving web that resulted in him being caught between an ancient criminal cabal and the most intricate MIL INT operation ever devised.
Here’s the thing: Assange’s intent doesn’t matter. All that matters is what he knows. More so, what the Narrative CLAIMS he knows.
Whatever Assange knows re: Seth Rich, the Clinton Foundation, the DNC and MUCH, much more, patriots already know. Guess what? Patriots also know the 2020 election was stolen, that Covid was a hoax and that Vladimir Putin is NOT going to nuke anyone.
All of which is comforting, but secondary to the War of Stories, in which core truths are being translated and then delivered to the American people through Mind-Movers and cyphers, also known as characters.
For long-time Anons, it’s feeling VERY 2017 lately.
Sanchez asked you earlier to explain what you meant by the comment referring to economies of scale in potential new battery technology. You, big fat lesbian, economies of scale has nothing to do with the operation. And as for production, you would be seeing scaling now for existing batteries. You’re such an idiot.
Take a look at unit costs for home batteries across the last five, ten, twenty years. There have already been massive drops in production costs. This trend will continue like it did for solar PV.
While it is not right to say home battery technology is mature, it’s about to pass from the Matt-Gaetz-wants-your-number phase into maturity very soon.
June 25, 2024 11:21 pm
Germany going nuts again.This time it took them a little longer.
Wow, this is messed up. Imposing guilt upon people for things that happened before they were even born is not right. It needs to stop.
Jun 24
This is so insane. Beyond words. 8 out of the 9 migrants convicted for gang r*ping a German girI got spared jail time. Meanwhile, a 20-year-old German girI was sent to prison for saying “hateful remarks” about it.
Footage from the ATACMS strike at the Sevastopol beach on the 23rd. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but to me it looks like the M74 APAM bomblets are triggered vertically, i.e. exactly the way they are supposed to be released by the missile in a strike, not debris or a malfunction.
Last edited 7 months ago by dover0beach
Top Ender
June 25, 2024 11:46 pm
Postcard from Tunis
Here in Tunisia using credit cards is difficult. The taxis all use cash only. Uber is unknown but Bolt – a sort of equivalent – is available, but still the drivers, usually taxis, only take cash. At least Bolt gives you a set price. The taxis drivers try to run with the meter off and give you a probable price triple to Bolt.
Used a card in a few places successfully, but very wary of letting it out of my hand since we got about 20 fraudulent transactions from a year ago. Westpac reimbursed. A lot of places are cash, and they have a law you cannot take dinar out of the country, so it’s a bit of a calculation as to how much to exchange in the knowledge you need to spend it all before flying out.
This is very much a country of contrasts. Much of Tunis is Third World: lots of rubbish on the street; poorly surfaced pavements; smells; stray cats. But then you turn a corner and there are clean streets of modern shops, houses and banks. Cannot drink the water, so discarded bottles everywhere. Quite a security presence on the streets. Several times we saw light armed vehicles, and there were plenty of army sentries around.
We went to see the ruins of Carthage, about 20kms from the city centre, and there was a decent multi-lane highway to it. The ruins were very extensive, maybe eight k’s across. The Carthaginians, basically a sort of melded Jewish/Arab/Berber mix, had the ruling empire of the Mediterranean from around 900BC, but the nascent Roman Empire took them on and beat them.
Travelled further south. In the main Tunis railway station where what looked like six plain-clothes police had some people contained in a side-room. After some yelling over 20 minutes the perps emerged handcuffed in pairs – all much darker Africans than the locals. Looked like illegal immigration being contained.
The train system seemed to work ok, but a big rush to get in and even in first class, everyone did not get a seat. Think the train went faster than ours in Australia.
The countryside is very much grassed and generally flat, but with some gentle hills. In some places it looks like the areas around Parkes, NSW. Very dry. No stock to be seen. Lots of olive trees and some grapes. In some areas the prickly pear is used as a fence. Big sheds – presume they may be poultry. Lots of hay being transported south by truck. Nearer the towns sadly you see more rubbish everywhere, and the blue plastic bags everyone uses from the shops have been blown by the wind to end up all around.
Not sure about Tunis at all…now going south to Sousse and beyond…
Must put Tunis and Carthage on the list now, TE. Thanks for the report. Gives us a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you can’t take cash out and over got too much left then head to a jewellery shop. Mrs. TE won’t object to a new ring or even a necklace. You can probably top up the leftovers with a credit card in such a shop too. Win-win.
When it comes to propaganda the wind farm subsidy miners are A+.
Check out how they make these monstrosities nearly blend in with the scenery on their home page photo.
228 more turbines! FFS.
While the majority of debate has centred on waste materials from nuclear sites, Senator Watt on Monday offered a far more devastating alternative as he appeared to suggest Australian communities could be at risk of a major nuclear disaster. …
Pressed on how similar disasters could occur, given Australia has a stable geological profile and no risk of tsunamis, the Senator pushed back, appearing to suggest the Fukushima disaster, which was caused by a magnitude nine earthquake, could be repeated in some part of the country.
“I mean, there have still been earthquakes in Australia over the years,” he argued.
Oh dear, someone want to explain to this clown with his jowls flabbering everywhere that intraplate earthquakes are different to an interplate earthquake and are excessively rare.
They also need to be near an old geological structure of some kind, say like a old fault. Yes they can get strong like Newcastle 1989 but they are certainly not megathrust earthquakes and can be engineered against. Japan on a tectonic boundary has been doing it for decades.
The Brittany Blob rolls on. Our old friend Mordy Bromberg, at the ALRC this time, steps into the limelight.
132andbush grey dead tree in the foreground, grey clouds, grey Blowen propellers, almost invisible. Know a bloke that wanted to build his house on a ridgeline. Council goes no no no no. Builds it below the ridgeline. Two years later windmills all along the ridgeline.
The only time when it would be advantageous from a marketing standpoint to take a photo of a landscape on a gloomy day.
Mind you, it is the WD we’re talking about 🙂
not a day goes past without some bint demonstrating how universal suffrage was a mistake
Assange is a tw*t. And no, I’m not implying “twit”.
The primary reason he gave why couldn’t go to Sweden to a face sexual assault inquiry- which is how his extended smelly strop kicked off- was that U.S. agents would board his plane, off a hypersonic dirigible, and rendition him out of the escape hatch, handcuffed and in a parachute, to a waiting u-boat where the mind control truth injection would be personally applied by both George Bush Sr and George Bush Jr.
The telemovie, Australian Of The Century gong and Ecuadorian Embassy Bed-In For Peace were just laying it on.
Yes Assange is a gumby.
But the most interesting and eye-opening thing about this whole endless episode was the absolutely incandescent attacks upon him by the Left and the deep state.
I think our Julian was the very first to have unveiled the veiled shadow state and their black-hearted evil. Which is now all-prevailing everywhere.
Fair call.
It’s very difficult to sort the Assange story out. On one hand, he is personally a jerk, a narcissist, someone best kept well away.
OTOH, he infuriated a lot of the people that it could be a badge of honour for.
I just don’t now.
What do others think?
Sharri giving Assange a very strong serve for his criminal actions. Don’t know what else she said because Hairy’s scrolled over it. Assange is a ‘w@nker’, he explains.
Hairy’s put it back on. Sharri says Assange is supported by libertarians (gosh). He’s a dark twisted and disturbed individual, she says. Phew she don’t like him much. Hairy thinks Assange is a grub. I tend to think his oddness is due to living in sanctuary conditions. It would drive anyone crazy.
Now Bronwyn Bishop is like me re his treatment, she doesn’t trust US justice.
Celebration by the left is the problem, but I agree with Keith Pitt saying enough is enough for Assange for any Australian citizen.
Would Eastern Australia be in this electrical quandary if they had built the hydro power dams they didn’t build over the last 50 years?
Coal power stations are the answer.
CO2 is a wonderful gas of life.
There is no residual heat up in the atmosphere cos it is bloody cold at night.
you will never get a completely windless and sunless day all across continental Australia
Monty running a power cord across the nullarbour now?
Much wow.
WA SWIS has its own issues. One size does not fit all.
No, there will not be a requirement for three days’ worth of energy to be stored. The NEM exists, you will never get a completely windless and sunless day all across continental Australia. You idiots.
This is why the left is so dangerous: they have a veneer of knowledge over a swamp of ego which makes their virtue signalling so pustulent, puissant and destructive. Uniformity of climate conditions over vast distances is well known and is described as teleconnections. There are many papers about it; here’s one:
(99+) Climate change, teleconnection patterns, and regional processes forcing marine populations in the Pacific | Franklin Schwing – Academia.edu
Teleconnections not only describe climate but mass psychology too. All lefties for instance have no dicks but compensatory enormous egos.
And every one has the same original thoughts.
Picked up from the daily lefturd talking points.
Greg Lynn sounds like a nasty piece of work…from The Daily Telegraph….
What the jury wasn’t told: Tragic ex-wife ‘lived in terror’
Greg Lynn’s first wife lived in fear of her ex-husband’s constant death threats and abuse, with her sudden death to be referred to the coroner in a bid for a fresh inquest.
After Greg Lynn’s conviction over the murder of Carol Clay, the death of his first wife Lisa is expected to be referred to the State Coroner in a bid for a fresh inquest as an earlier probe heard she “lived in terror” from her ex-husband’s constant death threats and abuse.
The Herald Sun understands missing persons detectives intend to refer a new brief of evidence to the coroner over Ms Lynn’s 1999 death after her body was found in the foetal position in the front yard of the couple’s Mount Macedon home.
She died on October 26 of combined drug and alcohol toxicity – despite being a teetotaller – while family photo albums were found scattered on the loungeroom floor and her two sons, aged three and one, slept in their bedrooms.
It is believed an assessment has been made that there is insufficient evidence to charge the ex-pilot over his first wife’s death, despite questions emerging about his alibi that night.
But the possibility of new family violence charges being laid remains open.
In the six months before her death, Ms Lynn, 34, alleged her then ex-husband was “assaulting, harassing, threatening or intimidating” her.
Ms Lynn’s body was found in the foetal position in the front yard of the Mount Macedon home she had shared with her ex-husband.
During this time, Mr Lynn broke into his ex-wife’s home and stealing their car.
In August 1999, just two months before she died, Ms Lynn was prescribed antidepressants, with an autopsy finding “high levels” of the medications in her system along with a blood alcohol of 0.21.
MPS investigators who reinvestigated the circumstances of Ms Lynn’s death are understood to have found new information not uncovered in the first inquiry.
Those who knew Lisa Lynn had strong doubts about whether she would take her own life well before her pilot husband was charged with murdering Russell Hill and Carol Clay.
In a statement to the Coroner’s Court, which probed Lisa Lynn’s death in 2000, her father said his daughter told him “that Greg had been making very serious death threats against her and that these continued through to her death”.
An earlier probe into Ms Lynn’s death heard she ‘lived in terror’ of her ex-husband.
“I know from speaking to Lisa that she was not prepared to press charges against Greg for fear of repercussions,” he told the Coroner.
“She took his threats very seriously. She was absolutely petrified and lived in terror.”
Police investigating the disappearances of the missing campers had made notes for their interview with Mr Lynn after his arrest, which included a plan to ask him about “threats made to Lisa”.
They also intended to question Mr Lynn’s current wife Melanie about “Lisa’s death and knowledge of relationship”.
In a separate statement to the Coroner’s Court, Lisa Lynn’s mother said “as far as I’m concerned, Greg is responsible for my daughter’s death by mental torture inflicted by him”.
“I know that she was living in absolute fear of Greg.”
The pair said their daughter kept a diary from the day Mr Lynn left their marriage that detailed “the abusive phone calls and death threats and verbal abuse to their children made by Greg”.
The dead woman’s mother – who made repeated trips from her Tasmanian hometown to help care for her grandchildren – said Mr Lynn would subject Lisa to “physical and mental abuse on a regular basis”, described his behaviour as “bizarre” and said he had a “warped mind”.
She spoke of seeing Mr Lynn lose his temper, “yell and throw things at (Lisa) and push her around”.
Ms Lynn’s mother said Mr Lynn had a temper and had killed ‘animals and (the) neighbour’s pet’. Picture: Supplied
“I felt very uncomfortable when these events occurred because I was not inclined to interfere and Lisa would plead with me not to interfere. Lisa would say to me that if I got involved in any verbal disagreement with Greg, it would make things worse for her when I went home.”
She detailed how Mr Lynn had killed “animals and (the) neighbour’s pet”, had “refused to feed” their two sons, and “exploded into a fit of uncontrollable rage” when he “verbally attacked” a man at the bar of the Macedon Hotel when the man spoke to Ms Lynn.
One person who knew the Lynns told the Herald Sun of how a pig once strayed onto the couple’s Mount Macedon property and Greg bludgeoned it to death with a spade.
The incident was made even worse by being witnessed by their boarder, a female co-worker from the airline industry.
“He took to it with a spade. The boarder said, ‘I’m off’. He’s obviously got issues, or a temper,” the source who knew the Lynns at the time said.
Greg Lynn stood trial for murder over the deaths of Carol Clay and Russell Hill.
A former colleague described Lisa as a quiet, beautiful woman with a lovely nature.
“She was the kind of person you’d like to be yourself, not conceited or vain, but she could have been,” the colleague said.
“She didn’t see herself as beautiful or glamorous or a fabulous cook or any of those things.”
Though they would see each other sporadically because of the nature of airline work, the colleague said it was always a pleasure when they reacquainted.
“You might not see someone for six months then there’s a burst of catching up. Whenever you’d see Lisa, you always felt so lucky to spend time with her,” the colleague said.
“She was such a soft, gentle, Christian-type of person … not in any happy clapper manner but a real turn-the-other-cheek person.”
Prosecutors in Greg Lynn’s double murder trial tried to introduce his ex-wife’s death and aspects of their relationship as evidence to the jury but it was ruled inadmissable.
When she found out a neighbour could not afford a microwave oven, she bought one and placed it on the front step with no note attached.
“She didn’t want the credit. That was Lisa,” the colleague said.
The relationship was volatile with Greg treating Lisa appallingly.
“She adored him. She gave so much. She changed her whole life for him,” the colleague said.
“She didn’t deserve to end up with someone who didn’t value her. He wasn’t super-handsome or charming. He was just there.
“I couldn’t see what brought them together. He wasn’t interested in her friends. I thought, ‘What does she see in him’?”
Prosecutors in Greg Lynn’s double murder trial tried to introduce his ex-wife’s 1999 death and aspects of their relationship as evidence to the jury, suggesting it was “relevant” to his character.
They considered calling Lisa’s parents and her doctor, who she’d made a report to about “violence”, as witnesses in the trial, and getting the dead woman’s journal that made detailed accounts of the abuse she suffered.
But the evidence was ruled inadmissable and the jury never heard about Lisa Lynn.
This aspect of the Rules of Evidence is particularly troubling to non lawyers.
I’m cool with it. I read Richard Webster’s submission on Similar Fact Evidence.
I also reckon The Australian is in Recovered Memory territory with their digital Falcon with ‘body wrapped in sheet’ reconstruction. 2000 people across Australia suddenly recall the night in question yer Honour!
Certainly comes under scrutiny in a lot of sexual assault cases. Possibly on borrowed time threre.
Just the sort you want flying your plane
Hydroelectric dams are hated by Gaia, they emit ebil methane.
Everyone knows that.
But pumped-storage dams are loved by Gaia, they are halal!
Not sure how that works.
Pumped hydro is a relatively closed system to exploit time of day price arbitrage. Australian geography and climate isn’t favourable for hydro, exacerbated by Green tape and Tasmanian GPs.
Swing and a miss Bear!
One has to understand greens’ versions of haram and halal.
Greenness is in the eye of the beholder. I expect Matt Kean will provide evidence of this over the coming months.
Um… Bear. Not Pumped hydro – just normal hydro electric power.
You are right Cassie, long odds against your wife dying in suspicious circumstances then being involved in a double ‘accidental’ deaths.
Seinfeld at Rod Laver.
Priceless response to a heckler.
He had it all worked out.
Seinfeld at Rod Laver.
Priceless response to a heckler.
Seinfeld is much smarter than the heckler. That isn’t difficult when the heckler is an antisemitic nutter
A lot of talk about how shit the Australian Sky journalists (sic) are. I tend to agree. By comparison Fox America journalists, Gutfeld, Judge Janine, Watters and a lot of others are outstanding. Their analysis of the psychology, tactics and total destructiveness of the left is outstanding. The Five, Watters and Gutfeld should be compulsory viewing.
Watch them at all possible times. Have begun recruiting for 11 am Friday in the downstairs bar……. five takers so far ………………..
Missing a dance class on Friday so I can see it live, my first chance to dance since anaesthesic on Monday.
The “week-long wind drought”:
So a “wind drought” means 50% of normal output, does it? And wind supply is less than 15% of the NEM and less than 10% of aggregate supply when rooftop solar PV is included.
So-called “wind droughts” are piddling amounts in the wider scheme of things.
Monty, the link was from a perfectly holy-to-gaia site. Take it up with them.
Or Andy Pittman, who has been doing climate howler monkey impressions for the last twenty years.
You are very welcome to put a bag over your head, ihat does not concern me, but it will not change reality, which will still bite you on your arse.
But your plan is to use more of the same. Your vision turns the “piddling amount” into a major shortfall on the NEM. That’s why so much storage would be needed. Are you keeping up with your own plan?
He doesn’t even understand his own plan.
He doesn’t understand that he doesn’t understand his own plan.
mUnty does maths. Same installed capacity, half the output. More windmills, more transmission or both?
oh snap!
Would that be the solar that suffers from a “sun drought” for somewhere between eight and twelve hours every night, all day on cloudy days, and intermittently on other days?
so lemme get this straight, the Capacity Factor for wind power in any suitable location is about 30%
and his “wind is always blowing somewhere” diversity calculation produces an NEM-wide contribution for the year of 13.1 %
I think he just naively proved that wind must be about 2x over-built to even approach being useful
I am here laughing at the idea of a bloke that failed Econ 101 trying to interpret any of this
I never considered before that mUntard could be right
using Faith Based Engineering principles the future might conceivably be windier
could maybe get to 14% … 15% … sky’s the limit
If mUnty’s crystal ball is dodgy he can always switch to Tarot
naming it now … I’m calling it Tarot-ism
The description of the muslims to whom Sydney university is kowtowing reminded me of walking up the main drag in Nimes one Friday afternoon.
Two or three muslim men in their beards and nightgowns, glaring, silent, walking slowly, like islamic police making sure all the men were on the way to mosque and the women appropriately dressed.
No-one greeted them, but the atmosphere seemed tense.
That was my impression, anyhow.
I wonder whether muslims on campus are kept in line by hibz ut-tahrir types.
I remember Ms magpie pulling her head in after getting told off by them on twitter, years ago.
Nimes, interesting. I love the place but it is dodgy. I was driving down one of the laneways near the Circus when I found myself blocked by a whole swarm of North African primitives.
They were having a great laugh about my obvious distress and prevented my movement for quite a long time.
I had a pistol in my courier case. I didn’t get it out but I thought about it. I was worried.
“So-called “wind droughts” are piddling amounts in the wider scheme of things.”
Yeah that week when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow and you get load shed for a week will be a piddly incident for everyone.
As long as you’ve saved the planet from the climate Boogie man though.
The point is that wind can randomly halve from week to week. If you are relying on wind to power the grid , where is the extra power going to come from ?
Unicorn farts?
Cow farts!
Cow farts have been taken off the table.
Have you heard of this dude? He has an interesting thread on fraud at the IPCC
I haven’t but what he says is right. Estimates of TSI, albedo and the whole kit and caboodle is just that: estimates. If they’re out by just a few % the whole conclusion is rubbish; like AGW.
Nice one!
Vicki, I was of a similar opinion early on but once Obama pardoned Bradley Manning, who actually stole the documents and gave them to Wikileaks, and even had the military pay for his sex change operation I changed my mind. If you forgive one conspirator you must forgive the other. I suppose Assange made the cardinal mistake of not going transgender.
Disagree Crossie. Obama pardoned a thief and a traitor. Says it all.
I am more concerned that as an Australian citizen he was charged under US law. In the wash up, I am glad he is free after years in hiding and sanctuary, punishment enough.
The nuclear strategy by Dutton is very clever indeed.
The labour brainstrust know that they can’t meet their ridiculous targets to reduce emissions.
The solar, wind and transmission lines can’t be built fast enough .
The coal fired power stations are scheduled to be closed and no replacements being built .
As the power bills increase and blackouts get worse , Mr Dutton has a solution
So now on past history, the Labor left when left with nowhere to go, will resort to smearing, abuse and nasty tricks to pick off the Liberals and Dutton himself. No one will be safe, not even family.
I think the time is right to bring it to the fore
when you stand together all the idiotic brain farts that the leftard are trying to float:
it all starts to look pretty idiotic to Joe Average
I think many people are ready to hear how mental the ‘left’ has become
they’ve worked it
and I think thy’re gagging for normal, sober and measured
time to talk about it
This woman is mentally ill. This is not normal behaviour.
JC, link doesn’t work.
Yes Herr Colonel, I literally said that battery tech is immature. I have said that consistently. It also does not enjoy economies of scale yet. The example of solar PV is instructive.
It is certainly a lot further down the track on both of those scores than SMR. So far there are such things as small reactors, and modular designs, but there are zero small modular reactors built in meatspace.
Modularity implies an organised production line, with a diverse ecology of suppliers committed to standardised specifications for machinery and parts. No such thing exists for SMRs.
Rolls Royce may get around to building out a modularised supply chain for its proprietary designs if it fools the Australian public into funding it. As it is, SMRs are as illusory as Geelong’s chances of winning this year’s premiership.
China has fooled the Australian government into funding it’s solar cell and wind vane industries.
You support that, and you will also support Australia funding the Chinese battery industry.
It’s not immature, dumdum, it’s impossible. It does not make any sense.
I’ve never met someone as impervious to reality, physics, chemistry, engineering and economics as you Monty, in my multiple decades of work in those fields.
You have not being paying attention Monty. Yes there are. They are Chinese. And they work.
I like what you are doing Monty because every time we here cluebat you we also cluebat Bowen and Albo.
smutley doesn’t own a gimp suit for no reason
As linked below, Bruce, home batteries will start making economic sense next year.
One or two small reactors is not evidence of them being modular. As said above, it’s only modular if its parts can be manufactured quickly, cheaply and at scale. So far, it’s all just test runs and prototypes. Decades off actual modularity in the field.
You never tire of being wrong, do you?
mUntyfa again displaying why he is the unchallenged blog wrongologist.
Would that be the solar that suffers from a “sun drought” for somewhere between eight and twelve hours every night, all day on cloudy days, and intermittently on other days?
Match that with a two or three day wind drought, what then? Batteries that don’t currently exist, and might not in the future?
I’ll bite …
how do you know?
can you hint at a technical reason it can substantially progress?
Nuclear batteries, they have been used in space programs for decades. And they don’t need recharging.
Oops, sorry, did I accidentally say nuclear? My bad.
Because solar panels reduced in price, that means a totally different technology using different minerals will also reduce in price. So it’s fine to base our entire energy strategy on this happening, so shut up.
China using slave labour probably assists with competitive pricing.
fine !! … that’s what mUnty said
I don’t know vast amounts about batteries
but did you know that 20 years ago I used to work at the bleeding edge of solar tech?
and you know what’s happened to solar efficiency advancement since then …. ?
er, nothing
we used to run triple junction solar cells to destruction in solar concentrator dishes for fun
one day my mate waved an envelope with triples in it that were sent over from the US
I said, what’s that mate?
he said, its a million dollars worth of triples
i said, what are gonna do with them?
he said, like der… destroy them of course !
German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science
Slowly – the truth is coming out that the lockdowns and abuse of the citizenry was political abuse, not health.
This is not going away as the governments thought.
Elon Musk liked my reply to his tweet! My only tweet!
I swoon!
I said “How come I, a new user with a single tweet. have a dozen followers? The bots are baaack!”
Bloody Hell, the DUMB is strong these days.
Not a patch on Monty.
As I was writing this post, I did wonder if muntsac were related to these morons. 😀
Disband the CDC: No WHO Trojan Horse in Australia!
Let’s all recall that CDC employees donate 99.95% to the Democrats.
Payman defies Labor in support of Palestine state
Sarah Ison
Western Australian senator Fatima Payman has crossed the floor to vote with the Greens on an urgency motion to recognise Palestine.
She now sits beside ACT independent.
The Senate had begun to debate the motion to recognise Palestine.
Both Labor and the Coalition have moved amendments to the Greens’ original motion to immediately recognise Palestine.
The Greens voted against amendments to the motion.
Greens senators and independent senator Lidia Thorpe all yelled out during the debate about Australia’s complicity with “genocide”.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge accused the chamber of gagging debate.
Labor’s amendment to the Greens motion, which calls for Palestine to be recognised, but only “as part of a peace process in support of a two state solution and a just and enduring peace”, has been voted against by both the Coalition, the Greens and independents including Jacqui Lambie, Lidia Thorpe, Ralph Babet and Malcolm Roberts.
Mr Pocock is the only member of the crossbench voting with the government.
Doesn’t this mean expulsion from the Labor Party? All is not well in the bouncy castle!
June 25, 2024 4:11 pm
not a day goes past without some bint demonstrating how universal suffrage was a mistake
Oh, go chew on your own testicles.
Apparently, this never-heard of eejit cancels out Pauline. She is the founder of the party, errr – a woman.
Don’t try that stuff around here, pal.
The Kittehs may look fluffy and cute, but we are neither stupid or clawless.
Johanna – You are an honorary TomCat. At least with me, and I’m the cat who got all the birdies.
Johanna is a Tiger Kitteh, she has earned her stripes and her point is valid. Women are women, not needing to be honorary men.
We are also good thinkers. Some women are not though, just like some dumb men.
Quality knows no sex.
Senator Payman said crossing the floor was the “most difficult decision I have had to make” since winning a surprise third Senate seat for Labor in WA at the 2022 election.
“Although each step I took across the Senate floor felt like a mile, I know I did not walk the steps by myself,” she said.
“I walked with the West Australians, who stopped me in the streets and told me not to give up. I walked with the rank-and-file Labor Party members, who told me we must do more.
“I worked with the core values of the Labor Party: equality, justice, fairness and advocacy for the voiceless and the oppressed.
“I walked with my Muslim brothers and sisters who told me they have felt unheard for far too long. And I walked with the people of Palestine.
And with my brothers I rape my sisters. Then I force her to be a suicide bomber to redeem the family honor.
She has one job, and it’s not to “walk with the people of Palestine.”
just because … fossil fuel co2 emissions hit record high
The report you have linked to has some interesting graphs. I am just back from the dentists so will delay my analysis. Perhaps you could give it a go first?
Julian Assange is not a journalist. He is an anarchist computer hacker who used his knowledge of html code to endanger the lives of Western espionage agents.
The fact that he got a gong from the Australian journalists union tells you everything you need to know about Australian journalists – not Julian Assange.
The Nazi senator has joined the Nazi party.
I can’t stop laughing. She’s found her natural home. Jew haters always like the company of other Jew haters. Nazis always like the company of other Nazis.
I hope WA Labor crucifies her.
First Labor pollie in thirty years to cross the floor…
Liars never forget.
She’s going to find herself WAY out of her depth in the machinations of the Labor Party.
Michael Smith reposting Martin Armstrong.
LONG COVID by Vaccination Status | Review of Lancet Medical Journal publication
when Assange first hit the headlines due to his flooding the world with classified information, amongst the many articles written about him, was an in depth piece of his parents association with Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
Assange was actually raised alongside the stolen orphans who, as we all know, had their hair cut and bleached in a very similar fashion to the kids in “Village of the Damned”, and were touted as being Hamilton-Byrne’s biological children.
Assange was not experimented on with Psychotropic drugs like the other kids as, his parents were only so far into the practices of “The Family”.
Not long after I had read the article, I tried to find it so I could link to it for others to read it. GONE, totally. Wiped clean. Disappeared into the ether.
Interesting. Pogs, in the early 90s I knew, through a flatmate, Julian’s stepmother and his half-brother.
it was an extremely interesting piece. I believe it gave tremendous insight into Assange’s personality/character.
I am old enough to remember “The Family”.
Some of the children eventually met their real parents.
Hamilton-Byrne had a lot of contacts via Doctors, Solicitors etc, which is why she was able to literally buy all the children.
She was a particularly malevolent person.
Hello Sportsbet,
$1000 on Geelong to win the GF please.
So far there are such things as small reactors, and modular designs, but there are zero small modular reactors built in meatspace.
I’m beginning to think you really are a cretin dickless. There are small SMRs in every nuclear powered vessel. The current S6G plant reactor is about 30 ft round by 40ft tall. The 220 MW S8G reactor compartment for the Ohio submarines is 42 feet (13 m) in diameter, 55 feet (17 m) long. Westinghouse is even building reactors for trucks:
Westinghouse eVinci: The Pint-Sized Mini Reactor Designed to Kick Diesel to the Curb – autoevolution
Hell, I can see the time very shortly where we’ll be able to put a small nuke between the ears of lefties.
The thing about fossils and nuclear is that they are NOT weather dependent. No weather dependent energy source can power a modern society. Dickless twerps like you who for entirely personal vanity reasons want to inflict this bullshit on the rest of us genuinely believe you won’t be affected like the rest of us. That’s called cognitive dissonance. And it won’t keep you warm or safe when the lights go out.
Mmyes cohenite, and what would the reason be that nobody is talking about adapting military reactor designs for commercial use?
Extra safety requirements that are needed on a warship (subject to battle damage) increase the cost to a degree unnecessary in a civilian application?
Next question, you’re not a deep thinker, are you?
The correct answer is the exact opposite of what you just said, BJ. You utter flowerwit.
No wonder I talk to you so rarely. You have shit for brains.
You might not talk to me often, but it is good to see that you read my comments.
Actually, they are made are about you, not directed to you, but feel free to carry on.
PS, don’t forget to link to the evidence that military reactors are built to a lesser standard. Other readers might be interested.
Mentally ill link didn’t work.
It’s here.
This payman kunt should be sent back to Afghanistan.
I thought Bill Gates’ company is breaking ground somewhere in a western state as a first. I thought I read about it, but could be wrong (though rarely if ever)
Bill Gates not pulling on a jumper for the Cats.
I really don’t know what that means.
It refers to mUntyfa’s comparison of building nuclear reactors with Geelong’s chances of making the Grand Final.
Even at The Australian:
has been voted against by both the Coalition, the Greens and independents including Jacqui Lambie, Lidia Thorpe, Ralph Babet and Malcolm Roberts.
The word ‘both’ has a new meaning.
One of my favourite piss-me-offs
The party machine is one thing, but here’s another…
She probably has quite a bit of support among Labor’s rank and file & not just in WA.
And I do mean quite a bit.
Particularly in the ALP branches of western Sydney
Chickens coming home to roost.
Over to you, Elbow.
They will do ZILCH! Khunts are too busy persecuting farmers and law-abiding firearms owners to give a sh1t!!
Not sure it’s an SMR though.
More here:
Liddell isn’t small, but it will be missed.
In today’s sad news
Oh we heard them loud and clear on 9th October 2023 and every weekend since then. Every city centre of every Australian capital city is awash with Payman’s brothers and sisters demanding the death of Israel. No can do, the era of pogroms must not be allowed to return.
Israel Haniyeh wearing the Islamic mullet, Western above the waist, jihad below.
Here’s a clip of a nice pair of Boobies. 😀
I mean dammit! … stooged again!
The Lad from Luton went to Canada at the invitation of Rebel News.
The Lad from Luton has now been arrested in Canada at the behest of Turdeau’s government.
How could anyone have expected anything less? Trudeau is merely treating him as he treats Canadian citizens.
I never agreed with people who insisted that Justin is Fidel’s son but it is becoming harder and harder not to change my mind. To be frank though if Pierre were alive today he would have done exactly the same as his son, deep down he was as communist as his hero in Cuba.
Can you explain what you mean by “economies of scale” as it applies to batteries?
Sancho: just imagine the economic benefits of whatever it is you mean by “modular” in SMRs, and apply it to batteries. It is not a difficult concept.
Why do I suspect that “economies of scale” is the only phrase that mUntyfa remembers from Economics 1?
If millions of EVs, lotza fixed “big batteries” and millions of small batteries in tools and electronic devices do not give economies of scale, what number will?
Canada has degenerated into a rather evil place. Never would have thought it.
Having relatives in Canada and visited there often I can say two things: Canadians are even more laid back than we are and it may be some time before they turn on their oppressors.
The other thing is that they have an inferiority complex in relation to Americans and tend to react reflexively against whatever the US does which is very short-sighted. In other words, they behave to the US as NZ behaves towards us.
SadIQ Khan, Islamist, Jew hater and current mayor of London, has banned the Union Jack. But rest assured readers, you can sleep well tonight readers, the Palestinian flag and the ISIS flag have not been banned
Londoners, or rather ex-Londoners, have enabled this. Instead of voting against Khan they escaped to the country and ceded their capital city to illegal immigrants. However, there are a lot of people who cannot escape to the country and are now at the mercy of the new majority Muslim residents.
I support Taiwanese independence
The PRC has been making that same basic threat since 1949.
I support Taiwanese independence.
Chinese Communists are the greatest mass murderers in human history.
Distraught parents of Jewish girl, 12, who was gang-raped by teens ‘because of her religion’ in Paris say the attack was an ‘imitation’ of the horrors carried out by Hamas on October 7
Daily Mail. Bring back the guillotine.
Comedian: back in the day when The Flintstones were being made and marketed, a company spokesman was rumoured to have reported that the people of Afghanistan do not like the Flintstones, but the people of Abu Dhabi Do.
Batteries will never be worthwhile “at scale” in this country, because of line losses – if you have a big, centralised battery, you have line losses twice. Locating them at the consumer is really the only option that works and we really aren’t going to get a much better outcome than what we have now. We might discover a new storage method, but that will undoubtedly use specialist materials/manufacturing techniques, meaning the costs of home batteries can’t fall much lower.
Batteries are also very vulnerable to EMP.
Non-nuclear EMP weapons have been in several national arsenals for years now.
Cassie of Sydney
June 25, 2024 4:28 pm
A bullying narcissist with anger management issues. Lawyers lauding the decision as “thoughtful” when, in fact, the jury had fallen for a carefully concocted self defence tale (at least on the death of Hill). Fortunately his fantastic tale of Clay being killed by a ricochet from an accidental firearms discharge was a bridge too far. His concerted and systematic destruction of evidence was also telling.
Most Melbourne outlets got out in front of suppression orders the minute the verdicts came down with the pre-prepared “what the jury wasn’t told” angle on the death of his first wife.
The Five, Watters and Gutfeld should be compulsory viewing.
Agree, we watch the five as often as possible.
However, it raises the question of why bother having a tiresome lefty on the panel? Jessica Tarlov was awful, and Richard the motor mouth isn’t much better. Harold Ford Jnr. tries to sugar coat his utterances, but he is also a lefty of no great value to the show.
These token lefties might serve a small purpose in illustrating how crap they and their ilk are, but is that enough? They can’t mount a valid argument so they always have to fall back on dissembling. The end result is that they are time wasters either in having to listen to them or in having to hear the other panelists taken them down.
They are a waste of space and time.
Ditto for Joe Hildebrand on Sky.
You are right, they are useless, but they allow Watters, Gutfeld, the Judge and the various little blond ladies to rip them new arses. On balance I think it is a good design: allow a token leftie to mouth leftie shit and then have the rest destroy them.
Gotta keep your enemies close.
I reckon Hildebrand adds value. He brings a, slighty sensible, Labor view. Plus he can be humorous. Dump Steve Conroy, he’s far worse.
Actual expert analysis of the turning point for the economic case for home batteries in Australia. Tesla Powerwalls are lagging on payback metrics despite being the most popular brand, but some of the lesser-known brands are finally going to make the sums add up, starting next year.
Nukes are completely unnecessary.
… any time soon, right?
Aaaany daaaay noooow!
The might (or might not) be necessary for domestic use, but they have no useful applications in supporting a modern industrial economy.
How many batteries would be essential to support the operations of a single major hospital? How many such hospitals are there in Australia? What other major users are there that you ignore as a matter of habit?
Wind, solar and batteries cannot reliably provide the continuous supply that they need.
Try to widen your mind, to consider requirements beyond your selfish domestic interests.
FMD, I used to have some time for matt canavan but he just came out and supported this POS payman’s right to cross the floor and vote with the filth. We support such personal rights intones the idiot; sure you do which is why your party is piss weak and has bastards like matt kean and turdball wreaking havoc. it’s all part of little johnnie’s broad church. Fukwit.
Tip for Matt. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt…
I will agressively oppose Dutton’s nuclear policy for as long as he intends the power industry to be a Government function.
C’ommon man!
After getting roped in Victoriastan good luck getting foreign capital into Australia for generation assets.
Hint: if government doesn’t build it no one will. Best bet – move it on when it’s up and running, although even that is full of regulatory risk.
Nukes are completely unnecessary.
No, dickless lefties are you piece of shit.
June 25, 2024 4:44 pm
The most laughable part of his story was that Carol Clay was accidentally killed by a ricochet off the mirror of the car from an accidental discharge of his weapon.
He needed this strange coincidence for his story because, if more than one bullet was discovered, it points to the gun being fired more than once and kind of blows up his story. This is why he returned and burnt everything to a crisp and raked over the scene.
The Jurdge also tried to have mudder charges tossed early on, but this was overturned on appeal and charges reinstated. He has also applied an incredibly tight standard of admissibility to scrub all manner of evidence pointing to Lynn being a psychopathic control freak.
I’m convinced now, household wall batteries ARE going to power the nation.
I wonder if off gridders like Richard Di Natale have given up their diesel generators as back up yet.
June 25, 2024 6:41 pm
From Kathy Jackson’s shed?
Great moments in j’ism.
Actual expert analysis of the turning point for the economic case for home batteries in Australia.
The “Net Incentive” here has gone up (2022-2025) because power prices have increased.
This means your conclusion that “Nukes are completely unnecessary.” is coming from an alternative where power prices are much higher, and poor people just have to shiver in the dark in the early hours of the morning after their battery runs out.
Oops, lost quote marks on first paragraph.
Mmyes cohenite, and what would the reason be that nobody is talking about adapting military reactor designs for commercial use?
You’re such a fukwit:
Floating ‘mini-nukes’ could power countries by 2025, says startup | Nuclear power | The Guardian
The ships are fitted with one or more small nuclear reactors, which can generate electricity and transmit the power to the mainland. The first ship of this kind began supplying heat and electricity to the Russian port of Pevek on the East Siberian Sea in December 2019.
Troels Schönfeldt, the chief executive of Seaborg, said the company’s 100-megawatt compact molten salt reactor would take two years to build and would generate electricity that would be cheaper than coal-fired power.
Ah yes cohenite, those will be real handy for all of Australia’s ice-locked fjords.
You clown.
Fallen flat on your face again? What is the relevance of fjords? The power is supplied independent of the surroundings.
Is it time for you to put the kiddies to bed? Distracted?
WTF have fjords got to do with it? Put the bottle down.
Reposted for excellence:
Here’s the kicker:
There’s blue collars for that. Or not.
Right mUnter?
Finally …
They’re going to dunk him in Sydney Harbour like I suggested?
June 25, 2024 8:04 pm
Expert analysis?
A completely useless body of tax hoovering ideologues headed by an uberwoke feminist who among other things, “became (in 2022) one of Australia’s inaugural ambassadors for the global Energy Equality Initiative, supporting the urgent task of improving female representation in the energy sector.”
I now know what ‘soshul coheshun’ means…..apologies all, it’s just taken me eight and a half months….
‘Soshul coheshun’ allows for the screaming, shouting and screeching of ‘gas the Jews’, ‘kill the Jews’ and ‘where’s the Jews’. There’ll be no charges, no arrests
‘Soshul coheshun’ allows for the weekly Palestinian Jew hate festivals where you will hear screams, shouts and screeches of ‘from the river to the sea’….translation is “genocide the Jews in Israel’. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means you’re allowed to drive through Jewish suburbs on the Sabbath to intimidate and threaten Jewish residents. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means harassing Jews outside Melbourne City Council. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means doxxing Jewish artists. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means preaching ‘kill the Jews’ at a Friday sermon in Lakemba. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means vandalising Jewish owned products, labelling them ‘Zionist’ products. There’ll be no charges, no arrests.
‘Soshul coheshun’ means ‘protesting’ for ‘Palestine’, as what happened in Melbourne’s CBD last weekend, when leftist and Muslim protesters swarmed the CBD and held up offensive banners and posters with Nazi style imagery, where they replaced the swastika with the Star of David, very vivid of Nazi Germany…..and of course there were ‘no charges, no arrests’.
I could go on, it never ends. But tell me one thing, just who are the ‘real Nazis’ here?
It also means one group can cross the floor without sanction in the Labor party.
Gotta look after the Western Suburbs vote.
Some very gratifying news just in.
The Strayan T20 crickit team has been eliminated from the World Cup.
Much grumbling about swarthies engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct in the match between Bongladesh and Afghanistan. Straya needed the Bangers to win, but the Terrorists got up, aided by Messrs Duckworth and Lewis and some creative time-wasting as the rain rolled in.
Why is this gratifying?
Well, it is the end of the road for the Cheating Midget Houso Ranga.
I do hope he displays his usual lack of self awareness and has a sook about the Terrorists being cheats.
the lesser-known brands are finally going to make the sums add up, starting next year.
Nukes are completely unnecessary.
Care to name some of the lesser known brands, Monty? Got some contact details? And are you doing a three for two deal, for your own domestic residence plus the two investment properties? Do tell us the details.
Do your own research. Compare the market, simples!
No details means he just made it up.
You’ve been watching Energiser Bunny videos on YouTube again m0nster?
It will not happen otherwise.
It’s a cost of capital exercise – over a 60 year economic life, unimaginable to non-government owners.
Government can throw capital in at ~5% – no tax.
PrivateNuke will require 15%-20%.
The cost of the energy coming out under PrivateNuke will be about 4x to 6x the cost under government ownership.
Sounds like pinko commie talk.
Critical rationalism.
It is only pinko commie talk when Labour makes a decision. At least it demonstrates that some conservatives aren’t always obsessed about small government and privatization.
The below is from Kiwiblog, tomorrow when I get some time I’ll track down the source. All I’ll say is the observed rise funnily enough corresponds with the figures I learned in 2nd year Atmospheric Chemistry when we covered this subject before it was totally politicised in Uni’s. Why overstate the temp rises unless there is another agenda?
Dennis Shanahan
Labor is usually tough in dealing with rats in the rank, but don’t expect that for Fatima Payman
Fatima Payman. Picture: NewsWire/Martin Ollman
There is a century-old Labor tradition of dealing with rats in the ranks, those Labor MPs who have taken the party’s support, promotion and parliamentary payment, and then disloyally turned against the ALP.
That traditional payment is expulsion, ostracisation, the public pillory and condemnation through the ages.
Fatima Payman, a 29-year-old Muslim, female senator from Western Australia, now stands in the ranks of the rats and awaits her sentence.
Payman crossed the floor of the Senate and voted against her Labor colleagues and with the Greens that Anthony Albanese has excoriated in recent weeks as he condemned the Greens’ sympathy for pro-Palestinian violent demonstrations.
Payman has fuelled tribal anger within the ALP, made the Prime Minister look weak on his emotional parliamentary attacks over pro-Palestinian, again divided the ALP’s message on the Middle East and distracted from the government’s priorities.?
But don’t hold your breath for the “loosing” of the Labor dogs of war against the two-year senator, there will be excuses made and exceptions given.
When Queensland Labor senator Mal Colston turned rat against the ALP in 1996 – in return for the cheesy job of vice-president of the Senate – and later carried the sale of Telstra for the Howard government, the vitriol was unrelenting.
Colston was termed the “king rat”, ostracised and pursued at every turn. He was an easy target for Labor wrath: he was old, male, fat, greedy and without friends.
Now, consider Payman: young, female, Muslim, with friends and supporting Palestine, not seeking payment or promotion.
It’s the same crime but don’t expect the same punishment.
Rebel News HQ:
It’s a little late to become concerned about sticky Government fingers tipping the scales of energy policy one way or the other.
Oh my wordy lordy indeedy yes.
A bit of a ‘fake cramp’ for a fielder, juuuust as the rain starts falling, and delaying any opportunity for the Bangers to get ahead of the DLS system before it started pissing down.
If rumours are true, this pantomime was kicked off by the Afghan coach – a former English batsman named Jonathan Trott who was mentally destroyed and retired from playing after being subject to a barrage of accurate chin music from Mitchell Johnson during an Ashes tour of Straya.
Revenge from beyond the grave, so to speak.
I’m comfortable with this.
Not sure why, probably tiredness + Mel Bracewell, but I’m just now watching Qld Ch10.
Australian Zoo is presently running ads with 100% Steve Irwin, mastered in.
Looks like the anti-PHON ‘Robbie Irwin’ legal letter has backfired bigly and the manbuns are struggling to recover.
I’ve been AWOL for a couple of months… not that you’d notice as I lurk far more than I comment.
Anyway, SWMBO and I agree that we are now officially living in a country and western song.
Mum died in late March. Sad, but expected, and whoever (Bruce?) suggested Hosea as the OT reading really got it spot on.
4 weeks later, my sister with MS let that “nice man from the bank” have her install some software on her computer, gave him passwords and 2FA codes and the money she’d put aside for her two granddaughters’ secondary education was gone. Well over $100k. Gonski. No recourse.
After having two Mac expert friends clean out her computer and make sure things were up to snuff, I travelled down for the day to her home in Mt Eliza and changed everything from email addresses to passwords to whatever else. And changed the way her bank accounts are setup up.
I travelled home feeling I’d done good….
To discover that SWMBO had left our back door (which is on a small but well-travelled lane) wide open and, yes, we’d been robbed. Clever buggers… they’d pinched a spare car key and SWMBO’s iPad, and used “find my Phone” to wander over and see if the car key matched a car in the vicinity. It did.
It was quite amusing. I rang her to tell her to get home to see what of hers had been taken (some handbags – I had NO idea how expensive handbags are! – and a bit of jewellery, but not her “good stuff”) and she told me she’d be home ASAP. Rang me back 90 seconds later to tell me she’d have to get an Uber, because her can was gone!
Three days later SWMBO’s father died. He was 91 so I guess it wasn’t unexpected, but it was a huge surprise. He was pretty much fighting fit. Did his weekly physio, went down to afternoon tea and didn’t appear for dinner. Hit everyone for six.
Oh, and we had booked a Ghan trip from Darwin to Adelaide starting 4 days after that. Whilst I understand that there’s no refund in that situation, you might have though a token 30% credit voucher for a future journey would have been a nice touch… we even supplied a death certificate. But no.
Luckily, we no longer have a dog, or he’d be long gone!
None of which has much to do with anything, but you have to see the black humour. Good to see that this place hasn’t changed much in my absence.
Good Lord.
Good Lord Mark from Melbourne — NO-ONE deserves all of that !!!
Pardon my ignorance but what does SWMBO stand for?
She Who Must Be Obeyed
She Who Must Be Obeyed (Rumple of the bailey reference).
AKA my wife of 43 years… and dating for coming up 51!
Holy crap, John.
That’d knock anyone around.
Geez, buy a lotto ticket and see if things even out a bit.
Or at least buy the sprig of luck Heather next time an old crone knocks on the door instead of horse whipping her.
the worlds gone to shit but, chin up mate
Must have walked on a Chinaman’s grave, Mark.
That’s beyond even being funny. WAAAAY beyond. Sorry to hear that, Mark.
That’s a lot of bad luck. Sorry to hear. You must have been impersonating Clay Davis now and then.
Cripes Mark,
I wish I could shout you a stiff drink.
The trick.
This analysis assumes the customer still pays the fixed daily supply charge but avoids all variable peak wholesale and network costs.
Mark from Melbourne
June 25, 2024 9:24 pm
But apart from that, everything is fine, right?
Rippingly well, Sancho!
West Australian senator Fatima Payman will likely avoid expulsion or suspension from the parliamentary Labor Party after defiantly crossing the floor and voting with the Greens against the government’s position on Palestine.
Despite Labor MPs telling The Australian they believed the 28-year-old senator needed to be kicked out or suspended, a government spokeswoman said there was no “mandated sanction”.
Labor MPs said they were hoping Anthony Albanese would call a snap caucus meeting on Wednesday to decide her fate, but a senior party source said the Prime Minister was unlikely to instigate a move to punish her.
Albanese wimps a major issue…
Albo is SUCH A WIMP !
Won’t say I told you … but I told you!
She gets away with it because Muslim. That shows us how the future dealings will go – watch the bastards flood in now.
And just like that decades of unquestioned adherence to the unbreakable rule of comradely party loyalty became meaningless. What a lank squid Albo is.
Dr F at 9:23.
I strongly believe the litigation advice came from someone connected with Tourism Queensssland, who had engaged Young Master Irwin to spruik for Mr Miles.
They thought there would be some mileage for Miles in bashing Pauline.
Turns out, there was nothing in it for Miles, and a fair bit of panel-beating required for Young Master Irwin’s happy-go-lucky Aussie image.
I have no doubt a sensible family lawyer would have advised him to trouser the tourism cash and let the government flunky doing the eggin’ on also do the litigatin’ if they so desire.
KD …
Well, I’m not entirely comfortable.
To close this circle we need the Lying Cheating Houso Ranga to openly accuse the Afghan Hounds of cheating.
At which point, the Terrorists don SBW masks and passing scraps of yellow sandpaper around amongst themselves.
As the USA puts more petrol on the Ukrainian fire. Some advice from the past.(Kissinger and Shultz, 2008)
They need to be using Bush Barbie
H/T Burning Bright.
Mileage varies in the truth community regarding Julian Assange, and whether or not he’s been acting on behalf of patriots in a clandestine manner, or if he simply got tangled up in a self-serving web that resulted in him being caught between an ancient criminal cabal and the most intricate MIL INT operation ever devised.
Here’s the thing: Assange’s intent doesn’t matter. All that matters is what he knows. More so, what the Narrative CLAIMS he knows.
Whatever Assange knows re: Seth Rich, the Clinton Foundation, the DNC and MUCH, much more, patriots already know. Guess what? Patriots also know the 2020 election was stolen, that Covid was a hoax and that Vladimir Putin is NOT going to nuke anyone.
All of which is comforting, but secondary to the War of Stories, in which core truths are being translated and then delivered to the American people through Mind-Movers and cyphers, also known as characters.
For long-time Anons, it’s feeling VERY 2017 lately.
How’s Hillary?
The UK poll tracking suggests that the Tory slump in voting intentions in favour of Reform has slowed.
Broadly this is pointing to a Labour supermajority, a Tory rump behind the LibDems, and Reform with an ineffectual presence in Parliament.
The latest Tory scandal now working through the UK media may shift the dial.
Some interesting gadgets. I like the automatic kitchen.
Around the 3 minute mark.
Little film recommendation for a strange, violent Kiwi offering
Dead lands.
Hint of ” the Northman” and a smidge of Apocolipto and very merciless.
western democracy is getting arrested by eight undercover officers in the audience as you give a speech criticizing immigration policy
Sanchez asked you earlier to explain what you meant by the comment referring to economies of scale in potential new battery technology. You, big fat lesbian, economies of scale has nothing to do with the operation. And as for production, you would be seeing scaling now for existing batteries. You’re such an idiot.
You are far too kind to the idiot.
Take a look at unit costs for home batteries across the last five, ten, twenty years. There have already been massive drops in production costs. This trend will continue like it did for solar PV.
While it is not right to say home battery technology is mature, it’s about to pass from the Matt-Gaetz-wants-your-number phase into maturity very soon.
Germany going nuts again.This time it took them a little longer.
Germany is being punished not only for the war, she is being punished for rejecting Socialism.
Postcard from Tunis
Here in Tunisia using credit cards is difficult. The taxis all use cash only. Uber is unknown but Bolt – a sort of equivalent – is available, but still the drivers, usually taxis, only take cash. At least Bolt gives you a set price. The taxis drivers try to run with the meter off and give you a probable price triple to Bolt.
Used a card in a few places successfully, but very wary of letting it out of my hand since we got about 20 fraudulent transactions from a year ago. Westpac reimbursed. A lot of places are cash, and they have a law you cannot take dinar out of the country, so it’s a bit of a calculation as to how much to exchange in the knowledge you need to spend it all before flying out.
This is very much a country of contrasts. Much of Tunis is Third World: lots of rubbish on the street; poorly surfaced pavements; smells; stray cats. But then you turn a corner and there are clean streets of modern shops, houses and banks. Cannot drink the water, so discarded bottles everywhere. Quite a security presence on the streets. Several times we saw light armed vehicles, and there were plenty of army sentries around.
We went to see the ruins of Carthage, about 20kms from the city centre, and there was a decent multi-lane highway to it. The ruins were very extensive, maybe eight k’s across. The Carthaginians, basically a sort of melded Jewish/Arab/Berber mix, had the ruling empire of the Mediterranean from around 900BC, but the nascent Roman Empire took them on and beat them.
Travelled further south. In the main Tunis railway station where what looked like six plain-clothes police had some people contained in a side-room. After some yelling over 20 minutes the perps emerged handcuffed in pairs – all much darker Africans than the locals. Looked like illegal immigration being contained.
The train system seemed to work ok, but a big rush to get in and even in first class, everyone did not get a seat. Think the train went faster than ours in Australia.
The countryside is very much grassed and generally flat, but with some gentle hills. In some places it looks like the areas around Parkes, NSW. Very dry. No stock to be seen. Lots of olive trees and some grapes. In some areas the prickly pear is used as a fence. Big sheds – presume they may be poultry. Lots of hay being transported south by truck. Nearer the towns sadly you see more rubbish everywhere, and the blue plastic bags everyone uses from the shops have been blown by the wind to end up all around.
Not sure about Tunis at all…now going south to Sousse and beyond…
Very envious of seeing ruins of Carthage. Have never managed to get there.
One of the easiest things to do in Tunis, without the need for a trek further south or inwards.
Must put Tunis and Carthage on the list now, TE. Thanks for the report. Gives us a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you can’t take cash out and over got too much left then head to a jewellery shop. Mrs. TE won’t object to a new ring or even a necklace. You can probably top up the leftovers with a credit card in such a shop too. Win-win.
how that came out like that I don’t know. If you have got too much left over, that’s what it should be.