Skimmed it. Appears that the plea agreement is voided if Assange is convicted of any criminal act in the future. Suggests he can’t go anywhere near Wikileaks again.
Skimmed it. Appears that the plea agreement is voided if Assange is convicted of any criminal act in the future. Suggests he can’t go anywhere near Wikileaks again.
I wonder if they have a couple of spare charges up their sleeve to play if he misbehaves.
Assange is so far out of Oz politics it isn’t funny – my guess is NO CHANCE
June 27, 2024 8:37 pm
The digital revolution and the ability to make videos of ourselves has given us the means to be described for ever more as the dumbest and clumsiest generation ever.
The only question is how much alcohol did it take to do this?
That’s a new keyboard and a large single malt you owe me!
June 27, 2024 8:45 pm
Message for elderly male Cats:
If you are elderly but think you are still spiritedly enough to get up a roof, have a good hard think about it, then another one, then don’t do it.
A 70-year-old retired ex-principal who keeps his hand in doing relief teaching at our kids’ school came a-cropper this afternoon and fell off the roof looking for sports balls. He is in critical condition in hospital. From what I saw of the efforts by the paramedics to revive him, he came close to popping clogs, and isn’t out of the woods yet.
Too many old blokes falling off ladders. Just don’t do it.
It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to rebuild the salubrious Cafe penthouse, which fell off the tree a few weeks ago, when the attachment plate rotted. I’d have to climb up a ladder to do that, and, well, age sucks. Gravity also sucks.
Unions are backing the right of Labor MPs to cross the floor and vote against a caucus position, rebuffing claims that Labor senator Fatima Payman weakened the labour movement by breaking a 130-year-old tradition. Senator Payman joined the Greens this week to vote for Palestine to be recognised as a state, with senior Labor figures including Foreign Minister Penny Wong declaring that the decision of Anthony Albanese not to expel or suspend her showed remarkable “restraint”.
Instead of serving her with an ongoing suspension from caucus, the Prime Minister barred Senator Payman from attending just one scheduled caucus meeting next week, before parliament rises for the winter break.
Former Labor MPs Mike Kelly and Michael Danby both argued Senator Payman should be expelled if she did not bind herself publicly to voting with the party from here on in but CFMEU national secretary Zach Smith admonished those “decrying her stand” on the issue of Palestine.
“Senator Payman’s principled stand on Palestine this week undoubtedly strengthened the labour movement. Any suggestion we are weaker because someone stood up for peace, justice and equality makes no sense,” he said.
“Senator Payman made a hugely courageous decision to take a stand on a conflict that has seen tens of thousands of innocent people die. She is 100 per cent in line with our movement’s values, and true Labor people should be applauding, rather than anonymously decrying her stand.”
“Unmitigated malarkey” are two words that spring to mind.
We are on a slope, that is my main reason when the door knockers spruik- hubby is too old for me to allow him on the roof, will you come by and clean the panels every year?
June 27, 2024 8:49 pm
For M0nty,
It is the 70th year anniversary of the first nuclear reactor since it started operation in the then USSR 5MW, small but it was the first.
AM-1 called “Peace Atom”
It was decommissioned in 2002 after 48 years of trouble free operation, 18 years passed its predicted operational lifespan.
Why do people mention only the accidents, caused mostly by human errors or acts outside human power and not the overwhelming numbers of trouble free reactors?
It’s like the newspapers and car accidents, never the millions who got home safe, but the few who didn’t.
Barrett and Kavanaugh sided with the 3 demorats and said this:
“[W]ithout proof of an ongoing pressure campaign, it is entirely speculative that the platforms’ future moderation decisions will be attributable, even in part, to the defendants,”
Spacechook had admitted it liaised with biden in such matters as the laptop so I don’t know what proof the SC needed.
Anyway that puts paid to the demorat’s argument the SC is Trumpian.
This is idiotic. For decades people have been looking to nootropics for that magical lift and it hasn’t happened. The use of ACHe inhibitors has a very low benefit in Alz even though Ach crashes in Alz. The idea that someone with mild cognitive impairment can be given a cocktail of drugs that will enable him to challenge a self-proclaimed very stable genius is stupid.
The test is dumb because they need to know what to look for. There are so many different drugs that impact on neurotransmitter, growth factors, and genetic activity. Although etanercept might be interesting but that requires an epidural.
The idea that someone with mild cognitive impairment can be given a cocktail of drugs that will enable him to challenge a self-proclaimed very stable genius is stupid.
We know you don’t like Trump which reflects on you not him but saying the perverted corpse has mild cognitive impairment is a bit rich. The later stages of dementia feature:
increased agitation
Which of these does the old bastard not exhibit? I’ll put head prefect’s money on the corrupt old shit being on risperidone or haloperidol.
there’s a lot shit in everybody’s heads at the moment
God save us all
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
— Charles MacKay
Whilst Trump has spent this week on the electoral hustings, the Sniffer has been holed up for days at Camp David ‘preparing for the debate’. I think we can be certain that this ‘preparation’ doesn’t just involve debating practice, it also involves medical intervention.
I think tomorrow we’ll see an unusually alert Sniffer.
The idea that someone with mild cognitive impairment can be given a cocktail of drugs that will enable him to challenge a self-proclaimed very stable genius is stupid.
We know you don’t like Trump which reflects on you not him but saying the perverted corpse has mild cognitive impairment is a bit rich. The later stages of dementia feature:
increased agitation
Which of these does the old bastard not exhibit? I’ll put head prefect’s money on the corrupt old shit being on risperidone or haloperidol.
MCI is more typical because outright dementia would make the SOTU address impossible. I’m not going to quibble over diagnoses with someone who thinks giving a demented person such powerful DRD2 antagonist sedatives is nuts. You don’t know what you are talking about.
John H.
June 28, 2024 12:06 am
June 27, 2024 9:01 pm
John H
Would Adderall offer the pedo any temporary respite for a couple of hours?
At least you’re in the ballpark, a dopamine hit is a good approach but Biden’s cognition has declined so much I doubt it would have any significant benefit and it could do more harm than good. Adderall will boost attention and alertness, it won’t improve his memory but it may have a marginal benefit for working memory. For decades people have been trying to find ways to improve cognition and the results are at best marginal and mostly imaginary. I’d use an entirely different approach and one that would be very difficult to detect with tests.
We can’t redeem broken brains. Drugs at best slow the decline.
At least you ask the question but there are people here who wouldn’t know a D1 and from a D2 and have blindly accepted the proposition that Biden can be given a magic pill and boost is IQ and cognition into the superior range.
Because ‘not being a complete drooling mess’ is the same as “cognition into the superior range”.
Oh come on
June 28, 2024 12:47 am
When Perth woman Laura Jones heard about a new type of mushroom gummy that might help her anxiety, she jumped at what she thought was a natural solution.
“I’ve got young kids. I suffer with anxiety so I thought it would help,” Ms Jones said.
Her husband had seen an advertisement for Uncle Frog mushroom gummies on Facebook and purchased some for the health-conscious couple.
“I’m not one of these Byron Bay hippies that would ever take a hallucinogenic gummy,” she said.
Laura’s husband purchased the gummies online.
“It was a bit strange because it was $50 for eight gummies, so it was quite expensive” she said.
Riiiiiiight. You are willing to scarf down ***MUSHROOM*** ***GUMMIES*** from some company called Uncle ***FROG*** that cost ***$50 for 8*** that you bought ***ONLINE*** and oh no you aren’t one of those hippy types from Byron Bay even though you live in Perth ffs and no one here talks about Byron Bay hippies except perhaps those who know their habits first hand…but of course you have anxiety because you have young children – doesn’t everyone with young children have anxiety, right? Totally normal for someone with anxiety due to their young kids to be running to the internet to buy mushroom gummies from Uncle Frog. No wonder she was surprised when she got something that did what it says on the tin. Just a health-conscious couple buying their non-hallucinogenic gummies at $50 for a pack of 8 and expecting them to be non-hallucinogenic..yeah, okay, totally believe you.
I mean, this sounds like one of those exceedingly rare occasions when purchasers of a presumably legal version of an illegal substance which purports to deliver the benefits of said illegal substance without the whole illegality thing actually does deliver the goods (although maybe overdelivers a tad). I’m sure most of the other purchasers were pleasantly surprised.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, D1?”
“I think that I am, D2!”
I walked past some big boxes on the shelf in Coles the last time I was unfortunate enough to be in Coles- “Depends”, nappies for adults, which Louder With Crowder had edumicated me on.
How has our culture deteriorated so badly, so quickly? This is Fall Of Rome stuff, complete with Pride Badges on the aposematically obese staff and meek customers pecking at the touchscreens like so many battery hens, h/t here.
Wally Dalí
June 28, 2024 12:52 am
Go easy on the poor Perthons, OCO. Not every WIFO can find time to go to Bali between hubby’s swings to get on the ‘shrooms with the Book Group, some have to rely on Uber Edibles.
June 28, 2024 2:47 am
Real jobs and wealth creation seldom comes from government initiative.
It can happen no doubt, there are examples, but few.
Takes an entrepreneur, or someone in a need of a new or different device to do that.
Peterbilt: A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence in Truck Manufacturing
In 1939, Theodore Alfred Peterman, a lumberman and plywood manufacturer from Tacoma, Washington, made a pivotal move that would forever change the landscape of truck manufacturing. Peterman purchased the Oakland division of Fageol Truck and Motor Company from Sterling Motor Co for $50,000.
This acquisition was driven by Peterman’s need to solve his lumber moving problems, which he initially tackled by modifying surplus military trucks.
Peterman’s innovative spirit led to the creation of Peterbilt, a name inspired by a line of wood doors produced at his lumber facilities.
The first Peterbilt trucks were modified Fageol models, and in the same year of the company’s founding, the Model 260 and Model 334 were released. These trucks marked the beginning of a new era in the industry, setting the standard for quality and performance.
Peterbilt quickly established itself as a key player in the truck manufacturing sector. However, the company faced a significant challenge when Peterman passed away unexpectedly in 1944. In a decisive move, his wife Ida sold the rights to produce Peterbilt trucks to the company’s management team in 1947 for $450,000, while retaining the real estate.
This sale ensured that Peterbilt would continue to thrive under new leadership.
Today, Peterbilt is headquartered in Denton, Texas, and has grown into one of the largest truck manufacturers in the world. The company has produced over 750,000 trucks to date, a testament to its enduring legacy of innovation and excellence. Peterbilt trucks are renowned for their durability, advanced engineering, and driver-centric design, making them a favorite among trucking professionals globally.
From its humble beginnings with Theodore Alfred Peterman’s vision to its current status as a global leader in truck manufacturing, Peterbilt’s journey is a remarkable story of determination, innovation, and success. The company’s commitment to quality and its ability to adapt to changing market needs have solidified its reputation as a pioneer in the trucking industry.
June 28, 2024 2:57 am
Have been seeing plenty of references to Tucker Carlson in the Clive Palmer Freedom conference but no mentions or pictures of the other speakers Dinesh D Souza and Dr Melissa McCann who is leading the Vaccine Injury Class Action.
Any Cats go to any of the events ?
Looking through the story the photo of mum and child, I see the mother almost in tears as she faces the loss of her child and huge smile on the face of the child probably not understanding her plight but happy to be alive. Heartbreaking. But hey lets give millions to effin mooslimes in gaza to build rockets to fire into Israel. You know it makes sense to the far left.
June 28, 2024 6:44 am
Thanks Tom, Leak is as essential as the cup of coffee I’ve just had. Hard to tell which bit is best, the hat or the Y fronts, but maybe its everything, the complete package or in Luigi’s case no package. Bet he hates it.
On London streets leftist and Muslim scum scream ‘obliterate the Jews’ whilst UK Law enforcement do nothing, in fact some Plod will argue about ‘context’.
At a UK school a 12 year old Jewish boy will mouth how he wants to ‘obliterate Hamas’ and UK Law enforcement will visit the boy’s home to talk to the boy.
The UK is no longer a ‘crown’, it’s a ‘clown’. And the above is a classic example as to why, after fourteen years of so called useless, craven, supine and cowardly Conservative governments, the Tories will find themselves ‘obliterated’ into dust.
Saw the oncologist yesterday and best news I could have got under the circumstances .. so fairly happy ..!
PET results in & Cancer is in the early stages, hasn’t spread and benign, at the moment and cos the Prostate is on it’s last legs he agrees with the urologist that my best option is a double whammy .. both out at the same time ..
My choice, of course, but as I was hoping for the non-spread result to deal with it all at once .. Great! ..
would have preferred to be without either problem but ……. duuuuuuh! ….
Also if I come thru it I am, apparently, joining a unique club I’d rather not have been eligible for …… surviving two different types of Cancer …..
Urologist next Tuesday and then, hopefully, the next step getz a date ..!
Best wishes for a full recovery Shatterzzz. I have a relative who has survived two entirely different cancers, twenty years apart. Ten years since the last cancer encounter.
It’s certainly possible
Sometimes I’m happy to be poor .. I don’t have a “super” problem cos cashed it in years before I retired to fund one of my kids, who needed a non medicare covered operation …
?Anywayz, these folks who whinge and whine when they get their “super” ripped off .. It ain’t someone else’s fault it’s yours .. FFS!
?No one , but, no one promises/gives you lotza money for nuttin’ .. there is alwayz a catch but, of course, GREED rears it ugly head .. you jump down its throat and ..! it’s someone else’s fault isn’t it .. !
June 28, 2024 7:15 am
…the Tories will find themselves ‘obliterated’ into dust.
To be replaced by something much worse.
One of Starmer’s key policies is to revoke tax exemptions on private schools (i.e. mostly independent Christian schools) and apply the 20% VAT to school fees.
Meanwhile, Britian’s peak Muslim lobby has issued an election manifesto calling for increased funding for their schools.
I work with some fairly ‘woke’ and progressive youngsters, that is young men and women in their mid to late 20s and early 30s. I’ll caveat this by saying that the young women are usually much more woke than the young men. I’ve noticed how it is almost always young women who put their pronouns in their sign offs, it isn’t young men. Yesterday we discussed Julian Assange. Now, I don’t usually like talking politics at work, it’s way too contentious. I think our grandparents had the right attitude, politics and religion are best not spoken in the workplace, it’s too fraught. But yesterday, with some circumspection, I did offer my two bob’s worth, and I was very surprised to hear that these young men and women don’t think much of Assange Listening to them speak yesterday, it is clear they don’t regard Julian Assange as a hero or a journalist, which is good because Assange is neither. They were also aware that Wikileaks’ dumping of data had compromised the national security of various countries and people had died because of it.
If the Trot thinks freeing Assange will win him a few votes, he’s mistaken, because any gloss from this will have faded by tomorrow.
I reminded them how, back in 2016, it was a Wikileaks dump that helped Donald Trump. One of the young men agreed with me, and then this morphed into a discussion about ‘will Trump win in November’. And this surprised me even more, these young men and women, no lovers of Donald Trump, said he will win the election bigtime. Whilst they hate Donald Trump, they also hate Joe Biden. I was staggered because not even I am sure he will win bigtime in November.
He then predicted what a grim future would look like for the Greens – veering wildly off-message to claim Labor will think it can ‘get away with bombing Gaza if his party doesn’t win.
Bloody hell! .. If Labor bombed Gaza we’d end up at war with Israel cos you can bet yer bottom dollar they’d miss Gaza & hit Israel .. FFS!
I hope President Trump has been practicing ‘gotcha’ words and phrases to make the Old Pedo unmask himself with a rage attack.
If the Left plays dirty, so should we.
I am staggered to hear that Matt Canavan is a huge supporter of Assange. What is he thinking ?? Does my head in as I thought Matt was a great patriot & a very clear thinker.
Regarding giving in to Muslims leading to further demands, no shit sherlock!
Via Michael Smith comes this great clip of how an Indian Policeman deals with the scum.
MCI is more typical because outright dementia would make the SOTU address impossible. I’m not going to quibble over diagnoses with someone who thinks giving a demented person such powerful DRD2 antagonist sedatives is nuts. You don’t know what you are talking about.
I agree its nuts and I may not know what I’m talking about but if you think the demorats won’t do anything to keep Trump out of the WH then you are a special type of naive.
June 28, 2024 8:07 am
Some people need investigating into their past treatment of animals in their care. Things like this DO NOT happen in isolation.
An abusive dog breeder from Cornwall must pay out £1,426 after being caught on camera kicking a dog as she was quietly nursing her newborn puppies.
Sharon Jeannine Gladwell, of Mount Pleasant, Hayle, was reported to the RSPCA by a member of the public last July for kicking and hitting a dog temporarily in her care.
I hope the RSPCA are following up that fine – inadequate at least – with unannounced inspections and, if not up to scratch, loss of breeders licence.
Actually, I feel quite sorry for the dog – she’s lost her 8 puppies and will be quite distressed when her owner gets her back.
June 28, 2024 8:11 am
They were also aware that Wikileaks’ dumping of data had compromised the national security of various countries and people had died because of it.
Not according to the US judge at the hearing on his way home.
June 28, 2024 8:11 am
BP pauses offshore wind to focus on fossil fuels after investor backlash
I am staggered to hear that Matt Canavan is a huge supporter of Assange. What is he thinking ?? Does my head in as I thought Matt was a great patriot & a very clear thinker.
Clearly he thinks better than you who has bought into the GAE bullshit.
June 28, 2024 8:24 am
Mmm…I’ll just leave this here:
Australians should celebrate the return of Assange
Gabriël A Moens AM and Augusto Zimmermann
The Spectator Australia 28 June 2024
The return of Julian Assange to Australia has undoubtedly been the dominant news item during the last couple of days. In the pages of The Spectator Australia, Alexandra Marshall repeatedly intimated that the Assange matter has divided Australia’s conservatives. Commenting on her opinion, we have contributed a piece in which we argue that this matter should not divide conservatives because Assange’s release is a victory for freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and more importantly, is instrumental in reminding people of the dangers posed by uncontrolled governmental power to embark on secret and dangerous missions.
Following Assange’s return to Australia, Terry Barnes, in a brutal article in this publication, lambasted Assange’s release from prison in which he refers to him as a ‘convicted spy’. Relevantly, he contends that, ‘For every Australian politician, journalist and activist who hail Assange as a hero of press freedom and a shiner of light on the less savoury doings of Western governments, militaries, and security services, there are many more who shudder with revulsion at the very thought of him and his actions.’ In support of his view, he quotes frontbench opposition MP, Jane Hume, who demonised Assange for recklessly releasing ‘information that put counterintelligence and intelligence communities at risk’. In short, Barnes is clearly of the view that Assange is a disgrace to Australia and a criminal convicted of a felony. As an aside, he also criticises the Albanese government for chartering a private plane to bring Assange back to Australia, accompanied by the former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and the High Commissioner of Australia to the United Kingdom, Stephen Smith.
We are convinced, however, that many conservatives will not appreciate Barnes’ article. But others, of course, will welcome it as an accurate assessment of the sort of ‘criminal activity’ which needs to be punished appropriately.
In vilifying the release of Assange, commentators appear to not really understand the dangers that governments pose to freedom of speech. Of course, it is not exceptional that a commonly used concept is misunderstood by a great number of people. One of the reasons for the existence of this phenomenon lies in the reluctance on the part of people to critically examine the consequences of the dilution of certain fundamental freedoms. Despite the voluminous nature of the relevant literature, few attempts have been made to stress the importance of freedom of speech for a healthy society based on the ideal of legality known as ‘the rule of law’. Dinesh D’Souza put it well when he said that a society ‘that was once dedicated to maximum freedom of mind and conscience now finds itself struggling to guarantee the minimum freedom insisted on by the law’. Although his comments specifically deal with the demonising of free speech on university campuses, his comments could easily be extrapolated to society as a whole.
Free speech implies one’s ability to express opinions without fear of reprisal. The ancient Greeks believed that only slaves could not speak freely. Ever since, free speech has been historically acknowledged as a fundamental right of every free individual, which works as a mechanism to avoid the concentration of power in the hands of a few. Of course, members of the ruling elite, including those working in intelligence gathering, have a personal stake in preserving the benefits associated with their status. These privileged individuals may attempt to do so by suppressing the manifestation of any reasonable political dissent and, accordingly, by resisting the publication of ‘sensitive’ or ‘incriminating’ materials, which are deemed to be detrimental to their accumulation of more power and control. In short, they may aspire to suppress any speech or the release of information that might be construed as a threat to their hegemonic power.
Since the exercise of free speech naturally threatens the established order, as it risks exposing the agenda of certain privileged groups, the focus of authorities may not be necessarily on protecting the speech of everyone but only that of a few selected individuals, or powerful bureaucracies. It is not difficult, therefore, to understand why the ruling elite may desire to reduce any threat to the dominating discourse. Free speech may cause embarrassment to such privileged groups when any particular agenda is advanced that is objectively contrary to the best interests of society at large. To preserve their vested interests, the ruling elite may be tempted to abrogate free speech. This temptation is motivated, not by a desire to improve our social condition, or to advance the common good, but to obtain undue advantages and consolidate the power of those who control the official narrative.
A truly democratic society is the one which necessarily acknowledges the concept of popular sovereignty. To exercise their sovereign power, Australians must be free to communicate about government and political matters and to expose any governmental shenanigans, fully and frankly. Accordingly, no Australian Parliament should ever be constitutionally authorised to introduce any legislation, including espionage legislation, which prevents the sovereign people of Australia from freely expressing their political views and to publish their findings, as this is just not compatible with the value of a democratic society of free individuals.
Returning to the Assange matter, he is the co-founder of WikiLeaks, which was awarded the Walkley Award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism in 2011, an annual prize to reward excellence in Australian journalism, in recognition of the impact of WikiLeaks’ actions on public interest journalism by assisting whistle-blowers to tell their stories. His legal battle began in 2010, when WikiLeaks disclosed confidential military files from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack by American forces in Iraq that killed 11 innocent civilians, including two Reuters journalists. As admitted by the United States, not a single life has been lost because of the release of the now notorious documents published by Wikileaks.
Assange released via WikiLeaks 391,832 documents, incriminating America’s involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, on the internet. As mentioned above, this included abuses by American soldiers and a video of an American helicopter attack in Iraq on suspected militants, who were unarmed civilians and journalists. The files, posted to the internet, were acquired by Chelsea Manning, an Army private, and handed over to WikiLeaks. Manning served seven years in jail but granted amnesty by President Barack Obama in 2017. Yet, the WikiLeaks’s publisher, Julian Assange, who himself did not appropriate these documents, remained languishing in jail.
What is particularly important to consider is that, thus far, no one has suggested that the authorities in the United States had a duty to ensure that their secret and sensitive information was securely stored. In not securing the information, the authorities in effect committed a transgression themselves by inviting more competent investigative journalists and publishers (and yes, also, thieves) to obtain the information for the purpose of exposing crimes committed by the government.
It is quite important here to remind our readers about his awful ordeal. Assange first fled to the Ecuadorean Embassy in June 2012 to avoid capture and extradition to Sweden where he had been accused of sexual assault – a charge since dropped by the Swedish authorities. Assange was evicted from the Embassy in April 2019, and he was then held in the UK’s notorious Belmarsh prison, fighting extradition to the United States where he could have spent up to 175 years in jail for computer hacking and espionage. During the extradition hearings, representatives of the United States argued that the publication of the documents endangered the lives of people, especially those who collaborated with the American military.
For years, people across the globe called for Assange to be returned to his native country Australia. Detained for the past eleven years in the UK, psychologically damaged and isolated in a maximum-security jail for the past two-and-a-half years, it is quite clear that Assange suffered enough. His quest to be released was constantly in the news, thereby reminding people of the importance of free speech in the maintenance of a free, democratic society. Of course, US prosecution of Julian Assange on espionage charges for acts of journalism intensified the chilling effect on global media, leading journalists to self-censor from fear of prosecution.
If there is one thing these last four years have taught us is that we should never trust government authorities to hide information from the public. In Australia, and elsewhere, we have already embarked on this perilous journey with the adoption of anti-vilification legislation, hate speech legislation, disinformation and misinformation laws, laws penalising even prayer in the vicinity of abortion clinics, banning any criticism of prohibition of conversion legislation, ostracising religious expression in the public forum, and so on. The list is endless.
Terry Barnes undoubtedly is correct to assume that, like the Hon Jane Human MP, many Australians will be ‘revolted’ by Julian Assange’s return. As for us, we proudly stand for freedom and celebrate Assange’s return. Indeed, we strongly believe that it was entirely appropriate for the US government to drop all these charges against Assange and allow him to return to Australia. We can only hope that the controversy about his release will become a constant reminder of the need to protect whistle-blowers, willing to disclose corruption and dastardly dealings in society.
Gabriël A. Moens AM is an emeritus professor of law at the University of Queensland and served as pro vice-chancellor and dean at Murdoch University.
Augusto Zimmermann is professor and head of law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education and served as associate dean at Murdoch University. He is also a former commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia.
I particularly respect the opinion of Augusta Zimmermann on most issues. This is not one of them. I think it will be a tragedy is someone like Assange further fractures a society that is already under pressure in this country in respect to many issues. Conservatism, especially, is an endangered philosophy. It does not need further fissures.
Tolerance (to a point) is also a conservative virtue, Vicki.
Unlike the Left, conservatives don’t need to present a united front on every issue; there is room for argument, principled disagreement and tolerance.
As for Assange, I don’t think he’s a hero and I don’t
“celebrate” his return. However, I believe he has “served his time” and that’s the end of the matter.
There is a place for breaking the law for the sake of conscience and the greater good, provided one accepts there will be a penalty. To the extent that Assange seemed to believe he was exempt from penalty, he was either naive or narcissistic – take your pick.
Moens & Zimmerman make excellent points about free speech. I suspect most Australians don’t realise how severely curtailed free speech is in this country. That’s the context for the above piece.
He brought it all on himself by avoiding the Swedish charges .. He used the excuse that USA is out to get me .. Maybe true but so what ..? .. He still thumbed his nose and fled legitimate charges .. No different to anyone who skips bail or goes on the lam …….
Notice not too much mention of the fact that if he returns to his “old wayz” the “get out of gaol free” card is revoked …….!
The Swedish allegation was very likely confected. So what you say? Because lawfare is only used against regime enemies. It’s one of the most useful arrows in their quiver.
Judge ye the man by his enemies. Assange was treated appallingly, just like under the old communism, just like we could all be treated if people like him didn’t pull back the curtain.
This is just like the female “ journalist” who challenged Tucker in the second half of the video posted yesterday. If you ever swatted a fly on the windowsill, you must have committed genocide.
Call me pedantic, but I still bristle when media outlets use the word ‘killed’ instead of ‘murdered.’ The former is a non-emotional word and can imply that the death was unintentional, such as an accident, a natural disaster, etc. It also implies that there was no intent; no planning. This is a means by which the media reduces the heinous nature of the crime, despite still (grudgingly) acknowledging h@m@s’s responsibility. They may as well have written ‘some members of h@m@s were present in the vicinity of the Nova Festival when a number of humans mysteriously died.’
I LOATHE the majority of the feral media.
June 28, 2024 8:45 am
This is what the lunatics dream of and would happily sacrifice us all for.
I expect that the outcome of the Presidential debate will be that Biden supporters will claim he won (and, doubtless, the MSM), and Trump supporters will claim he won.
I don’t think anyone is actually a Biden supporter, they are just implacably opposed to Trump and Biden is not-Trump. Well, there is a small class of grifters who want Biden to win because they have positioned themselves to feed directly from the rotting carcass of Biden’s administration, but it is only family members and close conspirators who need it to be Biden and not some other Democrat leader.
I personally prefer the idea of Biden surviving to the extent that the Dem’s feel they can’t replace him. I want the Democrat leader to go to the election with all that baggage – all the personal, moral, administrative, and constitutional failings of which Biden is the very quintessence. The sight of that mumbling, shambling, crumbling husk is enough to infuriate any goodly burgher.
Bringing in a cleanskin who makes new ‘promises’ and says they will now clean up problems Joe has obstinately allowed to fester might actually appeal to some people who are voting Trump because he is not Biden.
I hope BobTheBuilder is right and that Trump makes a point of focussing on Biden’s prickliness – when Biden is hopped up on his meds he gets very nasty. He was never a clever man, but his dotage has taken away any check on his temper. He repeats the old discredited lies like saying dead servicemen and women are ‘suckers and losers’ with abrupt flashes of anger (and also overlooking the truth of how he has treated troops). He finishes off such claims with a squinty-eyed “How dare he? How dare he?” Or the lie about Charlottesville, now recognised as a lie even by woefully partisan Snopes.
Perhaps even mention how his own criminality is now known to the public thanks to his ratfink drug-forked son.
While Biden supporters will claim that Biden is merely shaking with righteous anger at the outrages levelled at him, Trump supporters will enjoy watching Orange Hitler playing with the mean creep like a cat toying with a mouse.
A good analysis. It would be better if Biden stays on rather than a Newsome or even one of the faux females from the demorats like shrillary or obama’s hubbie taking his place. I feel Trump has to focus on the myriad successes of his term as POTUS while calmly rebutting the lies the biden will cough up. It should be interesting. Despite John H’s conclusion above that the old pervert only has MCI I think based on the medical advice of my son, that biden is in the late stages of dementia and if the drugs/hypnosis/conditioning wears off then it’s gonna be a horror show.
I hope BobTheBuilder… BobtheBoozer please Mother Load. It comes not from my drinking expertise, but from a T shirt with a sozzled, beer gutted, cartoon character. I was walking with the child bride in a Colesworth and a little boy looked at me and asked – pointing at my Tshirt – “Are you REALLY Bob The Builder?” His mum said “NO. It’s just a funny shirt”. “Drat,” I said. “I would have given him my autograph.”
John Langoulant: Agent General spends more than $120,000 on travel last year, including six weeks in PerthDylan CapornThe West Australian
Fri, 28 June 2024 2:00AM
WA’s high-flying man in London, John Langoulant, had taxpayers pay more than $120,000 for international travel last year, including a business class airfare to Perth for a month.
Analysis of travel reports show Mr Langoulant — the only senior overseas bureaucrat entitled to business class — wracked up a travel bill of more than $124,000 — including two flights to Perth.
Despite taxpayers forking out more than $300,000 in rental assistance for a London apartment, the Agent-General billed taxpayers for a $17,000 business class flight to Perth for the month-long reprieve from England’s bitter winter in November and December.
A Departmental spokesman said the figure was in accordance with relevant guidelines and processes.
All animals are equal, it’s just that some are more equal then others…
2 The very fine people hoax where Snopes after 7 years finally admitted it was crap noting this was said by biden, when he was sane, as the reason he ran against Trump
When the old turd also brings up Jan 6 and the 34 convictions Trump should also have ready but steady replies such as I told people to be peaceful and offered the National Guard. I did my bit. And in regard to the 34 offences he should say there was only one and that he will appeal it because he believes in the rule of law.
They were also aware that Wikileaks’ dumping of data had compromised the national security of various countries and people had died because of it
Cass – a certain blogger profoundly disagrees with this observation.
The assange imbroglio has certainly left me feeling rather conflicted. The guy is a detestable narcissistic nobody who suddenly found himself way out of his depth after engaging in an act of foolhardy bravado that he presumed would have no adverse consequences. Languishing in a broom closet in a banana republic’s Londinium embassy for a decade was cruel and unusual punishment, even for a vainglorious idiot like assange – yet it struck me as a quite fitting consequence of his actions.
However, I stopped giving a rodent’s backside many years ago about the “security concerns” of stupid evil incompetent and utterly destructive western governments and the lackeys in their employ. If assange did embarrass preposterous warmongering turkeys like the Bushes and Shrillary, then that redeems him somewhat in view.
Anyway, if the clown knows what’s good for him, he’ll shut up, adopt a low profile and hope that he doesn’t end up being Arkancided any time soon. I for one would be very happy if I never read or heard anything about the idiot ever again in my life.
As for knobheads like albansleazy and ruff attempting to bask in some reflected glory from assange’s release, give me a break.
If we were to do a quick survey of the man in the street on their opinion of Assange, 90% would say “Who gives a shit?”
Sancho Panzer
June 28, 2024 9:12 am
Good luck with the phosphate problem Shatterzzz.
June 28, 2024 9:14 am
Maybe I should post this (edited) reply to Vicki in the main section:
I don’t think Assange is a hero and I don’t “celebrate” his return. However, I believe he has “served his time” and that’s the end of the matter.
There is a place for breaking the law for the sake of conscience and the greater good, provided one accepts there will be a penalty. To the extent that Assange seemed to believe he was exempt from penalty, he was either naive or narcissistic – or both, some will aver.
Moens & Zimmerman make excellent points about free speech. I suspect most Australians don’t realise how severely curtailed free speech is in this country. That’s the context for their above piece.
My 2c on Assange. I share his concerns about the US justice system.
Farmer Gez
June 28, 2024 9:22 am
Most thirty years olds and under really have little knowledge or interest in Assange. Like the military actions in question, it’s relegated to history in their minds.
I’ve asked youngsters in my circle and it just doesn’t rate as an issue. Their media feeds won’t be featuring the pasty messiah.
It is being attributed to the Trump campaign but I think it was actually produced by a person called Jimmy Fallia, who is a radio host. There is no reference at the end to it being a part of the Trump campaign, at least.
its only connection to Trump, is that it is on Truth Social. I linked to it earlier.
Bloody hilarious. Doesn’t hurt to link again, in case any Cats missed it upthread. Cheers.
Mother Lode
June 28, 2024 9:29 am
The Beanie reckons Trump should exploit the mic-muting thing in the debate. When his mic is muted he can say things to needle Biden that only he will hear.
At home people will see Biden launch into a prepared response and suddenly turn to Trump and angrily shout, with uncontrolled rage, fragments of unrelated sentences.
If this workz out it’ll leave Macaroon with 2 years as a “lame duck” prez ..
The prez of France does make the major decisions but he has to get a French parliamentary majority to enforce them ……
“…the average leftist is a deeply insincere humanitarian who cares about others only as a vehicle for developing an identity and asserting it on a public stage.”
Daniel Greenfield
Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism
(see cohenite’s link above.)
I think this is spot on.
I’ve written before about how David Riesman’s description of the other-directed personality type (The Lonely Crowd, 1950) predicted the progressive leftist.
This explains, I believe, why so much prog-left activism – from throwing paint on artworks to gluing oneself to a busy road – is performative (and always filmed). The goal is not so much to effect change, but to be seen to be calling for change. The reward is basking in the admiration of their prog-left peers, which validates their pitiful existence in a one-dimensional world with no future but also no past and hence no tradition from which an identity is received.
Last edited 7 months ago by Roger
June 28, 2024 9:46 am
US Presidential debate is on a couple of FTA channels (Nein and Ten) at 11 am.
June 28, 2024 9:49 am
Liberty quote:
Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism
House That! Ben Wyatt moving on from Nedlands mansion only a couple of years after buying it for $3.69m Kim MacdonaldThe West Australian
Fri, 28 June 2024
Former State treasurer Ben Wyatt must have got used to a week being a long time back when he was in politics, considering he is selling his Nedlands home only two years after buying it.
The first two years at a new home feels like the honeymoon stage for most buyers, but Wyatt is already set to move on, seeking offers on the four-bedroom home he bought for $3.69 million home in May 2022.
It is a surprising move given it took him a year to find the home after an exhaustive search across Perth.
House That! does not know if he, wife Vivianne and their children are preparing to move on to bigger and better things, or seeking to downsize from the four-bedroom property.
Today’s Labor Party – living in mansions for the good of the working class – it’s a long way from Ben Chifely’s Bathurst cottage..
THANX to everyone over their well wishes about my health issues ..
When I was 3 years old a gypsy fortune teller told me I’d be around for my 82nd birthday .. so still, at least, 6 years left ..!
Unfortunately, she never mentioned what condition I would be in ……. LOL!
Interesting insight #1: the UK media as active player in the political imbroglio.
The actual ‘racist’ comment in question:
Mr Parker, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News, said: “I’ve always been a Tory voter. But what annoys me is that f****** p*** we’ve got in. What good is he? You tell me, you know. He’s just wet. F****** useless”.
Technical note: f****** p*** = forking prick.
In febrile UK public culture, any accusation of racism is an absolutely red hot, bite the carpet, call the police (literally), moral panic, trigger issue.
This is happening in the UK, wobbling around on the brink of street riots, where high profile police involvement in identity politics and racism is a front and centre daily issue.
Still a lot of “football” brawling gangs out there .. “insight #2” will definitely appeal to them ……
I actually like it .. brings out the “houso” in me .. LOL!
Some might aver that if Nigel’s party had a branch structure beyond head office knuckleheads potentially problematic candidates like this would be weeded out in the selection process.
Even if Labor successfully reins in the rapidly growing $42 billion social program, it will still overtake the pension in terms of cost within a decade, according to projections by the independent budget watchdog, published on Thursday.
… Outside the NDIS, the fastest-growing expense over the next decade will be debt interest payments, which are projected to increase to 1.3 per cent of gross domestic product by 2034-35, up from 0.9 per cent
THANX to everyone over their well wishes about my health issues ..
When I was 3 years old a gypsy fortune teller told me I’d be around for my 82nd birthday .. so still, at least, 6 years left ..!
Unfortunately, she never mentioned what condition I would be in ……. LOL!
Very few of us get to the finish line without a few dented panels and a bit of paint off.
June 28, 2024 10:57 am
This morning’s presidential debate telecast on Sky News Australia is being hosted by Fluffy Analise Nielsen and Laura Jayes — the twin Karens that male daytime Sky unwatchable. FMD.
June 28, 2024 10:59 am
US presidential debate is about to start.
Time to make the popcorn!
Barking Toad
June 28, 2024 11:06 am
Dementia Joe up first – incoherent.
The Donald can be understood.
June 28, 2024 11:09 am
Trump’s strategy is correct: let Biden speak. Biden sounds like a nervous wannabe, not the White House incumbent.
June 28, 2024 11:11 am
I can’t believe Biden brought up Afghanistan like it was a win for him
June 28, 2024 11:11 am
Queer and Atrophied Reborn.
Thank you in advance to those about to suffer psychological distress so the rest of us don’t have to.
Dr Faustus
June 28, 2024 11:13 am
If Biden has been jacked up with pharmaceuticals, the net result is a convincing image of an old sick man, struggling to stay upright and awake.
June 28, 2024 11:20 am
Now Biden brings up a girl raped by an illegal immigrant to try and make a case for abortion?
Who prepped this guy?
Dr Faustus
June 28, 2024 11:21 am
Biden on tax reform:
“…we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with… Look, if – we finally beat Medicare.”
Trump sounded silly when he described the US southern border as the “most dangerous place in the word”. Really? Not eastern Ukraine? Not the favelas of Rio de Janeiro?
He does himself no favours when he spouts superlatives off the cuff like that.
The contempt the current elite have for the average punter is off the charts if they’re prepared to stand Biden for reelection. Just incredible. Until there is a circulation of elites, though, nothing will change.
just like all the old soviet ‘Leaders’ the party wheeled out – just an empty suit and the real powerbrokers behind the scenes like it that way
Dr Faustus
June 28, 2024 11:36 am
At least Biden stopped short of formally declaring war on Russia. Tough shit for Poland and the NATO countries though; Putin’s coming for them. That’s why we’re strong.
June 28, 2024 11:36 am
Trump sounded silly when he described the US southern border as the “most dangerous place in the word”. Really? Not eastern Ukraine? Not the favelas of Rio de Janeiro? For the US, with all the ramifications it is. Ukraine, Brazil don’t even rate.
Dover is right. Especially after today, it is beyond belief that the DNC will continue with the Biden candidacy.
That tells me the DNC strategy is simply to double down on the electoral cheating.
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 28, 2024 11:43 am
“No major war in Europe has ever been able to be contained to just Europe” – Biden.
Sounded like a fair point. And relevant to Trump’s remark about USA being separated by an ocean. Joe’s on some good drugs today.
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 28, 2024 11:50 am
Oh ffs, Joe bringing up the Charlottesville “fine people on both sides” quote again. It’s busted.
June 28, 2024 11:51 am
Anyone here reckon Biden is wearing a very well hidden ear piece?
Suggest that the reason microphones are muted is that Biden is receiving messages during his muting and there would have been risk of hearing this if mic was on.
Biden appears to be attempting to recite a word salad of DNC talking points about Trump, who, as you know, is Literally Hitler. Monty will be along shortly to attempt a translation.
Wally Dali
June 28, 2024 11:55 am
Tom, don’t underestimate Annaleise Nielsen like Albanese did….
June 28, 2024 11:57 am
He’s starting to mumble! The I Pad on his podium is confusing him also.
A rerun of the 2020 election debate on offer.
I think a lot of people would switch off. It’s only highlighted the desperate need for new blood on both sides.
Barking Toad
June 28, 2024 12:01 pm
Dementia Joe………”we created thousands of millions of jobs….”
Just watching the debate in the background: biden is pathetic; he has been rehearsed to an inch of his IQ of 25 and you can see the conditioning ooze out of the old bastard; they have anticipated most of the responses. I like the way Trump looks at him: like a controlled cat looking at a sick rat.
June 28, 2024 12:03 pm
Excellent deflection on the ridiculous Climate Action question.
Go the Donald!
Just turned on the debate. Trump is ignoring questions and delivering a stream of pathetic lies. Biden sounds quiet and passive. So I guess it’s a wash.
Trump was asked question on childcare and didn’t answer it. Preferred to fight over the “worst president ever” award. Probably strategic as the POTUS is decided at least as much by personality as policy, and the accusation was taken as a personal insult.
Childcare doesn’t even make the top 20 concerns of US voters according to the polls. It was a lame question obviously meant to put Trump on the spot in front of the mom voter demographic.
Since when is it the governments job to look after children … thats for the parents
June 28, 2024 12:20 pm
Gotta feel for poor old Jake Tapper. He keeps asking these substantial questions on important issues. Trump faffs on about everything except the subject of the question. Biden gives stock standard answers in a low mumble.
The age issue! It’s a direct question.
Joe deflects and talks about the achievements of his administration.
Instead, Trump addresses the issue about himself directly.
Oh last minute save. Joe had a golf handicap of 6 when VP. Well it’s something.
June 28, 2024 12:28 pm
Best comment on X:
ok if you don’t live in the US, please turn the debate off. This is our private family humiliation, and we’d all prefer you not stare.
Thanks John
Skimmed it. Appears that the plea agreement is voided if Assange is convicted of any criminal act in the future. Suggests he can’t go anywhere near Wikileaks again.
Jessica Fletcher would be horrified – Good heavens – what has happened to the state of Maine?
File under – You learn something new everyday
Not just lobster rolls.
Do not want to know.
June 27, 2024 8:15 pm
Thanks John
I wonder if they have a couple of spare charges up their sleeve to play if he misbehaves.
Just a hunch he’s going to try and move into politics.
Assange is so far out of Oz politics it isn’t funny – my guess is NO CHANCE
The digital revolution and the ability to make videos of ourselves has given us the means to be described for ever more as the dumbest and clumsiest generation ever.
The only question is how much alcohol did it take to do this?
That’s a new keyboard and a large single malt you owe me!
Message for elderly male Cats:
If you are elderly but think you are still spiritedly enough to get up a roof, have a good hard think about it, then another one, then don’t do it.
A 70-year-old retired ex-principal who keeps his hand in doing relief teaching at our kids’ school came a-cropper this afternoon and fell off the roof looking for sports balls. He is in critical condition in hospital. From what I saw of the efforts by the paramedics to revive him, he came close to popping clogs, and isn’t out of the woods yet.
Too many old blokes falling off ladders. Just don’t do it.
You’re safe then. You couldn’t climb up one to start with.
Bummer, sad to hear that Monty.
It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to rebuild the salubrious Cafe penthouse, which fell off the tree a few weeks ago, when the attachment plate rotted. I’d have to climb up a ladder to do that, and, well, age sucks. Gravity also sucks.
That would also apply to fatsos, Fatboy.
Fatima Payman has ‘strengthened’ Labor movement: unionsSarah Ison
35 minutes ago
Unions are backing the right of Labor MPs to cross the floor and vote against a caucus position, rebuffing claims that Labor senator Fatima Payman weakened the labour movement by breaking a 130-year-old tradition.
Senator Payman joined the Greens this week to vote for Palestine to be recognised as a state, with senior Labor figures including Foreign Minister Penny Wong declaring that the decision of Anthony Albanese not to expel or suspend her showed remarkable “restraint”.
Instead of serving her with an ongoing suspension from caucus, the Prime Minister barred Senator Payman from attending just one scheduled caucus meeting next week, before parliament rises for the winter break.
Former Labor MPs Mike Kelly and Michael Danby both argued Senator Payman should be expelled if she did not bind herself publicly to voting with the party from here on in but CFMEU national secretary Zach Smith admonished those “decrying her stand” on the issue of Palestine.
“Senator Payman’s principled stand on Palestine this week undoubtedly strengthened the labour movement. Any suggestion we are weaker because someone stood up for peace, justice and equality makes no sense,” he said.
“Senator Payman made a hugely courageous decision to take a stand on a conflict that has seen tens of thousands of innocent people die. She is 100 per cent in line with our movement’s values, and true Labor people should be applauding, rather than anonymously decrying her stand.”
“Unmitigated malarkey” are two words that spring to mind.
So rooftop solar is a killer, eh, m0nster?
Maybe he climbs up on the roof to clean his solar panels?
We are on a slope, that is my main reason when the door knockers spruik- hubby is too old for me to allow him on the roof, will you come by and clean the panels every year?
For M0nty,
It is the 70th year anniversary of the first nuclear reactor since it started operation in the then USSR 5MW, small but it was the first.
AM-1 called “Peace Atom”
It was decommissioned in 2002 after 48 years of trouble free operation, 18 years passed its predicted operational lifespan.
Why do people mention only the accidents, caused mostly by human errors or acts outside human power and not the overwhelming numbers of trouble free reactors?
It’s like the newspapers and car accidents, never the millions who got home safe, but the few who didn’t.
Supreme Court rejects challenge to Biden admin’s censorship collusion with Big Tech – LifeSite (
Barrett and Kavanaugh sided with the 3 demorats and said this:
“[W]ithout proof of an ongoing pressure campaign, it is entirely speculative that the platforms’ future moderation decisions will be attributable, even in part, to the defendants,”
Spacechook had admitted it liaised with biden in such matters as the laptop so I don’t know what proof the SC needed.
Anyway that puts paid to the demorat’s argument the SC is Trumpian.
Donald Trump DEMANDS ‘crooked’ Joe Biden take a drug test before the presidential debate: ‘I would also immediately agree to one’ | Daily Mail Online
This is idiotic. For decades people have been looking to nootropics for that magical lift and it hasn’t happened. The use of ACHe inhibitors has a very low benefit in Alz even though Ach crashes in Alz. The idea that someone with mild cognitive impairment can be given a cocktail of drugs that will enable him to challenge a self-proclaimed very stable genius is stupid.
The test is dumb because they need to know what to look for. There are so many different drugs that impact on neurotransmitter, growth factors, and genetic activity. Although etanercept might be interesting but that requires an epidural.
Its like lawfare – the demand deprives the enemy of the initiative.
lol. We both know what you are.
I wish I had the power to convince my father, late eighties and he still uses ladders, thanks heaven he is not going on the roof.
John H
Would Adderall offer the pedo any temporary respite for a couple of hours?
The idea that someone with mild cognitive impairment can be given a cocktail of drugs that will enable him to challenge a self-proclaimed very stable genius is stupid.
We know you don’t like Trump which reflects on you not him but saying the perverted corpse has mild cognitive impairment is a bit rich. The later stages of dementia feature:
Which of these does the old bastard not exhibit? I’ll put head prefect’s money on the corrupt old shit being on risperidone or haloperidol.
The Brothers Sun
non- woke and quite the comedy
… heart this
A 12 year old Jewish boy at a school in London said he wanted Hamas to be obliterated.
The school reported the boy to the police. The London Plod have subsequently visited the boy’s home to ‘question him’.
LOL, except it isn’t funny, is it?
there’s a lot shit in everybody’s heads at the moment
God save us all
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
— Charles MacKay
Whilst Trump has spent this week on the electoral hustings, the Sniffer has been holed up for days at Camp David ‘preparing for the debate’. I think we can be certain that this ‘preparation’ doesn’t just involve debating practice, it also involves medical intervention.
I think tomorrow we’ll see an unusually alert Sniffer.
Count how often he blinks – another potential indicator of what I’ve always thought might be Parkinson’s, or the cocktail being taken to hide it.
MCI is more typical because outright dementia would make the SOTU address impossible. I’m not going to quibble over diagnoses with someone who thinks giving a demented person such powerful DRD2 antagonist sedatives is nuts. You don’t know what you are talking about.
At least you’re in the ballpark, a dopamine hit is a good approach but Biden’s cognition has declined so much I doubt it would have any significant benefit and it could do more harm than good. Adderall will boost attention and alertness, it won’t improve his memory but it may have a marginal benefit for working memory. For decades people have been trying to find ways to improve cognition and the results are at best marginal and mostly imaginary. I’d use an entirely different approach and one that would be very difficult to detect with tests.
We can’t redeem broken brains. Drugs at best slow the decline.
At least you ask the question but there are people here who wouldn’t know a D1 and from a D2 and have blindly accepted the proposition that Biden can be given a magic pill and boost is IQ and cognition into the superior range.
Because ‘not being a complete drooling mess’ is the same as “cognition into the superior range”.
Riiiiiiight. You are willing to scarf down ***MUSHROOM*** ***GUMMIES*** from some company called Uncle ***FROG*** that cost ***$50 for 8*** that you bought ***ONLINE*** and oh no you aren’t one of those hippy types from Byron Bay even though you live in Perth ffs and no one here talks about Byron Bay hippies except perhaps those who know their habits first hand…but of course you have anxiety because you have young children – doesn’t everyone with young children have anxiety, right? Totally normal for someone with anxiety due to their young kids to be running to the internet to buy mushroom gummies from Uncle Frog. No wonder she was surprised when she got something that did what it says on the tin. Just a health-conscious couple buying their non-hallucinogenic gummies at $50 for a pack of 8 and expecting them to be non-hallucinogenic..yeah, okay, totally believe you.
I mean, this sounds like one of those exceedingly rare occasions when purchasers of a presumably legal version of an illegal substance which purports to deliver the benefits of said illegal substance without the whole illegality thing actually does deliver the goods (although maybe overdelivers a tad). I’m sure most of the other purchasers were pleasantly surprised.
From ABC frog’s bollocks article
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, D1?”
“I think that I am, D2!”
I walked past some big boxes on the shelf in Coles the last time I was unfortunate enough to be in Coles- “Depends”, nappies for adults, which Louder With Crowder had edumicated me on.
How has our culture deteriorated so badly, so quickly? This is Fall Of Rome stuff, complete with Pride Badges on the aposematically obese staff and meek customers pecking at the touchscreens like so many battery hens, h/t here.
Go easy on the poor Perthons, OCO. Not every WIFO can find time to go to Bali between hubby’s swings to get on the ‘shrooms with the Book Group, some have to rely on Uber Edibles.
Real jobs and wealth creation seldom comes from government initiative.
It can happen no doubt, there are examples, but few.
Takes an entrepreneur, or someone in a need of a new or different device to do that.
Peterbilt: A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence in Truck Manufacturing
In 1939, Theodore Alfred Peterman, a lumberman and plywood manufacturer from Tacoma, Washington, made a pivotal move that would forever change the landscape of truck manufacturing. Peterman purchased the Oakland division of Fageol Truck and Motor Company from Sterling Motor Co for $50,000.
This acquisition was driven by Peterman’s need to solve his lumber moving problems, which he initially tackled by modifying surplus military trucks.
Peterman’s innovative spirit led to the creation of Peterbilt, a name inspired by a line of wood doors produced at his lumber facilities.
The first Peterbilt trucks were modified Fageol models, and in the same year of the company’s founding, the Model 260 and Model 334 were released. These trucks marked the beginning of a new era in the industry, setting the standard for quality and performance.
Peterbilt quickly established itself as a key player in the truck manufacturing sector. However, the company faced a significant challenge when Peterman passed away unexpectedly in 1944. In a decisive move, his wife Ida sold the rights to produce Peterbilt trucks to the company’s management team in 1947 for $450,000, while retaining the real estate.
This sale ensured that Peterbilt would continue to thrive under new leadership.
Today, Peterbilt is headquartered in Denton, Texas, and has grown into one of the largest truck manufacturers in the world. The company has produced over 750,000 trucks to date, a testament to its enduring legacy of innovation and excellence. Peterbilt trucks are renowned for their durability, advanced engineering, and driver-centric design, making them a favorite among trucking professionals globally.
From its humble beginnings with Theodore Alfred Peterman’s vision to its current status as a global leader in truck manufacturing, Peterbilt’s journey is a remarkable story of determination, innovation, and success. The company’s commitment to quality and its ability to adapt to changing market needs have solidified its reputation as a pioneer in the trucking industry.
Have been seeing plenty of references to Tucker Carlson in the Clive Palmer Freedom conference but no mentions or pictures of the other speakers Dinesh D Souza and Dr Melissa McCann who is leading the Vaccine Injury Class Action.
Any Cats go to any of the events ?
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
So.. Luigi, with an eye on the Qld election, gifts lotza “our” loot to chasing, future, Olympic gold medals but can’t find anything to save kiddies lives .. sad..!
Looking through the story the photo of mum and child, I see the mother almost in tears as she faces the loss of her child and huge smile on the face of the child probably not understanding her plight but happy to be alive. Heartbreaking. But hey lets give millions to effin mooslimes in gaza to build rockets to fire into Israel. You know it makes sense to the far left.
Thanks Tom, Leak is as essential as the cup of coffee I’ve just had. Hard to tell which bit is best, the hat or the Y fronts, but maybe its everything, the complete package or in Luigi’s case no package. Bet he hates it.
On London streets leftist and Muslim scum scream ‘obliterate the Jews’ whilst UK Law enforcement do nothing, in fact some Plod will argue about ‘context’.
At a UK school a 12 year old Jewish boy will mouth how he wants to ‘obliterate Hamas’ and UK Law enforcement will visit the boy’s home to talk to the boy.
The UK is no longer a ‘crown’, it’s a ‘clown’. And the above is a classic example as to why, after fourteen years of so called useless, craven, supine and cowardly Conservative governments, the Tories will find themselves ‘obliterated’ into dust.
Yes Mrs Thatcher did some silly things as we all have but she was one hell of a PM. Look at the rubbish that came after her.
Saw the oncologist yesterday and best news I could have got under the circumstances .. so fairly happy ..!
PET results in & Cancer is in the early stages, hasn’t spread and benign, at the moment and cos the Prostate is on it’s last legs he agrees with the urologist that my best option is a double whammy .. both out at the same time ..
My choice, of course, but as I was hoping for the non-spread result to deal with it all at once .. Great! ..
would have preferred to be without either problem but ……. duuuuuuh! ….
Also if I come thru it I am, apparently, joining a unique club I’d rather not have been eligible for …… surviving two different types of Cancer …..
Urologist next Tuesday and then, hopefully, the next step getz a date ..!
All the best, shatterzzz.
And keep us updated.
Best wishes.
Best wishes for a full recovery Shatterzzz. I have a relative who has survived two entirely different cancers, twenty years apart. Ten years since the last cancer encounter.
It’s certainly possible
My Non Hodgins Lymphoma was 12 years ago ..
All the best, shatterzzz.
Best wishes Shatz.
All the best, you’ve already been to the pits of dispair and clawed your way back. You can do it again. Giving up is not an option.
Sometimes I’m happy to be poor .. I don’t have a “super” problem cos cashed it in years before I retired to fund one of my kids, who needed a non medicare covered operation …
?Anywayz, these folks who whinge and whine when they get their “super” ripped off .. It ain’t someone else’s fault it’s yours .. FFS!
?No one , but, no one promises/gives you lotza money for nuttin’ .. there is alwayz a catch but, of course, GREED rears it ugly head .. you jump down its throat and ..! it’s someone else’s fault isn’t it .. !
To be replaced by something much worse.
One of Starmer’s key policies is to revoke tax exemptions on private schools (i.e. mostly independent Christian schools) and apply the 20% VAT to school fees.
Meanwhile, Britian’s peak Muslim lobby has issued an election manifesto calling for increased funding for their schools.
Keep an eye on what eventuates.
The demands for special treatment because ‘Islam’ never stop and anyone who thinks it will is a fool.
Just as with leftards, but the leftards are too stupid to see when their own tactic is being used against them.
So many people getting mad about this x account.
I work with some fairly ‘woke’ and progressive youngsters, that is young men and women in their mid to late 20s and early 30s. I’ll caveat this by saying that the young women are usually much more woke than the young men. I’ve noticed how it is almost always young women who put their pronouns in their sign offs, it isn’t young men. Yesterday we discussed Julian Assange. Now, I don’t usually like talking politics at work, it’s way too contentious. I think our grandparents had the right attitude, politics and religion are best not spoken in the workplace, it’s too fraught. But yesterday, with some circumspection, I did offer my two bob’s worth, and I was very surprised to hear that these young men and women don’t think much of Assange Listening to them speak yesterday, it is clear they don’t regard Julian Assange as a hero or a journalist, which is good because Assange is neither. They were also aware that Wikileaks’ dumping of data had compromised the national security of various countries and people had died because of it.
If the Trot thinks freeing Assange will win him a few votes, he’s mistaken, because any gloss from this will have faded by tomorrow.
I reminded them how, back in 2016, it was a Wikileaks dump that helped Donald Trump. One of the young men agreed with me, and then this morphed into a discussion about ‘will Trump win in November’. And this surprised me even more, these young men and women, no lovers of Donald Trump, said he will win the election bigtime. Whilst they hate Donald Trump, they also hate Joe Biden. I was staggered because not even I am sure he will win bigtime in November.
Cassie, we live in very strange times. I have just noted Canavan’s support for Assange. It is bewildering.
Re the the world view of young people: possibly this very storm of world events produces often surprising views.
He then predicted what a grim future would look like for the Greens – veering wildly off-message to claim Labor will think it can ‘get away with bombing Gaza if his party doesn’t win.
Bloody hell! .. If Labor bombed Gaza we’d end up at war with Israel cos you can bet yer bottom dollar they’d miss Gaza & hit Israel .. FFS!
A couple places on this list I still haven’t visited.
“The UAE and Egypt are prepared to participate in the postwar security force in Gaza”.
No arrest warrants for Bibi after all.
I hope President Trump has been practicing ‘gotcha’ words and phrases to make the Old Pedo unmask himself with a rage attack.
If the Left plays dirty, so should we.
Bring ’em in from anywhwere .. ya knoze they’ll adapt/asimulate/become dinki di Oz .. ?cos “our” gummint tellz ya sooo! .. LOL!
How long before he or his family member kill her, coz muzzie.
Hadn’t thought of that .. definite possibility .. hope she has plod protection ..
Invading Rafah not so bad after all.
Eyes on Rafah!
Israel has sent a stark warning to Hezbollah that it could ‘take Lebanon back to the Stone Age’ if border clashes erupt into a wider regional war.
Not before time ..! using simple wordz that even terrorist neanderthals can understand …….!
I am staggered to hear that Matt Canavan is a huge supporter of Assange. What is he thinking ?? Does my head in as I thought Matt was a great patriot & a very clear thinker.
Assange is Canavan’s goat.
Regarding giving in to Muslims leading to further demands, no shit sherlock!
Via Michael Smith comes this great clip of how an Indian Policeman deals with the scum.
From the comments:
If you behave in a passive/aggressive manner in India, you won’t be tolerated.
In Australia, we don’t have the guts to stop this bullshit.
Well done that man!
It helps knowing your higher-ups will “have your back” …….
Unwra deletes it’s aid dashboard, won’t stop hamaspals shrieking about famines though.
Lebanon is a hostage state.
Gotta luv the lad .. LOL! ..
Billionaire Hamas “leader” domiciled in Qatar applauds the
“up-side” of Gaza being destroyed …….
MCI is more typical because outright dementia would make the SOTU address impossible. I’m not going to quibble over diagnoses with someone who thinks giving a demented person such powerful DRD2 antagonist sedatives is nuts. You don’t know what you are talking about.
I agree its nuts and I may not know what I’m talking about but if you think the demorats won’t do anything to keep Trump out of the WH then you are a special type of naive.
Some people need investigating into their past treatment of animals in their care. Things like this DO NOT happen in isolation.
I hope the RSPCA are following up that fine – inadequate at least – with unannounced inspections and, if not up to scratch, loss of breeders licence.
Actually, I feel quite sorry for the dog – she’s lost her 8 puppies and will be quite distressed when her owner gets her back.
They were also aware that Wikileaks’ dumping of data had compromised the national security of various countries and people had died because of it.
Not according to the US judge at the hearing on his way home.
BP pauses offshore wind to focus on fossil fuels after investor backlash
The Telegraph (UK)
They just want to kill Jews. No price is too much.
I am staggered to hear that Matt Canavan is a huge supporter of Assange. What is he thinking ?? Does my head in as I thought Matt was a great patriot & a very clear thinker.
Clearly he thinks better than you who has bought into the GAE bullshit.
Mmm…I’ll just leave this here:
I particularly respect the opinion of Augusta Zimmermann on most issues. This is not one of them. I think it will be a tragedy is someone like Assange further fractures a society that is already under pressure in this country in respect to many issues. Conservatism, especially, is an endangered philosophy. It does not need further fissures.
Tolerance (to a point) is also a conservative virtue, Vicki.
Unlike the Left, conservatives don’t need to present a united front on every issue; there is room for argument, principled disagreement and tolerance.
As for Assange, I don’t think he’s a hero and I don’t
“celebrate” his return. However, I believe he has “served his time” and that’s the end of the matter.
There is a place for breaking the law for the sake of conscience and the greater good, provided one accepts there will be a penalty. To the extent that Assange seemed to believe he was exempt from penalty, he was either naive or narcissistic – take your pick.
Moens & Zimmerman make excellent points about free speech. I suspect most Australians don’t realise how severely curtailed free speech is in this country. That’s the context for the above piece.
He brought it all on himself by avoiding the Swedish charges .. He used the excuse that USA is out to get me .. Maybe true but so what ..? .. He still thumbed his nose and fled legitimate charges .. No different to anyone who skips bail or goes on the lam …….
Notice not too much mention of the fact that if he returns to his “old wayz” the “get out of gaol free” card is revoked …….!
The Swedish allegation was very likely confected. So what you say? Because lawfare is only used against regime enemies. It’s one of the most useful arrows in their quiver.
Judge ye the man by his enemies. Assange was treated appallingly, just like under the old communism, just like we could all be treated if people like him didn’t pull back the curtain.
If you are having trouble sleeping, try Bidenica.
You’ll enjoy this.
Australian Karen meets MTG
This is just like the female “ journalist” who challenged Tucker in the second half of the video posted yesterday. If you ever swatted a fly on the windowsill, you must have committed genocide.
I did and I loved Ferguson getting her face rubbed in it.
Supreme Court strikes serious blow against the administrative state
Americans Suddenly Cut Back Spending
This might have something to do with it.
Americans Are Carrying Record Household Debt into 2024
Australians should celebrate the return of Assange
Gabriël A Moens AM and Augusto Zimmermann
Not lovin’ it: McDonald’s McPlant burger failed, customers shunned non-meat option
Sorry, +1000, no question mark.
We dance on’: Emotional photos show survivors of October 7 massacre meeting up at Tel Aviv festival for the first time
Daily Mail.
Well let’s hope they’re suitably armed this time.
Call me pedantic, but I still bristle when media outlets use the word ‘killed’ instead of ‘murdered.’ The former is a non-emotional word and can imply that the death was unintentional, such as an accident, a natural disaster, etc. It also implies that there was no intent; no planning. This is a means by which the media reduces the heinous nature of the crime, despite still (grudgingly) acknowledging h@m@s’s responsibility. They may as well have written ‘some members of h@m@s were present in the vicinity of the Nova Festival when a number of humans mysteriously died.’
I LOATHE the majority of the feral media.
This is what the lunatics dream of and would happily sacrifice us all for.
Why would we want to?
For CS Lewis’s “Hideous Strength?”
I expect that the outcome of the Presidential debate will be that Biden supporters will claim he won (and, doubtless, the MSM), and Trump supporters will claim he won.
I don’t think anyone is actually a Biden supporter, they are just implacably opposed to Trump and Biden is not-Trump. Well, there is a small class of grifters who want Biden to win because they have positioned themselves to feed directly from the rotting carcass of Biden’s administration, but it is only family members and close conspirators who need it to be Biden and not some other Democrat leader.
I personally prefer the idea of Biden surviving to the extent that the Dem’s feel they can’t replace him. I want the Democrat leader to go to the election with all that baggage – all the personal, moral, administrative, and constitutional failings of which Biden is the very quintessence. The sight of that mumbling, shambling, crumbling husk is enough to infuriate any goodly burgher.
Bringing in a cleanskin who makes new ‘promises’ and says they will now clean up problems Joe has obstinately allowed to fester might actually appeal to some people who are voting Trump because he is not Biden.
I hope BobTheBuilder is right and that Trump makes a point of focussing on Biden’s prickliness – when Biden is hopped up on his meds he gets very nasty. He was never a clever man, but his dotage has taken away any check on his temper. He repeats the old discredited lies like saying dead servicemen and women are ‘suckers and losers’ with abrupt flashes of anger (and also overlooking the truth of how he has treated troops). He finishes off such claims with a squinty-eyed “How dare he? How dare he?” Or the lie about Charlottesville, now recognised as a lie even by woefully partisan Snopes.
Perhaps even mention how his own criminality is now known to the public thanks to his ratfink drug-forked son.
While Biden supporters will claim that Biden is merely shaking with righteous anger at the outrages levelled at him, Trump supporters will enjoy watching Orange Hitler playing with the mean creep like a cat toying with a mouse.
A good analysis. It would be better if Biden stays on rather than a Newsome or even one of the faux females from the demorats like shrillary or obama’s hubbie taking his place. I feel Trump has to focus on the myriad successes of his term as POTUS while calmly rebutting the lies the biden will cough up. It should be interesting. Despite John H’s conclusion above that the old pervert only has MCI I think based on the medical advice of my son, that biden is in the late stages of dementia and if the drugs/hypnosis/conditioning wears off then it’s gonna be a horror show.
I hope BobTheBuilder…
BobtheBoozer please Mother Load. It comes not from my drinking expertise, but from a T shirt with a sozzled, beer gutted, cartoon character. I was walking with the child bride in a Colesworth and a little boy looked at me and asked – pointing at my Tshirt – “Are you REALLY Bob The Builder?”
His mum said “NO. It’s just a funny shirt”.
“Drat,” I said. “I would have given him my autograph.”
Former CIA Chief reveals in great detail how they use full face masks to ‘walk around as someone else’…
Instagram ‘Accidentally’ Limits ALL Political Content Just In Time for Debate
Tractor Supply Co. backs off ‘woke’ policies after backlash: ‘We have taken this feedback to heart’
This was after their market value took a $2B dive.
How to Stop the “Far Right” – Konstantin Kisin
John Langoulant: Agent General spends more than $120,000 on travel last year, including six weeks in PerthDylan CapornThe West Australian
Fri, 28 June 2024 2:00AM
WA’s high-flying man in London, John Langoulant, had taxpayers pay more than $120,000 for international travel last year, including a business class airfare to Perth for a month.
Analysis of travel reports show Mr Langoulant — the only senior overseas bureaucrat entitled to business class — wracked up a travel bill of more than $124,000 — including two flights to Perth.
Despite taxpayers forking out more than $300,000 in rental assistance for a London apartment, the Agent-General billed taxpayers for a $17,000 business class flight to Perth for the month-long reprieve from England’s bitter winter in November and December.
A Departmental spokesman said the figure was in accordance with relevant guidelines and processes.
All animals are equal, it’s just that some are more equal then others…
If Trump does attack the old pervert he should do so on safe ground and use these 2 points:
1 The laptop hoax where now even pro-demorat media is calling it crap:
House probe finds ‘blatant political operation’ to discredit Hunter Biden laptop story – Washington Times
2 The very fine people hoax where Snopes after 7 years finally admitted it was crap noting this was said by biden, when he was sane, as the reason he ran against Trump
When the old turd also brings up Jan 6 and the 34 convictions Trump should also have ready but steady replies such as I told people to be peaceful and offered the National Guard. I did my bit. And in regard to the 34 offences he should say there was only one and that he will appeal it because he believes in the rule of law.
Matthew Goodwin: Why you should vote Reform
Cass – a certain blogger profoundly disagrees with this observation.
The assange imbroglio has certainly left me feeling rather conflicted. The guy is a detestable narcissistic nobody who suddenly found himself way out of his depth after engaging in an act of foolhardy bravado that he presumed would have no adverse consequences. Languishing in a broom closet in a banana republic’s Londinium embassy for a decade was cruel and unusual punishment, even for a vainglorious idiot like assange – yet it struck me as a quite fitting consequence of his actions.
However, I stopped giving a rodent’s backside many years ago about the “security concerns” of stupid evil incompetent and utterly destructive western governments and the lackeys in their employ. If assange did embarrass preposterous warmongering turkeys like the Bushes and Shrillary, then that redeems him somewhat in view.
Anyway, if the clown knows what’s good for him, he’ll shut up, adopt a low profile and hope that he doesn’t end up being Arkancided any time soon. I for one would be very happy if I never read or heard anything about the idiot ever again in my life.
As for knobheads like albansleazy and ruff attempting to bask in some reflected glory from assange’s release, give me a break.
If we were to do a quick survey of the man in the street on their opinion of Assange, 90% would say “Who gives a shit?”
Good luck with the phosphate problem Shatterzzz.
Maybe I should post this (edited) reply to Vicki in the main section:
I don’t think Assange is a hero and I don’t “celebrate” his return. However, I believe he has “served his time” and that’s the end of the matter.
There is a place for breaking the law for the sake of conscience and the greater good, provided one accepts there will be a penalty. To the extent that Assange seemed to believe he was exempt from penalty, he was either naive or narcissistic – or both, some will aver.
Moens & Zimmerman make excellent points about free speech. I suspect most Australians don’t realise how severely curtailed free speech is in this country. That’s the context for their above piece.
OK Roger. I think we agree on most points.
From Frontpage:
FrontPage Magazine | Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out
Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism
Supreme Court: You Can’t Sue the Government for Censoring You
Why Did the FBI Turn Off Cameras During Trump Raid?
This is just a short TikTok clip, but he nails it.
Elon Musk says George Soros is DESTROYING HUMANITY
The Scottish Covid Enquiry.
END OF LIFE ‘Treatment’ Protocols in Care Homes
My 2c on Assange. I share his concerns about the US justice system.
Most thirty years olds and under really have little knowledge or interest in Assange. Like the military actions in question, it’s relegated to history in their minds.
I’ve asked youngsters in my circle and it just doesn’t rate as an issue. Their media feeds won’t be featuring the pasty messiah.
Don’t know if it has been noted before, but there is a mock ad for a sleeping medication called Bidenica.
It is being attributed to the Trump campaign but I think it was actually produced by a person called Jimmy Fallia, who is a radio host. There is no reference at the end to it being a part of the Trump campaign, at least.
Failla sometimes appears on Gutfeld.
its only connection to Trump, is that it is on Truth Social. I linked to it earlier.
Bloody hilarious. Doesn’t hurt to link again, in case any Cats missed it upthread. Cheers.
The Beanie reckons Trump should exploit the mic-muting thing in the debate. When his mic is muted he can say things to needle Biden that only he will hear.
At home people will see Biden launch into a prepared response and suddenly turn to Trump and angrily shout, with uncontrolled rage, fragments of unrelated sentences.
Tactics! Love it. That makes sense.
The Don just getz better .. Bidenica .. sleep aid .. LOL!
Love it!
Far right surges in polls days before France vote • FRANCE 24 English
FRANCE 24 English
Anything not looney left is far right.
If this workz out it’ll leave Macaroon with 2 years as a “lame duck” prez ..
The prez of France does make the major decisions but he has to get a French parliamentary majority to enforce them ……
From Real Clear Energy, a greenie source but which still calls out bullshit:
Five Questions for a Real Presidential Debate on Energy Amanda Eversole, RCEnergy
EV Mandates: Burden on Minority Communities Shay Hawkins, RCEnergy
Biden’s Energy Policies Based on Fantasies, Fairy Tales Emily Arthun, RCEnergy
RealClearEnergy – Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
From Real Clear Energy, a greenie source but which still calls out bullshit:
Five Questions for a Real Presidential Debate on Energy Amanda Eversole, RCEnergy
EV Mandates: Burden on Minority Communities Shay Hawkins, RCEnergy
Biden’s Energy Policies Based on Fantasies, Fairy Tales Emily Arthun, RCEnergy
RealClearEnergy – Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Daniel Greenfield
Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism
(see cohenite’s link above.)
I think this is spot on.
I’ve written before about how David Riesman’s description of the other-directed personality type (The Lonely Crowd, 1950) predicted the progressive leftist.
This explains, I believe, why so much prog-left activism – from throwing paint on artworks to gluing oneself to a busy road – is performative (and always filmed). The goal is not so much to effect change, but to be seen to be calling for change. The reward is basking in the admiration of their prog-left peers, which validates their pitiful existence in a one-dimensional world with no future but also no past and hence no tradition from which an identity is received.
US Presidential debate is on a couple of FTA channels (Nein and Ten) at 11 am.
Liberty quote:
Russians Prank UK Minister; David Cameron ‘Spills Ukraine Secrets’ | ‘Annoying Americans…’
High Levels of Lead Found in Fake Chinese Goods | China In Focus
June 28, 2024 8:11 am
It occurred to me last night.
I remember when Geothermal was the Next Big Thing.
I think Flummery was even spruiking it.
Wha’ happen?
Carried forward tax losses.
Anyone who’s owned a bike (or house) in a beachside suburb knows the obvious problem here.
Rotorua should be raking it in ?
House That! Ben Wyatt moving on from Nedlands mansion only a couple of years after buying it for $3.69m
Kim MacdonaldThe West Australian
Fri, 28 June 2024
Former State treasurer Ben Wyatt must have got used to a week being a long time back when he was in politics, considering he is selling his Nedlands home only two years after buying it.
The first two years at a new home feels like the honeymoon stage for most buyers, but Wyatt is already set to move on, seeking offers on the four-bedroom home he bought for $3.69 million home in May 2022.
It is a surprising move given it took him a year to find the home after an exhaustive search across Perth.
House That! does not know if he, wife Vivianne and their children are preparing to move on to bigger and better things, or seeking to downsize from the four-bedroom property.
Today’s Labor Party – living in mansions for the good of the working class – it’s a long way from Ben Chifely’s Bathurst cottage..
Wyatt was the big winner from Rio blowing up the Juukan gorge.
THANX to everyone over their well wishes about my health issues ..
When I was 3 years old a gypsy fortune teller told me I’d be around for my 82nd birthday .. so still, at least, 6 years left ..!
Unfortunately, she never mentioned what condition I would be in ……. LOL!
Notes from the Cess Pit:
General election live: Nigel Farage ‘dismayed’ after Reform activist filmed making racist comments
Interesting insight #1: the UK media as active player in the political imbroglio.
The actual ‘racist’ comment in question:
In febrile UK public culture, any accusation of racism is an absolutely red hot, bite the carpet, call the police (literally), moral panic, trigger issue.
Calling Rishi Sunak a “forking prick” becomes racist simply because, well, because…
Interesting insight #2: Reform sufferers from dim-witted indiscipline – not dissimilar to what we see in minor-party Australia.
Stupid, stupid stuff when you are trying to launch an Extreme Far Right Literally Nazi Populist party in a controversial setting.
”Racist! Racist! Racist!” Doesn’t work anymore. No one cares, only the media idiots.
This is happening in the UK, wobbling around on the brink of street riots, where high profile police involvement in identity politics and racism is a front and centre daily issue.
Still a lot of “football” brawling gangs out there .. “insight #2” will definitely appeal to them ……
I actually like it .. brings out the “houso” in me .. LOL!
Good rioting weather atm.
One of my emails to a Pommy mate bagging yet another loss got impounded because “Pakis”. They might even be worse than the US.
Some might aver that if Nigel’s party had a branch structure beyond head office
knuckleheadspotentially problematic candidates like this would be weeded out in the selection process.Or maybe not.
Blowjob economy news…
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is on track to overtake the age pension as the most expensive area of government spending within three years if it remains stuck on its current growth trajectory.
Even if Labor successfully reins in the rapidly growing $42 billion social program, it will still overtake the pension in terms of cost within a decade, according to projections by the independent budget watchdog, published on Thursday.
Outside the NDIS, the fastest-growing expense over the next decade will be debt interest payments, which are projected to increase to 1.3 per cent of gross domestic product by 2034-35, up from 0.9 per cent
Hard to believe ..! After all, “Billy Mushrooms” and his “top men” are working on the solution(s) …….
Darebin City Council taking considerable leave of their senses. Going vegan apparently. Good Lord
Someone should start a Facebook group “ Carnivores for Darebin “
June 28, 2024 10:31 am
Very few of us get to the finish line without a few dented panels and a bit of paint off.
This morning’s presidential debate telecast on Sky News Australia is being hosted by Fluffy Analise Nielsen and Laura Jayes — the twin Karens that male daytime Sky unwatchable. FMD.
US presidential debate is about to start.
Time to make the popcorn!
Dementia Joe up first – incoherent.
The Donald can be understood.
Trump’s strategy is correct: let Biden speak. Biden sounds like a nervous wannabe, not the White House incumbent.
I can’t believe Biden brought up Afghanistan like it was a win for him
Queer and Atrophied Reborn.
Thank you in advance to those about to suffer psychological distress so the rest of us don’t have to.
If Biden has been jacked up with pharmaceuticals, the net result is a convincing image of an old sick man, struggling to stay upright and awake.
Now Biden brings up a girl raped by an illegal immigrant to try and make a case for abortion?
Who prepped this guy?
Biden on tax reform:
There’s a message for all of us there…
Do more drugs?
Not whatever he’s having.
Trump sounded silly when he described the US southern border as the “most dangerous place in the word”. Really? Not eastern Ukraine? Not the favelas of Rio de Janeiro?
He does himself no favours when he spouts superlatives off the cuff like that.
to most in the US, nothing exists outside the US
It’s not exactly Sanctuary Cove.
Daily Mail leads with,
“Call the Police, Trump Is Committing Elder Abuse the Likes of Which We Have Never Before Seen—Disinformation Expert Ace”
😀 😀 😀
The contempt the current elite have for the average punter is off the charts if they’re prepared to stand Biden for reelection. Just incredible. Until there is a circulation of elites, though, nothing will change.
just like all the old soviet ‘Leaders’ the party wheeled out – just an empty suit and the real powerbrokers behind the scenes like it that way
At least Biden stopped short of formally declaring war on Russia. Tough shit for Poland and the NATO countries though; Putin’s coming for them. That’s why we’re strong.
Trump sounded silly when he described the US southern border as the “most dangerous place in the word”. Really? Not eastern Ukraine? Not the favelas of Rio de Janeiro?
For the US, with all the ramifications it is. Ukraine, Brazil don’t even rate.
The filthy crook is literally decomposing in front of the camera.
Is it possible the bloke in the UK said “forkin Paki”?
Good point.
just got every Indian vote in the UK
Monty will call it a win for Biden.
He drafted the comment last night.
Dover is right. Especially after today, it is beyond belief that the DNC will continue with the Biden candidacy.
That tells me the DNC strategy is simply to double down on the electoral cheating.
“No major war in Europe has ever been able to be contained to just Europe” – Biden.
Sounded like a fair point. And relevant to Trump’s remark about USA being separated by an ocean. Joe’s on some good drugs today.
Oh ffs, Joe bringing up the Charlottesville “fine people on both sides” quote again. It’s busted.
Anyone here reckon Biden is wearing a very well hidden ear piece?
Or an implant. He’s had lots of work done inside that skull over the years.
Suggest that the reason microphones are muted is that Biden is receiving messages during his muting and there would have been risk of hearing this if mic was on.
Yep, constant fiddling with his ear
Biden appears to be attempting to recite a word salad of DNC talking points about Trump, who, as you know, is Literally Hitler. Monty will be along shortly to attempt a translation.
Tom, don’t underestimate Annaleise Nielsen like Albanese did….
He’s starting to mumble! The I Pad on his podium is confusing him also.
He isn’t looking down to check his fly.
Well, not only to check his fly.
A rerun of the 2020 election debate on offer.
I think a lot of people would switch off. It’s only highlighted the desperate need for new blood on both sides.
Dementia Joe………”we created thousands of millions of jobs….”
Just watching the debate in the background: biden is pathetic; he has been rehearsed to an inch of his IQ of 25 and you can see the conditioning ooze out of the old bastard; they have anticipated most of the responses. I like the way Trump looks at him: like a controlled cat looking at a sick rat.
Excellent deflection on the ridiculous Climate Action question.
Go the Donald!
Brilliant ! Emphasise pollution which we all care about, ignore the weather shit.
Am reading the comments over at Ace, between reading here.
Some classics. There is a suggestion that Biden is receiving Rectal Morse Code. heheheheh
Worthy of a LOL – first of the day.
Just turned on the debate. Trump is ignoring questions and delivering a stream of pathetic lies. Biden sounds quiet and passive. So I guess it’s a wash.
That wasn’t the debate, it was the DNC talking points about the debate, pre-written.
Does anyone actually think Joe is running the show? Stretching the idea of a democracy to the limit.
There it is!!!
Trump was asked question on childcare and didn’t answer it. Preferred to fight over the “worst president ever” award. Probably strategic as the POTUS is decided at least as much by personality as policy, and the accusation was taken as a personal insult.
Childcare doesn’t even make the top 20 concerns of US voters according to the polls. It was a lame question obviously meant to put Trump on the spot in front of the mom voter demographic.
Since when is it the governments job to look after children … thats for the parents
Gotta feel for poor old Jake Tapper. He keeps asking these substantial questions on important issues. Trump faffs on about everything except the subject of the question. Biden gives stock standard answers in a low mumble.
Alternate reality from Dimension Monty.
Geriatric Joe looks like he’s in ga-ga land …
The age issue! It’s a direct question.
Joe deflects and talks about the achievements of his administration.
Instead, Trump addresses the issue about himself directly.
Oh last minute save. Joe had a golf handicap of 6 when VP. Well it’s something.
Best comment on X:
ok if you don’t live in the US, please turn the debate off. This is our private family humiliation, and we’d all prefer you not stare.
wins the internet today
“Close the blinds the neighbors can see you!”
“I swear, my grandpas aren’t this bad usually.”
Me watching the debate:
Prime time version of a YouTube bum fight.
Biden slavering for WW3.
“We must fight everywhere all the time”…