Someone above posted a cip of a speech by a former US Border Patrol chief. What struck me was when he told then President Trump that South American countries were refusing to take back illegals like MS 13 gangsters, Trump acted. He phoned up the Presidents or whoever was in charge and told them that unless they took their spawn back, all US aid would be cut off. Two days later, planeloads of them were on their way home. Diplomats revel in making things complicated – just imagine the many reasons why they would have told Trump it was a bad idea. Sometimes you need to put an axe through a Gordian knot.
This one Johanna. I watched it as well and he didn’t hold back. Also didn’t hold back about how numerous children were and are being exploited in the border disaster as well :
Who put the ladder there? The most likely person is the (now) headless would-be assassin.
It was hardly a spur of the moment decision to have a red hot go at Trump and/or his supporters (the bomb paraphernalia is a clue). He could have put the ladder there days earlier, or simply found it and used it. These were small town sports fields and such stuff is lying around everywhere. When they back track his movements you’ll likely find he’d sussed the place out earlier.
Of more interest is why didn’t the security detail comb the venue properly before the event began. They had time to put on their uniforms and tool belts and don their assorted weaponry. But no one appears to have had the nouse to do a walk around.
As for Headlesses social media presence, it will be unearthed if there is a will to do so.
Some random stupid thoughts:
I have done security at events with civilian security types in large crowds. 99% of your attention is taken up dealing with and keeping an eye of the behaviour of Joe Idiot, the average member of the general public.
However, trained infantry types who should make up the SS, are trained to keep their attention to the specific arc they are given, no matter what. Even if a bomb goes off outside your arc, your attention should remain on your own task, in the knowledge that someone else on the team has eyes on the incident.
These political rallies must require a lot of very specialised talents to cover a large range of very different tasks.
Which takes me to the female agent who takes out her handgun after shots are fired, and points it AT THE CROWD. Meanwhile, the rapid response crew with rifles pointed safely at the ground move in front of her and she keeps her gun up lasering their backs as they pass her.
The only drill that seems to have entered her brain during training is to at least keep her finger outside the trigger guard until a target is acquired.
What was the state of her weapon at this time? Was the safety on? Was there a round in the chamber? Did she even know the weapon state? Given the amount of agitation she was exhibiting, the amount of movement around her, what exactly was her task, and how safe were the people around her, including her own team from being the victim of an unwanted weapon discharge.
July 16, 2024 9:53 am
Interesting that my US portfolio ( very small and only 5 stocks ) has barely moved since Saturday’s events.I was expecting a bump.
July 16, 2024 9:54 am
In addition, rumour has it (hmmmmm) that his parents are progressives. The gun belonged to Dad.
Nothing like stoking the hatred around the dinner table and having the means to take it further. Catastrophically, as it turned out.
His dad is a psychologist and his mum is a substitute elementary school teacher. Chances of them being conservative approach nil.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 9:59 am
These were small town sports fields and such stuff is lying around everywhere. When they back track his movements you’ll likely find he’d sussed the place out earlier.
I can’t be sure, but it looks like that property is separate from the rally property. It would be interesting to have a fire-side chat with the owner and employees. Another thing which occurred to me is whether the Trump camp contributed to confusion. The site looks pretty much like a paddock with limited fixed infrastructure. Did the campaign provide a mud-map of the site layout which was inaccurate or confusing, or was the final set-up different to that proposed?
Good start to the day: Trump recovering, JD on the ticket and Trump has literally a cast of thousands to fill other important positions. That POS Jack Smith booted and the other 3 cases against Trump completely rooted:
1 Engoron will soon face criminal charges
2 Merchan has been fuked by SCOTUS and immunity
3 Fanny will soon be in the lockup.
In addition, rumour has it (hmmmmm) that his parents are progressives.
Even more worrying, I saw a report that they both worked as counsellors.
In other words, hand-patters who would have a very light touch when it came to discipline.
Any fair minded person will now assume the shooter wasn’t a lone duck, the FBI has actually accessed the phone and know who the others are who are involved and is now actively protecting them.
And you can bet your left nut they were in it up to their little pointy heads.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 10:10 am
July 16, 2024 10:05 am
Allegedly SS resources were diverted to Jill Biden so the SS was stretched at the Trump rally.
The narcissistic bint has already said she loves the power trip of a motorcade with everyone having to stop for her.
As I said yesterday, Trump should simply say that whatever level of protection he gets between now and November will be the new benchmark for protection of ex-Presidents.
How could they possibly argue that it wouldn’t be adequate?
Mother Lode
July 16, 2024 10:12 am
Allegedly SS resources were diverted to Jill Biden so the SS was stretched at the Trump rally.
Did Jill decide that her special First Lady entrance music would by suitably enhanced by a choral component?
JD Vance is an Appalachian, of Scots-Irish descent.
The Americanism Scotch-Irish is a bit of a misnomer, as they were neither Gaelic Scots nor Irish, but from the northern English borderland counties and English-speaking lowland Scots who came from the same genetic stock and shared a common “borderland” culture. They’d been transplanted to Ulster in the reign of King James VI, hence “Irish”. Gaelic speaking Scots were forbidden migration based upon fears they might join the Irish locals in rebellion. They also had to be Protestant, though not necessarily CofE. They later took their distinct culture with them to America.
‘Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America’ is the book to read on British culture in early north America.
Border Scots made up the Reivers. Zero trust in government of any colour. Vicious troublemakers. From which DNA, in my case, exhibits as sneaky troublemaker. Fierce fighters, who when they werent fighting the government, fought each other. Not entirely sure why they were seen as less troublesome than the Gaelic Haggis Eating variety of Scot. They were all mad as cut snakes.
And if they think that speaking Scots is the same as speaking English, I have a copy of my 3GGrandfather’s Scots poetry and prose available for translation. It’s a distinct language which almost disappeared in the diaspora but has made a comeback in recent years.
It’s a distinct language which almost disappeared in the diaspora but has made a comeback in recent years.
Scots & English both derive from proto-English, Megan.
(But you probably knew that!)
Btw, Thomas Sowell traces the negative aspects of black American culture to the influence of the Scotch-Irish. I’m not sure I’m convinced by his argument, though.
Last edited 6 months ago by Roger
July 16, 2024 10:22 am
Bruce of Newcastle
July 16, 2024 10:10 am
As for Headlesses social media presence, it will be unearthed if there is a will to do so.
The FBI are having terrible trouble trying to crack his phone, really terrible terrible trouble.
They are not going to make the same mistake again like they did with the transgender mass-murderess in Nashville and her manifesto. If they don’t “find” anything they don’t have to release anything.
July 16, 2024 10:22 am
I can’t be sure, but it looks like that property is separate from the rally property.
Heavens Arky, you “like” a “good guy” who believes that splattering a man’s brains all over the crowd is “doing a good job”?
I assume he’s hit you too many times in the head.
Give yourself an uppercut
This would be my reaction too OSC, if someone else told a similar story about a lefty friend.
But this is what we were up against with the covid and the TDS. People indoctrinated by the programming.
In defence of my instructor, he is a good bloke with otherwise sound ideas.
And maybe some brain damage from past fights.
Last edited 6 months ago by Arky
July 16, 2024 10:33 am
Mother Lode, those voters are too stupid since they keep voting Dem no matter how horrendous the politicians become and the monstrous policies they put forward.
Just like our major parties. We don’t matter, remember?
That originated with Crosby Textor who have taken both nominally centre right parties into Opposition in the UK and Australia where they show little prospect of returning to government in the near future. I’m not sure it would reflect current thinking. Elections still have some relevance (albeit slight) to the democratic process.
The Americanism Scotch-Irish is a bit of a misnomer, as they were neither Gaelic Scots nor Irish, but from the northern English borderland counties and English-speaking lowland Scots who came from the same genetic stock and shared a common “borderland” culture. They’d been transplanted to Ulster in the reign of King James VI, hence “Irish”. Gaelic speaking Scots were forbidden migration based upon fears they might join the Irish locals in rebellion. They also had to be Protestant, though not necessarily CofE. They later took their distinct culture with them to America.
All of which I am aware of however after the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 failed, followed by the land clearances across the highlands, many Gaelic speaking Scots did emigrate to Appalachian areas.
What a con of an “our’ ABC sob story ..FFS! .. Pensioners in “houso” pay 25% of their pension in rent, across the board, the only time(s) it differs is if there are others living with you .. Regardless of the rent the OAP/DSP component is 25% … The OAP bloke in the story is about to pay, for some reason, $10 a week more than me but maybe in Vic they include something not calculated in NSW .. Standard OAP “houso” rent so , previously, he was paying less than 25% for some reason ..
And yes it is a bloody nuisance when every 6 months “Houso” snaffles 25% of the gummint pittance (referred to as a cost-of-living rise LOL!) but it’s in line with the 25% threshhold …… Last “rise”, March, NSW ‘Houso” took $7.40 of my $9.20 “rise” .. When I complained they just said, “We made an error last time” …. end of story …!
1st rule of dealing with or complaining about “Houso” .. THEY DON’T CARE .. be grateful you’ve got a roof over your head ………!
This guy is the greatest. No on No one has his courage today – except for Trump, may he Purtin the bishop of Nigeria
July 16, 2024 10:48 am
Greg Sheridan (Paywallian foreign editor): Choosing JD Vance as his running mate is Donald Trump’s first big mistake in this 2024 election.
A Never Trumper, Sheridan says J.D. Vance is too “combative”.
Sheridan – and the Paywallian’s former US correspondent Cameron Stewart, who has also written a hostile piece on Trump this morning (“How long will Donald Mark 2 last?”) – are major reasons the Australian news media (even the bits that pretend to be rational) are useless as sources of information and opinion on US politics.
And they still behave as if they have a monopoly on news and the internet hasn’t yet been invented.
I get annoyed at the pics they choose of Trump. They seek out the most contorted face pics they can find of him, where he is blowing out or caught in mid-change of expression or movement. Everyone has bad photos of them taken in moments of movement. They are the ones you delete, but with Trump they are the ones published to support the negative imagery.
I’d argue that combative is exactly what’s needed. Clearly Sheridan prefers the unintelligible word salad of the current VP. Speaks volumes re his intellectual level.
A Never Trumper, Sheridan says J.D. Vance is too “combative”.
Oh good grief! Trump was nearly assassinated a couple days ago and Sheridan is whining about Vance being too combative?
I’m slightly disappointed that Mr Vance is Trump’s running mate. I wanted Sarah Palin.
JD Vance is a great choice but no one has the battle armour of Palin, no one other than Trump has been through such intense flaming, and she absolutely terrifies the Democrats.
Which is exactly what the veep nominee needs to be. Sheridan should have the political nous to understand that.
Bungonia Bee
July 16, 2024 11:04 am
Kristi Noem on now, channel 603.
July 16, 2024 11:08 am
Did Jill decide that her special First Lady entrance music would by suitably enhanced by a choral component?
Speaking of entrance music, sources tell me the Marine Corps Band is just about ready to go public with Kamala’s new number. ?
Donald Trump’s pick of the 39-year-old Senator from Ohio reinforces his base, rather than appealing to a broader coalition. The contrast with his last VP is impossible to miss.
This swathe of TDS at the Oz today is nearly as mendacious as the Fork Corners ABC. Well elite Newscorpse media kiddies, get used to it since it looks like Trump will be winning in November.
Bungonia Bee
July 16, 2024 11:17 am
Channel 603 on Sky via foxtel is way better than we get most days. It’s the one dedicated to the RNC convention. Currently the union rep guy is telling how Trump turned them into supporters in New York.
July 16, 2024 11:22 am
New polling for The Times reveals that Trump has moved ahead of President Biden in every swing state, even before Saturday’s assassination attempt.
Channel 603 on Sky via foxtel is way better than we get most days. It’s the one dedicated to the RNC convention. Currently the union rep guy is telling how Trump turned them into supporters in New York.
The head of Teamsters said very nice things about the choice of Vance on fox.
We are effectively run in this country… by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.
I watched a tiktok clip of a foul mouthed African American comedian who claimed Trump must be his uncle what with his criminal record and now having been shot. Said he hadn’t been planning to vote but would now go out and vote for Trump.
He can’t be the only one.
Greg Sheridan (Paywallian foreign editor): Choosing JD Vance as his running mate is Donald Trump’s first big mistake in this 2024 election.
A Never Trumper, Sheridan says J.D. Vance is too “combative”.
Good to have it confirmed that Trump made the right choice.
July 16, 2024 11:47 am
I have Hillbilly Elegy on my shelf ‘to be read’.
You get a glimpse of those lives on shows like Justified and Homicide:Life on the Street.
My US pal lived for a while on a mountain in Tennessee.
It’s a whole other world, even driving through like I did in 2011 and 2015.
I saw Jake Shields followers disparaging J D Vance’s wife as a pajeet.
That’s okay.
Diversity is our strength.
Roger Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neill, Monday: ‘Like a virus, populists are replicating at an exponential rate.’ She apparently hasn’t the gumption to ask “Why?”
It’s a mystery, oh wait, isn’t that choice, like Democracy?
What a hide she has
Replicating, as in, becoming popular because they have attractive policies?
It’s like she has no awareness that people have choice in a democracy.
It’s like she has no awareness that people have choice in a democracy.
I believe what she’s saying is that voters should only have choices approved of by the political Establishment.
Coming a day after the attempted assassination of Trump, it bespeaks a remarkable tone deafness born of the arrogance of our ruling caste.
You’ll also find similar attitudes in the Liberal Party. Indeed, Labor and Liberal combined to amend legislation to make the election of minor party candidates more difficult just a few years ago.
Roger this why I would have still voted for Bob Hawke as I did way back when. The SFL’S were a rabble, scrambling over each other coz they were born to rule. Knowing all of, well most of Hawke’s failings he’s still the most Australian PM I’ve known since I’ve been here. All the rest have been bigger disappointments.
For all his faults as a man, I’d agree Hawke was a good Prime Minister, Ranga.
It was his government, not Howard’s, that set Australia up for its late 20th C. prosperity, which began to be undermined by bad policy from the late Howard years, then R-G-R.
A “refugee” from that horribly oppressive state SINGAPORE!
July 16, 2024 12:04 pm
When I read the headline of this article, my first thought was, bugger, this is in Australia. No, it’s in the States, but I can see our morons at the CSIRO applauding this stupidity.
I suggest the so called scientists get dumped into the sodium hydroxide. At least there would be some benefit to humanity.
July 16, 2024 12:09 pm
I think the then American Conservative magazine writer Rod Dreher was at the confirmation of JD Vance into the catholic church (not sure if that is the right terminology). I remember him posting a pic of it on his twitter website.
Bruce of Newcastle
July 16, 2024 12:11 pm
Vincent Van Trump.
6:58 p.m. PT
J.D. Vance is in the house, and now we see former President Trump sporting a white bandage where the assassin’s bullet took off the top of his right ear.
From the Breitbart live thread.
July 16, 2024 12:12 pm
I’m watching the RNC Convention on Fox. Trump arrived and was on stage with his family, there was also Speaker Johnson but no McConnell.
Trump has the ear bandaged and seems just a tad frail.
I thought I saw Tucker Carlson on the stage with everyone but it was only for a split second so I could have been mistaken.
July 16, 2024 12:14 pm
Fox News panel were talking over the proceeding so I had to switch over to 603 to hear what was actually happening on stage. I don’t need to know what Britt Hume has to say.
Socialism, according to the younger cohort of voters, consists of “What’s yours is mine. What’s mine, stays that way.” It’s always someone else’s wealth that is to be redistributed.
Not sure anything has changed. Greens definitely causing an ongoing headache in old Liar seats like Albo and Plibbers.
July 16, 2024 12:32 pm
Let’s play student immigration whack-a-mole!
Since the Albanese government introduced measures to cut international student visas and make their pathway to permanent residency more difficult, the government has experienced a surge in asylum claims from Chinese and Indian students who don’t wish to return home.
Source: SMH 12 July 2024 [paywalled]
Someone is tauntingly putting horns behind his head, so the bullying claims are borne out by this clip. From his squeaky voice and inappropriate claims it is immediately obvious that the kid speaking is clearly not all there but wants to be a cool kid. A sad case of DTS taking over a young probably autistic loner who has poor social skills and is therefore very open to influence. And there was obviously plenty of that around on the net and elsewhere to gee him up into some ‘saviour’ action, carefully planned.
the government has experienced a surge in asylum claims from Chinese and Indian students who don’t wish to return home.
What sort of “legitimate” grounds would an OS “student” have to claim asylum .. FFS!
July 16, 2024 12:47 pm
What sort of “legitimate” grounds would an OS “student” have to claim asylum .. FFS!
Might I suggest that merely submitting an asylum claim in Australia would be enough for a mainland Chinese student to claim fear of persecution on returning home?
Obviously, they’d have to avoid that once they’ve submitted their asylum application. Not so easily disprovable then.
July 16, 2024 12:50 pm
A union leader is speaking at the DNC convention and criticising corporations like Amazon. This could not have happened only five years ago but is correct now that the Democrat Party is for the billionaires and trillionaires.
The other new thing is that a priest said a prayer and benedictions were said by several people. This is in huge contrast where the Democrat party refused to have God even mentioned at their convention in 2020. I don’t suppose they will be more welcoming this year.
July 16, 2024 12:52 pm
This is in huge contrast where the Democrat party refused to have God even mentioned at their convention in 2020.
They did, however, invoke Satan.
July 16, 2024 12:53 pm
Just kidding!
Mind you, this contest is taking on a spiritual hue.
July 16, 2024 12:54 pm
It was Tucker Carlson at the RNC Convention with Trump, they just shook hands.
Another interview must be in the works.
Last edited 6 months ago by Crossie
July 16, 2024 12:56 pm
Trump getting roundly criticised on twitter for playing a round of golf yesterday morning instead of visiting victims and their families.
Perhaps his security detail needed a break.
I don’t think people appreciate even badly managed security takes work to organise.
The dead shooting victim’s wife refused to talk to Biden on the phone… after Trump had already called her, possibly from the hospital as he was getting his ear van goghed.
As the investigation into Saturday’s assassination attempt against former President and newly-minted GOP nominee Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally intensifies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Monday that they have successfully gained access to the suspected shooter’s phone.
They have not revealed what information they’ve found on the device, but it is likely to contain a trove of information about the deceased suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Re attempted assissination of Mr TRump – I am beginning to understand the valu of good manners and speaking as an example which the population accepts as good behavior and band behaviour.
With commentatorts saying this is on Biden to fan the hatred and zealatory against Mr Trump, my thoughts are settling this was what the lefty democrats were hoping.
I keep thinking of the film of hiary clinton being on live tv when she was told that Colonel Gadaffi had been jilled – she was giggling, clapping and wetting her pants like a 4 yr old.
This is the precendent.
Its best this is announced behind closed doors.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 1:14 pm
A Never Trumper, Sheridan says J.D. Vance is too “combative”.
Sheridan is an “inside the Beltway swampie”.
Of course he hates Trump because he isn’t part of the club. Sheridan’s main basis for support of both Killary and The Sniffer was “experienced”.
In the case of Killary, it was 8 years FSOTUS, 8 years as senator and 4 years as Secretary of State. A bit of political background but no more than a couple of dozen other prospects. As for Sniffy Joe, 40 years of grift in Washington is hardly the sort of experience we need. And, of course, Sheridan’s assumption is that life experience outside the circle is not only worthless, but to be regarded with suspicion.
Using the example cited earlier of Trump threatening to pull aid if South American states didn’t take their crooks back, Sheridan would be horrified at this disruption of the normal order of things.
His Foreign Affairies contacts would have briefed him about the long history of aid and how it shouldn’t be used as a political lever.
When presses they can’t explain why not, and I can imagine Trump taking a normal commercial approach of “Well, why are we spending the money if we get nothing for it?”
Of course, these same Foreign Affairies/State Dept dweebs will now be busy churning out papers as to why military aid to Israel should be withdrawn on a whim.
Of course, these same Foreign Affairies/State Dept dweebs will now be busy churning out papers as to why military aid to Israel should be withdrawn on a whim.
But funding to UNRWA must continue or we are all Islamophobic.
There have been many Sheridan articles that are perceptive and useful. But you are absolutely right about Sheridan’s fixation with the conventions re foreign affairs. In my opinion, Trump is invaluable because he is transactional. He looks for the return & questions the relationship if there is none.
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 16, 2024 1:17 pm
The AP live stream ended 10mins ago. So it’s over for today.
Trump didn’t show up until the last hour. Didn’t make any speech.
Maybe that doesn’t happen until the last day?
Unbeleivable – speaking with a leftie today who was saying how does it feel to have a republican shooting Trump.
I said he was a democrat and was a memeebr of a looney group – progessive what ever – no he wanst – these payments to the democrat and progressive lot were traced to a 61 yr old.
He was a religious far right extremist whose friends could not beleive he would shoot a republican.
Called BS but then the howells of proest came down – iresearched this , my sources are independent – even the people whop break these stories are lawyers who have investigated this etc
July 16, 2024 1:18 pm
“Your face has more wrinkles than an orangutan’s ball sack.”
Greg Gutfeld, the poet laureate of US late night TV, to Martha Raddatz, the ancient witch of the US ABC as she was working herself up to her tirade blaming Trump for getting shot.
They need to keep it up now, No more ladies on that job.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 1:29 pm
July 16, 2024 12:12 pm
I’m watching the RNC Convention on Fox. Trump arrived and was on stage with his family, there was also Speaker Johnson but no McConnell.
Apart from the impact of the Dimocrat inspired shooting on Saturday on their own campaign, it will have an effect of Republicans as well.
Expect to hear very little from ageing RINOs and Never Trumpers. Yes, no doubt the likes of McCain Jnr will still be howling at the moon, but those with one eye on their career will go vewwy, vewwy quiet.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 1:32 pm
July 16, 2024 12:52 pm
This is in huge contrast where the Democrat party refused to have God even mentioned at their convention in 2020.
They did, however, invoke Satan.
And in 2016 they confirmed Satan as their candidate.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 1:35 pm
July 16, 2024 1:08 pm
Trump getting roundly criticised on twitter for playing a round of golf yesterday morning instead of visiting victims and their families.
The last report I say that he still hadn’t called the widow. But, WH had tried to reach out.
And the widow refused to take the call.
Why would she give the time of day to the enablers of her husband’s murderer?
American Conservative has featured Vance on many occasions. I remember first reading about him via the interview Rod Dreher had done about the book. J.D. Vance Becomes Catholic
I see some people are settling on the incompetence angle. I would urge that incompetence is here a mask for malice. Nevertheless, nothing to be gained by promoting ‘conspiracies’. People themselves can put the facts before them and see where it points, not merely on the day but over the last 8 years.
I guess I am just guileless. It was the same with Covid & the vaccines. I tend to presume incompetence and stupidity, rather than evil, in most cases. Always puts me at a disadvantage, though.
Regime media is nervous about Trump/ Vance on Ukraine and the neocon project more generally because they’re the least on message of the Presidential pool and the most likely to move independently.
But if the Judge Cannon is anything to go by, the regime is almost resolved that Trump will now be President barring any future surprises. But it’s still July, and we a still some way from October.
Last edited 6 months ago by dover0beach
Bungonia Bee
July 16, 2024 2:12 pm
Firstly, J.D. Vance was a regular guest on Fox with the main people in the evening for at least a year before he won election into the Senate.
Secondly, Tucker Carlson was sitting in the front row, the Trump row – only Byron Donald sat between him and Trump himself.
July 16, 2024 2:12 pm
Special Counsel Jack Smith spokesman:
“The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Atty General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel. The Justice Dept has authorized the Special Counsel to appeal the court’s order”
Mistake. I took it to be Cannon giving the regime an out.
Now she will have to address the real issue, which is that Smith raided Mar-a-Lago, turned off the cameras, planted classified files then “found” them (right after searching Melania’s undies drawer).
July 16, 2024 2:22 pm
I agree Dover, malice preceded and created the incompetence.
When you have people screaming to (local) police that there is a person crawling on a roof and no-one has relayed that to the agents around the president you have to ask why Trump was given such a meagre disorganised team.
The truth is there must be dozens if not hundreds who might make such an attempt if the circumstances arose and this time malicious incompetence at the most senior level gave Crooks the opportunity.
I see some people are settling on the incompetence angle.
I can’t speak for others, but I haven’t “settled” on anything.
However, if you are to critically examine it, you must include the broad category of “f-ck up” as one possibility.
This could have several sub-categories including petty competing jealousies between agencies resulting in poor communication and role clarity, general complacency and laziness or poor training.
The incident can be divided into two strands.
Firstly, the motivation of Crooks. I have no doubt he acted as he did largely due to his entire teenage years being filled with TDS propaganda to the point where he thought he would be doing a great service by shooting Trump. Was he further directly encouraged by others either in authority or not? Who knows?
Secondly there is the security. It seems to have suffered a couple of “101” level lapses, which Ms SS Chief needs to explain. The longer she goes without issuing at least a preliminary report, the more suss it looks.
One thing is for sure. If Trump wins, there will be a Secret Service clean out and you will see less DEI, and more ex-Marine hard-heads.
We saw them already when he walked in to the auditorium at the Convention. Six big burly blokes on high look-around alert.
Sancho Panzer
July 16, 2024 2:32 pm
But if the Judge Cannon is anything to go by, the regime is almost resolved that Trump will now be President barring any future surprises.
Reports on their ABC last night that they were privately conceding. Which means they will soon go into “save the furniture” mode to try to contain the down-ticket damage in the House and the Senate. I don’t see a role for Sniffy or Kamal in the furniture preservation project.
July 16, 2024 2:35 pm
2024 Election tidbit – J.D. Vance is the first US Marine in history selected to be a candidate for president or VP (John Glenn was considered but not selected).
Last edited 6 months ago by Zatara
July 16, 2024 2:36 pm
The US news media commentariat has immediately switched from Trump’s “threat to democracy” to the “bomb throwing radical” vice-presidential nominee J.D, Vance.
I think they fear Vance because he’s more articulate than Trump and wrote a best-selling book about overcoming his deprived upbringing in the back blocks of America to become a successful family man — i.e., the American dream.
They have no comeback except gaslighting propaganda and fear-mongering.
July 16, 2024 2:36 pm
Trump looks still shell shocked to me. Not surprising really when you come within millimeters of having your brains scattered around you. Probably takes a few weeks to process what actually happened and recover mentally.
I admit I’m having difficulty still denying an intercession by God. Because if there’s one thing the world needs right now it’s a hand against the bastards.
The only thing that can stop the election now is a war. And I wouldn’t put it past the mongrels to start one.
Miracle, but one ponders the “What ifs” had the unthinkable happened.
July 16, 2024 2:46 pm
It just gets more fuked:
Over 20 minutes on the roof!!?
How is it even possible to screw things up that badly?
July 16, 2024 2:46 pm
Great article from bystander with experience at Trump rallies. A First-Person Account Of Security Issues On The Ground In Butler, PA By Gabriel Williams
To the iconic question “Where were you when JFK was shot?” we can now add “Where were you when Trump got clicked?” As it happens, my wife and I were 40-50 yards from the podium in Butler, PA, and approximately 200-225 yards from the shooter. This essay records my impressions of and thoughts about events I witnessed.
Preliminarily, though, I want to applaud the counter-sniper team that took out Thomas Crooks. Within a matter of seconds, these snipers, whose job is to be reactive, not proactive, identified the target, acquired him in their optics, and fired successful headshots on a prone, low-profile target. Crooks was dead before Trump was on his feet, pumping his fist. I don’t care who you are, this was top-shelf, gold-standard suppression on an active threat. Putting aside rumors about instructions they did or did not receive before Crooks fired, I believe they did their job as swiftly and flawlessly as could be expected in the heat of the moment. For my part, respect is owed here until I’m definitively shown otherwise.
That said, everything else about yesterday was an absolute train wreck. Let’s start with entry to the venue.My wife and I have attended five Trump rallies, three of which were held outdoors. Once you get to the gate, security requires you to put everything you’re carrying on a table for inspection. Then, you go through a metal detector, after which an agent with a wand gives you the once-over. At least, that’s what happened at four of the five rallies.
Yesterday, I didn’t get wanded. Instead, when I went through the metal detector (which didn’t go off) and then presented myself in the usual ‘T’ stance with arms out, the uniformed agent simply said, “You’re good. You can go on through.”That struck me as peculiar but not alarming. I never thought a U.S. Secret Service agent—whose principal was not only the presumed Republican nominee for the presidency but a former U.S. president—would be so relaxed, but I knew I was safe, so I put it out of my mind.
The venue itself was also a problem. Here are two videos I took of the scene before Trump was shot:
In those videos, you saw:
dense trees somewhat close in and to both sides of the venue, with clear lines of sight to the podium;
open umbrellas;
a water tower(!) about a quarter-mile off the venue, but with an excellent line of sight (I’m talking about Texas Tower/Book Repository-grade line of sight) to the podium. I noticed the counter-snipers repeatedly checking the tower;
a utility pole almost right next to me with foot pegs in (which a couple of people actually partly climbed, without security protests, to get a better camera shot of Trump as his motorcade arrived; and
elevated terrain that sloped downwards from spectator to podium.
When has the low ground ever been advantageous to a defender? The whole point of a podium is that the attendant protective detail has an advantageous and unobstructed view of the crowd. Indoors, I concede that this is probably acceptable, but that’s a finite and much more easily controlled space.Given these factors, who was running the advance team, and how did they conclude that this was a safe space for a presidential candidate in a heated campaign?
Between the water tower and the downward-sloping terrain, each should have been a red flag nixing the venue. At the very least, these deficiencies should have had dedicated members of either local law enforcement or USSS personnel assigned to them exclusively (such as shooters or just eyes on top of that water tower). Those who inspected and signed off on this location should be the first ones hauled before a congressional inquiry about this of course, the more pressing question is how a shooter armed with a long gun got within 130-150 yards of one of the most polarizing figures in U.S. political history–unchallenged. The fact that spectators apparently were shouting the alarm about this guy makes it even worse.
It’s infuriating and inexcusable that matters got to the point at which Trump was shot. If the venue had been properly vetted and analyzed, a young, inexperienced shooter could never have gotten within 400 feet of Donald J. Trump, climbed onto a roof, gotten into a prone firing position with even just a slight advantage in elevation, and fired off 6-8 shots before being neutralized.
It was Crooks’ own experience that saved Trump. There’s a small airfield immediately outside the venue, with the usual windsocks. As a pilot, I know how to read them. During the rally (allowing that windsocks are the roughest of measurements), I estimate that the wind was 8-10 knots, slightly gusting (breezy). At 130-150 yards, that would have mattered very little to an experienced shooter who knew how to correct for windage. An inexperienced shooter, however, would not know that. I firmly believe Donald J. Trump is only alive right now because Crooks was a poor shot, almost certainly under immense emotional pressure.
The poor shot wasn’t because of security pressure. After all, Crooks got into position, set up, had Trump in his sights, and got off 6-8 shots, scoring one graze on a headshot, all without any serious challenge or impediment. Crooks had a clean shot on target, and, thank God Almighty, he blew it. When I say the failures of the Secret Service here are inexcusable, the word “inexcusable: itself seems insufficient. We’re supposed to be the varsity, and the world just saw some of the best we have get punked by a 20-year-old with Dad’s AR.
I loathe pointing the finger at law enforcement officers or USSS. It’s a thankless job, and I easily believe they have problems with having sufficient personnel—but not an excuse. If you cannot properly and adequately protect the principal at an event, then you must tell the principal that the event cannot go forward. The director of the USSS, Kim Cheatle, is going to have some very uncomfortable questions to answer in the coming days, and it’s not hyperbole to call what happened yesterday a career killer. In a different era, any person failing this badly would have been expected to fall on her sword.
However, there is a silver lining to all this. Democrats and the radical left really are the undisputed masters of unintended consequences. By virtue of surviving (and getting back to his feet like a boss to pump the crowd), Crooks just banked Trump the kind of political capital that all of Trump’s money would never have been able to buy on its own.
Good luck throwing Trump in jail now, Justice Merchan.
By virtue of surviving (and getting back to his feet like a boss to pump the crowd), Crooks just banked Trump the kind of political capital that all of Trump’s money would never have been able to buy on its own.
However, if you are to critically examine it, you must include the broad category of “f-ck up” as one possibility.
It’s certainly possible but at this level of politics I’d always start with ‘this was planned’ and work from there.
July 16, 2024 2:53 pm
Trump looks still shell shocked to me. Not surprising really when you come within millimeters of having your brains scattered around you. Probably takes a few weeks to process what actually happened and recover mentally.
I wasn’t able to see the rally today. ButI would think any after effect could be similar to a near fatal incident in battle, since the attacker intended to kill him.
July 16, 2024 2:59 pm
This has to be the most outrageous comment yet. It’s outright incitement.
She has made a huge mistake.
Being of the crazy left is no longer a protective blanket. That time is past. I’d wager her social media presence has been obliterated by now.
Outrageous is too mild, she is a vile creature. The heartless dismissal of the member of the audience who was shot dead puts her in the monster category. She doesn’t know how that person voted yet thinks he should die simply for being near Trump.
Were these people always among us and it’s just without the social media exposure we didn’t know how awful they were?
The FBI has opened the Trump assassin’s phone and can’t seem to find a motive
Just like they couldn’t find a motive with the Nashville Trans Terrorist who shot up a Christian school
The FBI continues to hide the truth about who the *real* violent extremists are in this country
And it ain’t the people wearing red hats
July 16, 2024 3:06 pm
“I only hope J.D. Vance has imagined what can be, unburdened by what has been.
“If he opens the VP debate with that before Kamala goes, she’ll have nothing.”
oh God!!! So funny, I scared the doggos when I laughed!
July 16, 2024 3:13 pm
Being a bit “shaky” is perfectly normal after an adrenaline pumping near miss. And the knowledge that a decent man behind you was killed with the bullet meant for you. Sobering stuff.
Trump can take inspiration from “missed me” Reagan and Bull Moose Roosevelt.
I had a look at his family there. He has the most important thing – solidarity.
July 16, 2024 3:15 pm
Because she’s not their lapdog they’ve been attacking her nonstop. Impartial justice is totally beyond their comprehension.
When Biden made his remarks after Trump had his ear clipped in an attempted assassination, did he mention his son, Beau, hinting (but carefully avoiding actually saying) that he had died in Iraq?
Excellent speech and audience response. This Convention is out there speaking to the working people of America, putting the boot into the elites and the Democrat failed years. It is clear there is no place for racism in this crowd. Patriotism is what makes America great, and everyone’s included in that.
And it’s hardly surprising that, after all he has been through, he’d be having a little snooze at any opportunity! I would be! Other wags say he was praying.
I haven’t, not quite, although I have had machine guns firing over my head and ricochets around my ankles when raising and lowering the targets at the range in Maroubra. Interesting experience.
Let me fire a 55 grain soft point .223 at you at about 3200 fps, 1280+ ft/lbs energy, tear it through your earlobe, literally millimetres from your temple … and see you feel when the shock and adrenaline wear off. Cockhead!!
July 16, 2024 3:56 pm
Investigators have been able to piece together some clues about Crooks’ movements in before the shooting at 6.11pm on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Earlier in the day, he bought 50 rounds of ammunition from Allegheny Arms & Gun Works and a metal ladder from Home Depot, which he used to climb to the roof of a factory with a clear sightline to Trump’s podium, sources said.
Sources said the AR-style assault rifle Crooks used belonged to his father — Matthew Brian Crooks, a licensed counsellor who registered to vote as a Libertarian.
[School Councillor] Mr Knapp said he never knew Crooks to be political in any way, even as other kids would sometimes wear Trump or Biden attire.
When Biden made his remarks after Trump had his ear clipped in an attempted assassination, did he mention his son, Beau, hinting (but carefully avoiding actually saying) that he had died in Iraq?
Bwah ha ha ha.
This is going to be something else.
I think it was JC who coined the term “toppering” here.
The Sniffer is an inveterate “topperer”.
He will no doubt spit out a garbled story at some stage of himself being in mortal danger.
He will no doubt spit out a garbled story at some stage of himself being in mortal danger.
Correct. The only thing the old cadaver pervert hasn’t lied about is the assassination attempts on him. Cornpop and a horde of MAGAs who were fought off by the old pervert and Hunter.
Mother Lode
July 16, 2024 4:10 pm
Sources said the AR-style assault rifle
What does that mean? That it is not with the old wooden stock?
So, they are saying he knew he would need a ladder. What was his plan? To walk around with it until he found a place to fire from? Perhaps he had foolishly assumed the Secret Service could not take up places outside the venue and it was his fool’s luck that the SS indeed left it unguarded.
Google Street View would have given him an easy way to scope out possible shooting sites. If you look the site up it’s clear you can just drive straight in and right to where the ladder was positioned.
July 16, 2024 4:10 pm
The Republican talking point about how the convention was going to be about national unity lasted less than a day. Jon Don Vance was picked because he hates the same people Trump hates. He will convert zero Democratic voters.
Still zero credible evidence of Crooks being anything other than a standard loser incel white male Republican.
That’s not fear, BJ. That’s a loose bowel movement as he contemplates his imaginary future of a helicopter ride to Tasmania.
The reality is that a a Fascist Warmongering Trump wouldn’t even waste his time with a creature like Monty.
LOL. Monty keeps pumping out the regime talking points — such a useful online idiot in a country that can’t vote in American elections.
July 16, 2024 4:15 pm
LOL Monty’s friend said he was asleep for a whole ‘one or two minutes’.
As though no-one has ever nodded off during a long day of speechifying.
And her medical expert buddies; it’s a fake bandage for a fake wound.
Sure, champs.
If I had my way, anyone who impeded a member of parliament in the performance of his or her duties would be tried before the bar of Parliament and given a stiff stretch in the chokey.
As I recall, my argument is that I am the most conservative person here, since the rest of you are either bomb-throwing anarchists or the things you profess to want to conserve don’t exist any more. Conservatism is not the same as libertarianism.
July 16, 2024 4:30 pm
Sheridan is an “inside the Beltway swampie”.
Of course he hates Trump because he isn’t part of the club.
Who’s going to break it to Greg that he’s not actually in the club either?
And that as a practicing Catholic he’s merely tolerated because he’s useful?
Last edited 6 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
July 16, 2024 4:32 pm
Being a bit “shaky” is perfectly normal after an adrenaline pumping near miss.
His instinct was to get back on the horse.
Shaky or not shaky.
He’s a true leader.
MTG at the RNC! Go Marjorie!
July 16, 2024 8:40 am
Someone above posted a cip of a speech by a former US Border Patrol chief. What struck me was when he told then President Trump that South American countries were refusing to take back illegals like MS 13 gangsters, Trump acted. He phoned up the Presidents or whoever was in charge and told them that unless they took their spawn back, all US aid would be cut off.
Two days later, planeloads of them were on their way home.
Diplomats revel in making things complicated – just imagine the many reasons why they would have told Trump it was a bad idea.
Sometimes you need to put an axe through a Gordian knot.
This one Johanna. I watched it as well and he didn’t hold back. Also didn’t hold back about how numerous children were and are being exploited in the border disaster as well :
July 15, 2024 10:24 pm
“That’s A Bunch Of Bullsh*t!” Tom Homan RIPS Karine Jean-Pierre At Major GOP Event
great speech
Ace has nick-named her “Latrine John-Pissoir”. 😀
Who put the ladder there? The most likely person is the (now) headless would-be assassin.
It was hardly a spur of the moment decision to have a red hot go at Trump and/or his supporters (the bomb paraphernalia is a clue). He could have put the ladder there days earlier, or simply found it and used it. These were small town sports fields and such stuff is lying around everywhere. When they back track his movements you’ll likely find he’d sussed the place out earlier.
Of more interest is why didn’t the security detail comb the venue properly before the event began. They had time to put on their uniforms and tool belts and don their assorted weaponry. But no one appears to have had the nouse to do a walk around.
As for Headlesses social media presence, it will be unearthed if there is a will to do so.
Some random stupid thoughts:
I have done security at events with civilian security types in large crowds. 99% of your attention is taken up dealing with and keeping an eye of the behaviour of Joe Idiot, the average member of the general public.
However, trained infantry types who should make up the SS, are trained to keep their attention to the specific arc they are given, no matter what. Even if a bomb goes off outside your arc, your attention should remain on your own task, in the knowledge that someone else on the team has eyes on the incident.
These political rallies must require a lot of very specialised talents to cover a large range of very different tasks.
Which takes me to the female agent who takes out her handgun after shots are fired, and points it AT THE CROWD. Meanwhile, the rapid response crew with rifles pointed safely at the ground move in front of her and she keeps her gun up lasering their backs as they pass her.
The only drill that seems to have entered her brain during training is to at least keep her finger outside the trigger guard until a target is acquired.
What was the state of her weapon at this time? Was the safety on? Was there a round in the chamber? Did she even know the weapon state? Given the amount of agitation she was exhibiting, the amount of movement around her, what exactly was her task, and how safe were the people around her, including her own team from being the victim of an unwanted weapon discharge.
Interesting that my US portfolio ( very small and only 5 stocks ) has barely moved since Saturday’s events.I was expecting a bump.
In addition, rumour has it (hmmmmm) that his parents are progressives. The gun belonged to Dad.
Nothing like stoking the hatred around the dinner table and having the means to take it further. Catastrophically, as it turned out.
No, no, no, mUntyfa has assured us that he was a true blue conservative.
It was in the DNC talking points, so it must be true.
His dad is a psychologist and his mum is a substitute elementary school teacher. Chances of them being conservative approach nil.
I can’t be sure, but it looks like that property is separate from the rally property.
It would be interesting to have a fire-side chat with the owner and employees.
Another thing which occurred to me is whether the Trump camp contributed to confusion. The site looks pretty much like a paddock with limited fixed infrastructure. Did the campaign provide a mud-map of the site layout which was inaccurate or confusing, or was the final set-up different to that proposed?
Good start to the day: Trump recovering, JD on the ticket and Trump has literally a cast of thousands to fill other important positions. That POS Jack Smith booted and the other 3 cases against Trump completely rooted:
1 Engoron will soon face criminal charges
2 Merchan has been fuked by SCOTUS and immunity
3 Fanny will soon be in the lockup.
I wonder if Fanny’s meat tuba will continue its vigorous exercise plan in lock up?
Allegedly SS resources were diverted to Jill Biden so the SS was stretched at the Trump rally.
They were. Jill was out doing a campaign event without Joe, which is an issue in itself.
Katie Hopkins in NYC: a big black dude from Chicago just told me, ‘Trump is blacker than me’.
July 16, 2024 9:54 am
Even more worrying, I saw a report that they both worked as counsellors.
In other words, hand-patters who would have a very light touch when it came to discipline.
Worst behaved kid at my son’s primary school had two child shrinks as parents
The FBI are having terrible trouble trying to crack his phone, really terrible terrible trouble.
FBI Claims Purportedly Struggling To Crack Trump Shooter’s Phone (16 Jul)
It’s a mystery. I wonder if in that big warehouse there’s room on the shelf next to the Ark of the Covenant for a phone.
TBF Apple at least has made on device encryption a priority.
From Instapundit…
Any fair minded person will now assume the shooter wasn’t a lone duck, the FBI has actually accessed the phone and know who the others are who are involved and is now actively protecting them.
And you can bet your left nut they were in it up to their little pointy heads.
July 16, 2024 10:05 am
The narcissistic bint has already said she loves the power trip of a motorcade with everyone having to stop for her.
As I said yesterday, Trump should simply say that whatever level of protection he gets between now and November will be the new benchmark for protection of ex-Presidents.
How could they possibly argue that it wouldn’t be adequate?
Did Jill decide that her special First Lady entrance music would by suitably enhanced by a choral component?
DrJill’s entrance music is “Send in the Clowns”.
…or the Benny Hill Theme.
The Americanism Scotch-Irish is a bit of a misnomer, as they were neither Gaelic Scots nor Irish, but from the northern English borderland counties and English-speaking lowland Scots who came from the same genetic stock and shared a common “borderland” culture. They’d been transplanted to Ulster in the reign of King James VI, hence “Irish”. Gaelic speaking Scots were forbidden migration based upon fears they might join the Irish locals in rebellion. They also had to be Protestant, though not necessarily CofE. They later took their distinct culture with them to America.
‘Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America’ is the book to read on British culture in early north America.
A lot of Scots migrated to Northern Ireland, my great grandfather was one of them.
Border Scots made up the Reivers. Zero trust in government of any colour. Vicious troublemakers. From which DNA, in my case, exhibits as sneaky troublemaker. Fierce fighters, who when they werent fighting the government, fought each other. Not entirely sure why they were seen as less troublesome than the Gaelic Haggis Eating variety of Scot. They were all mad as cut snakes.
And if they think that speaking Scots is the same as speaking English, I have a copy of my 3GGrandfather’s Scots poetry and prose available for translation. It’s a distinct language which almost disappeared in the diaspora but has made a comeback in recent years.
Scots & English both derive from proto-English, Megan.
(But you probably knew that!)
Btw, Thomas Sowell traces the negative aspects of black American culture to the influence of the Scotch-Irish. I’m not sure I’m convinced by his argument, though.
They are not going to make the same mistake again like they did with the transgender mass-murderess in Nashville and her manifesto. If they don’t “find” anything they don’t have to release anything.
It’s a factory/warehouse belonging to some kind of glass/plastic manufacturer, it looks very easily accessible because there is even a Google Street View into their carpark and you can go right up to the trees where the ladder was hidden behind and simultaneously see where Trump was speaking. No security gates at the entrance, so perfectly possible for some random to go in there.
For those interested Breitbart has a live thread on the RNC and the speakers here:
***Livewire*** Night One of the Republican National Convention
The President of the Teamsters is the last speaker, which is interesting in light of this story:
In Blow to Biden, Teamsters Consider No Endorsement in 2024 Race (Newsmax, 15 Jul)
Will there be a surprise endorsement? It would be historic if so.
This would be my reaction too OSC, if someone else told a similar story about a lefty friend.
But this is what we were up against with the covid and the TDS. People indoctrinated by the programming.
In defence of my instructor, he is a good bloke with otherwise sound ideas.
And maybe some brain damage from past fights.
Mother Lode, those voters are too stupid since they keep voting Dem no matter how horrendous the politicians become and the monstrous policies they put forward.
Just like our major parties. We don’t matter, remember?
Until it comes time to hand out HTVs at booths.
That originated with Crosby Textor who have taken both nominally centre right parties into Opposition in the UK and Australia where they show little prospect of returning to government in the near future. I’m not sure it would reflect current thinking. Elections still have some relevance (albeit slight) to the democratic process.
Was the ladder semi-automatic?
The Americanism Scotch-Irish is a bit of a misnomer, as they were neither Gaelic Scots nor Irish, but from the northern English borderland counties and English-speaking lowland Scots who came from the same genetic stock and shared a common “borderland” culture. They’d been transplanted to Ulster in the reign of King James VI, hence “Irish”. Gaelic speaking Scots were forbidden migration based upon fears they might join the Irish locals in rebellion. They also had to be Protestant, though not necessarily CofE. They later took their distinct culture with them to America.
All of which I am aware of however after the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 failed, followed by the land clearances across the highlands, many Gaelic speaking Scots did emigrate to Appalachian areas.
I thought you would be, Cassie, but I suspected a few here weren’t, especially as the term is rarely used outside of north American English.
Why Men REFUSE to Fight Modern WARS
Black Pigeon Speaks
What a con of an “our’ ABC sob story ..FFS! .. Pensioners in “houso” pay 25% of their pension in rent, across the board, the only time(s) it differs is if there are others living with you .. Regardless of the rent the OAP/DSP component is 25% … The OAP bloke in the story is about to pay, for some reason, $10 a week more than me but maybe in Vic they include something not calculated in NSW .. Standard OAP “houso” rent so , previously, he was paying less than 25% for some reason ..
And yes it is a bloody nuisance when every 6 months “Houso” snaffles 25% of the gummint pittance (referred to as a cost-of-living rise LOL!) but it’s in line with the 25% threshhold …… Last “rise”, March, NSW ‘Houso” took $7.40 of my $9.20 “rise” .. When I complained they just said, “We made an error last time” …. end of story …!
1st rule of dealing with or complaining about “Houso” .. THEY DON’T CARE .. be grateful you’ve got a roof over your head ………!
The standard for rent used to be find something at 33% max of income.
‘Who elected George Soros to dictate laws?’: El Salvador President Bukele blasts global elites
This guy is the greatest. No on No one has his courage today – except for Trump, may he Purtin the bishop of Nigeria
Greg Sheridan (Paywallian foreign editor): Choosing JD Vance as his running mate is Donald Trump’s first big mistake in this 2024 election.
A Never Trumper, Sheridan says J.D. Vance is too “combative”.
Sheridan – and the Paywallian’s former US correspondent Cameron Stewart, who has also written a hostile piece on Trump this morning (“How long will Donald Mark 2 last?”) – are major reasons the Australian news media (even the bits that pretend to be rational) are useless as sources of information and opinion on US politics.
And they still behave as if they have a monopoly on news and the internet hasn’t yet been invented.
I have posted a comment underneath the Sheridan vomit which took 10 seconds to be rejected.
I get annoyed at the pics they choose of Trump. They seek out the most contorted face pics they can find of him, where he is blowing out or caught in mid-change of expression or movement. Everyone has bad photos of them taken in moments of movement. They are the ones you delete, but with Trump they are the ones published to support the negative imagery.
You would think they have never heard of that new invention called the internet.
I’d argue that combative is exactly what’s needed. Clearly Sheridan prefers the unintelligible word salad of the current VP. Speaks volumes re his intellectual level.
JD Vance, a combat experienced US Marine, is “too combative” for the furin expurts at the paywallian.
Good thing they don’t get a vote, or influence anyone who does.
An “assault” modification ladder.
Extra rungs.
And a semi automatic extender.
Are the Wiklevoss twins the ones who were original owners of Facebook with Zuckerberg?
Oh good grief! Trump was nearly assassinated a couple days ago and Sheridan is whining about Vance being too combative?
I’m slightly disappointed that Mr Vance is Trump’s running mate. I wanted Sarah Palin.
JD Vance is a great choice but no one has the battle armour of Palin, no one other than Trump has been through such intense flaming, and she absolutely terrifies the Democrats.
Which is exactly what the veep nominee needs to be. Sheridan should have the political nous to understand that.
Kristi Noem on now, channel 603.
Speaking of entrance music, sources tell me the Marine Corps Band is just about ready to go public with Kamala’s new number.
The Oz is mystified.
Vice President JD Vance? Trump has made a curious choice (Paywallian)
I think this is hilarious because of this story:
Murdoch Hardest Hit (Breitbart mainpage headline, reprinted from 12 Jul)
This swathe of TDS at the Oz today is nearly as mendacious as the Fork Corners ABC. Well elite Newscorpse media kiddies, get used to it since it looks like Trump will be winning in November.
Channel 603 on Sky via foxtel is way better than we get most days. It’s the one dedicated to the RNC convention. Currently the union rep guy is telling how Trump turned them into supporters in New York.
Remember the swing states are the ones that have allowed ballot harvesting
It just gets more fuked:
Exclusive | Counter-sniper team was inside building where Thomas Crooks opened fire (
This from the Tele today.
Trump shooter hid on roof for 26 minutes (paywalled)
The head of Teamsters said very nice things about the choice of Vance on fox.
Democratic nominee hopeful is selling J.D. Vance hard.
I like him already lady, you don’t need to sell me.
I watched a tiktok clip of a foul mouthed African American comedian who claimed Trump must be his uncle what with his criminal record and now having been shot. Said he hadn’t been planning to vote but would now go out and vote for Trump.
He can’t be the only one.
Why not? If it works go with it.
Good to have it confirmed that Trump made the right choice.
I have Hillbilly Elegy on my shelf ‘to be read’.
You get a glimpse of those lives on shows like Justified and Homicide:Life on the Street.
My US pal lived for a while on a mountain in Tennessee.
It’s a whole other world, even driving through like I did in 2011 and 2015.
I saw Jake Shields followers disparaging J D Vance’s wife as a pajeet.
That’s okay.
Diversity is our strength.
She’s probably smarter than her husband.
The book is better than the movie.
Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neill, Monday:
‘Like a virus, populists are replicating at an exponential rate.’
She apparently hasn’t the gumption to ask “Why?”
It’s a mystery, oh wait, isn’t that choice, like Democracy?
What a hide she has
Replicating, as in, becoming popular because they have attractive policies?
It’s like she has no awareness that people have choice in a democracy.
She is aware, but fears that the people will not make the correct, that is to say, the lefturd, choice.
Another pravate skool ejucated snotty nosed malicious incompetent
Nailed it!
I believe what she’s saying is that voters should only have choices approved of by the political Establishment.
Coming a day after the attempted assassination of Trump, it bespeaks a remarkable tone deafness born of the arrogance of our ruling caste.
You’ll also find similar attitudes in the Liberal Party. Indeed, Labor and Liberal combined to amend legislation to make the election of minor party candidates more difficult just a few years ago.
Btw, she’s another ex-McKinsey politico.
Roger this why I would have still voted for Bob Hawke as I did way back when. The SFL’S were a rabble, scrambling over each other coz they were born to rule. Knowing all of, well most of Hawke’s failings he’s still the most Australian PM I’ve known since I’ve been here. All the rest have been bigger disappointments.
For all his faults as a man, I’d agree Hawke was a good Prime Minister, Ranga.
It was his government, not Howard’s, that set Australia up for its late 20th C. prosperity, which began to be undermined by bad policy from the late Howard years, then R-G-R.
A “refugee” from that horribly oppressive state SINGAPORE!
When I read the headline of this article, my first thought was, bugger, this is in Australia. No, it’s in the States, but I can see our morons at the CSIRO applauding this stupidity.
I suggest the so called scientists get dumped into the sodium hydroxide. At least there would be some benefit to humanity.
I think the then American Conservative magazine writer Rod Dreher was at the confirmation of JD Vance into the catholic church (not sure if that is the right terminology). I remember him posting a pic of it on his twitter website.
Vincent Van Trump.
From the Breitbart live thread.
I’m watching the RNC Convention on Fox. Trump arrived and was on stage with his family, there was also Speaker Johnson but no McConnell.
Trump has the ear bandaged and seems just a tad frail.
I thought I saw Tucker Carlson on the stage with everyone but it was only for a split second so I could have been mistaken.
Fox News panel were talking over the proceeding so I had to switch over to 603 to hear what was actually happening on stage. I don’t need to know what Britt Hume has to say.
More muck served up by Sheridan.
He runs very hot and cold – mostly cold. Not as bad as Snoozer Kelly but that is the lowest of bars.
Teamsters are going bipartisan!!
Hilarious headline of the day come from Sky News.
Greens planning to replace Labor as authentic centre-left party (16 Jul)
In breaking news Joseph Stalin announces that his new administration will govern from the centre!
That’s actually an astute political move given sentiments favouring socialism in the younger cohort of voters.
Bring it on!
Socialism, according to the younger cohort of voters, consists of “What’s yours is mine. What’s mine, stays that way.” It’s always someone else’s wealth that is to be redistributed.
Not sure anything has changed. Greens definitely causing an ongoing headache in old Liar seats like Albo and Plibbers.
Let’s play student immigration whack-a-mole!
Since the Albanese government introduced measures to cut international student visas and make their pathway to permanent residency more difficult, the government has experienced a surge in asylum claims from Chinese and Indian students who don’t wish to return home.
Source: SMH 12 July 2024 [paywalled]
Just watched Trump enter the convention with his ear bandaged. I have tears running down my cheeks.
God Bless President Trump.
the RNC also stopped, and said a prayer for the hostages.
Greens, to replace Labor as centre left????
I thought the Liberals were the centre left party!
Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Passionate Remarks In Support Of Trump At 2024 RNC
TMZ has found a clip of Thomas Crooks talking.
He sounds like muntsac.
Someone is tauntingly putting horns behind his head, so the bullying claims are borne out by this clip. From his squeaky voice and inappropriate claims it is immediately obvious that the kid speaking is clearly not all there but wants to be a cool kid. A sad case of DTS taking over a young probably autistic loner who has poor social skills and is therefore very open to influence. And there was obviously plenty of that around on the net and elsewhere to gee him up into some ‘saviour’ action, carefully planned.
the government has experienced a surge in asylum claims from Chinese and Indian students who don’t wish to return home.
What sort of “legitimate” grounds would an OS “student” have to claim asylum .. FFS!
Might I suggest that merely submitting an asylum claim in Australia would be enough for a mainland Chinese student to claim fear of persecution on returning home?
Most tend to go home for the summer break. If one fears persecution they are unlikely to go home. Easily disprovable
Obviously, they’d have to avoid that once they’ve submitted their asylum application. Not so easily disprovable then.
A union leader is speaking at the DNC convention and criticising corporations like Amazon. This could not have happened only five years ago but is correct now that the Democrat Party is for the billionaires and trillionaires.
The other new thing is that a priest said a prayer and benedictions were said by several people. This is in huge contrast where the Democrat party refused to have God even mentioned at their convention in 2020. I don’t suppose they will be more welcoming this year.
They did, however, invoke Satan.
Just kidding!
Mind you, this contest is taking on a spiritual hue.
It was Tucker Carlson at the RNC Convention with Trump, they just shook hands.
Another interview must be in the works.
Trump getting roundly criticised on twitter for playing a round of golf yesterday morning instead of visiting victims and their families.
Perhaps his security detail needed a break.
I don’t think people appreciate even badly managed security takes work to organise.
He himself was a victim, to expect him to be going around making visits after the extreme stress of that situation is ridiculous.
Dear lord, people’s memories are short – Obama used to play golf weekly and got his handicap down to quite a low number. The media loved it!
Bush Junior was criticised every time he played golf, like once in a blue moon
The media are filth
The dead shooting victim’s wife refused to talk to Biden on the phone… after Trump had already called her, possibly from the hospital as he was getting his ear van goghed.
Trump had not called the victim’s wife.
At least according to the unreliable DNC talking points.
It’s a good read, made the bestseller list years go ..
Republican National Convention Prays for Freedom for Israeli Hostages (15 Jul)
I doubt the Dem convention would ever do this since (a) they hate God and (b) they are antisemites.
The last report I say that he still hadn’t called the widow. But, WH had tried to reach out.
Setting up a GoFundMe for her, which now has over $4 million in it, might be a tad relevant.
WH weren’t missing part of their ear.
Lydia Thorpe is more upfront that Fatima Payman
It says she likes chocolate milk in Arabic. ‘uhibu alhalib shawki
It’s a scam – hence the cup.
Lots of dick photos?
FBI Announces They’ve Successfully Opened Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Phone (15 Jul, via Lucianne)
If you wonder about my initial question…
Trump Would-Be Assassin Awkwardly Joked About Penis Size (15 Jul)
Ok maybe not dick photos, as I doubt his claim to having a ten-incher.
Re attempted assissination of Mr TRump – I am beginning to understand the valu of good manners and speaking as an example which the population accepts as good behavior and band behaviour.
With commentatorts saying this is on Biden to fan the hatred and zealatory against Mr Trump, my thoughts are settling this was what the lefty democrats were hoping.
I keep thinking of the film of hiary clinton being on live tv when she was told that Colonel Gadaffi had been jilled – she was giggling, clapping and wetting her pants like a 4 yr old.
This is the precendent.
Its best this is announced behind closed doors.
Sheridan is an “inside the Beltway swampie”.
Of course he hates Trump because he isn’t part of the club. Sheridan’s main basis for support of both Killary and The Sniffer was “experienced”.
In the case of Killary, it was 8 years FSOTUS, 8 years as senator and 4 years as Secretary of State. A bit of political background but no more than a couple of dozen other prospects. As for Sniffy Joe, 40 years of grift in Washington is hardly the sort of experience we need. And, of course, Sheridan’s assumption is that life experience outside the circle is not only worthless, but to be regarded with suspicion.
Using the example cited earlier of Trump threatening to pull aid if South American states didn’t take their crooks back, Sheridan would be horrified at this disruption of the normal order of things.
His Foreign Affairies contacts would have briefed him about the long history of aid and how it shouldn’t be used as a political lever.
When presses they can’t explain why not, and I can imagine Trump taking a normal commercial approach of “Well, why are we spending the money if we get nothing for it?”
Of course, these same Foreign Affairies/State Dept dweebs will now be busy churning out papers as to why military aid to Israel should be withdrawn on a whim.
But funding to UNRWA must continue or we are all Islamophobic.
There have been many Sheridan articles that are perceptive and useful. But you are absolutely right about Sheridan’s fixation with the conventions re foreign affairs. In my opinion, Trump is invaluable because he is transactional. He looks for the return & questions the relationship if there is none.
The AP live stream ended 10mins ago. So it’s over for today.
Trump didn’t show up until the last hour. Didn’t make any speech.
Maybe that doesn’t happen until the last day?
Correct. He was not originally scheduled to appear today.
Unbeleivable – speaking with a leftie today who was saying how does it feel to have a republican shooting Trump.
I said he was a democrat and was a memeebr of a looney group – progessive what ever – no he wanst – these payments to the democrat and progressive lot were traced to a 61 yr old.
He was a religious far right extremist whose friends could not beleive he would shoot a republican.
Called BS but then the howells of proest came down – iresearched this , my sources are independent – even the people whop break these stories are lawyers who have investigated this etc
“Your face has more wrinkles than an orangutan’s ball sack.”
Greg Gutfeld, the poet laureate of US late night TV, to Martha Raddatz, the ancient witch of the US ABC as she was working herself up to her tirade blaming Trump for getting shot.
No five foot three with a ponytail today.
That’s much more reassuring.
They need to keep it up now, No more ladies on that job.
July 16, 2024 12:12 pm
Apart from the impact of the Dimocrat inspired shooting on Saturday on their own campaign, it will have an effect of Republicans as well.
Expect to hear very little from ageing RINOs and Never Trumpers. Yes, no doubt the likes of McCain Jnr will still be howling at the moon, but those with one eye on their career will go vewwy, vewwy quiet.
July 16, 2024 12:52 pm
And in 2016 they confirmed Satan as their candidate.
July 16, 2024 1:08 pm
And the widow refused to take the call.
Why would she give the time of day to the enablers of her husband’s murderer?
Amber Rose Speaks To The RNC: ‘The Media Has Lied To Us About Donald Trump’
Another event to highlight on your calendar and set in supplies for –
Must see TV.
On the selection of JD Vance as VP, it seems that the DemonRats now oppose lifting yourself out of poverty by your own efforts?
Now giving up any pretence to support the poor in society?
Teamsters President Speaks At RNC, Praises Trump And GOP Senators Including JD
American Conservative has featured Vance on many occasions. I remember first reading about him via the interview Rod Dreher had done about the book.
J.D. Vance Becomes Catholic
I see some people are settling on the incompetence angle. I would urge that incompetence is here a mask for malice. Nevertheless, nothing to be gained by promoting ‘conspiracies’. People themselves can put the facts before them and see where it points, not merely on the day but over the last 8 years.
I believe it was planned.
Et moi.
And as usual for lefties – they stuffed up the implementation.
I guess I am just guileless. It was the same with Covid & the vaccines. I tend to presume incompetence and stupidity, rather than evil, in most cases. Always puts me at a disadvantage, though.
RNC Goes Wild When Trump Arrives As Lee Greenwood Sings ‘God Bless The USA’
After the violence and tragedy of the last few days, it is good to able to read something funny. Enjoy.
Trump Departs First Night Of The Republican National Convention
Regime media is nervous about Trump/ Vance on Ukraine and the neocon project more generally because they’re the least on message of the Presidential pool and the most likely to move independently.
But if the Judge Cannon is anything to go by, the regime is almost resolved that Trump will now be President barring any future surprises. But it’s still July, and we a still some way from October.
Firstly, J.D. Vance was a regular guest on Fox with the main people in the evening for at least a year before he won election into the Senate.
Secondly, Tucker Carlson was sitting in the front row, the Trump row – only Byron Donald sat between him and Trump himself.
The left need to remember that position 6 months from now when the AG is a bulldog selected by Trump to clean house and right wrongs.
In fact, I’ll save it to remind them.
Mistake. I took it to be Cannon giving the regime an out.
Now she will have to address the real issue, which is that Smith raided Mar-a-Lago, turned off the cameras, planted classified files then “found” them (right after searching Melania’s undies drawer).
I agree Dover, malice preceded and created the incompetence.
When you have people screaming to (local) police that there is a person crawling on a roof and no-one has relayed that to the agents around the president you have to ask why Trump was given such a meagre disorganised team.
The truth is there must be dozens if not hundreds who might make such an attempt if the circumstances arose and this time malicious incompetence at the most senior level gave Crooks the opportunity.
July 16, 2024 1:47 pm
I can’t speak for others, but I haven’t “settled” on anything.
However, if you are to critically examine it, you must include the broad category of “f-ck up” as one possibility.
This could have several sub-categories including petty competing jealousies between agencies resulting in poor communication and role clarity, general complacency and laziness or poor training.
The incident can be divided into two strands.
Firstly, the motivation of Crooks. I have no doubt he acted as he did largely due to his entire teenage years being filled with TDS propaganda to the point where he thought he would be doing a great service by shooting Trump. Was he further directly encouraged by others either in authority or not? Who knows?
Secondly there is the security. It seems to have suffered a couple of “101” level lapses, which Ms SS Chief needs to explain. The longer she goes without issuing at least a preliminary report, the more suss it looks.
One thing is for sure. If Trump wins, there will be a Secret Service clean out and you will see less DEI, and more ex-Marine hard-heads.
We saw them already when he walked in to the auditorium at the Convention. Six big burly blokes on high look-around alert.
Reports on their ABC last night that they were privately conceding.
Which means they will soon go into “save the furniture” mode to try to contain the down-ticket damage in the House and the Senate.
I don’t see a role for Sniffy or Kamal in the furniture preservation project.
2024 Election tidbit – J.D. Vance is the first US Marine in history selected to be a candidate for president or VP (John Glenn was considered but not selected).
The US news media commentariat has immediately switched from Trump’s “threat to democracy” to the “bomb throwing radical” vice-presidential nominee J.D, Vance.
I think they fear Vance because he’s more articulate than Trump and wrote a best-selling book about overcoming his deprived upbringing in the back blocks of America to become a successful family man — i.e., the American dream.
They have no comeback except gaslighting propaganda and fear-mongering.
Trump looks still shell shocked to me. Not surprising really when you come within millimeters of having your brains scattered around you. Probably takes a few weeks to process what actually happened and recover mentally.
Yes. Two days later then ‘delayed shock’ sets in.
It’ll only take a few days to get over that physical reaction, but the mental processing of it might take longer.
Amber Rose at the RNC.
Apparently someone just refuses to get the point.
The Court has found that Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed, therefore he is not a Special Counsel and has no standing to appeal anything.
One more note. The Special Counsel, while appointed by the AG, is independent of the DoJ, and the AG.
That’s why they exist instead of just using a DoJ prosecutor.
The DoJ therefore can’t authorize them to do squat, but they are acting as if they can, thus putting their thumb on the scale.
This is a huge red flag indicator of how deep the weaponization of the DoJ by the left goes. So far that they think they can do whatever they want.
Trump looks still shell shocked to me
Agree. He came close to having his brains blown out, like JFK.
He knows he’s a lucky man. He can thank God for this. And we must thank God he was spared.
I admit I’m having difficulty still denying an intercession by God. Because if there’s one thing the world needs right now it’s a hand against the bastards.
The only thing that can stop the election now is a war. And I wouldn’t put it past the mongrels to start one.
I’m still shell shocked.
Miracle, but one ponders the “What ifs” had the unthinkable happened.
Over 20 minutes on the roof!!?
How is it even possible to screw things up that badly?
Great article from bystander with experience at Trump rallies.
A First-Person Account Of Security Issues On The Ground In Butler, PA
By Gabriel Williams
To the iconic question “Where were you when JFK was shot?” we can now add “Where were you when Trump got clicked?” As it happens, my wife and I were 40-50 yards from the podium in Butler, PA, and approximately 200-225 yards from the shooter. This essay records my impressions of and thoughts about events I witnessed.
Preliminarily, though, I want to applaud the counter-sniper team that took out Thomas Crooks. Within a matter of seconds, these snipers, whose job is to be reactive, not proactive, identified the target, acquired him in their optics, and fired successful headshots on a prone, low-profile target. Crooks was dead before Trump was on his feet, pumping his fist. I don’t care who you are, this was top-shelf, gold-standard suppression on an active threat.
Putting aside rumors about instructions they did or did not receive before Crooks fired, I believe they did their job as swiftly and flawlessly as could be expected in the heat of the moment. For my part, respect is owed here until I’m definitively shown otherwise.
That said, everything else about yesterday was an absolute train wreck. Let’s start with entry to the venue.My wife and I have attended five Trump rallies, three of which were held outdoors. Once you get to the gate, security requires you to put everything you’re carrying on a table for inspection. Then, you go through a metal detector, after which an agent with a wand gives you the once-over. At least, that’s what happened at four of the five rallies.
Yesterday, I didn’t get wanded. Instead, when I went through the metal detector (which didn’t go off) and then presented myself in the usual ‘T’ stance with arms out, the uniformed agent simply said, “You’re good. You can go on through.”That struck me as peculiar but not alarming. I never thought a U.S. Secret Service agent—whose principal was not only the presumed Republican nominee for the presidency but a former U.S. president—would be so relaxed, but I knew I was safe, so I put it out of my mind.
The venue itself was also a problem. Here are two videos I took of the scene before Trump was shot:
In those videos, you saw:
When has the low ground ever been advantageous to a defender? The whole point of a podium is that the attendant protective detail has an advantageous and unobstructed view of the crowd. Indoors, I concede that this is probably acceptable, but that’s a finite and much more easily controlled space.Given these factors, who was running the advance team, and how did they conclude that this was a safe space for a presidential candidate in a heated campaign?
Between the water tower and the downward-sloping terrain, each should have been a red flag nixing the venue. At the very least, these deficiencies should have had dedicated members of either local law enforcement or USSS personnel assigned to them exclusively (such as shooters or just eyes on top of that water tower). Those who inspected and signed off on this location should be the first ones hauled before a congressional inquiry about this of course, the more pressing question is how a shooter armed with a long gun got within 130-150 yards of one of the most polarizing figures in U.S. political history–unchallenged. The fact that spectators apparently were shouting the alarm about this guy makes it even worse.
It’s infuriating and inexcusable that matters got to the point at which Trump was shot. If the venue had been properly vetted and analyzed, a young, inexperienced shooter could never have gotten within 400 feet of Donald J. Trump, climbed onto a roof, gotten into a prone firing position with even just a slight advantage in elevation, and fired off 6-8 shots before being neutralized.
It was Crooks’ own experience that saved Trump. There’s a small airfield immediately outside the venue, with the usual windsocks. As a pilot, I know how to read them. During the rally (allowing that windsocks are the roughest of measurements), I estimate that the wind was 8-10 knots, slightly gusting (breezy).
At 130-150 yards, that would have mattered very little to an experienced shooter who knew how to correct for windage. An inexperienced shooter, however, would not know that. I firmly believe Donald J. Trump is only alive right now because Crooks was a poor shot, almost certainly under immense emotional pressure.
The poor shot wasn’t because of security pressure. After all, Crooks got into position, set up, had Trump in his sights, and got off 6-8 shots, scoring one graze on a headshot, all without any serious challenge or impediment. Crooks had a clean shot on target, and, thank God Almighty, he blew it.
When I say the failures of the Secret Service here are inexcusable, the word “inexcusable: itself seems insufficient. We’re supposed to be the varsity, and the world just saw some of the best we have get punked by a 20-year-old with Dad’s AR.
I loathe pointing the finger at law enforcement officers or USSS. It’s a thankless job, and I easily believe they have problems with having sufficient personnel—but not an excuse. If you cannot properly and adequately protect the principal at an event, then you must tell the principal that the event cannot go forward. The director of the USSS, Kim Cheatle, is going to have some very uncomfortable questions to answer in the coming days, and it’s not hyperbole to call what happened yesterday a career killer. In a different era, any person failing this badly would have been expected to fall on her sword.
However, there is a silver lining to all this. Democrats and the radical left really are the undisputed masters of unintended consequences. By virtue of surviving (and getting back to his feet like a boss to pump the crowd), Crooks just banked Trump the kind of political capital that all of Trump’s money would never have been able to buy on its own.
Good luck throwing Trump in jail now, Justice Merchan.
Welcome back, Mr. President. We’ve missed you.
Acme Corporation stuff.
It’s certainly possible but at this level of politics I’d always start with ‘this was planned’ and work from there.
Trump looks still shell shocked to me. Not surprising really when you come within millimeters of having your brains scattered around you. Probably takes a few weeks to process what actually happened and recover mentally.
I wasn’t able to see the rally today. ButI would think any after effect could be similar to a near fatal incident in battle, since the attacker intended to kill him.
This has to be the most outrageous comment yet. It’s outright incitement.
Entire post.
She has made a huge mistake.
Being of the crazy left is no longer a protective blanket. That time is past. I’d wager her social media presence has been obliterated by now.
Outrageous is too mild, she is a vile creature. The heartless dismissal of the member of the audience who was shot dead puts her in the monster category. She doesn’t know how that person voted yet thinks he should die simply for being near Trump.
Were these people always among us and it’s just without the social media exposure we didn’t know how awful they were?
“I only hope J.D. Vance has imagined what can be, unburdened by what has been.
“If he opens the VP debate with that before Kamala goes, she’ll have nothing.”
oh God!!! So funny, I scared the doggos when I laughed!
Being a bit “shaky” is perfectly normal after an adrenaline pumping near miss. And the knowledge that a decent man behind you was killed with the bullet meant for you. Sobering stuff.
Trump can take inspiration from “missed me” Reagan and Bull Moose Roosevelt.
I had a look at his family there. He has the most important thing – solidarity.
Because she’s not their lapdog they’ve been attacking her nonstop. Impartial justice is totally beyond their comprehension.
Liberal freakout over Trump judge ruling shows they don’t really believe in judicial independence
Anyone who still thought they did believe in it hasn’t been watching for the past decade.
Looking forward to the VP debate.
When Biden made his remarks after Trump had his ear clipped in an attempted assassination, did he mention his son, Beau, hinting (but carefully avoiding actually saying) that he had died in Iraq?
BlackRock yanks 2022 ad featuring Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks
Bombshell: Secret Service Replaced Trump’s Permanent Detail With ‘Temporary Agents’ For Butler Rally
KENNY CODY: Vance is the best VP choice for Trump
Byron Donalds Sounds Off On Biden-Harris Record In Passionate RNC Remarks
Excellent speech and audience response. This Convention is out there speaking to the working people of America, putting the boot into the elites and the Democrat failed years. It is clear there is no place for racism in this crowd. Patriotism is what makes America great, and everyone’s included in that.
Katie Hopkins in NYC: a big black dude from Chicago just told me, ‘Trump is blacker than me’.
July 16, 2024 2:59 pm
This has to be the most outrageous comment yet. It’s outright incitement.
Entire post.
The creature is a trannie:
(6) Linda Peterson – Search Results | Facebook
Phew – I clicked on the link to say this page is unavailable – was this one of your owls
Trump Listens To Retiree Slam ‘Big Boy’ Biden’s Economy Alongside JD Vance, Tucker Carlson At RNC
Crooks had to know the coast was clear – Prove me wrong
He looked asleep to me.
And it’s hardly surprising that, after all he has been through, he’d be having a little snooze at any opportunity! I would be! Other wags say he was praying.
Ever been shot at Monty?
I haven’t, not quite, although I have had machine guns firing over my head and ricochets around my ankles when raising and lowering the targets at the range in Maroubra. Interesting experience.
You’re obscene, but Nazis are obscene.
Let me fire a 55 grain soft point .223 at you at about 3200 fps, 1280+ ft/lbs energy, tear it through your earlobe, literally millimetres from your temple … and see you feel when the shock and adrenaline wear off. Cockhead!!
Thomas Crooks’ phone yields no clues about motive for Trump assassination attempt
Muntsac paraphrasing Obama,
“If I had a son, he’d look like Thomas Crooks”.
Prove me wrong Nazi pervert.
I have a son. Leave him out of this.
He looks like Thomas Crooks, right.
Fark orf.
Bwah ha ha ha.
This is going to be something else.
I think it was JC who coined the term “toppering” here.
The Sniffer is an inveterate “topperer”.
He will no doubt spit out a garbled story at some stage of himself being in mortal danger.
Hasn’t Beau suffered enough?
Nobody has done more for the Democrat cause, although Mary Jo Kopechne has an arguable case.
Landing in Ukraine under sniper fire?
The term ‘topper’ has been around for at least a decade.
There’s no need to attribute something like that to J.C, to show your manlove, Sancho.
He will no doubt spit out a garbled story at some stage of himself being in mortal danger.
Correct. The only thing the old cadaver pervert hasn’t lied about is the assassination attempts on him. Cornpop and a horde of MAGAs who were fought off by the old pervert and Hunter.
What does that mean? That it is not with the old wooden stock?
So, they are saying he knew he would need a ladder. What was his plan? To walk around with it until he found a place to fire from? Perhaps he had foolishly assumed the Secret Service could not take up places outside the venue and it was his fool’s luck that the SS indeed left it unguarded.
Google Street View would have given him an easy way to scope out possible shooting sites. If you look the site up it’s clear you can just drive straight in and right to where the ladder was positioned.
The Republican talking point about how the convention was going to be about national unity lasted less than a day. Jon Don Vance was picked because he hates the same people Trump hates. He will convert zero Democratic voters.
Still zero credible evidence of Crooks being anything other than a standard loser incel white male Republican.
Surprise! mUnturd hates people who work their way from extreme poverty to success in society.
Why do lefturds want the poor to stay poor and in their place?
Because they’re dicks?
Well yeah. It is war. We know that.
Biden’s tone it down schtick was hypocritical even as he opened his mouth to say it.
You can smell mUntyfa’s fear.
That’s not fear, BJ. That’s a loose bowel movement as he contemplates his imaginary future of a helicopter ride to Tasmania.
The reality is that a a Fascist Warmongering Trump wouldn’t even waste his time with a creature like Monty.
Another evil kunt, a medical doctor, who made light of the assassination attempt:
Dr Karen Pinder – Search Results | Facebook
LOL, a Karen. How appropriate.
LOL. Monty keeps pumping out the regime talking points — such a useful online idiot in a country that can’t vote in American elections.
LOL Monty’s friend said he was asleep for a whole ‘one or two minutes’.
As though no-one has ever nodded off during a long day of speechifying.
And her medical expert buddies; it’s a fake bandage for a fake wound.
Sure, champs.
He will no doubt spit out a garbled story at some stage of himself being in mortal danger.
Birt surprised Luigi hasn’t used the moment to emphasise why he no longer uses his electoral office in Marrickville .. cos “threatening” .. LOL!
If I had my way, anyone who impeded a member of parliament in the performance of his or her duties would be tried before the bar of Parliament and given a stiff stretch in the chokey.
Still zero credible evidence of
Crooks being anything other than a standard loser incel white male Republicandickless having a dick.FIFY dickless.
Is he transitioning to become an incel cat lady?
His father was a Libertarian. You’ve frequently told us you’re the most Libertarian on this blog.
As I recall, my argument is that I am the most conservative person here, since the rest of you are either bomb-throwing anarchists or the things you profess to want to conserve don’t exist any more. Conservatism is not the same as libertarianism.
Who’s going to break it to Greg that he’s not actually in the club either?
And that as a practicing Catholic he’s merely tolerated because he’s useful?
His instinct was to get back on the horse.
Shaky or not shaky.
He’s a true leader.
Yep. First instinct was to show courage and toughness.
That will resonate with the fence sitters and bed wetters too.
Meanwhile, in Australia, the Prime Minister is too scared to open his Electoral Office let alone attend it.
Our very own Nazi appears.