Open Thread – Thurs 25 July 2024

Market Day at Trouville, Normandy, Eugene Boudin, 1878

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July 25, 2024 12:24 am

Good moaning.
Mother and child?

July 25, 2024 12:33 am

Strangely my post is not about them (the Huntleys), though they were interesting people.
Visit the link if want more info who they were.

My question is how did those millions of T model Fords got about on mostly unmade roads on those skinny tires?

July 25, 2024 10:08 am
Reply to  KevinM

The same way you ride down a dirt track on a bicycle. Slowly.

July 25, 2024 12:36 am

I like this because it’s true, even if I dislike tattoos.

John Brumble
John Brumble
July 25, 2024 7:23 am
Reply to  KevinM
  1. Define “nicest”.
  2. Define “church”.
July 25, 2024 12:04 pm
Reply to  KevinM

Who wants “nice”?

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 25, 2024 1:48 am

Too interesting to leave on the old Fred:

Crime Index update:

The Alice comes in at number 18 world-wide:


Top Ender
Top Ender
July 25, 2024 2:13 am

Back in the Balkans again
We were here last year, but now returning for more. We boarded a UniWorld river cruiser, journeying up the Danube from Bucharest to Budapest.
In Bulgaria the population is going backwards. They used to have about 9 million people in 1980, now they have 6.6 million. It seems rampant government incompetence, a law-and-order crisis, and better opportunities elsewhere are driving people away. 
Serbia is another country down on its luck. Average wages swamped by prices including petrol at E2 a litre – about $3.30 Australian. Belgrade still has evidence of bomb damage. And an ageing population and young people trying to leave.

The cruise itself was however excellent. River boats are long and thin – just one cabin on either side of a passageway – so they can fit through the locks. One restaurant; one main living area, but the deck on top under awnings provides another, although Europe has been very hot lately. Food was very good, and everything included, such as excursions, wifi and drinks. No plastic bottled water onboard or handed out – great. Limited onboard entertainment – one speaker on Serbia, local traditional dancing, singer one night…

Croatia was much happier than either country above, we visited only the NE corner based around Osijek– on one bank of the Danube with Serbia on the other, and somewhat unbelievably a time change of an hour in the middle.

The highlight of one of our daily excursions included lunch in a traditional suburban house – this one had a large backyard where they grew all their own vegies and had 25 chooks; two hunting dogs, and a raven. Great food, fresh from garden. We started off with tasting rakia – made by her, then apricot brandy, walnut, pear etc.  Husband was a hunter, so we had antlers decorating the wall etc – interestingly though, he worked at the local zoo.  
Then onto Budapest, the capital city of sensible Hungary. We enjoyed some traditional dancing onboard and a classical concert at their museum.   The ship needed to be moved upstream, so we had a wonderful night cruise admiring the lights of the city.

Did a city walk around focussed on the communist years. No graffiti; happy guide; no weirdo’s on the streets either. In Victory Square they have two life-size statues: George Bush and Ronald Reagan, both placed there by a citizenry grateful for US efforts in getting them out from under the Communist boot. 

Our Airbnb accommodation ashore was a traditional block of 1800s flats, four storey with the inside atrium. All central heating, long curtains, double glazing etc, but temperatures stayed in low 30’s.  Luckily there was a pedestal fan.  We went up to Buda Castle for wonderful views of the city – been rebuilt many times – the latest demolition job was by Allied bombers in WWII. As one of our guides said the other day: “we were on the losing side both times.”

Now at Budapest airport with another delayed flight – don’t book in the afternoon – going to Zurich to begin our Switzerland train trip.

July 25, 2024 2:14 am

Top Ender
July 25, 2024 1:48 am

Too interesting to leave on the old Fred:

Crime Index update:

There is an AS FB site with daily updates of happenings crime wise in Alice Springs.
Can’t find it just now.

July 25, 2024 3:24 am

Top Ender, your trip has been incredible so far. You should have signed up to be a Lonely Planet author.
My son is currently on a ten week trip to Europe with many interesting stops. However his photos few and far between and seem to consist of selfies with his girlfriend that rarely give any idea of which country he is in. He definitely has no chance being a lonely planet author !

July 25, 2024 3:46 am

A lovely song.
Even for this agnostic.

July 25, 2024 3:57 am

The little flower that poisons,
The little fly that stings,
He made the AIDS virus,
And even nastier things.

All things big and horrible,
All creatures short and squat,
All things huge and hideous,
The lord God made the lot.

Last edited 5 months ago by DrBeauGan
July 25, 2024 8:36 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Lovely, Monsieur le Beauges.

July 25, 2024 4:00 am

I couldn’t recall the Monty python properly so I had to make bits up. But I think I caught the sentiment.

July 25, 2024 5:13 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

It will be on the innernet somewhere Doc.

July 25, 2024 10:04 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

From Monty Python’s Contractual Obligations Album, which I once owned.

July 25, 2024 4:00 am
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July 25, 2024 4:06 am

July 25, 2024 3:57 am

I agree and stopped searching for the truth, there is no truth.

What they can’t explain, they put like “God moves in a mysterious ways’ or God’s plans span eons.

We live here and now.

Still a lovely song.

John H.
John H.
July 25, 2024 6:06 am
Reply to  KevinM

Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced.

The absurd is reason noting its limits.

Being able to remain on that dizzying crest, that is integrity and the rest is subterfuge.

If you can’t find it where you’re standing, where do you expect to wander in search of it?

July 25, 2024 4:06 am
July 25, 2024 4:07 am
July 25, 2024 4:08 am
July 25, 2024 4:09 am
July 25, 2024 4:09 am
July 25, 2024 8:40 am
Reply to  Tom

A couple of (pillow) biting logos in there!

July 25, 2024 4:13 am

Thanks Tom.

July 25, 2024 4:18 am

Sorry about the interruption Tom, didn’t realise the time.
Not a lot of us with sleeping problems, thanks the almighty for that.

July 25, 2024 4:18 am

We live here and now.

Some people prefer living in a collective fantasy to reality. It comforts them. For some reason, it doesn’t work for me; possibly because I usually know when I’m trying to fool myself. That spoils it.

July 25, 2024 4:28 am

Geez that Cheadle thing is ugly with the usual BA of course. Would fit in well in Canbra.

July 25, 2024 3:03 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

We don’t need any more unelected Americans in Canberra playing god

July 25, 2024 6:01 pm
Reply to  Philby

too right

July 25, 2024 4:40 am

Geez that Cheadle thing is ugly with the usual BA of course.

Ugly in mind and body. All things short and squat. It’s a terrible thing to say of anyone, but she’s one of nature’s bureaucrats.

July 25, 2024 4:50 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Nasty, useless and highly paid

July 25, 2024 9:30 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

There’s a reason she “left” the USSS to go guard Doritos for 4 years and it wasn’t to broaden her horizons.

July 25, 2024 5:34 am

I know that Bolta is not everyone’s cup of tea, however I thought this was worthwhile.
Disclaimer: I am having a cup of Bushells extra strong loose leaf tea, made in a proper teapot, no sugar but with full cream pasteurised unhomogenised milk 🙂

Today’s Tele:

25 Jul 2024
What’s with Donald Trump and his Republicans? Are they trying to help Kamala Harris win the November election?

They seem too arrogant to see that Joe Biden’s vice president is a shapeshifter, and a much bigger danger to them than Biden ever was.

Harris has already ruthlessly sewn up the numbers to replace President Biden as the Democrat nominee now that he’s been forced to quit the race.

It’s all gone brilliantly for her. In her first 24 hours as the (unofficial) candidate she’s raised a record $350m in donations, and a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows her leading Trump by two points.

With the massive advertising she can buy, Harris can now turn herself into a candidate who can really hurt Trump, who’s got so many Americans locked into hating him that he’s never scored above 48 per cent approval, even when running against a half-dead Biden.

Yet Trump, running mate JD Vance and Mike Johnson, the Republican speaker of the House, have so far spent more of their time attacking Biden instead. Worse, they’re insisting he now quit as president, too.

I get their argument.

If Biden is too incompetent to run for president, isn’t he too incompetent to remain president?

It’s a great point, by why is Trump making it?

Does he seriously want Biden to resign and let Harris become the first female president, so she goes into the election with all the advantages of office?

Luckily for the Republicans, Biden is still too selfish for that, ringing his campaign headquarters staff as Harris was there and declaring: “I’m not going anywhere.”

But the Republicans should stop underestimating Harris, who Trump airily dismissed last weekend as “crazy”.

Sure, she’s got plenty against her – her manic cackle, her woke word salads, her lack of obvious empathy, and her total failure in the one clear job Biden gave her, to stop the illegal immigrants flooding into America. Up to 10 million have invaded under her watch.

But Harris is 19 years younger than 78-year-old Trump and isn’t stupid, despite appearances.

On her first full day as candidate she also showed she can rip into Trump like Biden couldn’t, reminding cheering supporters she used to be a district attorney, adding: “In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds – predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.

“So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

More importantly, Harris is both a blank sheet to most Americans and a shapeshifter.

It’s no coincidence that her mantra, repeated to the point of parody, is “to see what can be, unburdened by what has been”.

Harris has never let her new self be burdened by her past one.

For instance, despite seeming a woke nitwit now, Harris was tough on crime in California, campaigning for election as attorney general by targeting gang crime under the slogan: “A new voice for justice”.

And tough she was, even on marijuana users.

Only when she went to Washington did she shapeshift to a Leftist soft on crime. When Black Lives Matter protesters torched American cities, Harris appealed for donations to a legal fund promising to help those arrested.

Another example. Harris used to promote her Indian roots, using her full name: Kamala Devi Harris.

She was raised by her Indian mother – alone – after her father left the family when Kamala was just seven.

Now, when the black vote is so important, she is sold more as an African American, even though her father was actually from Jamaica.

More shape-shifting: on the campaign trail, Harris woos the rural vote by publicly cooking and eating steaks at state fairs, but as Biden’s vice president she’s backed government programs to stop global warming by persuading Americans to eat less red meat.

Which shape won’t Harris shift to, unburdened by her past?

Good question, given a very personal example.

Harris is married to a Jewish lawyer who says his faith has been deepened by all this anti-Semitism now. But Harris has meanwhile appealed to her party’s hard Left by damning Israel so much that she was told by administration officials to tone it down.

She even demanded a six-week immediate ceasefire that would have handed Hamas victory.

All this suggests Harris has no real moral centre or deep political principles.

But that frees her to make any change she needs to beat Trump, with all the money in the world to help her.

Let Trump beware.

Last edited 5 months ago by Beertruk
July 25, 2024 5:54 am
Reply to  Beertruk

Biden won’t resign too much milage for the Democrats next six months , Biden will be able to campaign for Kamala whilst still in office and mega support from the WH press Corps/msm.

July 25, 2024 6:37 am
Reply to  caveman

Wade through Newscorpse and other lefty media.

It’s already started. Some of the fawning BS I have read there in the last 24h is mind boggling.

July 25, 2024 8:51 am
Reply to  Beertruk

I used to work with a bloke who was commonly referred to as ‘retatrded”. While he was certainly not the sort of person who was going to rush out and discover gravity, he was nowhere near as simple as he made out.
I was very wary of him after I saw him manipulate his way out of the equivalent of a ‘Dereliction of Duty” accusation.
Be very wary of people like Harris – they’re quite dangerous.

July 25, 2024 10:02 am
Reply to  Beertruk

Can’t stand Bolt on Sky – never watch it anymore.

But his articles are always worth reading and he’s on the money here.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 5:46 am

When Bibi Netanyahu spoke to a joint sitting of Congress for a record fourth time he got a standing ovation and numerous long rounds of applause, but not from the usual suspects in the media.

The BBC included the applause but made sure they came back later with lots of negativity. The ABC even cut out the applause in their 5am News Radio coverage.

Neither the ABC nor BBC seem to have a bad word to say about Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran. But Netanyahu and Israel are targeted daily.

 And how about those red-shirted protesters who invaded the Capitol? I don’t think they’ll be treated in any way similarly to those Trump supporters who merely paraded at the Capitol after the election steal in 2021. Many of the latter have been prosecuted, and some languish in jail to this day.

I hope the Democrats lose all their rusted on Jewish voters, who should be smart enough to see reality, but keep voting left.

July 25, 2024 6:15 am
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Who was the dem representative from the senate that sat next to the Speaker?

July 25, 2024 6:15 am

July 25, 2024 5:34 am

I know that Bolta is not everyone’s cup of tea, however I thought this was worthwhile.

I haven’t listened or watched him for a long time, but he is right.
K H didn’t get to where she is by being only on her knees.

Beware! She is dangerous.

July 25, 2024 6:34 am

In the Paywallion, an activist beak twat cops a wigging for his little stunt :

Keffiyeh a case of disorderly conduct; Nine journos do their block over Cam’s Paris jaunt
Yoni Bashan
9 hours ago.
Updated 8 hours ago

The keffiyeh has staged a remarkable comeback as a political prop since war broke out in the Middle East, appearing in potent cameo roles on theatre stages and the floor of federal parliament.

But one realm where the keffiyeh is still a most unwelcome sight is the NSW Supreme Court. Its mere appearance in recent days unleashed fury and led to a grovelling apology from the president of the Law Society to Chief Justice ­Andrew Bell.

Last Friday, the ceremonial Banco Court inducted a squabble of wide-eyed lawyers and heard from speakers welcoming them to the profession. Under much horsehair and cloaked in silk were not only Bell but Justice Richard White, Justice Natalie Adams and Justice Peter Hamill, and it is no small honour to address these eminences.

Among those tapped to give a brief address was NSW Young Lawyers secretary Seth Harlen, a junior solicitor and social justice activist appearing on behalf of the Law Society. You can bet they’re regretting that decision.

In what can only be described as a misbegotten display of high vanity first and common activism second, Harlen stunned the room by turning up to the proceedings in a keffiyeh and donning it at the lectern. Needless to say, when a now-deleted clip of this stunt was posted online, the outcry from the legal community was swift.

Harlen’s defence went like this: “I am proud to wear the keffiyeh, proud to show what being by a lawyer (sic) means to me personally. I hope with small acts of solidarity like these, we can move towards a more peaceful, fulfilling world.”

Bless his heart. So mortified were the judges that Bell wasted no time putting quill tip to parchment.

He wrote to NSW Law Society president Brett McGrath demanding to know why the court had been hijacked for political purposes.

Judicial mail obviously still travels by horseback, because the letter hadn’t even arrived by Monday morning when McGrath, himself horrified, sought a private meeting with Bell to smooth over the incident.

Asked what happened, McGrath confirmed he’d met with the Chief Justice to apologise.

“The court is a place of political neutrality,” McGrath told Margin Call. “Solicitors appearing in court are not there to express their personal point of view. The Law Society of NSW has apologised to the Chief Justice and reminds its members to respect the courtesies owed to any court in which they appear.”

As for Harlen, he was hauled in for a dressing down on Monday evening and, at this point, it’s doubtful whether he’ll deliver another admissions ceremony. The Supreme Court, too, didn’t need much encouragement to provide remarks. Theirs was a warning shot to anyone else considering similar theatrics.

“The Supreme Court of NSW is and must remain politically neutral on issues of controversy, be they domestic or international, and while individuals, including legal practitioners, are entitled to their own views on such matters, the court is not the venue to showcase those views,” a spokesman said.

“In the circumstances of an obviously highly charged political issue, the wearing of the keffiyeh in court during an important public ceremony by a practitioner who was invited by the court to speak on behalf of the Law Society was highly inappropriate.”

July 25, 2024 8:49 am
Reply to  Beertruk

And now shall we examine all the ‘Decisions’ which backed government edicts over citizens rights this last 4 years?

July 25, 2024 8:58 am
Reply to  Beertruk

So bloody what the Law Society wrote a stern letter? It doesn’t change the point that a political activist is still a practitioner.
Only chucking him out on his ear will stop the politicisation of the Courts. This wet lettuce leaf punishment will only encourage a further push at the boundaries – and you can bet there will now be more.

July 25, 2024 9:40 am
Reply to  Beertruk

In the circumstances of an obviously highly charged political issue, the wearing of the keffiyeh in court during an important public ceremony by a practitioner who was invited by the court to speak on behalf of the Law Society was highly inappropriate.”

Then they missed the point yet again. In ANY circumstances wearing a keffiyeh in the court is unacceptable.

July 25, 2024 6:37 am

Continued` from the Paywallion:

On the Block

?Given the looming bloodbath at Nine Entertainment (impending job cuts in the order of 200 positions), journalists have rightfully taken to examining every nickel, every dime, being spent on the ballooning costs of broadcasting from the Paris Olympics.

This includes a decision to dispatch Scott Cam, host of reality-TV series The Block, to the French capital and putting him up at the same five-star hotel where executives and sponsors are laying their heads.

No need to divulge the exact location – security is a problem in Paris at the moment – but the venue isn’t far from where Fortescue chairman Andrew Forrest was photographed passionately embracing a certain politician last month.

Some are wondering what Cam and his home-reno show have in common with the 33rd Olympiad. The answer is literally nothing, of course.

Nine told Margin Call it had flown Cam out to promote the 20th anniversary series of The Block, which will screen once the Games are through.

So you can see why guillotine-facing journalists back home are ready to wear the boss’s skin.

Nine’s reminder

Meanwhile, Nine spinner Vic Buchan, currently in Paris, hauled in the broadcast team for tea and bikkies on Wednesday to issue a friendly reminder not to muck around with any social media that could bring the company disrepute. Ironic, of course, given CEO Mike Sneesby’s total failure to hearken similarly basic advice and persist with a dubious decision to play torchbearer during the Olympic relay – just as his workforce votes to go on strike. Buchan told Margin Call she spoke to staff about a range of topics. “I did say be careful on your posts, personal safety is paramount for our people.”

Last edited 5 months ago by Beertruk
July 25, 2024 6:41 am

Seen this too may times, I am not worthy of correcting anyone, but this grates. Where and how did this expression come about?

Should it not be ‘sitting’

Sat here as dull as. Waiting on a bath being delivered. Been trying to stay off the bevvy this week but I’ve given in, been sat here 7 hours

July 25, 2024 6:52 am
Reply to  Gabor

I know this comment was aimed at me. Even upticked your comment.

My excuse…ESL!! 😉

July 25, 2024 7:01 am
Reply to  vr

Actually it was not aimed at you at all, sorry if I offended.

I was referring to a post on face book I was reading well before your post.

I’m still interested of the origin of this, I know language evolves but why this way?

Bruce in WA
July 25, 2024 12:47 pm
Reply to  Gabor

Very much a British English usage. I worked with UK teachers who used it all the time. AFAIK it is not acceptable in Australian English.

July 25, 2024 11:22 pm
Reply to  Bruce in WA

It’s not proper English English either. It always sounds like very poor usage to me and ignorant.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 9:58 am
Reply to  Gabor

The cat sat on the mat.

July 25, 2024 6:53 am

e, being spent on the ballooning costs of broadcasting from the Paris Olympics.

Last night the Brisbane news and ACA were unwatchable as apparently the only thing that happened on Brisbane/Queensland/Australia/the world is the f&$##$# Olympics, although to be fair there were a few blink and you’ll miss other stories. Even the election story was about the estimates for the the 2032 games.

I am getting very annoyed at the extravagance my tax dollars is paying for, given the millions the Federal govt has given the AOC.


July 25, 2024 7:11 am
Reply to  Diogenes

Same here…nfi.

Mrs Beertruk however will be glued to the idiot box.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 7:51 am
Reply to  Diogenes


July 25, 2024 8:45 am
Reply to  Boambee John

2000 Olympics did me. Corruption & arrogance of Coates & Gosper with the Carr govt. I still think the backdown to Freeman was an insult too and started the road to the present mess, she was a useful idiot so bear no ill will on her.

2008 “Munich” oops sorry I meant Beijing & Chinese arrogance on the torch relay cemented it.

July 25, 2024 8:53 am
Reply to  Diogenes

I am getting very annoyed at the extravagance my tax dollars is paying for, given the millions the Federal govt has given the AOC.

How about $600m for a rugby league team in PNG?

July 25, 2024 9:26 am
Reply to  Roger

That also annoys the f**** out of me.

I have to wait until I get paid next week so I can get some new undies (still getting used to cashflow changes after going on Centrelink).

Have you seen the whole new wardrobe the Olympians are getting (most for occasions where it will never be worn – especially now that “for your own safety” don’t wear the green and gold outside the village has been advised due to crime – ‘000s of $$ worth, and don’t get me started on our own barista (deemed worthy of being interviewed for the prime time news last night).

July 25, 2024 9:29 am
Reply to  Diogenes

I avoid blood pressure spikes by not watching television “news.”

July 25, 2024 10:05 am
Reply to  Diogenes

My interest in the Olympic is zero, nada, zilch.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
July 25, 2024 10:30 am
Reply to  Diogenes

Why is anyone still watching mainstream propaganda, particularly after the events of the last four years?

Quick round up:

-Diversity is obviously our strength,
-There are more than two sexes,
-Men can have babies,
-the “vaccines” are not only safe, but effective as well* and
-Ukraine is doing a number on Russia.

  • Just disregard the Excess Death numbers and also the fact that the highest number of “Covid” cases, was reported AFTER the introduction of the jabs.

Perfectly safe, just roll up that sleeve, serf!

Oh, have they isolated the “Covid” gene yet? I only ask because as of March 2021, no one had.
Golly gosh, how did they make a “vaccine”, without knowing the make up of the virus.
They must be plenty smart those guys, I guess that is why they didn’t need to do any testing.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
July 25, 2024 7:09 am

I think it has currency in Northern England English- “been sat here ages”- and as p.t. of “sit” it kinda even makes tense sense.
I wholly approve, for reasons of brevity.

July 25, 2024 7:22 am

Harlen’s defence went like this: “I am proud to wear the keffiyeh, proud to show what being by a lawyer (sic) means to me personally. I hope with small acts of solidarity like these, we can move towards a more peaceful, fulfilling world.”

yes because promoting the cause of terrorists will create more peace.

these people have zero critical reasoning skills

July 25, 2024 9:01 am
Reply to  Zippster

Harlen is just another of the Auschwitz Orchestra, welcoming newcomers to the camp.

July 25, 2024 7:26 am

From the Guardian…and Foeign Affairs office.

Foreign minister said Magnitsky-like financial sanctions and travel bans would apply to seven Israeli individuals and one entity.

Our local terrorisers of synagogues and schools should take heart from this. In the way of these things, the sanctions will expand from here depending on polls.

July 25, 2024 7:30 am

From Bush on previous open thread, Can I just say that, right now, I believe Kamal Toe will be declared the winner of the election

Sadly, JC, I think you’re right.

The Dems will play on a) black, and b) first female POTUS.

Who’d have thought this would happen?
Well, I did predict this saying that Kamala had been playing possum and all of a sudden her word salads would disappear and she would remarkably present considered and presidential. But it isn’t over until the fat lady sings.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 7:54 am
Reply to  mem

There are two issues. The less important one is whether KamelToe can manage to appear “presidential”. The important one is reducing the scale of blatant rorting by the DemonRats.

July 25, 2024 9:08 am
Reply to  Boambee John

The scale of rorting has been exposed by the Crowdstrike episode. They’ve shown that the voting machines are connected to the web and that the results will have no relationship with reality.
The Democrats will win and “The lamps will go out all over the US”

Rococo Liberal
Rococo Liberal
July 25, 2024 12:11 pm
Reply to  mem

Utter bollocks.

I’m so sick of “conservatives” whining about Dem dirty tricks and how any wanker with D after her name can win an election. Grow a pair.

Trump will win at a canter.

July 25, 2024 7:41 am

twitter(X) seems to think they will cheat again, why not? there are no consequences

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 25, 2024 7:42 am

The Dems will play on a) black, and b) first female POTUS

I think Trump’s team should really push the point that she lied to Americans for years about Biden, and also that the MSM did the same and continued to do so until they were caught out by the debate. They could even play some old clips of shambling old sod being led around in a fog, or glitching Matrix-like in interviews, and remind people the MSM still covered for him to cover for the Dims.

Also, Kamala’s track record with Black men in the justice system should be emphasised on high rotation.

Right now Kamala is having a honeymoon – the attack ads have just started. I have heard she does not handle pressure well because she is uniformly ineffective no matter how hard she applies herself. Then there will be the word salads at the debate. Some of the sheen should come off then.

July 25, 2024 8:42 am
Reply to  Mother Lode

they will giver her a concealed ear piece like they did for the corpse

July 25, 2024 8:51 am
Reply to  Mother Lode

Weve seen it here many times, when a tired and despised government pulls the old leadership switcheroo just before and election – they get a short term bounce but it rarely works – oh and like here, they ‘hospital pass’ to a female as well!

July 25, 2024 9:19 am
Reply to  Mother Lode

That may be, Mother Load, but the votes will be counted by software. The Democrats will just squeak in by a couple of dodgy court decisions in a Legal Kabuki theatre display worthy of the finest practitioners of the art.

July 25, 2024 7:46 am

Thanks for posting that Beertruk.

That was the gist of Tuesday night’s interview with guest Sean Spicer which I recommended people here watch.

It gives another side to Harris, the one we don’t want to see. Simply pillorying your political opponent won’t work. It’s lazy, and will backfire. The leader needs to campaign on policy and record. Let the minions froth and fume.

One thing Bolt didn’t touch on, because he’s blind to it – vote tampering. Industrial scale. This is where Republicans need to be vigilant – the opinion war is a narrow front. They need to make sure they aren’t outflanked and that means actual work, not pressing keys on their phones.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 7:56 am
Reply to  calli

Snap (see my embedded response to mem above).

July 25, 2024 7:48 am

Gosh! I have a fan club of two now!

Must be doing something right.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 7:57 am
Reply to  calli

I negated one of them!

July 25, 2024 8:03 am
Reply to  Boambee John


July 25, 2024 8:31 am
Reply to  calli

Me too.

Obviously there are two of them, or one but posting from two devices.

July 25, 2024 8:40 am
Reply to  calli

Ahahaha! Trump move over.

I have my own Praetorian Guard.

All in good fun. No violence now.

July 25, 2024 10:28 am
Reply to  calli

I negated one further upstream.

July 25, 2024 7:48 am

By whom? The post-WW2 consensus, including the left and the right. Look, when monty calls you or I a fascist its no different than being called a poo-poo head. In the latter, do you think asking, define poo-poo head?, makes a difference?

Of course not, if you think “poo poo head” is equivalent to “fascist”.

One is a slur used to gain a moral advantage in an argument, the other is a throw away line. And just in case there is any confusion the former is referring to “fascist”.

I see your point but I think it’s one based in surrender rather than standing your ground.

July 25, 2024 7:54 am

Well, I did predict this saying that Kamala had been playing possum and all of a sudden her word salads would disappear and she would remarkably present considered and presidential. But it isn’t over until the fat lady sings.

Morning mem,
Yes, I was being sarcastic. Myself and a few others have been saying for a long time now that something like this would happen.

Agree re the fat lady.
Lets give it a couple of weeks to settle down.

Last edited 5 months ago by 132andBush
Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 7:57 am

On most things, Andrew Bolt is a fair-weather person. He blows with the wind. However, he stood by Pell even in the dark times and for that he has my utmost respect. He’s also, from very early on, called out the climate scam.

July 25, 2024 1:10 pm

He was a ‘staunch’ supporter, as the media love to say. Never heard Milligan described as a staunch antagonist, nor any of the other grubs.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 25, 2024 8:01 am

Fatima Payman asks Anthony Albanese for more staff as she begins ‘listening tour’ of regional WADan Jervis-Bardy and Matthew PaddickThe West Australian
Wed, 24 July 2024 6:33PM


Ex-Labor senator Fatima Payman has formally asked former boss Anthony Albanese for extra staff just weeks after quitting the party to become an independent.
The West Australian can reveal Senator Payman has submitted the request to the prime minister as she embarks on a 12-day “listening tour” of regional WA towns.
The 12-town blitz got off to a slow start on Wednesday with just one local turning up to a community event at a park in Geraldton.
Senator Payman is still adjusting to life as an independent after spectacularly quitting Labor over frustrations with the Government’s approach to Palestinian statehood and the Gaza conflict.
Among other logistical challenges, the first-term senator needs to find new staff after parting ways with her Labor-aligned employees amid the split with the party.
Most independents and minor party MPs are given extra “personal staff” – on top of the standard allocation of five electorate officers – in recognition of the extra workload of dealing with every piece of legislation.
But the decision on the exact number rests with Mr Albanese.
The West Australian understands the prime minister’s office has only just received Senator Payman’s request and will consider it through the normal process.
Senator Payman should be in line for two extra personal staff – the same number allocated to other upper house independents.
Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie was allowed to hire a third personal staffer during the defence and veterans’ suicide royal commission.

July 25, 2024 9:24 am

If Anal had any guts at all, he’d tell the bint to piss off, but you watch – she’ll get two ‘staffers’ who aren’t ‘staffers’, but will do the job in a ‘wink wink, nudge nudge’ deniable move that will be reminiscent of the Trots dodgy Union days.

July 25, 2024 3:22 pm
Reply to  BobtheBoozer


Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
July 25, 2024 8:08 am

Have we applied ‘Magnitsky style’ sanctions on anyone from Hamas yet? The Iranian’s, Hezbollah, Houthi’s?

What ability does Australia have to independently identify/verify what these settlers are alleged to have done, or are we just coat-tailing on some other juvenile marxist flogs?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 8:12 am

One thing Bolt didn’t touch on, because he’s blind to it – vote tampering. Industrial scale. 

I suspect Bolt is terrified of being fired like Tucker Carlson was.

Newscorpse management don’t want their employees to talk about the steal because that would make Trump absolutely correct, which of course he is.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 8:16 am

Mid-Week in Pictures: Bye-Bye Biden Special Edition | Power Line (24 Jul)

Another extraordinary week calls for a special mid-week TWiP, or else this Saturday’s regular edition will be longer than Encyclopedia Brittanica.


July 25, 2024 8:50 am
July 25, 2024 8:22 am

Minor parties can save the West

Senator Malcolm Roberts The Spectator Australia 25 July 2024

‘Blame Farage for the Tory wipe-out!’ Or so went the rather limp voices in the UK, grasping for excuses following the massacre of globalist politics led by Rishi Sunak. The desire for sensible conservative and libertarian-minded policy is on the rise, as is the renewal of cultural affection and nostalgia for decades past which appear to us now as the last flush of sunset chased over the edge of Parliament by the long night of left-wing rule.

So, why didn’t the conservatives win? Why isn’t the UK preparing for an age of economic liberalism and spiritual restoration? Why is Keir Starmer – the most radical socialist in a hundred years – strutting around Westminster preening his flock of Marxists?

Don’t blame Nigel Farage.

Blame the soggy wet Tories who valued their power above the needs of the people.

Blame the seat-warmers at the top in ‘safe seats’ who preyed on the long and grand history of the party as security against their reckless and activist politicking.

Blame a sad chain of leaders who refused to carry out Brexit because they, and their ministers, were miffed about spending five minutes standing in line to have their passports stamped instead of fighting to protect British waters from EU trawlers.

Blame the voters who stayed home, happy to watch democracy crumble while billions around the world pray that one day they may have the opportunity to vote.

And blame the voters who did show up, but lacked the courage to vote for principle and instead chose the faux safety of establishment.

Victory requires a dash of daring and a helping of faith.

If conservatives are to take one lesson from the activist Left, it’s this … we have to fight, as they do. Passionately. Relentlessly. Without fear.

Social media is full of people – nameless people – insisting that democracy is an illusion. Their message? That your vote means nothing. So don’t bother. Stay home. Keep quiet. Separate into whispering groups at the corners of the soon-to-be censored digital realm. There is no future in this approach. Certainly not with both parties cracking down on social media.

Disparaging the vote is usually an expression of despair.

Allow me to assure you of this… Your vote does count. Your vote has power. Provided it is used.

Just as a thousand people in the street can frighten a Parliament, 20 million people at the ballet box can flip a government.

Had UK conservatives voted for Reform, Nigel Farage would have the Opposition. He may even have the government. But they did not. They stayed home. The vote was split not by minor parties, but by a lack of courage.

The disparity between voting share, as raised by Reform to the fury of the Left, is valid. There is something wrong with a political system where the Liberal Democrats can win 3.5 million votes and take home 72 seats, while Reform UK wins 4 million votes but only holds 5 seats. No question, Farage has a point.

There is a similar problem where the disparity of population is such that the towering cities of our nation, where half the residents are new to this country and still finding their feet, hold policy power over the regional areas – the generational farms, growers of our food, and custodians of the natural landscape. Those who have never sown a field should not dictate the tax on a bag of wheat.

Democracy has always been a balancing act to make sure the brutal force of the majority does not overwhelm the rights of the individual and that the cities do not cannibalise the regions with their misguided virtue.

Keeping these scales balanced means the system must be reviewed. It is a review conducted when the public suspects something has gone wrong.

That said, it is interesting that the British press is full of conservatives lusting after Australia’s preferential voting. They assume, wrongly, that preferences would have saved the Tories – or boosted Reform. Neither is true – doubly so in an optional voting system where the most politically radical and enthusiastic show up to vote, which is disproportionately populated by the Left and sectarian groups who deem it a spiritual requirement rather than a democratic calling. It is a behaviour that has entrenched identity politics to the detriment of the wider community.

Australia knows from experience that preferential voting was implemented by the major parties – the uniparty – for its protection. It is a system that seeks to guarantee the supremacy of the establishment, no matter how poorly they perform or viciously they ignore their principles. Unless voters show courage…

While Nigel Farage may not have won as many seats as he would have liked, he did win seats. First-past-the-post makes it easier for minor parties to tip the balance of power and scare the heck out of conservative movements that abuse their legacy.

With another election cycle, Reform may very well prove itself sufficiently to convince hesitant conservatives to ‘jump’ – a leap of faith to save the nation.

As for Australia, the corruption and decay of establishment power has its roots deep beneath Canberra.

We have to fight at the ballot box to shuffle the deck of power and restore balance. The major parties require sensible boundaries, a moral core, and the voice of the people. This is provided by minor parties. While it is difficult for minor parties to win seats, they can populate the Senate and hold the political class to account or put a handbrake on their worst ideas. Independent and minor party senators are the reason this country has not fallen entirely off the rails. With more support, with your support, they can begin the process of restoration.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party is not a protest vote, it is a safety net – a force that stands against those who would dismantle Australia for a cushy job at the UN.

Caveat: I think the editor’s headline is a bit over the top. Political parties – minor or otherwise – can’t “save” the West; only a revival of Christianity can do that. But minor parties can have a vital role to play in holding major parties to account. That explains why major parties are so scared of them!

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 10:05 am
Reply to  Roger

In a non compulsory election the first obligation for any political party is to get the citizen to cast a vote. Unsurprisingly the Tories fell at the first hurdle.

July 25, 2024 8:39 am

The West Australian can reveal Senator Payman has submitted the request to the prime minister as she embarks on a 12-day “listening tour” of regional WA towns.

I note Senator Payman has taken to wearing a Western Australian flag badge on one of her lapels, which is new. The other lapel sports the indigenous and Palestinian flags, which she always wears in parliament.

What is the significance of that?

Does she support indigenous sovereignty in this land?

Perhaps someone in WA could challenge her about that on her “listening” tour.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
July 25, 2024 9:11 am
Reply to  Roger

I doubt many ‘indigenous’ supporters have ever heard of Palestine.

July 25, 2024 8:44 am

What an amazing painting!

July 25, 2024 8:52 am

Axios is now tagging X comments to the effect that Harris was never Biden’s “border Czar”.

Here’s how Axios described Harris in 2021.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
July 25, 2024 10:40 am
Reply to  Indolent

Cackling Kamala is probably the favourite for nomination, but by no means a certainty.

“Big Mike” O’Bummer may yet steal her thunder, or, a bad case of Epsteinitis may befall her.
Do not count out the Clinton Gang nominating Hillary yet either.

As Kamala is the only politician less popular than Biden, I wouldn’t take any window seats if I were her.
Bernie Sanders found out that, getting the most votes for nomination doesn’t mean a thing.
If they want you out, ……, you are out!

July 25, 2024 8:55 am

Medals galore in Paris! AOC legend’s bold Australia prediction

Like predicting a record heatwave for tomorrow.. Im calling it early, Paris will be a disappointment?

July 25, 2024 9:14 am
Reply to  flyingduk

Does anyone give a rats?

July 25, 2024 9:39 am
Reply to  Eyrie

…or even a fat rats clacker?
Bob looks around.
Nope, no one gives a rats.

July 25, 2024 9:48 am
Reply to  Eyrie

Not me

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 10:02 am
Reply to  Eyrie

Not me.

July 25, 2024 9:20 am
Reply to  flyingduk

I hope so, but the problem is that Luigi will do what Fraser did after our last “disaster”/”national shame” and pour even more megabucks into all the sporting bodies.

July 25, 2024 9:34 am
Reply to  flyingduk

I won’t notice. I do care however. If our sweaties get wiped, the Govt will give them even more of our money.

July 25, 2024 8:55 am

I’m quite prepared to believe this. They pushed him out.
Biden’s decision to drop out ‘has nothing to do with his health,’ White House says

July 25, 2024 8:55 am
July 25, 2024 8:57 am
July 25, 2024 8:57 am

Please, lord, if you cant make them get it right, remove the bit of my brain that stings every time I see something like this.

Their ABCcess, a billion dollars a year, and no thesaurus.

July 25, 2024 9:49 am

Standards. The ABC has none.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 10:04 am
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

Au contraries, their standard is to hire any lefturd, illiterate or not.

July 25, 2024 11:40 am

They hold the reigns of power.

July 25, 2024 6:54 pm
Reply to  johanna


July 25, 2024 6:55 pm
Reply to  Indolent

He is correct.

July 25, 2024 9:54 am
Reply to  Indolent

The French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Monday that some 50,000 private security officers had been recruited to work alongside police officers in Paris and the surrounding area. 

From security firms where the vast majority of workers have first names of “Mohammed” if they are anything like the Australian security sector?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 10:05 am
Reply to  Indolent

Enoch Powell, take a bow.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 25, 2024 9:00 am

Lehrmann returns to court to appeal Federal Court rapist findingSteve ZemekNewsWire
Thu, 25 July 2024 4:30AM

Bruce Lehrmann’s legal battle with Network 10 and Lisa Wilkinson will return to the Federal Court on Thursday morning as the former political staffer appeals his bruising defamation suit loss.
Lehrmann has launched an appeal to the Full Court of the Federal Court after losing his high-stakes lawsuit over Ms Wilkinson’s 2019 The Project interview with Brittany Higgins.
Justice Michael Lee found, on the balance of probabilities, that Lehrmann sexually assaulted Ms Higgins inside the office of Senator Linda Reynolds in Parliament House on the morning of March 23, 2019 following a night out drinking in Canberra.
The appeal is scheduled for a case management hearing before Justice Wendy Abraham at Sydney’s Federal Court at 9.30am on Thursday.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 10:31 am

Teh Paywallian story on this makes it read like the Ukrainian war – a real proxy battle. Lots of action happening off stage.

July 25, 2024 9:05 am

Apparently penis tucking will be an event at the Paris Olimpdicks.

July 25, 2024 6:56 pm


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 9:11 am

Ex president survives assassination attempt by deep state…

Report: Assassination attempted on fmr. Iranian President Ahmadinejad (24 Jul)

The report claims that after being handed over to the presidential institution, Ahmadinejad’s Toyota Land Cruiser was seized by “special security agents” and taken to an undisclosed location instead of the usual repair shop where the vehicle was sabotaged before being returned to Ahmadinejad’s security team. …

In recent years former President Ahmadinejad has become critical of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenai’s policies. Earlier this year he registered to run for president but was barred from doing so. 

Fortunately for him he switched cars at the last minute – the sabotaged Land Cruiser in the motorcard crashed pretty spectacularly. The “special security agents” are thought to be IRGC.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 25, 2024 9:12 am

But of course:

A Michigan man suspected of running down an 80-year-old with an ATV in a politically motivated attack has been found dead by apparent suicide, according to reports.

The 22-year-old suspect was found in his home with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Monday, after having called police looking to confess, according to WLUC.

“Send someone to pick me up,” the unidentified suspect told cops, who responded to his Quincy home and found him dead.

The suspect had accosted the elderly man as he placed pro-Donald Trump signs in his yard, initially ripping them up while speeding by on the ATV. When the victim tried to put the signs back, the suspect ran him down with the ATV and fled.

Prior to the vicious attack, the suspect was seen smashing car windows and slashing tires.

Your lot monty. Just like Crooks
Do you denounce this attack?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 10:07 am
Reply to  Black Ball

Of course he doesn’t. Anything done by the leftard is OK with mUntyfa the fat fascist fool.

July 25, 2024 10:17 am
Reply to  Black Ball

KKK=FFF, Fat Fascist Fool. Just the same. These days they don’t hide their faces.

July 25, 2024 3:38 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

But he will still vote democrat in November

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 25, 2024 9:13 am

A ridiculous article in the NT News…no comments allowed because NT drivers would not be fooled for an instant:

New electric vehicle fast chargers in the Red Centre may have been the tipping point to Australia cracking a fast charger milestone – according to one peak body for the vehicles – who says they’ll make driving safer for EV owners.

At the end of June, the Australian Electric Vehicle Association said that Australia had cracked the milestone of 1000 EV fast chargers nationwide.

President of AEVA Chris Jones said more EV charging bays nationwide improves the user experience by reducing queues.

“Australia has a pretty good coverage of fast chargers now, from Broadmeadows to Broome and almost everywhere in between,” he said.

The “everywhere in between” now includes locations along the Stuart Highway in the Red Centre, with Threeways, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek now all home to fast chargers, according to AEVA-NT vice-president Hunter Murray.

“(The) ultimate game is to have one every 100 kilometres,” he said.

“Say you’re doing, you know, 700 km a day, you’re going to have to stop at least once or twice for fuel, in this case, electricity.

“You want to make those stops the minimum. So if you’ve got a fast charger there, you can keep that stop down to maybe 20-30 minutes – enough to go for a toilet break, go and get some food, give the legs a stretch.”

But the prevalence of fast chargers in the Territory also has another purpose to Mr Murray: keeping drivers safe from fatigue.

“Keeping that legality of a two hour break in mind – just getting that break every couple of hours from driving, which is sensible,” he said.

Mr Murray helped test the new charging stations in the Red Centre, and when asked if the new Red Centre chargers helped push the milestone, he said he couldn’t “confirm or deny”.

“I’m not that higher up in the wages,” he said with laugh.

“I’m not too sure whether the actual, the one in particular was these guys (the new Red Centre fast chargers), but they’ll certainly around the same time.”

Of course, no mention of what to do if a) they’re broken, b) there is a queue already, or c) the locals have stolen them.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 25, 2024 9:17 am
Reply to  Top Ender

My guess is that smashing up the chargers will be considered fine sport by the locals.

July 25, 2024 10:13 am
Reply to  Top Ender

I noticed four have just appeared at Adelaide River – powered by fossil fuel electricity.

My ice car has 1100 km range. Home to Darwin is 650 km have done the day trip now and then.

July 25, 2024 3:44 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Having to wait half an hour just means the local thugs will have their victims delivered to them .

July 25, 2024 9:14 am
July 25, 2024 9:18 am

“Say you’re doing, you know, 700 km a day, you’re going to have to stop at least once or twice for fuel, in this case, electricity.
“You want to make those stops the minimum. So if you’ve got a fast charger there, you can keep that stop down to maybe 20-30 minutes – enough to go for a toilet break, go and get some food, give the legs a stretch.”

FFS!! I do regular 500-700km drives in my ICE car with ONE fuel stop, which takes under 10m including the latte, and I can do it without a stop if needed.

July 25, 2024 9:21 am

Speaking of EVs…

Porsche has quietly scrapped its 80% by 2030 EV production target amid a slump in sales.

July 25, 2024 9:34 am

In her first 24 hours as the (unofficial) candidate she’s raised a record $350m in donations,

Those Democrat donors adore self interest – the country not so much.

This complaint probably won’t be heard until after the election.
The Trump campaign on Tuesday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission arguing money raised for President Biden’s reelection bid ($91.5 m) cannot be transferred to Vice President Harris’s presidential campaign.

July 25, 2024 10:08 am
Reply to  Ceres

Most will have been laundered through astroturf organisations.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 25, 2024 9:38 am

‘Juices would be fine’: Member of cult-like group suggested home remedy of juices, ‘grated apple’ as diabetic daughter lay dying, court toldBlake AntrobusNewsWire
Thu, 25 July 2024 5:23AM

A woman on trial for the manslaughter of a young diabetic girl urged her mother to give the child “juice” and “olive oil or salve” on her lips as the girl became closer to death.
More than a dozen members of a cult-like religious group known as The Saints are on trial over the death of Elizabeth Struhs, 8, in Toowoomba in early 2022.
The Crown contends the child’s parents – Jason Richard Struhs and Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs – and members of the faith-healing circle withheld the Elizabeth’s insulin medication for several days until she died between January 6-7, 2022.
Mr and Ms Struhs are charged with murder and manslaughter respectively.
Another 11 – Elizabeth’s older brother Zachary Alan Struhs, 21, Loretta Mary Stevens, 67, Acacia Naree Stevens, 31, Therese Maria Stevens, 37, Sebastian James Stevens, 23, Andrea Louise Stevens, 34, Camellia Claire Stevens, 28, Alexander Francis Stevens, 26, Lachlan Stuart Schoenfisch, 34, his wife Samantha Emily Schoenfisch, 26, and Keita Courtney Martin, 22 – are also charged with manslaughter.

Imprisoned “Never to be released.”

July 25, 2024 10:21 am

Is that “Never to be released.” or just a fervent wish?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 25, 2024 11:14 am
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

A fervent wish, on my part.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 9:40 am

I suspect Bolt is terrified of being fired like Tucker Carlson was.

Newscorpse management don’t want their employees to talk about the steal because that would make Trump absolutely correct, which of course he is.

Firstly, referring to it as ‘Newscorpse” is leftist, Mike Carlton talk. The left would love to shut down all of Rupert’s newspapers, and particularly Sky. News, or as they sneeringly call it….’Sky after Dark’. News Corp might not be perfect but it’s a helluva lot better than Nine Newspapers, The Malchurian Guardian and their ABC. It’s why I subscribe to both News Corp newspapers and to Sky. News Corp offers centre-right commentary, something you won’t find at Nine and at The Guardian. Yeah, The Oz’s moderators are bad, I barely comment any more but I still enjoy reading the publication.

Just some further points re. ‘News Corporation’. The Murdoch family have, since 7 October 2023, donated a large chunk of money to fighting Jew hatred. The superb Josh Frydenberg documentary on Jew hatred is one part of this financial largesse. Since 7 October 2023, News Corporation papers and Sky are the only Australian media outlets to regularly expose the rampant Muslim and leftist Jew hatred in this country. News Corp and Sky give platforms to right-wing Jewish organisations such as the AJA.

Secondly, News Corp management stood by Bolt during the Pell lynching. I have long known this but just on two months ago I had a conversation with a senior executive of News Corp. In 2019, Bolt was subjected to an attempted cancelling. Leftist progressive activists targeted Sky advertisers, many who fled the station. A few advertisers refused to kowtow to the leftist pressure, such as Harvey Norman, but Sky suffered an exodus of advertisers and cash in 2019 and early 2020. Bolt went to air for many months without any advertising however management stood by him. On the night of the Pell sentencing, Bolt led his programme questioning the verdict. Bolt was the ONLY mainstream media person to do so.

I have issues with Bolt, I find him rather ingratiating at times, he still wants to be liked by people who hate him but I decided long ago to take the good with the bad.

Others who’ve been targeted at Sky for silencing and cancellation are Rita Panahi, Rowan Dean, Paul Murray. Sky has stood by them. Okay, Ross Cameron was flicked for some stupid words but this was when advertisers were fleeing the outlet thanks to leftist pressure. It was a fraught time. Then there was the Alan Jones exit in 2021, when Sky, thanks to another leftist hate campaign of lies led by Kevin Rudd and Malturd Turdbull, were able to flick Sky from Youtube for a week.

However, staring down leftist cancellation has paid off, it’s interesting to see that many mainstream advertisers have returned to Sky.

Last edited 5 months ago by Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 9:51 am

Had some time to kill in town yesterday so went to the library. Grabbed the Australian and perused. Took about 3 minutes and I decided everything I was reading was either outright lies or gap fillers. Gave up.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 9:57 am
Reply to  Eyrie

And that’s your choice. You’re not forced to pay for any News Corp publication the way you’re forced to pay for their ABC.

July 25, 2024 1:22 pm
Reply to  Eyrie

Try the Times cryptic, that should take you a bit longer.

July 25, 2024 10:01 am

Rowan Dean, the only one who never wavers.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 10:06 am
Reply to  Ceres

And Rita. Both were targeted in 2021, at the instigation of that comedy cancellation duo, Rudd and Turnbull.

July 25, 2024 10:57 am

During the “hysteria” Rita was all in for getting the jabs. Never heard Rowan. He abstained.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 11:28 am
Reply to  Ceres

Really, I don’t recall Rita being ‘all in’ for jabs. She opposed mandates and lockdowns.

July 25, 2024 12:09 pm

Rita is sensible on most things but did state on this video around 2.30 that the jab was the only way out of lockdowns. “That won’t happen till we immunise the majority of the adult population!”

July 25, 2024 10:10 am

Well said Cassie !

July 25, 2024 10:50 am

Gerard Henderson stuck/stood by Cardinal Pell.

Wrote a book called Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-On & Collective Guilt
I have to get a copy one day.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 11:21 am
Reply to  Beertruk

That he did. I’ve read his book, it is excellent.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 9:48 am

Porsche has quietly scrapped its 80% by 2030 EV production target amid a slump in sales.

More signs the EV craze is crashing and burning:

High Voltage: Delays and shutdowns could be on the cards off the back of low lithium prices (25 Jul)

With lithium prices languishing near three-year lows and showing few signs of a hasty recovery, attention is now turning to whether miners will be forced to rein in supply of the battery metal, Bloomberg says.

The price of the battery metal has plunged around 80% since late 2022, with spot prices of lithium carbonate in China hovering near their lowest since March, 2021.

Benchmark Minerals Intelligence forecasts a glut out to 2027, due to slowing growth in electric-vehicle adoption and increased supply.

You can’t defy economic gravity forever, and the Gaia-chariot industry is a classic example of a fake market. As soon as the government subsidies propping it up are withdrawn it collapses like a deflating balloon.

July 25, 2024 10:06 am

Seems the Gaza Ministry of Health has been reading its ratings in the media .. getting verrry classy, none of this several thousands guesswork anymore but down to exact digits .. Considering the media tellz us Gaza is flattened and normal activity almost impossible ya gotta hand it to the “boyz & goils” at the Ministry out and about ensuring they getz the “accurate casualty counting right … !

T?he Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry stated on Wednesday that the death toll in Gaza has reached 39,145 since the war started on October 7 of last year. A further 90,257 have thus far been wounded in the conflict, the Gazan ministry added.

July 25, 2024 10:24 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

Logically, there should be 39,257 graves.
Where are they?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 10:07 am

Righties are increasingly switching to Newsmax. That’s because Fox especially is drifting left. So are the Tele, the Oz and daytime Sky.

Newsmax Draws 10 Million Viewers at RNC, Biggest Week in History (24 Jul)

I hope Sky survives, I really do. But righties have to be attracted to watch. Like herding cats. If they don’t like what’s on offer they wander off elsewhere. And they virulently detest social engineering.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 10:24 am

Do you subscribe to Sky, the Telegraph and the Oz?

And there are plenty of ‘righties’ who watch Sky and who are happy to pay for Sky.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 10:40 am

No. They don’t attract me enough to do so. I do scan the websites to see what they’re saying.

I do regularly link to stories on each website, which is my way of repaying in kind, with free advertising. As I say I hope Sky survives.

I can afford subscriptions, that’s not the problem, but there just isn’t enough for it to be worth it. I read the Oz for many years, but gave up because they were getting unreadable. That was just the latest in a long line, since I ditched my subscriptions to Scientific American in the nineties, New Scientist in the 2000’s and The Economist a few years later. They all became unreadably lefty.

July 25, 2024 10:43 am

Exactly. I found the Australian unreadable after about 2009.

July 25, 2024 10:31 am

Is that one of the sites where you have to give CC details for the free trial period?
Then when you don’t like it, no one answers your emails/request to stop taking the payments?
Been caught before, and the Commonwealth Bank refused to stop taking the payments out so I cancelled the card. Couldn’t believe that one – I’m standing there in front of the teller and she’s telling me I can’t stop what is obviously a scam.
I eventually got the funds back, but it was a struggle.
So, no CC details offers.

July 25, 2024 10:09 am

Interesting article over at Daily Mail US.
Navy SEALs fired for refusing COVID vaccine for religious reasons score major win against Biden administration.
Disgraceful how they were treated.

My understanding is that SAS members were not keen on the vaccine either but don’t know if given exemptions.

July 25, 2024 10:21 am

Just seeing an article pop up on our ABC. An attack on the Jobs ready undergrad cost scheme. The university ponzi scheme says it isn’t working. They interview a student “Che Gorr Burchmore ” . Truly I jest not. No prizes for guessing his parents political views.he is going to do commerce / law but not for the money! He wants to enjoy his education, learn new things and meet new people. I laughed out loud.
The piece then craps on at the iniquity of charging higher fees for useless degrees like journalism, or those that can earn you well in the future like law or accounting. All a beat up by the grifting universities. Close half of them down and build more tafes.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 10:34 am
Reply to  Jock

he is going to do commerce / law but not for the money! 

They never do.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 10:40 am
Reply to  H B Bear

Doing law for the money doesn’t really work. One of the richest guys I know did geology after failing med. Made more money than all of us put together after buying/selling a Bangladeshi coal mine discarded by BHP. Don’t really get taught that at Uni.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 10:25 am

I am not aware of Sky News Australia engaging in ‘social engineering’.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 25, 2024 10:29 am

In Dim Bulb news:

Crossbench senator David Pocock, whose vote was critical in helping Labor abolish the construction industry watchdog early last year, now wants the government to increase scrutiny and policing of the sector in the wake of the CFMEU scandal.

A Pale Green ornament on the process of Australian government.

Territory Senators have 3-year terms – but, no doubt, Pocock accurately represents the Real Mongs of Canbra.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 10:29 am

They interview a student “Che Gorr Burchmore ” . Truly I jest not. No prizes for guessing his parents political views.he is going to do commerce / law but not for the money! He wants to enjoy his education, learn new things and meet new people. 

He/it only needs to learn three words: “fries with that?”

The White-Collar Job Squeeze (24 Jul)

A story in the Wall Street Journal has gripped me. It’s about a kid who attended a very fancy school, Loyola University in Chicago. A degree there costs about $280,000 plus four years of lost job experience. You pay it because the credential is great and opens up a world of opportunities. The young person the story chronicled obtained a degree in English literature and imagined a future of working for a major publisher, perhaps advising the next F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Upon graduation, he started sending out resumes. Ten. Then a hundred. Then several hundred. Then a thousand. Months went by. He heard nothing from any of the companies. Despairing, he started writing to local newspapers. Nothing. Then he tried writing and marketing his material. Nothing. After nearly a year and facing utter bankruptcy, he finally landed a job: a part-time cook but mostly dishwasher at a local diner. For that he is grateful.

Indeed. Please understand: this person came from a wealthy family and went to the highest-end school. He got excellent grades throughout school. He graduated with honors. He had a network. But when actually going out there and trying to find gainful employment, he had come up with absolutely nothing. It took him a long time but he finally realized that there is nothing wrong with dishwashing. …

The flight to value will continue. The new fashion will be for real jobs, real balance sheets, real assets, and real lives. It’s about time. Nothing in the political theater of our times will change this.

Yep. AI will increasingly undercut these sorts of people. It won’t undercut people who work in the real world though, like tradies.

July 25, 2024 10:32 am

…or those that can earn you well in the future like law or accounting. 

I wouldn’t assume that AI will not have a significant impact on those professions in the not too distant future.

The universities must know this, being smart people.

Last edited 5 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 10:49 am
Reply to  Roger

They may be smart people but they aren’t wise people.

July 25, 2024 10:56 am

There was indeed a note of irony in my remark, Bruce.

July 25, 2024 11:01 am
Reply to  Roger

Wodger, I detected an entire frigging orchestra.

July 25, 2024 11:04 am
Reply to  BobtheBoozer


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 11:11 am
Reply to  Roger

I did detect it. 😀 Still I have to say the founts of all wisdom seem to be dribbling quite unproductively lately.

July 25, 2024 8:08 pm
Reply to  Roger

Law and accounting, being etherial number and letter crunching endeavours, will be eaten alive by AI

July 25, 2024 10:34 am


July 25, 2024 10:48 am

The new fashion will be for real jobs, real balance sheets, real assets, and real lives. It’s about time.
Close friends have a son of 22. He could have done engineering at uni but got an Ergon apprenticeship, did well, was offered a full time job and is now doing maintenance on the grid on the Darling Downs. He’s money savvy and doing very well. Going to be hard for AI or outsourcing to China to take his job away.

July 25, 2024 11:07 am
Reply to  Indolent

Ha ha ha!
Just what I said this morning! Astroturf fundraising.
I wonder what the Tax people have to say about this?
Or are they – coincidentally – not interested in asking?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 11:23 am
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

First question: Is the money real, or just (notionally) “promised”

July 25, 2024 10:51 am


“Masks work.”

“The vaccine is safe and effective.”

“Men can have babies.”

“Joe Biden is healthy.”

“Kamala Harris is suddenly a likable rock star.”

Same people.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 11:01 am

It’s the falling on swords time of the election cycle.

Anthony Albanese announces retirement of Linda Burney, Brendan O’Connor (25 Jul)

The Prime Minister has announced two senior ministers will retire, which will lead to a shake-up of his front bench as the government prepares for an election.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, 67, and Skills and Training Minister Brendan O’Connor, 62, will leave parliament at the election, due by May next year. …

Mr Albanese has called for caucus nominations for the front bench.

He will announce the new ministerial line-up on a Sunday in Canberra and the new ministers will be sworn in on Monday morning.

Will the next two numpties please put their hands up.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 11:29 am

Burney, along with Albo himself, will be remembered for the greatest political own goal in most peoples lifetimes. A monumental vanity project that finished in abject failure.

July 25, 2024 12:09 pm

Giles needs to go and Watt while they are at it.

However there’s plenty more where they came from, Bowen, Wong, Gallagher, Dreyfus, Burke, the wallet wizard… Hang on a sec, there anyone at least semi-competent?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 11:06 am

Labor Pollies retiring.
“There’ll none of them be missed,
There’ll none of them be missed.”

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 11:20 am

Next up on the menu is almost certainly a new pandemic. Pick your poison- a resurgence of Covid, Bird Flu, or some as-yet- unnamed, undecided new health panic. This is how Democrats and Deep State traitors open the door to massive cheating with fake mail-in ballots, no Voter ID and no signature match.”
Wayne Root on what might come next. There’s more to it.
WAYNE ROOT: The Choice of Kamala Makes No Sense. It’s a Terrible Mistake. But Democrats Have Something Up Their Sleeve. Something Very Evil and Shocking is Coming. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

July 25, 2024 11:21 am

Anthony Albanese has announced Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney and Skills Minister Brendan O’Connor are retiring.

A new ministerial line up with be announced on Sunday.

No mention of the incompetent immigration minister, asylum seeker rights lawyer Andrew Giles — a socialist left factional ally of the prime minister — who will retain his position in cabinet but will be moved to another portfolio where he can do less damage.
If Albo wanted to hang Giles out to dry, he would give him Chris Bowen’s energy portfolio, so he and not Bowen could be blamed for next year’s election loss.
But Giles will probably be made minister for administering something that will be hard to stuff up like he has stuffed up immigration.

July 25, 2024 11:21 am

FFS, Paul “is wrong, again” Kelly is a monumental f*ckwit:

Fatty Trump, like every populist leader, exploits the two greatest forces in Western democracy – the public’s alarm at the demise of the existing way of life and the failures of Western governments, left or right, to deliver progress in incomes, services and equity while sponsoring elites that seek to impose progressive or “woke” values on the nation.

How dare those smelly little peons object to being impoverished and tyrannised by the most preposterous incompetent arrogant hypocritical and staggeringly stupid ruling caste to have existed in human history!

Mudrock – put the silly ol’ waffling windbag out to pasture, now. Enough.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 11:25 am
Reply to  Rabz

He’s getting worse. Just like Joe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 25, 2024 11:29 am
Reply to  Rabz

Come on, Rabz, tell us what you really think.

It’s telling that Kelly thinks those “two greatest forces” are really negatives in political appeal.

July 25, 2024 11:42 am
Reply to  Rabz

Seriously he’s become an embarrassment.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 11:25 am

We knew that Joe was not the full two bob from the outset, and we knew that 2020 was gamed from the outset. The proof has emerged over time, starting with the night time ballot count shenanigans and the next days, but more critically with the soon-after symposium that Mike Lindell organised. Revelations about various methods have been coming along for the three years since, and apart from lawsuits and cancel culture it would all emerge quickly.
The MSM have shown no interest in the truth about either Joe or 2020 (or the true story about Jan6), and they say “no proof of voter fraud” to this day.

July 25, 2024 8:16 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

We knew that Joe was not the full two bob from the outset, and we knew that 2020 was gamed from the outset. The proof has emerged over time,

Both were obvious on the night

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
July 25, 2024 11:25 am

There does seem to be a lot activity regarding the generation of “sideshows” at the minute, ……, distractions, if you will.

-The incredibly incompetent, (or is it just evil), head of the US Secret Service resigning, to take up a position at a Bank. Who’d have thought?
Was there more than one shooter?
Will the Secret Service now get training on sloping roofs?
-The coup to get Kamala, (at least for the time being), to the forefront of nominees. (I can hear Hillary’s teeth grinding as I type).
-Bibi Pfizer gets to speak to Congress. “Look at all those protestors”.
Does the Zimbabwean or Romanian leader get to speak to Congress? Why not I wonder?
‘St Volodymyr the Pure’ did!
Oh, but he is the Lord and saviour of mankind, ….., sorry I forgot.

The last time there was this much “ado” was after 9/11.
We were at that time, expected to believe that steel reinforced buildings, could collapse, (almost into their own footprint), because of fire damage.
Still, I guess it must be true, because the US Govt said so.

How many steel supported skyscrapers have “collapsed” in the last 120 years?
Three and amazingly, all three were on 9/11 in Manhattan.
The two WTC Towers plus the Salomon Bros Building, (Bldg 7), that wasn’t even hit by an aircraft! Wow!

Perhaps someone could explain to me, how a fire on the 75th floor of such a structure, can weaken the supports below it, sufficiently to bring the building down. Especially, as an office fire does not get anywhere near hot enough, to melt steel.
A fire crew reached the fire in first building struck and radioed that:
“We can put this fire out if you can get us two lines.”
It wasn’t even a particularly severe fire.

The charges were then set off and the building collapsed, ….., I mean, the fire took over and the building collapsed!

What eventuated out of 9/11 was:

Homeland Security,
The “Patriot” Act and most significantly,
Model State Health Emergency Powers Act, which was used to such great effect in 2020, to combat “Covid” of course.

Something big is brewing and as General Zaluhzny said in London two days ago:
“You will just have to get used to losing your civil liberties to save democracy.”

Hmmmm, there is a saying about “cats and bags”, but I just can’t think of it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 25, 2024 11:32 am


July 25, 2024 11:44 am
Reply to  H B Bear

Hold it until I get back from smoko.

July 25, 2024 12:45 pm

Oh my deary me.

July 25, 2024 7:23 pm

Dover, why did you let Rosie O’Donnell comment here?

July 25, 2024 11:38 am

 Back in the 2020 presidential race, Kamala couldn’t attract one delegate and was forced to drop out. She couldn’t even attract black support as the only black candidate in a Democrat primary dominated by black voters.

I’m going to say this bit out loud – KAMALA ISN”T BLACK – SHE”S WHITE.
What kind of black persecution would she have gotten in the past? NONE!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 12:00 pm
Reply to  BobtheBoozer

via Powerline:

comment image

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 25, 2024 11:42 am

Terry McCrann:

Can Australia survive the Albanese Labor Government’s minister for destroying our electricity system Chris Bowen?

This is not just a legitimate question. It is both an urgent question and a truly existential question.

They are questions posed directly by the latest data from AEMO – the operator of our national electricity market, which includes all the states except Western Australia.

They are questions posed by the data, but not – to its disgrace, and its continuing betrayal of those 26m Australians – by AEMO itself.

Like most regulators these days, AEMO’s an institutional coward. It’s not going to call out its political masters, and the one in particular, for prancing, like the proverbial emperor, clothes-less.

In its cowardice, it’s also signed up to the “mad, bad and – seriously – dangerous” rush to wind and solar, enough batteries hopefully included, so peerlessly executed by Bowen.

The latest AEMO numbers suggest the $75 per household quarterly rebate over the 2024-25 financial year is going to prove an even sicker joke than it already looked on budget night.

Then it was supposed to deliver some reduction from the punitive 30 per cent-plus higher levels of power prices that Australians had already suffered since the election of the Albanese government.

Now it looks more likely to merely take away some of the pain from yet further increases, to even higher levels, in 2024-25.

It all comes back to one reality.

The more supposedly – in the brainless eyes of Bowen – “free” wind and solar forced into our national grid; the more and more expensive electricity becomes.

Back in 2012, when we still had plenty of brown and black coal generation, the wholesale price of electricity – according to the AEMO data – averaged around $30 per MWh over the entire year and in every state in the NEM.

Very importantly, in those days AEMO and the national grid worked to force the cheap prices from coal-fired plants across all the eastern states.

Fast forward to 2024 and after the billions of dollars spent on forcing all that “free” electricity into the system, AEMO tells us that prices in the June quarter ranged from $101 per MWh in Queensland to $173 in NSW.

Across the NEM the average was $133 per MWh in the quarter.

That’s some 340 per cent higher than the electricity price across Australia over the entire 2011-12 year.

That’s also, me telling you that, not the thoroughly compromised AEMO.

So far in July the price has run from $105 per MWh in Queensland up to $180 in Tasmania.

In South Australia which has the most ‘free’ electricity in the nation, the wholesale price has averaged $167 per MWh.

The most damning – of both Bowen and AEMO itself – was the proud boast that in July 2023, for 30 minutes one day, the entire grid got 65 per cent of its electricity from renewables.

Yet in the same month, on another day, it got just 19 per cent. Bowen is of course utterly incapable of understanding how disastrous that is, and will get catastrophic.

AEMO should understand. But it’s a disgrace.

As Rodney Rude once sang in a bawdy limerick, to paraphrase:
“Your bills go higher and higher with your arsehole on fire you’d wish that you’d never jumped on board.”
You only see such climate zealotry on university campus, not on the plush green cushions of Parliament House. Yet here we are.

July 25, 2024 11:58 am

If Albo wanted to hang Giles out to dry, he would give him Chris Bowen’s energy portfolio, so he and not Bowen could be blamed for next year’s election loss.

I have a feeling Bowen is not going to let Energy go because he thinks it will get him written up in the history books.

Which it will, but not for the reasons he imagines.

July 25, 2024 1:36 pm
Reply to  Roger

Read something this morning(can’t recall where, unfortunately) which proves why he isn’t the full quid on energy or anything else .. he is quoted, for what reason, no idea but ……

“To avoid confusion when travelling on escalators up or down all pedestrians should walk on their right”

Now, I may be wrong but my impression is most of us walk on our LEFT in confined/crowded areas …!

July 25, 2024 2:47 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Interesting Shatterzz, when I came here in 79 I was on the right side of the long escalator at Town Hall in Sydney. This bloke goes past then turns around to look at me with a big smile. The guy to the left of me saw the look on my face and says,”don’t stand on the right, thats a signal to the homo’s you’re available”. Maybe Blowen is coming out. He’s never struck me as an Alpha. So not surprised.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 12:08 pm

Newscorpse is dying.

Rupert Murdoch Ignites Succession Fight to Keep Lachlan in Charge of News Empire | Report (24 Jul)

Rupert Murdoch is living a real life episode of “Succession” as three of his four children fight his attempts to adjust the family trust to leave eldest son Lachlan in charge following his death. According to a New York Times report, the 93-year-old media mogul is in conflict with children Prudence, Elisabeth, and James as he tries to adjust the trust.

If Paul Ryan’s mate Lachlan is the best of the bunch, and the other three are out to get him, I fear for the company. It will die.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 12:16 pm

No, News Corporation is not dying.

Good to know you’re little different to Mike Carlton.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 12:19 pm

Murdoch sacking Carlson and paying that ridiculous amount to a voting machine company destroyed any faith I had – oh, and the sons need to stiffen up, so to speak.

Cassie of Sydney
July 25, 2024 12:20 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Then stop watching it.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
July 25, 2024 12:23 pm

Cassie the Combative – I have little faith left in Rupert, but there remain some good people on Fox News – and Sky After Dark.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 12:24 pm

They’ll die because lefties will never watch and righties will flee to someplace that’s actually righty like OANN.

July 25, 2024 12:09 pm

Second ultrasound done. Results are not clear, as Gez predicted. Scans sent off to radiologist for further analysis, but Gez’s call of an MRI being necessary looks on the money.

Feeling better today apart from wanting to piddle every half hour. Hopefully no more pain episodes before I get a proper diagnosis.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 25, 2024 12:20 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Please remember to remove all metallic items first.

Person Impaled By Butt Plug While Wearing It During an MRI Suing Maker of Sex Toy (6 Jun)

July 25, 2024 12:27 pm

Surely in this a world in which cheap metal detectors exist, a radiographer can check a patient for metal before throwing them in the trash compactor?
Of course I recommend Monty remove his own buttplug before the MRI, you know you don’t want to have to deal with the aftermath.

Last edited 5 months ago by Chris
July 25, 2024 12:32 pm
Reply to  m0nty

We don’t care.

July 25, 2024 1:37 pm
Reply to  m0nty
