Nothing wrong with being clean – it’s closer to germaness
July 27, 2024 1:45 am
Probably not of interest to most here.
I have read as many Hornblower novels as I could lay my hands on in my youth, but one crucial maneuver of sailing ships was never mentioned or I missed it.
That is entering harbors and docking without tugboats.
Well here is the answer, excellent seamanship and blooming hard yakka.
Back in the age of sail, how did big ships maneuver around docks or in narrow rivers, congested harbors, etc., with no engines and no tug boats?
The age of sail was a remarkable period in maritime history, a time when the oceans were highways and tall ships were the carriers of dreams and commerce.
Without the aid of engines or tugboats, sailors relied on several ingenious methods to navigate their ships. One common technique was to use a combination of minimal sail and the ship’s helm to make small forward progress.
This required a deep understanding of how the ship’s sails could be used to catch even the slightest breeze and how the rudder could steer the ship with precision. In conditions where there was little to no wind, or when precision was paramount, crews would resort to warping.
This involved taking the ship’s anchor out a distance, dropping it, and then pulling the ship towards it. It was a laborious process, but it allowed sailors to move their ships with a degree of control that sails alone could not provide.
Another method was kedging, which was similar to warping but involved using a smaller anchor known as a kedge.
Sailors would row the kedge out in a boat, drop it, and then use the ship’s capstan to pull themselves towards it. This technique was especially useful for making fine adjustments to the ship’s position or for moving against the wind.
Sailors also made use of the tides and currents to assist in maneuvering. By timing their movements with the ebb and flow of the tides, they could gain additional momentum or achieve a favorable position without having to rely solely on wind power.
In some cases, sheer manpower was the answer. Crews would take to the ship’s boats and row, towing the larger vessel behind them. It was a grueling task, but in the absence of wind, it was often the only way to move a ship. Onshore, teams of dockworkers or even crowds of volunteers would haul on ropes to drag ships into or out of berths.
The evolution of sails also played a role in maneuverability. The most effective sails for maneuvering a large warship were those at the bow, which underwent significant changes over time to increase their effectiveness. The farther forward such sails were deployed, the greater the leverage they exerted, allowing ships to turn more quickly, particularly through the wind.
Navigating through the age of sail required a blend of brute force, delicate finesse, and an almost symbiotic relationship with the natural elements. It was a time when the mastery of sailing was not just a job but an art form, one that has left us with stories of skill and daring that continue to captivate us to this day.
I didn’t know this, it’s but a minute back in history.
“Pamir was a four-masted barque built for the German shipping company F. Laeisz. One of their famous Flying P-Liners, she was the last commercial sailing ship to round Cape Horn, in 1949. By 1957, she had been outmoded by modern bulk carriers and could not operate at a profit. “
I was gratified that even Hornblower could feel a bit seasick from time to time – it has afflicted me every time I’ve been out! Fortunately not for the full trip.
I very much enjoy your posts, KevinM. Please continue.
July 27, 2024 1:50 am
Any of the intrepid travelers visiting Japan noticed this?
One of the rarest forms of sand, star sand, is both a beautiful sight and a scientific marvel. Found on the Taketomi, Hatoma, and Iriomote islands of Japan, (Taketomi District, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.) star sand is exactly what the name implies — small, millimeter-sized pieces of sand in the shape of stars.
At first glance, the beaches look like any other. Only when visitors take a closer look at the beach they stand on does it become clear that this is no ordinary sand. Despite the small size of the sand particles, beach-goers have no problem seeing this incredible five-pointed star shape with the naked eye.
Unlike most beaches, the sand on Hoshizuna Beach and other surrounding Japanese beaches is made up not of rocks and minerals, but rather of the remnants of previous organisms. Each little star is the exoskeleton of small, single-celled organisms known as Foraminifera.
As the waves roll in on the beach, the water carries with it the shells and exoskeletons of these tiny organisms, constructing the unique shoreline.
This particular, star-shaped species of Foraminifera, known as Baculogypsina sphaerulata, is found only in the coral reefs of East Asia, making this special sand shape one of the rarest in the world.
Looks more like bindi eyes.
Sorry Kev, I had to say it. 😉
Top Ender
July 27, 2024 2:39 am
Vikki Campion: One-eyed view of extremism is missing the bigger picture
?The Senate inquiry into ‘right-wing extremist movements in Australia’ needs to widen its focus, not be used as a grandstanding political platform, writes Vikki Campion.
Focusing the lens on one point is not enough to see the whole picture — you must look behind you. Yet it is obvious the Greens-led Senate inquiry into “right-wing extremist movements in Australia” has no plans to widen its focus, choosing instead to zoom in on this dish that Climate Minister Chris Bowen denounces as “cooked”.
During hearings this week, Greens deputy leader and NSW Senator Mehreen Faruqi pushed for an “anti-racism curriculum” with “truth-telling about discriminatory policies”; complained that far-right ideology was increasingly mainstream, thanks to “dog-whistling”; and pressed academics to agree with her proposal for strong civil and criminal penalties for what she determines to be hate speech.
Senator Faruqi is correct in that we are seeing a rise in extreme behaviour, but those she blames in politics and the media who “normalise or inflame far-right views” are not at fault.
Step back from the photograph, Senator, and look behind you.
Take something as innocuous as a regional mayor’s social media post about NAIDOC Week, where, in the past, any local politician could acknowledge and celebrate Indigenous culture.
For more than a decade, we have been making such innocuous posts, reminders, really, about local NAIDOC events – but this year the responses were brutal, racist and sad. Once, people celebrated together; this year, many shunned it and spewed bile online.
Look behind you.
Australians have been activated and inflamed. The recipe for this is simple.
Force-feed your population an unhealthy dose of race worship and corporate guilt. Change the names of towns or islands to deny their story and rewrite their history to demonise the 1788 immigrants and celebrate the immigrants who came 50,000 years earlier – and from 1988 onwards.
Close historically significant mountains to any Aboriginal, Caucasian, Asian, African or Islamic women, and only open them to certain Aboriginal men.
Kick the locals off Queensland beaches and allow only descendants of certain families to use them. Not all Aboriginals. Not those from the wrong families who aren’t on the right land council.
Change the flight route to Narrm, not Melbourne.
When you land, welcome passengers to the country where they were born.
Before school or any meeting, make them apologise for their ancestors, even if they came here escaping the persecution of one of the worst extremists in history, such as Adolf Hitler, or came here in chains for daring to steal food in a famine.
Make the poor white kid skip the school excursion because her family can’t afford to pay, while the child whose family tenuously ticks the Indigenous box — but who has not lived an Aboriginal life, regional or disadvantaged — travels free. When they can’t swallow any more guilt, ram pipes down their throats and pump in extreme climate socialism.
Let Blockade Australia cancel hundreds of passenger train trips because it doesn’t like the coal sent out of Newcastle to keep families overseas warm.
Let Animals Australia shut down live-sheep exports, which fed Muslims in Gaza.
Let Extinction Rebellion break into homes and farms and threaten livelihoods and safety.
Let the pro-Palestine Hamas protesters scale the roof of the nation’s parliament.
Let them vandalise our war memorials and justify their actions as “freedom of expression”.
Keep force-feeding.
Make sure they know that if they break the law in the name of environmental socialism, the judiciary will treat them gently.
This rise in what Senator Faruqi calls “right wing” has been prepared by her chefs.
We have been fed a solid diet of extremism from those who think they are heroes for gluing themselves to a road or throwing soup over a painting, and who go to court and are told by the judiciary they are doing it for the right reasons.
We have a level of acceptance for activists stopping coal trains that we do not extend to farmers and Aboriginals fighting to keep their land from being taken away for industrialised intermittent power.
In terms of terrorism we have had in Australia, the Lindt siege had no right-wing ideology attached and neither did the recent stabbing of a bishop at mass.
Even academics representing universities appearing before the Senate inquiry urged senators not to “narrow the focus to only right wing, but to take the full depth of extremism”.
Queensland University of Technology’s Dr John Byron said suppression of discourse often comes from the middle, in the limitation of speech and expression.
He spoke of his mum, an amateur photographer, taking a picture and then looking behind her to see what elements created that moment.
Todays Saturday Tele: James Morrow: Albo more concerned with peace at ALP conference than in Middle East
The Prime Minister’s last-minute drop of a statement calling for an end to hostilities in Gaza feels more like it is about appeasing protesters than securing stability in the Middle East, writes James Morrow.
How cynical can this government get?
Just a day before the ALP was expecting massive anti-Labor and anti-Israel protests at its state Labor conference, the government hands down a call for an urgent ceasefire in the Middle East.
But while the statement was clearly written to tell the weekend’s protesters “we hear you”, the government dropped it at 4.59pm on a Friday, presumably in the hope no one else picked up on it.
Talk about “each-way Albo”.
For all its fine words asking Hamas to release hostages, the document — co-signed by the prime ministers of Canada and New Zealand — is nothing more than a call for appeasement.
Perfunctory calls are made for Hamas to lay down arms (as if!) and release its remaining hostages.
But with that throat-clearing out of the way, the statement quickly turns to blaming Israel.
Israel must “listen to the concerns of the international community”. Israel is called upon to respond to the International Court of Justice.
Israel is responsible for the deaths of civilians used as human shields by Hamas, despite Hamas profiting from Palestinian suffering in the court of public opinion.
And so on.
Not that it matters much.
Given the sort of weight Australia carries in the halls of the Knesset and the tunnels of Gaza (very little), the statement is best marked as “for domestic consumption only”.
Thanks to skilled propaganda and protest efforts, much of it directed by Iran, the world is in danger of forgetting that Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 in a way designed to maximise civilian brutality.
Since the attacks, Labor has slowly but surely lost its moorings and allowed itself to be dragged further and further to the left by radical Palestinian activists and by the anti-colonial rhetoric of the academy.
The case of Fatima Payman, and the lengths Labor went to accommodate her (ultimately unsuccessfully), is instructive and shows where the party is going.
Labor’s push for a peace deal, no matter whether it actually does anything to secure long-term peace, reflects the broader problem centre-left parties have around the world.
But a two-state solution will never be achieved so long as Palestinians are governed by, and support, leaders who have something far more sinister in mind.
The preponderance of left leaning journalists in our mainstream media has resulted in successful propaganda. So much so that many people are convinced that climate change must be fought, renewable energy can work, and that having all state and federal governments run by the green left is ok.
Having seen what this phenomenon has done to the USA, I fear for Australia’s future. The end run of the Labor-Green-Teal group will be to destroy our ability to earn export dollars, and thereby reduce our standard of living and at the same time brainwash voters that they have our best interests at heart.
I see that Nine’s journalistic crowd appear intent on doing to Nine what they did to Fairfax.
I see that Nine’s journalistic crowd appear intent on doing to Nine what they did to Fairfax.
It’s the same people so your fear is justified. On the other hand, a company that thought buying Fairfax was a sound decision deserves to go under.
Knuckle Dragger
July 27, 2024 7:09 am
Reposted for excellence – Digger, late on the OOT, and in response to some resurrected nuffery from over 20 years ago:
Conclusion on page 43.
That bloke is a deadset wanker, fool and bullshit artist. Anyone who believes anything he says has quite severe comprehension problems.
For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons and both planes were traveling at about 500 mph and were carrying about 15,000 gallons of jet fuel.
If that is not enough data, how about the initial impact being equivalent to approximately 85 tons of TNT being detonated in each building. The structural damage caused by the aircraft hitting the buildings was catastrophic, then the burning fuel weakened the steel enough for the south building to collapse first because there was about 150,000 tonnes of building above the damage and there was 76,000 tonnes above north building impact zone.
The same people who believe the crap this goon puts forward probably believe that the windows blowing out were caused by explosives. How about each floor covering almost an acre (4046 sqm) in area and being 3.5 m high so there was approx 14,000 cubic metres of air in them.
That air was instantaneously pressurised to almost infinity as over a million tons compressed it and it had to go somewhere. It blew out the bloody windows as it pressurised the lift and stair wells.
There we go. A sack whack for the ages.
Still, some would have you believe that ‘an office fire’ (their actual words) brought down the towers.
Just goes to show throwing your butts into the waste paper bucket can do when it gets out of hand. Knuckles you have no appreciation that on the innernet the laws of physics are suspended.
July 27, 2024 7:09 am
Nine’s cough, churnalists, cough, going on strike for five days. Is anyone really going to notice except for the local barista. Lock them out for another five days, reduce the pay offer to half of what they were prepared to pay. What passes for news these days could be done at home on a laptop. It all seems to be regurgitating talking points from the hive.
Freaks’R’Us, coming to a school near you if they’re not there already. I openly mock them every chance I get. I don’t engage in any dialogue nor interact at all with them, in fact I’m sure that annoys them more. My wife gets embarrassed to no avail. People are too scared to say anything but I get nods of agreement.
ANGIRA BHARADWAJ JAMES CAMPBELL 27 Jul 2024 Australia has joined Canada and New Zealand to call for an “urgent” and “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza with Anthony Albanese using his strongest language against Israel yet – a move Jewish leaders likened to emboldening terrorists.
Australia has consistently called for a humanitarian ceasefire as part of a two-state solution but yesterday, in a joint statement, the three leaders escalated their position saying the conflict is at risk of growing wider.
Jewish groups condemned the pointed statement – released on the eve of Labor’s state conference – that demanded Israel “listen” and stop the “catastrophic” suffering of Palestinian civilians while the Opposition accused Mr Albanese of prioritising “electoral politics”.
“The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Israel must listen to the concerns of the international community,” Christopher Luxon, Justin Trudeau and Mr Albanese said. “Palestinian civilians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas. It must end.”
The three nations said they stand behind the ceasefire deal outlined by US president Joe Biden and endorsed by the United Nations and were concerned about escalating tensions along the Blue Line, the border of Lebanon and Israel.
“We are gravely concerned about the prospect of further escalation across the region,“ the trio said.
Jewish leaders were struggling to respond to the statement that dropped late on Friday before the religious period of Shabbat began but the Zionist Federation of Australia accused the three leaders of emboldening Hamas.
“The government cannot have it both ways. It cannot simultaneously call for the dismantling of Hamas and to demand that Israel unilaterally end the war in Gaza – thereby leaving Hamas in power,“ president Jeremy Leibler said.
“The war would end tomorrow with the release of the hostages and the surrender of Hamas. Applying pressure on Israel to end the war unilaterally only serves to embolden Hamas and prolong the war.”
Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson accused Labor of issuing the statement in a bid to quell internal Labor pressure for more action on Gaza.
“The Albanese government should also explain how they think Hamas’ rule in Gaza will be ended if their advice for an immediate ceasefire is followed,” he said.
“Insensitivity timed statements during Shabbat won’t end this conflict – the return of the hostages taken on October 7 will.”
It comes after the Albanese government placed sanctions on Israeli settler group Hilltop Youths over violence that included beatings, sexual assault and torture of Palestinians.
Labor left sources said the timing of the strengthened position on Gaza was ”opportune” for Mr Albanese who has been struggling with internal tensions over the conflict after Senator Fatima Payman quit the party.
He is set to appear at the NSW state conference today — coinciding with a planned pro-Palestine protest.
NSW Police will be present at the protests slated for both days of the conference and Labor sources said the Gaza conflict was set to dominate the event.
“The party is trying to manage the internal tensions this issue of Israel-Palestine is creating,” a source said.
That sounds very similar to the comments Kamala Harris made yesterday that back stabbed Bibi and Israel.
““It is time for this war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self determination,” she said.
“And as I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. Let’s get the deal done. So we can get a ceasefire to end the war. Let’s bring the hostages home. And let’s provide much needed relief to the Palestinian people.”
Let’s produce a vast quantity of thrones for everyone that is ‘disadvantaged’ by the racist colonisers who built the nation, and are now suited only to paying the taxes to support the ‘disadvantaged’ in regal splendour.
I’ll vote for that.
Pigs arse I will.
I suppose Christians were targeted because they don’t force their way into offices and murder the satirists.
Precisely. It amazes me that this same country produced Charles Martel “The Hammer”.
July 27, 2024 7:47 am
Nice painting. Simple subject but masterful execution.
Paint what you see, not what you know is what they say, and Monet does it superbly. The checked damask, complete with creases, the reflection of the teapot in the lacquer tray, soft furry leaves of the plant.
There is a preponderance of artists to have too much in still life paintings. In Monet’s case, less is more. Is that a cat in the lacquer tray. Whatever it is even the greatest of painters still have trouble with animals.
July 27, 2024 7:56 am
Keep force-feeding.
Went to a Mass in a cathedral yesterday.
Before the service, there was a Welcome to Country.
I can’t describe the sorrow as I watched small children mouthing this nonsense. Christ, there on his Cross, was silent. He won’t always be.
I couldn’t do that. The “Welcome” was after the first hymn.
The hymn was about worship. The Gospel about the Sower.
I’m still trying to get my head around the mixed messages sent to the children.
I don’t want to be hyper critical because it really isn’t my place to criticise, being not a Catholic. There is more than enough of this stuff on the Protestant side to horrify the faithful and condemn the perpetrators.
My little granddaughter has her First Communion next year. I’m hoping to be asked to stitch up a special dress for her. And somewhere in Mum’s stash is my Communion veil, which was also hers. 🙂
I couldn’t do that. The “Welcome” was after the first hymn.
Bugger. They must be getting wise that people are sick of it.
I belong to the Church of England mob (Christmas and Easter and/or Weddings and Funerals) and can’t even remember last time I took communion at a service or went to a service.
I should go along one day just hear what the sermons are about these days.
I hope you are awarded the contract for your granddaughter’s communion dress. 🙂
You are more forgiving than I calli. I would have walked out, I’ve done it before for a similar reason.
Politicization of the mass is absolutely unacceptable. The implied demonization of the majority of the worshipers is not only unacceptable but stupid. The only “side” Christ chose was the human one.
Catholics should have realized by now that their faith and politics should never be mixed. Richelieu comes to mind here. As does Henry 8 and the current occupant of the papal residency.
As this was in a Cathedral the Bishop should be blasted with letters of protest and parishioners should take their trade elsewhere.
Albo is following in the Yasser Arafat tradition of telling the westerners one thing and his followers another. He was also considered a very clever man until he wasn’t.
A parent of a kindergarten student at a school on the New South Wales Central Coast has spoken of his “concern” after his child came home with a Black Lives Matter themed colouring-in sheet. … A copy of the colouring sheet, provided to the radio program, shows various phrases including “Stop stealing our kids”, “White Australia has a blak history” and “Blak Lives Matter” written in bubble-like font.
Other wording included “No pride in genocide”, “Close the gap”, “Justice”, “Health care”, “Land rights”, “Stop the lies” and “Stolen wages”.
Five year olds are now being soaked in this propaganda. What hope do they have of growing up sane?
The clergy needs to remember that the Mass isn’t the only place to hear the Gospel.
Misusing their ecclesiastic position to force their political agendas on the paying customers parishioners seldom ends well.
Black Ball
July 27, 2024 8:11 am
Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games.
Get the feeling rapes, burglaries and sabotage are just the start.
Yes, my internal radar is sending warning signals at regular intervals. Those who have brought this vile behaviour to our societies will never, ever admit the error of their ways.
Nice one Vikki. I am quite sure Vikki is reminding the fat, ugly Jew hating Islamist senator of her own ‘extremist’ associations and views, particularly the fatso senator’s attendance last November at an anti-Jew protest here in Sydney’s CBD, where the fatso senator was pictured smiling in front of a group of young woman who were holding up extremist Jew hating messages on hand-made placards, and one of the young girl girls held up a placard which had a drawing of a figure ‘placing an Israeli flag into a trash bin’ with the following words written underneath….
“keep the world clean.”
So, according to this fatso Jew hating Islamist Senator, we Jews, almost all of whom are Zionists, are unclean, dirty, and filthy. Words and imagery straight from Der Sturmer.
Vikki is right, Senator Fatso Faruqi clearly didn’t and doesn’t ‘look behind her’.
In fact, the fatso Jew hating senator was so proud of her picture that she posted it online, until she deleted hours later.
And let me just restate this, we have a Nazi party in this country and that party is called the Greens. Anyone who votes for the Greens is no different to those German men and women who, in January 1933, voted for Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party.
In better news this morning, in attendance at Netanyahu’s speech to Congress two days ago were Elon Musk, Douglas Murray and other luminaries, including James Packer. In today’s Daily Telegraph James Packer says…
It’s a pity he sold Channel 9, could have used it for good in present circumstances.
July 27, 2024 8:17 am
Obviously Paris has many historical and cultural attractions it can highlight during Olympics.
My concern is that Brisbane is going to go nuts on First Nations stuff to highlight.
Already doing it with the Brisbane Meanjin references.
For 70+ years this rump of dissatisfied Arabs have made themselves the Virtuous Perpetual Victim. They were given 2 states by the Brits – Jordan and Israel. Not enough, so Israel gave up a bit more of their state, despite Jordan being the bigger one. Still not happy.
October 7th clearly brought an end to any possibility of two states. The idiots brought it on themselves and despite their lying propaganda successes with equally brain dead morons, they are not winning on the ground or more broadly with the majority of normal people who can see this anti-semitic garbage for what it is. . Israel must end this unacheivable pipe dream permanently.
Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games.
There’s a mini army protecting the Israeli team.
July 27, 2024 8:28 am
“It is time for this war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self determination,”.
I am surprised they get enough paramaters in limited hardware in FSD chips to self drive. llama 405b requires multiple A100 80g cards to run, but then its a general knowledge LLM, this is a highly specialised neural net.
the thing about 10x the parameter count is that it only provides linear improvements.
I’m not surprised, its only updating in a slow timeframe of parameters. I’ve got a rudimentary self drive function in my bomb. The worst thing about it is seeing something like a large street sign that it thinks is another vehicle its going to crash into. It slams the brakes on. Sometimes it doesn’t see vehicles in front especially when a vehicle turns off and another suddenly appears. I always turn of the self steering. The cruise control can be a bit slow to react.
July 27, 2024 8:47 am
Obviously Paris has many historical and cultural attractions it can highlight during Olympics.
But apparently no decent singers.
ABC radio reports Celine Dion & Lady Gaga starred in the opening ceremony.
Given the type of fruit/veg they are that is the way a lot of folk buy ’em but I’m betting if you weigh by the kg price against the individual cost then it’ll alwayz be in Woolies favour ..
Yesterday our local supermarket was asking $2.99 for a single lime! Luckily I’d saved some of our own limes before the worst frosts badly damaged the rest.
July 27, 2024 8:51 am
Paris Olympics cultural tip.
When playing sports trivia in a French pub the answer to “Who won the 1940 Paris marathon?” is apparently not “Panzer Group Guderian”.
You’ve gotta admire the French for making the boulevards wide enough for the tanks to turn around without backing. Also for providing enough trees to shield the germans from getting sunburnt whilst enjoying their latte’s.
July 27, 2024 8:55 am
Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games
Poor old Frogs. They live in their little arrondissement of Paree and rarely interact with the muz. Peut-être this will change as the military convoys power around the avenues, insha’alla.
No essential service should be in private hands. We let stinking effing politicians sell them so they could waste money getting themselves re-elected. We sure are mugs. HOP time can’t come soon enough.
July 27, 2024 9:00 am
Disgusting. My interest in these Olympics which was already zero has now gone into negative territory.
Fascinating as I have to deal with the DEI academics. They are ferocious and looking for an issue. Reminded me of the old commos. Everything is subject to the dialectic. Now its the D.E.I.alectic. Ha ha, I don’t think they would get the joke.
Continuing on from Top Ender’s Vikki Campion’s Saturday Tele piece:
EVEN LABOR MINISTERS CAN’T GET STORIES RIGHT ON NUCLEAR ENERGY Vikki Campion 27 Jul 2024 According to senior Labor cabinet ministers, nuclear in the water in Sydney Harbour is not a problem, nor is nuclear waste on land, but nuclear on land will cause radiation on farms within an 80km radius. Confused? Join the club.
As Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy told the ABC that “there is no risk to the community” to store nuclear waste in WA, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt told ag bible The Land that radioactivity would threaten farms within 80km of a nuclear power plant.
That’s a lot coming from Mr Watt, who struggles to keep farmers breathing air in the same room as him. ( 🙂 )
He told The Land that nuclear power would put “more than 11,000 farms at risk of radiation” – but had no warning for the homes around the existing nuclear reactor in Sydney.
Nor has he looked at any peer-reviewed papers. A French study of 22,393 workers employed over a 42- year period at 58 nuclear power plants found relative risks of cancer lower than those in the general population.
An analysis of cancer in 42,200 Canadian nuclear energy workers found no increase in the risk of cancer mortality due to their occupational radiation exposure.
Mr Watt’s political lie shows he has zero interest in agriculture and total interest in his next portfolio, to be announced in tomorrow’s reshuffle.
Farmers stormed out of his 2024 budget breakfast after he used them as photo-shoot props for BeefWeek and then flew to WA to shut down live-sheep exports.
His office has even been caught out making and distributing social media tiles celebrating the banning of live sheep, using images from animal activist websites.
This has forced farmers to start campaigns, such as The Livestock Collective, to show the reality of animal husbandry. He has also supported Bills forcing the compulsory acquisition of farms for transmission lines, and reduce their water allowances, all of which prioritise climate socialism over farming.
For all his bother, farmers and industry leaders at this week’s NSW Farmers Conference ignored Mr Watt’s doomsday warning and overwhelmingly supported the location of nuclear power plants at coal-fired power sites.
Nuclear for Australia founder Will Shackel, who, while abroad to study at MIT, in the US, found time to eat locally fished seafood from Avila Beach, near Diablo nuclear power plant, and, to the ALP’s shock, survived.
The nation’s treasurers for injecting $60bn into the economy, driving inflation as a record 11,049 businesses fall insolvent – a rise of 124 per cent on 2022 figures, according to ASIC.
The nation’s treasurers for injecting $60bn into the economy, driving inflation as a record 11,049 businesses fall insolvent – a rise of 124 per cent on 2022 figures, according to ASIC.
Since the attacks, Labor has slowly but surely lost its moorings and allowed itself to be dragged further and further to the left by radical Palestinian activists and by the anti-colonial rhetoric of the academy.
NO, Labor hasn’t lost its way! .. Its been dragged out of the “closet” to try to convince its RoP populated seats that it really does luv ’em ……..!
Why is no one discussing Kamala Harris ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Her husband, Douglas Emhoff has refused to release his clients and, unfortunately, Emhoff is not required to publicly disclose a full list of his clients by federal law.
He also is not practicing law at the moment but you know the relationships did not just evaporate.
The fake fact-checkers have falsely denied and connection but how is that possible when Emhoff is refusing to disclose?
From a 2020 National Pulse article by Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam which is even more relevant today than ever:
REVEALED: Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials
Kamala Harris’s husband’s firm, DLA Piper, consults on behalf of a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-owned companies and employs former Chinese Communist Party officials.
DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch.
Harris’s links to the company are found with her husband, Douglas Emhoff, who has served as a Partner in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology practice and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment sector since 2017.
DLA Piper boasts of having “long-established and embedded “China Desks” in both the U.S. and Europe” to assist their China-focused consulting, prompting questions about how the firm’s potential proximity to the White House could be leveraged by DLA Piper, exploited by the Chinese Communist Party, or represent a financial conflict of interest for the Vice Presidential candidate.
“The Australian government “released” a long-awaited report on batch tests of Covid mRNA vaccines rolled out in the country during the pandemic, however every word on every page has been completely redacted.
The 78-page document was released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by concerned medical staff including leading doctors who are warning the government is covering up the disastrous consequences of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in the Australian population”
Last edited 6 months ago by Indolent
July 27, 2024 9:18 am
The FBI reluctantly admits that Trump was actually struck by a bullet.
“A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs,” the organization said in a post on X on Tuesday. “Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.”
Soon after Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday, Kamala Harris received a flood of endorsements, including from Bill and Hillary Clinton. However, Obama’s was notably missing, as he called for a more open selection process to select a new nominee.
The reason why Obama hadn’t endorsed Kamala was that he didn’t believe that she could win.
Hopefully the same place. Secret Service will need roof training.
July 27, 2024 9:31 am
I suspect that this will bite him on the rear end in the end. Less than a year out from the election campaign and there a many more who are quietly getting on with life who’s views range from that they don’t agree with this to those repulsed.
Unsure what Wong’s stake in this is being from SA and in the Senate, not like she has to worry about the Islamic vote block. Albo get it, Sydney & his electorate full of wealthy far left types but as usual he’s all party politics rat cunning but dim witted anywhere outside this bubble.
Polite conversations with people I have had from different walks tell me as much as some have concerns about Israel behaviour with settlements etc the fact lost in all this pro-Gazan noise is that the Gazans raped and murdered it’s way across southern Israel on Oct 7. These people are not out there protesting as they don’t have time or are significantly cowed by potential backlash aided by a 2 tier policing regime.
Albo’s focus groups need to get into middle Australia where all those swing seats are as I’d say there’s more than a gram of discomfort with bellicose statements being issued on their behalf.
As for Trudeau probably the most authoritarian far left leader Canada has had and the dripping wet Luxon who is watering down most of his election promises like the 3 strikes laws already, meh, I expect nothing more from Wellington or Ottawa despite who is in control.
Albo’s focus groups need to get into middle Australia where all those swing seats are as I’d say there’s more than a gram of discomfort with bellicose statements being issued on their behalf.
Albo doesn’t have any focus groups. He surrounds himself with sycophants and fellow Marxists who tell him what he wants to hear.
Bruce of Newcastle
July 27, 2024 9:35 am
Blackest black comedy of the day award goes this story.
Corrections staff and victims’ advocates want the option of voluntary assisted dying to be removed for murderers and rapists, saying euthanasia is the ultimate ‘get-out-of-jail-free card’.
So the Left who opposed executions is now promoting executions? And calling them a “get-out-of-jail-free card”? Oh well I suppose that’s one way of reducing overcrowding in gaols.
As for the steel girders somehow turning to powder as they fell from the World Trade Centre.
What a lot of crap. It is probably past time for some people to get a grasp of real life comprehension.
Those vertical girders would have been covered with 1-2 cm of concrete dust, smoke ash and other forms of dust because of the collapsing building and fire. That dust and ash is not glued to the girders and is held there by electrostatic forces.
As the girders dropped vertically they accelerated much faster than the dust could sustain its electrostatic hold so the dust dislodged from the beams and shielded the view of the girders falling.
Dust that has a positive electric charge will be attracted to objects that have a negative electric charge, and vice versa. The greater the amount of dust in the air, the larger the amount of dust that clings to objects within a space.
What we saw in the videos was exactly that and the attention seeking fool who wrote that the beams were disintegrating was gaslighting anyone without the intellect to actually understand the physical world.
You could put a stick in the ground around there and it would take root. I wonder how Monet would have gone on Perth sand. Monet’s Compost Heaps might not have been as successful.
Last edited 6 months ago by H B Bear
Kim Howard
July 27, 2024 9:54 am
Crowder is going to have cameras at all swing states in the up coming Election and full Live stream, just saying!
.., which got me wondering if the -acle in spectacle and debacle share the same etymology. They don’t but debacle is “from Latin baculum “stick” (see bacillus).”.
July 27, 2024 10:19 am
BoN. I find it intriguing that the left are against capital punishment, but enthusiastically support chopping up late term babies in abortion procedures. Perhaps we should rename capital punishment to “retrospective abortion “. The greens would then be able to support it!
BoN please correct if I err, likely as my metallurgy never went past 2nd year first semester and a long time ago.
I normally stay out of this sort of argument but I did metallurgy in my first year which is mainly steel/cast irons. Delve down memory lane and internet research.
Couple of links to back up the theory the steel got too hot and failed. Also my underqualified interpretation.
Strength of structural steel at 500 deg to 21 deg is down to 49%, whith little engineering I know that’s in colossal failure territory:
Iron/carbon phase diagram. Note structural steel is at 0.02% carbon so to the uninitiated almost on the left margin. Ferrite is a phase of steel that has it’s own distinct properties, note when the temperature rises above between 600-800 deg the phase changes to Austenite with different distinct properties that weren’t designed for in the engineering:
Lastly. Google tells me from a number of different sources jet fuel burn was estimated at between 1000-1100 deg C. Not high enough to melt this phase of steel but high enough to significantly alter the structural properties and strengths of the material.
Long and short, loss of strength due to heat above 1000 dec C and the differing properties in the steel would have consigned this building to the whims of gravity without all the other shocks like (Lifted from a post this morning) a Boeing 767 weighing in at 80 tons traveling at about 500 mph and 15,000 gallons of jet fuel. Impulse of the force from the momentum and the time of impact being seconds would have been astronomical.
The nature of the forces on the building would have changed completely with a fully loaded plane going straight into the side of it and continued once the floor plates started collapsing. I wouldn’t waste too much time on these loonies.
Reposted for excellence – Digger, late on the OOT, and in response to some resurrected nuffery from over 20 years ago:
Been busy and missed that. Thanks, KD and thanks Digger.
Basic facts that when presented to anyone with a modicum of intelligence explains everything that happened.
The real IQ of the conspiracy theorists is below room temperature because they cannot use basic facts to form a conclusion, the windows blowing out being a prime example, as anyone with an ounce of sense could see what was happening as the buildings fell. They instead turn to fantasy to explain what they cannot, which long term leads to paranoia and everything becomes a conspiracy.
DNC talking points a bit more deceptive than usual?
Rufus T Firefly
July 27, 2024 10:49 am
“For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons and both planes were traveling at about 500 mph and were carrying about 15,000 gallons of jet fuel.”
Oh Lordy Lordy Lordy!
So KD, the weight of every floor was 4,500 tons.
Ok, ……, are you saying that the engineers and architects didn’t take that into account when designing the building?????
Are you actually stating, that the jet fuel could create a fire hot enough to “melt”, or at the very least, weaken the steel supports?
Not only that, but magically the heat on the 75th floor is somehow transmitted to the 65th, 55th, 45th, 35th etc causing them all to be “melted” or at the very least, weakened, causing the towers to enter “free fall”?
I would VERY MUCH like you to expand on that!
Personally, I think the engineers and architects did take weight into account, but, you can believe what you wish.
As I attempted to tell you yesterday, (with little success evidently), high rise buildings are designed to support these weights, which, seems to come as a surprise to you.
Moreover, the supports for these buildings are stronger on the lower floors, for obvious reasons. (Perhaps I had better spell it out for you again, the lower floors support more weight than the higher floors, ……, got it?)
The reason this is important in the WTC cases, is because 0.5 seconds after the collapse began in the towers, the building was in “free fall”.
I can see the confused look on your face KD, that means there was NO resistance to stop, or even slow down the collapse.
Given the increasing strength of the supports as you descend, this is only possible if:
a. an external force has affected the strength of the supports, or
b. everyone lives in your special universe, where the laws of physics AND thermodynamics do not apply.
As I said, even we suspend reality and say that the fires were hot enough to weaken the steel supports, the building is extremely unlikely fall into its own footprint, rather, the top portion would topple.
The fact that in 120 years, only three steel supported skyscrapers have collapsed due to fire AND they all did so in Manhatten on 9/11, is merely an amazing coincidence, right?
Enjoy the day KD, try not to hurt yourself.
Oh, have you checked out Baidoa yet?
It is about 120 miles NW of Mogadishu.
The Australian Battalion group conducted patrols there when deployed in 1993.
No one was patrolling in Mogadishu from October 1993.
No need to thank me, happy to inform people.
Dr Faustus
July 27, 2024 10:52 am
WTC explosive demolition nuffery has arrived earlier than usual – must be a sign of the uncertain times.
Strength of structural steel at 500 deg to 21 deg is down to 49%, whith little engineering I know that’s in colossal failure territory:
Pretty much correct, RD.
From an engineering perspective, steel structures have effectively completely failed at a little over 500°C. As noted in posts above, load transfer and gravity will usually do the rest.
The “gender gap” between the two parties is at least 40 years old by now, though the fact that women are vote more Democratic than men is always portrayed by the media as a Republican problem, but why don’t Democrats ever have a men problem? Anyway, the real gap may not be gender, but marital status. This is suddenly germane in this election cycle because of child-bearing, cat ladies and something something, Project 2025, Handmaid’s Tale, etc. Social science data show that married people are happier than single people, and tend to vote more Republican.
Social media and smart phones are driving young women nuts. The young men aren’t affected.
It would be nice if at least one US president censured their track team athletes for dishonouring their fellow competitors by egotistical prancing after they win.
The great Michael Johnson hated it and called it out during his time at the top. He basically said that you devalue your success if you treat the other athletes with a lack of respect.
And the, obvious, implication is not handing over the records, voluntarily, is cos there is something there they’d prefer not to see the light of day …….
If I was the young coppers who attended the scene, I’d be ditching their phones and duty books as well.
Anyhow, I thought the phone records were kept at the base for billing reasons? If so, why aren’t they being accessed?
I’m disappointed Barstool and Portnoy is saying this: what JD said is that folks with kids should be taxed at a lower rate than childless, usually demorat, cat ladies. JD was not advocating increasing taxes for the catties just giving a break to the kiddies.
Kids are the future. Conservatives have to press this point because for the left kiddies are merely things to manipulate to justify transexualism and other perversions.
I don’t know if I have just not seen it, but I have not caught any news on TV newscasts of the sabotage of the rail network in France. It had caused widespread disruption to the movement of tourists coming for the Games, & travel within France. But the dizzy commentary of the MSM has not mentioned it.
So what do Cats think about JD Vance’s proposal to increase taxes on the childless? Benefits for parents are one thing, but whacking penalties on childless cat ladies and incels seems to be a step further.
I’ll bite (assuming you’re framing his argument correctly…)
I’m against taxes that have a punitive purpose on principle.
And there’s already a tax credit for children in the US; consider changes to that and child-rearing deductions if you want to lighten the tax burden on families.
Natural Instinct
July 27, 2024 11:08 am
Just saw an Olympic team selection thing about female rowers and the muscular power effort they put in.
Perhaps some of those Nine investigative journalists could do something useful and find the men pretending to be women in that sport in any country.
Dr Faustus
July 27, 2024 11:11 am
And WTF is this:
FBI Wants to “Interview” Trump About Assassination | Frontpage Mag
Gee, an opportunity to put Trump under oath and set him up to make a questionable comment they can then charge him with?
Nah, that wouldn’t be what this was about would it?
Otherwise, this is obviously an attempt to downplay the fact that an assassin shot at him and hit.
Last edited 6 months ago by Zatara
July 27, 2024 11:13 am
Social media and smart phones are driving young women nuts. The young men aren’t affected.
Interesting. I have noticed as much in the case of my two grandchildren. The granddaughter is very smart, but very Woke, and very “into” social media – although this has diminished as she has become a young adult. The grandson has never been a slave to social media, is street smart” & has a great “BS detector”.
Nine’s cough, churnalists, cough, going on strike for five days.
And apparently the heat is on the “sports churnalists” in Paris to man the barricades too.
That’s gotta hurt.
July 27, 2024 11:28 am
July 27, 2024 11:06 am
So what do Cats think about JD Vance’s proposal to increase taxes on the childless? Benefits for parents are one thing, but whacking penalties on childless cat ladies and incels seems to be a step further.
Not a new one, been tried before in Europe under communists.
With a variation of being a bachelor after a certain age, can’t remember if it applied to the ladies but.
Two staffers with the Olympic broadcast team for Australia’s Nine Entertainment were attacked during an attempted robbery in Paris, France, on Monday afternoon, reports revealed later in the week.
Nein doesn’t so far seem to be doing well out of this qwerty extravaganceapolooza. It’s a mystery.
So what do Cats think about JD Vance’s proposal to increase taxes on the childless? Benefits for parents are one thing, but whacking penalties on childless cat ladies and incels seems to be a step further.
Naturally enough, that’s not what Vance proposed:
“So, you talk about tax policy, let’s tax the things that are bad and not tax the things that are good,” Vance said in the interview, which is no longer public on Kirk’s channel. “If you are making $100,000, $400,000 a year and you’ve got three kids, you should pay a different, lower tax rate than if you are making the same amount of money and you don’t have any kids. It’s that simple.“
In response to Vance’s comments, Vance spokesperson William Martin told ABC News, “The policy Senator Vance proposed is basically no different than the Child Tax Credit, which Democrats unanimously support.”
Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview
As opposed to, the more accurate:
Vance argued for lower tax rate for American parents in 2021 interview
A case study in why the US media is widely distrusted.
July 27, 2024 11:51 am
OK, buildings:
After the floor that was hit and burned, when the supports buckled, the upper part of the building is essentially in free fall.
Lets suppose it falls 2.5 meters before the bottom the top part and the top of the bottom part contact each other and act as a 0.5 meter crumple zone.
At contact the top of the building is going close to 7 meters per second due to acceleration due gravity.. To decelerate the top part to zero relative velocity takes a decleration of 5 gravities. So the remaining bottom of the building experiences a vertical downward force of 5 times the normal load.
Any civil engineers here? I don’t think building is designed for such loads.
I’m minded of a building in Cairo I think some years ago. The lower floors had been designed for a 5 story building but 8 were built so one day it collapsed.
Most of the nuffer commentary assumes floor by floor loading and structural collapse (caused by progressive detonation of magical explosives). In reality, the shock load from the initial failure is almost instantly transferred downwards through the whole structure – creating conditions for total failure.
Arky’s Green Real Deal Party.
Arky cannot help but notice that the green new deal, the Teal types and the WEF have spent years if not decades pushing for the expungementisation of the rights of the ordinary fellow to live with any of the little enjoyments that most of have as compensation for a lifetime of toil.
Rich little indoctrinated snots have taken to the streets to implore the destruction the very things that allow an ordinary man to enjoy modern life.
I say it’s about f***king time we return the favour, using their favourite bogus Karen excuses:
Saving the stupid planet.
The manifesto:
End first and business classes on flights. Every passenger must be allotted the same tiny amount of space next to some fat, tattooed idiot with howling kids and a flatulence problem.
End private jet ownership. No more flying to the Swiss alps to lecture the rest of us, you utter pricks.
The climate is changing and coastal regions are under threat. We must save all the idiots with ocean views from themselves and compulsorily aquire every abode with water views for demolition or as penguin habitat. Have you seen how much those birds shit? Giant geysers of fishy waste, Enjoy sharing your seaside mansion with that.
It’s a shocking waste of precious energy to fly lobsters to wherever the heck rich numpties want to use high class prostitutes on any given day. All luxury seafoods must be consumed within 100 Km of where they are caught.
Cars, cars, cars cars. Should they be hybrid? should they be electric? should they self drive? rented? leased? Look, I don’t bloody know, all I know is they don’t want us to have them, not cheap anyway. Shit, do they even use them anymore? All I see is them using helicopters to go to whatever the event du jour. Just so they can say “du jour”. F*** ‘em. Ban helicopters as private transport shuttles. If you want a helicopter learn to fly yourself in one.
Bitcoin, What is it now? Like half the electricity produced is going to bitcoin mining? Get rid of all that useless shit. Find something real to speculate in, you effing crooks.
The sexual revolution. What a con that was. You get to bang all the poor chicks, and we get nothing in return. Until Mrs. High and Mighty starts putting out, it’s over. Until I get to root some rich women, I mean, a lot of rich women, you get nothing. Head scarves for every woman, at all times and a return to general prudery and sexual uptightness. And all the legal penalties that go along with it. Indecency laws whatever. You have had your fun. It’s over.
Stop sending your brats to pour tomato soup over the good artwork in public galleries. We know what you are up to. You want that art in your private collections. You have been filling public galleries with utter crap for decades. A banana taped to the wall? Come on, we’re not that stupid. End private ownership of all artworks older than 120 years and put it all on public display. You can keep your bananas. Dickheads,
More to come. Whatever you like, whatever gives YOU consolation in this vale of tears, is up for grabs as long as you are after our homes, our cars, our smokes, drinks, convivialities and our recreations. F*** you. You especially, Mr. De Niro.
And we’ll find someone even less to your taste than Trump too.
War. They love war, don’t they? George Carlin said it, I believe. They need to lead from the front. You want diversity and inclusion? It’s time you and yours got included in all the diverse and shitty wars.
Ohh, ohh, ohh. I just thought of another one.
Twelve. They only get away with all this horseshit because they have private security details. Let them have the same level of personal protection as the rest of us. If it was good enough for Trump to have to stare down a bullet, let them do likewise. No private armies, no armed private security. Because gun safety or something,
Every day, somewhere, at one level of government or other, they ban something that ordinary people enjoy.
I’m mad, and I’m serious: It’s well past time they got a return of serve Tom.
This needs to be an actual thing, an actual party or something with an actual agenda of finding out who these people precisely are, what they like, and systematically buggering it up for them.
The Tea Set, Claude Monet, 1872
International Boogie Nights:
Piano-Boogie-Medley, Stefan Ulbricht, Chris Conz u.a.
Hi from Luzern in Switzerland.
Question: is this the land of appeasers, over-management, and $crooge McDuck personified, or just a country of reasonable people being logical?
Don’t forget being clean freaks.
Nothing wrong with being clean – it’s closer to germaness
Probably not of interest to most here.
I have read as many Hornblower novels as I could lay my hands on in my youth, but one crucial maneuver of sailing ships was never mentioned or I missed it.
That is entering harbors and docking without tugboats.
Well here is the answer, excellent seamanship and blooming hard yakka.
Back in the age of sail, how did big ships maneuver around docks or in narrow rivers, congested harbors, etc., with no engines and no tug boats?
The age of sail was a remarkable period in maritime history, a time when the oceans were highways and tall ships were the carriers of dreams and commerce.
Without the aid of engines or tugboats, sailors relied on several ingenious methods to navigate their ships. One common technique was to use a combination of minimal sail and the ship’s helm to make small forward progress.
This required a deep understanding of how the ship’s sails could be used to catch even the slightest breeze and how the rudder could steer the ship with precision. In conditions where there was little to no wind, or when precision was paramount, crews would resort to warping.
This involved taking the ship’s anchor out a distance, dropping it, and then pulling the ship towards it. It was a laborious process, but it allowed sailors to move their ships with a degree of control that sails alone could not provide.
Another method was kedging, which was similar to warping but involved using a smaller anchor known as a kedge.
Sailors would row the kedge out in a boat, drop it, and then use the ship’s capstan to pull themselves towards it. This technique was especially useful for making fine adjustments to the ship’s position or for moving against the wind.
Sailors also made use of the tides and currents to assist in maneuvering. By timing their movements with the ebb and flow of the tides, they could gain additional momentum or achieve a favorable position without having to rely solely on wind power.
In some cases, sheer manpower was the answer. Crews would take to the ship’s boats and row, towing the larger vessel behind them. It was a grueling task, but in the absence of wind, it was often the only way to move a ship. Onshore, teams of dockworkers or even crowds of volunteers would haul on ropes to drag ships into or out of berths.
The evolution of sails also played a role in maneuverability. The most effective sails for maneuvering a large warship were those at the bow, which underwent significant changes over time to increase their effectiveness. The farther forward such sails were deployed, the greater the leverage they exerted, allowing ships to turn more quickly, particularly through the wind.
Navigating through the age of sail required a blend of brute force, delicate finesse, and an almost symbiotic relationship with the natural elements. It was a time when the mastery of sailing was not just a job but an art form, one that has left us with stories of skill and daring that continue to captivate us to this day.
I didn’t know this, it’s but a minute back in history.
“Pamir was a four-masted barque built for the German shipping company F. Laeisz. One of their famous Flying P-Liners, she was the last commercial sailing ship to round Cape Horn, in 1949. By 1957, she had been outmoded by modern bulk carriers and could not operate at a profit. “
Still sailing in 1957?
Stunning photo !
Regretfully at the bottom of the Atlantic, sunk by a Hurricane.
I think there is a tall ships regatta in France every two? or four? years at one of their ports.
One member of the crew was designated as the Sailing Master.
Not a job for the newbies!
I was gratified that even Hornblower could feel a bit seasick from time to time – it has afflicted me every time I’ve been out! Fortunately not for the full trip.
Living in a water-front boarding house in Neutral Bay, 1970 .. still remember the “tall ships” visit to Sydney for the Captain Cook Bicentenary ..
Another excellent post. Thanks, Kevin.
I very much enjoy your posts, KevinM. Please continue.
Any of the intrepid travelers visiting Japan noticed this?
One of the rarest forms of sand, star sand, is both a beautiful sight and a scientific marvel. Found on the Taketomi, Hatoma, and Iriomote islands of Japan, (Taketomi District, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.) star sand is exactly what the name implies — small, millimeter-sized pieces of sand in the shape of stars.
At first glance, the beaches look like any other. Only when visitors take a closer look at the beach they stand on does it become clear that this is no ordinary sand. Despite the small size of the sand particles, beach-goers have no problem seeing this incredible five-pointed star shape with the naked eye.
Unlike most beaches, the sand on Hoshizuna Beach and other surrounding Japanese beaches is made up not of rocks and minerals, but rather of the remnants of previous organisms. Each little star is the exoskeleton of small, single-celled organisms known as Foraminifera.
As the waves roll in on the beach, the water carries with it the shells and exoskeletons of these tiny organisms, constructing the unique shoreline.
This particular, star-shaped species of Foraminifera, known as Baculogypsina sphaerulata, is found only in the coral reefs of East Asia, making this special sand shape one of the rarest in the world.
Looks more like bindi eyes.
Sorry Kev, I had to say it. 😉
Vikki Campion: One-eyed view of extremism is missing the bigger picture
?The Senate inquiry into ‘right-wing extremist movements in Australia’ needs to widen its focus, not be used as a grandstanding political platform, writes Vikki Campion.
Focusing the lens on one point is not enough to see the whole picture — you must look behind you. Yet it is obvious the Greens-led Senate inquiry into “right-wing extremist movements in Australia” has no plans to widen its focus, choosing instead to zoom in on this dish that Climate Minister Chris Bowen denounces as “cooked”.
During hearings this week, Greens deputy leader and NSW Senator Mehreen Faruqi pushed for an “anti-racism curriculum” with “truth-telling about discriminatory policies”; complained that far-right ideology was increasingly mainstream, thanks to “dog-whistling”; and pressed academics to agree with her proposal for strong civil and criminal penalties for what she determines to be hate speech.
Senator Faruqi is correct in that we are seeing a rise in extreme behaviour, but those she blames in politics and the media who “normalise or inflame far-right views” are not at fault.
Step back from the photograph, Senator, and look behind you.
Take something as innocuous as a regional mayor’s social media post about NAIDOC Week, where, in the past, any local politician could acknowledge and celebrate Indigenous culture.
For more than a decade, we have been making such innocuous posts, reminders, really, about local NAIDOC events – but this year the responses were brutal, racist and sad. Once, people celebrated together; this year, many shunned it and spewed bile online.
Look behind you.
Australians have been activated and inflamed. The recipe for this is simple.
Force-feed your population an unhealthy dose of race worship and corporate guilt. Change the names of towns or islands to deny their story and rewrite their history to demonise the 1788 immigrants and celebrate the immigrants who came 50,000 years earlier – and from 1988 onwards.
Close historically significant mountains to any Aboriginal, Caucasian, Asian, African or Islamic women, and only open them to certain Aboriginal men.
Kick the locals off Queensland beaches and allow only descendants of certain families to use them. Not all Aboriginals. Not those from the wrong families who aren’t on the right land council.
Change the flight route to Narrm, not Melbourne.
When you land, welcome passengers to the country where they were born.
Before school or any meeting, make them apologise for their ancestors, even if they came here escaping the persecution of one of the worst extremists in history, such as Adolf Hitler, or came here in chains for daring to steal food in a famine.
Make the poor white kid skip the school excursion because her family can’t afford to pay, while the child whose family tenuously ticks the Indigenous box — but who has not lived an Aboriginal life, regional or disadvantaged — travels free.
When they can’t swallow any more guilt, ram pipes down their throats and pump in extreme climate socialism.
Let Blockade Australia cancel hundreds of passenger train trips because it doesn’t like the coal sent out of Newcastle to keep families overseas warm.
Let Animals Australia shut down live-sheep exports, which fed Muslims in Gaza.
Let Extinction Rebellion break into homes and farms and threaten livelihoods and safety.
Let the pro-Palestine Hamas protesters scale the roof of the nation’s parliament.
Let them vandalise our war memorials and justify their actions as “freedom of expression”.
Keep force-feeding.
Make sure they know that if they break the law in the name of environmental socialism, the judiciary will treat them gently.
This rise in what Senator Faruqi calls “right wing” has been prepared by her chefs.
We have been fed a solid diet of extremism from those who think they are heroes for gluing themselves to a road or throwing soup over a painting, and who go to court and are told by the judiciary they are doing it for the right reasons.
We have a level of acceptance for activists stopping coal trains that we do not extend to farmers and Aboriginals fighting to keep their land from being taken away for industrialised intermittent power.
In terms of terrorism we have had in Australia, the Lindt siege had no right-wing ideology attached and neither did the recent stabbing of a bishop at mass.
Even academics representing universities appearing before the Senate inquiry urged senators not to “narrow the focus to only right wing, but to take the full depth of extremism”.
Queensland University of Technology’s Dr John Byron said suppression of discourse often comes from the middle, in the limitation of speech and expression.
He spoke of his mum, an amateur photographer, taking a picture and then looking behind her to see what elements created that moment.
Look behind you.
Insiders vs. Outsiders. The Gang vs. Others. As simplistic as that reads, it reveals the existing structure in a way few other lenses do.
what a crock of sh!t
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Tina Norton.
A tea set Dover.
I like it.
I am having a cup of tea made with loose leaf tea in a tea pot as I type.
Todays Saturday Tele:
James Morrow: Albo more concerned with peace at ALP conference than in Middle East
27 Jul 2024
The Prime Minister’s last-minute drop of a statement calling for an end to hostilities in Gaza feels more like it is about appeasing protesters than securing stability in the Middle East, writes James Morrow.
How cynical can this government get?
Just a day before the ALP was expecting massive anti-Labor and anti-Israel protests at its state Labor conference, the government hands down a call for an urgent ceasefire in the Middle East.
But while the statement was clearly written to tell the weekend’s protesters “we hear you”, the government dropped it at 4.59pm on a Friday, presumably in the hope no one else picked up on it.
Talk about “each-way Albo”.
For all its fine words asking Hamas to release hostages, the document — co-signed by the prime ministers of Canada and New Zealand — is nothing more than a call for appeasement.
Perfunctory calls are made for Hamas to lay down arms (as if!) and release its remaining hostages.
But with that throat-clearing out of the way, the statement quickly turns to blaming Israel.
Israel must “listen to the concerns of the international community”. Israel is called upon to respond to the International Court of Justice.
Israel is responsible for the deaths of civilians used as human shields by Hamas, despite Hamas profiting from Palestinian suffering in the court of public opinion.
And so on.
Not that it matters much.
Given the sort of weight Australia carries in the halls of the Knesset and the tunnels of Gaza (very little), the statement is best marked as “for domestic consumption only”.
Thanks to skilled propaganda and protest efforts, much of it directed by Iran, the world is in danger of forgetting that Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 in a way designed to maximise civilian brutality.
Since the attacks, Labor has slowly but surely lost its moorings and allowed itself to be dragged further and further to the left by radical Palestinian activists and by the anti-colonial rhetoric of the academy.
The case of Fatima Payman, and the lengths Labor went to accommodate her (ultimately unsuccessfully), is instructive and shows where the party is going.
Labor’s push for a peace deal, no matter whether it actually does anything to secure long-term peace, reflects the broader problem centre-left parties have around the world.
But a two-state solution will never be achieved so long as Palestinians are governed by, and support, leaders who have something far more sinister in mind.
centre-left??? you mean like the LNP. ALP-Greens-teals are radical far left parties
BBC Newshour skates over Kamala’s slight to Bibi but instead hypes past divisions with Trump as they meet at MAL.
Of course it does.
The preponderance of left leaning journalists in our mainstream media has resulted in successful propaganda. So much so that many people are convinced that climate change must be fought, renewable energy can work, and that having all state and federal governments run by the green left is ok.
Having seen what this phenomenon has done to the USA, I fear for Australia’s future. The end run of the Labor-Green-Teal group will be to destroy our ability to earn export dollars, and thereby reduce our standard of living and at the same time brainwash voters that they have our best interests at heart.
I see that Nine’s journalistic crowd appear intent on doing to Nine what they did to Fairfax.
It’s the same people so your fear is justified. On the other hand, a company that thought buying Fairfax was a sound decision deserves to go under.
Reposted for excellence – Digger, late on the OOT, and in response to some resurrected nuffery from over 20 years ago:
There we go. A sack whack for the ages.
Still, some would have you believe that ‘an office fire’ (their actual words) brought down the towers.
Just goes to show throwing your butts into the waste paper bucket can do when it gets out of hand. Knuckles you have no appreciation that on the innernet the laws of physics are suspended.
Nine’s cough, churnalists, cough, going on strike for five days. Is anyone really going to notice except for the local barista. Lock them out for another five days, reduce the pay offer to half of what they were prepared to pay. What passes for news these days could be done at home on a laptop. It all seems to be regurgitating talking points from the hive.
If the staff are not going to work, surely you would pull their Olympic press accreditation and send them home on the next flight.
Offer them the same terms as TikTok influencers get, the more viewers or readers they attract the more they get paid. It’s the only fair resolution.
What a pack of babies – strike against the impact of ai.
the others group to do this are the warfies
Sacre bleu.
Vomit inducing.
Freaks’R’Us, coming to a school near you if they’re not there already. I openly mock them every chance I get. I don’t engage in any dialogue nor interact at all with them, in fact I’m sure that annoys them more. My wife gets embarrassed to no avail. People are too scared to say anything but I get nods of agreement.
Glad I didn’t watch it or recorded it.
If that was an attempt to repulse any lurking gangs of rapists it may have misfired.
A drag queen receives the Olympic flame in Paris.
France “fell” some time ago. Thanks Macron and his ‘Granny’.
Still in today’s Saturday Tele:
27 Jul 2024
Australia has joined Canada and New Zealand to call for an “urgent” and “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza with Anthony Albanese using his strongest language against Israel yet – a move Jewish leaders likened to emboldening terrorists.
Australia has consistently called for a humanitarian ceasefire as part of a two-state solution but yesterday, in a joint statement, the three leaders escalated their position saying the conflict is at risk of growing wider.
Jewish groups condemned the pointed statement – released on the eve of Labor’s state conference – that demanded Israel “listen” and stop the “catastrophic” suffering of Palestinian civilians while the Opposition accused Mr Albanese of prioritising “electoral politics”.
“The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Israel must listen to the concerns of the international community,” Christopher Luxon, Justin Trudeau and Mr Albanese said. “Palestinian civilians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas. It must end.”
The three nations said they stand behind the ceasefire deal outlined by US president Joe Biden and endorsed by the United Nations and were concerned about escalating tensions along the Blue Line, the border of Lebanon and Israel.
“We are gravely concerned about the prospect of further escalation across the region,“ the trio said.
Jewish leaders were struggling to respond to the statement that dropped late on Friday before the religious period of Shabbat began but the Zionist Federation of Australia accused the three leaders of emboldening Hamas.
“The government cannot have it both ways. It cannot simultaneously call for the dismantling of Hamas and to demand that Israel unilaterally end the war in Gaza – thereby leaving Hamas in power,“ president Jeremy Leibler said.
“The war would end tomorrow with the release of the hostages and the surrender of Hamas. Applying pressure on Israel to end the war unilaterally only serves to embolden Hamas and prolong the war.”
Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson accused Labor of issuing the statement in a bid to quell internal Labor pressure for more action on Gaza.
“The Albanese government should also explain how they think Hamas’ rule in Gaza will be ended if their advice for an immediate ceasefire is followed,” he said.
“Insensitivity timed statements during Shabbat won’t end this conflict – the return of the hostages taken on October 7 will.”
It comes after the Albanese government placed sanctions on Israeli settler group Hilltop Youths over violence that included beatings, sexual assault and torture of Palestinians.
Labor left sources said the timing of the strengthened position on Gaza was ”opportune” for Mr Albanese who has been struggling with internal tensions over the conflict after Senator Fatima Payman quit the party.
He is set to appear at the NSW state conference today — coinciding with a planned pro-Palestine protest.
NSW Police will be present at the protests slated for both days of the conference and Labor sources said the Gaza conflict was set to dominate the event.
“The party is trying to manage the internal tensions this issue of Israel-Palestine is creating,” a source said.
packer and bibi: p 15
That sounds very similar to the comments Kamala Harris made yesterday that back stabbed Bibi and Israel.
Review of multiculturalism proposes the Voice on steroids.
More vomit inducing garbage.
Let’s produce a vast quantity of thrones for everyone that is ‘disadvantaged’ by the racist colonisers who built the nation, and are now suited only to paying the taxes to support the ‘disadvantaged’ in regal splendour.
I’ll vote for that.
Pigs arse I will.
The Charlie Hebdo tableau was a non-starter.
The French are really daring God.
It’s hard to process the evil emanating from that image. My response is simply not to watch any of the footage.
I suppose Christians were targeted because they don’t force their way into offices and murder the satirists.
Cowards. Be brave and do a Mo tableau. I furkin dersya!
Precisely. It amazes me that this same country produced Charles Martel “The Hammer”.
Nice painting. Simple subject but masterful execution.
Paint what you see, not what you know is what they say, and Monet does it superbly. The checked damask, complete with creases, the reflection of the teapot in the lacquer tray, soft furry leaves of the plant.
Old fashioned teacups too. No handles.
There is a preponderance of artists to have too much in still life paintings. In Monet’s case, less is more. Is that a cat in the lacquer tray. Whatever it is even the greatest of painters still have trouble with animals.
Keep force-feeding.
Went to a Mass in a cathedral yesterday.
Before the service, there was a Welcome to Country.
I can’t describe the sorrow as I watched small children mouthing this nonsense. Christ, there on his Cross, was silent. He won’t always be.
Calli, I would have turned up after the welcome to country crap.
I couldn’t do that. The “Welcome” was after the first hymn.
The hymn was about worship. The Gospel about the Sower.
I’m still trying to get my head around the mixed messages sent to the children.
I don’t want to be hyper critical because it really isn’t my place to criticise, being not a Catholic. There is more than enough of this stuff on the Protestant side to horrify the faithful and condemn the perpetrators.
My little granddaughter has her First Communion next year. I’m hoping to be asked to stitch up a special dress for her. And somewhere in Mum’s stash is my Communion veil, which was also hers. 🙂
I couldn’t do that. The “Welcome” was after the first hymn.
Bugger. They must be getting wise that people are sick of it.
I belong to the Church of England mob (Christmas and Easter and/or Weddings and Funerals) and can’t even remember last time I took communion at a service or went to a service.
I should go along one day just hear what the sermons are about these days.
I hope you are awarded the contract for your granddaughter’s communion dress. 🙂
You are more forgiving than I calli. I would have walked out, I’ve done it before for a similar reason.
Politicization of the mass is absolutely unacceptable. The implied demonization of the majority of the worshipers is not only unacceptable but stupid. The only “side” Christ chose was the human one.
Catholics should have realized by now that their faith and politics should never be mixed. Richelieu comes to mind here. As does Henry 8 and the current occupant of the papal residency.
As this was in a Cathedral the Bishop should be blasted with letters of protest and parishioners should take their trade elsewhere.
The very antithesis of a statesman.
Albo is following in the Yasser Arafat tradition of telling the westerners one thing and his followers another. He was also considered a very clever man until he wasn’t.
He never turned cause he was never for Israel
Outrage after kindergarten students at one school given radical BLM colouring activity (Sky News mainpage headline, 26 Jul)
Five year olds are now being soaked in this propaganda. What hope do they have of growing up sane?
“Stolen wages”? Yes, from the rest of Australian workers and taxpayers.
He’s not silent.
He speaks in the Gospel reading.
Oddly enough, it was the Parable of the Sower.
Fertile ground indeed. As a grandparent, it’s my responsibility to ensure the quality of the seed sown.
The clergy needs to remember that the Mass isn’t the only place to hear the Gospel.
Misusing their ecclesiastic position to force their political agendas on the
paying customersparishioners seldom ends well.Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games.
Get the feeling rapes, burglaries and sabotage are just the start.
Yes, my internal radar is sending warning signals at regular intervals. Those who have brought this vile behaviour to our societies will never, ever admit the error of their ways.
Yes – that poor Australian girl raped by the 5 Africans in Paris.
Look behind you.
Nice one Vikki. I am quite sure Vikki is reminding the fat, ugly Jew hating Islamist senator of her own ‘extremist’ associations and views, particularly the fatso senator’s attendance last November at an anti-Jew protest here in Sydney’s CBD, where the fatso senator was pictured smiling in front of a group of young woman who were holding up extremist Jew hating messages on hand-made placards, and one of the young girl girls held up a placard which had a drawing of a figure ‘placing an Israeli flag into a trash bin’ with the following words written underneath….
“keep the world clean.”
So, according to this fatso Jew hating Islamist Senator, we Jews, almost all of whom are Zionists, are unclean, dirty, and filthy. Words and imagery straight from Der Sturmer.
Vikki is right, Senator Fatso Faruqi clearly didn’t and doesn’t ‘look behind her’.
In fact, the fatso Jew hating senator was so proud of her picture that she posted it online, until she deleted hours later.
And let me just restate this, we have a Nazi party in this country and that party is called the Greens. Anyone who votes for the Greens is no different to those German men and women who, in January 1933, voted for Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party.
In better news this morning, in attendance at Netanyahu’s speech to Congress two days ago were Elon Musk, Douglas Murray and other luminaries, including James Packer. In today’s Daily Telegraph James Packer says…
I stand by my mate Benjamin Netanyahu
Kol Hakavod, James Packer.
It’s a pity he sold Channel 9, could have used it for good in present circumstances.
Obviously Paris has many historical and cultural attractions it can highlight during Olympics.
My concern is that Brisbane is going to go nuts on First Nations stuff to highlight.
Already doing it with the Brisbane Meanjin references.
Queenslanders must be wondering about the cynical old adage: if voting could change anything, it would be illegal.
Would premier David Crisafuli (f the LNP becomes the state government this year) change anything for the better, including the 2032 Brisbane Olympics?
I fear not.
Ceasefire? Can happen today or tomorrow, as soon as Hamas releases the hostages.
Two State Solution? Impractical – Gaza has confirmed that.
The Pali’s have rejected five offers of a “Two State” solution since the late 1930’s – their aim is the total destruction of the State of Israel.
For 70+ years this rump of dissatisfied Arabs have made themselves the Virtuous Perpetual Victim. They were given 2 states by the Brits – Jordan and Israel. Not enough, so Israel gave up a bit more of their state, despite Jordan being the bigger one. Still not happy.
October 7th clearly brought an end to any possibility of two states. The idiots brought it on themselves and despite their lying propaganda successes with equally brain dead morons, they are not winning on the ground or more broadly with the majority of normal people who can see this anti-semitic garbage for what it is. . Israel must end this unacheivable pipe dream permanently.
Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games.
There’s a mini army protecting the Israeli team.
Back to pre Oct 7 then? When Gaza ruled itself?
She doesn’t know much about the place, does she?
Tesla FSD 12.5 is a HUGE Leap Forward (First Impressions & Highlights)
I am surprised they get enough paramaters in limited hardware in FSD chips to self drive. llama 405b requires multiple A100 80g cards to run, but then its a general knowledge LLM, this is a highly specialised neural net.
the thing about 10x the parameter count is that it only provides linear improvements.
I’m not surprised, its only updating in a slow timeframe of parameters. I’ve got a rudimentary self drive function in my bomb. The worst thing about it is seeing something like a large street sign that it thinks is another vehicle its going to crash into. It slams the brakes on. Sometimes it doesn’t see vehicles in front especially when a vehicle turns off and another suddenly appears. I always turn of the self steering. The cruise control can be a bit slow to react.
But apparently no decent singers.
ABC radio reports Celine Dion & Lady Gaga starred in the opening ceremony.
They should have dumped Paris and settled for the Côte d’Azur.
Plenty of scope for singers there.
Celine Dione doesn’t do live, these dayz .. she’s been physically impaired for several years ..
And yet there she was.
The drumbeat of the global village, as McLuhan said all those years ago.
WOOLWORTHS .. taking your shopping to the next level .. LOL!
This isn’t a meme but from this week’s catalogue .. FFS!
They look cheap.
Oh. It’s by the piece, not the kilo. Grim.
Likely in response to customer requests.
People watching their budget
Given the type of fruit/veg they are that is the way a lot of folk buy ’em but I’m betting if you weigh by the kg price against the individual cost then it’ll alwayz be in Woolies favour ..
Avocados were $2.99/kilo at Dandenong Market last week. That’s where my business tends to go.
Yesterday our local supermarket was asking $2.99 for a single lime! Luckily I’d saved some of our own limes before the worst frosts badly damaged the rest.
Paris Olympics cultural tip.
When playing sports trivia in a French pub the answer to “Who won the 1940 Paris marathon?” is apparently not “Panzer Group Guderian”.
The gold went to the Wehrmacht Bicyle Battalion .. The Guderian Panzers took silver ………… LOL!
Everything you needed to know about the the “Truppenfahrrad” Troop Bicycle!
You’ve gotta admire the French for making the boulevards wide enough for the tanks to turn around without backing. Also for providing enough trees to shield the germans from getting sunburnt whilst enjoying their latte’s.
Hopefully I am proven wrong but I am worried that something very big and bad will happen in Paris during the Olympic Games
Poor old Frogs. They live in their little arrondissement of Paree and rarely interact with the muz. Peut-être this will change as the military convoys power around the avenues, insha’alla.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Macaroon has been very liberal with Euro dollars in certain quarters ………!
The most open admission for the real purpose of the man made climate change hoax: MORE TAXES! After “carbon” they will tax H20: water!
No essential service should be in private hands. We let stinking effing politicians sell them so they could waste money getting themselves re-elected. We sure are mugs. HOP time can’t come soon enough.
Disgusting. My interest in these Olympics which was already zero has now gone into negative territory.
Actual opening ceremony of the Olympics.
This isn’t parody.
RIP Olympics.
Just wait and see what they’ll do in Brisbane in 2032 !!!!!!!
DEI is “Speaking Bitterness”
New Discourses
Fascinating as I have to deal with the DEI academics. They are ferocious and looking for an issue. Reminded me of the old commos. Everything is subject to the dialectic. Now its the D.E.I.alectic. Ha ha, I don’t think they would get the joke.
EXCLUSIVE Kamala Harris the ‘soul-destroying bully’: Former staff expose shock details of degrading tirades, decades-long ‘toxic’ behavior that left people in TEARS – and saw them quit at unprecedented levels
Continuing on from Top Ender’s Vikki Campion’s Saturday Tele piece:
Vikki Campion
27 Jul 2024
According to senior Labor cabinet ministers, nuclear in the water in Sydney Harbour is not a problem, nor is nuclear waste on land, but nuclear on land will cause radiation on farms within an 80km radius.
Confused? Join the club.
As Defence Industry Minister Pat Conroy told the ABC that “there is no risk to the community” to store nuclear waste in WA, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt told ag bible The Land that radioactivity would threaten farms within 80km of a nuclear power plant.
That’s a lot coming from Mr Watt, who struggles to keep farmers breathing air in the same room as him. ( 🙂 )
He told The Land that nuclear power would put “more than 11,000 farms at risk of radiation” – but had no warning for the homes around the existing nuclear reactor in Sydney.
Nor has he looked at any peer-reviewed papers. A French study of 22,393 workers employed over a 42- year period at 58 nuclear power plants found relative risks of cancer lower than those in the general population.
An analysis of cancer in 42,200 Canadian nuclear energy workers found no increase in the risk of cancer mortality due to their occupational radiation exposure.
Mr Watt’s political lie shows he has zero interest in agriculture and total interest in his next portfolio, to be announced in tomorrow’s reshuffle.
Farmers stormed out of his 2024 budget breakfast after he used them as photo-shoot props for BeefWeek and then flew to WA to shut down live-sheep exports.
His office has even been caught out making and distributing social media tiles celebrating the banning of live sheep, using images from animal activist websites.
This has forced farmers to start campaigns, such as The Livestock Collective, to show the reality of animal husbandry. He has also supported Bills forcing the compulsory acquisition of farms for transmission lines, and reduce their water allowances, all of which prioritise climate socialism over farming.
For all his bother, farmers and industry leaders at this week’s NSW Farmers Conference ignored Mr Watt’s doomsday warning and overwhelmingly supported the location of nuclear power plants at coal-fired power sites.
Nuclear for Australia founder Will Shackel, who, while abroad to study at MIT, in the US, found time to eat locally fished seafood from Avila Beach, near Diablo nuclear power plant, and, to the ALP’s shock, survived.
The nation’s treasurers for injecting $60bn into the economy, driving inflation as a record 11,049 businesses fall insolvent – a rise of 124 per cent on 2022 figures, according to ASIC.
Honestly WTF. Watt & next portfolio?
Falling upwards comes to mind.
Thanks Josh!
Obama’s scheming has spectacularly backfired
Barry was outplayed. Could get ugly after November.
Since the attacks, Labor has slowly but surely lost its moorings and allowed itself to be dragged further and further to the left by radical Palestinian activists and by the anti-colonial rhetoric of the academy.
NO, Labor hasn’t lost its way! .. Its been dragged out of the “closet” to try to convince its RoP populated seats that it really does luv ’em ……..!
Not at all surprising.
Kamala Harris’ graphic designer Ana Rice has history of calling for arson, political violence
The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats
J. D. Vance and the Emerging Counter-Elite
Looks like a freak show.
And appears to be getting panned in the press.
That’s exactly how much they respect us.
The FBI reluctantly admits that Trump was actually struck by a bullet.
BREAKING – FBI statement on Trump assassination attempt: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”
In damage control after scumbag Christopher Wray questioned if it was a bullet.
By Denying Kamala Harris’ Border Czar Role, Media Admits Biden-Harris Immigration Policy Is A Total Failure
Democrat Civil War Watch: Black Lives Matter Isn’t on the Kamala Coronation Train
Barack Obama FINALLY Endorses Kamala… But He Likely Didn’t Want To
Kamala Harris Failed to Connect One Person with High-Speed Internet with $42.5 Billion from Infrastructure Bill
So much for trying to circumscribe Trump’s campaigning. He is really amazing.
Hopefully the same place. Secret Service will need roof training.
I suspect that this will bite him on the rear end in the end. Less than a year out from the election campaign and there a many more who are quietly getting on with life who’s views range from that they don’t agree with this to those repulsed.
Unsure what Wong’s stake in this is being from SA and in the Senate, not like she has to worry about the Islamic vote block. Albo get it, Sydney & his electorate full of wealthy far left types but as usual he’s all party politics rat cunning but dim witted anywhere outside this bubble.
Polite conversations with people I have had from different walks tell me as much as some have concerns about Israel behaviour with settlements etc the fact lost in all this pro-Gazan noise is that the Gazans raped and murdered it’s way across southern Israel on Oct 7. These people are not out there protesting as they don’t have time or are significantly cowed by potential backlash aided by a 2 tier policing regime.
Albo’s focus groups need to get into middle Australia where all those swing seats are as I’d say there’s more than a gram of discomfort with bellicose statements being issued on their behalf.
As for Trudeau probably the most authoritarian far left leader Canada has had and the dripping wet Luxon who is watering down most of his election promises like the 3 strikes laws already, meh, I expect nothing more from Wellington or Ottawa despite who is in control.
Albo doesn’t have any focus groups. He surrounds himself with sycophants and fellow Marxists who tell him what he wants to hear.
Blackest black comedy of the day award goes this story.
‘Let them rot in jail’: Calls to ban euthanasia for rapists, murderers (Tele, paywalled)
So the Left who opposed executions is now promoting executions? And calling them a “get-out-of-jail-free card”? Oh well I suppose that’s one way of reducing overcrowding in gaols.
‘The West’ in Paris. What a spectacle.
Our debauched decline on full show for the world.
As for the steel girders somehow turning to powder as they fell from the World Trade Centre.
What a lot of crap. It is probably past time for some people to get a grasp of real life comprehension.
Those vertical girders would have been covered with 1-2 cm of concrete dust, smoke ash and other forms of dust because of the collapsing building and fire. That dust and ash is not glued to the girders and is held there by electrostatic forces.
As the girders dropped vertically they accelerated much faster than the dust could sustain its electrostatic hold so the dust dislodged from the beams and shielded the view of the girders falling.
Dust that has a positive electric charge will be attracted to objects that have a negative electric charge, and vice versa. The greater the amount of dust in the air, the larger the amount of dust that clings to objects within a space.
What we saw in the videos was exactly that and the attention seeking fool who wrote that the beams were disintegrating was gaslighting anyone without the intellect to actually understand the physical world.
And, dust explodes. A coffee can of dust and very small amounts of explosive can take a building down.
See ‘grain silo explosions’ for examples of it occurring mostly naturally.
Or the 2020 Beirut explosion.
And these people vote.
Thanks Digger.
Wong and fellow Adelaidean Butler are Albanese’s “praetorian guard.”
This is to shore up his position in the face of criticism from the floor.
Guarding his left flank, as it were.
Nothing in Liar (and Lieboral) politics can be considered without reference to the factions. kd’s silence on the CFMEU has been deafening.
Just in case you’re wondering, the plant in the painting is a Verbascum sp., or Mullein.
And yes, it does grow at Giverny.
Thanks for confirming that, Calli. Who knows what shenanigans the conspiracy theorists would have arrived at, otherwise! 🙂
You could put a stick in the ground around there and it would take root. I wonder how Monet would have gone on Perth sand. Monet’s Compost Heaps might not have been as successful.
Crowder is going to have cameras at all swing states in the up coming Election and full Live stream, just saying!
I see the French flew the Olympic flag upside down during the opening ceremony.
Well they couldn’t fly their own flag upsidedown, that isn’t possible, so it had to be the Olympic flag.
Yes Kevin M, a master earned his stripes during the era of sail.
Here is a photo of Balaklava Harbour during the Crimean war.
Definitely in need of valet parking…
.., which got me wondering if the -acle in spectacle and debacle share the same etymology. They don’t but debacle is “from Latin baculum “stick” (see bacillus).”.
BoN. I find it intriguing that the left are against capital punishment, but enthusiastically support chopping up late term babies in abortion procedures. Perhaps we should rename capital punishment to “retrospective abortion “. The greens would then be able to support it!
And leftards are also enthusiastic about euthanasia (except, apparently, for those who should be executed).
They would want to make it compulsory for News, Christians and ‘fascists’ (i.e. anyone even mildly to the right of the far left).
Until it comes time to line up the counter-revolutionaries against a wall.
I’m all for extra late post term abortions for the left, greens in particular.
“1788 immigrants” is a hilarious phrase.
Australia’s post Stone Age era.
What about “60,000 BC immigrants”?
I’m sure the megafauna would love to deport them.
Oops, alas there aren’t any anymore.
Mabo agreed.
Digger FYI.
BoN please correct if I err, likely as my metallurgy never went past 2nd year first semester and a long time ago.
I normally stay out of this sort of argument but I did metallurgy in my first year which is mainly steel/cast irons. Delve down memory lane and internet research.
Couple of links to back up the theory the steel got too hot and failed. Also my underqualified interpretation.
Strength of structural steel at 500 deg to 21 deg is down to 49%, whith little engineering I know that’s in colossal failure territory:
Iron/carbon phase diagram. Note structural steel is at 0.02% carbon so to the uninitiated almost on the left margin. Ferrite is a phase of steel that has it’s own distinct properties, note when the temperature rises above between 600-800 deg the phase changes to Austenite with different distinct properties that weren’t designed for in the engineering:
Lastly. Google tells me from a number of different sources jet fuel burn was estimated at between 1000-1100 deg C. Not high enough to melt this phase of steel but high enough to significantly alter the structural properties and strengths of the material.
Long and short, loss of strength due to heat above 1000 dec C and the differing properties in the steel would have consigned this building to the whims of gravity without all the other shocks like (Lifted from a post this morning) a Boeing 767 weighing in at 80 tons traveling at about 500 mph and 15,000 gallons of jet fuel. Impulse of the force from the momentum and the time of impact being seconds would have been astronomical.
Please do not introduce facts to the fantasists.
The nature of the forces on the building would have changed completely with a fully loaded plane going straight into the side of it and continued once the floor plates started collapsing. I wouldn’t waste too much time on these loonies.
Blacksmithing works.
Been busy and missed that. Thanks, KD and thanks Digger.
Basic facts that when presented to anyone with a modicum of intelligence explains everything that happened.
The real IQ of the conspiracy theorists is below room temperature because they cannot use basic facts to form a conclusion, the windows blowing out being a prime example, as anyone with an ounce of sense could see what was happening as the buildings fell.
They instead turn to fantasy to explain what they cannot, which long term leads to paranoia and everything becomes a conspiracy.
So what do Cats think about JD Vance’s proposal to increase taxes on the childless? Benefits for parents are one thing, but whacking penalties on childless cat ladies and incels seems to be a step further.
It never happened.
DNC talking points a bit more deceptive than usual?
“For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons and both planes were traveling at about 500 mph and were carrying about 15,000 gallons of jet fuel.”
Oh Lordy Lordy Lordy!
So KD, the weight of every floor was 4,500 tons.
Ok, ……, are you saying that the engineers and architects didn’t take that into account when designing the building?????
Are you actually stating, that the jet fuel could create a fire hot enough to “melt”, or at the very least, weaken the steel supports?
Not only that, but magically the heat on the 75th floor is somehow transmitted to the 65th, 55th, 45th, 35th etc causing them all to be “melted” or at the very least, weakened, causing the towers to enter “free fall”?
I would VERY MUCH like you to expand on that!
Personally, I think the engineers and architects did take weight into account, but, you can believe what you wish.
As I attempted to tell you yesterday, (with little success evidently), high rise buildings are designed to support these weights, which, seems to come as a surprise to you.
Moreover, the supports for these buildings are stronger on the lower floors, for obvious reasons. (Perhaps I had better spell it out for you again, the lower floors support more weight than the higher floors, ……, got it?)
The reason this is important in the WTC cases, is because 0.5 seconds after the collapse began in the towers, the building was in “free fall”.
I can see the confused look on your face KD, that means there was NO resistance to stop, or even slow down the collapse.
Given the increasing strength of the supports as you descend, this is only possible if:
a. an external force has affected the strength of the supports, or
b. everyone lives in your special universe, where the laws of physics AND thermodynamics do not apply.
As I said, even we suspend reality and say that the fires were hot enough to weaken the steel supports, the building is extremely unlikely fall into its own footprint, rather, the top portion would topple.
The fact that in 120 years, only three steel supported skyscrapers have collapsed due to fire AND they all did so in Manhatten on 9/11, is merely an amazing coincidence, right?
Enjoy the day KD, try not to hurt yourself.
Oh, have you checked out Baidoa yet?
It is about 120 miles NW of Mogadishu.
The Australian Battalion group conducted patrols there when deployed in 1993.
No one was patrolling in Mogadishu from October 1993.
No need to thank me, happy to inform people.
WTC explosive demolition nuffery has arrived earlier than usual – must be a sign of the uncertain times.
Pretty much correct, RD.
From an engineering perspective, steel structures have effectively completely failed at a little over 500°C. As noted in posts above, load transfer and gravity will usually do the rest.
Sorry, I stuffed up the other link.
It actually worked fine, which is why I commented about the need for valet parking! Amazing photo.
Oh, right, you edited it. It was ok before the edit but doesn’t work now.
I think it doesn’t insert because Getty don’t let their images escape easily…
Here’s one from a museum:
Sounds great Monty. Let them make babies.
JD Vance Makes First Public Comments Since Media Latched Onto His ‘Childless Cat Ladies’ Remark From 2021 (26 Jul)
Two of the comments:
That they have to dig this accurate observation up is very funny. He’s a cleanskin.
For dessert, this:
The Daily Chart: The Marriage Gap | Power Line (26 Jul)
Social media and smart phones are driving young women nuts. The young men aren’t affected.
Sounds about right. Young women seem to be socially overstimulated as well.
repeal 19th till they wake up
It would be nice if at least one US president censured their track team athletes for dishonouring their fellow competitors by egotistical prancing after they win.
The great Michael Johnson hated it and called it out during his time at the top. He basically said that you devalue your success if you treat the other athletes with a lack of respect.
Cackles prevaricating about debating Trump. The talk is she wants to do it in a field with a building with a sloping roof.
Trump Vs. Harris Cancelled? Debate Plans Fall Apart After Campaign Deems It ‘Inappropriate’ (
And WTF is this:
FBI Wants to “Interview” Trump About Assassination | Frontpage Mag
Catherine and Daniel Andrews reportedly fail to hand over phone and other court-ordered records. – Michael Smith News
This is why I will never by in the same room as that pair of grubs
And the, obvious, implication is not handing over the records, voluntarily, is cos there is something there they’d prefer not to see the light of day …….
If I was the young coppers who attended the scene, I’d be ditching their phones and duty books as well.
Anyhow, I thought the phone records were kept at the base for billing reasons? If so, why aren’t they being accessed?
Worth keeping an eye on that one.
So what do Cats think about JD Vance’s proposal to increase taxes on the childless? Benefits for parents are one thing, but whacking penalties on childless cat ladies and incels seems to be a step further.
I’m disappointed Barstool and Portnoy is saying this: what JD said is that folks with kids should be taxed at a lower rate than childless, usually demorat, cat ladies. JD was not advocating increasing taxes for the catties just giving a break to the kiddies.
Kids are the future. Conservatives have to press this point because for the left kiddies are merely things to manipulate to justify transexualism and other perversions.
Biden administration launders $1.2M payment to Peter Strzok (and likely a similar payment to Lisa Page) through settlement of likely-doomed lawsuit.
I don’t know if I have just not seen it, but I have not caught any news on TV newscasts of the sabotage of the rail network in France. It had caused widespread disruption to the movement of tourists coming for the Games, & travel within France. But the dizzy commentary of the MSM has not mentioned it.
Reported by the ABC this morning, Vicki.
To their credit.
They were talking about it on Sky last night.
OK – didn’t see either report. But it would seem that the Games TV Aussie host – Ch 9 – had not reported it this morning.
I heard it on ABC during the night.
I’ll bite (assuming you’re framing his argument correctly…)
I’m against taxes that have a punitive purpose on principle.
And there’s already a tax credit for children in the US; consider changes to that and child-rearing deductions if you want to lighten the tax burden on families.
Just saw an Olympic team selection thing about female rowers and the muscular power effort they put in.
Perhaps some of those Nine investigative journalists could do something useful and find the men pretending to be women in that sport in any country.
Why, simple.
Making any sort of false statement to the FBI in connection to a Federal offence is a felony. And it can be a false statement honestly believed.
How elegant to put Trump in jeopardy of a Federal charge relating to his own assassination attempt.
Gee, an opportunity to put Trump under oath and set him up to make a questionable comment they can then charge him with?
Nah, that wouldn’t be what this was about would it?
Otherwise, this is obviously an attempt to downplay the fact that an assassin shot at him and hit.
Social media and smart phones are driving young women nuts. The young men aren’t affected.
Interesting. I have noticed as much in the case of my two grandchildren. The granddaughter is very smart, but very Woke, and very “into” social media – although this has diminished as she has become a young adult. The grandson has never been a slave to social media, is street smart” & has a great “BS detector”.
Haven’t noticed any difference between any of mine, boys or girls, phone-wise .. the ones old enuf to have ’em are wrapped in ’em ……..
A market opportunity. Lease a thousand acres of prime mountain/river wilderness and set up 2 week adventure packages for teens.
First rule – NO phones.
Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Recreates ‘Last Supper’ with Drag Queens & Trans Performers (
How fukked can you get? Probably why I have close to zero interest in the whole Olympic shitshow.
What did anyone expect of the French? Decorum?
How fukked can you get? This much..
‘Degeneracy’: Barely Clothed, Bearded Drag Queen Dances Seductively at Paris’ Olympic Opening Ceremony (
Obscene and evil- talk about a civilization trying to destroy itself.
Haven’t been to France since 1995 and must admit I rather liked it (except the Riviera- too built up). No wish to go there ever again.
Nothing too low for the demorats:
Left Claims Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Used Racial Slur While Discussing Kamala Harris – Watch the Clip for Yourself (
The demorats claim he said coloured when he plainly says COLLEGE.
Coloured is now a racial slur?
Only among people seeking to take offence where none was given.
And what about “people/person of colour”?
Does someone from the government send out official bulletins on which words are now forbidden?
The only thing that the DemonRats have is lies, lies, and then more lies.
Desperation. The sugar high is wearing off.
July 27, 2024 7:09 am
And apparently the heat is on the “sports churnalists” in Paris to man the barricades too.
That’s gotta hurt.
July 27, 2024 11:06 am
Not a new one, been tried before in Europe under communists.
With a variation of being a bachelor after a certain age, can’t remember if it applied to the ladies but.
That was monty’s question, not mine.
And it doesn’t surprise me that Communists tried it.
Bit rough if you’re a couple who wanted children but had no success with baby making.
But, cè le vie.
It would be rough if he said it, but he didn’t.
There’s a parody in that. Start with Billy Idol…
“Facts for fantasists…”
Yes. Two of them got mugged…
Two Olympic Broadcasters Suffer ‘Significant Assault’ in Paris Robbery Attempt (26 Jul)
Nein doesn’t so far seem to be doing well out of this qwerty extravaganceapolooza. It’s a mystery.
Ratings are really going to dive if/when the marquee brand Matildas fail to make it beyond the first round
It’s slightly amusing that the Matildas keep on marrying each other.
The media – and the public – will soon lose interest if they’re perceived to be losers.
Meja sapphic anti-heroines
Naturally enough, that’s not what Vance proposed:
Which the regime Media subedited as:
As opposed to, the more accurate:
A case study in why the US media is widely distrusted.
OK, buildings:
After the floor that was hit and burned, when the supports buckled, the upper part of the building is essentially in free fall.
Lets suppose it falls 2.5 meters before the bottom the top part and the top of the bottom part contact each other and act as a 0.5 meter crumple zone.
At contact the top of the building is going close to 7 meters per second due to acceleration due gravity.. To decelerate the top part to zero relative velocity takes a decleration of 5 gravities. So the remaining bottom of the building experiences a vertical downward force of 5 times the normal load.
Any civil engineers here? I don’t think building is designed for such loads.
I’m minded of a building in Cairo I think some years ago. The lower floors had been designed for a 5 story building but 8 were built so one day it collapsed.
That’s approximately correct.
Most of the nuffer commentary assumes floor by floor loading and structural collapse (caused by progressive detonation of magical explosives). In reality, the shock load from the initial failure is almost instantly transferred downwards through the whole structure – creating conditions for total failure.
Arky’s Green Real Deal Party.
Arky cannot help but notice that the green new deal, the Teal types and the WEF have spent years if not decades pushing for the expungementisation of the rights of the ordinary fellow to live with any of the little enjoyments that most of have as compensation for a lifetime of toil.
Rich little indoctrinated snots have taken to the streets to implore the destruction the very things that allow an ordinary man to enjoy modern life.
I say it’s about f***king time we return the favour, using their favourite bogus Karen excuses:
Saving the stupid planet.
The manifesto:
Ohh, ohh, ohh. I just thought of another one.
Twelve. They only get away with all this horseshit because they have private security details. Let them have the same level of personal protection as the rest of us. If it was good enough for Trump to have to stare down a bullet, let them do likewise. No private armies, no armed private security. Because gun safety or something,
Beware of people bearing manifestos.
We have been on the brown end of their manifestos. Time to return serve.
Which reminds me…I’ve never understood why there aren’t protests against the government’s twice yearly increase of the alcohol excise rate.
A splendid rant, Arky. Many thanks,
Every day, somewhere, at one level of government or other, they ban something that ordinary people enjoy.
I’m mad, and I’m serious: It’s well past time they got a return of serve Tom.
This needs to be an actual thing, an actual party or something with an actual agenda of finding out who these people precisely are, what they like, and systematically buggering it up for them.
10 thumbs up!