Great article by Chris Merritt about ‘first nations’ BS
Sovereign Indigenous nations ‘is an Australian myth’
Chris Merritt
The Australian Business Network
Denying reality never ends well. Sooner or later someone comes along and punctures fashionable delusions.
Hans Christian Anderson made this clear in his fairytale about the Emperor’s new clothes. And almost two centuries later, exactly the same point has been made by Victorian barrister Lana Collaris.
The issue now is whether the cognoscenti in the law and elsewhere will face the facts about Indigenous Australia or whether they will continue to pay homage to a bucolic past that never really existed.
Collaris’ article in this newspaper on Tuesday made many powerful points but they all flow from this: there have never been sovereign Aboriginal nations on this continent.
This reality lies at the core of her refusal to go along with other members of the Victorian Bar Council who, before each meeting, acknowledge the “traditional owners” of the land on which they meet.
It’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that these acknowledgments and the omnipresent welcomes to country give effect to the idea that Indigenous people are the true sovereigns of this land.
How many times have we heard acknowledgments of “first nations” whose sovereignty, while never ceded, was taken improperly?
This is a modern fairytale that does more harm than good.
It gives children a flawed understanding of their own history and hinders the development of public policy on Indigenous affairs based on true equality of citizenship, not historical fantasy.
It gives succour to the wrongheaded notion that modern Australia is somehow in need of “decolonising” – a process that actually unfolded decades ago and culminated in 1986 when Bob Hawke severed this country’s last constitutional links with Britain.
The Constitution started life as an act of the British parliament after the document had been approved in this country. True independence, however, was painfully incremental.
Hawke’s Australia Acts were the final step.
They mean the Constitution’s status as Australia’s fundamental law now derives entirely from the people of this country – a point made by constitutional lawyer Geoffrey Lindell soon after this change came into effect.
After the outcome of last year’s referendum on the Voice, it seems beyond debate that the guiding constitutional principle in this country is now equality of citizenship – not the race-based division that blighted earlier years.
This is the legal reality that all those welcomes and acknowledgments simply gloss over.
But in the gentlest possible way, Collaris has belled the cat.
She could have gone much harder and was clearly sparing the blushes of those lawyers who have simply gone along with the prevailing fashion despite authoritative statements to the contrary from the High Court.
Lawyers, of all people, should have known that the doctrines of Aboriginal sovereignty and nationhood – which underpin these welcomes and acknowledgments – have been repeatedly rejected by the High Court. Because of that it makes no sense for anyone – let alone the lawyers – to talk of “first nations” or to assert that some Indigenous communities had not ceded their sovereignty. They had none to cede.
Collaris merely referred in passing to the 1979 case of Coe. She could, for example, have reminded her critics about what Justice Harry Gibbs said when confronted with the argument that Aboriginal people had once been a sovereign nation and Britain had wrongly asserted sovereignty.
“There is no Aboriginal nation, if by that expression is meant a people organised as a separate state or exercising any degree of sovereignty,” Gibbs wrote in Coe.
Gibbs made the point that the history of the relationships between white settlers and Indigenous people was not the same in Australia as the United States. He noted that the US Supreme Court had accepted in 1831 that America’s Cherokee nation had been organised as a “distinct political society separated from others”. But it was not possible to make such a statement about Aboriginal people in Australia.
Collaris might also have mentioned what happened in 1992 when the great native title case of Mabo (No 2) also rejected the notion of Aboriginal sovereignty.
This aspect of Mabo was explained by former Chief Justice Anthony Mason in the second Coe case, decided in 1993.
The next time someone asserts that Aboriginal sovereignty exists and has never been ceded, keep in mind what Mason had to say in the second Coe case:
“Mabo (No 2) is entirely at odds with the notion that sovereignty adverse to the Crown resides in the Aboriginal people of Australia,” he wrote.
“The decision is equally at odds with the notion that there resides in the Aboriginal people a limited kind of sovereignty embraced in the notion that they are ‘a domestic dependent nation’ entitled to self-government and full rights (save the right of alienation) or that as a free and independent people they are entitled to any rights and interests other than those created or recognised by the laws of the Commonwealth, the State of NSW and the common law,” Mason wrote.
The point here could have been made by Hans Christian Anderson: organisations risk embarrassing themselves when they ignore the facts and succumb to peer pressure or fashion.
Society expects much more from those in positions of leadership, particularly those in business and the law. It is therefore reassuring that the Victorian Bar has leaders with the fortitude of Collaris. Why not follow her example and abandon these race-based mantras and acknowledge all Australians, regardless of race, religion or national origin?
That would be more in keeping with the doctrine of equality of citizenship. It might even prevent eye-rolling when planes full of weary travellers arrive at the nation’s airports.
Chris Merritt is vice-president of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia.
This was always the danger inherent in the Voice pitch, that people would look more closely at what was going on.
Now that it has failed, and people have looked more closely, the threads at the edges begin to unravel.
The true indicator though, will be when people like Emu bloke are fully exposed and escorted out of Melb Uni campus, and when various spitefull and envious activists are no longer listened to .. (Ms Plibersek, take note).
When will politicians realise the run of the first nations pitch is over and with it the stupid welcome to country BS? (rhetorical question)
Better late than never ……. LOL!
I did (try) post my surgical results Wednesday morning from my laptop in hospital but the post went to moderation then disappeared followed by rejection of my account details several more times so I gave up … duuuuuh!
Anywayz .. the body beautiful …. Surgery Tuesday morning, 5 hours, 7 docs (I’m popular with the boyz ..LOL) .. into theatre (8.30am) someone said “Hop onto that table’ then “Comfortable” & next thing I knew I was looking at a clock with the hands on 2.20pm …
Overall, they tell me … a complete success … Prostate gone, Cancer out & fixed 2 Hernias whilst in there …
Keyhole surgery .. amazing .. very little pain, no nausea .. in fact, more aches & pains from lying in bed than anything else … Out yesterday (Friday) & now back home with orders to do very little for the next 2 weeks …….
“Do not cut the grass” .. I wuz told, emphatically! .. LOL!
Overall NSW Health system ratings op-wize 15/10, actual administrative care 6/10 ..
Getting into a ward was a bit of a run around & getting out of the place a bloody disaster (paperwork-wize) but with an overall bloody good physical result no need for further denigration of the pencil pushers ………
Great to hear it went well shatterzzz. Rest up, even keyhole surgery requires healing. Give yourself time and follow their advice. Like you I was very impressed with the nursing and medical staff.
August 30, 2024 5:08 am
I was thinking about Elgar and the Enigma Variations and how it must mean nothing to dead souls like the soft handed Starmer. Except maybe something to cast scorn upon.
August 30, 2024 5:10 am
I know knighthoods mean absolutely nothing to me if a soft handed empty suit is considered to be worthy of one.
Good article by Chris Merritt. Not only is First Nations a misnomer designed to mislead and propagandise, but the Mabo case as I recall it was based on islander culture not mainland culture. They did have garden plots allocated to families. Islanders could not carry on a roaming hunter-gatherer existence like the mainlanders could and did.
The residents of Mer were a village culture. They had permanent houses, land boundaries and a mechanism (a sort of tribunal of elders) for settling disputes. They planted crops and owned pigs.
There is no comparison with nomadic Aborigines.
That leap, one of the most dishonest in legal history, is at the core of all the subsequent strife.
Bungonia bee
August 30, 2024 6:39 am
Elgar was quite a character. After recording his violin concerto with a very young Yehudi Menuhin, he said “Right, we’re off to the races”. An early enthusiast for bicycle riding, he was also an amateur cryptographer. Each of the so-called Enigma variations is a musical portrait of a friend, and beautifully done. No point anguishing about what the “original theme” was, but the theory that it is in some way derivative of Auld Lang Syne has charm if not truth.
If you believe this you’ll believe anything!
Michael Ware on the usually sensible Stefanovic timeslot of Daytime Sky says Kamala Harris merely “panders to the progressives and is no Bernie Sanders”.
He adds that Kamala is consistently outperforming Trump by one to two percentage points!
Michael Ware is a complete moron. A simplistic adrenalin junky who appears to have CTE after being around too many explosions in Iraq. I think Pete is just a mate throwing his buddy a bone.
“Not only is First Nations a misnomer designed to mislead and propagandise”
1st Nations rubbish is no different to “Welcome” .. They stole the 1st Nations wak-fest from the Canadian Injuns and the media has cheer-leaded it it ever since .. “Welcome” was an Ernie Dingo 70s invention to coin a few bob from the gullible and the gummint(s) added their enthusiastic applause to the same media luv and since then yer “auntie & uncle’, laughable, honorifics have been overtaken by 98% of 251s acquiring the title “elder” …..! Sadly, the left gullible luv it all and the “come in spinner we’s 251s” is now a gold-mine (tho not in Blayney . LOL!)
I’ve been saying the same for years about Ernie’s ceremony, surprising how many people don’t know this. I used to tell them to google it. Google has now tightened the search and you get obfuscation in with the truth like a the discredited hard left AAP and their fact checks or the misinformation pedalled by Wikipedia.
As for nations yup culturally appropriated from US/Canada native Indian Tribes as they did have a political structure within groups.
Yep, George Custer is a reminder of North American Ist Nations existence .. LOL
August 30, 2024 7:31 am
Bruce O’Nuke:
Throwing cement powder is very dangerous. If it gets in your eyes you will be permanently blinded. Even wet cement is dangerous since it is highly alkaline. That the guy was let off is a complete travesty.
We got a young bloke in from the local lockup at Ivanhoe. He’d managed to get a face full of cement powder on a work duty. He was just looking for a few days in hospital, and being able to take it easy. What he didn’t take into account was the cement dust was as dangerous as it was, and despite running many, many bags of saline into his eyes washing them out, by the time he got to us the damage was done but not yet apparent. Over half an hour, his eyes slowly clouded over until he was blind. Harsh words were said to him from us when he admitted why he was so careless, but… what was the point. This would have been in 2001ish and the only treatment for the eye damage was corneal transplant. Stupid bastard.
A few days ago, on Twitter, Canadian Jewish professor Gad Saad, a man who isn’t timid or cowardly, wrote this…
The maniacs who have infiltrated the West and are causing mayhem and destruction are not as much to blame as the Western politicians who have systematically allowed this to take place. There is nothing more cowardly, more weak and more castrated than a Western leader today.
I think the professor says it best.
In an ideal world, when the inevitable happens and one or more of the 3000 newby Gazan Nazis residents of this country performs a terrorist attack, no doubt on an Australian Jewish target, not only should the Gazan Nazi perpetrators face justice but also the very scum who brought in these people or who justified the entry of these Gazan Nazis, names such as Anthony Albanese, Hanson-Dung, Fatso Faruqi, Jacinta Allen, Tony Burqa and Mike Burgess, these people should also face the courts for providing succour to Jew hating barbarians.
It won’t happen of course, because the aforementioned politicians never face any consequences for their idiocy and failures, in fact they’re rewarded time and time again for their idiocy and failures. But I can dream.
@ABC has given the Harris campaign “SAMPLE” questions of what might be asked of her at the debate. In other words, they are not giving her the exact question, but they are giving her what the questions will be about. Thus, making it easier for her to memorize bullshit talking points. They are also going to produce the debate in a way to minimize Kamala Harris being towered over by Trump, Trump is 6’3 and Kamala is 5’1. They will allow a stool or they will do a split screen type of broadcast to make sure you cannot see Trump towering over Harris. These detailed were negotiated separately with the Harris campaign and the Trump campaign is not even aware.
Furthermore, the questions are designed to allow Harris to explain how she will differ from Biden, they will not be directed at her involvement with this disaster of an administration. So, just like everything else, we now have a rigged debate. Before any of you leftists say I am lying, you better check out my timeline and the perfect record of this source.
Finally, US intelligence has been getting uptick in talk regarding an election timed attack, what kind of attack is uncertain. Could be terror or an attack aimed at having some kind of an effect on the election turnout. They are hoping to get me more details very soon. Nothing these people do surprises me, but @abc are pieces of trash. They can deny this all they want, In fact, I dare them. I dare them to deny this. The second they deny it, I will destroy them with proof. So go ahead ABC, post your denial.
“Repeated calls for an independent review of October 7 have been rebuffed by government leaders, who apparently feared they could be criticized, insisting that investigations must wait until after the end of the war against Hamas.”
Which Israeli leader pushed for the removal of ALL human security on the border, replacing people with a fully electronic system?
Was this the same politician, that in a massive attack of hubris, televised how this new system worked? Do you think that people, other than Israeli’s may have been interested in the broadcast?
What other “actions” may this particular individual be “criticised” for? For example, was the IDF ordered to attack everything on the roads in the south, in an attempt to stop Hamas getting hold of those 40 odd female intelligence officers, taken from the Army base closest to the border?
No, of course not. Hamas killed all 1400 people that day, ……., right?
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2024 7:45 am
“Do not cut the grass” .. I wuz told, emphatically!
I suppose a goat would be out of the question?
August 30, 2024 7:49 am
She could never be elected under half normal conditions but the level of cheating will be in the stratosphere.
We were rescued by a Main Roads grader crew after breaking down in the Pilbara. Crib sheds towed behind the grader. Tinned peas only there.
Once Upon a Time, driving through the wilds of a dirt road between Wilcannia and Dubbo, I overtook a combination of:
One dirty great big grader, towing a tip truck a with a backhoe on it, which was towing a Land Rover, which was towing the crib room caravan combination. How to move 5 vehicles with one driver. I wish I’d taken a picture, I really do.
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2024 7:49 am
but the Mabo case as I recall it was based on islander culture not mainland culture. They did have garden plots allocated to families. Islanders could not carry on a roaming hunter-gatherer existence like the mainlanders could and did.
Exactly — and the Undertaker did what Andrew Giles did — misapplied the judgment in the Mabo case. I recall a guest lecturer in law who did a lot of work on the Mabo case said that Keating had perpetrated a fraud on all Australian aboriginal people for the very reason set out in Bungonia Bee’s comment.
Mabo also co-incided with the “invention” of the “white” 251 when they realised that CentreLink was a lot sweeter if you were the right brand ..
The “white” 251s like Mansell were all about “gimme-gimme” and they realised they were on a “winna” as the Feds kept caving in to the ever increasing demands, especially, when money was involved …….
89-year-old Eva Edl — a survivor of Nazi invasion and a communist concentration camp — was recently arrested by Biden’s Department of Justice for praying and peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic. She now faces 10 years in prison for violating the FACE Act. But before her sentencing, she spoke with Glenn about how we got here in the first place. How did people become so accepting of abortion? How did America’s courts, which she thought were beacons of freedom when she immigrated here, become tools of political movements? And why is the same government that let Biden off the hook because of his age arresting 89-year-olds for THIS? “I’m prepared to die in there,” Eva says about prison. “And I’m not afraid.”
Documents sent by Israel’s internal security organization to the Prime Minister just days before the murderous attack recommend concessions for Gaza to maintain quiet.
That would make it the greatest intelligence failure in Israeli history since it is now apparent that Hamas had been planning 7 Oct for something like 7 years, with Iranian planning and support – all the while building an unparalleled underground network of defensive tunnels.
August 30, 2024 8:03 am
Received this recently from Advance Australia..
Dear Gilas,
As I write this, we have started work on the powerful Greens Truth Documentary that will drive the next stage of the campaign to rid the country of the Greens.
But the project budget is still short by $169,662.51 and I can’t approve the rest of the work just yet.
This is only one of the projects they are working on, while attempting to fight the ruination of this country from the UNIParty and the watermelons.
Despite what many Cats (naively) hope, the SFLs are a spent political force, far more interested in keeping taxpayer-funded political benefits as part of the UNIParty, rather than fighting effectively the leftards’ attacks on our culture.
Advance were essential in defeating the inVoice scam last year. The SFLs were nowhere to be seen in doing ANY work on the ground, where it counted.
Had it not been for the work of Advance volunteers and the Nationals’ Jacintha Price, blak-tape would be enshrined in our Constitution by now.
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
The SFLs are a flailing, dying dinosaur… they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Resources Minister Madeleine King has gone to war with BHP in an extraordinary spray, attacking the mining giant for always ‘railing against’ Labor policies and refusing to work productively with unions.
So she doesn’t like it that BHP opposes nutty Labor stuff like massive royalty increases and crazy energy policies? And she is also upset that BHP hasn’t been working productively with the utterly corrupt CFMEU? Oh, ok.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2024 8:16 am
Daily Telegraph. Bruce Pascoe was unavailable for comment. Not Welcome: Land Council tells Neil Evers to stop conducting Indigenous ceremonies
Sydney’s largest Aboriginal Land Council is demanding a northern beaches resident cease conducting Welcome to Country ceremonies, claiming he has failed to prove his Indigenous ancestry.
Neil Evers addressed a “Meet the Candidates” public forum at Narrabeen on Monday night, ahead of the upcoming local council elections.
Mr Evers, who describes himself as a “fifth-generation Aboriginal”, told the crowd he was a “Guringai man from the Warandigi Garigal Clan”.
He has provided regular Welcome to Country ceremonies on the northern beaches over the past decade, including at the Manly Sea Eagles’ Indigenous Round match at Four Pines Park in May.
In a previous interview, Mr Evers insisted his grandmother “was definitely Aboriginal”. “We all just thought she had a good sun tan” he said.
However, the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) claims that Mr Evers has been unable to prove his Indigenous bloodlines.
“Mr Evers has no authority to conduct a Welcome to Country.” said Nathan Moran, CEO of the MLALC.
“In his introduction on Monday night at the council forum we believe he acknowledged the wrong Aboriginal people and used cultural names that aren’t actually from the northern beaches. From the moment he opened his mouth … our word for bull s*** is goona. Absolute goona.”
When approached for comment, Mr Evers said he had learnt about his Indigenous heritage in his late 60s, after “reading a history book about Bob Waterer and King Bungaree”.
“I am regularly asked to do the Welcome to Country at local events. Sometimes I’m paid. Sometimes I volunteer.”
He said he had “received a certificate roughly 10 years ago from the Guringai Tribal Aboriginal Corporation” proving his heritage.
“That is all the proof I need,” he told The Daily Telegraph.
Very clear explanation. This would be a giant step down the “you’ll own nothing” path. And aren’t they threatening the same here? I guarantee if it happens there we’d get it too.
From someone who got Remedial Marching in the army, I don’t know how they do it.
Mum was forbidden from Parades in the AWAS because of the same reason – Total Body Discoordination.
Thanx .. what an excellent compilation .. luvved it …!
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2024 8:18 am
a gotta ask …! How the F**K do these jungle bunnies from 3rd world s**tholes get vetted not only to get into Oz but to qualify for carers certificates .. And the gummint expects us to believe they check out Gaza terrorists thoroughly .. FFS!
Sorry this is gonna be a long comment:
Glad you brought that up shatterzzz — a tale I will tell on that point. The time was the 50,000 illegals to these shores during the Rudd Gillard Rudd ineptocracy.
As many here know I and the mother of a severely intellectually disabled family member who is non-verbal and unable to use any form of communication except grimaces, smiles, hand gestures, a made-up sign language AND behaviour.
At the time the disgrace of a service provider which was providing residential services invariably used agency staff. Those staff were almost exclusively the illegal immigrant who had to be given employment so the government thought it terrific idea to get the labour hire organisations to put illegal immigrants on their books.
Because of this policy things like this happened, just one example:
Mother calling at 11.30pm to remind staff that X was to have a surgical procedure the next morning: Hi I am X’s Mum I want to be sure that X is given NIL by mouth from midnight tonight
Support worker/carer: Which one X?
The person on the end of the phone had very little English couldn’t read English and heaven alone knows how medications were to be administered given the person did not even know the names of the disabled person in their care. – there were 4 people in the house one of whom suffered uncontrolled epileptic seizures. We families were never ever apprised of what was going on; we found out by other means.
The standard of care was simply abysmal and heaven alone knows what other indignities/abuse/neglect were suffered by the people with disabilities in the ‘care’ of this service provider. I know some of the stuff but because all of the people with disabilities in the residence are non-verbal and severely intellectually disabled we will never know — except for the psychological damage they have all suffered and to this day is manifest in their behaviours.
This was in the day of NSW Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care ADAHC — so many of those who worked in ADAHC were evil on steroids. It took us 2 years to get rid of that service provider thanks to the disgraceful behaviour of ADAHC — but sometimes you have to go through great challenges to get to something much better and that is what we have now and I thank God every day for the incomparable service provision we have for our family member today and thanks to all Australians for the NDIS which was meant to provide for people who simply CANNOT live a decent life without daily assistance with every aspect of their lives because of their disability.
Thank you Australia for the NDIS
Again apologies for the lengthy comment.
August 30, 2024 8:18 am
Apropos my previous post..
It has been very clear to any dispassionate observer that the SFLs have been extensively infiltrated by Liar spoilers and termites.
Just like the RINOs in the US Republican Party and the many ideological commos in the UK so-called-Conservative Party.
This has been happening for years, it cannot now be denied by any rational observer.
Gilas, that is exactly how the termites got the Communists into power in Great Britain. Burrow into the host until it fails it’s core functions, then split the Conservative vote between them.
Labor wins and with 5 years before the next election, and knowing that they can ignore whatever the British people want, because they’ve done the same thing with the Judiciary, the Courts and the command structure of the police – and quite probably the Armed Forces as well – and now you have a government that can terrorise the people.
Easy, wasn’t it?
Gramsci was right – the only method that works is The Long March Through The Institutions and it’s worked in GB, Canada, and is on the cusp of victory in Australia.
The US is about to show us just how bad it can be.
That “infiltration” started back in the 1970s; part of the Whitlam legacy.
The ‘white-shoe brigade” corporate statists were another related issue.
Winston Smith
August 30, 2024 8:21 am
August 29, 2024 8:34 pm
Brainwashing children should be an indictable offence. But is it too late?
The techniques used are the same as those that produced the Red Guards and the Hitler Youth. I think that the practitioners should be executed for the damage they do to the kids, but that’s just me.
Have to agree with you, Winston. We have tried to argue with our children but they brush us off with ‘What would you know?’ and ‘Not going to talk about it.’ The teachers we have watched in operation are deeply ignorant of history or anything to do with Australia’s actual past. It’s all rainbow serpents and Dark Emu. Because it is easy – no actual brain work involved. No intellectual effort needed. And the young students just repeat all the rubbish until it is firmly installed in their brains.
The dying throes of a civilisation that did so much to advance humanity, consumed by a culture that did nothing to advance anything.
August 30, 2024 8:23 am
Yes I saw that on front of the Oz this morning at the truck stop. The anal mal administration getting very shrill
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
Thanks Gilas, I’m a member of Advance, I will make a contribution. I am also going to contribute to Sall Grover’s legal case for her refusal to call perverts ‘female’ and allow them on her women only app.
Have you discovered a pay site for the girls, Cassie? I can’t find one and I’ve a small donation for them burning a hole in my pocket.
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2024 8:28 am
Had it not been for the work of Advance volunteers and the Nationals’ Jacintha Price, blak-tape would be enshrined in our Constitution by now.
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
Thanks Gilas I too am a member and regularly contribute because Advance does very effective work in the interest of the people NOT the polliticks
August 30, 2024 8:28 am
Resources Minister Madeleine King has gone to war with BHP in an extraordinary spray, attacking the mining giant for always ‘railing against’ Labor policies and refusing to work productively with unions.
BHP has been very successful in keeping Unions out of their site operations. Bless them. They know that once the union cancer takes hold, BHP productivity will go through the floor. The stupidity of that is BHP shares will be in all the union members Super and a poorly productive BHP will be priced accordingly. This is a perfect example of Labor idiocy not being able to see the world beyond how can be made to fit into union boxes.
King- a know nothing nobody bint in a very important portfolio. Another Labor dummy;
Before entering politics King worked as a commercial lawyer in Australia and overseas, as well as in various roles at the University of Western Australia. Immediately prior to entering Parliament she was the chief operating officer of the Perth USAsia Centre, a think tank based at UWA.[2]
August 30, 2024 8:34 am
via BoN
Ms King is unhappy…
Is this the same Minister who arrived 20 minutes late for a meeting with the leaseholders of the Jabiluka uranium deposit, giving them just ten minutes before being on time suddenly became important? And then not only refused to extend their lease, but announced that it was to become a national park, so that it could not be developed?
She’s a wrecking ball through national prosperity, of course insulated by a hefty salary, lots of juicy allowances (tax free) and a spot on a super board or similar to look forward to after politics.
Awful, and has her eyes on the prize. Pity about the rest of us.
Rockdoctor, The Liberals are going down the same road as the Conservatives in the UK. Continue refusing to carry out their policies it gets voted in to do, which then gives rise to the PHON, Advance Australia, and the Nationals.
With the right politically divided they can then hand the country over to Labor who then rule with 30+% of the votes – coincidentally the same proportion of votes that put Hitler into power.
The Liberals under their current leadership are there to divide the Right/Conservatives – not get into power to represent them.
August 30, 2024 8:39 am
Activist fury a recipe for pervasive conflict
Henry Ergas, The Australian, 30 August 2024
Earlier this month, the University of Melbourne’s graduation ceremony was disrupted when a handful of students donned keffiyehs, shouted slogans and repeatedly waved a Palestinian flag. That the conduct breached the university’s regulations is uncontested. Wearing any item of clothing over the prescribed academic gown is specifically prohibited; so is bringing into the event “poles, signs, flags or similar”. As for shouting slogans, waving flags and berating the public, participants are warned that they may be removed for “being disruptive, or adversely affecting the enjoyment of the event by others”.
Those regulations are not meant to be taken lightly. Graduation, the university notes, is its “signature event”, whose “rituals and traditions” participants must respect. There are, as a result, security guards, tasked with inspecting bags, confiscating prohibited items and ensuring the ceremony unfolds smoothly.
But neither the senior academics conducting the proceedings nor the security guards took any action whatsoever to prevent or quell the disruption. Nor did the university, which soon learnt that the disruption had caused significant distress, issue a public apology to those who had attended the event – as it would unquestionably, and quite rightly, have done had the conduct offended, say, Indigenous Australians.
Now Joanne Ligouris, the university’s registrar, has replied to a number of written complaints in terms that are manifestly inadequate.
Thus, while acknowledging that the protesters cavalierly flouted the regulations, Ligouris claims the university had to abide by its “legal obligations with respect to freedom of speech and expression”. It should, however, be blindingly obvious that a graduation ceremony is not Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park: the university has no obligation, legal or otherwise, to stand mutely by as protesters subject graduands and their families to rants and tirades.
And it should be every bit as obvious that – far from being required to tolerate the abuse of its proceedings – it was the university’s obligation to make sure the occasion was (as the university’s regulations put it) a “celebration” graduands would remember with pride and joy.
Ligouris is on even weaker ground in contending that the university’s refusal to intervene served to “de-escalate” a situation that could have “become disruptive”. On the contrary, it simply permitted the disruption to occur and persist. And instead of deterring – or “de-escalating” – future protests, the university’s capitulation unequivocally signalled that disruption will succeed.
Unfortunately, the University of Melbourne is not alone in its determination to expunge the last vapours of civility from Australian life. A slew of our leading cultural institutions – including, most recently, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra – no longer believe they are there to serve the public.
Rather, the public is there to serve their employees, who, aflame with self-righteousness, view the institution as a platform from which to vent adolescent rages upon unsuspecting spectators. But the costs of making every venue into a soapbox go well beyond the pain inflicted on captive audiences. In effect, few poisons can wreak more harm than the pervasive politicisation of institutions that have traditionally remained above the fray.
Aristotle thought about those risks, more than 2000 years ago, in terms of the fragility of “civic friendship”. For a polis to flourish, spaces were required where “people who do not know one another” – and whose opinions might differ sharply – would, however fleetingly, peaceably interact, laying the groundwork for some degree of “homonia” or concord.
Centuries later, Cicero, writing as the Roman republic threatened to unravel, stressed the need for those spaces to become places: that is, robust institutions in which the virtues of respectful sociability could be inculcated by a “regularised, stable and sustained coming together”.
And many centuries later again, Alexis de Tocqueville, in explaining to sceptical French readers why the American democracy was likely to endure, suggested the answer lay at least partly in ubiquitous civic activity, covering everything from religion to music, theatre and the arts.
Yes, said Tocqueville, democratic individuals participated in those activities to further their personal inclinations. But repeated interaction with their fellow citizens transformed their habitual behaviour. Induced, without realising it, into establishing social ties with people quite unlike themselves, “feelings and ideas are renewed, the heart expands, and the human spirit develops”.
But no one more cogently analysed that process’s importance than pioneering German sociologist Georg Simmel (1858-1918). What mattered, wrote Simmel in his analysis of how modern societies could hang together, was not merely the sheer number of activities in which people were, in one way or another, involved. It was the way those involvements made society into a complex, overlapping mosaic of interactions.
The people with whom one socialised at weekly concerts were, for example, different from those with whom one regularly shared a stand at the football. And because those events were apolitical, music-loving social democrats happily rubbed shoulders with music-loving conservatives, in a context focused not on what divided them but on what they had in common – just as Christians would find themselves rubbing shoulders with Jews.
Excluding the divisive political cleavages from large areas of social life therefore created the “safe spaces” in which society could weave its intricate weft and warp. Gag rules – “no politics!” – seemed repressive. But far from choking social life, the gags allowed it to breathe, imperceptibly cultivating the mutual respect that underpinned what Tocqueville called democracy’s “habits of the heart”.
Nothing, Simmel argued, could make people whose views were wildly at odds into bosom friends; but crisscrossing entanglements made it less likely that they would become deadly enemies. And sure enough, when those safe spaces disappeared in continental Europe’s first 20th century decades, social bonds shattered, with devastating consequences – as now seems to have happened in the United States.
That is why Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, in their path-breaking book, The Civic Culture (1963), concluded that stable democracies were ones in which “there is political activity, but it is held in check”: that is, where emotionally charged political commitments were corralled into the political process, allowing them to be addressed without degenerating into mob rule. And it is also why our current course – where every activity is soaked in politics at its most divisive – is utterly disastrous.
Of course, none of that matters to the lunatic fringe. They relish the brutalisation of politics; that many Jews now feel uncomfortable or even unsafe at events they have long patronised is, in their eyes, a measure of success.
Nor does it matter to the cultural institutions. Being so heavily subsidised by taxpayers, the goodwill of ordinary audiences scarcely counts – though, for all their radical-chic posturing, they blanche when exasperated philanthropists finally, and quite rightly, pull the plug.
It should, however, matter to the universities, which ought to realise what is at stake. Instead, with Mark Scott refusing to enforce Sydney University’s own code of academic conduct, our two oldest universities have decisively proven, in the space of only a few days, that their leadership is morally and intellectually bankrupt. Could there be a surer sign of the sorry state we’re in?
I see the big Uni’s were trying to blackmail the Feds over student numbers the other day.
My alma mater is La Trobe, which since I’ve left I see has descended further into a cesspool of leftism and useless humanities degrees at the expense of Science and Engineering. If I were dictator for a day (Shudder the thought) they would be promptly told that their funding will be slashed an amount per Australian student place reduced.
Wow, BHP are incredibly powerful. I saw them get approvals and thumb their nose at Federal Regulations in the Bowen Basin and get away with it.
Not supporting their power because having done a few contracts for them I think they are an incredibly flawed organisation that had the foresight to swallow up the best coal leases in CQ and hold on to them back in the 1970’s. Their insight into the resources market trends is second to none, in 2011 I was talking with an exec who was forecasting a slight downturn and lower prices in 2013/2014 and they were already planning for. It happened and then Rudd added his MRRT which made it worse. Then later Gillard’s Carbon Tax caused the market to crater.
Good luck King, you’ll need it. Rumour had it when I last worked there the Senior Exec in Brisbane had Bligh on speed dial in his mobile phone. That said Corporations of this side have the luxury of waiting out a bad government till there’s a change.
I remember a Petty cartoon in the early 70s, where staff were seen exiting the lift at BHP HQ.
This was when the oil embargo was on, and everyone was sucking up to the Saudis.
A couple of chaps wearing flowing Arab robes were being told by another executive in conventional dress:
‘At BHP it’s suits and ties, gentlemen.’
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2024 8:57 am
WA Treasurer warns against changes to GST arrangement
Western Australia Treasurer Rita Saffioti has launched a staunch defence of the GST reforms that have pumped billions of extra dollars into the nation’s richest state, while also taking aim at other “absurd” federal funding arrangements that she says short-change the west.
Speaking to The Australian ahead of her address to the Bush Summit in Port Hedland on Friday, Ms Saffioti said she would use the upcoming Productivity Commission review of the GST arrangement to advocate for not just an extension of the current settings, but also for WA to receive more from a variety of other federal funds.
States angry about WA’s improved share of GST revenues, such as Victoria and NSW, have been eyeing the Productivity Commission’s 2026 review as their chance to push hard to scrap the GST floor that has been in place since 2018.
The GST floor was put in place by then-treasurer Scott Morrison in Malcolm Turnbull’s government. The changes have guaranteed WA retains at least 70c of every dollar of GST revenue it generates, rising to at least 75c. WA’s share had previously fallen as low as 30c for every dollar raised and would have fallen to about 10c if the system had not changed.
Secession now! One Western Australia lad/ladette with the light of battle in their eyes is worth ten of your pimply faced Eastern Staters!
August 30, 2024 8:58 am
It has been very clear to any dispassionate observer that the SFLs have been extensively infiltrated by Liar spoilers and termites.
As in the ecclesiastical realm, so in politics, a conservative broad church must of necessity relax subscription to its doctrinal beliefs to broaden its membership.
Once it does that, its defences are weakened from within and soon breached from without.
The Liberal Party has always harboured “wets”, but in the contemporary cultural context an inebriated wombat could have predicted that John Howard’s vision of a “broad church” Liberal Party would essentially dilute its principles and promote factionalism and careerism, if not eventual subversion.
As I get older I am becoming more and more cynical and disillusioned by the prognostications of economists and financial wizards. They are not even right half the time.
Economic forecasting was created to make astrology respectable
John H and KevM – those who ignore my hypothesis about the two types of economists do so at their peril – ergo:
There are two distinct types of economists – those that are wrong about everything 91.3% of the time and those that are wrong about everything all the time.
You can put all the economists in the world end to end and they cannot reach a conclusion”
H/T ?
Winston Smith
August 30, 2024 9:07 am
Bungonia Bee, 0622:
The fact of electronic/software manipulation of the count reminds me of a film years ago – Crooks had broken into a bank and had also tapped into the security system. The cameras showed the previous days video of the after closing time frame of the vaults. The clocks in the room were keeping time – only they were a day late and nobody noticed.
Meanwhile as the crooks broke into them, the vault security video evidence showed no activity.
The US elections are going to be a reenactment of this movie. What you see on your monitors will have no connection to the reality of the counting rooms. There will be no sampling of the votes by a disinterested third party – the checkers will be excluded by “overflowing toilets”, closed counting rooms that will suddenly reopen when the Republican Poll Observers go home. Votes for Harris will be reread multiple times, the count will stop when the Communists need to find out how many votes need to be made up and the counting machines will be connected to the internet – illegally.
What you see will have no connection with reality.
So the question needs to be asked now – will the US voters rise up and demand a fair count, or will they sit in their garages impotently polishing their weapons mandated for an occasion they refuse to support?
In which case, what was the point of the first and second amendments?
That implies someone in the Victorian Government has seen sense.
Or someone has written a Government cheque that couldn’t be cashed and they are suddenly aware of the dire financial quicksand in which they are drowning.
Sydney mayor Ned Mannoun’s older brother has not disclosed his developer links in a bid to win a seat on Liverpool City Council in the upcoming September elections.
Wael Khalil Manoun, known as William, declared he was not a property developer or a close associate of a developer in a statutory declaration lodged with the Australian Election Company earlier this month.
That’s despite the 50-year-old working for a developer, owning three sites approved for multi-unit developments and co-directing a company with a developer.
Good story, if it’s true (always a concern at TheirABC).
But, FFS, The Australian Electoral Company? Does anyone, and I mean anyone including the office cleaner and the IT fixer, read this stuff before it is posted nationwide?
Does anyone at TheirABC even care about accuracy any more?
Let me tell you, in both the private and public sector jobs I had over my lifetime, the sloppiness that is accepted at TheirABC would not have been accepted. You might get a pass the first time, but if it happened again you would be fired.
I suppose that Kim Williams will be just as impotent as his predecessors.
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2024 9:43 am
And more proof that righties can run rings around the Left. In this case Tucker Carlson…
Kamala for some reason known only to her (or her handlers) decided to fake up a letter from Tucker to her. So Tucker then returned fire with a “letter” from Kamala to him… And a thing of beauty it is, especially the little hearts over the “i”s.
August 30, 2024 9:43 am
“She’s funny!”
Funny is not the word I’d reach for…
Requiem for democracy, If Kamala wins, RIP the USA
Ramesh Thakur, The Spectator (Australia), 31 August 2024
Most people don’t truly appreciate the rarity and value of democracy until they lose it. Democracy rests ultimately in the good sense of the people and the belief that ‘the mob will work them out’. I fear that in three months, Americans will discover the truth of the first and invalidate the second proposition. A Kamala Harris victory would mean that a ruthless enough party elite has the capacity to lie, manipulate, censor, bribe and intimidate its way into staying in power. This would drive a stake through the heart of American democracy.
Let’s pivot from Donald Trump’s to Kamala Harris’s character flaws. On 24 July, popular podcast host Megyn Kelly recalled how in 1994, a 29-year-old Harris slept her way up California’s Democratic greasy power pole via a relationship with powerbroker Willie Brown, Speaker of the California Assembly at the time and later San Francisco’s mayor who was more than double her age. He appointed her to high-profile and well-paid board positions. Her career has never looked back. Yet we cannot talk about it openly, Janice Fiamengo commented caustically on 23 August, because of her ‘female privilege’. ‘If men are to be harshly condemned for exploiting their power for sexual access,’ Fiamengo asks, ‘then why are women held guiltless when they exploit their sexual power’ in choosing to trade [their] body for political profit’. Echo answers why.
Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court by Trump in 2018. The Senate confirmation hearings took place at the combustible confluence, in the name of social justice, of identity-based victimhood narratives and bitterly partisan politics when allegations of misdeeds were weaponised in efforts to destroy political opponents to gain or hold on to power. Kavanaugh was subjected to a vicious character assassination based on uncorroborated, and in some cases demonstrably false and contradicted details and evidence, concerning an allegation of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford, a Democrat voter, going back to his days in high school in the early 1980s. The character assassination began with a last-minute plausible but unproven accusation, moved to charges that were salacious but implausible and imploded with lurid allegations of serial gang rapes. The Democrats, with Harris a lead performer, cynically trashed three cardinal principles of American constitutional justice: the rule of law, due process and the presumption of innocence.
The media gave prominent and extensive coverage to the most lurid and absurd allegations with no effort to verify and cross-check an often obfuscating Ford’s claims. But they chose to run a protection racket for Joe Biden when Tara Reade alleged an assault in 1993. Her charges were more recent, more specific, against someone from the same political party, with some contemporaneous evidence of discussing it with others, and involved a senator, now running for the nation’s highest office, misbehaving with a junior aide. ‘After the courageous and compelling testimony’ from Ford, Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams tweeted, ‘I believe women, and I believe survivors of violence always deserve to be supported.’ After the allegations against Biden from Reade, she said: ‘I believe Joe Biden.’ The media largely took the same line and covered the story far fewer times, less prominently by relegating it to the inside pages in fewer column inches and with more attention to due process and cross-verification requirements. By her own plentiful public statements and aggressive questioning of Kavanaugh during the Senate hearings, Kamala Harris became vice president to a sexual abuser.
In a fiery Democratic primary debate in 2020, Harris clashed with Tulsi Gabbard. Gabbard eviscerated Harris with a brutal take-down of her actual record as California Attorney General. Harris never recovered and abandoned her campaign shortly after. Megyn Kelly interviewed Gabbard on 24 July about that seminal primary debate four years ago. Check it out at
The exceptionally early timing of the first Biden-Trump debate that exposed the ageing President’s cognitive frailty was not serendipitous but a calculated step in a stage-managed process to crown Harris without the high-risk primary that would again have shown her up as an inauthentic and incoherent airhead. Maureen Dowd argued in the New York Times on 17 August that the party had conducted a successful coup to oust Biden and install Harris. Even though it was the right thing to do and it means the party went to its convention in Chicago feeling exultant, euphoric, exuberant and ecstatic about the ‘glorious coronation’ to come, ‘a jaw-dropping putsch’ is still a putsch. The principal players, Dowd says, were Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries. Earlier, on 26 July, Victor Davis Hanson argued in the New York Post that in fact the Democrats orchestrated three rapid coups in succession. In 2020, the party elders ‘ossified’ the primary races to weed out other challengers; they conferred the nomination on a cognitively challenged Biden; and this year they defenestrated him despite his incumbency, his 14-million-vote victory in the primaries and the lack of a single primary victory for Harris either in 2020 or in 2024.
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr is spot on in saying that his former party, in which his family has such a storied history, has ‘become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag and Big Money’. On 23 August, in announcing the suspension of his independent campaign to instead support Trump in ten battleground states, Kennedy explained that, ‘In the name of saving democracy’, the Democratic party ‘set itself to dismantling it’ by silencing opposition, disenfranchising primary voters and resorting to censorship, media control and the weaponisation of federal agencies. The party that required ID checks for entry into its convention condemns voter ID requirement as racist. There is no ballot integrity and sufficient indications of irregularities and statistical anomalies to raise understandable suspicions of results as fraudulent. Harris has gone a whole month this close out from the election without a single teleprompter-free speech or unscripted press conference or live audience interaction with unrehearsed Q & A. Her propensity to word salads accurately reflects her lack of clear thinking. Her hand gestures and facial expressions are just weird and sometimes creepy. Her cupboard of accomplishments as VP is bare. She, the party and the media have been busy memory-holing her record and her statements, including their own previous descriptions of her as the Border Czar.
None of this is hidden or difficult to cross-check and verify. Should Harris triumph come November despite this awful record of policy failures, character flaws and intellectual shallowness, it would amount to a terrible indictment of successful mass indoctrination, media censorship and government gaslighting. In that case, President Kamala Harris’ inaugural address will effectively be a requiem for American democracy.
Labor lands King hit on the Big Australian Resources Minister Madeleine King has gone to war with BHP in an extraordinary spray, attacking the mining giant for always ‘railing against’ Labor policies and refusing to work productively with unions.
Gosh, didn’t BHP donate $2 million to the campaign for an Indigenous Voice to parliament? Or perhaps my memory is faulty? Nah, it isn’t. I also recall BHP sanctimoniously preaching about ‘informed and respectful discussion’ before last year’s referendum, except those of us who were against the Voice were smeared and branded as ‘waaaaaacists’.
Sorry, perhaps I am alone here but I have little sympathy for these large corporates such as BHP. With their ridiculous activism, they chose to sit down and sup with the devil, and now the devil is biting them. You reap what you sow.
Corporates who play politics are the dumbest of the dumb because they are effectively cutting their consumer base in half — those who like their politics and those who don’t, many of whom will boycott them.
“…Kamala Harris merely “panders to the progressives and is no Bernie Sanders”.”
The most left-leaning member of congress EVA – left of Bernie!
That is the official record!
And you will notice that every “change of mind” since she was anointed Dem candidate has been made by an anonymous “staffer” and she has not once, ever, come out and said it herself – as Tom Cotton noted.
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2024 10:22 am
Some more on the far-lefty Brazilian judge who is monstering Elon – which I linked a story about earlier.
Earlier this week we received an order from Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice @alexandre de Moraes that freezes Starlink’s finances and prevents Starlink from conducting financial transactions in that country
This order is based on an unfounded determination that Starlink should be responsible for the fines levied—unconstitutionally—against X. It was issued in secret and without affording Starlink any of the due process of law guaranteed by the Constitution of Brazil. We intend to address the matter legally
Today, Starlink is connecting more than a quarter million customers in Brazil—from the Amazon to Rio de Janeiro—including small businesses, schools, and first responders, among many others. We are proud of the impact Starlink is making in communities across the country, and the Starlink team is doing everything possible to ensure their service is not interrupted
It’s pretty amazing that a judge, who is trying to get X/Twitter to take down some tweets he doesn’t like, can order an unrelated company’s bank accounts to be frozen just because he’s peeved. But that’s lefties for you.
August 30, 2024 10:23 am
Jordan Petersen has done another interview with Tommy Robinson. Currently up on YouTube. For the mentally challenged JC YouTube is a popular outlet not hard to find and should be no problem finding Petersen’s podcasts.
So far only listened to first ten minutes or so. Petersen mentions all the actions taken to suppress his previous interview with Robinson.
Will finish listening to it during today but might be one to check out early. Comments open but were removed from previous interview. After all it would not do to have people know the support Robinson has.
I’ll add that I thought the data they mention is quite interesting too. If Elon has 250,000 subscribers in just Brazil alone then SpaceX and Starlink must be fairly raking in the dosh. I can’t recall what they charge but it was something like a hundred US per month, which would be half a billion Aussie per year just from one country, albeit a large one.
Better than the alternative, overcast weather blocked it
August 30, 2024 10:36 am
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
I wouldn’t contribute to Advance or GetUp. Advance is an attempt by Liberal wets to grift their way out of irrelevance. Sending them money would be like donating to the Melbourne Club.
Getup is an example of “Internet activism”, which in my view is a contradiction in terms. Activism happens offline: on the streets, at community meeting halls, and in committees in conference rooms. Its philosophy is personified by Dan Ilic, a preening dilettante.
I make one political contribution, a monthly pineapple to the Wilderness Society. They at least have their hearts in the right place, and are focused on small-time activism that generally doesn’t make headlines or rouse up the terminally online.
And the Liberals, if they had any political acumen whatsoever, which of course they don’t, would not say a word in support of BHP. The Liberals owe corporates like BHP nothing, nada, zilch. Instead, they should simply affirm their support for small and medium sized business.
Hopefully with the rough end inserted up their collective fundament.
August 30, 2024 11:05 am
Woo hoo cleared to fly by the doc. Plotting my escape from Vic as we speak.
These bush summits on Sky Regional at the moment. Couple of things stand out, a jismist back slapping session. All the school kids speaking so far have been girls. The Victorian one crapped on about health, yes important but hey there are other problems in the bush more pressing like powerline easements and third world roads. The WA one is on now, Dep Premier of WA crapping on about building industry, betcha London to a brick this will be on the fringes of Perth. Qld one had Gina on but the rest was Miles, sleazy and other useless grifters trying to screw the regions.
As much as I, generally, despise government spending, I actually think WA’s old regional Royalties for Regions wasn’t a bad idea. It was only about 3-4% of the entire budget and, sure, while there were some not-so-great projects that came out of it, there were some big winners as well.
It was good because the regions got to decide what they wanted, not Perth.
WA Liebor still have it ongoing to this day but its the wonks down St George’s Terrace who determine where it goes…. I doubt a single one of them has spent a day on a farm or more than a week in a regional town.
The Chinese trade surplus is not a good sign as Chinese domestic consumption has fallen to very worrying levels. Pilko doesn’t mention this because he’s an idiot.
He’s quote tweeting this fellow:
Brad Setser
Over the last 3ms, Chinese export volumes are up 15% y/y —
and import volumes are flat.
massive increase in China’s “real” (price adjusted) trade surplus
July export volumes were up close to 15% (more than I expected, as export prices dipped) … over the last 12ms export volume growth has averaged close to 12% — way more than imports.
This should be viewed as a five alarm fire over at the IMF — their flagship external sector report was built around the premise that imbalances would continue to recede even with China’s unresolved real estate crisis …
Time to rethink
As with the Russo-Ukraine War, a lot of Western discussion of China is simply narrative maintenance, wishcasting, and cope.
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2024 11:36 am
Here you go Dover, I was just about to post this one since I know you have been watching the Chinese economy.
And here’s another sign that Chinese consumers are pulling back. After it’s biggest year ever last year, Chinese movie ticket sales have slumped dramatically.
Movie ticket sales in China have generated more than $1.5 billion so far this summer, a little more than half of last year’s record total of $2.89 billion, according to China’s Film Data Information Network, an institution directly under the Central Propaganda Department…
Much more in the story, but I thought the bit I’ve quoted was the most interesting, since it reflects family finances.
Dr Faustus
August 30, 2024 11:40 am
In Trouble At t’Mill news:
Green obsessions puts nation’s steelmaking and security at risk
[Unlinkable OZ]
A well aimed kick in the cods for the Albanese Government’s abject energy and industry policy failures and the dire consequences for the real Australian economy.
As an essential industry, steelmaking provides an example of issues that are facing the viability of our manufacturing base. Too often feel-good rhetoric masks a lack of understanding about the limitations of existing technologies in hard-to-abate industries. So it is with the advocates of “green” steel. They usually display little understanding and appreciation of the complexity of reducing emissions in blast furnace technology. Nor do they show concern for the viability of trade-exposed steelmaking and the many thousands of jobs and communities it supports. Virtue-signalling adds nothing to constructive solutions.
Only a short time ago the Labor government was talking up the prospects of low-carbon steelmaking at Whyalla. Its press release, back in April 2023, saw the company’s plans as “safeguarding the future of steelmaking in Australia”. This early optimism was again misplaced. There’s ongoing concern about the financial stability of the corporate owner, GFG Alliance. The Whyalla blast furnace is recently back in operation after a maintenance shutdown turned into a three-month closure. However, the recent decision to delay the purchase of a $500m electric arc furnace from Italy for another two years has exacerbated long term concerns.
Bend over, Far White Devils, and receive dumped Chinese steel, then.
BlueScope rightly argues the importance of a robust anti- dumping regime. Its predicament wasn’t helped by the recent decisions of the Albanese government to remove tariffs on wind turbines from China and to reduce them on railway wheels.
But Future Made in Australia…
Nor by the fact that Energy Minister Chris Bowen has rejected any appeal to mandate the use of Australian steel, where feasible, in the energy transition. There’s been no word, for example, about domestic content in Labor’s proposed Illawarra offshore wind project. All our renewables infrastructure, the solar panels and wind turbines, have been imported, with the taxpayer-subsidised profits regularly heading overseas.
But, but Rewiring the Nation. Shirley that’s got to help…
When the head of BlueScope says “we need power that’s dispatchable, available 24/7, not wind-driven, not sun-driven”, he speaks about the need for baseload power. Surely our politicians don’t need reminding that our energy security is a prerequisite for our national security and that steelmaking is critical to that end.
That critique could have been written by any number of Cats. It should have been written by – and be a mantra for – Team Dutton.
Instead it came from the pen of Jenny George – former ACTU Supremo and current ALP Member for Crosby.
Instead it came from the pen of Jenny George – former ACTU Supremo and current ALP Member for Crosby.
Jenny George is old Labor, mentored by the likes of Bob Hawke, Bill Kelty and Simon Crean. That Labor is long gone and she knows it. George represented the electorate of Throsby for Labor, she retired in 2010.
An interesting tidbit, such is George’s alienation from contemporary Labor that in 2022 she assisted Dai Le in her campaign in Fowler, a campaign Dai Le won.
They’re in the family with Townhall, Redstate, Pjmedia, Instapundit, Twitchy and Bearingarms.
There are no better websites on righty policy, including abortion.
I would of course prefer the procedure to be utterly banned, based on the Bible, but my fallback position is for the proponents to rot in Hell on the basis of their own self-incrimination. Which is what the states policy is about.
The extra thing about relegating powers to states is it might let Trump get rid of all the alphabet agencies, but abolishing them and returning their powers to the states. That beats a messy civil war, which is probably the only other way of getting rid of the deep state.
Such a relief.
It looks like the court hearings were a success. Andrews phone records have to be handed over, as well as his wife’s, AND his Chief of Staffs records.
The last two were a bit of a surprise, but I expect there’s a couple of ‘company’ phones in the loop that haven’t been exposed. This kind of political shenanigans would have them.
He still gets to go and front a beak, but as he probably helped appoint one of them he may still get off.
Sad to see that Trump wants the state to subsidize IVF and now he’s going to vote Yes making abortion a constitutional right in Florida. He’s effectively given the prolife movement the finger. He’s the lesser of two evils, but these decisions are manna from heaven to Democrats.
No he hasn’t. His policy is to return abortion policy to the states.
Thus the onus comes upon the states to do the right thing. Their pollies then have to answer to God.
Trump has been consistent about returning things to state regulation, which is a good way to foster competition, since everything that impedes success leads to more migration from blue states to red ones.
Earlier Thursday, he reportedly said he will vote for a proposed constitutional amendment in Florida that would overturn the state’s six-week abortion ban, telling the Daily Mail he thinks it should be more than six weeks. The initiative, known as Amendment 4, would restrict abortions before fetal viability, which is typically 23-24 weeks.
I do not agree with that position and I hope DeSantis vetoes it, if he can do so.
As to IVF you also have failed to say why he wants to subsidize IVF.
“I’m announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for, or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for, all costs associated with IVF treatments, fertilization for women,” Trump said in a speech that aired on the Newsmax2 online streaming platform, “because we want more babies, to put it very nicely.
“And for the same reason, we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes.”
Nothing wrong with any of that. Indeed this is in the vein of Orban’s family policies, about reducing tax on families with children.
The end of ‘more babies’ isn’t justified by the means ‘IVF’.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2024 12:07 pm
Assistant minister defends lives sheep ban Charlie Peel
Anthony Albanese’s assistant minister Patrick Gorman has defended the government’s live sheep export ban, saying the trade had declined in the past two decades and boxed meat markets provided new opportunities for sheep producers.
Perth-based Mr Gorman said the government’s transition package and the four-year notice of the phaseout of the sector, which is based out of Western Australia, would help the industry adjust.
“What we’ve been seeing for 20 years is a year-on-year decline in the live sheep export trade. That’s just a fact,” Mr Gorman said.
“What we see is there’s a very big positive opportunity to manage that decline, rather than just to let it happen.
“That’s why we put $107m into a transition package. And I know we’ve given appropriate notice. We’re talking about ending in 2028.
“Our transition package starts now. I think that’s the appropriate thing to do.”
According to Meat and Livestock Australia, in 2023, live sheep exports by sea lifted 22 per cent or 107,191 head to 593,514.
It was the first rise since 2020 when the Covid pandemic began.
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2024 12:14 pm
from the pen of Jenny George
Ms George has been writing a lot of columns for the Oz lately which have been very coruscating about Bowen’s renewbulls brainfarts. She’s also been supportive of Dutton’s nuclear policy.
Dear Supporters. There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes.
Your donations have made it possible to get Daniel Andrews’ phone records. Having agreed in court to hand over his phone records from the day of the near-fatal crash, Daniel Andrews then did a backflip and claimed he couldn’t find them and it was too hard to get them from Telstra.
But Ryan’s team weren’t about to back down.
With your generous support, we’ve been able to subpoena not just Daniel Andrews’ phone records, but Cath’s as well.
We’ve also subpoenaed their credit card records from the day to see what they had been eating and drinking before their car ran Ryan down.
And we can announce here, for the first time, that with support from donors, we have also now been able to subpoena the phone records of current Assistant Police Commissioner Brett Curran. Curran was on leave from Victoria Police on the day of the crash, and was working as Daniel Andrews’ Chief of Staff.
Curran’s phone records will show if he spoke to Andrews after the crash, but before officers at the scene allowed Andrews to remove witnesses (his children) and crucial evidence (the unroadworthy car) from the scene.
Your support is making a real difference and Ryan and his family are incredibly grateful.
Please share details of this campaign with your friends and family ( or scan the QR code.
Barking Toad
August 30, 2024 12:27 pm
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been left angered by a hot mic moment at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga. Mr Albanese was caught asking a US diplomat to “go halvies” on a $400 million policing initiative.
How Two US B1-Bombers Bombed Syria from Texas (
No other airforce can come close to this.
They have that capability because they have bases on both sides of the Atlantic and USAF gave them a fighter escort once in the ME because they have bases in the ME.
It is much more than just the bases. The personnel are highly trained, the hardware is the world’s best, and the logistics are precisely executed. Even the aging F-15 retains the best air to air record: 104 kills, 0 losses.
No matter the personnel opan and tech, without the bases they wouldn’t have access to the air refuelling tankers, or the fighter escort, that made that mission possible.
I think we’ve forgotten the Falklands War and the V Bomber Black Buck operations. 6,600 nautical miles.
Whilst not as far as the US strike, still it’s a bit rich to say no other airforce can do this.
Even as probably (?) one of the staunchest Catholics on this site, I can never find a practical way to have it utterly banned (I would like it but it just doesn’t work in today’s world).
I still think the State should put heavier restrictions on its use.
Post 12 weeks banned (there’s no reason for it to be longer and cases where “people find out late” are pretty rare);
You get one subsidised and that’s it. The State cannot,and should not be funding multiple “procedures.”
Provide more support to allow it to be born (funding, support programs, networks, nannies, adoptive rights etc…) rather than adopting the “procedure” as a first option.
Post birth abortions outlawed entirely. This is actually murder, from a juridical point of view.
I have a bit of skin in the game, for reasons I want go into (and you can draw the inference) but I wasn’t meant to be born, so it’s very personal for me.
So yes on the other hand it would be appropriate for a dead child to be aborted. I see no moral reason why that would be wrong to do that.
Several states have established baby boxes where mothers anonymously can give them up to adoption. That seems a noble policy, although the Left seems to hate it.
That’s all I will say on the subject – as I said I support Trump’s policy of returning such things to state regulation and law.
Some Australian States have/had an option where children could be given up to the State where the circumstances were to the children’s benefit.
For example, a mother suffering from crippling postnatal depression could surrender her 5 children to the State without any legal hassles.
But in that case it was children already born and ranging from 4 to 10 years of age. Thank Christ the option of post natal abortion wasn’t on the books. 🙂
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says a new question on sexuality will be tested for the next census, overturning a decision earlier this week not to add a question to include LGBT Australians in the national survey.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers yesterday said the government did not want to add a question out of fear it would become “divisive”.
The decision prompted an internal Labor revolt, including criticism from assistant minister Ged Kearney.
Naturally, Handsome Boy is showing characteristic clarity and leadership:
Mr Albanese avoided characterising the decision as a backflip, saying while several of his ministers had confirmed a question would not be added, he had not yet been asked about it.
And, equally naturally:
The Greens have vowed to pursue the issue when parliament returns next month, saying they will attempt to force a vote in parliament to also include questions on diverse gender identities and sex characteristics, unless the government commits to doing so.
So, it looks like the next Census is going to have a sealed section:
353: When you dress up for sexual cosplay, are you:
a) Nanny Whip;
b) Leather Gimp;
c) Satan;
d) A very naughty school person who needs to be punished;
e) Chris Bowen in a bath of jelly;
f) A UN bureaucrat working in a third world refuge.
Port Hedland council welcome to country controversy rears head once againCain AndrewsNorth West Telegraph
Fri, 30 August 2024 10:40AM
Port Hedland council’s welcome to country controversy reared its head once again at the August meeting with a community member labelling the ceremony as “manipulative,” “nonsense” and “divisive”.
Using public statement time to deliver a speech, South Hedland resident John Ashenden said the council was ignoring the contributions made by other nationalities by acknowledging traditional owners at the start of council meetings.
“Must we continue to play the victim card? Must every council meeting become an opportunity to bash those of English and European descent?” he said.
“It is time to stop the nonsense and work together to build a community that respects all cultures and heritages without allowing any one group to be manipulated for political or administrative gain.
“For the love of unity and progress can we please move beyond this divisive rhetoric and come together as one people? We must stop playing the race card and focus on the real issues at hand.”
August 30, 2024 12:59 pm
I wonder, about an “interesting loophole” in regard to failed abortions that we hear about where babies are left on trays to die.
In my view, that’s actually wilful murder, voluntary manslaughter at the least.
But, legally, can you be prosecuted since the child would not have a name nor any medical record of birth nor any birth certificate? How would it appear in a Court Register?
Surgeon Vs Nobody? (I don’t mean “nobody” in a flippant way)
A few years ago, circa 2019, it came out that Joondalup Hospital had overseen six failed abortions, in each case, everyone walked out of the operating room until the child was dead. Nobody on either side of the uniparty (except Nick Goiran) raised it.
The issue seems to come down to “want” or “not want.”
If we went into hospital to have a baby born and immediately dashed its head against a wall, we’d be all over the news for murder. If some surgeons or nurses failed to check on the wellbeing of a newborn in its crib and it died, they’d be up before the Medical Professional Board.
This is the Liberal party here in NSW, run by the incompetent Harwin the Whale, who is still yet to be harpooned, Matt Kean, now an official Labor stooge, Mark Sleazeman, Photios and other Greens….
NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon charged with child sex offences NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon has been charged by police with alleged child sex offences.
Mr Amon, the representative for the state electorate of Pittwater was due to face Manly Local Court from 9:30am on Friday according to the state registry, but NSW Police said he would not appear.
The charges relate to an alleged sexual assault in Mona Vale in July 2017, in which Mr Amon reportedly assaulted a teenage boy who was known to him.
Mr Amon was charged with five counts of sexual intercourse with a person over 10 and under 14 years, two charges of indecent assault of a person under 16 years, one charge of commit act of indecency with person under 16 years and two charges of attempting sexual intercourse child with a child over 10 under 14.
“Following extensive inquiries, a 35-year-old man was arrested at Manly Police Station about 6am today,” a NSW Police spokesperson said.
There certainly seems a surfeit of a particular demographic in the NSW liberals, particularly north shore Sydney. This dude is really letting down the team, and should look forward to his time in the general prison population.
Entryism, Titus?
A whole political party dominated by one fetish?
I’d better add a smiley, just to remove some of the sting.
August 30, 2024 1:06 pm
Winston Smith
August 30, 2024 10:28 am
Labor wins and with 5 years before the next election, and knowing that they can ignore whatever the British people want, because they’ve done the same thing with the Judiciary, the Courts and the command structure of the police – and quite probably the Armed Forces as well – and now you have a government that can terrorise the people.
Easy, wasn’t it?
Gramsci was right – the only method that works is The Long March Through The Institutions and it’s worked in GB, Canada, and is on the cusp of victory in Australia.
The US is about to show us just how bad it can be.
100% correct.
The destruction of the West has been a long term project begun sometime in the 1850s, not in 2020 or with the fanatics of the Frankfurt School …
.. and that is why none of us will ever see any significant change for the better in our lifetime..
True patriots grow a pair and perpetrate counter-violence that will accelerate a return to something resembling normality, while consigning leftards and their ilk to the mass graves that were reserved for us.
”I have a confession Lois, I’m really Superman. Tanya Plibersek fell down an old, disused mine shaft, and there has been a cave in and she’s dead. I’m going to fly really fast around the Earth until time goes backwards and I can save her”.
Your donations have made it possible to get Daniel Andrews’ phone records. Having agreed in court to hand over his phone records from the day of the near-fatal crash, Daniel Andrews then did a backflip and claimed he couldn’t find them and it was too hard to get them from Telstra.
But Ryan’s team weren’t about to back down.
With your generous support, we’ve been able to subpoena not just Daniel Andrews’ phone records, but Cath’s as well.
We’ve also subpoenaed their credit card records from the day to see what they had been eating and drinking before their car ran Ryan down.
… we have also now been able to subpoena the phone records of current Assistant Police Commissioner Brett Curran. Curran was on leave from Victoria Police on the day of the crash, and was working as Daniel Andrews’ Chief of Staff.
Curran’s phone records will show if he spoke to Andrews after the crash, but before officers at the scene allowed Andrews to remove witnesses (his children) and crucial evidence (the unroadworthy car) from the scene.
It looks like the court hearings were a success. Andrews phone record have to be handed over, as well as his wife’s, AND his Chief of Staffs records.
He still gets to go and front a beak, but as he probably helped appoint one of them he may still get off.
But here’s hoping.
Curran was Chief of Staff to the Office of the Minister of Police, Emergency Services and Corrections until Nov 2010, then Chief of Staff to the Office of the Opposition Leader (Andrews) from Jan 2011 – 2013.
The Australian media is an extension of the US media, so it mimics the US media and is in the pocket of the Democratic Party and repeats all the party’s talking points like a zombie.
This includes not only the ABC, the Nine network papers and the Guardian, etc, but also News Corp’s The Australian and all News’s daily tabloids like the Herald Sun and the Daily Telegraph.
Australian news media is the last place you should go to inform yourself about US politics.
The problem is that all media training is in the hands of universities, which have become factories for radical activists.
That means, for example, 99% of Australian journalists support flooding the country with Hamas supporters, including terrorists, from Gaza, even though 80%+ of the Australian population opposes it.
Support for Harris is in clear majority amongst people who in 2022 voted Liberal (58%), Labor (79%), Greens (90%) as well Yes (81%) and No (58%) voters in the Voice referendum. 80% of One Nation voters said they would vote for Trump.
It’s got about a 15%* weighting** toward the Left.
*percentage number plucked from my arse, but a good ball park figure.
**No rectal hairs were lost during the investigation, I hasten to add.
Dunny Brush
August 30, 2024 1:23 pm
The cynic in me reckons the real reason Albo wanted the qwerty question dropped from the census is because it would reveal exactly how small that community is – I know gays who refuse to engage with qwerty extremism and wouldn’t answer that question anyway, as will I – and it would cease to be a useful baseball bat to belt everyone else with.
Exactly. The last UK census did have such a question and returned a figure of 2.5 percent – not the ten or twenty percent of politically correct think speak.
It has been very clear to any dispassionate observer that the SFLs have been extensively infiltrated by Liar spoilers and termites.
As in the ecclesiastical realm, so in politics, a conservative broad church must of necessity relax subscription to its doctrinal beliefs to broaden its membership.
So….. How are the Liars and the Commo watermelons able to increase their political capital by constantly becoming more extreme and narrow-focused?
And yet.. amazingly, incredibly, they don’t have to worry about ideological white-anting within their membership??
Could it have something to do with the innate fanaticism and commitment to doing the political “hard yards” that smug, comfy Centrists have avoided for the last 50+ years?
It was that charlatan Howard, who boasted about a “broad church” within the SFLs, that truly started the rot, while treasurer in the Fraser ministry.
The very same treasurer that gifted us Part IVA of the Tax Act.
It has always been my contention that Howard, not Saint Gough, was the true Terminator of common-sense politics in Australia.
PS. If replying, please don’t use nested comments.. few Cats ever see those.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Say you, Say me (1985 White Nights) Lionel Richie
Great article by Chris Merritt about ‘first nations’ BS
This was always the danger inherent in the Voice pitch, that people would look more closely at what was going on.
Now that it has failed, and people have looked more closely, the threads at the edges begin to unravel.
The true indicator though, will be when people like Emu bloke are fully exposed and escorted out of Melb Uni campus, and when various spitefull and envious activists are no longer listened to .. (Ms Plibersek, take note).
When will politicians realise the run of the first nations pitch is over and with it the stupid welcome to country BS? (rhetorical question)
The pitter patter of rain is great for the soul.
A good note to hit the pillow.
Better late than never ……. LOL!
I did (try) post my surgical results Wednesday morning from my laptop in hospital but the post went to moderation then disappeared followed by rejection of my account details several more times so I gave up … duuuuuh!
Anywayz .. the body beautiful …. Surgery Tuesday morning, 5 hours, 7 docs (I’m popular with the boyz ..LOL) .. into theatre (8.30am) someone said “Hop onto that table’ then “Comfortable” & next thing I knew I was looking at a clock with the hands on 2.20pm …
Overall, they tell me … a complete success … Prostate gone, Cancer out & fixed 2 Hernias whilst in there …
Keyhole surgery .. amazing .. very little pain, no nausea .. in fact, more aches & pains from lying in bed than anything else … Out yesterday (Friday) & now back home with orders to do very little for the next 2 weeks …….
“Do not cut the grass” .. I wuz told, emphatically! .. LOL!
Overall NSW Health system ratings op-wize 15/10, actual administrative care 6/10 ..
Getting into a ward was a bit of a run around & getting out of the place a bloody disaster (paperwork-wize) but with an overall bloody good physical result no need for further denigration of the pencil pushers ………
Wow, Shatz, that is wonderful. Very impressive surgery. Restores my failing faith in medicos. They are still pretty good at surgery, thank goodness.
Yep .. Told I could go at 9.00am yesterday .. 4.45pm before I got out the door …… duuuuuuh!
Excellent news! Be sure to follow doc’s orders or you’ll trash all their good work and end up back in hospital.
No worries on that score .. best behaviour .. 4 adult kids can start repaying childhood .. LOL!
Good news, rest up squire!
Your surgeon was certainly on the ball (no pun intended!).
Rest up.
Glad to hear they got it all, shat.
Great to hear it went well shatterzzz. Rest up, even keyhole surgery requires healing. Give yourself time and follow their advice. Like you I was very impressed with the nursing and medical staff.
I was thinking about Elgar and the Enigma Variations and how it must mean nothing to dead souls like the soft handed Starmer. Except maybe something to cast scorn upon.
I know knighthoods mean absolutely nothing to me if a soft handed empty suit is considered to be worthy of one.
August 30, 2024 4:57 am
Thems are great news shatterzzz, all the best and forget about the grass.
They did it last time, will they do it again?
”There has always been unanswered statistical irregularities about absentee ballots from the 2020 election. These irregularities suggest massive, systemic, voter fraud among absentee ballots. Viewing the percentage of the vote each candidate won from absentee voters precinct by precinct, one can see a very suspicious correlation between the candidates in 2020 that does not exist in 2016. This suggests there was major electronic manipulation of votes combined with the physical ballots placed to back up those fraudulent votes.”
Good article by Chris Merritt. Not only is First Nations a misnomer designed to mislead and propagandise, but the Mabo case as I recall it was based on islander culture not mainland culture. They did have garden plots allocated to families. Islanders could not carry on a roaming hunter-gatherer existence like the mainlanders could and did.
Correct, bee.
The residents of Mer were a village culture. They had permanent houses, land boundaries and a mechanism (a sort of tribunal of elders) for settling disputes. They planted crops and owned pigs.
There is no comparison with nomadic Aborigines.
That leap, one of the most dishonest in legal history, is at the core of all the subsequent strife.
Elgar was quite a character. After recording his violin concerto with a very young Yehudi Menuhin, he said “Right, we’re off to the races”. An early enthusiast for bicycle riding, he was also an amateur cryptographer. Each of the so-called Enigma variations is a musical portrait of a friend, and beautifully done. No point anguishing about what the “original theme” was, but the theory that it is in some way derivative of Auld Lang Syne has charm if not truth.
Very interesting. I knew the various pieces represented friends’ personalities
The Left is getting very frustrated with us proles.
Brazil Judge Blocks Elon Musk’s Starlink Accounts (29 Aug)
Democrats Trying To Censor AI Created Memes Before Election (29 Aug)
Labor’s new ‘disinformation’ portal backfires after people submit party’s own ads for fact-checking via online form (Sky News, 29 Aug)
How dare people tell the truth on Twitter and make funny memes that the Left doesn’t like!
If anyone is wondering why Newscorp sites are getting leftier…
Visualizing US Election Contributions By Corporate Employees (29 Aug)
Yep, News employees donate 99% to the Democrats and 1% to the Republicans.
Ya gotta ask …! How the F**K do these jungle bunnies from 3rd world s**tholes get vetted not only to get into Oz but to qualify for carers certificates .. And the gummint expects us to believe they check out Gaza terrorists thoroughly .. FFS!
If you believe this you’ll believe anything!
Michael Ware on the usually sensible Stefanovic timeslot of Daytime Sky says Kamala Harris merely “panders to the progressives and is no Bernie Sanders”.
He adds that Kamala is consistently outperforming Trump by one to two percentage points!
Michael Ware is a complete moron. A simplistic adrenalin junky who appears to have CTE after being around too many explosions in Iraq. I think Pete is just a mate throwing his buddy a bone.
“Not only is First Nations a misnomer designed to mislead and propagandise”
1st Nations rubbish is no different to “Welcome” .. They stole the 1st Nations wak-fest from the Canadian Injuns and the media has cheer-leaded it it ever since ..
“Welcome” was an Ernie Dingo 70s invention to coin a few bob from the gullible and the gummint(s) added their enthusiastic applause to the same media luv and since then yer “auntie & uncle’, laughable, honorifics have been overtaken by 98% of 251s acquiring the title “elder” …..!
Sadly, the left gullible luv it all and the “come in spinner we’s 251s” is now a gold-mine (tho not in Blayney . LOL!)
I’ve been saying the same for years about Ernie’s ceremony, surprising how many people don’t know this. I used to tell them to google it. Google has now tightened the search and you get obfuscation in with the truth like a the discredited hard left AAP and their fact checks or the misinformation pedalled by Wikipedia.
As for nations yup culturally appropriated from US/Canada native Indian Tribes as they did have a political structure within groups.
Yep, George Custer is a reminder of North American Ist Nations existence .. LOL
Bruce O’Nuke:
We got a young bloke in from the local lockup at Ivanhoe. He’d managed to get a face full of cement powder on a work duty. He was just looking for a few days in hospital, and being able to take it easy.
What he didn’t take into account was the cement dust was as dangerous as it was, and despite running many, many bags of saline into his eyes washing them out, by the time he got to us the damage was done but not yet apparent.
Over half an hour, his eyes slowly clouded over until he was blind. Harsh words were said to him from us when he admitted why he was so careless, but… what was the point.
This would have been in 2001ish and the only treatment for the eye damage was corneal transplant.
Stupid bastard.
A few days ago, on Twitter, Canadian Jewish professor Gad Saad, a man who isn’t timid or cowardly, wrote this…
The maniacs who have infiltrated the West and are causing mayhem and destruction are not as much to blame as the Western politicians who have systematically allowed this to take place. There is nothing more cowardly, more weak and more castrated than a Western leader today.
I think the professor says it best.
In an ideal world, when the inevitable happens and one or more of the 3000 newby Gazan Nazis residents of this country performs a terrorist attack, no doubt on an Australian Jewish target, not only should the Gazan Nazi perpetrators face justice but also the very scum who brought in these people or who justified the entry of these Gazan Nazis, names such as Anthony Albanese, Hanson-Dung, Fatso Faruqi, Jacinta Allen, Tony Burqa and Mike Burgess, these people should also face the courts for providing succour to Jew hating barbarians.
It won’t happen of course, because the aforementioned politicians never face any consequences for their idiocy and failures, in fact they’re rewarded time and time again for their idiocy and failures. But I can dream.
Or one of the little Gazans performs said terrorist act on a pollie or their family. Then we’ll see action.
So, as you know, I have been engaged in a Little House Bing watching. Last night my source in DC left me a voicemail to stop watching Little House and call them back. I did. You are not going to like this:
@ABC has given the Harris campaign “SAMPLE” questions of what might be asked of her at the debate. In other words, they are not giving her the exact question, but they are giving her what the questions will be about. Thus, making it easier for her to memorize bullshit talking points. They are also going to produce the debate in a way to minimize Kamala Harris being towered over by Trump, Trump is 6’3 and Kamala is 5’1. They will allow a stool or they will do a split screen type of broadcast to make sure you cannot see Trump towering over Harris. These detailed were negotiated separately with the Harris campaign and the Trump campaign is not even aware.
Furthermore, the questions are designed to allow Harris to explain how she will differ from Biden, they will not be directed at her involvement with this disaster of an administration. So, just like everything else, we now have a rigged debate. Before any of you leftists say I am lying, you better check out my timeline and the perfect record of this source.
Finally, US intelligence has been getting uptick in talk regarding an election timed attack, what kind of attack is uncertain. Could be terror or an attack aimed at having some kind of an effect on the election turnout. They are hoping to get me more details very soon. Nothing these people do surprises me, but @abc are pieces of trash. They can deny this all they want, In fact, I dare them. I dare them to deny this. The second they deny it, I will destroy them with proof. So go ahead ABC, post your denial.
Taxing unrealized gains is the dumbest sht Kamala has said yet.
You hardly need the example, but here it is.
shatterzzz —
Better late than never ……. LO
Thanks shatterzzz have been thinking of you and hoping that the outcome is all good for you.
“Repeated calls for an independent review of October 7 have been rebuffed by government leaders, who apparently feared they could be criticized, insisting that investigations must wait until after the end of the war against Hamas.”
Which Israeli leader pushed for the removal of ALL human security on the border, replacing people with a fully electronic system?
Was this the same politician, that in a massive attack of hubris, televised how this new system worked?
Do you think that people, other than Israeli’s may have been interested in the broadcast?
What other “actions” may this particular individual be “criticised” for?
For example, was the IDF ordered to attack everything on the roads in the south, in an attempt to stop Hamas getting hold of those 40 odd female intelligence officers, taken from the Army base closest to the border?
No, of course not. Hamas killed all 1400 people that day, ……., right?
“Do not cut the grass” .. I wuz told, emphatically!
I suppose a goat would be out of the question?
She could never be elected under half normal conditions but the level of cheating will be in the stratosphere.
If Kamala is elected … This will be her joy -vs- your joy.
H B Bear
Once Upon a Time, driving through the wilds of a dirt road between Wilcannia and Dubbo, I overtook a combination of:
One dirty great big grader, towing a tip truck a with a backhoe on it, which was towing a Land Rover, which was towing the crib room caravan combination. How to move 5 vehicles with one driver. I wish I’d taken a picture, I really do.
but the Mabo case as I recall it was based on islander culture not mainland culture. They did have garden plots allocated to families. Islanders could not carry on a roaming hunter-gatherer existence like the mainlanders could and did.
Exactly — and the Undertaker did what Andrew Giles did — misapplied the judgment in the Mabo case. I recall a guest lecturer in law who did a lot of work on the Mabo case said that Keating had perpetrated a fraud on all Australian aboriginal people for the very reason set out in Bungonia Bee’s comment.
Mabo also co-incided with the “invention” of the “white” 251 when they realised that CentreLink was a lot sweeter if you were the right brand ..
The “white” 251s like Mansell were all about “gimme-gimme” and they realised they were on a “winna” as the Feds kept caving in to the ever increasing demands, especially, when money was involved …….
So why has the decision not been challenged on the grounds of misapplication?
Tonight’s Harris interview: Scripted. Recorded. Edited. Bogus.
Don’t get distracted: Kamala is historically extreme
Biden-Harris Refused to Stop Houthi Attacks on Ships to Avoid Offending Iran
How is this different from the old Soviet Union? So much for the land of the free and the brave.
89-year-old pro-lifer ARRESTED by Biden’s DoJ Ready to Die in Prison
Blame Shin Bet.
‘Hamas doesn’t want a war’ | Top secret Shin Bet documents from before 10.7 revealed (29 Aug)
That would make it the greatest intelligence failure in Israeli history since it is now apparent that Hamas had been planning 7 Oct for something like 7 years, with Iranian planning and support – all the while building an unparalleled underground network of defensive tunnels.
Received this recently from Advance Australia..
Dear Gilas,
As I write this, we have started work on the powerful Greens Truth Documentary that will drive the next stage of the campaign to rid the country of the Greens.
But the project budget is still short by $169,662.51 and I can’t approve the rest of the work just yet.
This is only one of the projects they are working on, while attempting to fight the ruination of this country from the UNIParty and the watermelons.
Despite what many Cats (naively) hope, the SFLs are a spent political force, far more interested in keeping taxpayer-funded political benefits as part of the UNIParty, rather than fighting effectively the leftards’ attacks on our culture.
Advance were essential in defeating the inVoice scam last year. The SFLs were nowhere to be seen in doing ANY work on the ground, where it counted.
Had it not been for the work of Advance volunteers and the Nationals’ Jacintha Price, blak-tape would be enshrined in our Constitution by now.
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
The SFLs are a flailing, dying dinosaur… they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Agree 100percent. I already contribute but might have to up it.
Advance was the only mob that put up anti-VOICE posters around Fairfield/Liverpool …….
EXCLUSIVE: Tim Walz Has A History Of Rubbing Elbows With Nonprofit Linked To Chinese Intel And Influence Agency
Those of us residing in SE Australia have spent the last week or so in the middle of the Battle of the Seasons.
In the red corner, Antarctic blasts and cold fronts surging up from the south.
In the red corner, high pressure systems and warm north-westerly winds pushing down from the north.
They keep bashing into each other. This morning it has gone from still to windy to still to windy, plus we had a couple of sunshowers.
Here, we have mornings near zero and mornings about 8C in the space of a week.
Spring is very turbulent. 🙂
Perhaps a metaphor for growth in human activity.
Ms King is unhappy…
Labor lands King hit on the Big Australian (Paywallian)
So she doesn’t like it that BHP opposes nutty Labor stuff like massive royalty increases and crazy energy policies? And she is also upset that BHP hasn’t been working productively with the utterly corrupt CFMEU? Oh, ok.
Daily Telegraph. Bruce Pascoe was unavailable for comment.
Not Welcome: Land Council tells Neil Evers to stop conducting Indigenous ceremonies
Sydney’s largest Aboriginal Land Council is demanding a northern beaches resident cease conducting Welcome to Country ceremonies, claiming he has failed to prove his Indigenous ancestry.
Neil Evers addressed a “Meet the Candidates” public forum at Narrabeen on Monday night, ahead of the upcoming local council elections.
Mr Evers, who describes himself as a “fifth-generation Aboriginal”, told the crowd he was a “Guringai man from the Warandigi Garigal Clan”.
He has provided regular Welcome to Country ceremonies on the northern beaches over the past decade, including at the Manly Sea Eagles’ Indigenous Round match at Four Pines Park in May.
In a previous interview, Mr Evers insisted his grandmother “was definitely Aboriginal”. “We all just thought she had a good sun tan” he said.
However, the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) claims that Mr Evers has been unable to prove his Indigenous bloodlines.
“Mr Evers has no authority to conduct a Welcome to Country.” said Nathan Moran, CEO of the MLALC.
“In his introduction on Monday night at the council forum we believe he acknowledged the wrong Aboriginal people and used cultural names that aren’t actually from the northern beaches. From the moment he opened his mouth … our word for bull s*** is goona. Absolute goona.”
When approached for comment, Mr Evers said he had learnt about his Indigenous heritage in his late 60s, after “reading a history book about Bob Waterer and King Bungaree”.
“I am regularly asked to do the Welcome to Country at local events. Sometimes I’m paid. Sometimes I volunteer.”
He said he had “received a certificate roughly 10 years ago from the Guringai Tribal Aboriginal Corporation” proving his heritage.
“That is all the proof I need,” he told The Daily Telegraph.
Which leads to the question, what are the bona fides of the Guringai Tribal Aboriginal Link/Corporation.
Very clear explanation. This would be a giant step down the “you’ll own nothing” path. And aren’t they threatening the same here? I guarantee if it happens there we’d get it too.
Ramaswamy Warns Of ‘Forced Selling’ If Kamala Harris’s Unrealized Gains Tax Plan Comes To Fruition
From someone who got Remedial Marching in the army, I don’t know how they do it.
Mum was forbidden from Parades in the AWAS because of the same reason – Total Body Discoordination.
Thanx .. what an excellent compilation .. luvved it …!
a gotta ask …! How the F**K do these jungle bunnies from 3rd world s**tholes get vetted not only to get into Oz but to qualify for carers certificates .. And the gummint expects us to believe they check out Gaza terrorists thoroughly .. FFS!
Sorry this is gonna be a long comment:
Glad you brought that up shatterzzz — a tale I will tell on that point. The time was the 50,000 illegals to these shores during the Rudd Gillard Rudd ineptocracy.
As many here know I and the mother of a severely intellectually disabled family member who is non-verbal and unable to use any form of communication except grimaces, smiles, hand gestures, a made-up sign language AND behaviour.
At the time the disgrace of a service provider which was providing residential services invariably used agency staff. Those staff were almost exclusively the illegal immigrant who had to be given employment so the government thought it terrific idea to get the labour hire organisations to put illegal immigrants on their books.
Because of this policy things like this happened, just one example:
Mother calling at 11.30pm to remind staff that X was to have a surgical procedure the next morning: Hi I am X’s Mum I want to be sure that X is given NIL by mouth from midnight tonight
Support worker/carer: Which one X?
The person on the end of the phone had very little English couldn’t read English and heaven alone knows how medications were to be administered given the person did not even know the names of the disabled person in their care. – there were 4 people in the house one of whom suffered uncontrolled epileptic seizures. We families were never ever apprised of what was going on; we found out by other means.
The standard of care was simply abysmal and heaven alone knows what other indignities/abuse/neglect were suffered by the people with disabilities in the ‘care’ of this service provider. I know some of the stuff but because all of the people with disabilities in the residence are non-verbal and severely intellectually disabled we will never know — except for the psychological damage they have all suffered and to this day is manifest in their behaviours.
This was in the day of NSW Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care ADAHC — so many of those who worked in ADAHC were evil on steroids. It took us 2 years to get rid of that service provider thanks to the disgraceful behaviour of ADAHC — but sometimes you have to go through great challenges to get to something much better and that is what we have now and I thank God every day for the incomparable service provision we have for our family member today and thanks to all Australians for the NDIS which was meant to provide for people who simply CANNOT live a decent life without daily assistance with every aspect of their lives because of their disability.
Thank you Australia for the NDIS
Again apologies for the lengthy comment.
Apropos my previous post..
It has been very clear to any dispassionate observer that the SFLs have been extensively infiltrated by Liar spoilers and termites.
Just like the RINOs in the US Republican Party and the many ideological commos in the UK so-called-Conservative Party.
This has been happening for years, it cannot now be denied by any rational observer.
Leftards infiltrate and destroy the host.
That’s why they are winning.
Gilas, that is exactly how the termites got the Communists into power in Great Britain. Burrow into the host until it fails it’s core functions, then split the Conservative vote between them.
Labor wins and with 5 years before the next election, and knowing that they can ignore whatever the British people want, because they’ve done the same thing with the Judiciary, the Courts and the command structure of the police – and quite probably the Armed Forces as well – and now you have a government that can terrorise the people.
Easy, wasn’t it?
Gramsci was right – the only method that works is The Long March Through The Institutions and it’s worked in GB, Canada, and is on the cusp of victory in Australia.
The US is about to show us just how bad it can be.
That “infiltration” started back in the 1970s; part of the Whitlam legacy.
The ‘white-shoe brigade” corporate statists were another related issue.
The techniques used are the same as those that produced the Red Guards and the Hitler Youth.
I think that the practitioners should be executed for the damage they do to the kids, but that’s just me.
Have to agree with you, Winston. We have tried to argue with our children but they brush us off with ‘What would you know?’ and ‘Not going to talk about it.’ The teachers we have watched in operation are deeply ignorant of history or anything to do with Australia’s actual past. It’s all rainbow serpents and Dark Emu. Because it is easy – no actual brain work involved. No intellectual effort needed. And the young students just repeat all the rubbish until it is firmly installed in their brains.
The dying throes of a civilisation that did so much to advance humanity, consumed by a culture that did nothing to advance anything.
Yes I saw that on front of the Oz this morning at the truck stop. The anal mal administration getting very shrill
I made a modest contribution here. I would encourage all (even Montz..) Cats to do the same.
Thanks Gilas, I’m a member of Advance, I will make a contribution. I am also going to contribute to Sall Grover’s legal case for her refusal to call perverts ‘female’ and allow them on her women only app.
Have you discovered a pay site for the girls, Cassie? I can’t find one and I’ve a small donation for them burning a hole in my pocket.
Thanks Gilas I too am a member and regularly contribute because Advance does very effective work in the interest of the people NOT the polliticks
BHP has been very successful in keeping Unions out of their site operations. Bless them. They know that once the union cancer takes hold, BHP productivity will go through the floor. The stupidity of that is BHP shares will be in all the union members Super and a poorly productive BHP will be priced accordingly. This is a perfect example of Labor idiocy not being able to see the world beyond how can be made to fit into union boxes.
King- a know nothing nobody bint in a very important portfolio. Another Labor dummy;
via BoN
Ms King is unhappy…
Is this the same Minister who arrived 20 minutes late for a meeting with the leaseholders of the Jabiluka uranium deposit, giving them just ten minutes before being on time suddenly became important? And then not only refused to extend their lease, but announced that it was to become a national park, so that it could not be developed?
She’s a wrecking ball through national prosperity, of course insulated by a hefty salary, lots of juicy allowances (tax free) and a spot on a super board or similar to look forward to after politics.
Awful, and has her eyes on the prize. Pity about the rest of us.
National Parks can be reversed, I doubt the Coalition has the cajoles to do it though.
Rockdoctor, The Liberals are going down the same road as the Conservatives in the UK. Continue refusing to carry out their policies it gets voted in to do, which then gives rise to the PHON, Advance Australia, and the Nationals.
With the right politically divided they can then hand the country over to Labor who then rule with 30+% of the votes – coincidentally the same proportion of votes that put Hitler into power.
The Liberals under their current leadership are there to divide the Right/Conservatives – not get into power to represent them.
I see the big Uni’s were trying to blackmail the Feds over student numbers the other day.
My alma mater is La Trobe, which since I’ve left I see has descended further into a cesspool of leftism and useless humanities degrees at the expense of Science and Engineering. If I were dictator for a day (Shudder the thought) they would be promptly told that their funding will be slashed an amount per Australian student place reduced.
I wonder if the Libs would have had the courage to impose foreign student caps, modest though Labor’s were.
If only there were more like Ergas. This is quality journalism.
Henry has his weak spots (don’t we all?), but he would stand out in the field even if we had a plethora of quality journalists.
“Tch tch tch tch tch tch. Tch tch”.
“What’s that Skip? Tanya Plibersek’s fallen down the old, disused mine shaft”!?
“Tsk. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk”.
“You’re right Skip. It is time to watch Neighbours”.
Brendan O’Neill on the Oasis reunion.
These two look like Keith Richards kids, but without his personality.
They were underwhelming enough the first time ’round.
Big deal Marion big deal
“Woof, woof, woof woof woof woof”.
”What’s up Lassie”?
“Woof woof woof woof woof woof”
”Woof woof woof woof”.
“Tanya Plibersek’s fallen down the old disused mineshaft”?
“Yes, That is funny”.
tr: Hahahaha!
Isn’t this meant to be skippy
I make regular conributions to Advance.
Thanks, it was time for me to renew.
A new attempt is made to send Tommy Robinson to prison
ALP declares war on BHP.
Wow, BHP are incredibly powerful. I saw them get approvals and thumb their nose at Federal Regulations in the Bowen Basin and get away with it.
Not supporting their power because having done a few contracts for them I think they are an incredibly flawed organisation that had the foresight to swallow up the best coal leases in CQ and hold on to them back in the 1970’s. Their insight into the resources market trends is second to none, in 2011 I was talking with an exec who was forecasting a slight downturn and lower prices in 2013/2014 and they were already planning for. It happened and then Rudd added his MRRT which made it worse. Then later Gillard’s Carbon Tax caused the market to crater.
Good luck King, you’ll need it. Rumour had it when I last worked there the Senior Exec in Brisbane had Bligh on speed dial in his mobile phone. That said Corporations of this side have the luxury of waiting out a bad government till there’s a change.
I remember a Petty cartoon in the early 70s, where staff were seen exiting the lift at BHP HQ.
This was when the oil embargo was on, and everyone was sucking up to the Saudis.
A couple of chaps wearing flowing Arab robes were being told by another executive in conventional dress:
‘At BHP it’s suits and ties, gentlemen.’
WA Treasurer warns against changes to GST arrangement
Western Australia Treasurer Rita Saffioti has launched a staunch defence of the GST reforms that have pumped billions of extra dollars into the nation’s richest state, while also taking aim at other “absurd” federal funding arrangements that she says short-change the west.
Speaking to The Australian ahead of her address to the Bush Summit in Port Hedland on Friday, Ms Saffioti said she would use the upcoming Productivity Commission review of the GST arrangement to advocate for not just an extension of the current settings, but also for WA to receive more from a variety of other federal funds.
States angry about WA’s improved share of GST revenues, such as Victoria and NSW, have been eyeing the Productivity Commission’s 2026 review as their chance to push hard to scrap the GST floor that has been in place since 2018.
The GST floor was put in place by then-treasurer Scott Morrison in Malcolm Turnbull’s government. The changes have guaranteed WA retains at least 70c of every dollar of GST revenue it generates, rising to at least 75c. WA’s share had previously fallen as low as 30c for every dollar raised and would have fallen to about 10c if the system had not changed.
Secession now! One Western Australia lad/ladette with the light of battle in their eyes is worth ten of your pimply faced Eastern Staters!
As in the ecclesiastical realm, so in politics, a conservative broad church must of necessity relax subscription to its doctrinal beliefs to broaden its membership.
Once it does that, its defences are weakened from within and soon breached from without.
The Liberal Party has always harboured “wets”, but in the contemporary cultural context an inebriated wombat could have predicted that John Howard’s vision of a “broad church” Liberal Party would essentially dilute its principles and promote factionalism and careerism, if not eventual subversion.
It’s more a bloody big Cathedral these days.
John H and KevM – those who ignore my hypothesis about the two types of economists do so at their peril – ergo:
There are two distinct types of economists – those that are wrong about everything 91.3% of the time and those that are wrong about everything all the time.
You can put all the economists in the world end to end and they cannot reach a conclusion”
H/T ?
Bungonia Bee, 0622:
The fact of electronic/software manipulation of the count reminds me of a film years ago – Crooks had broken into a bank and had also tapped into the security system. The cameras showed the previous days video of the after closing time frame of the vaults. The clocks in the room were keeping time – only they were a day late and nobody noticed.
Meanwhile as the crooks broke into them, the vault security video evidence showed no activity.
The US elections are going to be a reenactment of this movie. What you see on your monitors will have no connection to the reality of the counting rooms. There will be no sampling of the votes by a disinterested third party – the checkers will be excluded by “overflowing toilets”, closed counting rooms that will suddenly reopen when the Republican Poll Observers go home. Votes for Harris will be reread multiple times, the count will stop when the Communists need to find out how many votes need to be made up and the counting machines will be connected to the internet – illegally.
What you see will have no connection with reality.
So the question needs to be asked now – will the US voters rise up and demand a fair count, or will they sit in their garages impotently polishing their weapons mandated for an occasion they refuse to support?
In which case, what was the point of the first and second amendments?
rumours that the Melb Suburban Rail Link (tunnels to nowhere) might get cancelled
… no tunnels for you !!
They could be re-purposed to house the gazans.
That implies someone in the Victorian Government has seen sense.
Or someone has written a Government cheque that couldn’t be cashed and they are suddenly aware of the dire financial quicksand in which they are drowning.
Both black swan events
She’s funny!
The Cringe: Animated Kamala Harris Talks Word Salad to High School Students as She Kicks Off Georgia Campaign Bus Trip With Tim Walz (28 Aug)
The word salad is included, it’s epic. Then JD Vance trolls it perfectly with a seven word tweet.
Your taxes are paying for this:
Sydney mayor Ned Mannoun’s older brother has not disclosed his developer links in a bid to win a seat on Liverpool City Council in the upcoming September elections.
Wael Khalil Manoun, known as William, declared he was not a property developer or a close associate of a developer in a statutory declaration lodged with the Australian Election Company earlier this month.
That’s despite the 50-year-old working for a developer, owning three sites approved for multi-unit developments and co-directing a company with a developer.
Good story, if it’s true (always a concern at TheirABC).
But, FFS, The Australian Electoral Company? Does anyone, and I mean anyone including the office cleaner and the IT fixer, read this stuff before it is posted nationwide?
Does anyone at TheirABC even care about accuracy any more?
Let me tell you, in both the private and public sector jobs I had over my lifetime, the sloppiness that is accepted at TheirABC would not have been accepted. You might get a pass the first time, but if it happened again you would be fired.
I suppose that Kim Williams will be just as impotent as his predecessors.
And more proof that righties can run rings around the Left. In this case Tucker Carlson…
Tucker Carlson Wins the Internet — Trolls Kamala Harris with a Savage Fake Letter After She Pretended ‘Tucker’ Wrote Her (28 Aug)
Kamala for some reason known only to her (or her handlers) decided to fake up a letter from Tucker to her. So Tucker then returned fire with a “letter” from Kamala to him… And a thing of beauty it is, especially the little hearts over the “i”s.
“She’s funny!”
Funny is not the word I’d reach for…
Labor lands King hit on the Big Australian
Resources Minister Madeleine King has gone to war with BHP in an extraordinary spray, attacking the mining giant for always ‘railing against’ Labor policies and refusing to work productively with unions.
Gosh, didn’t BHP donate $2 million to the campaign for an Indigenous Voice to parliament? Or perhaps my memory is faulty? Nah, it isn’t. I also recall BHP sanctimoniously preaching about ‘informed and respectful discussion’ before last year’s referendum, except those of us who were against the Voice were smeared and branded as ‘waaaaaacists’.
Sorry, perhaps I am alone here but I have little sympathy for these large corporates such as BHP. With their ridiculous activism, they chose to sit down and sup with the devil, and now the devil is biting them. You reap what you sow.
BHP provides me with an invaluable service.. their dividend payments keep me in single malt.
Corporates who play politics are the dumbest of the dumb because they are effectively cutting their consumer base in half — those who like their politics and those who don’t, many of whom will boycott them.
Also their no jab no job practices.
“…Kamala Harris merely “panders to the progressives and is no Bernie Sanders”.”
The most left-leaning member of congress EVA – left of Bernie!
That is the official record!
And you will notice that every “change of mind” since she was anointed Dem candidate has been made by an anonymous “staffer” and she has not once, ever, come out and said it herself – as Tom Cotton noted.
Some more on the far-lefty Brazilian judge who is monstering Elon – which I linked a story about earlier.
It’s pretty amazing that a judge, who is trying to get X/Twitter to take down some tweets he doesn’t like, can order an unrelated company’s bank accounts to be frozen just because he’s peeved. But that’s lefties for you.
Jordan Petersen has done another interview with Tommy Robinson. Currently up on YouTube. For the mentally challenged JC YouTube is a popular outlet not hard to find and should be no problem finding Petersen’s podcasts.
So far only listened to first ten minutes or so. Petersen mentions all the actions taken to suppress his previous interview with Robinson.
Will finish listening to it during today but might be one to check out early. Comments open but were removed from previous interview. After all it would not do to have people know the support Robinson has.
will watch.
I’ll add that I thought the data they mention is quite interesting too. If Elon has 250,000 subscribers in just Brazil alone then SpaceX and Starlink must be fairly raking in the dosh. I can’t recall what they charge but it was something like a hundred US per month, which would be half a billion Aussie per year just from one country, albeit a large one.
I pay $139 per month for unlimited internet at good streaming speed.
Only downside is that a large tall tropical cloud will block visibility with the satellite.
Better than the alternative, overcast weather blocked it
I wouldn’t contribute to Advance or GetUp. Advance is an attempt by Liberal wets to grift their way out of irrelevance. Sending them money would be like donating to the Melbourne Club.
Getup is an example of “Internet activism”, which in my view is a contradiction in terms. Activism happens offline: on the streets, at community meeting halls, and in committees in conference rooms. Its philosophy is personified by Dan Ilic, a preening dilettante.
I make one political contribution, a monthly pineapple to the Wilderness Society. They at least have their hearts in the right place, and are focused on small-time activism that generally doesn’t make headlines or rouse up the terminally online.
TWS are nutters who like clearfelling forests for stupid wind turbines that kill birds. Bunch of hypocrites of the first order.
Piss off, Nazi.
Have you pushed the Wilderness Society to campaign against the destruction on a large scale of native forests to make way for wind factories?
Or not.
And the Liberals, if they had any political acumen whatsoever, which of course they don’t, would not say a word in support of BHP. The Liberals owe corporates like BHP nothing, nada, zilch. Instead, they should simply affirm their support for small and medium sized business.
err, Joh, it’s even worse than that – the “Australian Election Company”, an entity I’ve not had the misfortune to have heard of before.
A question that answers itself.
Hopefully with the rough end inserted up their collective fundament.
Woo hoo cleared to fly by the doc. Plotting my escape from Vic as we speak.
These bush summits on Sky Regional at the moment. Couple of things stand out, a jismist back slapping session. All the school kids speaking so far have been girls. The Victorian one crapped on about health, yes important but hey there are other problems in the bush more pressing like powerline easements and third world roads. The WA one is on now, Dep Premier of WA crapping on about building industry, betcha London to a brick this will be on the fringes of Perth. Qld one had Gina on but the rest was Miles, sleazy and other useless grifters trying to screw the regions.
Also not one word about the live export ban.
As much as I, generally, despise government spending, I actually think WA’s old regional Royalties for Regions wasn’t a bad idea. It was only about 3-4% of the entire budget and, sure, while there were some not-so-great projects that came out of it, there were some big winners as well.
It was good because the regions got to decide what they wanted, not Perth.
WA Liebor still have it ongoing to this day but its the wonks down St George’s Terrace who determine where it goes…. I doubt a single one of them has spent a day on a farm or more than a week in a regional town.
I’m not sure about the quality of much of the spending that occurred under it. The city v the bush will never go away.
The Oz has a story on it.
Bush Summit: Farmers feeling fleeced by live sheep export ban (Paywallian)
The Albanese Government slobbering after the inner city vote, yet again.
I think the WA State Liars understand what is at stake. You can count the number of regional seats they typically hold on one hand.
He’s quote tweeting this fellow:
As with the Russo-Ukraine War, a lot of Western discussion of China is simply narrative maintenance, wishcasting, and cope.
Here you go Dover, I was just about to post this one since I know you have been watching the Chinese economy.
The Latest Signs that China’s Economy is Struggling (29 Aug)
Much more in the story, but I thought the bit I’ve quoted was the most interesting, since it reflects family finances.
In Trouble At t’Mill news:
Green obsessions puts nation’s steelmaking and security at risk
[Unlinkable OZ]
A well aimed kick in the cods for the Albanese Government’s abject energy and industry policy failures and the dire consequences for the real Australian economy.
Bend over, Far White Devils, and receive dumped Chinese steel, then.
But Future Made in Australia…
But, but Rewiring the Nation. Shirley that’s got to help…
That critique could have been written by any number of Cats. It should have been written by – and be a mantra for – Team Dutton.
Instead it came from the pen of Jenny George – former ACTU Supremo and current ALP Member for Crosby.
Instead it came from the pen of Jenny George – former ACTU Supremo and current ALP Member for Crosby.
Jenny George is old Labor, mentored by the likes of Bob Hawke, Bill Kelty and Simon Crean. That Labor is long gone and she knows it. George represented the electorate of Throsby for Labor, she retired in 2010.
An interesting tidbit, such is George’s alienation from contemporary Labor that in 2022 she assisted Dai Le in her campaign in Fowler, a campaign Dai Le won.
As my own name here suggests, I can relate to that.
Sorry, Bruce of N, but that style of article just illustrates my point.
Hot Air is fairly righty. On the other hand I was more interested in the data than the style.
Hot Air is what it says. I’ve never been a big fan.
They’re in the family with Townhall, Redstate, Pjmedia, Instapundit, Twitchy and Bearingarms.
There are no better websites on righty policy, including abortion.
I would of course prefer the procedure to be utterly banned, based on the Bible, but my fallback position is for the proponents to rot in Hell on the basis of their own self-incrimination. Which is what the states policy is about.
The extra thing about relegating powers to states is it might let Trump get rid of all the alphabet agencies, but abolishing them and returning their powers to the states. That beats a messy civil war, which is probably the only other way of getting rid of the deep state.
Such a relief.
It looks like the court hearings were a success. Andrews phone records have to be handed over, as well as his wife’s, AND his Chief of Staffs records.
The last two were a bit of a surprise, but I expect there’s a couple of ‘company’ phones in the loop that haven’t been exposed. This kind of political shenanigans would have them.
He still gets to go and front a beak, but as he probably helped appoint one of them he may still get off.
August 30, 2024 8:08 am
Reply to Gilas
Agree 100percent. I already contribute but might have to up it.
Thank you Milton.
Sad to see that Trump wants the state to subsidize IVF and now he’s going to vote Yes making abortion a constitutional right in Florida. He’s effectively given the prolife movement the finger. He’s the lesser of two evils, but these decisions are manna from heaven to Democrats.
No he hasn’t. His policy is to return abortion policy to the states.
Thus the onus comes upon the states to do the right thing. Their pollies then have to answer to God.
Trump has been consistent about returning things to state regulation, which is a good way to foster competition, since everything that impedes success leads to more migration from blue states to red ones.
He said in an interview overnight that he is voting Yes on Amendment 4 in Florida.
That’s not the full story.
I do not agree with that position and I hope DeSantis vetoes it, if he can do so.
As to IVF you also have failed to say why he wants to subsidize IVF.
Nothing wrong with any of that. Indeed this is in the vein of Orban’s family policies, about reducing tax on families with children.
Newsmax linky.
The end of ‘more babies’ isn’t justified by the means ‘IVF’.
Assistant minister defends lives sheep ban
Charlie Peel
Anthony Albanese’s assistant minister Patrick Gorman has defended the government’s live sheep export ban, saying the trade had declined in the past two decades and boxed meat markets provided new opportunities for sheep producers.
Perth-based Mr Gorman said the government’s transition package and the four-year notice of the phaseout of the sector, which is based out of Western Australia, would help the industry adjust.
“What we’ve been seeing for 20 years is a year-on-year decline in the live sheep export trade. That’s just a fact,” Mr Gorman said.
“What we see is there’s a very big positive opportunity to manage that decline, rather than just to let it happen.
“That’s why we put $107m into a transition package. And I know we’ve given appropriate notice. We’re talking about ending in 2028.
“Our transition package starts now. I think that’s the appropriate thing to do.”
According to Meat and Livestock Australia, in 2023, live sheep exports by sea lifted 22 per cent or 107,191 head to 593,514.
It was the first rise since 2020 when the Covid pandemic began.
Ms George has been writing a lot of columns for the Oz lately which have been very coruscating about Bowen’s renewbulls brainfarts. She’s also been supportive of Dutton’s nuclear policy.
How Two US B1-Bombers Bombed Syria from Texas (
No other airforce can come close to this.
This is promising:
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been left angered by a hot mic moment at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga.
Mr Albanese was caught asking a US diplomat to “go halvies” on a $400 million policing initiative.
Luigi, the bumbling diplomat, does it again.
While I genuinely think this bloke is dangerous for Australia, I’m heartened (to a minor extent), that he appeared to be wanting to save money.
But the cynic in me says he only wants to save Defence monies, not hand-me-out monies.
They have that capability because they have bases on both sides of the Atlantic and USAF gave them a fighter escort once in the ME because they have bases in the ME.
It is much more than just the bases. The personnel are highly trained, the hardware is the world’s best, and the logistics are precisely executed. Even the aging F-15 retains the best air to air record: 104 kills, 0 losses.
No matter the personnel opan and tech, without the bases they wouldn’t have access to the air refuelling tankers, or the fighter escort, that made that mission possible.
I think we’ve forgotten the Falklands War and the V Bomber Black Buck operations. 6,600 nautical miles.
Whilst not as far as the US strike, still it’s a bit rich to say no other airforce can do this.
I would of course prefer the procedure to be utterly banned,
You are clearly not a woman. I don’t want the procedure ‘utterly banned’ and I suspect most women here on this site would agree with me.
I want the ‘procedure’ to be safe, legal and rare.
And not to be celebrated.
Even as probably (?) one of the staunchest Catholics on this site, I can never find a practical way to have it utterly banned (I would like it but it just doesn’t work in today’s world).
I still think the State should put heavier restrictions on its use.
I have a bit of skin in the game, for reasons I want go into (and you can draw the inference) but I wasn’t meant to be born, so it’s very personal for me.
Killing an innocent child is wrong.
So yes on the other hand it would be appropriate for a dead child to be aborted. I see no moral reason why that would be wrong to do that.
Several states have established baby boxes where mothers anonymously can give them up to adoption. That seems a noble policy, although the Left seems to hate it.
That’s all I will say on the subject – as I said I support Trump’s policy of returning such things to state regulation and law.
Some Australian States have/had an option where children could be given up to the State where the circumstances were to the children’s benefit.
For example, a mother suffering from crippling postnatal depression could surrender her 5 children to the State without any legal hassles.
But in that case it was children already born and ranging from 4 to 10 years of age. Thank Christ the option of post natal abortion wasn’t on the books. 🙂
“…safe, legal and rare.”
Yes, not illegal, unthinkable – except in extreme circumstances.
That is the real fight – a cultural one, not a legal one.
I am a proponent of the ‘procedure’ being ‘safe, legal and rare’. And no, I will not rot in hell.
Albanese backs down on decision to exclude LGBT question from next census after Labor MPs revolt
Naturally, Handsome Boy is showing characteristic clarity and leadership:
And, equally naturally:
So, it looks like the next Census is going to have a sealed section:
g. Spray yourself blue and dunk your junk in the last supper
Oh goodie. Then there’s room for:
I await the filths enthusiastic addition of these questions to the next census.
and I suspect most women here on this site would agree with me.
Actually, not even ‘most women’, most men and women here on this site would agree with me.
I always find it both nauseating and amusing how some males despotically try to enact authority over women’s bodies. And I’m no rabid feminist.
It was a comment, Cassie. It wasn’t a demand.
Comments attract responses.
It’s a baby Cassie – have it adopted
Port Hedland council welcome to country controversy rears head once againCain AndrewsNorth West Telegraph
Fri, 30 August 2024 10:40AM
Port Hedland council’s welcome to country controversy reared its head once again at the August meeting with a community member labelling the ceremony as “manipulative,” “nonsense” and “divisive”.
Using public statement time to deliver a speech, South Hedland resident John Ashenden said the council was ignoring the contributions made by other nationalities by acknowledging traditional owners at the start of council meetings.
“Must we continue to play the victim card? Must every council meeting become an opportunity to bash those of English and European descent?” he said.
“It is time to stop the nonsense and work together to build a community that respects all cultures and heritages without allowing any one group to be manipulated for political or administrative gain.
“For the love of unity and progress can we please move beyond this divisive rhetoric and come together as one people? We must stop playing the race card and focus on the real issues at hand.”
I wonder, about an “interesting loophole” in regard to failed abortions that we hear about where babies are left on trays to die.
In my view, that’s actually wilful murder, voluntary manslaughter at the least.
But, legally, can you be prosecuted since the child would not have a name nor any medical record of birth nor any birth certificate? How would it appear in a Court Register?
Surgeon Vs Nobody? (I don’t mean “nobody” in a flippant way)
A few years ago, circa 2019, it came out that Joondalup Hospital had overseen six failed abortions, in each case, everyone walked out of the operating room until the child was dead. Nobody on either side of the uniparty (except Nick Goiran) raised it.
The issue seems to come down to “want” or “not want.”
If we went into hospital to have a baby born and immediately dashed its head against a wall, we’d be all over the news for murder. If some surgeons or nurses failed to check on the wellbeing of a newborn in its crib and it died, they’d be up before the Medical Professional Board.
But, if it’s not wanted, well…
This is the Liberal party here in NSW, run by the incompetent Harwin the Whale, who is still yet to be harpooned, Matt Kean, now an official Labor stooge, Mark Sleazeman, Photios and other Greens….
NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon charged with child sex offences
NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon has been charged by police with alleged child sex offences.
Mr Amon, the representative for the state electorate of Pittwater was due to face Manly Local Court from 9:30am on Friday according to the state registry, but NSW Police said he would not appear.
The charges relate to an alleged sexual assault in Mona Vale in July 2017, in which Mr Amon reportedly assaulted a teenage boy who was known to him.
Mr Amon was charged with five counts of sexual intercourse with a person over 10 and under 14 years, two charges of indecent assault of a person under 16 years, one charge of commit act of indecency with person under 16 years and two charges of attempting sexual intercourse child with a child over 10 under 14.
“Following extensive inquiries, a 35-year-old man was arrested at Manly Police Station about 6am today,” a NSW Police spokesperson said.
Ross Cameron was right about the NSW Liberals
At the risk of reinforcing tired interstate stereotypes, very Sydney.
Public toilets along Perth beaches are reserved for manly activities. Except those at Swanbourne which should be given a wide berth at all time.
There certainly seems a surfeit of a particular demographic in the NSW liberals, particularly north shore Sydney. This dude is really letting down the team, and should look forward to his time in the general prison population.
Letting down the team or the team?
Yes I should have used italics.
That’s if he’s guilty. Remember, presumption of innocence.
It might be stating the bleeding obvious, but has his career been boosted by Harwin and Photios?
Entryism, Titus?
A whole political party dominated by one fetish?
I’d better add a smiley, just to remove some of the sting.
Winston Smith
August 30, 2024 10:28 am
Labor wins and with 5 years before the next election, and knowing that they can ignore whatever the British people want, because they’ve done the same thing with the Judiciary, the Courts and the command structure of the police – and quite probably the Armed Forces as well – and now you have a government that can terrorise the people.
Easy, wasn’t it?
Gramsci was right – the only method that works is The Long March Through The Institutions and it’s worked in GB, Canada, and is on the cusp of victory in Australia.
The US is about to show us just how bad it can be.
100% correct.
The destruction of the West has been a long term project begun sometime in the 1850s, not in 2020 or with the fanatics of the Frankfurt School …
.. and that is why none of us will ever see any significant change for the better in our lifetime..
True patriots grow a pair and perpetrate counter-violence that will accelerate a return to something resembling normality, while consigning leftards and their ilk to the mass graves that were reserved for us.
“Where are you going Clark”?
”I have a confession Lois, I’m really Superman. Tanya Plibersek fell down an old, disused mine shaft, and there has been a cave in and she’s dead. I’m going to fly really fast around the Earth until time goes backwards and I can save her”.
“Oh Clark, you are so funny. No one is going to believe you are Superman with those dorky glasses and you being such a wimp”.
“You’re right Lois, I was making a joke. I’m actually going out for a bagel. Do you want to come”?
“Is Tanya Plibersek really dead”?
”Who cares, Lois”?
Obstetrician Vs Recalcitrant clump of cells.
It would be vs Jane or John Doe just like unidentified dead person
mmm seem to have lost a comment?
This is great news: The Bike Boy Scandal
Who knew the Assistant Police Commissioner was on leave from Police, but working for Dan at the time ? Sheesh!
The wheels of justice turn slowly but they still appear to turn. Even in Victoriastan. All is not lost …yet.
It looks like the court hearings were a success. Andrews phone record have to be handed over, as well as his wife’s, AND his Chief of Staffs records.
He still gets to go and front a beak, but as he probably helped appoint one of them he may still get off.
But here’s hoping.
I am pondering how it is acceptable for the chief of police to go off for a stint as the premier’s chief of staff.
He wasn’t premier yet at that point — so WTF is the assistant CoP doing with him?
Ok (replying to myself).
Curran was Chief of Staff to the Office of the Minister of Police, Emergency Services and Corrections until Nov 2010, then Chief of Staff to the Office of the Opposition Leader (Andrews) from Jan 2011 – 2013.
He was Nixon’s Chief of Staff in 2007.
Was also pulled in over Lawyer X
Forget the headline:
67% of Australians would vote for Kamala Harris for President | YouGov
Scroll down past the Khamalar love and see LNP/Labor now 50/50 in latest YouGov Poll. Last time was 51/49 in Liebor’s favour…
The Australian media is an extension of the US media, so it mimics the US media and is in the pocket of the Democratic Party and repeats all the party’s talking points like a zombie.
This includes not only the ABC, the Nine network papers and the Guardian, etc, but also News Corp’s The Australian and all News’s daily tabloids like the Herald Sun and the Daily Telegraph.
Australian news media is the last place you should go to inform yourself about US politics.
The problem is that all media training is in the hands of universities, which have become factories for radical activists.
That means, for example, 99% of Australian journalists support flooding the country with Hamas supporters, including terrorists, from Gaza, even though 80%+ of the Australian population opposes it.
It’s got about a 15%* weighting** toward the Left.
*percentage number plucked from my arse, but a good ball park figure.
**No rectal hairs were lost during the investigation, I hasten to add.
The cynic in me reckons the real reason Albo wanted the qwerty question dropped from the census is because it would reveal exactly how small that community is – I know gays who refuse to engage with qwerty extremism and wouldn’t answer that question anyway, as will I – and it would cease to be a useful baseball bat to belt everyone else with.
Exactly. The last UK census did have such a question and returned a figure of 2.5 percent – not the ten or twenty percent of politically correct think speak.
It does seem like a rainbow own goal. More so for the trannies who appear to be complaining the loudest (as usual).
As was demonstrated in the 2021 UK census. See here for the utterly laughable explanation as to why this was so.
Trigger Warning: Garudain j’ism piece
Seems the Greens never picked up a seat in the Northern Territory, after all!
we remain unpolluted by greens
i would rather alp retained than greens got.
NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon charged with child sex offences
Is there a tick box for this in the census?
Yes, the + sign at the end of LBGT
August 30, 2024 8:58 am
As in the ecclesiastical realm, so in politics, a conservative broad church must of necessity relax subscription to its doctrinal beliefs to broaden its membership.
So….. How are the Liars and the Commo watermelons able to increase their political capital by constantly becoming more extreme and narrow-focused?
And yet.. amazingly, incredibly, they don’t have to worry about ideological white-anting within their membership??
Could it have something to do with the innate fanaticism and commitment to doing the political “hard yards” that smug, comfy Centrists have avoided for the last 50+ years?
It was that charlatan Howard, who boasted about a “broad church” within the SFLs, that truly started the rot, while treasurer in the Fraser ministry.
The very same treasurer that gifted us Part IVA of the Tax Act.
It has always been my contention that Howard, not Saint Gough, was the true Terminator of common-sense politics in Australia.
PS. If replying, please don’t use nested comments.. few Cats ever see those.
Howard also gave us that saviour of small business and wealth creator par excellence, Division 152 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
How is that even possible?
Matt Kean was prominent in his criticism of local North Shore denizens preselecting Rory Amon over two capable women.
Cranky’s take: this is all Matt Kean’s fault.