Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
I remember Frank Sinatra was not impressed either with our media.
Scion of privilege-
Scott was born on 9 October 1962 in Los Angeles. He holds dual Australian and United States citizenship.[3] He is a grandson of Sir Walter Scott AC, who was responsible for the introduction of decimal currency in Australia. His father Brian reviewed the NSW Department of Education in the 1980s.[4]
He attended Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga, New South Wales.Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Diploma of Education and a Master of Arts from the University of Sydney, and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University.
Scott is married to Briony Scott, the principal of Wenona School, a private day and boarding school for girls.
BA, Dip Ed (Syd). The teaching path with a BA that led nowhere else.
Then a plain coursework MA. Later paid for Harvard Masters by coursework? No shining ‘honours’ reflected in that lot.
None of that is a genuine academic professor’s bootlace.
Gareth Gareth Evans of the Beryl Kernow imbroglio.
The very definition of a “top man”.
Or a monumental dickhead, if you’re feeling a bit more prosaic.
Twenty (20) boxes of ‘Cocaine for external application’ were damaged by water and written off by the Japanese …
There’s quite an interesting book around about the German Army running on various drugs in WWII. Used for sleep avoidance and general performance boosting.
Can’t recall the title.
I’ve seen the suggestion that German Army use of amphetamines contributed to the atrocities committed.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (by Shirer) and Bevour both mention the use of “Meth” by German Soldiers in the early part of WII.
Random Question.
August was Period Poverty month for those of you unaware (tsk tsk!). Share the Dignity is one of the organisations involved,
… now focused on ensuring all public hospitals offer free sanitary items to those who need them …
My questions are: How much is it the taxpayer’s responsibility to fund personal hygiene products for strangers? Secondly, by providing these products en masse (see one particular stat on their intro web page), how does that help certain demographics with financial literacy (personal budgeting) and individual responsibility? (The latter I’d argue is a pre-requisite – for any demographic – to be able to engage with broader society and employment/business opportunities in particular?).
I have no objection to charitable work – having done a bit myself, which I rarely publicise – but at what point does charity interfere with the building of life skills?
Good question. In the bad old days of my yoof I wore what poor women and girls did then – washable rags held up with safety pins on your knickers or if lucky an elastic belt you could buy cheaply as a one-off (luxury!). Look away gentlemen and I’ll tell luckier young women of later times the terrible truth: when they got hardened with blood at the end of the day, they could rub you raw on your undercarriage thighs. You couldn’t toss them because you washed them for another day. And there were no plastic bags to put used one into to take home. So you wore them all day and put up with it. Accidents, i.e. big bleeds – you could go see the Girls’ Mistress at school who most grudgingly gave you another piece of towelling from a bag of them she had. She and only she had a bin for the used ones.
I bought throw-away napkins called Kotex only when I got a job and could pay for them myself.
The main turd that was hit in Beirut, Aqil, had a US, $10,000,000 bounty on his head for the 1983 US Embassy strike.
I wonder if the Biden Government will pay it to Israel?
Winston Smith
September 22, 2024 5:07 pm
Don’t know about the mix up with the free trial, but you won’t regret buying it.
It’s very good, I am using both Cyberghost and Proton, Proton has way more servers than Cyber.
Nope, multiple problems with logging on and refusing the password I use here. Multiple interruptions by nagging about upgrading.
If I get three missed sign ons, followed by three requests for upgrades to solve problem, then i delete the software.
I will not tolerate nagging and demands for product upgrades by a product I have just spent money on.
I take software nagging seriously and tomorrow I will hit the bank and demand the account be scrapped.
If that makes me a cranky old man, then so be it.
Sorry for your troubles I had no hassles with Proton no nagging or anything, it just works, you seem to have problems with software and some hardware I noticed. (Skylink?)
BTW why do you need a VPN?
I do need one to access certain overseas sites not available in Aus.
It wasn’t the US embassy. It was a Marine barracks. And they give 380 times that every year.
Alan Klein Age of Corruption
(bring back the music show!)
After successfully attacking a chicken coop a couple weeks ago, Hezbollah have shifted target.
25 cows killed: Rocket strikes dairy farm in northern Israel (22 Sep)
So far they haven’t targeted any goat farms. That is quite interesting.
Oh dear lord!
Joe Hildebrand on Sky just now: Bob Carr used to set aside a night a week to just thinking about things. It enabled him to work things out, not distracted by the usual rough and tumble of politics.
Oh, right. It must have been on one of those nights that he came up with the most sensible thing he ever said:
Sydney is full.
Canavan inadvertantly indicted the coalition when discussing the anti-free speech legislation – “we have not met as a party to discuss our response”.
That is the issue right there. Dutton has not nominated any specilised groups to identify, promote and prepare draft legislation to be implemented the moment that they gain power.
There is insufficient trust, discipline or organisation for them to even agree policy, let alone enuciate it. Mr Credlin is a player, not a leader.
Labor, on the other hand had instructed the public service to draft their legislative agenda well in advance of their coming to power.
Balanced talking Canavan is not the answer. We need a Farage – perhaps Advance may do the job.
I’m imagining Hildebrand at a committee meeting.
I’d lose the will to live.
nodding furiously in agreement.
Advance seems to be the only organization pushing back against the globalist-UN-marxist agenda being foisted on us. I’m proud to support them.
Ellie, who are you? Explain yourself.You seem to live in an alternative mental universe.
Hi MareeS.
I have been here for decades.
Lock down fecked me up.
As a former parole officer, of 22 years plus, my “safe place” was my home.
I got jabbed to work.
I had to work from home four days a week.
Imagine speaking to the worst of the worst on your phone in your home.
Let me get back to you.
Monitoring their anklets. A whole new system
Don’t encourage her, for fuks sake.
What cohenite said.
maree s, there are some roads even I do not tread.
Understood. Numbers and Munter I Ignore from long experience on many sites, but this one is new and off the planet.
OK, pogs. What have I done to offend you?
I am off the planet? I speak the truth, but there you go.
Cohnight, who lives and breaths the blog, is defaming me.
What the feck have I done wrong?
Free speech.
Not a Libertarian blog
What have I done to offend you, cohenite?
Aboriginal cops claim racist taunts by fellow NT police
Stephen Rice
15 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
At least 20 serving Aboriginal police officers have lodged a case of racial vilification and unequal pay against the Northern Territory government in a landmark legal challenge, alleging a racist police culture in which Indigenous cops are demeaned as “lazy and useless”.
The Aboriginal officers have revealed shocking conduct including police secretly urinating in an Aboriginal man’s wine cask; challenging elderly, intoxicated Aboriginal men to fight; displaying a picture of a monkey during a police interview with an Aboriginal; and charging Indigenous people with offences they did not commit.
The explosive allegations, in a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission obtained by The Australian, come as the NT Police Force struggles to stave off claims of endemic racism and failure to protect Indigenous women from domestic violence.
Led by former Essendon AFL player Shawn Lewfatt, the Aboriginal Community Police Officers are claiming damages for more than two decades of racial discrimination over pay and conditions, as well as compensation for pain and suffering, which they allege has been caused by systemic racism in the NT Police Force.
“In his 26 years of service, Mr Lewfatt has experienced countless incidents of racial discrimination or racial vilification by other police officers,” the complaint states.
Mr Lewfatt and other ACPOs, including NT Police Association executive member Lisa Burkenhagen, say they have been subjected to racist stereotyping and stigmatisation as useless and lazy slackers, repeatedly being called “SLACPOs” by white officers.
Good God, who cares any more?
Stereophonic whining from just about every racial/religious/political gathering in Australia.
Get over yourselves.
…or at least STFU so the rest of us can have a break.
smirk, snork, bwahahahahahah
Ability was implicated in both the embassy and the barracks bombing.
It’s okay to commit suicide attacks now because the US did something?
That’s aqil
THOUSANDS Injured In Hezbollah Pager Attack; IDF On HIGH ALERT Of Retaliation | TBN Israel
some more details
September 22, 2024 7:42 pm
Whatever do you mean by that?
Sancho, you see you next Tuesday.
Join in.
Sancho hates me. For some reason
He is Leigh Lowe
Come on dude! Come at me, prick!
Inside Australia’s $8BN Megaproject Disaster
Which one?
There’re a lot of them.
Trains to nowhere, Florence the machine, hydrogen farts, off shore wind farms, the transmission line that is taking forever to be built. I’m sure there’re more of them if I think about it.
you do realise this is crap?
Still waiting?
Put it out there, Leigh Lowe aka sancho.
Come at me!
Years of you stalking me.
Come at it
Nah. Because you are a weak c u.n.t.
You shat on Lizzie. Years of abuse.
I now have you.
Now a good news story.
Went for a walk around the block and found $50 in the middle of road. Spoke to a lady walking past and she found $20. Gave it to me to give to local fire brigade. Then I found another $50. $120 in total
But wait there’s more.
A young mum from around the corner wrote on local Facebook that she had lost $170 and had anyone found it ?
am I correct in assuming you returned it to her?
She is dropping by tomorrow. There will be a search party at first light to find the other $50
I assume Cooper has some?
I see the vat of Car-Don-Ay de Crybully has been refilled.
Never again is now
Oh dear.
Time to reorganise my belly-button lint collection methinks.
‘Twas a good read up ’til recently, Cats & Kittehs.
‘Night all. Take care of ya selves.
World war two was good versus evil, no matter how imperfect the side of good was.
Today Israel fights against the evil of islam, no they aren’t perfect either, but there it is.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you horrible mob. Payday for self funded retirees is coming up, and there’s only so many good books, and so much good single malt a man can buy…
You could just answer the question. I was simply teasing out that the argument as presented doesn’t depend on any new ‘primary source facts’, but rather on what we already know but interpret differently.
Shawshank Redemption on Focks Flicks.
Quality. Absolute quality, even after all these years.
No handpatters, either.
Similar to cool hand Luke but a hero vs anti hero
Tombstone is on. Much better.
Been watching “Monsters” on Stanflix about the Menendez brothers who shot their parents to death in LA in the ’80’s in what some might call “accelerated estate planning”.
They concocted a bizarre tale of sexual abuse by the father in a pitiful self defence ploy.
Like most liars of this type they over-egged the pudding with excessive lurid detail and it all came unglued.
It’s happened before, and it will happen again.
Was that the case where they shot their parents to death, then pleaded to the court for mercy on the grounds that they were orphans?
All you C.U.N.T S contribute to a random blog. You claim to be free fecking speech. Oh, but my God! Monty and Numbers contribute. Eh gat, what the feck? An alternative view? The truth is, you can’t handle an alternative view. If you don’t agree with my fellow Jew, Cassie, you are called a Nazi! FFS!? I hate that she shoves it around. She has belittled the terminology. A Nazi is NOT a leftist or communist. A Nazi exterminated MY PEOPLE, Cassie. Don’t abuse that for your political agenda.
Youse can’t handle the truth!
That’s what the Menendez boys said too.
Enough of these highly emotional outbursts from broadacre farmers.
Alright, I take it back.
Wheat is a valuable commodity.
There. Now calm yourselves.
It’s not that kind of blog.
Bro, go back to Tokoroa in the 70s. The Timbermill town was buzzing. We cut shit up and owned it
How many people know that?
This one’s for Cats with an interest in military history.
The current reading is “The New Dealers War” by Thomas Fleming – the book advertised on this blog.
It’s fairly revisionist, however it makes the claim that, at the time Pearl Harbor was bombed, the United States Pacific Fleet was preparing to sortie West, in accordance with War Plan Orange, with the aim of wiping the Japanese fleet off the strategic map, in a twentieth century version of the battle of Trafalgar.
“Kimmels battle plan, approved by Roosevelt’s complaisant chief of naval operations, Harald Stark, lay in Navy files for five decades…the Fleet was scheduled to go to sea, on Monday morning, December 8, in search of the all-out battle.” Page 43.
I’ve read much about War Plan Orange, and the plans to refight Jutland in the Western Pacific, but that’s the first time I heard the claim that the fleet was due to sortie on that date. Any Cats able to shed any light on this matter?
This isn’t my forte, but weren’t there significant absentees at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbour?
Was this sortie a war game, on paper?
If not, what was the intention of heading west? While not a naval historian, I’d imagine that a fleet does not randomly go for a Sunday sail.
It’s an interesting speculation, but without details …
The aircraft carriers were detached at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but the intention of the Pacific Fleet, heading West, with the aim of a decisive naval battle in the Western Pacific, had been American strategy since the 1900’s.
I’m hesitant to speculate too much, given I haven’t read the book (and, as already noted, this isn’t my area of expertise), but with the rise of naval aviation between the wars, I’d wonder why the U.S. Pacific Fleet would plan to set out without her most potent weapons (the carrier groups).
Its an interesting subject, but past my east-coast bedtime. Cheers to you, Zulu.
Coming up to my West coast bedtime, and pleasantly awash in good single malt, but the role of the carrier groups was raiding the Japanese bases in the Eastern Pacific, to prevent Japanese air attacks on the Fleet proceeding West – presumably with a marine bugler, on the bow of the lead battleship, sounding the “Charge.”
I’m on the last episode.
In the last few months I recall reading about them requesting parole .
Because you’d rather interpret things from the nazi’s pov?
As does Cooper.
The menendez series was about to autoplay after I watched another true crime 2 part series.
Enough of that for one night.
Was the one about the woman trying to fund her missing adopted daughter.
Vejas Liulevicius: Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler | Lex Fridman Podcast #444
My man, same wave length
There’s supposedly new evidence about the father’s abuse in the Menendez case.
Oh dear.
September 22, 2024 9:13 pm
I’m on the last episode.
Spoiler alert!
(They’re still in the slot).
The first trial was a hung jury.
Classic mistake.
Arrogant little shits were used to getting away with everything and, as a result. regarded everyone else as stupid and inferior.
Truth was, they weren’t that smart and were only sliding through life because of daddy’s money.
They ended up in a situation they couldn’t bullshit their way out of and responded by … doubling down on the bullshit.
They totally over-cooked the “daddy fiddled with us” story which underpinned their self-defence plea.
Sure. Put that cloak on. Now, if it wasn’t clear before, you are in the same boat as Liability Bob – hiding behind some tenuous connection to something in order to parade your own insecurities and stamp your paws.
You’ve done that quite adequately yourself.
You are a hideous frightbat who spent years abusing people who didn’t want to take it up the arse, and then retreated into permanent victimhood at the very first sign of an opposing view.
Bottoms up, toots.
Ellie has known psychiatric problems and is busy having a meltdown. She doesn’t need to be here. Not right now anyway. Dover?
Ellie, get help. It is there for you and you don’t need to keep drinking to feel better. It is NOT here for you.
New evidence?
A letter to a cousin which pops up after all these years?
And a member of a washed up boy band?
You talkin’ to me?
Well are ya … C.U.N.T!
Looks like you were talking to someone else.
Brian Cadd (Axiom) and “Arkansas Grass.”
The Top End seems to be receiving a fistful of free promo this evening.
Britain, under the Liars has become an arsehole country.
It’s mind-boggling that the British government would halt arms to Israel while pouring military aid into Ukraine, especially when Hezbollah has fired 80,000 rockets into Israel since October 7.
Sterner thinks he’s a commie.
remember Arafat was bankrolled by the ussr.
steimer is like all his type eg Gillard Wong Clinton etc, teenagers from an upper middle back ground with an over inflated ego of themselves.
reality is these people are not much chop and ridicule everyone else to make them fell better about themselves.
All week my social media feed has been telling me that Moira Deeming has made a royal stuff-up of her case, that she’s been silly enough to “go back for her hat”, that her case has collapsed, that she’s got nothing to back her allegations, & that her public profile will never recover from the loss of face of being so ill-prepared for court.
I’ve not paid attention to proceedings, is any of this remotely true?
Absolutely crazy. Bus loads of illegals are wrecking the joint and the taxpayer is forking out the cash. US citiizens that are homeless … well there is eff all for you on the table. The locals are not happy.
Deport them all.
Excellent work from Peter as per usual.
Peter Santinello:
New England’s most prosperous state is rife with wealth and opportunity but also faces some massive challenges. Join Gerald, a central Mass local, and me as we dive into some of the big issues just under the surface of this fascinating state.
Inside the Massachusetts Nobody Talks About
Take a bow Sky News – that is some first class journalism.
The Democrats Defraud the Voters With A Little Help From Their Friends
Voters are like condoms – single use only, then discarded.
The climate cult hoaxers have been around a long time.
WOW! Listen to this
Kamala Harris campaign is allegedly paying people $700 a week to travel around and attend all her events!!!
Her entire campaign is based on lies
Kamala Harris had a teleprompter during her entire Oprah Interview?
I wouldn’t take any of these claims at face value. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are running what few items they have in materiel through a side or back door. I hear that MI6 is heavily involved in the Levant so they are also very likely getting help on the intelligence/ covert operations side. The UK have active reconnaissance aircraft running in the East Med. as well as other air force and naval assets that would be coordinating with the Israelis.
Vejas Liulevicius: Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Stalin, Mao, and Hitler | Lex Fridman Podcast #444
Video Summary**Summary:** In the Lex Fridman Podcast episode featuring historian Vejas Liulevicius, the discussion delves deep into the complexities of Marxism, communism, and the ideologies of historic totalitarian leaders such as Stalin and Hitler. Liulevicius examines the contradictions inherent in Marxist theory—particularly the tension between Marx’s optimistic views on human progress and the harsh realities faced in communist regimes. The two explore the profound historical impacts of communism, the rise and fall of various totalitarian regimes, and how these ideologies have shaped modern societies. The conversation also touches on the relationship between communism and fascism, especially as seen in the context of World War II, and reflects on the implications of ideological blindness, the traumas of the past, and the resilience of human nature for the future. — **Key Points:** **1. Introduction (0:00)** – Vejas Liulevicius is introduced as a historian focused on Marxism and communism. **2. Marxism (3:10)** – Central ideas of Marx include the belief in historical purpose and rebellion against exploitation. – Marx emphasized that history moves towards a predetermined end and the role of the individual in this process. – Critiques of Marx’s utopianism, emphasizing his scientific claims versus idealism. **3. Anarchism (30:55)** – Comparison between Marxism and anarchism, particularly in the context of Bakunin as a rival. – Anarchism promotes looser associations and rejects hierarchical structures. **4. The Communist Manifesto (45:52)** – Importance and impact of the Communist Manifesto in shaping revolutionary movements. – Contrasts between Marx’s theories and their application during revolutions. **5. Communism in the Soviet Union (54:51)** – Examination of the grim realities under communism, including the collapse of the economy and starvation, notably in the Holodomor. – The discrepancies between planned economic policies and real-life outcomes. **6. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin (1:14:45)** – Overview of their roles and power struggles within the communist movement. – Stalin’s rise and Trotsky’s expulsion, emphasizing Stalin’s brutal methods for consolidation of power. **7. Stalin (1:24:33)** – Discussion about Stalin’s leadership style and the consequences of his totalitarian regime. – Elements of purges of dissenters to maintain control. **8. Holodomor (1:31:48)** – The man-made famine in Ukraine as a result of collectivization policies. – The devastating consequences of political decisions on agriculture and human lives. **Closing Thoughts:** – Liulevicius concludes with a discussion on the human capacity for endurance and resilience despite historical horrors, the importance of recognizing ideological complexities, and a hope for a better understanding of humanity’s future.