Open Thread – Mon 23 Sept 2024

The Hunt of Diana, Arnold Böcklin, 1896

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Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 23, 2024 12:37 am

It was a beautiful day in Perth today. Every person I passed walking down the street was staring into their phones. Even the mums pushing their prams.

F*cking rididculous.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 23, 2024 1:24 am


Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 23, 2024 2:53 am


John H.
John H.
September 23, 2024 3:00 am

Some surprises here. How much we can trust any of the figures from Ukraine and Russia is a frustrating question.

The Ukrainian Economy at War (2024) – Defence Production, Energy & Endurance (

September 23, 2024 3:15 am


September 23, 2024 3:17 am


September 23, 2024 4:00 am
September 23, 2024 4:01 am
September 23, 2024 4:02 am
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September 23, 2024 4:04 am
September 23, 2024 4:04 am
September 23, 2024 4:05 am
September 23, 2024 4:06 am
September 23, 2024 4:54 am

Thanks Tom.

September 23, 2024 5:22 am

On the subject of cats and dogs being allowed on flights in the flight cabin…

Monday’s Daily Tele:


23 Sep 2024

Air travel used to be a luxury.

Now it’s becoming a lottery – with unlucky losers set to be stuck in the sky alongside canine or feline travel companions.

Virgin Australia will soon begin trial flights between Sydney and Melbourne that will accommodate dogs and cats in the main cabin.

This doesn’t sound optimal.

This sounds like visiting a relative who excessively indulges her indoor pets, but with worse food options and penalties for additional luggage.

According to reports, Virgin plans a “staged approach” to its airborne domestic animal proximity enclosures, initially allowing only “small dogs and cats in carriers on selected Melbourne-Sydney and Sydney-Melbourne flights before adding other routes”.

That line about keeping pooches and pussies in carriers is obviously intended to calm the likes of me, who’d basically prefer human or human-like company during flights.

As The Australian observed: “Only dogs and cats that could travel in a carrier able to fit under the seat in front would be permitted to travel with their owners.”

You know, this carrier strategy might not be the deal-sealer that Virgin bosses imagine it to be.

For a start, even docile dogs get a little antsy when confined in uncomfortable spaces.

If I wanted to share time with language-inhibited, tick-carrying things that growl, bark and snap, I’d watch the ABC.

There’s also the slightly concerning issue of what might define “fit” in terms of dogs, cats and their carriers.

Does anybody really want to endure an entire interstate flight sat next to a 25kg Staffie that’s stuffed into a 15kg space?

Last edited 4 months ago by Beertruk
September 23, 2024 5:30 am
Reply to  Beertruk

The only situation worse would be sitting next to Timmeh.

September 23, 2024 6:08 am
Reply to  1735099

Err…no… I have met Tim personally.
Entertaining and funny.
Would sit next to Tim on a flight any day.

You on the other hand continuing to drone on about National Service in Vietnam and how hard you were done by while in the QStore would be like sitting next to Ted Striker in the movie Flying High, talking people to death.
However Ted Striker is funny and hilarious.
You are not.

Last edited 4 months ago by Beertruk
Titus Groates
Titus Groates
September 23, 2024 10:45 am
Reply to  Beertruk

Nice retort Beery to the insufferable old bore.

September 23, 2024 6:25 am
Reply to  1735099

Good grief! You’re here early.

Don’t diss Tim.

Now. Make me a BLT, naked, but with an apron on.

September 23, 2024 6:32 am
Reply to  Ellie

Who is downticking me at 6:30am. Calli, I seem to have attracted your downticker. Cunning. It doesn’t hurt, it tickles. Sancho aka Leigh Lowe ?

September 23, 2024 6:36 am
Reply to  Ellie

That question mark was an emoji of love hearts. I have a 4,000 dollar phone. Areff has it escalating in price. It’s now the bane of my existence. Bane? Is that a word.

September 23, 2024 6:28 am
Reply to  1735099

You need to go to the Farmer’s market to purchase a heirloom tomatoe. Bacon needs to be kosher. Cos lettuce-the baby one. Kosher salt with cracked black pepper.

September 23, 2024 1:22 pm
Reply to  Beertruk

And the unlucky sufferers of dog/cat allergy? Three in my family alone.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 7:35 am
Reply to  Beertruk

The animal swell, the barking and meowing, the pee and poo smell.

September 23, 2024 5:57 am

Bolta on the horrid thing that is the Wong Chap in today’s Tele:



23 Sep 2024

The exploding pagers in Lebanon last week blew up more than Hezbollah terrorists.

They also blew up Penny Wong’s claim that she backs Israel’s right to defend itself.

Yes, our Foreign Minister is a phony.

I was wondering when it would get to this – Israel launching an attack so perfectly targeting its jihadist enemies that Wong would be exposed at last as a liar or dissembling panderer to Muslim voters. A backstabber of our Israeli allies in this fight to defend western civilisation.

How could she fail to support such a brilliant operation, in which some 3000 pagers issued only to operatives of the Hezbollah terrorist army were secretly rigged with explosives by Israel, and just enough to maim or kill only the bearer?

It’s clearly an act of Israeli self-defence. Hezbollah has already fired 8000 rockets into Israel since October 7, forcing 63,000 people to evacuate homes in northern Israel.

One Hezbollah rocket two months ago killed 12 Israeli children, all Muslim Druze at a soccer practice.

Is Israel meant to keep enduring these rocket attacks, day after day?

Don’t think Hezbollah can be reasoned with instead.

It’s also attacked American bases and assets, assassinated Christian Lebanese leaders and demanded Israel’s destruction.

Yet Wong last week still tut-tutted that Israel had hurt these poor Islamist terrorists, who seem to have made up most of the dead and injured in the pager plot: “I would say all violence is something we don’t wish to see …

“This reflects the concern we’ve had for some time about the potential for regional escalation.”

I always suspected Wong was insincere. Just weeks after Hamas terrorists started this war on October 7 by slaughtering 1200 Jews, raping women, beheading men and taking 251 hostages, Wong hit on the formula that she’s used ever since to suggest she supports Israel defending itself, without ever actually doing so.

“Israel has a right to defend itself,” she said, but “Israel’s friends, including Australia, have emphasised that the way Israel does that matters”.

Wong has since honed that down after repeated use: “We recognise Israel’s right to defend itself and we stress that the way it does so matters.”

Which suits Wong, because she’s never since publicly identified a right way for Israel to defend itself.

Indeed, what seems to matter to her is not how Israel fights back, but that it fights at all.

You’d even get the impression from Wong that Israel is and always will be a war criminal.

For instance, Wong warned Israel had broken “international law” when it bombed a room in one of the many hospitals in Gaza, which Hamas used as a military base, even though Israel used surveillance and precision weapons to avoid killing civilians.

Wong also insisted Israel “must not proceed” with military operations in Rafah, in southern Gaza, even though some of the remaining Israel hostages have since been found there.

She gave Israel no credit for making civilians in Rafah first evacuate, or for warning locals ahead of strikes to move.

Wong might quibble in each case that Israel was still putting too many civilians at risk, but how could she say that about Israel’s pager-bomb attack on Hezbollah, or the booby-trapped Hezbollah walkietalkies it set off the day after?

There is almost no chance that innocent Lebanese civilians were walking around with pagers and walkie-talkies that Hezbollah admitted had been issued “to employees of various Hezbollah units and institutions”.

This had to be the cleanest kill ever seen of terrorists who hide behind civilians. So why can’t Wong support even that?

But so much that Wong and the rest of the Albanese government does makes no sense, unless you figure – aha – this is about winning Muslim votes, or pleasing anti-Israel bigots of the hard Left who’d otherwise vote for the Greens.

Why has this government said almost nothing about the Jew-hater clerics of Sydney? Why almost nothing about the abusive and violent pro-Palestine protests? And why did Wong in her visit to Israel refuse to visit places where Hamas massacred Jews on October 7?

I visited kibbutz Be’eri and saw unmistakably clearly how Hamas had planned the systematic murder of Jewish civilians, house by burned house.

Had Wong seen that she’d have had to know there cannot be any compromise with the genocidal men who ordered that horror.

I now understand why she didn’t want to learn that.

No, Israel must never be right.

No shot it fires to save itself can ever be praised.

Nice 😀 :


September 23, 2024 9:50 am
Reply to  Beertruk

Wong is an absolute lightweight.

I’m still miffed why the LNP don’t go harder at her…

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
September 23, 2024 6:40 pm
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Because if they did, they would be waaaaaayyyyycist homophobic bigots.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 7:42 am
Reply to  Beertruk

Andrew hit the nail on the head, Israel should defend itself, she does not say how. It’s like all lefties, you should be able to do this that, Taney never explain why except for that’s not my job.

September 23, 2024 6:01 am

Ghetto stairs

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 7:22 am
Reply to  LB2

I don’t get it.

September 23, 2024 7:58 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

I assume it means: ‘What’s up, stairs?’ As in ‘How ya doin’?’

September 23, 2024 7:56 am
Reply to  LB2
September 23, 2024 6:31 am

from the OT for Salvatore

Sal, my missus has the court proceedings running nearly all day and from time to time I overhear quite a bit of it.

Moira’s side clearly establishes her good character and shows very well that the idiot Pesutto and his cartel of retards have gone above and beyond in an attempt to destroy her.

last I heard was Pesutto himself essentially repeating in court his idiotic smears and allegations in front of the judge… nazi’s everywhere apparently

plenty of “evidence” from Twitter too. that’s right the Leader of the Opposition is using The Sewer to justify his own poisonous behavior

the judge doesnt seem to be buying any of it either. When he asks for clarification like, “What’s a TERF?” … it sounds to me more like “Can somebody please tell me what this idiot is talking about?”

can you let women speak without them turning into Nazis … apparently not according to Pesutto

I dont think Pesutto gets it … by extension he is essentially arguing that unless you share his mental aberrations then you’re all nazi’s too…That’s right Judge … you too.

it is sickening what Pesutto, Southwick et al have done

my missus is furious over this whole issue.

the Liberal party is broken … if it has a ‘brand’ after this court case … they will be The Mental Party.

That’s right … Vik Libs … even more mental than Vik Labor

the people propping up this toxic tosser, both in his legal defense and in the Liberal Party, should be shot with their own shit.

Looking at you Mr Kennett

September 23, 2024 8:05 am

Political zombies: Rotting bodies that ambulate, but no functioning brain. What we perceive as verbal communication is simply the emission of gasses as the body’s organic matter breaks down – verbal flatulence.

It is those clinging desperately to nostalgia – claiming this verlatulence constitutes meaning and is an outcome of cognitive activity – who keep the collective of bog bodies ‘alive’ (so to speak).

September 23, 2024 1:33 pm

I’m right there with your missus, MT. Prosciutto is a lightweight weasel with absolutely zero self awareness. If he thinks spewing this dog’s vomit about Deeming is a political winner, then he’s even dumber.ber than he appears.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 23, 2024 4:55 pm

Shot with their own shit. Now thats a keeper. Well done.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
September 23, 2024 6:45 pm

Someone I used to know from the NSW Labor Right called the Victorian Liberals the Dandy Nongs: vacuous upper-class twits who expected public office to be handed to then on a silver platter because Daddy sent them to the right school. Kennett was obviously an aberration.

September 23, 2024 6:47 am

Back in the late eighties I had the privilege of opening a new special school in North Queensland.

Because it was a new school, it was staffed with graduate (first year) teachers. What they had in common was youth, enthusiasm, and dedication to the students with disabilities enrolled.

These children were predominantly of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage. Itinerant health clinics visiting their communities had identified them as being at risk, and over the years they had been brought to live in a residential home run in those days by the North Queensland Crippled Children’s Association.
There they received excellent care, but they were separated from their homes and families. These days, they would probably be cared for on their own country, but that was not the practice thirty-five years ago. When the new school was opened in 1987, these children, for the first time in their lives, began to share an experience shared with children living at home with family, by attending a school located separately from where they lived.

Previously the school was an annexe of the nursing home. In that situation the children ate, slept, and went to school on the one site. It was a pretty restricted environment, and once removed from their communities, they rarely returned. It was institutionalisation writ large.

One of these children was a seven year-old Islander lad from Boigu Island, living with just about every sensory disability possible. He was hearing impaired, had low vision, and microcephaly. Of greatest concern was that he was failing to thrive. There were a number of reasons for this, but a major issue was his capacity (or rather incapacity) to chew and swallow. It took literally hours to patiently feed him, much in the same fashion as an infant is fed, and finding the time to do this, both at the nursing home, and at school was a major challenge.

He had to be carefully positioned and supported and his special food presented to him one small spoonful at a time. The nursing staff would attempt this in the morning before he left for school on the bus, but time was severely limited. Much the same was true in the evening, given the staffing at the home, and he was steadily losing weight. The “failure to thrive” diagnosis would have meant a hospital admission, and tube feeding.

His teacher was determined that this would not happen, so she took the whole hour long lunch time at school to set him up and feed him. This meant she had no lunch break herself, and I’ll admit turning a blind eye to her continuing to feed him past the end of the designated time, whilst a teacher aide looked after the rest of the class. Conventionally, the feeding task should have been allocated to a teacher aide, but he refused to take food from anyone else.

After a few weeks of this process, he ceased losing weight, but he was scarcely thriving. Then the teacher had a bright idea, based on what she had learned about him. He had been born and reared within the sound and smell of the sea, so she decided to take him to the beach to feed him. This was straightforward, as we had a bus at school, I had taught most of the teachers to drive it, and she booked it for a weekly trip to Rowes Bay, pretty close to the nursing home. She would put him on the sand, and feed him there. Unsurprisingly perhaps, he seemed keen to eat there, and it became an enjoyable experience, rather than an ordeal. The rest of her class enjoyed the beach, as well.

The teacher’s theory was that this little boy’s olfactory sense was critically significant to him, and the familiar smell of the sea helped him relax enough to chew and swallow. Based on his weight gain as this protocol continued, it seemed she was correct. Across a period of six months, his weight improved, he became more alert, and he began to respond more often and more clearly to other students and staff.

By the time this teacher was transferred away, two years later, his life had been transformed.

Over the years, I’ve lost track of both teacher and child, although I did encounter the teacher at a principal’s conference in 1997. She had done well, and was by that time, a junior principal. That cohort of ten beginning teachers were high achievers.

Most of them are now in senior positions.

September 23, 2024 6:55 am
Reply to  1735099

A wonderful recollection. Such teachers are remarkable people.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 7:37 am
Reply to  1735099

Err. Weren’t you telling us a few days ago that special needs children should be educated in normal schools? Are you suggesting that this child could have been? How much disruption would result to the education of the ” normal” children had this been done?

And if a teacher’s aide could take the class, are the teachers over- credentialed?

Last edited 4 months ago by Boambee John
September 23, 2024 8:12 am
Reply to  Boambee John

This child should have stayed on Boigu, and been given the support he needed to live the best life he could in his own community.
Teachers are not over-credentialed. The credentials are irrelevant. Compassion and courage are what is required in a great teacher. Paying them what they’re worth would help. Finland supplies the model.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 8:20 am
Reply to  1735099

The credentials are irrelevant.

Huh? Then why the fuss over them?

September 23, 2024 8:23 am
Reply to  Boambee John

What fuss?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 8:53 am
Reply to  1735099

Moving them from an “apprentice” model of training to a degree model, then suggestions that even higher credentials are needed. Have you been asleep for the past 50 years?

Last edited 4 months ago by Boambee John
September 23, 2024 10:18 am
Reply to  Boambee John

The mental state of leftoidism is not akin to sleep but a suppression, deliberate or involuntary, of the higher mental and moral capacities.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
September 23, 2024 10:48 am
Reply to  1735099

More solipsism from Bob.

September 23, 2024 6:49 am

Ellie you are taking advantage of dover’s exceptionally good nature. Desist. My concern for you in the past has been misplaced.

September 23, 2024 6:53 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

Have I offended you?

September 23, 2024 6:54 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

I am trying to use humour to distract from my jabbed existence. Don’t read me.

September 23, 2024 6:57 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

I didn’t know anyone within the 5 km radius during Lock down. Talk to me about gagging me. I am doing nothing wrong here, but writing words on a screen. I’m so offensive. Such protected species here.

September 23, 2024 7:11 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

When a man, especially a red head, tells me to desist, I bite back. Who the hell are you to tell me to desist? I am harmless. A Trump supporter. A hater of communism. A fighter of freedom. And you try to control my speech.

September 23, 2024 7:20 am
Reply to  Ellie

Free speech. Freedom of the press. It’s only ok if it makes you feeeel ok. There are parameters. It’s totally skewiff. I offend you, therefore I should be banned. Where does it start and end, Ranga.

September 23, 2024 7:39 am
Reply to  Ellie

You know you have made it on the “Cat” when you get downticked by the silent minority. I had no idea I had so much power.

Challenge the higher power. And you will be shat on.

They won’t speak to you, but they will tickle me with downticks.

How many of you left your computer screens to march against antisemitism? I am 56. My grandmother’s nightmares still haunt me.

Vicarious trauma. Why do I have to live with it. But come here to speak and sancho and ranga don’t like it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 23, 2024 6:55 am

It worse than you think Matrix.
We’ve been told by a Nat pollie that the Deeming case needs to be of the way before the Libs do anything about the renewables build or supporting Dutton’s energy policy for that matter.
We can’t get Pesutto out of Melbourne or in Melbourne to talk to us. Regional Libs know it’s a big problem and struggle to answer why the leader of their party won’t engage with conservative voters trying to bring down Labor.
He’s doing a Kamala.

September 23, 2024 1:35 pm
Reply to  Farmer Gez

He’s doing a Kamala

Because that’s a winning strategy. What a useless clown.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 6:57 am

Watched a couple of episodes of “Porridge” on the TeeVee last night.
A bit of light relief after watching the Amazing Lying Menendez Brothers (“Daddy touched me here … and here”).
Mackay : “Good news, Fletcher. You’re getting parole.”
Fletcher : “Oh? When?”
Mackay : “Friday week.”
Fletcher : “Who’s me parole officer?”
Mackay : “Miss [redacted].”
Fletcher : “That nutter? No fanks. I’ll just do me time.”

Last edited 4 months ago by Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 6:57 am

Spooner wins again.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 7:02 am

Good morning C.U.N.T.s!

September 23, 2024 7:05 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

You are talking to yourself. You’re a bit off though. Tuesday is tomorrow

September 23, 2024 7:07 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Unlike you, I don’t do post mortems. Haven’t been back to see what went on last night. But you do religiously.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 7:26 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Do you have to, Sancho?
You’re like a little kid who has found a way to use a swear word that he thinks won’t get him into trouble.
And it’s not as funny as you think it is.

September 23, 2024 10:14 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

In fairness Sancho did not use it first.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 7:06 am

I see the police in NY have finally caught up with Bo Diddley.

September 23, 2024 7:10 am

“Congratulations to humanity—Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas terrorists in Gaza, is on his way to hell. He has been seriously injured; may he end up dead”
Today’s big twitter rumour.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rosie
September 23, 2024 7:21 am
Reply to  Rosie

Boo yah!!!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 8:08 am
Reply to  Rosie

My opinion?

September 23, 2024 6:07 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Did he get a pager, too?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 7:19 am

 September 23, 2024 7:10 am

“Congratulations to humanity—Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas terrorists in Gaza, is on his way to hell. He has been seriously injured; may he end up dead”

Part of the evidence was that nothing has been heard from him.
Maybe he’s just not answering calls.

September 23, 2024 7:20 am

Hopefully, plenty wrong & luigi don’t read this or they’ll be offering “help” .. Imagine European countries knocking back Gaza “refugees” ….. Wonder why neighbouring Arabs aren’t offering to step in ………

September 23, 2024 7:32 am

“Our” ABC is “Not Happy, Jan” .. Hadbollocks is on the receiving end of some serious Israeli retaliation so time to run out another of the, never-ending stash of ‘sob” stories …..

September 23, 2024 7:46 am

Assad has granted a general amnesty, the one million Syrians who fled to Germany can now safely return home.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 8:13 am
Reply to  Rosie

They would take the promise of a Muslim?

September 23, 2024 7:49 am

Notice how many of Numberwangs screeds involve just how wonderful, government is when it has unlimited resources.
If wed just give them a bit more it would be all wine and roses.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 8:26 am

Didn’t he comment a couple of days ago about being wealthy?

Just a little bit more, and he could be very wealthy.

September 23, 2024 7:50 am

I posted this on the old thread. Worth repeating.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 7:53 am

A district judge in Kentucky was fatally shot in the Letcher County Courthouse in Whitesburg on Thursday, Kentucky State Police said. A local sheriff has been charged in relation to the shooting.

The Mountain Eagle reported that Stines entered the courthouse, told court employees he needed to speak privately with the judge, and the two went into the judge’s office. Moments later, gunshots were heard.

I’d bet there’s a hell of a story behind this one.

September 23, 2024 8:08 am
Reply to  Winston Smith
Last edited 4 months ago by shatterzzz
September 23, 2024 10:04 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

Gay panic.

September 23, 2024 7:57 am

Yes, our Foreign Minister is a phony.

Beery, many thanks for posting the Blot column in the Herald Sun. He’s a superb writer.

Unfortunately, it’s only his Trump-sized ego that got him the Sky News TV gig.

Because he’s utterly uninterested and incurious about anyone else’s thoughts, he’s a terrible TV interviewer and bathes himself each night in a bathful of smug.

At least he can write well, which he can fall back on when Sky viewers eventually tire of him.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 8:00 am

If the UN were shocked, appalled, and horrified, as it should be, at the prospect of its employees taking part in the Oct. 7 jihad massacre, it would not be demanding immunity for them, but insisting that they be prosecuted.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 23, 2024 8:03 am

In “never let a good tragedy go to waste”, Birmingham AL police “believe” that the latest homie drive-by shooting-
-was because of *gasps* cash money, and
-was because of illegal modification *eeeeek!* of legal firearms.
So, the cops will be all-in for universal digital basic income and no guns.
Unrelated news, there’s an election coming up, with one candidate whose few solid policies are brain-farts in this direction.

September 23, 2024 8:09 am

Habitual liars claim monopoly on truth:

No matter how you spin it, the misinformation bill seeks to control public discourse

Claire Lehmann. The Australian. 22 September, 2024

Why did the voice referendum fail? If you ask prominent advocates in the Yes campaign they will tell you it failed because of misinformation. During the campaign and after it, Marcia Langton, Tom Calma, Linda Burney and Noel Pearson, among others, all referred to misinformation being a crucial reason the Yes position failed to win a majority of votes.

Of course, false claims and rumours were disseminated. Nevertheless, proponents of the voice also had a tendency to brook no dissent. In a fact check published in October last year, Guardian Australia deemed claims about the voice’s legal risks, potential for division and lack of detail to be misinformation. But opinions are not facts, and personal judgment cannot be subject to the same standards of accuracy as empirical claims. And on the topic of the voice, opinions differed.

In a document published by La Trobe University, Challenging Misinformation about Sex and Gender Diversity, Australian academics have described terms such as “biological woman” and “biological man” as “harmful myths”.

In this case, it is not merely a difference of opinion that is being labelled false – as in the case of the voice – but words and concepts that have long-established scientific and cultural meaning.

In another document published by the University of Melbourne’s Trans Health Research group, a diverse range of claims is characterised as misinformation.

They include linking transgenderism to poor mental health, suggesting that puberty blockers may have irreversible effects or suggesting that a significant subset of young people who do transition may come to regret it later.

Misinformation, according to this health group, also leads trans youth to have an increased risk of suicide. In this case, the use of the term misinformation is being used to foreclose inquiry. The term has been instrumentalised to present hypotheses as proofs.

It’s not only academics who have instrumentalised the term to service their own credo. Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has accused the Coalition of spreading disinformation about nuclear energy.

One journalist for Guardian Australia has accused Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation former chief executive Adi Paterson of “peddling misinformation”. Paterson’s crime? Critiquing the economic modelling of the CSIRO.

It’s easy to see how such a term can be exploited for political ends. Even so, misuse of the term does not negate the fact false information exists and spreads rapidly online. Misleading content is published in print and online every second of every day, in every region of the world. But while all of us have a responsibility to challenge falsehoods in the public domain, it is not the government’s role to act as an authority on what is true.

Similarly, it is not the government’s role to deputise such an authority to platforms it seeks to regulate.Yet this is precisely what Communications Minister Michelle Rowland’s Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill proposes to do.

The bill defines misinformation as “content (that is) reasonably verifiable as false, misleading or deceptive” and “reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm”. The definition of “serious harm” includes harm to electoral or referendum processes, harm to public health, vilification of a group, as well as imminent harm to the Australian economy.

The body in charge of interpreting these definitions and ensuring that digital platforms (social media companies) comply with this legislation is the Australian Communications and Media Authority. It will be vested with increased powers.

The bill “will lead to a culture of pre-emptive censorship and chilling effects”, Sydney barrister Gray Connolly told me.

“Measures taken to combat misinformation and disinformation could themselves risk undermining Australia’s democracy and freedoms,” Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay wrote.

And in a submission on the bill the Law Council of Australia has said: “Given the breadth of the definition of ‘misinformation’ as outlined above, the Law Council cautions that a digital platform is unlikely to have sufficient expertise or adequate resources to make accurate and completely informed determinations as to whether content is false.” To be compliant with the law, platforms will be required to self-censor large swathes of information that appears online

It is possible to recognise that the spread of false and malicious information is a problem, while also recognising that any centralised top-down control of information is a bigger problem. This bill will embolden those who already exploit the term to brook no dissent, foreclose inquiry and declare commonly shared words and concepts to be harmful.

The context and timing of the introduction of the bill is significant. The government is scarred by its experience of the voice referendum, when a proposal that had been nurtured for years was rejected by 60 per cent of Australian voters. The first stage of the Kubler-Ross cycle of grief is denial, followed by anger, then bargaining, then depression and acceptance.

We can see denial at play in the proposal of the bill. The government fails to grasp the complexities of regulating online speech, with all the conflicting interests and interpretations that go along with it. Denial results in legislation that appears woefully overbroad for its stated purpose.

We can also see anger and bargaining at play. The government’s actions could be seen as a calculated response to its perceived loss of control over public discourse. The anger is directed at those it views as purveyors of misinformation, (social media companies) while the bargaining takes the form of redefining the rules of engagement in the public sphere.

By seeking to instrumentalise misinformation in the lead-up to the next election, it is trying to negotiate a more favourable position for itself in the court of public opinion. Rather than accepting that the way we share information has changed forever, the government is stuck in the earlier, more reactive stages of grief.

The misinformation bill is an attempt to bargain its way back to a past where it held greater sway over public opinion.

Claire Lehmann is founding editor of Quillette online magazine.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 8:23 am
Reply to  Roger

If this Bill passes, it will be proof that Parliament is no longer under the control of the people, but is now a secular prize that represents only favoured groups – both social and political.
It will be the final nail.

Last edited 4 months ago by Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 8:58 am
Reply to  Winston Smith

Good to see Dutton finally finding his voice on this.

A cynic might suggest the focus group returns must have been unambiguous in their disapproval.

September 23, 2024 8:45 am
Reply to  Roger

Pathologising dissent neatly avoids any potential debate about truth or fact, because it is not the content of the message which determines its validity, but the status of the messenger (Insider-Outsider). If you are an approved truth-teller (an Insider), you can reverse what you deem factual tomorrow, and still label disbelievers as dissenters.

By labeling dissenters as a danger to society (actually, the Insider group only), the end goal is a declaration of outlawry: That these individuals are so dangerous, they have forfeited all normal social and legal protections, and may be hunted by any means necessary to achieve the desired outcome (eradication).

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 23, 2024 11:43 am
Reply to  Roger

monopoly *of truth, Rog

September 23, 2024 12:03 pm
Reply to  Wally Dalí

OED states both are acceptable, as is in.


Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 7:25 pm
Reply to  Roger

Claire does a good job with quillete

September 23, 2024 8:11 am


CORRUPTION: Ever wonder how politicians get so rich? They funnel billions into NGOs where their families work and who pay them to speak and to serve on boards. The $24 billion California spent on the homeless crisis went almost exclusively to NGOs who rely on a steady stream of homeless people to justify their existence. The more people homeless the more they make. The incentives are perverse.

September 23, 2024 8:17 am
September 23, 2024 8:19 am

Shatterzzz there were some great goal over the weekend, pity for you Toon could only manage one of them.

September 23, 2024 8:23 am

The High Court of Australia may provide a large stumbling block to any ‘misinformation laws’. While the so-called progressive model of interpretation it employed is dubious, and can be employed to reach regressive and repressive results, the court’s holding that federal and state laws cannot detract from a freedom to engage in political communication might, if the court us so inclined, render the current plans to control and restrict such communication invalid. (It will be up to wealthy media interests to fund a challenge.)

September 23, 2024 8:58 am
Reply to  Rafiki

A year or two ago, the Qld Labor Government changed union laws so that the only organisation which stood up for its members during the covidiocy, and actively challenged the wax mandates, became essentially non-grata (ineligible to be acknowledged as a union). This was an obvious attack on political communication (and a reward for the unions which told their members to get fecked (but continue handing over yer money!).

September 23, 2024 9:15 am
Reply to  Rafiki

If it gets that far it will depend on how the HC interprets political communication.

Will contradicting the dogmas of the gender benders be deemed ‘political speech’ and thus protected, for example.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
September 23, 2024 1:55 pm
Reply to  Roger

Yes is my guess Roger. The communications bear on public debate about how the law should bear upon these unfortunates.
But the High Court has room to choose and cannot avoid personal judgements when delivering a judgment on validity.

September 23, 2024 8:28 am

This account is marked “parody” but, again, I don’t see the joke.


DIDDY TAPES will be used to control a lot of famous voices.

You’ll be seeing a lot of celebrities ENDORSING KAMALA out of the blue.

All the people in those tapes are now owned. They’ll be slaves to the government forever.

September 23, 2024 8:31 am

Of course it is.
Open Borders: A “Crisis by Design”

This is from the old thread but it actually covers everything that’s happening now. All of it, including the border crisis, was covered by Aristotle’s “Politics”.

Last edited 4 months ago by Indolent
September 23, 2024 8:43 am

How do you get Trump to change a lightbulb?
You don’t.
He will lie that he changed it, and all the Republicans will sit in the dark and agree it was changed.

September 23, 2024 8:45 am
Reply to  1735099

You’re repeating what was said in the Obama era

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 8:50 am
Reply to  1735099

A highly edumacated teacher like you can’t even come up with an original political joke? Sad, low energy.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 7:36 pm
Reply to  1735099

Yes I would get trump to change a light bulb – he’s involved in building sites.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 23, 2024 8:46 am

From the Hun.
That position will be abolished’: Dutton vows to scrap First Nations Ambassador role after $145K bill revelationThe world’s only First Nations People Ambassador — appointed by the Albanese government — took nine overseas trips amassing huge bills. See the eye-watering travel costs.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 11:28 am

Need to see more of this. Worked for Abbott when destroying R-G-R.

September 23, 2024 8:47 am

Dr. John Campbell

Batch dependent safety

Delta A
Delta A
September 23, 2024 8:48 am

Wordle in two!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 23, 2024 9:03 am

How many Palestinians does it take to change a light globe?

None. It’s easier to sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 23, 2024 9:05 am

Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has vowed to abolish the position of Ambassador for First Nations Peoples if the Coalition wins the next election. 

It comes after The Daily Telegraph revealed that the Albanese government approved spending of more than $350,000 last financial year to send its ambassador on nine overseas trips – mostly to the US and Europe.

In March 2023, Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong and then Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney announced the appointment of Justin Mohamed to the new role, which does not exist anywhere else in the world.

Mr Mohamed’s job description initially said he would “engage regional partners on the Voice, Treaty, Truth process,” but that function has been removed since the Voice referendum was voted down.

Travel expenses released by Senator Wong’s department under freedom of information laws reveal Mr Mohamed’s business class flights in 2023-24 cost more than $100,000.

Mr Dutton argued the funds could be better allocated to pressing economic concerns.

“If it is a case that we win the next election, that position will be abolished on day one and that money will be spent to help Australians who are struggling at the moment to keep a roof over their head, or to pay their electricity bill, we’ve got higher priorities at the moment,” he told 2GB’s Ben Fordham on Monday morning.  

“The cost of living crisis that Labor has created means that a lot of families over this winter have gone without electricity to power their air conditioning, their heating, and they just can’t afford to eat at the same time, they can do one or the other. 

“I’m not going to tolerate a situation where we’re wasting taxpayers’ money.”

Mr Mohamed travelled to the US four times and to Switzerland twice, records show. He went to Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea once each.

He also visited the United Arab Emirates. That trip was to “represent First Nations perspectives” at the United Nations climate change conference, COP28. Mr Mohamed’s flights to and from the UAE cost more than $10,000 and his hotel room cost nearly $7000 for a seven-night stay.

His overseas hotel bill last financial year was over $30,000.

DFAT pre-approved spending of up to $358,000 in 2023-24 on the nine overseas trips by Mr Mohamed. Sometimes he was accompanied by a colleague or colleagues from DFAT and this figure includes their travel costs. All of the trips appear to have come in under budget.

Still, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Jacinta Nampijinpa Price said the contrast “could not be more stark” between the spending and the everyday experiences of Australians, especially those of “marginalised Indigenous Australians in remote communities”.

“The Albanese Government needs to explain how these frequent and expensive trips are advancing the interests of Australia and improving outcomes for First Nations people,” Senator Nampijinpa Price said.

DFAT said “international engagement by the Ambassador for First Nations People supports DFAT’s strategic priorities to embed First Nations perspectives into Australia’s foreign policy.”

“This has included elevating First Nations involvement in Australia’s trade and investment opportunities, strengthening human rights resolutions at high-level UN forums and securing the historic Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge.”

The FOI request, made by an unknown party, only covered up until June 30.

DFAT said that since then Mr Mohamed has visited the Solomon Islands and Fiji. It is not known if he has gone to any other countries this financial year.

Before becoming First Nations People Ambassador, Mr Mohamed was the deputy secretary for Aboriginal justice in the Victorian government’s Department of Justice and Community Safety. He was previously the state’s Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.

Ten staff work in Mr Mohamed’s office; eight are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. The office has a four-year budget of $13.6 million.

Mr Mohamed said any questions should be directed to DFAT.

Join the comments at the Daily Tele

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 23, 2024 9:14 am
Reply to  Top Ender

First Nations? What First Nations?

September 23, 2024 10:58 am
Reply to  Top Ender

Why stop at this one?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 11:20 am
Reply to  Top Ender

I think it’s about time DFAT had the financial microscope run over its activities and expenses.
A good look at the employees would be a great idea as well.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 7:39 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Are we paying for the Lebenese rugby league national team?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 23, 2024 9:08 am

How do you get Trump to change a lightbulb?

With his heel spurs? Right?

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 23, 2024 9:09 am

Daily Tele poll:

Should pets be allowed to travel in plane cabins with humans?
Yes 23 %
No 77 %
1256 votes

September 23, 2024 9:13 am
Reply to  Top Ender

The idea of a killer terrier loose in the aircraft is a 77% downer.

September 23, 2024 9:20 am
Reply to  Top Ender

Tough if you’ve got serious cat allergies. My daughter’s sinuses fill, eyes and face puff up along with splitting headache. Imagine going to a meeting like that.

Many such cases.

September 23, 2024 9:17 am

“represent First Nations perspectives” curious what are they?
Does it mean Supermarkets should start offering dilly bags as an alternative to carting the shopping home.
NASA could also do with some constructive suggestions.

September 23, 2024 9:34 am
Reply to  caveman

How on earth would “Mohamed”, know what is important to Abos anyway?
I wonder what he has on Burqa and Pong?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 9:17 am

Hezbies would be afraid to go near a light bulb right now, in case Mossad has been at it.

September 23, 2024 9:24 am

Nah. They’re still lobbing rockets into Israel. Apparently they can do it one handed.

Mossad needs to booby trap the next shipment of ordnance.

September 23, 2024 9:23 am

Morn. FFS I got a headache. Was a good afternoon though…

Word hot off presses from someone in RSFU’s is that there are boats with illegal migrants are in business again, just in smaller numbers. Press not even reporting.

Bad look for their man sleazy obviously.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 23, 2024 9:32 am

Gee Bobby, if you workshopped that Trump joke you could elevate it to lame status.
You must be a riot at parties.

September 23, 2024 9:34 am

How do you get Trump to change a lightbulb?

You don’t. He employs people to maintain his facilities, while spending his time more constructively on business decisions, which (hopefully) lead to making a profit, which in turn allows him to employ more staff, who can then afford to feed their families.

(Depending on the height of the light fixture, it also makes more sense safety-wise to get someone else to do it. If it’s a bedside lamp, I suspect he intones ‘I am the MAGA King, you WILL shine for me!’ and it sparks back up. Though who needs light when you have Melania?).

P.S. Lightbulbs are killing Gaia, so why are you championing them?

September 23, 2024 9:35 am

Now if Mr Dutton would just announce an enquiry into changing the funding model for the ABC I think it would spark a very productive debate into the ABCs audience, role and practices. I think Dutton would become a shoo-in for the next PM.

September 23, 2024 10:00 am
Reply to  PeterM

He is creeping up on being representative of Australia’s concerns.

Promising to dump the blackfella international lie teller is an absolute winner.

September 23, 2024 6:25 pm
Reply to  bons

Slowly slowly catchee monkey. Turn the heat up imperceptibly, give them room to make mistakes.

September 23, 2024 10:40 am
Reply to  PeterM

Biggest lie the Nats mouth is The ABC looks after the bush.

It doesn’t and hasn’t for decades..

Sooner this is called out and rectified the better.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 11:31 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Nationals are rarely part of the solution. At best they are like leaving the park brake half on.

September 23, 2024 9:38 am

With the then Australian attitude towards dogs, I was more than a little surprised to encounter handbag dogs in French aircraft. A tiny head poking out of a handbag and sometimes being biffed when the poor creature squirmed.

Of course, that was before flying PIA in which you encountered every form of animal or vegetable in the cabin, including bins of fish.

But not women. As a concession to the sensibilities of passengers, those creatures were seated behind a screen.

Given the degree of Karening that I have noticed in aircraft of late, the screen option may merit some consideration.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 11:32 am
Reply to  bons

Chickens in aisles?

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 23, 2024 9:38 am

The identity of the 65-year-old man arrested over the “gruesome” and “horrific” Easey Street murders has been revealed, almost 50 years after two women were found violently stabbed to death in Melbourne.

Perry Kouroumblis was arrested in Italy at Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci Airport about 9 pm on Thursday.

In 1977 he lived in Bendigo Street, Collingwood, just a few streets away from the home where Suzanne Armstrong and Susan Bartlett were murdered.

He was also a student at Collingwood High School, where Ms Bartlett was an arts and crafts teacher. 

Former homicide investigator Ron Iddles told The Herald Sun he pulled Mr Kouroumblis over about a fortnight after the murders occurred, finding a knife in the boot of his car.

When questioned, the then-teen claimed he had found the weapon on bluestone at nearby railway tracks under a pedestrian overpass near Hoddle St.

Police had multiple warrants out for the arrest of Mr Kouroumblis, including two counts of murder, and one count of rape. 

They will now begin the process of extraditing the dual Australian and Greek citizen. 

Ms Armstrong and Ms Bartlett were found dead inside their home on Easey Street in Collingwood in Melbourne’s inner-city on January 3, 1977.


September 23, 2024 9:48 am

How many past and present school teachers does it take to change a light bulb?

None, they do not know how to turn the bulb to the right.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 10:07 am
Reply to  wivenhoe

Also they want to keep the mushrooms kids in the dark and feed them BS.

September 23, 2024 10:44 am
Reply to  wivenhoe

Hi Wivenhoe. Hope you are well.

September 23, 2024 9:56 am

It just keeps on getting better.

The IDF has shut down Al Jizz in the left bank. Qatar is going nuts which will be nothing compared to how the ABC will screech at the loss of their closest “but Moslem groups say” jew hater ally.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 11:36 am
Reply to  bons

I hadn’t considered using the Army on the ALPBC. I suppose it is an option but does it have the operational capability anymore? Wouldn’t be too hard to get some special services guys at the moment.

September 23, 2024 2:22 pm
Reply to  bons

Mike Carlton is outraged.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 23, 2024 10:02 am

Amidst all the hater’s honking and squawking about Israel taking out Hezbollah terrorists, Labor’s Mike Kelly [unlinkable OZ] sums up and reminds us:

It should be recalled that under UN Security Council Resolution 1701, designed to resolve the 2006 Lebanon war fought by Israel to defeat cross-border attacks from Hezbollah, Israeli forces would withdraw from southern Lebanon in exchange for the beefed-up presence of UN forces (UNIFIL II) and the Lebanese army.

It also required the disarmament of Hezbollah, which was not to be present south of the Litani River, which is 29km north of the Israeli border. This resolution was never complied with by Lebanon or Hezbollah. Instead, Hezbollah has vastly increased its capability south of the Litani to between 120,000 and 200,000 ballistic missiles and rockets, and has grown to a force of around 40,000. It has militarised the south extensively with sophisticated underground infrastructure, dwarfing what Hamas has done in Gaza, maintaining vast weapons stores and above-ground airstrips and installations at enormous cost.

Hezbollah is financed and trained by Iran and earns large sums from transnational crime activities. Hezbollah’s annual military budget is estimated at $US700m ($1bn). It is listed as a terrorist organisation by many countries including Australia and is committed to Islamist fundamentalist goals and the complete destruction of Israel. It has been completely unimpeded by the 11,512-strong UNIFIL II and the UN has failed utterly to ensure compliance with resolution 1701.

There is no question Israel lawfully has been able to strike back at Hezbollah to defend itself and prevent further attacks.

In short, a complete practical and moral failure of UN process. (Although, probably exactly as planned.)

September 23, 2024 10:04 am

The last couple of weeks, the Gimp has been trying to make us believe that Trump rallies have very few attendees.
The famous Oprah has such pulling power, when she interviewed the Kackler, many of the audience were put on a loop during filming to falsely inflate the numbers. haw!

September 23, 2024 10:12 am

In short, a complete practical and moral failure of UN process.

Personified by Guterres.

An unquestioned oracle on ABC news radio.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 10:15 am

when she interviewed the Kackler, many of the audience were put on a loop during filming to falsely inflate the numbers

They’re still busing in and paying attendees, and booking small venues so the visuals look packed.

PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Holds Georgia Rally in Small Ballroom at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre Due to Low Attendance (20 Sep)

Everything about Kamala is fake. It’s quite amazing that they can get away with this.

September 23, 2024 10:26 am

They get away with it for one reason: the vile media. When it’s working the media is one of the key elements of Western society which makes it so much better than the commie and muzzie shit holes. But when the media becomes partisan and takes sides with the left as it has does in the US against Trump and is doing here then it is a grave threat to the West

September 23, 2024 10:24 am

 September 23, 2024 5:57 am

Bolta on the horrid thing that is the Wong Chap in today’s Tele:

As has been noted bolta can wield a good pen because, unlike on his tv show, his ego does not splatter all over the good intentions. He is a terrible interviewer because it is all about himself and he is getting worse. I was interviewed by him and Steve Price many years ago and even then his ego was palpable. He’s got much worse.

But he has captured the character of that vile chap wong. To quote Sancho, wong is a C.U.N.T.; and not just an ordinary one but one fetid and infected with terminal leftoidism.

September 23, 2024 10:46 am
Reply to  cohenite

He can be a touch trying in person but unlike most of his Sky colleagues, his guests tend to be specislists, not off the shelf generalists.

Bolt and Caleb are the most thoughtful in terms of guest selection.

September 23, 2024 10:42 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 10:45 am

Delta A
 September 23, 2024 8:48 am

Wordle in two!

Tin arse as well as a tin leg, eh?

September 23, 2024 11:25 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Oh how offensive! LOL
I once told a joke about Delta’s disability and was shat on.
I do respect you, Delta.

Delta A
Delta A
September 23, 2024 11:27 am
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Nothing lucky about it, sonny.

September 23, 2024 10:52 am

Now a good news story.
Went for a walk around the block and found $50 in the middle of road. Spoke to a lady walking past and she found $20. Gave it to me to give to local fire brigade. Then I found another $50. $120 in total
But wait there’s more.
A young mum from around the corner wrote on local Facebook that she had lost $170 and had anyone found it ?

UPDATE. Went and had another look this morning and found the other $50. Money returned to a very great full owner

Delta A
Delta A
September 23, 2024 11:28 am
Reply to  chrisl

Well done, chrisl.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 11:48 am
Reply to  chrisl

One of the benefits of doing this kind of thing is the benefits last a lifetime.

  1. Scratched a ladies car when parking about 50 years ago. I left a number and she called back. It turned out this young woman’s husband had died the week before and she was really down.
  2. Standing outside a shop and a car went past. A leather writing pad came out the window along with about $100 and multiple Medicare slips. We found the owners name and address inside and called him up – he really only needed the slips for his medical practise and tried to give us the cash. We refused.

Warm and fuzzies all round – a thief would never get them.
Honesty pays in ways material benefits never can.

September 23, 2024 1:00 pm
Reply to  chrisl

You are a good man Chris.

September 23, 2024 11:04 am

I took a brief look in Reddit to see what satanism is all about.

There’s lots of different sects of Satanism. They have little in common with each other than the name.

The Satanic Temple is basically just about trolling conservatives and religious people. They are very political, but their political views are largely indistinguishable from mainstream American progressivism. To them “Satan” is just a symbol that upsets Christians, they don’t believe he actually exists

Likewise, the decades older Church of Satan also believes that Satan is just a symbol, but a symbol that stands for rather different things. Their founder, LaVey, was heavily influenced by Ayn Rand, to the point that he once said his Church was “just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added”. LaVey also had an aesthetic fascination with Nazism/fascism, willingly associated himself with their symbolism, and agreed with their belief in eugenics and “social Darwinism”.

The Temple of Set was started by Michael Aquino, a senior member of the Church of Satan, who broke away from LaVey. Contrary to LaVey’s atheism, Aquino believed in Satan as a real spiritual entity, identifying him with the ancient Egyptian god Set.

Another notable theistic Satanism group is Joy of Satan. They are polytheists, worshipping many demons, although Satan is the chief deity of their pantheon. They admire Hitler and Nazi Germany, and one of their rituals involves inviting the demons which possessed the Nazi leadership to possess them also.

Order of Nine Angles (O9A) is without doubt the scariest Satanist group of them all. While other Satanist groups insist that they don’t practice human sacrifice – O9A claims that they do. Like Joy of Satan (whom they dismiss as poseurs), they are virulently antisemitic, and condemn Christianity as a Jewish plot to hold back the Aryan race. They celebrate Black Masses praising Adolf Hitler, although their Australian branch rewrote that liturgy, replacing Hitler with Osama bin Laden. They encourage their members to support both neo-Nazism and Islamic terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and Islamic State; and to join the military, government or law enforcement in order to subvert it from within, and as a way to kill with impunity. Their scriptures promote rape and child molestation as religious rituals.

Sounds perfectly normal.
I’d take a stab and guess satanists would be huge demonrat supporters in the US. Their Australian adherents would be massively for the Greens.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
September 23, 2024 11:08 am

How do you get Trump to change a lightbulb?

Well of course when I moved to a remote community, I was able to advise Qld Education about the correct numbers of teachers who can easily devise a more equitable way to change lightbulbs.

In fact my PhD majors in light bulb facilitation factors in Vietnam veterans and the number of light bulbs needed to adequately illuminate a Miata.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 11:40 am
Reply to  Titus Groates

More Miata stuff always appreciated. Don’t forget the AGM.

September 23, 2024 12:33 pm
Reply to  Titus Groates

How many Microsoft Support engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Have you tried the Dark upgrade?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 11:19 am

Scare campaign of the day award goes to…

Scientists reviewed 7,000 studies on microplastics. Their alarming conclusion puts humanity on notice (22 Sep)

So what have we learned? In a paper released today, an international group of experts, including myself, summarize the current state of knowledge.

In short, microplastics are widespread, accumulating in the remotest parts of our planet. There is evidence of their toxic effects at every level of biological organization, from tiny insects at the bottom of the food chain to apex predators.

Microplastics are pervasive in food and drink and have been detected throughout the human body. Evidence of their harmful effects is emerging.

The scientific evidence is now more than sufficient: collective global action is urgently needed to tackle microplastics—and the problem has never been more pressing.

Micro plastics are basically harmless. They are degraded rapidly by sunlight and are eaten by sulfate-reducing bacteria. But who might you ask is the self described international expert who wrote this drivel?

Karen Raubenheimer

Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong

Sigh, again. Yet another august educational institution which could markedly improve humanity by being bulldozed into the Tasman Sea.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 11:54 am

So many bad actors, chewing away like termites at Australia’s social support structure.

September 23, 2024 1:01 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Exactly. Science on this one is as dodgy as AGW.

Bruce knows more than I on the subject but the cat was belled when they went all out to ban biodegradable bags. That was the kerching moment it was all about the money.

September 23, 2024 11:55 am

Yet another Karen

September 23, 2024 3:38 pm

Dawkins uni

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 25, 2024 10:55 pm

What is she a lecturer in?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 23, 2024 11:49 am

Disarming Hezbollah was never going to happen, especially since they’d just defeated the IDF.

Somewhat more especially since Israel demonstrated rule of law respect for UN SC1701 and supplier-in-chief Iran didn’t.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 12:07 pm

Just trying to dispute a transaction with Commonwealth Bank.
15 minutes on hold with callback.
Sent to the wrong place, so put on hold for another 15 minutes – no callback option so hung up.
Called again and tried to get CC fraud. Sent back to the wrong place again. This time I got an unintelligible name subcontinental who didn’t speak in sentences, just 50 letter words. Told him I was hearing impaired and asked him to slow down. He didn’t. Still spoke in 50 letter words.
Got sent back to the wrong place with no callback. So 10 minutes of prerecorded bullshit about how much the Commonwealth Bank cared about me, and hung up.
After the Revolution, Commonwealth Bank Call Centre employees will be first against the wall – after the codemonkeys who designed the software and didn’t allow a written coms system.
Tomorrow I’ll drive to Longreach to remonstrate with the humans. 200k. What a waste of fuel.

September 23, 2024 1:28 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Lots of sympathy, Winston. It has happened to most of us. Thank God husband has more patience than I have.

BTW in many Sydney branches you have to make an appointment to see anyone with any experience. Scary stuff.

September 23, 2024 5:08 pm
Reply to  Vicki

I have found the way to get through is to request to set up a new account.You get through much quicker. When I get through I say before I set up this new account I just need to fix xyz on the other account so can we do that first?

September 23, 2024 7:47 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

I’ve been without NetBank access since early May after I was locked out of my account and my PIN wouldn’t work. No reason given as to why. Had to visit the bank to reset my PIN and account password. Made four attempts to change it following the six rules of CBA password creation.

First attempt denied – you’ve used this PW before. Against rule 3. No, I have not, this is a completely new PW. Computer Says NO. Moving on.

Second attempt denied – PW must be between 8 to 16 letters.Against rule number 1. I have not. It’s 12 letters. Computer still says NO.

Third attempt denied – PW must contain a number. Rule number 2. Last time I looked 1 was a number. Computer stubbornly impervious to swear words and fury. Still says NO! Bank employee trying to help looks equal parts confused and embarrassed.

I storm home without having created a new password. Cannot access my account. Cannot face bank employee, the call centre, or thinking up a new password that I can remember for fear I might inflict violence on someone or something.

They don’t want you to write it down anywhere for security reasons but now I’ve memorised four passwords that are completely useless how am I meant to remember a fifth if I do manage to finally succeed? I’m trapped in the CBA matrix and cannot escape.

September 23, 2024 12:07 pm

“especially since they’d just defeated the IDF”
When did this happen?

September 23, 2024 12:07 pm
September 23, 2024 12:07 pm

Can’t remember the last time I had to change a lightbulb.
Not even in one of the cars.
The last ten years they just don’t burn out.
Like spark plugs.
Used to have to change them every 20,000km and clean and gap them between. Now they go 90,000km.
Those old halogens from 30 years ago would burn out all the time and the holders had awful wire clamps that would require weird hand contortions and doing 4 dimensional spatial calculations in your head as you changed them on the roadside at 3am.
Not everything is shitter than it used to be.
How many Goldilocks does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just the right number.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 12:14 pm
Reply to  Arky

Seeing it’s a joke day, here’s a quickie from a post nuke war novel:
Q: How many Lawyers does it take to pull a plough to till a field?
A: All of them.

September 23, 2024 12:28 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

How is Elsie, aka L C – little cat. Like her former owner Areff aka R F.

I rescued her. She ran away back to the beach side suburb. He was concerned. I confidently said let’s get in the 4WDrive and go get her.

We sat in the empty house for ages. She eventually came in. I did the mum thing and held her by the scruff of her neck.

Kept her inside for a while.

Then she was out catching mice and bringing them back beside her food bowl again.

Her looks are deceiving. She is a born hunter.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 12:29 pm
Reply to  Arky

I had a supposedly eternal LED bulb go *ping* recently. And twisty bulbs from time to time.

The amusing thing is I have several ye olde filament bulbs that have been chugging away for decades.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
September 23, 2024 1:06 pm

Remember when CDs came in and were marketed as indestructible?

September 23, 2024 6:55 pm
Reply to  Arky

My endless life bulbs LED tricolour EGLO have died – several, kitchen and office. One in the bedroom stopped then started again. Harder to change over because ladder screwdriver torch requires three hands. All supposed to make life easier. House has been certified rewired and steady 50 Hz with hybrid system.

September 23, 2024 12:11 pm

as I type this

Moira’s side are play a recording for the court of Pesutto arguing like a 16yo school-girl

its all about nazis and inclusiveness … and freedom of speech

as he goes out of his way to smear her, shut her down and reject her from the party

and the idiot reckons it was Deeming that brough the party to disrepute

wtf ???

the idiot sounds more ridiculous that mUnty

September 23, 2024 12:25 pm

Give yourself 15 upticks for being the most interesting, thought provoking commenter here, Trans. We know you can do it.

Try a more interesting topic. What are your thoughts on Google Nests as ac controllers?

September 23, 2024 1:11 pm
Reply to  JC


Did everyone shit themself when you walked into the bar? lol

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 23, 2024 12:12 pm

“Our” ABC is “Not Happy, Jan” .. Hadbollocks is on the receiving end of some serious Israeli retaliation so time to run out another of the, never-ending stash of ‘sob” stories …..

What infuriates me is that the ABC does not allow comments for most (or any – I haven’t seen any) of their news or commentary.

They know that there is another side and know that it is more convincing than theirs and they have no answers to them.

September 23, 2024 12:16 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 12:31 pm
Reply to  Rosie

The desert camo pants are a nice touch.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 23, 2024 12:17 pm

Mr Mohamed travelled to the US four times and to Switzerland twice, records show. He went to Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea once each.

I wonder if the Ambassador for the Indigenous, Mr Mo (Pox be upon him), ever considered travelling to Britain to see how they indigenous white population is responding to a regime actively at war with and trying to dilute them out of existence.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 23, 2024 12:24 pm

You must be a riot at parties.

Of course his parties are a riot. His friends are lefties. They protest the cake, the land the party is on, the ‘party privilege’ where people are invited on subjective grounds, the imported goods prepared by child labour, the domestic goods made by capitalists…you name it.

Any good lefty will tell you that you have not really been to a good party unless you drive home with a garbage tin smashed through the windshield and the word RACIST! spray painted all over the sides.

September 23, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Talk about putting the cart before the donkey.

If the Hez had disarmed, Israel would’ve withdrawn.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 23, 2024 3:32 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Because they promised they would?

September 23, 2024 12:30 pm

DFaT is one of the more disgusting departments in a vile city. Personified by Rudd.

September 23, 2024 3:16 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

Name an acceptable Minister for FF, since Bill Haden.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 12:32 pm

 September 23, 2024 11:11 am

Disarming Hezbollah was never going to happen,

Yes. De-balling them, de-fingering them and popping their eyeballs out has been a far more satisfying exercise.

September 23, 2024 12:33 pm

I wonder if the Ambassador for the Indigenous, Mr Mo (Pox be upon him), ever considered travelling to Britain to see how they indigenous white population is responding to a regime actively at war with and trying to dilute them out of existence.

Speaking of which, the Labour Party is reportedly already in meltdown at its annual conference in Liverpool this week.

They’re facing a backlash over gifts and donations to cabinet ministers during an austerity drive that has seen pensioner winter fuel allowances cut, contradicting a campaign promise by the PM.

Not surprisingly, “Free Gear” Keir’s approval rating has sunk to 24% and he dodged the traditional first day interview with the BBC, sending his deputy instead, who defended the gifts as “the way politics is done.”

And his chief of staff, who has been subject to leaks by someone in No. 10, is so unpopular with the rank and file she daren’t show her face at the conference.

These were supposed to be the grown-ups.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
Top Ender
Top Ender
September 23, 2024 12:54 pm
Reply to  Roger

The deputy PM has just had a permanent photographer appointed to follow her around – first one ever

September 23, 2024 1:04 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

With instructions to snap only her good side?

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 23, 2024 3:16 pm
Reply to  Roger

Not surprisingly, “Free Gear” Keir’s approval rating has sunk to 24%

Gillardian. Only 5 more years to go.

September 23, 2024 3:43 pm
Reply to  Roger

This is why fixed terms are a bad idea.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 12:51 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Not a surprise since Olmert is a lefty.

John Brumble
John Brumble
September 23, 2024 12:46 pm

For those who are less than happy about the recent “free the trolls” action, Firefox has a reasonable killfile for blogs. There’s probably a good one for Chrome too.

John H.
John H.
September 23, 2024 12:48 pm

Do the screening! This article explains why once cancer becomes established it becomes so difficult to treat. So many different types of cells in a single tumour, and I imagine the cells in the metastases are also different.

I”m not sure it really challenges old theories. Oncologists aren’t dills and do the reading. They probably are aware of everything in the article. They are aware that this so called new approach doesn’t offer any new treatment options; at least not yet.

Finally, to avoid boring you, this article is a good example of why some health influencers don’t have an effing clue and think curing cancer is easy.

Rewriting Cancer’s Blueprint: New Study Challenges Old Theories (

September 23, 2024 12:48 pm

Panic merchant, aka get your gazillionth booster jab now, expert featured in Daily Mail article. Part of article below.

“XEC is a recombinant of two other sub variants,’ Australian infectious diseases expert Dr Paul Griffin told Daily Mail Australia on Monday. 
It is a descendant of the notorious Omicron Covid strain and a recombinant variant of KS.1.1 and KP.3.3.
‘It’s still fairly early days, so speculation around symptoms or severity etc is a little bit early to do at this point in time,’ Dr Griffin said.
‘But what we had in the countries where it appeared early is it does appear to have a significant growth advantage which would suggest it’s likely to be immune, evasive and potentially more infectious.’
Because of this, the medical community is ‘paying close attention to it to see whether it may be the next sub-variant that causes another increase in activity,’ he said”.

Naturally does not know if a new updated vaccine will be required. By the time been and gone any new vaccine will be out of date. However trust the Dr as it will stop you getting the variant 4 versions ago that is now died out.

September 23, 2024 1:02 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

Paul Griffin was a defender of not allowing next of kin to visit their dying loved ones in hospital during covid.

September 23, 2024 1:17 pm
Reply to  Roger

Griffin has benefitted massively from pushing Vax. He would never want it to end.

September 23, 2024 8:11 pm
Reply to  Roger

While I did not experience this loss myself, I still cannot wrap my head around the cold inhumanity of such a policy, and the ease with which such depths have apparently been popped into the forgettory.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
September 23, 2024 1:02 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

”Notorious Omicrom strain”. Um was this the strain that didn’t do too much, infected everybody overnight and let us get on with our lives?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 23, 2024 1:26 pm
Reply to  Dunny Brush

That’s why it is notorious, it failed to cause a panic

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 12:49 pm

On light bulbs.
Had a new porch light put in at the country estate 2-3 years ago.
‘Viromentally virtuous LED.
I’d forgotten about that and it blew just before the sparkie came to do a couple of other jobs last week. It’s about five metres up and I couldn’t be arsed dragging my ladder up from the shed so I asked him to replace the globe for me while he had his ladder there.
“Nah mate. We replace the whole unit with these.”
As I say, totally ‘vironmental.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
September 23, 2024 12:51 pm

Sounds like fun- Podcast of the Lotus Eaters usually runs an audio digest of the Labour Conference tying itself in knots, launching factional mini-putsches over abstractly Mrs Jellyby-esque causes, and usually shouting at itself a fair bit and demanding its own resignation, too.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 12:52 pm

You must be a riot at parties.

You can count on Private Spud to get the party going.
The mood really picks up when he says those seven magic words ..
“I think I’ll have an early night.”

Last edited 4 months ago by Sancho Panzer
September 23, 2024 1:05 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

I’d rather party with Numbers than you, sancho. At least he doesn’t play mind games like you, you absolute vagina of a man.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 23, 2024 12:55 pm

How common sense has gone walkabout in woke Australia: Calling cities by their Aboriginal names, treating the didgeridoo like Mozart and extreme trans rights
Daily Mail lead story

September 23, 2024 12:56 pm

I can’t find it now but most will remember the Muslim religious leader in Sydney after 7 Oct who gave the disgusting “I am elated” rant. Just imagine if a Jewish leader had repeated same speech word for word but in relationship to the recent great “kabooming”. Would have been great.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 23, 2024 12:56 pm

WTF!. How does that work? Perhaps CAT legals could explain.



Freedom activist Monica Smit has won her case against Victoria Police for false arrests but still faces up to $250,000 in court costs.

Monica Smit ordered to pay $250K after WINNING unlawful Covid arrest case?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 1:00 pm

Panic merchant, aka get your gazillionth booster jab now, expert featured in Daily Mail article.

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November

The Fifth of November (Guy Fawkes Night Poem)

Interesting that the US election should happen to fall on this date.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 23, 2024 1:13 pm

Somewhat more especially since Israel demonstrated rule of law respect for UN SC1701 and supplier-in-chief Iran didn’t.

Hezbollah never agreed to disarm and the IDF never completely withdrew from Lebanon in 2006. Neither event should surprise anybody.

No, nothing surprising in any of this.

UNIFIL itself seems to think that Israel was compliant with its undertakings within 30 days of the implementation of SC1701. The situation has obviously changed since as the ‘Blue Line constraint’ on Hezbollah has broken down.

The issue is not actually about Hezbollah’s compliance as a non-state actor – they are a terrorist group who were not party to SC1701 and they were always going to continue to do terrorist shit. It’s also really not about the failure of the ineffectual Lebanese government – who were party to SC1701 – and then comprehensively failed to control Hezbollah militarisation.

The greater issue is that Iran has cheerfully and openly continued to supply funding, expertise and bulk weaponry to Hezbollah in breach of SC1701 s.15.

Giving the forks to the world.

September 23, 2024 8:15 pm
Reply to  Dr Faustus

The interesting bit, I’m lead to believe, is the connection between U.S. government agencies and the Lebanese security services, some elements of which – allegedly – have been providing ‘services’ …

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 23, 2024 1:14 pm

Not all is bad in the world.


Steve Inman:

Brotherly Love

September 23, 2024 1:35 pm
September 23, 2024 1:36 pm
Reply to  Ellie

Oops, wrong link

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 2:02 pm
Reply to  Ellie
September 23, 2024 2:18 pm

How do you make people better?

September 23, 2024 2:26 pm
Reply to  Ellie

Forgive me if I am repeating myself.

I interviewed IM. Whether someone is sentenced to life or an automatic release (under three years), they need to have a case plan.

Identify the factors associated with their offending. Put in place strategies to address them.

Ultimately, it is about community safety.

September 23, 2024 2:29 pm
Reply to  Ellie

But! If an election is pending, write a report not recommending parole. If it’s not inline then you get told to change your decision. I said MANY times, NO! Put me in the witness box. I will NEVER sign my name to a report for political purposes.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 23, 2024 2:50 pm
Reply to  Ellie

Lead them to Christ.
It works!

September 23, 2024 3:30 pm

Yeah. I hear you.

September 23, 2024 3:33 pm
Reply to  Ellie

Just down below me Dover, a gorgeous man, is talking about Hezbollah compliance. My Bros did the Haka on them. Maoris. Done and dusted.
Hi Arky. Kiaora Bro

September 23, 2024 3:34 pm
Reply to  Ellie

If you’re going to talk Lebanese, make me a kebab full of garlic. Then get the bucket bong out.

September 23, 2024 3:40 pm
Reply to  Ellie

Seriously! We need Arky to post cars pulled apart. How can you live this shite.
I may have missed it.
Did Cassie write a wall of words?
Same Jew victim crap.
Different day.
And I am a Jew. Hated by many.
I just can’t do your victim shit, Cassie.
Yes, you got on a bus. You witnessed stuff.
You aren’t a German-Jew though.
You have no fecking idea what my people suffered.