Triples, trailers are about another 1700 each
Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…
Bearcat v a few rebirthed VN Commodores.
Definitely not within the “in sickness and in health” scope. Just go to golf as usual.
Stroud brick & rolling pin throwing competition (Ncl local news, 6 Oct)
Guyra Trout Fest: An October long weekend scaly delight (Ncl local news, 5 Oct)
Top climbers test the walls at Tamworth’s Boulderfest (Ncl local news, 6 Oct)
My challenge to fellow humans: win the rolling pin throwing competition, the trout fishing competition and the wall climbing competition. I love local news.
A local lad won the “throwing the rolling pin competition” so many years in secession that a representative, from the local show committee, would contact her, prior to the event to ask what she would like as a prize, this year.
local lady, FFS….
My little town has Ferret Races next Saturday. It raises a lot of money for Children’s causes and we have a rip-roaring time. 😀
October 6, 2024 5:40 pm
Reply to Rockdoctor
From comments in Kiwi Blog Captain looks like a DEI hire:
Don’t they have enough of her ilk in NZ?
I’d be more worried how a school teacher and aspiring chef goes from zero maritime experience to Captain in record time.
This country apparently has our back…
Closing para of Rock Doctor’s link above on the NZ ship loss:
Her campervan passion is still going strong, but the call of the sea is always there too. Commander Gray returned to the RNZN earlier this year after heading off in late 2019 on a 57,000-kilometre road trip around Australia with [wife] Sharon and their dog Dennis.
Yvonne and Sharon, okaaay.
I’m getting a vibe here.
It’s never been just about Israel, though it’s very existence is a constant source of humiliation.
It’s bad, but it’s not disappeared like some people are claiming.
Once again, I get nothing.
About 1 in 4 X links don’t work for me.
Rosie’s links are difficult. Some of them once up can return you to the Cat by a click on the open tab which removes the contact and takes you back. Others, if you do that, throw you off the Cat completely and you have to go back in again cursing – yes, that was one of those of Rosie’s where you needed to use the arrows in the browser to take you back to the Cat. It’s easy to forget to check.
We didn’t have this problem on the old system, because you used the browser arrow to take you back from every link.
This is not a criticism, Rosie, because your links are really useful, just to stand as a warning to others like me who haven’t worked much tech out yet that this is something to be aware about.
Even more threatening, it is pointed at a Christian cathedral.
This red triangle should be recognised as the equivalent of a Nazi Swastika, for it is supposed to pinpoint the spot where a Hamas terrorist attack will next take place. It is an outright and overt threat. We shoud not that the useful idiots who put Pallie flags and this red sign over the top of Australia’s parliament house not long ago got off with a smack on the wrists for it.
Policing only goes one way in Australia. Against Christian Australia and its traditions.
should note
Watching the NRL Graand Final – and of course the obligatory Welcome to Country, by Aunty Julie.
Strike me pink – she is as white as the driven snow, with very blonde hair to boot…..
Blah blah – welcome to the traditional land of my ancestors, etc.
Her ancestors would be heavily dominated by white people.
What a lurk, scam, fraud.
Same with the mediocre rapper.
I despise the night game to begin with, prefer the afternoon but that was taken up with chicks footy.
Last decent campaign by the NRL would have to be decades ago with Barnesy & Tina Turner. I haven’t been inspired since.
People were asked to ‘stand’. The put the National Anthem on after it.
I’d stand for the National Anthem but not until it starts. Not standing for any made-up ceremonial with no anthropological tradition and not needed in a football match.
Really? Quite a few black fellas hate this stuff. Many are of a quiet, conservative nature. They might get this Marxist indoctrination done over a few generations, but the Welcome to Counties at the games of footy I go to receive at best resentful acknowledgement.
Footy fans slam Welcome to Country at NRL Grand Final 2024, accusing Indigenous Elder of being ‘white’
link not working
Fairweather friends; they were all behind him when he expelled Deeming.
Hopefully the b333333d is gone soon. He obfuscates on renewables and I suspect is complicite. Follow the money.
Yes, mem; but the odds are his replacement won’t be much better and quite possibly worse.
Another empty suit careerist whom Labor rejected for good reason.
If you spill a decaffinated soy latte in a forest will anyone even notice?
I find it pleasing that ‘Rescue the Republic’ has become a sort of meme.
The Democrats have banged on forever about ‘democracy’ meaning ‘what they want rather than what the people want’, but the truth is the the Union of the United States is a Republic, which is a different sort of political animal. It has balances in it to protect states, just as we have in our own parliamentary Westminster system. Maintain the Republic – it has a cry familiar to students of ancient Rome.
Yes I know, rap is not for everyone. Why do I post this? Becuase he takes the piss out of all the pretentious dickheads.
Funny stufff. He made a lot of enemies. He’s retreated into the woods, figuratively speaking.
End of the day, he doesn’t give a f*ck.
Black Elvis – Intro:
Haha! Wot tha?
I give you: Tom MacDonald.
One of his shorter ones, and two months old now, but with 7.4 million views and who knows how many more views via YouTube reactors.
And if anyone avers “if you want a friend in politics get a dog”, my reply is that if the Liberals put forward a dog as a candidate I’d happily vote for it.
At least I’d be getting a representative who exhibited loyalty and a modicum of intelligence.
Hear Hear Roger. – the Liberal party is moribund as a conservative force too many wokesters, lawyers and wankers – too many in it for themselves, the lurks and perks – the fact that the Liberals had unfailingly preferenced the Greens and Labor ahead of Pauline Hanson and other conservative minor parties says it all — they don’t want to win they want to coast.
I would ban from being a Liberal candidate anyone who doesn’t own and drive a V8 vehicle. Either petrol or diesel is fine. (See my earlier comment about Libs driving EVs.)
Do I get an honourable mention with a turbo V6 Patrol?
The LNP is the definition of political rigor mortis, with the appearance of movement being escaping gas from the underlying organic decay. No matter how hard and how often you wish upon that star, it is NOT POSSIBLE to breathe life back into a corpse. Pay your respects, spread the ashes in Lake Burley Griffin, and move on. Or remain in fantasy world, where ‘magic happens’ and the universe will provide your every need.
Peter Dutton has much to contend with inside the spineless Liberals, however, that he becomes Prime Minister is on my prayer list — that would be great for Australia even better because it would be a metphorical sock in the eye to the reptilian Turnbull.
He’s the best of a bad bunch, Tinta.
That is all.
But that is something.
That’s as high as the Lieborals will ever reach for the foreseeable future.
Waffleworth and the Lieborals gave us three years of SloMo as the not Dutton candidate. Worse than a compact fluorescent lightbulb.
One thing in Dutton’s favour is Trumble fought like a vicious little cat to stop Dutton succeeding him.
Peter Dutton has much to contend with inside the spineless Liberals, however, that he becomes Prime Minister is on my prayer list
Australia’s too good to ruin.
Apropos of nothing, here’s a YouTube short of Tom MacDonald and his girlfriend Nova, commenting on Mackle-something who apparently said ‘Firetruck ‘Merica.’
‘Tis funny.
Young Merkules – ‘Rich Men North of Richmond Remix’ (Original: Oliver Anthony).
No reason
Electrical Storm
I’ve heard that music once before, and it stuck in my head all night. Unusual.
Russia is doing great …
Forget Ukraine! Russia’s REAL Ticking Time Bomb (LEAKED) (youtube.com)
Israeli soldier talks about his experiences on the front line in Lebanon.
(You’ll have to translate from Hebrew)
Death cult.
Death cult