Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Undoubtedly they have done so but you can bet they’ll just thumb their noses at us. They are both traitors, but they’re hardly alone in that.
Charles III and Keir Starmer have violated the rule of law and must step down
Compare the difference.
the new tribe
The Gem hidden in the sewer outfall of the ideologues output:
“There Are No Working Class Fact Checkers.”
Kamala Harris Dealt Blow by Home State Newspaper
JESSE WATTERS: Democrats just yanked Kamala Harris off the campaign trail
They are panicking. Every time she opens her mouth, except to have a drink – Trumps vote number goes up, and Harrises vote tally goes down.
Yo know what?
The Hildebeast is lining up to take over for the next Democrat Presidential Candidate.
She will come in as the “Breath of Fresh Air.”
…and there will be cheating.
Much, much, cheating.
Youngest daughter got to meet King Charles & Queen Camilla yesterday, my eldest daughter’s eatery did some of the catering for yesterday’s visit to Parramatta .. Youngest was working/waitressing but the eldest was elsewhere ….. too excited to take a pix … duuuh!
You are one good Dad.
I always enjoy reading the little bits you tell us about your kids and grand kids.
Any Cats remember a great video of a super entitled geezer cyclist giving a young bloke a raging sermon on his personal entitlement? The young bloke was great, very polite in the face of an obvious nutjob threatening the young feller with all sorts of payback once the Police arrive.
There’s a great follow-up to this story. Watch the old turd filling his Depends when the Police explain to him how Karma works. Epic.
The earlier video is in the article, the follow-up is a little further down. Enjoy.
The car driver pulled into the centre of the road. Just how much frigging room does the cyclist want? He’s allowed 3 feet,
Pogria, oh how I enjoyed that. You can bet your bottom dollar that self entitled moroon is a demonrat. (And I’m older that that POS)
Re, embedded comments, I wish people wouldn’t do it or the replies should be automatically visible.
If you hadn’t called attention to it I would’ve totally missed Vicki’s comment.
And I did it again! Forgive me, I have just returned to the city!
Hee hee hee!
Ha! Ha ha!
O say can you see
How deep recursive memes can be?
And the rockets red glare
The bombs bursting in the air
Like a coruscade of Toms toons
Or parade of left-wing loons
Give the word to those who battlements man, (sorry, person…
Kamala Harris Busted for Plagiarizing Congressional Testimony from REPUBLICAN District Attorney
Reactions From Former and Current Biden Admin Officials to ‘Lock Trump Up’ Comments Are Something Else
Kamala Harris Is No Esther, She’s Jezebel
And it speaks volumes for the perversions some ‘christians’ are prepared to go to to push her policies.
Jamal Bryant needs to be aware of his place in Hell as he pushes this monster toward the presidency.
Cassie –
We had a great lunch today at Avner’s! Just had to do it. It was PACKED! So good to see.
Kamala Grew Up Around Terrorists
Kamala Harris Wants To Force Christian Hospitals To Perform Abortions Against Their Will
Israel confirms death of heir apparent to slain Hezbollah leader
Notice how Kamala’s old colleagues in hipster Democrat California have now withdrawn all charges against Roman Polanski. He may be a pedophile rapist, but he’s our sort of pedophile rapist.
Bill Cosby then better make a pro-Kamala video so he too can be rehabilitated.
The rules of the tribe or gang come first, the rules of broader society second. Hence there is no longer such a concept as hypocrisy when wielded by the latter against the former. We don’t have to like it, but we need to realise what a waste of energy it is using it as a primary tactic. It’s way past time we evaluated what works and what doesn’t in this new paradigm.
This is weird, as bad as queers for Islam:
Jewish Dems Create New Religion Around Kamala | Frontpage Mag
Following on from above this sums up cackles, tampon tim, the demorats and anyone who votes for that filth:
New York Times Claims Kamala Worked at McDs Because Her Friend Claims Her Mother Told Her So | Frontpage Mag
Where you work when you are thirteen or so always stays with you.
If she’d worked there she wouldn’t have forgotten it. Just another lie.
Theres always a certain clarity in what he says and never leaves something to the imagination.
Winston – in answer to your question re meter reading – he writes it down & also calculates the consumption.
Vicki – that’s liable for error – not that he’d make a mistake, but that’s the line the company will take in court.
Photos please Vicki.
And back them up on portable hard drive – not every day, that’s burdensome. Just each week when he recharges the phone from the computer.
A Beirut native. Worth a read.
Didn’t get past the asinine comparison between Elizabeth II & Nasrallah.
Yes. Sure. Totes believable.
The entire article is a mixture of blame shifting, cry-bullying and faux victimhood.
It was great while the party rolled on, the money rolled in, and the political and religious enemies could be persecuted and subdued one by one. And a restless population could be distracted by rocket fire into the neighbour’s yard.
Not so nice now that the writhing, headless snake is bereft of prey and income stream.
The juxtaposition of QE2 and Nasrallah the Psycho is telling.
The idiot speaks of the destruction and chaos around him and has no perception of its cause. But he has to blame someone else.
Double Idiot and Bar.
Think of them like the Uniting Church—kind of like a weekly green party meeting, but with hymns.
A tattoo covered moron with most of his muscles between his ears accuses Trump of a lack of masculinity:
Dave Bautista Shreds Trump’s Masculinity
Yes, a man who was just shot and gets up almost immediately is very effeminate.
What does that make girly-man Tampon Tim who boasts about his non-existent war-time experience?
An interesting read, but wallows in ” poor bugger me” at the end.
The way he rabbits on, you’d think Lebanon had been a Muslim country from the beginning.
Gutless also. Wouldn’t give his real name.
Trump is going on Rogan on Friday their time.
However I would much prefer to see Kamala on Rogan.
Imagine her having to answer real questions for 2 hours. He staff outside would need a defibrillator for themselves.
Would be cut short by Secret Service jumping in with an excuse to take her away suddenly.
Blame the gun.
No words…
“An interesting read, but wallows in ” poor bugger me” at the end.”
Yeah the bit about being replaced by a new improved population was nuts.
He pretty much admitted Nasrallah and the Shia have destroyed Lebanon.
Indeed they have.
A fine upstanding gazan journalist.
Yes Rosie. He mourned him and made excuses, even while describing the elimination of cultural enemies and the damage done. I don’t think you can reason with such people.
Thanks for posting.
King tampax chuck and cammy are off to fight global boiling in the Solomans which is run by a pack of climate grifters milking the suckers of the West, inbred like chuck, or otherwise.
Chuck could have saved some dosh and checked with the BOM which has been running the Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Projectsince 1994. According to the BOM, the sea level, sea temp and air temp in 2024 is the same or less than it was in 1994:
Solomon Islands
Worth repeating:
Chuck: “Oh, God. I’ll just live inside your trousers or something. It would be much easier!” After Camilla laughs, jokingly asking if he wanted to reincarnate as a pair of underwear, Charles exclaims: “Or, God forbid, a Tampax.
Come back Elizabeth.
The fuzzy wuzzies will love him long time. Smell the panic.
This Anti-Israel Professor Blamed Israel for Hamas Terrorism. The Biden-Harris Admin Gave him $60K for His Book on ‘Palestinian Self-Determination.’
‘We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda
NYPD officers were denied entry to a migrant shelter in Times Square after responding to a 911 emergency call for help from the location.
They were only allowed in after a supervisor arrived to escort them, leaving them waiting outside for over seven minutes. Officers have shared with me that some hotel staff have been causing issues when it comes to allowing police access to these sites.
This is beyond belief.
‘Yacht Killer’ Skylar Deleon gets taxpayer-funded trans surgery while on death row for murders of Thomas and Jackie Hawks
This is why you sell your boat through a broker.
Sky News just had to cut Peta Credlin’s 6pm program because the audio had stopped working. And then it cut out again when the zombies staffing the program tried to return.
This is not accidental, IMO. Sky’s staff are all lefties and want to sabotage it, especially now their Greenfilth fleas are about to lose an election riding on the Liars.
I opined just that to the Beloved.
Either that or they’re poorly trained. Earlier, Kenny wanted to “re-roll the tape”. No go.
I call b/s. There is no tape. A screen full of digital files, mouse down and press “play”. Our church techie can operate a media console better.
Confirmed! Some unprofessional deadshit just switched it back onto Peta with her head in her hands.
Sack them.
They wouldn’t last five seconds with Kerry Packer.
Unfortunately, he is absolutely correct. This election is pivotal.
They can’t control you so now they’re trying to SILENCE you | Neil Oliver on tech giants
At 10:30 on the video featuring the Biden spawn, watch his gait as he walks int the court.
Early Onset Parkinsons from coke use? Stiff arms, robotic gait.
What Trump Going to McDonald’s Means to Me
What a great video!
And she’s right, the Democrats can’t relate to the wukkas of America because they don’t ever mix with them unless it’s in the context of master/servant.
The article is also an admission that Hezbollah’s war is not going as expected.
Where is our second front on the Golan!
Why is Assad sitting on his hands!
Maybe not the west, but I suspect the Sunni and Christian Lebanese would like a lot less Shia.
Indeed they would.
JD Vance on What It’s Like Campaigning with Trump
Read the comments. Everyone wants to have a beer with him. So good.
Everything is AWESOME! 😀
I Was At Trump’s McDonald’s Rally. He Just Deep Fried Kamala’s Campaign
Sheridan just did a most excellent rant about the ACU walkout. Spares no one. Good stuff.
Something that popped up in my FB page in the midst of carting 4 meters of garden loam to the new garden beds…
1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one’s seen before.
4. If it grows, it’ll stick ya. If it crawls, it’ll bite cha.
5. Onced and Twiced are words.
6. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy!
7. Jawl-P? means: Did you all go to the bathroom?
8. People actually grow, eat, and like okra.
9. Fixinto is one word. It means I’m going to do something.
10. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there’s supper.
11. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you’re two. We do like a little tea with our sugar. It is referred to as the Wine of the South.
12. Backwards and forwards means I know everything about you.
13. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, ‘Did you eat?’
14. You don’t have to wear a watch, because it doesn’t matter what time it is, you work until you’re done or it’s too dark to see.
15. You don’t PUSH buttons, you MASH em.
16. Y’all is singular. All Y’all is plural.
17. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal.
18. You carry jumper cables in your car for your OWN car.
19. You only own five spices: salt, pepper, Cajun seasoning, Tabasco, and ketchup.
20. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, motorsports, and gossip.
21. Everyone you meet is a Honey, Sugar, Miss (first name), or Mr (first name)
22. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
23. You know what a hissy fit is..
24. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
25. We don’t need no dang Driver’s Ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive!!!
26. You understand these jokes and forward them to your Southern friends and those who just wish they were from the South.
AND one more:
27. Why did the chicken cross the road? To show that stupid possum that it CAN be done!
The South is a bit like non-metro QLD.
That was precisely my reaction as I went down the list – Qld without the sharks, crocodiles and drop bears.
Makes me nostalgic for my Louisiana cousins. All seven of them (two now deceased) and their families and the whole big clan of their relations and friends.
Y’all know they’re fine Christian gun-keepin’ folks from Bayou Country.
In case you needed another reason to despise the Liberals:
Jane Hume & Sussssan Ley have poured cold water on Jacinta Price’s calls for a discussion re late term abortion.
Credlin assures us that Albo isn’t in the control room! Bless her. 🙂
Hume is someone I’ll never vote for. As for Lay she was a canbra punk rocker. Hard to imagine anything worse.
Ley is on her 2nd chance after some fast and loose rental inspections. Probably in her natural environment.
Ttumps’s Maccas stunt was pure genius. Talk about force multiplier. A couple of hours investment has dominated the news for days.
The genius was the respect he showed the staff and the work. “I like this job, it is a good job “.
A couple of million sneered at tip jockies just felt good about themselves and became Trunp devotees.
As I’ve said before Trump is one hell of a guy. I don’t think he had any idea 8 years ago how corrupt dc was. I sure didn’t.
Not for Maccas. The Left are now gunning for them.
Democrats Target McDonald’s for Price Gouging After Trump Served Customers (22 Oct)
McWeaponized: CDC Unveils E.coli Outbreak In Quarter-Pounders, Day After Trump Photo-Op (23 Oct)
Go off the reservation and you are in a world of hurt. (Btw 99.95% of political donations from CDC employees go to the Democrats. Colour me sceptical abut the E. coli “outbreak”.)
If Trump asked the people to support Maccas, it would bounce right back.
McWeaponized – that was my first thought when I read about it. First the COVID disaster and now this, CDC are making it hard for Americans to listen to anything they have to say.
The Democrats are evil.
The dc and canbra abominations have much in common. Spiteful, maliciously incompetent mediocrities.
Would you like to clarify that, Miltonf?
I’m not sure I get your drift.
It’s really curious how the political and bureaucratic classes throughout most of the world have the same attitudes and methods.
A grotesquery of reptilian anthropomorphs.
I see the evil old Warren is leading the charge against maccas. What a fuked place Massachusetts must be with morons electing trash like Warren Ted Kennedy and Ed Marky.
Albanese government energy prices ‘will not’ be going down: Kenny
One of the lying Liars lies for some time now. UniParty policy.
‘Appalling attack on free speech’: Labor’s misinformation bill slammed
“This is among the most prepared, trained and experienced army Israel has ever put in the field. A year of war steeled them for this. Maj. Gen Gordin embodies this steel and it is being brought to bare on Hezbollah in the most serious way possible. These soldiers have iron will. Hezbollah never expected to meet this kind of iron and steel. Now they have met it.”
The result of an organisation built on merit. I walked behind an ACT female police officer today in a Mall who was about 5’5″ and whose backside was twice as wide as mine, me being a 5’9′, 68kg, 77 year old. These people are supposed to protect people like me?
Since surviving the covidiocy, I’ve lost the respect I had for those in blue (or pink sequins during mardi gras), so to answer your rhetorical question: No, they are not supposed to protect you.
Having written that, there were honourable police officers who refused to be waxed, and suffered because of it.
Jeez Muddy, I hope you meant vaxxed.
Because the ones at the MardiGras were certainly waxed.
Is anyone else hoping the combination of being made irrelevant on the ground in Gaza/Lebanon, and an unfriendly Trump might signal the deth knell for the UN??
Because as far as I can see their legacy will be one of wars never allowed to end and despotic regimes treated as respectable.
Has been for some time. Alas, like the ALPBC I suspect they will be with us for the foreseeable future.
That would leave a big hole in Penny Wong’s political afterlife.
Like all wounded animals, they will fight to the death…literally…to continue the status quo.
Oh it would be BLISS to have the UN nuked.
God she is gorgeous. All behind are having fun, too.
George Gershwin – Rhapsody in Blue, Maja Babyszka – piano
Superb performance of one of my favourite pieces of music.
Hi Wolfie!!! So good to see you.
Yup still here . . . often lurking.
Been extremely busy these last 6-8 months with one thing and another, including a special passion project I’m working on.
Going on a 2 week holiday to Vanuatu next week with my good wife.
When I return I’ll be looking at resuming my weekly movie posts – I just ran out of words and interest early in the year.
Will be looking forward to that! But I suggest you pace yourself and do it monthly instead. I hope Dover will be supportive.
I’ll probably post more on tomorrow’s new Open Thread
For whatever reason, I was once offered citizenship of Vanuatu..do sometimes wonder what would have happened had I accepted it…
The fun thing was that Gershwin originally composed the piece to be played at the usual 1920’s frenetic pace.
Then he or someone tried instead playing it slowly, and history was made.
Which leads me to this one:
The Doctor Who theme reimagined as Belgian jazz
Pair of gay high-flyers in the finance sector indicted for trafficking in (male) sex slaves:
How long before nien pensant opinion denounces the charges as a fascist redneck homophobic conspiracy?
Sorry I spook.
Others mentioned their dislike of embedded comments.
If people think us plebs are not worthy of reading their post without scrolling back and forth and unnecessary extra clicking, so be it, I can live with that, no more griping.
Just enjoy the ride as is.
I don’t mind the embedded stuff but alwayz think if the addition is good/clever then cut’n paste the relevant piece and create a new post is worth doing …….
Tho on another site I frequent (using a different variety of WordPress, obviously) the follow-ups are always visible ………
Millions of Australians could get a new public holiday as part of negotiations for Victoria’s treaty
Daily Mail.
Washing at the Cafe is always an event. Doing it and then attaching the clothing to the Hills Hoist went without any notable news this morning.
Recovering the clothing though was an adventure!
I had a whole team of helpers. Several noisies, two rainbow lorikeets who wanted to sit on my hand, three kookaburras and a very dirty cockie. She was obviously a she since her front feathers were lignin brown from climbing up and down their nest hole. She got a slice of bread.
The special washing helpers though were special: two Pacific Black Ducks. They arrived out of nowhere at the foot of my stairs. So I gave them some bread. Yum! Then they followed me to the back yard, and if they didn’t help me take my washing in at least they watched with interest.
Someone obviously has another Cafe where they also get bread. It’s nice that they came to my Cafe this afternoon and helped me with my washing.
had to google “Pacific Black Duck” image .. doesn’t look much different to lotz I see on my biking ……… is it a common variety?
Tell me he is dreaming or joking.
“NSW skipper queries Warner’s motivation over shock comeback call
David Warner’s shock offer to come back for the upcoming Test match series against India, and fill the void he left at the top of the order”
In the DT, I have no sub.
Lost interest in cricket years ago but still tune in from time to time.
I lost interest when Ricky Ponting on his first Test Match, after being declared out, sulked his way off the grounds for 97 runs.
Life is full of disappointments isn’t it?
To me it was the start of the media personality game and the end of the gentleman’s game.
Watched a couple of others, but the rot was in.
ALP squealer page…
Looks like an opportunity to complain about every time a LaborGreen opens their mouth
Gates gives cackles 50 million to stop epstein’s list from becoming public.
Reading “The Duff Cooper Diaries.” Statesman, soldier, Member of Parliament, wit, poet, diplomat, clubman and scholar….and dedicated to womanizing, to such a degree that said diaries were nearly destroyed, after his death, by his nephew, who was shocked at how frank they were…
Can Democrats explain 5200 voters registered at one address in Philly?
Maybe the homeless, or those who want to avoid correspondence can collect their mail.
Extended family?
JUST IN: Bill Gates Privately Says He Has Backed Harris With $50 Million Donation — NYT
Happy Wife, Happy Life news (the Hun):
Clearly this wasn’t brainstormed prior to the rallies.
This – apparently Islamic – bloke must be gutted to have a mere woman instruct him on such things.
Repeat after me, Mr Yazbek:
‘Yes dear’.
Some surprising naivete there KD.
Wife of Nomad restaurant owner apologises to clients, takes the reins.He is out of the management loop.
One has to wonder how genuine it all is?
Lying to infidels is permitted.
Their primary concern might be the prospect of a successful prosecution and how that would affect his international travel. It’s an acid test of the integrity of the police, the prosecution service and the magistracy
Using the full extent of media hype to publize the “removal” reminds me of a “let them eat cake” moment …..
When profit margins are threatened folk can become very contrite …… !
Where the Democrat party meets communism
Globalist Misinformation: No, the Earth is Not Warming
IDF now killing Hezbollah leaders at such an accelerating rate that soon they will only know who their leaders are after the Israelis have ex’ed them.
Sorry, there is a certain amount of uncouth sniggering going on in dark corners…The Palestinians backed every swivel- eyed loon as a leader since the days of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – he who had tea and bikkies with Adolf Hitler – and now wonder why no-body takes them seriously?
I’m not seeing a downside here, Arky.
Some people just love birds, the feathered kind.
“Our friend, PJ, built us this owl house that has been standing empty since installation in 2022. My joy at finally seeing a pair of pointy ears peeking out last week, knew no bounds! That, of course, means that eggs have been laid and that mom and dad are taking turns to keep them warm. Because owls like silence as much as they like thorny trees, all staff and children were immediately informed to stay far away with no mowing or shouting for a good distance from the sacred tree. The hooting at night is better than classical music to my ears.”
No wonder owls avoided it, as one S African poster pointed it out.
Right in ZULU’s alley this;
“Die uil boks is nie reg gebou nie, dit is hoekom die uile nie daarin gegaan het nie. Geen beskutting. Jul moet die boks toemaak aan die oop kante vir beskutting en net een groot opening voor oop los by ingang
Hulle is te veel blootgestel aan koue in winter en son in somer.”
It simply states that it’s too open, I agree, only a desperate homeless owl would move in there.
Imagine 11 days to travel to AUS from Europe by plane?
We are grumbling at 24 hours.
Passengers on Eastern Airlines in 1935. Planes were so loud back in the day that the cabin crew had to use megaphones so the passengers could hear them. Flights from the UK to Australia took 11 days.
The plane could drop 100’s of feet randomly thus motion sickness bowls were placed beneath the seats.
My, 10pound tourist, flight from England via USA in 1967 Left Heathrow Thursday noon arrived Sydney 5.00am Sunday …….
Don’t drink and drive!
We complain endlessly.
Look at this, wall propped up to prevent falling over, she is doing the laundry with no washing machine in sight.
He looks on, with kids happy sitting on the front step.
Reminiscent of my childhood in a County Durham pit village, 1950s ..
47 minutes ago
Burke’s Palestine study tour partly funded by pro-Hamas group
Tony Burke is among a number of Labor MPs who went on a study tour to Palestine partially funded by a lobby group that has accused Israel of genocide and opposed the full designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
The Australian Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) also partially paid for WA Senator Louise Pratt’s trip to Palestine just before she spoke at an APAN fringe event at the Australian Labor Party’s annual conference in 2023, according to the Herald Sun.
According to APAN’s latest annual report, the lobby group had received $22,400 from “ALP” and $50,000 from “Union” to pay for study tours to Palestine.
The Opposition’s Home Affairs spokesperson James Paterson called on Labor to be transparent about its financial relationship with APAN, which he said he was concerned was becoming “an increasingly extreme organisation”.
“Labor must be upfront about their funding of APAN,” Mr Paterson said.
“What is the purpose of Labor’s payments to APAN? What was Labor’s money spent on? Were all relevant electoral laws complied with and disclosures made for these contributions?”
Heard Julian Leeser speak last night at the Sydney Institute about the rise of anti-Semitism in Oz. I thought he spoke eloquently and sensibly. He seems a gentle man, but spoke passionately about his concern for the Jewish community, and the continuing and worsening street agitation against Jewish Australians. I suggested that the problem was a failure of leadership at both state and federal levels which was only encouraging violence through lack of control and protection of the public. Suggested that we are looking forward to a response from a future federal LNP government which reestablishes civility and accepted standards of conduct in the expression of freedom of speech.
Wayne Swan BA (Hons!)
I’d be shocked if the lnp didn’t win. Whether the new premier will pick up the ball and run with it is another matter.
“He looks on, with kids happy sitting on the front step”
Not much has changed, eh?.