We haven’t had a decent Minister for Defence since Brendan Nelson.
January 9, 2025 9:16 pm
I don’t like cagey news articles, either shut up till the full facts are allowed to be disclosed or just let us know what the jismist obviously knows. That said.
What’s the chance this was not people but a person & maybe children.
I sniff poisonous break-up. Why would you give away furniture for free? Odd.
Cats, I concur with Prez Fatty Trump’s imperialist designs on Greenland, Canuckistan and the Panama Canal.
It would be nice if he could cast his greedy eyes over here as well, especially as dover’s subsequent wailing would be audible in space.
Well, it would be a pity if we weren’t impordant enough to be included.
And, you know, it can’t really be a Global American Empire if you exclude a chunk like ours, can it?
Some people are simply too gullible…
Do you really think he’d plan to take over Greenland????
Do you really think he’ll annex the Panama Canal or Canada?
He’s baiting the left… and getting the usual response…
Dr Faustus
January 9, 2025 9:59 pm
One thing that seems to be ignored in the Starmer/Rapist imbroglio is the role of local government in the UK.
There are about 300 local authorities (LGA’s) in the UK. They differ significantly from the Australian versions in that, besides local roads, garbage, libraries, and mowing – many UK LGA’s manage a host of other government-funded services: education, public housing (a big deal in the UK), ‘community relations’, direct grants (new mosque, new sports centre, etc), and importantly, social services (particularly – in context – child welfare, including family placements).
For Labour, LGA’s are critical political assets; local pork delivery in support of the national parliamentary vote – particularly in the rape-prone industrial cities.
The LGA social services were heavily criticised after the 1981 race riots and reacted enthusiastically to the Scarman recommendation that “positive discrimination” was a necessity to keep the peace – and have spent the past 40 years social-working Marxist woke to an extent you might not believe.
There is no chance on God’s Earth that the Labour machine is ever going to support an inquiry that would lead to daylight being shone into those dark corners.
January 9, 2025 10:05 pm
Bit odd seeing the canned laughter at the Djokovic charity match in Melb tonight.
Sounds like a reprise of the Sodom story upthread.
Wally Dalí
January 9, 2025 10:31 pm
The Tories have got rocks in their head if they think that a long campaign for a longwinded enquiry about events which happened, in political relative terms, a long time ago, which the government will only be obliged to respond to a long time in the future – is a good strategy for either their party or the poor abused girls.
If it were me, I’d just go ballistic right now, about the here and now.
“Mr Sir Keir Starmer PM, because of your appalling weakness and capitulation, how many child sex offenders are free on the streets of Britain right now?”
“As Labour leader, after decades promoting mas immigration, colonial guilt and elevating Islamists to the status of an untouchable and vengeful ruling class, how many apologists, collaborators and disseminators of child sexual abuse are in positions of power whithin town councils and police forces right now?”
“Mr PM, do you not think that your totalitarian policies about reportage and social media content will doubtlessly be adding to the entitlement, protection and deflection of child sexual abusers in British towns and cities right now?”
Wally this is the same as governments telling us they are spending billions over the next 5 years on something that needs doing yesterday. Gives the impression of doing something when in fact the money is not divided equally and may never be spent. The bestarreds never tell you what they’re doing or have done only what they’re gunna do.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 9, 2025 10:31 pm
Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states.
In a sit-down interview with The West Australian as he flew from Kununurra to Perth on Thursday, the Prime Minister vowed he’s in WA to win it — declaring the Liberal-held seats of Durack, Canning and Moore, and the new seat of Bullwinkel, in play.
Without any surprise gains, holding the four WA seats Labor gained in 2022 — Tangney, Swan, Hasluck and Pearce — could make the difference between majority government, minority government or defeat in a looming federal election.
But Mr Albanese told The West he’s aiming for a majority and will not sign an agreement with crossbenchers if he falls short.
What part of the words “Pig’s arze, he won’t, ” do readers have difficulty in understanding?
January 9, 2025 10:37 pm
My, my. My FaceChook feed today has been filled with a procession of highly dramatic flouncers who cannot tolerate views other than their own and are mourning the long awaited death of fact checkers on the platform. Off into the Bluesky yonder and something called MeWe.
See ya! Watch your backside and that giant door slam.
January 9, 2025 10:44 pm
Via Michael Smith.
Blabbersack has had an idea. Too bad she won’t do anything about it, like order arrests to be made.
There doesn’t appear to be any formal meeting with Rudd and the incoming admin people let alone Trump.
As of January 9, 2025, there is no publicly available information confirming that Kevin Rudd, Australia’s Ambassador to the United States, has met with representatives of President-elect Donald Trump’s team. Recent reports indicate that Rudd has been on vacation in Queensland, Australia, and is expected to return to the U.S. on January 8, ahead of Trump’s inauguration on January 20.
The Australian
While Rudd has expressed readiness to work with the incoming administration, ABC News
there have been no confirmed meetings between him and Trump’s team to date.Kevin Rudd’s Engagements Amidst Trump’s Inauguration
Rudd, isn’t just on hols I think. I suspect he received no invite to the inauguration and is now pretending he’s just on vacation and can’t make it.
Black Ball
January 9, 2025 11:23 pm
You can bet London to a brick JC that Rudd indeed will be on the outside looking in as the Orange Man is inaugurated.
Then told to leave the country, which is an excellent turn of events.
January 9, 2025 11:27 pm
This is going to be hilarious to watch, BB. I’ve maintained that they’ve frozen him out so as to get rid of the imbecile.
Question (prompted by Castro’s son’s resignation in great sadness):
Does each successive generation of leftist shitbags upon leaving power in the aftermath of wrecking, once again, f*cking absolutely everything, look back on their ascension to power and see a naive and silly person who just didn’t know the damage they were about to do, OR do they look back on a person who full well knew what they were about to do, which was precisely what the previous generation of shitbag, degenerate leftists did, and their only regret is they couldn’t have the time to complete the destruction?
A girl who was a year ahead of my daughter at her rural primary school (70-80 kids etc) has been picked for the Under 19 Australian cricket team for their World Cup.
Their pissant bush school won the Victorian title in the primary school category beating some school from Glen Waverley. It was all on the back of this girl. A one-man cricket team she was.
Bowling average of 1 or 2 etc. No batting average because never went out etc.
Well bred attractive sheila from old-money farming stock. Not some rough dyke.
Question (prompted by Castro’s son’s resignation in great sadness):
Does each successive generation of leftist shitbags upon leaving power in the aftermath of wrecking, once again, f*cking absolutely everything, look back on their ascension to power and see a naive and silly person who just didn’t know the damage they were about to do, OR do they look back on a person who full well knew what they were about to do, which was precisely what the previous generation of shitbag, degenerate leftists did, and their only regret is they couldn’t have the time to complete the destruction?
If you have a wider interest in topics the interwebs offer, then you will find that the answer is a resounding YES.
Even after years of some communist hellholes had changed regime, many of the surviving old guard are praying for the old system to come back, claiming, if we had more time.
Full employment, whether the job was worth doing or not.
Planned economy, years behind customer demand and one branch making profits supporting the loss making ones.
Total social support from cradle to grave, just like the NHS, you’d find the grave sooner than a bed in the hospital.
Collars up types they are. Not far from the Collars Up capital mentioned last night.. An hour or so on the Glenelg Highway*.
*(Ballarat to the SA border on outskirts of Mt. Gambier)
Wally Dali
January 10, 2025 12:41 am
But seriously, great achievement, I hope everyone in her circle is rightly proud.
Criggit is an underrated sport for ladies, as it does carry a tradition of feminine patience and selflessness, and asks for a humble acceptance of the umpire’s authority.
Rockdoctor, in nested comments on the previous page, responding to Frollickingmole:
Chrisafulli is already proving quite ineffective in Qld
Starting to become difficult to draw any conclusion other than “Turnbullian” or “Morrison-lite”
Or even “Abbott-ish”. He’s confirmed some temporary appointments that were made by Palasczcuk – ones even Miles wouldn’t confirm.
This gels with his initial automatic agreement with Palaszczuk re “treaties” & the like, that was reversed only after brutal phone calls from party members to branches & sitting MPs.
Spooked by the spectre of Campbell Newman, he is pussyfooting carefully around the Public Service.
This is playing out with a public service that far from being scared of him, is emboldened into even worse excess than under Labor.
My home town of Christchurch never returned to normal after the earthquake.
A good portion of people left and never returned.
Reconstruction took years.
LA is facing the same, I would offer, even if by area less is effected proportionally than in Christchurch, the areas that are effected are the high value parts.
I could be wrong, but I think this is bigger than many assume.
Check out “old-style” Japanese building engineering.
Very large wooden, multi-storey buildings, assembled from carefully –interlocked logs and occasional wooden pegs. Bigger structures (“castles”) with footing walls of fairly precise masonry, supporting substantial “ornate log cabins” of spectacular size..
A lot of the old “domestic” architecture is quite lightly, but elegantly constructed sliding doors and window screens And, they BURN really well but are “easily” replaced.
Structures subject to Tsunami impact are A BIT TRICKY, especially seeing how far inland these events can reach. and the debris carried by the waves is what does the bulk of the structural damage.
“As you can see here behind me,” Muir states. When he turns his body to point out the carnage, wooden clamps can be seen holding his jacket together to make him look good for the camera supposedly.
Yes, he literally had wooden clothespins holding up his jacket.
In pursuit of vanity, Muir ended up making himself look like an idiot in the process.
No matter how bad the weather, or the situation, News crews always have make-up staff who also double as dressers.
Can’t have Ron Burgundy’s hair out of place or a shine on his nose.
Having said that, he seriously forgot he had a peg clamped to his shirt?
I don’t know how I would feel if the last piece of legislation Biden signed was the Laken Riley Act.
If it is, it would be something the likes of The View & similar drones would hold onto forever.
Look, he did something on illegal immigration.
The gaslighting is breath taking.
January 10, 2025 6:40 am
Cool graphic on migration.
Odd the countries that a leaking so many people.
Whatever could be going on in their countries.
At 25% they are no longer a minor party. However, none of this means a thing unless they get seats in parliament which will not happen for another four and a half years. Reform could even be tops in the polls in the next few years yet Labour will destroy the country without any recourse. King Charles will not lift a finger to help the people.
In theory there are council elections in May. But Starmer is talking about cancelling them. Got to destroy democracy in order to save it, or something.
Reform at the last election did better in ‘Traditional’ Labour seats than the Tories. I can see Reform winning many seats ‘Up North’ but not so well ‘Down South’.
Bungonia bee
January 10, 2025 7:06 am
BBC is on an anti-Musk binge, keeps referring to him as “world’s richest man” and an associate of “far right extremist AfD” in Germany.
Who is anti-democracy now? AfD are winning votes. And why does the media never refer to “extreme left” in politics?
By contrast, Italy’s PM Meloni says that Soros, not Musk, is the danger to democracy.
Soros? …. heavens no! Didnt Biden just give him the Medal of ‘Freedom’?
Bungonia bee
January 10, 2025 7:17 am
All the left leaning media are in a tizz over the Musk-Weidel (AfD) interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pkSYdlRdE8
She gets stuck into the former German government’s embrace of wind and solar, which is clearly inadequate for a highly industrialised country like Germany. Musk agrees, so obviously he too is “far right”.
January 10, 2025 7:18 am
The BBC is worse than the ABC. It’s the pommy Oxbridge LSE condescension.
Last edited 1 month ago by Miltonf
Bungonia bee
January 10, 2025 7:27 am
AfD are also fans of smaller government and less bureaucratic red tape hindering all sorts of proposals. That makes them conservative, not far right. Musk agrees, having run into this sort of crap himself.
Bungonia bee
January 10, 2025 7:36 am
AfD are in favour of less woke crap in the education system, and are against illegal immigration. Obviously dangerous extremists!
January 10, 2025 7:36 am
My home town of Christchurch never returned to normal after the earthquake. A good portion of people left and never returned.
Reconstruction took years. LA is facing the same, I would offer, even if by area less is effected proportionally than in Christchurch, the areas that are effected are the high value parts.
I could be wrong, but I think this is bigger than many assume. (Arky)
If you have ever watched Million Dollar Listing LA you will know that any house more than 20 years old in a good location is up for demolition anyway. The denizens care nothing for history or architecture, with rare exceptions.
On the contrary, the developers will be licking their chops.
The fire ravaged area of Maui has been subsumed by developers. The, now, uninsured LA burbs will most likely go the same way. The citizens of Buncombe County whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Helene, and are still waiting for help, have a new horror to deal with.
Sensing a pattern?
“Despite the widespread devastation left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene, Buncombe County, North Carolina property owners were expected to cough up their property taxes earlier this week.
Midnight on Monday Jan 6 was the deadline for property owners to pay their taxes as Public Information Officer Stacy Woods told residents, “North Carolina law does not permit property tax waivers or exceptions for natural disasters, including hurricane Helene.”
The thought of collecting taxes on property that has been destroyed or that no longer exists, is shocking to residents who are still in the process of recovering from the unprecedented destruction caused by the storm.
. . . Meanwhile, the question remains as to whether the county will move to seize properties from residents for non-payment of taxes, as allowed by law.”
Prediction: The next great scandal and outrage will be the rebuilding process—and I do mean PROCESS. Expect that the “visionaries” in the planning departments of LA city and County will say the fire is actually an “opportunity” to “re-imagine” how our neighborhoods ought to be rebuilt. I expect one of the usual morons at the Los Angeles Times already has the op-ed written on this theme.
We’ve seen this before, with large fires that destroyed hundreds of homes in the hills of Santa Barbara several times over the years. The planning and permitting process for rebuilding there was lengthy, expensive, and highly prescriptive of styles of housing to be allowed where single-family houses previously existed. The LA area planners will be worse: not only will all the rebuilt homes have to be done with expensive “eco-friendly” features, but there will be pressure to up-zone neighborhoods for higher density multi-family housing. (Portland, Oregon, has long required this for homes that burn down.)
Couple this with the fact that insurance companies have fled California, because Newsom prevented them from increasing premiums, and I suspect a lot of people will just give up and move to Texas instead.
not only will all the rebuilt homes have to be done with expensive “eco-friendly” features, but there will be pressure to up-zone neighborhoods for higher density multi-family housing.
Eco friendly may be on the nose soon but then again most people are rather shallow and will believe anything. As for higher density, yeah let’s put more people in danger prone areas.
Earthquake that are almost invariably followed by fire? Ruptured fuel pipes and storage, ignited by the usual means; arson, arcing electrical systems?
The Left Coast is probably overdue for a good shake and shuffle.
Last edited 29 days ago by Bruce
January 10, 2025 7:59 am
It’s the selectivity in the media that kills.I was channel surfing and ABC running Karen Bass LA Mayor press conference.No way they run the clip where she was drilled at the airport by a journalist and just stood there speechless.
The Tories have got rocks in their head if they think that a long campaign for a longwinded enquiry about events which happened, in political relative terms, a long time ago, which the government will only be obliged to respond to a long time in the future – is a good strategy for either their party or the poor abused girls.
Wrong, there’s nothing historical about the ‘events’, the rapes are ongoing, the mass grooming and raping of working class white girls continues unabated. UK Labour, once a party that represented the interests of the working class, now represents the interests of Muslim rapists.
In Newcastle upon Tyne there’s a gang of Syrian migrants who are grooming and raping local white girls. This gang of rapists is known to both the local plod and, of course, to the Labour controlled council. They choose to look the other way.
If all Labour strongholds are now controlled by Muslims at the local level then it’s just a matter of time before they demand a name change or else.
January 10, 2025 8:07 am
How the Coalition blew its chance in Senate
David Leyonhjelm and Bob Day The Australian January 10, 2025
Tony Abbott says that the centre-right Coalition government he led into office in 2013 began strongly enough by stopping a wave of illegal immigration by small boats and by repealing a carbon tax and a mining tax. But Senate obstruction, he says, sabotaged his first, economically reforming, budget.
The former prime minister says that if the clock could be turned back, he would have insisted that all his frontbenchers provide a detailed blueprint of what needed to change to make a difference in their portfolio area, and explain how their proposed changes reflected the Coalition’s “smaller government, bigger citizen” political instincts.
As most will recall, the Coalition led by Tony Abbott did indeed go to the 2013 election promising to “abolish the carbon tax, abolish the mining tax and stop the boats”.
Upon election, seven centre-right Senate crossbenchers (we were two of them) voted in support of these three pledges, giving the government the numbers it needed (33 plus seven) to get its legislation passed. Most of us tried hard to help him get his budget through too, and we voted to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership, bring back the Australian Building and Construction Commission, and appoint a wind farm commissioner, all of which the Greens opposed.
Shortly after, we met with the prime minister and put to him what we called a 40-40-40 game plan: “40 votes (a Senate majority) to fix 40 years of unfinished business and set the nation up for the next 40 years.” It had been 40 years since a Liberal government under Malcolm Fraser had a majority in the Senate, an opportunity it had squandered.
We tried valiantly to convince the prime minister the best way to get the Coalition’s policies through the parliament was to elect more senators like us. That is, if the Coalition couldn’t win a majority in its own right, it should at least attempt to achieve a majority with the support of minor party senators. Needless to say, our suggestion was not taken up. In fact, the exact opposite happened. With Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister, the Coalition teamed up with the Greens to change the Senate voting laws and get rid of those very senators who had supported it!
As a result, and as predicted by John Howard, the Greens increased their Senate seats from 10 to 12, Labor went from 25 to 26, centre-left parties increased from one to three, the Coalition lost a seat, and the centre-right parties dropped from seven seats to three. From 33 plus seven (a centre-right majority) to 32 plus three (a centre-right minority); a loss of five Senate seats!
But what would we know? We accept that a builder, a vet, a blacksmith, a soldier, a footballer, a sawmill manager and an engineer might not know a lot about politics, but we did bring to the parliament a perspective that career politicians did not.
Does each successive generation of leftist shitbags upon leaving power in the aftermath of wrecking…f*cking absolutely everything, look back on their ascension to power and see a naive and silly person who just didn’t know the damage they were about to do, OR do they look back on a person who full well knew what they were about to do, which was precisely what the previous generation of shitbag, degenerate leftists did, and their only regret is they couldn’t have the time to complete the destruction?
Definitely the latter. These people are driven by conviction that is unalterable. A classic recent example was the piece by Nick Cater in the Oz earlier this week claiming that the green slime had become more radical than the original party started by Bob Brown. The old b*** immediately launched into print to deny that, and said he fully supported Bandit and the current party policy.
They never change, you can bet the house on it. Gad Saad calls it a mind virus and that’s just what it is.
I’d like to put Tony Blair in a Tumbril and carry him through the streets of the cities he’s destroyed with his desire to “Rub the Rights nose in Diversity.”
He’s done more damage to Great Britain than the Luftwaffe.
January 10, 2025 8:09 am
More proof (as if it was needed) that greenies hate beauty, especially if it conflicts with their ideology:
I’ll bet it burns down soon, and the developers get their hands on it, build a 40 storey shopping centre/carpark and luxury apartments.
They’ll probably call it “Fantasy Grotto Mall”.
Sorry, no. That purple flowering creeper is a terrible weed. You see it growing over fences every now and again. The horticulture industry do a better job now but have unleashed some terrible plants on the public.
January 10, 2025 8:11 am
I’ve been reading Ecclesiastes. It reminds me of the thoughts of Marvin the depressed robot from Hitch-hiker guide to the Galaxy.
This is going to be hilarious to watch, BB. I’ve maintained that they’ve frozen him out so as to get rid of the imbecile.
This is beautiful.
“If there’s one thing worse than being talked about, it’s not being talked about”.
They know that what Kruddy hates most of all is being ignored.
He would rather that they loudly demand he be sacked, because that would put him in the spotlight and he could frame himself as the “fearless ambassador who stood up to Orange Hitler 2.0”.
And you’re right about “holidaying in Queensland” as a blind for not being invited to the inauguration or, being invited, but seated behind the agricultural attaché from Botswana.
What would be funny would be if they issue an invitation the morning of the 20th, too late for Kruddster to get back to DC, and the 2-I-C goes along.
January 10, 2025 8:20 am
Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states.
Is that like one of those no carbon tax promise thingys that a certain Gillard mouthed?
Dutton needs to go hard especially in WA and bring up the ghost of Gillard. Won’t matter much in Qld as the ALP don’t have many seats outside of the SE corner anyway…
January 10, 2025 8:25 am
Just saw a report: 90% of fires in LA are caused by homeless bums.
No doubt paid for by leftist a*sehole actors.
The DEI hires running the LA Fire Dept have it all worked out. The lezzos in charge (including a POC) are all up to it. The black mayor diverted critical funds from emergency services equipment to look after the illegal migrants flooding in across open boders (ie a money laundering scam). They grounded all fire fighting aircraft for 24 hours while the Old Perv flew in on AF1. The fire destroyed hundreds of acres meanwhile.
Leftism isn’t just a mental illness, it’s also criminally insane.
January 10, 2025 8:25 am
Muslims grooming and kidnapping girls is a worldwide phenomenon.
Ask the Copts in Egypt, Hindus in Pakistan etc.
In a religion where polygamy is practised there will always be a shortage of women, it’s why they have sanctioned turning to younger and younger female children in their own countries. Let along where millions of young males have abandoned their homeland and moved to the west.
What did authorities expect?
Women of marriageable age aren’t going to look at unemployable immigrants who are quite often illiterate, even in their own language, of course they are going to go after the vulnerable.
They have unlimited time to hang around school gates and the places school children congregate and prey on potential victims.
Last edited 1 month ago by Rosie
January 10, 2025 8:28 am
Gad Saad calls it a mind virus and that’s just what it is.
The notion of mind viruses was invented by Richard Dawkins more than thirty years ago to explain religious belief.
The use of an epidemiological model to explain philosophical, metaphysical or political convictions is reductionistic. Further, there is not a skerrick of empirical evidence for it, which is somewhat ironic given Dawkins’s promotion of science as the only objective epistemology.
Those on the prog-left are not suffering from a virus; they are responsible moral agents who can and should be held fully accountable for their ideological commitments and the harm they cause to others.
It’s just a useful meme, an analogy, Roger, though I agree that it can be misused to remove all sense of personal responsibility for what you allow to influence you. Zeitgeist is a more useful concept, about how we can be unwittingly (perhaps) influenced by the views and cultural activities of those who surround us in daily life. Analogous to a tendency to statistical conversion towards the mean in any population.
January 10, 2025 8:31 am
You’ve cheered me up on this horrible day, DrBeau.
I will never be able to read Ecclesiastes again without hearing Alan Rickman. There never was a more mournfully melodious voice.
January 10, 2025 8:37 am
AfD are in favour of less woke crap in the education system,
This is crucial. My sis tells me her grandkids are doing a welcome to country ceremony EVERY DAY (NSW). Yr 2 at Primary. Growing up believing this is not your country, you are here by the the good graces of the near extinct abos. Becoming adults fully primed with guilt load ready to handover 30 billion odd annually to the corrupt indigeny industry.
If Dutton gets in he must take decisive immediate action to de-program the kids and get all the DEI, woke leftist shit out of the curriculum. More than 50% is leftist propaganda.
My friend’s children were being subjected to this 2-3 times daily at their State primary school last year, until he and his wife put a stop to it. The principal’s wife is indigenous-ish, this got taken to the top of the area Education Dept, and they stopped it.
January 10, 2025 8:39 am
In Newcastle upon Tyne there’s a gang of Syrian migrants who are grooming and raping local white girls. This gang of rapists is known to both the local plod and, of course, to the Labour controlled council. They choose to look the other way.
After the revelations of the last few weeks, can anyone now watch British cop shows and not think about how inappropriate the portrayal is?
Those ones have left and the corrupt/cowardly ones have only employed the self centred sociopaths who get off on the gear and the guns.
They are not your friends.
“So where did the Gestapo and SS types come from?
“They were always there, Winston. They just got the opportunity to be themselves.”
The last two British cop shows I watched were all about the plight of illegal immigrants and about how mean the authorities were.
Then I switched over to American TV (Bull) and it was about a personable, tertiary qualified chap who was about to be deported to certain execution.
That’s the MSM’s unending stream of lies for you.
January 10, 2025 8:39 am
“Despite the widespread devastation left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene, Buncombe County, North Carolina property owners were expected to cough up their property taxes earlier this week.
Midnight on Monday Jan 6 was the deadline for property owners to pay their taxes as Public Information Officer Stacy Woods told residents, “North Carolina law does not permit property tax waivers or exceptions for natural disasters, including hurricane Helene.”
Trump should promise to pay these taxes on their behalf from federal coffers as a recompense for FEMA’s scandalous performance in the aftermath of the storm.
Trump should promise to pay these taxes on their behalf from federal coffers FEMAs budget allocation as a recompense for FEMA’s scandalous performance in the aftermath of the storm before he winds up the organisation
The most important thing to know about Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley is that she is the first LGBTQ fire chief in the history of the Los Angeles Fire Department.
But DEI wasn’t done with the LAFD just yet. Not until two other lesbian ‘Kirstens’ were also running the LAFD.
Kristina Kepner, the first lesbian Assistant Chief and a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School for Managing Diverse Organizations, was accused of a domestic violence incident involving her girlfriend. Kristine Larson, who has a degree in Sociology, headed ‘Equity on Fire’, an organization complaining that the LAFD was sexist and racist, was then rewarded with the title of the LAFD’s first lesbian Equity Bureau Chief with a $399,000 salary.
And while LA might have lost a lot of buildings, it gained a lot of lesbian fire chiefs.
And then the fire hydrants ran out of water, and the fire fighting budget was cut by $17 million to use the money for illegal migrants.
So many references to ‘hydrants running out of water’ ???
Hydrants are just big outlets on the existing water pipes, not some separate system that has to be kept ‘filled’.
Having said that, if every one in the fire area was running hoses and sprinklers, the system pressure will drop. Thats why you have hoses and firepumps.
No need for any of us here to argue about this. Splitting hairs.
January 10, 2025 8:51 am
Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states.
File this next to his promise to cut immigration.
Albanese clearly has no idea how low his credibility is.
I think Anthony Albanese, the worst Prime Minister Australia has ever had, does know and that’s why he is getting more snakey every day. He’s never been responsible till he became PM and didn’t realise the buck stops with him. This is someone who’s out of their depth in a child’s paddling pool.
His attendant fluffers are working overtime to keep him ignorant of the real world.
January 10, 2025 8:53 am
What did authorities expect?
They assumed all cultures are equal.
I’m pretty certain this DEI/culture/woke leftist shyte is just a convenient mask covering for graft, corruption and money laundering scams benefiting the chosen elites. Get the “right people” in place distributing million$ of OPM at over inflated contract prices and enjoying kickbacks, pensions, jobs for life.
Last edited 1 month ago by Makka
Bruce of Newcastle
January 10, 2025 8:53 am
Mr Greenfield put his story up on Xtwitter, including photos of all the lesbian Kirstens. Who look exactly as you might expect. Now over 3 million views including a clown emoji from a certain Mr Elon Musk.
I’ve put it up on my Facebook page (total readers Australia wide = 2) and we’ll see how long it takes to be taken down.
The LAFD is very diverse. It’s run by lesbians named Kristin.
Entryism works. The LA Fire department is run by Lesbians who don’t know how to fight fires and they can’t learn because they fired all the White Men who could.
Love the reference in the comments to this being a rainbow swan event.
January 10, 2025 8:54 am
now watch British cop shows and not think about how inappropriate the portrayal is?
It seems that anyone competent who works for MI6 or police is non white or lesbian, according to TV.
I give you Ridley(lesbian), Day of the Jackal (black, and black) and Paris has Fallen (indian AND lesbian)
January 10, 2025 8:54 am
After the revelations of the last few weeks, can anyone now watch British cop shows and not think about how inappropriate the portrayal is?
I have long thought that cop shows from the BBC and ones like the FBI are organizational propaganda. The more cop shows, the worse the state of policing.
I have not seen c op shows that only show bad cops (reality).
Line of Duty has some flawed and bad cops as main characters.
January 10, 2025 8:55 am
Something the media refuses to highlight is that in the UK in areas that are mostly Muslim the local government is controlled by Muslims. This means that non-Muslim residents are also subject to their rules, they live under shariah law while in the area.
January 10, 2025 9:01 am
The Californian wild fire phenomenon is quite amazing.
People in high risk areas didn’t like how much insurance costs were increasing so they proposed and passed a law that regulated how much insurance prices could increase.
The increases were not allowed to be calculated on future risks but only historical ones.
The government then dragged it’s heels on hazard reduction, removed dams, failed to refill reservoirs, didn’t replace fire hydrants (stolen for their brass) and focused on DEI in the fire services while cutting their budgets.
Insurance companies responded by exiting the Californian home insurance market (note State Farm lost 6 billion already in 2023 US wide) and home owners were forced onto a very expensive fire only badly underfunded State scheme.
One person mentioned their 3k policy increased to 9k, then the insurer declined to renew and they had to pay 15k for the default scheme.
Lots of fallacies around insurance, it’s about pooling risk not a savings scheme and insurance companies don’t owe you because you consumed 40 years of insurance.
And as someone nicely pointed out, people who build concrete houses about the tide surge line don’t have to cover people who build wooden houses below the tide surge line.
Though they probably do.
Exactly. I would like to live in a semi rural block surrounded by national park with gums overhanging my house but realise there is a price to pay for that.
January 10, 2025 9:05 am
My house and contents insurance was over $1700 this year, I sucked it up and paid.
Yes my block is worth much the same without a house but I’d still have to pay to remove the debris and I would need to replace my belongings.
Also I like the concept of pooling risk, I believe it’s fundamental to civilisation.
Cripes! Who is your insurer?
I pay almost four grand a year right now.
Will be shopping around this year.
January 10, 2025 9:09 am
California is the 4th largest economy in the world, bigger than all Germany.
From Newscum down, the huge administration is a DEI, woke, inept leftist freak show.Now overrun with gangs from the south, homeless shitting all over Hollywood and as we see an infrastructure white anted by corruptocrats.
And to fund this DEI woke hellscape, Cali imposes the highest income and sales taxes in the US.
This is where leftism leads you. Into a great big shithole.
Last edited 1 month ago by Makka
January 10, 2025 9:12 am
In my experience, lesbians are almost as bad as Indians when placed in hiring positions.
There was a NSW school where the Principal and her deputy were in a relationship.They then started forcing out the male Head Teachers and replacing them with more lesbians, and they then started on started on the straight female HTs.
Eventually, as the bullying increased, complaints were made to district office and the union, which did nothing. It was wholly serendipitously the boss and deputy were seen by a member of staff on a cruise together, carrying on like the couple they were,that the relationship was exposed and finally the department took action moving both to different schools because the boss did not declare a conflict of interest and stepping away from the hiring process.
Was the Entryist Scheme disassembled?
Then they won. The scheme will just continue elsewhere.
That’s the problem with fighting it – they’re allowed to keep the gains.
Every appointment they made should have been scrutinised, and every sacking/forced resignation should have been investigated.
Black Ball
January 10, 2025 9:24 am
but seated behind the agricultural attaché from Botswana.
Julie Collins?
January 10, 2025 9:25 am
34 years ago, look what the US did to evacuate 20,000 something people from the Philippines.
Could they do this today?
Considering they have done jack shit for the people of Lahaina which is a day’s sailing from the home of the Pacific fleet, probably not.
Remember when people were called ”crazy conspiracy theorists” for talking about climate lockdowns?
Well, we essentially have that happening now in Sweden.
The Church of Sweden has decided to SHUT DOWN 7 churches from the Middle Ages in order to meet climate goals.
The churches will be shut in the winter months between October to May.
Being very old, these churches are of course poorly insulated and they are being heated with oil.
However, they have now decided not to fill up any more oil to heat the churches – This to meet the climate goals of the Church of Sweden to be fossil free by the year 2027.
So instead of keeping the churches open, they are shutting them down in the name of climate change.
Not allowed to worship God when it’s cold outside. How dare you horrible Christians wanting to heat your churches in winter!
January 10, 2025 9:38 am
Japan is not California.
That said, Tokyo is spending a f tonne of money upgrading its water management systems to deal with typhoons.
They are planning for a once in a hundred year typhoon ie infrastructure that will be unlikely to be used but it’s there just in case.
Compare that with the chronic underspend in California to deal with events that occur every single year.
The Bill was never any good after Burnside was written out
Black Ball
January 10, 2025 9:56 am
Just in on the Daily Telegraph website:
Southern Sydney Synagogue has been daubed with at least a dozen Swastika signs in the latest anti-Semitic vandalism attack in the city overnight.
Police were at the scene this morning checking for clues after the place of worship in Railway Avenue, Allawah was defaced by vandals who sprayed a large black Swastika sign at the entrance of the building.
Two men in hoodies and wearing masks were seen loitering around the synagogue between 4am and 5am.
Red Swastikas and several black ones have been sprayed on the white walls of the synagogue.
President of the synagogue George Foster said “I received a call from the police at around 4.30am saying they had driven by and there was graffiti all over the synagogue.
“Looking at the CCTV it seems there were two men in black hoodies and masks who were spraying the walls of the synagogue.
“It is deeply distressing but it’s almost inevitable given the background on the rise of anti-Semitism currently.
“My parents were holocaust survivors and this has echoes of Germany 1933 with people singling out Jewish shops, religious institutions and homes by painting them with antisemitic signs. It’s unbelievable this happening in Australia.”
Police have been sifting through CCTV footage in the area in a bid to net the culprits.
Put the gin down and get to it.
Now Minns has deemed it unacceptable, but what has he and police minister actually done to curb this rise in anti Semitism?
What Paddy shot would be the correct answer.
January 10, 2025 9:59 am
Never thought I’d see the islamic republic LOL posting.
January 10, 2025 10:02 am
Starting to become difficult to draw any conclusion other than “Turnbullian” or “Morrison-lite”
SATP. We had signs before this would turn out as it has.
They promised to be tougher on crime, however the solution was more programs to deal with misguided yoof, tinkering with remand regulations but with no teeth and nothing substantial on sentencing. End result, throw more money at a problem that has been a black hole so far with minimal results. Judiciary emboldened after their success with Carmody and totally polluted by 30 years of ALP stacking will do what they want. Same sentencing without constraints being put on the learned wigged ones, a kid/adult with 50 priors should be in jail pure and simple, I could give even 1 micro gram of s$#@ about his right as the public has a right to be safe from turds who don’t get it is trumps.
Treaty, yup wind vane. Wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere there is an endrun round scrutiny and this mob of grifters is still getting public funding somehow and biding their time for a change in Government.
Public service I’m not even going to start to try and work that one out but I can’t see any other way than job cuts & loading up KPI’s with increased productivity clauses. If they were bold they might go after public sector unionism, I personally think this is a giant gorilla in the room when it comes to corruption and conflicts of interest.
Anyway day is too young to be staring at a phone screen. Later.
Thanks to the fork tongued grub from Grayndler and his Jew hating sidekicks…………
Vandals paint Swastika signs on Southern Sydney Synagogue at Allawah A synagogue in the city’s south has been daubed with at least a dozen swastika signs in the latest anti-Semitic vandalism attack in Sydney overnight.
Southern Sydney Synagogue has been daubed with at least a dozen Swastika signs in the latest anti-Semitic vandalism attack in the city overnight.
Police were at the scene this morning checking for clues after the place of worship in Railway Avenue, Allawah was defaced by vandals who sprayed a large black Swastika sign at the entrance of the building.
Two men in hoodies and wearing masks were seen loitering around the synagogue between 4am and 5am.
Red Swastikas and several black ones have been sprayed on the white walls of the synagogue.
President of the synagogue George Foster said “I received a call from the police at around 4.30am saying they had driven by and there was graffiti all over the synagogue.
“Looking at the CCTV it seems there were two men in black hoodies and masks who were spraying the walls of the synagogue.
“It is deeply distressing but it’s almost inevitable given the background on the rise of anti-Semitism currently.
“My parents were holocaust survivors and this has echoes of Germany 1933 with people singling out Jewish shops, religious institutions and homes by painting them with antisemitic signs. It’s unbelievable this happening in Australia.”
Police have been sifting through CCTV footage in the area in a bid to net the culprits.
NSW Premier Chris Minns was seen speaking with members of the synagogue on Friday morning, as forensic police officers inspected the scene.
David Ossip, president of the Jewish Board of Deputies, said: “Offenders must be prosecuted and receive penalties sufficient to ensure that such conduct is deterred and not normalised.”
He pleaded for attacks on Jews to stop.
“Enough is enough,” he said.
“It isn’t normal or acceptable that Australians are having to wake up every morning filled with apprehension about whether or not there’s been another antisemitic hate crime overnight.
“This illegal behaviour is reprehensible and undermines the social harmony and cohesion which we all treasure.
“We cannot allow ourselves to become desensitised to acts of Jew-hatred and allow illegal conduct such as this to become normalised.”
He added: “The alleged offenders must be swiftly identified and prosecuted and receive penalties sufficient to ensure that such conduct is deterred and not normalised.”
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin condemned the attack, saying: “The community expects swift arrests to be made and for those who deface houses of worship with the symbol of genocide to face the full force of the law.
“As long as these people evade justice for trying to terrorise Australian citizens, it will continue. We’re also calling on our fellow Australians, particularly those in positions of influence across society, to end the silence and publicly denounce this behaviour as repugnant to our national values and a threat to us all.”
Police from St George Police Area Command are investigating.
“Offensive graffiti was spray painted on a synagogue in Sydney’s south west,” a spokesman said.
“The incident is believed to have occurred between 3.55am and 4.30am [on Friday] on Railway Parade, Allawah.”
Australia in 2025. All those pretty words and assurances uttered by Pretty Boy Minns aren’t doing anything to ‘curb’ the attacks and vandalism, are they?
By the way, in the above report they fail to mention a key word which was painted on the synagogue, and which is in the picture of the vandalism, the word…………
I think we can ascertain the religion of the vandals, it isn’t Buddhism or Sikhism or Hinduism or Methodism or Anglicanism or Catholicism.
Guarantee if I tossed a pigs head into a mosque plod would be at my place before me.
January 10, 2025 10:07 am
January 10, 2025 8:54 am
After the revelations of the last few weeks, can anyone now watch British cop shows and not think about how inappropriate the portrayal is?
I have long thought that cop shows from the BBC and ones like the FBI are organizational propaganda. The more cop shows, the worse the state of policing.
I have not seen c op shows that only show bad cops (reality).
Ah, my son, you need to check out the Aussie Blue Murder series.
It was brilliant.
However it was made in 1995, 30 years ago.
January 10, 2025 10:09 am
“Not allowed to worship God when it’s cold outside” I think you’ll find the Swedish churches are empty summer and winter. Saw an article recently where a 4th Catholic Church had opened in Sweden, Lutherans sold them a beautiful neo gothic that was surplus to requirements.
January 10, 2025 10:24 am
Is it just me or does Newsom have a certain Trudeau aroma about him?
He obviously intends to declare war on Trump as his strategy for regaining credibility. Nice try Gav boy. You are hated, Trump is loved. How is that going to work?
It was obviously disgusting that lunatic academic Karen Piper (there’s that name again) referred to the loss of James Wood’s home as “karma”. But, can one be permitted just a teeny weeny bit of gloat over the Hollywierds’ self immolation through woke?
I think this debacle has just deep sixed any chance for Newsom in 2028.
Signs are that lefties in LA are being red pilled by it.
January 10, 2025 10:27 am
“Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states”
Get rid of Native Title , otherwise there wont be mining companies to tax.
Ah, my son, you need to check out the Aussie Blue Murder series.
No more needs to be said.
Blue Murder was indeed an awesome televisual feast – quite possibly the apogee of Australian drama, I can’t think of anything that remotely comes close to its portrayals of some of the most venal and preposterous individuals to have graced the underworlds of our cities.
Don’t forget, many of us in NSW had to smuggle in video copies from interstate to watch it after its initial release.
Bill From the Bush
January 10, 2025 10:54 am
While I have little time for cops, it must be frustrating even to the most indoctrinated of them when this crap occurs in so called courts of justice.
From the worst oz
A 24-year-old Goldfields man has avoided immediate jail for splitting a man’s head open with the handle of an axe despite admitting to the offence only on the day of his trial.
Wenchester Joshua Blowes was sentenced for the unlawful wounding charge in Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court on Monday after previously changing his plea from not guilty on the day the trial was set to go ahead.Chief magistrate Steven Heath told the man he had “shot himself in the foot” by waiting until the day of trial to take responsibility, and warned others that courts would start punishing those who did so.
Blowes had already pleaded guilty to a charge of being armed from the same day as this offence and had been sentenced to a conditionally suspended imprisonment order.“If he pleaded guilty at the same time as this other incident … he would now be within three weeks of completing the CSIO,” Mr Heath said. “He now loses all bar 5 per cent, perhaps, discount for his early plea and if I sentence him to a CSIO it runs from today.“He has shot himself in the foot.
“Because of the delay (it causes), courts will increasingly punish people who plead not guilty and change their pleas on the day, or are found guilty at trial.“You lose so much by waiting until the day of trial to plead guilty.”
The court was told Blowes got into a verbal altercation with someone out the front of a Victory Heights house about 3am on December 26, 2023.The victim approached him and asked him to go for a walk with him to cool down. The pair began walking down the street with a witness behind them when they got into a verbal altercation and Blowes picked up an axe and struck the victim over the head with the handle.The blow caused a wound requiring seven stitches and the victim was taken to hospital by ambulance.
When police arrived, they saw Blowes standing in the middle of the street with the axe in his hands.Defence lawyer Leneva Polmear said Blowes was significantly intoxicated on the day of the offending but accepted it was not an excuse.She said both he and his family were disappointed in his actions and she called for him to be given another chance on a community disposition.
She said Blowes had a three-year gap in offending on his criminal record, which proved he could stay “off the gear” and hold a job.Mr Heath granted him another opportunity to prove himself outside of jail and sentenced him to 12 months jail, suspended for 12 months with supervision and program requirements.
Karen wants to speak to the manager. Well Mz Pence be of good cheer: your traitorous hubby will never now be elected to office ever again, not even as the local dog catcher.
It’s Karen who should look away in shame. Her husband betrayed not just Trump but supported the entire rotten electoral process that we knew in 2020 was gamed.
The Santa Ana winds, also sometimes called the Devil Winds,[1][2] are strong, extremely dry katabatic winds that originate inland and affect coastal Southern California and northern Baja California.
I hope and pray for the guys on the ground and pilots in the air fighting this monster.
That thing looks like a dork.
Also: what’s the point of it?
You can already hire slave labour thanks to globalism, and the slaves don’t require maintenance, fix themselves if broken (injured) and can be disposed of instantaneously when no longer required, and find their own energy sources, storing it in the dense form of fat which they carry about with them.
What’s the use case of these things?
Factory labour? Factories are already automated.
Field labour? Again, as much as agricultural work can be automated it has been. You don’t need a humanoid shaped thing to pick fruit.
Household labour? Rich folks with mansions are going to prefer these creepy arse things to the maid they can f*ck?
Or is it to down market the household maid experience to the lower classes who can’t afford fighting paternity cases? In your average, modern lower class home where are you going to put this ugly dork thing, and what is it going to do for you that a Roomba or dish washer isn’t already doing?
January 10, 2025 11:22 am
I am amazed that no-one in the disaster-prone districts of Los Angeles had a prepared Grab-and-Go bag. I’ve got one, and I live in a rural suburb in a rural town where it is unlikely ever to be an earthquake, tornado or catastrophic fire. I update annually, and list all the extra bits needed to add at the last minute.
Because these people are so used having everything done for them.
Also, NO rooftop sprinkler systems. 99% of homes had swimming pools which in most cases remained intact. A firefighter pump like most of us in rural areas have ready to use in the shed, could have been used to pump water from the pool or operate the rooftop sprinklers.
I cannot fathom how unprepared Angelinos are for fires.
Wow. Sky News caught Gavin Newsom using a fake phone call to avoid a desperate Mom and victim of the fires. He pretended to be on the phone with the President and she caught him.
I saw that. I believe she was in on it. Did you catch the part where the Bodyguard is “gently”, pushing her away and she says “it’s okay, I’m not going to hit him”?
Also, she was only rambling about the loss of the school. Then she was rambling about how most of them had lost TWO homes because they were living in one and building another.
All this whilst Newscum was being gently, yet manfully paternal.
Lots of fallacies around insurance, it’s about pooling risk not a savings scheme and insurance companies don’t owe you because you consumed 40 years of insurance.
And insurance companies should be free to create pools which bundle common risks (or exit high risk markets completely) without fear of being accused of various ‘isms and phobias.
The common one here is “not available North of the Tropic of Capricorn”.
Some Queenssslanders would have you believe that this is a plot by Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne to oppress them, but it is really just about risk.
Have you ever heard of a Temperate Cyclone?
They’re called Tropical Cyclones for a reason
What did authorities expect? They assumed all cultures are equal.
Not equal; the leftoids hate the West and class ‘cultures’ like the muzzies and 3rd nations as being superior to but oppressed by the wicked West. It’s the basis of victimology which is destroying the West. It’s as simple as that: the left hate the West and betray it.
My house and contents insurance was over $1700 this year, I sucked it up and paid.
Mine went up too, but not by that much.
The insured value automatically increases unless I elect to hold it at the same level.
When I broke it down, a big chunk was that increase in insured value and, after talking to a couple of builders, I decided to leave it at the higher level.
A massive part of “insurance premium profiteering” is construction costs with the attendant regulatory overlay of re-building to the 2024 regulations.
Insurance market and accounting largely a matter of “finger in the air” stuff. Generally works pretty well till someone goes for growth or market share and does an HIH.
January 10, 2025 11:35 am
Compare that with the chronic underspend in California to deal with events that occur every single year.
The Santa Ana winds that fanned the destruction of Pacific Palisades occur maybe 10-20 times per year. Most commonly in the fall and winter, peaking in December.
Any fire chief and LA Mayor MUST know this, plan for this, fund and prepare for this. So must all the California State Administration. All the way up to Newscum.
Reports coming out that the LA Mayor (who went to Ghana when the fires started) has a Cuban Marxist history.
January 10, 2025 11:42 am
UK gives up island to Mauritius. Decides it needs the base and offers 9 billion for lease.Monumental stupidity
Why aren’t you in here defending the leftard Newscum and his woke DEI LGBTQI+ freakshow LA fire dept chiefs?
Inside every leftard tyrant is a sniveling lying coward.
Sancho Panzer
January 10, 2025 11:42 am
Where this is headed:-
1. On 19th January, Biden will offer Newsom one hundred and eleventy guzzillion dollars to “Build Back Better” … “you get a mansion, and you get a mansion … everyone gets a mansion!”
2. Ten seconds after inauguration, the baying press mob will start howling at Trump to “re-affirm the Federal commitment of aid to Cowifornia”.
3. No matter what Trump says or does, this will be his “George Dubya / Hurricane Katrina moment”.
Whatever Trump does , he will lose just a handful of votes. Most of the burnt out in Cali would have been leftards, who voted in Newscum and for Harris. In fact, this catastrophe may even gain Trump votes.
By the time Trump and his Administration finishes exposing what has gone on in LA, the MSM will again look like commie propaganda pushers for all to see.
Maybe Trump should just offer $50,000 recovery grants once elected (evidence based) for everyone, and no more on the grounds that the place is chockers with very rich people with the means and it would be very unfair to the poor of the country for the government to give them any more.
Winston Smith
January 10, 2025 11:43 am
I remember when the concept of memes first came out.
A meme was really just a block of human memory that was powerful enough to withstand social transmission. Like the concept of Christianity, or Islam, or Global Warming.
It seems there are good memes, bad memes, and comic memes.
The concept has changed now into a “Mind Virus” that describes its predatory nature.
Bruce of Newcastle
January 10, 2025 11:46 am
Nice space stuff this weekend. Bezos is hoping to launch his bigger better rocket on Sunday:
US space company Blue Origin is now aiming to launch its first orbital rocket on Sunday, it announced on X, because of rough seas in the Atlantic where it hopes to land the first stage booster on a ship.
A three-hour window opens Sunday at 1:00 am (0600 GMT) from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.
I hope he succeeds – if he does it’ll be only the second launcher that lands back on Earth to be reused. But first launch attempts are always iffy, so a rapid unscheduled disassembly is not unexpected.
Elon is not a man to be upstaged though, his even bigger rocket is due to launch on Monday. And hopefully they plan to catch it with the chopsticks.
The seventh flight test of Starship is preparing to launch as soon as Monday, January 13.
A live webcast of the flight test will begin about 35 minutes before liftoff, which you can watch here and on X @SpaceX. You can also watch the webcast on the new X TV app. The launch window will open at 4:00 p.m. CT.
That would make it Tuesday our time for the live coverage. I can’t do the timezones in my head but I think that would be about breakfast time AEDT.
Sancho Panzer
January 10, 2025 11:50 am
Reports that Musk-rat has been asked to retrieve the stranded NASA astronauts from the International Space Station.
No doubt Boeing and NASA to foot the bill.
Man, that will make lefty heads explode.
I reckon NASA have been given the heads up. Come 21st January, if you can’t commit to getting them back by end February the job is going to Musk. And, if you do commit and fail, heads will roll.
January 10, 2025 11:51 am
Lahaina will be Trump’s fault too.
January 10, 2025 11:53 am
The concept has changed now into a “Mind Virus” that describes its predatory nature. SF writer John Barnes has a whole series of novels on that concept.
Global warming is making bushfires in Australia more frequent and severe. As bushfires become more prevalent, home insurance costs are increasing. That will affect the cost of living and the broader economy.
The LA fires show when it comes to climate change, there’s nowhere to hide. Around the world, authorities and communities must overhaul their assumptions about bushfire risk and preparedness. That includes people living in cities.
Kicking the can down the road won’t work. The crisis is already here.
Well the sheer religious insanity is here, I acknowledge that. Here’s who he is:
David Bowman – Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire Science, University of Tasmania
Since it’s the geopolitical vibe lately we should sell Tasmania to China.
Missus watching a hit job on their abc about Lachlan Murdoch, Australian Story from 2024. FMD I’m going outside to cut the lawn with nail scissors.
“OK, Narendra.
But let me just run this by Albo first & I’ll get back to you.”
What’s the acronym?
Could never stand that Stephen Smith with his/her/its silly bouffant.
I despised the man. Saw him in action as my local member.
We haven’t had a decent Minister for Defence since Brendan Nelson.
I don’t like cagey news articles, either shut up till the full facts are allowed to be disclosed or just let us know what the jismist obviously knows. That said.
What’s the chance this was not people but a person & maybe children.
I sniff poisonous break-up. Why would you give away furniture for free? Odd.
Average property prices $1.5mil up in this area.
Well, it would be a pity if we weren’t impordant enough to be included.
And, you know, it can’t really be a Global American Empire if you exclude a chunk like ours, can it?
Some people are simply too gullible…
Do you really think he’d plan to take over Greenland????
Do you really think he’ll annex the Panama Canal or Canada?
He’s baiting the left… and getting the usual response…
One thing that seems to be ignored in the Starmer/Rapist imbroglio is the role of local government in the UK.
There are about 300 local authorities (LGA’s) in the UK. They differ significantly from the Australian versions in that, besides local roads, garbage, libraries, and mowing – many UK LGA’s manage a host of other government-funded services: education, public housing (a big deal in the UK), ‘community relations’, direct grants (new mosque, new sports centre, etc), and importantly, social services (particularly – in context – child welfare, including family placements).
For Labour, LGA’s are critical political assets; local pork delivery in support of the national parliamentary vote – particularly in the rape-prone industrial cities.
The LGA social services were heavily criticised after the 1981 race riots and reacted enthusiastically to the Scarman recommendation that “positive discrimination” was a necessity to keep the peace – and have spent the past 40 years social-working Marxist woke to an extent you might not believe.
There is no chance on God’s Earth that the Labour machine is ever going to support an inquiry that would lead to daylight being shone into those dark corners.
Bit odd seeing the canned laughter at the Djokovic charity match in Melb tonight.
Just saw a report: 90% of fires in LA are caused by homeless bums.
Sounds like a reprise of the Sodom story upthread.
The Tories have got rocks in their head if they think that a long campaign for a longwinded enquiry about events which happened, in political relative terms, a long time ago, which the government will only be obliged to respond to a long time in the future – is a good strategy for either their party or the poor abused girls.
If it were me, I’d just go ballistic right now, about the here and now.
“Mr Sir Keir Starmer PM, because of your appalling weakness and capitulation, how many child sex offenders are free on the streets of Britain right now?”
“As Labour leader, after decades promoting mas immigration, colonial guilt and elevating Islamists to the status of an untouchable and vengeful ruling class, how many apologists, collaborators and disseminators of child sexual abuse are in positions of power whithin town councils and police forces right now?”
“Mr PM, do you not think that your totalitarian policies about reportage and social media content will doubtlessly be adding to the entitlement, protection and deflection of child sexual abusers in British towns and cities right now?”
Wally this is the same as governments telling us they are spending billions over the next 5 years on something that needs doing yesterday. Gives the impression of doing something when in fact the money is not divided equally and may never be spent. The bestarreds never tell you what they’re doing or have done only what they’re gunna do.
Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states.
In a sit-down interview with The West Australian as he flew from Kununurra to Perth on Thursday, the Prime Minister vowed he’s in WA to win it — declaring the Liberal-held seats of Durack, Canning and Moore, and the new seat of Bullwinkel, in play.
Without any surprise gains, holding the four WA seats Labor gained in 2022 — Tangney, Swan, Hasluck and Pearce — could make the difference between majority government, minority government or defeat in a looming federal election.
But Mr Albanese told The West he’s aiming for a majority and will not sign an agreement with crossbenchers if he falls short.
What part of the words “Pig’s arze, he won’t, ” do readers have difficulty in understanding?
My, my. My FaceChook feed today has been filled with a procession of highly dramatic flouncers who cannot tolerate views other than their own and are mourning the long awaited death of fact checkers on the platform. Off into the Bluesky yonder and something called MeWe.
See ya! Watch your backside and that giant door slam.
Via Michael Smith.
Blabbersack has had an idea. Too bad she won’t do anything about it, like order arrests to be made.
There doesn’t appear to be any formal meeting with Rudd and the incoming admin people let alone Trump.
Rudd, isn’t just on hols I think. I suspect he received no invite to the inauguration and is now pretending he’s just on vacation and can’t make it.
You can bet London to a brick JC that Rudd indeed will be on the outside looking in as the Orange Man is inaugurated.
Then told to leave the country, which is an excellent turn of events.
This is going to be hilarious to watch, BB. I’ve maintained that they’ve frozen him out so as to get rid of the imbecile.
KRudd lives by the motto that imbeciles gotta imbecile. Serves him right.
Question (prompted by Castro’s son’s resignation in great sadness):
Does each successive generation of leftist shitbags upon leaving power in the aftermath of wrecking, once again, f*cking absolutely everything, look back on their ascension to power and see a naive and silly person who just didn’t know the damage they were about to do, OR do they look back on a person who full well knew what they were about to do, which was precisely what the previous generation of shitbag, degenerate leftists did, and their only regret is they couldn’t have the time to complete the destruction?
Castro’s blackface son was only there through Family/Swamp connection, yeah? Just like Dubya Bush was back in the day, yeah?
Do you actually think either of Justin Trudeau or George W Bush were “calling the shots”?
You talk like you do.
The latter option
A girl who was a year ahead of my daughter at her rural primary school (70-80 kids etc) has been picked for the Under 19 Australian cricket team for their World Cup.
Their pissant bush school won the Victorian title in the primary school category beating some school from Glen Waverley. It was all on the back of this girl. A one-man cricket team she was.
Bowling average of 1 or 2 etc. No batting average because never went out etc.
Well bred attractive sheila from old-money farming stock. Not some rough dyke.
January 9, 2025 11:52 pm
If you have a wider interest in topics the interwebs offer, then you will find that the answer is a resounding YES.
Even after years of some communist hellholes had changed regime, many of the surviving old guard are praying for the old system to come back, claiming, if we had more time.
Full employment, whether the job was worth doing or not.
Planned economy, years behind customer demand and one branch making profits supporting the loss making ones.
Total social support from cradle to grave, just like the NHS, you’d find the grave sooner than a bed in the hospital.
All forgotten, just remember the vibe.
Collars up then, Zaf?
Collars up types they are. Not far from the Collars Up capital mentioned last night.. An hour or so on the Glenelg Highway*.
*(Ballarat to the SA border on outskirts of Mt. Gambier)
But seriously, great achievement, I hope everyone in her circle is rightly proud.
Criggit is an underrated sport for ladies, as it does carry a tradition of feminine patience and selflessness, and asks for a humble acceptance of the umpire’s authority.
Can watch womens cricket. Womens footy not so much.
Yeah town is stoked etc. Only produced two VFL/AFL footballers to their knowledge, so shit like this is rare.
Rockdoctor, in nested comments on the previous page, responding to Frollickingmole:
Starting to become difficult to draw any conclusion other than “Turnbullian” or “Morrison-lite”
Or even “Abbott-ish”. He’s confirmed some temporary appointments that were made by Palasczcuk – ones even Miles wouldn’t confirm.
This gels with his initial automatic agreement with Palaszczuk re “treaties” & the like, that was reversed only after brutal phone calls from party members to branches & sitting MPs.
Spooked by the spectre of Campbell Newman, he is pussyfooting carefully around the Public Service.
This is playing out with a public service that far from being scared of him, is emboldened into even worse excess than under Labor.
My home town of Christchurch never returned to normal after the earthquake.
A good portion of people left and never returned.
Reconstruction took years.
LA is facing the same, I would offer, even if by area less is effected proportionally than in Christchurch, the areas that are effected are the high value parts.
I could be wrong, but I think this is bigger than many assume.
Rich tossers on the leftoid vibe for way too long, not attuning to reality or paying heed to evidence freely available to their senses.
Burn baby, burn! Disco Inferno!
Sorry about Christchurch. You can’t safeguard against earthquakes.
Check out “old-style” Japanese building engineering.
Very large wooden, multi-storey buildings, assembled from carefully –interlocked logs and occasional wooden pegs. Bigger structures (“castles”) with footing walls of fairly precise masonry, supporting substantial “ornate log cabins” of spectacular size..
A lot of the old “domestic” architecture is quite lightly, but elegantly constructed sliding doors and window screens And, they BURN really well but are “easily” replaced.
Structures subject to Tsunami impact are A BIT TRICKY, especially seeing how far inland these events can reach. and the debris carried by the waves is what does the bulk of the structural damage.
If only they had all ‘climigrated’ to some sort of managed ‘safe city’ earlier?
We need to encourage them to rebuild better and keep their leftist lunacy where it is, rather than moving elsewhere and infecting new areas
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 88
Cash 2.0 Great Dane at The Grove and Farmers Market in Los Angeles 88
UK: Muslim migrant arrested for trying to rape 14-year-old girl says ‘I don’t know UK laws, I only follow Sharia’https://x.com/i/status/1876917374043238830
…and there you have it. He claims diplomatic immunity.
Johannes Leak.
Where’s the lettuce leaf gone, Johannes?
And the urine stain in the grundies?
Keating said it best, he’s gonna do you – slowly.
Two beautiful renditions of a very small and a very big man.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco,
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks Tom
From the comments:
No matter how bad the weather, or the situation, News crews always have make-up staff who also double as dressers.
Can’t have Ron Burgundy’s hair out of place or a shine on his nose.
Having said that, he seriously forgot he had a peg clamped to his shirt?
Vanity makes the media world go round.
I don’t know how I would feel if the last piece of legislation Biden signed was the Laken Riley Act.
If it is, it would be something the likes of The View & similar drones would hold onto forever.
Look, he did something on illegal immigration.
The gaslighting is breath taking.
Cool graphic on migration.
Odd the countries that a leaking so many people.
Whatever could be going on in their countries.
Historic day.
Huge poll victory for Nigel Farage as Reform UK comes joint top for first time (9 Jan)
Which proves it can be done, although Reform is in a much better situation with the UK’s first past the post system than minor parties are here.
At 25% they are no longer a minor party. However, none of this means a thing unless they get seats in parliament which will not happen for another four and a half years. Reform could even be tops in the polls in the next few years yet Labour will destroy the country without any recourse. King Charles will not lift a finger to help the people.
In theory there are council elections in May. But Starmer is talking about cancelling them. Got to destroy democracy in order to save it, or something.
Cancel them on what grounds?
He doesn’t need grounds if he has power over the next 4 and half years and voters have short memories.
Reform at the last election did better in ‘Traditional’ Labour seats than the Tories. I can see Reform winning many seats ‘Up North’ but not so well ‘Down South’.
BBC is on an anti-Musk binge, keeps referring to him as “world’s richest man” and an associate of “far right extremist AfD” in Germany.
Who is anti-democracy now? AfD are winning votes. And why does the media never refer to “extreme left” in politics?
By contrast, Italy’s PM Meloni says that Soros, not Musk, is the danger to democracy.
Soros? …. heavens no! Didnt Biden just give him the Medal of ‘Freedom’?
All the left leaning media are in a tizz over the Musk-Weidel (AfD) interview.
She gets stuck into the former German government’s embrace of wind and solar, which is clearly inadequate for a highly industrialised country like Germany. Musk agrees, so obviously he too is “far right”.
The BBC is worse than the ABC. It’s the pommy Oxbridge LSE condescension.
AfD are also fans of smaller government and less bureaucratic red tape hindering all sorts of proposals. That makes them conservative, not far right. Musk agrees, having run into this sort of crap himself.
AfD are in favour of less woke crap in the education system, and are against illegal immigration. Obviously dangerous extremists!
My home town of Christchurch never returned to normal after the earthquake.
A good portion of people left and never returned.
Reconstruction took years.
LA is facing the same, I would offer, even if by area less is effected proportionally than in Christchurch, the areas that are effected are the high value parts.
I could be wrong, but I think this is bigger than many assume. (Arky)
If you have ever watched Million Dollar Listing LA you will know that any house more than 20 years old in a good location is up for demolition anyway. The denizens care nothing for history or architecture, with rare exceptions.
On the contrary, the developers will be licking their chops.
Black Rock is waiting for the smoke to clear, just like Maui.
Houses are like trees, they grow back.
The fire ravaged area of Maui has been subsumed by developers. The, now, uninsured LA burbs will most likely go the same way. The citizens of Buncombe County whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Helene, and are still waiting for help, have a new horror to deal with.
Sensing a pattern?
“Despite the widespread devastation left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene, Buncombe County, North Carolina property owners were expected to cough up their property taxes earlier this week.
Midnight on Monday Jan 6 was the deadline for property owners to pay their taxes as Public Information Officer Stacy Woods told residents, “North Carolina law does not permit property tax waivers or exceptions for natural disasters, including hurricane Helene.”
The thought of collecting taxes on property that has been destroyed or that no longer exists, is shocking to residents who are still in the process of recovering from the unprecedented destruction caused by the storm.
. . . Meanwhile, the question remains as to whether the county will move to seize properties from residents for non-payment of taxes, as allowed by law.”
Forget about property developers, local governments are the real vultures.
It was found that in some LGAs in NSW in the past the two were found to be bed-partners. A very cosy arrangement.
Might see a fleet of ‘Killdozers’.
Steven Hayward makes a prediction today:
Fire Notes | Power Line (9 Jan)
Couple this with the fact that insurance companies have fled California, because Newsom prevented them from increasing premiums, and I suspect a lot of people will just give up and move to Texas instead.
Eco friendly may be on the nose soon but then again most people are rather shallow and will believe anything. As for higher density, yeah let’s put more people in danger prone areas.
yeah let’s put more people in danger prone areas.
Next : Earthquake
Earthquake? Near the San Andreas Fault?
Earthquake that are almost invariably followed by fire? Ruptured fuel pipes and storage, ignited by the usual means; arson, arcing electrical systems?
The Left Coast is probably overdue for a good shake and shuffle.
It’s the selectivity in the media that kills.I was channel surfing and ABC running Karen Bass LA Mayor press conference.No way they run the clip where she was drilled at the airport by a journalist and just stood there speechless.
Makes you wonder if before the internet there were many more such occurrences that reporters kept from the public.
Churnalists do not refer to themselves as “opinion-shapers” for no reason.
When they want YOUR opinion, they will give it to you, good and hard.
The Tories have got rocks in their head if they think that a long campaign for a longwinded enquiry about events which happened, in political relative terms, a long time ago, which the government will only be obliged to respond to a long time in the future – is a good strategy for either their party or the poor abused girls.
Wrong, there’s nothing historical about the ‘events’, the rapes are ongoing, the mass grooming and raping of working class white girls continues unabated. UK Labour, once a party that represented the interests of the working class, now represents the interests of Muslim rapists.
In Newcastle upon Tyne there’s a gang of Syrian migrants who are grooming and raping local white girls. This gang of rapists is known to both the local plod and, of course, to the Labour controlled council. They choose to look the other way.
If all Labour strongholds are now controlled by Muslims at the local level then it’s just a matter of time before they demand a name change or else.
The Turd was a disaster beyond imagining. His brief time as PM will have dreadful repercussions forever in this unfortunate country.
Hmmm, very interesting
January 9, 2025 11:52 pm
Does each successive generation of leftist shitbags upon leaving power in the aftermath of wrecking…f*cking absolutely everything, look back on their ascension to power and see a naive and silly person who just didn’t know the damage they were about to do, OR do they look back on a person who full well knew what they were about to do, which was precisely what the previous generation of shitbag, degenerate leftists did, and their only regret is they couldn’t have the time to complete the destruction?
Definitely the latter. These people are driven by conviction that is unalterable. A classic recent example was the piece by Nick Cater in the Oz earlier this week claiming that the green slime had become more radical than the original party started by Bob Brown. The old b*** immediately launched into print to deny that, and said he fully supported Bandit and the current party policy.
They never change, you can bet the house on it. Gad Saad calls it a mind virus and that’s just what it is.
I’d like to put Tony Blair in a Tumbril and carry him through the streets of the cities he’s destroyed with his desire to “Rub the Rights nose in Diversity.”
He’s done more damage to Great Britain than the Luftwaffe.
More proof (as if it was needed) that greenies hate beauty, especially if it conflicts with their ideology:
Look at the picture in the link. It really was a beautiful and magical place.
But, beauty can only be expressed in correct ways. So, it had to go.
I fail to see how a tiny patch of incorrect weeds are going to disrupt the planet’s ecological balance, if there is such a thing.
More likely the locals were annoyed by the traffic, which could have been dealt with.
Plus, the notion of unapproved vegetation being beautiful and giving pleasure infuriates the latter day Cromwellians.
I’ll bet it burns down soon, and the developers get their hands on it, build a 40 storey shopping centre/carpark and luxury apartments.
They’ll probably call it “Fantasy Grotto Mall”.
Sorry, no. That purple flowering creeper is a terrible weed. You see it growing over fences every now and again. The horticulture industry do a better job now but have unleashed some terrible plants on the public.
I’ve been reading Ecclesiastes. It reminds me of the thoughts of Marvin the depressed robot from Hitch-hiker guide to the Galaxy.
That’s nice.
The thoughts of the man who imagined he had everything, suddenly discovering that all his effort was pointless.
I’m off to a funeral in Sydney today. A friend of over forty years, and collaborator in all sorts of work and mischief.
Oh Calli.
Sad, yet happy.
Blessings for the day and your memories.
Chris Coffee, a MAF Man and devout Christian, killed by three zombies in a stolen car.
Now promoted to Glory.
As for his killers, a slap on the wrist unless the new NT government goes hard as they promised.
Terribly sad news. Chris was a graduate of SMBC in Sydney (my old college). Senseless loss – but not in God’s sight.
Pardon my ignorance – MAF?
“We Need to Talk About Kevin”.
Or not.
This is beautiful.
“If there’s one thing worse than being talked about, it’s not being talked about”.
They know that what Kruddy hates most of all is being ignored.
He would rather that they loudly demand he be sacked, because that would put him in the spotlight and he could frame himself as the “fearless ambassador who stood up to Orange Hitler 2.0”.
And you’re right about “holidaying in Queensland” as a blind for not being invited to the inauguration or, being invited, but seated behind the agricultural attaché from Botswana.
What would be funny would be if they issue an invitation the morning of the 20th, too late for Kruddster to get back to DC, and the 2-I-C goes along.
Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states.
Is that like one of those no carbon tax promise thingys that a certain Gillard mouthed?
Dutton needs to go hard especially in WA and bring up the ghost of Gillard. Won’t matter much in Qld as the ALP don’t have many seats outside of the SE corner anyway…
No doubt paid for by leftist a*sehole actors.
The DEI hires running the LA Fire Dept have it all worked out. The lezzos in charge (including a POC) are all up to it. The black mayor diverted critical funds from emergency services equipment to look after the illegal migrants flooding in across open boders (ie a money laundering scam). They grounded all fire fighting aircraft for 24 hours while the Old Perv flew in on AF1. The fire destroyed hundreds of acres meanwhile.
Leftism isn’t just a mental illness, it’s also criminally insane.
Muslims grooming and kidnapping girls is a worldwide phenomenon.
Ask the Copts in Egypt, Hindus in Pakistan etc.
In a religion where polygamy is practised there will always be a shortage of women, it’s why they have sanctioned turning to younger and younger female children in their own countries. Let along where millions of young males have abandoned their homeland and moved to the west.
What did authorities expect?
Women of marriageable age aren’t going to look at unemployable immigrants who are quite often illiterate, even in their own language, of course they are going to go after the vulnerable.
They have unlimited time to hang around school gates and the places school children congregate and prey on potential victims.
The notion of mind viruses was invented by Richard Dawkins more than thirty years ago to explain religious belief.
The use of an epidemiological model to explain philosophical, metaphysical or political convictions is reductionistic. Further, there is not a skerrick of empirical evidence for it, which is somewhat ironic given Dawkins’s promotion of science as the only objective epistemology.
Those on the prog-left are not suffering from a virus; they are responsible moral agents who can and should be held fully accountable for their ideological commitments and the harm they cause to others.
Further, there is not a skerrick of empirical evidence for it
Bit like actual ‘viruses’ then?
It’s just a useful meme, an analogy, Roger, though I agree that it can be misused to remove all sense of personal responsibility for what you allow to influence you. Zeitgeist is a more useful concept, about how we can be unwittingly (perhaps) influenced by the views and cultural activities of those who surround us in daily life. Analogous to a tendency to statistical conversion towards the mean in any population.
You’ve cheered me up on this horrible day, DrBeau.
I will never be able to read Ecclesiastes again without hearing Alan Rickman. There never was a more mournfully melodious voice.
This is crucial. My sis tells me her grandkids are doing a welcome to country ceremony EVERY DAY (NSW). Yr 2 at Primary. Growing up believing this is not your country, you are here by the the good graces of the near extinct abos. Becoming adults fully primed with guilt load ready to handover 30 billion odd annually to the corrupt indigeny industry.
If Dutton gets in he must take decisive immediate action to de-program the kids and get all the DEI, woke leftist shit out of the curriculum. More than 50% is leftist propaganda.
My friend’s children were being subjected to this 2-3 times daily at their State primary school last year, until he and his wife put a stop to it. The principal’s wife is indigenous-ish, this got taken to the top of the area Education Dept, and they stopped it.
After the revelations of the last few weeks, can anyone now watch British cop shows and not think about how inappropriate the portrayal is?
I don’t get how there haven’t been mass resignation of cops or outcry from their unions (scrub that one).
Even outright rebellion.
But then there a certain types who become cops, I suppose.
Those ones have left and the corrupt/cowardly ones have only employed the self centred sociopaths who get off on the gear and the guns.
They are not your friends.
Or how unreal.
The last two British cop shows I watched were all about the plight of illegal immigrants and about how mean the authorities were.
Then I switched over to American TV (Bull) and it was about a personable, tertiary qualified chap who was about to be deported to certain execution.
That’s the MSM’s unending stream of lies for you.
Trump should promise to pay these taxes on their behalf from federal coffers as a recompense for FEMA’s scandalous performance in the aftermath of the storm.
Daniel Greenfield…
The LAFD is Run by Three Lesbians Named ‘Kirsten’ (10 Jan)
And then the fire hydrants ran out of water, and the fire fighting budget was cut by $17 million to use the money for illegal migrants.
Reality has a way of kicking ideology fair in the nuts.
So many references to ‘hydrants running out of water’ ???
Hydrants are just big outlets on the existing water pipes, not some separate system that has to be kept ‘filled’.
Having said that, if every one in the fire area was running hoses and sprinklers, the system pressure will drop. Thats why you have hoses and firepumps.
I suspect the hydrant supply towers hadn’t been filled. And the pumps to them not in operation. But I haven’t delved into the details.
Cali was wet in 2022-23 but has been dry for most of 2024.
Some more here:
LA Officials Explain Why Fire Hydrants Ran Out of Water (8 Jan, via Lucianne)
This might explain AFLW but cannot explain the Australians womens cricket team.
They assumed all cultures are equal.
Except traditional British culture
Gad Saad calls it a mind virus and that’s just what it is.
Saad is correct.
See my reply to Roger’s comment above.
No need for any of us here to argue about this. Splitting hairs.
File this next to his promise to cut immigration.
Albanese clearly has no idea how low his credibility is.
I think Anthony Albanese, the worst Prime Minister Australia has ever had, does know and that’s why he is getting more snakey every day. He’s never been responsible till he became PM and didn’t realise the buck stops with him. This is someone who’s out of their depth in a child’s paddling pool.
His attendant fluffers are working overtime to keep him ignorant of the real world.
I’m pretty certain this DEI/culture/woke leftist shyte is just a convenient mask covering for graft, corruption and money laundering scams benefiting the chosen elites. Get the “right people” in place distributing million$ of OPM at over inflated contract prices and enjoying kickbacks, pensions, jobs for life.
Mr Greenfield put his story up on Xtwitter, including photos of all the lesbian Kirstens. Who look exactly as you might expect. Now over 3 million views including a clown emoji from a certain Mr Elon Musk.
Elon Musk Responds to FrontPage Showing LAFD is Run by 3 Lesbians Named Kirsten (9 Jan)
Not one skerrick of ability between the whole lot of them.
I’ve put it up on my Facebook page (total readers Australia wide = 2) and we’ll see how long it takes to be taken down.
Love the reference in the comments to this being a rainbow swan event.
It seems that anyone competent who works for MI6 or police is non white or lesbian, according to TV.
I give you Ridley(lesbian), Day of the Jackal (black, and black) and Paris has Fallen (indian AND lesbian)
I have long thought that cop shows from the BBC and ones like the FBI are organizational propaganda. The more cop shows, the worse the state of policing.
I have not seen c op shows that only show bad cops (reality).
Line of Duty has some flawed and bad cops as main characters.
Something the media refuses to highlight is that in the UK in areas that are mostly Muslim the local government is controlled by Muslims. This means that non-Muslim residents are also subject to their rules, they live under shariah law while in the area.
The Californian wild fire phenomenon is quite amazing.
People in high risk areas didn’t like how much insurance costs were increasing so they proposed and passed a law that regulated how much insurance prices could increase.
The increases were not allowed to be calculated on future risks but only historical ones.
The government then dragged it’s heels on hazard reduction, removed dams, failed to refill reservoirs, didn’t replace fire hydrants (stolen for their brass) and focused on DEI in the fire services while cutting their budgets.
Insurance companies responded by exiting the Californian home insurance market (note State Farm lost 6 billion already in 2023 US wide) and home owners were forced onto a very expensive fire only badly underfunded State scheme.
One person mentioned their 3k policy increased to 9k, then the insurer declined to renew and they had to pay 15k for the default scheme.
Lots of fallacies around insurance, it’s about pooling risk not a savings scheme and insurance companies don’t owe you because you consumed 40 years of insurance.
And as someone nicely pointed out, people who build concrete houses about the tide surge line don’t have to cover people who build wooden houses below the tide surge line.
Though they probably do.
Exactly. I would like to live in a semi rural block surrounded by national park with gums overhanging my house but realise there is a price to pay for that.
My house and contents insurance was over $1700 this year, I sucked it up and paid.
Yes my block is worth much the same without a house but I’d still have to pay to remove the debris and I would need to replace my belongings.
Also I like the concept of pooling risk, I believe it’s fundamental to civilisation.
Cripes! Who is your insurer?
I pay almost four grand a year right now.
Will be shopping around this year.
California is the 4th largest economy in the world, bigger than all Germany.
From Newscum down, the huge administration is a DEI, woke, inept leftist freak show.Now overrun with gangs from the south, homeless shitting all over Hollywood and as we see an infrastructure white anted by corruptocrats.
And to fund this DEI woke hellscape, Cali imposes the highest income and sales taxes in the US.
This is where leftism leads you. Into a great big shithole.
In my experience, lesbians are almost as bad as Indians when placed in hiring positions.
There was a NSW school where the Principal and her deputy were in a relationship.They then started forcing out the male Head Teachers and replacing them with more lesbians, and they then started on started on the straight female HTs.
Eventually, as the bullying increased, complaints were made to district office and the union, which did nothing. It was wholly serendipitously the boss and deputy were seen by a member of staff on a cruise together, carrying on like the couple they were,that the relationship was exposed and finally the department took action moving both to different schools because the boss did not declare a conflict of interest and stepping away from the hiring process.
So, after all that, the department big wigs still thought they should be employed.
Teachers are all but unsackable.
There’s the problem.
As Dad once remarked ‘to think you entrust your children to these people’
Was the Entryist Scheme disassembled?
Then they won. The scheme will just continue elsewhere.
That’s the problem with fighting it – they’re allowed to keep the gains.
Every appointment they made should have been scrutinised, and every sacking/forced resignation should have been investigated.
Julie Collins?
34 years ago, look what the US did to evacuate 20,000 something people from the Philippines.
Could they do this today?
Considering they have done jack shit for the people of Lahaina which is a day’s sailing from the home of the Pacific fleet, probably not.
Gaia hates competition.
Sweden CLOSING Churches to Meet Climate GoalsEurope – Seek to be ‘fossil free by the year 2027’ (9 Jan)
Not allowed to worship God when it’s cold outside. How dare you horrible Christians wanting to heat your churches in winter!
Japan is not California.
That said, Tokyo is spending a f tonne of money upgrading its water management systems to deal with typhoons.
They are planning for a once in a hundred year typhoon ie infrastructure that will be unlikely to be used but it’s there just in case.
Compare that with the chronic underspend in California to deal with events that occur every single year.
All over the western world IMO, including here.
Yes I mention it again but it is visible roads are a prime example, unlike utilities which the public don’t see or hear much about till it fails.
I guess those drag queens and smoking ceremonies don’t pay for themselves.
Same as here with bush fires and floods.
Oh I dunno.
The Bad Lieutenant was brilliant.
The Professional.
The Equaliser.
And two shows undisputably at the top of that pile:
Training Day; and
Blue Murder.
The Shield
Beat me to it.
And the Australian doco Cop It Sweet (back when the ABC made good TV)
The Shield.
Line of Duty
Denzel was so good in Training Day.
Blue murder, the Sweeney and the professionals
Fascinating read from Ace Of Spades.
Particularly the dam in Tennessee.
Different jurisdiction, same malign incompetence:
Good to see a major rag in the UK shouting out this kind of corruption.
Finally. I wonder what changed?
I think even The Bill had a series or two involving dodgy coppers.
Don Beech
The Bill was never any good after Burnside was written out
Just in on the Daily Telegraph website:
Put the gin down and get to it.
Now Minns has deemed it unacceptable, but what has he and police minister actually done to curb this rise in anti Semitism?
What Paddy shot would be the correct answer.
Never thought I’d see the islamic republic LOL posting.
Starting to become difficult to draw any conclusion other than “Turnbullian” or “Morrison-lite”
SATP. We had signs before this would turn out as it has.
They promised to be tougher on crime, however the solution was more programs to deal with misguided yoof, tinkering with remand regulations but with no teeth and nothing substantial on sentencing. End result, throw more money at a problem that has been a black hole so far with minimal results. Judiciary emboldened after their success with Carmody and totally polluted by 30 years of ALP stacking will do what they want. Same sentencing without constraints being put on the learned wigged ones, a kid/adult with 50 priors should be in jail pure and simple, I could give even 1 micro gram of s$#@ about his right as the public has a right to be safe from turds who don’t get it is trumps.
Treaty, yup wind vane. Wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere there is an endrun round scrutiny and this mob of grifters is still getting public funding somehow and biding their time for a change in Government.
Public service I’m not even going to start to try and work that one out but I can’t see any other way than job cuts & loading up KPI’s with increased productivity clauses. If they were bold they might go after public sector unionism, I personally think this is a giant gorilla in the room when it comes to corruption and conflicts of interest.
Anyway day is too young to be staring at a phone screen. Later.
Yeah, rejecting Dutton’s nuclear policy was a big tell.
On the other hand Crisafulli will probably keep the coal-fired power stations going, which is no bad thing.
Thanks to the fork tongued grub from Grayndler and his Jew hating sidekicks…………
Vandals paint Swastika signs on Southern Sydney Synagogue at Allawah
A synagogue in the city’s south has been daubed with at least a dozen swastika signs in the latest anti-Semitic vandalism attack in Sydney overnight.
Southern Sydney Synagogue has been daubed with at least a dozen Swastika signs in the latest anti-Semitic vandalism attack in the city overnight.
Police were at the scene this morning checking for clues after the place of worship in Railway Avenue, Allawah was defaced by vandals who sprayed a large black Swastika sign at the entrance of the building.
Two men in hoodies and wearing masks were seen loitering around the synagogue between 4am and 5am.
Red Swastikas and several black ones have been sprayed on the white walls of the synagogue.
President of the synagogue George Foster said “I received a call from the police at around 4.30am saying they had driven by and there was graffiti all over the synagogue.
“Looking at the CCTV it seems there were two men in black hoodies and masks who were spraying the walls of the synagogue.
“It is deeply distressing but it’s almost inevitable given the background on the rise of anti-Semitism currently.
“My parents were holocaust survivors and this has echoes of Germany 1933 with people singling out Jewish shops, religious institutions and homes by painting them with antisemitic signs. It’s unbelievable this happening in Australia.”
Police have been sifting through CCTV footage in the area in a bid to net the culprits.
NSW Premier Chris Minns was seen speaking with members of the synagogue on Friday morning, as forensic police officers inspected the scene.
David Ossip, president of the Jewish Board of Deputies, said:
“Offenders must be prosecuted and receive penalties sufficient to ensure that such conduct is deterred and not normalised.”
He pleaded for attacks on Jews to stop.
“Enough is enough,” he said.
“It isn’t normal or acceptable that Australians are having to wake up every morning filled with apprehension about whether or not there’s been another antisemitic hate crime overnight.
“This illegal behaviour is reprehensible and undermines the social harmony and cohesion which we all treasure.
“We cannot allow ourselves to become desensitised to acts of Jew-hatred and allow illegal conduct such as this to become normalised.”
He added: “The alleged offenders must be swiftly identified and prosecuted and receive penalties sufficient to ensure that such conduct is deterred and not normalised.”
Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin condemned the attack, saying: “The community expects swift arrests to be made and for those who deface houses of worship with the symbol of genocide to face the full force of the law.
“As long as these people evade justice for trying to terrorise Australian citizens, it will continue. We’re also calling on our fellow Australians, particularly those in positions of influence across society, to end the silence and publicly denounce this behaviour as repugnant to our national values and a threat to us all.”
Police from St George Police Area Command are investigating.
“Offensive graffiti was spray painted on a synagogue in Sydney’s south west,” a spokesman said.
“The incident is believed to have occurred between 3.55am and 4.30am [on Friday] on Railway Parade, Allawah.”
Australia in 2025. All those pretty words and assurances uttered by Pretty Boy Minns aren’t doing anything to ‘curb’ the attacks and vandalism, are they?
By the way, in the above report they fail to mention a key word which was painted on the synagogue, and which is in the picture of the vandalism, the word…………
I think we can ascertain the religion of the vandals, it isn’t Buddhism or Sikhism or Hinduism or Methodism or Anglicanism or Catholicism.
Guarantee if I tossed a pigs head into a mosque plod would be at my place before me.
January 10, 2025 8:54 am
I have long thought that cop shows from the BBC and ones like the FBI are organizational propaganda. The more cop shows, the worse the state of policing.
I have not seen c op shows that only show bad cops (reality).
Ah, my son, you need to check out the Aussie Blue Murder series.
No more needs to be said.
It was brilliant.
However it was made in 1995, 30 years ago.
“Not allowed to worship God when it’s cold outside”
I think you’ll find the Swedish churches are empty summer and winter.
Saw an article recently where a 4th Catholic Church had opened in Sweden, Lutherans sold them a beautiful neo gothic that was surplus to requirements.
Is it just me or does Newsom have a certain Trudeau aroma about him?
He obviously intends to declare war on Trump as his strategy for regaining credibility. Nice try Gav boy. You are hated, Trump is loved. How is that going to work?
It was obviously disgusting that lunatic academic Karen Piper (there’s that name again) referred to the loss of James Wood’s home as “karma”. But, can one be permitted just a teeny weeny bit of gloat over the Hollywierds’ self immolation through woke?
I think this debacle has just deep sixed any chance for Newsom in 2028.
Signs are that lefties in LA are being red pilled by it.
“Anthony Albanese has given an iron-clad guarantee no new mining tax will be introduced if he wins the Federal election and ruled out a minority government deal with the Greens as he vies to secure crucial resources states”
Get rid of Native Title , otherwise there wont be mining companies to tax.
Pete Hegseth’s tattoo inspiration , verified.
From the Frontpage article about Musk’s response to the trio of lezbos at LAFD comes this golden quote
Think of it as a rainbow swan event.
Can’t let mere massive wildfires get in the way of progressive progress.
Gay Choirs, Trans Cafes And Social Justice Art: What LA Spent Money On While Cutting Its Fire Budget (9 Jan)
Also California spent $31 Billion on illegals last year.
Blue Murder was indeed an awesome televisual feast – quite possibly the apogee of Australian drama, I can’t think of anything that remotely comes close to its portrayals of some of the most venal and preposterous individuals to have graced the underworlds of our cities.
Don’t forget, many of us in NSW had to smuggle in video copies from interstate to watch it after its initial release.
While I have little time for cops, it must be frustrating even to the most indoctrinated of them when this crap occurs in so called courts of justice.
From the worst oz
A 24-year-old Goldfields man has avoided immediate jail for splitting a man’s head open with the handle of an axe despite admitting to the offence only on the day of his trial.
Wenchester Joshua Blowes was sentenced for the unlawful wounding charge in Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court on Monday after previously changing his plea from not guilty on the day the trial was set to go ahead.Chief magistrate Steven Heath told the man he had “shot himself in the foot” by waiting until the day of trial to take responsibility, and warned others that courts would start punishing those who did so.
Blowes had already pleaded guilty to a charge of being armed from the same day as this offence and had been sentenced to a conditionally suspended imprisonment order.“If he pleaded guilty at the same time as this other incident … he would now be within three weeks of completing the CSIO,” Mr Heath said.
“He now loses all bar 5 per cent, perhaps, discount for his early plea and if I sentence him to a CSIO it runs from today.“He has shot himself in the foot.
“Because of the delay (it causes), courts will increasingly punish people who plead not guilty and change their pleas on the day, or are found guilty at trial.“You lose so much by waiting until the day of trial to plead guilty.”
The court was told Blowes got into a verbal altercation with someone out the front of a Victory Heights house about 3am on December 26, 2023.The victim approached him and asked him to go for a walk with him to cool down.
The pair began walking down the street with a witness behind them when they got into a verbal altercation and Blowes picked up an axe and struck the victim over the head with the handle.The blow caused a wound requiring seven stitches and the victim was taken to hospital by ambulance.
When police arrived, they saw Blowes standing in the middle of the street with the axe in his hands.Defence lawyer Leneva Polmear said Blowes was significantly intoxicated on the day of the offending but accepted it was not an excuse.She said both he and his family were disappointed in his actions and she called for him to be given another chance on a community disposition.
She said Blowes had a three-year gap in offending on his criminal record, which proved he could stay “off the gear” and hold a job.Mr Heath granted him another opportunity to prove himself outside of jail and sentenced him to 12 months jail, suspended for 12 months with supervision and program requirements.
Mike Pence’s wife Karen stares down Melania and refuses to shake Trump’s hand at Jimmy Carter’s funeral (9 Jan)
Karen wants to speak to the manager. Well Mz Pence be of good cheer: your traitorous hubby will never now be elected to office ever again, not even as the local dog catcher.
It’s Karen who should look away in shame. Her husband betrayed not just Trump but supported the entire rotten electoral process that we knew in 2020 was gamed.
What a rude woman.
Not very Christian of her.
Is she taller than Melania?
I can’t see anyone, let alone a miserable Karen stare down Melania.
BoN @ 08:42am….
And then the fire hydrants ran out of water, and the fire fighting budget was cut by $17 million to use the money for illegal migrants.
Pretty much sums up the factors that were involved in this disaster.
And then add shutting down air space to let Dementia Joe fly in which stopped flights of water bombers.
There will be more clusterfcuks to come to light.
Technically the problem with the water bombers was the wind gusting to 100 mph.
Santa Ana winds (wiki)
I hope and pray for the guys on the ground and pilots in the air fighting this monster.
The death of (a lot of ) manual labour;
24/7 work hours, no wages, no super, no UNIONS, no annual/carers/sick/parental leave….
Just a few hours maintenance each month.
That thing looks like a dork.
Also: what’s the point of it?
You can already hire slave labour thanks to globalism, and the slaves don’t require maintenance, fix themselves if broken (injured) and can be disposed of instantaneously when no longer required, and find their own energy sources, storing it in the dense form of fat which they carry about with them.
Your head is back in the Model T era. Get a fkg grip.
What happens if you give it a good shove?
Did you go down the whole thread- more than a dozen example? They have better balance than you!
What happens if I take to it with a blow torch?
Same thing as if you take to your slaves with a blowtorch. They stop working
What’s the use case of these things?
Factory labour? Factories are already automated.
Field labour? Again, as much as agricultural work can be automated it has been. You don’t need a humanoid shaped thing to pick fruit.
Household labour? Rich folks with mansions are going to prefer these creepy arse things to the maid they can f*ck?
Or is it to down market the household maid experience to the lower classes who can’t afford fighting paternity cases? In your average, modern lower class home where are you going to put this ugly dork thing, and what is it going to do for you that a Roomba or dish washer isn’t already doing?
I am amazed that no-one in the disaster-prone districts of Los Angeles had a prepared Grab-and-Go bag. I’ve got one, and I live in a rural suburb in a rural town where it is unlikely ever to be an earthquake, tornado or catastrophic fire. I update annually, and list all the extra bits needed to add at the last minute.
Likewise. What’s so hard about it?
Because these people are so used having everything done for them.
Also, NO rooftop sprinkler systems. 99% of homes had swimming pools which in most cases remained intact. A firefighter pump like most of us in rural areas have ready to use in the shed, could have been used to pump water from the pool or operate the rooftop sprinklers.
I cannot fathom how unprepared Angelinos are for fires.
“I’ve never seen such destruction.” AIR7 got aerial views of the wildfire devastation in Pacific Palisades.
Watch live fire coverage here:
Wow. Sky News caught Gavin Newsom using a fake phone call to avoid a desperate Mom and victim of the fires. He pretended to be on the phone with the President and she caught him.
His political career should be over after this!
I saw that. I believe she was in on it. Did you catch the part where the Bodyguard is “gently”, pushing her away and she says “it’s okay, I’m not going to hit him”?
Also, she was only rambling about the loss of the school. Then she was rambling about how most of them had lost TWO homes because they were living in one and building another.
All this whilst Newscum was being gently, yet manfully paternal.
It was all an act for the cameras.
And insurance companies should be free to create pools which bundle common risks (or exit high risk markets completely) without fear of being accused of various ‘isms and phobias.
The common one here is “not available North of the Tropic of Capricorn”.
Some Queenssslanders would have you believe that this is a plot by Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne to oppress them, but it is really just about risk.
Have you ever heard of a Temperate Cyclone?
They’re called Tropical Cyclones for a reason
What did authorities expect?
They assumed all cultures are equal.
Not equal; the leftoids hate the West and class ‘cultures’ like the muzzies and 3rd nations as being superior to but oppressed by the wicked West. It’s the basis of victimology which is destroying the West. It’s as simple as that: the left hate the West and betray it.
Malibu’s waterfront before and after the wildfires, which destroyed some of the most expensive properties in California
Deep Elements of U.S. Intel Start to Move Against Tulsi Gabbard
The LAFD is Run by Three Lesbians Named ‘Kirsten’
Mine went up too, but not by that much.
The insured value automatically increases unless I elect to hold it at the same level.
When I broke it down, a big chunk was that increase in insured value and, after talking to a couple of builders, I decided to leave it at the higher level.
A massive part of “insurance premium profiteering” is construction costs with the attendant regulatory overlay of re-building to the 2024 regulations.
Insurance market and accounting largely a matter of “finger in the air” stuff. Generally works pretty well till someone goes for growth or market share and does an HIH.
The Santa Ana winds that fanned the destruction of Pacific Palisades occur maybe 10-20 times per year. Most commonly in the fall and winter, peaking in December.
Any fire chief and LA Mayor MUST know this, plan for this, fund and prepare for this. So must all the California State Administration. All the way up to Newscum.
Reports coming out that the LA Mayor (who went to Ghana when the fires started) has a Cuban Marxist history.
UK gives up island to Mauritius. Decides it needs the base and offers 9 billion for lease.Monumental stupidity
9 Billion! Wow!
There is as much scope there for “refreshers” as in a French submarine contract.
Follow the spillage!
Why aren’t you in here defending the leftard Newscum and his woke DEI LGBTQI+ freakshow LA fire dept chiefs?
Inside every leftard tyrant is a sniveling lying coward.
Where this is headed:-
1. On 19th January, Biden will offer Newsom one hundred and eleventy guzzillion dollars to “Build Back Better” … “you get a mansion, and you get a mansion … everyone gets a mansion!”
2. Ten seconds after inauguration, the baying press mob will start howling at Trump to “re-affirm the Federal commitment of aid to Cowifornia”.
3. No matter what Trump says or does, this will be his “George Dubya / Hurricane Katrina moment”.
Whatever Trump does , he will lose just a handful of votes. Most of the burnt out in Cali would have been leftards, who voted in Newscum and for Harris. In fact, this catastrophe may even gain Trump votes.
By the time Trump and his Administration finishes exposing what has gone on in LA, the MSM will again look like commie propaganda pushers for all to see.
Maybe Trump should just offer $50,000 recovery grants once elected (evidence based) for everyone, and no more on the grounds that the place is chockers with very rich people with the means and it would be very unfair to the poor of the country for the government to give them any more.
I remember when the concept of memes first came out.
A meme was really just a block of human memory that was powerful enough to withstand social transmission. Like the concept of Christianity, or Islam, or Global Warming.
It seems there are good memes, bad memes, and comic memes.
The concept has changed now into a “Mind Virus” that describes its predatory nature.
Nice space stuff this weekend. Bezos is hoping to launch his bigger better rocket on Sunday:
Blue Origin’s first orbital launch now targeting Sunday (Phys.org, 9 Jan)
I hope he succeeds – if he does it’ll be only the second launcher that lands back on Earth to be reused. But first launch attempts are always iffy, so a rapid unscheduled disassembly is not unexpected.
Elon is not a man to be upstaged though, his even bigger rocket is due to launch on Monday. And hopefully they plan to catch it with the chopsticks.
Starship’s Seventh Flight Test
That would make it Tuesday our time for the live coverage. I can’t do the timezones in my head but I think that would be about breakfast time AEDT.
Reports that Musk-rat has been asked to retrieve the stranded NASA astronauts from the International Space Station.
No doubt Boeing and NASA to foot the bill.
Man, that will make lefty heads explode.
I reckon NASA have been given the heads up. Come 21st January, if you can’t commit to getting them back by end February the job is going to Musk. And, if you do commit and fail, heads will roll.
Lahaina will be Trump’s fault too.
The concept has changed now into a “Mind Virus” that describes its predatory nature.
SF writer John Barnes has a whole series of novels on that concept.
So many many drones.
LA is on fire—how will Australia cope when bushfires hit Sydney, Melbourne or another major city? (9 Jan)
Well the sheer religious insanity is here, I acknowledge that. Here’s who he is:
Since it’s the geopolitical vibe lately we should sell Tasmania to China.