The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
Thanks, Tom.
Popped into the local bottle-o to grab something for dinner and found that they gave a few new wines – including a Chateau Ausone, named after an ex-consul called Ausonius who retired there in the fourth century and is reputed to have planted the first vines.
Quite a bit of history for the little local shop.
Is this true?
Make an effort. It’s really not that difficult.
Just on Trump’s remarks re Greenland and Panama Canal. In any hot war, it would immediately secure both for its military operations just as it did in WW2. ?They are too strategically important to let swing in the wind. Geopolitically, this is just the US reaffirming that it will defend the core (Western Hemisphere) at the cost of its periphery (Europe and Asia). Australian strategic planners take note.
Wasn’t there a German Meteorological Station on Greenland, sending back Meteorological (of course) information to Germany and helping with weather forecasting?
They had weather ships/submarine supply ships far out in the Atlantic early in the war but the most remote permanent weather station was in Spitzbergan as I recall. Not a comfy posting but better than the Eastern front for sure.
I agree with this, and so do others. Tbe US has to do its job for the Democratic West. Trump knows that but will thump heads to avoid or achieve this, depending on the situation. We’ve all fought with them for that before. Likely would do so again.
I doubt that Trump would let Europe swing in the wind.
Well they’d better start pulling their weight then.
Mind you, the Russians will not be watering their horses in the Seine any time soon.
I thought they were signs of the rapture and have been sacrificing chickens and sheep constantly.
The people downstairs were complaining and now I suppose I really will have to pay for the cleaning.
Unless…there is a chance…do you think…
Well, at least your freezer is full for the coming Zombie Apocalypse.
Newsom is a creep by any measure. But he is a master interviewee.
The smooth manner in which he diverted very hostile questioning to making the fires entirely Trumps fault was Obama standard gaslighting.
The “here I am fighting for our survival and Trump makes this a political issue” was simply brilliant. Scumbag disgusting, but brilliant.
Only if it works, otherwise it is the sort of thing that draws out the crowds with pitchforks.
Just like clockwork, leftard morons, in this case Bob Carr, are now saying the California fires are all Trump’s fault!
Bob Carr manages to blame Trump and Climate Change for the LA fires. Of course. – Michael Smith News
BTW, some (many?) of the fires have been deliberately lit.
One U.S. news clip even shows arsonists deliberately lighting a fire in a residential area, no sign of police of course.
I expected nothing better from Bob Carr who has always been a pos.
He seemed alright in his early years, but I now suspect that that was because he had sensible members of the working class like Ducker, Unsworth and MacBean to keep his feet on the ground.
Dover, I don’t quite see it as binary. What are you on about? If the U.S. were to take control of the canal and Trump Isle, are you suggesting this would come at the expense of the outer reaches of its influence? I think you’re confusing the U.S. with Russia, which is being kicked out of the Mediterranean and has nowhere else to go. You shouldn’t confuse a country with very limited options with the U.S. You’re doing yourself a disservice.
I’m not sure it’s going to work anymore after this.
Hes their new chosen one…
Tired old turds like Bob Carr BA should just fade away.
Or be hung (metaphorically speaking of course).
You’re taking all the enjoyment of a good hanging away.
Oh yes, how’s Carr’s efforts going re connecting the ALP to Islamists?
BA (Hons) actually, like Wayne Swan.
Swannie is in the news today, and not in a good way.
Say it ain’t so!
Clearly true, ScoMo didn’t do a university baseball scholarship.
After these wildfires I think even Californians are far more likely to take after Newscum with baseball bats rather than Trump.
Trump warned them months ago that this would happen.
Just Three Months Ago: Trump Talked About California’s Water Problem and Wildfires on the Joe Rogan Podcast (9 Jan)
And in much the same way that he warned the Germans of their gas problems.
I see a lynching in everyone’s future.
I disagree.
I might be impressed if he faced a barrage of hostile questioning which Republicans have come to expect:-
“What? But aren’t you politicising this by deflecting to Trump?”
“You’re the Governor. Responsibility sits squarely with you and the LA Mayor. Why weren’t you better prepared?”
“Isn’t it legitimate criticism from President Trump that you have mismanaged water supplies?”
Instead all he gets is a version of “Is there anything we can do to help, Prime Minister?”
Just watching Nein News.
A crook was shot dead in outer Western suburbs of Melbourne.
Inspector Diversidee of VikPol says “No worries for neighbours. This was totally targeted”.
Then they show a bullet hole in the window of a teenage boy’s bedroom.
So targeted.
But not accurately targeted.
Then two neighbours appear on TeeVee with their full names shown on screen.
Wallee al-Jihad and Mohammad al-Explodee
NEW: VDH weighs in on the LA fires: “It’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb — the alarming symptoms of a society gone mad.”
An incisive, two-minute breakdown of the political and ideological issues that led to this disaster:
“It was a total systems collapse from the idea of not spending money on irrigation, storage, water, fire prevention and forest management, a viable insurance industry, a DEI hierarchy, you put it all together and it’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb.”
“Gavin Newsom was fiddling, he’s almost Nero Newsom. And this has been something that is just unimaginable.”
“The systems breakdown. And to finish, what we’re seeing in California is a state with 40 million people. And yet the people who run it feel that it should return to a 19th century pastoral condition. They are de-civilizing the state and de-industrializing the state and de-farming the state. But they’re not telling the 40 million people that their lifestyles will have to revert back to the 19th century, when you had no protection from fire.”
“You didn’t have enough water in California. You didn’t have enough power. You didn’t pump oil. So we are deliberately making these decisions not to develop energy, not to develop a timber industry, not to protect the insurance industry, not to protect houses and property. And we’re doing it in almost a purely nihilistic fashion.”
“And Karen Bass should resign. She came to the airport back from Africa. She had nothing to say. She was confronted at the airport. Why were you in Africa? Why did you cut the fire department? They cut the fire department by almost $18 million. They gave fire protective equipment to Ukraine’s first responders. And she had nothing to say. She had nothing to say because she couldn’t say anything.”
“I don’t want to be too pessimistic or bleak tonight, but this is one of the most alarming symptoms of a society gone mad.”
“And if this continues, and if this were to spread to other states, we would become a third world country if we’re not in parts already.”
Hah ! Nero Newsome ! I like that !
I repeat: the ***prosecutor’s office*** in Brazil is threatening Mark Zuckerberg for getting rid of Meta’s fact-checkers.
Is Lula afraid the truth about their last election will come out? Don’t want the world to know how they stole it from Bolsonaro.
Bravery trumps ideology, because a lack of bravery causes one to betray that ideology anyway. This is, to me, fundamentally the reason it took Elon to set all these freedom changes in motion, while Zuck didn’t come around until the waters were already warm.
Channel Nein just reported that Smith has done a back flip and will now celebrate Australia Day in the UK Consulate.
Due to the public backlash.
Hopefully another nail in Albo’s coffin.
High Commission, I hope.
Thanks for the correction John- yes the High Commission.
Smith was always such a grub from the RGR years.
A grub long before then.
Good to see those 60% of voters are still doing their thing.
Victor Davis Hanson: California’s Catastrophic Wildfires Are ‘A DEI, Green New Deal Disaster’
It’s interesting – I like VDH a lot – he gets to the nub of problems, but in this video he’s not distanced. This has affected him personally.
Will this bullshit chaotic, disaster finally wake the US up to the dangers of this Marxist ideological war that has been perpetrated by the communists burrowing into our collective societies?
Along with taking pot shots at Dutton today over the CA fires.
Albo couldn’t read a room if it had newspapers for wallpaper.
DEI == Diversity Enabled Incineration
It partly depends on the response of the Europeans but if the US was at the height of its powers this wouldn’t be (and wasn’t) on the radar. That they are suggests that the US is recognising a shift in its power and securing its core position even if it complicates its position in Europe. I’m sure its East Asian satellites are noting this too.
Too early to say if it’s getting kicked out of the Med just yet. It’s still in Tartous and has options in Libya. But I think the power move for them would be the Gulf of Oman. A warm water port in the Indian Ocean would be far more strategically significant than the Med. especially this century.
DB, a warm water port in the Gulf of Oman, puts them firmly in bed with Iran, unless you’re thing of the Gulf States.
And if I’m not mistaken, President Trump is updating the targeting information in the “Football”, under the heading of “Iranian Water Supplies.”
Re 1, Yes, I’m talking about a port at or near Chabahar. As I said to Makka, I believe a mutual defence pact is about to be concluded.
Re 2, this would be even more reason for the Iranians to lock such an arrangement in because the Russians would be shoring up their southern air defence with their assets at any air base and port in Chabahar.
I concur.
(For what it’s worth.)
It’s time the funding sinkhole of Europe was shown a bit of tough love.
Left often pillories the religious right for calling natural disasters acts of God when they are merely acts of science. Well, Science well and truly got them in the LA fires. Not that I am rejoicing at so much destruction, loss and suffering but I can see the irony of the situation.
In one of the great moments in Australian sport, David Warner – rounding out his career with one of the Sidernee BBL teams – had a swing at the pill, which caused his bat to break at the base of the handle.
The blade, still tenuously attached to the handle, swung right around and whacked him in the back of the skull.
Thunderous applause from all assembled.
He was wearing a yellow cap out in the field tonight.
Love the new display. Thank you, Dover.
Now I can see youse all!
Oops…I’d better get out of my pjs then!
And stop scratching your bum. 😀
But…everyone does it!
I can’t see such an option remaining effective in a kinetic situation. Being supported by air or by sea makes it totally vulnerable to interdiction. It’s an outpost at best.
Greenland, Canada (?) – I suspect Trump’s relations with Mexico will vastly improve over future years, strengthening the southern approaches to the US.
Trump is fortifying US perimeters. Guantanamo will get a huge upgrade.
Resurfaced Clip of Gavin Newsom Boasting About Removing Water Supplies Goes Viral
Were I a Californian, after watching this bullshit, I’d be heading into the major admin area, looking for people to lynch.
But that’s just me.
Others who want to roll over for a metaphorical tummy rub may see it differently.
Reminder: EVs are USELESS in an emergency | MGUY Australia
Or the cold.
Someone asked way upthread about MAF.
Missionary Aviation Fellowship.
They operate mainly in northern Australia and PNG. Some very dangerous flying in the Highlands.
I used them frequently flying spare parts into the Sepik and Eastern Highland regions. Great people.
I remember it was a MAF female pilot who was beaten to death by some animal in Lae years ago- he used a car jack. It’s a dangerous place.
Was it an MAF pilot or Pacific Helicopters? I remember the latter. She was selling her car and was ambushed. Lovely lady.
I looked. Heather Mitchell. The Beloved flew with her on a flight and she scared the tripe out of him – the weather closed in and she was looking for a hole in the cloud cover. Spotted one and dropped like a stone!
Thanks calli.
Gutsy people and pilots, Calli.
Reminds me of the third resupply route run into the Soviet Union during WW2 over the Himalayas.
You can track the route by the aluminium reflections from the crashed and wrecked aircraft.
Hard clouds?
From the Spectator.
Personally, I have had quite enough of government by review and inquiry. If any government or political party wants to do something about the scandal, they will need to stop reviewing and start acting.
Where to begin? One good starting point would be to work out why Pakistani rapists in Britain seem to have more rights than their victims. Between 2008 and 2010, a nine-member gang of men in Rochdale abused 47 vulnerable girls as young as 13. On that occasion, the perpetrators were sentenced to between four and 19 years in prison. Five years later, only two of them were still in prison. The Home Secretary tried to remove British citizenship from four of the men who had dual citizenship. But Abdul Aziz (a taxi driver known as ‘the Master’) and other gang members used the excruciatingly slow justice and immigration review system to renounce their Pakistani citizenship. In 2018, the Home Office told Aziz he could stay in the UK.
Other convicted rapists such as Adil Khan and Qari Rauf served a few years in prison and were then released on licence. Rauf was a religious studies teacher at a local mosque, and a father of five. He trafficked one girl between ten and 20 times, mainly after using his taxi to drive the victim to a flat in Rochdale where the victim was gang-raped by him and his friends. Rauf was sentenced to six years in prison, served two and a half, and appealed against his deportation. So did Khan, arguing that he was innocent, had not committed ‘that big a crime’ and wanted to be a ‘role model’ for his son to whom he wanted to teach ‘right from wrong’.
Khan and Rauf lost their appeals against being stripped of their British citizenship, but they remained in the UK anyway. The men could only be sent back to Pakistan if Pakistan agreed to take them, and funnily enough Pakistan didn’t want them, so we get to keep them here. To date these men have appeared before more than 12 judges at three crown courts, immigration tribunals and the Court of Appeal. The British taxpayer has given them more than £550,000 to fund their challenges, though that is only part of the £2 million we have given to various members of the Rochdale rape gangs in their appeals against deportation.
One of Khan’s victims, who was a child when he raped her, happened to see him again in Asda in 2020. ‘I’ve never been so scared in all my life,’ she said. ‘I feel like my heart just stopped beating.’ Another victim described how, when she spotted one of her rapists in the local town centre, she wet herself in fear. Yet last September a judge at Sheffield Crown Court actually ordered a Rotherham rape-gang survivor to remove from her courtroom victim impact statement a demand for her abusers to be deported. Some reports say that to date there are no known cases of any of these offenders being deported from the UK, though others suggest three may have been.
Firstly, we can never have enough light shone into the darkness. The inquiry victim and Oldham council are calling for would have specific terms of reference and powers that the Jay inquiry did not have.
Secondly, would you trust Keir Starmer’s government to “act” on this issue without an external body directing it?
If our government refuses to protect our children, we will vote in a government that will.
They haven’t thought that one through, have they?
Or do it ourselves with a bit of retribution.
Why are these scum still alive.
Should have been found and fled to Pakistan for their safety.
Or stayed and been crippled.
I still think it is amazing that the skank and hideous kunt pelosi castigated Pete Hegseth for having a Christian cross tattooed on his chest, allegedly symbolic of white supremacy, which is identical to the cross which was on the floor of the church carter had at his funeral service which she attended. The demorats are so stupid they don’t realise they’re stupid; they are the personification of Dunning Kruger. From 14 minutes:
SCOTUS PANICS as they drop BAD NEWS on Trump
It’s been obvious before, but now it sticks out like dogs balls – the Democrats have something on Roberts.
It’s not a computer game. These actions have to be carried out. Like it or lump it.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Edge of the Outback:
Protect the Pigs – Fox, Feral Cat, & Feral Pig Contract Shoot || Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XL60 Scope
Elsie has the shits with me because I’m back from wherever I went and wearing ‘that’ perfume, but didn’t bring her some chippies.
Sitting at the doorway, with her back to me.
Refusing to make eye contact.
Reminds me of one of the X’s.
At least she won’t take half your property, Winnie.
So, you keep making the same mistakes with females. Lol. 😀
The Big Orange* should go to CA before he takes office and make sure that the local pols are not hanging around. The reaction of the locals would be interesting.
*I think this is JC’s term of endearment.
Albosleazy is up to his usual form, ranting about the California wildfires and dragging Dutton and nuclear power into his diatribe.
Of course, he said nothing about Newsome or Mayor Karen Bass or the woke, lesbian-led fire department being at fault.
Utterly shameless POS.
I’m starting to think he is simple.
He is working on the premise that a majority of voters are – he may be disappointed.
They’ll have a land route as well. They have assets in the Caucausus and Caspian. They’re about to sign a security agreement with Iran. It would actually be able to be supported more effectively than anything in the Med.
Thousands of km’s overland though fickle neighbours over questionable roads/bridges/tunnels and terrain that can be subject to serious weather events and even earthquakes. Open to air interdiction of several kinds at any point.
If I was a Russian grunt or swabbie in the Gulf of Oman I wouldn’t want to be hanging my hat on that tenuous lifeline.
They have the Caspian and the land route through Iran, and so can avoid the Stan’s entirely. It also aligns with the International North-South Trade Corridor. It’s far better than anything in the Med. beause of choke points like Gilbraltor and Dardenelles.
Also the problems you mention are also live for the US. These are just dangers that have to be mitigated. You cannot avoid them.
The US connections through to Greenland via Canada, Mexico to Panama and Gitmo in the Caribean are substantially more accessible and defendable as frontiers to the US than a long umbilical chord all the way from Russia down the Indian Ocean port somewhere.
Iran – how much longer can that regime survive with it’s populace so against it? We’ve just seen how easily and methodically Israel reduced their offensive/defensive capabilities. Those won’t grow under Trump.
The US can more easily bear the setup costs.
No, I can’t see an outpost on the Indian Ocean for Russia being much more viable than propaganda value. US surveillance of it would be incredibly aggressive rendering it all but useless.
Revealed: how police caught rape gang in ‘Scotland’s Rochdale’Romanians targeted vulnerable women and girls in Dundee and groomed them with drugs and ‘cruel’ lies of love and friendship
David Leask
| Grant McCabe
Thursday January 09 2025, 6.35pm GMT, The Times
?A Romanian gang have been found guilty of raping and sexually abusing ten Scottish women and girls in a landmark case described as a “Scottish Rochdale”.
The four men and one woman? groomed their victims — all from Dundee and aged between 16 and 30 — ?b?y supplying drugs and manipulating them with “cruel” lies of love and friendship.
One teenager was trafficked into prostitution and then threatened to be left up a tree she was climbing because she was not earning enough money.
?Speaking anonymously?, officials stressed that, while the pattern of offending resembled major scandals in England? such as the one in Rochdale, in which failings by senior police and council bosses allowed Asian grooming gangs to target girls as young as 13 for prostitution, the police intervened early to ?apprehend the gang.
?Marian Cumpanasoiu, 37, Remus Stan, 34, Cristian Urlateanu, 41, Catalan Dobre, 44, and Alexandra Bugonea, 34, were convicted of 30 charges at the High Court in Glasgow after a six-week trial.
The ringleader, Cumpanasoiu, who called himself Mario, was described in court as a “winking, smirking pimp” who behaved towards women in “predatory nature”. He was convicted of raping seven of the women, trafficking the teenager, brothel-keeping and dealing in crack cocaine.
Cumpanasoiu was described by one victim as “absolutely relentless” and another was left feeling “disgusted” by him.
They weren’t a protected species then.
And police have all the powers they need to act effectively if they choose to do so.
That’s diversity for you.
Rape gangs from everywhere turning up.
The word is out.
All CAPS and an exclamation mark! worthy.
Essential viewing for all the family.
Holy cr*p. LAFD reportedly canceled their annual fire hydrant testing a few weeks ago citing “fiscal challenges.”
But they have enough money for an LAFD DEI Bureau and DEI chief.
How Hadi Nazari who went missing for two weeks has vanished AGAIN – as he targets $100,000 payday for the story of his Mount Kosciuszko miracle
Daily Mail. Seems he’s selling his story to the highest bidder…
I think I’m getting the picture on this one, crystal clear.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 10, 2025 9:44 pm
How Hadi Nazari who went missing for two weeks has vanished AGAIN – as he targets $100,000 payday for the story of his Mount Kosciuszko miracle
Daily Mail. Seems he’s selling his story to the highest bidder…
I pinged the bastard yesterday for this being a stunt.
Send the family the invoice for the full costs of the search.
Mmm hmmm, I remember her. She flew choppers in what is now known as the “Gulf Savannah” in the very early 1980s.
Conventionally pretty on anybody’s scale. Forthright. Not sure if her animal lover stance was a love of horses, or more general animal sympathy. IIRC She was of strong enough personality that I don’t think anybody pushed this issue with her.
IIRC she was killed on the knob behind the Hotel Cecil.
What happened to her was at a minimum as bad as anything perpetrated on a woman on 7th October. Her demise took hours & was of such horrific torture & maiming that I wish I’d never heard details.
5000HP under foot. Be careful, Cleetus.
Eagle’s NEW Fastest Pass! Testing Our 5,000hp Camaro on 275’s!
Very nice, thanks Steve.
That is what a funny car should be, not the generic plastic bathtubs they have evolved into.
Presently 8pm in WA and the sun will be setting. Lurking for the Geraldton Pool Report.
Pool report summed up in a pic..
A bit cool, there a bit late and only about 10 people in the pool.
Bummer. Yeah I see it only hit 28 there today.
Thursday and Friday next week looking good.
Thought it kind of apt to post Californication. Arguably best song on best album by best post-rock group.
It’s alright.
In which Arky gives advice to young men.
Don’t date any of the following:
One. Horsey girls.
Two. Bossy chicks.
Three. Easy girls.
Four. Chicks with step fathers who “touched” them.
Five. The French. (Bit obvious that one).
Six. Fat chicks, even the ones with cute faces. Especially the ones with cute faces.
Seven. A chick who is much more intelligent than you and who doesn’t have the simple human decency to keep it to herself.
Eight. Anyone studying psychology, they’re all nuts.
The contra case.
Don’t avoid dating a chick for any of the following reasons:
One. Your dickhead mates say they don’t find her really hot. They’re idiots.
Two. She is a ginger. Gingers are people too, even if they are soul deficit.
Three. There is one thing you find a bit annoying about her. Every woman will eventually annoy you, best to get it out of the way early.
Four. She is a bit stroppy and undisciplined. You’re a man. It’s your job to whip her into shape.
Seven. A chick who is much more intelligent than you and who doesn’t have the simple human decency to keep it to herself.
Concealing a superior intellect isn’t always easy. You can keep it up for a while, but once they discover that you know what a musit is, or a gonfallon, they start to get suspicious. I got caught out once by an allusion to Aphrodite in her nightie. Ruined a promising relationship.
It’s extremely rude for a woman to flaunt her intellect at a hapless husband.
You could always smack her bottom.
…. in a way respectful of her intellect, of course.