“What is this? Some kind of insanity, some kind of sickness!?”
So said conservative commentator Mark Levin on his Saturday show on Fox, when talking with Ron DeSantis. Being exasperated by open borders, FBI dereliction, politicisation of the law, DEI, transgenderism, by the whole baggage of woke. He cannot figure it out. His whole demeanour is transformed into an anguished cry for the re-emergence of common sense and patriotism. Okay, that is me taking a bit of poetic licence. But only a bit. It is not far from the literal truth because as you know, you feel the same way; as do I. What is happening is a giant exercise in gaslighting or the other side is certifiably insane. Both, in fact.
English raconteur and gay man about town Quentin Crisp once said that he suspected Europeans spoke in English behind our backs. Similarly, maybe those on the left know that woke is all hooey but they prosecute their perverted agenda anyway as some tactical ploy to throw us of base.
While we are distracted and disgusted by men in frocks using women’s bathrooms and by sociopathic surgeons cutting young girls breasts off, and at the same time taking extraordinary care to avoid giving any impression of being transphobic, they are busying away entrenching their takeover of institutions. They don’t really give a flying fig about Bill becoming Jill or Jill Bill. They want political and economic power.
Powerlust drives them. Megalomaniacs, they will say anything, do anything, prosecute any pretence, however bizarre, deceptive, and destructive, in order to achieve their aim. That is where “climate change” is particularly useful.
Climate change, so-called, is allowing them to destroy reliable and ever-available energy. Once energy is in short supply and smart meters are in place, they can control who gets electricity and when. They will decide who gets to turn on the lights, the circumstances in which they may do so, and the price they will pay. China’s social credit scoring on stilts. Those spreading “misinformation” and “disinformation” will be rationed.
Who are they exactly? Not the useful idiots who reflexively vote left or green. They’re simply the means to the end. Akin to cannon fodder. We are talking about the elite. The rich guys you see in Davos. Corporates. Union leaders. Legacy media movers and shakers. Big tech. Professorial activists. Al Gore, John Kerry, Chris Bowen types. Of course there will be infighting for power and its spoils. The odd Trosky will be banished to the outer. Animal Farm is a perfect script. Just not sure where the Islamists will fit in. But despotism will suit them.
Can’t happen? Maybe. But it is mistaken to think really bad things can’t happen. That what German Jews thought in 1933. I dare say it is what fourth-century Romans thought.
Assume the worst is on the cards, for the sake of the argument. Can Trump save us? That is the only question worth asking. There is no one else. No one! Why do you think “they” hate him with extreme prejudice. All other political leaders on our side are milquetoast panty-waists in comparison. Cometh the moment they go to water. Started reading a piece by Niall Ferguson in last week’s Weekend Australian. Stopped reading instantly when he compared Boris Johnson with Trump. No one on the left is the least fearful of jolly (net-zero) Johnson. Typical of holier-than-thou commentators, Ferguson has long been anti-Trump. Think of Greg Sheridan and Paul Kelly here. Wastes of space in battling for our civilisation.
Let me see. The people who voted for Trump are tradies and people who love the USA and seek to defend it.
The people on the other side, who didn’t vote for Trump, installed four lesbians to head the LA Fire Department with the result that there was no water in the fire hydrants and a large chunk of the city burned down. Especially when the LAFD budget was cut to house illegal migrants and that it takes seven years to get approval to do any fuel reduction burning.
Does rather demonstrate which side is insane and which isn’t.
Recovering from a series of unexpected illnesses, I have been reading much of all things political, including the other terrible happenings that are ongoing in this clown world. It makes one feel very helpless indeed, as an old man coming to the end of a long journey of endless challenges, blessed with many good things, my fervent wish is to see, at least the beginning of great swift change for all of us, through the future endeavours of President D J Trump. Deo Volente.
Trump is just a man. He’s a man who’s come at the right time and recognised the inflection that seems to be happening, thus may be remembered as a great man.
But Trump is just a man, as flawed as any, though he’s become quite the symbol of the change that’s happening one way or another. Good or ill.
Speaking of madness, Victor Davis Hanson has some observations:
Well then
Who can
Is that your hand up to volunteer
You possibly.
I don’t have the skills to dig through policies of the autocrats to reveal the rot.
Start with local schools and council.
For a Woodstock drinker Bespoke makes sense.
We can at least challenge this bullshit at our respective local levels. You first need to make sure who your allies are and go from there.
Something about:
“Charity begins at home”.
“The Lord helps those who help themselves. (Llooters and shop-lifters possibly excepted)
Trump has learnt a lot and is resolute, couldn’t care less about MSM and is going to bulldoze through especially with the people he is putting in place. The alternative would have been diabolical. Also Milei, Melloni, Poilievre hopefully, Luxon, all non lefties and hopefully Dutton. Exception is the UK. So things are looking up for conservatives but hey, what took the populace so long to wakey wakey?
Well said, Peter Smith.
I have expressed the fear that even Trump has a big task ahead when there are so many bad actors in so many positions. Gateway Pundit reports that the Biden gang is still doing stuff like invoking Temporary Protection status for millions of illegal “migrants”. This time it really could be Biden, since he and Mayorkas are on record from years ago enthusing about unfettered immigration.
About those dry LA reservoirs:
Well said.
Can’t go along with the suggestion that Chris Bowen is one of the manipulative masterminds. He is definitely a genuine idiot.