“Men had the power of life and death over their wives. Young girls were forced into marriage with older men.The only way to punish was by killing the law breakers. We had no Army, police or Courts and only our family to defend us.. The old Law was not about human rights. It was about unconditional loyalty and obedience.
I shouldn’t have bothered with this. Better things to do like how to take out a Hind without a missile launcher. Damn you Crysis, damn you to hell!
But … I’ve had enough of this crap and if they want some truth telling so be it.
Thirty Years Among The Blacks of Australia, by William T. Pyke.
When a woman became so old and decrepit as to trammel the movements of her husband’s tribe, she not infrequently received a quietus in the shape of a knock on the head with a waddy, just as we more civilized people kill a dog whose existence has become a misery to himself and an offence to us, or else was abandoned to her fate.*
[* Mr. Curr relates an instance which came under his own observation where the natives placed an old woman on a pile of wood, and then set fire to it, after doing which they all deserted the spot, and left the poor helpless old body to burn slowly to death.]
A woman’s place in the domestic economy of the blacks was to do as she was told and to ask no questions. When her lord and master went forth in all the dignity of his majestic manhood, carrying his weapons, which added not a little to his stately bearing, she humbly and laboriously followed, bowed down by the weight of the family chattels contained in a large grass bag slung across her shoulders.
Hard work and hard blows she received in abundance; her husband was sparing only in the amount or quality of food he allowed her. All the choicest portions he kept for himself and gorged to repletion. When he had had enough then his wife might have her share, if there was anything left for her to try her teeth upon. Consequent upon this ill-treatment, and the early age at which they were married, the women were for the most part undersized in proportion to the men, and soon lost the very slight pretentions to good looks ever possessed by them.
However, in the unlikely event you are ever allowed to see the typical country-shopper vessels, tall masts are distinctly absent.
Sane mariners, in “small” vessels have a reasonable mast. On this mast one may see all manner od radio and radar antenna setups..
At the very top will be something that looks like an oversized Christmas tree ornament. This is a RADAR REFLECTOR. It is there to bounce back a radar “blip” of much greater scale than a simple wooden boat would return. The idea is to be obvious to gigantic freighters and tankers romping along at 20 Knots plus, in busy sea ways. Navigation and riding lights on a “sneaky boat? Hardly likely.
The people smugglers are trying to AVOID detection mainly buy “over-enthusiastic” naval patrols.
The eally “good” bit is that once at sea, the boats, passengers and crew are entirely expendable..The loot has been paid by the “passengers. The boat owner has been appropriately paid, ditto the crew.
If the boat gets run down at night in a busy shipping lane by a speeding 80 thousand tonne tanker, who is to know? The impact would not register on the the ship’s crew. In the unlikely event some crewman were doing a “Titanic” right above the bow, would they give warning or just look the other way, rather than become involved in a time-consuming “inquiry”?
A thirty foot scow, cobbled together in a Pakistani “budget boatyard” will barely scuff the tanker’s anti-fouling paint as it slides under the ship..
Ya wanna read about the Taj Mahal? Go to last page of previous thread.
It’s bedtime here now. 🙂
January 13, 2025 4:28 am
A town I never heard of, What caught my eye was the invention originated from there, the Perkins Patent Bag lifter
Located ten kilometres east of Peterborough, the settlement of Ucolta was created as the railway line was being constructed towards Silverton.
The town flourished for decades with a school, church, post office and hall servicing local needs until the coming of the standard gauge railway.
The railway then bypassed Ucolta and the settlement went into demise. Ucolta was the birthplace in 1884 of the Perkins Patent Bag lifter, an affordable, simple, yet effective tool for loading carts and rail carriages.
About 1700 were constructed locally over twenty years prior to the patent becoming public, leading to mass production. Almost every farm and station possessed one.
I find it strange that you are so antagonistic to my innocent posts.
There are many references to this invention.
Not on WIKI? So what?
Did it not happen?
I meant to post this a few days ago from Tuesday’s Tele for those of us that have Doggos:
Hookworms have become increasingly resistant to dewormers across Australia, posing a health threat to dogs, new research has revealed.
Benzimidazole-based dewormers, one of the best methods for treating canine parasites, are at risk of losing their efficacy, with hookworms becoming more resistant to the treatment.
A University of Queensland study conducted in collaboration with the University of Sydney found that 70 per cent of hookworm samples studied showed genetic mutations that could cause drug resistance.
The gastrointestinal parasite lives inside a dog’s small intestine and feeds on blood, causes anaemia, diarrhoea and malnutrition. A hookworm infection can cause a dog to become extremely unwell and for puppies, it can be fatal.
The team used advanced parasitological diagnostics to examine samples from more than 100 animals in Australia and New Zealand.
University of Queensland veterinary expert Dr Swaid Abdullah advised pet owners to pick up after their dogs immediately, as stools were the main source of hookworm infection.
I have horses on my farm. They ALL have worms, its part of their ecosystem. Provided they have sufficient feed and good general health, they cope. They have immune defences which keep things manageable.
Hookworms have become increasingly resistant to dewormers across Australia, posing a health threat to dogs, new research has revealed.
Can we see the study? Can we find out who funded it?
at risk of losing their efficacy, with hookworms becoming more resistant to the treatment.
Can it be replicated?
70 per cent of hookworm samples studied showed genetic mutations that could cause drug resistance.
What was the previous level of ‘genetic mutations’?
A hookworm infection can cause a dog to become extremely unwell and for puppies, it can be fatal.
…and there’s the emotional hook for all the owners of dogs and puppies. Let me guess – the “New and Improved” dewormer gets infections down to 23.7%? And the cost? It’s probably 4 times more than the current Benzimidazole-based dewormers. But would you like your fluffy puppy to catch a parasite, and die, just to save a few pennies, would you, you puppy killers?
And this, Mr Pharmaceutical Industry, is what happens when you lose the trust of your customers.
Black Ball
January 13, 2025 7:02 am
James Morrow reporting:
A “vibe shift” against corporate activism has led to a surge in support for celebrating Australia Day on January 26, a new analysis has found, with increasing numbers of younger Australians saying the nation should keep the date.
The latest results of the Institute of Public Affairs’ annual poll of attitudes about the holiday reveal that 69 per cent of Australians agreed with the statement, “Australia Day should be celebrated on January 26”.
This figure was up six points from last year, when 63 per cent of Australians said they supported celebrating the holiday on January 26, marking the arrival of the First Fleet at Port Jackson in 1788.
Among Australians aged 18-24 the swing was even larger.
In 2024 just 42 per cent of Australians in that age group polled by the IPA said they supported celebrating on the 26th.
This year, that figure shot up to 52 per cent, meaning that every age bracket polled now supports Australia Day staying where it is on the calendar.
The poll also found that a whopping 86 per cent of respondents that they were “proud to be Australian”, while 68 per cent agreed that Australia has “a history to be proud of”.
“The vibe and energy around Australia Day have shifted,” said Daniel Wild, the IPA’s deputy executive director.
“It should give the entire community great hope that despite relentless indoctrination taking place at schools and universities, young Australians are growing in civic pride.”
“In the recent past, every January Australians have needed to endure the hand-wringing and navel gazing of the self-appointed thought leaders and elites demanding the country to think of the reasons to be ashamed of Australia. No more,” he said.
Mr Wild said that the failed Voice referendum, as well as retreats by companies like supermarket chain Woolworth’s and hospitality group Australian Venue Co. in the face of backlashes over their decisions not to stock merchandise or celebrate the holiday, had sent a message.
“The 26th of January is more than just a date, it represents the establishment of modern Australia as a free and fair country.”
However, Mr Wild said that despite the results, a “continued campaign” to abolish the commemoration meant “if we do not continue to fight for Australia Day, we will lose it.”
The poll of 1,002 Australians was conducted by Dynata over 14-15 December.
I will be celebrating the day by either playing bowls or fishing with mates. With plenty of beer. What are other Cats and Kittehs up to?
I see on these pages that Stephen Smith isn’t in London. Deplorable prick.
New polling about Australia Day reveals that young people are warming to the idea – some 69 per cent of 18-24 year olds support keeping it on January 26.
Yet perhaps it should not be so surprising. With big corporations and institutions rubbishing Australia and her history, perhaps a bit of patriotism is all of a sudden cool. Globally, too, the left-wing elite consensus against national pride is also being shattered. Hand-wringing over our past may one day be a thing of the past.
… and the rejection of “ The Voice” aka racist House of Lords made millions of well adjusted patriotic Australians with functioning bullshit detectors realise they were not a tiny minority as suggested by the elite.
An anti-Israel activist who was part of a group that circulated the details of hundreds of Jewish people across the internet, has echoed a rallying cry for destruction on Australia Day, urging Australians to burn the national flag on “invasion day” and “f..k up … monuments to colonisation”.
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg – one of many revealed last February to be among a group of prolific sharers of details of more than 600 Jewish creatives from a leaked private WhatsApp chat – has reposted a series of calls to boycott Australia Day in social media posts which say “It’s OK to resist a colonial force by any means necessary”.
Ms Tuet-Rosenberg reposted on her Instagram a message that read: “It’s just over two weeks until invasion day. Go and play snatch the flag. Burn them all.
“Someone go set fire to Cook’s Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple themat their base.
“F..k up their dumb war memorials which glorify western imperialism while refusing to acknowledge the frontier wars. Universities, suburbs, streets, shops etc named after genocidal colonisers? F..k them up too!”
The Australian Jewish Association’s CEO Robert Gregory condemned the posts.
“This is a reminder that those who target the Jewish community and Israel also hate Australia,” he said. “We must all defend Western civilisation against those who seek to destroy it.”
What beats fear is bigger fear.
Bring back tarring and feathering and the stocks for these imbeciles.
Someone go set fire to Cook’s Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple themat their base.
Sounds like incitement to commit criminal acts which I believe is a crime itself. Why aren’t police arresting and charging her?
Just what I thought!
Suspended sentence, on that condition.
A punishment that fits the crime perfectly. Would prove educational for the silly – no, evil – creature.
The federal Opposition Leader started the Liberals’ election campaign on Sunday with a vow to have Australians “coming together under one flag”.
Pity he said it in Melbourne, which has the country’s biggest collection of three-flag Liberals, but even his wokest candidates must realise voters now hate the tribalism tearing us apart.
This goes way beyond flying two race flags alongside the Australian one.
Let me give two more astonishing examples of this division also funded by Labor governments.
Victoria’s government wants a treaty with the First Peoples Assembly it set up to supposedly represent Victorians claiming to be Aboriginal – only 10 per cent of whom voted for it.
That uninterest is such a problem the assembly is paying $50 to any person claiming to be Aboriginal who turns up to some of its “treaty gatherings”, to hear “your deadly ideas”.
Really? Paying people $50 to tell us they’d like even more, on the grounds that they’re Aboriginal?
That’s Labor bribing people to join a race movement.
At Wyndham Vale the bribe was bare: “Enrolled attendees will receive a $50 voucher.”
For the gathering at Stawell, the bribe was called “an added incentive” to attend.
For the Geelong meeting it was for travel expenses “for enrolled mob living 50km or more from Geelong”.
Will Labor now pay non-Aboriginals $50 to turn up to meetings to discuss the treaty?
The second example is just as bad.
The Albanese government has a Community Language Schools program to help 90,000 young Australians by “connecting them to the languages of their parents, grandparents and broader communities”.
Excuse me? How does it help Australia for governments to pay to connect children of immigrants to their parents’ homeland cultures, rather than just our own?
The dangers are obvious with communities that seem to resist assimilating.
One of the government’s $33,600 grants went to the Alsadeq Arabic Association, which oversees a “scout” program and lessons in Arabic to help NSW students read the Koran. What’s more, the leader and three of the 30 staff and volunteers of this “Mi’raj Scouts Academy” openly mourned Hassan Nasrallah, the assassinated leader of the Hezbollah terrorist army.
Enough. Our politicians’ duty is to unite us, not fund what divides.
Dutton realises that, but Labor is still a three-flag divider.
Would I get $50 to have my input in saying shut it down and fire everyone involved in this “treaty’ process?
The government hates you for voting against the Voice referendum and are actively showing that contempt with these bribes.
No doubt payment of a welcome to country as well, taxpayers slugged say $3k per meeting. Farketh me sideways.
January 13, 2025 7:17 am
Bitterly disappointed, Penny Wong, aka Benny Wonk the Jew and Australia hating Foreign Minister and Kevni Krudd will be attending The Donald’s inauguration. Who amongst us would have thought we could have had a worse FM than “what a brilliant idea, Julie Bishop”. In a hold my beer moment Wonk stepped up to the plate.
Don’t worry, they’ll mistake Wong for one of the lesbians from LA Fire Department.
January 13, 2025 7:17 am
Elsa (she/her) is a queer, multi-racial, Jewish and Chinese woman of colour. Grown up in Naarm (Melbourne) she has a background in youth empowerment, facilitation, and social change. In 2017 she established the antiracism training program at Democracy in Colour, designing and running peer to peer workshops about race & racism. In 2020 she cofounded Hue, an antiracism organisation that runs antiracism training and consulting. She studied Social Work and Psychology at RMIT and completed her Social Work Honours thesis exploring how Australian, multiracial people of colour from multiple minority heritages engage with their ethnic identities. She is also passionate about community care and loves organising and participating in community projects, art and mutual aid.
Professional activist and race baiter and B-Ark operative.
I can see that the most energetic “work” she would engage in is burning stuff down and demolition. Building requires intelligence and application.
And her honours thesis was about herself. Narcissist.
It can’t be easy to confront the truth that you are a talentless, unattractive parasite. Helping such people deceive themselves is the principal function of the contemporary university.
I don’t think she is unattractive – most unlike most radical leftists of the sapphic persuasion.
I think she is smart and suspect she has carefully structured a corporate entity to be a non profit grant refiner turning out tax free income dollars.
The outrageous press release is just advertising/cv buffing/ moral grandstanding –
like that we endured from that rancid blimp, Onus Williams, a couple of Australia Days ago.
January 13, 2025 7:31 am
Re Wong & Krudd.
Inaugurations are all about where you sit.
How close & who sits closer to the action.
I’d love if some punter from Greenland gets a better seat than Krudd.
Or if Krudd is sat next to some country his snobbiness deems to be of lower status.
I don’t think these grandstanders have thought this one through.
And President Trump is not the sort of person who will take his ill humour out on Australia – just the ideologues that crept out of the litter box and into power.
Ms Tuet-Rosenberg reposted on her Instagram a message that read: “It’s just over two weeks until invasion day. Go and play snatch the flag. Burn them all.
“Someone go set fire to Cook’s Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple themat their base.
Thanks Beertruk however there’s actually more in the Telegraph piece on ‘Tuet-Rosenberg‘ that’s worth noting and is perhaps more important. It confirms my comment last night about how taxpayers are unwittingly funding woke far-left Nazi scum like Tuet-Rosenberg and her ilk.
Here’s more of the Tele piece on the far-left Nazi cockroach……
In November Ms Tuet-Rosenberg’s company Hue: Colour the Conversation, an anti-racism advisory business she co-owns and co-founded, was dropped from facilitating a training event advertised by North Sydney Council after the Daily Telegraph alerted the council of her involvement.
It came after Executive Council of Australian Jewry had denounced the involvement of the anti-racism firm “a sick joke” and had called for it to be dropped from the event.
The Mayor of North Sydney Zoë Baker later announced the morning workshop would no longer run after discussions with CEOs of North Sydney Council, which was promoting the event.
The workshop was to focus on shared language and understanding racism, help equip attendees with skills to tackle racism and deliver “meaningful” anti-racism work, and discuss the impacts of racism on First Nations people and people of colour. Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg is the co-founder of racial and social justice organisation Hue. I advise that the event has been cancelled,” the Mayor of North Sydney Council, Zoe Baker said in an email to a resident.
“I have asked Council’s CEO to review grant assessment procedures to ensure that this does not happen again and that any procurement includes due diligence on any provider.”
“Finally, I apologise for the distress and hurt that this has caused.
Like other far-left Nazis, Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg and her Nazi ilk have been empowered by naive and idiotic state, federal and local governments (of all political persuasions) along with woke corporations and large businesses. I doubt very much if the cancelled North Sydney gig was Tuet-Rosenberg’s first or last gig. Until governments, businesses and corporations get serious about pulling funding from scum like Tuet-Rosenberg absolutely nothing will change.
The positive is that prior to October 7 and the failed Voice referendum such funding of scum like ‘Elsa’ would have gone under the radar, at least the scab has now been ripped off but that’s not enough, it’s time time to now cauterise the wound that is woke funding.
If she’s going to target colonialism in full, then she should be consistent and begin with everything that was ceated during the goldrush by colonial Chnese. Lots of stuff to target there, especially in Viktoriastan around Bendigo and Beachworth.
January 13, 2025 7:40 am
28 AR with the Wire Wheels and Emergency Brake on the Left.
I’m going to ask – what’s the emergency brake and how does it work?
Is it a rope tied around a barrel and thrown off?
Does the roo bar drop down and dig into the road surface.
… Genuinely bewildered, but brave enough to ask.
I am on a bus returning to a luxury hotel after a meal fit for an Empress in a gold and silver palace. Red velvet table cloths edged wjth gold braid. Jaipur, India. Taken up there on the mountain in a convoy of jeeps.
Did she bother consulting with Vietnamese Australians before appropriating the name of their Imperial City? Did she consider the trauma suffered by those who survived some of the worst excesses of the NVA and the Viet Cong?
Every year in January Australians are subjected to the usual hand-wringing about our national day.
The activist class and inner-city elites hold that Australia, our culture, and history, is not worth remembering, much less celebrating. To them, January 26 is a day of mourning, invasion, dispossession, and violence.
But this year is a little different. The vibe and energy around Australia Day have shifted. Mainstream Australians – the silent majority – have had a gutful of being put upon by the out-of-touch activists, and are now clearly making their voices heard.
It started last year, when Woolworths announced it would not be stocking Australia Day-themed merchandise on its shelves. The stated reason was that the day “means different things to different people”.
The backlash was immediate and fierce, with calls for a boycott of the supermarket giant ultimately leading to the premature departure of then-chief executive Brad Banducci.
A similar scenario played out in the weeks leading up to Christmas, when the foreign-owned Australian Venue Co., which runs more than 200 pubs across Australia, said their venues would not be celebrating or even recognising Australia Day. Again, confronted with strong pushback, Australian Venue Co. backed down within 24 hours.
Big corporates, sporting codes, and civic institutions now need to think twice before they seek to cancel our national day.
New polling commissioned by the Institute of Public Affairs shows a dramatic surge in support for celebrating Australia Day on January 26, with some 69 per cent Australians backing our national day, up from 63 per cent last year, and just 14 per cent opposed.
Critically, this surge in support is being driven by young Australians aged 18-24.
In the survey undertaken 12 months ago, just 42 per cent of those in this age bracket said they supported celebrating Australia Day on January 26.
This year, that number skyrocketed 10 points to 52 per cent.
That a majority of young Australians are confident to support our national day, despite years of indoctrination at school, university, and in the media, shows how strong and deep the vein of patriotism is among the next generation.
The reason for these strong results is that Australians understand that if we do not fight for our values, our culture, and our way of life, we will lose them.
We celebrate Australia Day on the January 26 because that is the day that modern Australia commenced. The First Fleet arrived not just with prisoners from Great Britain, but also with a rich intellectual and moral cargo of the ideals developed in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and forged through the Enlightenment. These include parliamentary democracy, liberty, fairness, tolerance, and individual rights.
None of this is to minimise, much less deny, the real hardship and violence which many Indigenous Australians experienced at the hands of some colonists.
Rather, it is to say that now, more than at any time since World War II, we must as a nation unite around our shared values, which speak to all Australians regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
And we must remember that the true history of Australia is how a small group of disparate, inwardlooking penal colonies set up by Britain on the other side of the world overcame hardship and division to become among the most tolerant and fair-minded of nations.
We are the people who went further than any other in establishing the rule of law and equality before the law.
Just four months after the very first Australia Day in 1788, two lowly convicts won the right to sue their ship’s captain, a legal entitlement not available to any other individual in a comparable position anywhere else in the world at that time.
We are the people who as far back as 1836 made critical advances in religious tolerance, when NSW governor, Sir Richard Bourke, established the Church Act which provided funding for Catholic and Protestant churches on an equal basis at a time when sectarian conflict was rife.
We are the people who invented the secret ballot in 1853, which meant that everyday Australians could vote without being intimidated by wealthy landowners or union officials.
We are the people who, by a margin of 90-10, said “Yes” to removing divisive references to race in the Australia’s Constitution in 1967, in a watershed moment for racial equality.
And we are the people who, in 2023, voted to keep it that way, with 60 per cent of Australians opposing the reinsertion of racial separatism into our Constitution.
These are the reasons why we celebrate Australia Day on January 26. Long may that continue.
Daniel Wild is deputy executive director of the Institute of Public Affairs
“The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon” by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
Was Bogart really of Saxon blood? After all, he said he worked the Angles?
Farmer Gez
January 13, 2025 8:22 am
So Wong’s off to the inauguration. She could drop by and see how the boss ladies are doing in LA. Similar results to her foreign minister achievements.
They won’t learn, they can’t learn. Their ideological blinkers demand “they reject the evidence of their eyes and ears. It is the Party’s final, most essential command.”By golly, that seems familiar.
January 13, 2025 8:25 am
Dogs are the number one source of urban noise pollution. They shit anywhere, cause numerous hospital admissions by attacking children and other people and even kill people (one such happened 300 meters from our house about 20 years ago). They also cause huge losses to Australian agriculture. It needs to be made MUCH more difficult to own a dog, akin to what is done to guns which at least don’t take it in their non existent minds to attack people or bark uselessly for hours on end. Filthy things, dogs. The Mussies have that right.
If I can’t have a shotgun to defend my life and property, why should I be allowed to own a dog for the same purpose?
Nevertheless, some dog owners shouldn’t be allowed to own them without a psychiatric review first.
Sancho Panzer
January 13, 2025 8:31 am
Hallward is a Crazy Cat Lady.
Even more worser than Cassie.
Last edited 1 month ago by Sancho Panzer
January 13, 2025 8:32 am
Meanwhile in Airstrip One, one Labour MP has gone against the will of the Party and called for a national inquiry.
His seat is solidly red, but the demographics tell a story.
January 13, 2025 8:34 am
It’s amusing to watch all the “fact checking” surrounding Trump’s comments about the Cali fires.
There are pages of it, should you wish to look.
Like all the squawking “activism”, ordinary people are over it. The fact of the matter is that the infrastructure was not fit for purpose, despite years of requests and promises and money set aside to make improvements. For some strange reason water doesn’t flow uphill. This appears to be news to some. Regardless of where the water is stored, it needs to be pumped to maintain pressure. For pumping you need electricity.
Unicorn farts and wishful thinking just won’t do it, unfortunately.
Trump said something about “raking the forest floor” to reduce fuel loads. Apparently this is ridiculous to his critics. In Australia, it’s called “hazard reduction”. It’s another “bleach” moment, when idiots swallow camels while straining out gnats.
On another forum I mentioned that it takes up to seven years for the US Forest Service to get a permit to do a single fuel reduction burn.
Someone replied saying they should use goats. I thought that was fun since you’d have to have an absolute horde of goats wandering all over upmarket LA and Malibu…
Still it’d give the illegal immigrants a good source of protein I guess.
Sounds like incitement to commit criminal acts which I believe is a crime itself. Why aren’t police arresting and charging her?
A good question. When will the police pay this far-left Nazi skank a courtesy call? Now imagine, for one sweet second, if this was some ‘far-right’ person making violent threats? I suspect he or she would already be in custody.
The source of ignition is irrelevant, the LA hills are covered in Eucalypts and Chapparal, both of which have fire as part of their natural life cycles. If arson didnt start it, lightning or some other source would have. The reason this fire is so destructive is a combination of 1) Poor forest management 2) Insufficient infrastructure 3) Insufficient personal protective actions taken (most of the houses have pools, how many have diesel pumps and sprinklers? 4) Building close packed suburbs immediately adjacent bush and downwind of the worst fire weather 5) Mandatory evacuations – this 10xs your risk of house loss in a bushfire.
The grampians fires were 7x bigger than the LA fires, yet only a handful of houses were lost – why is that? – its because we didnt have thousands of houses built immediately to the E of the national park.
Gavin Newsom is deleting all Instagram comments on his official government account with the word “resign.” His COVID playbook has been resurrected to illegally censor and label any criticism as “misinformation.”
The common descriptor in the Arab world to describe Jews is the word ‘dog‘.
On the weekend, a house in Sydney’s Queens Park was vandalised with the words…….’f*ck Jews” and ‘Dog2‘.
I think we can safely assume the religious ideology of the perpetrators. It wasn’t some Hindu or Buddhist or Satanist. But we can’t say we weren’t warned, on Monday night 9 October 2023 to be precise, whilst NSWaffen Plod stood and watched, that told us that they were going to…….
‘f*ck the Jews’
‘where’s (find) the Jews’
‘gas the Jews’
They’ve honoured the first two threats, now there’s just one more to go, you see, they mean what they say.
As an aside, dogs are held in contempt in the Muslim world, which tells us a lot about Islam and Muslims. I’m more than happy to be compared to perhaps God’s most noble creature, the domesticated canine.
Bad Cattitude explains how – this is the culmination of transitioning (snigger) a society built upon, and reliant upon, merit, to one now run by 2nd and 3rd rate bureaucrats who actively eliminate competence from their organisations to hide their own shortcomings.
the same story applies for medicine, aviation, power grid management etc etc etc. When you replace merit with anything else, it takes a while to burn through the institutional competence, but when you do, it all falls apart, ‘slowly then all at once’, Hemingway style.
That site is a clear indicator of antisocial personality disorder:
Pervasive deviance, deception, impulsivity, irritability, aggression, recklessness, manipulation, callous and unemotional traits, feelings of contempt.
Stealing money from people who have lost their homes and possessions through abrogating his own responsibilities is a very clear indicator he is not mentally capable to hold his position.
Lying that he is talking to the President when confronted by a citizen is part of the deceptive aspect. Blaming everyone else for the problem is also part of the mental disorder.
He’s a fruitloop.
BoN: January 12, 2025 9:53 pm (A hypersonic missile is just a ballistic missile with better heat ablation, since they naturally go at hypersonic velocity anyway.) Interesting you say that, BoN. A hypersonic missile only needs to lose a small amount of its heat shield and its own speed will destroy it, is my thinking. This makes them quite vulnerable to laser defences which can be powered up faster than the heat shields which can be thickened – at the expense of payload and manoeuvrability.
The main advantages of extreme high speed (think Mach 10) with these missiles are
1) high kinetic energy on impact
2) very short detection/engagement times …. your defences not only have a difficult physics problem to solve to hit the incoming hypersonic, they also have a very short time to do it in.
It has Aussie Travis Fimmel in it playing the same role Travis Fimmel plays in everything he’s been in.
Agree, my favourite actors are Robert Downey Jnr, Kevin Spacey, Geoffrey Rush, Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Harrelson and Daniel Day-Lewis (who has retired).
Every second member of the family is a ginge.
It’s actually in a kangaroo straight.
Black – Red – black – Red – black – Red – Black.
And all the Blacks kept all their hair except it went white from 30 onwards.
Coincidence or Conspiracy?
You decide!
BB: “He’s got me dead to rights, doc. Would you like to shoot me now, or wait till you get home?”
DD: “Shoot him now! Shoot him now!”
BB: “You keep out this, he doesn’t have to shoot you now”
DD: “Ah ha! Pronoun trouble. It’s not “he doesn’t have to shoot YOU now”, it’s “he doesn’t have to shoot ME now”. Well I say he does have to shoot me now. So shoot me now!”
Predictable outcome follows.
See? Pronouns were an issue for Daffy as well, although I suspect it had nothing to do with which change rooms he used.
Life imitates art indeed.
In related observations, many cartoon characters including DD, do appear to be a role model for certain politicians – past and present, local and overseas – who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.
Too many years ago I had to go through some new suburbs and then past 5 farms with sheep to get to my workplace. If I, or some workmates saw any dogs on any of the small farms we rang this farmer and told him. Some time later he’d be out shooting foxes. Domestic dogs and sheep – you know the rest.
This is why Kristi Noem was unfairly criticised for shooting one of her dogs.
If you have a working dog that demonstrates it can’t be trained the only thing you can do is put it down.
It can’t be rehomed and made a companion.
Which have killed several people over the last few years.
January 13, 2025 9:29 am
Unless a dog is a genuine working dog, they need to be de-territorialised for their first six months.
And de-sexed.
Do that & the next decade plus is a cake walk.
If ever time machines became a reality, I’d like to see some of those who have a fetish for indigenous culture sent back to experience it first-hand…in all its primitive purity, unalloyed by contact with a superior culture.
I suspect they wouldn’t last 48 hours before crying, “I’m a Westerner, get me out of here!”
Anthropology sucks. In the good ol’ days of usenet I raised the San culture issue on sci.anthropology but even there, a forum populated by specialists, it was not well received.
It isn’t just in Australia. When Chagnon published his findings on the violence within the Yanomamo he was pilloried by the anthropology community. That same community accepted Mead’s fairy tale account of sexuality in Samoa, which played a role in promoting the sexual revolution of the 60’s. The American Indians are portrayed in a ridiculously romantic way, ignoring the fact that they also had black slaves and constantly fought with each other.
January 13, 2025 10:05 am
You have to question Trump’s decision to visit California.
Desperate Newsom and his dykes will use the visit as an endless source of gotcha moments.
Perhaps he should hold a rally.
Sancho Panzer
January 13, 2025 10:10 am
Cats vs Dogs.
Not as good as Trucks vs Trains.
But still pretty, pretty good.
That’s how Victor David Hanson describes this week’s catastrophic wildfires in California. “It was a total systems collapse from the idea of not spending money on irrigation, storage, water, fire prevention and forest management, a viable insurance industry, a DEI hierarchy, you put it all together and it’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb… Gavin Newsom was fiddling, he’s almost Nero Newsom.
A perfect example of a kakistocracy.
Knuckle Dragger
January 13, 2025 10:20 am
Dergs are wonderful beasts
Yes they are.
Dover – if all further published artwork contains at least one dog, I am confident this move would result in critical acclaim from all assembled.
The greatest human companion ever. This has been the case since the time of High Tartaria.
Just censor out any ‘cute dogs’ …. cute owl style!
January 13, 2025 10:21 am
Dergs are wonderful beasts. But I do have reservations about some of their owners.
You’ve hit the nail on the head, calli. Which is why dog owners should be licenced, undergo a training course and sign the dog up to a dog obediance course. They can also be trained not to bark.
chunky chicks behind desks are making a hard run at armageddon
Don’t start me.
January 13, 2025 10:23 am
Dogs also have zero loyalty to their owners. If re homed they just move in and are happy. We looked after a cavoodle for 9 days for friends. Damn thing just moved right in and slept on the end of our bed. Wasn’t worried by the change of location and people at all.
With a previous girlfriend we bought a pound hound in 1989. We split two years later.
He lived to be over 18.
For his entire life, whenever he saw a fat bottomed figure in the distance that could be mistaken for the ex, his tail would wag, he would pull on the lead and his ears would almost jump off his head. Then as the figure approached and he realised it wasn’t her, he would slump in a way that broke my heart.
You’re a good owner. Mine is also relaxed about vacations.
Knuckle Dragger
January 13, 2025 10:27 am
sign the dog up to a dog obediance course
As opposed to a cat obedience course – oh, hang on. There’s no such thing because cats are malicious, furry, uncaring bird killers with no instinct for obedience or being helpful for anything but itself.
It will be a cold, cold day in Hell before we see blind people being assisted going down the street and in their daily lives by guide cats.
For a year now, Elsie has ignored me when I took dinner in to the office. Then one day I gave her a bit of sausage meat, and she’s followed me in every time. Same with defrosting them from the freezer – if she sees me lifting out a certain shaped package from the “Big White Box Of Heavenly Delights”, she sits beside her bowl because she knows sooner or later lovely meat will arrive on her “Offerings From The Big Two Legs” pad.
Roger is going to be furious when he finds out that she loves Cointreau – after the alcohol has mostly evaporated.
If you want a pet, get a male dog, or a female cat – those are the best “match”.
Female dogs and male cats are nowhere near as good.
January 13, 2025 10:35 am
Late Geraldton pool report.
Nil, repeat nil arse cheeks of any sort yesterday, a new year miracle.
And girls, if you bathers top can’t keep the girls in going down the waterslide it is a sign that teeny weeny tops might have to give way to a one piece.
You think the bikini disassembly routine is an ACCIDENT?
TFM. Let me give you a little advice on young women and clothing.
On second thoughts, it’s not that kind of blog…
8.5% of dog bites quoted are from Labradors.
As I said they also cause huge losses to agriculture. Out Longreach way you can’t run sheep because of feral dog packs.
And yet I can’t get landowner permission to go dogging.
My firearms licence is due in early May, and it looks like the bastards are going to be able to confiscate $10K worth of my firearms and ammunition.
what state are you in good sir …if SA or Vic I might be able to help you out if you would be so kind as to help control pests on my land …. or failing me, is there another kind cat in the relevant jurisdiction?
Good quality video. They must have used a spit shield.
January 13, 2025 10:47 am
Dog owners, more so than the dogs themselves, that shit me.
The old missus and my daughter live in a small rural town. Cropping and sheep country. They have four cats, two of which (siblings) are Working Cats (mousers). They have beds on the deck and eat ALDI cat food. The other two are fluffy, poofy things that sleep inside and eat Fancy Feast etc.
January 13, 2025 10:52 am
This is a very succinct summing up of the legalities re Marchan, Fanni etc etc by a wonderfully experienced judge, Judge Joe Brown, a person worth listening to.
Q: What do bums drink?
Q Before he set the chihuahua on fire and hit the old woman, what was he imbibing?
Q. What’s the one thing you don’t want to find in your daughter’s car?
I’d made a wrong turn and ended up on Parramatta rd. Turned into the markets to check my phone for directions. As I waited to pull out a semi stopped, driver gave a whistle to a dog on the other side of the road. Dog runs across the road and jumps into the open door. Days later listening to 2GB a guy rings up and relates a story how they’d moved to Newcastle I think, and the dog took off back to their old house confirmed by new owners but hadn’t been able to grab the dog. He said he saw it outside the markets on Parramatta rd. Reunited after years missing.
A California man whose two cats died after drinking raw milk recalled for bird flu risk says he meant to keep his beloved pets healthy, but his efforts tragically backfired.
“It’s horrible when you realize that you’re the one that actually gave them the milk that killed them,” said Joseph Journell, 56, of San Bernardino.
Journell lost his 14-year-old tabby, Alexander, and Tuxsie, a 4-year-old tuxedo cat, in late November. A third cat, 4-year-old Big Boy, was hospitalized for a week before tests showed the animal was infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus.
Journell said he had been drinking Raw Farm milk himself for several months because he heard it had “better immunity and healing properties” than pasteurized milk. He thought it might be able to help Alexander, who had been losing weight.
Journell has demanded that Raw Farm owner Mark McAfee compensate him for the more than $12,000 he spent treating the cats, according Seattle food safety lawyer Ilana Korchia, who is representing him.
Journell has recovered physically but said he’s still suffering from the “mental anguish” of losing his pets. Despite the ordeal, he said he still thinks raw milk offers some health benefits.
At least since he’s giving raw milk to his cats he’s not vegan. But I would bet a lot of money that he votes for the Democrats.
Both Pong and Rudd stink, they should be seated in the last row.
Australia is so lucky.
Having two effeminate men representing it at the POTUS inauguration.
Sancho Panzer
January 13, 2025 11:41 am
Some Labradors can be a bit cranky.
But I would venture that most nips from a Lab might involve the dog’s perception that there was an actual or threatened theft of food the dog had dibs on.
January 13, 2025 11:43 am
In Airstrip One the Climate and Nature Bill is a private members’ bill introduced by the greens, but slowly gathering liberal democrat and labour support.
The ultimate green wet dream, it’s a totally bonkers plan aimed at national ruination, except of course:
The strategy must—
(a) in the opinion of the Secretary of State, be projected to have an overall positive impact on—
(i) local communities with a high deprivation rating according to Government deprivation indices;
(ii) young people; and
(iii) people with protected characteristics under section 4 of the
Equality Act 2010;
January 13, 2025 11:44 am
There is almost no known problem where the answer is “Woodstock cans”.
Ive run out of degreaser, what can I use now?
Sancho Panzer
January 13, 2025 11:44 am
January 13, 2025 11:32 am
Both Pong and Rudd stink, they should be seated in the last row.
Australia is so lucky.
Having two effeminate men representing it at the POTUS inauguration.
This is going to be soooo funny.
kd wong will be trying to look all surly and tough and might even do something to show Pally solidarity.
Kokoda Kev will be running around like a Jack Russell (more dog references) trying to get noticed and patted.
Big Apple eateries are in a heated debate over a new environmental regulation dubbed the “char broil” rule, which aims to slash their emissions by a substantial 75%. The rule, proposed by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, has sparked significant backlash among restaurant owners, particularly those with establishments that rely on char broilers for their culinary offerings.
Restaurateurs are voicing their frustrations, with some like an unnamed restaurant owner who has been in the business for nearly 75 years, calling the rule “absolutely ridiculous.” He emphasized that the government should focus on more pressing quality of life issues rather than “messing with my burgers.”
Not allowed to produce food in NYC that might be tasty.
Dr Faustus
January 13, 2025 11:55 am
I wouldn’t be putting that shit on any equipment I owned.
But I fully respect those who choose to drink it.
In much the same way that one respects Shouty McPisstrousers, lying on the pavement clutching his bottle of orange ‘n meths and yelling at the grog-monsters.
January 13, 2025 12:00 pm
“It’s OK to resist a colonial force by any means necessary”.
Segues nicely into “Its ok to resist commie ticks by throwing them out of helicopters”.
This person needs to understand the colonial forces she whines about are all that stops her from taking a kooka stove for a dive off the continental shelf.
Telescopic violence, much like telescopic philanthropy is the refuge of the weak and mentally ill.
January 13, 2025 12:07 pm
Being a coastal town we have a pretty much continuous stream of non-working young blokes who hang around doing a little dealing and stealing until the police move them on.
They like having big mean dogs (mine’s bigger than yours) that are often stolen from properties where they go illegal shooting.
The problem for our RSPCA is that when the ‘rsoles are booted out they dump their dogs.
It is amazing how often the RSPCA tracks down the original owners.
Poor beasts, it is disturbing to see a huge pig dog howling in terror when locked away in its cage.
We didn’t allow dogs on our property because of the snakes and thick scrub but plenty of folks in the district had dogs stolen and were woken by shooting. Stay inside was the police rule. How did they source and afford the ammunition?
I shouldn’t have bothered with this. Better things to do like how to take out a Hind without a missile launcher. Damn you Crysis, damn you to hell!
But … I’ve had enough of this crap and if they want some truth telling so be it.
Thirty Years Among The Blacks of Australia, by William T. Pyke.
When a woman became so old and decrepit as to trammel the movements of her husband’s tribe, she not infrequently received a quietus in the shape of a knock on the head with a waddy, just as we more civilized people kill a dog whose existence has become a misery to himself and an offence to us, or else was abandoned to her fate.*
[* Mr. Curr relates an instance which came under his own observation where the natives placed an old woman on a pile of wood, and then set fire to it, after doing which they all deserted the spot, and left the poor helpless old body to burn slowly to death.]
A woman’s place in the domestic economy of the blacks was to do as she was told and to ask no questions. When her lord and master went forth in all the dignity of his majestic manhood, carrying his weapons, which added not a little to his stately bearing, she humbly and laboriously followed, bowed down by the weight of the family chattels contained in a large grass bag slung across her shoulders.
Hard work and hard blows she received in abundance; her husband was sparing only in the amount or quality of food he allowed her. All the choicest portions he kept for himself and gorged to repletion. When he had had enough then his wife might have her share, if there was anything left for her to try her teeth upon. Consequent upon this ill-treatment, and the early age at which they were married, the women were for the most part undersized in proportion to the men, and soon lost the very slight pretentions to good looks ever possessed by them.
Well…that’s a cheerful “good morning”.
The noble savages. First nations. Bruce Pascoe’s structured villages.
Reality was a half-caste was dumped in a wombat hole and left to die.
And a cheery good morning to Mrs Pascoe too. How are you these days?
The description of the man and his wife fits exactly with scenes commonly observed in the PNG Highlands, perhaps even today.
It’s difficult to square this with the advanced civilisation William Pyke must have ignored as he went about his travels.
My late uncle “Went droving” out of Alice Springs in the late 1940’s. He described the hierarchy, in “the camps” when game was being cooked.
The men had first pick, the dogs were fed next, and the women and children “made do” with the scraps.
So much for the excuse that whiteys with their “colonialism” is why so many Aboriginal men bash, abuse, even kill their women.
Johannes Leak.
Brett Lethbridge.
Interesting detail in that cartoon:
The approaching boat has a tall-ish mast.
However, in the unlikely event you are ever allowed to see the typical country-shopper vessels, tall masts are distinctly absent.
Sane mariners, in “small” vessels have a reasonable mast. On this mast one may see all manner od radio and radar antenna setups..
At the very top will be something that looks like an oversized Christmas tree ornament. This is a RADAR REFLECTOR. It is there to bounce back a radar “blip” of much greater scale than a simple wooden boat would return. The idea is to be obvious to gigantic freighters and tankers romping along at 20 Knots plus, in busy sea ways. Navigation and riding lights on a “sneaky boat? Hardly likely.
The people smugglers are trying to AVOID detection mainly buy “over-enthusiastic” naval patrols.
The eally “good” bit is that once at sea, the boats, passengers and crew are entirely expendable..The loot has been paid by the “passengers. The boat owner has been appropriately paid, ditto the crew.
If the boat gets run down at night in a busy shipping lane by a speeding 80 thousand tonne tanker, who is to know? The impact would not register on the the ship’s crew. In the unlikely event some crewman were doing a “Titanic” right above the bow, would they give warning or just look the other way, rather than become involved in a time-consuming “inquiry”?
A thirty foot scow, cobbled together in a Pakistani “budget boatyard” will barely scuff the tanker’s anti-fouling paint as it slides under the ship..
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Ya wanna read about the Taj Mahal? Go to last page of previous thread.
It’s bedtime here now. 🙂
A town I never heard of, What caught my eye was the invention originated from there, the Perkins Patent Bag lifter
Located ten kilometres east of Peterborough, the settlement of Ucolta was created as the railway line was being constructed towards Silverton.
The town flourished for decades with a school, church, post office and hall servicing local needs until the coming of the standard gauge railway.
The railway then bypassed Ucolta and the settlement went into demise. Ucolta was the birthplace in 1884 of the Perkins Patent Bag lifter, an affordable, simple, yet effective tool for loading carts and rail carriages.
About 1700 were constructed locally over twenty years prior to the patent becoming public, leading to mass production. Almost every farm and station possessed one.
There is no Wikipedia entry for Robert Perkins.
I find it strange that you are so antagonistic to my innocent posts.
There are many references to this invention.
Not on WIKI? So what?
Did it not happen?
Just to let you know Kevin, I look forward to your early morning posts.
A Bing search for the bag lifter brings up a thread on Newcatallaxy on 13th January 2025. We are being watched!
Safety standards in the 60s.
Don’t be deceived the ground is only a few feets (meters?) from the seats
…and very nice seats, too.
No wonder this blog is full of clever people.
Just because she wanted it.
A traitor?
Sack him!!!
From the font of all knowledge:
Why post again? Doug Bishop never gave up looking for him. Heavy D and crew are clearly moved. All done at no cost for their resources.
I hope all of them sat together and had a good meal with the family. We don’t need to see it on camera.
We Solved a 20 Year Old COLD CASE – Remains FOUND!
I meant to post this a few days ago from Tuesday’s Tele for those of us that have Doggos:
7 Jan 2025
Hookworms have become increasingly resistant to dewormers across Australia, posing a health threat to dogs, new research has revealed.
Benzimidazole-based dewormers, one of the best methods for treating canine parasites, are at risk of losing their efficacy, with hookworms becoming more resistant to the treatment.
A University of Queensland study conducted in collaboration with the University of Sydney found that 70 per cent of hookworm samples studied showed genetic mutations that could cause drug resistance.
The gastrointestinal parasite lives inside a dog’s small intestine and feeds on blood, causes anaemia, diarrhoea and malnutrition. A hookworm infection can cause a dog to become extremely unwell and for puppies, it can be fatal.
The team used advanced parasitological diagnostics to examine samples from more than 100 animals in Australia and New Zealand.
University of Queensland veterinary expert Dr Swaid Abdullah advised pet owners to pick up after their dogs immediately, as stools were the main source of hookworm infection.
I have horses on my farm. They ALL have worms, its part of their ecosystem. Provided they have sufficient feed and good general health, they cope. They have immune defences which keep things manageable.
Can we see the study?
Can we find out who funded it?
Can it be replicated?
What was the previous level of ‘genetic mutations’?
…and there’s the emotional hook for all the owners of dogs and puppies.
Let me guess – the “New and Improved” dewormer gets infections down to 23.7%? And the cost? It’s probably 4 times more than the current Benzimidazole-based dewormers. But would you like your fluffy puppy to catch a parasite, and die, just to save a few pennies, would you, you puppy killers?
And this, Mr Pharmaceutical Industry, is what happens when you lose the trust of your customers.
James Morrow reporting:
I will be celebrating the day by either playing bowls or fishing with mates. With plenty of beer. What are other Cats and Kittehs up to?
I see on these pages that Stephen Smith isn’t in London. Deplorable prick.
Our local Rodeo is on. Wouldn’t miss it.
Jeebus…. you dont live in Great Western do you?
The Tele’s editorial from BB’s post:
New polling about Australia Day reveals that young people are warming to the idea – some 69 per cent of 18-24 year olds support keeping it on January 26.
Yet perhaps it should not be so surprising. With big corporations and institutions rubbishing Australia and her history, perhaps a bit of patriotism is all of a sudden cool. Globally, too, the left-wing elite consensus against national pride is also being shattered. Hand-wringing over our past may one day be a thing of the past.
Hows the shoulder BB? Last week I spraind my little toe. Its caused more pain than my recent heart surgery.
Shoulder is good now. Almost full range of motion with some physiotherapy. Still some work to do on it.
Good to hear.
I dont think its a ‘vibe shift’, I think it was always there, people have just stopped tolerating the BS anymore
… and the rejection of “ The Voice” aka racist House of Lords made millions of well adjusted patriotic Australians with functioning bullshit detectors realise they were not a tiny minority as suggested by the elite.
Today’s Tele:
13 Jan 2025
An anti-Israel activist who was part of a group that circulated the details of hundreds of Jewish people across the internet, has echoed a rallying cry for destruction on Australia Day, urging Australians to burn the national flag on “invasion day” and “f..k up … monuments to colonisation”.
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg – one of many revealed last February to be among a group of prolific sharers of details of more than 600 Jewish creatives from a leaked private WhatsApp chat – has reposted a series of calls to boycott Australia Day in social media posts which say “It’s OK to resist a colonial force by any means necessary”.
Ms Tuet-Rosenberg reposted on her Instagram a message that read: “It’s just over two weeks until invasion day. Go and play snatch the flag. Burn them all.
“Someone go set fire to Cook’s Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple themat their base.
“F..k up their dumb war memorials which glorify western imperialism while refusing to acknowledge the frontier wars. Universities, suburbs, streets, shops etc named after genocidal colonisers? F..k them up too!”
The Australian Jewish Association’s CEO Robert Gregory condemned the posts.
“This is a reminder that those who target the Jewish community and Israel also hate Australia,” he said. “We must all defend Western civilisation against those who seek to destroy it.”
What beats fear is bigger fear.
Bring back tarring and feathering and the stocks for these imbeciles.
A psychopath looking to get her rocks off. Mental hospital or prison material.
Sounds like incitement to commit criminal acts which I believe is a crime itself. Why aren’t police arresting and charging her?
Because she’s a half Chinese,Jewish, Aborigine lesbian.
It’s impossible to be that ridiculous.
Well, it was.
From Adelaide?
Yes, pyjama mum in Ballarat was arrested for far less during the Covid tyranny.
Send the silly cow to live in a humpy in the bush with a 60 year old Aborigine.
Noble savages and all that.
Humpy is too luxurious. A piece of corrugated iron is more “in country”.
Just what I thought!
Suspended sentence, on that condition.
A punishment that fits the crime perfectly. Would prove educational for the silly – no, evil – creature.
Andrew Bolt:
Would I get $50 to have my input in saying shut it down and fire everyone involved in this “treaty’ process?
The government hates you for voting against the Voice referendum and are actively showing that contempt with these bribes.
No doubt payment of a welcome to country as well, taxpayers slugged say $3k per meeting. Farketh me sideways.
Bitterly disappointed, Penny Wong, aka Benny Wonk the Jew and Australia hating Foreign Minister and Kevni Krudd will be attending The Donald’s inauguration. Who amongst us would have thought we could have had a worse FM than “what a brilliant idea, Julie Bishop”. In a hold my beer moment Wonk stepped up to the plate.
Don’t worry, they’ll mistake Wong for one of the lesbians from LA Fire Department.
Professional activist and race baiter and B-Ark operative.
I can see that the most energetic “work” she would engage in is burning stuff down and demolition. Building requires intelligence and application.
And her honours thesis was about herself. Narcissist.
An arse kicking needs to be administered to it until its nose bleeds.
Notice how unis cosset this poisonous trash.
It can’t be easy to confront the truth that you are a talentless, unattractive parasite. Helping such people deceive themselves is the principal function of the contemporary university.
I don’t think she is unattractive – most unlike most radical leftists of the sapphic persuasion.
I think she is smart and suspect she has carefully structured a corporate entity to be a non profit grant refiner turning out tax free income dollars.
The outrageous press release is just advertising/cv buffing/ moral grandstanding –
like that we endured from that rancid blimp, Onus Williams, a couple of Australia Days ago.
Re Wong & Krudd.
Inaugurations are all about where you sit.
How close & who sits closer to the action.
I’d love if some punter from Greenland gets a better seat than Krudd.
Or if Krudd is sat next to some country his snobbiness deems to be of lower status.
I don’t think these grandstanders have thought this one through.
And President Trump is not the sort of person who will take his ill humour out on Australia – just the ideologues that crept out of the litter box and into power.
Ms Tuet-Rosenberg reposted on her Instagram a message that read: “It’s just over two weeks until invasion day. Go and play snatch the flag. Burn them all.
“Someone go set fire to Cook’s Cottage. Go and destroy monuments to colonisation. All of them. Chop down their European trees. Set fire to their heritage sites. Behead their statues and topple themat their base.
Thanks Beertruk however there’s actually more in the Telegraph piece on ‘Tuet-Rosenberg‘ that’s worth noting and is perhaps more important. It confirms my comment last night about how taxpayers are unwittingly funding woke far-left Nazi scum like Tuet-Rosenberg and her ilk.
Here’s more of the Tele piece on the far-left Nazi cockroach……
In November Ms Tuet-Rosenberg’s company Hue: Colour the Conversation, an anti-racism advisory business she co-owns and co-founded, was dropped from facilitating a training event advertised by North Sydney Council after the Daily Telegraph alerted the council of her involvement.
It came after Executive Council of Australian Jewry had denounced the involvement of the anti-racism firm “a sick joke” and had called for it to be dropped from the event.
The Mayor of North Sydney Zoë Baker later announced the morning workshop would no longer run after discussions with CEOs of North Sydney Council, which was promoting the event.
The workshop was to focus on shared language and understanding racism, help equip attendees with skills to tackle racism and deliver “meaningful” anti-racism work, and discuss the impacts of racism on First Nations people and people of colour.
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg is the co-founder of racial and social justice organisation Hue. I advise that the event has been cancelled,” the Mayor of North Sydney Council, Zoe Baker said in an email to a resident.
“I have asked Council’s CEO to review grant assessment procedures to ensure that this does not happen again and that any procurement includes due diligence on any provider.”
“Finally, I apologise for the distress and hurt that this has caused.
Like other far-left Nazis, Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg and her Nazi ilk have been empowered by naive and idiotic state, federal and local governments (of all political persuasions) along with woke corporations and large businesses. I doubt very much if the cancelled North Sydney gig was Tuet-Rosenberg’s first or last gig. Until governments, businesses and corporations get serious about pulling funding from scum like Tuet-Rosenberg absolutely nothing will change.
The positive is that prior to October 7 and the failed Voice referendum such funding of scum like ‘Elsa’ would have gone under the radar, at least the scab has now been ripped off but that’s not enough, it’s time time to now cauterise the wound that is woke funding.
Chop down their European trees.
She’s an environmentalist too. Weirdo.
I suppose there’s method in her madness though. Eucs cause bigger and better fires.
As I have said before, the vast majority of self-declared “anti-racists” are actually racists of the worst kind.
If she’s going to target colonialism in full, then she should be consistent and begin with everything that was ceated during the goldrush by colonial Chnese. Lots of stuff to target there, especially in Viktoriastan around Bendigo and Beachworth.
28 AR with the Wire Wheels and Emergency Brake on the Left.
Knee trembler for Arky
No, that is the panel van bodied version.
I’m going to ask – what’s the emergency brake and how does it work?
Is it a rope tied around a barrel and thrown off?
Does the roo bar drop down and dig into the road surface.
… Genuinely bewildered, but brave enough to ask.
Lizzie, are you on holidays?
I am on a bus returning to a luxury hotel after a meal fit for an Empress in a gold and silver palace. Red velvet table cloths edged wjth gold braid. Jaipur, India. Taken up there on the mountain in a convoy of jeeps.
Reading the Cat on my phone.
She couldn’t be, she is in India doing research.
Is she writing another book?
Of course.
Nice. One way to piss the Pali supporters off:
This is the way.
Too good.
I immediately thought of a couple of variations – I expect Saint Peter is taking note and shaking his head…
That. Is. Awesome!
I will carry a fat Texta with me from now on.
Did she bother consulting with Vietnamese Australians before appropriating the name of their Imperial City?
Did she consider the trauma suffered by those who survived some of the worst excesses of the NVA and the Viet Cong?
No. “Her Cause is Just”.
It absolves her of any shame that she should otherwise feel.
Just WHAT, exactly?
How close & who sits closer to the action.
Both Pong and Rudd stink, they should be seated in the last row.
In the Tranny Toilet.
Today’s Tele:
13 Jan 2025
Every year in January Australians are subjected to the usual hand-wringing about our national day.
The activist class and inner-city elites hold that Australia, our culture, and history, is not worth remembering, much less celebrating. To them, January 26 is a day of mourning, invasion, dispossession, and violence.
But this year is a little different. The vibe and energy around Australia Day have shifted. Mainstream Australians – the silent majority – have had a gutful of being put upon by the out-of-touch activists, and are now clearly making their voices heard.
It started last year, when Woolworths announced it would not be stocking Australia Day-themed merchandise on its shelves. The stated reason was that the day “means different things to different people”.
The backlash was immediate and fierce, with calls for a boycott of the supermarket giant ultimately leading to the premature departure of then-chief executive Brad Banducci.
A similar scenario played out in the weeks leading up to Christmas, when the foreign-owned Australian Venue Co., which runs more than 200 pubs across Australia, said their venues would not be celebrating or even recognising Australia Day. Again, confronted with strong pushback, Australian Venue Co. backed down within 24 hours.
Big corporates, sporting codes, and civic institutions now need to think twice before they seek to cancel our national day.
New polling commissioned by the Institute of Public Affairs shows a dramatic surge in support for celebrating Australia Day on January 26, with some 69 per cent Australians backing our national day, up from 63 per cent last year, and just 14 per cent opposed.
Critically, this surge in support is being driven by young Australians aged 18-24.
In the survey undertaken 12 months ago, just 42 per cent of those in this age bracket said they supported celebrating Australia Day on January 26.
This year, that number skyrocketed 10 points to 52 per cent.
That a majority of young Australians are confident to support our national day, despite years of indoctrination at school, university, and in the media, shows how strong and deep the vein of patriotism is among the next generation.
The reason for these strong results is that Australians understand that if we do not fight for our values, our culture, and our way of life, we will lose them.
We celebrate Australia Day on the January 26 because that is the day that modern Australia commenced. The First Fleet arrived not just with prisoners from Great Britain, but also with a rich intellectual and moral cargo of the ideals developed in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and forged through the Enlightenment. These include parliamentary democracy, liberty, fairness, tolerance, and individual rights.
None of this is to minimise, much less deny, the real hardship and violence which many Indigenous Australians experienced at the hands of some colonists.
Rather, it is to say that now, more than at any time since World War II, we must as a nation unite around our shared values, which speak to all Australians regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
And we must remember that the true history of Australia is how a small group of disparate, inwardlooking penal colonies set up by Britain on the other side of the world overcame hardship and division to become among the most tolerant and fair-minded of nations.
We are the people who went further than any other in establishing the rule of law and equality before the law.
Just four months after the very first Australia Day in 1788, two lowly convicts won the right to sue their ship’s captain, a legal entitlement not available to any other individual in a comparable position anywhere else in the world at that time.
We are the people who as far back as 1836 made critical advances in religious tolerance, when NSW governor, Sir Richard Bourke, established the Church Act which provided funding for Catholic and Protestant churches on an equal basis at a time when sectarian conflict was rife.
We are the people who invented the secret ballot in 1853, which meant that everyday Australians could vote without being intimidated by wealthy landowners or union officials.
We are the people who, by a margin of 90-10, said “Yes” to removing divisive references to race in the Australia’s Constitution in 1967, in a watershed moment for racial equality.
And we are the people who, in 2023, voted to keep it that way, with 60 per cent of Australians opposing the reinsertion of racial separatism into our Constitution.
These are the reasons why we celebrate Australia Day on January 26. Long may that continue.
Daniel Wild is deputy executive director of the Institute of Public Affairs
Still boycotting Woolies in all its forms that I know about.
Haven’t stepped inside a Woolworths in over a year.
(The fact the nearest store is 615.4Km round trip away is of no consequence, so there.)
“The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon” by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
See also:
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
My 2 favourite anthems 😉
Was Bogart really of Saxon blood? After all, he said he worked the Angles?
So Wong’s off to the inauguration. She could drop by and see how the boss ladies are doing in LA. Similar results to her foreign minister achievements.
Rudd and Wong really should visit LA on the return, since it’s an easy stop on their way via LAX.
They might learn something about the danger of bushfires, the necessity of fuel reduction burning and properly resourcing firefighters.
They won’t learn, they can’t learn. Their ideological blinkers demand “they reject the evidence of their eyes and ears. It is the Party’s final, most essential command.”By golly, that seems familiar.
Dogs are the number one source of urban noise pollution. They shit anywhere, cause numerous hospital admissions by attacking children and other people and even kill people (one such happened 300 meters from our house about 20 years ago). They also cause huge losses to Australian agriculture.
It needs to be made MUCH more difficult to own a dog, akin to what is done to guns which at least don’t take it in their non existent minds to attack people or bark uselessly for hours on end. Filthy things, dogs. The Mussies have that right.
Can’t wait for your opinion of cats Eyrie.
Dergs are wonderful beasts. But I do have reservations about some of their owners.
Anyone who hates dogs is suss.
Siding with muzzies about it is beyond the pail.
Adam Britton a mate of yours?
If I can’t have a shotgun to defend my life and property, why should I be allowed to own a dog for the same purpose?
Nevertheless, some dog owners shouldn’t be allowed to own them without a psychiatric review first.
Hallward is a Crazy Cat Lady.
Even more worser than Cassie.
Meanwhile in Airstrip One, one Labour MP has gone against the will of the Party and called for a national inquiry.
His seat is solidly red, but the demographics tell a story.
It’s amusing to watch all the “fact checking” surrounding Trump’s comments about the Cali fires.
There are pages of it, should you wish to look.
Like all the squawking “activism”, ordinary people are over it. The fact of the matter is that the infrastructure was not fit for purpose, despite years of requests and promises and money set aside to make improvements. For some strange reason water doesn’t flow uphill. This appears to be news to some. Regardless of where the water is stored, it needs to be pumped to maintain pressure. For pumping you need electricity.
Unicorn farts and wishful thinking just won’t do it, unfortunately.
Trump said something about “raking the forest floor” to reduce fuel loads. Apparently this is ridiculous to his critics. In Australia, it’s called “hazard reduction”. It’s another “bleach” moment, when idiots swallow camels while straining out gnats.
On another forum I mentioned that it takes up to seven years for the US Forest Service to get a permit to do a single fuel reduction burn.
Someone replied saying they should use goats. I thought that was fun since you’d have to have an absolute horde of goats wandering all over upmarket LA and Malibu…
Still it’d give the illegal immigrants a good source of protein I guess.
Goats don’t eat dead wood
Sounds like incitement to commit criminal acts which I believe is a crime itself. Why aren’t police arresting and charging her?
A good question. When will the police pay this far-left Nazi skank a courtesy call? Now imagine, for one sweet second, if this was some ‘far-right’ person making violent threats? I suspect he or she would already be in custody.
Or DEAD. (Resisting arrest can get “untidy”, sometimes / often.)
Arson is NOT climate change.
The source of ignition is irrelevant, the LA hills are covered in Eucalypts and Chapparal, both of which have fire as part of their natural life cycles. If arson didnt start it, lightning or some other source would have. The reason this fire is so destructive is a combination of 1) Poor forest management 2) Insufficient infrastructure 3) Insufficient personal protective actions taken (most of the houses have pools, how many have diesel pumps and sprinklers? 4) Building close packed suburbs immediately adjacent bush and downwind of the worst fire weather 5) Mandatory evacuations – this 10xs your risk of house loss in a bushfire.
The grampians fires were 7x bigger than the LA fires, yet only a handful of houses were lost – why is that? – its because we didnt have thousands of houses built immediately to the E of the national park.
Look at this DEMON smiling as she gives an update on the devastation she has caused in LA!
Demons are REAL, folks!
Gavin Newsom is deleting all Instagram comments on his official government account with the word “resign.” His COVID playbook has been resurrected to illegally censor and label any criticism as “misinformation.”
The common descriptor in the Arab world to describe Jews is the word ‘dog‘.
On the weekend, a house in Sydney’s Queens Park was vandalised with the words…….’f*ck Jews” and ‘Dog2‘.
I think we can safely assume the religious ideology of the perpetrators. It wasn’t some Hindu or Buddhist or Satanist. But we can’t say we weren’t warned, on Monday night 9 October 2023 to be precise, whilst NSWaffen Plod stood and watched, that told us that they were going to…….
‘f*ck the Jews’
‘where’s (find) the Jews’
‘gas the Jews’
They’ve honoured the first two threats, now there’s just one more to go, you see, they mean what they say.
As an aside, dogs are held in contempt in the Muslim world, which tells us a lot about Islam and Muslims. I’m more than happy to be compared to perhaps God’s most noble creature, the domesticated canine.
“tells us a lot about Islam and Muslims”.
And this Eyrie weirdo.
Dergs are wonderful beasts. But I do have reservations about some of their owners.
Man’s best friend.
Some lowlifes are dog’s worst enemies.
Bad owners, dog fighting rings and Muzzies are just some examples.
Oh, and Eyrie.
Compared to a poodle or a labrador? 🙂
The reservoir has been empty as of February of last year and no one told the fire department?
And the woman they promoted and pay 750,000 dollars per year to handle that has a job?
Bad Cattitude explains how – this is the culmination of transitioning (snigger) a society built upon, and reliant upon, merit, to one now run by 2nd and 3rd rate bureaucrats who actively eliminate competence from their organisations to hide their own shortcomings.
the same story applies for medicine, aviation, power grid management etc etc etc. When you replace merit with anything else, it takes a while to burn through the institutional competence, but when you do, it all falls apart, ‘slowly then all at once’, Hemingway style.
Gavin Newsom is slammed for car crash interview as he furiously tries to shift blame for LA fires
Gesticulating and dominating the Q&A session with a constant flow of meaningless phrases isn’t answering the questions. It’s AVOIDING them.
Spot the climate change…
For anyone who wants the source it’s from Michael Shellenberger:
Im stealing that for tonights podcast, cheers
Gov. Newsom Reacts to Wildfires by Launching Campaign Website
That site is a clear indicator of antisocial personality disorder:
Stealing money from people who have lost their homes and possessions through abrogating his own responsibilities is a very clear indicator he is not mentally capable to hold his position.
Lying that he is talking to the President when confronted by a citizen is part of the deceptive aspect. Blaming everyone else for the problem is also part of the mental disorder.
He’s a fruitloop.
“Trans” Violence Phenomenon: Man Claiming Womanhood Brutally Kills Postal Worker
I love that term “MUSS”.
Will use it in future.
Just don’t tell Jake the Muss about it.
BoN: January 12, 2025 9:53 pm
(A hypersonic missile is just a ballistic missile with better heat ablation, since they naturally go at hypersonic velocity anyway.)
Interesting you say that, BoN. A hypersonic missile only needs to lose a small amount of its heat shield and its own speed will destroy it, is my thinking.
This makes them quite vulnerable to laser defences which can be powered up faster than the heat shields which can be thickened – at the expense of payload and manoeuvrability.
The main advantages of extreme high speed (think Mach 10) with these missiles are
1) high kinetic energy on impact
2) very short detection/engagement times …. your defences not only have a difficult physics problem to solve to hit the incoming hypersonic, they also have a very short time to do it in.
The Great Tech Reset: Unpacking The Layoff Surge Of 2024
Cassie of Sydney: January 12, 2025 10:19 pm
My favourite actor is Daffy Duck.
Foghorn Leghorn and Sylvester are both better than Daffy.
My favourite is Bullwinkle J. Moose.
Fred Flintstone is my spirit animal.
But Barney gets to root Betty, whereas poor Fred is stuck with that ginger harpy.
Every second member of the family is a ginge.
It’s actually in a kangaroo straight.
Black – Red – black – Red – black – Red – Black.
And all the Blacks kept all their hair except it went white from 30 onwards.
Coincidence or Conspiracy?
You decide!
Nah. Ralph the sheepdog is all things cool.
Road Runner is my least favourite.
Many is the time I hoped Wile E. Coyote would catch him.
Alas, he never did.
DD trying to find out where it all went wrong.
BB: “He’s got me dead to rights, doc. Would you like to shoot me now, or wait till you get home?”
DD: “Shoot him now! Shoot him now!”
BB: “You keep out this, he doesn’t have to shoot you now”
DD: “Ah ha! Pronoun trouble. It’s not “he doesn’t have to shoot YOU now”, it’s “he doesn’t have to shoot ME now”. Well I say he does have to shoot me now. So shoot me now!”
Predictable outcome follows.
See? Pronouns were an issue for Daffy as well, although I suspect it had nothing to do with which change rooms he used.
Life imitates art indeed.
In related observations, many cartoon characters including DD, do appear to be a role model for certain politicians – past and present, local and overseas – who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.
Cat Prevents Surveyor From Landing Drone on Job Site
The Mussies don’t have anything right.
Except for conquest, Cassie.
And that’s all they need.
Nero Newsom.
That’s particularly ridiculous from Valley Girl Psssaki…seeing that Trump told Joe Rogan three months ago that this was going to happen.
Trump told Joe Rogan his California wildfire fears three months ago: ‘Sounding the alarm’ (10 Jan)
What a great moniker. Love it!
The left tried to blame Trump for the East Palestine, Ohio train disaster.
But nobody was buying it.
Dergs are wonderful beasts. But I do have reservations about some of their owners.
No bad dogs.
Only bad owners.
I guess the dogs that attacked my sheep and were treated with solution 243 had bad owners.
What a cop out.
They had working dogs that attacked live stock?
That’s some terrible training right there.
Were they registered or wild dogs?
Too many years ago I had to go through some new suburbs and then past 5 farms with sheep to get to my workplace. If I, or some workmates saw any dogs on any of the small farms we rang this farmer and told him. Some time later he’d be out shooting foxes. Domestic dogs and sheep – you know the rest.
Is that like ‘rule 303’ … asking for a historian friend
Dogs like every other animal can have personality disorders. Even the best trained can have a bad day.
This is why Kristi Noem was unfairly criticised for shooting one of her dogs.
If you have a working dog that demonstrates it can’t be trained the only thing you can do is put it down.
It can’t be rehomed and made a companion.
The Americans are even rehoming dogs saved from fighting rings.
Which have killed several people over the last few years.
Unless a dog is a genuine working dog, they need to be de-territorialised for their first six months.
And de-sexed.
Do that & the next decade plus is a cake walk.
The politics of disaster exploitation:
So; how are we traveling,here in the penal colonies?
Badly, Bruce.
Not allowed to point out, on the Oz website that the oldest living culture is not the Indigenous, but that of the San Bushmen of Southern Africa.
That’s because it’s an Article of Faith in the new Religion of Woke.
Orwell imagined it. We’re living it.
If ever time machines became a reality, I’d like to see some of those who have a fetish for indigenous culture sent back to experience it first-hand…in all its primitive purity, unalloyed by contact with a superior culture.
I suspect they wouldn’t last 48 hours before crying, “I’m a Westerner, get me out of here!”
No need to send them back in time, just send them to Wadeye for 48 hours. And NOT in the fenced area.
They’ll just claim it’s the deleterious impact of the white man.
So why is is ‘our ‘ABC idolising first peoples?
I suspect that the San are a lot closer to their original culture than 99% of Australian “indigenes”.
Wadeye and like places are not like the original culture, which seems to have been more brutal.
Anthropology sucks. In the good ol’ days of usenet I raised the San culture issue on sci.anthropology but even there, a forum populated by specialists, it was not well received.
It isn’t just in Australia. When Chagnon published his findings on the violence within the Yanomamo he was pilloried by the anthropology community. That same community accepted Mead’s fairy tale account of sexuality in Samoa, which played a role in promoting the sexual revolution of the 60’s. The American Indians are portrayed in a ridiculously romantic way, ignoring the fact that they also had black slaves and constantly fought with each other.
You have to question Trump’s decision to visit California.
Desperate Newsom and his dykes will use the visit as an endless source of gotcha moments.
Perhaps he should hold a rally.
Cats vs Dogs.
Not as good as Trucks vs Trains.
But still pretty, pretty good.
Well the answer to all owe problems is Woodstock cans.
Don’t know if dogs are ruining the world but chunky chicks behind desks are making a hard run at armageddon.
That tag seems to be getting traction.
A DEI Green New Deal Hydrogen Bomb (12 Jan)
American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman
A perfect example of a kakistocracy.
Yes they are.
Dover – if all further published artwork contains at least one dog, I am confident this move would result in critical acclaim from all assembled.
The greatest human companion ever. This has been the case since the time of High Tartaria.
I believe Homer Simpson said it best.
If we ever get to colonise another planet, I hope we bring dogs and horses along …and cats to keep them all in line.
Just censor out any ‘cute dogs’ …. cute owl style!
Dergs are wonderful beasts. But I do have reservations about some of their owners.
You’ve hit the nail on the head, calli. Which is why dog owners should be licenced, undergo a training course and sign the dog up to a dog obediance course. They can also be trained not to bark.
I hate it when dog owners bark.
Don’t start me.
Dogs also have zero loyalty to their owners. If re homed they just move in and are happy. We looked after a cavoodle for 9 days for friends. Damn thing just moved right in and slept on the end of our bed. Wasn’t worried by the change of location and people at all.
With a previous girlfriend we bought a pound hound in 1989. We split two years later.
He lived to be over 18.
For his entire life, whenever he saw a fat bottomed figure in the distance that could be mistaken for the ex, his tail would wag, he would pull on the lead and his ears would almost jump off his head. Then as the figure approached and he realised it wasn’t her, he would slump in a way that broke my heart.
You’re a good owner. Mine is also relaxed about vacations.
As opposed to a cat obedience course – oh, hang on. There’s no such thing because cats are malicious, furry, uncaring bird killers with no instinct for obedience or being helpful for anything but itself.
It will be a cold, cold day in Hell before we see blind people being assisted going down the street and in their daily lives by guide cats.
Yes, they aren’t slaves or serfs.
bollocks. Cats are easily trained.
For a year now, Elsie has ignored me when I took dinner in to the office. Then one day I gave her a bit of sausage meat, and she’s followed me in every time. Same with defrosting them from the freezer – if she sees me lifting out a certain shaped package from the “Big White Box Of Heavenly Delights”, she sits beside her bowl because she knows sooner or later lovely meat will arrive on her “Offerings From The Big Two Legs” pad.
Roger is going to be furious when he finds out that she loves Cointreau – after the alcohol has mostly evaporated.
Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.
If you want a pet, get a male dog, or a female cat – those are the best “match”.
Female dogs and male cats are nowhere near as good.
Late Geraldton pool report.
Nil, repeat nil arse cheeks of any sort yesterday, a new year miracle.
And girls, if you bathers top can’t keep the girls in going down the waterslide it is a sign that teeny weeny tops might have to give way to a one piece.
You think the bikini disassembly routine is an ACCIDENT?
TFM. Let me give you a little advice on young women and clothing.
On second thoughts, it’s not that kind of blog…
Just as well the video blog has not eventuated – all participating, at both ends of the electron stream, could get into real bother.
8.5% of dog bites quoted are from Labradors.
As I said they also cause huge losses to agriculture. Out Longreach way you can’t run sheep because of feral dog packs.
And yet I can’t get landowner permission to go dogging.
My firearms licence is due in early May, and it looks like the bastards are going to be able to confiscate $10K worth of my firearms and ammunition.
what state are you in good sir …if SA or Vic I might be able to help you out if you would be so kind as to help control pests on my land …. or failing me, is there another kind cat in the relevant jurisdiction?
Queensland, Flyinduk.
Barcaldine in particular, the Nicest Town in the middle of Queensland.
Winston, I have a property in Qld – up North, can do you a letter if you like?
The first recorded use of Dutch humour in a sentence.
Oh God! hahahahahahahah
For shame! The Dutch have a highly developed sense of humour when it comes to making money,and taking the Michael out of German tourists.
Especially about bicycles, for some historical reason.
Good quality video. They must have used a spit shield.
Dog owners, more so than the dogs themselves, that shit me.
The old missus and my daughter live in a small rural town. Cropping and sheep country. They have four cats, two of which (siblings) are Working Cats (mousers). They have beds on the deck and eat ALDI cat food. The other two are fluffy, poofy things that sleep inside and eat Fancy Feast etc.
This is a very succinct summing up of the legalities re Marchan, Fanni etc etc by a wonderfully experienced judge, Judge Joe Brown, a person worth listening to.
Here’s some nice art of the most horrible derg breed on the planet. They worm their way into your heart and stick there, long after they are gone.
Terrible animals.
Oh, okay. Failure to capture. Which is just like a Westie on the lam.
Back in soggy Brisbane from the frozen wasteland of Starmer’s Britain – and what do I find? The Cat has been hit by a tsunami of antidoggism.
This is not the Australia I knew…
Dr F, it’s only one Cat here that doesn’t like doggos. HE started it!
There is almost no known problem where the answer is “Woodstock cans”.
Sure there is.
Q: What do bums drink?
Q Before he set the chihuahua on fire and hit the old woman, what was he imbibing?
Q. What’s the one thing you don’t want to find in your daughter’s car?
Was this a survey of Muscovies and Mallards?
I’d made a wrong turn and ended up on Parramatta rd. Turned into the markets to check my phone for directions. As I waited to pull out a semi stopped, driver gave a whistle to a dog on the other side of the road. Dog runs across the road and jumps into the open door. Days later listening to 2GB a guy rings up and relates a story how they’d moved to Newcastle I think, and the dog took off back to their old house confirmed by new owners but hadn’t been able to grab the dog. He said he saw it outside the markets on Parramatta rd. Reunited after years missing.
Not all childless cat ladies are female.
California man says two of his cats died after drinking raw milk recalled for bird flu (Phys.org, 12 Jan)
At least since he’s giving raw milk to his cats he’s not vegan. But I would bet a lot of money that he votes for the Democrats.
Has he considered chest feeding them?
Aaaaaand here’s the problem.
Yep, he’s a Democrat.
What sort of raw milk was it?
Australia is so lucky.
Having two effeminate men representing it at the POTUS inauguration.
Some Labradors can be a bit cranky.
But I would venture that most nips from a Lab might involve the dog’s perception that there was an actual or threatened theft of food the dog had dibs on.
In Airstrip One the Climate and Nature Bill is a private members’ bill introduced by the greens, but slowly gathering liberal democrat and labour support.
The ultimate green wet dream, it’s a totally bonkers plan aimed at national ruination, except of course:
Ive run out of degreaser, what can I use now?
January 13, 2025 11:32 am
Australia is so lucky.
This is going to be soooo funny.
kd wong will be trying to look all surly and tough and might even do something to show Pally solidarity.
Kokoda Kev will be running around like a Jack Russell (more dog references) trying to get noticed and patted.
Brilliance Sir. Lineup here for your angel stamp.
Be careful of the Dyke’s Dyke however. I’m told that she carries a grudge when someone criticizes her um, you know, the other Dyke.
January 13, 2025 11:44 am
I wouldn’t be putting that shit on any equipment I owned.
But I fully respect those who choose to drink it.
So do I.
It means they’re ok with having the piss taken out of them.
…and You Gotta Cull the Cows Because Bird Flu in 3, 2, 1…
Hamburgers are killing the planet.
NYC Restaurants in Uproar Over “Absolutely Ridiculous” New Char Broiler Emissions Rule (12 Jan)
Not allowed to produce food in NYC that might be tasty.
In much the same way that one respects Shouty McPisstrousers, lying on the pavement clutching his bottle of orange ‘n meths and yelling at the grog-monsters.
“It’s OK to resist a colonial force by any means necessary”.
Segues nicely into
“Its ok to resist commie ticks by throwing them out of helicopters”.
This person needs to understand the colonial forces she whines about are all that stops her from taking a kooka stove for a dive off the continental shelf.
Telescopic violence, much like telescopic philanthropy is the refuge of the weak and mentally ill.
Being a coastal town we have a pretty much continuous stream of non-working young blokes who hang around doing a little dealing and stealing until the police move them on.
They like having big mean dogs (mine’s bigger than yours) that are often stolen from properties where they go illegal shooting.
The problem for our RSPCA is that when the ‘rsoles are booted out they dump their dogs.
It is amazing how often the RSPCA tracks down the original owners.
Poor beasts, it is disturbing to see a huge pig dog howling in terror when locked away in its cage.
We didn’t allow dogs on our property because of the snakes and thick scrub but plenty of folks in the district had dogs stolen and were woken by shooting. Stay inside was the police rule. How did they source and afford the ammunition?