Guest Post: Mem – The Ratchet Effect of Power-Price Increases

Take for example the agricultural industry. Any price increase in electricity impacts costs at every step in the supply chain – from grower/producer to manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer to consumer. As each step adds its extra fuel costs, so must the next step increase its prices to cover not only its own increased power bills, but those passed on to it by the previous step, if it is to remain viable. This is what I call “The Ratchet Effect”.

At the consumer end, household budgets are also affected by the increasing power bills, leaving less to spend on food, transport, health, clothing, services, maintenance and entertainment. This in turn adversely affects overall consumer demand and thus our economy as a whole suffers.

For small businesses the ratchet effect is a double whammy. Small businesses can’t readily absorb increased costs or pass these on to already financially stressed customers. Supermarkets on the other hand can push many costs back on suppliers and strategically manage retail prices across multiple lines to diffuse costs and maintain profit margins. But the ratchet effect inevitably spreads across all sectors pushing up prices and supressing demand at an ever-increasing rate.

As consumers we are meant to be grateful to the government for the fuel rebates. But this is a sleight-of-hand. It’s our money (tax) that the government is giving back to us. Rebates and subsidies serve to hide the real cost increases of moving to an electricity grid reliant on intermittent wind and solar power that has to be backed up by other more reliable sources. In reality we are paying for duplicate systems. One system that is a risky experiment to supposedly achieve the illusive and impossible fairyland target of net zero* and the other to keep the lights on.

The “Ratchet effect” is not going to go away any time soon unless we change our energy mix to achieve a more rational and affordable mix. We are bleeding businesses dry, wrecking our economy, rural landscapes and agricultural industries and diverting inordinate resources (virtually the equivalent of a war effort) on a poorly planned and vulnerable electricity grid that will need to be regularly replaced at an even greater cost in a decade or so. All for what? Has anyone told us by how much the world’s temperature will be reduced after this effort?

*Net Zero

In the author’s view Net Zero is a marketing slogan designed to sound concrete and authoritative but which is nevertheless nebulous and impossible to measure. If you look it up as a term it seems to mean many things to many people. Interestingly I found this reference very “enlightening”:

According to Earth.Org the only country to achieve Net Zero is Bhutan.

Bhutan is the world’s first carbon negative country. Mainly because of its extensive forests, covering 70% of the land, the Kingdom is able to absorb more carbon dioxide than it produces. How did Bhutan get here and how can the country be an example for the rest of the world? Bhutan is both the happiest and also the greenest country in the world. In the past 50 years, the Bhutanese government chose to measure progress beyond Gross Domestic Product (GDP), by focusing instead on the Gross National Happiness (GNH) and placing emphasis on environmental protection. GDP, a measure of an economy’s growth, is the standard unit to measure a nation’s economic strength between years. While traditional development models emphasise economic growth as the ultimate goal, the Gross National Happiness notion is based on the idea that human societies grow when material and spiritual development take place side by side to complement and strengthen one another.

So, there you go we are aiming for Gross National Happiness.

Note: Guest author Mem has a background in strategic planning, business development, agricultural supply chain management and marketing.

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 17, 2025 5:59 pm

We are being hollowed out, as are other countries following this madness – like the UK and Germany.

Climate Cult Update: China Begins to Sniff Around the Bones of Germany’s Empty Factories (16 Jan)

Chinese officials and automakers are eyeing German factories slated for closure and are particularly interested in Volkswagen’s sites, a person with knowledge of Chinese government thinking told Reuters.

To hammer the point home again about the primary cause of the death of the industrial giant that was Germany?

Green energy policies and chasing arbitrary NetZero mandate madness, all of which are under the microscope as the election draws ever closer.

China by contrast is building two new coal fired power stations per week. And is buying up as much of the distressed assets as they can that have been bankrupted by politicians driven insane by the climate brain disease.

Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
January 17, 2025 6:17 pm

Distressed assets plus the IP that goes with it. My dream is for the klimate kult to be swept away by the Trump tidal wave. Not likely I admit. I was on a research voyage in 2016 when Trump won. A husband and wife team took it pretty bad. Expats from the US. The wife was in our lab. Thankfully I was on the opposite shift. Their wailing could be heard in Davy Jones’s Locker. TDS is difficult to cure.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 17, 2025 7:53 pm
Reply to  Pete of Perth

Hopefully 4 years of climate realism will be enough to have the message sink in, plus 8 years of President JD Vance.
Fingers crossed!!!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 18, 2025 3:00 pm

Yay JD.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 17, 2025 7:54 pm

Thanks Mem.
Good ammo for me in my family “debates”.

January 17, 2025 9:41 pm

Thanks OSC. I wrote it for this very purpose. The ratchet effect of power price increases has, to my knowledge, never been seriously discussed by economists, policy makers or media. Perhaps because it is a little too rational.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 18, 2025 2:57 pm
Reply to  mem

This is what amazes me, that so many people fail to pick up on the flow-on effects of this sudden extra cost impost when every business has to cover it and lower profits or pass it on.

I simply cannot believe that people do not see this.

Perhaps they just don’t think about it at all. It’s easier to blame politicians and call for more socialism.

Pieces like Mem’s should be raised for discussion everywhere.

January 17, 2025 7:56 pm

Net Zero: In the author’s view Net Zero is a marketing slogan designed to sound concrete and authoritative but which is nevertheless nebulous and impossible to measure.

It is insane antiscientific unachievable collectivist bollocks which I started referring to as “net year zero” or more succinctly “year zero” many, many moons ago.

As with its kampuchean progenitor, there is an obvious intended outcome.

No prizes for guessing what it is.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 18, 2025 2:58 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Onya, Rabz. Great to hear you in such fine form. Good to be home.

January 18, 2025 12:19 am

And let’s not forget every price increase is a bit more tacked onto GST..

Not only do they make everything more expensive, they gouge more loot doing so.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 18, 2025 2:59 pm

Excellent observation.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 18, 2025 2:47 pm

Such a good short summary of the rachet effect issues, thanks Mem, and of how they can be differentially handed depending on whether one speaks of large business or small business. It is in the latter, the heart of the Australian employing economy, where the effect is hard to distribute around and hence so many small businesses are going to the wall.
Great work, Albo. Why don’t you just piss off?
(excuse me, language etc, I am just in from India, where this stuff is laughable).

As for Net Zero, and Bhutan, that is a crock of something that there is a lot of in India in the streets and in its blocked sewers and drains. I am sure many there, in their huge capacity for cognitive dissonance, would also see their country as spiritually one of the best in providing for National Happiness.

Bhutan has forests which the Net Zero equation fails to see provide just a small sequence in the important carbon cycle of life on earth. Vegetation absorbs CO2 and gives off O2, but vegetation too dies or drops its leaves seasonally and thus returns its stored CO2 to the atmosphere.

‘Carbon accounting’ is a complete fraud.

January 18, 2025 6:34 pm

Thanks for feedback Lizzie.

‘Carbon accounting’ is a complete fraud.

Earth.Org listed the next most carbon neutral/net zero country on its list below Bhutan as Tasmania! Apart from the fact Tasmania is not a country but a state, where does one start. Tassie is pretty well broke with few profitable industries and relies on tax handouts from the mainland of Aus. So who and why would we aspire to become like Tassie? Over to you Mr Bowen, Albo and Green fools.

January 18, 2025 3:07 pm

The ratchet effect of power price increases has, to my knowledge, never been seriously discussed by economists, policy makers or media. Perhaps because it is a little too rational.

Perhaps it’s because they aren’t interested in small business.

There was recently an article in the local paper about how a medium sized baker’s gas costs have increased to an eye watering level. And there’s more pain to come on that front, which means he’s on the brink of closing after nearly 40 years of operations.

Last edited 26 days ago by Roger
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 19, 2025 11:56 am

Nice piece, mem.

On the same vein (and completely missing from the public discussion) is the ratchet effect of the costs of externalities to renewables.

Disruption in supply chains due to power outages and avoidance of peak pricing.

Increased rates of spoilage.

Labour costs associated with managing intermittent power.

Infrastructure inefficiency.

Changes to fresh food distribution.

And so on.

It seems possible that Top Men have overlooked the full costs of transitioning to a Turd World economy.

January 19, 2025 7:33 pm

It is economic decapitalisation. Forget GDP or GNH, it is a process that reduces GDP per capita (i.e. per head). Hence, wealth per person decreases and prices increase (as we revert to less efficient energy production).

Politically it is anti-capitalist, designed to move away from market to state “solutions,” all of course in the name of the “common” good.

It amazes me that Australians are so naive and dumb. As a generalisation, they have sold out to statism and welfarism (i.e. theft by democratic vote), and do not think for themselves. They are willing to allow these de-growth net-zero pundits dictate an impoverished future.

January 20, 2025 6:21 pm

In reality we are paying for duplicate systems.

We are paying to be strip-searched: To have our comfort, confidence, and character taken from us, with humiliation the prime driver.

No dignity, just a dingle (or Not-a-dingle).

It’s ‘The Emperor’s Clothes’ parable.

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