No pardon? No problem. Turn state’s evidence and MAYBE you might be offered some clemency. The better testimony you provide, the better deal you might receive……………… I wouldn’t wait too long to volunteer though…
And in the cold, gloomy and wintry land known as England, where alas there is no Prince Arthur sleeping who can awaken from his slumber and come to the rescue of this once great nation, the Welsh choir boy who went on a murder spree in Southport, stabbing to death three little girls, injuring several other children and a teacher was, prior to his murder spree, known to the authorities all along. Prior to his murder spree of little girls attending a Taylor Swift party, Welsh choir boy, Axel Rudakubana, was referred to anti-terrorist government organisation Prevent three times for being a serious threat with known terrorist motivations.
Perhaps ‘Prevent” should now be named ‘Enable’ because that’s what it does, it doesn’t prevent Islamic terrorism, it enables Islamic terrorism.
A childcare has been firebombed in another antisemitic attack in Sydney’s east, despite police throwing extra resources at fighting crime against the Jewish community.
Emergency services were called to Storey Street in Maroubra to reports of a building fire about 1am on Tuesday, with firefighters extinguishing the blaze quickly.
However, the childcare sustained significant damage.
Police discovered antisemitic messages spray painted on a wall outside.
NSW plod don’t seem to be having much luck finding these people, even after that hooded chappie was spotted with a heroic beard.
You can have all the gadgets you want to do a job if the will is not there it will not happen. Minns knows he doesn’t have to face the people for another three years so he can sit back and give the state two middle fingers.
It’s a dangerous ploy. To date no one has been badly injured or killed. Once that happens Minns public support will take a battering and once the media get on board, will be hounded out of office.
Mims hounded by the media?
Don’t be too quick to assume that scenario – the media is more likely to castigate the dead and try to remove all blame from Minn. “The victim shouldn’t have been in that situation.”
The childcare centre attack is more likely to be a tobacco shop turf war target. Throw in a bit of graffiti and have the geniuses in plodland looking the wrong direction.
The dodgy middle eastern childcare system don’t like the faithful having other options.
Sky interviewing US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green.
Oh boy. TDS on full display. Apparently “Trump doesn’t have as a big a mandate as people think”. Okay. All three tiers of government plus a reasonably conservative Supreme Court.
But Mandate!
I hope all those tears are being channeled towards LA’s empty hydrants. Sadly a fortnight too late.
The second bottom photo of the First Lady as she ponders the punishment of the FBI operatives who amused themselves going through her lingerie collection.
During the telecast I was shouting at the tv “move them along quickly” as the Pence children had to walk past the ex-Sniffer in Chief.
Nanny and parents did exactly that, leaving the demented husk sniffing at air.
Sancho Panzer
January 21, 2025 8:13 am
January 21, 2025 7:47 am
Sky interviewing US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green.
Oh boy. TDS on full display. Apparently “Trump doesn’t have as a big a mandate as people think”.
Translation – “The Swamp does not approve”.
Okay. All three tiers of government plus a reasonably conservative Supreme Court.
Don’t forget the Poplar Vote.
Which was just so critical in 2016.
To the point that Dimocrat States started a push to make that the primary determination of how electoral college votes should be cast.
That push has gone strangely quiet.
Melania Trump hails from Eastern Europe. She’s a Slavic Goddess. She’s smart and she knows her history. Remember this, she had her wardrobe and underwear drawer rifled over by FBI agents in 2022. She will not forgive that travesty anytime soon. I know I wouldn’t.
She is.
She’s having a big sook up about ‘betrayal’.
January 21, 2025 8:39 am
I’m seeing conflicting reports of Adam Schiff getting a pardon.
Did he get one?
If he did, was it a preemptive & blanket pardon?
If so, how TF can he continue to serve in the Senate?
3AW/6PR’s Karalee Katsambanis (who seems to have a good head on her shoulders) is in the US and went to the inauguration. Her one-the-ground account is here (audio 8:17):
The downfall was when Clement Attlee was elected PM in 1945. Everything Labour or Labor touches they f**k. Why upon why do people keep voting for failure. This morning watching the inauguration left me feeling hollow. If The Donald gets half the the things done that he wants we have a chance but the scum are so far embedded it will take years to remove their influence. In mean time we have the aussie biden in Luigi the Unflushable, so useless and as someone called him, snivel. My wife saw him last night on sky and said, “look at him snivel”, and she doesn’t follow politics, but is now paying a little more attention.
The correlation between the election of the Attlee communists and Starmer’s stalinists is striking.
Both fell into office as a result of the people being fed up with the incumbents.
Both falsly believed that they had a mandate and immediately commenced to impose ideologicaly alien policies that failed but some of which, notably the NHS, continue to create chaos.
Bill Slim claimed that the reason why service personnel almost universily voted against Churchill was because of the outrageous manner in which they were treated by Churchill’s elites. The same could be said for the Tories and the lower middle classes.
They came perilously close to mid-winter blackouts the week before last.
The government is broke and can’t fully fund the NHS or even council roadworks nor can it borrow any more money to do so, which means hiking taxes is the only resort.
Prisons are overcrowded.
The channel border crossing is open to exploitation by criminal gangs & illegals.
This Jan 6th committee blanket pardon is fascinating.
It might keep the legal experts busy.
Ie, how many people can claim to be covered.
It’s for “members & staff” of the committee.
Members: The panel’s members included Sen. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who was then a House member; former Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Elaine Luria, D-Va., and Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.; and current Reps. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.
And how many people will claim to be a staff member in some way shape or form.
I delivered their printer paper.
I was the IT guy.
I took the uber eats from the front desk to the committee room.
January 21, 2025 9:07 am
No doubt those of you who have sky news have seen the ads for a hose that extends with water pressure and resists kinking. 3 months later the Chunks have stolen the IP and are now flogging them off for $20.
Put a 50% import duty on them and reimburse the holder of the patent.
January 21, 2025 9:07 am
I need to ask around and do some research.
Who is this independent Suzie Holt who is running in Groom?
Lots of billboards and TV advertising.
Anyone got any Intel? Who is funding her?
January 21, 2025 9:07 am
More prez pardon questions:
Shirley the crime(s) must be specified? yes/no?
Is there a precedent for unspecified crime pardons?
January 21, 2025 9:13 am
The women all looked gorgeous. Ushu was marvellous in pink this morning.
Last edited 23 days ago by Rosie
Bear Necessities
January 21, 2025 9:21 am
The arrest photo of the Southport Killer has to be the worst PR photo ever for any politician given what Starmer has said and done since the killings. The only thing Starmer has on his side at the moment is 4.5 years until the next election.
Starner won’t make it to the next UK general election. He is such a vote killer the Faceless Men will make him an offer he can’t refuse in the next couple of years. Keep an eye on municipal council elections for the timing of Starmer’s departure.
Bear, that’s all he needs to bring GB to its knees.
January 21, 2025 9:22 am
What a smashing inauguration speach by Trump
January 21, 2025 9:23 am
Earlier, I had seen on Sky that Milley Vanilli’s portrait had been taken down within 2 hours of the Inauguration. Such a great start to my day. It felt even better when it was stated that said portrait had only been hung ten days earlier. Haw!
Trumps team really need to push ahead with the law that Generals may NOT work for any Arms or Defence industries for ten years post retirement. Also, every last one of them must have their Security Clearance revoked asap.
A good start has been made with the suspension of Security Clearances of the 51 turds who stated that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda.
But oddly the Government has provided absolutely no details of how the scheme is actually going to operate – other than $2 billion will be allocated over 10 years, on some unknown basis, per tonne of primary aluminium made with renewable electricity.
Equally oddly, there doesn’t seem to be any media or political eyebrows raised about this huge number being casually dropped on the election table without any supporting information.
So, let’s extract some.
Firstly, the Green Aluminium Production Credit scheme is a response to the industry threatening to shut down in Australia because of the massive cost burden of renewable electricity and the unwillingness of renewable players to come to the table with abundant, ‘too cheap to meter’ power for a solid baseload customer.
In 2017 Tomago smelter had a near death experience when it was curtailed for 4 hours due to a shortage of electricity in NSW (aluminium smelters without electricity freeze, and that’s it). As a result the company (and the industry as a whole) spent years trying to position itself as a prime customer to attract the hoards of renewables investors apparently itching to deliver cheap and abundant power – with Tomago promising Net Zero by 2035.
To no avail. The Renewables Robber Barons are not interested; cheap power is for other people, renewables entrepreneurs are only interested in maximising returns by trading on the bleeding edge of the NEM, where power is most profitably expensive.
The result: a panicked $2 billion subsidy to prop up Albanese’s tottering Made in Australia and Net Zero policies and deflect the problem during the election.
It’s a big number but, despite the lack of detail, how far can $2 billion go spread across 10 years?
Firstly, remember the old maxim that ‘aluminium is solid electricity’. It takes about 140MWhr of electricity to produce one tonne of primary aluminium (“primary aluminium” is produced from bauxite ore, as opposed to recycled scrap metal).
Australia produces about 1.5 million tonnes of aluminium per annum – so around 15 million tonnes over 10 years.
Assuming that everyone plays and that $2 billion is spread evenly over 10 years from 2028 when the scheme kicks in, this subsidy equates to around $133 per tonne ($2 bn divided by 15 million) – or about 95 cents/MWhr of input electricity.
Assuming the $2 billion is spread over, say a measly 10% of total aluminium produced with renewable electricity, this expands to a subsidy of $9.50/MWhr.
With average east coast NEM power prices now running between $140 and $210 per MWhr (currently heavily subsidised by coal baseload) there is something terribly wrong if $9.50 makes even a token renewable push viable. Particularly given that Australia’s aluminium competitors are working with electricity prices in the $50 to $80/MWhr range (actually way less in China).
I could easily be wrong, but without details, it’s hard to see this as a roadmap to the Sunny Uplands of Made in Australia.
But no doubt Top Men have thought all this through.
Well put. Be mindful that Renewables get lots of subsidies, but they also get regulatory benefits. While AEMO say they are “semi despatchable” that is crap especially for wind. Retailers are also forced to purchase increasing amounts of renewables each year or be fined. Interesting they are sometimes better off being fined. That said the bid prices for electricilty fall below zero, quite a bit. This doesnt harm Coal or gas who sell hedges, but it does harm unhedged renewables.
That said the bid prices for electricilty fall below zero, quite a bit. This doesnt harm Coal or gas who sell hedges, but it does harm unhedged renewables.
?Sub-zero pricing is usually triggered by high levels of off-peak rooftop generation. The same periodic oversupply phenomenon which is now restricting the rollout of large scale renewables.
The Robber Barons don’t want price competition – or to invest in storage while dispatchable baseload still exists.
Depending on how you shelled out and how much renewable smelting that attracted, $30 billion over 10 years to 15 million tonnes of ‘Green Aluminium’ could mean a subsidy of as little as $15/MWhr.
To a horrid cynic, It’s quite conceivable that this is why there’s no detail provided.
In any event, it’s all waaay over the budget horizon. So, with a dozy opposition and complacent media, they can say whatever they want.
Premier Roger Cook promises to address youth crime in Geraldton by targeting repeat offenders under 10Jessica MoroneyGeraldton Guardian
Tue, 21 January 2025 2:00AM
Offenders between the ages of five and nine who currently slip through the cracks of the justice system will be targeted in a trial program under a re-elected Labor Government.
While in Geraldton on Friday, Premier Roger Cook and Police Minister Paul Papalia promised to invest almost $8 million into this initiative if they are voted back into government.
The Premier and Minister were in town to announce a number of election commitments, including releasing WA Labor’s Vision for Geraldton, which pledges to boost housing supply, provide cost of living relief, and invest in healthcare.
If re-elected, a Labor Government will also launch a pilot program in Geraldton and Perth that will target vulnerable children under the age of 10 who are often caught up in crime but are below the age of criminal responsibility, therefore let go by police into the community without punishment.
The $7.8 million On Track to Thrive program will be trialled, with the departments of Justice, Communities, Education and Health working together to steer children onto the right path by providing intervention and programs where there are currently none.
Mr Papalia said Geraldton would be the focus of the pilot program, ensuring youth who were met regularly with police were not left to their own devices.
“Agencies will be engaging with support providers to bring together a comprehensive response and do something about the five to nine-year-olds who currently offend, are picked up by police, and at the moment, receive no intervention,” he said.
The State Government will invest another $2.1 million to bring the Youth Engagement Program, operated by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA, to Geraldton, providing culturally secure bail support services for youth between the age of 10 and 17.
Hopefully one to assist the cultural security of the rest of the community with lots of excellently multicultural Singapore police and prison guards on secondment bringing their excellently multicultural canes.
It’s an excuse for the legal/police system, tasked with keeping lorenorder in the community to sit on their fat, padded airconditioned, arses, and do Jack shit.
Does that answer your question?
My guess is released to report to Aunty who will be required to stump up the equivalent of two boomerangs or such if little dodger blots his paper bark.
While in Geraldton on Friday, Premier Roger Cook and Police Minister Paul Papalia promised to invest almost $8 million into this initiative if they are voted back into government.
Why not do it now? They are the government so there is nothing stopping them. What’s more, they would have a record to run on instead of just promises. I have a suspicion that they have no intention of doing anything about it, it’s all just pre-election spin.
January 21, 2025 9:34 am
NSW plod don’t seem to be having much luck finding these people, even after that hooded chappie was spotted with a heroic beard.
Seven arrests to date according to the ABC today with a woman from Liverpool being the latest.
Why aren’t these arrests attracting more news coverage?
Presumably because the authorities don’t want to excite a reaction from a certain quarter.
Didn’t the DemonRats, leftards in general and the MSM (BIRM) go ballistic a few years ago, when a mock gallows was brought to an anti-government protest in DC?
The day care centre is located 200 metres from Maroubra synagogue which also has a day care centre. I believe the attack is deliberate, they wanted to target the synagogue but they picked the wrong site.
I see both the Slug and the Pretty Boy have turned up for a photo op this morning.
Meanwhile, the Ed the Islamist has said this morning….
Industry Minister Ed Husic, the nation’s most senior Muslim minister, said the anti-Semitic attack was “such a low-life act”.
Mr Husic said it was “really important” to tackle anti-Semitism as well as to see a “drop in Islamophobia”.
Some questions for Ed the Islamist….
Pray, tell me where suburbs with large number of Muslims living in them have been targeted with Islamophobia graffiti such as “kill Muslims’?
Pray, tell me where a mosque has been torched and graffitied, like Ripponlea, like the attempted torching of Newtown Shul?
Pray, tell me where numerous cars in suburbs where lots of Muslims live have been torched?
Pray, tell me where and when a Jewish rabbi has compared Muslims to ‘apes” and told his/her congregants to go ‘find and kill Muslims”.
Pray, tell me Ed the Islamist, where this so called ‘Islamophobia” is?
That’s right, Ed the Islamist, the Slug and Pretty Boy are gaslighting and lying.
We need a change in government in this country, desperately.
January 21, 2025 9:54 am
Prelim intel on Suzie Holt
Ran last election under Teal colours. Leftie.
No teal colour on ads this time. Maybe the brand is on the nose?
More later. My source is checking further.
Someone did make a good point that since biden is brain dead his pardons can be challenged. I think they still have the imprimatur of the POTUS even if the old shit is brain dead but it would be a fun process to challenge his pardons of these grubs on the basis he was legally non compos mentos.
Biden is just a husk.
As I stated four years ago, he would see out his term because the machine needed him to be there.
No Biden to turn favours into cash, no cash, no machine.
He didn’t know half the stuff he was signing at the end.
I wish him a long and happy life.
But I am fairly sure it will be neither.
It is these political machines that are to blame.
The need by politicians at all levels for stupendous amounts of cash in order to obtain offices which return salaries in no way worth the outlay. Of course there is a parallel stream of cash with many beaks taking a share.
The game is fundamentally crooked.
When the donors interests largely align with the citizens interests, the political machines can roll on serving a greater purpose.
In a globalised world where the donors interests lie largely elsewhere, something external has to disrupt the political machines.
That thing, imperfect, was Trump.
Deglobalisation is the cure to the misalignment of the political machines with citizens interests.
The DOJ investigator into his stash of classified documents concluded that he was not mentally competent to stand trial.
How, then, can he sign legal documents? It would be fun to watch the leftard reaction to a challenge.
January 21, 2025 10:07 am
Noticed the pianist at the Capitol played one of my favourite hymns just before the arrival of the new VP. Great is Thy Faithfulness. Composed by a Kentucky boy.
Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee.
Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
As thou hast been, thou forever wilt be.
One that I have sung to myself many…many times during life’s hardships and battles.
I’ve asked for that hymn (without the modern bowslerised lyrics!) at my funeral.
January 21, 2025 10:16 am
Seven arrests to date according to the ABC today with a woman from Liverpool being the latest.
Refused bail and appearing in Liverpool court today, btw.
Initial charges as reported by ABC:
“participate criminal group, contribute criminal activity, accessory before the fact to destroy or damage property, and be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner.”
Brits Emigrate For ‘Better Future’ As Country Under Labour Plunges
There’s two sides to this one, Indolent. The rich and connected are leaving, taking their money and skills with them. The poor are left behind in the squalid mess they’ve created.
They must be feeling very betrayed by the Communist government they’re left with.
The rich and connected will bring their lunatic philosophies to their new homes and recreate the mess they fled.
The poor will have to sort out what they have inherited, like the parents who come home after a weekend away and find the teenage kids have destroyed the home and moved out to avoid the anger of the parents.
Not to mention the mid-career middle class folk with a mortgage & kids in school. They are under attack from Starmer with higher taxes, including the VAT on school fees.
January 21, 2025 10:30 am
Great that VP J D Vance belatedly removed his 3 small distracting kids from the dais.
So wonderful to hear President Trump and his “to do” list and to watch the pagentry, “help me out” Carrie Underwood, Christopher Macchio and the bands. What a day. Are you tired of winning yet?
The result is cringing; but provides an amusing insight into what butt-hurt leftists think is a powerful rebuttal – and the tedious shite that passes for analysis.
January 21, 2025 10:37 am
Haha. Barron Trump has inherited his old man’s showmanship. Introduced by DJT, Barron cupped his ear to the crowd as if to say, “I can’t hear the applause”.
Barron was the teenage polling genius who told dad which millenial podcasters to talk to get the youth vote — which Trump won by 36 percentage points.
Look for Barron Trump as a mover and shaker in American politics in the 2030s and beyond.
I remember the first Wtestlemania and the crowd booing Mr Wonderfuul – hilarious – who can boo some one with a name like that
January 21, 2025 10:40 am
Seven arrests to date according to the ABC today with a woman from Liverpool being the latest. Why aren’t these arrests attracting more news coverage?
Yes – I wasn’t aware of them. Minns et al are between a rock and a hard place – they are becoming very aware (thanks to the unflinching coverage by The Australian) of the rising tide of anger re the anti-Semitic terrorist attacks. But they are also, despicably, anxious not to lose the Pallie voters to prospective homegrown Pallie candidates at the next election.
There have been a number of machinations and ground-shifting concerning relevant laws that cover the vile acts (including the year long weekly Pallie demos) that have been only fleetingly referred to in the press.
Both federal and state governments have been dragged, and shamed, into a response to the anti-Semitism that has been growing for over a year. It won’t save Labor at the next federal election, and I suspect that the shine has long gone off Minns. probably also in Victoria – but then, that state seems impervious to sane policy.
The media is very stupid not telling us about these arrests, because the great unwashed are continuing to think that nothing is being done, and they are not happy. So Albo is not kicking goals.
No, it’s just another ‘inquiry’ for the gullible, and the muslims are VERY aware of the game being played.
January 21, 2025 10:45 am
Watching the pomp and elegance of the inaugeration I thought that one of the cleaning staff had found a spare seat and plonked herself down.
I was wrong. It was the Australian Foreign Minister. Lemon sucking countenance and Newtown dyke dress.
Labor never learn. I was reminded of a parade I attended where the magnificant Marine Corps guard was inspected by Robert Ray’s huge gut. I didn’t speak to anyone in case they picked me for an Aussie.
In all the years that I worked in Europe there was a constant stream of Aust pollies and public servants who displayed an insular arrogance. A belief that coming from a superior culture they need make no concessions to their hosts’ sensibilities.
It is the putrid and now dangerous Canberra culture.
The lack of a strong response to the Opera House disgrace brought us here.
And this goes deeper than antisemitism, as disturbing as that is. To reprise what I wrote yesterday, our authorities have utterly failed to grasp the challenges Islam presents.
Plus agents provocateurs from the deep state (not mentioning any institutional names) and the infamous Epps.
January 21, 2025 10:55 am
Yes it’s wonderful to see. I really thought the ‘rats were going to cheat their way back. The old perv’s pre-emptive pardons means the these creeps are guilty guilty guilty. Fauci, Cheney etc etc.
Some of my friends’ ardent support of government mandated jabs and lockdowns is starting to waver.
i.e. what is Fauci, the architect of pandemic responses, guilty of?
Have we had it wrong all along?
I can’t help but smile and help them waver even more.
Dr Faustus
January 21, 2025 10:56 am
To reprise what I wrote yesterday, our authorities have utterly failed to grasp the challenges Islam presents.
Not only that, our authorities have placed serious barriers in front of public discussion of those challenges.
January 21, 2025 10:57 am
Having the families of Oct 7th hostages on stage should tell the Hamas universe that this guy aint like the previous guy.
January 21, 2025 10:58 am
Rubio 99-0 by the senate according to Fox.
When was the last time a Sec State was all done so soon in the piece?
Bruce of Newcastle
January 21, 2025 11:01 am
Minns et al are between a rock and a hard place – they are becoming very aware (thanks to the unflinching coverage by The Australian) of the rising tide of anger re the anti-Semitic terrorist attacks.
As New South Wales Police investigate an antisemitic attack on a Sydney daycare, Premier Chris Minns has argued current laws and the presence of officers are enough to address the incident without invoking a terrorism designation.
Anneliese Neilson on Sky : We don’t know what’s in these executive orders.
1) We kind of do, because he just said what was in at least some of them.
2) We would know more if you & your boof heads on Sky didnt talk over the top of each order’s description as they were being signed.
For sure Lizzie. Thank goodness for the internet. They still give me the pip though.
Last edited 23 days ago by Miltonf
January 21, 2025 11:12 am
January 21, 2025 9:22 am
What a smashing inauguration speach by Trump
Yep, straight out of the gate “The golden age of America begins right now”.
“The scales of justice will be re-balanced”
“…for many years a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens…”
With the corrupt, scheming, ugly and vain pieces of human garbage forced to sit there while he time and again rubbed their contemptible faces into the shit sandwich they created.
I watched it on the Oz website just after 3am and it was balm to my aching ears which had woken me up.
January 21, 2025 11:13 am
And with the flourish of the pen, America is cleansing itself of the Biden nightmare.
The puppet Biden presidency — and the stolen 2020 election — are finally behind America.
Never forget that elections — especially stolen elections — have consequences.
And Biden’s Praetorean Guard — 99.9% of the global news media, including Australia’s — still routinely insists in “news” stories there was no evidence of electoral fraud in 2020, even though Biden officially received more votes (81 million) than any president in history after his party forbade him from campaigning.
Not only that, our authorities have placed serious barriers in front of public discussion of those challenges.
An upside to Australia having one or more Islamist political parties, which looks to be just around the corner if not already here, will be that a critique of their agendas will be protected political speech.
Last edited 23 days ago by Roger
January 21, 2025 11:34 am
Mr. President, what do you intend to do about the ME inbreds who held citizens of Israel and the USA hostage?
When was the last time a Sec State was all done so soon in the piece?
I parse this as the Senate bending the knee to the Regime’s (or at the very least the faction within the Regime that came to dominate in 2024) decision to back Trump.
January 21, 2025 11:38 am
bons January 21, 2025 10:45 am
Watching the pomp and elegance of the inaugeration I thought that one of the cleaning staff had found a spare seat and plonked herself down. I was wrong. It was the Australian Foreign Minister. Lemon sucking countenance and Newtown dyke dress.
I saw a terrific pic of those two “distinguished” delegates (of whom I’m totally ashamed) sitting in the audience with expressions on their faces that looked like they had sucked down a complete lemon grove seasoned with arsenic. I don’t know if it was real or photoshopped and can’t find it again on fb. If anyone has a link to it I’d love to have a copy.
kd has long been among the worst of the worst. Trapped on the red leather lest she do a KK I expect we’ll see the last of this RGR deadwood in the next go round. Truly a Mean Girl.
The made-for-TV choreography (POTUS47 being handed executive orders by an underling while batting away questions from mostly hostile reporters) is stunning and a world of difference from POTUS45’s chaotic election aftermath.
Trump is not only a master of the media industrial complex still trying to destroy him, but now also a master of governing under hostile incoming fire.
The symbolism of eliminating 80 Biden initiatives on Day 1 by Executive Order is beautiful. Not sure the policy lurches are in the national interest, but who cares. Take note Lieborals.
January 21, 2025 11:59 am
Am watching the press observing the signing of Executive actions – total free discussion of topic after topic, open communication, Trump cannot have slept for days ?? simply amazing.
He has extraordinary stamina but will definitely need a few days rest by Wednesday. For him, I suspect this means some family time and a game of golf. He’s not the sort who winds down completely. We don’t need him to succumb to whatever bug is around like the one that got me recently.
As Sydneysiders woke to an extraordinary escalation in the “atrocious” anti-Semitic violence gripping the city, the state’s three most powerful law officials were all on leave.
Do your bleeping jobs. It’s because you haven’t been doing your jobs that we are in this antisemitism crisis.
It’s not an antisemitism crisis, BoN.
It’s a continuation of the violent muslim war against every other religion on the planet that was forecast years ago when Fraser let in the muslims from the middle east.
It’s a crisis, because the Left have gone full on antisemite. There’re more of the latter in Australia than of indescribable special people.
January 21, 2025 12:23 pm
Trump is correct: pardons are confessions of guilt. By pardoning members of Biden’s family and members of the J6 committee, Joe Biden he is admitting their guilt.
On Instapundit today there’s a tweet from a J6 guy who is being let out after 4 years and 4 days without even a trial.
An unconstitutionally held political prisoner. All you need to know about the foul regime that has just slunk back into its hole. I hope he can put his life back together.
The global company rumoured to be leading bids to develop one of Labor’s controversial offshore wind zones has quietly deleted references to the project from its website.
It’s the windfarm precinct off Woolongong. There’s no chance that it would be economic. Wind operators all over the world are dumping offshore projects like rotting garbage lately as the financials don’t make sense.
January 21, 2025 1:10 pm
Of the 13.5 GW of wind Farm nominal plate Capacity. Only 1 GW is currently being produced. Therein lies the problem.
Fat chance; I can’t see even a LNP government doing that.
Bungonia Bee
January 21, 2025 1:13 pm
Trump is having a full day and isn’t finished yet. His session of signing Executive Orders at the White House while simultaneously holding a press conference at about 8pm was incredible. I can’t recall any president since WW2 being able to do this on any day, which means at all, let alone one so stacked with appointments and emotional baggage.
Already, since being inaugurated only hours ago, Donald Trump has signed executive orders withdrawing the US from Paris, from WHO, and he’s pardoned the January 6 ‘rioters’…plus much more.
Meanwhile, the forked tongue slug and his pretty boy premier talk, talk and talk.
Lucky America.
Not so lucky Oz.
Bungonia Bee
January 21, 2025 1:15 pm
The craven US MSM are still at it, despite their ratings going over the falls.
In mid-January of 2025, the Cochise County Counter Narcotics and Trafficking Alliance (CNTA) assisted Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Burau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) with an investigation leading to the seizure of 10,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition and 19,640 rounds of 7.62×39 ammunition.
In the aftermath of the shocking attack this morning on the Maroubra day care centre centre, to all Cats here in Sydney, if you’re up to it, please come. This has been called at the last minute, it is for both Jews and non-Jews, a ‘call to action‘ this evening, at 6.00 p.m. outside NSW Parliament House, at the top of Martin Place.
‘Since October 9th 2023, the Australian Jewish community have been experiencing an onslaught of anti-Semitism. From escalating rhetoric in workplaces, schools and community groups, to discrimination in the workplace, frequent threats, to isolated assault incidents and to now outright regular arson attacks on our community and neighbours.
Meanwhile the Australian federal government has not done enough and continues to ignore community members, the anti-Semitism envoy and other experts on anti-Semitism.
Late this afternoon, both Jewish and non-Jewish Australians will have a joint protest against the federal government outside NSW Parliament. We will….
not block roadsnot block the footpathnot make excessive noiseA conflict in the Middle East SHOULD NOT result in targeted arson, daily anti-Semitic graffiti and other attacks on the Jewish and surrounding communities which continue to escalate by the day.
Last edited 23 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
January 21, 2025 1:38 pm
I am waiting for President Trump to withdraw from the UN with no further funding and tell them to get out of the United States. Fauci claiming immunity in effect is saying he was guilty of a hideous crime. Why would you fund the crap.
WHat has happened is that the democrats are such weasels that if they were in power and a Republican was in Fauci’s postion, they would find a way to use the DOJ to indict that person. They thus project and think that Trump will do the same sort of thing they would do. Trump would not. That is why he was the better candidate and is worthy of office.
She can delete her socials any time she likes and live in the real world. Indeed I think I’d recommend it, she sounds like she is in a bad way mentally because of them.
So a social media “star” and podcaster spends years building the biggest online presence she can; then seeks more publicity because she has so much publicity it is distressing?
Complete bullshit – all she had to do was toss her phone in a bin and find a real, anonymous job.
Musk is the last best hope for Europe’s survival
Two powerful theories emerge about Biden’s pardon of Fauci, Cheney, Milley etc…
The Bee outdoing itself.
With TikTok Ban, Americans Now Only Being Spied On By Pentagon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Samsung, Doorbell, Toaster
Biden Administration Makes 11th-Hour Moves To Sabotage Trump Department Of Homeland Security
Vindman feels left out.
‘Betrayal’: Wife Of Witness Against Trump Says She’s Extremely Upset Her Family Didn’t Get Pardon From Biden
From the comments:
Trump says he will sign an executive order to stop government censorship, bring back free speech
And in the cold, gloomy and wintry land known as England, where alas there is no Prince Arthur sleeping who can awaken from his slumber and come to the rescue of this once great nation, the Welsh choir boy who went on a murder spree in Southport, stabbing to death three little girls, injuring several other children and a teacher was, prior to his murder spree, known to the authorities all along. Prior to his murder spree of little girls attending a Taylor Swift party, Welsh choir boy, Axel Rudakubana, was referred to anti-terrorist government organisation Prevent three times for being a serious threat with known terrorist motivations.
Perhaps ‘Prevent” should now be named ‘Enable’ because that’s what it does, it doesn’t prevent Islamic terrorism, it enables Islamic terrorism.
Vale England.
The bastards knew who and what he was from the get go. Then lied and lied about him. Hope he gets a shiv in prison.
Unfortunately he is likely to be protected inside by some proper naughty boys of an Islamic persuasion.
Another firebombing.
Hate speech graffitied on Maroubra childcare wall and building set alight in another antisemitic attack in Sydney’s east (Sky News, 21 Jan)
NSW plod don’t seem to be having much luck finding these people, even after that hooded chappie was spotted with a heroic beard.
You can have all the gadgets you want to do a job if the will is not there it will not happen. Minns knows he doesn’t have to face the people for another three years so he can sit back and give the state two middle fingers.
It’s a dangerous ploy. To date no one has been badly injured or killed. Once that happens Minns public support will take a battering and once the media get on board, will be hounded out of office.
Mims hounded by the media?
Don’t be too quick to assume that scenario – the media is more likely to castigate the dead and try to remove all blame from Minn. “The victim shouldn’t have been in that situation.”
The childcare centre attack is more likely to be a tobacco shop turf war target. Throw in a bit of graffiti and have the geniuses in plodland looking the wrong direction.
The dodgy middle eastern childcare system don’t like the faithful having other options.
In other news, Black Belt Barrister looks at the Southport trial.
Also: Accurate language is important.
Sky interviewing US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green.
Oh boy. TDS on full display. Apparently “Trump doesn’t have as a big a mandate as people think”. Okay. All three tiers of government plus a reasonably conservative Supreme Court.
But Mandate!
I hope all those tears are being channeled towards LA’s empty hydrants. Sadly a fortnight too late.
from memory John Howard funded this mob?
US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green
I think it was Mark Latham, back in 2016, who accurately renamed this centre the…..‘USeless Studies Centre’
Right, so they’re now firebombing day care centres.
How’s that soshul coheshun going?
Nice to see that designers flocked to dress Melania and the Trump girls, unlike in January 2017 when they were given collective freeze.
Melania looked sensational.
I bet she didn’t wear American designers who gave her the cold shoulder. I think it was D&G that outfitted her the first time.
This time Vance’s wife wore Oscar de la Renta yesterday.
God bless the United States of America.
ELON MUSK: “This was no ordinary victory. This was a fork in the road of human civilization.”
Inauguration Day in Pictures | Power Line
The second bottom photo of the First Lady as she ponders the punishment of the FBI operatives who amused themselves going through her lingerie collection.
During the telecast I was shouting at the tv “move them along quickly” as the Pence children had to walk past the ex-Sniffer in Chief.
Nanny and parents did exactly that, leaving the demented husk sniffing at air.
Translation – “The Swamp does not approve”.
Don’t forget the Poplar Vote.
Which was just so critical in 2016.
To the point that Dimocrat States started a push to make that the primary determination of how electoral college votes should be cast.
That push has gone strangely quiet.
So are we pruning the poplars?
Melania Trump hails from Eastern Europe. She’s a Slavic Goddess. She’s smart and she knows her history. Remember this, she had her wardrobe and underwear drawer rifled over by FBI agents in 2022. She will not forgive that travesty anytime soon. I know I wouldn’t.
Jack Smith & co did not receive a pardon.
Neither did any of the Vindman cartel.
That we know of.
Rachel Vindman has bee whining about that error! hah.
She is.
She’s having a big sook up about ‘betrayal’.
I’m seeing conflicting reports of Adam Schiff getting a pardon.
Did he get one?
If he did, was it a preemptive & blanket pardon?
If so, how TF can he continue to serve in the Senate?
Leave him alone!
Having a balloon head balanced on a pencil neck is not a crime.
many..many lols
I am certain Fanni and Bragg could make it one if schitt was of the wrong political persuasion
Explain to me how preemptive unspecified crime pardons work.
If a loon murders someone after receiving a prez pardon is he automatically pardoned?
i think the pardon only covers while Biden is President, ie anything they do from midday on is not exempt.
most of today’s pardons are backdated to the 1st of January 2014.
3AW/6PR’s Karalee Katsambanis (who seems to have a good head on her shoulders) is in the US and went to the inauguration. Her one-the-ground account is here (audio 8:17):
“It’s A Tragedy” | Brits Emigrate For ‘Better Future’ As Country Under Labour Plunges
The downfall was when Clement Attlee was elected PM in 1945. Everything Labour or Labor touches they f**k. Why upon why do people keep voting for failure. This morning watching the inauguration left me feeling hollow. If The Donald gets half the the things done that he wants we have a chance but the scum are so far embedded it will take years to remove their influence. In mean time we have the aussie biden in Luigi the Unflushable, so useless and as someone called him, snivel. My wife saw him last night on sky and said, “look at him snivel”, and she doesn’t follow politics, but is now paying a little more attention.
The correlation between the election of the Attlee communists and Starmer’s stalinists is striking.
Both fell into office as a result of the people being fed up with the incumbents.
Both falsly believed that they had a mandate and immediately commenced to impose ideologicaly alien policies that failed but some of which, notably the NHS, continue to create chaos.
Bill Slim claimed that the reason why service personnel almost universily voted against Churchill was because of the outrageous manner in which they were treated by Churchill’s elites. The same could be said for the Tories and the lower middle classes.
Britain’s greatest challenge is “Islamophobia” according to Herr Starmer.
He said that?
They came perilously close to mid-winter blackouts the week before last.
The government is broke and can’t fully fund the NHS or even council roadworks nor can it borrow any more money to do so, which means hiking taxes is the only resort.
Prisons are overcrowded.
The channel border crossing is open to exploitation by criminal gangs & illegals.
One could go on…but you get the picture.
Rape gangs, bus bombings, childcare stabbings etc etc.
It’s not a phobia. WTF is irrational about it?
James Morrow on Sky.
Biden pardons a ‘great admission’ that the ‘swamp’ was up to no good
This Jan 6th committee blanket pardon is fascinating.
It might keep the legal experts busy.
Ie, how many people can claim to be covered.
It’s for “members & staff” of the committee.
The panel’s members included Sen. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who was then a House member; former Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Elaine Luria, D-Va., and Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.; and current Reps. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.
And how many people will claim to be a staff member in some way shape or form.
I delivered their printer paper.
I was the IT guy.
I took the uber eats from the front desk to the committee room.
No doubt those of you who have sky news have seen the ads for a hose that extends with water pressure and resists kinking. 3 months later the Chunks have stolen the IP and are now flogging them off for $20.
Trump has the right answer for them, tariffs on everything from China regardless of whether bought in an Australian store or online.
Put a 50% import duty on them and reimburse the holder of the patent.
I need to ask around and do some research.
Who is this independent Suzie Holt who is running in Groom?
Lots of billboards and TV advertising.
Anyone got any Intel? Who is funding her?
More prez pardon questions:
Shirley the crime(s) must be specified? yes/no?
Is there a precedent for unspecified crime pardons?
The women all looked gorgeous. Ushu was marvellous in pink this morning.
The arrest photo of the Southport Killer has to be the worst PR photo ever for any politician given what Starmer has said and done since the killings. The only thing Starmer has on his side at the moment is 4.5 years until the next election.
But that’s a BIG thing. In 4.5 years the docile Brits will forget.
Starner won’t make it to the next UK general election. He is such a vote killer the Faceless Men will make him an offer he can’t refuse in the next couple of years. Keep an eye on municipal council elections for the timing of Starmer’s departure.
Bear, that’s all he needs to bring GB to its knees.
What a smashing inauguration speach by Trump
Earlier, I had seen on Sky that Milley Vanilli’s portrait had been taken down within 2 hours of the Inauguration. Such a great start to my day. It felt even better when it was stated that said portrait had only been hung ten days earlier. Haw!
Trumps team really need to push ahead with the law that Generals may NOT work for any Arms or Defence industries for ten years post retirement. Also, every last one of them must have their Security Clearance revoked asap.
A good start has been made with the suspension of Security Clearances of the 51 turds who stated that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda.
Albanese’s exciting $2 billion Green Aluminium Production Credit scheme has been well received in the usual quarters. “Crucial support”, apparently.
But oddly the Government has provided absolutely no details of how the scheme is actually going to operate – other than $2 billion will be allocated over 10 years, on some unknown basis, per tonne of primary aluminium made with renewable electricity.
Equally oddly, there doesn’t seem to be any media or political eyebrows raised about this huge number being casually dropped on the election table without any supporting information.
So, let’s extract some.
Firstly, the Green Aluminium Production Credit scheme is a response to the industry threatening to shut down in Australia because of the massive cost burden of renewable electricity and the unwillingness of renewable players to come to the table with abundant, ‘too cheap to meter’ power for a solid baseload customer.
In 2017 Tomago smelter had a near death experience when it was curtailed for 4 hours due to a shortage of electricity in NSW (aluminium smelters without electricity freeze, and that’s it). As a result the company (and the industry as a whole) spent years trying to position itself as a prime customer to attract the hoards of renewables investors apparently itching to deliver cheap and abundant power – with Tomago promising Net Zero by 2035.
To no avail. The Renewables Robber Barons are not interested; cheap power is for other people, renewables entrepreneurs are only interested in maximising returns by trading on the bleeding edge of the NEM, where power is most profitably expensive.
In July 2024, enter a new CEO at Tomago, who promptly declared that the Australian aluminium industry couldn’t survive on renewable electricity because the average power price is more than twice that enjoyed by the international competition – and getting worse. Mining giant Rio (who has interests in 3 of the 4 Australian smelters) joined in with calls for government support.
The result: a panicked $2 billion subsidy to prop up Albanese’s tottering Made in Australia and Net Zero policies and deflect the problem during the election.
It’s a big number but, despite the lack of detail, how far can $2 billion go spread across 10 years?
Firstly, remember the old maxim that ‘aluminium is solid electricity’. It takes about 140MWhr of electricity to produce one tonne of primary aluminium (“primary aluminium” is produced from bauxite ore, as opposed to recycled scrap metal).
Australia produces about 1.5 million tonnes of aluminium per annum – so around 15 million tonnes over 10 years.
Assuming that everyone plays and that $2 billion is spread evenly over 10 years from 2028 when the scheme kicks in, this subsidy equates to around $133 per tonne ($2 bn divided by 15 million) – or about 95 cents/MWhr of input electricity.
Assuming the $2 billion is spread over, say a measly 10% of total aluminium produced with renewable electricity, this expands to a subsidy of $9.50/MWhr.
With average east coast NEM power prices now running between $140 and $210 per MWhr (currently heavily subsidised by coal baseload) there is something terribly wrong if $9.50 makes even a token renewable push viable. Particularly given that Australia’s aluminium competitors are working with electricity prices in the $50 to $80/MWhr range (actually way less in China).
I could easily be wrong, but without details, it’s hard to see this as a roadmap to the Sunny Uplands of Made in Australia.
But no doubt Top Men have thought all this through.
Well put. Be mindful that Renewables get lots of subsidies, but they also get regulatory benefits. While AEMO say they are “semi despatchable” that is crap especially for wind. Retailers are also forced to purchase increasing amounts of renewables each year or be fined. Interesting they are sometimes better off being fined. That said the bid prices for electricilty fall below zero, quite a bit. This doesnt harm Coal or gas who sell hedges, but it does harm unhedged renewables.
That said the bid prices for electricilty fall below zero, quite a bit. This doesnt harm Coal or gas who sell hedges, but it does harm unhedged renewables.
?Sub-zero pricing is usually triggered by high levels of off-peak rooftop generation. The same periodic oversupply phenomenon which is now restricting the rollout of large scale renewables.
The Robber Barons don’t want price competition – or to invest in storage while dispatchable baseload still exists.
Me thinks you have too much confidence in the “Top Men”.
My admiration for Top Men has no limits.
So to make a difference, the pre- election Albanian announceable would have to be more like $25-30 billion, rather than 2 billion?
It’s all a bit sloppy.
Depending on how you shelled out and how much renewable smelting that attracted, $30 billion over 10 years to 15 million tonnes of ‘Green Aluminium’ could mean a subsidy of as little as $15/MWhr.
To a horrid cynic, It’s quite conceivable that this is why there’s no detail provided.
In any event, it’s all waaay over the budget horizon. So, with a dozy opposition and complacent media, they can say whatever they want.
Report: Trump to sign executive order barring US aid to UNRWA (20 Jan)
At Smotrich’s orders: Amnesty International loses tax benefits in Israel (20 Jan)
Now Mr President defund the whole of the UN as well.
Good news indeed.
Premier Roger Cook promises to address youth crime in Geraldton by targeting repeat offenders under 10Jessica MoroneyGeraldton Guardian
Tue, 21 January 2025 2:00AM
Offenders between the ages of five and nine who currently slip through the cracks of the justice system will be targeted in a trial program under a re-elected Labor Government.
While in Geraldton on Friday, Premier Roger Cook and Police Minister Paul Papalia promised to invest almost $8 million into this initiative if they are voted back into government.
The Premier and Minister were in town to announce a number of election commitments, including releasing WA Labor’s Vision for Geraldton, which pledges to boost housing supply, provide cost of living relief, and invest in healthcare.
If re-elected, a Labor Government will also launch a pilot program in Geraldton and Perth that will target vulnerable children under the age of 10 who are often caught up in crime but are below the age of criminal responsibility, therefore let go by police into the community without punishment.
The $7.8 million On Track to Thrive program will be trialled, with the departments of Justice, Communities, Education and Health working together to steer children onto the right path by providing intervention and programs where there are currently none.
Mr Papalia said Geraldton would be the focus of the pilot program, ensuring youth who were met regularly with police were not left to their own devices.
“Agencies will be engaging with support providers to bring together a comprehensive response and do something about the five to nine-year-olds who currently offend, are picked up by police, and at the moment, receive no intervention,” he said.
The State Government will invest another $2.1 million to bring the Youth Engagement Program, operated by the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA, to Geraldton, providing culturally secure bail support services for youth between the age of 10 and 17.
Any of the bush lawyers on this blog help out? WTF is a “culturally secure bail support service?”
Hopefully one to assist the cultural security of the rest of the community with lots of excellently multicultural Singapore police and prison guards on secondment bringing their excellently multicultural canes.
It’s an excuse for the legal/police system, tasked with keeping lorenorder in the community to sit on their fat, padded airconditioned, arses, and do Jack shit.
Does that answer your question?
Over in WA, one where you get called “bro” or “cuz” as you walk through the door.
My guess is released to report to Aunty who will be required to stump up the equivalent of two boomerangs or such if little dodger blots his paper bark.
Isn’t this his job already, not some time in the future.
Why not do it now? They are the government so there is nothing stopping them. What’s more, they would have a record to run on instead of just promises. I have a suspicion that they have no intention of doing anything about it, it’s all just pre-election spin.
Seven arrests to date according to the ABC today with a woman from Liverpool being the latest.
Why aren’t these arrests attracting more news coverage?
Presumably because the authorities don’t want to excite a reaction from a certain quarter.
Justice has to be seen to be done or else it’s not justice.
To use the Gimp’s favourite line, talk about “low energy”. Anti Trump protesters hauled a home-made Guillotine to their protest. hahahahaha
Didn’t the DemonRats, leftards in general and the MSM (BIRM) go ballistic a few years ago, when a mock gallows was brought to an anti-government protest in DC?
One rule for them, another one for everyone else?
The day care centre is located 200 metres from Maroubra synagogue which also has a day care centre. I believe the attack is deliberate, they wanted to target the synagogue but they picked the wrong site.
I see both the Slug and the Pretty Boy have turned up for a photo op this morning.
Meanwhile, the Ed the Islamist has said this morning….
Industry Minister Ed Husic, the nation’s most senior Muslim minister, said the anti-Semitic attack was “such a low-life act”.
Mr Husic said it was “really important” to tackle anti-Semitism as well as to see a “drop in Islamophobia”.
Some questions for Ed the Islamist….
Pray, tell me where suburbs with large number of Muslims living in them have been targeted with Islamophobia graffiti such as “kill Muslims’?
Pray, tell me where a mosque has been torched and graffitied, like Ripponlea, like the attempted torching of Newtown Shul?
Pray, tell me where numerous cars in suburbs where lots of Muslims live have been torched?
Pray, tell me where and when a Jewish rabbi has compared Muslims to ‘apes” and told his/her congregants to go ‘find and kill Muslims”.
Pray, tell me Ed the Islamist, where this so called ‘Islamophobia” is?
That’s right, Ed the Islamist, the Slug and Pretty Boy are gaslighting and lying.
We need a change in government in this country, desperately.
Prelim intel on Suzie Holt
Ran last election under Teal colours. Leftie.
No teal colour on ads this time. Maybe the brand is on the nose?
More later. My source is checking further.
Let’s go to Magrot. She says “no! Nothing to see here!”
The colours chosen mean nothing! Nothing at all!
Of all the hues of the spectrum, Holt chose teal. Decide for yourself what that means.
Our new Teal mayor ran navy blue
Migrants break down in tears as Trump shuts down border entry app just minutes after taking officeDaily Mail.
Donald Trump for King!
51st through 57th states will do me – numbers may change depending on developments with Greenland and Canada.
That perverted grub biden has pardoned milley, fauci and that hag and the rest of the Jan 6 committee:
Biden Issues Preemptive Pardons for Milley, Fauci, J6 Committee, and Others
I hope biden gets bowel cancer.
Someone did make a good point that since biden is brain dead his pardons can be challenged. I think they still have the imprimatur of the POTUS even if the old shit is brain dead but it would be a fun process to challenge his pardons of these grubs on the basis he was legally non compos mentos.
Biden is just a husk.
As I stated four years ago, he would see out his term because the machine needed him to be there.
No Biden to turn favours into cash, no cash, no machine.
He didn’t know half the stuff he was signing at the end.
I wish him a long and happy life.
But I am fairly sure it will be neither.
It is these political machines that are to blame.
The need by politicians at all levels for stupendous amounts of cash in order to obtain offices which return salaries in no way worth the outlay. Of course there is a parallel stream of cash with many beaks taking a share.
The game is fundamentally crooked.
I wish him a long and happy life.
With bowel cancer.
Not bowel, Anal cancer. It hurts more.
When the donors interests largely align with the citizens interests, the political machines can roll on serving a greater purpose.
In a globalised world where the donors interests lie largely elsewhere, something external has to disrupt the political machines.
That thing, imperfect, was Trump.
Deglobalisation is the cure to the misalignment of the political machines with citizens interests.
…. and is treated by Dr. Fauci and that Admiral thing – top men, both.
Now that appearing at the door would get you out of bed quick smart.
The DOJ investigator into his stash of classified documents concluded that he was not mentally competent to stand trial.
How, then, can he sign legal documents? It would be fun to watch the leftard reaction to a challenge.
Noticed the pianist at the Capitol played one of my favourite hymns just before the arrival of the new VP. Great is Thy Faithfulness. Composed by a Kentucky boy.
One that I have sung to myself many…many times during life’s hardships and battles.
Your downticking cur is quick on the finger this morning.
Upticked to counter the fool.
And an uptick from me!
And me.
A fave of mine too, calli!
I’ve asked for that hymn (without the modern bowslerised lyrics!) at my funeral.
Refused bail and appearing in Liverpool court today, btw.
Initial charges as reported by ABC:
“participate criminal group, contribute criminal activity, accessory before the fact to destroy or damage property, and be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner.”
Any names?If not why not?
absolute BS, should be charged with terrorism
The re-instatement of un jabbed service members with back pay will be a legacy to be proud of.
The kind of stuff that is intergenerational.
And not cynical reasons, like LBJ’s reasoning behind the civil rights act.
Another tidbit I just discovered. Others may know it already.
Usha Vance clerked for Brett Kavanaugh.
That swearing in must have been particularly special for her.
There’s two sides to this one, Indolent. The rich and connected are leaving, taking their money and skills with them. The poor are left behind in the squalid mess they’ve created.
They must be feeling very betrayed by the Communist government they’re left with.
The rich and connected will bring their lunatic philosophies to their new homes and recreate the mess they fled.
The poor will have to sort out what they have inherited, like the parents who come home after a weekend away and find the teenage kids have destroyed the home and moved out to avoid the anger of the parents.
Not to mention the mid-career middle class folk with a mortgage & kids in school. They are under attack from Starmer with higher taxes, including the VAT on school fees.
Great that VP J D Vance belatedly removed his 3 small distracting kids from the dais.
So wonderful to hear President Trump and his “to do” list and to watch the pagentry, “help me out” Carrie Underwood, Christopher Macchio and the bands. What a day. Are you tired of winning yet?
As Biden totters out of the door, followed by the stench of failure, ignominy, and corruption, the Grauniad gets straight down to the business of ‘fact checking’ Trump’s inaugural speech.
The result is cringing; but provides an amusing insight into what butt-hurt leftists think is a powerful rebuttal – and the tedious shite that passes for analysis.
Haha. Barron Trump has inherited his old man’s showmanship. Introduced by DJT, Barron cupped his ear to the crowd as if to say, “I can’t hear the applause”.
Barron was the teenage polling genius who told dad which millenial podcasters to talk to get the youth vote — which Trump won by 36 percentage points.
Look for Barron Trump as a mover and shaker in American politics in the 2030s and beyond.
He’s borrowing that ear cup thing from the professional wrestler, the late great Mr Wonderful, Paul Orndorff.
I remember the first Wtestlemania and the crowd booing Mr Wonderfuul – hilarious – who can boo some one with a name like that
Seven arrests to date according to the ABC today with a woman from Liverpool being the latest.
Why aren’t these arrests attracting more news coverage?
Yes – I wasn’t aware of them. Minns et al are between a rock and a hard place – they are becoming very aware (thanks to the unflinching coverage by The Australian) of the rising tide of anger re the anti-Semitic terrorist attacks. But they are also, despicably, anxious not to lose the Pallie voters to prospective homegrown Pallie candidates at the next election.
There have been a number of machinations and ground-shifting concerning relevant laws that cover the vile acts (including the year long weekly Pallie demos) that have been only fleetingly referred to in the press.
Both federal and state governments have been dragged, and shamed, into a response to the anti-Semitism that has been growing for over a year. It won’t save Labor at the next federal election, and I suspect that the shine has long gone off Minns. probably also in Victoria – but then, that state seems impervious to sane policy.
The media is very stupid not telling us about these arrests, because the great unwashed are continuing to think that nothing is being done, and they are not happy. So Albo is not kicking goals.
It’s a litany of failures, hz.
Breaking news:
Albanese to call national cabinet on anti-Semitism after latest attack
The PM says national cabinet will meet on Tuesday afternoon following an attack on a childcare centre in Sydney’s east, reversing his previous position resisting Coalition calls to hold one.
The dead heads are finally getting the message. Too late, I believe they will be history at the loomimg election.
Just another nail in the coffin.
No, it’s just another ‘inquiry’ for the gullible, and the muslims are VERY aware of the game being played.
Watching the pomp and elegance of the inaugeration I thought that one of the cleaning staff had found a spare seat and plonked herself down.
I was wrong. It was the Australian Foreign Minister. Lemon sucking countenance and Newtown dyke dress.
Labor never learn. I was reminded of a parade I attended where the magnificant Marine Corps guard was inspected by Robert Ray’s huge gut. I didn’t speak to anyone in case they picked me for an Aussie.
In all the years that I worked in Europe there was a constant stream of Aust pollies and public servants who displayed an insular arrogance. A belief that coming from a superior culture they need make no concessions to their hosts’ sensibilities.
It is the putrid and now dangerous Canberra culture.
To be fair to Robert Ray, he was one of the better Defence Ministers.
The moist and lovely Michelle Obama gives the forks to the US democratic process and instead stays home to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
I suspect Dr King might have preferred her to stretch out to join the nation, rather than divide it – but there you go.
Wookie magic…
Well at least there’s one Republican she admires.
How’s it swinging Mike?
She’s (sic) got balls!
Entirely their own fault.
The lack of a strong response to the Opera House disgrace brought us here.
And this goes deeper than antisemitism, as disturbing as that is. To reprise what I wrote yesterday, our authorities have utterly failed to grasp the challenges Islam presents.
My assumption, Roger, is the the word ‘challenge’ is equal to the word ‘threat’.
God I love the BEE!
And with the flourish of the pen, America is cleansing itself of the Biden nightmare.
President Trump to pardon the January 6 rioters.
God bless President Trump.
Protesters, not rioters.
Plus agents provocateurs from the deep state (not mentioning any institutional names) and the infamous Epps.
Yes it’s wonderful to see. I really thought the ‘rats were going to cheat their way back. The old perv’s pre-emptive pardons means the these creeps are guilty guilty guilty. Fauci, Cheney etc etc.
Some of my friends’ ardent support of government mandated jabs and lockdowns is starting to waver.
i.e. what is Fauci, the architect of pandemic responses, guilty of?
Have we had it wrong all along?
I can’t help but smile and help them waver even more.
Not only that, our authorities have placed serious barriers in front of public discussion of those challenges.
Having the families of Oct 7th hostages on stage should tell the Hamas universe that this guy aint like the previous guy.
Rubio 99-0 by the senate according to Fox.
When was the last time a Sec State was all done so soon in the piece?
Not allowed to call them that…
NSW Premier Chris Minns downplays terrorism risk in antisemitic attack on daycare centre in Sydney’s east (Sky News, 21 Jan)
What a craven spineless jelly-brained tool.
Minns, this involves children.
What part of that don’t you understand?
Anneliese Neilson on Sky : We don’t know what’s in these executive orders.
1) We kind of do, because he just said what was in at least some of them.
2) We would know more if you & your boof heads on Sky didnt talk over the top of each order’s description as they were being signed.
They have learned nothing.
jeez annaleeze, go on the whitehouse website, do a bit of research!
… “your boofheads on Sky Daytime … ” fixed it for you.
She’s a kunt.
This popped up in my newsfeed a few days ago – and I ignored it as being spoof.
But no, it’s real:
PIA says flights to France ad campaign not meant to be evocative of 9/11 terror attacks
(Unfortunately I do not have the ability of better posters to simply post images.)
Here you go
Thank you.
EO signed to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty.
Can’t expect Elbow to take any notice.
He’s going to fry the world!
After he blows it up!
And then make us all eat Maccas!
Formal designation or not, the case will go to Strike Force Pearl, which is under NSW police’s counter-terrorism command.
Why are we supposed to take any notice of some meja brain dead slag on the television? Why are their insights supposed to be superior to ours?
Internet says go your own way, times are changing.
Mass media is only one route to information.
For sure Lizzie. Thank goodness for the internet. They still give me the pip though.
Yep, straight out of the gate “The golden age of America begins right now”.
“The scales of justice will be re-balanced”
“…for many years a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens…”
With the corrupt, scheming, ugly and vain pieces of human garbage forced to sit there while he time and again rubbed their contemptible faces into the shit sandwich they created.
I watched it on the Oz website just after 3am and it was balm to my aching ears which had woken me up.
The puppet Biden presidency — and the stolen 2020 election — are finally behind America.
Never forget that elections — especially stolen elections — have consequences.
And Biden’s Praetorean Guard — 99.9% of the global news media, including Australia’s — still routinely insists in “news” stories there was no evidence of electoral fraud in 2020, even though Biden officially received more votes (81 million) than any president in history after his party forbade him from campaigning.
Which evaporated once the lie became too obvious to sustain.
An upside to Australia having one or more Islamist political parties, which looks to be just around the corner if not already here, will be that a critique of their agendas will be protected political speech.
Mr. President, what do you intend to do about the ME inbreds who held citizens of Israel and the USA hostage?
I parse this as the Senate bending the knee to the Regime’s (or at the very least the faction within the Regime that came to dominate in 2024) decision to back Trump.
January 21, 2025 10:45 am
Watching the pomp and elegance of the inaugeration I thought that one of the cleaning staff had found a spare seat and plonked herself down.
I was wrong. It was the Australian Foreign Minister. Lemon sucking countenance and Newtown dyke dress.
I saw a terrific pic of those two “distinguished” delegates (of whom I’m totally ashamed) sitting in the audience with expressions on their faces that looked like they had sucked down a complete lemon grove seasoned with arsenic. I don’t know if it was real or photoshopped and can’t find it again on fb. If anyone has a link to it I’d love to have a copy.
I don’t think cleaners would let those two sit with them.
Breaking news:
Albanese to call national cabinet on anti-Semitism after latest attack
They’ll be making arrangements to give the perpetrators Orders of Australia once they’re found, for fostering community cohesion.
/sarc off
Wong is an abomination. Always seems angry. But come to think of it the whole gubment pubic service meja apparatus in canbra is an abomination.
kd has long been among the worst of the worst. Trapped on the red leather lest she do a KK I expect we’ll see the last of this RGR deadwood in the next go round. Truly a Mean Girl.
Very much a mean girl.
She’s a mean something or other.
Auditioning for a UN jobbie.
And if she gets it, it will be a great excuse for ditching the UN.
Well put! “Jobbie” is Glasgow slang for a sh*t. Usually used for kids.
She’s a kunt.
of course she is angry, the only satisfaction she gets is from a strap on
Watching Trump sign all these executive orders while casually batting away hostile questions from media seals. What a God.
The made-for-TV choreography (POTUS47 being handed executive orders by an underling while batting away questions from mostly hostile reporters) is stunning and a world of difference from POTUS45’s chaotic election aftermath.
Trump is not only a master of the media industrial complex still trying to destroy him, but now also a master of governing under hostile incoming fire.
The symbolism of eliminating 80 Biden initiatives on Day 1 by Executive Order is beautiful. Not sure the policy lurches are in the national interest, but who cares. Take note Lieborals.
Am watching the press observing the signing of Executive actions – total free discussion of topic after topic, open communication, Trump cannot have slept for days ?? simply amazing.
snap dunny brush !
He has extraordinary stamina but will definitely need a few days rest by Wednesday. For him, I suspect this means some family time and a game of golf. He’s not the sort who winds down completely. We don’t need him to succumb to whatever bug is around like the one that got me recently.
Can’t he rest on Sunday?
We had to eat.
NSW’s top three law officials on leave as evil strikes again (Tele, paywalled)
Do your bleeping jobs. It’s because you haven’t been doing your jobs that we are in this antisemitism crisis.
So Aussie
They want the salary, the prestige but none of the responsibilities. Not just Oz, didn’t Lloyd Austin vanish now and then.
Same with the LA lezzos.
I don’t know about that…the peons have to roster their leave so a crew is always on duty.
Why can’t the big wigs do the same?
The Big Wigs are ‘special‘, Roger.
Is this supposed to be a positive or negative, regards solving crime?
It’s not an antisemitism crisis, BoN.
It’s a continuation of the violent muslim war against every other religion on the planet that was forecast years ago when Fraser let in the muslims from the middle east.
It’s a crisis, because the Left have gone full on antisemite. There’re more of the latter in Australia than of indescribable special people.
Trump is correct: pardons are confessions of guilt. By pardoning members of Biden’s family and members of the J6 committee, Joe Biden he is admitting their guilt.
If they weren’t guilty they would graciously refuse the pardon.
That none of them have is a tell.
The many J6 ones he has just signed are perhaps an exception. It’s the J6 committee who have shown guilt by scrubbing all their committee records.
On Instapundit today there’s a tweet from a J6 guy who is being let out after 4 years and 4 days without even a trial.
An unconstitutionally held political prisoner. All you need to know about the foul regime that has just slunk back into its hole. I hope he can put his life back together.
I guarantee there are copies being held over the heads of the committee to keep them in line.
Biden probably gave trump a favour I suspect.
I thought this would happen.
Fresh blow: Wind knocked out of Bowen’s vision (Tele, paywalled)
It’s the windfarm precinct off Woolongong. There’s no chance that it would be economic. Wind operators all over the world are dumping offshore projects like rotting garbage lately as the financials don’t make sense.
Of the 13.5 GW of wind Farm nominal plate Capacity. Only 1 GW is currently being produced. Therein lies the problem.
He’s signed the executive order to withdraw the US from WHO.
I can’t love the man enough.
I wish Australia would too.
Fat chance; I can’t see even a LNP government doing that.
Trump is having a full day and isn’t finished yet. His session of signing Executive Orders at the White House while simultaneously holding a press conference at about 8pm was incredible. I can’t recall any president since WW2 being able to do this on any day, which means at all, let alone one so stacked with appointments and emotional baggage.
Sniffy Joe spent the first weeks giving BJ’s to all that put him there.
Words fail me, they honestly vooking do. Is Tony Burke so desperate for votes?
Contrast the leaders……
Already, since being inaugurated only hours ago, Donald Trump has signed executive orders withdrawing the US from Paris, from WHO, and he’s pardoned the January 6 ‘rioters’…plus much more.
Meanwhile, the forked tongue slug and his pretty boy premier talk, talk and talk.
Lucky America.
Not so lucky Oz.
The craven US MSM are still at it, despite their ratings going over the falls.
Sucked in, dick heads.
fire the lot, rehire 10% max
50 caliber is sniper gear.
Trump has withdrawn from membership of the World Health Organisation. Am I dreaming & gone to Heaven????
What is good in life Donald?
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”
“lamentation of their trans-wymmins”.
And a 90 day freeze on Foreign Aid!
Go Donald!
Does that include Ukraine?
For a bit of variety, here’s the other side. It’s fascinating.
I snuck inside “The People’s March” to see what the anti-Trump folks are up to and I took pictures of all their signs (19 Jan)
I liked this one best:
Puffer jackets are so unflattering.
Freaks and fools.
In the aftermath of the shocking attack this morning on the Maroubra day care centre centre, to all Cats here in Sydney, if you’re up to it, please come. This has been called at the last minute, it is for both Jews and non-Jews, a ‘call to action‘ this evening, at 6.00 p.m. outside NSW Parliament House, at the top of Martin Place.
‘Since October 9th 2023, the Australian Jewish community have been experiencing an onslaught of anti-Semitism. From escalating rhetoric in workplaces, schools and community groups, to discrimination in the workplace, frequent threats, to isolated assault incidents and to now outright regular arson attacks on our community and neighbours.
Meanwhile the Australian federal government has not done enough and continues to ignore community members, the anti-Semitism envoy and other experts on anti-Semitism.
Late this afternoon, both Jewish and non-Jewish Australians will have a joint protest against the federal government outside NSW Parliament. We will….
not block roadsnot block the footpathnot make excessive noiseA conflict in the Middle East SHOULD NOT result in targeted arson, daily anti-Semitic graffiti and other attacks on the Jewish and surrounding communities which continue to escalate by the day.
I am waiting for President Trump to withdraw from the UN with no further funding and tell them to get out of the United States. Fauci claiming immunity in effect is saying he was guilty of a hideous crime. Why would you fund the crap.
What crime has Fauci committed?
WHat has happened is that the democrats are such weasels that if they were in power and a Republican was in Fauci’s postion, they would find a way to use the DOJ to indict that person. They thus project and think that Trump will do the same sort of thing they would do. Trump would not. That is why he was the better candidate and is worthy of office.
Has he accepted the pardon?
Supreme Court Ruling: Accepting a Pardon is an “Admission of Guilt!”
He’s pardoned over 1500 January 6 rioters!
“rioters” or demonstrators?
ahem, “insurrectionists”, thanks Cass.
Political prisoners
Trump having his mug shot as his official portrait is a well deserved great big FU to all those who carried on years of lawfare against him.
That said I hope that the “Fight, fight, fight” photo has a very prominent position on the White House website home page.
This seems to be the latest trend.
Another candidate for a “Leave us alone World tour”.
I’d be quite happy to never see or hear from this scrubber ever again.
She can delete her socials any time she likes and live in the real world. Indeed I think I’d recommend it, she sounds like she is in a bad way mentally because of them.
So a social media “star” and podcaster spends years building the biggest online presence she can; then seeks more publicity because she has so much publicity it is distressing?
Complete bullshit – all she had to do was toss her phone in a bin and find a real, anonymous job.
Don’t know if the brothels are hiring.
Groan… Scabbie Shitfield.
She is one or two steps away from doing a Bonnie Blue, or that Lillie skank.
Lol. Scabbie has an admirer here. Haw.