Why don’t you have a think about how idiotic your comment is? If one virus particle of the trillions of…
Why don’t you have a think about how idiotic your comment is? If one virus particle of the trillions of…
Bizzaro world has arrived. I remember when the left were all anti-war. Things have changed. Trump is anti-war, so the…
Basically no phone reception here for a week. Both Telstra & Optus putting up 5G towers and we were told…
The family said Abu Lebdeh feared for her safety and has gone to a secret location where she will hide…
Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
Over 40 plus years since its release.
The 12th Man – It’s Just Not Cricket
I have had one Gin and Soda too many so, I must quickly post that, I am watching 1982, the best year for Geek movies.
God Damn, I miss the eighties!
I am inordinately glad that I was there.
Also, Drive-Ins Ruled!
Must add, I was a Head-Banger so, I was more than happy to smash Disco Records at the Aussie Rock Venues I inhabited. 😀
The Eighties! I saw Eric Burdon and the IMMORTAL Doc Neeson and the Angels LIVE…..
I saw Angels every couple of weeks from the late seventies.
The Best Era, Ever.
You sound cool, but yeah nah. 70s and 90s much better decades than the 80s. Better music, TV and vibe. Also Hawthorn played in seven consecutive grand finals in the 80s, and cricket team turned to shit for a fair chunk of it also.
Nah, 60s and the 70s were the best era of all time for music. The melodies and compositions that came out of those twenty years transcend any other time in human history. I don’t think it had anything to do with drugs, more like in spite of them, it was just a fortuitous confluence of incredibly talented people.
Actual lol. How can you not love this guy? He’s hilarious! “She is not very good at her job!” – glorious understatement.
She was, like all wokies, very concerned with the (completely specious) lgbtqia+ ‘communidy’. Or perverts, as we used to call them.
I am a very tolerant man. I do not hold with throwing them off tall buildings. They should be grateful for that and not provoke me into changing my mind.
Given this is WA, the “don’t you dare defend yourself!” State, this pisses me off more than I begin to explain. And yes, Mr Smith was a proud … ummm, aspiring … never mind.
To my mind, there should never have been more than a cursory examination in the first instance. Break into my home, in a mask, armed with a machete, and as far as I’m concerned my family’s life is in mortal, immediate danger and I will act accordingly — and f*ck the police!
The mistake was not chucking the scrote into a dam.
Livestock killing dogs and scrotes, the three S’s.
Shoot, Shovel and Shut up.
LOL. Get on the gin and sodas more often. Your three S’s remind me of the seven P’s I learned in the Army.
Prior planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance.
Grunts had a seven S’s thing also. Pertaining to their patrolling and scouting. Shape Shadow Shine Silhouette etc I can’t remember the rest.
Secco at Kapooka was D coy 6 RAR (Long Tan and the Presidential Unit Citation) which he reminded us of frequently like he was there. Was a switched on mad xunt and trained us up well, so all good.
Looked him up on Linked In recently. He’s done well. Into ‘corporate training” these days. If you want your middle-managers de-woked he is probably someone to consider.
My sister at our march-out piss up reckoned he was hot and what not. I remember telling her to chill.
So, why should you contaminate stock drinking water? A pile of logs in the bush was traditional..
Or mine shaft in some areas
Perhaps, had she brought him up to not invade other homes with a machete, he’d still be alive.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You break into my house, with a machete, the only rule is that there are no rules.
If it takes that to nullify the threat, it is self defence.
Case closed.
O’Loughlin said homeowners have a “right to defend themselves but not to an extent (where they) take someone’s life”.
The grieving mother of the piece of shit is wrong. S.248(4) WA Criminal Code makes Self-defence a defence to homicide:
Yep. Make the defence and walk.
A picture of the un-alived budding something or other from WA Today
Makes me wonder why he wasn’t “departed” years ago.
but humans do not ‘sense’ events
Wrong, humans can ‘sense’ events. History is replete with examples where human beings have sensed good and bad events.
Yes, it’s called Intuition, Gut Feeling, or being Fey.
Two days ago half way through watching a doco I decided to have one last attempt at fixing an appliance that had not been working for a few weeks. I had an intuition that provided the solution. The intuition arose because for the past fortnight I had been searching for a replacement and reading comments noted that solution. Two hours later I realised that the intuition arose from that memory trace. We have unconscious cognitions all the time. While I’m not a Benjamin Libet fan, we under-estimate how much of our cognition is unconsciously motivated.
Meditation or “sleeping on it” are useful tools for what you speak of.
History is also replete with examples of humans failing to sense events and we tend to forget when our predictions were wrong. Most predictions are wrong.
It’s a stupid claim.
Like in a war, in the heat of battle are you only allowed to wound or kill?
Tyron Smith: Unlawful wounding charge dropped following death of accused after alleged home invasionTegan GuthrieKalgoorlie Miner
Fri, 6 December 2024 2:00AM
An allegation of violence against a man who recently died from injuries sustained in an alleged home invasion was dismissed in court on Thursday.
An unlawful wounding charge against Tyron Smith was dismissed in Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court on Thursday, with the magistrate confirming the 20-year-old man had recently died.
The Kalgoorlie Miner previously reported on the allegation against Mr Smith, who had pleaded not guilty and the matter was proceeding to trial.
The details of those allegations were read to the court in January, with police accusing Mr Smith of smashing a teenager in the head with a glass bottle, knocking him unconscious.
Aged 19 at the time, Mr Smith was at his grandfather’s wake when he allegedly struck the 17-year-old male in the head, causing a 4cm laceration to the boy’s eyebrow.
During that court appearance, the prosecutor opposed Mr Smith being released on bail as he was at the time serving a sentence for a grievous bodily harm charge after attacking someone with an axe.
His lawyer told the court Mr Smith was eligible for parole on that sentence in February, but could not be released unless bail was granted for this unlawful wounding charge.
He also told the court of a previous breach of bail conviction by Mr Smith while he was struggling with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and had cut off his ankle bracelet.
Bail was ultimately granted
FMD! Just what do you have to do to serve a full sentence. This scrote should never have been allowed out of the pokey!! Schizophrenia my white hairy butt!
All’s well that ends well.
Au revoir
Pretty sure the scrote would have still been in klink had it been the magistrate attacked. Pity it wasn’t, the judiciary really need a huge dose of reality, the same as the rest of us face daily.
And now he’s dead. I hope the lawyer reflects on this reality.
Smell of human stress affects dogs’ emotions leading them to make more pessimistic choices | ScienceDaily
Dogs and Cats sense your stress. Dogs either cower or smooge.
Cats don’t care.
I love them both.
Me too.
Cats do care. They are silent sympathisers.
Dogs can also do this, putting a head on your lap etc, but they are in general more emotive. Our family dog who lasted till he was 14 is beloved in memory of us all.
I have the greatest memories of my 18 year old Burmese cat who saw me through so much, and my heart still grieves with a raw hurt when I get home from a trip and Attapuss is missing, his little ears now peeking around clouds across our gully where he now rests.
I have never seen a dog run and grovel at the same time until I discovered her eating my books. She was out the back screen door before I’d realized what she’d done.
My dad on his death bed, close to death, started crapping on semi-delirious like he was in between worlds. I believe Cassie.
Ever been a patient in a psych ward / nut house? LOL that’s where the action is. Way more fun than Contiki or Club Med. Way more educational.
You’d be too ‘sane’ with that big stick up your arse for such an experience.
Cassie of Sydney
January 22, 2025 9:55 pm
I think I posted this before on the old cat.
We travel around Aus, nearly every year as we don’t like air travel.
Stopped at a parking spot on the Nullabor where an other couple already set up for the night.
Woke up with a bad feeling and saw them also getting to leave, we talked and agreed it was best to leave.
Could not put reason to the feeling.
Stopped at the next roadhouse for the night with no more problem.
damon may not believe in humans sensing things, being it danger or other but I certainly do and met many others who share my experience.
Riding our motorbike through SA, on the way to Adelaide before heading back to Perth. Came to a small country town where we decided to stop for a break and a coffee.
Rode into the town and I said to Dearly Beloved, “Something’s not right. This feels all wrong”.
Her response: “Me too. Don’t stop! Just keep going”.
Found out later the town was Snowtown.
That’s how I felt about Seymour. Now as far as I know nothing like Snowtown but I’m sure the feeling of mutley growing up there pervades everything.
January 22, 2025 9:59 pm
It’s a stupid claim.
Like in a war, in the heat of battle are you only allowed to wound or kill?
Steve Inman:
Homeowner Catches Home Invader
The punching is okay but, seriously, you need a decent horse whip if you really want to thrash the bastards.
Steve Inman:
Home invaders are welcomed by the homeowner with knuckle sandwiches
Um. Someone is talking about their recollections of the last days or hours of the life of a loved one.
Another interjects: “excuse me, sir! Excuse me! You must have misremembered because…”
And yet another: “no no! Here is evidence in support of the validity of the recollection!”
Autism reigns.
Barely intelligible. Don’t hang shit on stuff you obviously haven’t experienced. You are a ‘tard in my mind.
(42) Russia’s Project 677 Lada-Class SSK Sub Brief – YouTube
Good channel. He sources publicly available information, is a former submariner(sonar operator), and gets into the weeds. What surprised me is the long maintenance times for submarines and that is not just about reactors. Russian built outstanding subs but many models are very failure prone. So if Russia states it has 50 subs, less than 20 might be operational.
What’s the number for the US? As I understand it, only a third of its aircraft carriers are operational at any one time while the others are in maintenance. Wouldn’t surprise me if the same or similar is true of their subs as well.
General rule in navies is to have three. One operational, one training people or busted, and one being refitted.
We have one out of six Collins class don’t we?
Social cohesion crisis: Islamophobia envoy Aftab Malik’s ireGreg Brown, Rhiannon Down and Simon Benson
37 minutes ago.
Updated 2 minutes ago
Listen to this article
7 min
The political furore over social cohesion has escalated, with Anthony Albanese’s hand-picked Islamophobia envoy declaring we shouldn’t ignore the threat to Muslims “simply because we haven’t seen mosques torched or cars vandalised”.
In a new front on the debate to protect social harmony, Aftab Malik accused the Coalition of downplaying Islamophobia and cited the 2019 Christchurch massacre as a source of worry here.
Writing in The Australian, Mr Malik declares there were 932 reports of Islamophobia since the October 7, 2023, terror attacks in Israel – more than the previous eight years combined.
“The recent spate of attacks, including on a childcare centre, on the Jewish community is despicable, grotesque and unequivocally unacceptable,” Mr Malik writes. “Unfortunately, it appears some cannot comprehend Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians are also being subjected to vile attacks.
“The ordinariness of Islamophobia is what is so disturbing: the normalcy of hate endured out of the media spotlight.
“The fact that these despicable acts are not a spectacle does not mean they are not happening.
“That the worst Islamophobic attack in the history of New Zealand was carried out by an Australian citizen provides plenty to worry about here.
“We should be making every attempt to ensure that such an attack does not take place on Australian soil, nor downplay the rancid ideology that ultimately resulted in the murder of 50 people in Christchurch, simply because we haven’t seen mosques torched, or cars vandalised.”
Mr Malik, who also roundly condemned the rise in anti-Semitic violence in Australia since Hamas launched its October 7, 2023, attack, made the call for Islamophobia to be treated more seriously as Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw came under criticism for revealing he was “looking into” whether anti-Semitic attacks were being funded overseas.
Was there ever a religion so quick to claim the status of “Victim.”
This POS has no trouble linking an Australian taking out muzzies in Kiwiland and that means it could happen here but will not apply the same reckoning to importing the scum from Gaza after the events of 7th October.
Trump State Department Tells Embassies and Outposts: Fly Stars and Stripes Only—No More Pride or BLM Flags
From the Oz. Full comment awaiting approval. Was there ever a section of the population so quick to play the victim?
The political furore over social cohesion has escalated, with Anthony Albanese’s hand-picked Islamophobia envoy declaring we shouldn’t ignore the threat to Muslims “simply because we haven’t seen mosques torched or cars vandalised”.
In a new front on the debate to protect social harmony, Aftab Malik accused the Coalition of downplaying Islamophobia and cited the 2019 Christchurch massacre as a source of worry here.
Writing in The Australian, Mr Malik declares there were 932 reports of Islamophobia since the October 7, 2023, terror attacks in Israel – more than the previous eight years combined.
“The recent spate of attacks, including on a childcare centre, on the Jewish community is despicable, grotesque and unequivocally unacceptable,” Mr Malik writes. “Unfortunately, it appears some cannot comprehend Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians are also being subjected to vile attacks.
“The ordinariness of Islamophobia is what is so disturbing: the normalcy of hate endured out of the media spotlight.
932 reports of people not putting up with muzzie scumbags trying it on. What are these supposed attacks on muzzies, the old ripping off of burqua that has never happened or maybe someone tried to post a letter in a travelling letterbox or didn’t move out of the way when the clan took over the beach?
January 22, 2025 10:29 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
The punching is okay but, seriously, you need a decent horse whip if you really want to thrash the bastards.
It all boils down to legal. In Brazil, they would have been shot and been left squirming on the street with that film capture.
It was their fault.
Liz Storer is giving me a headache, just talks over everyone and watched James try to make a point and cameras showed him just giving up with a huge eye roll. Its exsaperating TV.
We are watching less Sky now, they all yell too much, even Rowan Dean this past Sunday morning. James is a wonderful commentator, hope they extract him to a show where he can be heard.
Yes. I like Storer but she needs to back off at times and let others have a go. I think she comes from a big family where you have to yell to be heard.
A short course in communication turn-taking would help her to moderate without losing her essential sparkle.
Trump obliterates DEI with new demand to place every federal diversity program employee on paid leave by 5 pm Wednesday
AI lied to me at least 3 times this week
total fecking frogshit
This is like Gates talking about cures for diseases. These folk should stick to their core competencies.
Gave me the horrors hearing what these blokes are planning. One day they might need to be in receipt of their own medicine.
The heroes who campaigned tirelessly over the last four years against the mRNA technology used to “combat” Covid are on to this already. My intray this morning full of this. I also expect that Robert Kennedy Jnr will combat it fiercely.
Joe Rogan … stick with it, it gets interesting
UK PM Blob Johnson had a party during lockdown, tried to hide it, was caught out and the mainstream MSM and left went for his jugular and forced him to step down in 2022.
Current UK PM, adulterer Fuhrer Sturmer (and all round Saville fan) is intimately involved in the cover up of a shocking crime where three little girls were hacked to death by a Welsh Christian choir boy who also, at the same time, attempted to hack to death eight other little girls and two adults. The MSM and the left? Silence. They run cover for their man and party, they don’t even try to hide their partisan spruiking!
Blob Johnson was and is a hypocrite of the first order, a nauseating individual who squandered an electoral opportunity that is likely never to come the way of the Conservative party again. I loathe the man but I just can’t help notice the different ‘standards’ applied to Johnson v Creepy Sturmer.
The MSM must be destroyed completely.
I’d forgotten the dates but was reminded by another man that it was the fortieth anniversary of the Avoca/Talbot fires.
I was there as a very young man on a truck in the forest in the middle of the night with burning branches and embers falling on top of you as you tried to group up as a defencive line to stop the fire overwhelming houses nearby.
140 homes lost and three lives.