Didn’t the Brits learn anything, when Harold Wilson declared “The rich would be taxed until their eyes bled” – and they wondered why so much money moved off shore, to tax havens?
They don’t care.
Their plan is to bankrupt western nations so they are ripe for communist take over, and at the very least unable to oppose the global domination of the communist bloc, who have spent the last thirty years playing doggo.
The joint is falling apart. Masses is trying to get out of Britain. There are YT channels documenting the decline of once thriving cities and towns. Very sad. The millionaires are lucky, at least they have the means to escape.
Adam Smith Institute (ASI) research, seen by The Daily Telegraph, showed that each of the millionaires who left Britain last year would have paid at least £393,957 in income tax per year.
So, around £4.25 billion pa fallen out of the UK tax net.
Not a problem, says a Top Man.
A Treasury spokesman said: “The Office for Budget Responsibility does not expect the non-dom reforms to negatively impact the economy, including indirect tax receipts, but do expect them to raise £33.8 billion over the next five years to help fund the public services and investment projects needed to drive growth.
So, with at least £21.5 billion gone already, that account means someone, somewhere is getting squeezed for an additional £55.3 billion by Starmer.
Luckily it’s going to be transferred out of the productive economy and spent on public services and government stuff.
You can choose a “Business Comfort” option, which essentially puts some of the same old-school Uber standards back in play and has a slightly larger minimum size for a vehicle (but since every single damn car is a Camry, it hardly matters), but there’s nothing stopping you ordering the standard ride from a business account. Or guarantee yourself the Camry you were going to get anyway and order a “Business Comfort” from your personal account.
January 23, 2025 7:48 pm
Watched 2 minutes of the eomrns semi.Dounds like a lesbian argy.Turned off.
If you just watched legacy media news services you’d know about 10% of what went on in Washington this week.
TwitterX has won on every front.
The reporting and the analysis.
Man, I nearly threw up my chicken parma watching Nein news tonight.
They did a hit piece on anchor babies.
They had footage which would topperer the best Pallywood can do.
A sad-faced Latino looking woman with her pregnant belly exposed being examined by a doctor/nurse/soundman with stethoscope out in the open air.
I think the messaging is that she can’t get time off from picking cotton/avocados/corn to go to the doctor.
They are totally missing the point.
Trump’s Secretary for Chucking Out Illegals has already said he doesn’t give a fat rat’s clacker about anchor babies.
If the parents are illegals, they’re out. If they choose to abandon their kid who was born in the US, that is on them.
Whilst we can feel sympathy for them in their plight, these women probably got themselves pregnant to cheat the system.
One or two we can deal with but a hundred thousand is too much to ask for.
If there was a way to allow them to stay – with absolutely no family reunion, these women and their children would be a boon to the nation they came into. But it won’t stop there. The next bleeding heart administration would drop all the safeguards and allow the entire village in.
So we have to say no.
Lots of message traffic in the US about the constitutional meaning of the 14th amendment, and whether anchor babies are eligible for automatic US citizenship anyway
January 23, 2025 7:53 pm
May they long continue to be so. Even better if they ceased to exist.
We need on the occasion of Trumps victory remember how many died due to the communists over the last 100 years.
That few today know of the battles and the global struggle to contain this mad ideology is because we are not doing enough to tell it.
Because we let the communists fill our schools and universities and media with their lackeys.
This is why we came so close to losing America.
Make no mistake, the communists had spent the last few decades renaming, dressing up their old ideas in new clothes and infiltrating everywhere they needed to be to put an end to a free world of independent democracies.
Their plan was to take over politically in all countries and fool the people into thinking their ideas were popular and necessary, across many countries simultaneously and in coordination.
We were close to losing.
Thank God for Trump.
One of Trump’s best executive orders is summed up by this little ditty:
You can’t wave a wand To alter your gender. Science won’t fit in With Your diversity blender. I said it once And I’ll say it again: Women are women And men are men.
Everything went perfectly at his inauguration; even when the music didn’t play. Carrie Underwood waited for the accompanying music to sing the national anthem; she was told the player had broken down and she gave the most moving rendition without music. Watch it; its about 4 minutes. Amazing.
As for the church service and nitwit bishop bitch; she’s had her 5 minutes in the Sun. Good riddance. If any federal money goes to her DEI fuking parish I hope Trump stops it.
Carrie Underwood is an absolute star who handled the prolonged absence of music, and then was told just sing, magnificently.
“If you know the words, help me out” and proceeded to showcase her beautiful powerful voice with America the Beautiful. Finished off with a lovely gesture to the surrounding people. Full marks. The whole inauguration was wonderful in that breathtaking rotunda. Every day one can look forward to another “win” as Trump gets busy with chucking Biden’s crap, on the tip. It’s exciting.
Dunny Brush
January 23, 2025 8:17 pm
We’re organising an age care package for some very reluctant parents in their late 80s. They can still vacum, wash clothes, clean benches etc but can’t bend over to scrub floors/ do the skirting boards etc. So we had a meeting with whoever organises this racket to say can you just get the cleaner to do the stuff they can’t (some of these cleaners are Toorak wives who turn up in luxury cars and are getting amazing hourly rates). Computer says no. OHS guides say they can’t bend over. But they can vacuum, wash clothes, clean benches etc.
We’ll end up doing that. The only reason we got involved in the racket was because it was rammed down their throat by some busybody after a minor fall and I had a brain fart moment and carried on about them paying usurious taxes all their lives and receiving very little back so why not claw a bit back now. As expected, it’s become a nightmare. Imagine spending that last years of your life being told by a nice lady with a clipboard how a generous government is going to carry you to the grave. At one point the nice lady was insisting on nutritious pre-made meals.
They told her to stick it. Their whole
routine is shopping, cooking and knocking of a good Shiraz. Governments disgust me.
Seligman will be turning in his grave. He was the asshole who did those terrible experiments on dogs and established the concept of learned helplessness. One of the worst things we can do with age is become idle. Housework is an excellent form of productive and meaningful exercise which is both aerobic and resistance training, enhancing balance by promoting co-ordination and muscle strength, which is vitally important because falls are a huge risk factor for older people that lead to broken bonesand brain damage which precipitates dementia, and then they’ll need much more than cleaners!
I mean Fme, who are the idiots designing these programs? Are they that effing stupid that they can’t think about second and third order consequences? Are they that incapable of thinking things through over months that I and many others can do during a social media rant?
US troops at border as Operation Deport beginsDonald Trump’s border security and immigration crackdown is being implemented, with 1500 troops sent to the southwest border and deportation operations commencing.
From the Oz. Take note, Albo, this is how it’s done!
Sancho Panzer
January 23, 2025 8:34 pm
From the Oz:-
The use of the military to buttress security at the border came as congress passed the Laken Riley Act aimed at requiring the DHS to detain those living in the US illegally and who had been arrested for offences such as theft and assault of a police officer.
The new law, which makes it easier for immigration officials to detain and deport illegal migrants charged with crimes, will likely become the first bill signed into law by Mr Trump.
It passed the house by 236-156 with the support of 46 Democrats.
The law was named after a 22-year-old nursing student who was killed by an illegal migrant from Venezuela, Jose Ibarra, who had previously been arrested for theft, after she went out running in 2024 around the University of Georgia campus.
Despite the pleas of Bishop Bleeding-Heart, a few Dimocrats have sniffed the wind.
Twenty pussent of Dimocrats crossed the floor and a few others abstained or were no-shows.
The winning.
I need another Bex and a good lay down.
Sancho Panzer
January 23, 2025 8:42 pm
No-one makes fun of Diagnosis Murder and gets away with it.
Sancho Panzer
January 23, 2025 8:48 pm
I think people will tire of Executive Orders in a few days.
Orange Hitler might want to re-brand them.
How about “Royal Decree from the Court of Donald the Second”?
Too wordy?
What about “Fatwah”?
A religion which urges you to kill members of a race and murder apostates is going to be attractive to homicidal lunatics.
Their ABCess 7:30 just had Labor minister Ed Husic on who wanted to emphasise “In Australia nobody should feel uncomfortable and feel intimidated about practising their religion.”
That misguided fool is making the mistake of treating all religions the same, as though there are no significant differences. Newsflash, some religions are worse than others, but nobody on the news will dare actually say that.
Apparently islamophobic “attacks” (whatever that means) have been way up since Oct 7 2023. I think we can all agree that nobody* here is responsible for the actions taken half a world away in Gaza. That cuts both ways.
*= except for the 3000 Gazans given tourist visas.
AM Scherger flew a Mirage and lurrrrrved the experience.
The RAAF choice for the Canberra replacement was the A-5 Vigilante, a carrier borne nuclear strike aircraft which the then Defence Minister rejected. It was withdrawn from service in November 1979, the F-111 stayed in service for many years after that.
The Starfighter was dubbed the ‘widow maker’: Loss rates by country
Canada: Lost 46% of its F-104s, or 110 out of 235
Germany: Lost 292 out of 916 aircraft, or about 30%
Italy: Lost 137 out of its F-104s, or 38%
Denmark: Lost 12 out of its F-104s, or 23.5%
But Aussie Mirage losses were scarcely better at 42/116 = 36%.
F18 Losses have been much lower, 4/75 of the original classics and ? 1/12 Growlers and 1/24 Superhornets (loss numbers a bit iffy for those 2 variants).
Was the loss rate due to the fact that the Starfighter- just about the most science fiction looking thing in the sky when new- was designed as a high speed, high altitude interceptor, but in service in Europe it mostly flew at lower altitudes and often in poor weather, as a strike aircraft?
January 23, 2025 9:39 pm
“In Australia nobody should feel uncomfortable and feel intimidated about practising their religion.”
My dear old mum would have been pleased to hear that. She used to conduct human sacrifices by the light of the full moon. There were hardly any virgins left in the northern suburbs in her later days. Of course, there weren’t many before.
New Zealand has about the same population as Queensland. NZ has 62,000 public servants and Queensland has 260,000 public servants…..anyone see a problem
From the Oz.
That’s running a nation, not a state existing below a federal government.
Exactly what I noticed – NZ has to run Foreign Affairs, “ Defence” etc. which Queensland does not have.
Does NZ have major Govt. activities carried out by contractors, or by local Govt?
If not, even allowing for geographic issues, QLD. must have at least twice the public service it needs – maybe 4 times, incredible though that seems, even for Australia.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 23, 2025 9:54 pm
Couple of after dinner single malts, and reading Jeffrey Cox’s monumental account of the disastrous Java Sea Campaign of World War Two – the futile attempts by the American, British, Dutch and Australian navies to halt the rapid Japanese advance of 1942.
Suffering a total defeat, his flagship, the De Ruyter a glowing blast furnace, the Dutch Rear Admiral Karel Doorman ensured that the last lifeboat was filled with wounded sailors, and saw it pushed away from the ship. He then retired to his cabin and shot himself.
I’ve seen his memorial in Rotterdam – rather moving.
Doing up a book Australia’s Coastal War, about ALL of the actions around the continent in WWII.
Came across a Dutch civilian ship I’d never heard of the other day being sunk by Japanese surface units off NW Australia in early 1942. It was trying to make it to Oz, like so many others. It was such a big war.
Parking queen bang up against king with a net around her is a great victory. Not as good as when you slay king with no queen and wide net though. Rare games
Regarding the Java Sea Campaign, earlier in the campaign, the British cruiser H.M.S. Exeter, suffered a hit by an 8 inch shell, from a Japanese cruiser.
Dock yard workers, repairing the damage, discovered the base plate to the shell – and discovered it was stamped “Made in Britain.”
Beef liver cooked just right (medium) in olive oil and a splash of vinegar served with a side of chips, with the oil/ vinegar mixture from the pan drizzled over the top is delicious.
Late FiL made lambs liver and onions worthy of Michelin star restaurants. Only thing he could cook. Wife liked his lobster mornay but he never used Gruyere so the sauce didn’t have the right taste.
Protests over racism have rekindled a longstanding discussion about whether chess promotes white privilege with its rule that the first move always goes to the player with the white pieces. In this Q&A, Daaim Shabazz, an international business professor and chess journalist, offers insight into whether there’s any merit to the idea that the rule is meant to uphold white privilege.
Beef liver cooked just right (medium) in olive oil and a splash of vinegar served with a side of chips, with the oil/ vinegar mixture from the pan drizzled over the top is delicious.
Liver is an excellent source of a neglected nutrient: choline. Egg yolk also which is why I bought an egg cooker because it keeps the heat down to prevent nutrient destruction.
Choline is a necessary substrate for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Ach falls through the floor in Alz. Ach plays a vital role in modulating brain inflammation, memory consolidation, and alertness. Studies suggest most people do not receive enough choline.
In other words, the authorities knew of his behaviour, knew he wasn’t allowed to be in Germany, and refused to deport him. Instead they waited until he completed the task he left in Germany for – murdering and terrorising the citizenry. This is no longer excusable by the authorities. It is the deliberate foisting of a dangerous criminal onto a defenceless public for ideological ends.
Tintarella di Luna
January 24, 2025 5:44 am
Beef liver cooked just right (medium) in olive oil and a splash of vinegar served with a side of chips, with the oil/ vinegar mixture from the pan drizzled over the top is delicious. (don’t forget the gently cooked onions)
Fegato alla Veneziana is delicious and is a family favourite – we mostly ate calf’s liver from our own hand-raised vealers — until I left home we ate only white meat, chicken, fish, veal and pork — it is very difficult to get good veal these days the butchers try to sell yearling as veal– nuh, if it bleeds red it ain’t veal
I love liver and kidneys and heart.
I particularly love liver cooked Spanish style.
Slice the the liver thin, rub it with a paste made from fresh garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Lemon zest is also wonderful.
Then, dip the slices into breadcrumbs, egg, then breadcrumbs again.
Pan fry quickly in olive oil.
Liver Schnitzel, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
And yes, that is correct, NOT flour, egg, crumbs.
Crumbs, egg, crumbs. The initial layer of crumbs prevents the gooiness that can sometimes happen with flour. If you want to go flash, crumbs, egg, then Panko crumbs. mmmmmmmmmmm
Wow sounds sensational will certainly give it a go – the Sunbather needs to have some of that good stuff. We had our own chickens and Mum would include in her ragu the liver, heart and kidneys (tiny though they were – it added a certain sappore – I miss my mamma even after a quarter of a century that she’s gone. Her sister, my Zia Ida in Italy died last Saturday, the last of my parents’ generation, it makes me very nostalgic and sad.
Ladies it is so nice to engage in food discussion. The young women I come across have very little interest in food. One DiL is the finest pastry chef yet has no interest in other cooking. Other DiL can’t cook at all. Was brought up on takeaways. Son is slowly introducing her to a wide variety.
Is there a cuisine around the Mediterranean thats not fantastic. Saw Rick Stein in Turkey. His Turkish guide and interpreter suggested they are really just variations ofthe same things ,such is the mixing of cultures over millennia.
Wish I’d been brought up on wog food. Nana had a restaurant, mum never got the cooking genes. Managed to make everything taste the same. My Italian aunt never got the genes either. Ate the plainest food. Had a magnificent garden but I don’t recall it coming across the table. I lived with them for a while and guess my memory is failing. I miss them more than my parents, thats not hard as I don’t miss them in the slightest.
That’s sad GreyRanga but sometimes the old adage you can pick your friends but not your relatives is true for some. My daughter-in-law a case in point – but takes all kinds to make a world. I miss my Dad too — he was a violent alcoholic with no education and I guess he dragged his father’s brutti vizi into his life. But he was a very staunch loather of Cough-up Whitlam and the Labor spivs
Top Ender
January 24, 2025 6:00 am
Nice work promoting the Democratic vote around the country:
The Trump administration has started rounding up violent undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities all over the country, including the alleged leader of a Haitian gang and murder and rape suspects in Boston.
The agitated Haitian migrant, who wasn’t named but who has 17 recent convictions, said he ‘ain’t going back to Haiti’ as he was placed in a police car.
‘Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!’ the migrant added.
ICE officers in Boston said they also arrested multiple MS-13 gang members in the Boston raids.
Top Ender
January 24, 2025 6:01 am
Try 2:
Nice work promoting the Democratic vote around the country:
The Trump administration has started rounding up violent undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities all over the country, including the alleged leader of a Haitian gang and murder and rape suspects in Boston.
The agitated Haitian migrant, who wasn’t named but who has 17 recent convictions, said he ‘ain’t going back to Haiti’ as he was placed in a police car.
‘Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!’ the migrant added.
ICE officers in Boston said they also arrested multiple MS-13 gang members in the Boston raids.
Hundreds of transgender federal prisoners are living in fear after a ’round-up’ that will send them packing to men’s lock-ups following a day one executive order from new president Donald Trump.
Now lawyers are desperately trying to find a way to fight the order saying the prisoners will have ‘a target on their backs’ as they move in with hardened male inmates.
‘It’s going to be incredibly dangerous,’ one lawyer told DailyMail.com.
Why can’t they just put trans in their own prisons? Seems to more of them in the system than women. Actually, don’t bother. It’s known why.
January 24, 2025 6:10 am
BHP sacking labour hire companies because of no-show jobs really should be getting more coverage.
What does a union official do when they call time?
Get a job in the union super ecosystem (we really need to stop calling it industry super).
Or set up a labour hire company that gets sweet deals from larger labour hire companies.
Louis Litt
January 24, 2025 7:05 am
Winston Smith – 23/1 @ 06:06
Spot on. Think back to Hardrian in Judea which caused the first Jewish Disporea.
A lagre cutler of people of a similar race in a foreign country sticking to their rules, customs, langauge, trading on with eachother and marrying each other and then asking the homelanders to change for them.
this causes resentment, hatred, impatience and then violence.
The filthy USSR did this on steriods.
Hawke and Evans, that so called giant intellectual, agree now that opening Australia to Chinese immigration was a mistake.
these people are immature post pubescent adolescence.They are Rick/Spotty/Silent P from the young ones.
Albo/ Wong etc do not understand what they are doing.
All they are “are wonna be Eastern Suburbs English Protestants”.
The afternoon of tennis in Perth with Albo and Weatherall – Far out.
We can take solace people have been this dumb for over 150 years – maybe we are not as useless as we think.
January 24, 2025 7:29 am
What does a union official do when they call time?
Get a job in the union super ecosystem (we really need to stop calling it industry super).
Or a $50 per hour bag carrier with NDIS. Or get an abo mate to set up an indigenous company with him to plug into the abo industry pigs trough. Many options for union parasites.
January 24, 2025 7:30 am
So, the Journal has an article about a new restaurant (Butterworth’s) in DC where all the Trump connected and MAGA people hangout. It has a photo of Rita Panahi taking a selfie with one of the investors.
I recognise they are all muzzie-commie shiiteholes.
January 24, 2025 8:07 am
I see Dutton has again displayed his total lack of a spine by doubling down on his commitment to the global warming hoax and keeping us in the ruinous Paris accords. His WEF credentials remain intact, a good UNiparty apparatchik. I’m sure he reckons the SFL’s will win on a Bradbury just by standing in front of the one Aussie flag, removing yet more freedoms and getting digital ID up. Wow, so much winning!
Makka – I have had considerable success saying ‘no’ to digital identity. It is written into law as ‘voluntary.’ ANAO did an audit of Finance (who ran the DI Interim Oversight Authority) and pinned them on the question of non-DI alternatives. Which Finance have been acting on now. The Departments and Agencies are fighting it (via a devious ‘failing to disclose’ basis) but the law also articulates, ‘federal agencies and departments do not get an exemption’ from the law. Always refuse, no matter what. Always flag the law and that no agency/department get an exemption. Always demand the non-DI alternative.
I had it even worse than that, used to wrap up an ice pack in a towel and put under my feet.
Hot flushes were quite embarrassing, I had one while talking to a client who became concerned and asked if I was OK. I had to sheepishly explain the cause.
I have the complete set of Gary Larson.
I have been a fan for decades.
The Beer whisperer
January 24, 2025 8:14 am
Dutton is differentiating around the edges that we do not care about. He won’t touch hyper-immigration or the net zero scam, or preserve freedom of speech or bodily autonomy.
I read a claim that he was going to go all Trumpish on us but pointed out that it isn’t possible because Dutton has the charisma of a fence post.
I read a claim that he was going to go all Trumpish on us but pointed out that it isn’t possible because Dutton has the charisma of a fence post
It is debatable whether the Australian political system could ever deliver a Trump should one emerge on the political stage. Certainly Dutton is not it, although his lack of charisma is neither here nor there for mine. On the Voice he got there in the end but it hardly inspired confidence. The fate of Kennett, Newman, even Abbott suggests there is no hidden appetite for hard decisions, rapid change or tough love in the broader electorate. At best you get some amelioration after the damage is done. That would seem to be where Qld is and Victoriastan hasn’t even made it that far.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is afraid that it could be “destroyed” by American sanctions imposed by the new Trump Administration, ICC officials told the Guardian.
The officials stated that US sanctions could “shut the court down entirely.”
At first glance you might think these Bison must be cold, after all the temperature was below zero the morning I came across this scene. There is, however, a way to know that they are not.
Wildlife of all sorts grow protective Winter coats and layers of fat that keep them warm. If they are well fed, healthy and not overly stressed, their coats will not allow much body heat to escape.
If these Bison had been unwell, the snow would be melted by escaping body heat.
It is a gritty life in Yellowstone but they do this grand place justice with their own rugged beauty.
Just like here, conservatism is always betrayed by faux conservatives. Duttie has come out and said he’s staying with little johnnie’s Paris suck up, ruinables and trannies are great.
It doesn’t help but the Senate sits (nominally) at 53-47.
So this won’t defeat the nomination.
I can’t figure out how a dead-set conservative state like Alaska keeps returning that RINO, Murkyowski.
I suspect both Collins and Murkyowski know their cards are marked, so are just digging in.
Alasks instigated Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in 2020. Their system of our preferential voting system.
Wonder of Wonders, Moocowskid, was behind after the first round and then the left wing loonies BIRM second votes started its ascension to victory.
Perhaps there is a need for Alaskans to call for a recall election and send this creature to the ignominious defeat it deserves.
January 24, 2025 8:25 am
Sheep farmers have always some tasks coming up.
You’d be surprised by the number of sheep there, what do they eat?
January is crutching time on our merino sheep husbandry timetable.
That’s removing the wool from around their eyes (so they’re not ‘wool blind’), their bum (so the poo doesn’t cling, attracting blow flies) and for the guys, their pizzle (aka their old fella, also to stop blowfly strike).
The crutching team work their way through our sheep once the fellas get them to the yards, and we take over again post haircut.
The weather has been pleasantly cool thus far, a far cry from
summer! (2021)
TRUMP: Speaking of you [Bank of America CEO] – I hope you start opening your bank to conservatives. People are complaining the banks aren’t allowing them to do business. Bank of America – they don’t take conservatives.
January 24, 2025 8:29 am
And the usual, supposedly R, suspects are already saying they’ll vote no on Hegseth.
@SenRickScott By day three, the Obama Admin had 12 nominees confirmed, but it’s now four days into Pres. Trump’s term, & Democrats have only allowed one cabinet nominee to get a vote.
Democrats clearly want to undermine the American people & Trump’s agenda by stalling his nominees. We can’t let it happen!
Trump to the WEF Davos scum. – GFYourselves!
And I’ll state this now, Dutton and the Stupid Fcking Liberals and Nats will NOT be getting my vote until they completely can the “green power” scam.
Almost everything else is secondary.
The volume of money set to flow OUT of the country if it gets up and running as planned will completely bankrupt us virtually overnight, as if things aren’t bad enough now.
In Airstrip One, a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Another Least Said Soonest Mended would’ve worked if it wasn’t for that meddling Musk moment.
Black Ball
January 24, 2025 8:40 am
My colleague here isn’t prone to hyperbole so what she said was quite alarming.
The bloke who murdered the Quambatook woman threatened my colleague because there was no food in the bain marie. This was because the shop was just opened.
Cops said that she was lucky because they know his background.
And it isn’t his first rodeo. Already done time for murder.
So of course once out they can’t be in affluent areas like Teals seats. It’s disgraceful
What age was the lady from Quambatook ? We think we might know of her daughter
January 24, 2025 8:41 am
The Beer whisperer
January 24, 2025 8:14 am
Dutton is differentiating around the edges that we do not care about. He won’t touch hyper-immigration or the net zero scam, or preserve freedom of speech or bodily autonomy.
He should look at this option.
Maybe Dutton ought to ask Russia for a quote to get our nuke power plant on-line quicker.
Just delivered the billionth kWh of power, plus heating in winter.
Not bad for a floating barge, that could be placed practically anywhere.
Akademik Lomonosov is a non-self-propelled power barge that operates as the first Russian floating nuclear power station.
The ship was named after academician Mikhail Lomonosov. It is docked in the Pevek harbour, providing heat to the town and supplying electricity to the regional Chaun-Bilibino power system
Yep – move it out to the Marianas Trench if possible.
It could also be towed to any city suffering a weather related crisis – Darwin for example.
January 24, 2025 8:44 am
Just a few comments on Dutton and the fed libs. His statement that he is sticking to net zero because of trade repercussions is crape. The real reason Morrison agreed was the aukus deal and nuclear subs. Trade doesn’t matter. We export various stuff to the EU and UK but they export more finished goods to us. They need the stuff we send to them to make stuff. We can get by without a new Mercedes or champagne. The trade argument is a con I first heard from Matt kean. None of our other trade partners really give a fig for net zero. China?
I will point out that half the libs are moderates / wets who are really LINOs. He has to deal with them too.
This is why grassroots participation is important. The wets got Gisele Kapterian up in Bradfield because they curate small branches with a few dedicated people they trust and exclude everyone else. They then play the politics of patronage, go along with the herd and reap the personal benefits.
The Australian economy is mired in regulatory ropes. Ant of them that are removed are replace by others so that there’s no net benefit.
The ONLY way out is mass deregulation and no party has the guts to do so.
We are ruled by intellectual pygmies with no intention of ever being brave.
On 29 July 2024, a little indigenous white girl by the name of Elsie Dot Stancombe (a northern name if there ever was one) was virtually decapitated by the Welsh choir boy at a Taylor Swift holiday dance party.
Ahhhh but don’t you dare forget you ghastly, racist, far-right white working class scum, diversity is our strength, even when they’re slashing your throats and decapitating your children. Herr Sturmer and the UK establishment have told you! And yesterday, like the good progressive far-left Nazi Der Sturmer goons they are, the UK MSM are still continuing to gaslight and spruik lies about the Welsh choir boy. I suppose it’s understandable, they have to protect their man in Downing Street, the sinister adulterer and Stalinist, Herr Sturmer. Poor old Blob Johnson lost his job because of a Covid party cover up but Herr Sturmer remains safe in his job despite far worse cover ups.
So, do we laugh or do we cry? I will not laugh because doing that disrespects little Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice da Silva Aguiar and Bebe King. Personally, I think we need to cry.
As for the Welsh choir boy, he should be executed.
Last edited 20 days ago by Cassie of Sydney
January 24, 2025 8:50 am
Paywalled so I can’t read it, but seems like the ‘renewables’ transition and our wonderful green future is going great in SA:
A rule change will see two diesel generators used to prop up the South Australia grid as the state struggles to reconcile renewables with ensuring grid security.
This is after they got some new batteries online that were meant to shut down some of the peaking plants.
Did they fail to mention any open cycle gas turbines? About the least “green” power you can have, quietly installed after that posturing ninny, Weatherall, blew up a coal fired power station to the acclamations of the greens and arts biased elite.
H B Bear
January 24, 2025 8:51 am
Might pull this down from nested comment to see what others think. Too easily lost otherwise.
I read a claim that he was going to go all Trumpish on us but pointed out that it isn’t possible because Dutton has the charisma of a fence post
It is debatable whether the Australian political system could ever deliver a Trump should one emerge on the political stage. Certainly Dutton is not it, although his lack of charisma is neither here nor there for mine. On the Voice he got there in the end but it hardly inspired confidence. The fate of Kennett, Newman, even Abbott suggests there is no hidden appetite for hard decisions, rapid change or tough love in the broader electorate. At best you get some amelioration after the damage is done. That would seem to be where Qld is and Victoriastan hasn’t even made it that far.
there is no hidden appetite for hard decisions, rapid change or tough love in the broader electorate.
The majority of Aussies really don’t consider political issues past the next Budget. If they think at all about their Govt, it’s policies, their competence etc. The country is sinking fast into a 3rd world status before their eyes but far too many haven’t a fkg clue.
There does seem to have developed a “no one worse off” culture around political decision making. Politics is in essence making decisions about who benefits and who doesn’t. Turnbull’s 70c GST floor for WA has cost the Cth (ie us) billions.
The NVES (new vehicle emissions standards) might change that – they effectively outlaw Twin Cab utes and SUVs within 5 years. These make up 8 of the top 10 new car sales.
I just ordered a DMax, too much message traffic about the ‘wet belt’ in the Ranger BiTurbo motor, and the reliability issues resulting from cramming 10 speeds into the box using only the space previously allotted to 6.
WTF does a torque rich diesel need 10 speeds btw??
Its to keep it in the optimum rev range for fuel consumption figures. Being a non cvt gearbox the extra gears in the same space are probably better quality steel and the stress isn’t as great as the spread between gears is much closer. This time last year when in NZ I had a ride in a Raptor with V6 turbo with upgrades. Nearly 400Kw on tap.
Lack of money, overseas travel severely limited by exchange rate, utes banned, blackouts, excise creates a virtual prohibition, welfare reductions for starters. Then the peasants might get restless.
I’m resharing this because I don’t think you fully grasp the highlighted words..
This is a Federal Judge in Washington DC admitting he believes I was tortured, and should be released, but refused to let me go anyways.
Imagine the green light this put on our heads when a corrupt DC Judge basically tells the world that, “Yes you were mistreated and abused, I should let you go, but I refuse to free you because of who you voted for.”
By making this statement, it gave the DC Jail the permission they needed to go even HARDER on us.
When you find out everything they did to J6ers on American soil, you’ll be sick to your stomach.
‘THE DEEP STATE IS REAL:’ White House Advisor Reveals How Bureaucracy Protects “Its Own Interests,” Predicts Bureaucracy Will ‘Crush’ RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary; “If I Was Given an Order… I Would Either Try to Block It or Resign”
“RFK Jr. is a very bad pick for HHS… it’s probably a good chance that the bureaucracy just crushes him.”
“Can you give me an example of how you think they’ll do it when RFK, like if he gets in?”
Describes a ‘fake commission’ to “Make him [RFK Jr.] think something is happening when it’s not…”
A bunch of betas who don’t believe in their own agenda. If RFK is so horribly wrong, letting him fail miserably would be the quickest and most lasting way of discrediting his agenda. Instead, they play a bunch of silly games to stop anyone knowing what is real and what is not. It’s pretty much everything they do and pollymuppets that think they can just ride that bollocks are part of the problem.
Also the health bureaucracy is entirely captured by the Left. CDC employees donated 99.95% to the Democrats.
Since the Democrats regard RFKjr as a traitor they will go all out to destroy him. Therefore he should gut the CDC and HHS utterly, since it’s the only way to remove the infection.
“This Is A Catastrophe!” | ‘More than 10,000 Millionaires Have Left Britain In The Past Year’
Didn’t the Brits learn anything, when Harold Wilson declared “The rich would be taxed until their eyes bled” – and they wondered why so much money moved off shore, to tax havens?
They don’t care.
Their plan is to bankrupt western nations so they are ripe for communist take over, and at the very least unable to oppose the global domination of the communist bloc, who have spent the last thirty years playing doggo.
But but but …. we neeeeeeed to make the greedy bastards pay their ‘fair share’ ….
The joint is falling apart. Masses is trying to get out of Britain. There are YT channels documenting the decline of once thriving cities and towns. Very sad. The millionaires are lucky, at least they have the means to escape.
Bet they won’t receive a welcoming reception at Australia House if they try to emigrate here.
Wrong colour in many cases, and wrong political complexion in all cases.
UK’s millionaire exodus equal to losing 530,000 average taxpayers, study says
So, around £4.25 billion pa fallen out of the UK tax net.
Not a problem, says a Top Man.
So, with at least £21.5 billion gone already, that account means someone, somewhere is getting squeezed for an additional £55.3 billion by Starmer.
Luckily it’s going to be transferred out of the productive economy and spent on public services and government stuff.
So that will drive growth.
Get a load of the fcking fraud that goes on with the NDIS.
Not surprising. This applies in other areas as well.
For example, UBER rates are different for personal and business rides.
No. They aren’t.
You can choose a “Business Comfort” option, which essentially puts some of the same old-school Uber standards back in play and has a slightly larger minimum size for a vehicle (but since every single damn car is a Camry, it hardly matters), but there’s nothing stopping you ordering the standard ride from a business account. Or guarantee yourself the Camry you were going to get anyway and order a “Business Comfort” from your personal account.
Watched 2 minutes of the eomrns semi.Dounds like a lesbian argy.Turned off.
WTF? huh?
Turned off spellcheck, I think.
I expect you mean the Aus Open women’s semi finals. It’s good to watch with the sound muted.
Had to have a nap this arvo.
The winning.
It’s too much.
If you just watched legacy media news services you’d know about 10% of what went on in Washington this week.
TwitterX has won on every front.
The reporting and the analysis.
Man, I nearly threw up my chicken parma watching Nein news tonight.
They did a hit piece on anchor babies.
They had footage which would topperer the best Pallywood can do.
A sad-faced Latino looking woman with her pregnant belly exposed being examined by a doctor/nurse/soundman with stethoscope out in the open air.
I think the messaging is that she can’t get time off from picking cotton/avocados/corn to go to the doctor.
They are totally missing the point.
Trump’s Secretary for Chucking Out Illegals has already said he doesn’t give a fat rat’s clacker about anchor babies.
If the parents are illegals, they’re out. If they choose to abandon their kid who was born in the US, that is on them.
Whilst we can feel sympathy for them in their plight, these women probably got themselves pregnant to cheat the system.
One or two we can deal with but a hundred thousand is too much to ask for.
If there was a way to allow them to stay – with absolutely no family reunion, these women and their children would be a boon to the nation they came into. But it won’t stop there. The next bleeding heart administration would drop all the safeguards and allow the entire village in.
So we have to say no.
Lots of message traffic in the US about the constitutional meaning of the 14th amendment, and whether anchor babies are eligible for automatic US citizenship anyway
May they long continue to be so. Even better if they ceased to exist.
The WEF is Afraid
If you’d like a synopsis of today’s Diagnosis Murder episode…
Dover has my email.
All good thanks.
I think I’ll pass.
No…it was a cracker!
Er…you do realise I’m joking?
My wife chides me that my humour is so dry only the dead get the punchline.
All in all it’s a lonely existence.
Insert appropriate emoticon here.
You’re lucky that your wife even knows when you are asserting your humour. My wife needs explanations from my daughter.
Leftist Dark Money Group Opposes RFK Jr. For HHS Secretary After Supporting Presidential Run
Government agency is caught deploying sneaky tactic to get around Trump’s anti-woke purge
This reservoir was built to save Pacific Palisades. It was empty when the flames came
meh. They got what they voted for.
We need on the occasion of Trumps victory remember how many died due to the communists over the last 100 years.
That few today know of the battles and the global struggle to contain this mad ideology is because we are not doing enough to tell it.
Because we let the communists fill our schools and universities and media with their lackeys.
This is why we came so close to losing America.
Make no mistake, the communists had spent the last few decades renaming, dressing up their old ideas in new clothes and infiltrating everywhere they needed to be to put an end to a free world of independent democracies.
Their plan was to take over politically in all countries and fool the people into thinking their ideas were popular and necessary, across many countries simultaneously and in coordination.
We were close to losing.
Thank God for Trump.
The radical leftists are really upset that they had to take time out of their busy day praising Hamas to call me a Nazi
Without a doubt, back in July 2024, Donald Trump’s life was saved by God.
As my late mother said at the time, watching the footage, there were angels on the podium that day. It was a miracle.
One of Trump’s best executive orders is summed up by this little ditty:
You can’t wave a wand
To alter your gender.
Science won’t fit in
With Your diversity blender.
I said it once
And I’ll say it again:
Women are women
And men are men.
Everything went perfectly at his inauguration; even when the music didn’t play. Carrie Underwood waited for the accompanying music to sing the national anthem; she was told the player had broken down and she gave the most moving rendition without music. Watch it; its about 4 minutes. Amazing.
CARRIE UNDERWOOD sings ‘AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL’ A CAPPELLA after the soundtrack didn’t turn on
As for the church service and nitwit bishop bitch; she’s had her 5 minutes in the Sun. Good riddance. If any federal money goes to her DEI fuking parish I hope Trump stops it.
Carrie Underwood is an absolute star who handled the prolonged absence of music, and then was told just sing, magnificently.
“If you know the words, help me out” and proceeded to showcase her beautiful powerful voice with America the Beautiful. Finished off with a lovely gesture to the surrounding people. Full marks. The whole inauguration was wonderful in that breathtaking rotunda. Every day one can look forward to another “win” as Trump gets busy with chucking Biden’s crap, on the tip. It’s exciting.
We’re organising an age care package for some very reluctant parents in their late 80s. They can still vacum, wash clothes, clean benches etc but can’t bend over to scrub floors/ do the skirting boards etc. So we had a meeting with whoever organises this racket to say can you just get the cleaner to do the stuff they can’t (some of these cleaners are Toorak wives who turn up in luxury cars and are getting amazing hourly rates). Computer says no. OHS guides say they can’t bend over. But they can vacuum, wash clothes, clean benches etc.
Just pay some cleaners. I do that for my late eighties mum. Hundred bucks a week.
Agree with BoN. We went through all of this nonsense too. Ended up paying a cleaner who is a treasure.
Forget government programs.
We’ll end up doing that. The only reason we got involved in the racket was because it was rammed down their throat by some busybody after a minor fall and I had a brain fart moment and carried on about them paying usurious taxes all their lives and receiving very little back so why not claw a bit back now. As expected, it’s become a nightmare. Imagine spending that last years of your life being told by a nice lady with a clipboard how a generous government is going to carry you to the grave. At one point the nice lady was insisting on nutritious pre-made meals.
They told her to stick it. Their whole
routine is shopping, cooking and knocking of a good Shiraz. Governments disgust me.
what Bruce and Calli said.
Also, if you hire a non NDIS Cleaner, you can generally be sure they will do an excellent job.
Seligman will be turning in his grave. He was the asshole who did those terrible experiments on dogs and established the concept of learned helplessness. One of the worst things we can do with age is become idle. Housework is an excellent form of productive and meaningful exercise which is both aerobic and resistance training, enhancing balance by promoting co-ordination and muscle strength, which is vitally important because falls are a huge risk factor for older people that lead to broken bonesand brain damage which precipitates dementia, and then they’ll need much more than cleaners!
I mean Fme, who are the idiots designing these programs? Are they that effing stupid that they can’t think about second and third order consequences? Are they that incapable of thinking things through over months that I and many others can do during a social media rant?
I think Seligman is still with us.
US troops at border as Operation Deport beginsDonald Trump’s border security and immigration crackdown is being implemented, with 1500 troops sent to the southwest border and deportation operations commencing.
From the Oz. Take note, Albo, this is how it’s done!
From the Oz:-
Despite the pleas of Bishop Bleeding-Heart, a few Dimocrats have sniffed the wind.
Twenty pussent of Dimocrats crossed the floor and a few others abstained or were no-shows.
The winning.
I need another Bex and a good lay down.
No-one makes fun of Diagnosis Murder and gets away with it.
I think people will tire of Executive Orders in a few days.
Orange Hitler might want to re-brand them.
How about “Royal Decree from the Court of Donald the Second”?
Too wordy?
What about “Fatwah”?
The radical leftists are really upset that they had to take time out of their busy day praising Hamas to call me a Nazi
That’s how you deal with the left, you mop up the swill they throw your way and you chuck that swill right back in their faces.
As someone just texted me, citing Jewish Uncensored….
The same people that supported the real Nazis on October 7th are the ones now calling Elon Musk a Nazi. Let that sink in…
Some idiot said that he’d prefer not to trust the space program to someone who does the Nazi salute.
The replies have not been kind. The most subtle are along the lines of, “Who wants to tell him?”
I can’t stop laughing!
Paging Werner Von Braun…..
DrBeauGan January 23, 2025 7:37 am
Their ABCess 7:30 just had Labor minister Ed Husic on who wanted to emphasise “In Australia nobody should feel uncomfortable and feel intimidated about practising their religion.”
That misguided fool is making the mistake of treating all religions the same, as though there are no significant differences. Newsflash, some religions are worse than others, but nobody on the news will dare actually say that.
Apparently islamophobic “attacks” (whatever that means) have been way up since Oct 7 2023. I think we can all agree that nobody* here is responsible for the actions taken half a world away in Gaza. That cuts both ways.
*= except for the 3000 Gazans given tourist visas.
“Islamophobic attacks” equals: Someone tugged my hijab on the train/bus.
If they were more serious, the screeching would be audible beyond Mars.
At one stage Australia was considering the F104 Starfighter.
Ended up with the Dassault Mirage instead.
At Gulgong I remember watching them blasting through the sky.
AM Scherger flew a Mirage and lurrrrrved the experience.
The RAAF choice for the Canberra replacement was the A-5 Vigilante, a carrier borne nuclear strike aircraft which the then Defence Minister rejected. It was withdrawn from service in November 1979, the F-111 stayed in service for many years after that.
Story reached my ears that the R.A.A.F regarded the worst possible case as loosing eight F- 111’s in the first two years.
The Starfighter was dubbed the ‘widow maker’: Loss rates by country
But Aussie Mirage losses were scarcely better at 42/116 = 36%.
F18 Losses have been much lower, 4/75 of the original classics and ? 1/12 Growlers and 1/24 Superhornets (loss numbers a bit iffy for those 2 variants).
Was the loss rate due to the fact that the Starfighter- just about the most science fiction looking thing in the sky when new- was designed as a high speed, high altitude interceptor, but in service in Europe it mostly flew at lower altitudes and often in poor weather, as a strike aircraft?
“In Australia nobody should feel uncomfortable and feel intimidated about practising their religion.”
My dear old mum would have been pleased to hear that. She used to conduct human sacrifices by the light of the full moon. There were hardly any virgins left in the northern suburbs in her later days. Of course, there weren’t many before.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha January 23, 2025 4:29 pm
That’s running a nation, not a state existing below a federal government.
Exactly what I noticed – NZ has to run Foreign Affairs, “ Defence” etc. which Queensland does not have.
Does NZ have major Govt. activities carried out by contractors, or by local Govt?
If not, even allowing for geographic issues, QLD. must have at least twice the public service it needs – maybe 4 times, incredible though that seems, even for Australia.
Couple of after dinner single malts, and reading Jeffrey Cox’s monumental account of the disastrous Java Sea Campaign of World War Two – the futile attempts by the American, British, Dutch and Australian navies to halt the rapid Japanese advance of 1942.
Suffering a total defeat, his flagship, the De Ruyter a glowing blast furnace, the Dutch Rear Admiral Karel Doorman ensured that the last lifeboat was filled with wounded sailors, and saw it pushed away from the ship. He then retired to his cabin and shot himself.
I’ve seen his memorial in Rotterdam – rather moving.
Doing up a book Australia’s Coastal War, about ALL of the actions around the continent in WWII.
Came across a Dutch civilian ship I’d never heard of the other day being sunk by Japanese surface units off NW Australia in early 1942. It was trying to make it to Oz, like so many others. It was such a big war.
I’d look forward to reading that, Top Ender.
Me too.
I was surprised to learn, maybe 15 years ago, of the U-boat activity off Victoria and NZ.
President Trump has reinstated Houthis as a Terrorist Organisation.
insane “anti-racist” conference at the Queensland University of Technology
these people are mental
As I have said before, “anti-racists” are often themselves racists of the worst kind.
They are great fun to debate because they are so easily maneuvered into stupid statements that reveal their hypocrisy.
Mate in 1 … white to play
Well you’ve got me snookered.
D8 -D5 should wrap it up
D8- D4
Q-D4 mate
Parking queen bang up against king with a net around her is a great victory. Not as good as when you slay king with no queen and wide net though. Rare games
dunny … yr a player?
and TE … righto, I’ll scale it up
On Chessworld,net as Aussietom if you want a game.
Tom, a year ago I bought my nephew a chess set
then I got on chess.com and rapidly found out exactly how bad a player I was.
started doing puzzles because I had no tactical vision
excellent at puzzles (95th percentile)
utterly average in a rapid 10minute game and I do much better with more time
busy lately learning defensive openings for black (Alekhine, Benko, Kings Indian etc)
haven’t been to chessworld.com … will sign up and find you when I get time
WQ- d4
got it now. Thanks.
Alex Soros Says Billionaire Dad ‘Very Upset’ With ‘Amount of Bureaucracy’ at Family’s Liberal Nonprofit
What didn’t they manipulate?
Biden Justice Department ‘manipulated’ crime data to fit Democrats’ narrative: retired police officer
Regarding the Java Sea Campaign, earlier in the campaign, the British cruiser H.M.S. Exeter, suffered a hit by an 8 inch shell, from a Japanese cruiser.
Dock yard workers, repairing the damage, discovered the base plate to the shell – and discovered it was stamped “Made in Britain.”
Damn Mr. Jung and his synchronicity! Before a FB prompt alerted me to some doofus I was watching below. Yeah, Drachinifel is back!
(44) Who had the best torpedoes of WW2? – YouTube
I often watch Drach on YouTube.
The Japanese “Long Lance”, surely?
Snap, I watched that last night!
Prank calls, really stupid but had to laugh
Garbled abuse and hang up.
Garbled abuse and hang up.
An old Dago, who was a regular at the local pub where I lived 20 years ago, used to get me to score chicken livers for him. I was working at Steggles.
Fry-a dem up-a with-a de On-ion. Reckoned it was choice tucker. Nostalgic food from his peasant upbringing in Calabria etc I imagine.
Beef liver cooked just right (medium) in olive oil and a splash of vinegar served with a side of chips, with the oil/ vinegar mixture from the pan drizzled over the top is delicious.
Late FiL made lambs liver and onions worthy of Michelin star restaurants. Only thing he could cook. Wife liked his lobster mornay but he never used Gruyere so the sauce didn’t have the right taste.
Fegatini di Pollo was the Old Man’s favourite
I just spent half an hour on Facebook and now I need a hot shower to decontaminate. What a vile place it has become.
(44) Burn (10th Anniversary Tour Version) ft. Sara Niemietz, Kyndle Wylde, Tatum Langley – YouTube
removing the defender
white to play
whoops … black to play
white is in big trouble and will be checkmated in 1 or 2 moves
How did white get into that position in the first place.
probably castled queen-side
It’s a wonder chess hasn’t been called out as racist.
Wonder no more.
From 2020:
In true ‘never apologise’ … just agree with them: of ‘course whites go first’
Liver is an excellent source of a neglected nutrient: choline. Egg yolk also which is why I bought an egg cooker because it keeps the heat down to prevent nutrient destruction.
Choline is a necessary substrate for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Ach falls through the floor in Alz. Ach plays a vital role in modulating brain inflammation, memory consolidation, and alertness. Studies suggest most people do not receive enough choline.
I checked …
Choline: The essential but forgotten nutrient | UNC NRI
BTW anyone who promotes paleo\carnivore but doesn’t promote organ meats is way off base.
Animals already know this. Thats why the internal organs are eaten first.
Factcheck: true
Johannes Leak.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
A better account of the Afghani stabber in Germany:
In other words, the authorities knew of his behaviour, knew he wasn’t allowed to be in Germany, and refused to deport him.
Instead they waited until he completed the task he left in Germany for – murdering and terrorising the citizenry.
This is no longer excusable by the authorities. It is the deliberate foisting of a dangerous criminal onto a defenceless public for ideological ends.
Fegato alla Veneziana is delicious and is a family favourite – we mostly ate calf’s liver from our own hand-raised vealers — until I left home we ate only white meat, chicken, fish, veal and pork — it is very difficult to get good veal these days the butchers try to sell yearling as veal– nuh, if it bleeds red it ain’t veal
I love liver and kidneys and heart.
I particularly love liver cooked Spanish style.
Slice the the liver thin, rub it with a paste made from fresh garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Lemon zest is also wonderful.
Then, dip the slices into breadcrumbs, egg, then breadcrumbs again.
Pan fry quickly in olive oil.
Liver Schnitzel, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
And yes, that is correct, NOT flour, egg, crumbs.
Crumbs, egg, crumbs. The initial layer of crumbs prevents the gooiness that can sometimes happen with flour. If you want to go flash, crumbs, egg, then Panko crumbs. mmmmmmmmmmm
Wow sounds sensational will certainly give it a go – the Sunbather needs to have some of that good stuff. We had our own chickens and Mum would include in her ragu the liver, heart and kidneys (tiny though they were – it added a certain sappore – I miss my mamma even after a quarter of a century that she’s gone. Her sister, my Zia Ida in Italy died last Saturday, the last of my parents’ generation, it makes me very nostalgic and sad.
Ladies it is so nice to engage in food discussion. The young women I come across have very little interest in food. One DiL is the finest pastry chef yet has no interest in other cooking. Other DiL can’t cook at all. Was brought up on takeaways. Son is slowly introducing her to a wide variety.
Is there a cuisine around the Mediterranean thats not fantastic. Saw Rick Stein in Turkey. His Turkish guide and interpreter suggested they are really just variations ofthe same things ,such is the mixing of cultures over millennia.
Wish I’d been brought up on wog food. Nana had a restaurant, mum never got the cooking genes. Managed to make everything taste the same. My Italian aunt never got the genes either. Ate the plainest food. Had a magnificent garden but I don’t recall it coming across the table. I lived with them for a while and guess my memory is failing. I miss them more than my parents, thats not hard as I don’t miss them in the slightest.
That’s sad GreyRanga but sometimes the old adage you can pick your friends but not your relatives is true for some. My daughter-in-law a case in point – but takes all kinds to make a world. I miss my Dad too — he was a violent alcoholic with no education and I guess he dragged his father’s brutti vizi into his life. But he was a very staunch loather of Cough-up Whitlam and the Labor spivs
Nice work promoting the Democratic vote around the country:
The Trump administration has started rounding up violent undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities all over the country, including the alleged leader of a Haitian gang and murder and rape suspects in Boston.
The agitated Haitian migrant, who wasn’t named but who has 17 recent convictions, said he ‘ain’t going back to Haiti’ as he was placed in a police car.
‘Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!’ the migrant added.
ICE officers in Boston said they also arrested multiple MS-13 gang members in the Boston raids.
Try 2:
Nice work promoting the Democratic vote around the country:
The Trump administration has started rounding up violent undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities all over the country, including the alleged leader of a Haitian gang and murder and rape suspects in Boston.
The agitated Haitian migrant, who wasn’t named but who has 17 recent convictions, said he ‘ain’t going back to Haiti’ as he was placed in a police car.
‘Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!’ the migrant added.
ICE officers in Boston said they also arrested multiple MS-13 gang members in the Boston raids.
Daily Mail
More Trumpening!
Hundreds of transgender federal prisoners are living in fear after a ’round-up’ that will send them packing to men’s lock-ups following a day one executive order from new president Donald Trump.
Now lawyers are desperately trying to find a way to fight the order saying the prisoners will have ‘a target on their backs’ as they move in with hardened male inmates.
‘It’s going to be incredibly dangerous,’ one lawyer told DailyMail.com.
I thought they’d like hardened male inmates, or were they just saying they’re trannies to get access to women in prison.
I thought they’d like hardened male inmates…
Why can’t they just put trans in their own prisons? Seems to more of them in the system than women. Actually, don’t bother. It’s known why.
BHP sacking labour hire companies because of no-show jobs really should be getting more coverage.
What does a union official do when they call time?
Get a job in the union super ecosystem (we really need to stop calling it industry super).
Or set up a labour hire company that gets sweet deals from larger labour hire companies.
Winston Smith – 23/1 @ 06:06
Spot on. Think back to Hardrian in Judea which caused the first Jewish Disporea.
A lagre cutler of people of a similar race in a foreign country sticking to their rules, customs, langauge, trading on with eachother and marrying each other and then asking the homelanders to change for them.
this causes resentment, hatred, impatience and then violence.
The filthy USSR did this on steriods.
Hawke and Evans, that so called giant intellectual, agree now that opening Australia to Chinese immigration was a mistake.
these people are immature post pubescent adolescence.They are Rick/Spotty/Silent P from the young ones.
Albo/ Wong etc do not understand what they are doing.
All they are “are wonna be Eastern Suburbs English Protestants”.
The afternoon of tennis in Perth with Albo and Weatherall – Far out.
We can take solace people have been this dumb for over 150 years – maybe we are not as useless as we think.
Or a $50 per hour bag carrier with NDIS. Or get an abo mate to set up an indigenous company with him to plug into the abo industry pigs trough. Many options for union parasites.
So, the Journal has an article about a new restaurant (Butterworth’s) in DC where all the Trump connected and MAGA people hangout. It has a photo of Rita Panahi taking a selfie with one of the investors.
Defund the UN.
Shocking: Freed Israeli Hostages Say Hamas Used U.N. Facilities to Hide Them (22 Jan)
What is shocking is that there is no comment from any governments, none are even surprised. Doesn’t this mean that the UN is at war with Israel?
It could be that, apart from the claim made on Israeli 13, it hasn’t been substantiated just yet.
The UN.
Not antisemitic at all.
I recognise they are all muzzie-commie shiiteholes.
I see Dutton has again displayed his total lack of a spine by doubling down on his commitment to the global warming hoax and keeping us in the ruinous Paris accords. His WEF credentials remain intact, a good UNiparty apparatchik. I’m sure he reckons the SFL’s will win on a Bradbury just by standing in front of the one Aussie flag, removing yet more freedoms and getting digital ID up. Wow, so much winning!
Makka – I have had considerable success saying ‘no’ to digital identity. It is written into law as ‘voluntary.’ ANAO did an audit of Finance (who ran the DI Interim Oversight Authority) and pinned them on the question of non-DI alternatives. Which Finance have been acting on now. The Departments and Agencies are fighting it (via a devious ‘failing to disclose’ basis) but the law also articulates, ‘federal agencies and departments do not get an exemption’ from the law. Always refuse, no matter what. Always flag the law and that no agency/department get an exemption. Always demand the non-DI alternative.
Better get ready for the couch then.
I had it even worse than that, used to wrap up an ice pack in a towel and put under my feet.
Hot flushes were quite embarrassing, I had one while talking to a client who became concerned and asked if I was OK. I had to sheepishly explain the cause.
Friend of ours used to claim she didn’t have “hot flushes”; she had “power surges”.
The Far Side by Gary Larson
I’ll still take the worst accordion polka over the best rap tune any day.
A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion, but doesn’t.
A gentleman is a man who can play the bagpipes, but doesn’t.
I have the complete set of Gary Larson.
I have been a fan for decades.
Dutton is differentiating around the edges that we do not care about. He won’t touch hyper-immigration or the net zero scam, or preserve freedom of speech or bodily autonomy.
I read a claim that he was going to go all Trumpish on us but pointed out that it isn’t possible because Dutton has the charisma of a fence post.
But “I” pointed out…
It is debatable whether the Australian political system could ever deliver a Trump should one emerge on the political stage. Certainly Dutton is not it, although his lack of charisma is neither here nor there for mine. On the Voice he got there in the end but it hardly inspired confidence. The fate of Kennett, Newman, even Abbott suggests there is no hidden appetite for hard decisions, rapid change or tough love in the broader electorate. At best you get some amelioration after the damage is done. That would seem to be where Qld is and Victoriastan hasn’t even made it that far.
Yes- if it wasn’t for Jacinta, all Dutton would manage is a few squeals while hiding behind the bushes. No spine, no conviction.
It doesn’t help that most of Victoria has moved to Queensland.
Public service refugees from Kennett’s VIC changed the political landscape of SE QLD noticeably.
It is hoped the current crop have a different mindset.
Well you should’ve thought about that before illegally issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu.
ICC fears Trump sanctions will destroy organization (23 Jan)
Good. Rabz the lot of them.
and this is a negative.
I expect you meant to put a question mark there.
Rugged Beauty
At first glance you might think these Bison must be cold, after all the temperature was below zero the morning I came across this scene. There is, however, a way to know that they are not.
Wildlife of all sorts grow protective Winter coats and layers of fat that keep them warm. If they are well fed, healthy and not overly stressed, their coats will not allow much body heat to escape.
If these Bison had been unwell, the snow would be melted by escaping body heat.
It is a gritty life in Yellowstone but they do this grand place justice with their own rugged beauty.
SBS had an excellent documentary series on the American Bison.
It is probably available to view on SBS on Demand.
Well worth the time.
We can play “Count the Bison”.
You’d think if they were cold, they would clump together, but they’re not even doing that.
This is the worry for Trump:
Two Republicans voted against advancing Mr. Hegseth’s nomination: Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
Pete Hegseth narrowly clears Senate test vote, poised for final confirmation on Friday – Washington Times
Just like here, conservatism is always betrayed by faux conservatives. Duttie has come out and said he’s staying with little johnnie’s Paris suck up, ruinables and trannies are great.
Such is the growing loathing for Albo and Labor, Dutton figures that all he has to do to get the big job is show up. We are hopelessly fkd.
He may be right. Australia has been here before. I would say Abbott and Albo fell into the same boat.
He is. That’s why I said we are hopelessly fkd.
“Would you like the sh*t sandwich? Or the sh*t sandwich with jam?”
Collins is up for re-election in the mid terms but Murkowski 2028. Hope Trump disendorses Collins.
Even if the election goes to a Democrat how different would that be from how Collins votes in Senate?
Every. Single. Time.
Wake up wymmyn! You are on a losing strategy. The noodle armed will not protect you.
It doesn’t help but the Senate sits (nominally) at 53-47.
So this won’t defeat the nomination.
I can’t figure out how a dead-set conservative state like Alaska keeps returning that RINO, Murkyowski.
I suspect both Collins and Murkyowski know their cards are marked, so are just digging in.
Alasks instigated Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in 2020. Their system of our preferential voting system.
Wonder of Wonders, Moocowskid, was behind after the first round and then the left wing loonies BIRM second votes started its ascension to victory.
Perhaps there is a need for Alaskans to call for a recall election and send this creature to the ignominious defeat it deserves.
Sheep farmers have always some tasks coming up.
You’d be surprised by the number of sheep there, what do they eat?
January is crutching time on our merino sheep husbandry timetable.
That’s removing the wool from around their eyes (so they’re not ‘wool blind’), their bum (so the poo doesn’t cling, attracting blow flies) and for the guys, their pizzle (aka their old fella, also to stop blowfly strike).
The crutching team work their way through our sheep once the fellas get them to the yards, and we take over again post haircut.
The weather has been pleasantly cool thus far, a far cry from
summer! (2021)
Trilby Station
Trump signed the Executive Order to unseal the RFK, JFK, and MLK Jr. files.
This is HUGE!!!
My only concern is they have had 60 years to ‘misplace’ whatever they want to
There will be nothing there worth the effort.
It isn’t. Let’s just wait and see what’s released and then what is redacted.
HOLY SHLIT. Trump called him out!
TRUMP: Speaking of you [Bank of America CEO] – I hope you start opening your bank to conservatives. People are complaining the banks aren’t allowing them to do business. Bank of America – they don’t take conservatives.
And the usual, supposedly R, suspects are already saying they’ll vote no on Hegseth.
By day three, the Obama Admin had 12 nominees confirmed, but it’s now four days into Pres. Trump’s term, & Democrats have only allowed one cabinet nominee to get a vote.
Democrats clearly want to undermine the American people & Trump’s agenda by stalling his nominees. We can’t let it happen!
If it’s a simple majority, Republicans have it therefore it’s the recalcitrant Republicans who are holding them up.
He can give them his last cent, but that still won’t make America take any notice of their rubbish.
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg offers to step in after Trump withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
Aren’t I such a hero, saving the planet from nothing.
Tax write-off.
Tells you everything you need to know.
Trump to the WEF Davos scum. – GFYourselves!
And I’ll state this now, Dutton and the Stupid Fcking Liberals and Nats will NOT be getting my vote until they completely can the “green power” scam.
Almost everything else is secondary.
The volume of money set to flow OUT of the country if it gets up and running as planned will completely bankrupt us virtually overnight, as if things aren’t bad enough now.
Listen to this father speak out about what was done to his son who was a J6 prisoner.
In Airstrip One, a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Another Least Said Soonest Mended would’ve worked if it wasn’t for that meddling Musk moment.
My colleague here isn’t prone to hyperbole so what she said was quite alarming.
The bloke who murdered the Quambatook woman threatened my colleague because there was no food in the bain marie. This was because the shop was just opened.
Cops said that she was lucky because they know his background.
And it isn’t his first rodeo. Already done time for murder.
So of course once out they can’t be in affluent areas like Teals seats. It’s disgraceful
What age was the lady from Quambatook ? We think we might know of her daughter
The Beer whisperer
January 24, 2025 8:14 am
He should look at this option.
Maybe Dutton ought to ask Russia for a quote to get our nuke power plant on-line quicker.
Just delivered the billionth kWh of power, plus heating in winter.
Not bad for a floating barge, that could be placed practically anywhere.
Akademik Lomonosov is a non-self-propelled power barge that operates as the first Russian floating nuclear power station.
The ship was named after academician Mikhail Lomonosov. It is docked in the Pevek harbour, providing heat to the town and supplying electricity to the regional Chaun-Bilibino power system
NOt a bad idea… could potentially be towed out to see and sunk if there was a Chernobyl event
And towed to any town along the coast at a few hours notice, practically quicker than fixing downed power lines.
I didn’t look at the specs but I’m sure there is a provision for that.
BTW Chernobyl tech was like a stone age club against an AK 47, not to mention humans mishandling the situation, but enough said about that already.
Yep – move it out to the Marianas Trench if possible.
It could also be towed to any city suffering a weather related crisis – Darwin for example.
Just a few comments on Dutton and the fed libs. His statement that he is sticking to net zero because of trade repercussions is crape. The real reason Morrison agreed was the aukus deal and nuclear subs. Trade doesn’t matter. We export various stuff to the EU and UK but they export more finished goods to us. They need the stuff we send to them to make stuff. We can get by without a new Mercedes or champagne. The trade argument is a con I first heard from Matt kean. None of our other trade partners really give a fig for net zero. China?
I will point out that half the libs are moderates / wets who are really LINOs. He has to deal with them too.
This is why grassroots participation is important. The wets got Gisele Kapterian up in Bradfield because they curate small branches with a few dedicated people they trust and exclude everyone else. They then play the politics of patronage, go along with the herd and reap the personal benefits.
Excuse moi?
Hush yo mouth, boy!
Quite true Jock
4% of our exports go to Europe and 84% of our exports go to Asian countries who don’t give a cr&p about climate change cr@p.
The Australian economy is mired in regulatory ropes. Ant of them that are removed are replace by others so that there’s no net benefit.
The ONLY way out is mass deregulation and no party has the guts to do so.
We are ruled by intellectual pygmies with no intention of ever being brave.
We need this guy to pay us a visit
Senate confirms John Ratcliffe to lead the CIA, giving Trump his second Cabinet member
It’S HaPpEnINg, It’S HaPpEnINg!
GOP Sen Who Backed Biden Nominees Becomes First Republican To Oppose Pete Hegseth
On 29 July 2024, a little indigenous white girl by the name of Elsie Dot Stancombe (a northern name if there ever was one) was virtually decapitated by the Welsh choir boy at a Taylor Swift holiday dance party.
Ahhhh but don’t you dare forget you ghastly, racist, far-right white working class scum, diversity is our strength, even when they’re slashing your throats and decapitating your children. Herr Sturmer and the UK establishment have told you! And yesterday, like the good progressive far-left Nazi Der Sturmer goons they are, the UK MSM are still continuing to gaslight and spruik lies about the Welsh choir boy. I suppose it’s understandable, they have to protect their man in Downing Street, the sinister adulterer and Stalinist, Herr Sturmer. Poor old Blob Johnson lost his job because of a Covid party cover up but Herr Sturmer remains safe in his job despite far worse cover ups.
So, do we laugh or do we cry? I will not laugh because doing that disrespects little Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice da Silva Aguiar and Bebe King. Personally, I think we need to cry.
As for the Welsh choir boy, he should be executed.
Paywalled so I can’t read it, but seems like the ‘renewables’ transition and our wonderful green future is going great in SA:
This is after they got some new batteries online that were meant to shut down some of the peaking plants.
SA interconnectors are behind schedule to support the beggar thy neighbour renewable dream.
*Two* diesel generators, two?. Problem sorted then!
Did they fail to mention any open cycle gas turbines? About the least “green” power you can have, quietly installed after that posturing ninny, Weatherall, blew up a coal fired power station to the acclamations of the greens and arts biased elite.
Might pull this down from nested comment to see what others think. Too easily lost otherwise.
H B Bear
January 24, 2025 8:35 am
Reply to The Beer whisperer
It is debatable whether the Australian political system could ever deliver a Trump should one emerge on the political stage. Certainly Dutton is not it, although his lack of charisma is neither here nor there for mine. On the Voice he got there in the end but it hardly inspired confidence. The fate of Kennett, Newman, even Abbott suggests there is no hidden appetite for hard decisions, rapid change or tough love in the broader electorate. At best you get some amelioration after the damage is done. That would seem to be where Qld is and Victoriastan hasn’t even made it that far.
The majority of Aussies really don’t consider political issues past the next Budget. If they think at all about their Govt, it’s policies, their competence etc. The country is sinking fast into a 3rd world status before their eyes but far too many haven’t a fkg clue.
There does seem to have developed a “no one worse off” culture around political decision making. Politics is in essence making decisions about who benefits and who doesn’t. Turnbull’s 70c GST floor for WA has cost the Cth (ie us) billions.
The NVES (new vehicle emissions standards) might change that – they effectively outlaw Twin Cab utes and SUVs within 5 years. These make up 8 of the top 10 new car sales.
“Mate, not me Ranger.”
I just ordered a DMax, too much message traffic about the ‘wet belt’ in the Ranger BiTurbo motor, and the reliability issues resulting from cramming 10 speeds into the box using only the space previously allotted to 6.
WTF does a torque rich diesel need 10 speeds btw??
Its to keep it in the optimum rev range for fuel consumption figures. Being a non cvt gearbox the extra gears in the same space are probably better quality steel and the stress isn’t as great as the spread between gears is much closer. This time last year when in NZ I had a ride in a Raptor with V6 turbo with upgrades. Nearly 400Kw on tap.
Same reason we get 4cyl Prados now – bullshit Euro CO2 emissions regulations.
Donald Horne’s observations on the lucky country are as true today as when they were made.
If only we had unimaginative second rate leaders.
What we have is wreckers driven by ideology.
Lack of money, overseas travel severely limited by exchange rate, utes banned, blackouts, excise creates a virtual prohibition, welfare reductions for starters. Then the peasants might get restless.
Don’t cry for me Austrantina.
Nothing like a trip to the FX dealer to tell you you are going backwards. Ask a Japanese.
It works both ways …my BTC and PMs go up when the AUD goes down
Almost everything else is secondary.
No, not for me, my safety is primary. I and other Jews no longer feel safe under the Jew hating Slug from Grayndler.
That’s why I said “almost”.
A very close second if not equal top is who’s coming in and dealing properly with the problem already in the door.
J6 judges behaving badly: a chronicle…
Transgender inmates panic as Donald Trump’s executive order sends them packing to men’s prisons
That’s tough.
Someone treating them like the men they are.
Rumor: DC jail guards panicking over their abuse of J6 political prisoners…
Good. Arrest, detention, trials and jail terms for them all.
Including Bowser, who runs the whole disgusting DC sh*t show.
Really stupid people who never imagined that there could be a change in government.
Not quite.
They thought Trump and the MAGA movement were done, and any incoming RINO administration would applaud what they had done anyway.
I’m resharing this because I don’t think you fully grasp the highlighted words..
This is a Federal Judge in Washington DC admitting he believes I was tortured, and should be released, but refused to let me go anyways.
Imagine the green light this put on our heads when a corrupt DC Judge basically tells the world that, “Yes you were mistreated and abused, I should let you go, but I refuse to free you because of who you voted for.”
By making this statement, it gave the DC Jail the permission they needed to go even HARDER on us.
When you find out everything they did to J6ers on American soil, you’ll be sick to your stomach.
WAR WITH TRUMP: Soros DA Scheming to Re-Prosecute Pardoned January 6 Defendants
‘THE DEEP STATE IS REAL:’ White House Advisor Reveals How Bureaucracy Protects “Its Own Interests,” Predicts Bureaucracy Will ‘Crush’ RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary; “If I Was Given an Order… I Would Either Try to Block It or Resign”
“RFK Jr. is a very bad pick for HHS… it’s probably a good chance that the bureaucracy just crushes him.”
“Can you give me an example of how you think they’ll do it when RFK, like if he gets in?”
Describes a ‘fake commission’ to “Make him [RFK Jr.] think something is happening when it’s not…”
A bunch of betas who don’t believe in their own agenda. If RFK is so horribly wrong, letting him fail miserably would be the quickest and most lasting way of discrediting his agenda. Instead, they play a bunch of silly games to stop anyone knowing what is real and what is not. It’s pretty much everything they do and pollymuppets that think they can just ride that bollocks are part of the problem.
Big Pharma and Big Food mega $$$$’s are all lined up against RFKjnr. He has a monumental task. May God bless him.
Also the health bureaucracy is entirely captured by the Left. CDC employees donated 99.95% to the Democrats.
Since the Democrats regard RFKjr as a traitor they will go all out to destroy him. Therefore he should gut the CDC and HHS utterly, since it’s the only way to remove the infection.