It’s a difficult issue, this execution of minors business. I understand if you couldn’t find an executioner to do it.
The problem Delta, is that if you don’t drop them far enough it doesn’t do the job, and if you drop them too far their heads pop off.
can someone explain to me in words of one syllable, how you “post as plain text” to avoid comments going into moderation?
No I can’t. Try this though: put cursor thingy in text box then right click mouse in drop down menu “paste as plain text” choice can be seen click on that.
can someone explain to me in words of one syllable, how you “post as plain text” to avoid comments going into moderation?
January 31, 2025 3:31 pm
I reserve the right to tick anyone off, regardless of race, gender or creed.
I think it’s important to clear the room on this issue.
January 31, 2025 3:36 pm
did you see Tulsi mention Operation Timber Sycamore at the hearings and schooling that Sen. Kelly. Very good.
No, but I just did. I’ve often said Syria was a very complex situation and they could both be right. Assad was a murderous prick who killed anyone who opposed the regime.
The groups that the US first began to support were the Kurds and the Free Syrian Army. As I understand it, factions within the FSA began to merge and make nice with groups that were considered extremists.
Sometimes, you end up with with a substandard result.I heard Tulsi say that this new regime in Syria has begun to attack minorities, but is this true as I haven’t read anything about it. Perhaps I may have missed this news.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 31, 2025 3:40 pm
Hostages’ selfless courage glowed despite starvation and cruelty
Anne Barrowclough
2 hours ago.
Updated 1 hours ago
Released Israeli hostage cries as he holds his children
Israeli hostage Gadi Moses cried as he met his three children in an army facility on Thursday (January 30), shortly after he…
The three Israeli hostages freed on Thursday amid scenes of chaos have revealed the “horror” of their captivity, amid stories of extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of Hamas cruelty.
Agam Berger, a 20-year-old soldier, Arbel Yehud, 29, a civilian whose freedom became a point of tension with Israel, and Gadi Moses, 80, a potato farmer, were freed at two different locations, with Ms Yehud and Mr Moses visibly shaken as they were mobbed by screaming crowds of men.
After 482 days of captivity, the three returned to their families late Thursday night (AEDT), giving some of the most detailed descriptions yet of their deprivations at the hands of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
The two women and the female soldiers released last weekend have said they were forced to cook for their captors, but weren’t allowed to eat any of the food themselves, suffering prolonged periods of starvation. Kept in the dark for most of their captivity, they were allowed to shower only once a fortnight and were strictly forbidden from crying or supporting each other, told they would be severely punished if they disobeyed.
Agam Berger is reunited with her parents after her release by Hamas. Picture; Israeli Army/AFP.
Agam Berger is reunited with her parents after her release by Hamas. Picture; Israeli Army/AFP.
Yet they showed huge courage, with Ms Berger and Liri Albag, an IDF soldier freed last weekend refusing to move into the dark, airless tunnels where other hostages were being kept – forcing their captors to hold them above ground instead. While the conditions in which they were kept were still grim, at least they had light and air, they said.
What’s more, the trio freed on Thursday insisted on keeping Jewish traditions, including attempting to fast on Yom Kippur despite suffering severe malnutrition.
In an astonishing act of selflessness, Ms Albag also refused to be freed last week when she heard that Ms Berger’s release had been postponed. According to Israel’s Channel 12 news, Ms Albag told her captors she would not leave Ms Berger, who had been on the list for last week’s release but was kept in captivity because Islamic Jihad thought she was a soldier. In the end, the jihadis tricked Ms Albag into going with them by telling her they were going to film a propaganda video – only to hand her over to the Red Cross.
For her part, Ms Berger said she took comfort in knowing her friends had been released, and scratched her parents’ phone numbers on a plastic cup, using a pin she was given to close her hijab so they could contact her family.
She has also been revealed as the person who braided her fellow hostages’ hair before they were freed, a move that has led to Jewish women in the US braiding their hair with yellow ribbons in support of the hostages.
Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad and Hamas fighters escort Israeli hostage Arbel Yehud through a screaming mob. Picture: AFP,
Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad and Hamas fighters escort Israeli hostage Arbel Yehud through a screaming mob. Picture: AFP,
Ms Yehud, who was kept alone for her entire time in captivity, said Mr Moses was the first non-Palestinian face she had seen when they met shortly before they were handed over.
“I was mostly alone,” she told the Red Cross workers who met her.
“What you saw today — the armed men escorting me — that is just a fraction of the horror,” she added of the frightening mob scenes surrounding her release that have been viewed around the world.
She said she was told during her captivity that her brother, Dolev, had been murdered in the October 7 attack on Nir Oz but according to Israeli media, the full horror of the 2023 massacre has not yet sunk in.
To many of his countrymen, Mr Moses has come to symbolise Israeli resilience, with pictures of him walking upright and with a faint smile through the Palestinian mobs on Thursday night going viral in Israel.
The octogenarian kibbutzim, who lost his partner Efrat and ex wife on October 7 and its aftermath, had no idea of their fates. Tragically, he only found out when he asked female soldiers at the IDF checkpoint how Efrat was, and was told that his partner, who had also been captured by Hamas, died when an Israeli helicopter fired on the vehicle in which she was being held.
Gadi Moses is handed over to a Red Cross team in Khan Yunis. Picture: AFP.
Gadi Moses is handed over to a Red Cross team in Khan Yunis. Picture: AFP.
Despite his grief, Mr Moses had only smiles for his family when they were reunited, and he told them he had refused to break down in captivity.
“I never broke, I never cried — I just waited for the moment I would be free,” he said, adding that what kept him alive was the knowledge that he would rebuild his kibbutz and his beloved community.
“Wow Gadi Moses, 80-year-old kibbutznik, made of humanity’s toughest stuff,” Ram Shefa, a former Israeli MP, posted on Facebook. “Welcome back to the community of Nir Oz and Israel.”
As they were being driven back into Israel, Mr Moses and Ms Yehud passed the kibbutzes from where they had been taken. Outside the kibbutz homes they saw their old friends and fellow farmers lined up to pay them tribute.
In a field, friends had written: “How good you came home.”
Synagogues, Jewish schools and communal organisations in Europe, particularly in France, Belgium and Germany, are guarded by armed police.
And now Australia follows suit. I remember once halcyon days in this country where synagogues, Jewish schools and communal organisations required no security, and anyone could have walked into a service at a synagogue.
Now synagogues require massive security and tonight when I go to shul there’ll be a massive police presence outside the synagogue.
Is this progress? I think not. But hear this, this Jew will not be intimidated, not now, not ever.
I’d like to see what you could grow in Gaza now or even before this War. Gaza just seems to grow Terrorism. Just bulldoze the Joint into the Med and let the Arab Countries look after the ‘Pallies’.
Can you blame them? This Mob is trouble. They were in Jordan at one time and were kicked out.
The history of all this is that the UN General Assembly approved the two States – Israel and Palestine in 1948. Since then the Arabs have started all the wars and lost everyone. Israel has occupied territory that have won. The ball is now in the Arabs court.
Israel has never started any of the wars. The Country has always defended itself. Which is their right. What would Australia do if it was invaded? Make a phone call to Washington immediately.
JR, I would not be surprised that if we were invaded, this Labor government would surrender immediately and hand the place – or a substantial portion of it – over to the invader.
Food magically grows on UNRWA trucks.
Any Gazan could tell you that.
Johnny Rotten
January 31, 2025 3:54 pm
Is Zelensky the Legitimate Head of Ukraine?
There is no question that Zelensky has become a ruthless dictator at the behest of the West. If Trump really wants to end this war, cut off EVERYTHING to Ukraine until Zelensky allows an election and then send in monitors to ensure the Ukrainian people get a real election. Sources in Ukraine have often questioned if he was actually elected. But that is revisiting history and who knows the truth? What is clear is that he ran promising peace and has done absolutely everything opposite of what he ran for election promising.
Vladimir Putin has raised this question about Volodymyr Zelensky’s legitimacy as President of Ukraine to even negotiate on behalf of the Ukrainian people. Zelensky’s term in office actually expired in May 2024, which coincided with the attempted assassination of Zelensky by Ukrainian military officers. On our May 7th ECM target date, two Ukrainian colonels were arrested involving an internal attempt to assassinate Zelensky when he should have allowed free elections but used martial law to end the freedom to vote. This was no different from the military officers who tried to save Germany and also got caught trying to assassinate Hitler.
The groups that the US first began to support were the Kurds and the Free Syrian Army. As I understand it, factions within the FSA began to merge and make nice with groups that were considered extremists.
Sometimes, you end up with with a substandard result.I heard Tulsi say that this new regime in Syria has begun to attack minorities, but is this true as I haven’t read anything about it. Perhaps I may have missed this news.
As Tulsi said, the US was supporting al Qaeda aligned groups from the beginning. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Had began to attack minorities, you ask? They never stopped, they’ve been ethnic cleansing areas of Alawites and Christians, through murder and terror, since December.
The business council of Australia helpfully puts out a list of companies which will get the 100% “gargle my nads you traitorous scum” tax my despotism will implement.
The greens can bend them over, pack their behinds with rock sat then vigorously have surprise sex with them using pineapple stuffed frozen mallards and i will give a polite golf clap.
Read the attached.
They live in the Australian economic area, not Australia.
We can make it easier (try no taxes for kids working or backpackers or pensioners) for people to work for low wages rather than import a new underclass.
Try this radical plan : Money earned below a certain $ per hour does not affect your pension/dole money at all.
Congratulations, you just shifted a large lump of people from “economically inactive” to “geez i could use a couple of days a weeks work as a topup”.
Slash regulations and taxes, including income tax, and end immigration and Australians will surge back into the workforce.
Then you can wind back entitlements without electoral backlash.
Reducing the public service by 50% would be invaluable. All those people would move into the productive sector (or starve, their choice *shrug*)
A few hundred thousand Australians looking for productive work would be one helluva shot in the arm for productivity, and would in short time, be a self-solving route to alleviating the skills shortage.
Hence the public service should be paid 80% of the private sector average – this should be indexed, by law. (gameable I know, however it’d be a good start)
They would however, evolve some skills after a few years in the private sector. At the very least they’d be productive, rather than a nett cost to the nation.
Raising the TSMIT as a method of ‘solving’ the skill shortage is akin to reducing the cost of electricity generation via paying consumer power bills from consolidated revenue.
What the BCA is talking about is not new, and was implemented by Albanese a couple of years ago.
The damage is only just starting to be felt – which may be the reason the BCA is now noticing.
It has cost about 6 jobs at my place, possibly more (job-killing regulation abounds, difficult to pin down which piece of ALP idiocy is most responsible when your headcount goes down)
You’re talking not of skill shortage, but of labour shortage. These are not the same thing.
Australia has both.
BCA is (choke) correct. The skill shortage is not going to be fixed by raising the TSMIT.
My old ex did part time work.
The sheer amount of missinglink bullcrap involved in the earnings calculations was ridiculous.
Millions spent to ensure a thousand isnt wrongly claimed was my impression of it, a real barrier top part time work.
Then she copped a shafting with robodebt on top.
Make it simple.
Any overpayments can be handled by the tax department at the end of the year.
Knuckle Dragger
January 31, 2025 4:38 pm
Boy, You Better Grease Up news (the Tele):
A man who was behind the wheel of an allegedly stolen SUV when it crashed outside a hotel in Sydney’s west, killing a high-ranking Bandidos bikie, is facing further charges over the death.
He’s Sec State. Which is harmless. He’ll have to smile a lot and shake a lot of hands, that’s all. Roughly equivalent to one of those little umbrellas on a daiquiri.
First flyer drop by the Liberals-
Reducing taxes and fees (hurra!) for regional families (boo- why not all families? Why not all citizens?)
Stamp duty relief for first-home buyers (boo- why not all transactions?)
Investing in regional hospitals (business as usual)
recruiting more healthcare workers (needs more explanation. What we need is healthcare worker productivity increases, not more imports.)
Increasing police presence (long past time- get cops out of cars, out of their SWAT gear, and onto the beat)
GPS tracking for repeat domestic violence offenders (why not all violent criminals? also betrays a problem with recidivism, hows about longer, tougher sentences with hard labour and the lash?)
Introducing stronger workplace protection laws (boo, small business killer)
Unlocking land for regional housing developments (golf clap)
fast-tracking housing approvals (golf clap)
and ensuring more affordable options for families, workers and first-home-buyers (nope lost me. Social housing, see Ardern, Victoria, the Projects, etc)
Reducing red tape for regional businesses (why the focus on regional this and regional that? Good policy will cut through, don’t make a berk of yourself by trying on some daft wedge)
Creating more jobs by supporting tourism and key industries (boo. Get out of my business, and stop enabling miners and Main Roads to co-sponsor white elephant convention centres in Woopwup which then need airports and ring roads- and endless FIFO festivals- to justify their existence.)
Summary- more of the same, Labor Lite, a long way short of íAfuera! or MWAGA.
Fast train to Newcastle. Fast Train to the ‘Gong. Fast train to Canbrrrrr. That should start to open up a lot of areas for Business to grow and houses to be built and for communities to grow, And take the focus off of Sydney.
Open up the joint IMHO.
Oh, and make ALL ‘Pollies’ and Pubic Serpents use the fast Canbrrrrr Train to Sydney and back and not fly Quaintarse or Virgin on the Ridiculous.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha January 31, 2025 2:59 pm Awaiting for approval The Mocker
Here you go Zulu:
Labor putting self-interest ahead of nation? Never4 hours ago
The Mocker
According to Anthony Albanese, the government he leads exemplifies a selfless devotion to public duty. Speaking at the National Press Club (NPC) last week, the Prime Minister invited us to join him in marvelling at the instinctive altruism that determines his every move.
“There is no day in which we say: ‘Okay what’s our personal interest here rather than the national interest’,” he declared.
This cannot be emphasised enough. Blinded by ignorance and ingratitude, too many of us believe Albanese and his fellow careerists act according to self-interest instead of the national interest. This is both cynical and slanderous. There are many, many examples of the Albanese government fulfilling its civic responsibilities.
It was, for example, acting in the national interest when it abolished the Australian Building and Construction Commission, thus ensuring the militant thugs of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union, so vital to Labor’s support base, could operate unimpeded.
Without doubt, the government was acting in the national interest when it later refused to hold a royal commission into revelations the construction industry was rife with bribery, standover tactics, and CFMEU delegates linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs. Ignoring calls to deregister the organisation, Albanese did the bare minimum in appointing an external administrator to the union. Giving the kid glove treatment to union corruption is in the national interest, you see.
When it comes to industrial relations, nothing says “We’re working in the national interest” better than working solely on behalf of unions, the members of which comprise just 8.2 per cent of private sector workers. Forcing industries into multi-employer bargaining is also in the national interest, because it increases union membership and leaves employers at the mercy of organised labour. Admittedly that will only exacerbate labour productivity in Australia, which currently sits at 30 out of the 35 richest countries, but this is hardly a national interest issue.
It was in the national interest when Albanese attempted to entrench a far-left race-based activist group in the constitution. He was acting in the national interest when he refused to elaborate on its governance and composition, just like he was when he dismissed calls to hold a constitutional convention into the proposal.
Make no mistake: Albanese was also acting in the national interest when he decided not to hold a royal commission into the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, despite having promised in opposition he would consider one. As any reasonable person would tell you, Albanese’s decision had nothing to do with shielding Labor state leaders from scrutiny, especially former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews.
Speaking of national interest, former chief of army Peter Leahy last year observed that Australia had become a “strategic liability” to the US, saying it was stretched too thin and unready to fight at short notice. No need to worry. Thanks to Albanese, we have an enormous civilian army, otherwise known as the Australian Public Service, which has grown 16.4 per cent during the last two years. It is about increasing the number of public servants who owe their job to Labor, which is in the national interest.
Remember when Transport Minister Catherine King knocked back Qatar Airways’ proposal to increase its number of flights into Australia? Allowing that to go ahead was “not in the national interest”, she insisted.
Let’s explore this rationale. King’s department recommended she approve this, but she decided it would not be in the national interest to force Qantas, which has a well-earned reputation for price-gouging and screwing over Australian travellers, to operate in a more competitive market. That’s the same Qantas that was shilling for Albanese’s referendum proposal, as well as giving him a bucketload of upgrade freebies.
And while we are talking about the flying kangaroo, surely we all agree it was in the national interest for the Prime Minister to ask then Qantas CEO Alan Joyce to provide his son Nathan with membership of the Chairman’s Lounge. Just like it was in the national interest for Albanese to fail to disclose that benefit in his parliamentary statement of registrable interests.
Thanks to Labor’s pipe dream obsession with renewables, we can expect an economic and energy catastrophe, as well an environmental one. Treasurer Jim Chalmers compounds this problem by turning the $230bn Future Fund into a political slush fund for subsidising this folly. But just ask any of the many Labor figures now employed in Australia’s fastest-growing rent-seeking industry, and they will assure you Chalmers is one with the national interest.
And rest easy in knowing that Albanese’s response, or rather non-response, to soaring anti-Semitism in Australia is entirely in the national interest. It was also in the national interest to appease Middle Eastern voters in the safe Labor seats of Western Sydney by drawing a false equivalence between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, just as it was for Labor to side against Israel in the UN following Hamas’s terrorist attacks of October 7.
As for the wave of anti-Semitism that began in Australia shortly after that day, Albanese waited more than a year before calling a national cabinet meeting in response. Why the long delay? National interest considerations, obviously.
For the record, Albanese’s speech last week went for 25 minutes. During that period, he attacked the Coalition 51 times, or once every 30 seconds. That is because it is in national interest for a prime minister, having spent three years in office, to carry on as if he were still opposition leader. (Consistent with Albanese’s capacity for self-awareness, he claimed the election was a choice between Labor’s “determination and optimism”, and the Coalition’s “fear and negativity”.)
Incidentally, that speech was almost three years to the day when then prime minister Scott Morrison addressed the press club. On that occasion (also an election year) NPC president and ABC 7.30 chief political correspondent Laura Tingle sought to humiliate Morrison by calling on him to apologise for his failings as prime minister, all of which she recited for effect.
Tingle also officiated at Albanese’s recent appearance at the club, but for some reason she did not spring that stunt on him. Or did I miss that part?
The Mocker
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.
I was having the same trouble with stuff going into moderation and someone (cannot remember who it was but I will buy you a beer if I find out who) said ‘any more than four links in what you are trying to post, remove the links.’ All the stuff I have highlighted in bold, were links that I removed.It has worked ever since.
Hope it helps you out Matey.
I seem to remember an edict by the Blog Owner about too many paragraphs being posted on this Blog. Some posters or poseurs complained about it to the Blog Owner as they didn’t like reading too much or somefink’ like that.
And Mrs Stencho Pantyhose took it upon herself to be the Blog Milk monitor on the situation and to state that certain posters were on thin ice. Obviously this edict has gone out of the window. Not too sure about this ‘any more than four links’ stuff.
I think that the idea was that if an article is behind a paywall, where not every one could read it, then it was ok to post the entire article for everyone to read. But if it was ‘click on the link and everyone can read it’ then posting the entire article is redundant. That is my understanding of the rule.
In any common democratic juridical system, there is a process by which a person makes a claim, police or other bodies may search and gather evidence, that evidence may get a person prosecuted (or jailed), the prosecuted gets presented with all of the evidence in advance of any trial, they have the opportunity to counsel, both parties have the opportunity to argue it out, usually, in a “public square.”
Your Independent Decision Makers (who remain unnamed and do not even require legal qualifications) have received a complaint, it doesn’t appear you even interviewed the complainant and have made a ruling behind an opaque veil without a single shred of due jurisprudence. Not a single chance for anyone outside your gulag to question your ruling and the Church was not even invited to attend a single hearing nor heard of any complaint.
I dont want to get too conspiratorial about this (but many-a-Cat will remember I ended up legal mediation with TheirABC over the Get Pell reporting) but, two things I find “funny” about this news:
1) Publically released just as kiddies going to back to school and everyone is back from holidays to emphasise impact;
2) Released on a Friday to try and avoid any Gerard Henderson impact on the story (as Hendo has been a bulldog on this issue).
Hendo does have his say and it was out a bit later than usual:
He says he’ll have more later. I can’t see many commentators “letting this one through to the keeper….”
January 31, 2025 5:33 pm
Speaking publicly for the first time since he mysteriously left the department last year, Adam Reilly also told a parliamentary committee there was a “two-class system” within the agency and frontline workers “feel like they don’t have a voice”.
The people who don’t have a voice are the Australian Voters. The ‘Pollies’ promise one thing and as soon as they get voted into Office they just do their own thing. Where is the Voter redress in all of this?
January 31, 2025 5:43 pm
Further to the Redress Scheme itself, it is a govt body overseen by experts in psychology, social welfare, child support officers, police officers, indigeneity experts and maybe some law…
It approached many Catholic orders and organisations; some of whom said “no thanks.” The NRS actually reverse “Names and Shames” them on their website by saying you can see all participating bodies here and if they’re not, they’re obviously guilty…
A priest in my orbit had an utterly and obviously fanciful and false allegation levelled at him by a crook. The order paid out the complainant. Priest – who gave his life to good works – died a broken man.
The pilot of the Black Hawk has been identified as Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Jo Ellis, a transgender woman. Jo Ellis served in the Virginia National Guard for 15 years and transitioned while serving as a pilot. Jo has been making radicalized anti-Trump statements on socials.
Matt Walsh is going to go absolutely ballistic over this on his Daily Wire show tomorrow.
January 31, 2025 6:13 pm
Looks like Minns has passed Elbow his last hospital pass. I mentioned earlier in the week that I sensed these two creatures were playing a game over the antisemitism in the community.
Then comes the ridiculous news that Elbow didn’t know about the caravan bomb. Yet Minns stood in front of him doing an “affronted” presser panto for the hundredth time.
I don’t believe either of these clowns. Good Cop Bad Cop doesn’t work with me. Vile individuals.
And what’s with Minn-some constantly and prominently wearing a North Face quilted vest every time he fronts the Press?
A. it is not cold enough for that type of clothing.
B. is Minn-some under an advertising contract with North Face?
You mean taking over public streets for prayer? I wonder what the usual suspects would say if the Catholic Church blocked public streets for a religious procession?
I seem to remember an edict by the Blog Owner about too many paragraphs being posted on this Blog. Some posters or poseurs complained about it to the Blog Owner as they didn’t like reading too much or somefink’ like that.
And Mrs Stencho Pantyhose took it upon herself to be the Blog Milk monitor on the situation and to state that certain posters were on thin ice. Obviously this edict has gone out of the window.
Now, now, Wodney.
You’re doing a Marty here.
Playing fast and loose with the truth.
It was deemed acceptable to post entire articles which were paywalled and not accessible to all.
What was deemed unacceptable was posting great slabs of Marty Armstrong the Crim’s gibberish, which is free to access.
You’re welcome.
his paranoia got well and truly triggered way back when 5 disapprovals was enough vanish a post
as far as I can tell, JC sancho and a couple of others have got it in their heads that all the ticking that doesn’t look right to them is because Matrix is manipulating the ticks
the problem with their ‘theory’ isn’t that it can’t be done
not at all
doing it is trivial
albeit a complete waste of time, and ably demonstrated recently by sancho and JC
the problem with their theory is that they are just plain wrong
I’ll counter the “proven it can be done; therefore Matrix did it”
“the only validated example of it being done was by a pair of vindictive clowns with an axe to grid”
nobody normal gives a rat’s proverbial about ticks except a bunch of pathetic tick obsessed tossers
January 31, 2025 6:33 pm
The pilot of the Black Hawk has been identified as Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Jo Ellis, a transgender woman.
FMD. Until a week ago, the US military was a social science experiment designed to award social justice to misfits — many of whom are confused male homosexuals.
No wonder the Trump victory was so overwhelming and urgent. With only months to spare, Trump and Hegseth are rehabilitating the US military as a war-fighting machine ranged against enemies like the Chinese Communist Party who couldn’t believe their luck when the US military under Biden had basically surrendered.
The instructor has been identified by family as WO Andrew Eaves.
The crew chief has also been identified by family and friends as Ryan O’Hara.
I can’t find any information on the Pilot-in-Command who, by deduction, must be the female.
Photos of “Jo” do not ring true. I’m calling it as a muddy-the-waters bit of bait for Trump by some blackhearted people who don’t even have the grace to mourn for a day or two.
Cite the ABC story of a “transgender man” who had bravely started living his-her true life as a woman mechanic somewhere in regional NSW. Yeah, nah, photos showed she’d always been a woman.
But who was actually flying at the time of the collision? A Pilot Instructor implies a pilot under instruction, who may indeed ( I don’t know anything) be a trannie.
Just watched the channel 9 story and it is obvious the word is out, blame the civilian crew. Subtle things like
the “plane collided with the helicopter” – no helicopter flew into airliner.
Lots of details about the civilian crew, not a word said about the military crew.
Emphasised the last minute runway change
Mentioned recovery of the airliner BB & CVR, not a word about the helo’s
If it is it’s game set and match. On the Five the disgusting hag jessica tarlov was bad mouthing Trump for raising DEI. Gutfeld eviscerated the bitch by simply observing that since the demorats had included DEI in every fuking aspect of the US system it was reasonable to consider its involvement in this tragedy.
Lucy Zelic on Price; she’s a real ball tearer and said If duttie doesn’t fuk off the trannies she’ll kick him in the arse and not vote for him. She mentioned Trump and his 2 gender policy a lot. Duttie better bite the bullet and not go down the same path as that fat shit morrison went down in not being involved in the culture wars.
January 31, 2025 6:36 pm
As Tulsi said, the US was supporting al Qaeda aligned groups from the beginning. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Had began to attack minorities, you ask? They never stopped, they’ve been ethnic cleansing areas of Alawites and Christians, through murder and terror, since December.
These are the people who imitated the operation.
CIA director David Petraeus first proposed a covert program of arming and training rebels in the summer of 2012. Initially President Obama rejected the proposal, but later agreed, partially due to lobbying by foreign leaders, including from King Abdullah II of Jordan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Note the year.. 2012.
Let’s leave the Kenyan aside. The suggestion is that Petraeus, Abdullah and Bibi all supported arming Al Quaeda? Nonsense.
The question to Tulsi was, to paraphrase (in the vid)
In 2016 (note the year) you said the US is providing support to terrorist groups in order to overthrow Assad. You also claimed in 2019, Trump was continuing to arm Al Qaeda.
US training and arms shipments were always intended for the FSA and the Kurds. Some of these arms then began to make their way to extremist groups. The reference that Trump was deliberately arming AO was campaign bullshit.
In her testimony Tulsi said the action resulted (note the word) in Al Qaeda obtaining US arms. No one’s ever denied this.
To suggest that the US was directly and knowingly arming AQ is simply false and irresponsible.
January 31, 2025 6:37 pm
Anyone know if the Get-Pell NRS, as a govt entity, is FOI-able?
Singer, muse, addict: Marianne Faithfull was a poster child of the 60s
The Times
As a poster child for the freewheeling spirit of the 1960s, Marianne Faithfull was convinced that when the decade ended, her life was effectively over with it.
It wasn’t, of course, and she was only 23, but her fear was understandable. The termination of the 1960s also coincided with the collapse of her relationship with Mick Jagger and she sank into a life of drug addiction and ended up living on the streets.
Although Faithfull and Jagger were together for only four years, her name would forever be associated with the Rolling Stones singer and the high tide of the 1960s when they were swinging London’s most feted celebrity couple.
“Even now people want to keep me frozen in that decade. People can’t or won’t see that you can change and grow up,” she was still complaining 40 years later.
Joan Baez made similar protestations about her life being defined by her 18-month affair in the 1960s with Bob Dylan and when Faithfull was admitted to a care home in 2022, newspaper headlines were still framing her as “Mick Jagger’s ex-lover”.
In the end, like the Stones themselves, Faithfull proved to be one of life’s great survivors.
She came through not only heroin addiction and homelessness but suicide attempts, broken marriages, breast cancer and Covid-19. As she did so she created some compellingly powerful and autobiographical music that ranged from the fractious, X-rated songs on her platinum-selling 1979 album Broken English to deep dives into the work of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht.
As the years took their toll and she refused to be bowed, she became a feminist role model to a younger generation of independent and assertive women, who saw Faithfull as a proudly defiant trailblazer who had been to the wildest shores and returned to pass on her experience.
She was befriended by Courtney Love, Sinead O’Connor and Kate Moss among others, all troubled young women in the public eye who took their problems to Faithfull in the knowledge that whatever traumas they were suffering, Faithfull had been there years before.
Being one of the world’s most beautiful and desirable women in her youth was “a trip you never forget”, she observed in middle age, by which time drugs and the arrows of time had compromised her looks.
Yet if the mirror’s reflection disappointed her, she didn’t let it show and she took pride in the role of an older woman who refused to grow old invisibly.
In her fifties she posed in her underwear for the photographer David Bailey, who had shot many of the best known and era-defining images of Faithfull in her 1960s prime.
The pictures, which were published in The Times in 1999, did not flatter her but she had no regrets and regarded them as an important statement on behalf of mature women.
Along with her looks, she also lost the angelic convent girl’s voice heard on her first hit record, the Jagger-Richards composed As Tears Go By, which took her into the charts when she was 17.
Doggedly, she turned the loss to advantage and used the cracked and lived-in patina her voice had acquired to theatrical effect.
If she was sometimes irritated by those who tried to lock her in the past, she also revelled in her part in history.
In old age, her interviews were still proudly full of stories about her times with “Mick”, “Keith” (Richards), “Brian” (Jones), “Jimi” (Hendrix), “Bob” (Dylan) and “Andy” (Warhol).
She never bothered with anything other than first names for everybody knew to whom she was referring.
“If I wasn’t there, it didn’t happen,” she said in a neat twist on the “if you can remember the Sixties” canard.
She was Jagger’s muse in several classic Stones’ songs from the carnality of Let’s Spend the Night Together to the unabashed romanticism of Wild Horses and You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
She also co-wrote the lyrics to the bleak and harrowing Sister Morphine, which appeared on the Stones’ 1971 album Sticky Fingers.
Her contribution later became the subject of a protracted legal battle over royalties and it was not until 1994 that her joint authorship with Jagger and Richards was recognised.
Before the 1960s had finished she had slept with no fewer than three of the Stones, including Richards who bedded her as a way of getting revenge on Jagger, who had enjoyed a fling with his girlfriend Anita Pallenberg, while they were starring together in the film Performance.
“It was ludicrous, but that’s how we were then,” Faithfull said.
She also slept with Jones. She didn’t fancy him but didn’t know how to say no.
“I was in his flat. I was a pretty girl. He was a Rolling Stone, making it almost de rigueur that he make a pass at me,” she explained. “I thought, ‘I really should let him’.”
She became the stuff of urban legend in 1967 when the police raided Richards’ country house, Redlands, in Sussex. There was a drug-fuelled party going on and Faithfull was arrested wearing only a fur rug.
It was reported that she was performing an intimate act involving a Mars bar at the time, although she denied it, saying it was a tale put about by a vindictive policeman.
The fair-minded were inclined to believe her. Candour was her custom, as she proved in her 1994 autobiography Faithfull, a kiss-and-tell memoir of sex and drugs and rock’n’roll. Had the Mars bar incident been true, she almost certainly would have freely owned the story.
The book was particularly cruel about Jagger, who was portrayed as a fastidious snob who was secretly in love with Richards. Faithfull later regretted some of her comments about him and suggested she had been pressurised by her publishers into making the book more salacious than she had wished.
That her life didn’t end with the 1960s was not for want of trying.
After losing Jagger’s child to a miscarriage at seven months, Faithfull was with the singer in Australia in 1969 when she discovered he was having an affair with the singer Marsha Hunt. High on drugs, she looked in a mirror and thought she saw staring back at her the face of Brian Jones, who had died a few weeks earlier.
It drove her to attempt to jump from the 14th-floor window of her hotel room. When she found the window was sealed shut, she instead took 150 barbiturate pills and spent six days in a coma.
Jagger packed her off to a Swiss clinic but it was the end of their relationship and her life wheeled out of control.
In 1971, on the day Jagger was marrying Bianca in Saint-Tropez, Faithfull was in a London jail on drugs charges. The following year she lost custody of her seven-year-old son because of her heroin addiction.
By the middle of the decade she was living in squats and on the wall of a half-demolished building in Soho.
“I sat there day after day, high as a kite,” she said. Eventually she was put on an NHS drugs program, which meant she could get a heroin prescription.
She wasted away to seven stone, had two front teeth knocked out in a brawl and – convinced that her looks were to blame for her troubles – took a razor blade to her face.
Yet oddly she remembered her time living on the street with a certain fondness.
“It made me realise that human beings were really good,” she recalled. “The Chinese restaurant let me wash my clothes there. The man who had the tea stall gave me free cups of tea and even the meth drinkers looked out for me.”
With the help of Chris Blackwell, owner of Island Records, she got back on her feet again to make the 1979 album Broken English, on which she unveiled her newly ravaged voice and explored the dark side of her existence.
The finest album of her career, the songs included Why Did Ya Do It?, the savage, snarling rant of a woman who has been wronged; What’s the Hurry?, a brutal song about drug abuse on which she sang “Do you hear me? Do you fear me?” with the relish of someone who knew where the bodies were buried, and The Ballad of Lucy Jordan, the tale of a middle-class housewife’s disillusionment and which was later used to brilliant effect in the 1991 film Thelma and Louise.
Her voice was no longer remotely beautiful but its characterful rasp perfectly suited the songs she was singing.
“I’m glad you can hear the experience in my voice. It’s an old thing that women are meant to sound pretty and feminine. That’s bullsh*t,” she declared with characteristic defiance.
Yet despite her successful recording comeback, it wasn’t until 1986 that she got clean of heroin, when she was finally persuaded to spend six months in a rehab clinic in America after falling down a flight of stairs while she was high and breaking her jaw.
What drew admiration as she rebuilt her career was that she refused to play the victim or to indulge in self-pity.
If many of her problems were self-inflicted, it could equally be argued that she was wronged and perhaps even ruined by the casual sexism and the unthinking excesses of the times.
Adversity was confronted with a fearlessness that enabled her to embark on the most productive and creative period of her career when she was in her fifties.
She appeared with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at London’s Royal Albert Hall and sang Brecht and Weill at Salzburg.
Her 1999 album, the splendidly titled Vagabond Ways, was another starkly autobiographical collection of songs, and her best since Broken English 20 years earlier.
She followed in 2001 with Kissin’ Time, an album of collaborations with the likes of Pulp’s Jarvis Cocker and Blur’s Damon Albarn. Three years later came Before the Poison, on which she collaborated with PJ Harvey and Nick Cave.
She also returned to acting, playing the part of the Devil in a 2004 production by Robert Wilson based on William Burroughs’ The Black Rider, which enjoyed runs in London and San Francisco.
She appeared in Sofia Coppola’s 2006 biopic Marie Antoinette, and starred in the 2007 film Irina Palm, in the lead role as a 60-year-old widow who becomes a sex worker to pay for medical treatment for a sick grandson.
She toured a show reading Shakespeare’s sonnets, drawing on the “Dark Lady” sequence, and even hospitalisation in 2020 with Covid-19 failed to halt her.
A year later she was back with the spoken word album She Walks in Beauty on which she recited verse by the 19th-century British Romantic poets, accompanied by musical arrangements from Brian Eno and Nick Cave among others.
She is survived by her son Nicholas Dunbar, a financial journalist, from her first marriage to John Dunbar. They married in 1965 after Faithfull had discovered she was pregnant. She left him for Jagger a year later.
For several years she was forbidden by a court order from seeing her son.
When they were reunited when he was in his teens, she was so nervous that the first thing she did was to offer him a spliff.
In the mid-1970s she was married to Ben Brierly of the punk band the Vibrators, a fellow addict with whom she lived in a squat.
She married her third husband Giorgio Della Terza, an American actor, in 1988 after encountering him at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. They divorced three years later.
She was briefly engaged in the early 1970s to Paddy (Lord) Rossmore (obituary May 7, 2021) who was 15 years older than her and attempted to wean her off heroin.
For several years in the late 1990s she lived with her manager Francois Ravard in homes in Ireland and France, although they never married.
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull was born in 1946 in Hampstead, north London, the daughter of Glynn Faithfull, who had been a British spy during the Second World War, and Eva von Sacher-Masoch, a Viennese baroness descended from Leopold Baron von Sacher-Masoch, author of Venus in Furs.
Her father abandoned the family when she was six and she lost contact with him until 1994, when he wrote to her after the publication of her autobiography.
Her mother sent her to singing and elocution lessons but at the age of eight she was packed off to St Joseph’s convent in Reading, where she became “fascinated” by the smells and bells of Catholicism. Her religious conviction swiftly wore off in her teens and she left home in 1964 at the age of 17, after she was discovered at a party by the Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham. He thought she looked like “an angel with big breasts”, promised to make her a pop star and introduced her to Jagger and Richards.
For a while in the late 1960s her acting looked set to outstrip her career as a singer. She co-starred with Glenda Jackson in a 1967 production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters at the Royal Court, was fetishised in tight black leather with nothing underneath in the 1968 film Girl on a Motorcycle, and was an acclaimed Ophelia opposite Nicol Williamson’s Hamlet in a 1969 Roundhouse production directed by Tony Richardson.
The promise was destroyed by her drug abuse, and it was another two decades before she revived her acting career, when she played Pirate Jenny in The Threepenny Opera at Dublin’s Gate Theatre in 1991.
Her lifestyle meant that she never saved any money and in later years lack of cash and a decent pension kept her working even in the face of poor health.
Surgery for breast cancer in 2006 was followed by a serious bout of hepatitis. Much of her 50th anniversary tour in 2014 was cancelled due to a broken hip and no sooner had she recovered from Covid-19 in 2020 than she went down with pneumonia.
Yet she carried on until she was eventually forced to admit defeat in 2022 when she moved into Denville Hall, a care home for former entertainment industry professionals in north London where Lord Attenborough, Sheila Sim and Andrew Sachs spent their last days.
“I don’t feel cursed,” she said in one of her final interviews, still refusing to feel sorry for herself. “I just feel f***ing human.”
(Marianne Faithfull, singer-songwriter and actress, was born on December 29, 1946. She died from undisclosed causes on January 30, 2025, aged 78)
If many of her problems were self-inflicted, it could equally be argued that she was wronged and perhaps even ruined by the casual sexism and the unthinking excesses of the times. De mortius nil nisi bonum and all that, but ask yourself this- how many singer-actresses were not mauled by the patriarchy and recreational pharmaceuticals in the last half of the last century? A: the overwhelming majority of them.
Methinks the late Marianne would not have tolerated this weak equivocation on her behalf.
independent and assertive women! Yeah, right. Haven’t we got over this sort of obfuscation, a euphemism for the probably somewhat maladjusted “I did it my way” types? (prepares to duck incoming missiles)
January 31, 2025 6:50 pm
Interesting moves by Danes and EU.
Or more likely that the war is essentially over bar the shouting. We just don’t know the terms yet.
Shit sandwiches for everyone.
The most will be force fed to the average Ukraine punter.
George R R Martin calls them the “small folk” in GoT.
Always getting f*cked over.
January 31, 2025 7:00 pm
Caught their ABCcess Louse 9 – nilligan up on its hind Trotters squealing about the new Pell payouts.
Apparently after the offer of compo, his jailing/death, and sharticles about ” abusing kids in the public pool” a fresh batch of ” I was chased and raped in a public place” allegations were allowed to trigger payouts.
I doubt there’s been a more blatant trawl for cash done in the legal system before.
The slag even had the hall to point to the dismissed while he was alive pool rape allegations as helping prove these ones.
Jo has served 15 years in the Virginia Army National Guard. Her current rank and job title is Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) – UH60 Black Hawk Pilot. She has served in combat zones in Iraq and other operations overseas. She is a transgender woman and recently transitioned while serving in the military. When not serving her country, she works as an IT Engineer in the private sector and previously worked as the Digital Media Manager for She enjoys flying airplanes, racing cars, playing musical instruments, and skateboarding. The views and opinions presented are those of Jo Ellis and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or the Army.
Just back from our walk around LinKou.
On the way back saw a bloke on a roof waving a huge red flag.
Wondered what the heck he was doing.
Thought he might be a commie.
Then we noticed pigeons doing laps around the block.
Figure it is a pigeon guy giving his birds their morning exercise.
Never seen that before.
I enjoy sitting out mornings at sunrise with my coffee listening to the Kookas give their wake-up call. Then about 5 min later there is a rush of wings overhead as a flight of pigeons passes. Then whoosh they are back again about 10 minutes later. Apparently some guy in the next street “fancies” them whatever that means. An interesting pursuit.
Knuckle Dragger
January 31, 2025 7:08 pm
What was deemed unacceptable was posting great slabs of Marty Armstrong the Crim’s gibberish, which is free to access
Specifically posting Armstrong epistles, hoping to lure the suckers in and – confidently – get commissions from the Leavenworth graduate.
This joint isn’t an Amway convention, y’know. It’s someone’s lounge room.
Sancho Panzer
January 31, 2025 7:10 pm
Kel at 7:00.
It is still only Facebook at the moment.
Err, yes.
What we have so far is a trannie reservist Blackhawk pilot who is pissed off with Trump.
I mean, all helicopter pilots are either gay or trans, so no biggie.
So far there is no connection made, and no-one repeating it is citing any sauces.
Not saying it isn’t so, but it seems to have a whiff of wishful dot-joining about it.
Knuckle Dragger
January 31, 2025 7:10 pm
Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) – UH60 Black Hawk Pilot
It occurred to me that the link title underneath the first post on this subject – ‘FakeGayNews’ may have been the giveaway.
But no one bothered to check his page, I guess it’s easier to opine on his chosen name. He’s satirical, humorous, sometimes cutting but hardly ever wrong and definitely not into misinformation.
Maybe I should’ve indicated this, my bad, I just didn’t think it necessary.
Trouble is, I’m scanning these stories for an indication of sauces.
You know … “old family friend” … “an officer connected with his/her unit” … yada, yada.
Nothing I read gives a sauce to confirm it.
Young ADF recruits ‘miss their phones on submarines’, defence experts warn amid shortageSarah Ison and Rhiannon Down
2 hours ago
Defence Strategic Review co-lead Peter Dean has lashed the government for being “exceptionally slow” on addressing the defence force’s workforce crisis, warning young recruits are struggling with the lack of connection to the outside world.
Professor Dean said the government should “not discount” anything put on the table to improve recruitment and retention in the Australian Defence Force, including criticism from former army chief Peter Leahy, who this week warned a decline in national pride and a culture of entitlement were contributing to the ADF’s personnel crisis.
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
“One of the things I think the government and the defence force needs to do is actually invest in figuring out all of this type of stuff in detail,” Professor Dean said.
“What I would argue is it took the government over a year to move on any of these measures (since the DSR). It’s been exceptionally slow, and then they’ve kept their response quite narrow.”
He also argued that the importance of young people to “stay connected” with the world meant that joining the ADF and being offline for months at a time was potentially stopping people from ever enlisting.
“The nature of the community has changed. So you’re asking young people now, for instance, to get on a submarine and go underwater for however long a period of time, completely cut off from their community,” he said.
“And once upon a time, when there was any landline telephones and letters, that was a different world. Right now, young people are connected 24/7 to everything and everyone, so you’re asking them to step outside of that and do something very, very different.”
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Strategic Analysis Australia director Michael Shoebridge said the most significant barriers to young people joining the defence force were those erected by the ADF, including a slow and cumbersome application process and unnecessary reasons for disqualification.
“I think it’s a very practical issue about how difficult and lengthy a process it is to be recruited into the ADF, and how many barriers the military put in the way of young Australians,” he said.
“Things like, if you’ve seen a psychologist because you’re worried about stress in senior school, then that’s a disqualifying black mark.
“If you broke a limb when you were six, that’s something that they’re very concerned about.
“So normal issues in young people’s lives, including where they seek help for anxiety, are disqualified for service in the military, so they’re excluding whole chunks of our young population who have a sense of service and motivation.”
Peter Dean is the director of foreign policy and defence at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
Mr Shoebridge said the ADF’s slow recruitment time frame also posed an obstacle with the process taking as long as a year, declaring Defence’s hiring regime was “broken from its basic foundations”.
“If you’re a high-achieving, motivated young Australian, and you’re thinking about careers and jobs, you won’t just apply to the ADF, you’ll apply to other employers,” he said.
“None of them put so many obstacles in the way of talented young people, and none of them take such a ridiculous length of time.
“So the whole recruitment process is broken from its basic foundations, and it’s just not competitive with any other organisation.”
As part of its push to address Defence’s workforce challenges, Labor has allowed permanent residents from Five Eyes countries who have not served in foreign militaries to join the ADF, with 350 such recruits expected by the end of the financial year.
“By being able to recruit Five Eyes permanent residents in Australia, supporting those that are already in service with things like the continuation bonus that we rolled out last year and are now expanding and extending so that people can get that at different stages through their defence career, providing additional family supports, for healthcare, improving the housing offering for members of the Australian Defence Force … what we’ve seen now is that we’re on track for a 24 per cent increase in the number of people joining the defence force this financial year,” Defence Personnel Minister Matt Keogh told the ABC in December.
But former Defence Department deputy secretary Peter Jennings said the government was simply not investing enough money for the ADF to reach appropriate recruitment levels, arguing that defence spending making up 2 per cent of GDP was simply too low.
I read that when it was first published. It ticks a lot of boxes about the timing of the “insurrection” the so called pipe bombs etc.
The key appears to be the way it occured prevented standing in the eyes of the courts.
Mike Pence is, was and always will be a piece of shit hypocrite.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 31, 2025 7:16 pm
Young ADF recruits ‘miss their phones on submarines’, defence experts warn amid shortage
Sarah Ison
Rhiannon Down
2 hours ago
1 Comment
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Defence Strategic Review co-lead Peter Dean has lashed the government for being “exceptionally slow” on addressing the defence force’s workforce crisis, warning young recruits are struggling with the lack of connection to the outside world.
Professor Dean said the government should “not discount” anything put on the table to improve recruitment and retention in the Australian Defence Force, including criticism from former army chief Peter Leahy, who this week warned a decline in national pride and a culture of entitlement were contributing to the ADF’s personnel crisis.
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
“One of the things I think the government and the defence force needs to do is actually invest in figuring out all of this type of stuff in detail,” Professor Dean said.
“What I would argue is it took the government over a year to move on any of these measures (since the DSR). It’s been exceptionally slow, and then they’ve kept their response quite narrow.”
He also argued that the importance of young people to “stay connected” with the world meant that joining the ADF and being offline for months at a time was potentially stopping people from ever enlisting.
Retired chief of the army Peter Leahy.
Retired chief of the army Peter Leahy.
“The nature of the community has changed. So you’re asking young people now, for instance, to get on a submarine and go underwater for however long a period of time, completely cut off from their community,” he said.
“And once upon a time, when there was any landline telephones and letters, that was a different world. Right now, young people are connected 24/7 to everything and everyone, so you’re asking them to step outside of that and do something very, very different.”
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
The advertising, for starters.
More seriously, the bias against potential recruits who are male.
Know a young man who’s been offered an engineering scholarship at the local university by a major company. He builds robots at home and is a competitive cyclist, so he has both brains & physical capability.
But he has his heart set on being an army officer.
He’s been interviewed twice and been turned down twice.
If he takes up the scholarship he’ll be lost to the army.
Last edited 13 days ago by Roger
January 31, 2025 7:31 pm
Does anyone eat NZ cod. Wifey does it in the oven. It is by far the best at the fish counter. She gets it at the Piranha market and presumably its available at other markets too.
Check your fingers and don’t stand too close to the counter. Fresh fish anywhere is for the high rollers. An old family friend had a boat and liked fishing but not fish, which was ideal. Bald chin grouper off Perth was a highlight.
That would be what they call blue cod. Had it often each time I’ve been over. Only eat the fresh stuff. If its been frozen it had an ammonia smell about it.
I would have thought you would just love a Few Fat Pizzas with a red wine a nd a few fags afterwards, Fish may be too healthy for a fat Porker like you.
Knuckle Dragger
January 31, 2025 7:34 pm
Watching the chick crikkit – perhaps inappropriately marketed as the Women’s Ashes – as the real stuff in LankaLand is subject to rain delays.
There’s a batsman/batswoman/batter on 138 off 237 balls.
That takes a really long time. Her kitchen must be getting awfully dirty.
John H.
January 31, 2025 7:40 pm
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
Recruitment has been so well the forces have raised their quotas for next year. Long ago Mel Gibson produced a doco on aircraft carrier crew. The most frequently cited reasons was not pride of service it was education, health, and other benefits.
ATC gave the traffic advisory and the Blackhawk affirmed sighting and took responsibility to see and avoid.
It was reaffirmed just before impact.
Normally if you say “traffic not sighted” they might give you more reference points. But why would they add anything when you say you have the traffic in sight?
No; with respect TE, I don’t think that’s the chief problem, which would be gender quotas imposed by Defence.
If the LNP were serious about governing in the national interest they’d commit to a root and branch reform of the Defence department necessitating a lot of redundancies.
“Already in Aus. A review of the national standards of care and treatment guidelines for trans and gender-diverse children and adolescents will be undertaken.
Health Minister Mark Butler has also asked for the development of new Australian guidelines for the care of young people with gender dysphoria.”
Butler announced… a review.
That’s a long way short of an immediate stop to the institutionalized manipulation and mutilation of children by perverts.
In fact, it’s a distraction squirrel, and a low energy one at that. ALP is happy to sell its soul- and keep throwing children into the maw of satan- to stop bleeding inner city white woman votes to the Greens and Teals.
apparently something I said or did about 4 years ago set JC the mental-case and his idiot mates, off on a get-Matrix tirade
and since then the snake JC has been constructing more and more elaborate scenarios in his head to fit his odious theories
for years now I’ve had to weather a constant stream of vindictive and personal barbs from these idiots while they labour under a falsehood fueled by what appears to JC’s spite and the others gullibility.
it occurs on a weekly and sometimes daily basis
usually it is just wanking on about engineers, or trying to diminish what it is that I do in my work professionally (which, they’re wrong about btw)
the withering perpetual complaints about something I once posted tongue-in cheek are actually quite funny to read because the tossers mostly just sound ridiculous repeating it
but then there are other occasions that are very pointed and not so funny at all
this week we had sancho inventing conversations with my daughter
another time JC specifically mentioned by name the 2 suburbs I own property in … and recall sancho was in on the game at the time too … coincidence? maybe.
too be honest, I’m pretty sure I’ve worked out what it was that set the JC off on his paranoid trip in first place
Matrix, in the past I have been subject to quite a bit of the same sort of treatment. When it concerns one’s family or personal integrity, on issues revealed for general information, it can be extremely hurtful, as with your daughter, whose travails you have outlined here and which as a parent you must find very distressing.
Dover has a clear preference against these sorts of harassments. We all have so much more to discuss beyond this sort of thing. Imagine life with no Catallaxy. We would all be the poorer for it. I have taken some time out occasionally, and have come back better for that.
for a while there the cartel (JC,sanco and KD) were wanking on about the real-estate troll … whoever that was
then it dawned on me, of course I must be the real-estate troll … because that’s their game, get Matrix
so … typed into google — Joe (everybody knows his surname) and real estate …
and sure enough there a bunch of hits and I go to myself “meh whatever, the guy’s obviously a mental case”
but then, on the other hand, my daughter lives in the same suburb, should I be worried?
the next day it dawned on me that a particular street name from the search happened to match thematically with a bunch of music videos that I had posted
old cat / new cat … cant remember
I used to put music videos to themes.
sometimes dance.
sometimes more esoteric.
anyway, I stopped because I got bored and also because I think it was starting annoy people
I reckon that’s what it is … this paranoid clown JC has decided that I was stalking him (based a handful of music videos)
and a stalker, in his tiny mind is also I suppose, a mal-ticker
you can almost see the vectors joining the dots in his head (can’t be neurons that’s for sure)
I’m guessing I suppose, but it seems the demented clown has constructed a whole rationale to legitimate himself behaving like a complete and utter arsehole
… because of a music video
tell me it isn’t that pathetic and petty JC.
is it?
or was it some other equally ridiculous notion rattling around in yr head?
and for Lizzie … that day you attracted an unhealthy amount of down-ticks for some old crap you’d posted which, you wouldn’t let go of?
I remember I came on the forum and had to read about myself being verballed by a consortium of clowns for allegedly leading a toxic cabal of down-tickers weaponized against you?
you know … JC brings it up repeatedly with himself written in as a hero
yeah … I had never ticked up OR down on that stupid post of yours as I was so utterly sick and tired of listening to streams of self-obsessed drivel that I had been scrolling like crazy
until you got in my face with JC dripping poison in your ear … and I said “ticks? here, have another one”
that solitary tick was mine … the rest?
dunno where you got them but it wasn’t from me
I suspect they were organic and came from all the forum readers that don’t bother to read here anymore because a gibbering few have ruined it with their perpetual self obsessed preening
Matrix, I think you must be referring to my post on the issue of what were basically anti-Semitic comments on this blog made against Cassie. I said anti-Semitism was a hill I would die on, and I still say that. We’ve recently seen Labor politicians trying to downgrade the feelings Jewish people have about the threats they are under, requiring them to be of sterner stuff, fifteen months on, in the same manner that Cassie was critiqued here.
Graders are superior to trucks or trains, in quality/skill of the operator and versatility.
January 31, 2025 9:02 pm
You need to lay off the liquor and get yourself medicated.
Just like you’re doing to me now, you were trolling Liz until I embarrassed you into stopping. I have no idea what real estate you own, and I care even less. I’ve never made a single comment about your possessions, stupid or otherwise. If you claim I have, then show the evidence because I have not. Moreover how in God’s name would I or anyone even know?
You’ve been trolling me for over a month. Unlike others you’ve targeted, I push back—and I will continue to do so.
You could always put a stop to this by not trolling me most nights around this time. But apparently, you have some serious self-control issues.
Just f*ck off and stop talking to me. Try exercising a little self-control for once in your miserable life.
Instead of continually denigrating the blog, then go start your own and show people how it’s done. I’m sure you’ll attract lots of mental asylum patients
Someone seems to be going the full hysterical Ellie.
Never go the full Ellie.
January 31, 2025 9:11 pm
Channel surfing and there’s a Westworld marathon on.
I liked that show.
Even though it was a totally different show by the end of the final series, I still enjoyed it.
Sancho Panzer
January 31, 2025 9:12 pm
January 31, 2025 9:08 pm
“wanking on engineers”…is it Saturday night already ?
That was going to be the title of my Only Fans page.
Winston Smith
January 31, 2025 9:23 pm
You know, us old farts, we don’t ask for much.
A few beers with old mate at the pub on a Friday night. Drive home after a few beers, still below the arbitrary limits the bureaucrats think is best for us, perhaps a cigar to finish off the night and a couple of single malts.
Think about what it’d be like if the missus – long gone to God – had a few words to say about the kids and the grandies – who can’t wait until the Will gets read out.
The cat needs a scratching, and the dog needs a bit of a hug and an extra bone to chew on.
We’re bit fed up with being pushed around.
I may just talk to the lawyer and get the will changed = RFDS the sole beneficiary. They could use a couple of million to keep those planes flying.
Friday nights back to normal on the Cat? Never mind, callie will be by in the morning to remove the debris and unconscious bodies..
January 31, 2025 9:26 pm
for a while there the cartel (JC,sanco and KD) were wanking on about the real-estate troll … whoever that was
then it dawned on me, of course I must be the real-estate troll … because that’s their game, get Matrix
so … typed into google — Joe (everybody knows his surname) and real estate …
and sure enough there a bunch of hits and I go to myself “meh whatever, the guy’s obviously a mental case”
but then, on the other hand, my daughter lives in the same suburb, should I be worried?
A few of us often post links to real estate, which we refer to it as “real estate porn”. How you could possibly extend this to idea that I or others were insidiously connecting it to your relative is truly beyond me.
the next day it dawned on me that a particular street name from the search happened to match thematically with a bunch of music videos that I had posted
old cat / new cat … cant remember
I used to put music videos to themes.
sometimes dance.
sometimes more esoteric.
anyway, I stopped because I got bored and also because I think it was starting annoy people
I reckon that’s what it is … this paranoid clown JC has decided that I was stalking him (based a handful of music videos)
Tonight I went to The Great Synagogue for Kabbalat Shabbat service. There were more people than usual for the Friday night service. The Rabbi cracked a few jokes about the ‘situation’ which made us laugh however most of us were and are quite very apprehensive and sombre. Just before the service started, about a group of NSWaffen walked through the synagogue and checked under the seats.
Australia 2025. Thanks Slug, thanks Pong, thanks Pretty Boy. All those pretty words from Pretty Boy and now we now have police combing through a synagogue.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Monday night 9 October 2023, when this Jew hatred erupted like a dormant volcano. I witnessed what happened at Town Hall and already, even at Town Hall, even before they were escorted down to the Opera House, the feral Jew hating mob was feverish with Jew hatred, the atmosphere at Town Hall reeked of Nuremberg. I remain very curious as to why NSWaffen command, knowing the Opera House was to be lit up with the flag of Israel and that many Jews (and non-Jews) would be at the Opera House to see the spectacle, allowed such a feverish frenzied mob to walk to the Opera House, and worse, the police provided the scum with a police escort. Doesn’t that go against basic policing? I have no doubt that at Town Hall senior command would have sensed the mood of the mob, it was already saturated with demonic Jew hatred and they would have lynched a Jew had they come across one. Muslim Nazis had already chased an Anglican priest down Bathurst Street, his crime being that he tried to unfurl an Israeli flag. They weren’t to know that the priest, Mark Leach, is actually halachically Jewish. So, who in senior command made the decision, a decision which goes against basic fundamental Peel policing? We need answers to this. What is clear is that on the hideous night, the police did not protect the innocent, instead they handed the keys of the city to a feral mob of leftist and Islamist Nazi scum. NSW Police command, and that includes the Hogarthian gin slag, Karen Webb, the equally useless Yasmin Catley and Pretty Boy Minns lit the match of Jew hatred that now cannot be extinguished. I believe there should be an inquiry into what happened that October 2023 evening. The police and government failed the NSW public……monumentally, they didn’t just fail NSW Jews, they also failed all decent law abiding citizens of NSW.
Quite so. If they simply wanted to clear the streets and cordon them off to ‘let off steam’, they could have directed them to Hyde Park, two blocks away.
Instead, a deliberate decision was made to shepherd them up to the Quay, seven blocks away, where a state-sponsored memorial to the slain and kidnapped was taking place.
Someone made that decision, either out of ideological fervour and false equivalence and/or idiocy (never underestimate the latter, especially from public servants). It was probably Webb.
Either way, no one will be held accountable unless we have a Trumpian revolution.
January 31, 2025 9:33 pm
I can only think of one single thing about your linking to music videos that I could’ve objected to in the distant past.. Was it Abba? If it was then I may very well have.
what is it then retard … what actually set you off?
out with it you tosser
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 31, 2025 9:34 pm
End of an era as Elizabeth’s Bookshop retreats from Perth CBDBy Emma YoungJanuary 31, 2025 — 2.00am
A city institution will soon be no more as Elizabeth’s Secondhand Bookshop pulls out of Perth CBD after more than 30 years.
While the landmark retailer has inhabited multiple shopfronts in the Hay Street/King Street area over that period, its perennial dark green-and-white decor made it instantly recognisable to fans no matter the street number.
I think JC, you run at the mouth a lot and are very forgetful
Sure, I run at the mouth, but let’s focus on your point. I’ve posted real estate links, one may have been in some burb where your relative lives and this was an indication that I was trolling this person?
the next day it dawned on me that a particular street name from the search happened to match thematically with a bunch of music videos that I had posted
old cat / new cat … cant remember
I used to put music videos to themes.
sometimes dance.
sometimes more esoteric.
anyway, I stopped because I got bored and also because I think it was starting annoy people
I reckon that’s what it is … this paranoid clown JC has decided that I was stalking him (based a handful of music videos)
Was it Fernando Street. As in the Abba song Fernando?
Just kidding, don’t develop some “thematic” out of this as it’s just a joke.
High pressure is dominating NZ and south-eastern Australia but the tropics and the Southern Ocean areas remain active with numerous low pressure zones, some simmering away gently, others growing into large storms.
La Niña is not officially here – and we discuss why Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology no longer provides fortnightly updates on La Niña, as news outlets continue to headline it almost every week.
Put short, the forecast across Australasia is that of a very active tropical season creating more lows, thunderstorms and heavy rain in the tropics, while the Southern Ocean also remains very busy with storms tracking past. A “protective” layer of high pressure separates these rain and wind makers from NZ for now – and most of that high pressure is tracking south of Australia, over the south-east of Australia, the Tasman Sea and over NZ, keeping the
Seems fairly definite in Qld:
Do you support ‘adult crime, adult time’?
Yes 89 %
No 8 %
Unsure 3 %
6,824 votes
You’d only have to hang one or two 12 year olds to keep the rest in line.
Oh, Arky you’ve made me lol yet again.
It’s a difficult issue, this execution of minors business. I understand if you couldn’t find an executioner to do it.
The problem Delta, is that if you don’t drop them far enough it doesn’t do the job, and if you drop them too far their heads pop off.
Gosh! I didn’t know that.
Need to get it into the thick skulls of the bench first.
Deb Freckless is AG so don’t expect any tinkering withsentencing/remand guidelines.
No I can’t. Try this though:
put cursor thingy in text box
then right click mouse
in drop down menu
“paste as plain text”
choice can be seen
click on that.
On a phone, a long press on the pasted text allows it to be changed to plain text.
unfortunately, a silly ball is just that,
I reserve the right to tick anyone off, regardless of race, gender or creed.
I think it’s important to clear the room on this issue.
No, but I just did. I’ve often said Syria was a very complex situation and they could both be right. Assad was a murderous prick who killed anyone who opposed the regime.
The groups that the US first began to support were the Kurds and the Free Syrian Army. As I understand it, factions within the FSA began to merge and make nice with groups that were considered extremists.
Sometimes, you end up with with a substandard result.I heard Tulsi say that this new regime in Syria has begun to attack minorities, but is this true as I haven’t read anything about it. Perhaps I may have missed this news.
Hostages’ selfless courage glowed despite starvation and cruelty
Anne Barrowclough
2 hours ago.
Updated 1 hours ago
Released Israeli hostage cries as he holds his children
Israeli hostage Gadi Moses cried as he met his three children in an army facility on Thursday (January 30), shortly after he…
The three Israeli hostages freed on Thursday amid scenes of chaos have revealed the “horror” of their captivity, amid stories of extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of Hamas cruelty.
Agam Berger, a 20-year-old soldier, Arbel Yehud, 29, a civilian whose freedom became a point of tension with Israel, and Gadi Moses, 80, a potato farmer, were freed at two different locations, with Ms Yehud and Mr Moses visibly shaken as they were mobbed by screaming crowds of men.
After 482 days of captivity, the three returned to their families late Thursday night (AEDT), giving some of the most detailed descriptions yet of their deprivations at the hands of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
The two women and the female soldiers released last weekend have said they were forced to cook for their captors, but weren’t allowed to eat any of the food themselves, suffering prolonged periods of starvation. Kept in the dark for most of their captivity, they were allowed to shower only once a fortnight and were strictly forbidden from crying or supporting each other, told they would be severely punished if they disobeyed.
Agam Berger is reunited with her parents after her release by Hamas. Picture; Israeli Army/AFP.
Agam Berger is reunited with her parents after her release by Hamas. Picture; Israeli Army/AFP.
Yet they showed huge courage, with Ms Berger and Liri Albag, an IDF soldier freed last weekend refusing to move into the dark, airless tunnels where other hostages were being kept – forcing their captors to hold them above ground instead. While the conditions in which they were kept were still grim, at least they had light and air, they said.
What’s more, the trio freed on Thursday insisted on keeping Jewish traditions, including attempting to fast on Yom Kippur despite suffering severe malnutrition.
In an astonishing act of selflessness, Ms Albag also refused to be freed last week when she heard that Ms Berger’s release had been postponed. According to Israel’s Channel 12 news, Ms Albag told her captors she would not leave Ms Berger, who had been on the list for last week’s release but was kept in captivity because Islamic Jihad thought she was a soldier. In the end, the jihadis tricked Ms Albag into going with them by telling her they were going to film a propaganda video – only to hand her over to the Red Cross.
For her part, Ms Berger said she took comfort in knowing her friends had been released, and scratched her parents’ phone numbers on a plastic cup, using a pin she was given to close her hijab so they could contact her family.
She has also been revealed as the person who braided her fellow hostages’ hair before they were freed, a move that has led to Jewish women in the US braiding their hair with yellow ribbons in support of the hostages.
Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad and Hamas fighters escort Israeli hostage Arbel Yehud through a screaming mob. Picture: AFP,
Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad and Hamas fighters escort Israeli hostage Arbel Yehud through a screaming mob. Picture: AFP,
Ms Yehud, who was kept alone for her entire time in captivity, said Mr Moses was the first non-Palestinian face she had seen when they met shortly before they were handed over.
“I was mostly alone,” she told the Red Cross workers who met her.
“What you saw today — the armed men escorting me — that is just a fraction of the horror,” she added of the frightening mob scenes surrounding her release that have been viewed around the world.
She said she was told during her captivity that her brother, Dolev, had been murdered in the October 7 attack on Nir Oz but according to Israeli media, the full horror of the 2023 massacre has not yet sunk in.
To many of his countrymen, Mr Moses has come to symbolise Israeli resilience, with pictures of him walking upright and with a faint smile through the Palestinian mobs on Thursday night going viral in Israel.
The octogenarian kibbutzim, who lost his partner Efrat and ex wife on October 7 and its aftermath, had no idea of their fates. Tragically, he only found out when he asked female soldiers at the IDF checkpoint how Efrat was, and was told that his partner, who had also been captured by Hamas, died when an Israeli helicopter fired on the vehicle in which she was being held.
Gadi Moses is handed over to a Red Cross team in Khan Yunis. Picture: AFP.
Gadi Moses is handed over to a Red Cross team in Khan Yunis. Picture: AFP.
Despite his grief, Mr Moses had only smiles for his family when they were reunited, and he told them he had refused to break down in captivity.
“I never broke, I never cried — I just waited for the moment I would be free,” he said, adding that what kept him alive was the knowledge that he would rebuild his kibbutz and his beloved community.
“Wow Gadi Moses, 80-year-old kibbutznik, made of humanity’s toughest stuff,” Ram Shefa, a former Israeli MP, posted on Facebook. “Welcome back to the community of Nir Oz and Israel.”
As they were being driven back into Israel, Mr Moses and Ms Yehud passed the kibbutzes from where they had been taken. Outside the kibbutz homes they saw their old friends and fellow farmers lined up to pay them tribute.
In a field, friends had written: “How good you came home.”
Good summary of Merinda Devine’s book on the biden crime family. Bullets are too good for these vermin:
The Big Guy’s Treason | Frontpage Mag
Nigeria should be a black USA: it has as much energy reserves and a 200 million population. So why isn’t it: a good paper on it’s plight:
(94) Nigerian Energy Crisis: Exploring Renewable Energy Solutions in the New Decade
Synagogues, Jewish schools and communal organisations in Europe, particularly in France, Belgium and Germany, are guarded by armed police.
And now Australia follows suit. I remember once halcyon days in this country where synagogues, Jewish schools and communal organisations required no security, and anyone could have walked into a service at a synagogue.
Now synagogues require massive security and tonight when I go to shul there’ll be a massive police presence outside the synagogue.
Is this progress? I think not. But hear this, this Jew will not be intimidated, not now, not ever.
Hostages’ selfless courage glowed despite starvation and cruelty
Confirmed, the only people ‘starved’ and ‘starving‘ in Gaza are the Jewish hostages.
Seems the 80 year old potato farmer, recently released by HAMAS, was working to teach the Gazans agronomy….listen to them bawl when they go hungry…
I’d like to see what you could grow in Gaza now or even before this War. Gaza just seems to grow Terrorism. Just bulldoze the Joint into the Med and let the Arab Countries look after the ‘Pallies’.
It’s the most damning indictment of the Pali’s that their fellow Arabs don’t want them – Jordan, for example.
Can you blame them? This Mob is trouble. They were in Jordan at one time and were kicked out.
The history of all this is that the UN General Assembly approved the two States – Israel and Palestine in 1948. Since then the Arabs have started all the wars and lost everyone. Israel has occupied territory that have won. The ball is now in the Arabs court.
Israel has never started any of the wars. The Country has always defended itself. Which is their right. What would Australia do if it was invaded? Make a phone call to Washington immediately.
JR, I would not be surprised that if we were invaded, this Labor government would surrender immediately and hand the place – or a substantial portion of it – over to the invader.
Food magically grows on UNRWA trucks.
Any Gazan could tell you that.
Is Zelensky the Legitimate Head of Ukraine?
There is no question that Zelensky has become a ruthless dictator at the behest of the West. If Trump really wants to end this war, cut off EVERYTHING to Ukraine until Zelensky allows an election and then send in monitors to ensure the Ukrainian people get a real election. Sources in Ukraine have often questioned if he was actually elected. But that is revisiting history and who knows the truth? What is clear is that he ran promising peace and has done absolutely everything opposite of what he ran for election promising.
Vladimir Putin has raised this question about Volodymyr Zelensky’s legitimacy as President of Ukraine to even negotiate on behalf of the Ukrainian people. Zelensky’s term in office actually expired in May 2024, which coincided with the attempted assassination of Zelensky by Ukrainian military officers. On our May 7th ECM target date, two Ukrainian colonels were arrested involving an internal attempt to assassinate Zelensky when he should have allowed free elections but used martial law to end the freedom to vote. This was no different from the military officers who tried to save Germany and also got caught trying to assassinate Hitler.
More at the following weblink –
That’s an indictment on the Gazan regime- spud growing programs usually go to thoroughly forsaken landscapes like East Timor and South Sudan.
As Tulsi said, the US was supporting al Qaeda aligned groups from the beginning. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Had began to attack minorities, you ask? They never stopped, they’ve been ethnic cleansing areas of Alawites and Christians, through murder and terror, since December.
Interesting that this was started by a Mr B Hussein Obama.
A continuation of an existing bipartisan policy in the ME.
And ended by a Mr D J Trump.
And yet they remained in situ.
“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”Kissinger.
UPDATED analysis by Juan Browne on YT blancolirio channel with more information and further finetuning of issues.
Potomac Mid Air UPDATE 1/30/25 – YouTube
The business council of Australia helpfully puts out a list of companies which will get the 100% “gargle my nads you traitorous scum” tax my despotism will implement.
The greens can bend them over, pack their behinds with rock sat then vigorously have surprise sex with them using pineapple stuffed frozen mallards and i will give a polite golf clap.
Read the attached.
They live in the Australian economic area, not Australia.
The Business Council of Australia is correct.
(Painful as it is to say something positive about the BCA)
We can make it easier (try no taxes for kids working or backpackers or pensioners) for people to work for low wages rather than import a new underclass.
Try this radical plan : Money earned below a certain $ per hour does not affect your pension/dole money at all.
Congratulations, you just shifted a large lump of people from “economically inactive” to “geez i could use a couple of days a weeks work as a topup”.
Due to my circumstances, Mole. This would be most welcome.
Slash regulations and taxes, including income tax, and end immigration and Australians will surge back into the workforce.
Then you can wind back entitlements without electoral backlash.
Reducing the public service by 50% would be invaluable. All those people would move into the productive sector (or starve, their choice *shrug*)
A few hundred thousand Australians looking for productive work would be one helluva shot in the arm for productivity, and would in short time, be a self-solving route to alleviating the skills shortage.
Sal, very few in the APS have any skills.
Hence the public service should be paid 80% of the private sector average – this should be indexed, by law. (gameable I know, however it’d be a good start)
They would however, evolve some skills after a few years in the private sector. At the very least they’d be productive, rather than a nett cost to the nation.
Raising the TSMIT as a method of ‘solving’ the skill shortage is akin to reducing the cost of electricity generation via paying consumer power bills from consolidated revenue.
What the BCA is talking about is not new, and was implemented by Albanese a couple of years ago.
The damage is only just starting to be felt – which may be the reason the BCA is now noticing.
It has cost about 6 jobs at my place, possibly more (job-killing regulation abounds, difficult to pin down which piece of ALP idiocy is most responsible when your headcount goes down)
You’re talking not of skill shortage, but of labour shortage. These are not the same thing.
Australia has both.
BCA is (choke) correct. The skill shortage is not going to be fixed by raising the TSMIT.
Learn to prune!
Can’t you $200 a week without it affecting your pension.
My old ex did part time work.
The sheer amount of missinglink bullcrap involved in the earnings calculations was ridiculous.
Millions spent to ensure a thousand isnt wrongly claimed was my impression of it, a real barrier top part time work.
Then she copped a shafting with robodebt on top.
Make it simple.
Any overpayments can be handled by the tax department at the end of the year.
Boy, You Better Grease Up news (the Tele):
An extremely ambitious call from the court. If this dude makes it to 14 March it will be a miracle.
Those “In Loving Memory of Aspiring Rapper” shirts are pretty classy in a court setting, IMO
Rubio is truly the least impressive member of Trump’s cabinet.
F*ck him off and put Gorka in there Donald.
there’s a reason why the dems voted for him.
He’s Sec State. Which is harmless. He’ll have to smile a lot and shake a lot of hands, that’s all. Roughly equivalent to one of those little umbrellas on a daiquiri.
He talks too much and will likely sour many negotiations before they even begin.
I smell General Miley vibes.
The National Redress Scheme “openly shopped” around for “victims” across the RCC just as operating tethering did, there’s no difference.
Just think of Pell’s family… a witch hunt orchestrated by a witch.
118mm since 9am. Not looking like easing off.
Not at flood level yet but won’t be too far off.
Send some this way, FFS, Rockdoctor.
My lawn is dead and crunchy.
Love to as too much is already a pain.
We’ve had an inch a day for 5 days now. Catchment is already primed. Could get nasty like 2019.
Panic buying already in process. FFS.
Any for the Grampians?
Interesting moves by Danes and EU.
Kash Patel And Adam Schiff Have Explosive Confrontation During Confirmation Hearing
little schitt is a c*nt
First flyer drop by the Liberals-
Reducing taxes and fees (hurra!) for regional families (boo- why not all families? Why not all citizens?)
Stamp duty relief for first-home buyers (boo- why not all transactions?)
Investing in regional hospitals (business as usual)
recruiting more healthcare workers (needs more explanation. What we need is healthcare worker productivity increases, not more imports.)
Increasing police presence (long past time- get cops out of cars, out of their SWAT gear, and onto the beat)
GPS tracking for repeat domestic violence offenders (why not all violent criminals? also betrays a problem with recidivism, hows about longer, tougher sentences with hard labour and the lash?)
Introducing stronger workplace protection laws (boo, small business killer)
Unlocking land for regional housing developments (golf clap)
fast-tracking housing approvals (golf clap)
and ensuring more affordable options for families, workers and first-home-buyers (nope lost me. Social housing, see Ardern, Victoria, the Projects, etc)
Reducing red tape for regional businesses (why the focus on regional this and regional that? Good policy will cut through, don’t make a berk of yourself by trying on some daft wedge)
Creating more jobs by supporting tourism and key industries (boo. Get out of my business, and stop enabling miners and Main Roads to co-sponsor white elephant convention centres in Woopwup which then need airports and ring roads- and endless FIFO festivals- to justify their existence.)
Summary- more of the same, Labor Lite, a long way short of íAfuera! or MWAGA.
Did you notice the dog that didnt bark?
Fast train to Newcastle. Fast Train to the ‘Gong. Fast train to Canbrrrrr. That should start to open up a lot of areas for Business to grow and houses to be built and for communities to grow, And take the focus off of Sydney.
Open up the joint IMHO.
Oh, and make ALL ‘Pollies’ and Pubic Serpents use the fast Canbrrrrr Train to Sydney and back and not fly Quaintarse or Virgin on the Ridiculous.
Johnny you bastige…reading your post it reminded me of…this…and now I have it stuck in me head…which is not a bad thing because I have it on the LP. 😉
We got same in QLD and the resultant “business as usual” after the election.
*note to self- Woopwup is good, I might fire off a quick trademark.
Pat Riley owns the trademark to “three-peat” in the US.
He is hoping for a Chiefs win on Monday week.
Amy Klobuchar THROWS A FIT After Kash Patel EXPOSES Her Lies
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 31, 2025 3:01 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 31, 2025 2:59 pm
Awaiting for approval
The Mocker
Here you go Zulu:
Labor putting self-interest ahead of nation? Never4 hours ago
The Mocker
According to Anthony Albanese, the government he leads exemplifies a selfless devotion to public duty. Speaking at the National Press Club (NPC) last week, the Prime Minister invited us to join him in marvelling at the instinctive altruism that determines his every move.
“There is no day in which we say: ‘Okay what’s our personal interest here rather than the national interest’,” he declared.
This cannot be emphasised enough. Blinded by ignorance and ingratitude, too many of us believe Albanese and his fellow careerists act according to self-interest instead of the national interest. This is both cynical and slanderous. There are many, many examples of the Albanese government fulfilling its civic responsibilities.
It was, for example, acting in the national interest when it abolished the Australian Building and Construction Commission, thus ensuring the militant thugs of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union, so vital to Labor’s support base, could operate unimpeded.
Without doubt, the government was acting in the national interest when it later refused to hold a royal commission into revelations the construction industry was rife with bribery, standover tactics, and CFMEU delegates linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs. Ignoring calls to deregister the organisation, Albanese did the bare minimum in appointing an external administrator to the union. Giving the kid glove treatment to union corruption is in the national interest, you see.
When it comes to industrial relations, nothing says “We’re working in the national interest” better than working solely on behalf of unions, the members of which comprise just 8.2 per cent of private sector workers. Forcing industries into multi-employer bargaining is also in the national interest, because it increases union membership and leaves employers at the mercy of organised labour. Admittedly that will only exacerbate labour productivity in Australia, which currently sits at 30 out of the 35 richest countries, but this is hardly a national interest issue.
It was in the national interest when Albanese attempted to entrench a far-left race-based activist group in the constitution. He was acting in the national interest when he refused to elaborate on its governance and composition, just like he was when he dismissed calls to hold a constitutional convention into the proposal.
Make no mistake: Albanese was also acting in the national interest when he decided not to hold a royal commission into the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, despite having promised in opposition he would consider one. As any reasonable person would tell you, Albanese’s decision had nothing to do with shielding Labor state leaders from scrutiny, especially former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews.
Speaking of national interest, former chief of army Peter Leahy last year observed that Australia had become a “strategic liability” to the US, saying it was stretched too thin and unready to fight at short notice. No need to worry. Thanks to Albanese, we have an enormous civilian army, otherwise known as the Australian Public Service, which has grown 16.4 per cent during the last two years. It is about increasing the number of public servants who owe their job to Labor, which is in the national interest.
Remember when Transport Minister Catherine King knocked back Qatar Airways’ proposal to increase its number of flights into Australia? Allowing that to go ahead was “not in the national interest”, she insisted.
Let’s explore this rationale. King’s department recommended she approve this, but she decided it would not be in the national interest to force Qantas, which has a well-earned reputation for price-gouging and screwing over Australian travellers, to operate in a more competitive market. That’s the same Qantas that was shilling for Albanese’s referendum proposal, as well as giving him a bucketload of upgrade freebies.
And while we are talking about the flying kangaroo, surely we all agree it was in the national interest for the Prime Minister to ask then Qantas CEO Alan Joyce to provide his son Nathan with membership of the Chairman’s Lounge. Just like it was in the national interest for Albanese to fail to disclose that benefit in his parliamentary statement of registrable interests.
Thanks to Labor’s pipe dream obsession with renewables, we can expect an economic and energy catastrophe, as well an environmental one. Treasurer Jim Chalmers compounds this problem by turning the $230bn Future Fund into a political slush fund for subsidising this folly. But just ask any of the many Labor figures now employed in Australia’s fastest-growing rent-seeking industry, and they will assure you Chalmers is one with the national interest.
And rest easy in knowing that Albanese’s response, or rather non-response, to soaring anti-Semitism in Australia is entirely in the national interest. It was also in the national interest to appease Middle Eastern voters in the safe Labor seats of Western Sydney by drawing a false equivalence between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, just as it was for Labor to side against Israel in the UN following Hamas’s terrorist attacks of October 7.
As for the wave of anti-Semitism that began in Australia shortly after that day, Albanese waited more than a year before calling a national cabinet meeting in response. Why the long delay? National interest considerations, obviously.
For the record, Albanese’s speech last week went for 25 minutes. During that period, he attacked the Coalition 51 times, or once every 30 seconds. That is because it is in national interest for a prime minister, having spent three years in office, to carry on as if he were still opposition leader. (Consistent with Albanese’s capacity for self-awareness, he claimed the election was a choice between Labor’s “determination and optimism”, and the Coalition’s “fear and negativity”.)
Incidentally, that speech was almost three years to the day when then prime minister Scott Morrison addressed the press club. On that occasion (also an election year) NPC president and ABC 7.30 chief political correspondent Laura Tingle sought to humiliate Morrison by calling on him to apologise for his failings as prime minister, all of which she recited for effect.
Tingle also officiated at Albanese’s recent appearance at the club, but for
some reason she did not spring that stunt on him. Or did I miss that part?
The Mocker
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.
I was having the same trouble with stuff going into moderation and someone (cannot remember who it was but I will buy you a beer if I find out who) said ‘any more than four links in what you are trying to post, remove the links.’ All the stuff I have highlighted in bold, were links that I removed.It has worked ever since.
Hope it helps you out Matey.
Thank you, Beery – I am much obliged.
I seem to remember an edict by the Blog Owner about too many paragraphs being posted on this Blog. Some posters or poseurs complained about it to the Blog Owner as they didn’t like reading too much or somefink’ like that.
And Mrs Stencho Pantyhose took it upon herself to be the Blog Milk monitor on the situation and to state that certain posters were on thin ice. Obviously this edict has gone out of the window. Not too sure about this ‘any more than four links’ stuff.
I think that the idea was that if an article is behind a paywall, where not every one could read it, then it was ok to post the entire article for everyone to read. But if it was ‘click on the link and everyone can read it’ then posting the entire article is redundant. That is my understanding of the rule.
Yes, thanks Beery T. It is a cracking piece.
I feel like “here we go again” but you can provide feedback to the Redress Scheme here:
Enquiries and feedback form | Department of Social Services
As have done:
I dont want to get too conspiratorial about this (but many-a-Cat will remember I ended up legal mediation with TheirABC over the Get Pell reporting) but, two things I find “funny” about this news:
1) Publically released just as kiddies going to back to school and everyone is back from holidays to emphasise impact;
2) Released on a Friday to try and avoid any Gerard Henderson impact on the story (as Hendo has been a bulldog on this issue).
Hendo does have his say and it was out a bit later than usual:
Issue 713 – The Sydney Institute
He says he’ll have more later. I can’t see many commentators “letting this one through to the keeper….”
The people who don’t have a voice are the Australian Voters. The ‘Pollies’ promise one thing and as soon as they get voted into Office they just do their own thing. Where is the Voter redress in all of this?
Further to the Redress Scheme itself, it is a govt body overseen by experts in psychology, social welfare, child support officers, police officers, indigeneity experts and maybe some law…
It approached many Catholic orders and organisations; some of whom said “no thanks.” The NRS actually reverse “Names and Shames” them on their website by saying you can see all participating bodies here and if they’re not, they’re obviously guilty…
A priest in my orbit had an utterly and obviously fanciful and false allegation levelled at him by a crook. The order paid out the complainant. Priest – who gave his life to good works – died a broken man.
Fvkn disgraceful.
I know lots of Bishops and I knew Pell well(ish) in that he’d maybe remember me, which is better than not at all.
There’s a guy up North WA accused of some things. I knew him too.
I’m not impugning any guilt anywhere here, but I’d let Pell babysit my kids.
IMO doxing these faceless people would be a public service.
Sorry if you want to delve in divisive areas then you best back it with your name. At least that’s how people did it in my youth.
Dunno courage of convictions comes to mind.
Shock New Poll Shows ‘Historic’ Approval Rating For Trump: ‘Major Improvement In His Image’
I think the Tingle is a strong contender for fright bat of the decade.
World’s biggest battery fire at Moss Landing is a ‘net zero’ disgrace | Auto Expert John Cadogan
The pilot of the Black Hawk has been identified as Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Jo Ellis, a transgender woman. Jo Ellis served in the Virginia National Guard for 15 years and transitioned while serving as a pilot. Jo has been making radicalized anti-Trump statements on socials.
Ruh ro…
Uh oh! DEI?
Hence the Trump & Elon comments/posts.
Wasn’t the decent press lambasting Trump for supposedly without evidence DIE comments just hours ago? Idiots.
Matt Walsh is going to go absolutely ballistic over this on his Daily Wire show tomorrow.
Looks like Minns has passed Elbow his last hospital pass. I mentioned earlier in the week that I sensed these two creatures were playing a game over the antisemitism in the community.
Then comes the ridiculous news that Elbow didn’t know about the caravan bomb. Yet Minns stood in front of him doing an “affronted” presser panto for the hundredth time.
I don’t believe either of these clowns. Good Cop Bad Cop doesn’t work with me. Vile individuals.
And what’s with Minn-some constantly and prominently wearing a North Face quilted vest every time he fronts the Press?
A. it is not cold enough for that type of clothing.
B. is Minn-some under an advertising contract with North Face?
Nope another out of touch twat.
North face seems bit out of date if he’s trying to project an image.
At the abc so what else would you expect from those idiots:
Why some Muslims in Melbourne’s CBD don’t feel safe praying in public – ABC News
Try being a Christian and praying outside certain establishments. You won’t feel safe because you aren’t.
You mean taking over public streets for prayer? I wonder what the usual suspects would say if the Catholic Church blocked public streets for a religious procession?
I don’t enter the CBD proclaiming my atheism so eff ’em. Find the nearest mosque, hold up a banner: Allah Sucks. Have an escape route.
Who gives a f@ck?
I don’t feel safe with their presence in this country.
I certainly didn’t like Neville Wran or Hawke but they were giants compared to the current maliciously incompetent mediocrities.
Wran was 10x the crook Neddy Smith ever was.
Now, now, Wodney.
You’re doing a Marty here.
Playing fast and loose with the truth.
It was deemed acceptable to post entire articles which were paywalled and not accessible to all.
What was deemed unacceptable was posting great slabs of Marty Armstrong the Crim’s gibberish, which is free to access.
You’re welcome.
so called “Tick-gate” is a fiction in JC’s head
his paranoia got well and truly triggered way back when 5 disapprovals was enough vanish a post
as far as I can tell, JC sancho and a couple of others have got it in their heads that all the ticking that doesn’t look right to them is because Matrix is manipulating the ticks
the problem with their ‘theory’ isn’t that it can’t be done
not at all
doing it is trivial
albeit a complete waste of time, and ably demonstrated recently by sancho and JC
the problem with their theory is that they are just plain wrong
I’ll counter the “proven it can be done; therefore Matrix did it”
“the only validated example of it being done was by a pair of vindictive clowns with an axe to grid”
nobody normal gives a rat’s proverbial about ticks except a bunch of pathetic tick obsessed tossers
FMD. Until a week ago, the US military was a social science experiment designed to award social justice to misfits — many of whom are confused male homosexuals.
No wonder the Trump victory was so overwhelming and urgent. With only months to spare, Trump and Hegseth are rehabilitating the US military as a war-fighting machine ranged against enemies like the Chinese Communist Party who couldn’t believe their luck when the US military under Biden had basically surrendered.
Is this true or Interwebs b/s?
If it is true, it confirms Trump’s initial remarks. And it will blow the entire DEI nonsense wide open.
Calli, the way this is being reported I have no doubt it is a detail the woke folks hope will be overlooked.
Pilot instructor identity here.
The instructor has been identified by family as WO Andrew Eaves.
The crew chief has also been identified by family and friends as Ryan O’Hara.
I can’t find any information on the Pilot-in-Command who, by deduction, must be the female.
Thanks, Calli. The story is bullshit.
Woops. As you were. The story may not be bullshit: the pilot instructor is not the pilot.
I retract my comment up thread
I think I saw a photo on Insty.
Photos of “Jo” do not ring true. I’m calling it as a muddy-the-waters bit of bait for Trump by some blackhearted people who don’t even have the grace to mourn for a day or two.
Cite the ABC story of a “transgender man” who had bravely started living his-her true life as a woman mechanic somewhere in regional NSW. Yeah, nah, photos showed she’d always been a woman.
I’m not saying yea or nay. There were three souls on that helicopter. Only one that I can see has been identified.
My Google fu only stretches so far. 🙂
We’ll know soon enough, and the news may be explosive. My instinct tells me that Trump was fully informed before he commented.
But who was actually flying at the time of the collision? A Pilot Instructor implies a pilot under instruction, who may indeed ( I don’t know anything) be a trannie.
Just watched the channel 9 story and it is obvious the word is out, blame the civilian crew. Subtle things like
There was a report that the supervisor let an air traffic controller go home early leaving one with an increased workload.
Is this confirmed?
If it is it’s game set and match. On the Five the disgusting hag jessica tarlov was bad mouthing Trump for raising DEI. Gutfeld eviscerated the bitch by simply observing that since the demorats had included DEI in every fuking aspect of the US system it was reasonable to consider its involvement in this tragedy.
Lucy Zelic on Price; she’s a real ball tearer and said If duttie doesn’t fuk off the trannies she’ll kick him in the arse and not vote for him. She mentioned Trump and his 2 gender policy a lot. Duttie better bite the bullet and not go down the same path as that fat shit morrison went down in not being involved in the culture wars.
These are the people who imitated the operation.
Note the year.. 2012.
Let’s leave the Kenyan aside. The suggestion is that Petraeus, Abdullah and Bibi all supported arming Al Quaeda? Nonsense.
The question to Tulsi was, to paraphrase (in the vid)
US training and arms shipments were always intended for the FSA and the Kurds. Some of these arms then began to make their way to extremist groups. The reference that Trump was deliberately arming AO was campaign bullshit.
In her testimony Tulsi said the action resulted (note the word) in Al Qaeda obtaining US arms. No one’s ever denied this.
To suggest that the US was directly and knowingly arming AQ is simply false and irresponsible.
Anyone know if the Get-Pell NRS, as a govt entity, is FOI-able?
I suspect not
Interesting obit just out in the Oz:
Singer, muse, addict: Marianne Faithfull was a poster child of the 60s
The Times
As a poster child for the freewheeling spirit of the 1960s, Marianne Faithfull was convinced that when the decade ended, her life was effectively over with it.
It wasn’t, of course, and she was only 23, but her fear was understandable. The termination of the 1960s also coincided with the collapse of her relationship with Mick Jagger and she sank into a life of drug addiction and ended up living on the streets.
Although Faithfull and Jagger were together for only four years, her name would forever be associated with the Rolling Stones singer and the high tide of the 1960s when they were swinging London’s most feted celebrity couple.
“Even now people want to keep me frozen in that decade. People can’t or won’t see that you can change and grow up,” she was still complaining 40 years later.
Joan Baez made similar protestations about her life being defined by her 18-month affair in the 1960s with Bob Dylan and when Faithfull was admitted to a care home in 2022, newspaper headlines were still framing her as “Mick Jagger’s ex-lover”.
In the end, like the Stones themselves, Faithfull proved to be one of life’s great survivors.
She came through not only heroin addiction and homelessness but suicide attempts, broken marriages, breast cancer and Covid-19. As she did so she created some compellingly powerful and autobiographical music that ranged from the fractious, X-rated songs on her platinum-selling 1979 album Broken English to deep dives into the work of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht.
As the years took their toll and she refused to be bowed, she became a feminist role model to a younger generation of independent and assertive women, who saw Faithfull as a proudly defiant trailblazer who had been to the wildest shores and returned to pass on her experience.
She was befriended by Courtney Love, Sinead O’Connor and Kate Moss among others, all troubled young women in the public eye who took their problems to Faithfull in the knowledge that whatever traumas they were suffering, Faithfull had been there years before.
Being one of the world’s most beautiful and desirable women in her youth was “a trip you never forget”, she observed in middle age, by which time drugs and the arrows of time had compromised her looks.
Yet if the mirror’s reflection disappointed her, she didn’t let it show and she took pride in the role of an older woman who refused to grow old invisibly.
In her fifties she posed in her underwear for the photographer David Bailey, who had shot many of the best known and era-defining images of Faithfull in her 1960s prime.
The pictures, which were published in The Times in 1999, did not flatter her but she had no regrets and regarded them as an important statement on behalf of mature women.
Along with her looks, she also lost the angelic convent girl’s voice heard on her first hit record, the Jagger-Richards composed As Tears Go By, which took her into the charts when she was 17.
Doggedly, she turned the loss to advantage and used the cracked and lived-in patina her voice had acquired to theatrical effect.
If she was sometimes irritated by those who tried to lock her in the past, she also revelled in her part in history.
In old age, her interviews were still proudly full of stories about her times with “Mick”, “Keith” (Richards), “Brian” (Jones), “Jimi” (Hendrix), “Bob” (Dylan) and “Andy” (Warhol).
She never bothered with anything other than first names for everybody knew to whom she was referring.
“If I wasn’t there, it didn’t happen,” she said in a neat twist on the “if you can remember the Sixties” canard.
She was Jagger’s muse in several classic Stones’ songs from the carnality of Let’s Spend the Night Together to the unabashed romanticism of Wild Horses and You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
She also co-wrote the lyrics to the bleak and harrowing Sister Morphine, which appeared on the Stones’ 1971 album Sticky Fingers.
Her contribution later became the subject of a protracted legal battle over royalties and it was not until 1994 that her joint authorship with Jagger and Richards was recognised.
Before the 1960s had finished she had slept with no fewer than three of the Stones, including Richards who bedded her as a way of getting revenge on Jagger, who had enjoyed a fling with his girlfriend Anita Pallenberg, while they were starring together in the film Performance.
“It was ludicrous, but that’s how we were then,” Faithfull said.
She also slept with Jones. She didn’t fancy him but didn’t know how to say no.
“I was in his flat. I was a pretty girl. He was a Rolling Stone, making it almost de rigueur that he make a pass at me,” she explained. “I thought, ‘I really should let him’.”
She became the stuff of urban legend in 1967 when the police raided Richards’ country house, Redlands, in Sussex. There was a drug-fuelled party going on and Faithfull was arrested wearing only a fur rug.
It was reported that she was performing an intimate act involving a Mars bar at the time, although she denied it, saying it was a tale put about by a vindictive policeman.
The fair-minded were inclined to believe her.
Candour was her custom, as she proved in her 1994 autobiography Faithfull, a kiss-and-tell memoir of sex and drugs and rock’n’roll. Had the Mars bar incident been true, she almost certainly would have freely owned the story.
The book was particularly cruel about Jagger, who was portrayed as a fastidious snob who was secretly in love with Richards. Faithfull later regretted some of her comments about him and suggested she had been pressurised by her publishers into making the book more salacious than she had wished.
That her life didn’t end with the 1960s was not for want of trying.
After losing Jagger’s child to a miscarriage at seven months, Faithfull was with the singer in Australia in 1969 when she discovered he was having an affair with the singer Marsha Hunt. High on drugs, she looked in a mirror and thought she saw staring back at her the face of Brian Jones, who had died a few weeks earlier.
It drove her to attempt to jump from the 14th-floor window of her hotel room. When she found the window was sealed shut, she instead took 150 barbiturate pills and spent six days in a coma.
Jagger packed her off to a Swiss clinic but it was the end of their relationship and her life wheeled out of control.
In 1971, on the day Jagger was marrying Bianca in Saint-Tropez, Faithfull was in a London jail on drugs charges. The following year she lost custody of her seven-year-old son because of her heroin addiction.
By the middle of the decade she was living in squats and on the wall of a half-demolished building in Soho.
“I sat there day after day, high as a kite,” she said. Eventually she was put on an NHS drugs program, which meant she could get a heroin prescription.
She wasted away to seven stone, had two front teeth knocked out in a brawl and – convinced that her looks were to blame for her troubles – took a razor blade to her face.
Yet oddly she remembered her time living on the street with a certain fondness.
“It made me realise that human beings were really good,” she recalled. “The Chinese restaurant let me wash my clothes there. The man who had the tea stall gave me free cups of tea and even the meth drinkers looked out for me.”
With the help of Chris Blackwell, owner of Island Records, she got back on her feet again to make the 1979 album Broken English, on which she unveiled her newly ravaged voice and explored the dark side of her existence.
The finest album of her career, the songs included Why Did Ya Do It?, the savage, snarling rant of a woman who has been wronged; What’s the Hurry?, a brutal song about drug abuse on which she sang “Do you hear me? Do you fear me?” with the relish of someone who knew where the bodies were buried, and The Ballad of Lucy Jordan, the tale of a middle-class housewife’s disillusionment and which was later used to brilliant effect in the 1991 film Thelma and Louise.
Her voice was no longer remotely beautiful but its characterful rasp perfectly suited the songs she was singing.
“I’m glad you can hear the experience in my voice. It’s an old thing that women are meant to sound pretty and feminine. That’s bullsh*t,” she declared with characteristic defiance.
Yet despite her successful recording comeback, it wasn’t until 1986 that she got clean of heroin, when she was finally persuaded to spend six months in a rehab clinic in America after falling down a flight of stairs while she was high and breaking her jaw.
What drew admiration as she rebuilt her career was that she refused to play the victim or to indulge in self-pity.
If many of her problems were self-inflicted, it could equally be argued that she was wronged and perhaps even ruined by the casual sexism and the unthinking excesses of the times.
Adversity was confronted with a fearlessness that enabled her to embark on the most productive and creative period of her career when she was in her fifties.
She appeared with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at London’s Royal Albert Hall and sang Brecht and Weill at Salzburg.
Her 1999 album, the splendidly titled Vagabond Ways, was another starkly autobiographical collection of songs, and her best since Broken English 20 years earlier.
She followed in 2001 with Kissin’ Time, an album of collaborations with the likes of Pulp’s Jarvis Cocker and Blur’s Damon Albarn. Three years later came Before the Poison, on which she collaborated with PJ Harvey and Nick Cave.
She also returned to acting, playing the part of the Devil in a 2004 production by Robert Wilson based on William Burroughs’ The Black Rider, which enjoyed runs in London and San Francisco.
She appeared in Sofia Coppola’s 2006 biopic Marie Antoinette, and starred in the 2007 film Irina Palm, in the lead role as a 60-year-old widow who becomes a sex worker to pay for medical treatment for a sick grandson.
She toured a show reading Shakespeare’s sonnets, drawing on the “Dark Lady” sequence, and even hospitalisation in 2020 with Covid-19 failed to halt her.
A year later she was back with the spoken word album She Walks in Beauty on which she recited verse by the 19th-century British Romantic poets, accompanied by musical arrangements from Brian Eno and Nick Cave among others.
She is survived by her son Nicholas Dunbar, a financial journalist, from her first marriage to John Dunbar. They married in 1965 after Faithfull had discovered she was pregnant. She left him for Jagger a year later.
For several years she was forbidden by a court order from seeing her son.
When they were reunited when he was in his teens, she was so nervous that the first thing she did was to offer him a spliff.
In the mid-1970s she was married to Ben Brierly of the punk band the Vibrators, a fellow addict with whom she lived in a squat.
She married her third husband Giorgio Della Terza, an American actor, in 1988 after encountering him at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. They divorced three years later.
She was briefly engaged in the early 1970s to Paddy (Lord) Rossmore (obituary May 7, 2021) who was 15 years older than her and attempted to wean her off heroin.
For several years in the late 1990s she lived with her manager Francois Ravard in homes in Ireland and France, although they never married.
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull was born in 1946 in Hampstead, north London, the daughter of Glynn Faithfull, who had been a British spy during the Second World War, and Eva von Sacher-Masoch, a Viennese baroness descended from Leopold Baron von Sacher-Masoch, author of Venus in Furs.
Her father abandoned the family when she was six and she lost contact with him until 1994, when he wrote to her after the publication of her autobiography.
Her mother sent her to singing and elocution lessons but at the age of eight she was packed off to St Joseph’s convent in Reading, where she became “fascinated” by the smells and bells of Catholicism. Her religious conviction swiftly wore off in her teens and she left home in 1964 at the age of 17, after she was discovered at a party by the Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham. He thought she looked like “an angel with big breasts”, promised to make her a pop star and introduced her to Jagger and Richards.
For a while in the late 1960s her acting looked set to outstrip her career as a singer. She co-starred with Glenda Jackson in a 1967 production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters at the Royal Court, was fetishised in tight black leather with nothing underneath in the 1968 film Girl on a Motorcycle, and was an acclaimed Ophelia opposite Nicol Williamson’s Hamlet in a 1969 Roundhouse production directed by Tony Richardson.
The promise was destroyed by her drug abuse, and it was another two decades before she revived her acting career, when she played Pirate Jenny in The Threepenny Opera at Dublin’s Gate Theatre in 1991.
Her lifestyle meant that she never saved any money and in later years lack of cash and a decent pension kept her working even in the face of poor health.
Surgery for breast cancer in 2006 was followed by a serious bout of hepatitis. Much of her 50th anniversary tour in 2014 was cancelled due to a broken hip and no sooner had she recovered from Covid-19 in 2020 than she went down with pneumonia.
Yet she carried on until she was eventually forced to admit defeat in 2022 when she moved into Denville Hall, a care home for former entertainment industry professionals in north London where Lord Attenborough, Sheila Sim and Andrew Sachs spent their last days.
“I don’t feel cursed,” she said in one of her final interviews, still refusing to feel sorry for herself. “I just feel f***ing human.”
(Marianne Faithfull, singer-songwriter and actress, was born on December 29, 1946. She died from undisclosed causes on January 30, 2025, aged 78)
The Times
If many of her problems were self-inflicted, it could equally be argued that she was wronged and perhaps even ruined by the casual sexism and the unthinking excesses of the times.
De mortius nil nisi bonum and all that, but ask yourself this- how many singer-actresses were not mauled by the patriarchy and recreational pharmaceuticals in the last half of the last century?
A: the overwhelming majority of them.
Methinks the late Marianne would not have tolerated this weak equivocation on her behalf.
independent and assertive women!
Yeah, right. Haven’t we got over this sort of obfuscation, a euphemism for the probably somewhat maladjusted “I did it my way” types?
(prepares to duck incoming missiles)
Or more likely that the war is essentially over bar the shouting. We just don’t know the terms yet.
Shit sandwiches for everyone.
The most will be force fed to the average Ukraine punter.
George R R Martin calls them the “small folk” in GoT.
Always getting f*cked over.
Caught their ABCcess Louse 9 – nilligan up on its hind Trotters squealing about the new Pell payouts.
Apparently after the offer of compo, his jailing/death, and sharticles about ” abusing kids in the public pool” a fresh batch of ” I was chased and raped in a public place” allegations were allowed to trigger payouts.
I doubt there’s been a more blatant trawl for cash done in the legal system before.
The slag even had the hall to point to the dismissed while he was alive pool rape allegations as helping prove these ones.
Foul creature.
Jo Ellis
Jo has served 15 years in the Virginia Army National Guard. Her current rank and job title is Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) – UH60 Black Hawk Pilot. She has served in combat zones in Iraq and other operations overseas. She is a transgender woman and recently transitioned while serving in the military. When not serving her country, she works as an IT Engineer in the private sector and previously worked as the Digital Media Manager for She enjoys flying airplanes, racing cars, playing musical instruments, and skateboarding. The views and opinions presented are those of Jo Ellis and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or the Army.
So doesn’t want to be a man but still does an awful lot of blokey things. He is an idiot.
Time to call it a day….
And I’ll just say, at least this guy had the chance to appeal:
Just back from our walk around LinKou.
On the way back saw a bloke on a roof waving a huge red flag.
Wondered what the heck he was doing.
Thought he might be a commie.
Then we noticed pigeons doing laps around the block.
Figure it is a pigeon guy giving his birds their morning exercise.
Never seen that before.
I enjoy sitting out mornings at sunrise with my coffee listening to the Kookas give their wake-up call. Then about 5 min later there is a rush of wings overhead as a flight of pigeons passes. Then whoosh they are back again about 10 minutes later. Apparently some guy in the next street “fancies” them whatever that means. An interesting pursuit.
Specifically posting Armstrong epistles, hoping to lure the suckers in and – confidently – get commissions from the Leavenworth graduate.
This joint isn’t an Amway convention, y’know. It’s someone’s lounge room.
Kel at 7:00.
It is still only Facebook at the moment.
Umm did you not click the additional link. Here ‘tis again
Err, yes.
What we have so far is a trannie reservist Blackhawk pilot who is pissed off with Trump.
I mean, all helicopter pilots are either gay or trans, so no biggie.
So far there is no connection made, and no-one repeating it is citing any sauces.
Not saying it isn’t so, but it seems to have a whiff of wishful dot-joining about it.
It occurred to me that the link title underneath the first post on this subject – ‘FakeGayNews’ may have been the giveaway.
That did make me wonder.
But no one bothered to check his page, I guess it’s easier to opine on his chosen name. He’s satirical, humorous, sometimes cutting but hardly ever wrong and definitely not into misinformation.
Maybe I should’ve indicated this, my bad, I just didn’t think it necessary.
Trouble is, I’m scanning these stories for an indication of sauces.
You know … “old family friend” … “an officer connected with his/her unit” … yada, yada.
Nothing I read gives a sauce to confirm it.
Tomato or ketchup?
Texas school official resigns after hidden video captures him telling parent how to dodge transgender law
Young ADF recruits ‘miss their phones on submarines’, defence experts warn amid shortageSarah Ison and Rhiannon Down
2 hours ago
Defence Strategic Review co-lead Peter Dean has lashed the government for being “exceptionally slow” on addressing the defence force’s workforce crisis, warning young recruits are struggling with the lack of connection to the outside world.
Professor Dean said the government should “not discount” anything put on the table to improve recruitment and retention in the Australian Defence Force, including criticism from former army chief Peter Leahy, who this week warned a decline in national pride and a culture of entitlement were contributing to the ADF’s personnel crisis.
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
“One of the things I think the government and the defence force needs to do is actually invest in figuring out all of this type of stuff in detail,” Professor Dean said.
“What I would argue is it took the government over a year to move on any of these measures (since the DSR). It’s been exceptionally slow, and then they’ve kept their response quite narrow.”
He also argued that the importance of young people to “stay connected” with the world meant that joining the ADF and being offline for months at a time was potentially stopping people from ever enlisting.
“The nature of the community has changed. So you’re asking young people now, for instance, to get on a submarine and go underwater for however long a period of time, completely cut off from their community,” he said.
“And once upon a time, when there was any landline telephones and letters, that was a different world. Right now, young people are connected 24/7 to everything and everyone, so you’re asking them to step outside of that and do something very, very different.”
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Strategic Analysis Australia director Michael Shoebridge said the most significant barriers to young people joining the defence force were those erected by the ADF, including a slow and cumbersome application process and unnecessary reasons for disqualification.
“I think it’s a very practical issue about how difficult and lengthy a process it is to be recruited into the ADF, and how many barriers the military put in the way of young Australians,” he said.
“Things like, if you’ve seen a psychologist because you’re worried about stress in senior school, then that’s a disqualifying black mark.
“If you broke a limb when you were six, that’s something that they’re very concerned about.
“So normal issues in young people’s lives, including where they seek help for anxiety, are disqualified for service in the military, so they’re excluding whole chunks of our young population who have a sense of service and motivation.”
Peter Dean is the director of foreign policy and defence at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
Mr Shoebridge said the ADF’s slow recruitment time frame also posed an obstacle with the process taking as long as a year, declaring Defence’s hiring regime was “broken from its basic foundations”.
“If you’re a high-achieving, motivated young Australian, and you’re thinking about careers and jobs, you won’t just apply to the ADF, you’ll apply to other employers,” he said.
“None of them put so many obstacles in the way of talented young people, and none of them take such a ridiculous length of time.
“So the whole recruitment process is broken from its basic foundations, and it’s just not competitive with any other organisation.”
As part of its push to address Defence’s workforce challenges, Labor has allowed permanent residents from Five Eyes countries who have not served in foreign militaries to join the ADF, with 350 such recruits expected by the end of the financial year.
“By being able to recruit Five Eyes permanent residents in Australia, supporting those that are already in service with things like the continuation bonus that we rolled out last year and are now expanding and extending so that people can get that at different stages through their defence career, providing additional family supports, for healthcare, improving the housing offering for members of the Australian Defence Force … what we’ve seen now is that we’re on track for a 24 per cent increase in the number of people joining the defence force this financial year,” Defence Personnel Minister Matt Keogh told the ABC in December.
But former Defence Department deputy secretary Peter Jennings said the government was simply not investing enough money for the ADF to reach appropriate recruitment levels, arguing that defence spending making up 2 per cent of GDP was simply too low.
Kash Patel Fires Warning Shot at Pelosi During Senate Confirmation Hearing – Lays Blame for J6 Rioting Directly at the Feet of Nancy Pelosi
This is from March 2023 explains the purpose behind Pelosi’s response to J6.
The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection
I read that when it was first published. It ticks a lot of boxes about the timing of the “insurrection” the so called pipe bombs etc.
The key appears to be the way it occured prevented standing in the eyes of the courts.
Mike Pence is, was and always will be a piece of shit hypocrite.
Young ADF recruits ‘miss their phones on submarines’, defence experts warn amid shortage
Sarah Ison
Rhiannon Down
2 hours ago
1 Comment
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Defence slashed its workforce target by more than 4700 last year as near static military personnel numbers threaten the federal government’s $330bn push to rearm the nation.
Defence Strategic Review co-lead Peter Dean has lashed the government for being “exceptionally slow” on addressing the defence force’s workforce crisis, warning young recruits are struggling with the lack of connection to the outside world.
Professor Dean said the government should “not discount” anything put on the table to improve recruitment and retention in the Australian Defence Force, including criticism from former army chief Peter Leahy, who this week warned a decline in national pride and a culture of entitlement were contributing to the ADF’s personnel crisis.
However, he said the government had also not collected enough data to identify “one way or another” the greatest disincentive to joining the defence force.
“One of the things I think the government and the defence force needs to do is actually invest in figuring out all of this type of stuff in detail,” Professor Dean said.
“What I would argue is it took the government over a year to move on any of these measures (since the DSR). It’s been exceptionally slow, and then they’ve kept their response quite narrow.”
He also argued that the importance of young people to “stay connected” with the world meant that joining the ADF and being offline for months at a time was potentially stopping people from ever enlisting.
Retired chief of the army Peter Leahy.
Retired chief of the army Peter Leahy.
“The nature of the community has changed. So you’re asking young people now, for instance, to get on a submarine and go underwater for however long a period of time, completely cut off from their community,” he said.
“And once upon a time, when there was any landline telephones and letters, that was a different world. Right now, young people are connected 24/7 to everything and everyone, so you’re asking them to step outside of that and do something very, very different.”
The advertising, for starters.
More seriously, the bias against potential recruits who are male.
I saw one round of recruiting
“My Army Gives Me All the Time I want With My Children.”
A number of very coarse, colonial, expressions suggested themselves…
Know a young man who’s been offered an engineering scholarship at the local university by a major company. He builds robots at home and is a competitive cyclist, so he has both brains & physical capability.
But he has his heart set on being an army officer.
He’s been interviewed twice and been turned down twice.
If he takes up the scholarship he’ll be lost to the army.
Does anyone eat NZ cod. Wifey does it in the oven. It is by far the best at the fish counter. She gets it at the Piranha market and presumably its available at other markets too.
Piranha market?
Presumably you mean Prahran Market.
But given the prices they charge, Piranha Market sounds pretty apt.
I was going to say this and then I checked:
Auto correct is a real bitch at times.
It is the Pihrana market with their mark ups.
So much hurtful stuff being thrown at me here.
All when I am recovering from finding out I may not have 132 fans.
Check your fingers and don’t stand too close to the counter. Fresh fish anywhere is for the high rollers. An old family friend had a boat and liked fishing but not fish, which was ideal. Bald chin grouper off Perth was a highlight.
Try NZ lamb if ever you’re over there.
Ha.. Wifey buys it in NYC. It’s good, but ours is pretty decent too, especially slow cooked.
I didn’t like it, far too much fat.
Being grass fed the fat content is the same as Australian lamb, but the pasture quality means better flavour.
I’ll stand by that based on empirical testing. 😀
You can always get a fatty cut whether it’s AUS or NZ.
Yum. Eat the fat. It is very good for you.
That would be what they call blue cod. Had it often each time I’ve been over. Only eat the fresh stuff. If its been frozen it had an ammonia smell about it.
I would have thought you would just love a Few Fat Pizzas with a red wine a nd a few fags afterwards, Fish may be too healthy for a fat Porker like you.
Watching the chick crikkit – perhaps inappropriately marketed as the Women’s Ashes – as the real stuff in LankaLand is subject to rain delays.
There’s a batsman/batswoman/batter on 138 off 237 balls.
That takes a really long time. Her kitchen must be getting awfully dirty.
Recruitment has been so well the forces have raised their quotas for next year. Long ago Mel Gibson produced a doco on aircraft carrier crew. The most frequently cited reasons was not pride of service it was education, health, and other benefits.
Particularly free “transitions”?
Bloody hell Rockdoctor.
195mm since 9.00 a.m. today in the Ville, and that’s just so far.
Fantastic stuff.
Yup Brownsville for once isn’t the bridesmaid.
I’ll post if worth it some pics tomorrow of the water as there’s nothing now. All but 1 river still below minor flood.
Sick of the QLD emerg spam sms’s already.
Still raining.
Listen to the terrible ‘mistake’ that caused DC plane crash, according to air traffic controller
ATC gave the traffic advisory and the Blackhawk affirmed sighting and took responsibility to see and avoid.
It was reaffirmed just before impact.
Normally if you say “traffic not sighted” they might give you more reference points. But why would they add anything when you say you have the traffic in sight?
The sicker we got, the richer food and drug industries got: Watters
James Morrow with Sean Spicer
Pete Buttigieg was the ‘worst cabinet pick’
Pete Buttplug is more appropriate.
Defence in general gets so badly burnt by recruiting the wrong people they’ve become gun-shy.
One example: a trainee officer who refused to shoot at targets because they were “human-shaped” – which they are.
Failure to qualify on the basic firearms course is a show-stopper.
No; with respect TE, I don’t think that’s the chief problem, which would be gender quotas imposed by Defence.
If the LNP were serious about governing in the national interest they’d commit to a root and branch reform of the Defence department necessitating a lot of redundancies.
Cousin of my mother didn’t think he could shoot at a fellow man, so he joined the Navy in WW II, where the targets were ships, not people.
Posted to HMAS Perth, he died in the Battle of the Sunda Strait on February 28/March 1, 1942.
To use the Navy acronym on personnel records, he was DD (Discharged Dead).
Audience Cheers After Rand Paul Delivers Scathing Diatribe Against ‘Submission’ To Vaccine Mandates
Hannity: Proof that DEI overtook the FAA
The Trump effect. That didn’t take long!
Butler announced… a review.
That’s a long way short of an immediate stop to the institutionalized manipulation and mutilation of children by perverts.
In fact, it’s a distraction squirrel, and a low energy one at that. ALP is happy to sell its soul- and keep throwing children into the maw of satan- to stop bleeding inner city white woman votes to the Greens and Teals.
Kash Patel Fires Back At Richard Blumenthal After Being Told ‘You Failed’ Your First Test
apparently something I said or did about 4 years ago set JC the mental-case and his idiot mates, off on a get-Matrix tirade
and since then the snake JC has been constructing more and more elaborate scenarios in his head to fit his odious theories
for years now I’ve had to weather a constant stream of vindictive and personal barbs from these idiots while they labour under a falsehood fueled by what appears to JC’s spite and the others gullibility.
it occurs on a weekly and sometimes daily basis
usually it is just wanking on about engineers, or trying to diminish what it is that I do in my work professionally (which, they’re wrong about btw)
the withering perpetual complaints about something I once posted tongue-in cheek are actually quite funny to read because the tossers mostly just sound ridiculous repeating it
but then there are other occasions that are very pointed and not so funny at all
this week we had sancho inventing conversations with my daughter
another time JC specifically mentioned by name the 2 suburbs I own property in … and recall sancho was in on the game at the time too … coincidence? maybe.
too be honest, I’m pretty sure I’ve worked out what it was that set the JC off on his paranoid trip in first place
That ‘Jer Cough’ is a right Nutter. Who let him onto this Blog?
Welcome to the club, Matrix.
Matrix, in the past I have been subject to quite a bit of the same sort of treatment. When it concerns one’s family or personal integrity, on issues revealed for general information, it can be extremely hurtful, as with your daughter, whose travails you have outlined here and which as a parent you must find very distressing.
Dover has a clear preference against these sorts of harassments. We all have so much more to discuss beyond this sort of thing. Imagine life with no Catallaxy. We would all be the poorer for it. I have taken some time out occasionally, and have come back better for that.
for a while there the cartel (JC,sanco and KD) were wanking on about the real-estate troll … whoever that was
then it dawned on me, of course I must be the real-estate troll … because that’s their game, get Matrix
so … typed into google — Joe (everybody knows his surname) and real estate …
and sure enough there a bunch of hits and I go to myself “meh whatever, the guy’s obviously a mental case”
but then, on the other hand, my daughter lives in the same suburb, should I be worried?
the next day it dawned on me that a particular street name from the search happened to match thematically with a bunch of music videos that I had posted
old cat / new cat … cant remember
I used to put music videos to themes.
sometimes dance.
sometimes more esoteric.
anyway, I stopped because I got bored and also because I think it was starting annoy people
I reckon that’s what it is … this paranoid clown JC has decided that I was stalking him (based a handful of music videos)
and a stalker, in his tiny mind is also I suppose, a mal-ticker
you can almost see the vectors joining the dots in his head (can’t be neurons that’s for sure)
I’m guessing I suppose, but it seems the demented clown has constructed a whole rationale to legitimate himself behaving like a complete and utter arsehole
… because of a music video
tell me it isn’t that pathetic and petty JC.
is it?
or was it some other equally ridiculous notion rattling around in yr head?
It’s pathetic and petty.
But it’s what he gets off on.
and for Dover … that week JC et al shit all over a Guest Post I made was utterly insane
and the conceited clowns reckon they are “saving the forum” ?
in reality their half decade tedious and idiotic game has done nothing but harm to this place
Well said that Man.
and for Lizzie … that day you attracted an unhealthy amount of down-ticks for some old crap you’d posted which, you wouldn’t let go of?
I remember I came on the forum and had to read about myself being verballed by a consortium of clowns for allegedly leading a toxic cabal of down-tickers weaponized against you?
you know … JC brings it up repeatedly with himself written in as a hero
yeah … I had never ticked up OR down on that stupid post of yours as I was so utterly sick and tired of listening to streams of self-obsessed drivel that I had been scrolling like crazy
until you got in my face with JC dripping poison in your ear … and I said “ticks? here, have another one”
that solitary tick was mine … the rest?
dunno where you got them but it wasn’t from me
I suspect they were organic and came from all the forum readers that don’t bother to read here anymore because a gibbering few have ruined it with their perpetual self obsessed preening
Matrix, I think you must be referring to my post on the issue of what were basically anti-Semitic comments on this blog made against Cassie. I said anti-Semitism was a hill I would die on, and I still say that. We’ve recently seen Labor politicians trying to downgrade the feelings Jewish people have about the threats they are under, requiring them to be of sterner stuff, fifteen months on, in the same manner that Cassie was critiqued here.
Someone is on the Bundy early.
your move dickhead
And as Mrs Sancho Pantyhose could only fink’. Is that a full frontal lobotomy or a full bottle in front of me?
Mrs Stencho of course.
Johnny Rotten, just lay off.
You are not helping.
The Nuclear Option: Why Renewables Will Lead To An Energy Crisis | Aidan Morrison
John Anderson Media
and suddenly the alt-cat discord comes alive
… with confected gibber
1. “Youse are all paranoid”.
2. “because that’s their game, get Matrix”.
making up conversations you allegedly had with my daughter’s work colleagues?
… Hmmm
you hollow clown
Graders are superior to trucks or trains, in quality/skill of the operator and versatility.
You need to lay off the liquor and get yourself medicated.
Just like you’re doing to me now, you were trolling Liz until I embarrassed you into stopping. I have no idea what real estate you own, and I care even less. I’ve never made a single comment about your possessions, stupid or otherwise. If you claim I have, then show the evidence because I have not. Moreover how in God’s name would I or anyone even know?
You’ve been trolling me for over a month. Unlike others you’ve targeted, I push back—and I will continue to do so.
You could always put a stop to this by not trolling me most nights around this time. But apparently, you have some serious self-control issues.
Just f*ck off and stop talking to me. Try exercising a little self-control for once in your miserable life.
Instead of continually denigrating the blog, then go start your own and show people how it’s done. I’m sure you’ll attract lots of mental asylum patients
LOL. How about you stop smoking. Maybe you smoke shite as well, You seem to be a Pompous Windbag and keep talking shite.
Ooooh … I shit me pants, God-Oracle.
“wanking on engineers”…is it Saturday night already ?
… is a mis-quote
Someone seems to be going the full hysterical Ellie.
Never go the full Ellie.
Channel surfing and there’s a Westworld marathon on.
I liked that show.
Even though it was a totally different show by the end of the final series, I still enjoyed it.
That was going to be the title of my Only Fans page.
You know, us old farts, we don’t ask for much.
A few beers with old mate at the pub on a Friday night. Drive home after a few beers, still below the arbitrary limits the bureaucrats think is best for us, perhaps a cigar to finish off the night and a couple of single malts.
Think about what it’d be like if the missus – long gone to God – had a few words to say about the kids and the grandies – who can’t wait until the Will gets read out.
The cat needs a scratching, and the dog needs a bit of a hug and an extra bone to chew on.
We’re bit fed up with being pushed around.
I may just talk to the lawyer and get the will changed = RFDS the sole beneficiary. They could use a couple of million to keep those planes flying.
‘You’re Under Oath’: Booker Grills Patel About Prosecutors Involved In Trump Probes Who Were Fired
Friday nights back to normal on the Cat? Never mind, callie will be by in the morning to remove the debris and unconscious bodies..
A few of us often post links to real estate, which we refer to it as “real estate porn”. How you could possibly extend this to idea that I or others were insidiously connecting it to your relative is truly beyond me.
You can’t be serious.
I think JC, you run at the mouth a lot and are very forgetful
Tonight I went to The Great Synagogue for Kabbalat Shabbat service. There were more people than usual for the Friday night service. The Rabbi cracked a few jokes about the ‘situation’ which made us laugh however most of us were and are quite very apprehensive and sombre. Just before the service started, about a group of NSWaffen walked through the synagogue and checked under the seats.
Australia 2025. Thanks Slug, thanks Pong, thanks Pretty Boy. All those pretty words from Pretty Boy and now we now have police combing through a synagogue.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Monday night 9 October 2023, when this Jew hatred erupted like a dormant volcano. I witnessed what happened at Town Hall and already, even at Town Hall, even before they were escorted down to the Opera House, the feral Jew hating mob was feverish with Jew hatred, the atmosphere at Town Hall reeked of Nuremberg. I remain very curious as to why NSWaffen command, knowing the Opera House was to be lit up with the flag of Israel and that many Jews (and non-Jews) would be at the Opera House to see the spectacle, allowed such a feverish frenzied mob to walk to the Opera House, and worse, the police provided the scum with a police escort. Doesn’t that go against basic policing? I have no doubt that at Town Hall senior command would have sensed the mood of the mob, it was already saturated with demonic Jew hatred and they would have lynched a Jew had they come across one. Muslim Nazis had already chased an Anglican priest down Bathurst Street, his crime being that he tried to unfurl an Israeli flag. They weren’t to know that the priest, Mark Leach, is actually halachically Jewish. So, who in senior command made the decision, a decision which goes against basic fundamental Peel policing? We need answers to this. What is clear is that on the hideous night, the police did not protect the innocent, instead they handed the keys of the city to a feral mob of leftist and Islamist Nazi scum. NSW Police command, and that includes the Hogarthian gin slag, Karen Webb, the equally useless Yasmin Catley and Pretty Boy Minns lit the match of Jew hatred that now cannot be extinguished. I believe there should be an inquiry into what happened that October 2023 evening. The police and government failed the NSW public……monumentally, they didn’t just fail NSW Jews, they also failed all decent law abiding citizens of NSW.
Quite so. If they simply wanted to clear the streets and cordon them off to ‘let off steam’, they could have directed them to Hyde Park, two blocks away.
Instead, a deliberate decision was made to shepherd them up to the Quay, seven blocks away, where a state-sponsored memorial to the slain and kidnapped was taking place.
Someone made that decision, either out of ideological fervour and false equivalence and/or idiocy (never underestimate the latter, especially from public servants). It was probably Webb.
Either way, no one will be held accountable unless we have a Trumpian revolution.
I can only think of one single thing about your linking to music videos that I could’ve objected to in the distant past.. Was it Abba? If it was then I may very well have.
what is it then retard … what actually set you off?
out with it you tosser
End of an era as Elizabeth’s Bookshop retreats from Perth CBDBy Emma YoungJanuary 31, 2025 — 2.00am
A city institution will soon be no more as Elizabeth’s Secondhand Bookshop pulls out of Perth CBD after more than 30 years.
While the landmark retailer has inhabited multiple shopfronts in the Hay Street/King Street area over that period, its perennial dark green-and-white decor made it instantly recognisable to fans no matter the street number.
Sure, I run at the mouth, but let’s focus on your point. I’ve posted real estate links, one may have been in some burb where your relative lives and this was an indication that I was trolling this person?
Was it Fernando Street. As in the Abba song Fernando?
Just kidding, don’t develop some “thematic” out of this as it’s just a joke.
You need to calm down.
nice try JC …
Excellent channel. No alarmism
High pressure is dominating NZ and south-eastern Australia but the tropics and the Southern Ocean areas remain active with numerous low pressure zones, some simmering away gently, others growing into large storms.
La Niña is not officially here – and we discuss why Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology no longer provides fortnightly updates on La Niña, as news outlets continue to headline it almost every week.
Put short, the forecast across Australasia is that of a very active tropical season creating more lows, thunderstorms and heavy rain in the tropics, while the Southern Ocean also remains very busy with storms tracking past. A “protective” layer of high pressure separates these rain and wind makers from NZ for now – and most of that high pressure is tracking south of Australia, over the south-east of Australia, the Tasman Sea and over NZ, keeping the