Whither the Right? or Wither the Right.
This is the first of what I hope will be a series of posts on the future of the Right following the collapse of the old Right positions that have held sway, really, since the 1970s. Today, Arky has the floor. What is the Right? It is a widely assorted collection of people who can…
Open Thread – Sunday Evening 15 Aug 2021
N.B. If you’re commenting here for the first time it goes into automoderation. Once I approve it it should appear immediately and without delay from then on. Also, can people let me know if they like or dislike the nested comment format. I think it saves having to quote replies to existing comments as you…
Roosh interviews Milo
A fascinating conversation between two men on different though similar religious journeys. Roosh strikes me as the more sober of the two, but I don’t think for one minute that Milo is insincere or trolling in his attempt to reject his past sins and follow the True, Good, and Beautiful. The same is true of…
In the name of ‘love’
The process of humiliation continues.
Update on site build
I’m working on fixing the site as we speak. I’ve added simple comment quicktags which are simply the html buttons that make commenting simple. I’ve added a comment report mechanism that makes moderating simpler too. I have noticed an error in the home page link on the menu which redirects to the old site [now…
I have been lurking in and out here over the last week or so and have seen the odd reference…