Guest Post: MatrixTransform – Things My Nanna Said
My Nanna was born on the day England, France and Russia declared war on Germany in 1914. In 1918 as a kid, she got The Flu and was left helpless presumed to die. Her Old Man wrapped her in brown paper with a mustard poultice, tipped a bottle of brandy all over her, and nestled…
Guest Post: MatrixTransform – A Calibrated Response
New science has prompted a recalibration of the Rulz … Travel restrictions will be tweaked from 5km to 6.318km. The new allowable distance is more finely tuned and accurate to a metre (must be measured from your mailbox) Large construction sites must now reduce staff to 24.8%, revised down from 25% You’re not allowed visitors…
Getting our priorities right
Political leaders in democracies seldom lead but almost invariably follow. This is from Instapundit, which is following an international trend to laugh at Australia and Australians, but I wish we were not so clearly following a lead set elsewhere. NOT THE BABYLON BEE: This news clip from Australia is unbelievably dystopian (video). 1984: A warning for the rest…
Mater’s Musings #14: A Super Majority
It’s a little know fact that Enabling Acts were not a particularly unusual event in early 20th Century Germany. It’s also not widely known that to bring one into existence, it took a successful two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in the Reichstag, currently known as a Super Majority. This would seem wholly appropriate, given the power…
Can no longer spot muppets
Living during lockdown in Sydney meant we didn’t have to wear masks outside. That important freedom distinguishing us from Melbourne. That ended ten days or so ago. Can’t remember what date. Days merge into days these days. I live in Gladys Berejiklian’s electorate. She’s obviously part of the overwhelmingly majority in her party; the new…
“This Has Gotta Stop”
From The Toronto Star — ‘Let the Unvaccinated Die’. And that’s not a letter to the editor but the actual front page. This was the message the paper wanted its readers to read. They believe they are being virtuous and on the side of the angels, but they are as evil as it is possible to…
Mater’s Bloody Mad #1: They’re coming for the kids!
I have it on good authority that in Victoria (at least), the government is very seriously CONSIDERING introducing a ‘No Jab, No School’ policy for kids down to 12 years old. Yes, yes, I know, we’ve heard all this before. Not from this source, I haven’t. In my opinion, it does now represent a real…
Colour blind in the trenches
I was watching Fox News earlier today. The names of six of the thirteen American soldiers killed in Kabul had been revealed. Their names and pictures of them were shown. It was clear enough that of the six, five were white. Or so it appeared to me. Ordinarily, this would be a completely irrelevant observation.…
Guest post: C.L. – Charlie’s Good Tonight
CELEBRITY demises don’t move me for an obvious reason: I didn’t know the celebrities. Naturally, I emphathise with the bereaved but, alas, lack Bill Clinton’s gift of feeling their pain. The sad news of Rolling Stone Charlie Watts’ death in London on Tuesday was slightly different. For a start, the drummer Keith Richards has described…