Tag: emergency measures

  • “A tiny minority with unacceptable views”

    There is some resistance growing to the insanities associated with Covid across the world, with the Canadian truck convoys leading the pack. It’s not even that they are anti-vaxxine as such, just anti being forced to take the vaxxines and then each of the mandated “boosters” to participate in normal life, like going to the…

  • Leading Silks’ Open letter opposing Andrews pandemic legislation

    We are deeply concerned about the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 (Bill). The overriding concern is that the Bill, if passed, may allow the Victorian government effectively to rule the State of Victoria by decree for the foreseeable future, without proper Parliamentary oversight or the usual checks and balances on executive…

  • Do the clowns at The Age even know what freedom is?

    Here is this story about the totalitarian takeover of Victoria by its utterly mad premier: Victorian Bar slams ‘appalling’ new pandemic laws and there in the middle of the story we find this as an insert in the midst of the story: Victoria edges closer to freedom The Victorian government has announced changes to the road…

  • Recent reports on serious problems with the vaccines

    Here’s some background: Lara Logan drops dynamite Fox News segment on Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates. On Thursday, “President” Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. broke another of his promises by requiring vaccine mandates on most, but not all, American citizens.  The next day, Fox News aired a terrific seven-minute segment by Lara Logan titled “Mandate Nation,” and it’s really…

  • Danish Health Ministry: COVID ‘no longer a critical threat to society’

    In the words of the Danish Health Ministry, COVID in its extant variants is no longer a ‘critical threat to society’, and as such, it will remove all its current COVID restrictions, including any vaccine mandates, by September 10 having fully vaccinated 71% of the population. The only remaining restrictions involve agreements with other countries…

  • The lockdowns will continue until morale improves

    We find ourselves again in the grip of another lockdown, the 6th in Victoria, on the heels of 6 locally acquired cases. What this portends in the short term, if unanswered, purportedly justifies the deprivations of liberty entailed by home detention, business closure, remote schooling, and the like. But does it? The initial claim that…