Why is my comment not appearing?

All first-time comments go into auto-moderation. Once approved they will appear and all further commentary should appear without delay.

More importantly, in the interests of promoting a more attractive forum for the discussion of politics and culture, the following guidelines are being introduced:

Flaming, “posting insults, often including profanity or other offensive language” will result in the deletion of the relevant comment/ conversation;

Trolling, posting “inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages…with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception” will result in the deletion of relevant comment, while persistent trolling will incur a ban;

Doxxing, the “act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual”, will result in a ban; and

Picking scabs – reviving/ revisiting past incidents from this or previous iterations of Catallaxy that are best left behind, will result in deletion of relevant comment/ conversation.

  1. Methanol is the waste product from distilling that is best used as weed killer or lighting bbq. In the distilling…

  2. The Melanie Phillips article referenced by Winston at 1539 and cohenite at 1322 begs the question, which has produced the…

  3. This is just silly. Yes another very silly diversion tactic meant to cause confusion that’s really getting antique now. What…