This is more than just a slippery slope

There has been mass confusion in Victoria about who can access childcare. The Premier’s office has now confirmed children can access childcare if just one of their parents is an authorised worker.

And so it says in The Age. An “authorised worker”? You do have to wonder where this will end up, and if you don’t wonder, you really should.

And this is from the US about us: Police Fire Rubber Bullets and Pepper-Spray Into Large Crowd of Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Melbourne (VIDEO). They think this is appalling. Why don’t we?

And this is also about us from the US: Massive Unrest as Australia Adopts China’s Authoritarian ‘COVID-Zero’ Approach.

The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting illness, COVID-19, has caused mass hysteria on a global scale. Perhaps no response is as shocking as what we see in Australia. The country is included in the group of western democracies globally and among the Five Eyes intelligence community members. Yet, the nation’s response to the pandemic can only be described as authoritarian.

I find this particularly on the money. We really do accept insanity as a rational response.

In early August, Melbourne, Australia, imposed a mystifying sixth lockdown because eight cases of COVID-19 were detected. As cases of the Delta variant spread from the early clusters in the cities, nearly every major metro went back to implementing lockdowns. They remain in place and bar people from leaving their homes except for essential exercise, shopping, and caregiving.

Eight deaths in the midst of a flu epidemic in a state with 5.5 million should hardly cause a tremor never mind eight cases. We are such clowns.

A friend of mine who is a doctor was made to stay home for fourteen days because he was in some supermarket when some other person who supposedly tested positive was there at the same time. The kinds of damage we are doing to our ability to just get on with life is absurd.

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August 22, 2021 8:52 pm

Authorised worker.
Authorised recreational exerciser.
Authorised non-electric vehicle owner.
Authorised shopper.

August 22, 2021 9:00 pm

BRADBURY not happy! .. doesn’t appreciate his O/S Gwhatever maaates having a laff at our BAT FLU fiasco ….

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
August 22, 2021 9:25 pm

I didn’t vote for any of them.
The Police are acting without my consent.
Somehow I feel less than smug about it.

August 22, 2021 10:18 pm

Unelected bugmen are flexing the full power of the state that has nothing to do with “keeping us safe”

August 22, 2021 11:22 pm

Yes, they are cutting off child care from families who are already under extreme work at home and home school stress.

They will soon stop you from going to the shops to buy food unless you are vaccinated – already happening in France.

August 23, 2021 8:35 am

Yes, they are cutting off child care from families who are already under extreme work at home and home school stress.

And that dopey ***** Chant also says “you are working from home so there is no need to send kids into childcare”.

She should come here & watch my son (working from home) & DiL (studying @ home – paramedic degree) try to cope with their 3 under 4yo very active boys in a smallish unit whilst trying to work/study.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
August 23, 2021 8:55 am

Where’s Arky? It would be great if he could be bothered to do mock Premier updates with figures from say, the 2017 flue season or, if they’re available, figures from the Hong Kong flu.

You know, where lots of people got sick, hospitals were stretched and people died and life went on as normal for everyone else.

August 23, 2021 9:16 am

There will be no escape, this will only escalate. The side that loses will be the one to blink first.

What will Victorians do when Police murder protesters?

This WILL happen.

There will be lamentings about how “mistakes were made”, there will be enquiries, there will be platitudes. But the point will have been made:

Turn up to protest and we can murder you with impunity.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 23, 2021 9:36 am

August 23, 2021 at 9:16 am
There will be no escape, this will only escalate. The side that loses will be the one to blink first.

What will Victorians do when Police murder protesters?

This WILL happen.

There will be lamentings about how “mistakes were made”, there will be enquiries, there will be platitudes. But the point will have been made:

Turn up to protest and we can murder you with impunity.

The Indonesians thought that when they opened fire on protestors in an East Timor cemetery in the 1990s.

I suspect that “progressive” leftist fascists like Dan Xi Man screeched about that, but are too self-centered to see themselves now behaving like the Indonesians then.

  1. Whatever residual trust I had in the institutions (political, legal, media) and organisations (business, community) that guide the nation, was…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x