Live from Melbourne

From The Age: Pepper balls and stinger grenades: The weapons police are using against demonstrators.

Police also now have access to drones to monitor gatherings and a mobile riot truck to record confrontations and identify offenders to be arrested later.

Ashton told me at the time the weapons were for “major incidents of public disorder, demonstrations that go over the top and where we need to disperse large crowds that are out of control. We need the community to be with us on this.

“It is an ugly look to see police in riot gear in a suburban street. We now have some equipment that has not been seen before that may alarm people.”

The gear was ordered after a series of demonstrations and riots in which police were outnumbered and many received serious injuries. At the time, police were concerned at running gang fights around Moomba Festival and repeated clashes between ultra-right and left activists.

No one could have imagined the equipment would first be used to enforce government health orders

Yes, no one could have imagined that.

And the same seen from a different perspective, a very different perspective. From Zipster in the comments.


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September 21, 2021 5:53 pm

that escalated quickly from today’s fairly peaceful march up the bridge.

You brought this upon yourselves, VicPlod.

September 21, 2021 5:57 pm

We need the community to be with us on this.

How does get fucked sound?

September 21, 2021 6:05 pm

a dollar says John Setka won’t last the 2 weeks of construction shutdown

September 21, 2021 6:07 pm

Was the BMW an unmarked cop car?

Otherwise, that footage is bloody hilarious.

September 21, 2021 6:20 pm

Anyone still not think the government (state or federal) is not at war with us?

September 21, 2021 6:21 pm

Was the BMW an unmarked cop car?


September 21, 2021 6:23 pm

Jeez, don’t go to the comments thread at the Age. Complete bunch of totalitarians!

September 21, 2021 6:31 pm

Vicpol seem to think they can kettle then arrest their way out of this.

Kettle green is a dumb tactic, it’s designed to force confrontations by packing people into a confined space.

September 21, 2021 6:35 pm

How many people have died from Covid in this state Victoria, since January this year? It’s only about 3 ? But they are hiding the stats! Here we are in mid September locked in our homes for months on end, some 6.8 million people going tropo. No income, no freedom and constant propaganda from ABC and mainstream media telling us unless we are jabbed we can’t be free. What the hell happened to flattening the curve? Why are we being corralled so can’t even visit children. Daniel Andrews is a madman and all those supporting him absolute cowards.

September 21, 2021 7:02 pm

Thanks Bern.

What a waste of taxpayers money. They should be made to get around in Trabants, which would be a more fitting look.

September 21, 2021 7:06 pm

I’m in two minds about this.

There’s tears of schadenfreude seeing the State (ALP) lose control of the goons it has cultured for so long in its paramilitary arm (the Unions).

On the other hand, this will only lead to escalation – as presciently stated here at about 9:40 onwards from Discernable. (The whole thing is worth a watch). So the next time the mums and dads come out for a peaceful protest, VicPol will be primed to go completely OTT, with the potential for people to be shot by live rounds.

Finch: No, it was a feeling. But I can guess. With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty. And then Sutler will be forced to do the only thing he knows how to do.

September 21, 2021 7:18 pm

Victorian police are a bunch of cowards. They’re tough when it comes to old ladies and pregnant women, but faced with a group of men they go to water.

September 21, 2021 7:20 pm

We need the community to be with us on this.

sure lets all go out and knock down some 70yo lady we can pepper spray. fuckwits.

September 21, 2021 7:28 pm

September 21, 2021 at 7:06 pm

I’m in two minds about this.

There’s tears of schadenfreude seeing the State (ALP) lose control of the goons it has cultured
for so long in its paramilitary arm (the Unions).

I apologize in advance as I misread your post but decided to send this anyway. As it may apply to others.
Take a deep look at yourself Duncan.
Your use of the word union goon is offensive and naïve. Most of these guys are working hardhats. They live in two bedroom apartments with 3 kids and no garden. Or are hocked to the hilt on bank loans with first mortgage. They get up at 4.30am. Their wives have lost jobs in local business so down to one income. And now stuck at home with kids not at school in two bedroom high rise. No they are not goons. They are the people who pay taxes so all the public servants and pensioners can have pay rises. Keep plugging away on your lap top, at least you might google something that might extend your horizons eventually.

September 21, 2021 7:30 pm
September 21, 2021 7:38 pm
September 21, 2021 7:50 pm

September 21, 2021 at 7:28 pm

mem – I take your criticism.. I’m afraid I wasn’t specific enough. I apologise.

I’m talking about the very small group of heavies that the Union has on hand, and the general culture of disobedience that they culture, to which the usual ratbags attach themselves.

I know that 99% of members are just hard working men and women trying to put food on the table. They’re the peaceful protesters who walked all the way up and down the West Gate bridge today with nary a ‘boo’ in sight.

September 21, 2021 8:13 pm

September 21, 2021 at 7:50 pm
September 21, 2021 at 7:28 pm

mem – I take your criticism.. I’m afraid I wasn’t specific enough. I apologise.

Not easy to apologize. You are a top cat! I was too quick off the mark.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 21, 2021 8:14 pm

Well no prizes for guessing who’s side I’m on.
We now have evil Governments so over the top they might have to be cleansed by fire.
As for the gutless bullying fascist Police mymardons rhey need an attitude change quick smart. Throw a few of them in the chokey and see if they pull their heads in.
I never thought living in a crapocracy would be so bad.

September 21, 2021 8:46 pm

I’ll give you a tip.
These union members working on job sites in Melbourne, especially where the construction company is one of the big ones were all getting paid top dollar as per the union demands.

Whilst I detest what the mongrels andrews et al are doing, it’s a smidgen hard to feel too sorry for them. I feel sorry for the families beaten down by political leaders.

‘Tis a bastard state to live in, Australia at the moment.

Mem and Duncanm, it’s tough to judge anyone outside of the public purse/tit these days IMHO.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 21, 2021 9:47 pm

duncanm and mem

I’m talking about the very small group of heavies that the Union has on hand, and the general culture of disobedience that they culture, to which the usual ratbags attach themselves.

That would be the line of “heavies” who stood outside the CMFEU HQ yesterday?

Mark M
Mark M
September 22, 2021 6:56 am

Bill Shorten calls the protesters “nazi man babies”.

Bill, the ‘out of touch elitist’ should’ve called them “deplorable, redneck, homophobic racists” like Hillary.

We know how that worked out for her.

September 22, 2021 7:15 am

Construction workers march on parliament, met by riot police

Riot police have barricaded the steps of parliament as hundreds of chanting construction workers march through Melbourne’s CBD, setting off flares and walking through traffic.

Protesters chanted “Sack Dan Andrews” and “for our kids” as police armed with pellet guns watched on.

Several journalists on the scene were doused in urine as the angry crowd chanted “fake news” and “report on the truth”.

The protesters are demanding an immediate end to lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

Protesters have also called for the resignation of top political leaders, including Mr Andrews, in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.”

When Melbourne Tradies can see a Solution to Covid staring Australia in the face – how incompetent does that show Australia’s CHOs to be.

Question to NSW CHO Dr Kerry Chant – What are the Vitamin D levels of Patients admitted to Hospital with Covid in NSW?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 22, 2021 7:31 am

I understand the blue team intend to put the big hitters out on the wicket today and take the long handle to bowlers. Expect boundaries to be cleared. Although play may be delayed as that was a long day in the field yesterday. To front up 3 Days in a row is a big ask. Back to you in the studio Ritchie.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
September 22, 2021 7:59 am

Most media and other august sites opine that this is anarchy etc. etc. and the populace must abide by the rule of law. The media and the other sites ignore the fact that the various Premiers, the courts in the main, and the police have not and are not abiding by the rule of law and will not abide by the law of this land, the people have figured that enough is enough, and taken it from there for no one gets out of bed one day in ordinary times and says, “let’s start a riot for something to do.” The root cause is the Premiers themselves and of course Morrison and not the people. A wise Victorian Premier would direct that at least the police, aka bloody thugs, leave their firearms locked away when they start inciting trouble for as sure as eggs very soon they will either use their side arms or have one taken from them and used against them.

September 22, 2021 8:03 am

To front up 3 Days in a row is a big ask. Back to you in the studio Ritchie.

If they have no job and nothing else to do – I think they will show up

Jeff Kennett: Victoria’s cancerous leadership eating state from within

Dictator Dan’s “my way or the high way” style of leadership now verges on megalomania — and it shows his government has lost control.

The Premier and his government have lost control yet again of the administration of Victoria’s response to the pandemic.

This autocratic style of governing that verges on megalomaniac is totally unacceptable after almost two years of restrictions and lecturing by our elected leaders.

Decisions made late at night without any understanding of the consequences for the community are almost dictatorial. “My way or the highway”, regardless of the damage.

On Monday just before midnight the government closed down the construction industry, except on its own two projects, level crossing removals and the tunnel construction. Neither vital.

Tradies, many of whom are vaccinated with one or two shots, are prohibited in completing electrical, plumbing, or other jobs at your home, let alone trying to finish projects before Christmas.

This is what happens when you have people running the state who have no private sector experience whatsoever. They finish school or university and move straight into the political stream. They keep giving themselves pay rises while making decisions that prohibit others in the private sector from even earning an income.

We Victorians are paying a price, no community in this country has ever experienced before. Not even during war time.

We are being eaten from within by what can be compared to a spreading cancer, but the cancer is the government. If you did not know otherwise, you could believe this was an orchestrated action to weaken the state of Victoria and its people to the point of submission.

Of course, the so-called road map out of the pandemic was no road map at all. Because it failed to deliver one important ingredient. Hope.

It is time for a new way. Victoria cannot continue to be destroyed by these Labor apparatchiks who have never directly employed anyone in their lives and who have no appreciation of what makes the world go around.

Mark M
Mark M
September 22, 2021 8:29 am

… and they also waved a “happy birthday Obama” signs to scare away the evil corona virus.

Sadly, no pictures exist of that, either …

Someone was waving a pro-Trump flag at Melbourne’s ant-vaccine protest yesterday

Mark M
Mark M
September 22, 2021 8:49 am

The Conversation is on to it … it’s all the fault of the far right …

Apparently this is not a leftist conspiracy theory.

September 22, 2021 8:55 am

Bill Shorten calls the protesters “nazi man babies”.

Wouldn’t say that to their faces though.

Loathsome creature.

September 22, 2021 9:01 am

Just waded through the sewer that is Daily Mail oz. Not even going near News Ltd. Straight from lefts manual, privileged and Right Wing liberally thrown about… FMD.

September 22, 2021 9:03 am

Just waded through the sewer that is Daily Mail oz. Not even going near News Ltd. Straight from lefts manual, privileged and Right Wing liberally thrown about… FMD.

Yep…disinformation and demonisation in one fell swoop.

September 22, 2021 9:14 am

Just watched the second video – it’s a miracle that mongrel in the unmarked BMW didn’t run down quite a few demonstrators, Gargalagalousas style. As for the preposterous entrance of the mutant ninja turtles towards the end, what a clown show.

Vikpol truly are scum.

September 22, 2021 10:06 am

So when does round 3 kick off? Can’t find anything on the net.

September 22, 2021 2:16 pm

I abhor violence but hope effective protests occur in Sydney.

Rule by executive decree, as to limit our rights without due process, goes back 806 years.

Truly regressive.

  1. I do wish Albanese the unflushable turd would hurry up and call the erection. I’m getting desperate to see the…

  2. A welcome to country and then repetitive acknowledgement of country? The welcome should have been enough. Their rest is just…

  3. I had to stop watching. Murray Watt should have been ejected or at least told to shut it. Who is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x