Parallel universes

I have never been a fan of the parallel universe theory in physics but I can see that it is a real thing in climate and energy matters. Check out the contrast:

The British universe.

The alternative universe in Australia.


This picture will change, right now at 9.30 both Victoria and SA, the wind-leaders are importing power. This picture tells the story and shows the flow of power between the states. Those are live displays and they will change, especially when more solar power comes on line.

Sure enough at 9.50 SA is exporting as solar kicks in. But RE enthusiasts don’t want to get carried away, without coal power SA would have gone black overnight and they would be looking at a cold start if they wanted a hot breakfast. Gas is still providing almost as much local generation as wind.

At breakfast time on the east coast when there was hardly any solar, and none in SA (later sunrise), SA was importing 20% of its demand (coal power from Victoria) while gas provided more than half of the local generation. The wind was a tick above average (CP 32% compared with 29%) and of course the situation is worse when the wind is below average, which is half the time, not to mention periods of almost dead calm.

Imagine the situation in SA and Victoria when Yallourn goes off line. In Victoria at the moment the wind is almost down to drought level and coal accounts for 70% of local generation.

Tasmania, the battery of the nation, has been in deficit this morning with next to no wind.

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October 12, 2021 7:05 am

Read it and weep. Thanks Rafe. Carbon Capture is digging a hole too get someone to fill it it. A lot of cost, nothing produced. Uncharitable I know but I wish the most horrible death upon these people if one can call them people. I remember being a bit depressed twice in my life, the first time 17 yo, second time 39 yo, each time lasted about 20 minutes. Not depressed now, furious and almost ready to get more than even.

October 12, 2021 7:19 am

The transition to net zero will create hundreds of thousands of jobs. No matter what your skill level or where you live, there will be new jobs in farming, factories, transport and information technology.

All those once-were-manual-soon-to-be-manual-once-again jobs.
Another look at the approaching dark ages.

October 12, 2021 7:46 am

Long gone is the argument that even if CO2 is heating the planet, and that that’s a bad thing, there is precisely nothing Australia can do about it.

The grifters have the ear of the government.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 12, 2021 7:55 am

Hildebrand is such a lightweight.

Blair used sometimes try to whip up some enthusiasm for him, but it just didn’t catch on. Now he is the Koch of Studio 10, and Koch is the J Alfred Prufrock of morning TV.

It is one of life’s little conundrums to ponder: Is being an imperfect version of Koch to be better or worse? Normally to be lesser version of something is seen as being inferior. But then to be less like Koch must make something superior. So which is it.

Anyway, Hildebrand just never caught on. A blog by Blair would be popular and stand by itself – indeed it was so until he decided he needed a regular income. Does anyone think Joe’s would fare as well?

And here his scheme is like the Underpants Gnomes:

Government/Activists/Canny opportunists -> ? -> Profit.

October 12, 2021 8:01 am

I know nothing, but that Telegraph estimate sounds about right. Roughly 10 years of pain and increasing energy shortages before cold hard reality forces even politicians to accept the truth. Just glad I live in a country where the winters aren’t too severe.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
October 12, 2021 8:16 am

Apparently, our future king (God have mercy on us) is shocked to think that our current Prime Minister (surely a judgement on us) is not going to whip up some more CO2 and fly half way around the world to their climate talk fest.

Of course, if you run a business, you save the planet by zooming, but if you are a ‘planet saver’, you travel. I wonder what hypnotism, drugs, threats, bribes or mind games they play that make it necessary for Mr. Morrison’s presence.

It seems he has to be there, because we’ve no time left to save mother earth, again. Blah, blah, blah, as the great Greta would say.

Kind of ironic that this current (real) dark ages will be literally dark – and probably cold. But not for them, because we’re all in this together.

Mark M
Mark M
October 12, 2021 8:18 am

If you just spent the last year producing a “zero emissions” doomsday global warming report for Australia, based on 52 other failed reports on doomsday global warming, and then celebrated with a ‘meatless Monday’, you have just been offset …

India is burning 1.87 million tons of coal per day in 135 power plants to produce 70% of its electricity!

October 12, 2021 8:23 am

Apparently, our future king (God have mercy on us) is shocked to think that our current Prime Minister (surely a judgement on us) is not going to whip up some more CO2 and fly half way around the world to their climate talk fest.

Interesting. I thought that parasitic trash would be involved one way or another.

October 12, 2021 8:23 am

The transition to net zero will create hundreds of thousands of jobs. No matter what your skill level or where you live, there will be new jobs in farming, factories, transport and information technology.

Remember when we were told how great it was that we were transitioning from making things (so 19th C.!) to being a service based economy? It gifted us a generation who’ll never be able to afford their own home.

Now coal miners are going to be told to take a 50%+ pay cut to work as solar panel polishers.

Cui bono?

October 12, 2021 8:24 am

If all these people believe their wishful prognostications then they should have no problem with forfeiting all their families/businesses/organizations wealth and funding if they fail to reach these benchmarks. As an aside, there might be 600,000+ jobs created but how many more will be lost?

October 12, 2021 9:02 am

October 12, 2021 at 7:46 am
‘The grifters have the ear of the government.’
Indeed. Let’s change the government.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 12, 2021 9:41 am

As an aside, there might be 600,000+ jobs created but how many more will be lost?

I think the ratio historically has been close to 3:1 – so probably around 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 jobs lost.

October 12, 2021 11:02 am

OK, I’m so sick of everything I’ll just let it rip. My credo:

2 + 2 = 4. It really does.

Men are men and women are women. There are only two genders. And vive la difference!

The Ten Commandments are spot on.

Pornography is evil.

Abortion is murder.

Global warming catastrophism is a malicious hoax.

It’s false that Greta Thunberg can actually see CO2, as asserted by her parents.

It’s disgraceful that the MSM didn’t test this proposition with a simple experiment.

Covid-19 is a bad flu (not so much the Delta variant), and fatally so for a small minority. Like all flus for people with comorbities.

The mRSA vaccines are experimental and may well be dangerous, indeed so dangerous they would never have been allowed through on the traditional vaccine protocols. (We don’t know … there are as yet of course no long-term tests.)

There are completely safe and successful anti-viral alternatives to the vaccines for this virus.

Socialism, communism and fascism suck.

Big government sucks.

Big Pharma/medicine allied to big government and big media really sucks.

Big Pharma/medicine allied to big government and big media have a vested interest in not reporting the truths about COVID and the vaccines.

Schools basically suck.

Gender theory sucks.

The Chicoms are a vicious enemy, against us and their own hapless, ever-suffering, people.

Taiwan will probably be invaded and conquered within the next couple of years.

If and when that happens, Australia will be conquered with a flick of the dragon’s tail.

Democracy has failed, because the Catholic Church has chosen to fail.

Government shouldn’t be by the consent of the governed. Government should be for the common good, regardless as to what the governed think. Though, the opinion of the governed can – frequently – be a valuable indicator and should always be consulted. In many cases – though not all – the governed know a rat when they smell one. Subsidiarity! As in, sod off the COVID vaccine mandates, etc.

Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, was right: a mixed government of a monarchy, aristocracy and government by the people is the best option …

… Assuming of course that the monarch, aristocracy and people are guided by the natural law, if not supernatural revelation. Aye, there’s the rub!

Hong Kong before its crushing by the Chicoms was one of the most spectacular achievements of Western civilization, and during those flourishing decades it was neither sovereign nor democratic. Just laissez-faire.

Modern monetary theory is the Keynesian nonsense on stilts. Even Keynes might agree.

Scomo, grow a pair. Either go to Glasgow and tell them up front to be fruitful and multiply but not necessarily in those words. Or save some taxpayers’ money and say it in a Zoom.

Then eliminate subsidies to renewables and all other energy, let the market sort it all out, and let a hundred flowers bloom, including nuclear, fracking, etc.

And for heaven’s sake, close down that ridiculous and destuctive Covid cabinet.

I’ll stop there. I have others.

Mark M
Mark M
October 12, 2021 11:05 am

Joe Hildebrand will be a virtual speaker at the Global Race to Zero Summit

Smart Energy?

Missed by this much.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
October 12, 2021 11:45 am

I don’t pretend to be an expert, but Rafe details this insanity so well for the layman.

It is gobsmacking unbelievable what is being done to “save the planet”.

October 12, 2021 11:57 am

Facts no longer matter. Hysterical propaganda rules.

Our education system must bear a great deal of the blame.

October 12, 2021 12:03 pm

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 12, 2021 12:35 pm

Joe Hildebrand will be a virtual speaker at the Global Race to Zero Summit

The man has advantage in that race. He is already a zero.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 1:07 pm

Rudolph, Prancer & Dancer fight back.

Norway court rules wind farms harming reindeer herders (11 Oct)

Norway’s Supreme Court on Monday ruled that two wind parks built in the country’s west were harming reindeer herders from the Sami people by encroaching on their pastures.

It was not immediately clear what the consequences of the finding will be.

But lawyers for the herders say the 151 turbines completed on the Fosen peninsula in 2020—part of the biggest land-based wind park in Europe—could be torn down.

“Their construction has been declared illegal, and it would be illegal to continue operating them,” said Andreas Bronner, who represented a group of herders alleging harm from one of the two parks.

Maybe they can be used as giant Christmas trees after they’re turned off.

October 12, 2021 1:47 pm

I’ll attempt to summarize my credo above in an understated way:



Texas Jack
Texas Jack
October 12, 2021 2:15 pm

Hugh says:
October 12, 2021 at 11:02 am
OK, I’m so sick of everything I’ll just let it rip.

I’m with you, Hugh, but I’m saving my “just let it rip” moment for when Barnaby finally comes on TV to explain why he’s now fully supporting Morrison on net zero.

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 12, 2021 2:47 pm

The transition to net zero will create hundreds of thousands of jobs. No matter what your skill level or where you live, there will be new jobs in farming, factories, transport and information technology.

Thousands of horses too. Horses for pulling the plough on the farms when diesel powered machinery is banned, horses to pull the drays to get products to the shops, and horses to pull the wagons we’ll ride in when internal combustion vehicles are banned.

Thousands of jobs for horse breeders, blacksmiths for shoeing the horses, and street sweepers to clean up the mess after the horses.

  1. After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x