The Fascist Government of Victoria

Ever wonder how fascists were able to run one-party states in Europe? Come to Victoria and find out for yourself.

Daniel Andrews is the stupidest clod I have ever seen in politics. He knows only force and never reason. He just tells people what to do and threatens them with absurdly high fines and now two years in jail for things that are perfectly legal all over the rest of the world.

From the Herald-Sun this morning: Two Year Jail Threat of course for only “the most egregious offences”. 

Benito Mussolini | Biography, Definition, Facts, Rise, & Death | Britannica

With this quote to see just where we are.

The truth is that men are tired of liberty. - Benito Mussolini

Women, too, apparently. Better to be told what to do now and forever under the guidance of Dan. Would we really have elected Andrews if we knew the corona storm was coming next?

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October 27, 2021 11:41 am

Where are:
Civil liberties Victoria
Federal govt
All MIA and complicit in the implementation of tyranny in our previously free country

October 27, 2021 12:13 pm

“Where are:

As per “ova fred”, I can confirm that they (HRC) have told me in writing that they “cannot” do anything about a State Government infringing your rights as established under federal law or international treaty.
Their view appears to be “not our job” when State Govs are involved.
The NSW Ombsbudsman (to whom the HRC directed me) also says it is beyond their remit.
So, apparently a state gov can breach all your rights if it wants to, and no-one in any sort of overseeing organisation appears to believe it is their job to do anything about it.

One wonders if this would be the same response were it about women, aboriginals, muslims etc, or if the question came from an MSM source. I suspect that they can do something, they just don’t want to, and don’t see much “blowback” coming from a mere pleb like me. I have no evidence of this, so they may actually be correct that they are not allowed to interfere, but if so – who thought it would be a good idea to exclude state govs from such oversight?

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 27, 2021 12:19 pm

He just tells people what to do and threatens them with absurdly high fines and now two years in jail for things that are perfectly legal all over the rest of the world

Steve, while Andrews is to the “n” degree of that statement, the remaining state premiers and CHOs are playing in that same ballpark. And as for the Prime Minister and the Federal Govt, there’s is the sin of omission – they’re vacated the field because they know?/suspect? that they do not have the powers federally to constrain us and are using the powers of the individual states to bring about our submission . If fact a more applicable analogy federally would be the PM as Pontus Pilate, washing his hands of the deliberate removal of personal freedoms and making Australian citizens into the property of the state.

October 27, 2021 12:33 pm

I suspect that Andrews may become the longest serving Chairman in Victoria’s history.

Angus Black
Angus Black
October 27, 2021 12:54 pm


I’m currently reading (or if I’m really honest, listening to Audible read to me) William Shirer’s “Berlin Diaries”. For those of you who don’t already know, Shriver was an American “foreign correspondent” based in Germany before and during WW2.

His discussions/musings/ruminations on propaganda, censorship and the blind belief the German People had in the government and the governmental/media messaging (in the face of any credible evidence – rather the reverse) are eerily reminiscent of what we now see about both COVID and “Climate Change”.

It is staggering to watch our nation not just accept the totalitarian jackboot, just as the Germans did over half a century ago, but vote for it to stamp down on their necks ever harder.

October 27, 2021 1:13 pm

So, apparently a state gov can breach all your rights if it wants to, and no-one in any sort of overseeing organisation appears to believe it is their job to do anything about it.

the obvious implication of this is that all these (useless) bodies should be immediately disbanded.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
October 27, 2021 1:35 pm

Stupid? Maybe.
Cunning – in the worst possible sense of the word? Most certainly.

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 27, 2021 2:19 pm

Bar Beach Swimmer says:
October 27, 2021 at 12:19 pm

And as for the Prime Minister and the Federal Govt, there’s is the sin of omission – they’re vacated the field because they know?/suspect? that they do not have the powers federally to constrain us and are using the powers of the individual states to bring about our submission .

It’s not a sin of omission, the Federal Government is an active participant. They could have enforced the Federal Bio-Security Act on the various state governments which would have limited the range of their crimes against Australians, but they haven’t done so.

Instead, they are going to change the Bio-Security Act which would allow the states to “remove and detain certain classes of people” to their detention camps.

Don’t get on the bus when it comes for you, it will be a one-way journey.

October 27, 2021 2:26 pm

The Fascist Government of Victoria

Tell us something we don’t know, Steve. You’re preaching to the choir.

Victoria’s dirty secret is that around 40% of the state’s voting population are secretly thrilled by the cancellation of our liberties: the longer the lockdown the better.

If you think Adolf Hitler wasn’t a populist tyrant who manipulated the German democratic system in exactly the same way as Daniel Andrews, you don’t know history (a compulsory requirement of 21st century leftism).

Throwing dissidents in jail will be the fascist Andrews regime’s next trick. By the time he loads up the electorate with more Free Stuff© paid for with our money, it would be a surprise if he is removed in 2022.

October 27, 2021 3:11 pm

Being a control freak Andrews is increasingly putting himself in charge of minutia but the more he does this the more the pressure builds on him. At some stage very soon he will snap. You can see it in his exaggerated body and eye movements . Also notice that not one person around him is relaxed or smiling. they act like dogs ready to be kicked.

October 27, 2021 4:40 pm

Bat Eared Mong

October 27, 2021 5:00 pm

The moron has already fallen foul of his own laws – perhaps he’ll be dumb enough to end in the clink?

We can only hope – for all our sakes.

Mark M
Mark M
October 27, 2021 5:27 pm

This is exactly what we need to see …

The president of the Victorian Bar has slammed the Andrews government’s new pandemic legislation a spokesman “appalling” and revealed the government “grossly misrepresented” its consultations with the barristers’ peak body …

Victorian Bar slams ‘appalling’ new pandemic laws

Via the twitter feed

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 27, 2021 7:00 pm

The BEM is Unfit for office.

Would My fellow Victorians still vote for BEM had they known this Wuflu storm was a coming ?

Hangs head and sighs..yes most likely.

October 27, 2021 7:36 pm

Being a control freak Andrews is increasingly putting himself in charge of minutia but the more he does this the more the pressure builds on him.

Mem, I think this is a very perceptive observation.

I believe that his medical bureaucrats are showing signs of retreat in view of the relaxations seen in NSW and the studies overseas which they cannot ignore forever.
Now, you are right – he is a control freak who will not be able to tolerate any suggestion from advisers that he must retreat in any way.

I know that the proposed legislation shows signs of considerable preparation, but I still believe Dan anticipated changes in such institutions as the Burnett & Doherty & is determined to bulletproof (just a play on words!) his regime.

I agree that he is showing more and more signs of instability. Very worrying. Because his personality is such that he is convinced that is right on all counts, & that he alone can “save” Victoria. Very, very scary.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 27, 2021 8:23 pm

Welp, Stairman Dan can always come to Sandgroperstan.

Watching him go full Godzilla vs. Kong with Comrade Sneakers in a mad race for the C00f-bottom might be entertaining.

In the same way that having a grandstand-view of the fight on the top floor of the highrise Godzilla is about to get shoulder-barged through is entertaining…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 8:34 pm

An increasingly unstable demagogue.


October 27, 2021 8:36 pm

Angus Black says:
October 27, 2021 at 12:54 pm

… vote for it to stamp down on their necks ever harder.

What was it that Michael Hutchence of INXS (or was it Heath Ledger?) died from? Erotic auto asphyxiation?

Is life so dreary and devoid of meaning that we need to feel on the verge of death before we can ‘feel’ anything?

(Some years ago there was a Hollyweird film titled ‘Crash.’ At one point, the narrator stated something like ‘Sometimes people need to feel the physical violence of an acute incident (like a car crash), just to feel alive.’*).

* That’s a very loose paraphrase.

Or is it like how I imagine watching a public execution may be: Witnessing and being scared by an extreme event, but quietly rejoicing that it is happening to someone else, and couldn’t possibly ever happen to you?

There is certainly a psychological need being met here.

October 28, 2021 3:48 am

It is staggering to watch our nation not just accept the totalitarian jackboot, just as the Germans did over half a century ago, but vote for it to stamp down on their necks ever harder.

And the contemporary version of the Hitler Youth are all the school children banging on about climate change. We think that Greta Thundberg is their leader when it’s actually education departments who have taught them to be afraid of the weather. Greta* is just their figurehead and as much a puppet as the rest of the kids.

*Suspiciously Germanic name.

October 28, 2021 3:51 am

bemused says:
October 27, 2021 at 12:33 pm
I suspect that Andrews may become the longest serving Chairman in Victoria’s history.

That may turn out to be true though sane residents will move to other, less corrupted states.

October 28, 2021 1:19 pm

“That may turn out to be true though sane residents will move to other, less corrupted states.”

What of closed borders? And while others may be “less corrupted”, they are going down the same path, just hanging back a bit so they can say “Not as bad as VicDanistan” (yet).

Hey, whatever happened to that bloke who claimed he had his own country in Aus and was the king? If it still exists, it’s probably less authoritarian than any state or territory is right now.
Or maybe we should organise our own – Free-domistan, the Libertarian State.

  1. Mmm I see. Hun: ABC managing director David Anderson said claims “Australia is a racist country” is based in “fact”…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x