Guest Post: mem – An Advertising Conundrum

Did anyone see the advertisement in the Herald Sun on Sunday, 31 October thanking Brett Sutton CMO Victoria and team for keeping us safe?

The text of the advertisement ran as follows:

“To Prof Brett Sutton, Prof Ben Cowan and A/Prof Deb Friedman

Thank you

To you and the team of people you lead,

For all you have done to keep us safe

Your expertise, compassion, hard work and dedication to the health

Of all Victorians during the pandemic is recognized and appreciated.

Again we say thank you.”

8 logos then inserted.

The timing and placement of the ad is interesting. The ad appeared on page 13 took up half a page and was placed directly below photos of the demonstration held in Melbourne on Saturday 30th October to protest the vaccine mandates and Daniel Andrews’ overreach of emergency powers. There would have been many health workers amongst the demonstrators.

This thankyou piece was presumably paid for by the organizations whose logos appeared at the bottom. The logos appearing were: AMA, ANMF (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation, HACS U, Victorian Ambulance Union and several other health unions. There was no mention of Daniel Andrews or the government in the content. Perhaps a bit of social/political distancing being displayed? Or maybe these unions are a bit worried they will lose members. In Queensland some 4000 health workers are expected to be stood down for not meeting the requirement to be vaxed by the Qld. Government’s timeline. I have not seen an equivalent figure for Victoria but it is likely to be similar. The unions are being criticized by many for not standing up for their members’ rights. And here we have them thanking Daniel Andrews’ right-hand-man, Brett Sutton, for keeping health workers safe. If I was a health worker who was about to lose my job, I would not be impressed. So, what was the real purpose of this advertisement? Perhaps intimidation of health workers. Perhaps a positioning statement for these unions in relation to others. Perhaps to finger the CMO as being responsible for the mandates rather than Andrews. Perhaps the advertisement was a genuine expression of the feelings of those that signed off on it and its placement coincidental. Comments welcome.

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November 3, 2021 10:08 am

Whatever the case may be, if unions (& the AMA) are involved there is definitely a political agenda.

November 3, 2021 10:13 am

In this age of cognitive dissonance it is hard to determine what sense, if any, is behind the inane pronouncements of pollies & bureacrats alike.

I have decided that Stockholm Syndrome reigns supreme in this land.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 3, 2021 10:37 am

Did it have the standard political advertising legal disclaimer at the bottom?
If not a complaint to the electoral commission could be justified.

November 3, 2021 10:42 am

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
November 3, 2021 at 10:37 am
Did it have the standard political advertising legal disclaimer at the bottom?
If not a complaint to the electoral commission could be justified.

No, there was no disclaimer.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

Difficult to see where this squandering of member’s money coneys any benefit to members.
Especially when members, thousands of them, are losing their jobs.

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 3, 2021 11:19 am

In Queensland some 4000 health workers are expected to be stood down for not meeting the requirement to be vaxed by the Qld. Government’s timeline. I have not seen an equivalent figure for Victoria but it is likely to be similar.

Mem, the Australia wide total is around 20,000 health workers who have been stood down. Scott Morrison has announced that his government will recruit that number of doctors, nurses, etc. from overseas to replace those stood down and they will be granted expedited immigration arrangements.

Front-line heroes one day, no longer required the next day.

Sacked Perth nurses leave their uniforms at the front door of McGowan’s office, a very sad day for those people.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
November 3, 2021 11:24 am

The sad thing is that many Victorians (and those in other states) will agree with the sentiments expressed. I personally know a few who are eternally grateful to our overlords for their hard work and sacrifice.
More evidence this country is screwed.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 3, 2021 11:24 am

Scott Morrison has announced that his government will recruit that number of doctors, nurses, etc. from overseas to replace those stood down and they will be granted expedited immigration arrangements.

Just when you think he must, surely, have reached rock bottom, he goes even lower.

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 3, 2021 11:37 am

Just when you think he must, surely, have reached rock bottom, he goes even lower.

If you listen closely, you can hear all the ink-jet printers from Bombay to Lagos busily printing “Doktor Sertificates.”

November 3, 2021 11:38 am

Might we assume that Setka is still in charge? His enemies missed their opportunity. Such opportunities are often fleeting.

November 3, 2021 12:26 pm

I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
The beatings will continue until moral improves.
If you’re not with us, you’re against us.
Trust me, I’m a politician.
We’ve always been at war with Asia.
God save the king.

That’s all you need to know – we’ll look after you. Honest.
Haven’t we done a bang-up job so far? You’re still alive, aren’t you?
Ungrateful bastards!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
November 3, 2021 12:28 pm

Did the banner also say ‘Congratulations Harvey Sutton Pre Lockdown 7 Christmas Sale. No Deposit, No life, No Interest 20 months’ T&Cs apply.

November 3, 2021 12:40 pm

The SP almost lit up the breakfast table so angry was he with this complete load of duck droppings on Saturday morning.

It is another brick in the Great Wall of Utter Rubbish being fed to the masses. I’m over the lot of them.

November 3, 2021 12:56 pm

Far from thanking Sutton and his cronies, or Andrews and the rest of his rotten, miserable cabal in government, they can get stuffed!
Why would I thank a bunch of tossers for locking me up for a world record of nearly 300 days?

November 3, 2021 1:02 pm

Just when you think he must, surely, have reached rock bottom, he goes even lower.

Morrison is even more delusional, and has even less political nous than I thought, if he thinks his rapidly dwindling supporter base will be at all happy with many thousands of Aussies being sacked and replaced with immigrants.
And where are the health workers’ unions on this?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 3, 2021 1:16 pm

Nothing too low for lefties.
Lying filthy hypocrites.
They can kiss my arse.

Chris M
Chris M
November 3, 2021 1:38 pm

In the peoples republic of Viktoria even the slugs ooze veneration of Brett Sutton.

Mark M
Mark M
November 3, 2021 3:09 pm

When Slugboy and his sidekicks are the heroes, you know you’re living in a alternative bizarro cartoon universe.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
November 3, 2021 7:37 pm

The cost of the ad is the reward for the Sun for going with the narrative. Nearly all the ads on the MSM are gummint funded, ours to repay through taxes.

November 4, 2021 2:09 pm


Rivers of government advertising gold.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x