Guest Post: mem – Are young women bearing the brunt of the vaccine mandates?

Watching footage of the demonstrations against the vaccine mandates over the past few weeks, I was amazed at the number of young women participating. To my knowledge this is unprecedented.

No wonder many women in their child-bearing years are tentative about getting the jab. There has been little evaluation as to the impact of the new ‘vaccines’ on the ability to conceive, or impact on a baby in utero, or potential birth defects.

Many parents are concerned about getting their kids jabbed. They have been through so much with home-schooling, getting the kids exercise and maintaining the household’s sanity for nearly two years of on-and-off lockdowns. They now are faced with the pressure of getting their kids jabbed in the face of contradictory reports as to the benefits and risks.

Many nurses and health care workers are refusing the jab, even if it means losing their jobs. Recent figures suggest that nationally some 20,000 will lose their jobs. Another 10,000 have taken voluntary leave. Traditionally young women have made up the greatest proportion of workers in the health system.

They also make up a larger proportion of teachers, child-care workers, hairdressers, retail workers, beauticians etc, where jabs are also mandatory to keep one’s job.

A major article today on the ABC online on the potential shortage of health staff avoids any mention of the impact of the no-jab-no job policy on worker numbers.

It would be interesting know if other industries employing large numbers of young women are experiencing similar shortages and “burnout” problems.

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November 20, 2021 9:11 am

A major article today on the ALPBC online on the potential shortage of health staff avoids any mention of the impact of the no-jab-no job policy on worker numbers

Of course it does, because the ALPBC isn’t about the dispassionate purveying of facts.

It’s about as impartial and trustworthy as TASS or the völkischer beobachter.

Bankrolled by your taxes.

November 20, 2021 9:18 am

Are young women bearing the brunt of the vaccine mandates?

The youth are bearing the brunt of this fascist insanity equally. Don’t forget about the now mounting evidence of adverse effects on the hearts of young men.

We must all ensure that the monstrous imbeciles responsible for this hysterical totalitarian idiocy be held to account.

To settle for anything less is to be a coward.

November 20, 2021 9:25 am

“There has been little evaluation as to the impact of the new ‘vaccines’ on the ability to conceive, or impact on a baby in utero, or potential birth defects.”

Reports of up to 80% miscarriages in the vaxed.
Reports of newborns spitting out breast milk from vaxed mother.

“Don’t forget about the now mounting evidence of adverse effects on the hearts of young men. “

Indications are that for a 15 y.o. male, the vax poses a 6 times greater risk of hospitalisation then actually catching covid.

November 20, 2021 9:30 am

The problem with hospitals is that because of COVID requirements, to admit anyone, the workload has at least tripled from what it used to be. My wife is a first responder and has been working at various hospitals supporting the hospital staff with patient admissions (mainly from ambulances) and everything is made more difficult than it ever was.

Caution has been taken to the extreme. And this is happening in regional hospitals, what must it be like in the metropolitan ones? And what will it be like come winter, when all this explodes once again?

November 20, 2021 10:06 am

And what will it be like come winter, when all this explodes once again?

Dont worry – its a ‘pandemic of the unvaxxed’ dontchaknow? – and we will all have been hunted down by then.

November 20, 2021 10:25 am
November 20, 2021 12:14 pm

A major article today on the ABC online on the potential shortage of health staff avoids any mention of the impact of the no-jab-no job policy on worker numbers.

Oh, how surprising, the ABC makes a glaring, key omission which doesn’t suit its agenda.

November 20, 2021 12:22 pm

A major article today on the ABC online on the potential shortage of health staff avoids any mention of the impact of the no-jab-no job policy on worker numbers

It’s called lying by omission.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

Old bloke
Old bloke
November 20, 2021 12:24 pm

A major article today on the ABC online on the potential shortage of health staff avoids any mention of the impact of the no-jab-no job policy on worker numbers.

There will be no mention of why 20,000 medical staff have refused the jab and are now unemployed. If the general public knew that the doctors and nurses have chosen penury rather than taking the jab it may dawn on them that more knowledgeable people consider these vaxxs to be dangerous.

So here we are, hospital admissions at an all time high due to vaxx injuries combined with a severe staff shortage due to a refusal to participate in a population culling exercise.

The Government’s response is to recruit and bring 20,000 replacement doctors and nurses to Australia, but where will it find them? All the European countries are facing the same dilemma, there won’t be enough qualified, vaccinated staff available anywhere in the world.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
November 20, 2021 12:47 pm

Old bloke asked:

“The Government’s response is to recruit and bring 20,000 replacement doctors and nurses to Australia, but where will it find them?”

Any third world country that pays its medical professionals less than we do.

November 20, 2021 12:56 pm

I have two comments to make of this issue, from a personal perspective.
One is that when my 16 year old granddaughter decided that she needed to be vaccinated because she believed she would be not allowed to attend her school, I suggested that she get her ovarian eggs harvested and frozen as a precaution agents future infertility due to the vaccine. For once, her mother agreed. But in practice, it proved too hard, apparently.

Secondly, re the shortage of nurses. This could indeed explain the difficulties we encountered in securing emergency surgery for grandson who suffered a fractured jaw due to a “king hit” in Sydney. (Incidentally, offenders have been found and charged!.) The whistle blowers website for nurses documents the extraordinary cases they are seeing in emergency & it is, not surprisingly, causing reluctance on the part of nurses to risk “the jab”.

November 20, 2021 1:01 pm

The Government’s response is to recruit and bring 20,000 replacement doctors and nurses to Australia, but where will it find them?

I know where I would be looking – those countries who have got the virus under control through using Ivermectin. I would guess that these populations would have a high degree of natural immunity now, since they were exposed and/or contracted the virus & recovered.

Where? India, Peru, Indonesia, Mexico — but I would be choosing India.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 20, 2021 1:42 pm

I just spent a week in a public hospital in Sydney. Ok, it is a better one. Getting admitted was no big deal despite being a pureblood. Tested for covoid, a bed in casualty and a move to a ward as soon as a bed became available.
Scored a single room. Ward was at less than 3/4 capacity. When asked if I was vaccinated pointed out no one was vaccinated as there was no vaccine. Replies went from thoughtful silence to discreet agreement. I was also quietly informed the lack of nursing staff was due to the lack of overseas nurses, in particular the Irish.
Pleased to be home.

November 20, 2021 6:59 pm

It would be interesting know if other industries employing large numbers of young women are experiencing similar shortages and “burnout” problems.

I believe the hospitality industry is also short of staff but that may be due to no backpackers or international students.

Chris M
Chris M
November 20, 2021 10:31 pm

When asked if I was vaccinated pointed out no one was vaccinated as there was no vaccine.

Excellent response and exactly what I say also! The current treatment don’t meet the TGA’s criteria to be defined as vaccines.

So yes, if asked I’m double vaccinated – but if asked further – not for covid19 as currently no vaccine exists for that virus.

November 21, 2021 9:11 am

As WA COVID vaccine mandate deadline looms, some WA workers say they’ll quit rather than get the jab.
“Chantal Storer loves her job at Panna Bakery, but last week she worked her final shift.” And this figure is quoted:”She is one of a little over 1 million West Australians forced to decide whether to take the COVID vaccine or give up their livelihood, and she’s chosen to go.”
Full story here:

Winston Smith
November 21, 2021 11:58 am

An interesting side effect of this persecution – because that’s exactly what it is – of the Vaxine recalcitrant, is that all these young women will take the opportunity to start their families.
I wonder?

November 21, 2021 12:21 pm

An interesting side effect of this persecution – because that’s exactly what it is – of the Vaxine recalcitrant, is that all these young women will take the opportunity to start their families.
I wonder?
I was thinking the same thing. And do it while still on company time.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x