Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Big mistake. Like a kid trying to show off to mum and dad. There are consequences, fool.
The anniversary of HMAS Yarra, a brave fighting ship HMAS Yarra was a sloop of the Royal Australian Navy’s World…
Moreso than NATO/EU though…
It looks like the money men will be instigating a right royal Purge of the Democrat fa fa fa Lefties.
Oh, how I wish what happens next plays out IRL.
He’s too decrepit to escape.
I hope meme #11 is the US electorate as the boulder which scares him out of the Whitehouse, followed by the courts with bows and arrow pointed at his head.
Unfortunately, he’ll run to the plane and be saved from justice.
And another one:
Texas Terrorist swapped for Gun Control.
Just think of the tradunpressure he must be under.
“Just think of the tradunpressure he must be under.”
C’mon man! Can’t be worse than facing down Corn Pop.
Everything that emanates from the left — from Joe Biden down to the activists running his fake presidency — assumes that people are stupid enough to believe that a dead petty criminal from Minneapolis named George Floyd is as important to America as Martin Luther King. Evil is bottomless in leftardland.
Do plagues like these last more than seven years?
On a different tack:
“Because of its (now) known nature, the SARSr-CoV-WIV’s illness is readily resolved with early treatment that inhibits the viral replication that spreads the spike proteins around the body (which induce a harmful overactive immune response as the body tries to clear the spikes from the ACE2 receptors). Many of the early treatment protocols ignored by the authorities work because they inhibit viral replication or modulate the immune response to the spike proteins, which makes sense within the context of what EcoHealth was creating. Some of these treatment protocols also inhibit the action of the engineered spike protein. For instance, Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, as identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).”
Sorry – this is a long entry – but I think it is incredibly important to those of us who are concerned for the future of us all. It is a post from Robert Malone’s Substack in which he examines the signs that government’s suspect that they are losing some ground and are preparing to tackle the “misinformation” that is coming via the social media re Covid & vaccines:
Behavioral control
and the end of the American dream.
See also:
Sadly, Vicki, such methods work much more effectively on trusting populations.
Just as boxers can trade blows for maybe 15 rounds of brutal fighting and survive at the end, while a so-called coward’s punch can (and has) killed a person with one blow, so such propaganda works best against the home population, who have traditionally trusted their own government and media. Propaganda was of very limited success against the North Vietnamese or the Taliban supporters precisely because they did not trust the source.
The good news is that more and more of us do not believe a single word we are now officially told, but at the cost of the destruction of a belief in our democratic institutions and the scientific establishment.
Roger W,
To true. Now if the Government told me the sky was up I’d go and have a look for myself.
“…a dead petty criminal from Minneapolis named George Floyd is as important to America as Martin Luther King.”
MLK: “We do not fight racism because it is perpetrated by the white man against the black man, we fight racism because it is evil.”
MLK: “Hate begets hate, fear begets fear. We need to love.”
JRB (aka LGB): prioritises medical treatments based on race rather than medical need – black people are “more likely” to get very sick from COVID, so monoclonal antibodies are dished out based on a “score”, and being non-white gives you 2 extra points. Imagine the outrage were it the white people who were prioritised.
What would MLK say?
Victor Davis Hanson on COVID, President Brandon and Dementiacrats:
If FBI did not suppress the evidence they had on MLK, he would be the equivalent of GF with a good speaking voice and a suit.