How many in England and Wales died solely from COVID without any underlying causes between 2020- 2021 Q3?

Following a FOI request, the Office for National Statistics released the following figures:

2020: 9400 (0-64: 1549 / 65 and over: 7851)

2021 Q1: 6483 (0-64: 1560/ 65 and over: 4923)

2021 Q2: 346 (0-64: 153/ 65 and over: 193)

2021 Q3: 1142 (0-64: 512/ 65 and over: 630)

In total, 17, 371. The usual quoted statistic of deaths within 28 days of a positive test over the same period is 137,133. As Dr. John Campbell notes in the accompanying video,

the average age of those that died solely from COVID is 82.5 years of age. This is slightly above the average of death. A little over 78% of those that died solely from COVID were over 65 and given the average age at least half of them 82.5 years or over.

I saw this reported on GB News by Farage yesterday,

but I can’t for the life of me recall a single news outlet here in Australia report this story and the FOI request was released on 16 Dec 2021. According to Dr. John Campbell, no major news outlet in the UK has reported this story either (beyond GB News). Not Sky, BBC, ITV, etc.

This is a terrible state of affairs. We have incompetent, malevolent, and self-interested political actors everywhere and a media unwilling or incapable to hold them to account.

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January 21, 2022 11:29 am

Lies, damned lies, and anything about covid.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 21, 2022 11:41 am

Some Key Takeaways:

The more contagious, but far less deadly omicron variant plus more frequent testing are likely driving cases up. However, the totally unexpected increase in deaths is concerning. The winter season may explain some of it, except Australia, where it is their summer.
These data confirm that the countries with high vax and booster rates correlate with the Jan. 2022 increase in cases and deaths. This confirms that the most likely cause is the claimed negative efficacy effect from the overuse of the original vaccines. In other words, the original vaccines are now causing more harm than good.
Sweden’s herd immunity success is now busted, likely because of its belated decision to force vaccinations when almost everyone there was already protected by natural immunity.
Australia’s unexpected surge in cases and deaths suggests that its draconian lockdowns and other mandates have delayed COVID but totally failed to keep it away. Costly universal lockdowns, regardless of how extreme, serve only to delay the inevitable.
Only India’s exceptionally low death rate is unaffected at least so far, but its climbing vax rate, if continued, is a concern.
The world needs to immediately cease relying on the original vaccines and learn to live with the virus. For people infected, follow India’s example by approving the emergency use of similar early-treatment therapeutics to stop the progression of the disease before it can reach the stage resulting in hospitalization or death.
Obviously, more in-depth research by professional immunologists with much more expertise than mine will be required to confirm these findings.
Let’s face it. The virus has reached the stage where it is endemic and will be with us forever, just like the related common cold and seasonal flu. It’s time for us to resume living our lives without the continual government fear-mongering, virtue-signaling, and freedom-robbing COVID mandates.

January 21, 2022 11:44 am

I still don’t believe that there were no underlying conditions in every case.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 21, 2022 12:02 pm

It’s as if our governments didn’t apply a simple cost-benefit analysis prior to implementing their draconian Covid policies. Or consider the eminently foreseeable opportunity costs if these policies were implemented.

Or maybe they didn’t care, as putting in place the Build Back Better agenda was the main aim, along with the requisite conditioning of the population to accept severe restrictions on their freedoms and to comply with arbitrary and often nonsensical rules decreed by tyrannical Experts.

It’s a work in progress. When we reach the Davosian utopia, we’ll all look back and realise small matters like many tens of thousands of additional cancer deaths and the stunted development of a generation of children were small prices to pay.

January 21, 2022 12:12 pm

“…no major news outlet in the UK has reported this story either (beyond GB News). Not Sky, BBC, ITV, etc.”

Of course not.

And then there is this:

Some future historians will get a good giggle out of what we have to put with from the MSM…

January 21, 2022 12:25 pm

“It’s a work in progress. When we reach the Davosian utopia,…”

I truly do not understand why they think that shit will help them and make them richer.
I get that they can suppress any potential competition, but don’t they realise that the reason they got so rich is because they have many millions of customers, all buying their stuff? If those customers can’t afford it anymore, they won’t have that income any more.

January 21, 2022 12:27 pm

It was apparent in April 2020 that the frail elderly were most susceptible, but governments refused to consider therapeutics, and committed themselves to vaccines as the ‘only’ solution. Thus they, and they alone, are primarily responsible for deaths from Covid.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 21, 2022 12:47 pm

In total, 17, 371

By contrast the death rate from the vaccines may be as high as 1/10000, if all the heart attacks, strokes, dead soccer players, anaphylaxis sufferers and immune system collapse patients are added up.

If so, given that 39,995,505 people have been double vaxxed, that would mean about 4000 people are dead of the vaccines – mostly healthy younger ones. And perhaps a couple hundred thousand have had their lives ruined by them, given Cats’ direct experiences. It could easily be more than that for both, since there’s been such repression of medical professionals trying to report the real data.

If they’d allowed antiviral therapy so many of all those people would still be alive today.

Not exactly a glorious victory for the NHS.

January 21, 2022 12:49 pm

I recollect Trump was the only person to advocate the use of therapeutics, and was constantly mocked and vilified for doing so.

January 21, 2022 1:00 pm

Dover – you’re last paragraph says it all . . .

This is a terrible state of affairs. We have incompetent, malevolent, and self-interested political actors everywhere and a media unwilling or incapable to hold them to account.

I am beyond rage over the fear-porn that has been peddled for the last 2 years.

My 84yo mother-in-law now is a hermit as she’s too afraid to engage with anyone. She didn’t want my wife to see her for her upcoming birthday for fear of catching COVID ! She even bought up the 20 deaths today in Victoria without knowing did they die with COVID or from COVID – there’s a huge difference as per the figures quoted above from the UK.

January 21, 2022 1:18 pm

This is a terrible state of affairs. We have incompetent, malevolent, and self-interested political actors everywhere and a media unwilling or incapable to hold them to account.

Any mainstream media figure who questions the reigning paradigm will be professionally shunned. The same dynamic operates in the scientific and medical establishments. Witness the (failed) attempt to cancel Nick Coatsworth.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 21, 2022 1:22 pm

I get that they can suppress any potential competition, but don’t they realise that the reason they got so rich is because they have many millions of customers, all buying their stuff? If those customers can’t afford it anymore, they won’t have that income any more.

As socialism is the politics of envy, it follows that they would rather lose wealth than see others get some. Envy is the window to pettiness and the desire for retribution for perceived slights, or, in a single word, sociopathy.

Angus Black
Angus Black
January 21, 2022 1:24 pm

The figures quoted represent the “healthy person dying of COVID” experience of the entire population of England and Wales. It’s useful to read those stats in conjunction with the “deaths from all causes” of the same population.

There were a squidge under 608,000 deaths in E&W during 2020, for example…less than 2% of deaths recorded represent otherwise healthy people dying of COVID.

Terrifying? I don’t think so.

There were, however, around 70,000 excess deaths in E&W during 2020 so, between COVID and the consequences of the anti-COVID measures. That’s 10% above a steady average do there was quite significant impact.

The first question I’d ask myself was whether all-cause deaths had returned to normal or below in 2021. If that were so, you could argue that COVID pushed, a few weeks early, a number of people who were hanging on by their fingernails. Sad, but not really catastrophic.

If that’s not the case, you’d still want to investigate deaths due to vaccination and due to the impact of lockdown before you concluded that the impact of COVID was severe and significant at a societal level.

January 21, 2022 1:27 pm

It’s as if our governments didn’t apply a simple cost-benefit analysis prior to implementing their draconian Covid policies. Or consider the eminently foreseeable opportunity costs if these policies were implemented.

The only cost factored into any of their decisions was the political one.

When you mix politics and health, you get politics.

January 21, 2022 1:34 pm

Its no different here.

When was the last time you heard the average age of a covid victim in NSW was in their 80’s ?

December ’21:
ZERO deaths under the age of 60.
< 60: 0
60-69: < 0.1%
70-79: 0.3%
80-89: 1.1%
90+: 2.7%
# deaths:
< 60: 0
60-69: 2
70-79: 9
80-89: 14
90+: 9

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 21, 2022 1:43 pm

What bemused said.
And those waiting for a safer vaccine are as much a part of the problem as the early acquiescent. They made this mess, you are helping.
Grow a spine you lack of moral fibre luddites.
It’s about fascism.

January 21, 2022 2:01 pm

“90+: 9”
Get real, guys. There can’t be many more than a dozen people in Sydney in this category.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
January 21, 2022 2:06 pm

Any mainstream media figure who questions the reigning paradigm will be professionally shunned. The same dynamic operates in the scientific and medical establishments.

There is quite a history of people being shunned and shamed for questioning vaccines at all. Anything that might make the plebs ‘vaccine hesitant’ is buried deep, along with those who raised the concerns.

I think historians will look back on this time as the real dark ages. I know superior noses like to turn up at the beliefs (or purported beliefs) of those in the past, but you really can’t beat the stuff that is sold as fact these days and the global effort to smother inconvenient truths.

January 21, 2022 2:36 pm

FFS, there are only two figures to consider…..
pre Covid 2019 the average age of death was 80-
post Covid 2021/22 the average age of death is 82+

FFS. Get over yourselves…. Blind Freddie, or even a kid at kindergarten, can see what that data reveals.

As to the political future:
The testicles of power are now shrinking to the extent a scrotum in 2022 will be superfluous. Twats now rule.

Or perhaps as Keating remarked of the Rat Pack in Canberra many years back….. they are nought but a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up.
Nothing changes

January 21, 2022 3:26 pm

Does anyone still doubt that the news media has become a political party to the left of the Australian Greens which relentless advances the interests of Big Government?

The news media loathes the public and like the rest of the unemployable rabble with worthless university certificates, is the worst-qualified assembly of people imaginable to collect and disseminate information that purports to be in the public interest.

The news media is a political party of Big Government and nothing it says can be trusted. Every fact and figure must be checked for underlying political motives.

Anchor What
Anchor What
January 21, 2022 4:00 pm

It’s hard to maintain a subscription to any mob (formerly known as newspapers) that mainly run stuff like:
Best ten restaurants that have survived the lockdowns or just opened.
Hottest performing suburbs in the real estate race.
Highest profile couples in 2021.
Labor want George Christensen’s vote cancelled because he advocates no jab for kids.
Bimbo de jour stuns in string bikini.
And – who sell you a subscription which includes the opportunity to comment, but then give the jobs to idiots who reject your comments.
I’ve cancelled subs before and will do so again since there’s no improvement in years.
Quadrant is much better value.

January 21, 2022 4:37 pm

The press has been very unbalanced in their coverage and as some have indicated their comment moderators are rejecting a lot of valid opinions. Below is one I made on Courier Mail Online yesterday. Actually it is a repeat of a comment with my note to the moderator. For some “odd” reason all 5 of my subsequent posts (including on Herald Sun and Telegraph) have not made it through.

“Below rejected. No surprise. You guys should be put under the Government propaganda Department. The way you suppress alternative views is very disappointing. Facts don’t matter if they go against the narrative.

Original attempt was :

An 18 year old death with serious underlying conditions. The counting of Covid deaths has been an issue since the start and is well documented overseas.. It is clear current counting methods (ie. with not from Covid) are going to greatly inflate the numbers. Due to a recent Freedom of Information request in UK to Office of National statistics it was revealed UK deaths purely from Covid actually was 17,000 since the start which is significantly less than the normally quoted numbers which are over 150,000. The problem is the media and politicians then use the inflated figures for political purposes which include restrictions and coercing people to get the next vaccine”.

another ian
another ian
January 21, 2022 6:28 pm

British Medical Journal calls for immediate release of ALL material on the vaccines.

Editorial here

A comment

“From the BMJ editorial, this devastating paragraph:

“The BMJ supports vaccination policies based on sound evidence. As the global vaccine rollout continues, it cannot be justifiable or in the best interests of patients and the public that we are left to just trust “in the system,” with the distant hope that the underlying data may become available for independent scrutiny at some point in the future. ”

This is a sea-change in attitude, right? They’re implying without much subtlety that the current policies *are not* based on sound evidence, and that the BMJ no longer supports them.”

More in the link here

January 21, 2022 6:50 pm

I think historians will look back on this time as the real dark ages

Very true.

January 21, 2022 6:57 pm

I think historians will look back on this time as the real dark ages

Let us hope that this doesn’t become a world wide Jonestown.

January 21, 2022 7:57 pm

I’m at a loss why the failure to report, widely, again, that most people that died had underlying health conditions*, is newsworthy, most people over the age of 60 have ‘underlying health conditions’, it’s part of growing old.
How many people take routine medications for this or that, have had a run in with cancer (half of the population will eventually get cancer), carry too much weight, have type two diabetes etc
It doesn’t make one iota of difference pretending that because most people who have died had other health issues there is some sort of cover up.
I’m amazed that anyone wouldn’t be aware that the old and sick are the most likely to die of covid.
The CDC published stats on ‘covid alone’ in 2020 that stated only six percent of those who died didn’t have pre existing conditions.
What governments should have done is admit that there was a high risk category whether over fifty or over sixty and underlying conditions and targeted them to exercise ‘personal responsibility’ if they lived in the general community but they didn’t, and here we are.
*not ’causes’

another ian
another ian
January 21, 2022 8:58 pm


The theme song behind the moving goal posts?

January 21, 2022 11:20 pm

The Cali Covid Cult isn’t giving up so easily:

There needs to be blood in the streets.

January 22, 2022 2:30 am

Who in the UK determined that so long as you tested positive within the last 28 days prior to death you are a Covid Death Statistic. With logic like this all deaths can now be attributed to a virus. Covid causes blood loss due to having your throat cut. Covid causes loss of concentration when the bus driver runs you over. The Viral scapegoat.
I can only think they did this for hospital bed admissions which were wildly overestimated anyway. As for our own t least the UK are now open about theirs our closed media ,”we will tell you what you need to know ” are pernicious.

are pernicious

January 22, 2022 7:01 am

MSM headlines today:

Only 17,371 people died purely from COVID!

More evidence (if any was needed..) that Govt lockdowns, distancing measures and vaccines work!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 22, 2022 8:51 am

More on vaccine deaths:

Analysis By German Prof: “Thousands Of Hidden Deaths Daily” …May Be Greatest Medical Debacle In Human History (21 Jan)

“When you express this in numbers, it translates to 700 more deaths a day on average,’ Kuhbandner tells, looking just at the German numbers. “It would be like two commercial planes full of people crashing every day.”

The data is given in the blog post from whence this estimate comes.

January 22, 2022 9:40 am

1. Governments in recent decades the world over (chiefly the West) have been legislating to give old, sick and suffering people the “right” to voluntarily kill themselves, and increasingly the “right” for their relatives or their physicians to kill them regardless of their consent.

2. Governments have been concealing the fact that it’s mostly geriatrics or people with co-morbidities who are dying of COVID.

There’s a consistency here: “Old and really sick people topping themselves instead of hanging around taking up hospital beds, etc, handily relieves us of a great expense of the state and their rellies, and we can even look good: “Mercy killing!” On the other hand, if we conceal the preponderance of oldies and sickies in the COVID stats, we can pretend we have a demographic-neutral, “everyone’s life’s at stake” mass crisis on our hands so we can aggrandize our power to degrees unforseen in modern times: “We’re only doing it for your own good!”

Remember the AIDS ads in the late ’80s/early ’90s, with the little girl, clutching her dolly, being knocked down by a bowling ball? Exactly how many little girls died of AIDS? Talk about child abuse.

I’m old enough to remember the early days when HIV/AIDS was called “Gay Bowel Disease”. A far more accurate and therefore effectively minatory description. But as with COVID, the state and its beneficiaries took over. So voila, a huge, expensive, deadly and destructive industry was born, care of the taxpayer. But it was a warm up to this one.

January 22, 2022 1:15 pm

Remember the AIDS ads

Medical staff weren’t even allowed to enquire about HIV+ status so lots of expensive extra precautions taken with everybody.
Funny how your coof “vaccine” status is now public knowledge.

January 22, 2022 10:56 pm

.. and from the NSW covid weekly report, we have a summary of the entire 2 years’ of Covid. Page 10

Since the start of the pandemic, 0.3% of cases (674 people) have died.

Read that again: 0.3%… and that’s before Omicron, which appears to be about 0.2x as severe as Delta (Table 7, severe outcomes for unvaccinated Dec’21 vs. Jun-Nov’21)

Oh, and in 2017 (ie: one year) – 654 deaths with associated with the flu.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 26, 2022 10:25 am

I liked Dr Campbell’s use of A4 paper , black text and a black pen. Easy to produce. He spoke well, took his time with the statistics and sources. Brilliant. Well done sir.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
January 26, 2022 10:47 am

Lol. I just realised the good Dr was using the old overhead projector method from the old university days.

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  2. Besides the free falling polls and public backlash in Southport I reckon two tier Kier thinks he’s killing it.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x