Flyingduk discusses Novavax over at South Australia in Focus

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Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 25, 2022 1:10 pm

Thanks muchly Dover. I’m sending this to a like-thinking friend.

January 25, 2022 2:45 pm

A good explanation of the situation. Shared.

And no, I’m still not getting a jab.

I need to check, but isn’t the head of the TGA more of a veterinary bloke than a human medical one? I recall reading something to that effect not long ago. Really, we’re anatomically just another animal, albeit with a supposedly higher consciousness and a conscience (debatable in some cases!), but human medicine isn’t quite the same as veterinary medicine.

January 25, 2022 2:51 pm

Is Flyingduk the handsome, balding bloke wearing glasses?

January 25, 2022 2:53 pm

No Vax for me. Higher death rate for double vaxxed than for unvaxxed leads me to err on the side of caution.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 25, 2022 3:35 pm

I should have added that this was an excellent presentation for us laypeople and, although under tremendous pressure, I intend to maintain my opposition to these dangerous fake injections. Many thanks Dr Bruce.

January 25, 2022 3:42 pm

Really, we’re anatomically just another animal, albeit with a supposedly higher consciousness and a conscience (debatable in some cases!), but human medicine isn’t quite the same as veterinary medicine.

Ivermectin (so-called horse de-wormer) was banned, even though it’s been used on humans for decade with great success and ostensibly no ill effects. It’s one of the WHO’s essential drugs for humans.

Human medicine is often the exact same as prescribed to animals, only it is often out-of-date for human use. Antivenene is one such medicine. Anti histamines, such as Claratine, is often prescribed to counter a bee sting in dogs (if you’ve ever witnessed a dog’s face blow up after being stung in the mouth. Human Valium was prescribe to one of our dogs who stressed out on camping trips.

January 25, 2022 3:46 pm

I need to check, but isn’t the head of the TGA more of a veterinary bloke than a human medical one? I recall reading something to that effect not long ago. Really, we’re anatomically just another animal, albeit with a supposedly higher consciousness and a conscience (debatable in some cases!), but human medicine isn’t quite the same as veterinary medicine.

Animal Drs are much better at managing population health than human Drs – they don’t care if one chook dies… they do care if the whole shed does.

January 25, 2022 3:51 pm

Is Flyingduk the handsome, balding bloke wearing glasses?

Both of them

January 25, 2022 4:28 pm

Excellent video.

I consider it essential viewing.

January 25, 2022 4:36 pm

Thanks again for a great presentation, Dr. duk.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
January 25, 2022 5:08 pm

They spelt it wrong. It’s really NoVax that is the answer, no vax at all.

To believe that taking NovaVax is somehow an answer to all this is just a slower route of defeatism.

January 25, 2022 5:15 pm

Thanks so much Dover for posting this excellent discussion. We have all benefitted from the expertise of flying duk, & this was the icing on the cake.

Duk, I was so I intrigued with your argument regarding the use of a vaccine for a respiratory virus which enters via nose & throat. Unvaccinated husband & l have relied on a strong immune system strengthened by the FLCCC recommendations of Vits C,D, Zinc, & Quercetin. But we also religiously use Betadine and nasal sprays after potential Covid exposure.

When husband showed signs of possible infection (sore throat & slightly tight chest) a month or so ago he immediately used his steroid asthma inhaler & aspirin. All good in about 36 hours. Even so, he was sheepish that when sore throat started he had failed to do the usual Betadine gargle. Interesting.

BTW. As I have already posted we have decided against Novavax – for the primary reason that we can’t see the value worth the risk – especially this late in the game.

January 25, 2022 5:34 pm

Judge Dreddsays:
January 25, 2022 at 5:08 pm
They spelt it wrong. It’s really NoVax that is the answer, no vax at all.

To believe that taking NovaVax is somehow an answer to all this is just a slower route of defeatism.

At this point not only am I not interested in any vax, I’m keeping my eyes peeled for class action law suits against the government for denial of work, breach of human rights & the Nuremberg code. We (vax’d and unvax’d) all deserve massive compensation.

Chris M
Chris M
January 25, 2022 6:34 pm

Thanks Duk!

I respect doctors who are free to think and speak and clearly not cowed or enslaved to the system. Particularly liked Professor Edward Steele’s explanation which makes total sense. The human mucousal system is separate and has its own independent immune function. Meaning that NONE of these different brands of spike protein delivery will ever prevent infection or transmission; they MAY only help slightly with a severe and prolonged infection where the virus invades the body. So they are not actually ‘vaccines’ but a therapeutic with short term and limited efficacy. And this is why early treatments (of the kind mentioned above and that our govt banned) are essential to reduce viral replication & spread which leads to serous illness.

Problem is the spike protein itself is known to be a large part of the disease so in essence you get a hefty dose of the disease with every jab brand and varying levels of associated circulatory side effects. Novavax appears a safer delivery mechanism (first couple of days) compared to mRNA but because the spike proteins are being injected and will begin to circulate the longer term risks remain.

January 25, 2022 7:04 pm

My understanding is that the protein subunit vaccines that were trialled for SARS1 and MERS were not safe in the long run. The animals developed vaccine associated disease enhancement when the animals were exposed to the virus.

January 25, 2022 9:09 pm

My understanding is that the protein subunit vaccines that were trialled for SARS1 and MERS were not safe in the long run. The animals developed vaccine associated disease enhancement when the animals were exposed to the virus.

Correct, and ‘original antigenic sin’ is one mechanism for this.

PS, thankyou all for the generous feedback.

January 25, 2022 9:12 pm

Duk, I was so I intrigued with your argument regarding the use of a vaccine for a respiratory virus which enters via nose & throat

Pinched from smarter people than me!

January 25, 2022 10:06 pm
January 25, 2022 10:18 pm

Head of the TGA was involved in agricultural research, but not as a vet. If my information is correct, he spent most of his time developing new strains of wheat.

As I recall Prof Nikolai Petrovski describing it.

The Spike Protein is a pathogen.
The mRNA instructs your cells to make the pathogen , so how much of it is made depends upon your body’s response to the mRNA. WHERE it is made can vary. There are other issues, as others have pointed out.
Novavax consists of pre-manufactured Spike Protein injected directly. This avoids the dosage being dependent on your body’s response, but it’s still the same pathogen.

Petrovsky claims that his product, Covax19, contains a form of the spike protein that has been altered so that it cannot harm human cells in the way that the pathogenic natural form can. I very much hope that he is correct, and apparently 2 million trial participants in Iran reported zero severe adverse reactions to Covax.

It may be an option when its trial work is completed.

January 25, 2022 11:02 pm

It may be an option when its trial work is completed.

If it ain’t finished within weeks, its too late ….everyone will have natural immunity by then

January 26, 2022 12:05 am

Thanks for the video…very interesting.

January 26, 2022 6:54 am

If it ain’t finished within weeks, its too late ….everyone will have natural immunity by then


You are right in the sense that the pandemic-panic will be over.

In the sense that Covid becomes like the flu – something that is generally just an seasonal nuisance, but is more threatening for particularly vulnerable people – a safe vaccine for high-risk people would have some value. Like the flu shot.

Otherwise, I remain strongly averse to rewarding the bullies by complying, but I am not without sympathy for those who are unable work and travel due to irrational diktats and a lack of safe options for ticking the vaccine box.

Cheers…. Peter.

January 26, 2022 10:06 am

Hi, One question which is probably not a medical one and I didn’t pick it up in the video. If someone had to have one of the vaccines to work (I don’t see this changing any time soon in the West) would the Novavax be the best of a bad bunch?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 10:25 am

Diptheria is a bacterial disease of the upper respiratory system (it can also have a skin presentation), but it is very well controlled by traditional vaccination into the musculature of the arm. Similarly influenza, whooping cough, and some other URTI’s. The immunoglobulins produced may not be perfectly aligned to repel respiratory entry, but they do work sufficiently to curtail the disease.

I think it is important to recognise this about traditional vaccines. They are protective. This has to be said, although some may not welcome me saying it. Also, immune escape seems to have been eluded with the Smallpox virus and appears to be rather inconsequential with many other serious diseases where vaccinations definitely ‘work’.

So there is definitely another side of things to consider against disputable theories of immunological disasters due to vaccines playing havoc with a ‘natural’ system of immunity. Death sometimes wins, especially with children exposed to deadly viruses where parents become heartbroken at their reliance on ‘a healthy immune system’. It doesn’t always follow when a virus is on an epidemic rampage.

I would not throw childhood vaccinations for very serious diseases out with the bathwater here.
When a vaccination scare occurs with highly infectious measles, with its R of 30, many unvaccinated children die or become horribly maimed with encephalitis, even in contemporary First World conditions. In the Third World, the dying continues when vaccination is not available.

The Covid vaxxes are another issue altogether. Useful and necessary for the over 60’s and the immune compromised in conditions of pandemic spread even given their serious side-effects. They are of more questionnable value overall and in repeated doses, due to immune escape in population terms and immunological affray in individual terms. As Covid becomes endemic and natural immunity increases, the equation of vaccination vs treatment changes markedly. Governments and their medical minons of course are slow to catch up; so are vested financial interests.

January 26, 2022 11:38 am

This is a muddled and often incorrect history of vaccination, apparently derived from a popular book. I suggest Dr. Duk asks for his money back.

January 26, 2022 11:41 am

Thanks Dr Duk!

January 26, 2022 2:25 pm

Hi, One question which is probably not a medical one and I didn’t pick it up in the video. If someone had to have one of the vaccines to work (I don’t see this changing any time soon in the West) would the Novavax be the best of a bad bunch?

Yes, probably, if bribery or the ‘irregular market’ didnt solve the certificate problem

January 26, 2022 2:29 pm

Diptheria is a bacterial disease of the upper respiratory system (it can also have a skin presentation), but it is very well controlled by traditional vaccination into the musculature of the arm. Similarly influenza, whooping cough, and some other URTI’s. The immunoglobulins produced may not be perfectly aligned to repel respiratory entry, but they do work sufficiently to curtail the disease.

1) In general, Bacteria are much easier to immunise against than resp viruses because they mutate much more slowly, and being rather ‘complex’ compared to viruses, often cant change their spots as much (if they do – they stop being viable). The biggest issue with the resp viruses is that the damn things mutate like crazy.
2) I would argue whether influenza ‘vaccines’, like COVID ‘vaccines’ are worthy of the name – they often fail to prevent illness, and ring fencing the oldies with annually vaccinated care workers doesn’t stop them dying because they need a functioning immune system to fight the illness – and often that’;s failing like their other systems.

January 26, 2022 2:33 pm

Also, immune escape seems to have been eluded with the Smallpox virus

Exactly !!! that is one of the 4 key reasons why we could eliminate it via vaccination, unlike any other human disease.

FYI, the ESSENTIAL criteria for eliminating a disease by vaccination are –

1) We have a sterilising vaccine – ie every vaccinated person becomes a dead end to the disease
2) The pathogen mutates very slowly – slower than we can mass vaccinate everybody
3) There is no animal reservoir to reseed the illness back into the population.

As you can see – COVID meets none of these parameters when it needs to meet ALL of them

January 26, 2022 2:35 pm

#4 was you have to vaccinate virtually EVERYONE, and rather quickly…

January 26, 2022 2:44 pm


lyingduk says:
January 25, 2022 at 3:46 pm
I need to check, but isn’t the head of the TGA more of a veterinary bloke than a human medical one? I recall reading something to that effect not long ago. Really, we’re anatomically just another animal, albeit with a supposedly higher consciousness and a conscience (debatable in some cases!), but human medicine isn’t quite the same as veterinary medicine.
Animal Drs are much better at managing population health than human Drs – they don’t care if one chook dies… they do care if the whole shed does.

Good point, Duk. A far more practical point of view when dealing with a pandemic.

What I cannot fathom about the TGA is their deliberate canning of now well proven therapeutics at the same time persisting in granting EUA to what are clearly at best ineffective experimental jabs.

OK, yes, I can fathom it due to vested interests etc, but from a moral and ethical point of view, I cannot.

January 26, 2022 2:56 pm

Single strand (virus) Vs Double strand (bacteria) DNA.

If its single strand you are vaccinating a moving target.

January 26, 2022 2:59 pm

What I cannot fathom about the TGA is their deliberate canning of now well proven therapeutics at the same time persisting in granting EUA to what are clearly at best ineffective experimental jabs. OK, yes, I can fathom it due to vested interests etc, but from a moral and ethical point of view, I cannot.

Answered your own Q! Your EUA requires the absence of more traditional remedies which HAVE gone through the normal approval process.

January 26, 2022 2:59 pm
January 26, 2022 3:00 pm

wrong thread.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 3:48 pm

Take your point, Duk, about bacterial vs viral infections, bacteria are genetically easier for vaxxes, but success with vaxxes for viral infections has been possible – you acknowledge the necessary conditions. But that is for elimination in a given population. When control only to some extent is an aim, this may allow loosening of some of these conditions. Attenuated viral concoctions rather than dead bits of virus, also have a good track record: see the attenuated Sabin vax in contrast to the earlier Salk, also attenuated Yellow Fever and Herpes Zoster vaxxes. Corona and influenza viruses are fast changing and so less ammenable to a single vaxx. A lot depends too on what other things go into the making of any vaxx that can create auto-immune problems, e.g. chicken egg base etc that can add to the anaphalaxis death rate.

I accept and share some of your concerns re the mRNA Covid vaxxes but I think they still have a place for some people and populations until something better than fiddling with the spike protein directly arrives to hinder viral attachment, which I hope it does soon, including treatments and nasal spray vaxxes/treatments.

It’s all very complicated virology and even with Medcram’s assistance and reference to good studies it is still very difficult for outsiders, normal epidemiologists and general purpose medicos, to comprehend the biochemistry and immunology involved. So medical non-specialists tend to concentrate on clinical outcomes if they are genuine, or government advice if they are incurious. The same can be said for comprehending the immune system (both types) reactions and longer term consequences; some virologists and immunologists seem to be on top of this with calming answers; others don’t. Those interested can only seek as many authentic opinions as they can accept, and then go ahead their own decisions. Not everyone will reach the same conclusions.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 26, 2022 4:03 pm

Most vaccines for Covid now under development use variations of spike protein attachment as their mechanism. It seems to be the only way to get an effective immunity. Be nice if it wasn’t.
China and Russia have gone for some form of viral particle; I don’t know much about their techniques.
Have you looked at these at all, Duk? Their immunity levels seem very variable, but hey, what’s new there?

January 26, 2022 5:26 pm

Finally caught up with this post. Thanks DrDuk.

The “vet” is Dr Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer. I think that’s the one commenters may be referencing.

He made a mistake last week by telling the truth – one, two injections is not enough and perhaps not even three.

In other words, the product he’s pushing is useless. But he still expected people and governments to accept it.

January 26, 2022 6:59 pm

I may have said it before, but there are few faster ways to drive resistance to a product, than to take one that is naturally leaky, and over-use it.

We’ve seen it with antibiotics, agricultural pesticides and weedicides, and biological controls. Not surprise that it has arisen- and rapidly – with a rapidly evolving virus.

The current vaccines may well have retained their claimed early effectiveness IF we had used them sparingly and not tried to render entire populations invulnerable.

As Duk points out, the conditions for eliminating Covid never existed. Vaccinating everyone regardless of consequences, is like prescribing chemotherapy to everyone to deal with the possibility of undiagnosed cancer. Not clever.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 26, 2022 9:42 pm

PeterW says:
January 26, 2022 at 6:59 pm
IF we had used them sparingly and not tried to render entire populations invulnerable.

Where are the profits and kickbacks in not doing that??

January 27, 2022 8:31 am

Started watching this and thought “Don’t they teach the History of Vaccination in primary school anymore” Jenner and Co were in my Social Studies text-book in 5th Class, 50+ years ago. Pasteur as well!

Then I came to the bit about why they chose the spike protein and the claim of that choice for all new Covid “vaccines” being a mystery, when everything I’ve read about these abominations called mRNA vaccines states that it is the spike protein which actually “breaks into” the cells: which is the “dangerous one’ = you make a window mesh resistant to sledge-hammers and not to screw-drivers, pocket-knives and sling-shot pellets which the burglar may also be carrying, because those other tools are NOT THE WORRY. This, at least, is what the fraudsters claim.

At that point, I stopped watching. Too cute for me.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 27, 2022 10:33 am


It wasn’t news to me, Duk. It is well known why smallpox was susceptible to total eradication. Notably, it took some major public health work to ensure that happened.

I’v entered debate here though because I sense a very strong strand of ‘anti’ all vaxx coming through in your analysis, as you put tremendous emphasis on non-interference in human immune processes for vaccinations in general – please do correct me if I am wrong about your drift here. This is not a particularly empircal approach in the light of the known utility of vaccination in disease attenuation and control for some particularly nasty diseases.

To me, the area of concern re current Covid vaccinations is with the spike protein genetic RNA carrier approach being used. Although some years in development (ie not entirely new) it is clearly still rather experimental and can have unintended consequences. It is important to me that so far world-wide the Covid vaxxes have saved many lives (the epidemic is not a monster, but it is real enough causing deaths and ongoing morbidities), although the vaxx side-effects have been severe. The mooted long term vaxx-acquired immune deficiencies are not so far demonstrable and my judgement is they would have shown up markedly by now if they were a significant feature (although opinions may differ here on the time scale). The main issue so far is that as with ‘flu, tailored boosters (and hopefully new attenuated-viral vaxxes) seem likely to be necessary at staged intervals. Given viral tendency for natural attenuation only the elderly and immuno-compromised would need these.

I signed the Great Barrington Declaration as an MPH (Faculty of Medicine, Uni Syd), and I expect you did too using your qualifications. The epidemiologists from Oxford and Stanford initiating this declaration are now working to ensure that the earlier and WHO-agreed protocols on no lockdowns, which were ignored, are followed in any future epidemics; learning from Covid, in other words. On vaxxes, that should also ensure adequate reviews of any longer-term vaxx effects.

I am also totally against mandatory vaccination for any vaxx, including Covid. And not keen on too many vaccinations, especially for children with developing immune systems. But for goodness sake, protect kids especially from killing epidemic (eg. measles, whooping cough) and endemic (eg. polio) diseases. That is a proven good.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 27, 2022 10:45 am

The GBD policy was to protect the vulnerable and to permit a wider natural ‘herd’ immunity to develop, something which Boris Johnson was initially aiming for in the UK until the politics of Covid defeated him. Deciding on who were vulnerable will become part of the vaccination program roll out in the WHO schema. However, where there is a ‘threat’ disease and a vaccination for it, then the political and social pressure by most individuals to obtain the vaccine is one issue that needs to be addressed re future epidemics. Ramping up the fear will lead to intense pressure for wide vaccine distribution.

January 28, 2022 9:35 am

I’v entered debate here though because I sense a very strong strand of ‘anti’ all vaxx coming through in your analysis, as you put tremendous emphasis on non-interference in human immune processes for vaccinations in general – please do correct me if I am wrong about your drift here. This is not a particularly empircal approach in the light of the known utility of vaccination in disease attenuation and control for some particularly nasty diseases

No, I am not antivax – as I showed in one of my SAIF videos, as a military officer I have been given more vaccines than 99% of the population – theres 44 stamps in my yellow needle book since 2000, including exotics like JEV. That plus all the ‘childhood’ shots, which btw are given to children to protect them against childhood diseases – we vaccinate children against measles because children get measles. In contrast, children have almost no risk of serious covid.

I am, however, a lifelong student of history and a lifetime participant in ‘dangerous sports’ (Rally driving, cross country eventing, driving firetrucks and ambulances, crewing small aircraft/helicopters, and soldiering) and as such have a well warmed up ‘threat radar’ which has been pinging louder and louder the longer this goes on.

I have learned so much about immunity in the last 2 years and my biggest concerns here are
1) These are NOT vaccines – vaccines (aka ‘immunisations’) provide immunity to future disease
2) These are being pushed upon everyone, no excuses tolerated, including all the people for whom we would never have done so in the past: those for whom they are potentially dangerous (pregnant women), those for whom they provide no benefit (children, those with survivor immunity) etc.
3) There ARE numerous reports of vaccine failure and vaccine injuries – even with censorship and procedural suppression, the adverse event reports for these vaccines dwarf all others in the last 50 years combined.

I am a ‘big picture’ analyst and the big picture doesn’t add up – so I resist it. Something evil is a foot here.

  1. Sounds like a fallback job. No-one else wants the toxic bestard.Even this mob have got him on a fixed term.

  2. There you go 2nd stadium is near Harrup Park Country Club also close to the airport. Just been subject to…

  3. Cenk needs his nose driven into his head, ‘Shut up’: Douglas Murray clashes with Cenk Uygur over Israel-Hamas war

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x