The Libs are only around 45% socialist while Labor is 90%

A proportion that must always be borne in mind by conservatives. The text below is from The Spectator Online. It’s a reminder that until Malcolm Turnbull pulled the pin on his own leadership, at least half the Liberal Party were for all practical purposes green-left socialists. No doubt something like that same proportion still are. As for what you read below, I am in complete agreement.

I’m all for conservatives taking matters into our own hands but the more you chat with others about politics the more frightening everything appears to be. Do we really want our own version of Joe Biden as Prime Minister? You do know Albanese is from the socialist left. 

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April 23, 2022 12:30 pm

I don’t want Albo or Morrison. Until the LNP go back to their conservative roots they can piss off.
The only hope is a senate with independent conservatives holding a significant balance of power.
Failing this no matter which major party forms government net zero and woke policies will fuck Australia.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
April 23, 2022 12:32 pm

You do know Albanese is from the socialist left. You betcha we do, but given the performance of turnbull/morrison he won’t be much worse in many respects and in fact will take us to the bottom like a streamlined leaden stone in no time at all whereas mr. morrison et al will take us there slowly with the same result. Australia and Australians have sunk into a socialistic society over the years without knowing so we need a short and sharp wakeup call delivered by Labor/ Greens/ and those independents who are either labor or Green in disguise.

Pommy Al
Pommy Al
April 23, 2022 12:50 pm

Everything Rowan Dean said is correct. Matt Keane should be booted straight over to the greens where he belongs. Just to continue to try to portray his self as a liberal is insulting to anyone with half a brain.
Just more proof that Morrison is a fuckwit.
Keane is the embodiment of the cancer afflicting the governance of Australia. In other words- were fucked.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 23, 2022 1:10 pm

The Liberal Party doesn’t have conservative roots.
The hint is in the name.
Independent Senators are a pain in the arse and usually not Independent, since some third party has funded their campaign.
The Preference Whisperer doesn’t come cheap, you know?

April 23, 2022 1:49 pm

Inevitably, the ‘broad church’ of opposing ideological factions has fractured into open conflict where the Matt Keans of the party are actively throwing knives at the last remaining Blue Ribbon conservatives.

Ms. Deves, a feminist & climate activist who a few weeks ago wasn’t a member of the Liberal Party, is hardly a blue ribbon conservative. Her candidacy, which comes at the expense of a local party member who did have conservative credentials, was the result of a factional deal ironically signed off by Matt Kean.

A centre right party cannot afford to be a broad church (cf. Conquest’s Laws # 2: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left wing). But there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the Liberal Party prepared to acknowledge that.

It will be no surprise if their primary vote deteriorates even further at this election.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 23, 2022 2:05 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 23, 2022 at 1:10 pm
The Liberal Party doesn’t have conservative roots.
The hint is in the name.


Do some more research, instead of asserting arrogantly that your own political preferences match those of the founders of the Liberal Party almost 80 years ago.

Winston Smith
April 23, 2022 2:05 pm


A centre right party cannot afford to be a broad church (cf. Conquest’s Laws # 2: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left wing). But there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the Liberal Party prepared to acknowledge that.

A Broad Church ends up being a congregation of sinners who have lied successfully to themselves- meet the Liberal Party of 2022.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 23, 2022 2:18 pm

Ms. Deves, a feminist & climate activist who a few weeks ago wasn’t a member of the Liberal Party, is hardly a blue ribbon conservative.
That’s for sure.
Labor won’t attack her from the Left, which is too bad, since her Feminism
might be even loonier than her other [weakly held] opinions.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 23, 2022 2:52 pm

I posted this earlier today on the OT. Neither Labor nor Liberals are worth voting for – they need to be destroyed. And to achieve that, I’d be prepared to put up with the resulting chaos if sensible, conservative independents hold the balance of power in both houses.

Buy the book: Deconstructing ScoMo

On offer AGAIN… exclusive deal for Nation First readers! Read on…

At the 2019 election many conservatives – the “quiet Australians” – went back to the Liberals, given that Malcolm Turnbull had finally been dispensed with and recalling that Scott Morrison seemed to have stopped the boats and was a regular churchgoer. Further, they were genuinely concerned about Bill Shorten’s “drastic climate action”. However, these same conservatives have reason to be very aggravated, and are seriously considering voting for alternative parties at the forthcoming federal election. Why is this so?

The book Deconstructing ScoMo seeks to answer this question.

In this book, authors Rocco Loiacono and Augusto Zimmermann highlight the Prime Minister’s failure to stand up for conservative values; namely, his abandonment of the principles of smaller government, economic reform, free speech and individual liberty which successfully guided both the founder of the Liberal Party, Sir Robert Menzies, and Australia’s second-longest serving prime minister, John Howard. This compendium of articles is a must read as Australians head to the polls in 2022.

local oaf
April 23, 2022 4:22 pm

The “Liberals” go last on my ballot.

They have and always will take for granted that anyone who votes to the right of them will give them their preferences.
They repeatedly lie to us to get our votes/preferences, then do just what the Left do.

They’ll never change until they get taught a lesson.

I’m voting PHON/LDP/UAP in an order I’ve yet to determine and so on down the list with Labor, Green and Liberals absolutely last.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 23, 2022 4:29 pm

smaller government, economic reform, free speech and individual liberty which successfully guided both the founder of the Liberal Party, Sir Robert Menzies, and Australia’s second-longest serving prime minister, John Howard
Menzies was a Liberal, Howard was similar.
Australians aren’t interested in conservative [read: Reactionary] values.
And there aren’t any ‘sensible conservative independents’ standing for Election.
Every last one of them is a sleazy grifter.

April 23, 2022 4:31 pm

Steve, your warnings re Albanese are noted. However I cannot bring myself to vote Liberal, after these dreadful divisive years of covid panic and authoritarianism. Scott Morrison has been an enabler and a cheerleader of this. The only thing I want to hear from him now is a concession speech. Dear Scott, you are not superman, and your policies did not ‘save’ 40000 lives, and only a muppett would think they had.

April 23, 2022 4:50 pm

If you’re wondering where the 2017 gay marriage campaign went — it was decided by a plebiscite in Australia in favour of gays — this is where it went: a relentless, full-on assault on anyone who isn’t a poofter or a lesbian, including a full-on campaign in primary schools against anyone who doesn’t support homosexuality.

It is even more hellbent and relentless now than it was in 2017: dissent against the homosexualisation of children is banned in public discussion.

Parents are made to feel guilty about their attempt to encourage their young children to have normal lives and desires — to avoid being sidetracked into the deadend of unhappiness and misery that homosexuality produces.

Rowan Dean is right: standing behind Katherine Deves is an election winner for Scott Morrison, but in ways his feeble retail-politics brain can barely comprehend.

Australia is the most tolerant nation on earth, but it can’t be conscripted to support the evil of those who want to tear it apart. The ALP is full of them.

April 23, 2022 5:25 pm

Ed Case says:
April 23, 2022 at 4:29 pm

smaller government, economic reform, free speech and individual liberty which successfully guided both the founder of the Liberal Party, Sir Robert Menzies, and Australia’s second-longest serving prime minister, John Howard
Menzies was a Liberal, Howard was similar.
Australians aren’t interested in conservative [read: Reactionary] values.
And there aren’t any ‘sensible conservative independents’ standing for Election.
Every last one of them is a sleazy grifter.

Purple Owsley, Hydro buds, Mescaline or just dementia?

April 23, 2022 5:30 pm

Lordy, where do they find these people?

Another of SloMo’s captain’s picks parachuted in as Liberal contender for an SA seat was a BLM, defund the police and don’t send criminals to gaol kind of gal (social media account since deleted).

I suppose you could say she’s a small government advocate!

April 23, 2022 5:35 pm

Roger says:
April 23, 2022 at 5:30 pm

Lordy, where do they find these people?

Another of SloMo’s captain’s picks parachuted in as Liberal contender for an SA seat was a BLM, defund the police and don’t send criminals to gaol kind of gal (social media account since deleted).

I suppose you could say she’s a small government advocate!

Perfect fit in Scomo’s woke center left Liboral pardy.

April 23, 2022 5:36 pm

The idea that Abbott’s leadership was a positive for the Coalition is rather at odds with the facts. His party became desperately fearful, so much so that they dumped him without having a confident alternative.
Conservative religious politics might sound clever when herding marginal voters but it’s exactly what killed the ALP – Richardson’s cynical parsing of voter prejudices. The manoeuvre in Warringah with a neophyte who is purely a wedge play is precisely the idea that will enrage serious party members.
Voters have very little interest in ideology and over time become enraged by indulgence and incompetence. The Coalition is headed for serious problems with its primary vote, a formula that favours independents.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 23, 2022 6:05 pm

The Coalition is headed for serious problems with its primary vote, a formula that favours independents.
Had a look at the ALP Primary Vote at the last election?
Labor won in my electorate with 31%, The Greens got 22%.
Scotty is a very sound Liberal, he used JobSeeker and JobKeeper to pump prime the Economy in 2020 and it worked.

Tony Abbott was soundly rejected by the voters who had reelected him 8 times in Warringah.

The Indies are all grifters, spivs and lezzos.
Voting them into Power isn’t a reset, it’s insanity.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 23, 2022 9:10 pm

In this book, authors Rocco Loiacono and Augusto Zimmermann highlight the Prime Minister’s failure to stand up for conservative values; namely, his abandonment of the principles of smaller government, economic reform, free speech and individual liberty which successfully guided both the founder of the Liberal Party, Sir Robert Menzies,

No, no, this can’t be. Dick Ed assured us that:

Ed Casesays:
April 23, 2022 at 1:10 pm
The Liberal Party doesn’t have conservative roots.
The hint is in the name.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 23, 2022 9:13 pm

Australians aren’t interested in conservative [read: Reactionary] values.

Lifting your skirts to show us the hidden so-called “progressive” underneath, Dickless? Perhaps you could deign to offer some actual evidence for that statement?

April 23, 2022 10:13 pm

If many people on this blog can see the problem with Liberal leftism how is it that party members and the people who select candidates cannot ?

I am flummoxed by Matthew Guy and the VIC Libs. They bend, they scrape, they toe the Labor line. Why ? Do they know something I don’t i. e. most people like what Andrews is doing. Is that why they are such pussycats ?

April 23, 2022 10:44 pm

The Libs are only around 45% socialist …

You say that as if it’s a good thing.

Why would anyone vote for a party that accepts socialists in any number, let alone at that rate?

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
April 23, 2022 11:01 pm

Spot on Tom.
The problem with Conservatives is that we can’t argue against the other side or we falsely admit we are out of date.
Jadeo Christendom has evolved over the centuries to have as acceptable standards of behaviour which under pin our society today.
Even Sarah Hanson Young got married and in a white wedding dress as well.
Cardinal Pell recently had a post here – he should be debating more often.

April 24, 2022 12:51 am

If Morrison does not shut down all coal fired power stations after the May Day Elections then I am never voting for Turbull’s Australian Liberal Party ever again.

John Sheldrick
April 24, 2022 2:37 am

Will the real “Albo” Please stand up. Oh, you are standing up…………………………..

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
April 24, 2022 7:50 am

I’m voting PHON/LDP/UAP in an order I’ve yet to determine and so on down the list with Labor, Green and Liberals absolutely last.

Yes, yes and yes.
It’s the only way. Do it. Vote for what is good.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
April 24, 2022 7:56 am

The Indies are all grifters, spivs and lezzos.
Voting them into Power isn’t a reset, it’s insanity.

No. Voting for the same duopoly parties and expecting a different outcome is literally a definition of insanity. In supporting Liberal or Labor you are voting in favor of their hellish ideas, ergo you are supporting the wicked with your vote.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 24, 2022 11:15 am

The “Liberals” go last on my ballot

4th last on mine ahead of the Liars, Greens and a Holmes a Court funded fraud. Thanks to the wonders of compulsory preferential voting they will still get my vote – probably sometime Thursday I would suspect.

April 24, 2022 1:46 pm

Australia is around 75% doomed

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
April 24, 2022 4:19 pm

I think if we cast our minds back over the years since they gained government, and certainly the last couple of years, the Libs (overall) have proven to be significantly more than 50% socialist based on what they’ve ‘delivered’ for Australia. A ‘broad church’ indeed, but the wet left are hogging the pews…

Old Goat
Old Goat
April 25, 2022 10:43 am

No matter who you vote for you still get a politician . How many times must we be lied to by them before we wake up ? The media is running the show now and even our brightest are falling for the narrative . Indoctrination rules …..It’s a case of who will screw us the least.

April 25, 2022 11:25 am

Dear Mr Kean.

I’m a Roman Catholic. So I believe abortion is murder and that homosexual acts, as opposed to tendencies which can’t be helped, are evil … as are all completed acts of natural intercourse between a husband and wife. I also believe that children, even adopted children, should be brought up by a father and a mother, wherever possible. By that I don’t mean a self-defined “father” and “mother”, but a real father and mother, the sort which the latest addition to the SCOTUS can’t find it within her abilities to identify (God help us). Likewise, I don’t believe that an emaciated girl who looks at herself in the mirror and opines “I’m too fat.” is anything other than a pathological case.

I also believe in minimal government and free enterprise. This does not stem from my being a Catholic … some of my best Catholic friends differ with me on this point. But I think they’re just not very good at history or economics. Even the popes have made mistakes here: While Leo XIII, God bless him, was pronouncing in his famous encyclical “Rerum Novarum” (not ex cathedra, so not binding on Catholics) against the evils of capitalism, pointedly against the United States, thousands of poor Catholics from southern Italy were boarding boats and heading to the supposedly catastrophically capitalist U.S., there to work hard and enrich themselves and either send money back to their poor peasant relatives, or come back themselves and buy the farm. Dear Pope Leo had forgotten the fine words of praise he had heaped upon Frederic Bastiat’s “Economic Harmonies” just a few decades earlier.

In sum, I’m pro-life, pro natural family or whatever can reasonably substitute for it in tragic circumstances, and pro free market. I also believe that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is complete bunkum, because it’s just shockingly bad science. I think the more CO2 we have in the atmosphere the better, and I think that nuclear power is a magnificent alternative for Australia, given our vast resources of uranium and thorium. Oh, and the COVID thing and especially its vaccines is a pathetic hoax. More really bad science.

Is there a place in the contemporary Liberal Party for people like me?

If not, to hell with it.

April 25, 2022 11:28 am

Correction: “as are all acts apart from intentionally completed acts between husband and wife.” Obviously … I am a Catholic!

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 25, 2022 11:47 am

No. Voting for the same duopoly parties and expecting a different outcome is literally a definition of insanity.
I’m voting LNP and expecting a continuation of the successful policies of the Morrison Government, should it be returned.
Should Labor be Elected, I’m expecting a very different outcome.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 25, 2022 11:50 am

I’m voting PHON/LDP/UAP in an order I’ve yet to determine and so on down the list with Labor, Green and Liberals absolutely last.

In other words:
You’re voting Labor/Greens.

April 25, 2022 1:42 pm

And another footnote.

The Australian Aborigines have benefited hugely from the coming of Christian civilization. Especially the women.

The worst thing that has happened to the aborigines since settlement is the “remote communities” based on the crazed theories of Nugget Coombs and other disciples of Rousseau. Those theories need to be scrapped forthwith.

The fact is that traditional aboriginal communities did not sit down and wait for paychecks every fortnight for thousands of years. Any aboriginal or fellow traveller should be free to wander the outback and feast on witchety grubs and goannas and not have universal health care. I’m not opposed to that. (Actually, I’m trenchantly opposed to socialist universal health care also, but that’s another topic)

But I know and love enough aborigines to be certain that they’re grateful – as I am myself – for western civilization. I give you Bess and Jacinta Price.

April 25, 2022 4:20 pm

Seems rather likely that the primary vote will put quite a few seats to preferences. If so, election night might be quite surprising as there are quite a few seats on both sides that could have large secondary flows. The hazard for both major parties is that voters might not find this at all troubling. Do they have the choice to deliberately narrow their appeal to the so-called “base” which these days is a rump of prejudices on both sides – or take serious steps to appeal to wider community interests thank the machine politics allows today.

April 25, 2022 5:06 pm

Hubris: you idealise the situation. Neither major party has a community relationship. Both are dominated by people who joined up at university and have spent their time since prosecuting undergrad grudges. Today’s politics has bigger tribes of influence and – clearly – they largely avoid the major parties. One big tribe is organised around religion and – to some extent – a reduced role of government (though the middle class welfare of recent governments has compromised much of that). Another big tribe is organised around climate and similar issues. The minor parties seem to be largely a product of the electoral payoff system and don’t really stand for much.
What you don’t see in this soup is anything resembling a sensible centre.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 25, 2022 5:16 pm

I’m voting LNP and expecting a continuation of the successful policies of the Morrison Government, should it be returned.


Could you list those “successful policies”.

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x