UAPs. No, not Clive’s lot

With the depressing election, and what not, my mind turned away, to almost anything of light relief. Lo and behold a U.S. House committee was being informed by the Pentagon of UFO sightings by military personnel, all 400 of them apparently in this century. Also, for you UFO spotters out there, they’re now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs. I guess that English is the international language of space talk, as it is in other international spheres, so UAP is probably now a global term.

One downer was a navy official saying that investigators are “reasonably confident” that the floating pyramid-shaped object captured on one leaked, widely seen video, were likely drones. I don’t know why the plural. That’s the way it was reported by American ABC News. In any event, yeah, OK, but what about the other three-hundred and ninety-nine sightings?

Certainly, the Democratic Chairman of the House Intelligence, Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee, André Carson was far from reassured. “UAPs,” he said, “are a potential national security threat and they need to be treated that way.” If that’s the case, why can’t they just shoot one out of the sky? We’d have wreckage to examine, maybe.

Perhaps there are secret video tapes. But when I tune in to Tucker Carlson, who loses his admirable common sense when it comes to this subject, yet again I see pictures of smudges. Are the cameras on US military planes part of a job lot purchased from Dodgy Dan the camera man? Is there one clear picture anywhere? After all, I assume that the Europeans, the British, the Russians and Chinese air forces have all spotted UAPs. Do they take better pictures? How about Japan? They make very good cameras.

Bring of a religious turn of mind, I think some of the sightings might be angels. Admittedly, there is no evidence for this. But they do apparently flit around ephemerally and indistinctly at unimaginable speeds. Angels could do that I think, not bound by or shaped by the material world in which we exist. It’s a theory. Not really falsifiable; and I’m not pinning any hopes on it.

Another theory is the flying saucer theory. This goes along the lines of there being so many sightings that some must originate from another planet. Of course, this betrays a lack of logic. Four hundred false sightings do not make the four hundred and first sighting any more likely to be genuine. In fact, it seems safer to assume in context that if there is a plethora of false sightings, that they are all false. By false I mean that the objects, or whatever, sighted have not been propelled earthwards by intelligent and engineeringly advanced beings from another planet.

It’s a quite a different thing to absolutely rule out flying saucers. I mean there might be intelligent beings out there in the cosmos. Personally, I ‘m not convinced. However many trillions of planets are out there, if the chance of intelligent life emerging is, say, the chance of an ape typing out Hamlet inside a week or two, then there are far too few planets to make it even barely possible.

But I don’t know what the odds are of intelligent life emerging on any given planet – and neither do scientists – so I have to concede the logical possibility of such life existing outside of earth. Assuming, safely I think, that intelligent life does not inhabit planets like Mars or Jupiter in our solar system, then the nearest planetary system is Alpha Centauri, about 4.3 light years away. That’s a very long way away. Over 25 trillion miles.

Beings clever enough to send craft over such distances, and cleverly avoid capture or being clearly photographed when here, might be a threat if they were so minded. And pigs might also fly. My assumption is that that the so-called sightings are either man-made objects or tricks of light or camera malfunctions or angels. Flying saucers, you gotta be kidding.  Tell it to Tucker Carlson.

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May 19, 2022 7:03 pm

Megan Kelly had a guest on her show today who had recently worked in US Govt on this subject and he gave commentary on the Committee hearing evidence. Included some clips. He was quite good.

Bruce in WA
May 19, 2022 7:09 pm

H/T Monty Python

[Verse 1]
Just remember that you’re standing on a planet that’s evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour
That’s orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it’s reckoned,
A sun that is the source of all our power
The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at forty thousand miles an hour
Of the galaxy we call the ‘Milky Way’

[Verse 2]
Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars.
It’s a hundred thousand light years side to side
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick
But out by us, it’s just three thousand light years wide
We’re thirty thousand light years from galactic central point
We go ’round every two hundred million years
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe

[Verse 3]
The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz
As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know
Twelve million miles a minute, and that’s the fastest speed there is
So remember, when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
‘Cause there’s bugger-all down here on Earth!

May 19, 2022 11:02 pm

We should seriously examine these events objectively with no preconceived notions.

What Commander Dave Fravor, USN (Ret) encountered was absolutely mind blowing. Ditto for Captain Terauchi of JAL over Alaska. James Callahan of the FAA kept radar logs of that incident.

These are incredible events with corroborating human and electronic observations. What the observed craft did was impossible with current technology in the Fravor incident and the JAL event craft was observed but not identifiable and highly dissimilar to known air or space craft. Also keep in mind these events happened in the 1980s and in 2004.

However many trillions of planets are out there, if the chance of intelligent life emerging is, say, the chance of an ape typing out Hamlet inside a week or two, then there are far too few planets to make it even barely possible.

The universe is probably infinitely large, but at least 250 times the size of the observable universe. How many stars in our galaxy and how many galaxies? Also keep in mind “earth like conditions” are a spectrum, not a single saddle point.

So you have trillions of apes with IQs ranging from 75 to 150 in the prior analogy.

Another thing to keep in mind is brown dwarfs like Tabbys Star have not been observable until recently, nor were exoplanets ever observed until 1987.

John Sheldrick
May 20, 2022 1:38 am

It’s so obvious. They keep coming back to check on their little experiment called Planet Earth.

May 20, 2022 6:27 am

The only graphics being shown on the TV shows are video games level of production values. Yeah, real aliens, not.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 6:47 am

I’m not impressed with blobs, show me proper images.

May 20, 2022 9:45 am

And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
‘Cause there’s bugger-all down here on Earth!

Exactly. Why on earth would supposedly intelligent lifeforms from other galaxies be remotely interested in communicating with the embarrassing imbeciles infesting this planet? The only reason they’d bother (as posited in many SF films) would be to punt us, enslave us or both.

Anyway, I’m a firm believer in the hypothesis that earth will never manage to be visited by any form of extraterrestrial life (intelligent or otherwise).

May 20, 2022 11:37 am

Extraterrestrial life? To date there’s zero evidence. Using scientific instruments and viewpoints on something where there is total absence of evidence for that something’s existence doesn’t turn it into a scientific endeavour.

May 20, 2022 12:08 pm

Some people say Kamala Harris is from another planet…..

Chris M
Chris M
May 20, 2022 12:11 pm

For some reason Americans are absolutely fascinated about his stuff

Bring of a religious turn of mind, I think some of the sightings might be angels

Peter you must watch the documentary “The Alien Intrusion” which credibly and elegantly examines what is going on here. It’s quite good actually.

May 20, 2022 12:29 pm

Extraterrestrial life? To date there’s zero evidence. Using scientific instruments and viewpoints on something where there is total absence of evidence for that something’s existence doesn’t turn it into a scientific endeavour.

Then what does?

Look at what Capt. Terauchi and Cmdr. Fravor saw. I don’t know what that was. I am not saying swamp gas, angels or tricks of light either.

The idea that the US isn’t no. 1 and China and Russia have something out of Jules Verne novel ought to be terrifying.

Remember Fravor’s sighting was backed up by radar. 80,000 feet to just above sea level at a dead stop in three or so seconds.

“Normal” aircraft can’t do that and if a US military contractor has built something that can, that is fascinating and opens up the mind with exciting possibilities about humanity’s future.

Chris M
Chris M
May 20, 2022 12:31 pm

Alternate trailer here

Not sure if the full documentary is online for free.

May 20, 2022 12:51 pm

“Exactly. Why on earth would supposedly intelligent lifeforms from other galaxies be remotely interested in communicating with the embarrassing imbeciles infesting this planet? The only reason they’d bother (as posited in many SF films) would be to punt us, enslave us or both. “

Even those reasons are a bit iffy – unless they are complete xenophobes, they have no reason to “visit” us, other than observation (“xeno-anthopology” if you like). And if they are xenophobes, then just sending out self replicating robots that detect “civilisation” at some specific level, and then destroy it seems a much safer proposition.

Consider: we know they must be from another star, there’s nowhere they could have evolved in our solar system without us noticing.

So, they need to get here, which means either they can exceed the speed of light (“Faster Than Light” travel, henceforth “FTL”), or they can’t.

If they do NOT have FTL, then they have spent subjective years, if not decades to get here, mostly spent in a very resource poor interstellar space. Clearly, they have no need of resources to continue to exist, but may want some if they want to “expand and multiply”, or perhaps because they have expended all they can carry just to get here. Yet that desire to expand would have presumably been well suppressed during the trip, or they wouldn’t have made it here, and clearly if they have expended their resources to get here, it is most likely energy they require, not mass in any form (food etc).

If they have FTL, and it is only just FTL, then the same as first point applies (eg, can go only 1.5 times speed of light)

If they have FTL that is significantly faster than light (000’s of times) such that they can get here in a few weeks or so (or less), then they have access to a large number of other places as well. And since we have yet to detect anything that looks like aliens, then presumably most other stars don’t have sentient beings on planets orbiting them, even if life itself is fairly common (we don’t know how common it may be anyway). In which case, they likely have a whole heap of places they can go to obtain resources without going to the bother of potentially being at war with another sentient species, no matter how primitive that species may seem.

And then, even when they get here, there are so many resources in terms of the other planets, moons, asteroids etc in our own solar system (including basic organics), again why bother fighting the humans, when you can scoop up all those other resources without a fight?

And they would surely know, as we do, that giving high tech to primitives is a very, very dangerous thing to do – for both the giver and the receiver. So they would presumably want to avoid that as well. Meaning “contacting” us would be out of the question – at least until we have reached the point where we could conceivably constitute a threat to them. Which we currently do not – even if they got here at less than speed of light, they clearly have technology, capabilities and experience in using same that we do not.

So, in my view, IF it’s aliens, then they are “xeno-anthropologists” who have no desire to even talk to us, let alone trade with us, and would probably want to remain “out of sight” or “unseen”, so “buzzing” military targets seems anathema.

And if it’s NOT aliens, then it seems most likely to be some sort of “spoofing” tech that makes it look like something “real” when it’s just some sort of “projection”. That would explain the poor quality of the images/video, the “basic” shapes like spheres, “cigars” and pyramids, with no apparent doors, windows, landing gear etc etc and the seemingly “impossible” moves that some of these things make – which includes moving at speed underwater without creating a surface disturbance, moving between air and water without any apparent change in velocity, being able to accelerate from near-stopped to super-sonic in a fraction of a second, doing “right angle” turns at high speed and so on.
If you had the tech to make such projections, you could surely “freak out” the “enemy” pretty easily, and you might even “freak out” your side – at least, those not “in the know” – just to make it look like no-one really knows what’s going on and “hey, we get that too – weird, right?”.

Old bloke
Old bloke
May 20, 2022 1:45 pm

These things have been around for a long time and have appeared in all manner of forms. They are interdimensional rather than intergalactic.

Operation Trojan Horse (John A. Keel)
provides an interesting history of this phenomena.

Another interesting author who has studied this phenomena is a New Zealand pilot Bruce Cathie who observed the routes these things travel on and found that they use a grid which is powered by some form of the earth’s energy. Governments are aware of this grid as some installations, i.e., the American Omega bases around the world, are sited on this grid.

Bruce Cathie’s books.

May 20, 2022 2:54 pm

and from another old bloke….
unless the light years are as insignificant as is gravity
I would also aver its interference from another dimension.

May 20, 2022 3:31 pm

The whole topic gets very weird when you see the original reason why AATIP was formed, see Bigelow Aerospace and the National Institute for Discovery Science.

May 20, 2022 4:27 pm

“I would also aver its interference from another dimension.”

Perhaps “another dimension” might be better described as “another field of space-time”.

My idea:

We know from e=mcc that matter and energy are different aspects of the same phenomenon.

If energy (eg, electromagnetic) is a “ripple” in space-time, then matter might be a “tear”.
This explains several things, such as how a high energy photon decays into an electron and an anti-electron (it’s “too fast” a change and causes a “tear”), gravitational mass (the “tear” “warps” space-time into “gravity”), inertial mass (pushing a “tear” around is harder than creating a “ripple”), why high velocities increase mass (“tear” can only repair itself at speed of light, so it leaves a trail and gets bigger when you get close to light speed).

Since we know that neutrino’s travel at speed of light, there are two types and they interact very rarely with “matter”, it is possible that these are actually ripples in other fields that make up space-time, or perhaps electron/anti-electron equivalents from decaying “dark photons”. If that is true, and there are also other fields that relate to “dark matter” in the same way as electromagnetic field relates to “matter”, then there should also be particles with mass (proton and neutron equivalents, if you like) and these “tears” would be the so-called “dark matter”.

There is no reason to believe that such “dark matter” could not also engender complex arrangements like molecules and even life, so what we are seeing may be some (possibly high-tech) “bleed over” from creatures or objects that are made of “dark matter” into what we can actually notice, in the same way that we can sometimes detect neutrinos. We exist close together (“overlapping”) because gravity means both normal matter and dark matter tend to clump together in the same places (stars, planets etc).

You might call this “another dimension”, but it would really be just “stuff” that doesn’t generally interact with the “stuff” that we are made from.

But hey, I’m probably wrong… I usually am 🙂

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
May 20, 2022 4:30 pm

I think their cameras are the same ones as they use to photograph the Loch Ness monster.

May 20, 2022 4:53 pm
Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
May 20, 2022 5:43 pm

Old blokesays:
May 20, 2022 at 1:45 pm
These things have been around for a long time and have appeared in all manner of forms. They are interdimensional rather than intergalactic.

Operation Trojan Horse (John A. Keel) provides an interesting history of this phenomena.

Another interesting author who has studied this phenomena is a New Zealand pilot Bruce Cathie who observed the routes these things travel on and found that they use a grid which is powered by some form of the earth’s energy. Governments are aware of this grid as some installations, i.e., the American Omega bases around the world, are sited on this grid.

I think one of his books examines the concept that nuclear weapons cannot just be detonated. They have to be at a precise point and time to enable them to do so. I don’t know if that is true. It was pointed out that the superpowers knew ahead of schedule when one of their opponents was conducting testing of weapons as they could use the sun tables to calculate when and where the detonation would have to occur. Again, an interesting theory. Plausible? Who knows? I think he also thought that there could be no surprise nuclear attack because of this.

May 21, 2022 12:06 am
May 21, 2022 12:09 am

May 20, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Mick West and Joe Rogan on the Pentagon UFO videos

Finding reasonable and parsimonious explanations of observations is fine.

I don’t think that can be done with what Capt. Terauchi and Cmdr. Fravor saw – both were backed up with contemporaneous radar returns and otherwise EO systems.

May 21, 2022 4:16 am

All BS from start to finish……fervid imaginations running wild….grifters gotta grift.

When humans were getting around only on foot they were thinking “geez there are gods up there also getting around on foot who have magical powers’

When humans were getting around on horse-back they ere thinking “geez there are gods up there getting around on wing-ed horseback etc, who have magical powers.

When humans invented flying machines they were thinking “geez there are god-like creatures up there who are getting around is sooper-dooper flying machines who are really magically advanced

And here we are, With each technological human advance the god-like creatures up there are always one jump ahead of us, but they never do anything . Just keeping that one step ahead,

They coulda come to earth two hundred years ago and taken control of the entire planet
with a single F-18, or a single Spitfire or a single Tiger-Moth or even one M1-A1 Abrams tank….but NO, they just spend their time messing around with addle-brained morons who cannot accept that there are no god-like critters up there at all.

Except maybe for an actual God, of course!

Winston Smith
May 21, 2022 4:42 am

From the deep dark and dusty drawers of my mind –
“So, what is the speed of light in a 10 billion Gauss field?”

May 21, 2022 5:46 am

at 4.42 am

From the deep dark and dusty drawers of my mind –
“So, what is the speed of light in a 10 billion Gauss field?”

Hmmmm would you like that calculation to depend on the magnetic declination of the angle between magnetic north, or true north.

May 21, 2022 9:08 am

May 21, 2022 at 4:16 am
All BS from start to finish……fervid imaginations running wild….grifters gotta grift.

No, it’s not.

I keep on referring back to Capt. Terauchi and Cmdr Fravor.

They’re not in it for the money. Fravor kept quiet for years and Terauchi lost his job. What they observed, simply defied conventional explanation. Their eyewitness accounts are also corroborated by either radar returns or both radar and EO sensors.

You tell me what air craft can go from 80,000 ft to 50 ft above sea level in a matter of seconds to a dead stop, who built it, who owns it and who pilots these things. This is the technology Cmdr Fravor encountered.

“Oh, it’s just Russia and China”

We should learn what it is. It may be either terrifying (Russia, China) or exciting (secret US technology). We should know either way.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x