We apparently need a ‘recallibration’ of our freedom of speech


I came across this at The Gateway Pundit: Australian Politician at Davos Explains that We Need a “Recalibration” of Freedom of Speech. Really, I said, so I watched the video. This is the summary of what she said:

‘Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a “recalibration” of freedom of speech. Which only means eliminating their ideological competition.’

Or according to the link to the above post:

Australian politicians forced shutdowns and restrictions on citizens based on COVID.  Their leaders have no regard for their citizens or their human rights….

This became clear today in Davos as Australian Commissioner Julie Inman Grant told the World Economic Forum that we need a “recalibration” of freedom of speech.

Who is this Julie Inman Grant speaking on behalf of us. This is who she is, and she really does apparently speak on all our behalfs: eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant reappointed for another five years

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant has been reappointed for a further five years as new laws granting her new internet takedown powers come into effect.

Ms Inman Grant, a former Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe executive, has been eSaftey Commissioner since 2017. On Sunday, communications minister Paul Fletcher announced she will remain in the job until 2027 with another maximum appointment term.

The reappointment comes as the controversial Online Safety Act comes into force, giving Ms Inman Grant new powers to issue take-down notices to a range of online services in relation to online content deemed to be harmful.

“Today’s reappointment, and the simultaneous commencement of the Online Safety Act, will enhance Australia’s position as a world leader in online safety.”

Ms Inman Grant was appointed eSafety commissioner in 2017 when the government agency responsible for children’s online safety expanded its remit to all Australians’ online safety and was renamed to the eSafety Commissioner.

The Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder, supported by around 67 staff, contractors and the national media regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority. The office has an annual budget of around $25 million but will receive more this year to support its new powers.

We have a “national media regulator”? Who knew? And they have been given new powers. Meanwhile the nincompoop Minister who was in charge may yet lose his seat to some Teal candidate. 

JUST IN CASE YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW A LITTLE MORE: This his her profile from The World Economic Forum:

Julie Inman Grant is Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. In this role, Julie leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online. Julie has extensive experience in the non-profit and government sectors and spent two decades working in senior public policy and safety roles in the tech industry at Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe. The Commissioner’s career began in Washington DC, working in the US Congress and the non-profit sector before taking on a role at Microsoft. Julie’s experience at Microsoft spanned 17 years, serving as one of the company’s first and longest-standing government relations professionals, ultimately in the role of Global Director for Safety & Privacy Policy and Outreach. At Twitter, she set up and drove the company’s policy, safety & philanthropy programs across Australia, New Zealand & Southeast Asia. As Commissioner, Julie plays an important global role as Chair of the Child Dignity Alliance’s Technical Working Group and as a Board Member of the WePROTECT Global Alliance. She was recently named one of Australia’s most influential women by the Australian Financial Review and a leading Australian in Foreign Affairs by the Sydney Morning Herald. In 2020, the World Economic Forum and Apolitical appointed the Commissioner as one of the #Agile50, the world’s most influential leaders revolutionising government. In 2021, Julie oversaw significant increases in the eSafety office’s budget, increased staffing levels and launched the global Safety by Design initiative. As Commissioner, she has led work to stand up novel and world-first regulatory regimes under the new Online Safety Act 2021, with implementation of a sweeping new set of reforms beginning on 23 January 2022. Commissioner Inman Grant was reappointed for a further 5-year term by the Australian Government in January 2022.

I thought she had an American accent. Not that I hold it against her, but still she does seem like an import contaminated with every stupid notion found amongst the Washington bureaucracy. And do note, she is “one of the world’s most influential leaders revolutionising government”. 

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May 24, 2022 9:01 pm

Fascism is the new thing hiding in plain sight

May 24, 2022 9:05 pm

Oh joy, our very own Nina Jankowicz.

May 24, 2022 9:12 pm

And this appointment was from the outgoing Libs. Says it all.

Winston Smith
May 24, 2022 9:36 pm

Ms Inman Grant was appointed eSafety commissioner in 2017 when the government agency responsible for children’s online safety expanded its remit to all Australians’ online safety and was renamed to the eSafety Commissioner.

The Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder, supported by around 67 staff, contractors and the national media regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority. The office has an annual budget of around $25 million but will receive more this year to support its new powers.

Well, that’s identified $25 + million to come off the Federal budget blowout.

Winston Smith
May 24, 2022 9:59 pm

This is our Linda:
Just another Green Tea Lady.

May 24, 2022 10:54 pm

And Julie can f**k off and die. Seriously.

I am so very tired of stupid women feeling all empowered and f**king over our civilisation.

Yes, I have been drinking.

And, yes, I am still correct in my utter repudiation of stupid women. Go build a bridge, you dumb cow. Oh, that’s right. You can’t.

May 25, 2022 3:32 am

If left unattended, fascism becomes the guiding philosophy of any government bureaucracy — especially a bureaucracy expanding into new areas of meddling in people’s lives like “e-safety”.

Who was the venal idiot in the Liberal Party who thought up this latest sinecure? Who outside of the make-work bureaucratic community supported it?

Note: all government departments are monopolies, which supercharges their desire to do evil.

May 25, 2022 6:00 am

Which nincompoop minister was it ? Fletcher? Par for the course with that twerp.

May 25, 2022 6:01 am

Another vile AMerican import y

May 25, 2022 6:10 am

This woman is a grifter who is being paid to assault everyone’s god given civil liberties.

Free speech is sacred.

May 25, 2022 6:17 am

Botox industry not expected to fail anytime soon.

Travelin' man
Travelin’ man
May 25, 2022 6:31 am

Crossie says:
May 24, 2022 at 9:05 pm

Oh joy, our very own Nina Jankowicz.

Who is she?
Should we know her?

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 25, 2022 7:06 am

I remember this crAcker of a quote from the best cops and robbers show “ Blue Muder” – Roger Rogerson describing David Flannery “now Flannery attracted trouble like flies to a horses arse” – Given the teals and 60 minutes on “report” about man ripping of women – which gets a segment on a current affair, today tonight etc- could some explain to me why women flock to shit like flies to a horses arse

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 25, 2022 7:50 am

There is something in the Bible about being ruled by foreigners and women.

And it’s not a blessing.

May 25, 2022 9:06 am

The reappointment comes as the controversial Online Safety Act comes into force, giving Ms Inman Grant new powers to issue take-down notices to a range of online services in relation to online content deemed to be harmful.
“Today’s reappointment, and the simultaneous commencement of the Online Safety Act, will enhance Australia’s position as a world leader in online safety.”

That fat (now gone) mediocre imbecile Goose Morristeen was all over the news recently announcing the expansion of powers of this bureaucratic frankenstein’s monster, proudly claiming the Online Safety Act as “a world first”. No doubt with that ineffectual jellyfish Fletcher lurking stupidly in the background.

No chance whatsoever of this power crazed fascist slag and the braindead bureaucratic drones infesting this new Minitru exceeding their “remit”, either, no siree …

As I noted on the weekend, these foul arrogant evil fascists have declared war on the populace. No point in ignoring their now very clear intentions.

May 25, 2022 10:42 am
May 25, 2022 11:03 am

This whole legislative ‘enterprise’ came out in public 2015 and has been marshaled through the various legislative processes to where it is today.

@kaysee on Sinc’s cat first pointed it out to me and @MemoryVault has been stridently trying to point out that the legislation was approved by every single Liberal, Labor, Green, PHON, the whole lot of them.

The USA will be still getting the 59 “nations” with similar legislation to Australia’s together.

It’s A Brave New World Governance.

May 25, 2022 11:32 am

Winston Smithsays:
May 24, 2022 at 9:59 pm
This is our Linda:
Just another Green Tea Lady.

zero self awareness there. She quotes Teddy Roosevelt.

How about this one, Linda?

When liberty becomes license, some form of one-man power is not far distant.
Theodore Roosevelt

May 25, 2022 12:01 pm

“… proudly claiming the Online Safety Act as “a world first”.”

Clearly disinformation – CCP was and is much harsher and they got in much earlier.
Russia too – they banned Twitter, right?
So hardly a “world first”.

Since I identify as a gay, transgender, left-handed, midget, albino eskimo, will this act “protect” me from those who refuse to use my preferred pronouns – you know, force them to use them? Forced speech? Or will they just fine those who don’t use my preferred pronouns, or maybe send them to gaol for the “violence” of saying something I don’t like?
Will they be banning Pauline Hansen from speaking online because “disinformation”?
What about Craig Kelly?
What about “ring wing” media?
Probably more chance of any of that than of this Ministry of Truth protecting my on-line credit card transactions, or protecting kids from groomers telling them they “seem” like maybe they are trans. I dare say most people would prefer they spend time about those latter two. But they’ll focus on the “easy” stuff like “Liberal party bad, Labor party good, Greens better” etc ad nauseum.
It’s for our own good after all.
We’re too dumb to figure it out ourselves, you see.
And they’ll make sure the next generation is too dumb to figure it out, and “Mummy” GovCo will “save” us from the horrors of freedom, which is after all slavery!

May 25, 2022 12:16 pm

Well this fascist POS knows what she can do with herself!
She doesn’t speak for me or other Australians.

May 25, 2022 12:32 pm

“Well this fascist POS knows what she can do with herself!”

Hey – that makes you an autoerotiphobe!
You are forthwith BANNED from the internet for daring to disparage a minority.

May 25, 2022 12:33 pm

Who was the venal idiot in the Liberal Party who thought up this latest sinecure? Who outside of the make-work bureaucratic community supported it?

Malcolm – back in Nov 2016 is where it began.

May 25, 2022 12:41 pm

On Sunday, communications minister Paul Fletcher announced she will remain in the job until 2027 with another maximum appointment term.

Remind us again why we should’ve voted Liberal, Steve.

May 25, 2022 1:23 pm

I am curious that she did not feel cause to pause when she read that out. There is no way that sounds good.

Bruce in WA
May 25, 2022 1:24 pm

And in her “work” she will be safely cocooned in a like-minded bubble of females and shemales, with nary a whimper of dissension as they actively — and gleefully — seek and destroy anyone and everyone they see as not 100% in lockstep with their version of truth and free speech.

So, Cats, it’s been nice knowing you …

May 25, 2022 1:39 pm

Malcolm – back in Nov 2016 is where it began.

Thanks, P. I should have guessed: it was Turnbull, who laid the groundwork for this week’s Liberal Party disaster, via his hand-picked successor — a political nobody named Scott Morrison, who, like Turnbull, is a bad smell that won’t go away.

May 25, 2022 2:49 pm

it was Turnbull, who laid the groundwork for this week’s Liberal Party disaster, via his hand-picked successor — a political nobody named Scott Morrison, who, like Turnbull, is a bad smell that won’t go away.

I have read many times The Spiller Spilled 25 Aug 18, and I always enjoy it.
I wrote yesterday that, just as Tony Abbott had been toppled by Malcolm Turnbull, so Turnbull has now been toppled by Scott Morrison. And immediately a gazillion antipodean members of The Mark Steyn Club wrote to explain that no, no …
This article was IMO the best description of what actually happened.

Mark Steyn’s last para:
In the three years since the coup against Abbott, the new leader stubbornly refused to treat the wound he had inflicted. He got away with it thanks to a largely supine media content (right up to this weekend) to damn Abbott as the “wrecker”. Well, if they think he’s an embittered ex-, wait’ll they see the new one. Nothing in Malcolm Turnbull’s four decades in public life suggests a man minded to move gracefully on. He caused the split, he deepened the split, and his ego will be unable to resist widening it.

Old bloke
Old bloke
May 25, 2022 3:22 pm

Is Paul Fletcher the bloke who’s been pushing the digital-id bill, or is that some other slimy WEF implant?

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
May 25, 2022 4:48 pm

Hardsly surprising. This idea that government should censor internet speech is quite widespread. I was shocked in fact when – after the election – Michael Kroger (big shot in Liberal Party) was saying that it was one of three primary policy actions he would pursue!

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
May 25, 2022 4:48 pm

Hardly surprising. This idea that government should censor internet speech is quite widespread. I was shocked in fact when – after the election – Michael Kroger (big shot in Liberal Party) was saying that it was one of three primary policy actions he would pursue!

Wyndham Dix
Wyndham Dix
May 25, 2022 5:08 pm

From her WEF bio:-

Julie leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online.

Not unlike my experience last weekend and earlier this week. I ordered a $200 electrical appliance online, gave my credit card details and the debit duly appeared in my online banking list of transactions. On Monday I received an e-mail from the supplier telling me that before proceeding with the order it needed to do a security check and verify my order. N.B. I say again, the debit to my credit card had already been processed.
I was told that the checks were for my safety and convenience! I protested, and said that unless the supplier filled the order immediately based on the information and my money it already had, I would cancel it. The unhearing clerk then told me again that the order would proceed upon my submitting to the supplier’s checks. I thereupon cancelled the order and demanded a refund, which I have yet to receive.
I can identify with some of the sentiments expressed by Luzu: May 24, 2022 at 10:54 pm

May 25, 2022 5:31 pm

Yet another thirty-something career emoter and airhead to lecture the rest of us and restrict what we see, say and think – there must be an assembly line somewhere turning them out in vast numbers (oh, I forgot – we call that our ‘education’ system). God help the country.

May 25, 2022 8:43 pm

What are the brainwashed WEF/Davos/’leaders’, puppets, paid to spruik the Reset Narrative? Are they promised a place at the WEF elite table whilst the rest of us eat lab-made meat and deep-fried crickets whilst they dine on Angus beef and wild salmon. Don’t mention the Digital ID already coming in NSW.

pete of perth
pete of perth
May 26, 2022 1:45 am

Pity the 350 giraffes missed earh.

May 26, 2022 12:50 pm

“Yet another thirty-something career emoter and airhead to lecture the rest of us and restrict what we see, say and think…”

Indeed – they appear not to know that “the answer to bad speech is good speech”.

They appear not to know that censorship is usually only practiced by those who cannot make a cogent and logical argument, or are afraid that they cannot convince enough people they are right to “win” the argument. So their only answer is “Shut up!”

“Free speech is hard. Free speech is standing up for right of a man to speak – a man whose ideas make your blood boil, a man who is advocating at the top of his voice that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” Protecting his right to speak, when you despise his ideas and are offended by the very existence of anyone who supports those ideas, that is true free speech.

I don’t give a damn if what I say offends you – not least because you should realise that when you oppose my point of view, it is also likely that I find your speech offensive!

What I find most amusing is that it is the very platforms (such as Twitter, Youtube, Facebook et al) that they are concerned about “preventing the spread of misinformation” on, that are mostly designed to “addict” users by showing them more and more extreme versions of what they “like” or even just look at. Try it yourself on youtube with something and check out “What’s next” and “suggested”. Watch as they get more and more extreme each time you watch the next one. It’s bad enough if you pick a “right wing” topic, but it’s even more insane if you pick a “left wing” one!

May 26, 2022 1:14 pm

“What I find most amusing…”

Another one, from the good ol’ U S of A.

Dems cheering the recent judgement that the 14th amendment allows them to disqualify for elected office anyone who has been seditious, rebellious etc.
They think this means that anyone who voted to disallow the the electoral college votes of some states in the 2020 election is being seditious.
Ho ho.
Even should the court agree that a representative exercising their sworn duty by casting such a vote or by so objecting is, due to the eventual outcome, “seditious” then how many Dems could also be disqualified for doing exactly the same thing for the 2016 presidential election? I suspect there would be more Dems in this category for 2016 than Repubs for 2020.
It’d almost be worth them “winning” on this, just to watch it bite them on their own arses.
They’ll never get this up for any repub, even Trump – and neither should they. If they even bother trying, it’ll just be political theater, nothing more. And they know it. Just another reason to “pack the court”.

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