Meme of the Day #48

h/t: PEG

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June 24, 2022 12:35 pm

It’s weird being able to watch the death throes of violent radical leftism in America from a safe distance.

Since 2020, the American left has had a single response to every one of its childish tantrums: give us what we want or we will destroy this city – “this city” being the vast majority of US cities run by the Democratic Party.

There are only two possibilities: a) the left is allowed to turn America into a lawless Third World shithole b) the Democratic Party is voted out of office and safety returns to American cities.

I’m tipping the latter. The left’s attempt to silence dissent will succeed only if it is allowed to annul democracy.

It has almost succeeded. It is shocking that the left’s cheating its way into the White House in 2020 will take years to rectify, with a proper investigation of the vote-rigging that occurred on the night of November 3 and early on the following morning — abetted by a partisan judiciary.

June 24, 2022 2:35 pm

When even intelligent commentators like Ben Shapiro refuse to recognise the obvious – that there is demonstrable proof that the Presidential election was crooked, and that the judiciary refused to consider legitimate objections? Democracy is probably the most feeble of the systems of governance, as it requires almost complete placidity on the part of those governed. Witness the complete despotism in Victoria over the past two years, with nary a peep from anyone.

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
June 24, 2022 3:01 pm

Tom+Damon: where is the evidence that the elections were bent?
On the other hand we now have hard evidence from virtually all of Trump’s legal advisers, a variety of Republican State officials and other credible witnesses that he totally faked the election fraud and simply ignored the evidence that the ballots were clean.
We also know that Trump has milked his supporters since the election ($250m) and shows no sign of using that money for anything but his own nonsense.
People who follow Trump lies should start asking if they’re not being fully duped.

June 24, 2022 3:40 pm

“Trained Observer”, eh? You sound like one of the “experts” who kept us locked up for two years. LOL.

June 24, 2022 3:47 pm

Saying that there is no evidence of a rigged election and the Trump milked his supporters would garner significantly more support were the Dems to authorise an actual investigation into those claims the same way Mueller investigated Russiagate.

Instead, they have ploughed all their energy into ensuring law suits are dismissed on procedural grounds and into the empty jan 6 comission.

Fake or not a former president claims he was dudded. That demands an actual inquiry. Heaven help the Dems if Trump gets back in, any shenanigans on his behalf will be easily waived away with look what they did to me.

June 24, 2022 4:22 pm

There are only two possibilities: a) the left is allowed to turn America into a lawless Third World shithole b) the Democratic Party is voted out of office and safety returns to American cities.

c) democratic cities continue their slide into shitholedom, while the vast majority of sensible Americans move to Republican cities and states.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 24, 2022 5:22 pm

Trained Observer
It is mathemathically impossible to 144k votes up and then have 160k consecutive votes come in after 11.00am when the counting stations had closed.
Further there were audit techniques used which were used to detect fraud. I cannot recall the system name but technique picked out the fraud.
There was also a pattern in other polinig counts where it consistenantly was 3 for the dem to 1 for the republicans.
The dem and labor parties all over the world scream they have been defrauded or the system stacked agaisnt them when they loose.
I recall labor in 80s lost Norwood cried like babies and had a re election. THey won the seat by less than 1000. All the politics students moved in the area to vote labor.
Then there was that call in Flodia years ago – who was it Gore or Kerry.
International labor – cant trust the blue salor suit favored child that has never grown up.

June 24, 2022 5:35 pm

Speaking of rigged elections, have you looked at the WA senate result?

When the third Liberal was excluded and preferences distributed, more went to the ALP than PHON.

This was contrary to Liberal HTV’s.

A can understand a few, but a majority? This smells.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 24, 2022 6:29 pm

Further there were audit techniques used which were used to detect fraud. I cannot recall the system name but technique picked out the fraud.

That’s Benford’s Law.

Hmm. Odd pattern of Biden-votes fails an easy first test for Tax Fraud (7 Nov 2020)

Numerous other strategies were used. The 2000 Mules. Putting Biden votes through readers multiple times. The discarding of Trump votes. Completed votes printed in China without the telltale fold. Hammer and Scorecard. It was full-on, which is why the mid terms are possibly the end of the USA. The Democrats cannot allow this stuff to be pursued. The thing is the Dems are acting very complacent, almost unworried. They were like this in the run up to the 2020 election when Trump was filling stadia. Something is up, I don’t know what it will be. But getting the armed right to stomach it again will be another thing entirely. Eventually someone is going to say “let’s roll”.

June 24, 2022 9:22 pm

Interesting Site.
Interesting commentary on Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Org

Sandy K
Sandy K
June 24, 2022 9:47 pm

Trained Observer (TO) says “Tom+Damon: where is the evidence that the elections were bent?”

There are none so blind as those who will not see! In my days in the military I was trained to observe AND question what I saw (call me a trained observer skeptic?), not to accept what seemed to confirm “the obvious” in this case the popular thinking like elections could never be rigged. If the Dems are so confident the election was not rigged then have a Jan 6 style hearing but with equal representation and with no RINO’s. One has to question why anyone would support the Dems given how they’ve stuffed everything up. Maybe TO believes in Keynesian Economics also.

June 25, 2022 12:30 am

The meme called it…

June 25, 2022 8:50 am

TE asks for evidence. There’s plenty. Trump ran 69 court cases and all were thrown out, many by judges he appointed. The Jan 6 committee has heard from an array of people, mostly people he appointed. They all say, as his AG Barr told him, that the election fraud idea is bullshit.
Trump is still taking people for a ride. He’s a liar and a crook.

June 25, 2022 11:58 am

TO, election fraud has been rampant in America for decades. There have been books written about it. “There are none so blind as those who will not see”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 25, 2022 2:09 pm

Fake or not a former president claims he was dudded

He’s a sore loser and a crybaby.
Nixon was robbed in 1960, he copped it up the arse and went on with his life.

That demands an actual inquiry.


Ed Case
Ed Case
June 25, 2022 2:17 pm

Trump is still taking people for a ride. He’s a liar and a crook.

This guy did more to advance GloboHomo than the 44 Presidents who preceded him.*
By an Order of Magnitude.
*Many of whom were Flamers themselves [in no particular order:
Buchanan, ol’ Abe, Tilden [elected but not Inaugurated] TR, Wilson,
Hoover [probably], FDR, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Poppy Bush, Bubba, The Shrub, Obama, and possibly The Don hisself!]

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 26, 2022 7:10 am

Trolls gotta troll.

June 26, 2022 8:16 am

Where is the evidence of a free and fair election? If you remove evidence of chain of custody and prevent observers observing, tell people you are stopping counting and then continue without observers what have you got to show?

June 26, 2022 5:06 pm

PeterM: those assertions have been tested in court and found to be wrong. Every attempt by Trump allies to create legal interventions based on alleged fraud was kicked out of court. There are ample numbers of Republicans including trump staff and appointees on the record saying this is all fake.

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