Evil, lunacy, stupidity. Take your pick

This is the BBC News today (11 march), commenting on the tragic shootings in Hamburg:

“Seven people, including an unborn baby, were killed in Thursday’s attack which unfolded at a Jehovah’s Witness meeting hall in the city.”

An unborn baby killed. What do you make of that? An unborn baby. A contradiction in terms, surely. I recall a debate between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in the lead up to the 2016 election when she referred to unborn babies instead of to fetuses. The satanic left came down hard on her. Hilary didn’t make that mistake again. The language police are ever alert to transgressions. Yet here is the BBC, a pillar of Ingsoc and Newspeak, pronouncing in no uncertain terms, that an unborn baby is indeed a person. This could undermine the whole lucrative business of killing unborn babies, ahem, fetuses; not to say ruin the BBC’s reputation among the green-left fraternity of devil worshippers.

Of course, not all of those on the left are evil. Most are simply stupid or mentally ill. For example, when Chris Bowen sets out to destroy Australia’s energy system, it would be a mistake to bracket him with Fu Manchu. More likely he has some obsessive-compulsive disorder-cum-delusions of grandeur, which may or may not be combined with dimwittedness. Clearly he has unreasonable thoughts and fears about climate change that lead him to fixate on wind turbines and solar panels and to have pipedreams about Australia being the world’s renewable energy superpower.

Unfortunately for us serfs, politicians are immune from being institutionalised for mistaking their wives for hats. Their whole profession deals in delusions of one kind or another. Look at Anthony Albanese whose view of the Voice is that it is a generous offer from some hard-to-precisely-identify racial group for which we who don’t belong to the hard-to-precisely-identify racial group should be unflinchingly grateful. What to make of that? It’s hard to believe that someone of such jejune inanity is prime minister. Not, it isn’t.

Politicians on the whole are a group of mediocre people who are good at only one thing; namely, climbing the greasy backroom political-party pole. They are totally ill-fitted to hold responsible jobs. Look at Jim Chalmers who writes a quite silly piece for The Monthly claiming that he (Jim) holds the key to beneficially changing the nature of capitalism; and, to boot, then announces a change to superannuation arrangements without having the least idea of its implications. Would you put capitalism in this man’s hands? Would you, if you were an executive search consultant, come up with Jim as the best candidate? Be honest, he wouldn’t make the cut. Yet here he is with his equally mediocre colleagues influencing the economic future of the nation.

Those on the centre right of policies are just as mediocre, you might say and you would be right. It’s hard to separate them these days. In the past, maybe centre-right politicians were more circumspect; more self-effacing. But today what’s the difference between Albanese going for net zero by 2050 and Scott Morrison going for net zero by 2050?  Sure evil much more lurks on the left and that’s a big difference in principle. But, in practice, insanity and stupidness do a fair enough job of undermining civilisation.

Is there an answer? I don’t have one.

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March 11, 2023 4:55 pm

Is there an answer? I don’t have one.

A periodic ‘Admiral Bynging’ might be a good start?…. pour encourager Les autres

March 11, 2023 5:01 pm

“An unborn baby killed”
What are you talking about? There is no such thing. Only impediments to women’s fulfilment.

March 11, 2023 5:04 pm

Lunacy appears from almost everywhere , rampant by the passing hours , it seems the lunatics in charge try to outdo each other at every turn , it’s hard to keep up . I am in my twilight years and have never witnessed anything like this in my life . I am very very lucky living in Lordly isolation .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 11, 2023 5:04 pm

I could almost sense a sense of relief from the MSM when the perp in the Hamburg attack turned out to be a “safe” person to name and describe. We live in a time when those of particular pigmentation, ethnicity or religion are protected. This guy was the wrong colour, and the wrong religion, so was rapidly revealed.

As to Bowen he seems to be a sort of male Greta. The Dunning-Kruger is strong with this one.

March 11, 2023 5:23 pm

But today what’s the difference between Albanese going for net zero by 2050 and Scott Morrison going for net zero by 2050? Sure evil much more lurks on the left and that’s a big difference in principle. But, in practice, insanity and stupidness do a fair enough job of undermining civilisation.
Is there an answer? I don’t have one.

So there are others that are feeling my depth of despair? Unfortunately, I am not comforted by that. Just adds to the horror.

March 11, 2023 5:37 pm

Evil, lunacy, stupidity

Embrace the power of “and”.

March 11, 2023 5:46 pm

Despair”? Juvenile antics. You have lived through one of the greatest and most peaceful periods in recent history. Despair if you want, but when would you want to be reincarnated? A question seldom asked, and never answered.

March 11, 2023 5:53 pm

It is only a “baby” if the mother wants it.

Jane Fonda tells us so. Anyone who disagrees must die.

March 11, 2023 6:00 pm

The dark triad in psychology: Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. These people have varying degrees of this.

March 11, 2023 6:35 pm

Its partly caused by the rise of a new, aspiring middle class that is not based on competency or economic power. Rather access to the “symbolic” middle class is based on proximity to power and aping the virtue signals shared by the influencers trusted for their sex, age and color.

Since more and more people are dependent on govt money in areas where there is no clear set of competencies except aping the influencers then people will look and act as if they are the same as the power elites – who can never be affected by the outcomes they campaign for e.g. Teals and fellow travellers like Kean.

Lastly, its named as “symbolic” as this entire class work on nothing more substantial than manipulating symbols, not reality (symbols => data, pr, marketing, “outcomes”, unmeasured social gains, …) which are shared with the elites for approval. See conspicuous compassion, based in part on Veblens conspicuous consumption.

March 11, 2023 6:37 pm

Is there an answer? I don’t have one.

History provides it…the whole thing falls over and those who survive get to start again.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 11, 2023 7:11 pm

There is an answer. Police need to stop providing protection to politicians.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2023 8:24 pm

But today what’s the difference between Albanese going for net zero by 2050 and Scott Morrison going for net zero by 2050?

Here’s the difference:
The Liberal Party woulda got there by fudging it, like every other Country in the world.

Albanese and Chalmers are going to get there strictly by the book, destroying the Economy well before 2050.

So I guess it’s a matter of how honest you want your politicians to be.

Shifty Scotty, the fixit guy, or Honest Albo the F.ck it guy.

March 11, 2023 8:25 pm

Evil, lunacy or stupidity – I choose lunacy.
All politicians are a little mad; so yes, police protection should cease.
The citizens should be protected from the mad politicians.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2023 8:28 pm

Anyway, everyone chose Albo, the BOHICA guy.

It’s as though there’s a Mass Amnesia, and no one remembers Kevin Rudd.

March 11, 2023 8:41 pm

Awful shock; it could have been a variety of pink camellia

March 11, 2023 9:09 pm

Is there an answer?

Yes, f’cking leave.

There are now many places in the world far less evil / lunatic / stupid.

I’m working on not just leaving, but a hedging arrangement where I have access to a number of countries so I can pick the one being the least stupid at any particular time.

The downside of leaving Australia? Very little. I have discovered some fellow travellers with a very similar background.

They already have exactly the target arrangement in place. They return to Australia to enjoy the very best of it, typically a stint on a long held family farm. They ignore the rest which is now simply a dangerous filthy communist shithole.

My son is currently on the family farm, in 12 hours he has been horse riding, dipped sheep, helped mud a dam (principally skiing down the slick banks!), went yabbying, played with his favourite farm dog and went rabbit shooting.

When he comes back to Melbourne what’s he got? No Dad because The State unemployed him, a suburb with a massive drug and mental health problem (stabbings a couple of days ago), at school he’s a second class gender, being a boy, at school he’s a second class citizen, not being Aboriginal. He’s indoctrinated in societal sickness at every turn. And finally the housing and living cost are eye watering, and at some point he won’t have electricity and hence access to heating, running water and fuel either.

Get out of Australia or at very least get out of the cities and prep accordingly.

March 11, 2023 10:03 pm

Chris Bowan has Small Man Syndrome.

March 11, 2023 10:04 pm

Chris Bowen has Small Man Syndrome.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2023 10:22 pm

Get out of Australia or at very least get out of the cities and prep accordingly.

I haven’t lived in a city for twenty five years, and can’t see myself ever living in one, again.

March 11, 2023 10:36 pm

“at very least get out of the cities and prep accordingly”
Pretty simple really. Get food delivered and hire a cleaner.

March 12, 2023 12:54 pm

Make it a power of government to give people what they say they want.

Climate change zealots are given the gift of zero fossil fuel use.

Refugee advocates are given the much coveted prize of sharing their house with 20 unvetted immigrants.

Forced vaccine advocates don’t get the burden of being able to say “no” to 1000 vaccines.

Judges are allowed to rule to ensure the government actions are consistent with people’s virtue signalling but otherwise, governments can seek out and specifically hurt anybody who calls for undermining anybody else’s rights.

Do this and voila!

Nobody will ever virtue signal again and you have yourself 1000 years of civilization.

March 12, 2023 5:53 pm

Fine if power cuts (or “demand management”) can be assigned first to Teal electorates, ALP electorates and then Liberals who push the line around renewable economic suicide. They will be fine since they have batteries, bikes and solar panels as true believers should …

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 12, 2023 7:51 pm


Over at CL’s blog, some time ago I had a go at Homer Paxton, asking if he was living the dream, with solar panels, EV and household battery.

He didn’t comment about the panels and EV, but rejected the household battery as not economical. And he is a true believer!

March 13, 2023 9:23 am

I have yet to see a BBC report that prominently includes the total population worldwide of muslims after a similar kind of incident perpetrated by a person of that persuasion. Seemed an odd inclusion.

March 13, 2023 9:52 am

A solar panel array WITHOUT a serious battery rig is just show-boating.

As for “roof-mounted” panel arrays: have a chat to the Fireys about fires in such structures in full sunlight. 900V back through the hose and the poor buggers holding it?

When, as some may have noticed lately, there is FLOODING. Lots of interesting images from the Lockyer Valley floods from a while back. Corrugated iron sheds eaten away below the high-water mark. It the tide is still high when the sun comes out, you are getting hundreds of volts DC off the roof and into a sea of electrolyte. It doesn’t really matter if the “batteries are “sealed” or vented, nasty things will happen. How many installations can be manually “turned off’ ? How many systems are easy to CLEAN to maintain efficiency?

This whole solar caper is like Tulip-Mania on ‘roids; with our rice-propelled cousins falling about laughing at the gullibility. Follow the Money

Robert Sewell
March 13, 2023 12:06 pm


So there are others that are feeling my depth of despair? Unfortunately, I am not comforted by that. Just adds to the horror.

There are a lot of us, Vicki. The bad news is there’s a lot more of them.
We are constrained by the laws they’ve made to protect themselves. For example, both Heads On Pikes and the guillotine are illegal, and what sort of society are we to deny them their rightful place in the Halls of Justice?

March 13, 2023 4:48 pm

So there are others that are feeling my depth of despair? Unfortunately, I am not comforted by that. Just adds to the horror.

Stop caring. Stupid ppl do stupid things. That’s how we know they’re stupid.

Our civilisation was good while it lasted, now it’s in its end phase. There’s nothing any individual can do to save it; it’s too damned big; you just keep your part of it functioning against the opposition of the stupid.

Don’t draw attention to yourself. One should hide from big, stupid things whether they are dinosaurs or governments.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x