Re-tribalizing Australia

Update: 14/8 @ 3pm.

The agenda of The Racist Voice is now clear.

It is about re-tribalizing Australia to approximate the time when bitterly antagonistic tribes roamed across the sparsely populated country.

That was sustainable when there were some hundreds of thousands of hunter-gatherers.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out with more than 25 million people and our resources are being developed by some of the most efficient miners and farmers in the world. That is thanks to the institutions of western civilization: critical rationalism powering scientific and technological progress, property rights, limited government under the rule of laws, due process, the presumption of innocence, free speech and all the other freedoms – movement, association, belief.

The next step is the destruction of communication by tribalizing the language to use tribal names for places and other things like dingos, as Kel Richards reminded us. Think of this like the Newspeak that George Orwell described in the Appendix to 1984.

The point of language, you and I know, is to communicate. And in Australia, we don’t speak Dharug or any other local indigenous language, we speak English.

Speaking on 2GB

The languages are diverse even within the Indigenous community, and many Indigenous words that came into the English language were from the Sydney area. Mr. Richards noted that about 75 percent of place names in Australia (three million out of four million) are in Indigenous languages already. “So we’ve already using lots and lots of Indigenous words showing lots of respect to the local Indigenous people by naming the places as they told us.”

The Prime Minister wanted to change Australia and now we can see what he meant. Retribalize and divide the nation into fragments.

Lets tell the truth about The Racist Voice, vote NO and move on to talk about other things to promote peace, freedom and prosperity.

Lets talk about the wind droughts that will bring down the wind and solar energy ponzi scheme.

Lets talk about improving the quality of life in the remote communities.

In the spirit of unity and cooperation I would like to invite Anthony Albanese to join in a conciliation session to discuss ways and means to close the gap.

We could leave our firearms at the door, put our feet up in comfortable chairs, with a mug or jug in hand. We could talk a bit of footie as well, I used to follow the Rabbitohs when I lived in Surry Hills.

Those were the days! Remember the immortal photo of Georgie Piggins and Mal Reilly standing chest to chest trying to headbutt each other!

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August 14, 2023 7:41 am

PM Albanese, his motto for his working life having only ever “worked” in the Labor party movement, “I fight tories, it’s what I do”, is his guide to lif e in Australia.

He is still tilting at those “tories”, his imaginary displaced foes, casting them as British conservatives to hate them all the more.

His government came to power duplicitously, on the back of the Brittiny Higgins scandal. That seems to be playing out further than the Labor Party would have liked, but that’s the risk I guess playing political games.

The Labor Party cannot behave any other way but to have an enemy and to pursue them, look at the bahaoviour of all his ministers, constantly combative.

They talk about PM Bob Hawke, but none of them has it within them to rise above hatred of the others they share the hse and Australia with.

Is it any wonder the Voice is a mess?

It’s not about any high ideals, it’s about getting them, the Liberals, the Nationals and anyone they deem in the house of their enemies because Labor only has enemies.

Concilliation, don’t think so, none of them have a clue about it and it’s not how any of them got to the roles they play now.

PM Juliar Gillard got her name in parliament too, because she was a “strong parliamentry performer”, a bullshyting schreeching harpie to the rest of us, and failed as a PM, promoted way beyond her abilities. PM Rudd was a narcissitic liar, still is, but they loved him as he also went after “them”.

The Voice is as much and more about wedging the enemy as it is about helping the aboriginal people, therin lies the biggest fault. We’re not all along for the ride are we, the ride is over the top of anyone who disagrees and is cast as the enemy.

You’re a good man Rafe, but the other side, and they are the other side, will never be capable of dealing fairly with their enemies, regardless of the reason.

Their drive is how history will view them, and they want to be seen as shoving their enemies down. You can’t do that without enemies, can you?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 14, 2023 7:47 am

Thank you Rafe, well said and Australians will not vote for racism to be inserted in our constitution particularly when argued for by scurrilous carpet-baggers.

August 14, 2023 7:49 am

There is no dissuading Albo from his course. He has told an interviewer that the reason he is pursuing the voice is because it is nation building. Albo is so blind and self-unaware that he can’t see that far from being nation building this move is nation wrecking. Even at this early stage it is pitting one race against another and even if the No vote prevails resentments and bad feelings on both sides will continue for decades.

The best prospects for nation building is to promote unity and equality. Integration is the best way forward. One of the purported reasons for the voice is to improve the conditions of aborigines in remote communities. Most people ask what is stopping the efforts now seeing as it is not for the want of funding. Could it possibly be that the methods are not conducive to success?

The voice is meant to get input on possible improvements to the conditions of aboriginals only from aboriginal people. This is the case now so how will they get better ideas from the same people? The real voice would be to ask for ideas from all Australians, get as much input as possible and not restrict it even further.

The sovereignty ploy is just that, in a democracy we are all sovereign even the residents of remote communities. Being sovereign also has responsibilities, not just privileges. We are all expected to look after ourselves and our children unless prevented by illness or other incapacity. Joining the larger community is the way forward and a course to prosperity for the individual and the country.

August 14, 2023 8:30 am

The name-changing is significant.
Who’s involved in these decisions?

Already-powerful individuals are seeking a third chamber of government; and the name-changing caper that’s underway is an example of what they can do, right now.

August 14, 2023 8:53 am

The name-changing is significant.
Who’s involved in these decisions?

The whole purpose of the name changing is to disenfranchise the Australian people from its familiar community and history. lt is not legitimate in any sense and should be rolled back as soon as possible. The people of Australia did not vote for this to happen. It is being snuck through the back door and foisted on us by activists..

August 14, 2023 8:56 am

I would argue (being the pedantic person I am), that the inVoice is about installing a new feudal order, rather than tribes where ascendancy (privileges, obligations, opportunities etc.) may change over time. The new structure will be rigid and inflexible. If you are designated an Epsilon, there you will stay.

August 14, 2023 9:21 am

The long list of faux aboriginals shows just how shonky this deal is. They will never agree to any objective measure, and the case of Elizabeth Warren in the US shows exactly how easily the system is corrupted.

Robert Sewell
August 14, 2023 12:53 pm


Aug 14, 2023 7:49 AM
There is no dissuading Albo from his course. He has told an interviewer that the reason he is pursuing the voice is because it is nation building. Albo is so blind and self-unaware that he can’t see that far from being nation building this move is nation wrecking. Even at this early stage it is pitting one race against another and even if the No vote prevails resentments and bad feelings on both sides will continue for decades.

Crossie, Albo knows very well what he is doing. He is deliberately setting the ground conditions for antagonism in a tribalist Australia.
Dissention – it’s what Trotskyists do.

August 14, 2023 1:02 pm

You’re a good man Rafe, but the other side, and they are the other side, will never be capable of dealing fairly with their enemies, regardless of the reason.

Agreed. We need leaders with mongrel in them to first hold the line. Once that’s been consolodated there is the need to fight back lost ground. Being decent and nice hasn’t worked. It’s only appeased.

I simply don’t know how we’re supposed to achieve voting in anything other than the low achievers we’re now electing to parliament. And as no side can get close to an outright majority, they’re reliant on preferential voting shenanigans.

Even the likes of Rowan Dean occasioanlly drinks the coolaid, like when he said yesterday, or the Sunday before, that Amanda Stoker is the type of person we need in politics. FFS, at the lead up to the last federal election, she was pleading on PML that we vote for the SFL, because they’re not quite as bad as Liebor. Her acheivements while in government were what exactly? Female quota pick? Being a member of the centre left “broad church”? But we’re supposed to continue to vote for these meddling, middling IQ incomeptents.

As for the Voice, I dispair at the thought it could get up. It will be destructive and divisive beyond comprehension. And I dispair that it will likely do exactly the exact opposite to improving the plight of Aboriginals in desperate need.

August 14, 2023 4:00 pm

It will be interesting to see how it pans out with more than 25 million people and our resources are being developed by some of the most efficient miners and farmers in the world. That is thanks to the institutions of western civilization: critical rationalism powering scientific and technological progress, property rights, limited government under the rule of laws, due process, the presumption of innocence, free speech and all the other freedoms – movement, association, belief.

Rafe, the challenge is that their modus operandi is largely piecemeal. They have been eating away at the body politic for quite some time. And they have been aided and abetted by Big Business and the DIE (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion) movement.

The Voice and Constitutional change is a big step that they thought they could achieve under the new Labor government. Much was promised to them. This is why this is such a big moment for all Australians. We must not underestimate their intention or resolve.

The Australian Spectator has an excellent article on how Canada is suffering under a similar campaign. This – and the example of New Zealand – should be told to as many people as want to hear – and then some!

August 14, 2023 7:05 pm

What aborigines need more than anything is to grow a spine. Children go to school, and. adults go to work. Problem solved.

August 14, 2023 7:19 pm


Fireside chats sound good.

No fires though!

  1. Lovely evening in Perth. Missus watched MAFS (no idea why)> I copied my CDs to an SSD. Slowly decluttering.

  2. No argument here. However, I think the Trump effect may have more of a say than the old, discredited apologetic,…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x