Unreliable Energy projects

Please distribute to your network those sections which may be relevant. Regards, Bob King


NOW       Punches Creek, Millmerran, Solar

unstated Whaleback Ridge Wind, Zeehan, TAS HUGE declared 6Mar

21/3/24 Humelink changed circumstances, Transgrid

3/4/24   Humelink, Changed Circumstances, CER

4/4/24   Restart of Redbank Power Station with woodchip

11/4/24 Smart Meters

15/4/24 S.A. Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act

3/5/24   Bunbury offshore


13/3/24 Stratford PHES, Hunter Valley

15/3/24 Euston Wind, Balranald

18?/3/24Transgrid 8km Mount piper to Wallerawang

18/3/24 Gippsland Basin CCS

18/3/24 S.A. Hydrogen Hub, $593M

22/3/24 House of Reps, EV’s and Batteries

25/3/24 Capacity Investment Scheme CIS changes

25/3/24 Thunderbolt wind IPCN New England

28/3/24 Borumba PHES

29/3/24 Tesla retail electricity licence in Vic

30/3/24 Australia’s new Nature Positive laws

3/4/24   Vic Energy Jobs Plan

5/4/24   S.A. Climate change Act

6/4/24   Tasmania’s Climate Change Plan

26/4/24 Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro

15/5/24 South West REZ

NOW, Punches Creek, Millmerran, solar800MW and BESS250MW formally closed Feb5 but Toowoomba Regional Council will accept informal submissions as only 6 comments received by Feb5. Council Application Number is MCUI/2023/991. On 1,345Ha of cropping/grazing land.

Unstated Whaleback Ridge Wind, Zeehan, TAS GIGANTIC 500Turbines 3GW declared 6Mar


March 18th? Transgrid 8km Mount Piper to Wallerawang

Submissions https://www.transgrid.com.au/media-publications/news-articles/community-has-a-say-on-preferred-route-for-mount-piper-to-wallerawang-transmission-line-upgrade-project

13/3/24 Stratford PHES, Gloucester Hunter Valley, 300MW/12hr, Yancoal, https://epbcpublicportal.awe.gov.au/open-for-comments/project-decision/?id=0aa197a2-fed4-ee11-904c-00224893ddd8

15/3/24 Euston Wind, Balranald, 96turbines, 700MW, BESS 500MW/4hrhttps://epbcpublicportal.awe.gov.au/open-for-comments/project-decision/?id=0ac3d96f-c5d5-ee11-904d-0022489309b5

18/3/24  Gippsland Basin, CCS, Commonwealth part  https://epbcpublicportal.awe.gov.au/open-for-comments/project-decision/?id=462dcf3f-f7d5-ee11-904d-0022489309b5 State part https://epbcpublicportal.awe.gov.au/open-for-comments/project-decision/?id=2ea875c6-8fd6-ee11-904d-0022489332c3  

18/3/24 S.A. Hydrogen Hub, Whyalla, 250MW electrolyser,, 200MW generator, https://epbcpublicportal.awe.gov.au/open-for-comments/project-decision/?id=623e618f-72d7-ee11-904c-6045bde708a5

21/3/24 Humelink, Transgrid Changed Circumstances


Submissions to [email protected] 

22/3/23 House of Reps, EV’s and EV Batteries, details 


25/3/24 IPCN Thunderbolt Wind, Armidale, 32turbines, https://www.ipcn.nsw.gov.au/ speaker registration by 8 March, also https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/thunderbolt-wind-farm

25/3/24 Capacity Investment Scheme, CIS, underwriting expanded for the proposed 32GW, with an expected value $67BLN https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/expanded-capacity-investment-scheme-cis-design-paper

Expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) – Design PaperWe are seeking feedback from interested parties on the proposed design of the expanded CIS, including the proposed delivery method for the scheme’s national roll out.consult.dcceew.gov.au

Comment by https://wattclarity.com.au/articles/2024/03/capacityinvestmentscheme-designpaper-consultation/

Over 400 people attended the webinar on 8/3/24, which is available for download

28/3/24 Borumba PHEShttps://haveyoursay.dsd.qld.gov.au/coordinatorgeneral/borumbaphesdtor/ and https://qldhydro.com.au/draft-terms-of-reference-now-open-for-public-comment/

Draft Terms of Reference now open for public comment. – Queensland HydroThe Borumba Pumped Hydro Project EIS moves to next stage of planning and environment approvals with the release of the Terms of Reference.qldhydro.com.au

29/3/24 Tesla retail electricity licence in Vic https://engage.vic.gov.au/tesla-energy-ventures-australia-pty-ltd-application-for-an-electricity-retail-licence

Tesla Energy Ventures Australia Pty Ltd – licence applicationThe Essential Services Commission is reviewing a licence application from Tesla Energy Ventures Australia Pty Ltd and we want to hear from you.engage.vic.gov.au


30/3/24 Australia’s new Nature Positive laws,  EPBC Act reform – DCCEEW, to allow faster decisions

https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/australias-new-nature-positive-laws EDO comments https://www.edo.org.au/2024/02/29/nature-positive-within-reach-2024-the-year-for-long-awaited-national-environmental-law-reforms/

‘Nature positive’ within reach – 2024 the year for long-awaited national environmental law reforms – Environmental Defenders OfficeBy Frances Medlock, Solicitor, Commonwealth & Government Liaison, and Rachel Walmsley,?Head of Policy & Law Reform? Since mid-2023, the Federal Government has been consulting on reforms to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), Australia’s national environmental law. The EPBC Act is well overdue for reform, with almost all of the nation’s […]Read More…www.edo.org.au


3/4/24 Vic Energy Jobs Planhttps://engage.vic.gov.au/vejp

Victorian Energy Jobs Plan Consultation PaperHave your say in shaping the Victorian Energy Jobs Planengage.vic.gov.au


3/4/24 Humelink, Changed Circumstances, AER

 AER’s websitewww.aer.gov.au/news/articles/communications/consultation-open-humelink-stage-2-contingent-project-application

4/4/24 Restart of Redbank Power Station with waste wood, Singelton


5/4/24 S.A. Climate change Act https://yoursay.sa.gov.au/climate-change-bill and 

Climate Change Act – Draft Amendment BillHave your say on amendments to the Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007. What’s being decided? We are updating South Australia’s Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007 (the Act) to: update emission reduction and renewableyoursay.sa.gov.au

6/4/24 Tasmania’s Climate Change Plan


11/4/24 Smart Meters Consumer Energy Resources, CER

Unlocking CER benefits through flexible tradingOn the 29th February 2024, the Australian Energy Market Commission made a draft determination for more preferable draft electricity and retail?rules (draft?rules) for unlocking CER through flexible trading.www.aemc.gov.au

15/4/24 S.A. Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act – Draft Regulations https://yoursay.sa.gov.au/hreregulations

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act – Draft RegulationsHave your say on draft regulations for the world-leading Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act What’s being decided? South Australia’s renewable energy sector is growing rapidly. With our abundant renewable resources, there is tremendous potential for the state to become ayoursay.sa.gov.au

26/4/24 Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydrodetails and have your say qldhydro.com.au/community/community-benefits-program/ and qldhydro.com.au/projects/pioneer-burdekin

3/5/24 Bunbury offshore https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/oei-bunbury

15/5/24 South West REZhttps://www.energyco.nsw.gov.au/news/refined-south-west-rez-draft-access-scheme-declaration



March 14, 10am IPCN at Kentucky re Thunderbolt wind

March 19-21, 2024 Energy Networks + Exhibition, Convention Centre Adelaide

March 22 House Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles

TWO – NSW project pipeline

NSW Govt. announced 2024 to speedup approvals and provide clarity for both host communities and developers.

A further 29 renewable energy projects are currently in the planning process. Another 70 new projects are about to be submitted for department approval.

Prospective – Pottinger Energy Park, Hay a 300MW solar, wind 1.2GW, and BESS 500MW/4Hr 

At https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/ :-

SEARS Issued

Richmond Valley Solar Farm – SEARS Issued

THREE – Victorian project pipeline

Ministerial application, i.e. request by proponent for what information is required by the state

Baranduda near Wodonga

Altona BESS 100MW/2hr

FOUR – Queensland project pipeline

See attachment above. As well-

  1. https://www.energymagazine.com.au/wambo-wind-farm-to-double-in-size/Wambo Wind Farm to double in size – Energy MagazineThe Queensland Government has announced plans to add an extra 41 turbines to the Wambo Wind Farm project in the state’s southwest.www.energymagazine.com.auB. Upper Calliope Solar, Gladstone, 1.1GW, will be biggest in Australia. https://reneweconomy.com.au/rio-tinto-signs-contract-for-australian-grids-first-gigawatt-scale-solar-project/Rio Tinto signs contract for Australian grid’s first gigawatt scale solar projectRio Tinto signs contract to buy all the output for what will be the biggest solar project on Australia’s main grid, and will help power its smelters and refineries.reneweconomy.com.au


Alex Epstein ‘we’re safer than ever from climate’ 25 Jan 24 https://alexepstein.substack.com/p/the-climate-safety-denial-movement?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email




AEMO publishes Draft Marginal Loss Factors for the 2024-25 Financial Year https://www.aemo.com.au/energy-systems/electricity/national-electricity-market-nem/market-operations/loss-factors-and-regional-boundaries


Connections scorecard https://www.aemo.com.au/-/media/files/electricity/nem/network_connections/connections-scorecard/december-2023.pdf?la=en



Landholders in the Hughenden/ Townsville/Gladstone area are being invited to register their interest in hosting renewables.https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2024/03/05/rapad-search-for-landholders-to-play-part-in-4-2-gw-clean-energy-corridor


Prof Kennedy, Sydney University, calculates that downwind from a turbine land is dried out by 2 to 3 degrees Centigradehttps://researchfeatures.com/gibbs-quantum-field-least-action-drives-atmospheres-dynamics/

The Gibbs quantum field: Least action drives the atmosphere’s dynamicsProfessor Ivan Kennedy and colleagues introduce a novel theory of heat and energy storage and conversion within the atmosphere.researchfeatures.com


Konstantin Kisin LIVE in Melbourne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtlnqsszJks 20min

“We are where we are because our culture is special” Konstantin Kisin LIVE in MelbourneInternational writer, comedian and co-host of the @triggerpod podcast, Konstantin Kisin, delivers a must watch keynote address on why the West is special and why it must be defended in Melbourne, Australia. Konstantin is never afraid to speak up about identity politics, cancel culture, weakening liberalism and charting a sensible path through …www.youtube.com


An excellent analysis https://wattclarity.com.au/articles/2024/03/state-of-charge-a-peek-into-the-economics-and-performances-within-the-nems-battery-fleet/

State-of-charge: a peek into the economics and performances within the NEM’s battery fleetA review of battery storage market performance in the NEM throughout 2023, a year in which where we saw the battery fleet double in size.wattclarity.com.au


Malcolm Turnbull’s private company, Upper Hunter Hydro, will on Monday (today 26th Feb) be selected by WaterNSW as the winner of a competitive tender to access the Glenbawn and Glennies Creek dams and study their suitability for pumped hydro. Both dams collect water from the Hunter River and are close to the towns of Scone and Singleton respectively. The deal will see UHH get access to WaterNSW land around both reservoirs for the purpose of designing hydroelectric schemes. If the studies are successful, Mr Turnbull’s company will fund, build, operate and own the projects under a long-term lease agreement.


ENDS 9/3/24

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  1. There it is! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e302ec1e5b1fa7e51caf6894a60379862391d9ffa7bd1853560902547b9e8ce1.jpg?w=600&h=349

  2. It’s about time activist boards were pulled into line. They are there to grow the business – not change society.…

  3. Me thinks you’re being a bit generous.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x