East Jerusalem forever belongs to Israel

Penny Wong has become serially and seriously ruinous to Australia’s good standing in the civilised world. By the way, the civilised world is shrinking fast and now excludes the UK and Canada. What has changed is the malign influence of Islam and the unholy alliance which always builds between left-wing politics and Islam. They both hate Western traditional values.

The latest Isreal-targeting UN resolution (“Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine”), which would push Israel back to its 1967 borders (the so-called Green Line), was opposed by the US, Israel, Argentina, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea. Cameroon, Czechia, Ecuador, Georgia, Paraguay, Ukraine and Uruguay abstained. It’s no accident that Hungary and Argentina – led by patriotic men – are on the side of the angels. I emphasise men. Giorgia Meloni has not quite lived up to expectations. Would Marine La Pen do better? Maybe, but it might be a quixotic to hope for conservative women leaders with enough conviction to stand up and be counted, .

Australia, along with 156 other nations, supported the motion. Great company to be in from despots to tinpots to Western sell-outs. It’s important to understand that the pre-Six-Day-War (1967) borders are indefensible. Stand on the Green Line at Alfei Menashe and observe Tel Aviv in the distance with your naked eye. A canon shot away; no missiles required. Essentially, therefore, the resolution that Australia supported would result in the wholesale slaughter of Israeli Jews. And, Ms Wong would be seen washing her hands of the appalling events.

Then there is East Jerusalem – which, apparently, according to Wong and the UN, is Johnny-come-lately Palestinian territory. Jesus and the Apostles would be amazed. They were part of a Jewish population long occupying the land to the west of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria), including Jerusalem. They were not interlopers. The interlopers came much later via violent conquest. Mohammedans did not go into the unknown carrying copies of the Koran to proselytize by sweet reason.

Anyone who thinks that Israel will ever give up East Jerusalem – the Western Wall and the Temple Mount – is completely off with the pixies. It won’t happen. It will never happen, while Israel survives. Ms Wong should visit the Western Wall on Friday evenings, the beginning of Shabbat, if she want a sliver of reality to slip through her leftist delusions.

The intractable problem of East Jerusalem is one among a number of reasons why a two-state solution is a chimera. Another is that the fact that any Palestinian leader who agreed to it would be assassinated tout de suite by fanatics on his own side. A third is that there are so many fanatics among Palestinians, maybe most of them, that they are incapable of living peacefully side-by-side a Jewish state. Let’s face it, even Jordan and Egypt won’t have a bar of them.

I would like to end more despairingly. Wong has company across the aisle. Here is Foreign Minister Marise Payne of the Morrison Government in a media release dated October 17, 2018.

…the Government will carefully examine the arguments put forward by Australia’s former Ambassador to Israel, Dave Sharma, that we should consider recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, without prejudice to its final boundaries, while acknowledging East Jerusalem as the expected capital of a future Palestinian state. 

Weep for the state of politics in Australia and wish for a third force à la UK Reform. Wish for a Donald Trump. Wish for a Viktor Orbán. Wish for a Javier Milei. Wish in vain.

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December 7, 2024 5:18 pm

There will never be a Pali state. I certainly hope not. Scum of the earth.

Last edited 2 months ago by GreyRanga
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 5:43 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

“First Allah created the desert Arab (the Bedouin)

Then he created the camel

From the dung of the camel, he created the Palestinian.”

December 7, 2024 5:35 pm

I was agog, appalled and embarrassed by our (via Penny Wong) voting in the UN. She, and by implication us, appear to have no insight into Israel and the history of the area.

We are a bad friend to Israel and have shown we will stab them in the back.

What has changed is the malign influence of Islam and the unholy alliance which always builds between left-wing politics and Islam. They both hate Western traditional values.

Undeniably true.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 6:05 pm

“The Palestinians never lose an opportunity to lose an opportunity.” Abba Eban, Israeli Statesman and diplomat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 7, 2024 6:20 pm

The Arabs say they want their territory back, but they don’t want to talk to us, and they don’t want to negotiate with us, and they don’t want to recognize us. They want peace by immaculate conception” – Quoted in Alfred Leroy Atherton, Jr., Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Summer 1990

December 7, 2024 8:47 pm

For centuries the population of Jews in Jerusalem was greater than any other community, Muslims, Christians, Bahai, etc. When Jordan illegally invaded part of Jerusalem in 1948 they demolished 57 Synagogues and ethnically cleansed Jews. For only two short decades in its few milennia history part of Jerusalem had no Jews. That travesty should never be rewarded.

Jordan’s illegal occupation of Judea, Samaria and part of Jerusalem was never accepted by the UN or any other country including all Arab League states, apart from Britain and Pakistan. When Israel regained those territories it was a re-amalgamation of temporarily divided parts of the mandated territories, as was the Golan Heights and Gaza. No-one else has any legal claim.

December 8, 2024 7:56 am

This is an existential threat for Israel. This is, ultimately, an existential threat for all western nations who have opened their metaphorical doors to Islamists whose religion overwhelms any respect or gratitude they may ( or should) have to the country they adopted.

And the idiots amongst us think that Climate Change is the threat of our Age.

December 8, 2024 8:27 am

While you can never despise Penny Wong enough, Marise Payne was one of the brigade of LINO’s that have so corrupted Liberal politics in particularly NSW and Victoria, and who never had any idea about Australia’s national interest or standing..

She, like her other LINO colleagues, was never really a politician but was more of a public servant than anything else and whose career was built around taking actions that would ultimately be to her personal benefit, as opposed to the interests of voters.

Her appointment was mostly a function of ScoMo’s genuflection to the true power in NSW Liberal politics Michael Photios whose malign influence has infiltrated much of the :Liberal party politics and is directly responsible for their ridiculous surrender to Net Zero and extensive renewables which for their future political success is proving to an albatross they are finding difficult to shake off.

Hopefully we can get to the point in Australia where like the US they have identified the establishment political clique (or should that be claque), and are in the process of electing real political figures who are there to serve the voters. However, we may have to go through some more pain yet until that happy day arrives.

December 8, 2024 3:25 pm

The ARABS are NOT Palestinians. They cant be. Only Jews can use that moniker. A moniker given by the Romans after the 2nd Jewish revolt in the 3rd century.

Im not comfortable with a “two state” solution. Its more a second “Final solution”. Thats what the Arabs really want. Just ask them. Im sure Wong knows too.

Why should Israel give up Judea and Samaria? What is forgotten is that Transjordan was part of the British mandate. And rather wait for a final settlement, the Antisemites in Whitehall convinced the Brits to sever Jordan from the cake. The Arabs currently in Judea and Samaria should be in Jordan. And still could be. Simply cutoff the major ARAB settlement od Ramallah etc and annex them in Jordan. Most of the ancient Jewish lands can then return to Israel.

As for Jerusalem. It will always be Israels.

December 9, 2024 3:19 pm

The Liberal braod church is a sorry creation these days.

December 13, 2024 7:26 am

There already IS a Palestinian state, in the sense of an independent country which was carved out of the League of Nations protectorate of Palestine, administered by the British, which was promised in its entirety to the Jews but later divided into eastern and western halves. And now populated by people of Arabic descent and Islamic faith. It’s called Jordan. But of course Jordan – like other countries of similar ethnic and religious makeup, does not want the so-called “Palestinians”, who keep demanding what was the western half of that former protectorate – the state of Israel.

  1. I was in hospital a few months ago, and one of my nurses was muslim. At one point she recited…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x